HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 13, 2025 Work Session MeetingAGENDA Lillington Board of Commissioners Work Session Meeting Lillington Town Hall 102 E. Front Street Lillington, North Carolina 27546 January 13, 2025 8:30am CALL TO ORDER MAYOR GLENN MCFADDEN NEW BUSINESS Item #1 Discussion Regarding Food Trucks Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager Item #2 Consideration and Approval of Resolution of the Town of Lillington Board of Commissioners Authorizing Condemnation to Acquire Certain Real Property of Steven and Diana Giunta Shane Cummings, Town Engineer Item #3 Notice of Award and Contract for South Reginal Sanitary Sewer Project Alicia Adams, Administrative Services Director Item #4 Administrative Reports A.Capital Projects Update Alicia Adams, Administrative Services Director B. Presentation of the Monthly Financial Report Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager C. Presentation of Town Manager’s Report Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager Item #5 Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda for January 14, 2025 Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager Item#6 Closed Session to Meet per §143-318.11(a)(5) Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager ADJOURNMENT AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Date of Meeting: January 13, 2025 Staff Work By: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager AGENDA ITEM Discussion Regarding Food Trucks ITEM SUMMARY Discussion Regarding Food Trucks RECOMMENDED ACTION None AGENDA ITEM #1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Date of Meeting: January 13, 2025 Staff Work By: Shane Cummings, Town Engineer AGENDA ITEM Consideration and Approval of Resolution of the Town of Lillington Board of Commissioners Authorizing Condemnation to Acquire Certain Real Property of Steven & Diana Guinta ITEM SUMMARY Attached for your consideration is a Resolution of the Town of Lillington Board of Commissioners Authorizing Condemnation to Acquire Certain Real Property of Steven & Diana Guinta. RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve Resolution of the Town of Lillington Board of Commissioners Authorizing Condemnation to Acquire Certain Real Property of Steven & Diana Guinta. AGENDA ITEM #2 TOWN OF LILLINGTON 102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.com RESOLUTION FY 2025-10 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF LILLINGTON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OF STEVE & DIANA GIUNTA WHEREAS, the Town of Lillington Board of Commissioners hereby determine that it is necessary and in public interest to acquire certain real property owned by Steve and Diana Giunta for the purpose of the South Regional Wastewater Project; and WHEREAS, Steve and Diana Giunta own the properties listed as Parcel ID- 10-0559-12 02-0009-1, 10-0559-12-02-0009-2 and 10-0559-12-02-0009-01, Property ID Number- 0559-77- 7124.000, 0559-86-0667.000, & 0559-77-7084.000, Address- East McNeill Street, Lillington NC 27546. Refer to Exhibit A. WHEREAS, N.C.G.S §40A-3(b)(2) grants to the Town, the power of eminent domain and the right to acquire by condemnation, any property for establishing, extending, enlarging, or improving any of the public enterprises listed in N.C.G.S § 160A-311; and WHEREAS, the proper officials of the Town of Lillington have been unable to acquire the needed interest in this real property by negotiated conveyance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OF LILLINGTON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AS FOLLOWS: the Town of Lillington shall acquire property by condemnation for the purpose of installation, maintenance and use of sanitary sewer line to serve the general public. Adopted this 13th day of January, 2025 __________________________ Glenn McFadden, Mayor Attest: __________________________ Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Date of Meeting: January 13, 2025 Staff Work By: Alicia L. Adams, Administrative Services Director Shane Cummings, Town Engineer AGENDA ITEM Consideration and Approval of Notice of Award and Contract for South Reginal Sanitary Sewer Project ITEM SUMMARY Notice of Award and Contract for South Reginal Sanitary Sewer Project RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve Notice of Award and Contract for South Reginal Sanitary Sewer Project AGENDA ITEM #3 B-33 NOTICE OF AWARD TO: CONTRACTOR/BIDDER: OWNER: Town of Lillington Lillington, North Carolina PROJECT: South Regional Sanitary Sewer Project aka, Poorhouse FM & Regional PS DWI Project No. SRP-W-ARP-0326.2 Lillington, North Carolina You are hereby notified that the Owner has considered the Bid Proposal submitted by you for the above-described project in response to its Notice to Bidders dated August 23, 2024. It appears that you are the apparent lowest responsible Bidder and it is in the best interest of said Owner to accept your Bid Proposal in the amount of: $ . You are therefore hereby notified that your Bid Proposal has been accepted for the South Regional Sanitary Sewer Project. The Bidder is required by as a condition of its Award of the Contract to execute and deliver the formal Contract with the Owner and to furnish the required Bidder’s Performance and Payment Bonds within ten (10) days from the date of the delivery of this Notice to you. If you fail to execute said Contract and to furnish said Bonds within ten (10) days from the date of delivery of this Notice, said Owner will be entitled to consider all your rights arising out of the Owner’s acceptance of your Bid Proposal as abandoned and to award the work covered by your Bid Proposal to another bidder, or to readvertise the work or otherwise dispose thereof as the Owner may see fit. Dated this day of , 2025. Town of Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina By: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the above Notice of Award is hereby acknowledged this _________day of _________________________________, 2024 Bidder: By: Title: 13th January C-1 CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT, made the day of , 20 by and between hereinafter “Contractor” and the Town of Lillington, North Carolina, hereinafter “Town”. W I T N E S S E T H: Contractor and Town, for the consideration stated herein, agree as follows: 1. Scope of Work: Contractor shall furnish and deliver all the materials, and perform all of the work in the manner and form as provided by the following enumerated plans, specifications and documents, which are attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully contained herein; Advertisement, Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Special Provisions, Technical Specifications, Accepted Proposal, Contract, Performance Bond, Payment Bond, Power of Attorney, Workmen's Compensation, Public Liability, Property Damage and Builder's Risk Insurance Certificates, Approval of Town Attorney and Drawings, entitled: SOUTH REGIONAL SANITARY SEWER PROJECT 2023-2024 aka, Poorhouse Creek FM & Regional PS DWI Project # SRP-W-ARP-0326.2 Prepared by: Meyers Engineering, PLLC 2. Contract Time 2.1. Contractor shall commence work to be performed under this Agreement on a date to be specified in a written order by Town and shall fully complete all work hereunder within 365 CALENDAR DAYS from said commencement date. 2.2. Contractor, as one of the considerations for the awarding of this Contract, has furnished Town a construction schedule setting forth planned progress of the work broken down by the various divisions or parts of the work and by calendar days, which is hereby incorporated by reference into this Contract. In the event that the progress of the work is not maintained on schedule by Contractor, or in the event the work is not completed within the time above specified, the Town may, upon fifteen (15) days’ notice, sent by Registered Mail to Contractor and his Surety, declare this Contract in default, and thereupon, such Surety shall promptly take over the said work and complete the performance of this Contract in the manner and within the time above specified, and all funds due or to become due to the Contractor shall be paid to the Surety. In the event the Surety shall fail to take over the work to be done under this Contract within fifteen (15) days after being so notified C-2 and notify Town in writing, sent by Registered Mail, that he is taking the same over and stating that Surety will diligently pursue and complete the same, Town shall have the right to let the work remaining to be done to some other Contractor, either by public letting or negotiation, and thereupon, Contractor and the Surety on his Bond shall forthwith pay Town all increases in cost, losses, and damages which it may sustain on account of such default by Contractor. 3. Payment: Town hereby agrees to pay Contractor for the faithful performance of this Agreement, subject to additions and deductions as provided in the specifications or proposal, in lawful money of the United States as follows: 3.1. Contractor shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 15 of the General Conditions of the Contract. Applications for Payment will be processed by Engineer as provided in the General Conditions of the Contract. 3.2. Owner will make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of Contractor's Applications for Payment as recommended by Engineer, monthly during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values provided for in Paragraph 15.01.A of the General Conditions of the Contract. 3.3. Payment shall be made on a basis of 95% of monthly estimated cost of labor and materials, including freight or hauling on receipted bills. Upon reaching 50% of the contract total, no further retainage shall be withheld unless as allowed under NCGS §143-134.1. 3.4. The contract payment shall be due and payable within fifteen (15) days after the Contractor's invoice has been certified for payment by the Engineer, the balance to be paid upon completion and acceptance of the job. The Contractor's invoice should be certified by the Engineer ten (10) days after submittal by Contractor. 3.5. Final payment shall be made to the CONTRACTOR within thirty (30) days after all work has been finally completed and each and every provision of the specifications and accompanying drawings complied with to the Town's and Engineer's satisfaction. Acceptance of the completed job shall be made by the Town. 4. It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that if at any time after the execution of this Agreement and the Surety Bond, Town shall deem the Surety or Sureties upon such Bond to be unsatisfactory, or if for any reason such Bond ceases to be adequate to cover the performance of the work, Contractor shall, at its expense, and within five (5) days after the receipt of notice from Town to do so, furnish an additional Bond or Bonds in such form and amount, and with such Surety or Sureties, as shall be satisfactory to Town. In such event no further payment to Contractor shall be deemed to be due under this Agreement until such new or additional security shall be furnished in manner and form satisfactory to Town. C-3 5. Assurance 5.1. Contractor has familiarized himself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Work. 5.2. Contractor has studied carefully all reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise affecting cost, progress or performance of the Work which were relied upon by Engineer(S) in the preparation of the Drawings and Specifications and which have been identified in Article 4 of the Supplementary Conditions. 5.3. Contractor has made or caused to be made examinations, investigations and tests and studies of such reports and related data in addition to those referred to in the above paragraph as he/she deems necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations, tests, reports or similar data are or will be required by him/her for such purposes. 5.4. Contractor has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 5.5. Contractor has given respective Engineer written notice of any conflict, error or discrepancy that he/she has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by Contractor Engineer is acceptable to Contractor. 5.6. Contractor agrees that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance of the Work. 6. Liquidated Damages 6.1. Owner and Contractor recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that Owner will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the Contract Time specified above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving, in a legal proceeding, the actual loss suffered by Owner if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, Owner and Contractor agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) Contractor shall pay Owner as follows: $500 per day for each calendar day of delay until the Scope Work has reached final completion. This amount costs, or a portion thereof, incurred by the Owner for providing additional inspection, testing, and engineering services by the Engineer(s). 6.2. Provided, that Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any excess cost when the delay in completion of the Work is for reasons included in Article 4 of the General Conditions. 6.3. Provided, further, that Contractor shall furnish Owner the required notification of such delays in accordance with Article 4 of the General Conditions. C-4 7. Iran Divestment Act Certification The Contractor certifies that, as of the date listed below, it is not on the Final Divestment List as created by the State Treasurer pursuant to N.C.G.S. § GS 147-86.58, et seq. In compliance with the requirements of the Iran Divestment Act and N.C.G.S. § GS 147-86.60, the Contractor shall not utilize in the performance of the contract any subcontractor that is identified on the Final Divestment List. 8. Divestment from Companies Boycotting Israel The Contractor certifies that, as of the date listed above, it is not on the Final List as created by the State Treasurer pursuant to GS 147-86.81. Its compliance with the requirements of this Act and GS 147-86.82, the Contractor shall not utilize in the performance of the contract any subcontractor that is identified on the Final List. 9. Adequate Consideration. Both parties hereby agree and stipulate that this contract is supported by fair and adequate consideration. 10. Liability Insurance. Contractor shall maintain professional liability insurance in an amount satisfactory to Town and provide proof of same upon request. 11. Independent Contractor. Contractor shall perform this Agreement as an independent Contractor and shall have and maintain complete control over its employees, agents and operations. Accordingly, Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all Federal, State and Local taxes. Contractor and its agents and employees shall not represent, act, purport to act, or be deemed to be the agent, representative, employee or servant of the Town. 12. Worker’s Compensation Insurance. If required under State or Federal law, Contractor shall provide and maintain worker’s compensation insurance covering the work outlined herein and provide satisfactory proof of same to Town prior to commencement of any work. 13. Drafting of Document and Reliance by Parties. In negotiation, discussion and drafting of this contract, the parties have been advised to seek legal counsel for representation to the extent they desire and have been given the opportunity to do so. The parties warrant, represent and agree that they are not relying on the advice of any other party to this contract as to the legal or other consequences arising out of the negotiation and execution of this contract other than legal counsel to the extent they have chosen to consult legal counsel. The parties warrant and agree that this contract was not induced by fraud, coercion, compulsion or mistake. This contract shall be deemed to have been drafted by both parties and for purposes of interpretation no presumptions shall be made to the contrary. 14. Reading and Signing. The parties hereby further warrant that they have completely read all the terms hereof; that they are competent to sign this contract; that they fully understand the terms of this contract; and that they voluntarily accept the terms of this contract. The parties hereby further warrant that they have completely read all the terms hereof; that they are competent to sign this contract; that they fully understand the terms of this contract; and that they voluntarily accept the terms of this contract. C-5 15. Entire Agreement. The parties hereto warrant and agree that this contract, together with any other documents noted herein to be a part hereof, contains the entire agreement between the parties and that the terms of this contract are contractual and not a mere recital. 16. Governing Law and Consent to Jurisdiction and Venue. The parties warrant and agree that this Agreement has been executed in the State of North Carolina and shall be subject to, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of North Carolina. Any and all actions relating in any way to this contract shall be brought in the General Courts of Justice in the County of Harnett, State of North Carolina in the District Court Division. 17. Savings Clause. To the extent any provision herein shall be deemed unenforceable, either as a matter of law or any other reason, such provision shall be modified to reflect the intent of the parties. If such a provision cannot be modified to reflect the intent of the parties, the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect as long as the purpose and intent of the agreement can still be carried out by the remaining enforceable terms. In the event that there are unenforceable provisions which prevent the effect, intent and purpose of the agreement from being carried out, which cannot be modified to keep such purpose and intent, then the parties hereby agree that they shall take whatever action necessary to effectuate the purpose of this agreement. In the event the parties cannot come to an agreement as to the alternative methods for effecting the purpose and intent of this agreement, the parties hereby expressly consent to binding arbitration by a single arbitrator to be selected by the Harnett County Resident Superior Court Judge. Said arbitrator shall, following an opportunity to be heard by each party, provide for an enforceable plan to affect the purposes and intents of this agreement, including directing the parties to draft documents, file actions or take any actions necessary to affect his directive. The Arbitrator’s directive shall be enforceable by Order of the court and to the extent the parties do not follow such directive, said parties shall be subject to the power of contempt by the court for not abiding by the terms of this agreement. Fees for the services of the Arbitrator, if such becomes necessary, shall be borne by equally between the parties. Despite this paragraph, if a party hereto believes it has the right to bring a court proceeding or file an action with the court that relates in any way to the matters in controversy addressed by this Agreement, said proceeding shall be filed in Harnett County District Court and all parties hereby consent and agree to said jurisdiction and venue. 18. Dispute Resolution. Without waiving the foregoing resolution process discussed in the Savings clause paragraph above, if a party hereto believes it has the right to bring a court proceeding or file an action with the court that relates in any way to the matters in controversy addressed by this contract, said proceeding shall be filed and heard in Harnett County District Court and all parties hereby consent and agree to said exclusive jurisdiction and venue. 19. Indemnification/Hold Harmless. To the fullest extent allowable under North Carolina law, Contractor hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Town from any and all actions which may arise as a result of any damages or claims for damages against Contractor or Town by any person or entity, including other parties hereto, arising from this contract or performance of the services as called for herein. C-6 20. Awareness of Hazards. Contractor represents that it understands the currently known hazards to persons, property and the environment resulting from the services called for in this contract. Contractor further represents that it will perform all services under this Agreement in a safe, efficient and lawful manner, using industry-accepted practices and methods. 21. Waiver Only for Specific Occurrence. Any waiver by either party of any provision or condition of this Agreement shall not be construed or deemed to be a waiver of any other provision or condition of this Agreement, nor a waiver of a subsequent breach of the same provision or condition. 22. Waiver of Less Than Strict Performance. Failure to require strict performance of any of the provisions hereof shall not be considered a waiver of future right to demand strict performance with the provisions of this Agreement. 23. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or cause of action in favor of a third party against either Party. 24. Guarantee. It is understood by all parties that the Town has full control over the manner of performance of the services called for in the contract. Contractor represents that it is familiar with this type of work and hereby provides a guarantee that, absent unforeseen circumstances, the services will be performed to reasonably accepted standards within their profession. 25. Termination. It is understood that Town shall have the right to terminate this agreement at any time and for any reason. Contractor shall cease work upon receipt of said notice. Contractor shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for expenses and work to date in the event such notice is given. 26. Collection Costs and Reasonable Attorney Fees. In the event either party is caused to engage the services of an attorney to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover the costs of such enforcement including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees, court costs and other fees and costs reasonably incurred. 27. Completion Date. It is hereby agreed that time is of the essence in regard to the completion dates set out herein and in any other agreed upon written parts hereto, entered herewith or subsequently. Extensions shall be approved in writing by the Town Board. Absent an extension as herein provided, lack of satisfactory completion by said date constitutes a breach of this contract which shall make this agreement null and void and shall void any responsibility of Town to pay any sum. It is expressly agreed that non-payment for the reason in this paragraph shall not affect the Town’s ability to pursue any and all other damages in the event damages are incurred by Town or to seek return of any sums advanced. C-7 28. Notice. Any notice or other communication given under this Agreement shall be in writing and mailed or delivered as follows: Town: Contractor: 29. Headings. The subject headings of the paragraphs are included for purposes of convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of any of its provisions. 30. Authority. The undersigned persons hereby verify that they have the actual and apparent authority to enter into this contract and that any and all action necessary to approve this contract has been undertaken and approved by said entities. C-8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and date first above written in three (3) counterparts, each of which shall, without proof or accounting for other counterparts, be deemed an original Contract. (Seal) ATTEST: Town of Lillington Owner BY BY Town Clerk Town Manager ATTEST: (Seal) BY BY Secretary* Contractor BY BY Witness Title Address If Contractor is a Corporation, Secretary should attest. Give proper title of each person executing the contract. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Date of Meeting: January 13, 2025 Staff Work By: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager Alicia L. Adams, Administrative Services Director Ashley Wimberly, Public Works Director Frank Powers, Police Chief John Bethune, Fire Chief William Baker, Parks & Recreation Director Brandon Harris, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Josh Perry, Planning & Inspections Christy Norris, Youth Programs AGENDA ITEM Administrative Reports. ITEM SUMMARY Monthly reports covering administrative and department activities, financial summaries and public utility usage information RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive information and direct staff, if applicable. AGENDA ITEM #4 CAPITAL PROJECTS UPDATE SCIF Grants Downtown Facilities Stewart, Inc. is continuing to work on the construction drawings for Downtown. Staff has received cost estimates from Duke Energy for relocation of utilities. The Town has entered into a contract with Duke Energy including a non-refundable deposit of $90K. The Town is awaiting actual cost for construction for underground utilities. Staff is continuing to work closely with Ducke Energy and Pike. McAdams has incorporated Stewart’s drawings, the Golden Leaf Project will be the first completed in Downtown. There are a few final comments/adjustments but they are minor and will not take long to complete. Duke Energy has completed the drawings and were reviewed by Staff and Stewart. Pike is currently working through the comments to make adjustments. Pike Engineering is continuing to work on pedestrian and roadway lighting. Pike Engineering is doing both the roadway lighting and the parking lot lighting. Staff has reached out to a Lighting consultant for specialized lighting plans for areas not covered by Duke Energy. Stormwater Resiliency Funds Staff was notified that the State allocated $3.5 million for Stormwater infrastructure improvements and stream restoration, to provide more efficient stormwater management and flood resiliency. Project components will include stormwater management, replacing undersized culverts, and stabilizing streambanks to improve flood resiliency. Projects: 1. Downtown Stormwater Improvements • Design construction documents have been submitted to the Town and are currently under review. • Consultants are coordinating with the railroad RJ Corman to put in an additional crossing. • Environmental consultants are currently studying the proposed location for the pond. • McAdams has submitted a proposed location for the Stormwater pond and staff agrees it is a viable location and have begun conversations with the property owner. 2. Railroad Crossing • Staff is looking to improve stormwater infrastructure around the railroad without impacting the railroad due to their lack of interest in partnering with the Town. 3. 13th Street Reservoir • McAdams is recommending upsizing the northernmost culvert crossing on S 13th Street to dual RCBC box culverts to eliminate roadway overtopping for the 10 and 25-Year design storms. Although this recommendation is a slight deviation from the 15’W x 6’H RCBC, which is listed as the preferred design alternative (#2) in the previous Town of Lillington Stormwater Assessment, it will better maintain existing stream geometry and lend to more feasible construction and procurement of materials. • Easement exhibits are underway and must be obtained before soliciting for bid Golden Leaf Application Stormwater Harnett Street Project Description: The proposed storm drainage improvements would include removal and replacement of existing storm drainage pipe, ranging from 15” RCP to 30” RCP, and removal and replacement of storm drainage structures, including catch basins, drop-inlets, storm drainage manholes, and storm drainage headwalls. The proposed storm drainage infrastructure will effectively capture storm runoff, convey stormwater efficiently inside public right-of-way, and increase the level of service of the storm drainage system. In addition, private storm drainage infrastructure would be relocated to the Town Right-of-Way to allow for easier access for future maintenance and inspections. The probable cost of this project is $1.3 million, the Town has agreed to contribute $250,000 to the project. The Golden Leaf Grant Agreement was approved in June. A project ordinance confirming the Town’s financial contribution was approved at the August Regular Meeting. Staff is working closely with McAdams to get the project moving forward. Construction Drawings are mostly completed for this project and have already undergone one review by staff. Staff, McAdams, and Stewart met to finalize construction drawings for 8th Street and we are currently waiting on final construction drawings. Following approval of the construction drawings the project will be solicited for bid. Fire Station #3 Town staff has finalized the design of Fire Station #3. Construction of Fire Station #3 will be solicited for bid and a GMP will be presented to the Town for approval. The GMP was received by staff on December 3rd and the cost was more than anticipated. Bobbitt was directed to go back and speak with subcontractors to reduce the cost of the project before the Town would commit to the GMP numbers. Unfortunately in the allotted timeframe Bobbitt was not able to reduce the cost of the project to a number comfortable for staff to present. Staff is working closely with Bobbitt to reduce the cost of the project. ARPA S.L. 2022-74 Appropriated Projects All documentation was submitted to the State to fund the Hwy 210 sewer line expansion and Southern Regional Sanitary Sewer/Poorhouse Creek installation of new sanitary sewer interceptor and regional pump station. The total allocation was $9,250,000. Staff has received the offer and acceptance letter from the Department of Water Infrastructure. a. Hwy 210 Sewer line Project Staff has a progress meeting with Temple Grading Wednesday to review timelines for completion. b. Poorhouse Creek Approval of Notice of Award and Construction Contract is slated for approval January 13, 2025. LASII Grant Staff submitted the LASII grant application October 2, 2023 requesting $500,000 to develop and implement a new stormwater utility to provide a predictable, equitable and ongoing funding source for its stormwater program. The activities that the Town seeks to accomplish with the funding that the utility will provide include: • Increasing the flood resiliency of the transportation system in and through the Town; • Funding stormwater Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) to address stormwater quantity and quality issues; • Handling critical maintenance needs and operations; and • Meeting planning and implementation needs. The scoping document was approved by DWI, the grant agreement and the acceptance of funding resolution was approved at the August meeting. The McAdams engineering services contract was approved at the August meeting. The project schedule is two years, with a completion date of August 2026. Staff had the kick off meeting September 20th with McAdams and staff is working to gather the information needed to start the evaluation process. McAdams will spend the next several weeks in Town collecting data on current Stormwater infrastructure. Staff is working to compile the data request submitted by McAdams. S.L. 2023 Appropriated Funds The Town was appropriated $11,062,500 through Session Law in 2023. Administrative cost for the funds is $331,875.00. Available funds remaining are $10,730,625. Additional Proposed projects with remaining funds: 1. Water Tank $4.5 million • Request for Qualifications were accepted at Town Hall July 16th at 2:00pm • Four firms submitted and are currently under review • Request for funding have been approved by DWI and all required documents are on the consent agenda for approval. • Project Ordinance has been approved • Contract with firm was approved and staff will begin working with them in the coming weeks and should have a project schedule timeline. 2. WWTP project $3.1 million • Request for funding have been approved by DWI and all required documents are on the consent agenda for approval. • Project Ordinance has been approved Staff completed request for funding forms to the Division of Water. Following completion of the required documents staff can begin the projects. North Harnett WWTP Capacity Upgrade Harnett County has begun the process of submitting reimbursement requests to the Town for the Town’s portion of the WWTP. Currently, there are two outstanding invoices that Town staff is waiting for DWI to approve. HWY 210 Fire Station Sewer line Extension All contract documents and bonds have been received and a notice to proceed has been issued to Autry Grading. Current completion date of May 2025. Senter Park The Town received a matching grant for playground equipment at Senter Park. That playground equipment has been delivered and will be installed in the coming weeks. Following the completion of the equipment fencing and seating areas will be installed. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Date of Meeting: January 13, 2025 Staff Work By: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager Alicia L. Adams, Administrative Services Director Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk AGENDA ITEM Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda ITEM SUMMARY The purpose of this agenda item is to allow the Town Board an opportunity to ask questions regarding the Regular Meeting agenda for January 14, 2025. RECOMMENDED ACTION No Action Required. AGENDA ITEM #5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Date of Meeting: January 13, 2025 Staff Work By: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager AGENDA ITEM CLOSED SESSION ITEM SUMMARY The purpose of the closed session per NCGS §143-318.11(a)(5) § 143-318.11. Closed sessions. (a)Permitted Purposes. - It is the policy of this State that closed sessions shall be held onlywhen required to permit a public body to act in the public interest as permitted in this section. A public body may hold a closed session and exclude the public only when aclosed session is required: (5)To establish, or to instruct the public body's staff or negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the public body in negotiating (i) the price and other material terms of a contract or proposed contract for the acquisition of real property by purchase, option, exchange, or lease; or (ii) the amount of compensation and other material terms of an employment contract or proposed employment contract. RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve motion to move into closed session discussion. AGENDA ITEM #6