HomeMy WebLinkAbout120224 agenda packet REGULAR MEETING Date: Monday, December 2, 2024 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: Commissioners Meeting Room Harnett County Resource Center & Library 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 1 1. Call to order - Chairman William Morris 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Barbara McKoy 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 4. Consent Agenda A. Minutes i. Regular Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2024 ii. Work Session Minutes of November 26, 2024 B. Harnett County Library requests the Board of Commissioners approve the library’s 2024-27 Strategic Plan. This comprehensive plan is designed to align library services with the evolving needs of our community while advancing the County’s core priorities – enhancing organizational excellence, fostering an informed and engaged citizenry, and supporting superior educational opportunities. C. Harnett County Health Department requests the Board of Commissioners confirm designation of Child Fatality Prevention Team/Community Child Protection Team (CFPT/CCPT) as a single county team. D. Harnett County Health Department requests approval of funding from NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in the amount of $2,319 to assist staff in utilizing the new National Review Case Reporting System (NFR-CRS). This is a requirement in NC Session Law 2023-134. E. Harnett County Health Department requests the approval of the establishment of a $50 vaccine administration fee for the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine. This fee is consistent with other vaccine administration fees we charge. F. Administration requests the Board of Commissioners approve to amend the Grant Project Ordinance for the $26,411,744 received from the American Rescue Plan Act - Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (ARPA/CSLFRF). This amendment shall recognize modifications to spending amounts for projects previously approved by the Board in Project Ordinance format. G. Adopt a Resolution Recognizing the Service of Commissioner Lewis W. Weatherspoon. H. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners would like to appoint Drew Bryant to serve on the Administrative Appeals Board for School Bus Stop Arm Violations as the Harnett County HCBOC 120224 Pg. 1 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 2 Employee Alternate Member and Ciara Monique Suros to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council as a Public Member. 5. Swearing-in Ceremony – Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney 6. Recess and Reconvene for Reorganization of the Board – Selection of Chairman and Vice Chairman - Melissa Capps, Clerk to the Board 7. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 8. Public Comment Period Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation 9. County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager A. Recommended Capital Improvements Program for Fiscal Years 2026-2032 B. Interdepartmental Budget Amendments C. Budget Amendments – Motion to approve budget amendments as requested by the Finance Director. 10. New Business A. Discussion of Senate Bill 382 11. Closed Session 12. Adjourn CONDUCT OF THE DECEMBER 2, 2024 MEETING Live audio of the meeting will be streamed on the Harnett County Government’s YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x_98EhAMeMg/featured. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 2 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024 Page 1 of 10 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, November 18, 2024 at 6:00 pm, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: William Morris, Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Commissioner Matthew B. Nicol, Commissioner Member absent: W. Brooks Matthews, Vice Chairman Staff present: Brent Trout, County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Morris called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Chairman Morris led the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation. Chairman Morris called for any additions or deletions to the published agenda. Chairman Morris stated staff has requested the addition of budget amendments related to Mid-Carolina Workforce Development American Rescue Plan Act Funds to Item 10E. Budget Amendments for approval. Commissioner Nicol made a motion to make the amendment to the published agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherspoon and carried unanimously. Commissioner Nicol made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Weatherspoon seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The items on the consent agenda were as follows: A.Minutes i.Regular Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2024 ii.Work Session Minutes of November 12, 2024 B.As discussed at the November 12, 2024 Work Session, the Board of Commissioners support funding for the Behavioral Health Urgent Care as presented by Alliance Health and Daymark. C.Harnett County Health Department requests approval to accept funding from NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) in the amount of $10,000 to assist with reducing barriers and protecting vulnerable populations from seasonal respiratory illnesses to include livestock, dairy and poultry farmworkers. Item 4Ai HCBOC 120224 Pg. 3 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024 Page 2 of 10 D. Harnett County Health Department would like to request the approval of the addition of a new position, an Onsite Wastewater Registered Environmental Health Specialist. The increasing demand for Onsite Wastewater (OSWW) services in Harnett County, reflects the tremendous growth in the region. The number of permit applications received has increased at a steady rate of 10% every year. To employ a new Environmental Health Specialist (minimum salary of $58,033) with a start date of 1/16/25, is $ 38,483.00. For a full year, the total cost of salary/benefits: $ 84,000. E. Parks and Recreation request the acceptance and approval of the Cape Fear Shiner Park, Phase 2 Project Ordinance. Phase 2 consists of design, construction documents, playground, picnic shelters, and restroom facility. This project will be funded from the Parks Capital Reserve Fund and is part of the Capital Improvement Plan for FY25 and FY26. (Attachment 1) F. Parks and Recreation request the acceptance and approval of a contract with Alta Planning + Design, LLC to develop Greenway Feasibility Studies on three corridors: Town of Lillington to Campbell University, Campbell University to Town of Coats, and Town of Coats to the Dunn Erwin Rail Trail. Alta will work with staff, the public, and other stakeholders to determine greenway trail alignments through existing base maps, field review, parcel by parcel analysis, and public outreach. The fee for all three studies is $129,500. G. Mid-Carolina requests approval of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, American Rescue Plan Act, and One-stop Contracts. H. Emergency Services is requesting Board approval to accept NC Emergency Management (NCEM) Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant award in the amount of $20,000. This grant funding will be utilized to conduct county wide hazardous materials commodity flow study. This study is critical to our response preparedness across the county. I. Emergency Services is requesting Board approval to receive a total of $57,317.25 in Homeland Security funding from North Carolina Emergency Management. We have been awarded $44,317.25 to purchase a battery powered generator with solar panels to allow for power distribution and recharging when gas fueling is not available and $13,000 for a deck over trailer with a minimum of 14k GVWR to allow for the movement of pallets and equipment unlike traditional utility trailers that have side rails and fenders that won’t allow for forklift side loading operations. Trailer to be used to support, sheltering, PODS, deployments, commodity movement and warehouse operations. There is no cost share related to these awards for the county. J. Administration requests the Board of Commissioners approve to fund from the General Fund and install a Blinking Warning Light at Northwest Harnett Fire Station #3. K. Administration requests approval of the Work Authorization for Phase 1 Corporate Hangar Development as proposed by Parrish and Partners and authorize the County Manager to sign the work authorization. L. Administration requests approval of donation of 1973 Forklift to Columbus County Emergency Services. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 4 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024 Page 3 of 10 M. Approval of a Resolution requesting NC Department of Transportation add Mill Bend Drive, Village Bend Drive, Wood Spring Court, Windbrook Court and Kinsman Ct EXT. 2276 in Olde Mill Village to the State’s Secondary Road System. (Attachment 2) N. Approval of a Resolution requesting NC Department of Transportation add Windy Farm Drive, Mid May Court, Harlow Court, and Ohara Court in Highland Grove to the State’s Secondary Road System. (Attachment 3) O. As discussed at the November 12, 2024 Work Session, the Board of Commissioners would like to reappoint Stanley Price to the Harnett County Planning Board. Chairman Morris opened the meeting for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. The following person provided comments: 1. Larry Mitchell of 487 Century Drive, Cameron, NC. No one else spoke. The public comment period was closed. Jay Sikes, Development Services Assistant Director/ Manager of Planning Services, petitioned the Board for a public hearing on Proposed Zoning Change: Case #PLAN2409 -0001 Landowner / Applicant: Weeks Farms, Inc. / Seth Thompson; 43.2 +/- acres (out of 98.4 acre tract); Pin # 0558-89- 7024.000; From Industrial to RA-20R Zoning District; Lillington Township; US Hwy 401 S. The property is a 98-acre tract of land currently used for agricultural activities and a solar energy facility. It has direct access to US HWY 401, and a 100-foot railway right-of-way bounds the property on the eastern side. The property is currently split zoned with a +/- 19-acre portion of the property located in the RA-20R zoning district, and a +/- 79 acre portion of the property zoned Industrial. This zoning request will include the areas of the property outside of the solar energy facility, which will remain zoned Industrial. The property is one of three contiguous properties that the applicant has petitioned Planning Services to rezone from Industrial to RA-20R. The applicant’s two other properties involved in the rezoning petition are on a separate application. This area is beginning to change from industrial to a mixed-use environment that is becoming increasingly residential, particularly with the recent annexation and rezoning of a property by the town of Lillington from Harnett County Industrial to residential. Surrounding land uses consist of single-family residences, a manufactured home park, agricultural activities, vacant land, and forest land. Staff evaluation: • The subject property is a split zoned property, and approximately 19 acres of the property is zoned RA-20R, the requested zoning designation. The property is also contiguous to properties zoned RA-20R. The request would not require an evaluation for reasonableness as a small-scale rezoning. • There is a convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district would be in the interest of the public and not merely in the interest of the individual group. A zoning change to the RA-20R zoning district would allow for residential uses of the property, which is more compatible with the surrounding land uses than the uses permitted in the current zoning district. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 5 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024 Page 4 of 10 • There is a convincing demonstration that all uses permitted in the proposed district classification would be appropriate in the area included in the proposed change. The uses permitted in the RA-20R zoning district are more appropriate than the more intense uses permitted in the current zoning designation. • There is a convincing demonstration that the character of the neighborhood will not be materially and adversely affected by the uses permitted in the requested zoning district. Use of the property for residential purposes is more compatible with the surrounding land uses and poses a smaller risk of materially or adversely affecting the neighborhood than the uses permitted in the current zoning designation. • The request to change the zoning from the Industrial zoning designation to the RA-20R is in accordance with the comprehensive land use and sound planning practices. The underlying land use of the property is Agricultural/Rural Residential, a land use designation which primarily supports agriculture, forestry, and low-density residential uses. As stated in the evaluation, the requested rezoning to RA-20R is reasonable. The requested zoning district is more compatible with the surrounding land uses and the future land use designation. It is recommended that this rezoning request be APPROVED. Additional Information: This application was tabled from the October 7th meeting until the November 4th meeting so that the board could consider the request with a related rezoning application. At the Planning Board meeting on November 4, 2024, the board voted unanimously (4-0) to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning due to compatibility with the underlying land use classification, Agriculture/ Rural Residential. There was no one present to speak in opposition. Commissioner McKoy asked if they wanted to rezone it to residence. Mr. Sikes stated yes ma’am, around the solar farm. Chairman Morris opened the public hearing and the following person spoke: 1. Scott Brown, 4D Site Solutions, 409 Chicago Dr., STE 112, Fayetteville, NC engineers for the project, spoke in favor of the request. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Nicol made a motion to approve the rezoning request for #PLAN2409-0001 from Industrial to RA-20R Zoning District. Commissioner Weatherspoon seconded the motion. Chairman Morris and Commissioners Weatherspoon and Nicol voted in favor of the request. Commissioner McKoy voted against the motion. The motion passed 3:1. (Attachment 4) Mr. Sikes also petitioned the Board for a public hearing on Proposed Zoning Change: Case #PLAN2410-0001 Landowner / Applicant: Weeks Farms, Inc. / Seth Thompson; 78 +/- acres; PIN#s 0558-99-8986.000 & 0558-97-3688.000; From Industrial to RA-20R Zoning District; Lillington Township; US Hwy 401 S. The rezoning request is for two properties described below: HCBOC 120224 Pg. 6 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024 Page 5 of 10 Property PIN# 0558-99-8986.000 is a +/-50 acre property used for agricultural purposes. The property is landlocked and accessed by a small farm road from the property to the west. The property is bound by the railway tract on the western property line. Property PIN# 0558-97-3688.000 is a +/-28.11 acre property used for agricultural purposes. The property’s eastern property line is bound by the railway tract. The properties represent two of three properties that the applicant has petitioned Planning Services to rezone from Industrial to RA-20R. The third property involved in the rezoning petition (shown below) is on a separate application due to the applicant’s error. Additionally, due to the condition of the farm road, staff was unable to access the property east of the railway for site photos. Surrounding land uses consist of single-family residences, a manufactured home park, agricultural activities, and forestland. Staff evaluation Property PIN 0558-99-8986.000: • The proposal will not place all property similarly situated in the area in the same category, or in appropriate complementary categories. The railway serves as a physical division between existing and planned residential development along US 401 and an area designated for industrial development. A pocket of residential development would be intrusive within the otherwise Industrial zoned area and may inhibit future industrial development. • There is not a convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be in the general public interest and not merely in the interest of the individual or small group. • The proposed rezoning of the parcel east of the railway to RA-20R could introduce residential uses in an area that the county has designated for industrial development. The intensity of the uses permitted in the surrounding Industrial district is incompatible with residential land uses. It is not in the public’s interest to allow for residential uses to occur within this area designated for industrial development or with the access issues posed by the railway. • There is not a convincing demonstration that all uses permitted in the proposed district classification would be appropriate in the area included in the proposed change. Residential uses on the property located east of the railway would not be appropriate due the surrounding Industrial zoning district and access issues posed by the railway. • There is not a convincing demonstration that the character of the neighborhood will not be materially and adversely affected by the uses permitted in the requested zoning district. • Use of the property for residential purposes would be incompatible with the uses permitted in the surrounding Industrial zoning district. Further, a change of zoning to the RA-20R would adversely affect the character of the neighborhood by reducing the potential for industrial development and economic growth. • While the proposed zoning change to RA-20R is compatible with the underlying land use, the proposed zoning change would result in loss of finite land designated for industrial use, which is essential for supporting economic development and job creation. A reduction in available industrial land conflicts with the following Land Use and Economic Development policy outlined in the comprehensive land use plan: HCBOC 120224 Pg. 7 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024 Page 6 of 10 Policy LU-1.2 Identify prime locations for industrial and distribution operations and protect these locations from incompatible development. As stated in the evaluation, the requested rezoning to RA-20R is unreasonable. The requested zoning is incompatible with the uses permitted in the surrounding zoning district and conflicts with Policy LU-1.2 from the comprehensive land use plan. It is recommended that this rezoning request be DENIED. Staff evaluation Property PIN 0558-97-3688.000: • The subject property is contiguous to properties zoned RA-20R. The request would not require an evaluation for reasonableness as a small-scale rezoning. • There is a convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district would be in the interest of the public and not merely in the interest of the individual group. A zoning change to the RA-20R zoning district would allow for residential use of the property, which is more compatible with the surrounding land uses than the uses permitted in the current zoning district. • There is a convincing demonstration that all uses permitted in the proposed district classification would be appropriate in the area included in the proposed change. The uses permitted in the RA-20R zoning district are more appropriate than the more intensive uses permitted in the current zoning designation. • There is a convincing demonstration that the character of the neighborhood will not be materially and adversely affected by the uses permitted in the requested zoning district. Use of the property for residential purposes is more compatible with the surrounding land uses and poses a smaller risk of materially or adversely affecting the neighborhood than the uses permitted in the current zoning designation. • The request to change the zoning from the Industrial zoning designation to the RA-20R is in accordance with the comprehensive land use and sound planning practices. The underlying land use of the property is Agricultural/Rural Residential, a land use designation which primarily supports agriculture, forestry, and low-density residential uses. As stated in the evaluation, the requested rezoning to RA-20R is reasonable. The requested zoning is more compatible with the surrounding land uses and the underlying future land use, Agricultural/Rural Residential. It is recommended that this rezoning request be APPROVED. Additional Information: At the Planning Board meeting on November 4, 2024, the board voted 4-0 to recommend denial of the proposed rezoning for property PIN# 0558-99-8986.000, and voted 4-0 to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning of property PIN# 0558-97-3688.000. The board voted to recommend denial of the proposed rezoning for property PIN# 0558-99-8986.000 due to health and safety concerns regarding the railway and limited access to the property. The board recommended approval of the proposed rezoning for 0558-97-3688.000 based on compatibility with the surrounding land uses and underlying future land use. There was no one present to speak in opposition. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 8 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024 Page 7 of 10 Chairman Morris opened the public hearing and the following person spoke: 1. Scott Brown, 4D Site Solutions, 409 Chicago Dr., STE 112, Fayetteville, NC engineers for the project, spoke in favor of the request. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Chairman Morris made a motion to approve Case #PLAN2410-0001 from Industrial to RA-20R Zoning District. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherspoon. Commissioner Nicol asked if the motion was to approve by properties and Chairman Morris stated yes sir. Chairman Morris and Commissioners Weatherspoon and Nicol voted in favor of the request. Commissioner McKoy voted against the motion. The motion passed 3:1. (Attachment 5) Mr. Sikes also petitioned the Board for a public hearing on Proposed Zoning Change: Case #PLAN2410-0002 Landowner / Applicant: Andrew Ruhland-Ruhl Inc.; 6.41 +/- acres; Pin # 0524-17- 6242.000 & 0524-17-6389.000; From RA-20M to Commercial Zoning District; Anderson Creek Township; NC Hwy 210 S (on Mockingbird Land). The proposed rezoning is comprised of two parcels. The southern parcel, 26 Mockingbird Lane, is used as a multi-tenant commercial service establishment. The northern parcel is wooded and unimproved. The property obtained a conditional use permit to operate at a machine shop in 2004, and the property has been used for non-residential purposes since. Surrounding land uses consist of single-family residences, an automotive repair facility, a hardware store, and unimproved land. Staff evaluation: • The subject properties are contiguous to a property zoned Commercial. The proposed rezoning will not require an evaluation for reasonableness. • There is a convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district would be in the interest of the public and not merely in the interest of the individual group. A zoning change from the RA-20M to the Commercial zoning district creates the potential for commercial development of the northern parcel, which could bring needed services to the community and present new economic development opportunities. • There is a convincing demonstration that all uses permitted in the proposed district classification would be appropriate in the area included in the proposed change. The uses permitted in the Commercial zoning district are compatible with the nearby non-residential land uses. • There is a convincing demonstration that the character of the neighborhood will not be materially and adversely affected by the uses permitted in the requested zoning district. The uses permitted in the Commercial zoning district are compatible with the nearby non- residential land uses. Further, the neighborhood may experience benefits from future commercial development such as an increase in employment opportunities and local investment. • The requested zoning district is not compatible with the Medium Density Residential land use classification; however, Planning Services is currently updating the comprehensive land use HCBOC 120224 Pg. 9 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024 Page 8 of 10 plan and is recommending a change to the future land use classification that will support the current non-residential activity in the area and encourage further commercial development. As stated in the evaluation, the requested rezoning to Commercial is reasonable. The requested zoning is compatible with the surrounding land uses. It is recommended that this rezoning request be APPROVED. Additional Information: At the Planning Board meeting on November 4, 2024, the board voted 4-0 to recommend approval of the proposed rezoning from the RA-20M to Commercial zoning district. The board found that the requested rezoning would be compatible with the surrounding land uses in the area. There was no one present to speak in opposition. Chairman Morris opened the public hearing and the following person spoke: 1. Andrew Ruhland, 155 Mocking Bird Lane, Spring Lake, NC, applicant spoke in favor of the request. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner McKoy made a motion to approve Proposed Zoning Change: Case #PLAN2410-0002 from RA-20M to Commercial Zoning District. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nicol and carried unanimously. (Attachment 6) Mr. Sikes also petitioned the Board for a public hearing on Proposed Text Amendment: Case #PLAN2408-0001 Landowner / Applicant: William Dan Andrews; Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance; Article V; "Use Regulations" Section 1.2 "Table of Use: Add: Outdoor Entertainment Venue & 7.5 "Recreational Facility and Uses" Add: Outdoor Entertainment Venue. 7.5. Recreational Facilities & Uses 7.5.6 Outdoor Entertainment Venue A. A minimum property size of twenty (20) acres shall be required for all Outdoor Entertainment Venues. B. If the property does not have direct access to a state-maintained road, a private easement may be utilized for property access, subject to the following street construction standards: 1. The road surface shall be gravel, asphalt, or concrete. Gravel roads shall be constructed with six (6) inches of compacted aggregate base course gravel. 2. The road shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width. 3. The road shall be graded to encourage adequate drainage, including a crown in the road and ditches to convey water. C. No outdoor events shall occur between 10 p.m. and 10 a.m. D. Any sale of alcohol shall be for on-site consumption and comply with all applicable state and local regulations. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 10 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024 Page 9 of 10 E. Designated performance and audience areas shall be identified on the required site plan. F. The venue shall provide traffic control personnel to ensure adequate ingress and egress for all events G. Adequate restroom facilities shall be provided and identified on the required site plan. If no permanent restroom facilities are required by the North Carolina Building Code, sufficient temporary restroom facilities shall be provided on-site. An area for temporary restroom facilities shall be designated on the required site plan. Temporary restroom facilities shall be provided at a rate of 1 per 420 square feet of audience area. H. The use of fireworks and pyrotechnics shall comply with all local and state regulations. I. Adequate parking shall be provided so as not to interfere with the surrounding properties. 1. This shall hereby prohibit the use of public right(s)-of-way for overflow parking. 2. All parking areas shall be designated on the required site plan, and unpaved areas may be utilized for required parking. Unpaved parking areas shall be properly maintained to ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists. 3. All unpaved areas shall be maintained in a manner that prevents dust from adversely impacting adjoining properties and right(s)-of-way. 4. No parking signs shall be posted along property line(s) adjacent to the public right(s)-of-way in accordance with NCDOT standards and shall be shown on the required site plan. 5. Adequate directional signage shall be installed to direct motorists to entrances, exits, and designated parking areas. 6. Parking areas shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from all adjacent properties. 7. Adequate lighting shall be provided for parking areas in accordance with Article VII., Development Design Guidelines, Section 7.0, Lighting Standards, of this ordinance. 8. ADA compliant parking shall be paved and provided in accordance with all applicable ADA regulations. J. No outdoor entertainment activities shall be permitted within the required setback or within 300 feet of a residence, unless the residence is owned by the applicant or property owner of the outdoor entertainment venue. At the November 4, 2024 Planning Board meeting, the board voted unanimously (4-0) to recommend approval of the proposed text amendment with the recommendation that the minimum property size required for an Outdoor Entertainment Venue be increased from 20 acres to 100 acres. Discussion included the recommended number of acres required. Commissioner Morris opened the public hearing and the following person spoke: 1. William Dan Andrews of 3146 Chalybeate Springs Road, applicant, spoke in favor of the request. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 11 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024 Page 10 of 10 Chairman Morris made a motion to place the minimum property size required for an Outdoor Entertainment Venue to 20 acres. Commissioner Nicol seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Nicol made a motion to adopt an ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance Article V., Sections 1.2 and 7.5, and Article XIV., Section 2.2. (Attachment 7) Commissioner Nicol made a motion to approve the budget amendments as requested by the Finance Officer. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McKoy and carried unanimously. (Attachment 8) Commissioner McKoy made a motion to approve the tax rebates, refunds and releases as requested by the Tax Administrator. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nicol and carried unanimously. (Attachment 9) Commissioner Nicol made a motion to adjourn at 6:34 pm. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherspoon and carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ William Morris, Chairman Melissa Capps, Clerk HCBOC 120224 Pg. 12 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes November 26, 2024 Page 1 of 4 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Work Session November 26, 2024 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in work session on Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at 9:00 am, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: William Morris, Chairman W. Brooks Matthews, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Commissioner Matthew B. Nicol, Commissioner Staff present: Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Brent Trout, County Manager Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Morris called the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 9:00 am. Vice Chairman Matthews led the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation. The following agenda was before the Board of Commissioners: 1.Call to order – Chairman William Morris 2.Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Vice Chairman Matthews 3.Board of Elections Update; Claire Jones, Board of Elections Director 4.Discuss a request to approve the Strategic Plan for Harnett County Public Libraries; Angela McCauley, Library Director 5.Discuss a request to confirm designation of Child Fatality Prevention Team/Community Child Protection Team (CFPT/CCPT) as a single county team; Ainsley Johnson, Health Director 6.Discuss a request to approve a vaccine administration fee for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV); Ainsley Johnson, Health Director 7.Discuss a request to approve the updated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Project Ordinance; Brent Trout, County Manager 8.Review applications to serve on Boards and Committees. 9.County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager •December 2, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Review •Upcoming meetings and invitations 10.Special Presentation 11.Closed Session 12.Adjourn Item 4Aii HCBOC 120224 Pg. 13 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes November 26, 2024 Page 2 of 4 Claire Jones, Board of Elections Director provided the Board of Commissioners an update on the 2024 election. For this election, we have recruited and trained over 240 election workers. Voter registration is over 94,000. Voter turnout was almost 70%. Of the 63,000 people who voted, 47,000 voted during early voting. Ms. Jones shared information regarding the sample hand eye count, hand eye count matched voting results exactly. We also had a recount for the Supreme Court Associate Justice seat six and we completed that last week and results matched election day totals. Audits have been completed and everything has balanced out. Ms. Jones shared some challenges included being short one fulltime staff member, also had to reprint ballots due to presidential contest and highlighted a need for a facility. The Board would also like to access precinct sizes as Anderson Creek and Barbeque have grown and well over 10,000 people each. Ms. Jones thanked all the election workers. Bill McNutt, member of the Board of Elections, also provided comments. He asked consideration to be given for additional facilities. We are a growing community and need larger facilities. Additionally, we are looking at the redistribution of polling places. Angela McCauley, Library Director, presented information regarding the 2024-27 Strategic Plan. This comprehensive plan is designed to align library services with the evolving needs of our community while advancing the County's core priorities-enhancing organizational excellence, fostering an informed and engaged citizenry, and supporting superior educational opportunities. Grounded in extensive community feedback, data-driven analysis, and collaborative input from staff, stakeholders, and consultants, the 2024-27 Strategic Plan sets forth strategic objectives and actionable priorities to guide our growth. Approval of this plan will allow us to proceed with impactful initiatives aimed at strengthening the library system, expanding outreach, and enriching services for patrons across all branches. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Ainsley Johnson, Health Director, presented information on a request to confirm designation of Child Fatality Prevention Team/Community Child Protection Team (CFPT/CCPT) as a single county team. This is a requirement in NC Session Law 2023-134. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Ms. Johnson also reviewed a request for approval of funding from NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in the amount of $2319 to assist staff in utilizing the new National Review Case Reporting System (NFR-CRS). This is a requirement in NC Session Law 2023- 134. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Ms. Johnson also reviewed a request for the approval of the establishment of a $50 vaccine administration fee for the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine. This fee is consistent with other vaccine administration fees we charge. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Brent Trout, County Manager, reviewed a request for the Board to approve to amend the Grant Project Ordinance for the $26,411,744 received from the American Rescue Plan Act - HCBOC 120224 Pg. 14 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes November 26, 2024 Page 3 of 4 Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (ARPA/CSLFRF). This amendment shall recognize modifications to spending amounts for projects previously approved by the Board in Project Ordinance format. $5,000,000 of the County's ARPA/CSLFRF funding had been allocated to a contract with Adams Robinson Enterprises, Inc. for the construction of a 9MGD capacity upgrade at the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant. The State General Assembly approved legislation that eliminated the county match provision for CAB Grants. The state will now be funding the entire amount of the grant funding for each project in the CAB program. Harnett County therefore is not required to commit the matching funds and can now approve the addition of $1,941,785 to be used on the treatment plant project. Spectrum was chosen for a second GREAT Grant project in Harnett County. The County's match for this project was modified from $375,000 to $218,626. The money not required for the match ($156,374) is being reallocated to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant project. The project ordinance also showed an amount of $1,411,600 that was unallocated to a project. The amount must be obligated towards a project by December 31, 2024. There are no other qualifying designated projects, so the above amount is now being obligated to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant project. The changes to the various line items now bring the total amount of funding for the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant project to $8,509,759 up $3,509,759 from the original $5,000,000 amount. The approval of this ordinance will ensure that the requirement to obligate the ARPA funds by the December 31, 2024 deadline will have occurred. The County will have until December 31, 2026 to spend the money. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Commissioner McKoy requested any additional funds available be considered for the Riverside Project. Commissioner Weatherspoon asked with the additional funds going to the Water Treatment Plant does that have any impact on the amount our partners would pay for capacity. Mr. Trout stated unfortunately no it would not; it does allow us to not have to use more of our reserves. The Board reviewed applications received for vacancies on Boards and Committees. Consensus of the Board was to appoint Drew Bryant to serve on the Administrative Appeals Board for School Bus Stop Arm Violations as the Harnett County Employee Alternate Member and Ciara Monique Suros to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council as a Public Member. Chairman Morris presented Commissioner Weatherspoon with a plaque for his service to the County as a Commissioner from December 2020 to December 2024. He also presented a engraved gavel for serving as Chairman to the Board from December 2021 – December 2022. Chairman Morris read a Resolution Recognizing the Service of Commissioner Lewis W. Weatherspoon. A framed copy was presented to Commissioner Weatherspoon. Commissioner Weatherspoon stated I would like to thank our fellow commissioners for four years of service and working together. It has been pleasure. I want to thank the staff, our Deputy HCBOC 120224 Pg. 15 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes November 26, 2024 Page 4 of 4 County Manager, Assistant County Manager, Department Heads, Attorney Snow, it has been a pleasure to work with everyone. I especially want to thank Brent Trout, he made being Chairman easy and I appreciate everything he has done for this County. Thank you and I appreciate everything; may everyone have a good Thanksgiving. Commissioner Nicol made a motion to adjourn the Board of Commissioners at 9:40 am. Vice Chairman Matthews seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ William Morris, Chairman Melissa Capps, Clerk HCBOC 120224 Pg. 16 Item 4B HCBOC 120224 Pg. 17 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 18 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 19 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 20 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 21 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 22 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 23 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 24 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 25 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 26 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 27 Item 4C HCBOC 120224 Pg. 28 Item 4D HCBOC 120224 Pg. 29 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 30 Item 4E HCBOC 120224 Pg. 31 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2024\120224\4F.1 12-2-2024 Agenda Item - ARPA.docx Page 1 of 2 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: December 2, 2024 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: ARPA Updates & Grant Project Ordinance REQUESTED BY: Brent Trout, County Manager REQUEST: Administration is requesting approval to amend the Grant Project Ordinance for the $26,411,744 received from the American Rescue Plan Act - Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (ARPA/CSLFRF). This amendment shall recognize modifications to spending amounts for projects previously approved by the Board in Project Ordinance format. $5,000,000 of the County's ARPA/CSLFRF funding had been allocated to a contract with Adams Robinson Enterprises, Inc. for the construction of a 9MGD capacity upgrade at the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant. The State General Assembly approved legislation that eliminated the county match provision for CAB Grants. The state will now be funding the entire amount of the grant funding for each project in the CAB program. Harnett County therefore is not required to commit the matching funds and can now approve the addition of $1,941,785 to be used on the treatment plant project. Spectrum was chosen for a second GREAT Grant project in Harnett County. The County's match for this project was modified from $375,000 to $218,626. The money not required for the match ($156,374) is being reallocated to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant project. The project ordinance also showed an amount of $1,411,600 that was unallocated to a project. The amount must be obligated towards a project by December 31, 2024. There are no other qualifying designated projects so the above amount is now being obligated to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant project. The changes to the various line items now bring the total amount of funding for the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant project to $8,509,759 up $3,509,759 from the original $5,000,000 amount. The approval of this ordinancee will ensure that the requirement to obligate the ARPA funds by the December 31, 2024 deadline will have occurred. The County will have until December 31, 2026 to spend the money. Item 4F HCBOC 120224 Pg. 32 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2024\120224\4F.1 12-2-2024 Agenda Item - ARPA.docx Page 2 of 2 FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: HCBOC 120224 Pg. 33 Status Allocated Obligated Expended North Harnett WWTP Upgrade Contribution 491 In Progress 8,509,759$ 8,509,759$ -$ GREAT Grant 1 (Brightspeed Cloudwyze)BBAND In Progress 375,000$ 375,000$ -$ GREAT Grant 2 (Spectrum)BBAND In Progress 218,626$ 218,626$ -$ VIPER Radios for Police Departments 292 Completed 1,571,309$ 1,571,309$ 1,571,309$ VIPER Radios for Emergency Staff 292 Completed 5,619,227$ 5,619,227$ 5,619,227$ Premium Pay for EMS Employees --Completed 117,823$ 117,823$ 117,823$ Eligible Employee Salaries (Revenue Replacement)Completed 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$ Totals:26,411,744$ 26,411,744$ 17,308,359$ Remaining Funds for Contingency for ARPA-Eligible Projects: *(0)$ -$ 9,103,385$ Project Total:26,411,744$ 26,411,744$ 26,411,744$ *any remaining ARPA contingency funds will be directed to the North Harnett WWTP upgrade Project Amount Allocated Lead for NC Fellow 15,000$ IT River Fiber Extension 149,332$ Funding for Harnett Regional Jetport 2,500,000$ CloudWyze Fiber Phase 2 Match 2,000,000$ DSS 2nd Floor Upfit 1,200,000$ Office 365 Cloud Migration 1,043,259$ Riverside Flood Project 750,000$ Retention Pay for EMS Employees 382,177$ Contribution to Saleeby YMCA 295,000$ Management Analyst 150,000$ Digital Literacy Training (CloudWyze)5,000$ County Morgue 396,100$ Northwest Harnett Station 3 Emergency Services 215,257$ New Desks for Department of Social Services 73,610$ New Utility Vehicle for Parks & Rec 13,870$ Rewrite Documentation for Harnett Regional Jetport 22,535$ Transit Vans for HARTS 26,612$ Tranfer to General Fund (Projects cut by BOC)209,594$ Transfer to Gen Fund to reduce use of Fund Balance 500,000$ Total:9,947,346$ Remaining Funds for Contingency for Displaced Projects: **52,654$ Project Total:10,000,000$ **there are no timeline requirements for displaced funds Total Interest Available To Date 1,049,211$ Funds remaining for ARPA-eligible projects 16,411,744$ Harnett County ARPA Funding Overview November 22, 2024 Project Overview Revenue Replacement (reimbursed general fund for employee salaries)10,000,000$ Interest Available Project Displaced Funding Total ARPA Allocation 26,411,744$ ARPA-Eligible Projects DEADLINE: Obligate by December 31, 2024; Expend by December 31, 2026 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 34 Status Obligated Expended In Progress 6,567,973.96$ -$ In Progress 375,000.00$ -$ In Progress 218,626.00$ -$ In Progress 1,941,785.30$ -$ Completed 5,619,227.49$ 5,619,227.49$ Completed 1,571,308.65$ 1,571,308.65$ Completed 117,822.60$ 117,822.60$ Completed 10,000,000.00$ 10,000,000.00$ 26,411,744.00$ 17,308,358.74$ -$ 9,103,385.26$ Project Jan - Mar 2024 Apr - Jun 2024 Jul - Sep 2024 Oct - Dec 2024 Project Total North Harnett WWTP 5,000,000.00$ -$ 1,567,973.96$ -$ 6,567,973.96$ Brightspeed GREAT Grant 375,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ 375,000.00$ Spectrum GREAT Grant -$ -$ 218,626.00$ -$ 218,626.00$ Brightspeed CAB Grant -$ -$ 1,941,785.30$ -$ 1,941,785.30$ Local Police VIPER -$ -$ -$ -$ 5,619,227.49$ Emergency/County VIPER -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,571,308.65$ Premium Pay for EMS -$ -$ -$ -$ 117,822.60$ Revenue Replacement -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,000,000.00$ Total Obligated 5,375,000.00$ -$ 3,728,385.26$ -$ 26,411,744.00$ Revenue Replacement (Reimbursement for eligible salaries) Harnett County ARPA/CSLFRF Funded Projects OBLIGATION PLAN ARPA-Eligible Projects Overview Expenditure Deadline: December 31, 2026 Project North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant Contribution Brightspeed GREAT Grant (#1) Spectrum GREAT Grant (#2) Brightspeed CAB Grant Emergency/County VIPER (Sheriff, HARTS, EMS, HRW) Local Police VIPER (Municipalities) Premium Pay for EMS (Ineligible as of 4/10/2023) Total Remaining Obligation Reporting to Treasury Obligation Deadline: December 31, 2024 ***these numbers are projections as of 9/11/24 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 35 Harnett County ARPA Funding Internal Reference Details September 10, 2024 Project Contract #GL Reference Allocated (GPO)Encumbered (Contract) Expended to Date FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 VIPER Radios for Emergency Staff 2022001402 2924591-555000-IVIPR 5,561,012.79$ 5,619,227.49$ 5,619,227.49$ Encumbered Closed Revenue Replacement (Public safety salaries)----10,000,000.00$ 10,000,000.00$ 10,000,000.00$ Enc & Closed Premium Pay for EMS Employees ----117,822.60$ 117,822.60$ 117,822.60$ Enc & Closed VIPER Radios for Police Departments 20240378 2924591-555000-VIPR2 1,571,308.65$ 1,571,309.00$ 1,571,308.65$ Enc & Closed North Harnett WWTP Upgrade Contribution 20240604 4917105-554000 5,000,000.00$ 6,567,973.61$ -$ Encumbered Ongoing GREAT Grant 1 (Brightspeed Cloudwyze)20240599 4054270-559000 375,000.00$ 375,000.00$ -$ Encumbered Ongoing GREAT Grant 2 (Spectrum)375,000.00$ 218,626.00$ -$ CAB Grant (Brightspeed)2,000,000.00$ 1,941,785.30$ -$ 25,000,144.04$ 26,411,744.00$ 17,308,358.74$ 1,411,599.96$ -$ 9,103,385.26$ Project Vendor Date ARPA Funds Expended Project Total 12/14/2023 778,944.99$ 3/5/2024 792,363.66$ 6/16/2023 367,149.76$ 5/16/2023 31,751.63$ 3/9/2023 130,509.11$ 3/9/2023 5,716.78$ 2/23/2023 55,909.70$ 11/22/2022 223,036.12$ 9/1/2022 2,280,054.70$ 9/1/2022 1,603,332.07$ 9/1/2022 752,294.26$ 9/1/2022 162,876.54$ 8/25/2022 6,596.82$ Premium Pay for EMS Employees 54 EMS Employees 12/31/2022 117,822.60$ 117,822.60$ Revenue Replacement (Public safety salaries)--10,000,000.00$ 10,000,000.00$ GREAT Grant 1 Brightspeed GREAT Grant 2 Spectrum CAB Grant Brightspeed NHWWTP Upgrade Adams Robinson 17,308,358.74$ Payment Tranche 1 Tranche 2 Total ARPA Allocation 26,411,744.00$ ARPA-Eligible Expenditure Breakdown VIPER Radios for Emergency Staff (all fire/rescue departments in county and county emergency response staff: EMS, HARTS, Sheriff's Office, Harnett Regional Water) Motorola Solutions, Inc. Motorola Solutions, Inc.VIPER Radios for Police Departments Date Received Amount Received 9/14/2021 13,205,872.00$ 9/22/2022 13,205,872.00$ 5,619,227.49$ 1,571,308.65$ Overview Total Expended to Date: Funds Received from Treasury Remaining: Totals: HCBOC 120224 Pg. 36 Mar - Dec 2021 Jan - Mar 2022 Apr - Jun 2022 Jul - Sep 2022 Oct - Dec 2022 Jan - Mar 2023 Apr - Jun 2023 Jul - Sep 2023 Oct - Dec 2023 Jan - Mar 2024 Apr - Jun 2024 Jul - Sep 2024 Oct - Dec 2024 PROJECT TOTAL North Harnett WWTP -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5,000,000.00$ -$ 3,353,385.26$ -$ 8,353,385.26$ Brightspeed GREAT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 375,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ 375,000.00$ 2nd GREAT Grant -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 375,000.00$ -$ 375,000.00$ Brightspeed CAB -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Police VIPER -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,681,301.00$ -$ (109,992.35)$ -$ -$ 1,571,308.65$ County VIPER -$ -$ 6,003,877.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ (384,649.51)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5,619,227.49$ Premium Pay -$ -$ -$ -$ 560,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ (442,177.40)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 117,822.60$ Revenue Replacement -$ -$ 10,000,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,000,000.00$ Lead for NC Fellow -$ -$ 15,000.00$ (15,000.00)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ DSS Upfit -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Total Obligated -$ -$ 16,018,877.00$ (15,000.00)$ 560,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ 854,474.09$ 5,375,000.00$ (109,992.35)$ 3,728,385.26$ -$ 26,411,744.00$ Remaining to Obligate 26,411,744.00$ 26,411,744.00$ 10,392,867.00$ 10,407,867.00$ 9,847,867.00$ 9,847,867.00$ 9,847,867.00$ 9,847,867.00$ 8,993,392.91$ 3,618,392.91$ 3,728,385.26$ -$ -$ -$ Mar - Dec 2021 Jan - Mar 2022 Apr - Jun 2022 Jul - Sep 2022 Oct - Dec 2022 Jan - Mar 2023 Apr - Jun 2023 Jul - Sep 2023 Oct - Dec 2023 Jan - Mar 2024 Apr - Jun 2024 Jul - Sep 2024 Oct - Dec 2024 Jan - Mar 2025 Apr - Jun 2025 Jul - Sep 2025 Oct - Dec 2025 Jan - Mar 2026 Apr - Jun 2026 Jul - Sep 2026 Oct - Dec 2026 PROJECT TOTAL North Harnett WWTP -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 6,411,599.96$ 6,411,599.96$ Brightspeed GREAT -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 375,000.00$ 375,000.00$ 2nd GREAT Grant -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 375,000.00$ 375,000.00$ Brightspeed CAB -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Police VIPER -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 778,944.99$ 792,363.66$ -$ 1,571,308.65$ County VIPER -$ -$ -$ 4,805,154.39$ 223,036.12$ 192,135.59$ 398,901.39$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5,619,227.49$ Premium Pay -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 117,822.60$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 117,822.60$ Revenue Replacement -$ -$ 10,000,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,000,000.00$ Total Expended -$ -$ 10,000,000.00$ 4,805,154.39$ 223,036.12$ 309,958.19$ 398,901.39$ -$ 778,944.99$ 792,363.66$ -$ 6,411,599.96$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 750,000.00$ 24,469,958.70$ Remaining to Expend 26,411,744.00$ 26,411,744.00$ 16,411,744.00$ 11,606,589.61$ 11,383,553.49$ 11,073,595.30$ 10,674,693.91$ 10,674,693.91$ 9,895,748.92$ 9,103,385.26$ 9,103,385.26$ 2,691,785.30$ 2,691,785.30$ 2,691,785.30$ 2,691,785.30$ 2,691,785.30$ 2,691,785.30$ 2,691,785.30$ 2,691,785.30$ 2,691,785.30$ 1,941,785.30$ 1,941,785.30$ Expenditure Reporting to Treasury as of June 30, 2024 Obligation Reporting to Treasury as of June 30, 2024 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 37 Revenue Replacement 10,000,000$ Funds remaining for ARPA-eligible projects 16,411,744$ Total ARPA Allocation 26,411,744$ Project Amount Allocated Lead for NC Fellow 15,000$ IT River Fiber Extension 149,332$ Funding for Harnett Regional Jetport 2,500,000$ CloudWyze Fiber Phase 2 Match 2,000,000$ DSS 2nd Floor Upfit 1,200,000$ Office 365 Cloud Migration 1,043,259$ Riverside Flood Project 750,000$ Retention Pay for EMS Employees 382,177$ Contribution to Saleeby YMCA 295,000$ Management Analyst 150,000$ Digital Literacy Training (CloudWyze)5,000$ County Morgue 396,100$ Northwest Harnett Station 3 Emergency Services 215,257$ New Desks for Department of Social Services 73,610$ New Utility Vehicle for Parks & Rec 13,870$ Rewrite Documentation for Harnett Regional Jetport 22,535$ Transit Vans for HARTS 26,612$ Tranfer to General Fund (Projects cut by BOC)209,594$ Transfer to Gen Fund to reduce use of Fund Balance 500,000$ Total:9,947,346$ Remaining Funds for Contingency for Displaced Projects: **52,654$ Project Total:10,000,000$ Project Overview June 30, 2024 Harnett County Projects Made Possible by ARPA/CSLFRF Displaced Funding Displaced Funding HCBOC 120224 Pg. 38 **there are no timeline requirements for displaced funds HCBOC 120224 Pg. 39 Status Obligated Expended In Progress 5,000,000.00$ -$ In Progress 375,000.00$ -$ In Progress -$ -$ In Progress -$ -$ Completed 5,619,227.49$ 5,619,227.49$ Completed 1,571,308.65$ 1,571,308.65$ Completed 117,822.60$ 117,822.60$ Completed 10,000,000.00$ 10,000,000.00$ 22,683,358.74$ 17,308,358.74$ 3,728,385.26$ 9,103,385.26$ Project Jan - Mar 2024 Apr - Jun 2024 Jul - Sep 2024 Oct - Dec 2024 Project Total North Harnett WWTP 5,000,000.00$ -$ 1,411,599.96$ -$ 6,411,599.96$ Brightspeed GREAT Grant 375,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ 375,000.00$ Spectrum GREAT Grant -$ -$ 375,000.00$ -$ 375,000.00$ Brightspeed CAB Grant -$ -$ 1,941,785.30$ -$ 1,941,785.30$ Local Police VIPER -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,791,293.35$ Emergency/County VIPER -$ -$ -$ -$ 5,619,227.49$ Premium Pay for EMS -$ -$ -$ -$ 117,822.60$ Revenue Replacement -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,000,000.00$ Total Obligated 5,375,000.00$ -$ 3,728,385.26$ -$ 26,631,728.70$ Remaining to Obligate 3,508,400.56$ 3,508,400.56$ -$ -$ -$ Obligation Reporting to Treasury as of June 30, 2024 Obligation Deadline: December 31, 2024 Project Local Police VIPER (Municipalities) Total Remaining Revenue Replacement (Reimbursement for eligible salaries) Premium Pay for EMS (Ineligible as of 4/10/2023) Harnett County ARPA/CSLFRF Funded Projects as of June 30, 2024 Emergency/County VIPER (Sheriff, HARTS, EMS, HRW) Brightspeed CAB Grant Spectrum GREAT Grant (#2) Brightspeed GREAT Grant (#1) North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant Contribution ARPA-Eligible Projects as of June 30, 2024 Expenditure Deadline: December 31, 2026 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 40 ***these numbers are projections as of 6/30/24*** HCBOC 120224 Pg. 41 Project Status Allocated Obligated Expended North Harnett WWTP Upgrade Contribution In Progress 5,000,000$ 5,000,000$ -$ GREAT Grant 1 (Brightspeed Cloudwyze)In Progress 375,000$ 375,000$ -$ GREAT Grant 2 (Spectrum???)Not Started 375,000$ -$ -$ CAB Grant (Awaiting Announcement)Not Started 2,000,000$ -$ -$ VIPER Radios for Police Departments Completed 1,571,309$ 1,571,309$ 1,571,309$ VIPER Radios for Emergency Staff Completed 5,619,227$ 5,619,227$ 5,619,227$ Premium Pay for EMS Employees Completed 117,823$ 117,823$ 117,823$ Eligible Employee Salaries (Revenue Replacement)Completed 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$ Totals:25,058,359$ 22,683,359$ 17,308,359$ Remaining Funds for Contingency for ARPA-Eligible Projects: *1,353,385$ Project Total:26,411,744$ *any remaining ARPA contingency funds will be added to the North Harnett WWTP upgrade contribution Project Status Allocated Obligated Expended Funding for Harnett Regional Jetport In Progress 2,500,000$ 1,853,705$ 1,853,705$ CloudWyze Fiber Phase 2 Match In Progress 2,000,000$ 2,000,000$ 1,200,000$ DSS 2nd Floor Upfit In Progress 1,200,000$ 112,064$ 47,426$ Office 365 Cloud Migration In Progress 1,043,259$ 1,043,259$ 643,799$ Riverside Flood Project In Progress 750,000$ 152,025$ 152,025$ Retention Pay for EMS Employees In Progress 382,177$ 382,177$ 201,250$ Contribution to Saleeby YMCA In Progress 295,000$ 295,000$ -$ Management Analyst In Progress 100,000$ 100,000$ 33,390$ Digital Literacy Training (CloudWyze)In Progress 5,000$ 5,000$ -$ IT River Fiber Extension Completed 149,332$ 149,332$ 149,332$ Lead for NC Fellow Completed 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ Totals:8,439,768$ 6,107,562$ 4,295,927$ Remaining Funds for Contingency for Supplanted Projects: **1,560,232$ Project Total:10,000,000$ **there are no timeline requirements for supplanted funds Harnett County ARPA Funding Overview March 31, 2024 Project Overview Revenue Replacement (reimbursed general fund for employee salaries)10,000,000$ Total Interest Available To Date 1,049,211$ Interest Available Funds remaining for ARPA-eligible projects 16,411,744$ Displaced Funding GENERAL FUNDS--not subject to federal requirements Total ARPA Allocation 26,411,744$ ARPA-Eligible Projects DEADLINE: Obligate by December 31, 2024; Expend by December 31, 2026 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 42 Apr 2022 Apr 2023 Oct 2023 Eligible Employee Salaries (Rev Rep)Completed 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$ Emergency (VIPER) Radios Replacement Completed 4,521,649$ 5,611,100$ 5,619,227$ 5,611,100$ 5,611,100$ VIPER Radios for Police Departments In Progress -2,000,000$ 1,571,309$ 1,571,309$ -$ NHWWTP Upgrade Contribution Not Started 5,000,000$ 5,000,000$ 5,000,000$ -$ -$ CAB Grant Not Started 2,000,000$ -2,000,000$ -$ -$ DSS 2nd Floor Upfit In Progress 1,611,068$ 1,200,000$ 1,200,000$ 112,064$ -$ GREAT Grant In Progress 750,000$ 375,000$ 750,000$ 750,000$ -$ Premium Pay for EMS Employees Completed 300,000$ 500,000$ 117,823$ 117,823$ 117,823$ Totals:24,182,717$ 24,686,100$ 26,258,359$ 18,162,296$ 15,728,923$ Remaining Funds for Contingency:153,385$ Apr 2022 Apr 2023 Oct 2023 Funding for Harnett Regional Jetport In Progress 2,500,000$ 2,500,000$ 2,500,000$ 1,853,705$ -$ CloudWyze Broadband Fiber Phase 2 Match In Progress 2,000,000$ 2,000,000$ 2,000,000$ 2,000,000$ -$ Office 365 Cloud Migration In Progress 1,160,252$ 1,043,259$ 1,043,259$ 1,043,259$ 600,201$ Retention Pay for EMS Employees In Progress -382,177$ 382,177$ 382,177$ 105,000$ IT River Fiber Extension Completed 230,750$ 200,000$ 149,332$ 149,332$ 149,332$ Management Analyst In Progress -100,000$ 100,000$ 100,000$ 10,630$ Riverside Flood Project In Progress 500,000$ 70,000$ 750,000$ 152,025$ 152,025$ Lead for NC Fellow Completed 58,700$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$ Digital Literacy Training with CloudWyze In Progress -$ -$ 5,000$ 5,000$ -$ Totals:6,449,702$ 6,310,436$ 6,939,768$ 5,695,498$ 1,032,188$ Remaining Funds for Supplanted Projects:3,060,232$ Options for Remaining Displaced Funds 3,060,232$ Additional Funding for Broadband grant(s) Affordable Housing Animal Shelter Replacement Contribution Board of Elections Replacement Courthouse 3rd Floor Upfit Economic Development Property or Building Farmer's Market Greenway Contribution Purchase Land for Recreation Restoring Pre-Pandemic Employment Shawtown Alumni Association Sewer Project Solid Waste Convenience Sites Displaced Funding (GENERAL FUNDS--not subject to UG or timeline requirements) Project Status Allocated Obligated Expended Harnett County ARPA Funding Overview October 4, 2024 ARPA-Eligible Projects (Obligate by 12/31/2024, Expend by 12/31/2026) Project Status Allocated Obligated Expended HCBOC 120224 Pg. 43 ARPA-Eligible Projects 16,411,744$ Funding for Harnett Regional Jetport 2,500,000$ Revenue Replacement 10,000,000$ Fixed Wireless Broadband Phase 2 Match 2,000,000$ Project Total 26,411,744$ Office 365 Cloud Migration 1,043,259$ Information Technology Fiber Extension 200,000$ Riverside Flood Project 70,000$ VIPER Radios for County Staff and Fire Departments 5,611,098$ Lead for NC Fellow 15,000$ Harnett Regional Water NHWWTP Upgrade Contribution 5,000,000$ REMAINING FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED 4,171,741$ VIPER Radios for Police Departments 2,000,000$ Project Total 10,000,000$ Department of Social Services 2nd Floor Upfit 1,200,000$ Premium/Retention Pay for EMS Employees 500,000$ Options for Remaining Displaced Funds 4,171,741$ GREAT Grant 375,000$ Additional Funding for Broadband grant(s) ARPA Administration (hire employee instead of Year 2 of LFNC)100,000$ Animal Shelter Replacement Contribution REMAINING FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED 1,625,646$ Board of Elections Replacement Project Total:16,411,744$ Contingency Courthouse 3rd Floor Upfit Options for Remaining ARPA-Eligible Funds 1,625,646$ Economic Development Property or Building More broadband projects* (depends on GREAT/CAB Grants)2,375,000$ Greenway Contribution Additional contribution to NHWWTP Upgrade Purchase Land for Recreation Greenway project Restoring Pre-Pandemic Employment Shawtown Alumni Association Sewer Project Solid Waste Convenience Sites Harnett County ARPA Funding Plan Board Approved on April 3, 2023 Displaced Funding (NO deadlines)Total ARPA Funding ARPA-Eligible Projects (Obligated by 2024, Expended by 2026) HCBOC 120224 Pg. 44 September 30, 2022 Responsible Staff Member Status of Project Ordinance Change from Approved ARP Eligible Projects 16,411,744$ Ira Hall ARP 01 Broadband (GREAT & CAB Grant Matches)2,750,000$ Wait on grant Larry Smith ARP 02 & 03 Emergency (VIPER) Radio Replacement for County Government and Fire/EMS Departments 6,003,877$ Approved ** Chris Johnson ARP 04 DSS 2nd Floor Upfit 1,611,068$ Wait for estimate Steve Ward ARP 06 Harnett Regional Water NHWWTP Upgrade Contribution 5,000,000$ Approved ** Larry Smith ARP 07 Providing Premium/Retention Pay for County Employees (EMS)560,000$ Not required Project Total:15,924,945$ Remaining Funding for ARP Eligible Projects 486,800$ Lost Revenue Replacement 10,000,000$ Eligible Employee Salaries 10,000,000$ Project Total:10,000,000$ Remaining Funding for Lost Revenue Replacement -$ Supplanted Lost Revenue (NOT ARP FUNDS)10,000,000$ Ira Hall ARPLR 01 Office 365 Cloud Migration (Cybersecurity)1,043,259$ Not required Ira Hall ARPLR 02 Information Technology Fiber Extension (Cybersecurity)230,750$ Wait for estimate Coley Price ARPLR 03 Riverside Flood Project 750,000$ Approved ** Ira Hall ARPLR 04 Fixed Wireless Broadband Phase 2 Match 2,000,000$ Wait for estimate Coley Price ARPLR 05 Funding for Harnett Regional Jetport 2,500,000$ Approved ** Brent Trout ARP 05 Lead for NC Fellow (Year 1)25,000$ Not required Brent Trout ARP 05 Lead for NC Fellow (Year 2)33,700$ Not required Project Total:6,582,709$ Remaining Funding for Supplanted Lost Revenue:3,417,291$ Total ARP Funding for Harnett County 26,411,744$ Total Identified Projects (ARP-Eligible & Supplanted LR)22,507,654$ Remaining ARP Funding 3,904,091$ ** new number that needs approval from approved allocation Other Potential Projects Purchase Land for Recreation Board of Elections Replacement Animal Shelter Replacement Former Benhaven Two-Story Classroom Renovation Additional Funding for Broadband Solid Waste Convenience Sites Courthouse 3rd Floor Upfit Low Emission X-Ray Scanner for Detention Center Restoring Pre-Pandemic Employment Funding for Greenway Development Harnett County ARP Draft Funding Plan HCBOC 120224 Pg. 45 Cost Estimates Updated as of August 25, 2022 Responsible Staff Member Status of Project Ordinance Change from Approved ARP Eligible Projects 16,411,744$ Ira Hall ARP 01 Broadband (GREAT & CAB Grant Matches)2,750,000$ Wait on grant Larry Smith ARP 02 & 03 Emergency (VIPER) Radio Replacement for County Government and Fire/EMS Departments 6,003,877$ Approved ** Chris Johnson ARP 04 DSS 2nd Floor Upfit 1,611,068$ Wait for estimate Brent Trout ARP 05 Lead for NC Fellow (Year 1)25,000$ Not required Brent Trout ARP 05 Lead for NC Fellow (Year 2)33,700$ Not required Steve Ward ARP 06 Harnett Regional Water NHWWTP Upgrade Contribution 5,000,000$ Approved ** Larry Smith/Janice Lane ARP 07 Providing Premium/Retention Pay for County Employees (EMS)560,000$ Not required Project Total:15,983,645$ Remaining Funding for ARP Eligible Projects 428,100$ Lost Revenue Replacement 10,000,000$ Eligible Employee Salaries 10,000,000$ Project Total:10,000,000$ Remaining Funding for Lost Revenue Replacement -$ Supplanted Lost Revenue (NOT ARP FUNDS)10,000,000$ Ira Hall ARPLR 01 Office 365 Cloud Migration (Cybersecurity)1,043,259$ Not required Ira Hall ARPLR 02 Information Technology Fiber Extension (Cybersecurity)230,750$ Wait for estimate Coley Price ARPLR 03 Riverside Flood Project 750,000$ Approved ** Ira Hall ARPLR 04 Fixed Wireless Broadband Phase 2 Match 2,000,000$ Wait for estimate Coley Price ARPLR 05 Funding for Harnett Regional Jetport 2,500,000$ Approved ** Project Total:6,524,009$ Remaining Funding for Supplanted Lost Revenue:3,475,991$ Total ARP Funding for Harnett County 26,411,744$ Total Identified Projects (ARP-Eligible & Supplanted LR)22,507,654$ Remaining ARP Funding 3,904,091$ ** new number that needs approval from approved allocation Other Potential Projects Purchase Land for Recreation Board of Elections Replacement Animal Shelter Replacement Former Benhaven Two-Story Classroom Renovation Additional Funding for Broadband Solid Waste Convenience Sites Courthouse 3rd Floor Upfit Low Emission X-Ray Scanner for Detention Center Restoring Pre-Pandemic Employment Funding for Greenway Development Harnett County ARP Draft Funding Plan HCBOC 120224 Pg. 46 Cost Estimates Updated as of July 7, 2022 Responsible Staff Member Status of Project Ordinance Change from Approved ARP Eligible Projects 16,411,744$ Ira Hall Broadband (GREAT & CAB Grant Matches)2,750,000$ Wait on Grant Larry Smith Emergency (VIPER) Radio Replacement for County Government and Fire/EMS Departments 6,003,877$ Approved ** Chris Johnson DSS 2nd Floor Upfit 1,611,068$ Wait for estimate Brent Trout Lead for NC Fellow (Year 1)25,000$ Not required Brent Trout Lead for NC Fellow (Year 2)33,700$ Not required Steve Ward Harnett Regional Water NHWWTP Upgrade Contribution 5,000,000$ Done?? Larry Smith/Janice Lane Providing Premium/Retention Pay for County Employees (EMS)560,000$ Not required Project Total:15,983,645$ Remaining Funding for ARP Eligible Projects 428,100$ Lost Revenue Replacement 10,000,000$ Eligible Employee Salaries & Benefits 10,000,000$ Project Total:10,000,000$ Remaining Funding for Lost Revenue Replacement -$ Supplanted Lost Revenue (NOT ARP FUNDS)10,000,000$ Ira Hall Office 365 Cloud Migration (Cybersecurity)1,160,252$ Not required Ira Hall Information Technology Fiber Extension (Cybersecurity)230,750$ Wait for estimate Coley Price Riverside Flood Project 750,000$ Go to board 7/18/22 ** Ira Hall Fixed Wireless Broadband Phase 2 Match 2,000,000$ Wait for estimate Coley Price Funding for Harnett Regional Jetport 2,500,000$ Done Project Total:6,641,002$ Remaining Funding for Supplanted Lost Revenue:3,358,998$ Total ARP Funding for Harnett County 26,411,744$ Total Identified Projects (ARP-Eligible & Supplanted LR)22,624,647$ Remaining ARP Funding 3,787,098$ ** new number that needs approval from approved allocation Other Potential Projects Purchase Land for Recreation Board of Elections Replacement Animal Shelter Replacement Former Benhaven Two-Story Classroom Renovation Additional Funding for Broadband Solid Waste Convenience Sites Courthouse 3rd Floor Upfit Low Emission X-Ray Scanner for Detention Center Restoring Pre-Pandemic Employment Funding for Greenway Development Harnett County ARP Draft Funding Plan HCBOC 120224 Pg. 47 Section 1. Section 2. The following amounts are appropriated for the project and authorized for expenditure: Current Ordinance Adjustment Amended Ordinance ARPA/CSLFRF Allocation 8,728,385$ (5,000,000)$ 3,728,385$ Revenue Replacement 10,000,000$ -$ 10,000,000$ VIPER Radio - County and Fire 5,619,227$ -$ 5,619,227$ EMS Premium Pay 117,823$ -$ 117,823$ VIPER Radio - Local Law Enforcement 1,571,309$ -$ 1,571,309$ GREAT Grant (Brightspeed)375,000$ -$ 375,000$ North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant -$ 5,000,000$ 5,000,000$ Total 26,411,744$ -$ 26,411,744$ Section 3.The following revenues are hereby appropriated for this project: Current Ordinance Adjustment Amended Ordinance ARPA/CSLFRF Allocation 26,411,744$ -$ 26,411,744$ Total 26,411,744$ -$ 26,411,744$ Section 4. AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (ARPA) CORONAVIRUS STATE AND LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUNDS (CSLFRF) GRANT PROJECT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County,North Carolina, sitting as the governing board for Harnett County that,pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the following grant project ordinance is hereby adopted. This ordinance is to establish a budget for projects to be funded by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds of H.R. 1319 American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA/CSLFRF).The County of Harnett has received a total allocation of $26,411,744 of ARPA/CSLFRF funds.These funds may be used for the following categories of expenditures, to the extent authorized by state law: 1. Support public health expenditures, by funding COVID-19 mitigation efforts,medical expenses, behavioral healthcare, and certain public health and safety staff; 2.Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency,including economic harms to workers, households, small businesses, impacted industries, and the public sector; 3.Replace lost public sector revenue,using this funding to provide government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue experienced due to the pandemic; 4. Provide premium pay for essential workers, offering additional support to those who have borne and will bear the greatest health risks because of their service in critical infrastructure sectors; and, 5.Invest in water,sewer,and broadband infrastructure,making necessary investments to improve access to clean drinking water,support vital wastewater and stormwater infrastructure,and to expand access to broadband internet. This ordinance will amend the Grant Project Ordinance to recognize changes in previously approved projects and allocate funding to projects which have been approved since the last amendment. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 48 Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. Section 9. day of , 2024. William Morris, Chairman ATTEST:Harnett County Board of Commissioners Melissa Capps, Clerk to the Board Duly adopted this The EMS Premium Pay project is no longer eligible under ARPA/CSLFRF because Congress declared an end to the COVID-19 National Emergency on April 10, 2023.This adjustment reallocates the unspent funds that were originally dedicated to this project. The VIPER Radio -Local Law Enforcement project is ongoing.At the request of our municipalities, the county is dedicating a portion of its ARPA/CSLFRF allocation to purchase VIPER radios for all police departments in the County. As an eligible use, the project will provide 242 radios. The GREAT Grant (Brightspeed)project is ongoing. Through the Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology (GREAT)Program,the NC Department of Information Technology (NCDIT)sought to enter into a three-way agreement with Internet Service Providers (ISPs)and local governments to expand broadband accessibility in rural areas.Initially,CloudWyze was identified as the ISP to receive the GREAT Grant for Harnett County.However,in late 2023,NCDIT designated Brightspeed as the recipient. This amendment reflects the amount that the county has agreed to match for this project. This ordinance will amend the Grant Project Ordinance to allocate funding to projects approved by the Board of Commissioners. The upgrade of the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant is projected to total over $100,000,000.This upgrade is an eligible use of funds,so $5,000,000 of the County's ARPA allocation will be contributed to this project. The Finance Officer is hereby directed to maintain sufficient specific detailed accounting records to satisfy the requirements of the grantor agency and the grant agreements,including payroll documentation and effort certifications, in accordance with 2 CFR 200.430 & 2 CFR 200.431 and the County’s Uniform Guidance Allowable Costs and Cost Principles Policy. The Finance Officer is hereby directed to report the financial status of the project to the governing board on a quarterly basis. Copies of this capital project ordinance shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board,the Budget Director and the Finance Officer for direction in carrying out this project. This grant project ordinance amendment expires on December 31, 2026, or when all the ARPA/CSLFRF funds have been obligated and expended by the county, whichever occurs sooner. The VIPER Radio - County and Fire project is now complete.This project provided 913 radios to the county for use by the following departments: Emergency Management Services (EMS),Fire Marshall, Transportation (HARTS), Sheriff,and Harnett Regional Water, as well as local fire departments.The county must pay sales tax on the purchase of goods and services but is eligible to file for reimbursement of the sales tax paid. The original budget included the amount of sales tax; this adjustment reallocates the unspent funds that were originally dedicated to this project. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 49 Section 1. Section 2. The following amounts are appropriated for the project and authorized for expenditure: Current Ordinance Adjustment Amended Ordinance ARPA/CSLFRF Allocation Unassigned 1,411,600$ (1,411,600)$ -$ Revenue Replacement (Eligible Employee Salaries)10,000,000$ -$ 10,000,000$ VIPER Radio - County and Fire 5,619,227$ -$ 5,619,227$ EMS Premium Pay 117,823$ -$ 117,823$ VIPER Radio - Local Law Enforcement 1,571,309$ -$ 1,571,309$ GREAT Grant (Brightspeed)375,000$ -$ 375,000$ GREAT Grant (Spectrum)375,000$ (156,374)$ 218,626$ North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant 5,000,000$ 3,509,759$ 8,509,759$ CAB Grant (Brightspeed)1,941,785$ (1,941,785)$ (0)$ Total 26,411,744$ (0)$ 26,411,744$ Section 3.The following revenues are hereby appropriated for this project: Current Ordinance Adjustment Amended Ordinance ARPA/CSLFRF Allocation 26,411,744$ -$ 26,411,744$ Total 26,411,744$ -$ 26,411,744$ AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (ARPA) GRANT PROJECT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County,North Carolina, sitting as the governing board for Harnett County that,pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the following grant project ordinance is hereby adopted. This ordinance is to establish a budget for projects to be funded by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds of H.R.1319 American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA/CSLFRF).The County of Harnett has received a total allocation of $26,411,744 of ARPA/CSLFRF funds.These funds may be used for the following categories of expenditures, to the extent authorized by state law: 2.Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency,including economic harms to workers, households, small businesses, impacted industries, and the public sector; 1. Support public health expenditures, by funding COVID-19 mitigation efforts,medical expenses, behavioral healthcare, and certain public health and safety staff; 3.Replace lost public sector revenue,using this funding to provide government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue experienced due to the pandemic; 4. Provide premium pay for essential workers, offering additional support to those who have borne and will bear the greatest health risks because of their service in critical infrastructure sectors; and, 5.Invest in water,sewer,and broadband infrastructure,making necessary investments to improve access to clean drinking water,support vital wastewater and stormwater infrastructure,and to expand access to broadband internet. CORONAVIRUS STATE AND LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUNDS (CSLFRF) HCBOC 120224 Pg. 50 Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Section 7. Section 8. This ordinance will amend the Grant Project Ordinance to allocate funding to the projects outlined below which have been approved by the Board of Commissioners. The GREAT Grant (Spectrum)project is ongoing.Through the same program outlined previously,the county has entered into a three-way agreement with Spectrum for a second GREAT Grant award.This amendment reflects the amount ($218,626)that the county has agreed to match for this project.The difference from the original $375,000 and $218,626 was added to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project. The CAB Grant (Brightspeed)is ongoing.Through the Completing Access to Broadband (CAB)program,the NC Department of Information Technology (NCDIT) enters into a three-way agreement with ISPs and county governments to deploy broadband projects in unserved areas of each county.House Bill 10 was approved by veto override on November 21, 2024 eliminating the Harnett County match requirement for this grant.The originally obligated amount of $1,941,785 was added to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project obligation. This ordinance will amend the Grant Project Ordinance to recognize changes in previously approved projects and allocate funding to projects which have been approved since the last amendment. The North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade is ongoing.This project is expected to cost over $100,000,000.This infrastructure upgrade is an eligible use of ARPA funds,so $8,509,759 of the County's ARPA allocation will be contributed to this project. The Finance Officer is hereby directed to maintain sufficient specific detailed accounting records to satisfy the requirements of the grantor agency and the grant agreements,including payroll documentation and effort certifications, in accordance with 2 CFR 200.430 & 2 CFR 200.431 and the County’s Uniform Guidance Allowable Costs and Cost Principles Policy. The VIPER Radio - County and Fire project is now complete.This project provided 913 radios to the county for use by the following departments: Emergency Management Services (EMS), Fire Marshall, Transportation (HARTS), Sheriff, and Harnett Regional Water, as well as local fire departments. The county must pay sales tax on the purchase of goods and services but is eligible to file for reimbursement of the sales tax paid. The original budget included the amount of sales tax; this adjustment reallocates the unspent funds that were originally dedicated to this project. The EMS Premium Pay project is no longer eligible under ARPA/CSLFRF because Congress declared an end to the COVID-19 National Emergency on April 10, 2023.This adjustment reallocates the unspent funds that were originally dedicated to this project. The VIPER Radio -Local Law Enforcement project is complete.At the request of our municipalities, the county is dedicating a portion of its ARPA/CSLFRF allocation to purchase VIPER radios for all police departments in the County. As an eligible use, the project will provide 242 radios. The GREAT Grant (Brightspeed)project is ongoing.Through the Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology (GREAT)Program,the NC Department of Information Technology (NCDIT)sought to enter into a three- way agreement with Internet Service Providers (ISPs)and local governments to expand broadband accessibility in rural areas.Initially,CloudWyze was identified as the ISP to receive the GREAT Grant for Harnett County.However, in late 2023,NCDIT designated Brightspeed as the recipient. This amendment reflects the amount that the county has agreed to match for this project. The Finance Officer is hereby directed to report the financial status of the project to the governing board on a quarterly basis. Copies of this capital project ordinance shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, the Budget Director and the Finance Officer for direction in carrying out this project. The unobligated funds in the amount of $1,411,600 is now obligated in this ordinance to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project in order to obligate all funds by the December 31, 2024 deadline. The total cost for this project will exceed $100,000,000 and the project is already under contract for construction. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 51 Section 9. day of , 2024. ATTEST:William Morris, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Melissa Capps, Clerk to the Board Duly adopted this This grant project ordinance amendment expires on December 31, 2026,or when all the ARPA/CSLFRF funds have been obligated and expended by the county, whichever occurs sooner. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 52 Item 4G HCBOC 120224 Pg. 53 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2024\120224\4H.1 Appointments.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: December 2, 2024 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Boards and Committees REQUESTED BY: Administration REQUEST: As discussed at the November 26, 2024 Work Session, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners would like to appoint Drew Bryant to serve on the Administrative Appeals Board for School Bus Stop Arm Violations as the Harnett County Employee Alternate Member and Ciara Monique Suros to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council as a Public Member. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4H HCBOC 120224 Pg. 54 From:2023 Harnett County (Board of Commissioners) To:webboards Subject:Application to Serve on a Board Date:Tuesday, October 29, 2024 3:01:53 PM Board:Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Voting District: District 5 Name:Ciara Monique Suros Address:977 coachman Way City:SANFORD Zip Code: 27330 Telephone: Email:ciaraward1024@gmail.com Years of Formal Education:8 Civic and fraternal organizations:N/A Why you would like to serve: I am a previous JCPC member chair from Moore County JCPC, however, due to relocating I am no longer able to hold a seat. Electronic Signature:Ciara Suros Agreement: I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of Acceptance. Submitter: HCBOC 120224 Pg. 55 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2024\120224\9A Recommended CIP Agenda Form.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: December 2, 2024 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Recommended Capital Improvements Program for Fiscal Years 2026-2032 REQUESTED BY: County Manager’s Office REQUEST: The County Manager’s Office is presenting the Recommended Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2026-2032. The CIP is the County's planning tool that assists in developing priorities for capital needs over the next seven years. Projects that are included in the CIP cost at least $100,000 and typically have a useful life of at least 10 years. The CIP has a total of 74 projects, which include 15 new recommended projects, 40 approved projects, and 19 future projects. The CIP work session is scheduled for December 10, 2024, and the CIP public input session is scheduled for December 16, 2024. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 9A HCBOC 120224 Pg. 56 Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032ReCommended FY HCBOC 120224 Pg. 57 2 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 58 Table of ContentsInTRodUCTIon ReAdeRS GUIde ACTIon SUmmARY SUmmARY PRoJeCT CoST SUmmARY FUndInG SoURCe SUmmARY oPeRATInG eFFeCT ComPLeTed PRoJeCTS FUnCTIonAL AReAS Culture & Recreation 40 Anderson Creek Park Development (Future Phases) 41 Anderson Creek Park Development Phase 2 43 Anderson Creek Park Development Phase 3 46 Benhaven Community Park Redevelopment 48 Boone Trail Park Development (Future Phases) 50 Boone Trail Park Development Phase 1 52 Boone Trail Park Development Phase 2 54 Bunnlevel Community Park 56 Cape Fear Shiner Park Development Phase 2 57 Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Appropriation 59 Greenway Trail Construction Capital Reserve Appropriation 61 Neills Creek Park Development Master Plan and Park Development Phase 1 64 Neills Creek Park Restroom, Concession & Maintenance Building 67 Northwest Harnett Park Development 69 Patriots Park Development Phase 3 71 Shawtown Community Park Development 73 Benhaven Branch Library 76 Mobile Outreach Vehicle 79 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Installation in Branches 83 Western Harnett Service Expansion 88 Economic & Physical Development 90 Agricultural Center Educational Kitchen 91 Farmers Market Phase 1 93 Highland School Road Extension 96 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 59 Table of Contents Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update 98 Education 101 CCCC - Capital Maintenance & Replacement Fund 102 Drainage System Repair 104 Etheridge Renovations 105 Miriello HVAC Replacement 107 Miriello Renovations 109 Buies Creek Elementary School Replacement 111 Camera Upgrades 112 Child Nutrition Freezer/Cooler 114 Custodial & Grounds Warehouse Replacement 117 Early College at Dunn Relocation/Renovation 118 Electronic Door Locks 120 Flatwoods Elementary School 122 Flatwoods Middle School 123 Harnett County Early College/Career Technology Center (Lillington) 125 Harnett County Schools Maintenance Fund 126 Harnett County Schools Transportation Maintenance Facility Replacement 129 Johnsonville Elementary School Phase 1 Expansion & Renovation 130 Lafayette Elementary School Renovation 132 Lillington-Shawtown Elementary School Gym Addition 133 New Highland High School 135 New Northwest Harnett Elementary School 136 Resurfacing of Rubberized Tracks 138 Stadium Lighting Upgrades 140 Triton High School Auxiliary Gym Addition 141 Weapons Detection Systems 142 General Government 146 Board of Elections Facility Replacement/Renovation 147 Benhaven (former) School Renovation 149 Courthouse Shell-Space Upfit 153 Facilities Capital Maintenance & Replacement Fund 154 HVAC Control Upgrades and Standardization 157 Fleet Maintenance Facility Improvement or Replacement 159 Broadband Expansion Initiative 162 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 60 Table of ContentsCore Server Infrastructure Upgrade/Replacement 166 Core Storage Infrastructure Upgrade/Replacement 168 Human Services 171 Second Floor Upfit 172 Public Safety 176 Animal Shelter Replacement 177 Emergency Medical Services Capital Reserve Appropriation 180 Cardiac Monitors Replacement 182 Convalescent Transport Unit Replacements 184 County Morgue 186 Emergency Transport Unit Remounts 189 Emergency Transport Unit Replacements 191 Stretchers and Power Load Equipment Replacement 193 Angier VIPER Radio Tower 195 Spout Springs VIPER Radio Tower 197 Emergency (VIPER) Radios Replacement 199 Emergency (VIPER) Radios Replacement - Municipal Police Departments 201 Sheriff Capital Reserve Appropriation 204 Detention Center Body Scanner System 206 Detention Center Housing Unit Addition 208 Evidence Storage & Crime Scene Processing Bay 210 Generator Purchase and Installation 211 Transportation 215 HARTS Vehicle Replacement 216 HARTS Vehicle Replacement Capital Reserve Fund 219 Apron Expansion 221 Fuel Tank Replacement 223 Hangar Development 227 Harnett Regional Jetport Master Plan Update 228 New Terminal Construction 230 Runway Extension 232 Solid Waste 235 Northwest Convenience Center Relocation 236 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 61 6 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 62 Introduction HCBOC 120224 Pg. 63 8 About the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 IntroductIonAbout the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) The CIP is a long-term plan for funding the County’s major capital needs. It shows how facilities, equipment, and other projects that cost $100,000 or more could be scheduled and funded over the next seven years, beginning in FY 2026. It is important to state upfront that this is a PLAn, not a BUdGeT, since a budget controls the actual spending of allocated funds. While staff attempts to be as accurate as possible, it is difficult to estimate project costs exactly, particularly early in the planning process. Before funds can be spent, they must be budgeted through the operating budget or, in most cases, through a separately adopted project ordinance. The same is true for operating costs, particularly for new facilities. As facilities are being planned, staff attempts to identify operating costs, such as staffing and utilities. The cost of these items depends on final square footage and operational issues that may not be apparent until the facility is far along in planning. CIP Process The CIP is a plan which is updated annually and may be modified at any time to reflect changing conditions. A CIP is a systematic way of anticipating, planning, and budgeting for major projects. The adoption of a CIP can improve the credit worthiness (bond rating) of a jurisdiction. Timeline for adoption: CIP requests originate at the department/agency level. Requests were submitted on or before October 25, 2024. The Manager’s Office is responsible for reviewing new and existing requests and recommending a proposed CIP to the Board of Commissioners. The recommended CIP will be presented on December 2, 2024. During the December 10, 2024, work session, Commissioners will review the recommendation in detail and make changes. Public input is scheduled for December 16, 2024. The final action is adoption of the CIP, which is tentatively scheduled for January 6, 2025. overall Approach Keep in mind that the Capital Improvement Program is just a plan. While a great deal of effort and analysis went into the development of the CIP, it will most likely change during the fiscal year. The CIP will continue to be reviewed throughout the year, and recommended plan changes will be presented to the Board of Commissioners for consideration. Board of education The Board of Education has requested approximately $483 million (in today’s dollars) in new facility requests. The county currently does not have the resources to pay for these facilities, so these projects are shown as future projects in the CIP. In April 2024, as part of its FY 2025 budget request, the Board of Education presented a list of facility needs to the Board of Commissioners. The list and how the CIP addresses these needs are as follows (per the Board of Education document, costs shown below are estimates and do not include escalation or maintenance-type requests): HCBOC 120224 Pg. 64 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 About the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) 9 IntroductIonCategory/Projects April 2024 estimated Cost How CIP Addresses Current Projects Flatwoods Middle School (1100 seats, land procured)$ 78,000,000 Included as a funded project Tier 1 Projects (Immediate to 1 year) Highland High School (2000 seats, land procured)$ 97,000,000 Included as a future project Lillington-Shawtown Elementary School Gym Addition $ 8,000,000 Included as a funded project Child Nutrition Freezer Storage $ 4,200,000 Included as a funded project New School Transportation Facility (McNeill Street property)$ 15,401,352 Included as a future project HCHS/THS/WHHS Renovations (estimate needed)TBD Not submitted as CIP request Triton High School Auxiliary Gym Addition $ 10,000,000 Included as a future project Tier 2 Projects (2 to 3 years) STAR Academy Renovations/Replacement $ 100,000 Not submitted as CIP request Buies Creek Elementary School Replacement $ 35,000,000 Included as a future project Tier 3 Projects (4 to 7 years) Southwest (NC 87 corridor) Elementary School $ 43,000,000 Not submitted as CIP request Northern/Northwest Harnett-area Elementary School $ 43,000,000 Not submitted as CIP request North Harnett Primary Renovations TBD Not submitted as CIP request Tier 4 Projects (Beyond 7 years) Western Harnett-area Middle School $ 75,000,000 Not submitted as CIP request—beyond CIP timeframe Northwest Middle School (land procured)$ 75,000,000 Not submitted as CIP request—beyond CIP timeframe Other School Renovations (school-by-school basis)TBD Not submitted as CIP request—beyond CIP timeframe HCBOC 120224 Pg. 65 10 Project evaluation and Prioritization Criteria Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 IntroductIonProject evaluation and Prioritization Criteria Each new project is reviewed by the CIP Management Team, which consists of the County Manager, Deputy County Manager, Assistant County Manager, Finance Officer, and Budget Director. Each project is evaluated based on the following criteria: safety, mandate, timing/linkages, economic impact, efficiencies, maintain current service levels, improve access of service/information, improve quality of service, add service, operating budget impact, consistency with strategic plan/ community support/impact, and financing. Each project is scored and prioritized based on the following criteria: >Imperative (must do): correct danger to public health & safety, meet legal obligation, alleviate immediate service/facility deficiency, prevent irreparable damage (Score 3) >Essential (should do): rehabilitate/replace obsolete facility, stimulate economic growth, reduce future operating costs, leverage grants (Score 2) >Important (could do): provides new or expanded service, promotes intergovernmental cooperation, reduces energy use, enhances cultural or natural resources (Score 1) >Don’t do: not recommended at this time (Score 0) Recommended Changes The FY 2025-2031 CIP was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on December 18, 2023. Recommended changes to the 2025-2031 CIP include: >Cooperative extension – Agricultural Center educational Kitchen: Construct an educational kitchen, to provide Harnett County farmers with essential digital marketing tools to enhance their businesses and promote local food products [+180,000]. >Cooperative extension – Farmers market Phase 1: Construct Phase 1 of the new permanent farmers market facility next to Harnett Regional Water Business Center to support growers transitioning to higher value crops, support new growers, connect Harnett County residents to fresh farm products, and serve as an activity and educational hub for the county [+1,000,000]. >development Services – Highland School Road extension: Construct a new road segment connecting Buffalo Lake Road to Tingen Road. This approximately 0.6-mile extension is necessary to accommodate the anticipated growth in the area, particularly the construction of a new high school along Highland School Road within the next three years [+3,693,080]. >emergency Services – Angier VIPeR Radio Project: Construct a new emergency radio communications tower in the Angier area in partnership with the NC State Highway Patrol [+2,025,000]. >emergency Services – Spout Springs VIPeR Radio Project: Construct a new emergency radio communications tower in the Spout Springs area in partnership with the NC State Highway Patrol [2,025,000]. >establish a Vehicle Replacement Capital Reserve Fund: Establish an annual contribution of $120,000 to the Harnett Area Rural Transit System Capital Reserve Fund. Funds will be used to replace county- owned HARTS vehicles. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners established Fund 522, a capital reserve fund for HARTS, in FY 2025 [+120,000]. >Fleet maintenance – Fleet maintenance Facility Improvement or Replacement: Construct a 40’x80’ metal building addition to the county garage facility to provide adequate space for the maintenance of the county’s expanding fleet, thereby improving vehicle service turnaround times and ensuring the safety of garage staff [+560,000]. >Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) – HARTS Vehicle Replacement: Replace county owned transit vehicles in accordance HCBOC 120224 Pg. 66 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project evaluation and Prioritization Criteria 11 IntroductIonwith North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)’s guidelines based on maximum mileage and lift mechanism cycles [+126,165]. >Harnett County Schools – Resurfacing of Rubberized Tracks: Resurface the rubberized tracks at Western Harnett High School, Triton High School, and Harnett Central High School to prevent safety hazards for student-athletes [+162,998]. >Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) – Fuel Tank Replacement: Replace existing Avgas and JetA tanks to increase fuel capacity and provide a safer working environment for employees [+2,250,184]. >Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) – Runway extension: Construct a 500-foot extension of the HRJ runway to provide adequate space to meet the demands of the growing aviation industry in our region. This expansion is a proactive step to ensure that the jetport remains competitive and can effectively serve the needs of businesses relying on air transportation [+15,600,000]. >Parks & Recreation – Anderson Creek Park development Phase 3: Replace the playground equipment at Anderson Creek Park [+140,612]. >Parks & Recreation – Boone Trail Park development Phase 2: Develop Phase 2 of the Boone Trail Park, which will consist of new park amenities including additional parking, amphitheater, sidewalks, general grading and sitework, landscaping, and signage [+478,305]. >Public Library – mobile outreach Vehicle: Purchase a bookmobile to provide library services to underserved areas of Harnett County [+305,605]. >Public Library – Radio Frequency Identification (RFId) Installation in Branches: Implement RFID technology at Angier, Benhaven, Boone Trail, Coats, Dunn, and Erwin Library Branches to improve workflow efficiencies, improve security and loss prevention, strengthen collection management, and enhance patron experience [+137,845]. Add Future Projects >Parks & Recreation – Bunnlevel Community Park: Develop a new community park in the Bunnlevel area to include a playground, picnic shelter, small open space, and parking area. >Harnett County Schools – Flatwoods elementary School: Construct a new 150,000 square-foot elementary school to accommodate 1,100 students and to alleviate projected overcrowding at Anderson Creek Primary, Boone Trail Elementary, Lillington-Shawtown Elementary, Highland Elementary, and South Harnett Elementary schools. >Harnett County Schools – Harnett County early College/Career Technology Center (Lillington): Construct a new 110,000 square-foot high school to accommodate 530 students and promote economic growth, educational excellence, and community development. >Harnett County Schools – Stadium Lighting Upgrades: Upgrade the stadium lighting systems at all Harnett County high schools, including Western Harnett High School, Harnett Central High School, Overhills High School, and Triton High School. The current lighting systems, primarily utilizing metal halide bulbs, are becoming increasingly obsolete and inefficient. >Harnett County Schools – Triton High School: Construct a 15,000 square-foot auxiliary gymnasium addition at Triton High School to provide adequate recreational and instructional space for students. The CIP encompasses both high-level summaries of major projects, revenues, and operating expenses, and in-depth analyses of individual projects, including justifications, detailed cost estimates, funding sources, and potential budgetary implications. Assumptions Generally, construction costs are inflated 6-10% per year. Staff also recommends a 5-10% contingency for most projects. Other project costs, like equipment and operations, typically increase by 3% annually, unless a different inflation rate is justified.HCBOC 120224 Pg. 67 12 Project evaluation and Prioritization Criteria Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 IntroductIonOperating costs are generally inflated 3% per year unless costs are fixed by contract. debt Indicators As the list above demonstrates, there are significant future projects on the horizon, namely school facilities and the construction of a new animal shelter and farmers market. All these projects will require that the county issue debt in order to fund them. Harnett County already has a fairly high debt burden (figures below are from the NC Treasurer’s 2023 Analysis of Debt report): >The debt to appraised value ratio is 1.199%. The average ratio of counties 100,000 to 249,999 population is 0.943%. The highest ratio in the population group is 1.682%. >Harnett County’s debt per capita (what each resident would owe if the debt had to be repaid today) is $1,152. The average debt per capita for the population group is $1,136. The highest debt per capita in this group is $2,020. The county currently contributes $11 million from the general fund to fund existing and planned future debt. In addition, sales tax restricted for education is accumulated for debt. The county should be judicious about issuing new debt and work closely with Harnett County Schools to identify top priorities for funding. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 68 Readers Guide HCBOC 120224 Pg. 69 readers GuIde14 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Readers Guide Project Budget: The budget for the project as approved by project ordinance or as approved in the FY 2025-2031 CIP. Project Element: Expense Funding Source: Revenue Operating Effect: Impact on Operating Budget. Project Status Approved-No Contacts Project Totals: Totals all expenditures and revenues, even those expended or received in previous years. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 70 Action Summary HCBOC 120224 Pg. 71 actIon summary16 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Action Summary Below is a summary of the status of projects in the CIP. Those that are shown as “approved” have already been approved by the Board of Commissioners, either in the FY 2025-2031 CIP or by separate action, and there is no substantial change in the project. Project Status new Cooperative Extension - Agricultural Center Educational Kitchen Parks & Recreation - Anderson Creek Park Development Phase 3 Emergency Services - Angier VIPER Radio Tower Parks & Recreation - Boone Trail Park Development Phase 2 Cooperative Extension - Farmers Market Phase 1 Fleet Maintenance - Fleet Maintenance Facility Improvement or Replacement Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) - Fuel Tank Replacement Harentt Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) - HARTS Vehicle Replacement Harentt Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) - HARTS Vehicle Replacement Capital Reserve Fund Development Services - Highland School Road Extension Public Library - Mobile Outreach Vehicle Public Library - Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Installation in Branches Harnett County Schools - Resurfacing of Rubberized Tracks Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) - Runway Extension Emergency Services - Spout Springs VIPER Radio Tower Approved-no Contracts Animal Services - Animal Shelter Replacement Parks & Recreation - Boone Trail Park Development Phase 1 Parks & Recreation - Cape Fear Shiner Park Development Phase 2 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - Cardiac Monitors Replacement Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) - CCCC - Capital Maintenance & Replacement Fund Harnett County Schools - Child Nutrition Freezer/Cooler Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - Convalescent Transport Unit Replacements Information Technology - Core Server Infrastructure Upgrade/Replacement Information Technology - Core Storage Infrastructure Upgrade/Replacement Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - County Morgue Harnett County Sheriff - Detention Center Body Scanner System Harnett County Schools - Early College at Dunn Relocation/Renovation Harnett County Schools - Electronic Door Locks Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - Emergency Medical Services Capital Reserve Appropriation HCBOC 120224 Pg. 72 actIon summaryHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 17 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - Emergency Transport Unit Remounts Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - Emergency Transport Unit Replacements Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) - Etheridge Renovations Facilities Maintenance - Facilities Capital Maintenance & Replacement Fund Harnett County Schools - Flatwoods Middle School Harnett County Sheriff - Generator Purchase and Installation Parks & Recreation - Greenway Trail Construction Capital Reserve Appropriation Harnett County Schools - Harnett County Schools Maintenance Fund Harnett County Schools - Lillington-Shawtown Elementary School Gym Addition Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) - Miriello HVAC Replacement Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) - Miriello Renovations Parks & Recreation - Neills Creek Park Development Master Plan and Park Development Phase 1 Solid Waste - Northwest Convenience Center Relocation Parks & Recreation - Northwest Harnett Park Development Parks & Recreation - Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Appropriation Parks & Recreation - Patriots Park Development Phase 3 Department of Social Services (DSS) - Second Floor Upfit Harnett County Sheriff - Sheriff Capital Reserve Appropriation Emergency Medical Services (EMS) - Stretchers and Power Load Equipment Replacement Approved-Contracts Let Information Technology - Broadband Expansion Initiative Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) - Harnett Regional Jetport Master Plan Update Harnett County Schools - Johnsonville Elementary School Phase 1 Expansion & Renovation Parks & Recreation - Neills Creek Park Restroom, Concession & Maintenance Building Substantially Complete Development Services - Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update Harnett County Schools - New Northwest Harnett Elementary School Completed – Prior Fiscal Year Parks & Recreation - Anderson Creek Park Development Phase 2 Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) - Apron Expansion Facilities Maintenance - Benhaven (former) School Renovation Public Library - Benhaven Branch Library Parks & Recreation - Benhaven Community Park Redevelopment Harnett County Schools - Camera Upgrades Emergency Services - Emergency (VIPER) Radios Replacement HCBOC 120224 Pg. 73 actIon summary18 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Facilities Maintenance - HVAC Control Upgrades and Standardization Parks & Recreation - Shawtown Community Park Development Harnett County Schools - Weapons Detection Systems Completed Emergency Services - Emergency (VIPER) Radios Replacement - Municipal Police Departments Future Parks & Recreation - Anderson Creek Park Development (Future Phases) Board of Elections - Board of Elections Facility Replacement/Renovation Parks & Recreation - Boone Trail Park Development (Future Phases) Harnett County Schools - Buies Creek Elementary School Replacement Parks & Recreation - Bunnlevel Community Park Facilities Maintenance - Courthouse Shell-Space Upfit Harnett County Schools - Custodial & Grounds Warehouse Replacement Harnett County Sheriff - Detention Center Housing Unit Addition Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) - Drainage System Repair Harnett County Sheriff - Evidence Storage & Crime Scene Processing Bay Harnett County Schools - Flatwoods Elementary School Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) - Hangar Development Harnett County Schools - Harnett County Early College/Career Technology Center (Lillington) Harnett County Schools - Harnett County Schools Transportation Maintenance Facility Replacement Harnett County Schools - Lafayette Elementary School Renovation Harnett County Schools - New Highland High School Harnett County Schools - Stadium Lighting Upgrades Harnett County Schools - Triton High School Auxiliary Gym Addition Public Library - Western Harnett Service Expansion HCBOC 120224 Pg. 74 Summary Project Cost HCBOC 120224 Pg. 75 summary Project cost20 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Total Cost of each Project by Year PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 Animal Shelter Replacement 9,216,076 256,636 - 4,262,878 4,696,562 - - - - - 9,216,076 Animal Services Total 9,216,076 256,636 - 4,262,878 4,696,562 - - - - - 9,216,076 CCCC - Capital Maintenance & Replacement Fund - - 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 200,000 200,000 3,934,000 Etheridge Renovations 1,880,920 - - - - - - 1,880,920 - - 1,880,920 Miriello HVAC Replacement 210,000 - 210,000 - - - - - - - 210,000 Miriello Renovations 1,648,081 - - - 1,648,081 - - - - - 1,648,081 Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) Total 3,739,001 - 799,000 589,000 2,237,081 589,000 589,000 2,469,920 200,000 200,000 7,673,001 Agricultural Center Educational Kitchen 180,000 - 180,000 - - - - - - - 180,000 Farmers Market Phase 1 - - 1,000,000 - - - - - - - 1,000,000 Cooperative Extension Total 180,000 - 1,180,000 - - - - - - - 1,180,000 Second Floor Upfit 1,200,000 67,985 1,132,015 - - - - - - - 1,200,000 Department of Social Services (DSS) Total 1,200,000 67,985 1,132,015 - - - - - - - 1,200,000 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update 219,000 197,895 31,105 - - - - - - - 229,000 Highland School Road Extension - - 774,360 1,459,360 1,459,360 - - - - - 3,693,080 Development Services Total 219,000 197,895 805,465 1,459,360 1,459,360 - - - - - 3,922,080 Cardiac Monitors Replacement 610,855 - - - 610,855 - - - - - 610,855 Convalescent Transport Unit Replacements - 445,710 134,415 141,136 148,193 155,602 163,382 171,551 180,129 189,135 1,729,253 County Morgue 396,100 - 396,100 - - - - - - - 396,100 Emergency Medical Services Capital Reserve Appropriation - 690,000 1,100,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 7,740,000 Emergency Transport Unit Remounts - 368,297 125,621 - - - 312,841 321,221 329,600 312,841 1,770,421 Emergency Transport Unit Replacements - 1,011,839 554,774 285,709 294,030 302,352 - - 327,317 - 2,776,021 Stretchers and Power Load Equipment Replacement 1,163,524 - - - - - - - 1,163,524 - 1,163,524 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Total 2,170,479 2,515,846 2,310,910 1,276,845 1,903,078 1,307,954 1,326,223 1,342,772 2,850,570 1,351,976 16,186,174 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 76 summary Project costHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 21 Total Cost of each Project by Year PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 Angier VIPER Radio Tower - - - - - - - - - 2,025,000 2,025,000 Emergency (VIPER) Radios Replacement 5,611,099 5,611,099 - - - - - - - - 5,611,099 Emergency (VIPER) Radios Replacement - Municipal Police Departments 1,571,309 1,571,309 - - - - - - - - 1,571,309 Spout Springs VIPER Radio Tower - - - - - - - - - 2,025,000 2,025,000 Emergency Services Total 7,182,408 7,182,408 - - - - - - - 4,050,000 11,232,408 Benhaven (former) School Renovation 3,292,401 3,292,401 - - - - - - - - 3,292,401 Facilities Capital Maintenance & Replacement Fund - 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 4,500,000 HVAC Control Upgrades and Standardization 500,775 500,775 - - - - - - - - 500,775 Facilities Maintenance Total 3,793,176 4,293,176 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 8,293,176 Fleet Maintenance Facility Improvement or Replacement - - - 560,000 - - - - - - 560,000 Fleet Maintenance Total - - - 560,000 - - - - - - 560,000 HARTS Vehicle Replacement - - - 126,165 129,949 133,848 - 141,879 146,135 150,519 828,495 HARTS Vehicle Replacement Capital Reserve Fund - - - 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 840,000 Harentt Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Total - - - 246,165 249,949 253,848 120,000 261,879 266,135 270,519 1,668,495 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 77 summary Project cost22 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Total Cost of each Project by Year PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 Camera Upgrades 453,124 453,124 - - - - - - - - 453,124 Child Nutrition Freezer/Cooler - - 4,294,035 - - - - - - - 4,294,035 Early College at Dunn Relocation/Renovation - 27,448 537,552 - - - - - - - 565,000 Electronic Door Locks 355,332 355,332 - - - - - - - - 355,332 Flatwoods Middle School - 1,200,000 1,380,365 53,826,704 30,322,841 - - - - - 86,729,910 Harnett County Schools Maintenance Fund - 4,241,415 1,400,000 2,775,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 16,816,415 Johnsonville Elementary School Phase 1 Expansion & Renovation 5,100,000 5,100,000 - - - - - - - - 5,100,000 Lillington-Shawtown Elementary School Gym Addition - - 7,285,000 - - - - - - - 7,285,000 New Northwest Harnett Elementary School 45,802,344 45,802,344 - - - - - - - - 45,802,344 Resurfacing of Rubberized Tracks - - - 162,998 375,346 - - - - - 538,344 Weapons Detection Systems 3,977,247 3,977,247 - - - - - - - - 3,977,247 Harnett County Schools Total 55,688,047 61,156,910 14,896,952 56,764,702 32,098,187 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 171,916,751 Detention Center Body Scanner System 166,000 - 166,000 - - - - - - - 166,000 Generator Purchase and Installation 2,700,000 - 2,700,000 - - - - - - - 2,700,000 Sheriff Capital Reserve Appropriation - 3,930,591 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 9,130,591 Harnett County Sheriff Total 2,866,000 3,930,591 3,516,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 11,996,591 Apron Expansion 5,110,473 5,110,473 - - - - - - - - 5,110,473 Fuel Tank Replacement - - 1,096,667 1,153,517 - - - - - - 2,250,184 Harnett Regional Jetport Master Plan Update 414,357 414,357 - - - - - - - - 414,357 New Terminal Construction 6,391,150 6,870,096 374,325 - - - - - - - 7,244,421 Runway Extension 15,600,000 - 1,730,000 13,870,000 - - - - - - 15,600,000 Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) Total 27,515,980 12,394,926 3,200,992 15,023,517 - - - - - - 30,619,435 Broadband Expansion Initiative 4,735,000 4,735,000 1,393,626 - - - - - - - 6,128,626 Core Server Infrastructure Upgrade/Replacement 1,736,753 789,433 - - 947,320 - - - - - 1,736,753 Core Storage Infrastructure Upgrade/Replacement 500,000 - - 500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 Information Technology Total 6,971,753 5,524,433 1,393,626 500,000 947,320 - - - - - 8,365,379 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 78 summary Project costHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 23 Total Cost of each Project by Year PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 Anderson Creek Park Development Phase 2 235,000 208,263 - - - - - - - - 208,263 Anderson Creek Park Development Phase 3 - - - 140,612 - - - - - - 140,612 Benhaven Community Park Redevelopment 242,500 242,965 - - - - - - - - 242,965 Boone Trail Park Development Phase 1 135,000 15,020 119,980 - - - - - - - 135,000 Boone Trail Park Development Phase 2 - - - - - - - - - 478,305 478,305 Cape Fear Shiner Park Development Phase 2 780,379 - 517,779 262,600 - - - - - - 780,379 Greenway Trail Construction Capital Reserve Appropriation - 365,000 218,762 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,283,762 Neills Creek Park Development Master Plan and Park Development Phase 1 1,309,400 52,893 66,207 1,387,822 - - - - - - 1,506,922 Neills Creek Park Restroom, Concession & Maintenance Building 444,225 - 109,225 335,000 - - - - - - 444,225 Northwest Harnett Park Development 1,441,100 - 65,000 - 561,500 816,000 - - - - 1,442,500 Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Appropriation - 1,750,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 3,350,000 Patriots Park Development Phase 3 210,000 4,350 205,650 - - - - - - - 210,000 Shawtown Community Park Development 217,500 220,025 - - - - - - - - 220,025 Parks & Recreation Total 5,015,104 2,858,516 1,502,603 2,426,034 861,500 1,116,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 778,305 10,442,958 Benhaven Branch Library 406,728 344,240 - - - - - - - - 344,240 Mobile Outreach Vehicle - - - - 283,220 32,385 - - - - 315,605 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Installation in Branches - - - 137,845 - - - - - - 137,845 Public Library Total 406,728 344,240 - 137,845 283,220 32,385 - - - - 797,690 Grand Total 126,163,752 100,723,562 31,237,563 84,396,346 45,886,257 5,849,187 4,885,223 6,924,571 6,166,705 9,200,800 295,270,214 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 79 summary Project cost24 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Total Cost of each Project by Year PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 Northwest Convenience Center Relocation 513,581 165,108 345,990 10,406 - - - - - - 521,504 Solid Waste Total 513,581 165,108 345,990 10,406 - - - - - - 521,504 Grand Total 513,581 165,108 345,990 10,406 - - - - - - 521,504 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 80 Summary Funding Source HCBOC 120224 Pg. 81 summary FundInG source26 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Funding Sources The table below shows a summary of the funding sources for CIP projects by year. The major revenue sources are installment and other debt, capital reserves, and grants. PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 Capital Reserves 32,341 32,341 - - - - - - - - 32,341 Debt Proceeds 9,183,735 224,295 - 4,262,878 4,696,562 - - - - - 9,183,735 Animal Services Total 9,216,076 256,636 - 4,262,878 4,696,562 - - - - - 9,216,076 Capital Reserves 210,000 - 210,000 - - - - - - - 210,000 CCCC Capital Reserves 3,529,001 - - - 1,648,081 - - 1,880,920 - - 3,529,001 Transfer from General Fund - - 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 200,000 200,000 3,934,000 Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) Total 3,739,001 - 799,000 589,000 2,237,081 589,000 589,000 2,469,920 200,000 200,000 7,673,001 Capital Reserves - - 200,000 - - - - - - - 200,000 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 130,000 - 930,000 - - - - - - - 930,000 Transfer from General Fund 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - - - 50,000 Cooperative Extension Total 180,000 - 1,180,000 - - - - - - - 1,180,000 Capital Reserves 1,200,000 67,985 1,132,015 - - - - - - - 1,200,000 Department of Social Services (DSS) Total 1,200,000 67,985 1,132,015 - - - - - - - 1,200,000 Capital Reserves 219,000 197,895 31,105 - - - - - - - 229,000 Debt Proceeds - - 154,872 291,872 291,872 - - - - - 738,616 Grants, Gifts, Etc. - - 619,488 1,167,488 1,167,488 - - - - - 2,954,464 Development Services Total 219,000 197,895 805,465 1,459,360 1,459,360 - - - - - 3,922,080 Capital Reserves 396,100 - 396,100 - - - - - - - 396,100 EMS Capital Reserves 1,774,379 1,825,846 814,810 426,845 1,053,078 457,954 476,223 492,772 2,000,570 501,976 8,050,074 Transfer from General Fund - 690,000 1,100,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 7,740,000 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Total 2,170,479 2,515,846 2,310,910 1,276,845 1,903,078 1,307,954 1,326,223 1,342,772 2,850,570 1,351,976 16,186,174 ARP Fund 7,182,408 7,182,408 - - - - - - - - 7,182,408 Transfer from Radio Project Cap Reserves - - - - - - - - - 4,050,000 4,050,000 Emergency Services Total 7,182,408 7,182,408 - - - - - - - 4,050,000 11,232,408 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 82 summary FundInG sourceHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 27 Funding Sources The table below shows a summary of the funding sources for CIP projects by year. The major revenue sources are installment and other debt, capital reserves, and grants. PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 Capital Reserves 660,496 617,679 - - - - - - - - 617,679 Facilities Capital Reserves 500,775 500,775 - - - - - - - - 500,775 General Fund Operating Revenue - 57,959 - - - - - - - - 57,959 General Obligation Bonds 1,900,000 1,900,000 - - - - - - - - 1,900,000 Interest 546,130 546,130 - - - - - - - - 546,130 SCIF Fund 185,775 170,633 - - - - - - - - 170,633 Transfer from General Fund - 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 4,500,000 Facilities Maintenance Total 3,793,176 4,293,176 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 8,293,176 Capital Reserves - - - 560,000 - - - - - - 560,000 Fleet Maintenance Total - - - 560,000 - - - - - - 560,000 General Fund Operating Revenue - - - 32,971 32,971 32,971 - 32,971 32,971 32,971 197,826 HARTS Capital Reserves - - - 93,194 96,978 100,877 - 108,908 113,164 117,548 630,669 Transfer from General Fund - - - 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 840,000 Harentt Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Total - - - 246,165 249,949 253,848 120,000 261,879 266,135 270,519 1,668,495 Capital Reserves - 4,241,415 1,400,000 1,562,998 1,775,346 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 15,979,759 Capital Reserves Fund Balance - - - 1,375,000 - - - - - - 1,375,000 Debt Proceeds 4,785,703 4,813,151 13,496,952 53,826,704 30,322,841 - - - - - 102,459,648 General Obligation Bonds 40,170,664 40,167,164 - - - - - - - - 40,167,164 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 10,000,000 10,000,000 - - - - - - - - 10,000,000 Lottery Proceeds 731,680 1,931,680 - - - - - - - - 1,931,680 Other - 3,500 - - - - - - - - 3,500 Harnett County Schools Total 55,688,047 61,156,910 14,896,952 56,764,702 32,098,187 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 171,916,751 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 2,866,000 - 2,866,000 - - - - - - - 2,866,000 Transfer from General Fund - 3,930,591 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 9,130,591 Harnett County Sheriff Total 2,866,000 3,930,591 3,516,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 11,996,591 Airport Capital Reserves 524,947 709,473 - - - - - - - - 709,473 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 26,599,883 11,351,083 2,975,535 15,023,517 - - - - - - 29,350,135 Interest 391,150 334,370 225,457 - - - - - - - 559,827 Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) Total 27,515,980 12,394,926 3,200,992 15,023,517 - - - - - - 30,619,435 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 83 summary FundInG source28 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Funding Sources The table below shows a summary of the funding sources for CIP projects by year. The major revenue sources are installment and other debt, capital reserves, and grants. PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 ARP Fund 750,000 750,000 593,626 - - - - - - - 1,343,626 General Fund Fund Balance 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - - - - - - - 2,000,000 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 1,985,000 1,985,000 800,000 - - - - - - - 2,785,000 Information Technology Fund 2,236,753 789,433 - 500,000 947,320 - - - - - 2,236,753 Information Technology Total 6,971,753 5,524,433 1,393,626 500,000 947,320 - - - - - 8,365,379 Capital Reserves - - 118,762 - - - - - - - 118,762 Debt Proceeds 444,225 - 109,225 335,000 - - - - - - 444,225 General Fund Fund Balance 1,616,900 - - 387,822 311,500 566,000 - - - - 1,265,322 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 250,000 250,000 - - - - 1,500,000 Parks Capital Reserves 1,031,154 172,593 648,986 403,212 - - - - - 478,305 1,703,096 SCIF Fund 922,825 570,923 325,630 - - - - - - - 896,553 Transfer from General Fund - 2,115,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 4,515,000 Parks & Recreation Total 5,015,104 2,858,516 1,502,603 2,426,034 861,500 1,116,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 778,305 10,442,958 Capital Reserves - - - 34,461 183,220 32,385 - - - - 250,066 Debt Proceeds 115,589 115,589 - - - - - - - - 115,589 General Fund Fund Balance 281,139 - - - - - - - - - - Grants, Gifts, Etc. 10,000 10,000 - 103,384 100,000 - - - - - 213,384 Interest - 218,651 - - - - - - - - 218,651 Public Library Total 406,728 344,240 - 137,845 283,220 32,385 - - - - 797,690 Grand Total 126,163,752 100,723,562 31,237,563 84,396,346 45,886,257 5,849,187 4,885,223 6,924,571 6,166,705 9,200,800 295,270,214 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 84 summary FundInG sourceHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 29 Funding Sources The table below shows a summary of the funding sources for CIP projects by year. The major revenue sources are installment and other debt, capital reserves, and grants. PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 Solid Waste Capital Reserve 513,581 165,108 345,990 10,406 - - - - - - 521,504 Solid Waste Total 513,581 165,108 345,990 10,406 - - - - - - 521,504 Grand Total 513,581 165,108 345,990 10,406 - - - - - - 521,504 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 85 Summary Operating Effect HCBOC 120224 Pg. 86 summary oPeratInG eFFectHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 31 operating Budget effects The table below shows the combined effect on the operating budget of the recommended projects for the next seven years. Operating effects include debt service, increased operating costs, decreased operating costs, additional revenues, and appropriation of revenue necessary to fund the project. PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 Debt Service - - - - - 1,000,000 975,000 950,000 925,000 900,000 4,750,000 Increased Operating Costs - - - - - 576,154 570,770 584,232 598,050 612,235 2,941,441 Animal Services Total - - - - - 1,576,154 1,545,770 1,534,232 1,523,050 1,512,235 7,691,441 Transfer from General Fund - - 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 200,000 200,000 3,934,000 Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) Total - - 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 200,000 200,000 3,934,000 Decreased Costs - (154,421) (52,107) (48,307) (58,307) (58,307) (58,307) (58,307) (60,207) (58,307) (606,577) Increased Operating Costs - - 8,200 3,296 3,395 3,497 3,602 3,710 3,821 3,936 33,457 Transfer from General Fund - 690,000 1,100,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 7,740,000 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Total - 535,579 1,056,093 804,989 795,088 795,190 795,295 795,403 793,614 795,629 7,166,880 Decreased Costs - - - - - - - - - (79,168) (79,168) Transfer from General Fund - - - 675,000 675,000 675,000 675,000 675,000 675,000 - 4,050,000 Emergency Services Total - - - 675,000 675,000 675,000 675,000 675,000 675,000 (79,168) 3,970,832 Debt Service - 754,249 137,115 132,475 127,835 123,195 117,968 114,303 92,188 - 1,599,328 General Fund Operating Revenue - 57,959 - - - - - - - - 57,959 Increased Operating Costs - 185,161 54,388 55,806 57,264 58,762 60,301 61,521 62,776 - 595,979 Transfer from General Fund - 578,433 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 4,578,433 Facilities Maintenance Total - 1,575,802 691,503 688,281 685,099 681,957 678,269 675,824 654,964 500,000 6,831,699 Increased Operating Costs - - - 8,355 7,679 7,919 8,146 8,391 8,642 8,902 58,034 Fleet Maintenance Total - - - 8,355 7,679 7,919 8,146 8,391 8,642 8,902 58,034 Transfer from General Fund - - - 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 840,000 Harentt Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Total - - - 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 840,000 Debt Service - 8,526,780 3,450,750 11,893,250 11,572,000 11,250,750 10,929,500 10,608,250 10,287,000 9,965,750 88,484,030 Transfer from General Fund - 3,251,415 410,000 410,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 12,471,415 Harnett County Schools Total - 11,778,195 3,860,750 12,303,250 12,972,000 12,650,750 12,329,500 12,008,250 11,687,000 11,365,750 100,955,445 Transfer from General Fund - 3,930,591 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 9,130,591 Harnett County Sheriff Total - 3,930,591 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 9,130,591 Increased Operating Costs - - - 1,000 1,030 1,061 1,093 1,126 1,159 1,194 7,663 Transfer from General Fund - 8,499 - - - - - - - - 8,499 Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) Total - 8,499 - 1,000 1,030 1,061 1,093 1,126 1,159 1,194 16,162 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 87 summary oPeratInG eFFect32 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 operating Budget effects The table below shows the combined effect on the operating budget of the recommended projects for the next seven years. Operating effects include debt service, increased operating costs, decreased operating costs, additional revenues, and appropriation of revenue necessary to fund the project. PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 Transfer from General Fund - 789,433 - - - - - - - - 789,433 Information Technology Total - 789,433 - - - - - - - - 789,433 Decreased Costs 3,500 750 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 4,750 Increased Operating Costs 13,950 11,616 13,410 25,523 42,397 31,368 34,272 40,519 43,286 48,422 290,813 Transfer from General Fund - 2,115,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 4,515,000 Parks & Recreation Total 17,450 2,127,366 313,910 326,023 342,897 331,868 334,772 341,019 343,786 348,922 4,810,563 Increased Operating Costs - 69,725 135,310 144,091 151,492 316,746 327,853 339,351 351,285 363,641 2,199,494 Public Library Total - 69,725 135,310 144,091 151,492 316,746 327,853 339,351 351,285 363,641 2,199,494 Grand Total 17,450 20,815,190 7,296,566 16,309,989 16,989,285 18,395,645 18,054,698 17,737,596 17,008,500 15,787,105 148,394,574 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 88 summary oPeratInG eFFectHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 33 operating Budget effects The table below shows the combined effect on the operating budget of the recommended projects for the next seven years. Operating effects include debt service, increased operating costs, decreased operating costs, additional revenues, and appropriation of revenue necessary to fund the project. PRoJeCT BUdGeT Budget Fiscal Year TotalPrior to 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: 2026 Year 2: 2027 Year 3: 2028 Year 4: 2029 Year 5: 2030 Year 6: 2031 Year 7: 2032 Decreased Costs (15,000) - - (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (17,500) Transfer from Solid Waste Fund 513,581 513,581 - - - - - - - - 513,581 Solid Waste Total 498,581 513,581 - (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) 496,081 Grand Total 498,581 513,581 - (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) 496,081 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 89 Completed Projects HCBOC 120224 Pg. 90 comPleted ProjectsHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 35 Completed Projects in Prior Fiscal Year The following projects were completed as of June 30, 2024. Project name department description Final Project Budget Final Cost Completion date Anderson Creek Park Development Phase 2 Parks & Recreation Develop Phase 2 of Anderson Creek Park, located at 1491 Nursery Rd, Lillington, by constructing mountain biking trails. $235,000 $208,263 9/15/2023 Apron Expansion Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) Construct a 144,000-square-foot expansion of the HRJ Apron, located at 615 Airport Road, Erwin to provide adequate space for parking, loading, unloading, and refueling of larger planes used by many businesses. The expansion will allow larger aircraft to land at the jetport and access services safely. $5,110,473 $5,110,473 4/30/2024 Benhaven (former) School Renovation Facilities Maintenance Renovate the former Benhaven School campus, located at 2815 Olivia Road, Sanford, to allow for reuse by various county functions, an early college, and community partner organizations. First, focus on stabilizing the roofs and HVAC systems to maintain current facilities and prevent further deterioration following Harnett County Schools vacating the campus in preparation for renovation. Second, prepare site for use by early college, Harnett County Library, and Parks & Recreation by demolishing the cafeteria building and adding parking where the building once stood, and renovating the gymnasium and attached classrooms for use as an early college. Finally, in a future phase, for which funding has not been identified, develop a more detailed scope, and obtain cost estimates for the renovating of the remaining buildings on the campus. $3,292,401 $3,292,401 2/28/2024 Benhaven Branch Library Public Library Utilize the former and newly renovated Benhaven Elementary School Media Center located at 2815 Olivia Road, Sanford as a full-service public library and resource center for the community and early college students. $406,728 $344,240 2/28/2024 Benhaven Community Park Redevelopment Parks & Recreation Rehabilitate existing ball fields and construct a playground and a picnic shelter at the Old Benhaven School, located at 2815 Olivia Road, Sanford to address recreation needs and safety concerns. $242,500 $242,965 6/30/2024 Camera Upgrades Harnett County Schools Upgrade remaining security cameras at 13 schools to newer digital technology. $453,124 $453,124 8/30/23 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 91 36 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Emergency (VIPER) Radios Replacement Emergency Services Replace 521 mobile and 517 portable VIPER radios for Harnett County Emergency Services, Fire Departments, Sheriff’s Office, Harnett Area Rural Transportation System (HARTS), and Harnett Regional Water (HRW) before July 1, 2025. $5,611,099 $5,611,099 8/30/23 HVAC Control Upgrades and Standardization Facilities Maintenance Acquire software to upgrade and standardize all HVAC controls in the Health Science, Tax and Register of Deeds, Courthouse, and Government Complex buildings. $500,775 $500,775 6/30/24 Shawtown Community Park Development Parks & Recreation Develop next set of improvements at the park located on the former Shawtown School site, 645 Shawtown Road, Lillington. Improved amenities include a walking trail, fitness stations, playground, and picnic shelter. $217,500 $220,025 3/30/24 Weapons Detection Systems Harnett County Schools Purchase and install Weapons Detection Systems at all 29 Harnett County Schools. $3,977,247 $3,977,247 12/31/23 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 92 comPleted ProjectsHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 37 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 93 Functional Areas HCBOC 120224 Pg. 94 FunctIonal areasHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 39 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 95 Culture & Recreation HCBOC 120224 Pg. 96 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 41 Project name Anderson Creek Park development (Future Phases) Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Future Project Type Park description:Continue to develop the remaining 800 acres of Anderson Creek Park, located at 1491 Nursery Rd, Lillington, as a large passive recreation park. The remaining elements to be constructed include equestrian trails, additional walking trails, additional parking, additional picnic shelters, another playground, interpretive signage, and a staff building. Utilizing a state grant, the county has already developed 200 acres, including a roadway, disc golf, picnic shelter, playground, three miles of walking trails, two miles of mountain biking trails, nature education, and a pond overlook. Phase 2 was also completed in 2023 with mountain biking trails and additional parking. Project Justification:The county purchased this tract from Harnett Forward Together Committee (HFTC) and is paying itself back through recreation fees collected in the area. The deed contained a restriction that the tract must be used for a park, public education, YMCA, forestry services or wildlife managment services. Fifty acres of the site has been reserved for a future school site and NC Forestry may locate here as well. The size of the park is conducive to constructing a regional park that will attract visitors from surrounding counties and could be an economic development driver. The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is a detailed analysis of the supply and demand of outdoor recreation resources in NC. SCORP ranks NC counties by current supply of recreation resources and provides a benchmark for how county recreational resources rank among the 100 counties. Harnett County currently ranks 90th in picnic shelters, 88th in playgrounds, and 51st in trail miles (this high only because of Raven Rock State Park). In 2009 a master plan of the park was developed calling for the existing and future amenities. Alternatives:• Do nothing. If nothing is done, the county will continue to operate the park as is, but it will likely not have the regional draw that would generate economic development. • Fund improvements incrementally through the parks fund. This approach will avoid the necessity of applying for grant funds, but it will take a long time to complete the amenities identified for this park, especially considering the numerous other parks currently in development in the county. • Apply for PARTF funding from the state for a 50% match. This option provides the most resources, but may not be the best use of PARTF, as there are higher priorities for constructing parks (this is 7 out of 10 for the department). HCBOC 120224 Pg. 97 culture & recreatIon42 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Recommended Solution:It is recommended to acquire cost estimates and planning documentation for the development of equestrian trails and other facilities. Currently, the county lacks funding to move ahead with the full future phase of the project. Until that is addressed, we should continue to make improvements using the park fund. Relation to other Projects: Since the project will be developed as funding from the Park Reserve is available, all parks funded in this way are competing for the same small amount of funding. Current Stage of Project:Phase 3, replacement of existing playground, is being requested for funding in FY 2026. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 98 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 43 Project name Anderson Creek Park development Phase 2 Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Completed – Prior Fiscal Year Project Type Park description:Develop Phase 2 of Anderson Creek Park, located at 1491 Nursery Rd, Lillington, by constructing mountain biking trails. Project Justification:The county purchased this tract from Harnett Forward Together Committee (HFTC) and is paying itself back through recreation fees collected in the area. The deed contained a restriction that the tract must be used for a park, public education, YMCA, forestry services or wildlife managment services. Fifty acres of the site has been reserved for a future school site and NC Forestry may locate here as well. The size of the park is conducive to constructing a regional park that will attract visitors from surrounding counties and could be an economic development driver. The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is a detailed analysis of the supply and demand of outdoor recreation resources in NC. SCORP ranks NC counties by current supply of recreation resources and provides a benchmark for how county recreational resources rank among the 100 counties. Harnett County currently ranks 90th in picnic shelters, 88th in playgrounds, and 51st in trail miles (this high only because of Raven Rock State Park). The mountain biking trails would be the first in the County except for the trails that recently opened at Raven Rock State Park. The proposed mountain biking trail would add over 2 miles of biking trails within the county. Alternatives:• Do nothing. If nothing is done, the county will continue to operate the park as is, but it will likely not have the regional draw that would generate economic development. • Fund improvements incrementally through the parks fund. This approach will avoid the necessity of applying for grant funds, but it will take a long time to complete the amenities identified for this park, especially considering the numerous other parks currently in development in the county. • Apply for PARTF funding from the state for a 50% match. The option provides the most resources, but may not be the best use of PARTF, as there are higher priorities for constructing parks (this is 4 out of 10 for the department).HCBOC 120224 Pg. 99 culture & recreatIon44 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Recommended Solution:Utilizing the SCIF Fund, develop Phase 2 by constructing mountain biking trails. Relation to other Projects: Since the project will be developed as funding from the Park Reserve is available, all parks funded in this way are competing for the same small amount of funding. Current Stage of Project:The construction of the mountain biking trails and supporting parking lot was completed in September 2023. The trails officially opened on September 15, 2023. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 100 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 45 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 235,000 208,263 - - - - - - - - 208,263 Total Project Cost 235,000 208,263 - - - - - - - - 208,263 Funding Source SCIF Fund 235,000 208,263 - - - - - - - - 208,263 Total Funding Source 235,000 208,263 - - - - - - - - 208,263 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - 1,800 2,569 4,116 5,058 2,807 4,432 2,339 3,699 2,157 28,977 Total operating effect - 1,800 2,569 4,116 5,058 2,807 4,432 2,339 3,699 2,157 28,977 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 101 culture & recreatIon46 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Anderson Creek Park development Phase 3 Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status New Project Type Park description:Replace the playground equipment at Anderson Creek Park, located at 1491 Nursery Rd, Lillington. Project Justification:The playground at Anderson Creek Park, constructed in 2014, has reached the end of its serviceable life. The wooden components, including locust, rhododendron, and treated lumber, have begun to show signs of rot and instability, posing potential safety risks to users. Given the high usage of this popular park amenity, replacing the deteriorating equipment is imperative to maintain a safe and enjoyable recreational space for the community. Alternatives:• Do nothing. If nothing is done, the playground will continue to deteriorate and no longer be a safe activity for park visitors. • Close playground elements when they become unsafe or structurally compromised. Elements will either be demolished or repaired using new materials by staff. • Contract with original playground builder to make repairs and increase structural integrity ($60,000 estimate by Asheville Playgrounds) • Demolish and replace with commercial nature-themed playground for more longevity and easier repair and maintenance. Recommended Solution: Demolish and replace the existing playground with a commercial nature-themed playground funded with the Parks Capital Reserve Fund. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 102 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 47 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction ---140,612 ------140,612 Total Project Cost ---140,612 ------140,612 Funding Source Parks Capital Reserves ---140,612 ------140,612 Total Funding Source ---140,612 ------140,612 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 103 culture & recreatIon48 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Benhaven Community Park Redevelopment Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Completed – Prior Fiscal Year Project Type Park description:Rehabilitate existing ball fields and construct a playground and a picnic shelter at the Old Benhaven School, located at 2815 Olivia Road, Sanford to address recreation needs and safety concerns. Project Justification:The county took over ownership of old Benhaven School building and grounds in 2019 following the construction of the new Benhaven Elementary School. In addition to other proposed facilities described in the Benhaven project, the county proposed using the grounds for a community park. The existing ball fields and former playground area provide open space but need renovation due to deterioration and present safety issues, such as sharp, rusted fences and faulty playground equipment. Alternatives:• Do nothing. • Wait to develop the park site in the future, allowing existing facilities to continue to deteriorate. • Remove current fencing, ballfield items, and faulty playground equipment to eliminate safety hazards and provide open green space. • Use the Parks Fund to rehabilitate the existing ballfields and playground for public use. Recommended Solution:Use the Parks Fund to rehabilitate the existing ballfields and playground for public use. operating Impact:The project has minimal impact on the operating budget. Maintenance of the grounds is already being managed by the Parks & Recreation Department. There will be a slight increase to landscaping supplies. Programming and staffing of this facility have been added to the FY2023 budget. Relation to other Projects: Since the project will be developed as funding from the Park Reserve is available, all parks funded in this way are competing for the same small amount of funding. Current Stage of Project:The rehabilitation and renovation of Benhaven Community Park have been completed. The ballfields, playground, picnic shelter, and walking trail are now open to the public. The playground and picnic shelter opened in September 2023, while the walking trail was finalized in June 2024. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 104 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 49 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 242,500 242,965 - - - - - - - - 242,965 Total Project Cost 242,500 242,965 - - - - - - - - 242,965 Funding Source SCIF Fund 242,500 242,965 - - - - - - - - 242,965 Total Funding Source 242,500 242,965 - - - - - - - - 242,965 operating effect Decreased Costs 3,500 750 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 4,750 Increased Operating Costs 13,950 2,831 1,963 2,022 2,082 2,145 2,209 2,275 2,344 2,414 20,285 Total operating effect 17,450 3,581 2,463 2,522 2,582 2,645 2,709 2,775 2,844 2,914 25,035 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 105 culture & recreatIon50 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Boone Trail Park development (Future Phases) Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Future Project Type Park description:Develop a park at the site of the old Boone Trail School, located at 8500 Old Highway 421, Lillington, that was destroyed by fire in May 2019. An initial concept plan developed with input from the community included a renovated entryway monument, memorial walkway, amphitheater, basketball court, picnic shelter, restroom facility, and walking trail. Project Justification:Harnett County owns 13.5 acres where the old Boone Trail School was located before being destroyed by fire. Of that amount, 6.25 acres have already been developed into the Boone Trail Community Center & Library and include active park amenities. The community would like the remaining portion of the property developed into a park. The burned building was demolished in September 2019. The additional land will increase the park acreage per citizen of Harnett County. The planned amphitheater will be the first for Harnett County Parks & Recreation. The amphitheater will also increase the programming opportunities within the department. The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is a detailed analysis of the supply and demand of outdoor recreation resources in NC. SCORP ranks NC counties by current supply of recreation resources and provides a benchmark for how county recreational resources rank among the 100 counties. Harnett County currently ranks 90th in picnic shelters and 79th in athletic courts. A cost estimate was completed in January 2023. Total completion of planned amenities is estimated at $5.9 million. Alternatives:• Do nothing. This option fails to address the community’s interest in seeing the old school site repurposed for community needs. • Renovate the old school that was preserved during the school renovation and save the park development for future development. Again this fails to address the community’s interest. • Construct the amenities listed above with proceeds from the Parks Fund in phases as funds are available. Recommended Solution:Using Parks Fund to build the park over multiple phases is recommended. Preliminary discussions with the community have taken place and there is interest in community-driven fundraising efforts to offset some of the costs of the park or to provide additional amenities not included in the county’s scope. Relation to other Projects: Since the project will be developed as funding from the Park Reserve is available, all parks funded in this way are competing for the same small amount of funding. The park would be adjacent to the Boone Trail Community Center and Library, which opened in the spring of 2017. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 106 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 51 Current Stage of Project:Parks & Recreation is currently in the process of designing and renovating the entryway monument (Phase 1). A Request for Bids for construction is due Nov 15th. This project is being funded by SCIF (State Capital Improvement Fund). Phase 2 is currently being requested for funding in FY32 for the development of the amphitheatre, sidewalks, additional parking, site grading. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 107 culture & recreatIon52 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Boone Trail Park development Phase 1 Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Park description:Develop Phase 1 of the Boone Trail Park, located at 8500 Old Highway 421, Lillington by stabilizing and rebuilding the entryway monument. Future Phases will address the concept plan, developed with input from the community, to include a memorial walkway, amphitheater, basketball court, picnic shelter, restroom facility, and walking trail. Project Justification:Harnett County owns 13.5 acres where the old Boone Trail School was located before being destroyed by fire. Of that amount, 6.25 acres have already been developed into the Boone Trail Community Center & Library and include active park amenities. The community would like the remaining portion of the property developed into a park. The burned building was demolished in September 2019. The additional land will increase the park acreage per citizen of Harnett County. The planned amphitheater will be the first for Harnett County Parks & Recreation. The amphitheater will also increase the programming opportunities within the department. The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is a detailed analysis of the supply and demand of outdoor recreation resources in NC. SCORP ranks NC counties by current supply of recreation resources and provides a benchmark for how county recreational resources rank among the 100 counties. Harnett County currently ranks 90th in picnic shelters and 79th in athletic courts. Alternatives:• Do nothing. This option fails to address the community’s interest in seeing the old school site repurposed for community needs and allows the remaining school entryway to continue to deteriorate. • Renovate the old school entryway that was preserved during the school renovation and save the park development for future development. Again, this fails to address the community’s interest. • Construct the amenities listed above with proceeds from the Parks Fund in phases as funds are available. Recommended Solution:Utilizing SCIF Fund, develop Phase 1 by stabilizing and rebuilding an entryway monument. Relation to other Projects: Since the project will be developed as funding from the Park Reserve is available, all parks funded in this way are competing for the same small amount of funding. The park would be adjacent to the Boone Trail Community Center and Library, which opened in the spring of 2017. Current Stage of Project:The Request for Bids for Phase 1 construction of Boone Trail Park is currently open, with bids due November 15th. Construction is expected to begin in early 2025. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 108 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 53 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 135,000 - 108,530 - - - - - - - 108,530 Contingency - - 10,450 - - - - - - - 10,450 Engineering - 15,020 1,000 - - - - - - - 16,020 Total Project Cost 135,000 15,020 119,980 - - - - - - - 135,000 Funding Source SCIF Fund 135,000 15,020 119,980 - - - - - - - 135,000 Total Funding Source 135,000 15,020 119,980 - - - - - - - 135,000 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - 200 206 212 219 225 232 239 246 253 2,032 Total operating effect - 200 206 212 219 225 232 239 246 253 2,032 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 109 culture & recreatIon54 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Boone Trail Park development Phase 2 Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status New Project Type Park description:Develop Phase 2 of the Boone Trail Park, located at 8500 Old Highway 421, Lillington, which will consist of new park amenities including additional parking, amphitheater, sidewalks, general grading and sitework, landscaping, and signage. Project Justification:Harnett County owns 13.5 acres where the old Boone Trail School was located before being destroyed by fire. Of that amount, 6.25 acres have already been developed into the Boone Trail Community Center & Library and include active park amenities. The community would like the remaining portion of the property developed into a park. The burned building was demolished in September 2019. The additional land will increase the park acreage per citizen of Harnett County. The planned amphitheater will be the first for Harnett County Parks & Recreation. The amphitheater will also increase the programming opportunities within the department. The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is a detailed analysis of the supply and demand of outdoor recreation resources in NC. SCORP ranks NC counties by current supply of recreation resources and provides a benchmark for how county recreational resources rank among the 100 counties. Harnett County currently ranks 90th in picnic shelters and 79th in athletic courts. Alternatives:-Do nothing. This option fails to address the community’s interest in seeing the old school site repurposed for community needs. -Complete Phase 1 of the park and leave the rest of the site as open space. -Continue to build the Park in a phased approach based on the concept plan approved by the community using the Parks Capital Reserve Fund. Recommended Solution: Continue to build the Boone Trail Park in a phased approach based on the concept plan approved by the community using the Parks Capital Reserve Fund. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 110 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 55 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration ---------59,789 59,789 Construction ---------398,586 398,586 Contingency ---------19,930 19,930 Total Project Cost ---------478,305 478,305 Funding Source Parks Capital Reserves ---------478,305 478,305 Total Funding Source ---------478,305 478,305 operating effect Increased Operating Costs ---------5,203 5,203 Total operating effect ---------5,203 5,203 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 111 culture & recreatIon56 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Bunnlevel Community Park Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Future Project Type Park description:Develop a new community park in the Bunnlevel area to include a playground, picnic shelter, small open space, and parking area. Project Justification:The Bunnlevel community, currently underserved by park facilities, would greatly benefit from a new park. The lack of nearby recreational spaces within a five-mile radius hinders residents’ ability to enjoy outdoor activities and socialize with neighbors. Additionally, Harnett County’s 2020 ranking of 90th in picnic shelters and 88th in playgrounds, as outlined in the NC Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, further emphasizes the need for increased investment in park infrastructure to meet the growing recreational demands of the community. Alternatives:-Do nothing. Continue to not have a park in the community. -Plan for a new park through the Capital Improvement Program process, including public input. Recommended Solution: Plan for a new park through the Capital Improvement Program process, including public input. Relation to other Projects: Project relates to all other projects being funded with the Parks Capital Reserve Fund. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 112 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 57 Project name Cape Fear Shiner Park development Phase 2 Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Park description:Construct Phase 2 of the Cape Fear Shiner County Park, located at 350 Alexander Drive, Lillington, including a playground, a picnic shelter, and restroom facility. Project Justification:The 2017 Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan found that out of 100 counties Harnett County currently ranks 90th in picnic shelters and 88th in playgrounds. In order to develop Phase 1 of Cape Fear Shiner County Park, the County applied for a Parks and Recreation Trust Fund Grant and was awarded $400,000 in 2016. A match of $400,000 was required by the County. Funds were used to develop trails (asphalt, stone and boardwalk), multipurpose field, soccer field, two baseball fields, two overlook decks, a stone driveway and parking lot, signage, and a water access point. The PARTF project did not include several elements that would enhance the park experience for citizens. Currently, portable toilets are used in place of restroom facilities. Phase 2 will replace the portable toilets with a constructed restroom facility, as well as add a playground facility and picnic shelter. Alternatives:• Do nothing and continue the use of portable toilets to service the restroom needs at the park. • Use design and cost estimate from Neills Creek Park Restroom/Concession Building for planned funding. Build restroom facility, playground, and picnic shelter using General Fund Revenues or other available funds. • Build planned amenities in phases, spreading the requested funds over multiple fiscal years. • Apply for grant funding to leverage funds for planned amenities. Recommended Solution:Construct Phase 2 facilities including a playground, picnic shelter, and restroom facility. Relation to other Projects: Cape Fear Shiner Park Phase 1 was completed in 2020. Current Stage of Project:The project ordinance for Phase 2 of the Cape Fear Shiner Park development was presented to and approved by the Board of Commissioners (BOC) in November 2024. Beginning in December 2024, the project will move forward with the construction drawings for the playground, picnic shelter, and restroom facility. Due to the flood zone location, this process requires additional steps compared to previous in-house park projects. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 113 culture & recreatIon58 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration 115,779 - 115,779 - - - - - - - 115,779 Construction 664,600 - 402,000 262,600 - - - - - - 664,600 Total Project Cost 780,379 - 517,779 262,600 - - - - - - 780,379 Funding Source Parks Capital Reserves 780,379 - 517,779 262,600 - - - - - - 780,379 Total Funding Source 780,379 - 517,779 262,600 - - - - - - 780,379 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - - - 5,896 4,557 4,724 4,896 5,073 5,255 5,443 35,844 Total operating effect - - - 5,896 4,557 4,724 4,896 5,073 5,255 5,443 35,844 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 114 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 59 Project name Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Appropriation Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Reserve Fund description:Continue $200,000 annual appropriations to the Parks Fund. Funds are used for small projects at existing parks and for development of new parks and facilities. The funding allows many projects to be completed by county staff at a lower cost than if contracted. Funding will support the development of Patriots Park, Shawtown Community Park, Northwest Harnett Park, water access sites, and the Benhaven Community Park. Project Justification:Harnett County is deficient in parks and recreation facilities throughout the county. A funding source for the parks listed above is needed. Utilizing the Parks Fund, Parks and Recreation staff is able to complete much of the work in-house at a savings to the county. Alternatives:• Do nothing. If nothing is done, the parks listed above will not be constructed unless other funding sources are identified. • Seek PARTF and other large grants to build one park at a time. While this option allows one park to be completed every five to seven years, it does not address construction needed and promised facilities at all of the parks currently owned by Harnett County. In other words, funding will be focused on one park at a time, while others will not be developed in the short-term and must wait their turn for grant funding. Recommended Solution:Continue annual funding of the Parks Fund to allow for small projects throughout the county. operating Impact:Operating impact is shown in each capital project request. Current Stage of Project:Upcoming expenses from the Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund include engineering and cost estimates for future projects and water access site improvements. Additionally, funds will be allocated for the Master Planning of Northwest Harnett Park and grant fund matches for Neills Creek Park, Phase 1. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 115 culture & recreatIon60 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Transfer to Parks Capital Reserve - 1,750,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 3,350,000 Total Project Cost - 1,750,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 3,350,000 Funding Source Transfer from General Fund - 1,750,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 3,350,000 Total Funding Source - 1,750,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 3,350,000 operating effect Transfer from General Fund - 1,750,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 3,350,000 Total operating effect - 1,750,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 3,350,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 116 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 61 Project name Greenway Trail Construction Capital Reserve Appropriation Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Reserve Fund description:Annually, set aside funds for greenway construction after a greenway master plan has been developed. Leverage the county’s funds by seeking grant funds to offset costs. Where feasible, ask developers to construct portions of greenways in lieu of the recreation exaction fee. Project Justification:Harnett County’s only existing greenway trail is the seven-mile Dunn-Erwin Rail Trail. According to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, the county is deficient by 26 miles of greenways. With projected population growth, the county will be deficient by 36 miles in 2030. The 2015 Comprehensive Plan and 2017 Parks and Recreation Plan pointed to the need for more county greenways. Greenways are corridors of protected open space that often link nature preserves, parks, schools, and communities together. In 2017 when the Harnett County Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan was developed, an integrated system of trails and sidewalks was one of the key amenities that continued to be mentioned throughout public meeting. The statistically valid survey that was conducted as part of the Comprehensive Master Plan concluded that a Greenway Trail system was one of the top priorities of the county. The survey also concluded that walking for exercise was the highest program priority for adults and second highest for youth. National standards recommend 0.2 miles of greenway trails per 1,000 residents. Harnett County currently has 0.04 miles of greenway trail per 1,000 residents, which is only one-fifth of the national standard. Greenways are usable by all residents regardless of age, race, gender, or income level and provide direct physical and mental stimulation through physical exertion and engaging nature. Greenways promote healthy living, provide environmental benefits, and preserve nature. Greenways have the opportunity to increase property values and create economic impacts. A housing development in Apex, NC increased the price of the homes adjacent to the greenway by $5,000 and those homes were still the first to sell (Rails to Trails Conservancy: Economic Benefits of Trails and Greenways). Trail networks can also provide alternative transportation links to allow citizens to access parks, schools, and towns/cities without having to drive. A Greenway Master Plan should be the first step in addressing this need. The plan would identify specific greenway corridors. In doing so, it would allow the county to require land reservation or trail construction by developers (in lieu of paying recreation fees). It would also assist the county in determining where greenway connections should go as new developments continue to be built in portions of the county, specifically in northwest Harnett, where greenway connections could be made with Wake County’s greenway system. A Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenway Plan began in May 2020 and will be completed for board approval in November 2020. Beginning in FY 2021, the Parks and Recreation’s director request that a capital reserve be established for accumulating funds that could be used for greenway development. The fund would be used to match grants. The director is requesting approximately $150,000 to $200,000 per year. The state has estimated that on average greenways cost $1 million per mile to construct.HCBOC 120224 Pg. 117 culture & recreatIon62 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Alternatives:• Do nothing. If nothing is done, the County will continue to fall behind national standards for greenway trails, which provide higher quality of life for residents and have the potential to increase tourism. • Complete the master plan for greenway development, but delay setting aside funding. This action would likely cause land prices and development costs to increase in the future. Delaying funding also means the county might not be able to move forward with partnerships with developers and neighboring jurisdictions. • Complete the master plan and begin setting aside funds for greenway development. Recommended Solution:Completing the master plan and setting aside funds for greenway development beginning in FY 2021 is recommended. Actual greenway construction will be contingent on the county receiving matching grant funds. operating Impact:There is no current impact on the operating budget as no trails have been constructed or scheduled for construction in near future. Current Stage of Project:A Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenway Plan was completed and adopted by the Board of Commissioners in January 2021. Parks and Recreation and Development Services staff are working on implementing plan recommendations and preparing documentation for future greenway development funding. The first sections of side paths required through the county’s UDO has been installed on Hwy 210 and Hwy 27, and a sidewalk has been installed on Hwy 421 connecting Campbell University’s campus. A Great Trail State Program grant is being submitted with matching funds of $118,762 for the land acquisition of the South River Rd Greenway. A Feasibility Study for three greenway segments will also be developed in FY 2025 with this funding. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 118 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 63 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Feasibility Study - 65,000 - - - - - - - - 65,000 Transfer to Greenway Fund - 300,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,100,000 Grant Match - - 118,762 - - - - - - - 118,762 Total Project Cost - 365,000 218,762 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,283,762 Funding Source Transfer from General Fund - 365,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,165,000 Capital Reserves - - 118,762 - - - - - - - 118,762 Total Funding Source - 365,000 218,762 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,283,762 operating effect Transfer from General Fund - 365,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,165,000 Total operating effect - 365,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,165,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 119 culture & recreatIon64 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name neills Creek Park development master Plan and Park development Phase 1 Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Park description:Develop and renovate Neills Creek Park, located at 3885 Neill’s Creek Park, Angier. Develop a site master plan that will address improvements such as a new entrance from Hwy 210, a new parking lot, trails/sidewalks connecting amenities, restroom renovation, and field lighting. Project Justification:Neills Creek Park started development in 1978, which included two ballfields and tennis courts behind Harnett Central High School. The existing entrance into Neills Creek Park is through the main entrance of the high school. Since road access is through school property, the park cannot be used during school hours. In addition, park users must drive to the back of the school to enter the park. The only parking lot is near the high school softball field and the men’s softball field. The parking location provides little-to-no protection from foul balls, leaving visitors and spectators to park at their own risk. Park visitors and spectators may park in the school parking lots but requires a significant walk to the fields. The county expanded Neills Creek Park to the middle school, which includes two ballfields, a multiuse field, and tennis courts. The existing park entrance does not serve these areas. The middle school has no designated parking or handicap accessible routes to the park amenities. There is a tremendous number of requests to use the fields at the middle school, but the users are limited to daylight hours since there is no lighting on these fields. Alternatives:• Do nothing. Park visitors will continue to use the existing driveway through school property, which does not provide access to the expanded facilities recently constructed by the county. It also limits usage of the park to non-school hours and does not address additional field use requests. • Only install directional signage to inform park visitors of other middle school facilities. This option fails to address the lack of road/trail/ sidewalk connection between parking and the middle school fields and does not address additional field use requests. • Hire an engineering or design firm to complete a site master plan, with public input, to determine efficient and effective development and renovation of the park. Following the master plan, apply for PARTF and LWCF grants to assist in construction. • Construct a DOT-required turning lane on Hwy NC 210, a new road entrance into the park, and a parking lot that is more accessible to all park amenities.HCBOC 120224 Pg. 120 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 65 Recommended Solution:Using the Parks Fund, hire an engineering or design firm to develop a site master plan, with public input, to determine development and renovation needs for the park. Following the master plan, apply for PARTF and LWCF grants to assist with construction costs. Relation to other Projects: This project relates to the Neills Creek Park Restroom and Concession Building project. Current Stage of Project:The Site Master Plan was completed in March 2024, and a Land and Water Trust Fund Grant was submitted for $500,000 of grant funding in August. A Parks and Recreation Trust Fund grant application will be submitted in May 2025 for an additional $500,000 of grant funding. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 121 culture & recreatIon66 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 1,046,000 --1,039,150 ------1,039,150 Contingency 70,000 --265,149 ------265,149 Engineering 128,400 -43,600 83,523 ------127,123 Feasibility Study 65,000 52,893 22,607 -------75,500 Total Project Cost 1,309,400 52,893 66,207 1,387,822 ------1,506,922 Funding Source General Fund Fund Balance 739,400 --387,822 ------387,822 Grants, Gifts, Etc.500,000 --1,000,000 ------1,000,000 Parks Capital Reserves 70,000 52,893 66,207 -------119,100 Total Funding Source 1,309,400 52,893 66,207 1,387,822 ------1,506,922 operating effect Increased Operating Costs ---3,100 13,400 3,721 4,065 11,432 11,827 12,249 59,794 Total operating effect ---3,100 13,400 3,721 4,065 11,432 11,827 12,249 59,794 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 122 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 67 Project name neills Creek Park Restroom, Concession & maintenance Building Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Approved-Contracts Let Project Type Park description:Construct a new restroom, concession, and maintenance storage building adjacent to the Neills Creek Park Middle School athletic fields and tennis courts, located at 3885 Neills Creek Road, Angier to serve the school’s athletic teams and residents using the facility. Project Justification:The County expanded Neills Creek Park to include the baseball, softball, and soccer practice fields in 2018. The tennis courts were relocated to the property in 2019. Since these facilities were opened, the Parks and Recreation Department has seen increased use of the park. The baseball field has been rented 432.5 hours, the softball field has been rented 427.5 hours, and the multipurpose/soccer field has been rented 74 hours. Supporting facilities are inadequate: Portable restrooms provide restroom facilities, and the concessions stand is a storage shed. The Parks and Recreation Department also needs to store maintenance equipment at the site to service the park. Alternatives:• Do nothing and continue to serve the park with the existing restrooms and concession stand. • Select a design firm to complete site analysis and develop a detailed cost estimate. Once a cost estimate has been obtained, submit the project for funding in the CIP. • Secure grant funding to move forward with the design and construction of the building. Recommended Solution:Construct a restroom, concession and maintenance building at Neills Creek Park. Relation to other Projects: The project relates to the Neills Creek Park Master Plan and future renovations. Current Stage of Project:A design/build contract for the Neills Creek Park Restroom, Concession, and Maintenance Building was signed in January 2023. The design phase was completed in August 2023, and construction was originally scheduled to begin in October 2023. Unfortunately, recent sub-contractor bids have come in significantly higher than anticipated, up to 194% over budget. As a result, the project is currently on hold until we secure additional funding or see a decrease in construction costs. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 123 culture & recreatIon68 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration 109,225 - 109,225 - - - - - - - 109,225 Construction 335,000 - - 335,000 - - - - - - 335,000 Total Project Cost 444,225 - 109,225 335,000 - - - - - - 444,225 Funding Source Debt Proceeds 444,225 - 109,225 335,000 - - - - - - 444,225 Total Funding Source 444,225 - 109,225 335,000 - - - - - - 444,225 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - 2,725 5,450 5,686 5,932 6,191 6,463 6,748 7,046 7,360 53,601 Total operating effect - 2,725 5,450 5,686 5,932 6,191 6,463 6,748 7,046 7,360 53,601 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 124 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 69 Project name northwest Harnett Park development Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Park description:Develop Northwest Harnett Park, located at 1975 Oakridge River Road, Fuquay-Varina. Facilities will be determined through the site master plan process but are projected to include a ballfield, picnic shelter, playground, walking trail, fitness stations and bicycle pump track. Project Justification:Harnett County purchased this 28-acre tract in northwest Harnett with the stated intent of building a convenience center, park, and emergency communications tower. During a public meeting held as part of the conditional use permit for the convenience center, residents indicated the strong desire for a park to be located on the site if the solid waste facility is constructed. No parks are currently located in this area. Alternatives:•Do nothing. If nothing is done, the county will not meet its implied promise to build the park on a site also slated for a solid waste convenience center. •Using in-house labor and the Parks Fund, construct park facilities as time and resources allow. Explore construction of joint facilities, such as entrance road and parking, with Solid Waste. Recommended Solution:Utilizing Parks Fund, develop a master plan to address needed facilities. Move forward with future phases when park amenities and funding have been identified. Relation to other Projects: Since some of the project will be developed as funding from the Park Reserve is available, all parks funded in this way are competing for the same small amount of funding. Current Stage of Project:Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from landscape architecture firms were submitted on October 11, 2024. Staff plans to select a qualified firm and begin the Master Plan process in late 2024 or early 2025. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 125 culture & recreatIon70 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 1,129,000 - - - 429,000 700,000 - - - - 1,129,000 Contingency 112,900 - - - 42,900 70,000 - - - - 112,900 Engineering 135,600 - - - 89,600 46,000 - - - - 135,600 Feasibility Study 63,600 - 65,000 - - - - - - - 65,000 Total Project Cost 1,441,100 - 65,000 - 561,500 816,000 - - - - 1,442,500 Funding Source General Fund Fund Balance 877,500 - - - 311,500 566,000 - - - - 877,500 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 500,000 - - - 250,000 250,000 - - - - 500,000 Parks Capital Reserves 63,600 - 65,000 - - - - - - - 65,000 Total Funding Source 1,441,100 - 65,000 - 561,500 816,000 - - - - 1,442,500 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - - - - 6,480 6,698 6,923 7,155 7,394 7,640 42,290 Total operating effect - - - - 6,480 6,698 6,923 7,155 7,394 7,640 42,290 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 126 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 71 Project name Patriots Park development Phase 3 Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Park description:Develop Phase 3 of Patriots Park, located on Ponderosa Road in the Johnsonville community by constructing restroom facility to compliment the picnic shelter, playground, ballfields, and walking trails completed in 2021. The site is adjacent to the Ponderosa Convenience Center, located at 721 Ponderosa Road. Project Justification:Harnett County owns 18 acres on Ponderosa Road and constructed a convenience center on the property in 2018. During community meetings held to review the convenience center site, residents indicated the strong desire to have a park co-located on the property if the convenience center was constructed. The site is located in the southwestern part of the County where there are no existing parks or recreation facilities. Work is already underway by Parks and Recreation Department to develop the seven acres that are not in wetlands. The park is currently being serviced by a portable toilet, but a stick-built restroom facility is highly preferred by park patrons. Alternatives:•Do nothing and continue to use the portable toilet for park restroom. •Utilizing the Parks Fund and build the Restroom Facility. Recommended Solution:Utilizing the SCIF Fund, construct a restroom facility in FY 2024. Relation to other Projects: The project is related to the Patriots Park Development Phase 1 and 2. Since the project will be developed as funding from the Park Reserve is available, all parks funded in this way are competing for the same small amount of funding. Current Stage of Project:Due to site conditions, the location of the restroom in Phase 3 of the Patriots Park Development has been adjusted. Design and construction drawings are complete. A Request for Bids will be advertised in November 2024, with construction anticipated to begin in early 2025. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 127 culture & recreatIon72 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration 21,000 4,350 20,750 - - - - - - - 25,100 Construction 179,550 - 175,655 - - - - - - - 175,655 Contingency 9,450 - 9,245 - - - - - - - 9,245 Total Project Cost 210,000 4,350 205,650 - - - - - - - 210,000 Funding Source SCIF Fund 210,000 4,350 205,650 - - - - - - - 210,000 Total Funding Source 210,000 4,350 205,650 - - - - - - - 210,000 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - - 1,100 2,306 2,418 2,538 2,664 2,798 2,941 3,093 19,858 Total operating effect - - 1,100 2,306 2,418 2,538 2,664 2,798 2,941 3,093 19,858 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 128 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 73 Project name Shawtown Community Park development Responsible department Parks & Recreation Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Completed – Prior Fiscal Year Project Type Park description:Develop next set of improvements at the park located on the former Shawtown School site, 645 Shawtown Road, Lillington. Improved amenities include a walking trail, fitness stations, playground, and picnic shelter. Project Justification:Harnett County owns the former Shawtown School and gymnasium. When part of the old school was demolished, County leaders at the time promised the community a park on the site. Based on community input, a plan for the park was developed and calls for a community garden, rock garden, memorial garden, playground areas, and a picnic shelter. An outdoor basketball court and upgrades to parking have already been constructed. The next set of improvements will include a trail with fitness stations, playground, and picnic shelter. The Parks and Recreation Department proposes to work with Cooperative Extension to develop the community garden, possibly utilizing grant funds. All other improvements would be funded from the Parks Fund. Alternatives:• Do nothing. This option does not fulfill the county’s obligation to the community to provide a park on the former school site. • Using mostly in-house labor, develop the park as time and funding allows from the Parks Fund. • Seek additional funding sources to complete development of the entire park. Recommended Solution:Develop the park using mostly in-house labor and the Parks Fund. Relation to other Projects: Since the project will be developed as funding from the Park Reserve is available, all parks funded in this way are competing for the same small amount of funding. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 129 culture & recreatIon74 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Current Stage of Project:In June 2019, the county completed a substantial renovation of the old north classroom building, originally constructed in 1956, to bring it up to code for new occupants. The building’s new occupants include the new Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Carolina: Robin Paige Club, which opened on August 26, 2019; the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office Police Athletic League (PAL), which previously operated out of the gymnasium on campus; and the Harnett County Work Readiness Training Center, which relocated from a building on the other side of the campus. The facility also includes meeting space for organizations and community events, which may be reserved through the county. As part of the opening of the renovated school building, Parks and Recreation installed an outdoor basketball court and parking lot. In addition to the renovation, the county demolished the original classroom building and gymnasium, which were built in 1949, and had deteriorated to the point where renovation was no longer possible. Staff has constructed the walking trail. The County received additional $100,325 in funding from the State’s Budget, which allowed the County to install a larger playground and picnic shelter. The additional State funds also reduced the amount of funding from the Park Capital Reserve Fund. The existing parking lot was extended in July 2022, and the playground and picnic shelter were installed in August 2022. Signage and additional park benches and landscaping requested by the community were installed in March 2024, and the project is now complete. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 130 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 75 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 217,500 220,025 - - - - - - - - 220,025 Total Project Cost 217,500 220,025 - - - - - - - - 220,025 Funding Source Parks Capital Reserves 117,175 119,700 - - - - - - - - 119,700 SCIF Fund 100,325 100,325 - - - - - - - - 100,325 Total Funding Source 217,500 220,025 - - - - - - - - 220,025 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - 4,060 2,122 2,185 2,251 2,319 2,388 2,460 2,534 2,610 22,929 Total operating effect - 4,060 2,122 2,185 2,251 2,319 2,388 2,460 2,534 2,610 22,929 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 131 culture & recreatIon76 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Benhaven Branch Library Responsible department Public Library Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Completed – Prior Fiscal Year Project Type Facilities description:Utilize the former and newly renovated Benhaven Elementary School Media Center located at 2815 Olivia Road, Sanford as a full-service public library and resource center for the community and early college students. Project Justification:According to the 2020 U.S. Census Bureau, Harnett County’s population increased by 16.5% from 2010-2020. The concentration of growth has been outside of the incorporated townships, which are located in the central and eastern portions of the County. Public libraries provide important services and resources that foster economic development, promote student achievement, and enhance cultural enrichment. The Harnett County Public Library System consists of 7 library outlets situated primarily in the eastern portions of Harnett County. The 2018-2023 Harnett County Library Master Plan found that the 48,000 residents of western Harnett do not have adequate public library service. In view of the rapidly growing population and other major development in the County, it seems especially appropriate that the public library should consider the possibility of establishing a full-service branch library in western Harnett County. Ideally, the Western Harnett Public Library would be located along a major thoroughfare convenient to citizens traveling to work, school, and shopping centers. While plans to identify a location for constructing a new facility or renovating an existing building in a densely populated area are included in the current CIP, the Benhaven Library Project offers an opportunity for a temporary and more affordable solution to establishing library services in a western area of Harnett County. In 2019, the Board of Education turned over the former Benhaven Elementary School to the County. With community support and interest in preserving and repurposing the facility, the County developed and presented a plan for a community center with dedicated space for county departments which included a public library. During the summer of 2022, the former school media center was renovated for the purpose of providing space for a public library, and a satellite office to be used for other county departments including Social Services, Health, and Veterans’ Services as well as an educational resource for students attending Harnett County Schools’ Early College which opened in January 2023. Library staff has developed a plan and a budget for establishing library services in the newly renovated space. An opening date of January 2024 is anticipated. Considering the Benhaven Library may be temporary, library collections, furniture, technology, and staff could potentially be transferred to a permanent Western Library location resulting in a significant future cost savings. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 132 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 77 Alternatives:•Do nothing and allow the citizens living in western Harnett County to continue to be without library services and resources. The County’s continued denial of library services to western Harnett residents and the failure to make good on the commitment to revitalize and repurpose the Benhaven campus may be perceived in a negative light by constituents. •Forgo the temporary solution Benhaven provides and continue the search for a more ideal location for the Western Library. Prior non-use of former school facilities has resulted in building deterioration, vandalism, and loss. Additionally, the Benhaven community has been proactive, engaged, and enthusiastic about preserving the historical campus and the failure to make good on the commitment to revitalize and repurpose the Benhaven campus may be perceived in a negative light by constituents. •Approve the Benhaven Library Project as a future project. The delay of funding this project could result in the continued non-use of the former Benhaven campus. The building could potentially remain unoccupied for an extended period resulting in structure deterioration and the failure to make good use of county resources for the betterment of the community in a reasonable and timely fashion. •Utilize the former Benhaven Media Center for public library services, Parks and Recreation activity room for afterschool students and summer campers, and satellite offices for other county departments including Social Services, Health, and Veterans’ Services beginning in FY 2023-24. Recommended Solution:Utilize the former Benhaven Media Center for public library services, and satellite offices for other county departments including Social Services, Health, and Veterans’ Services beginning in FY 2023-24. Continue to pursue plans for a larger, more strategically located library in western Harnett County with intentions to repurpose library collections, furniture, shelving, technology, and staffing from the Benhaven Library. operating Impact:Additional funding will be needed for operating expenses for additional staff, utilities, and library equipment and supplies. Relation to other Projects: The Benhaven Branch Library project is tied to the current CIP Benhaven School Renovation project. Additionally, the renovated Benhaven gymnasium and attached classrooms are expected to be utilized by Harnett Early College in January 2023. The library will have the capacity to serve the early college students, as well as community members of all ages, by providing educational and recreational materials, programs, internet connectivity, technology, and other services. Current Stage of Project:The grand opening of the Benhaven Public Library took place in February 2024. The project is now complete. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 133 culture & recreatIon78 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment 406,728 344,240 - - - - - - - - 344,240 Total Project Cost 406,728 344,240 - - - - - - - - 344,240 Funding Source Debt Proceeds 115,589 115,589 - - - - - - - - 115,589 General Fund Fund Balance 281,139 - - - - - - - - - - Grants, Gifts, Etc. 10,000 10,000 - - - - - - - - 10,000 Interest - 218,651 - - - - - - - - 218,651 Total Funding Source 406,728 344,240 - - - - - - - - 344,240 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - 69,725 135,310 140,773 146,465 152,393 158,569 165,003 171,706 178,689 1,318,633 Total operating effect - 69,725 135,310 140,773 146,465 152,393 158,569 165,003 171,706 178,689 1,318,633 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 134 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 79 Project name mobile outreach Vehicle Responsible department Public Library Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status New Project Type Vehicles description:Purchase a bookmobile to provide library services to underserved areas of Harnett County. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 135 culture & recreatIon80 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Justification:Harnett County’s growing population faces significant challenges in accessing library services, particularly in rural and underserved areas. Currently, 53,407 persons—representing 37% of the county’s population—live outside a 10-mile radius of a public library. This geographic isolation, combined with a lack of public transportation, creates barriers to accessing essential library resources, including books, educational programs, and digital services. Despite the county’s tremendous population growth, transportation remains an unresolved issue, with no reliable public transit system connecting rural communities to library branches. As the population continues to expand, especially in areas farther from urban centers, these transportation challenges are exacerbating the issue of service accessibility for many residents. Further complicating matters is the county’s socio-economic landscape. According to the most recent census, 17.4% of Harnett County’s population lives in poverty, underscoring the need for free and accessible services, such as those offered by public libraries. Additionally, 14.3% of the county’s residents are senior citizens, many of whom face mobility challenges or live in rural areas without access to transportation, further highlighting the importance of outreach services like a bookmobile. A mobile library service would bridge the gap for these underserved communities, delivering educational resources, digital literacy training, and internet access directly to those in need, particularly low-income families, seniors, and children who might otherwise lack access to these crucial services. Key Benefits: 1. Enhanced Access to Library Services - The bookmobile will bring library services directly to rural areas, allowing residents who may be unable to travel to a physical branch due to distance, lack of transportation, or mobility issues to benefit from educational resources, books, and digital access. This is especially critical for low-income families, the 14.3% of senior citizens, and the 17.4% of the county’s population living in poverty, who rely on free library services. 2. Flexible and Responsive - A bookmobile offers the flexibility to adjust routes and schedules based on community needs, ensuring that services are equitably distributed across the county. It can visit schools, senior centers, and other community hubs, allowing the library to form stronger connections with residents and respond quickly to population growth in specific areas. Unlike permanent branches, a bookmobile can easily shift focus to where the demand is greatest at any given time. 3. Cost-Effective Compared to Permanent Infrastructure - While building additional library branches may seem like a more permanent solution, the cost of construction, staffing, and maintenance is prohibitively high, especially in sparsely populated rural areas. In contrast, a bookmobile requires a significantly lower initial investment and provides more reach for its cost. The bookmobile can deliver services to multiple locations throughout Harnett County. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 136 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 81 Alternatives:Construct Additional Library Branches in underserved areas of Harnett County extending services to rural populations. This would extend services to rural populations but would also come with high capital investment and ongoing operational costs for staffing, maintenance, and utilities. Given that Harnett County’s population is spread across rural areas, constructing new libraries may not be the most efficient use of resources. Additionally, this would require significant time to implement. Partner with community centers, schools, and other public institutions to provide mobile access points as a more cost-effective alternative. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of community centers in rural areas of the County. While schools can act as satellite locations, they have limited hours, which reduces accessibility. Additionally, the infrastructure most typically does not exist to fully support library services, including book collections, technology, or programming. Installing automated library kiosks in high-traffic locations such as shopping centers and fire stations could provide easy access to library materials These kiosks can function like mini-library branches in which patrons can browse, borrow, and return materials. The kiosk could also offer access to the digital library and act as pickup points for items reserved online. The cons of kiosks include limited material availability compared to a bookmobile or branch library, less personal interaction and support from staff, no access to technology or programming, and frequent stocking and upkeep to ensure functionality. Do nothing. Maintaining the status quo would mean continuing to provide library services through the existing library branches, without expanding access to the underserved areas of the county. While this option involves no additional costs, it would perpetuate existing barriers for residents living outside the 10-mile service radius, particularly the 53,407 residents currently underserved. These residents would continue to face difficulties accessing educational resources, internet services, and community programs. As public transportation remains an unresolved issue, doing nothing would also ignore the needs of low-income families and senior citizens, leaving them without support, which could exacerbate educational and digital divides in the community. Recommended Solution:The bookmobile emerges as the most cost-effective, flexible, and impactful solution for addressing the lack of library services in underserved areas of Harnett County. This option will allow the library to provide essential services—including educational programming, digital literacy support, and access to library materials—to the 53,407 residents living outside the 10-mile service area. Additionally, it directly addresses the growing population and the unresolved issue of limited public transportation, which exacerbates the challenges of reaching rural communities. operating Impact:Annual operating impact will include staffing, collection development, programming, fuel, and vehicle maintenance. Current Stage of Project:The Library is currently developing potential routes for a mobile outreach vehicle. If the project is approved, the next step is to submit a $100,000 LSTA grant application to help fund the purchase. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 137 culture & recreatIon82 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Vehicles - - - - 283,220 - - - - - 283,220 Furnishings & Equipment - - - - - 32,385 - - - - 32,385 Total Project Cost - - - - 283,220 32,385 - - - - 315,605 Funding Source Capital Reserves - - - - 183,220 32,385 - - - - 215,605 Grants, Gifts, Etc. - - - - 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 Total Funding Source - - - - 283,220 32,385 - - - - 315,605 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - - - - - 160,583 165,401 170,363 175,474 180,738 852,559 Total operating effect - - - - - 160,583 165,401 170,363 175,474 180,738 852,559 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 138 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 83 Project name Radio Frequency Identification (RFId) Installation in Branches Responsible department Public Library Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status New Project Type Technology description:Implement RFID technology at Angier, Benhaven, Boone Trail, Coats, Dunn, and Erwin Library Branches to improve workflow efficiencies, improve security and loss prevention, strengthen collection management, and enhance patron experience. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 139 culture & recreatIon84 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Justification:Harnett County branch libraries currently face several operational challenges that impact both staff efficiency and the patron experience. At present, these libraries are using outdated processes for circulation, inventory management, and security, leading to the following problems: • Inconsistent Patron Experience: Patrons visiting branch libraries are not receiving the same level of service and convenience as those using the Main Branch, where RFID technology has been implemented with great success. This inconsistency can lead to frustration and reduced satisfaction. • Inefficient Workflows: Staff members spend significant time manually checking out and checking in materials, conducting inventory, and managing security issues. These time-consuming processes limit their capacity to focus on more meaningful tasks, such as programming, collection development, and direct patron assistance. • Increased Risk of Loss and Theft: Without advanced security measures, branch libraries face a higher risk of lost or stolen materials, which negatively impacts the collection and hinders access for other patrons. • Limited Collection Development Insights: The lack of automated tracking tools makes it difficult to accurately analyze circulation patterns and identify gaps in the collection, limiting the library’s ability to meet the evolving needs of the community. Expanding RFID technology to these branches will not only standardize the level of service across the entire library system but also significantly improve inventory control and theft prevention. This enhanced security will reduce material losses, which can positively impact the budget by lowering replacement costs for lost or stolen items. Additionally, the efficiency gained from RFID will allow staff to spend less time on manual tasks like checkouts and inventory management, freeing them up to focus on programming, community outreach, and patron support. Overall, this investment will lead to a better allocation of resources, improved services for patrons, and cost savings in the long run, benefiting the communities these libraries serve. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 140 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 85 Alternatives:Improve the existing barcode system with more modern barcode scanners and integrated software for circulation and inventory. Pros include: • Less expensive than RFID and familiar technology Cons include: • Does not offer the same level of automation or security as RFID • Requires manual scanning for each item which is time-consuming • Provides limited data insights for collection development • Offers no improvement in theft protection or real-time inventory tracking. Implement self-check stations that use barcode technology rather than RFID. Pros include: • Less expensive than RFID and familiar technology • Streamlines the patron experience with self-service options • Frees up staff for other tasks. Cons include: • Requires patrons to scan each barcode which is less efficient than RFID • Does not improve inventory management or security • Offers limited data collection for circulation and collection development Invest in a cloud-based circulation and inventory management system to better manage inventory and circulation data without the need for RFID. Pros include: • Improved access to real-time data for staff, enhancing inventory management and collection development. • Can be integrated with existing barcode systems • Lower cost than RFID technology Cons include: • Does not automate checkout/check-in processes • Has no significant on security or theft prevention • Still relies on manual processes for inventory management and circulation. Do nothing and continue using existing manual barcode-based processes for circulation, inventory management, and security. Repercussions include: • Inconsistent Patron Experience-Patrons visiting branch libraries will continue to face longer wait times and less efficient service compared to the Main Branch, where RFID is already implemented • Higher Risk of Loss and Theft-Without enhanced security measures, materials will remain vulnerable to theft or loss, impacting the collection and leading to higher replacement costs. • Limited Data for Collection Development: The library will miss opportunities to gather detailed data on circulation trends, limiting its ability to make informed decisions about collection management. • Stagnation of Service Improvements library will fall behind in adopting modern technologies, which may cause dissatisfaction among patrons who expect more streamlined and tech-driven services. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 141 culture & recreatIon86 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Recommended Solution:The Harnett County Public Library’s Main Branch has seen great success in using RFID technology to enhance operational efficiency, improve security, and elevate the overall patron experience. To extend these benefits across our library system, we recommend implementing RFID technology in all branch libraries. By expanding RFID to all branches, we will align service quality across the Harnett County Public Library system, streamline operations, protect our collection, and ultimately offer a modern, efficient, and engaging library experience for all patrons. This investment will strengthen the library’s ability to meet community needs and continue to provide equitable, high-quality services that support lifelong learning, literacy, and community connection. operating Impact:There will be increased costs for annual licenses and RFID tags. Relation to other Projects: In FY 2019-2020, the Main Branch of the Harnett County Public Library System, located at 455 McKinney Pkwy, Lillington, implemented RFID by adding RFID-enabled self-checkout machines, staff workstations, and security gates. Current Stage of Project:Quotes for the project have been obtained. A Letter of Intent (LOI) for an LSTA grant has been submitted to secure funding for 75% of the RFID installation project. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 142 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 87 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment - - - 131,845 - - - - - - 131,845 Construction - - - 6,000 - - - - - - 6,000 Total Project Cost - - - 137,845 - - - - - - 137,845 Funding Source Grants, Gifts, Etc. - - - 103,384 - - - - - - 103,384 Capital Reserves - - - 34,461 - - - - - - 34,461 Total Funding Source - - - 137,845 - - - - - - 137,845 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - - - 3,318 5,027 3,770 3,883 3,985 4,105 4,214 28,302 Total operating effect - - - 3,318 5,027 3,770 3,883 3,985 4,105 4,214 28,302 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 143 88 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Western Harnett Service expansion Responsible department Public Library Functional Area Culture & Recreation Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Expand public library services to residents of western Harnett by renovating an existing building owned by the county or constructing a new facility. Project Justification:The 2018-2023 Harnett County Library Master Plan found that the 48,000 residents of western Harnett do not have adequate public library service. Public libraries provide important services that foster economic development, student achievement, and cultural enrichment. Options for addressing this need include renovating an existing 2,000-to-5,000-square-foot building or constructing a new 8,000-to-10,000-square-foot building in an area accessible to western Harnett residents. The county will evaluate these options and, when ready to proceed, conduct a feasibility study to develop reliable cost estimates. Recommended Solution:Continue to study the needs of Western Harnett. When a possible solution is identified, conduct a feasibility study to determine scope, cost, and possible funding models and options. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 144 culture & recreatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 89 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 145 Economic & Physical Development HCBOC 120224 Pg. 146 economIc & PhysIcal develoPmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 91 Project name Agricultural Center educational Kitchen Responsible department Cooperative Extension Functional Area Economic & Physical Development Project Status New Project Type Facilities description:Construct an educational kitchen, located at 126 Alexander Drive, Lillington, to provide Harnett County farmers, especially those transitioning from tobacco, with essential digital marketing tools to enhance their businesses and promote local food products. Project Justification:The NC Cooperative Extension, Harnett County Center, will construct an Educational Kitchen to support local farmers, especially those transitioning from tobacco cultivation. This initiative aims to enhance farmers’ businesses by providing them with high-quality marketing videos. Each participating farm will receive two customized videos: a cooking demonstration to showcase their products and a farm profile to share their story. By leveraging the power of online video, this project will equip farmers with modern marketing tools and increase their reach in the digital marketplace. Despite the growing demand for local food, many farmers face challenges in marketing their products and reaching new consumers. Limited access to digital tools and resources can hinder their ability to effectively promote their businesses and connect with potential customers. By creating professional-quality cooking videos, we will help farmers attract new customers and increase sales of their products. The videos will educate consumers about the benefits of eating locally and provide them with inspiration for incorporating local ingredients into their meals. By supporting local farmers and businesses, we will contribute to the overall health and vitality of our community. By constructing in an educational kitchen, we can help to revitalize our local food economy, support our farmers, and promote a healthier and more sustainable future for Harnett County. Current Stage of Project: The design phase for the Educational Kitchen is complete, and a qualified contractor has been chosen. Construction is anticipated to begin in December 2024, with an estimated completion timeline of 6-8 months. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 147 economIc & PhysIcal develoPment92 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 130,000 -130,000 -------130,000 Furnishings & Equipment 50,000 -50,000 -------50,000 Total Project Cost 180,000 -180,000 -------180,000 Funding Source Grants, Gifts, Etc.130,000 -130,000 -------130,000 Transfer from General Fund 50,000 -50,000 -------50,000 Total Funding Source 180,000 -180,000 -------180,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 148 economIc & PhysIcal develoPmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 93 Project name Farmers market Phase 1 Responsible department Cooperative Extension Functional Area Economic & Physical Development Project Status New Project Type Facilities description:Construct Phase 1 of the new permanent farmers market facility next to Harnett Regional Water Business Center on McKinney Parkway, Lillington, to support growers transitioning to higher value crops, support new growers, connect Harnett County residents to fresh farm products, and serve as an activity and educational hub for the county. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 149 economIc & PhysIcal develoPment94 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Justification:The proposed Harnett County Farmers Market Phase 1 aims to establish a permanent facility adjacent to the Harnett Regional Water Business Center on McKinney Parkway, Lillington. This initiative aligns with the county’s strategic goals of promoting agricultural development, supporting local farmers, and enhancing community engagement. The farmers market will be housed in a permanent structure capable of accommodating at least 35 vendor stalls. The facility will include amenities such as restrooms, outdoor wash stations, seating areas, and roll-up doors for easy access. A commercial kitchen and freezer space are planned for future phases to support value-added product production and storage. The farmers market will have a positive economic impact through increased farm profitability, job creation, and community revitalization. By providing a local market for higher-value crops, the farmers market will help farmers increase their income and sustain their operations. The market will create direct and indirect jobs related to farming, food processing, and retail. The market will also contribute to the local economy by attracting visitors and stimulating economic activity. The farmers market will also provide community benefits, such as improved access to fresh food, educational opportunities, and community connections. Residents will have convenient access to locally grown fruits, vegetables, and other products. The market will serve as a venue for agricultural education and community events. The market will also foster a sense of community and support local farmers and businesses. The project has garnered significant support from Harnett County administration, the Board of Commissioners, agricultural agencies, farmers, and residents. The market aligns with the county’s efforts to promote agricultural development and support local farmers. The Harnett County Farmers Market is a strategic investment that will benefit both farmers and the community. By providing a permanent market for local produce, supporting new growers, and serving as a community hub, the project will contribute to the economic vitality and quality of life in Harnett County. Current Stage of Project: The Harnett County Farmers Market is currently in the preliminary design phase. Following the award of an $800,000 Tobacco Trust Fund Grant in October 2024, the next step is to select a qualified architectural firm to develop a comprehensive master plan for the new facility. This plan will outline the design, layout, and construction details of the permanent structure. Based on the current timeline, the estimated completion date for the farmers market is October 2027. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 150 economIc & PhysIcal develoPmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 95 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration --50,000 -------50,000 Construction --923,000 -------923,000 Furnishings & Equipment --15,000 -------15,000 Water & Sewer --12,000 -------12,000 Total Project Cost --1,000,000 -------1,000,000 Funding Source Grants, Gifts, Etc.--800,000 -------800,000 Capital Reserves --200,000 -------200,000 Total Funding Source --1,000,000 -------1,000,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 151 economIc & PhysIcal develoPment96 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Highland School Road extension Responsible department Development Services Functional Area Economic & Physical Development Project Status New Project Type Other description:Construct a new road segment connecting Buffalo Lake Road to Tingen Road, located at 345 Highland School Road, Sanford. This approximately 0.6-mile extension is necessary to accommodate the anticipated growth in the area, particularly the construction of a new high school along Highland School Road within the next three years. Project Justification:Highland School Road currently serves as the sole access route for two schools in the Sanford area. With the planned construction of a new high school within the next three years, the existing road infrastructure will be unable to accommodate the increased traffic volume. This will result in traffic congestion, safety concerns, and potential disruptions to the educational process. The Highland School Road Extension project is necessary to address the anticipated traffic congestion and safety concerns associated with the growing number of schools in the area. By extending Highland School Road, the project will provide improved connectivity, reduced congestion, and enhanced safety. The extension will create a new route between Buffalo Lake Road and Tingen Road, enhancing connectivity between residential areas and the schools. The additional access points provided by the extension will help to alleviate traffic congestion, particularly during peak school hours. Also, the project will improve pedestrian safety by providing sidewalks and crosswalks and reduce the risk of traffic accidents. The project will be primarily funded by a federal grant from the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), which will cover 80% of the total project cost. The remaining 20% will be provided by local matching funds. The Highland School Road Extension project is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of students, staff, and residents in the area, while also supporting the future growth and development of the community. Alternatives:• Construct a new road segment connecting Highland School Road to Buffalo Lake Road and Tingen Road. This would create a loop, providing an alternative route and alleviating traffic congestion. • Do Nothing - Maintain the existing configuration of Highland School Road as a dead-end street. This would likely lead to increased traffic congestion, particularly during school drop-off and pick-up times, as well as safety concerns due to the increased volume of traffic on a single road. Recommended Solution: Construct a new road segment. The road extension is a more sustainable and long-term solution that will address the anticipated growth in the area and provide lasting benefits to the community. Current Stage of Project: The project is currently in its preliminary planning phase. The project agreement is expected to be signed in early 2025, followed by the design and construction phases. The target completion date is the end of fiscal year 2028. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 152 economIc & PhysIcal develoPmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 97 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration - - 325,000 - - - - - - - 325,000 Construction - - - 1,122,500 1,122,500 - - - - - 2,245,000 Design, Engineering & Construction Administration - - 150,000 - - - - - - - 150,000 Contingency - - 299,360 299,360 299,360 - - - - - 898,080 Professional Services - - - 37,500 37,500 - - - - - 75,000 Total Project Cost - - 774,360 1,459,360 1,459,360 - - - - - 3,693,080 Funding Source Debt Proceeds - - 154,872 291,872 291,872 - - - - - 738,616 Grants, Gifts, Etc. - - 619,488 1,167,488 1,167,488 - - - - - 2,954,464 Total Funding Source - - 774,360 1,459,360 1,459,360 - - - - - 3,693,080 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 153 economIc & PhysIcal develoPment98 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update Responsible department Development Services Functional Area Economic & Physical Development Project Status Substantially Complete Project Type Study description:Update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan that gives decision makers a roadmap for future growth in terms of transportation, affordable housing, land use, economic development, and infrastructure. Project Justification:Since the adoption of the Grow Harnett County 2015 Comprehensive Plan, the county has sustained a period of continuous land development and population growth. According to census data, Harnett County grew 16.5% between 2010 and 2020, and added an additional 10,000 housing units. It is important to note that these figures do not reflect the expected population growth from the newly proposed lots currently in the preliminary development phase. Harnett County has outgrown the comprehensive plan implemented in 2015. The newly updated plan will assess current and emerging conditions to develop land use concepts and policies for coherent growth. A consulting firm will be chosen to assess inventory, analyze the data, and synthesize the information to form the essential comprehensive plan elements: land use, transportation, infrastructure, economic development, and affordable housing. Alternatives:• Do nothing. If nothing is done, the county will fail to plan for future growth. Growth in the county will continue, and without an updated Land Use Plan, haphazard development patterns could occur along with zoning map & ordinance text amendments that could create compliance and compatibility issues. • Update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan to address county growth in a proactive and coordinated manner. Recommended Solution:Provide funds to update the current Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Current Stage of Project:In April 2023, Stewart, Inc. was awarded the project contract following an advertising phase. Stewart, Inc. officially began their work in July 2023. This project involves collaboration with several sub-consultants, specifically LS3P, LJB, VHB. The sub-consultants, LJB and VHB, have been assigned the task of identifying transportation and County jetport land use issues, while also formulating strategies to secure funding for addressing both current and future concerns in these areas. LS3P has been assigned the responsibility of developing specific small area plans related to development in select regions of the county. Stewart, Inc. has made substantial progress by conducting numerous meetings with staff members and actively engaging in data collection. The plan update is expected to be completed by December 2024. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 154 economIc & PhysIcal develoPmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 99 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Professional Services 219,000 197,895 31,105 - - - - - - - 229,000 Total Project Cost 219,000 197,895 31,105 - - - - - - - 229,000 Funding Source Capital Reserves 219,000 197,895 31,105 - - - - - - - 229,000 Total Funding Source 219,000 197,895 31,105 - - - - - - - 229,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 155 economIc & PhysIcal develoPment100 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 156 Education HCBOC 120224 Pg. 157 educatIon102 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name CCCC - Capital maintenance & Replacement Fund Responsible department Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) Functional Area Education Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Reserve Fund description:Continue an annual contribution of $589,000 to the capital reserve maintenance, replacement, and renovation fund for Central Carolina Community College. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 158 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 103 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Transfer to CCCC Capital Reserve - - 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 200,000 200,000 3,934,000 Total Project Cost - - 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 200,000 200,000 3,934,000 Funding Source Transfer from General Fund - - 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 200,000 200,000 3,934,000 Total Funding Source - - 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 200,000 200,000 3,934,000 operating effect Transfer from General Fund - - 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 200,000 200,000 3,934,000 Total operating effect - - 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 200,000 200,000 3,934,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 159 educatIon104 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name drainage System Repair Responsible department Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) Functional Area Education Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Repair the drainage system located on the main Harnett Campus, 1075 E. Cornelius Harnett Blvd., Lillington. Project Justification:College maintenance staff have determined that the storm water management system, a series of drainage lines that carry runoff from parking lots, is showing signs of failure. The drainage system was installed with the first buildings on campus, is more than 40 years old, and has not been modified as buildings and parking areas have been added. During heavy rainstorms, the parking lot and the area around the Continuing Education building are flooded. The college is concerned that this could eventually affect the structure of the building, impact surrounding trees, and do damage to the parking lot by eroding the soil below the parking lot. Maintenance staff believe the drainage lines are undersized and need to be replaced. Recommended Solution:Although the county engineer reviewed the problem and a local contractor provided an estimate to replace the system, a full study of the problem that would include future expansion of the campus and a cost estimate is recommended. The college should obtain a cost estimate for the study and request that as part of the FY 2023 operating budget. Current Stage of Project:The project is currently on hold. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 160 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 105 Project name etheridge Renovations Responsible department Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) Functional Area Education Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Facilities description:Renovate the interior of the Etheridge Building on the main Harnett Campus, 1075 E. Cornelius Harnett Blvd., Lillington to ensure the facility maintains its appearance, adheres to safety standards, and remains a functional and reliable asset. Project Justification:The Etheridge Building, located on the main Harnett Campus at 1075 E. Cornelius Harnett Blvd., Lillington, has now reached an age where essential renovations are imperative to preserve its appearance, ensure safety compliance, and maintain its functional utility. This facility was originally completed and occupied in 1991, and over time, it has naturally experienced wear and tear. To address these challenges and ensure the Etheridge Building remains a safe, efficient, and functional space, a comprehensive interior renovation is necessary. The proposed improvements encompass new paint, updated flooring, ceiling tiles, installation of energy-efficient LED lighting, and the enhancement of the fire alarm system. These upgrades will not only align the building with appropriate safety standards but also extend its usefulness for several decades to come. Interior renovations of this nature necessitate the building’s temporary vacating during the process. Completing all renovations at once minimizes disruptions, streamlines the renovation timeline, and ensures the efficient utilization of resources. Alternatives:• Do nothing and address issues as they arise: Opting for no changes and addressing repair or replacement issues as they occur may seem cost-effective in the short term. However, this reactive approach can lead to an accumulation of problems, escalating maintenance costs, and compromised safety and functionality. • Partial upgrades: Selectively upgrading certain aspects of the building, such as addressing specific issues or implementing piecemeal improvements, may be considered. However, this fragmented approach can result in disjointed aesthetics, inconsistencies in safety standards, and an inefficient allocation of resources. Recommended Solution:Provide funding in FY 2030 to complete all planned interior renovation projects within the Etheridge Building concurrently in order to minimizes disruptions, streamlines the renovation timeline, and ensures the efficient utilization of resources. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 161 educatIon106 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration 170,982 - - - - - - 170,982 - - 170,982 Construction 1,538,838 - - - - - - 1,538,838 - - 1,538,838 Contingency 171,100 - - - - - - 171,100 - - 171,100 Total Project Cost 1,880,920 - - - - - - 1,880,920 - - 1,880,920 Funding Source CCCC Capital Reserves 1,880,920 - - - - - - 1,880,920 - - 1,880,920 Total Funding Source 1,880,920 - - - - - - 1,880,920 - - 1,880,920 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 162 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 107 Project name miriello HVAC Replacement Responsible department Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) Functional Area Education Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Equipment description:Replace the HVAC units located in the Miriello Building on the main Harnett Campus, 1075 E. Cornelius Harnett Blvd., Lillington to ensure safety compliance, maximizes energy efficiency, and minimizes long-term operational costs. Project Justification:The HVAC units within the Miriello Building have reached a stage where critical renovations are required to enhance the building’s HVAC performance. Out of the five 20-ton HVAC systems currently in operation, three are original to the structure and have surpassed their expected service life. Additionally, one unit is functioning at suboptimal levels, resulting in humidity-related issues within a specific section of the building. It is imperative to replace the three remaining original HVAC units in a single comprehensive project. This action will not only elevate the mechanical systems within the building to a suitable standard but also lead to substantial utility operating cost savings. These essential upgrades will ensure that the Miriello Building aligns with safety standards and continues to fulfill its designated functions effectively over the coming years. The original HVAC units have surpassed their expected lifespan, resulting in declining efficiency and increased maintenance costs. Replacing them at one time is the most practical course of action to restore optimal functionality. Newer HVAC equipment offers improved energy efficiency and environmental performance, contributing to long-term utility cost savings for CCCC. HVAC equipment and labor costs are on the rise. By completing this replacement project quickly, CCCC can mitigate the impact of these increasing expenses. Alternatives:• Do nothing and address breakdowns: This option involves maintaining the status quo, addressing HVAC system issues as they arise. However, this reactive approach can lead to frequent disruptions, higher operational costs, and potential safety concerns. • Gradual replacement over three years: Replacing one HVAC system per year over the course of three years may seem like a more phased approach. However, this strategy prolongs the period of suboptimal HVAC performance, perpetuating energy inefficiencies and maintenance expenses. It may also result in a less cohesive and efficient system overall. • Allocate funding for comprehensive replacement: This alternative aligns with industry best practices by replacing all original HVAC systems at once. It addresses the immediate need for improved performance, energy efficiency, and safety while minimizing long-term operational costs. Recommended Solution:Provide funding to replace all the original HVAC systems in the Miriello Building concurrently to address the immediate need for improved performance, energy efficiency, and safety while minimizing long-term operational costs. Current Stage of Project:New HVAC equipment is scheduled for delivery in December 2024, with installation planned for late December 2024 or early January 2025. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 163 educatIon108 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Contingency 10,000 - 10,000 - - - - - - - 10,000 Furnishings & Equipment 200,000 - 200,000 - - - - - - - 200,000 Total Project Cost 210,000 - 210,000 - - - - - - - 210,000 Funding Source Capital Reserves 210,000 - 210,000 - - - - - - - 210,000 Total Funding Source 210,000 - 210,000 - - - - - - - 210,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 164 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 109 Project name miriello Renovations Responsible department Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) Functional Area Education Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Facilities description:Renovate the interior of the Miriello Building on the main Harnett Campus, 1075 E. Cornelius Harnett Blvd., Lillington to ensure the facility maintains its appearance, adheres to safety standards, and remains a functional and reliable asset. Project Justification:The Miriello Building, located on the main Harnett Campus at 1075 E. Cornelius Harnett Blvd., Lillington, has now reached an age where essential renovations are imperative to preserve its appearance, ensure safety compliance, and maintain its functional utility. This facility was originally completed and occupied in 1996, and over time, it has naturally experienced wear and tear. To address these challenges and ensure the Miriello Building remains a safe, efficient, and functional space, a comprehensive interior renovation is necessary. The proposed improvements encompass new paint, updated flooring, ceiling tiles, installation of energy-efficient LED lighting, and the enhancement of the fire alarm system. These upgrades will not only align the building with appropriate safety standards but also extend its usefulness for several decades to come. Interior renovations of this nature necessitate the building’s temporary vacating during the process. Completing all renovations at once minimizes disruptions, streamlines the renovation timeline, and ensures the efficient utilization of resources. Alternatives:• Do nothing and address issues as they arise: Opting for no changes and addressing repair or replacement issues as they occur may seem cost-effective in the short term. However, this reactive approach can lead to an accumulation of problems, escalating maintenance costs, and compromised safety and functionality. • Partial upgrades: Selectively upgrading certain aspects of the building, such as addressing specific issues or implementing piecemeal improvements, may be considered. However, this fragmented approach can result in disjointed aesthetics, inconsistencies in safety standards, and an inefficient allocation of resources. Recommended Solution:Provide funding in FY 2027 to complete all planned interior renovation projects within the Miriello Building concurrently in order to minimizes disruptions, streamlines the renovation timeline, and ensures the efficient utilization of resources. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 165 educatIon110 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration 149,821 - - - 149,821 - - - - - 149,821 Construction 1,348,385 - - - 1,348,385 - - - - - 1,348,385 Contingency 149,875 - - - 149,875 - - - - - 149,875 Total Project Cost 1,648,081 - - - 1,648,081 - - - - - 1,648,081 Funding Source CCCC Capital Reserves 1,648,081 - - - 1,648,081 - - - - - 1,648,081 Total Funding Source 1,648,081 - - - 1,648,081 - - - - - 1,648,081 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 166 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 111 Project name Buies Creek elementary School Replacement Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Replace the district’s second oldest remaining, 39,454-square-foot school, located at 340 Main Street, Buies Creek, with a new school to be located on a new site. Project Justification:The main part of the 36,750-square-foot facility was built in 1948. A gym was added in 1957 and a media center in 2005. In addition to its age, the school has 230 students, and is currently below its rated capacity of 250. Mobile units provide additional classroom space. The existing site is 5.9 acres and is landlocked, so there is no room to expand the school on site. The Board of Education has deemed this project as Tier 2, meaning they would like to see it move forward in the next two to three years. Currently, no cost estimate has been obtained and the county does not have sufficient funds to replace the school. To fund this project, Harnett County will need to issue additional debt. The school system is requesting that this be a future project in the CIP. Current Stage of Project:The project is currently on hold. Harnett County Schools did not request this project to move forward in FY 2025-2026. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 167 educatIon112 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Camera Upgrades Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Completed – Prior Fiscal Year Project Type Technology description:Upgrade remaining security cameras at 13 schools to newer digital technology. Project Justification:Harnett County Schools applied for and received grant funding to upgrade interior and exterior security cameras at 15 schools. The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) would complete upgrades at the remaining 13 schools. Due to the discontinuation of Windows Internet Explorer (IE) in June 2022, existing cameras at these 13 locations are obsolete. With the loss of IE, the current Panasonic cameras can no longer be accessed for troubleshooting, configuration, and security updates. Additionally, videos of incidents are not reliable with the existing Panasonic technology because of low resolution and quality. Recommended Solution:Replace current cameras with new digital technology. By replacing the Panasonic cameras with AXIS cameras, footage can be viewed from any browser and allows for zooming in and out features. The resolution and quality of videos will be significantly improved. Current Stage of Project:Using general obligation bond proceeds, 475 interior and exterior cameras have been upgraded at 13 schools. The project was completed in August 2023. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 168 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 113 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment 453,124 453,124 - - - - - - - - 453,124 Total Project Cost 453,124 453,124 - - - - - - - - 453,124 Funding Source Debt Proceeds 453,124 453,124 - - - - - - - - 453,124 Total Funding Source 453,124 453,124 - - - - - - - - 453,124 notes: HCBOC 120224 Pg. 169 educatIon114 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Child nutrition Freezer/Cooler Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Facilities description:Construct a 6,450-square foot stand-alone 400 pallet capacity freezer and cooler at 1500 South Main Street, Lillington to store food supply until it is distributed to Harnett County Schools. Project Justification:Currently, Harnett County Schools relies on leasing freezer and cooler space from Americold Cold Storage in Sanford. However, the school system was informed that this space will be unavailable after May 2024, but they could extend the lease to December 2024 at the latest. Americold Cold Storage has stipulated that all food supplies must be removed by May 31, 2024. If the lease is extended to December 2024, all food must be removed no later than December 31, 2024. Despite its best efforts, the school system has encountered significant challenges in locating an alternative freezer and cooler storage facility within our local vicinity. The nearest available facility is located in Greensboro, which presents both logistical and financial impracticalities. Alternatives:• Continue efforts to locate another storage facility. Accessibility will still affect distribution of supplies. • Construct a county-owned freezer/cooler. The HCS maintenance staff has researched the cost of constructing a county-owned facility and estimated the new building to cost approximately $3,000,000. With a county-owned facility, the HCS will no longer lease space to store food. • Do nothing. If no actions are taken, the current lease will expire and HCS will no longer have a central space to store food. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 170 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 115 Recommended Solution:Provide funds for the construction of a county-owned Child Nutrition Freezer/Cooler facility. This facility will be situated on the property adjacent to the Harnett County Schools Maintenance Shop on South Main Street, Lillington. Benefits of a county-owned facility: 1. Continuity and Reliability: A county-owned freezer/cooler facility will ensure uninterrupted food storage for our schools, even in situations where individual schools encounter maintenance issues with their freezer/cooler units. 2. Cost Efficiency: By owning a storage facility, HCS can eliminate the ongoing expenses associated with leasing external storage space, which is approximately $108,000 per year. This will result in significant cost savings for the school system. 3. Local Accessibility: Having the facility in close proximity to the schools will improve accessibility and streamline the distribution process, ultimately benefiting the students and staff. 4. Sustainability: A county-owned facility aligns with the commitment to sustainability, reducing the need for long-distance transportation of food supplies. By investing in a county-wide Child Nutrition Freezer/Cooler facility, this will secure the food supply chain, reduce costs, and enhance the efficiency of operations, ensuring the continued provision of nutritious meals to Harnett County Schools students. Current Stage of Project:Design work began in early October 2024. Preconstruction started on October 7, 2024. The project is estimated to take 18-24 months to complete. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 171 educatIon116 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration - - 333,530 - - - - - - - 333,530 Construction - - 3,400,470 - - - - - - - 3,400,470 Engineering - - 560,035 - - - - - - - 560,035 Total Project Cost - - 4,294,035 - - - - - - - 4,294,035 Funding Source Debt Proceeds - - 4,294,035 - - - - - - - 4,294,035 Total Funding Source - - 4,294,035 - - - - - - - 4,294,035 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 172 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 117 Project name Custodial & Grounds Warehouse Replacement Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Construct a 62,000-square-foot custodial and grounds facility warehouse on the lot next to 1500 South Main Street, Lillington, to provide adequate space for custodial and grounds staff, supplies, and equipment. Project Justification:The current custodial and grounds facility is located at 703 South 8th Street, Lillington. The facility and land are part of the real property exchange among Harnett County, the Town of Lillington, and Harnett County Schools, which was approved on December 6, 2021. As part of the agreement, the current facility and site will transfer from Harnett County Schools to the Town of Lillington. Items from the current facility will be stored in County-owned warehouse space, which will be leased from the County by Harnett County Schools until a new warehouse facility is built. The Board of Education has deemed this project as Tier 1, meaning they would like to see it move forward as soon as possible. Recommended Solution:Construct a new custodial and grounds warehouse on land already owned by Harnett County Schools. This will free up the County-owned warehouse facility at 125 Alexander Drive, Lillington, and allow the County to use this space for other needs. Move forward with this project when a funding source has been identified. Current Stage of Project:A feasibility study was done in August 2020 to determine building needs and costs. This project is on hold. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 173 educatIon118 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name early College at dunn Relocation/Renovation Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Facilities description:Renovate Wayne Avenue School, located at 910 West Harnett Street, Dunn, to prepare the school for the relocation of the Early College at Dunn. Project Justification:In early 2024, Harnett County Schools will combine the students from Wayne Avenue Elementary School and Harnett Primary to form Dunn Elementary School. Dunn Elementary School will be located at 800 West Harnett Street, which is the location of the Old Harnett Primary School. The Wayne Avenue School will be renovated for the Early College at Dunn. The Board of Education has identified this as a Tier 1 project, meaning it is needed immediately. Wayne Avenue School is 101,250-square-foot and was originally built in 1958. Minor renovations have occurred since the school was first built. Other renovations includes a fire alarm system upgrade in 2016, the school was painted and rooms were remodeled in 2018, and security cameras and electronic door locks were upgraded to improve school safety in 2021. Current Stage of Project:All renovation work, with the exception of the window replacement, was finalized in July 2024. The window replacement project is estimated to be completed by April 2025. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 174 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 119 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction - 27,448 537,552 - - - - - - - 565,000 Total Project Cost - 27,448 537,552 - - - - - - - 565,000 Funding Source Debt Proceeds - 27,448 537,552 - - - - - - - 565,000 Total Funding Source - 27,448 537,552 - - - - - - - 565,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 175 educatIon120 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name electronic door Locks Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Equipment description:Replace locks on 55 exterior doors at 17 schools with electronic door locks that can be controlled remotely. Project Justification:Modern technology allows electronic locking systems that can be controlled remotely and provide a record of everyone entering the building. Security protocols call for doors to be locked in emergency situations. The ability to lock the doors remotely improves security. The project would allow HCS to place electronic door locks on the remaining doors in the district that need them. All schools currently have remote door locks at the main entrances, but these funds would complete the project. Recommended Solution:Replace locks on exterior doors. Current Stage of Project:The exterior door replacement project at 17 schools, funded by the 2021 General Obligation Bond, has been delayed due to equipment shortages. The project is now expected to be completed by December 2024. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 176 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 121 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 355,332 355,332 - - - - - - - - 355,332 Total Project Cost 355,332 355,332 - - - - - - - - 355,332 Funding Source Debt Proceeds 355,332 355,332 - - - - - - - - 355,332 Total Funding Source 355,332 355,332 - - - - - - - - 355,332 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 177 educatIon122 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Flatwoods elementary School Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Construct a new 150,000 square-foot elementary school to accommodate 1,100 students and to alleviate projected overcrowding at Anderson Creek Primary, Boone Trail Elementary, Lillington-Shawtown Elementary, Highland Elementary, and South Harnett Elementary schools. Project Justification:Though not yet over its rated capacity, Lillington-Shawtown Elementary is projected to exceed its rated capacity by 325 students in the next eight years. Anderson Creek Primary, Boone Trail Elementary, Highland Elementary, and South Harnett Elementary schools are not expected to exceed their rated capacity within the next eight year. Altogether, the schools are projected to add 401 students by the 2031-32 school year. These schools already have a combined 30 mobile units. Mobile units provide several challenges for effective instructions. They are more difficult to secure and less energy efficient. During drills, students must vacate the mobile units and enter the main part of the schools. While not included in the Board of Education’s FY 2025 budget request, this project was prioritized as a Tier 1 initiative in FY 2024, signifying an immediate need. Although an architect’s cost estimate has not been received, the projected cost for the new elementary school is approximately $50,000,000. Given the current lack of both funding and land, Harnett County will need to issue additional debt to proceed with this project. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 178 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 123 Project name Flatwoods middle School Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Facilities description:Construct a new 154,000-square-foot school to accommodate 1,100 students and to alleviate existing and projected overcrowding at Harnett Central and Overhills middle schools. Project Justification:Harnett Central Middle currently has 41 more students than its rated capacity, and the number of students is projected to increase by 388 in the next eight years. Overhills Middle currently exceed its rated capacity by 23, and the number of students is projected to increase by 73 students in the next eight years. Altogether, Harnett Central, Overhills, and Western Harnett middle schools are projected to add 468 students by the 2031-32 school year. These schools already have a combined 18 mobile units. Mobile units provide several challenges for effective instructions. They are more difficult to secure and less energy efficient. During drills, students must vacate the mobile units and enter the main part of the schools. The Board of Education has identified the new middle school as a Tier 1 project, meaning it is requested as soon as possible. An architect has developed a preliminary cost estimate using construction costs of similar schools in the region. A detailed cost study will be needed before funding can be considered. In addition, the preliminary cost estimate projects the school will cost $78 million. To fund this project, Harnett County will need to issue additional debt. Current Stage of Project:A 100.7-acre site was purchased in October 2021 for $1,200,000 using lottery funds. Construction of the new school is slated to begin in FY 2025. Harnett County Schools will bid the project in January 2025, with construction expected to start in May 2025 and finish in July 2027. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 179 educatIon124 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration - - 1,380,365 7,614,635 - - - - - - 8,995,000 Construction - - - 38,137,688 24,244,462 - - - - - 62,382,150 Engineering - - - 3,260,000 - - - - - - 3,260,000 Land - - - 486,750 2,135,750 - - - - - 2,622,500 Other Contracted Services - 1,200,000 - - - - - - - - 1,200,000 Technology - - - 2,897,509 2,897,508 - - - - - 5,795,017 Contingency - - - 673,750 288,750 - - - - - 962,500 #REF! - - - 756,372 756,371 - - - - - 1,512,743 Total Project Cost - 1,200,000 1,380,365 53,826,704 30,322,841 - - - - - 86,729,910 Funding Source Debt Proceeds - - 1,380,365 53,826,704 30,322,841 - - - - - 85,529,910 Lottery Proceeds - 1,200,000 - - - - - - - - 1,200,000 Total Funding Source - 1,200,000 1,380,365 53,826,704 30,322,841 - - - - - 86,729,910 operating effect Debt Service - - - 8,550,000 8,336,250 8,122,500 7,908,750 7,695,000 7,481,250 7,267,500 55,361,250 Total operating effect - - - 8,550,000 8,336,250 8,122,500 7,908,750 7,695,000 7,481,250 7,267,500 55,361,250 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 180 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 125 Project name Harnett County early College/Career Technology Center (Lillington) Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Construct a new 110,000 square-foot high school to accommodate 530 students and promote economic growth, educational excellence, and community development. Project Justification:A new Harnett County Early College/Career Technology Center (EC/CTC) in the Lillington area will provide innovative educational opportunities for local high school students. This state-of-the-art facility will provide students with access to advanced resources, modern technologies, and specialized training in high-demand fields. Harnett County’s population is steadily increasing, requiring expanded educational facilities to accommodate future generations. The EC/ CTC will offer a wide range of advanced programs in fields such as semiconductors, battery technology, pharmaceutical manufacturing, engineering, mechatronics, health sciences, culinary arts, and skilled trades. By training a highly skilled workforce, the new high school could attract new businesses and industries to Harnett County, stimulating economic growth. The EC/CTC will also help to retain existing businesses by providing them with a steady supply of skilled workers. The new facility will be equipped with modern technology and industry-standard equipment, providing students with hands-on learning opportunities that will prepare them for success in the workforce. The new school will offer an academic curriculum combined with hands-on vocational training, preparing students for college and career success. The EC/CTC will collaborate with local businesses and industries to develop programs that meet the specific needs of the workforce. By partnering with community organizations, the new high school can provide students with additional support services, such as job placement assistance and mentorship. While not included in the Board of Education’s FY 2025 budget request, this project was prioritized as a Tier 2 initiative in FY 2024, signifying a need within the next two to three years. Although an architect’s cost estimate has not been received, the projected cost for the new high school is approximately $30,000,000. Given the current lack of both funding and land, Harnett County will need to issue additional debt to proceed with this project. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 181 educatIon126 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Harnett County Schools maintenance Fund Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Reserve Fund description:Provide a reliable funding mechanism for Harnett County Schools to replace critical mechanical systems, windows, and roofs before failure. Funding in FY 2026 would address two HVAC replacements, one chiller replacement, one boiler upgrade, one building automation system upgrade (BAS), one heat pump replacement, one reheat coils for dehumidification addition, and parking lot repaving at three schools and one school facility. Future funding would address a prioritized list of needs identified by the school maintenance staff. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 182 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 127 Project Justification:Harnett County Schools is facing significant maintenance challenges. Many critical systems, including HVAC units, boilers, chillers, and roofs, are nearing or have exceeded their useful life. These failures can result in disruptions to the learning environment, such as lack of heating or cooling, and costly emergency repairs. To address these urgent needs, the school maintenance staff has conducted a comprehensive inventory, prioritized the most critical systems, and developed a replacement schedule over the seven-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Cost estimates have been obtained for FY 2026. • HVAC Systems: o Replacement of a rooftop unit at South Harnett Elementary School o Replacement of a gym unit at Coats Elementary School • Boilers and Chillers: o Upgrade of a boiler at Anderson Creek Elementary School o Replacement of a chiller at Overhills Middle School • Other Mechanical Systems: o Replacement of an obsolete BAS control at Coats Erwin Middle School o Water source heat pump replacement at Lafayette Elementary School. o Reheat coil addition for dehumidification at Dunn Elementary School. • Parking lot Repairs: o Maintenance Shop - resurfacing of parking lots and driveways o Triton High School - milling, paving, striping, and resurfacing of parking lots o South Harnett Elementary School - milling, paving, striping, and resurfacing of parking lots o Lafayette Elementary School - milling, paving, striping, and resurfacing of parking lots By investing in these critical infrastructure upgrades, Harnett County Schools can improve the learning environment, reduce maintenance costs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of its facilities. Alternatives:Option 1: Do nothing. This alternative requires the school system to fund these systems out of regular capital outlay, approximately $1 million per year. These systems are costly and replacement of one system can consume much of the school system’s capital outlay appropriation. Or, has happened in the past, the systems are not replaced when they reach the end of their useful lives. Maintaining outdated systems can be costly and they may not be as energy efficient as newer systems. Option 2: Fund systems each year as needed. The downside to this approach is the county cannot plan the funding long-term and the school system does not have a way to plan beyond the replacement of systems in imminent failure. Option 3: Provide an ongoing funding source for a set amount every year, but require updated cost estimates each year for the projects requested for funding in the upcoming year. Allow flexibility with the funding so that if a mechanical system or roof fails and it is not on that year’s list, with county approval, funds can be redirected to address that need. Recommended Solution:The third option is recommended. This approach sets the yearly amount equal to $1.4 million. If this level of funding is maintained, eventually the school system could reach the point of being pro-active in replacing systems at the end of their useful lives or systems could be replaced for greater energy efficiency or maintenance savings. The funds will be maintained by the county and released as invoices are received. Current Stage of Project:Harnett County Schools maintenance staff has inventoried mechanical systems, windows and roofs and identified replacement priorities over the next seven years. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 183 educatIon128 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Roof, Windows & Systems Maintenance - 4,241,415 1,400,000 2,775,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 16,816,415 Total Project Cost - 4,241,415 1,400,000 2,775,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 16,816,415 Funding Source Capital Reserves - 4,241,415 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 15,441,415 Capital Reserves Fund Balance - - - 1,375,000 - - - - - - 1,375,000 Total Funding Source - 4,241,415 1,400,000 2,775,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 16,816,415 operating effect Transfer from General Fund 3,251,415 410,000 410,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 12,471,415 Total operating effect - 3,251,415 410,000 410,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 12,471,415 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 184 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 129 Project name Harnett County Schools Transportation maintenance Facility Replacement Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Construct a new transportation facility to replace the existing facility, located at 8 West Harnett Street, Lillington, to provide adequate space to service district busses and other vehicles. Project Justification:The existing transportation facility is wholly inadequate for the district’s needs. Built in 1953, the facility only has six bus bays (two were added in 1998), when 12 are needed. The existing site is not large enough to accommodate a new facility, so the project will involve land acquisition. The Board of Education has deemed this project as Tier 1, meaning they would like to see it move forward as soon as possible. Recommended Solution:Construct a new transportation facility when land and funds have been identified. The project will be debt funded. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 185 educatIon130 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Johnsonville elementary School Phase 1 expansion & Renovation Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Approved-Contracts Let Project Type Facilities description:Using general obligation bond funds left from the Benhaven school project, renovate, and expand Johnsonville Elementary, located at 18495 NC 27 West, Cameron. Phase 1 work includes demolishing and replacing the cafeteria with a 9,500-square foot building, demolishing the old CTE classroom building, and renovating the 9,000-square-foot gym. Project Justification:The main part of Johnsonville school was constructed in 1955. At 475 students, the school’s student population does not exceed the 500-student rated capacity of the school. The cafeteria and the Career and Technical Education (CTE) classroom are in poor shape. The CTE Classroom is no longer useable. The gym is also in poor condition and needs renovation. Phase 2 will replace the demolished classroom building. Recommended Solution:Continue Phase 1. Phase 2 will be funded by Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds. Current Stage of Project:The overall project is anticipated to be completed by November 2024. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 186 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 131 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Advertising 1,177 1,177 - - - - - - - - 1,177 Architectural Design & Construction Administration 377,618 364,999 - - - - - - - - 364,999 Construction 4,589,538 4,536,380 - - - - - - - - 4,536,380 Engineering 106,867 123,122 - - - - - - - - 123,122 Furnishings & Equipment - 49,522 - - - - - - - - 49,522 Geotechnical 6,600 6,600 - - - - - - - - 6,600 Permits & Connections Fees 18,200 18,200 - - - - - - - - 18,200 Total Project Cost 5,100,000 5,100,000 - - - - - - - - 5,100,000 Funding Source General Obligation Bonds 5,100,000 5,100,000 - - - - - - - - 5,100,000 Total Funding Source 5,100,000 5,100,000 - - - - - - - - 5,100,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 187 educatIon132 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Lafayette elementary School Renovation Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Renovate Lafayette Elementary School, located at 108 Lafayette School Road, once a portion of students have moved to the new Northwest Harnett Elementary School. Project Justification:The 74,152-square-foot school was originally built in 1948 and was added onto in 1957. The latest major renovation occurred in 1992 after a fire destroyed parts of the school. A minor renovation was done in 2005. After a portion of students move to the new school, the Board of Education would like to renovate the school, possibly for additional uses, but the exact nature of the renovations has not been determined. The Board of Education has identified this as a Tier 1 project, meaning it is needed in the next two to three years. Current Stage of Project:The project is currently on hold. Harnett County Schools did not request this project to move forward in FY 2025-2026. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 188 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 133 Project name Lillington-Shawtown elementary School Gym Addition Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Facilities description:Construct a 7,000- square-foot gymnasium addition at Lillington-Shawtown Elementary, located at 855 Old US Hwy 421, Lillington, to provide adequate recreational and assembly space for students. Project Justification:Lillington-Shawtown Elementary School was built in 2003. At the time the school was constructed, a multipurpose room was included in the design, but a gymnasium was not. The multipurpose room is a large open room with a stage where small assemblies can be held. The multipurpose room does not provide enough space for the entire school to assemble. The multipurpose room is not furnished with recreational equipment such gym floors, basketball goals, bleacher, etc. With a current population of 670 students, Lillington-Shawtown Elementary School needs a space where students, parents, and teachers can come together for school-wide functions. Students need an indoor area for physical education class. Students also need space for recess during inclement weather. The Board of Education has identified the project as Tier 1, meaning it is needed as soon as possible. Current Stage of Project:The construction project is anticipated to begin in early December 2024 and be completed by February 2026. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 189 educatIon134 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction - - 6,103,900 - - - - - - - 6,103,900 Contingency - - 129,000 - - - - - - - 129,000 Engineering - - 625,000 - - - - - - - 625,000 Furnishings & Equipment - - 244,100 - - - - - - - 244,100 Technology - - 183,000 - - - - - - - 183,000 Total Project Cost - - 7,285,000 - - - - - - - 7,285,000 Funding Source Debt Proceeds - - 7,285,000 - - - - - - - 7,285,000 Total Funding Source - - 7,285,000 - - - - - - - 7,285,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 190 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 135 Project name new Highland High School Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Construct a new 305,250-square-foot high school to accommodate 2000 students and alleviate existing and projected overcrowding at Overhills and Harnett Central high schools. Project Justification:Overhills High School currently has 496 more students than its rated capacity, and the number of students is projected to increase by 11 in the next eight years. Though not yet over its rated capacity, Harnett Central High School is projected to exceed its rated capacity by 390 students in the next eight years. Altogether, Harnett Central, Overhills, and Western Harnett high schools are projected to add 594 students by the 2031-32 school year. These schools already have a combined 37 mobile units. Mobile units provide several challenges for effective instructions. They are more difficult to secure and less energy efficient. During drills, students must vacate the mobile units and enter the main part of the schools. The Board of Education has identified the new high school as a Tier 1 project, meaning it is requested as soon as possible. An architect has developed a preliminary cost estimate using construction costs of similar schools in the region. A detailed cost study will be needed before funding can be considered. In addition, the preliminary cost estimate projects the school will cost $97 million, and Harnett County currently lacks the funding to move forward with this project. In order to fund this project, Harnett County will need to issue additional debt. Relation to other Projects: This project is related to the Highland School Road Extension project. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 191 educatIon136 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name new northwest Harnett elementary School Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Substantially Complete Project Type Facilities description:Construct a 120,000-square-foot school at 763Rollins Road, Fuquay-Varina in northwestern Harnett to alleviate overcrowding at Lafayette Elementary School. Project Justification:Lafayette Elementary is severely overcrowded. The school’s rated capacity is 465 students, but the student population is currently 621 and is projected to grow to 936 students by 2028-29, which is more than double the rated capacity. Recommended Solution:Construct a new elementary school. Current Stage of Project:Using lottery proceeds, a 23.5-acre site was purchased in February 2021 at a cost of $731,900. The project was substantially complete in August 2023. The new school opened in August 2023. Site work on the retention pond is still in progress. The school will be paid for from general obligation bonds approved by voters in 2014. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 192 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 137 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration 2,130,650 1,388,750 - - - - - - - - 1,388,750 Construction 39,893,300 39,950,861 - - - - - - - - 39,950,861 Contingency 1,247,569 1,110,007 - - - - - - - - 1,110,007 Engineering - 821,901 - - - - - - - - 821,901 Financing Costs 282,517 282,518 - - - - - - - - 282,518 Furnishings & Equipment 900,000 900,000 - - - - - - - - 900,000 Geotechnical 48,350 48,350 - - - - - - - - 48,350 Land & Easements 731,680 731,680 - - - - - - - - 731,680 Permits & Connection Fees 92,735 92,735 - - - - - - - - 92,735 Surveying 20,910 20,910 - - - - - - - - 20,910 Technology 450,000 450,000 - - - - - - - - 450,000 Water & Sewer 3,500 3,500 - - - - - - - - 3,500 Wetlands Determination 1,133 1,132 - - - - - - - - 1,132 Total Project Cost 45,802,344 45,802,344 - - - - - - - - 45,802,344 Funding Source General Obligation Bonds 35,070,664 35,067,164 - - - - - - - - 35,067,164 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 10,000,000 10,000,000 - - - - - - - - 10,000,000 Lottery Proceeds 731,680 731,680 - - - - - - - - 731,680 Other - 3,500 - - - - - - - - 3,500 Total Funding Source 45,802,344 45,802,344 - - - - - - - - 45,802,344 operating effect Debt Service - 8,526,780 3,450,750 3,343,250 3,235,750 3,128,250 3,020,750 2,913,250 2,805,750 2,698,250 33,122,780 Total operating effect - 8,526,780 3,450,750 3,343,250 3,235,750 3,128,250 3,020,750 2,913,250 2,805,750 2,698,250 33,122,780 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 193 educatIon138 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Resurfacing of Rubberized Tracks Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status New Project Type Facilities description:Resurface the rubberized tracks at Western Harnett High School, Triton High School, and Harnett Central High School to prevent safety hazards for student-athletes. Project Justification:The rubberized tracks at Western Harnett High School, Triton High School, and Harnett Central High School are experiencing significant deterioration. The current surface is breaking down, creating safety hazards for student-athletes and compromising the overall quality of athletic facilities. By resurfacing the tracks, it will enhance safety by reducing the risk of injuries to student-athletes. It could improve performance by having a smooth and consistent track surface. A well-maintained track will encourage greater use by students, staff, and community members. The resurfacing of the rubberized tracks at Western Harnett High School (2026), Triton High School (2027), and Harnett Central High School (2027) is a critical investment in the health, safety, and well-being of our student-athletes. Recommended Solution: Resurface the rubberized tracks at Western Harnett High School in 2026 and Triton High School and Harnett Central High School in 2027. Relation to other Projects: Overhills High School’s track was resurfaced in September 2023. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 194 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 139 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction - - - 162,998 375,346 - - - - - 538,344 Total Project Cost - - - 162,998 375,346 - - - - - 538,344 Funding Source Capital Reserves - - - 162,998 375,346 - - - - - 538,344 Total Funding Source - - - 162,998 375,346 - - - - - 538,344 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 195 educatIon140 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Stadium Lighting Upgrades Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Future Project Type Equipment description:Upgrade the stadium lighting systems at all Harnett County high schools, including Western Harnett High School, Harnett Central High School, Overhills High School, and Triton High School. The current lighting systems, primarily utilizing metal halide bulbs, are becoming increasingly obsolete and inefficient. Project Justification:The existing stadium lighting systems at Western Harnett High School, Harnett Central High School, Overhills High School, and Triton High School present several significant challenges. The production of metal halide bulbs is expected to end in the coming years due to environmental regulations. This will make it difficult to replace burned-out bulbs and maintain the current lighting systems. Metal halide bulbs consume significantly more energy compared to modern LED lighting solutions, leading to higher operational costs. Metal halide bulbs have a relatively short lifespan, requiring frequent replacements and increased maintenance costs. Metal halide bulbs contain hazardous materials, such as mercury, and emit harmful UV radiation. By transitioning to LED lighting, the schools can avoid future disruptions and costs associated with the discontinuation of metal halide bulbs. LED lighting offers significantly higher energy efficiency, resulting in lower electricity bills and reduced environmental impact. LED lighting provides better color rendering, improved light distribution, and reduced glare, enhancing the overall experience for athletes, coaches, and spectators. LED fixtures have a much longer lifespan than metal halide bulbs, reducing maintenance costs and downtime. Improved lighting can enhance safety for athletes, officials, and spectators, particularly during nighttime events. The estimated cost of the project will vary depending on the specific needs of each school, including the number of light poles, the type of LED fixtures, and the complexity of the electrical upgrades. A detailed cost estimate will be needed to determine the exact budget required for each school. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 196 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 141 Project name Triton High School Auxiliary Gym Addition Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Construct a 15,000 square-foot auxiliary gymnasium addition at Triton High School, located at 215 Maynard Lake Rd, Erwin, to provide adequate recreational and instructional space for students. Project Justification:Triton High School, constructed in 1986, is the only high school within the county that lacks an auxiliary gymnasium. While other high schools have added auxiliary gymnasiums, such as Overhills High School (2003), Western Harnett High School (1999), and Harnett Central High School (2010), Triton High School remains without one. The lack of an auxiliary gym hinders the school’s athletic programs, physical education classes, and overall extracurricular activities. Numerous athletic teams are forced to practice at off-site locations, such as local elementary schools. This logistical challenge takes valuable time and resources. Teams are often required to share the main gym, resulting in late-night practices and disrupted academic schedules. Multiple physical education classes scheduled during the same instructional period limit class size and restrict activity options. An auxiliary gym would provide additional space for various physical activities and could serve as a venue for community events. The Board of Education has identified the project as Tier 1, meaning it is needed as soon as possible. An architect has not provided a cost estimate for the Triton site but has provided an estimate based on similar square footage projects in North Carolina, which is $10,000,000. The County currently lacks the funds needed to move forward with the project. To fund this project, Harnett County will need to issue additional debt. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 197 educatIon142 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Weapons detection Systems Responsible department Harnett County Schools Functional Area Education Project Status Completed – Prior Fiscal Year Project Type Equipment description:Purchase and install Weapons Detection Systems at all 29 Harnett County Schools. Project Justification:In recent years, the safety and security of students and staff in educational institutions have become a vital concern. Harnett County Schools, as a responsible and proactive school district, recognizes the critical need to enhance security measures in all our educational facilities. To address this concern, we propose the purchase and installation of Weapons Detection Systems (WDS) in all Harnett County Schools. Incidents of violence in schools, including the presence of weapons, have unfortunately become more frequent nationwide. The safety of our students and staff is non-negotiable, and as such, we must take proactive steps to ensure that our schools remain secure environments for learning and personal development. Weapons Detection Systems have been proven to act as both a deterrent and a preventive measure against individuals attempting to enter school premises with dangerous weapons. The mere presence of these systems can discourage potential threats from materializing, thus reducing the likelihood of incidents. Weapons Detection Systems employ cutting-edge technology, including metal detectors, X-ray scanners, and artificial intelligence algorithms, to swiftly identify concealed weapons. This rapid threat identification allows for immediate response from security personnel, law enforcement, or administrators, potentially saving lives in critical situations. By installing Weapons Detection Systems, Harnett County Schools demonstrate a proactive commitment to safety. This not only mitigates potential liability but also ensures accountability in maintaining a secure environment for students, staff, and visitors. Alternatives:• Install metal detectors, which requires individuals to remove all metal objects prior to screening. This is not feasible at large schools with thousands of students, staff, and visitors arriving in a short period of time. • Personal searches of students and visitors, which can be time-consuming and disruptive, causing inconvenience to individuals and potentially causing bottlenecks in crowded areas. Recommended Solution:Purchase and install weapons detection systems as all Harnett County School, to include one alternative school, four high schools, two early college campuses, six middle schools, and 16 elementary schools. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 198 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 143 Current Stage of Project:Utilizing proceeds from the 2021 General Obligation Bond, Weapons Detection Systems were acquired in late September 2023. The implementation process began in October 2023 and was finalized in December 2023. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 199 144 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment 3,977,247 3,977,247 - - - - - - - - 3,977,247 Total Project Cost 3,977,247 3,977,247 - - - - - - - - 3,977,247 Funding Source Debt Proceeds 3,977,247 3,977,247 - - - - - - - - 3,977,247 Total Funding Source 3,977,247 3,977,247 - - - - - - - - 3,977,247 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 200 educatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 145 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 201 General Government HCBOC 120224 Pg. 202 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 147 Project name Board of elections Facility Replacement/Renovation Responsible department Board of Elections Functional Area General Government Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Construct a new Board of Elections facility at a location to be determined. Project Justification:The existing facility is 2,600 square feet and is operating at maximum capacity. The facility and land belong to Harnett Regional Water, which will eventually need the site for future growth of the Water Treatment Plant. The facility includes office space, limited supply storage, and a 250 square-foot room that is used for meetings and early voting. Election equipment and supplies are stored offsite at the county warehouse in an additional 1,000 square-foot storage area. The current building has inadequate space to hold board meetings, election trainings, and early voting. Depending on the size of the board meeting, meeting space must be scheduled in advance at the current Board of Elections office, Harnett County Administration conference room, Harnett County Commissioners meeting room or Harnett County Commons Area. Depending on room availability and number of election workers, elections training is held at Harnett Regional Water training room, Harnett County Commons Area or Harnett County Resource Center. Early voting locations change and cause voter confusion and frustration. Early voting for the 2020 Primary election was held at the Board of Elections office, while early voting for the 2020 General election was held at the Harnett County Commons Area. The existing facility’s roof leaks, especially when gutters clog, the driveway floods during heavy rains, and the backroom floods when the water heater drain clogs. There is limited parking, with only 18 spots available – two handicap spots and 16 regular spots. During elections, all staff, election workers and election observers must park across the street at an apartment complex, which also has limited parking. Voters park in the few spots at the elections office, at the apartment complex, and alongside of the road. When voters park along side of the road, delivery trucks are not able to make deliveries to Harnett Regional Water Treatment Plant. Limited storage areas impose additional work on staff. Secure items, such as ballots and laptops, are stored at the current facility. Most election equipment and supplies are stored offsite in locked cages at the county warehouse, which is a mile away from the Board of Elections office. Staff make numerous back and forth trips to the warehouse during election times to test voting machines and pack, clean, and organize supplies prior to each election. Better customer service could be provided if the office was fully staffed during election times. A new larger facility will provide the needed space on a year-round basis. During non-election times, staff will need space to organize, clean, and repair all supplies; test voting equipment; conduct election worker training; host post-election audits, recounts, precinct sorts and other recounts as necessary. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 203 General Government148 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Alternatives:• Do nothing and continue to operate out of multiple sites. This option runs the risk of a break down in the chain of custody and security of election related tasks and causes voter confusion. • Construct a new building for the Board of Elections that is designed for election related tasks and can house all operations at one site. • Add on to current facility to allow for storage of equipment and supplies on-site. Would still need to hold early voting and trainings elsewhere. • Conduct a feasibility study to determine the location, building needs, and cost. Recommended Solution:Conduct a feasibility study to determine building needs and cost. Current Stage of Project:The Board of Elections Office was part of the space needs study, which was conducted by Dewberry. The results of the study were presented to the Board of Commissioners on March 28, 2023. Harnett Regional Water will need the current building site within the next two years. Relocation options are being discussed, and a new location will need to be selected by early 2025. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 204 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 149 Project name Benhaven (former) School Renovation Responsible department Facilities Maintenance Functional Area General Government Project Status Completed – Prior Fiscal Year Project Type Facilities description:Renovate the former Benhaven School campus, located at 2815 Olivia Road, Sanford, to allow for reuse by various county functions, an early college, and community partner organizations. First, focus on stabilizing the roofs and HVAC systems to maintain current facilities and prevent further deterioration following Harnett County Schools vacating the campus in preparation for renovation. Second, prepare site for use by early college, Harnett County Library, and Parks & Recreation by demolishing the cafeteria building and adding parking where the building once stood, and renovating the gymnasium and attached classrooms for use as an early college. Finally, in a future phase, for which funding has not been identified, develop a more detailed scope, and obtain cost estimates for the renovating of the remaining buildings on the campus. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 205 General Government150 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Justification:Harnett County Schools opened the new Benhaven Elementary School in fall 2018, and the former school has been vacant since that time. During the move, the school system removed many of the window units which heated and cooled the buildings, leaving the buildings unconditioned. Parts were also removed from the boiler in the main school building, leaving that building without heat. Leaking roofs have caused water infiltration, another source of mold growth and building damage. The campus has become overgrown and has been vandalized. After negotiations with the Board of Education, the former school was turned over to the County on September 25, 2019. Another tract was conveyed in October, when it was discovered that it was not included in the original deed. The community has expressed interest in saving and repurposing the old school. County staff developed and presented a plan for a community center with dedicated space for Parks & Recreation and the Harnett County Public Library, along with satellite space for other County departments to provide services, and space that could be leased to partner organizations to provide additional services. Harnett County Schools has also expressed interest in locating an early college on the site. The County engaged Ellington Design Group in FY 2019 to evaluate the buildings on the site and determine the scope of work needed to bring the buildings up to code. A space program and feasibility study will need to be done to determine the full cost of the renovations. The former Benhaven School campus is in an advantageous location to provide additional county and other services to residents living in the unincorporated areas of western Harnett County. Residents in this part of the county have asked for more engagement from the county and members of the Benhaven Community have expressed an interest in seeing the former campus reused. The following buildings are available on the campus: Building 1: The main school building is 24,662 square feet and includes several offices near the entrance, along with several classrooms and a large auditorium. Potential uses for this space include occupation by County departments and partner organizations – both with permanent space for Parks & Recreation functions and a Public Library location, and space available for use by other County departments and partner organizations for service provision. Preserving the auditorium has been identified as a key concern, since this is one of the largest assembly spaces in the county. Building 2: The shop/media center building is 6,771 square feet. After the roof and conditioning issues are addressed, the building could be used for storage for Parks & Recreation equipment to maintain the campus or to serve as a base for maintenance of sites around this part of the county. A portion of this building could also be used as a meeting space or by a partner organization, however renovations are needed inside the building to remove shelves, replace the flooring, and repaint the walls. Building 3: The preschool building is 4,670 square feet. The County is currently exploring the possibility of splitting this building off from the rest of the campus and either selling it or donating it for use by another entity. The gymnasium building (square footage unknown). Harnett County Schools would like to establish another campus of Harnett Early College in the gymnasium and attached classrooms. The gym would be shared with Parks and Recreation for use outside school hours. Additionally, the site includes athletic fields, a playground, and open space, which Parks & Recreation would like to use. A related project to rehabilitate the campus grounds for recreational use is included in the CIP. Staff will need to evaluate condition and capacity of current septic system to determine whether existing capacity can accommodate planned uses. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 206 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 151 Alternatives:• Do nothing: If nothing is done, the buildings will continue to deteriorate, eventually to the point they cannot be used, or the cost of renovation will not be feasible. The site will become overgrown, and vandalism will likely continue, further damaging the buildings and creating a blighted area in the community. • Demolish all buildings. This option defeats the purpose of the County taking ownership of the site and does nothing to address the community’s interest in preserving and repurposing the buildings or departments’ interest in providing satellite offices. • Put the property up for sale. While this could generate revenue for the County and eliminate the costs associated with renovation, it will also not address the needs expressed by the community of providing additional services. The County will also lose control over the future use of the site. Recommended Solution:Over multiple phases, develop the site to preserve most of the existing buildings and renovate them for a community center, branch library, parks maintenance shop, early college, and other county and community uses. First, in FY 2020, 2021, and 2022 stabilize the buildings by conditioning them, repairing the shop roof, replacing the library roof, providing a lock system, and establishing a presence on the site. Second, in FY 2021 demolish the cafeteria to provide adequate space for parking. Third, in FY 2022 design and construct a new parking lot to add spaces and enhance access to the campus. Fourth, in the future, retain the services of an architect to provide a building program and cost estimate for work needed beyond the code updates specified by Ellington Design. Funds for the architect will need to be budgeted when the Board of Commissioners wants to move forward with the fourth phase. No funding is currently included for this future phase of the project. operating Impact:There will be an increased operating impact for the Parks and Recreation Department and Public Library, as well as possible increased operating costs for other departments that provide services on site. Additional operating costs for the campus will include electrical, fuel, water, and maintenance supplies. Some of these costs could be offset by leasing space on the property to community partners and other organizations, or by selling the preschool building. $1.9M in general obligation bond proceeds have been allocated for this project, but cost estimates have not been finalized for all the work. The debt service amount shown under operating impact is for the full $1.9M. Current Stage of Project:The Benhaven renovation project is complete. The site now houses the Harnett County Schools Early College, Department of Social Services, Veterans Services, Health Department, and Benhaven Library Branch, expanding services to the community. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 207 General Government152 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration - 14,000 - - - - - - - - 14,000 Construction 3,030,890 3,016,890 - - - - - - - - 3,016,890 Engineering 77,504 77,504 - - - - - - - - 77,504 Furnishings & Equipment 183,207 183,207 - - - - - - - - 183,207 Permits 800 800 - - - - - - - - 800 Total Project Cost 3,292,401 3,292,401 - - - - - - - - 3,292,401 Funding Source Capital Reserves 660,496 617,679 - - - - - - - - 617,679 General Fund Operating Revenue - 57,959 - - - - - - - - 57,959 General Obligation Bonds 1,900,000 1,900,000 - - - - - - - - 1,900,000 Interest 546,130 546,130 - - - - - - - - 546,130 SCIF Fund 185,775 170,633 - - - - - - - - 170,633 Total Funding Source 3,292,401 3,292,401 - - - - - - - - 3,292,401 operating effect Debt Service - 754,249 137,115 132,475 127,835 123,195 117,968 114,303 92,188 - 1,599,328 General Fund Operating Revenue - 57,959 - - - - - - - - 57,959 Increased Operating Costs - 185,161 54,388 55,806 57,264 58,762 60,301 61,521 62,776 - 595,979 Transfer from General Fund - 78,433 - - - - - - - - 78,433 Total operating effect - 1,075,802 191,503 188,281 185,099 181,957 178,269 175,824 154,964 - 2,331,699 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 208 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 153 Project name Courthouse Shell-Space Upfit Responsible department Facilities Maintenance Functional Area General Government Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Develop a building program and cost estimate to finish approximately 12,150 square feet of shell space in the Harnett County Courthouse, located at 301 W Cornelius Harnett Blvd, Lillington to meet Clerk of Court and other court-related needs. Project Justification:When the courthouse was originally constructed, 12,150 square feet of the third floor was constructed as “shell space,” meaning the space is not finished and could be renovated to accommodate a range of needs. The original plans called for this space to be future courtrooms, however two decades have passed since these plans were made and this space needs to be reassessed to determine whether the original plan still constitutes the best use of this space or if an alternative use would be preferable. Alternatives:•Do nothing: The space could remain as is for the foreseeable future, but this would not address court system needs or any other County needs for this space. •Finish the space for courtrooms: While this meets the original intent for the space, there may be other court and/or County needs that have not been presented to the county. •Assess all possible needs which could be addressed by refinishing this space, identify the most critical, and hire an architect to develop a building program and cost estimate. Recommended Solution:Because the county has not systematically assessed the need, the third alternative is recommended. The Facilities Maintenance Manager estimates this study would cost approximately $30,000. County management and the Board of Commissioners have discussed including a feasibility study for the unfinished courthouse space in a County-wide space needs assessment. operating Impact:The operating impact will be utility costs for gas, water, and electricity. Current Stage of Project:The project is currently on hold. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 209 General Government154 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Facilities Capital maintenance & Replacement Fund Responsible department Facilities Maintenance Functional Area General Government Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Reserve Fund description:Provide a reliable funding mechanism for Facilities to replace critical mechanical systems, HVAC systems, parking lots, and roofs before failure. Funding in FY 2026 will address replacing the roof at the Emergency Services building, a water heater at the Government Complex building, a chiller at the Agriculture Center, and repaving multiple county building parking lots. Project Justification:Harnett County is facing significant challenges in maintaining and replacing crucial capital infrastructure. The potential failure of these systems could lead to county offices losing their heating or air conditioning capabilities, as well as the possibility of incurring substantial repair costs in case of roof damage. Many of these systems have already exceeded their expected operational lifespans. The county maintenance staff has meticulously cataloged these pressing needs, established their priority, and determined the appropriate timing for replacement as part of the seven-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). -Emergency Services Building Roof Replacement: The current roof is over 25 years old and has experienced significant deterioration. Replacement will prevent water damage and energy loss. -Government Complex Water Heater Replacement: The aging water heater at the Government Complex is 25 years old and energy inefficient. A new, high-efficiency unit will reduce operating costs and improve reliability. -Agriculture Center Chiller Replacement: The 25-year-old chiller system at the Agriculture Center is critical for maintaining optimal temperature and humidity levels in sensitive areas. The unit is at the end of its useful life. -Parking Lot Repaving: Numerous county building parking lots are in need of repaving. Repaving these lots will improve accessibility, enhance aesthetics, and extend the lifespan of the parking infrastructure. Ten lots have been prioritized based on greatest need. Alternatives:• Do nothing. Replace systems and equipment when they fail. Maintaining outdated systems can be costly and they may not be as energy efficient as newer systems. • Fund systems each year as needed. The downside to this approach is the county cannot plan the funding long-term and the county does not have a way to plan beyond the replacement of systems in imminent failure. • Provide an ongoing funding source for a set amount every year, but require updated cost estimates each year for the projects requested for funding in the upcoming year. Allow flexibility with the funding so that if a mechanical system or roof fails and it is not on that year’s list, funds can be redirected to address that need. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 210 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 155 Recommended Solution:The third option is recommended. This approach sets the yearly amount equal to $500,000 for four fiscal years and then $250,000 for each fiscal year afterwards. If this level of funding is maintained, eventually the county could reach the point of being pro-active in replacing systems at the end of their useful lives or systems could be replaced for greater energy efficiency or maintenance savings. Current Stage of Project:Facilities maintenance staff has inventoried mechanical systems, HVAC systems, parking lots and roofs and identified replacement priorities over the next seven years. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 211 General Government156 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Transfer to Facilities Capital Reserve - 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 4,500,000 Total Project Cost - 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 4,500,000 Funding Source Transfer from General Fund - 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 4,500,000 Total Funding Source - 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 4,500,000 operating effect Transfer from General Fund - 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 4,500,000 Total operating effect - 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 4,500,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 212 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 157 Project name HVAC Control Upgrades and Standardization Responsible department Facilities Maintenance Functional Area General Government Project Status Completed – Prior Fiscal Year Project Type Equipment description:Acquire software to upgrade and standardize all HVAC controls in the Health Science, Tax and Register of Deeds, Courthouse, and Government Complex buildings. Project Justification:Existing HVAC controls vary from building to building. Some systems are out-of-date and are not operating on secure platforms. The Facilities Department must maintain the different systems. Alternatives:• Do nothing: Without standardizing controls, systems will continue to be out of date, operate on non-secure platforms, and require Facilities staff knowledge of multiple systems. In some cases, the existing systems do not allow the most efficient control of HVAC systems. In addition to having to learn multiple systems, staff cannot always make changes without going through the vendor. • Standardize the controls of the Harnett Resource Center and Library. Use this as a starting point for how existing buildings can be standardized in the future. Recommended Solution:The construction of the Harnett Resource Center and Library and the replacement of the chiller at the Development Services/IT Building and cooling towers at the courthouse have allowed the purchase of a standard control system for these buildings. With time to evaluate these systems, staff will be in a better position to recommend a standardized system. operating Impact:The project will provide cost savings on utilities. Current Stage of Project:This project was completed in June 2024 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 213 General Government158 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment 500,775 500,775 - - - - - - - - 500,775 Total Project Cost 500,775 500,775 - - - - - - - - 500,775 Funding Source Facilities Capital Reserves 500,775 500,775 - - - - - - - - 500,775 Total Funding Source 500,775 500,775 - - - - - - - - 500,775 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 214 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 159 Project name Fleet maintenance Facility Improvement or Replacement Responsible department Fleet Maintenance Functional Area General Government Project Status New Project Type Vehicles description:Construct a 40’x80’ metal building addition to the county garage facility, located at 1100 E McNeill Street, Lillington, to provide adequate space for the maintenance of the county’s expanding fleet, thereby improving vehicle service turnaround times and ensuring the safety of garage staff. Project Justification:As our fleet continues to expand, so does the demand for efficient and timely maintenance to the county’s fleet of approximately 475 vehicles. The existing fleet maintenance shop has reached its capacity. The existing shop is limited to three bays, which can no longer accommodate the growing fleet. This results in longer wait times for maintenance and repairs, affecting overall operational efficiency. Vehicles often remain idle longer than necessary, leading to reduced productivity. This extended downtime not only impacts our service delivery but also increases the risk of operational delays. With more vehicles in need of maintenance than the current bays can handle, we are experiencing a backlog that can lead to potential safety concerns and increased wear on the fleet. To address these challenges, we propose the addition of several maintenance bays to enhance our operational efficiency, reduce turnaround times, and ensure that our fleet remains in optimal condition. Since January 2016, the county’s fleet has grown by 28% (approximately 100 vehicles). Our three full-time Fleet Maintenance Mechanics complete a combined 1,681 vehicle work orders on average per year. Over the last year, we increased the number of large in-house repair projects due to wait times with vendor outsourcing, resulting in a cost savings of approximately $40,000.00. By taking on large repair projects including replacing engines, transmissions, suspensions and rear differentials, not only are we saving money by not outsourcing, we are able to get our vehicles back on the road sooner. However, when we have a vehicle in the shop to replace an engine, transmission, etc. the bay is tied up for long periods and vehicles needing a quick service are delayed due to not having an open bay. Having the addition of new maintenance bays is essential for meeting the growing demands of our fleet. By investing in a building expansion, we will enhance our operational efficiency, reduce vehicle downtime, and improve overall safety and compliance. This strategic initiative will ensure that our fleet is maintained to the highest standards, ultimately supporting our mission and enhancing service delivery. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 215 General Government160 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Alternatives:• Expand the existing facility by adding a 40’x80’ addition to the backside of the existing building, which would be a sustainable plan for the next 30 years. Expanding the existing facility with three additional bays and a large stock / equipment storage area would allow staff to take in the increased demand for vehicle service, improve efficiency and reduce wait times for departments waiting on vehicle repairs. • Replace the existing Fleet Maintenance facility with a new facility. An eight bay shop would be the most effective, long term, for the county’s growing fleet. This option would require architectural services to determine a building scope and cost. •Potential venture of a joint Fleet Maintenance facility with the County and Harnett County Schools. This could allow for greater efficiencies and economies of scale through a co-located facility for both entities. This option would require architectural services to determine a building scope and cost. •Replace only the lifts and other aging equipment. This option does not address the need to increase the number of bays to service a growing fleet. •Finally, do nothing. If nothing is done, then none of the concerns mentioned above will be addressed. Recommended Solution:To alleviate these challenges, we propose the addition of a 40’x80’ Pre-Engineered Metal Building on a 6” concrete slab attached to the backside of the existing Fleet Maintenance facility. This addition would house three new bays with three 12’x14’ overhead motor operated doors. The project would include a new 20’ wide by 80’ long 6” thick concrete apron running in front of the overhead doors. The additional space on the end would be a large stock area for parts, our tire machine and other shop equipment. We would also request two lifts for two of the bays – a 10k lb., 2-Post Lift and an 18k lb. 4-Post Lift with Alignment Rack. We would like to leave one bay open to work on large in-house projects that require extended downtime. By increasing the number of bays, we can significantly reduce backlog and improve service delivery times. This will allow more vehicles to be serviced simultaneously, ensuring that maintenance schedules are met. With more bays available, we can optimize workflow. This will enable our technicians to focus on multiple vehicles at once, improving overall productivity. A reduction in downtime for maintenance will lead to quicker returns for service for our fleet, ultimately enhancing operational readiness and reliability. Regular and timely maintenance is crucial for ensuring that all vehicles meet safety and regulatory standards. With additional bays, we can maintain a rigorous schedule that keeps our fleet compliant and safe. operating Impact:The operating impact will be utility costs for gas, water, and electricity. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 216 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 161 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction - - - 560,000 - - - - - - 560,000 Total Project Cost - - - 560,000 - - - - - - 560,000 Funding Source Capital Reserves - - - 560,000 - - - - - - 560,000 Total Funding Source - - - 560,000 - - - - - - 560,000 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - - - 8,355 7,679 7,919 8,146 8,391 8,642 8,902 58,034 Total operating effect - - - 8,355 7,679 7,919 8,146 8,391 8,642 8,902 58,034 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 217 General Government162 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Broadband expansion Initiative Responsible department Information Technology Functional Area General Government Project Status Approved-Contracts Let Project Type Technology description:Recruit and partner with a qualified service provider to facilitate the development of cost-effective broadband in Harnett County, with a focus on the underserved and unserved areas. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 218 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 163 Project Justification:Broadband is not available to all county residents. With the coronavirus pandemic and greater use of Internet for school and work, now more than ever, our residents and businesses rely on adequate broadband. The incumbent providers serve 70 to 80% of the County, but some Internet service is barely usable at 1-5mbs. The federal guidelines state that 25mbs is the base standard to be considered high-speed broadband. Existing service providers have not expanded broadband access to all rural areas. The county needs a service provider to expand and provide broadband access in unserved and underserved areas. Since lack of broadband infrastructure is a significant barrier to economic growth, broadband initiative has been the Harnett Board of Commissioner’s top legislative priority since 2014. In November 2018, Harnett County launched a broadband survey that encouraged residents to provide feedback on their current broadband capabilities. The county partnered with ECC Technologies, Inc. to conduct the online broadband assessment survey to determine the residences and businesses within the county who continue to struggle with limited access to Internet services, with a particular focus on broadband availability. Harnett County worked with local libraries and the county school district to ask residents and businesses to participate in this broadband assessment. This assessment was created to verify availability of current broadband services in the county, to identify actual speeds available through the speed test, and collect information on demand for services from residents and businesses across these counties. Over 1,600 responses were received during the survey period with roughly 90% of responses marked as “complete” by the surveying tool. Only 10% were marked “partial,” indicating the respondent abandoned the survey at some point. The survey indicated there is a clear and present need not only for access to true broadband service but for provider choice that shows how critical it is to find a solution that benefits as many residents as possible. While 85% of residential respondents stated they have Internet access at their home, only 32% are able to purchase the speed of service that they need. The primary reasons for respondents without Internet to lack Harnett County Broadband Assessment service is that it is simply unavailable (62%), with service being too expensive the second most common reason for having no home Internet (22%). Eighty-three percent of residential respondents without home Internet would sign up immediately if service were available, while only 2% said they would not sign up for Internet service, and 62% percent of homes without Internet have someone in their household who has difficulty completing homework. With North Carolina’s requirement for digital textbooks and assignments, this presents a significant problem to Harnett County residents who either have no access to Internet services in their homes or who are unable to purchase the speeds they need. The data suggests that there are areas within the county which do not have access to sufficient broadband speeds and other areas of the county which have sufficient speed but no viable competitive option. Alternatives:• Do nothing. Over the past decade, our residents have asked the county for help in expanding broadband access. Incumbent providers have been reluctant to expand access beyond financially feasible areas • Release an RFP to invite Internet Service Providers to expand service in Harnett County. Current providers are encouraged to consider this request, as well as new providers. It is anticipated that both fiber‐based and fixed wireless‐based solutions will be presented in the RFP responses and both will be considered. • Work directly with incumbent providers to expand their service. The county has attempted to do this over the last decade, but the conversations have not resulted in significant expansion of broadband access. Recommended Solution:Recruit and partner with a nonincumbent company to offer broadband service. operating Impact:There is no impact on the operating budget. The County is funding grant awardees to bring broadband service to Harnett County. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 219 General Government164 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Current Stage of Project:As of March 2024, the Phase 1 Cloudwyze project has been completed. Customers are being served across the Phase 1 area of Harnett County by a mix of fixed wireless and fiber solutions. The county entered into an agreement to move forward with the Phase 2 proposal for the Cloudwyze project in the western part of the county in December 2023. Phase 2 is designed as a fiber-based initiative due to the limitations of fixed wireless and the growing need for higher bandwidth solutions. Phase 2 design has been completed and permitting has begun for this area. Harnett County was awarded two GREAT (Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology) grants. In November 2023, GREAT round one was awarded to Bright Speed. In August 2024, GREAT round two was awarded to Spectrum. Bright Speed has already begun construction and has started providing broadband in some areas of the county. Spectrum will begin construction by the end of 2024. In March 2024, Cloudwyze also received funding by the State due to a legal settlement that will bring broadband to locations in the western part of Harnett County. In July 2024, the county was awarded a CAB (Completing Access to Broadband) grant. CAB round one was awarded to Bright Speed. This grant is fully funded and the county match was provided by the state due to excess ARP funds for broadband at the state level. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 220 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 165 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 3,985,000 3,985,000 800,000 - - - - - - - 4,785,000 Grant Match 750,000 750,000 593,626 - - - - - - - 1,343,626 Total Project Cost 4,735,000 4,735,000 1,393,626 - - - - - - - 6,128,626 Funding Source ARP Fund 750,000 750,000 593,626 - - - - - - - 1,343,626 General Fund Fund Balance 2,000,000 2,000,000 - - - - - - - - 2,000,000 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 1,985,000 1,985,000 800,000 - - - - - - - 2,785,000 Total Funding Source 4,735,000 4,735,000 1,393,626 - - - - - - - 6,128,626 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 221 General Government166 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Core Server Infrastructure Upgrade/Replacement Responsible department Information Technology Functional Area General Government Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Equipment description:Replace existing, out-of-warranty core server infrastructure located at 175 Bain Street, Lillington and 1005 Edward Brothers Drive, Lillington to align our technology resources with future needs, optimize the performance of current applications, and ensure uninterrupted service availability. Project Justification:Harnett County Information Technology Department has a regular four to five-year cycle for replacing core server infrastructure to maintain technology services’ reliability and currency. Our existing core infrastructure, upgraded in October 2022, is set to go out of warranty in fiscal 2027. Given the vital role it plays in supporting county on-premises technology services, it is imperative to proactively address this situation. An efficient core system should not be operating at its maximum capacity, and when it does, it becomes essential to transition to a more resource-rich platform. Alternatives:• Renew existing system warranty: While this option would maintain the current system’s operational status, it falls short in addressing the county’s future growth requirements effectively. • Replace with new technology and warranty: Opting for this alternative will empower the county to allocate additional resources to forthcoming projects and meet evolving county needs over the next four to five years. • Do nothing: This choice poses a significant risk to the core infrastructure, leaving us vulnerable to potential failures without readily available resources for hardware fixes or replacements. Furthermore, it restricts our ability to introduce new software applications or expand resources for existing software. Recommended Solution:Replace the existing core infrastructure with cutting-edge technology backed by a four-year warranty. This upgrade will ensure reliability, support future projects, and meet the county’s needs over the next four to five years. The next upgrade cycle is scheduled for fiscal year 2027. operating Impact:The primary operating impact will involve routine maintenance and support costs associated with the upgraded infrastructure, ensuring consistent and efficient service delivery. Current Stage of Project:The server infrastructure upgrade is an ongoing project with a recurring four-year cycle, designed for the evolving functional requirements of the county network. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 222 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 167 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment 1,736,753 789,433 - - 947,320 - - - - - 1,736,753 Total Project Cost 1,736,753 789,433 - - 947,320 - - - - - 1,736,753 Funding Source Information Technology Fund 1,736,753 789,433 - - 947,320 - - - - - 1,736,753 Total Funding Source 1,736,753 789,433 - - 947,320 - - - - - 1,736,753 operating effect Transfer from General Fund - 789,433 - - - - - - - - 789,433 Total operating effect - 789,433 - - - - - - - - 789,433 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 223 General Government168 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Core Storage Infrastructure Upgrade/Replacement Responsible department Information Technology Functional Area General Government Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Equipment description:Replace existing, out-of-warranty core storage infrastructure located at 175 Bain Street, Lillington and 1005 Edward Brothers Drive, Lillington to align our technology resources with future needs, enhance productivity, expand data storage capacity, and ensure uninterrupted service availability. Project Justification:The Harnett County Information Technology Department follows a regular five-year cycle for replacing core storage infrastructure to uphold the reliability and currency of technology services. The current core storage infrastructure, last upgraded in August 2021, is scheduled to go out of warranty in fiscal year 2026. Given its critical role in supporting county on-premises technology services and data storage, it is essential to take proactive measures. An efficient storage system is necessary in reducing downtime, minimizing potential data loss, boosting productivity, and providing sufficient data storage. New storage systems ensure access to cutting-edge technology, enabling prompt data transactions, expanding storage capacity, and enhancing reliability. Alternatives:• Preemptive replacement: This option involves replacing storage systems before any issues arise, ensuring continuity of operations, productivity, and data integrity. • Replace as failures Occur: Under this alternative, storage systems would be replaced on an as-needed basis, which might lead to productivity losses and potential data loss in the event of system failures. • Do nothing: Maintaining aging storage systems without upgrading can result in reduced productivity and increased vulnerability to data loss, making it an unsustainable choice for the county’s IT infrastructure. Recommended Solution:Recommend preemptively replacing the existing core storage infrastructure to increase productivity, expand data capacity, and mitigate issues associated with aging technology. The next upgrade cycle is scheduled for fiscal year 2026. operating Impact:The primary operating impact will involve routine maintenance and support costs associated with the upgraded infrastructure, ensuring consistent and efficient service delivery. Current Stage of Project:The storage infrastructure upgrade is an ongoing project with a recurring five-year cycle, designed for the evolving functional requirements of the county network. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 224 General GovernmentHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 169 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment 500,000 - - 500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 Total Project Cost 500,000 - - 500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 Funding Source Information Technology Fund 500,000 - - 500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 Total Funding Source 500,000 - - 500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 225 General Government170 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 226 Human Services HCBOC 120224 Pg. 227 human servIces172 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Second Floor Upfit Responsible department Department of Social Services (DSS) Functional Area Human Services Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Facilities description:Upfit approximately 5,400 square feet of shell space in the Harnett County Department of Social Services, located at 311 W Cornelius Harnett Blvd, Lillington to allow for social distancing and accommodate additional staffing. Project Justification:Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, DSS has experienced substantial impacts, including a surge in staffing levels that have exceeded the capacity of our current office space. Additionally, there have been instances of staff outbreaks, necessitating the implementation of staggered telework schedules to ensure the safety of our employees. In 2020, the county expanded the DSS building by adding a two-story addition. The second floor of this addition, covering approximately 5,400 square feet, was intentionally left unfinished, with the foresight of accommodating future growth. Recognizing the pressing need to address the evolving workspace requirements, the county conducted a comprehensive space needs assessment in the spring of 2023. This assessment highlighted the imperative need to transform this currently underutilized shell space into functional office space. This transformation will facilitate social distancing measures and enable the department to accommodate the additional staffing required to meet the growing demands of the community. The first phase of this project will involve engaging the services of an architect to craft a tailored design plan for the space. This design will align with the requirements outlined in the space needs assessment, ensuring that the upfit is both efficient and effective in supporting the DSS’s essential functions. Recommended Solution:Upfit the second floor of the two-story addition. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 228 human servIcesHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 173 operating Impact:The operating impact will be utility costs for gas, water, and electricity. Current Stage of Project:The project ordinance was approved by the Board of Commissioners on October 2, 2023. The design work was completed by December 2023. The overall project is projected to be finished by December 2024. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 229 174 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration 112,064 67,985 44,079 - - - - - - - 112,064 Construction 743,437 - 743,437 - - - - - - - 743,437 Furnishings & Equipment 248,763 - 248,763 - - - - - - - 248,763 Contingency 95,736 - 95,736 - - - - - - - 95,736 Total Project Cost 1,200,000 67,985 1,132,015 - - - - - - - 1,200,000 Funding Source Capital Reserves 1,200,000 67,985 1,132,015 - - - - - - - 1,200,000 Total Funding Source 1,200,000 67,985 1,132,015 - - - - - - - 1,200,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 230 human servIcesHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 175 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 231 Public Safety HCBOC 120224 Pg. 232 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 177 Project name Animal Shelter Replacement Responsible department Animal Services Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Facilities description:Construct a new animal services shelter facility at a location to be determined. Project Justification:The existing facility was built more than 25 years ago, with an addition constructed in 2005, and is operating at maximum capacity. It is located on land owned by Harnett Regional Water and is adjacent to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant. A new facility could provide needed space for a veterinarian office, a surgical room, and a better environment for adoption of animals, as well as improve the flow of animals from intake through adoption. The new facility would provide space to separate adoptable animals from animals quarantined for health or behavior issues and increase the holding capacity of the shelter. The 32 dog runs and the small 15 cage intake room for cats remain at maximum capacity with multiple cats often occupying one cage. Between 2015 to 2019, 18,424 dogs and cats came to the shelter and of those 5,012 were euthanized, many for lack of space or treatable illness despite being eligible for adoption. There is inadequate space and layout for the treatment and testing of animals, food preparation, laundry and dishes, and adoption visitation. There is one room for laundry and medical, which is also the room where small sick animals are housed. The facility has no onsite space for spay neuter surgeries. When facilitating adoptions, the existing shelter only has one meet and greet room and a dog play yards. Additional areas are needed for adopters to meet with animals and for animals to get exercise outside their kennels which is necessary for enrichment best practices. The single kennel area for all incoming animals contributes to cross contamination and disease. Best practices suggest shelters have separate holding areas for incoming animals, quarantine animals, isolation animals and healthy adoptable animas. The existing shelter has two separate kennel areas - one indoor/outdoor with 16 kennels for intake and 16 all-indoor with side-by-side dividers for adoption-ready animals. Drainage design is via open trench in the holding kennels. Inside, the drain runs one direction, and outside, it runs the opposite direction. The design greatly increases the transmission of disease due to the washing and spraying of excrement past the kennels of young, unvaccinated animals and healthy animals. The open front trench design poses a safety risk. The chain link doors all open outward increasing the difficulty of entering and exiting kennels safely and quickly, which increases the chance for dogs to escape. The doors cause hoses to get caught and pulled into the drain, which increases cleaning time due to constant opening and closing or the maneuvering around doors.HCBOC 120224 Pg. 233 PublIc saFety178 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Alternatives:• Do nothing and continue to operate as is for the foreseeable future, but this will not address the need for Harnett County Regional Water to expand the Wastewater Treatment plant to expand onto the site of the existing facility, which is needed as a result of increased county growth. • Contract with another group to oversee and manage the animal sheltering capabilities in the county. However, there is no local existing agency with a positive past performance of operating as a shelter to meet the needs and volume of Harnett County. Recommended Solution:Review the submitted needs assessment study and determine which recommended features should be implemented. Move forward with the project once a scope, location and funding source have been identified. Current Stage of Project:A needs assessment study has been conducted by Shelter Planners of America to determine potential locations, building needs, and cost. The study was completed and submitted to the county on October 3, 2022. Estimated project costs were updated on January 3, 2023, with a total cost to $9,183,735. Project land acquisition is anticipated in FY2025 and RFQ for design services is estimated to be released between March and June 2025. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 234 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 179 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration 897,181 224,295 - 448,590 224,296 - - - - - 897,181 Construction 7,605,577 - - 3,802,788 3,802,789 - - - - - 7,605,577 Contingency 437,321 - - - 437,321 - - - - - 437,321 Feasibility Study 32,341 32,341 - - - - - - - - 32,341 Furnishings & Equipment 220,656 - - - 220,656 - - - - - 220,656 Permits & Connection Fees 23,000 - - 11,500 11,500 - - - - - 23,000 Total Project Cost 9,216,076 256,636 - 4,262,878 4,696,562 - - - - - 9,216,076 Funding Source Capital Reserves 32,341 32,341 - - - - - - - - 32,341 Debt Proceeds 9,183,735 224,295 - 4,262,878 4,696,562 - - - - - 9,183,735 Total Funding Source 9,216,076 256,636 - 4,262,878 4,696,562 - - - - - 9,216,076 operating effect Debt Service - - - - - 1,000,000 975,000 950,000 925,000 900,000 4,750,000 Increased Operating Costs - - - - - 576,154 570,770 584,232 598,050 612,235 2,941,441 Total operating effect - - - - - 1,576,154 1,545,770 1,534,232 1,523,050 1,512,235 7,691,441 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 235 PublIc saFety180 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name emergency medical Services Capital Reserve Appropriation Responsible department Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Reserve Fund description:Continue an annual contribution to the Emergency Medical Services Capital Reserve Fund. Contribute $850,000 to the capital reserve fund over the next seven years. Funds will be used for vehicle replacements, remounts, and other capital items such as cardiac monitors and stretchers. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 236 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 181 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Transfer to EMS Capital Reserve - 690,000 1,100,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 7,740,000 Total Project Cost - 690,000 1,100,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 7,740,000 Funding Source Transfer from General Fund - 690,000 1,100,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 7,740,000 Total Funding Source - 690,000 1,100,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 7,740,000 operating effect Transfer from General Fund - 690,000 1,100,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 7,740,000 Total operating effect - 690,000 1,100,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 7,740,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 237 PublIc saFety182 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Cardiac monitors Replacement Responsible department Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Equipment description:Replace all EMS cardiac monitors in FY 2027 to ensure this critical equipment continues to function at an optimal level. Project Justification:Cardiac monitors have a typical useful life of 10 years due to wear and tear. Additionally, as new monitors are manufactured and the software is upgraded, the old monitors are not able to be upgraded. Due to the extensive training required to properly operate each brand/model of cardiac monitor, it is neither efficient nor safe to have multiple brand/models in the field at once. This can lead to staff confusion during emergency calls and endanger patients. Alternatives:• Do nothing. This will lead to increased repair and maintenance costs if the units can be repaired. Once the manufacturer will no longer repair the units, they will become obsolete. In addition to be critical for patient care, these monitors are required for certification by the NC Office of Emergency Medical Services (NCOEMS). • Replace all Harnett County EMS monitors at the end of their useful life but before they become obsolete. This ensures our system has the newest equipment available and can continue to provide the best care to the residents of Harnett County and follow NCOEMS certification guidelines. • Replace some but not all cardiac monitors. This will lead to two different models in the field at once. This could lead to staff confusion and errors in care. Recommended Solution:Replace all cardiac monitors at the end of their useful life in FY 2027. operating Impact:The cardiac monitor replacements will reduce maintenance costs on existing equipment. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 238 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 183 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment 610,855 - - - 610,855 - - - - - 610,855 Total Project Cost 610,855 - - - 610,855 - - - - - 610,855 Funding Source EMS Capital Reserves 610,855 - - - 610,855 - - - - - 610,855 Total Funding Source 610,855 - - - 610,855 - - - - - 610,855 operating effect Decreased Costs - - - - (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (60,000) Total operating effect - - - - (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (60,000) HCBOC 120224 Pg. 239 PublIc saFety184 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Convalescent Transport Unit Replacements Responsible department Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Vehicles description:Replace one convalescent transport unit per year beginning in FY 2023 in accordance with the EMS Vehicle Replacement and Rotation Policy. These replacements will ensure the three units do not exceed safe mileage thresholds. Project Justification:With the conversion of our non-emergency convalescent fleet from ambulances to transit-style vans, it will be necessary to replace these units every three years based on our Harnett County EMS Vehicle Replacement and Rotation Policy. These units average 87,000 miles per year and are in service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, limiting the useful life to three years. Beyond that, the vehicles may be unsafe to operate and will incur much greater maintenance costs. Vehicle breakdowns endanger patient safety and pull staff from emergency calls. Harnett County will save approximately $260,000 per replacement van over a 15-year period. This includes capital costs, trade ins, and fuel. Alternatives:• Do nothing. Maintenance costs will continue to increase until the units eventually become unsafe and inoperable. This leads to taking units out of service, meaning our service to the citizens of Harnett County is cut as we are unable to handle the call volume. This also leads to a reduction in non-emergency transportation revenue. • Replace units on an extended schedule. If vehicles are driven beyond their useful life, maintenance costs will increase, and service disruption becomes more likely. In addition, budgeting for replacements becomes more challenging, as the possibility for replacing multiple units within a fiscal year increase. Recommended Solution:Continue to replace vehicles in accordance with the EMS Vehicle Replacement Policy. Replace one unit every fiscal year. This option provides the most cost-effective strategy for ensuring safe, reliable emergency vehicles. Relation to other Projects: The van replacements save on the number of remounts needed to be done. Current Stage of Project:This is an ongoing project that carries forward each year based on the EMS Vehicle Replacement and Rotation Policy. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 240 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 185 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Vehicles - 445,710 134,415 141,136 148,193 155,602 163,382 171,551 180,129 189,135 1,729,253 Total Project Cost - 445,710 134,415 141,136 148,193 155,602 163,382 171,551 180,129 189,135 1,729,253 Funding Source EMS Capital Reserves - 445,710 134,415 141,136 148,193 155,602 163,382 171,551 180,129 189,135 1,729,253 Total Funding Source - 445,710 134,415 141,136 148,193 155,602 163,382 171,551 180,129 189,135 1,729,253 operating effect Decreased Costs - (139,221) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (510,477) Total operating effect - (139,221) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (46,407) (510,477) HCBOC 120224 Pg. 241 PublIc saFety186 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name County morgue Responsible department Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Facilities description:Construct an 800-square foot morgue at 1005 Edwards Brothers Drive, Lillington to include an office, restroom, and adequate cooler space to store up to 16 decedents. Project Justification:Harnett County is required to provide morgue services for the county. The current morgue is located at Betsy Johnson Hospital in Dunn and is provided in cooperation with Harnett Health. The current morgue is too small given the needs of the hospital and the county; therefore, a new larger facility is required. Often, cooler trucks are needed by Betsy Johnson Hospital when the current morgue exceeds its capacity. Harnett County is required to provide a morgue for decedents prior to a medical examiner review of the body and eventual pick up by a funeral home. Decedents are transported to a morgue for different reasons, which include, but is not limited to, those who passed away due to or the suspicion of homicide, suicide, overdose or trauma; or they did not have a primary care physician; or they were not under the care of Hospice. For one or more of these reasons, it falls under the jurisdiction of the local Medical Examiner. Depending on the circumstance(s) of death, an autopsy may not be required. If the local Medical Examiner and/or Pathologist determine that an autopsy is required, it will be conducted at the NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Raleigh. If an autopsy is conducted, the decedent will be transported to Raleigh, then back to the local morgue, or directly to a funeral home or cremation service. Alternatives:• Partner with Harnett Health to construct a new morgue facility. The current estimate for the new facility constructed by Harnett Health exceeds $1 million. • Construct a county-owned morgue. County staff has researched the cost of constructing a county-owned facility and estimated the new building to cost approximately $325,000. With a county-owned morgue, the county will no longer pay Betsy Johnson Hospital to store decedents at the current facility. Over the past three fiscal years, Harnett County Health Department has spent over $31,000 to store decedents. • Do nothing. If no actions are taken, the county will continue to incur additional costs to store bodies, and the current morgue will continue to exceed capacity and additional mobile storage units will be required. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 242 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 187 Recommended Solution:Provide funding to construct a county-owned morgue facility on the property adjacent to the Emergency Services Department on Edwards Brothers Drive, Lillington. Current Stage of Project:The County Morgue project is currently in the planning phase. The project is scheduled to go out for design bids by the end of 2024. Once a contractor is selected, construction is anticipated to be completed within 12 to 16 months. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 243 PublIc saFety188 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 325,000 - 325,000 - - - - - - - 325,000 Construction 32,500 - 32,500 - - - - - - - 32,500 Furnishings & Equipment 38,600 - 38,600 - - - - - - - 38,600 Total Project Cost 396,100 - 396,100 - - - - - - - 396,100 Funding Source Capital Reserves 396,100 - 396,100 - - - - - - - 396,100 Total Funding Source 396,100 - 396,100 - - - - - - - 396,100 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - - 8,200 3,296 3,395 3,497 3,602 3,710 3,821 3,936 33,457 Total operating effect - - 8,200 3,296 3,395 3,497 3,602 3,710 3,821 3,936 33,457 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 244 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 189 Project name emergency Transport Unit Remounts Responsible department Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Vehicles description:Remount transport units in accordance with the EMS Vehicle Replacement Policy to extend the useful life of the vehicles. Project Justification:The EMS Vehicle Replacement Policy recommends remounting (replacing the patient care “box”) the ambulance approximately every seven years based on mileage and maintenance. Completely replacing an ambulance is costly at $269,308 at current pricing. Remounting the ambulances includes replacing the vehicle chassis and renovating the “box” with new floors, cabinets, and all other furnishings. Remounting is approximately $140,000 less than replacing a vehicle. Having safe, reliable vehicles is critical to Harnett County EMS operations. Remounting vehicles provides a more cost-effective way to accomplish this. Alternatives:•Do nothing. Failure to replace vehicles eventually results in unsafe vehicles running emergency calls, which impacts patient care and county liability. •Replace vehicles instead of remounting them. This is a more costly option that does not take full advantage of the useful life of ambulances. •Remount vehicles in accordance with the vehicle replacement policy. This option provides the most cost-effective strategy for ensuring safe, reliable emergency vehicles. Recommended Solution:Remount one vehicle in FY 2025 and two vehicles each in FY 2029, 2030, 2031, and 2032. Continue remounting vehicles per the EMS Vehicle Replacement Policy. This approach offers the most cost-effective solution for maintaining safe, reliable emergency vehicles. operating Impact:There is no operating impact for this project. Remounted vehicles replace existing fleet vehicles. Fuel, oil changes, and other maintenance costs will continue for the vehicle with the new remount. Relation to other Projects: With the approval of the transit-style vans for non-emergency use, the number of needed remounts has been reduced. Current Stage of Project:This is an ongoing project that carries forward each year based on the current needs of the EMS fleet and the EMS Vehicle Replacement and Rotation Policy. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 245 PublIc saFety190 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Contingency - 9,170 5,816 - - - 14,483 14,871 15,259 14,483 74,082 Vehicles - 359,127 119,805 - - - 298,358 306,350 314,341 298,358 1,696,339 Total Project Cost - 368,297 125,621 - - - 312,841 321,221 329,600 312,841 1,770,421 Funding Source EMS Capital Reserves - 368,297 125,621 - - - 312,841 321,221 329,600 312,841 1,770,421 Total Funding Source - 368,297 125,621 - - - 312,841 321,221 329,600 312,841 1,770,421 operating effect Decreased Costs - (5,700) (1,900) - - - (1,900) (1,900) (1,900) (1,900) (15,200) Total operating effect - (5,700) (1,900) - - - (1,900) (1,900) (1,900) (1,900) (15,200) HCBOC 120224 Pg. 246 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 191 Project name emergency Transport Unit Replacements Responsible department Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Vehicles description:Replace emergency transport units in accordance with the Emergency Medical Services Vehicle Replacement Policy. Project Justification:The 24/7 nature of EMS means ambulances driven non-stop, putting miles, wear, and tear on the units. To maintain a high level of service, Harnett County EMS follows the Emergency Medical Services Vehicle Replacement Policy. This policy states that ambulances will be remounted twice throughout their useful life, having to be completely replaced after that, with almost 700,000 miles on the box of the unit. Having safe reliable vehicles is critical to EMS’s operations. Alternatives:•Do nothing. The chassis and box will eventually reach such high mileage, wear, and tear that the maintenance costs will be astronomical until they are eventually inoperable. This, in turn, takes a necessary EMS unit off the road, limiting the service we offer to the citizens of Harnett County. •Replace vehicles in accordance with the Vehicle Replacement Policy. Recommended Solution:Continue replacing vehicles per the EMS Vehicle Replacement Policy. Replace two units in FY 2025, then one annually from FY 2026 to FY 2028, and one more in FY 2031. This approach optimizes cost-effectiveness while maintaining vehicle safety and reliability. operating Impact:There is no operating impact for this project since the purchased unit replaces an existing unit of the fleet. Current Stage of Project:This is an ongoing project that carries forward each year based on the current needs of the EMS fleet and the EMS Vehicle Replacment and Rotation Policy. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 247 PublIc saFety192 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Vehicles - 1,011,839 554,774 285,709 294,030 302,352 - - 327,317 - 2,776,021 Total Project Cost - 1,011,839 554,774 285,709 294,030 302,352 - - 327,317 - 2,776,021 Funding Source EMS Capital Reserves - 1,011,839 554,774 285,709 294,030 302,352 - - 327,317 - 2,776,021 Total Funding Source - 1,011,839 554,774 285,709 294,030 302,352 - - 327,317 - 2,776,021 operating effect Decreased Costs - (9,500) (3,800) (1,900) (1,900) (1,900) - - (1,900) - (20,900) Total operating effect - (9,500) (3,800) (1,900) (1,900) (1,900) - - (1,900) - (20,900) HCBOC 120224 Pg. 248 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 193 Project name Stretchers and Power Load equipment Replacement Responsible department Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Equipment description:Replace all EMS stretchers and power load equipment in FY 2031 to ensure the equipment continues to function at an optimal level. Project Justification:The existing stretchers within the EMS fleet were obtained using surplus workers’ compensation funds. These units are approaching the end of their operational lifespan in FY 2031, necessitating replacement. Subsequently, Stryker, the vendor, will cease providing preventive maintenance and guarantees for the safety of these units. Previous Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) discussions have concluded that replacing all stretchers when they reach the end of their useful life is a more cost-effective approach compared to a staggered replacement strategy. Alternatives:• Do Nothing: If no action is taken, several issues will arise. The units will no longer receive preventive maintenance, replacement parts will be unavailable, and the vendor will no longer service the units. Consequently, EMS units will become unable to load or unload patients into ambulances safely, hindering their ability to transport patients to hospitals and appointments for both emergency and non-emergent calls. • Staggered Stretcher Replacements: Another option is to replace stretchers individually before they reach the end of their useful life or renew annual service agreements on the existing stretchers until they reach their end-of-life. However, this alternative is not cost-effective until well beyond the stretchers’ expected useful life. Furthermore, it may lead to additional costs for the County. Additionally, as stretcher technology evolves, new stretchers and power loads may not be compatible with the older units in the field, potentially causing operational disruptions. In cases where a stretcher breaks or requires preventive maintenance, spare units may not work with specific ambulances, further complicating operations. • Replace All Stretchers and Power Loads in FY 2031: Opting to replace all stretchers and power loads in FY 2031 when they reach the end of their useful life offers several advantages. Firstly, it ensures that all units in the field are interchangeable, thereby guaranteeing uninterrupted service and reducing the risk of user errors in chaotic situations. Additionally, this approach is the most cost-effective solution for the County, aligning with previous discussions in the Capital Improvement Plan. Recommended Solution:Replace all stretchers and power load equipment when they reach the end of their useful life in FY 2031. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 249 PublIc saFety194 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment 1,163,524 - - - - - - - 1,163,524 - 1,163,524 Total Project Cost 1,163,524 - - - - - - - 1,163,524 - 1,163,524 Funding Source EMS Capital Reserves 1,163,524 - - - - - - - 1,163,524 - 1,163,524 Total Funding Source 1,163,524 - - - - - - - 1,163,524 - 1,163,524 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 250 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 195 Project name Angier VIPeR Radio Tower Responsible department Emergency Services Functional Area Public Safety Project Status New Project Type Equipment description:Construct a new emergency radio communications tower in the Angier area in partnership with the NC State Highway Patrol. Project Justification:The existing radio tower at 2646 Oak Grove Church Road, Angier, is currently located on leased land from a commercial vendor. While the tower itself is in good condition, it has reached its maximum capacity and requires substantial upgrades to accommodate future needs. The annual lease cost for this site is projected to increase by 5% each year, starting at $26,095 in FY 2025. To mitigate these escalating costs and secure long-term control over critical infrastructure, Harnett County will collaborate with NCSHP to identify county-owned land for the construction of a new 380-foot tower equipped with a backup generator. NCSHP will oversee the design and bidding processes for this project, ensuring adherence to industry standards. Alternatives:-Do nothing and continue to lease the tower space from a commercial vendor. -Purchase county land or identify county owned land and construct a 380-foot emergency radio tower. Recommended Solution: Construct a 380-foot radio tower with backup generator on property owned by Harnett County. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 251 PublIc saFety196 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction - - - - - - - - - 2,025,000 2,025,000 Total Project Cost - - - - - - - - - 2,025,000 2,025,000 Funding Source Transfer from Radio Project Cap Reserves - - - - - - - - - 2,025,000 2,025,000 Total Funding Source - - - - - - - - - 2,025,000 2,025,000 operating effect Decreased Costs - - - - - - - - - (36,718) (36,718) Transfer from General Fund - - - 337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 - 2,025,000 Total operating effect - - - 337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 (36,718) 1,988,282 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 252 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 197 Project name Spout Springs VIPeR Radio Tower Responsible department Emergency Services Functional Area Public Safety Project Status New Project Type Equipment description:Construct a new emergency radio communications tower in the Spout Springs area in partnership with the NC State Highway Patrol (NCSHP). Project Justification:The existing radio tower at 2305 NC 87N, Cameron, is currently located on leased land from a commercial vendor. While the tower itself is in good condition, it has reached its maximum capacity and requires substantial upgrades to accommodate future needs. The annual lease cost for this site is projected to increase by 5% each year, starting at $40,431 in FY 2025. To mitigate these escalating costs and secure long-term control over critical infrastructure, Harnett County will collaborate with NCSHP to identify county-owned land for the construction of a new 380-foot tower equipped with a backup generator. NCSHP will oversee the design and bidding processes for this project, ensuring adherence to industry standards. Alternatives:-Do nothing and continue to lease the tower space from a commercial vendor. -Purchase county land or identify county owned land and construct a 380-foot emergency radio tower. Recommended Solution: Construct a 380-foot radio tower with backup generator on property owned by Harnett County. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 253 PublIc saFety198 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction ---------2,025,000 2,025,000 Total Project Cost ---------2,025,000 2,025,000 Funding Source Transfer from Radio Project Cap Reserves ---------2,025,000 2,025,000 Total Funding Source ---------2,025,000 2,025,000 operating effect Decreased Costs ---------(42,450)(42,450) Transfer from General Fund ---337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 -2,025,000 Total operating effect ---337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 337,500 (42,450)1,982,550 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 254 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 199 Project name emergency (VIPeR) Radios Replacement Responsible department Emergency Services Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Completed – Prior Fiscal Year Project Type Equipment description:Replace 521 mobile and 517 portable VIPER radios for Harnett County Emergency Services, Fire Departments, Sheriff’s Office, Harnett Area Rural Transportation System (HARTS), and Harnett Regional Water (HRW) before July 1, 2025. Project Justification:Harnett County invested in the VIPER emergency radio system in 2013 and purchased radios for all emergency responders, including fire departments and towns. The radios will be at the end of their useful life in 2025. Motorola has stated it will end support of the radios in 2023, meaning that radios will be repaired only as long as replacement parts can be found. In the meantime, the county was just notified that the state is requiring that all radios on the VIPER network be upgraded by July 1, 2025 to receive time division multiple access (TDMA) programming. TDMA essentially divides each channel on the VIPER system into two separate talk paths and reduces the number of new frequencies that will be needed in the future. None of the radios originally purchased in 2013 comply with this requirement. A few radios have been purchased recently that meet this requirement. The state upgrade is dependent on the General Assembly appropriating funds for the Highway Patrol to upgrade its radios. Alternatives:• Upgrade the radios to be TDMA compliant and postpone replacement of radios to a later date. This option requires the county to spend funds to upgrade radios that will essentially be at the end of their useful life and will need replacement soon after the upgrade. • Replace county-owned radios ahead of the July 1, 2025, deadline. This option ensures the county maintains reliable equipment that is supported and complies with the state’s deadline for compatibility with TDMA programming. It avoids the additional cost of upgrading the radios. Finally, if outside agencies are notified of the county’s intent to purchase replacement radios in this timeframe, those agencies could partner with the county in obtaining the best pricing. Recommended Solution:Fund the replacement of all VIPER radios for Harnett County Emergency Services, Fire Departments, Sheriff’s Office, HARTS and HRW. This includes 44 mobile and 84 portables for Emergency Services, 228 mobile and 231 portable radios for Fire Departments, 218 mobile and 190 portable radios for the Sheriff’s Office, 27 mobile and 6 portable radios for HARTS, and 10 portable radios for HRW. operating Impact:There is no impact to the operating budget. Current Stage of Project:In July 2022, the Board of Commissioners approved the replacement of all VIPER radios and allocated a portion of the American Rescue Plan funds to cover the cost the project. All radios have been delivered, programmed, and installed. The project was completed as of August 2023. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 255 PublIc saFety200 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment 5,611,099 5,611,099 - - - - - - - - 5,611,099 Total Project Cost 5,611,099 5,611,099 - - - - - - - - 5,611,099 Funding Source ARP Fund 5,611,099 5,611,099 - - - - - - - - 5,611,099 Total Funding Source 5,611,099 5,611,099 - - - - - - - - 5,611,099 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 256 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 201 Project name emergency (VIPeR) Radios Replacement - municipal Police departments Responsible department Emergency Services Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Completed Project Type Equipment description:Replace 121 mobile and 121 portable VIPER radios for Harnett County Municipal Police Departments before July 1, 2025, when the state will require the existing radios be upgraded. Project Justification:Harnett County invested in the VIPER emergency radio system in 2013 and purchased radios for all emergency responders, including fire departments and towns. The radios will be at the end of their useful life in 2025. Motorola has stated it will end support of the radios in 2023, meaning that radios will be repaired only as long as replacement parts can be found. The county was just notified that the state is requiring that all radios on the VIPER network be upgraded by July 1, 2025, to receive time division multiple access (TDMA) programming. TDMA essentially divides each channel on the VIPER system into two separate talk paths and reduces the number of new frequencies that will be needed in the future. None of the radios originally purchased in 2013 comply with this requirement. A few radios have been purchased recently that meet this requirement. The state upgrade is dependent on the General Assembly appropriating funds for the Highway Patrol to upgrade its radios. In July 2022, the Board of Commissioners approved the replacement of all VIPER radios for a Harnett County Emergency Services, Fire Departments, Sheriff’s Office, Harnett Area Rural Transportation System (HARTS), and Harnett Regional Water (HRW) and allocated a portion of the American Rescue Plan funds to cover the cost the project. All radios have been delivered, programmed, and installed. The project was completed as of August 2023. Alternatives:• Upgrade the radios to be TDMA compliant and postpone replacement of radios to a later date. This option requires the county and/or towns to spend funds to upgrade radios that will essentially be at the end of their useful life and will need replacement soon after the upgrade. • Replace municipal police department radios ahead of the July 1, 2025, deadline. This option ensures the towns maintains reliable equipment that is supported and complies with the state’s deadline for compatibility with TDMA programming. It avoids the additional cost of upgrading the radios. Recommended Solution:Fund the replacement of 242 VIPER radios for all Harnett County Municipal Police Departments. This includes 22 mobile and 22 portables for Angier Police Department, 11 mobile and 12 portable radios for Coats Police Department, 58 mobile and 58 portable radios for the Dunn Police Department, 15 mobile and 12 portable radios for Erwin Police Department, and 15 mobile and 17 portable radios for Lillington Police Department.HCBOC 120224 Pg. 257 PublIc saFety202 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 operating Impact:There is no impact to the operating budget. Current Stage of Project:The replacement of 121 portable and 121 mobile VIPER radios for the municipal police departments, funded by the American Rescue Plan, was completed in July 2024. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 258 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 203 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment 1,571,309 1,571,309 - - - - - - - - 1,571,309 Total Project Cost 1,571,309 1,571,309 - - - - - - - - 1,571,309 Funding Source ARP Fund 1,571,309 1,571,309 - - - - - - - - 1,571,309 Total Funding Source 1,571,309 1,571,309 - - - - - - - - 1,571,309 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 259 PublIc saFety204 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Sheriff Capital Reserve Appropriation Responsible department Harnett County Sheriff Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Reserve Fund description:Continue an annual contribution of $650,000 to the capital reserve fund established for the Sheriff. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 260 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 205 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Transfer to Capital Reserve - 3,930,591 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 9,130,591 Total Project Cost - 3,930,591 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 9,130,591 Funding Source Transfer from General Fund - 3,930,591 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 9,130,591 Total Funding Source - 3,930,591 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 9,130,591 operating effect Transfer from General Fund - 3,930,591 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 9,130,591 Total operating effect - 3,930,591 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 9,130,591 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 261 PublIc saFety206 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name detention Center Body Scanner System Responsible department Harnett County Sheriff Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Equipment description:Purchase and install a body scanner system at the Harnett County Detention Center, located at 175 Bain St, Lillington. Project Justification:The purchase of a body scanner is a critical step towards improving the security infrastructure at the Harnett County Detention Center. Traditional methods of contraband detection, such as manual searches and metal detectors, have limitations in detecting concealed items within the body. The body scanner offers a non-invasive, highly accurate means of identifying concealed contraband, including drugs, weapons, and other prohibited items, thereby reducing security threats. The safety and well-being of the staff and inmates are our main concerns. By reducing the likelihood of contraband entering the facility, we will significantly decrease the potential for violent incidents, overdoses, and disputes among inmates. The body scanner will contribute to creating a safer and more secure environment for everyone at the detention center. Manual searches and pat-downs are resource-intensive and time-consuming. With the installation of a body scanner, we can streamline our intake and security procedures, reducing the workload on staff and expediting inmate processing. This operational efficiency will lead to cost savings and enhance overall facility management. Investing in advanced security technology demonstrates our commitment to maintaining a secure and well-managed detention center. This not only reassures the public but also fosters trust and confidence in our institution, which can have positive implications for community relations. Recommended Solution:Using funds from the Office of State and Budget Management, purchase and install a body scanner system. Current Stage of Project:The Detention Center Body Scanner System project is currently in the procurement phase. The county is actively seeking quotes and pricing information from vendors. The project is expected to be completed by June 2025. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 262 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 207 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Furnishings & Equipment 166,000 - 161,000 - - - - - - - 161,000 Contingency - - 5,000 - - - - - - - 5,000 Total Project Cost 166,000 - 166,000 - - - - - - - 166,000 Funding Source Grants, Gifts, Etc. 166,000 - 166,000 - - - - - - - 166,000 Total Funding Source 166,000 - 166,000 - - - - - - - 166,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 263 PublIc saFety208 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name detention Center Housing Unit Addition Responsible department Harnett County Sheriff Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Construct a 55-bed, 8,750-square-foot addition and recreation yard at the Harnett County Detention Center, located at 175 Bain St, Lillington, to continue to receive revenue from housing non-local inmates for other entities. Project Justification:The county’s detention center opened in 2009. The detention center’s core facilities and the building site were master planned to add three housing units in the future. For the last two years, the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office has submitted as a capital project the construction of one of the housing units. The stated intent of building the housing unit now is to provide secure detention for non-county inmates, such as federal and state prisoners, for which the county receives reimbursement at daily rates of $45 per day for state inmates and $60 for federal. The local jail population is increasing and, it is projected that by FY 2030 the county will no longer have capacity for non-county inmates. In the meantime, this funding source will decline each year as non-county inmates are displaced by local inmates. Because this funding source generates substantial revenue for the county--between $429,443 in FY 2016 and $1,205,967 in FY 2013--the Sheriff’s Office has proposed that building the housing unit will help ensure the county continues to receive this revenue. The Sheriff’s Office has also been encouraged by the US Marshal to house federal inmates. The revenue on the existing jail will decline as the county’s local inmates displace beds currently used for outside inmates. This revenue loss is inevitable. Whether the county builds an additional housing unit is a self-contained decision and has no effect on this revenue loss. The question is whether the new housing unit will generate sufficient revenue to pay the operating and capital costs of the new unit. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 264 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 209 Alternatives:• Do nothing. If nothing is done, the county will need to begin planning a new jail to open in the early 2030s. In the meantime, the county will avoid the operating cost of the new pod, but will not have revenue to offset the capital cost of the pod in 11+ years. • Five scenarios were developed and based on assumptions about the mix of outside inmates and the occupancy rate of the housing unit. The occupancy rate means of the number of beds available to house outside inmates, what percentage of them are actually used. In the past six years, the occupancy rate has been as low as 33% and as high as 95%. Often these rates are tied to federal policy and the relationship the county has with the US Marshal’s Office. During the Obama administration, the occupancy rates were lower than during the Trump administration. With a presidential election occurring in 2020, federal policy could change again, and in fact, could change two more times before the projected revenue is collected. Likewise, the current US Marshal, who has ties to Harnett County, could be replaced with someone with less interest in housing federal inmates here. If the housing unit is constructed, the county will lose (meaning spend more than the revenue generated) between $2.3 million and $7.2 million during the 10 year period, depending on the assumptions made. In the scenario supported by the Sheriff’s Office, the county would spend $3.6 million more than it takes in. • An argument can be made that if revenue covers operating cost, any excess can help offset the capital expense for a housing unit it will need in the future. In two of the scenarios, the housing unit would not cover the operating costs. In the scenario supported by the Sheriff’s Office, the county would generate $594,297 to cover debt service of $4.2M. Recommended Solution:The county is not in the financial position to build a housing unit that will not be needed for more than 10 years. This would tie up debt capacity that is needed for schools and other county needs. The federal government will not give any guarantees about its usage of the housing unit, leaving the county to assume the financial risk for debt and fixed operating costs. Simply, the risk far outweighs the reward. Current Stage of Project:There has been no change in this future project. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 265 PublIc saFety210 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name evidence Storage & Crime Scene Processing Bay Responsible department Harnett County Sheriff Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Construct a new 1,800-square-foot building at 175 Bain Street, Lillington, to relocate the crime scene processing bay and give the Sheriff’s Office additional evidence storage space. Project Justification:The amount of evidence the Sheriff’s Office is required to store is constantly increasing. The existing evidence room has reached capacity. The existing crime scene bay/vehicle processing garage is located next to the evidence storage room. By relocating the crime scene processing bay, the Sheriff’s Office could expand the existing evidence storage room into the processing bay. Additional shelving and an access door would also be needed in the evidence storage room A new building housing the crime scene bay would be constructed in a secure area behind the Detention Center. Alternatives:• Do nothing. If nothing is done, the evidence room will not be able to house all the evidence that is required to be stored. • Find offsite, less secure storage for evidence. • Construct a new building in a secure location and relocate the crime scene processing bay. Expand the existing evidence room in the former processing bay. Recommended Solution:Construct a separate building for crime scene vehicle processing and expand the existing evidence storage area into the area currently used for vehicle processing. This is recommended as a future project since a site location needs to be identified and no cost estimate for site work was obtained. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 266 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 211 Project name Generator Purchase and Installation Responsible department Harnett County Sheriff Functional Area Public Safety Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Equipment description:Purchase and install a 1,000 KW generator at the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center, located at 175 Bain St, Lillington to provide sufficient backup power to run the building systems, including HVAC. Project Justification:The existing 400 KW generator runs only the 911 Center fully. It operates life and safety equipment in the Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center, but does not run the heating and air conditioning systems. When the Detention Center loses power, humidity levels rise in the housing units, sometimes to the point where the fire alarm is activated. After power is restored, it may take several hours to reduce humidity levels. Even if power is off only for a short time, the HVAC systems returns to default systems and maintenance staff has to reset them. The state requires the jail to have a plan for moving inmates to other facilities if the power loss is for a sustained period of time and temperatures dip below 68 degrees in the winter and rise above 85 degrees in the summer. To date, no inmates have been moved for this issue. Alternatives:• Do nothing. If nothing is done, the Detention Center will continue to see problems with the HVAC system not running during periods power is off. Humidity levels and the reset of the HVAC system to default controls will continue to present operational challenges. • Purchase a larger, 1,000 KW generator to run all systems in the Detention Center, Sheriff’s Office, and 911 Center. The Sheriff’s Office has obtained a quote for purchase and installation of the generator, at a cost of $385,960. • Purchase a second, smaller generator. Purchasing a second generator to run the HVAC system would resolve the issue. A second generator would be much less costly and likely less to install. A second generator would also provide redundancy in case one of the generator fails. The only down side would be that maintaining a second generator would be slightly more costly, estimated at around $550 per year. Recommended Solution:The Manager recommends evaluating the purchase of the second generator before moving ahead with this project. operating Impact:The Sheriff’s Office is relying on a 10-year-old generator, which still does not supply back up power for the entire facility. The present generator does not provide back-up to the Sheriff’s offices, only emergency lighting. The 911 Center is fully on the generator for back-up power. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 267 PublIc saFety212 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Current Stage of Project:The Sheriff’s Office Generator Project is currently in the design phase. A feasibility study conducted by Dewberry Engineers was completed on September 26, 2022. Harnett County has secured $2.7 million in state funding to support this project, which was originally scheduled to begin in FY 2024. Dewberry Engineers is currently developing a design fee proposal to finalize the project’s scope and budget. This proposal is expected to be completed by the end of November 2024. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 268 PublIc saFetyHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 213 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration 187,649 - 187,649 - - - - - - - 187,649 Contingency 525,305 - 525,305 - - - - - - - 525,305 Furnishings & Equipment 1,987,046 - 1,987,046 - - - - - - - 1,987,046 Total Project Cost 2,700,000 - 2,700,000 - - - - - - - 2,700,000 Funding Source Grants, Gifts, Etc. 2,700,000 - 2,700,000 - - - - - - - 2,700,000 Total Funding Source 2,700,000 - 2,700,000 - - - - - - - 2,700,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 269 PublIc saFety214 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 270 Transportation HCBOC 120224 Pg. 271 transPortatIon216 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name HARTS Vehicle Replacement Responsible department Harentt Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Functional Area Transportation Project Status New Project Type Vehicles description:Replace county owned transit vehicles in accordance with North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)’s guidelines based on maximum mileage and lift mechanism cycles. Project Justification:The Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) currently operates three 2019 Ford Transit vehicles equipped with ADA lifts. These vehicles, while essential for providing Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) services to Medicaid recipients, have surpassed their recommended service life and are experiencing significant maintenance issues. The vehicles have accumulated significant mileage and are experiencing increased maintenance costs, particularly for critical components like engines, transmissions, and suspension systems. The ADA lift systems, while currently maintained, are nearing the end of their operational life and may not meet future compliance standards. As demand for ADA-compliant transportation continues to grow, HARTS may need to expand its fleet to accommodate increased ridership. The current fleet is essential for emergency response efforts during countywide disasters. A replacement fund will ensure the availability of reliable vehicles for these critical situations. By establishing a dedicated vehicle replacement fund will allow HARTS to prioritize the replacement of vehicles that have exceeded their useful life to maintain service reliability and safety. HARTS can invest in new vehicles equipped with modern ADA lift systems to meet current and future regulations. As demand increases, the department can acquire additional vehicles to accommodate growing ridership and service areas. Also, HARTS will be able to maintain a fleet of reliable vehicles for emergency response and disaster relief efforts. Alternatives:• Do Nothing - Continued operation of aging vehicles will result in higher repair and maintenance expenses. Frequent breakdowns and service interruptions will impact service delivery. Aging ADA lift systems may not meet future compliance standards. Reduced service capacity may lead to decreased ridership and revenue. • Replace Vehicles - New vehicles will reduce breakdowns and ensure consistent service delivery. Modern ADA lift systems will improve accessibility for riders with disabilities. New vehicles may be suitable for future transit initiatives, such as Deviated Fixed Route service. Reduced maintenance costs and increased service efficiency can lead to cost savings. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 272 transPortatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 217 Recommended Solution: Create a vehicle replacement fund and allocate sufficient resources to replace the three 2019 Ford Transit vehicles on an extended replacement schedule. This will ensure the continued provision of essential transportation services to Harnett County residents, particularly those with disabilities and low-income individuals. A capital reserve fund should be established to allocate funds for vehicle replacement on a three-year cycle, starting in Fiscal Year 2026. Replace one vehicle annually in Fiscal Years 2026, 2027, 2028, 2030, 2031, and 2032. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 273 transPortatIon218 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Vehicles ---126,165 129,949 133,848 -141,879 146,135 150,519 828,495 Total Project Cost ---126,165 129,949 133,848 -141,879 146,135 150,519 828,495 Funding Source HARTS Capital Reserves ---93,194 96,978 100,877 -108,908 113,164 117,548 630,669 General Fund Operating Revenue ---32,971 32,971 32,971 -32,971 32,971 32,971 197,826 Total Funding Source ---126,165 129,949 133,848 -141,879 146,135 150,519 828,495 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 274 transPortatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 219 Project name HARTS Vehicle Replacement Capital Reserve Fund Responsible department Harentt Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Functional Area Transportation Project Status New Project Type Reserve Fund description:Establish an annual contribution of $120,000 to the Harnett Area Rural Transit System Capital Reserve Fund. Funds will be used to replace county-owned HARTS vehicles. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 275 transPortatIon220 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Transfer to HARTS Capital Reserve ---120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 840,000 Total Project Cost ---120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 840,000 Funding Source Transfer from General Fund ---120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 840,000 Total Funding Source ---120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 840,000 operating effect Transfer from General Fund ---120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 840,000 Total operating effect ---120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 840,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 276 transPortatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 221 Project name Apron expansion Responsible department Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) Functional Area Transportation Project Status Completed – Prior Fiscal Year Project Type Facilities description:Construct a 144,000-square-foot expansion of the HRJ Apron, located at 615 Airport Road, Erwin to provide adequate space for parking, loading, unloading, and refueling of larger planes used by many businesses. The expansion will allow larger aircraft to land at the jetport and access services safely. Project Justification:Larger aircraft are landing at HRJ and need additional space to move safely between fuel farms, the terminal, maintenance and other airport services. The size and configuration of HRJ’s existing apron (also referred to as ramp or tarmac) prohibits these aircraft from maneuvering safely and efficiently. In some instances, when larger planes park in the apron area, they block other aircraft, including the SBI’s Air Wing Division, from accessing the runway and other airport services. In addition, the apron was not originally designed to accommodate these heavier aircraft. Finally, new Federal Aviation Administration requirements do not allow direct access between the apron and runway, which is currently the situation at HRJ. A 2005 master plan for the airport called for airport improvements, including expanding the apron. An attractive airport that is easy to use can increase flights and might increase the number of aircraft stored in airport hangers, leading to increased tax value. Alternatives:• Do nothing. Failure to expand and strengthen the apron will mean the larger aircraft will continue to have difficulty maneuvering in HRJ and traffic issues in and around the apron will continue. • Expand and strengthen the apron. Recommended Solution:On existing property owned by the county, expand the apron area to 144,000 square feet and strengthen the existing pavement with concrete or stronger asphalt. This creates area for an additional nine parking spaces and better passenger loading and unloading. The project also connects the taxiways to the service area, bringing the county into compliance with FAA requirements, and expand the size of SBI’s parking area. Utilize funding from the Division of Aviation, which provides 90% of design and construction costs. operating Impact:There is no impact to the operating budget. Current Stage of Project:The Apron Expansion project at Harnett Regional Jetport is complete. Final payments to TBI were processed in March 2024, and the DEQ finalized the landscaping between the taxiway and the new apron in April 2024. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 277 transPortatIon222 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 4,390,138 4,390,138 - - - - - - - - 4,390,138 Design, Engineering & Construction Administration 717,895 717,895 - - - - - - - - 717,895 Other Contracted Services 2,440 2,440 - - - - - - - - 2,440 Total Project Cost 5,110,473 5,110,473 - - - - - - - - 5,110,473 Funding Source Airport Capital Reserves 511,047 511,048 - - - - - - - - 511,048 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 4,599,426 4,599,425 - - - - - - - - 4,599,425 Total Funding Source 5,110,473 5,110,473 - - - - - - - - 5,110,473 operating effect Transfer from General Fund - 8,499 - - - - - - - - 8,499 Total operating effect - 8,499 - - - - - - - - 8,499 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 278 transPortatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 223 Project name Fuel Tank Replacement Responsible department Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) Functional Area Transportation Project Status New Project Type Equipment description:Replace existing Avgas and JetA tanks, located at 615 Airport Road, Erwin, NC, to increase fuel capacity and provide a safer working environment for employees. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 279 transPortatIon224 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Justification:There are several safety issues with the current fuel tanks and a need to increase storing capabilities. The Avgas tank cannot bottom load a fuel truck which creates a tremendous liability and hazard for County employees. Due to the age of the Avgas tank, the tank does not have the capability to bottom load a fuel truck like the JetA fuel farm. A hose to bottom load has been installed, but there are still several inadequacies: the Avgas fuel pump does not have adequate pressure to bottom load a truck; it is not equipped with a filter system for bottom loading; and a meter is not present to track the number of gallons pumped out of the tank. These inadequacies require Jetport staff members to climb on top of the Avgas truck to “top load.” There are several hazards that come with this type of refueling trucks: employees are exposed to (leaded) Avgas fumes; employees or objects can fall into the manhole; employees are more susceptible to falling or twisting their ankles while climbing on and off the truck ladder; and splash loading can cause static electricity resulting in sparks and combustion of fuels. The current size of the Avgas tank is 10,000 gallons, with 10% of unusable space. Typically, a transport truck can carry 8500 gallons, which means the Jetport must get down to 500 gallons of Avgas in the tank to receive a truck load of fuel. If too much fuel is in the tank, there is an increased chance of overflowing the tank, which creates an environmental and employee hazard. A 12,000-gallon Avgas tank would be a better fit for the Jetport. In addition to needing a larger capacity Avgas tank, it should be outfitted with a ladder and walking deck so linemen can measure the fuel in the tank. The following issues were discovered by Titan Aviation Fuels when their Quality Assurance Officer completed a site study: 1. Avgas truck continues to being top loaded. This is a safety hazard due to static electricity discharge, an employee (or other objects) falling into the manhole during fueling, fumes being inhaled by employees, and climbing on/off the top of the fuel truck is a safety hazard (due to the ladder, and the cumbersome hose). 2. Neither tank nor old Avgas truck is equipped with the required skully system. NFPA 407. 3. The loading rack shall be equipped with an automatic shutdown system that stops the tank loading operation when the fuel servicing vehicle tank is full. 4. All fuel servicing tank vehicle primary shutdown systems shall be compatible with the system utilized at the loading rack. 5. The automatic secondary shutoff control shall not be used for normal filling control. 6. The JetA fuel farm storage tanks do not appear to be equipped with a “fire valve (outlet valve)” that is a fusible device that causes the valve to close automatically in case of fire in accordance. Recommend installation to be in compliance with NFPA 30/407. 7. System is not equipped with any type of vapor recovery system. 8. Overpressure/Vacuum Protection. Tanks and equipment shall have independent venting for overpressure or vacuum conditions that could occur from malfunction of the vapor recovery or vapor processing system. 9. The emergency shutdown switch for the JetA farm is currently wired from the building to the deadman control. The offload switch is wired directly to the pump with NO Deadman. Need to hire a 3rd party maintenance company to correct. This is a high priority item due to safety hazard. 10. Neither the JetA tank nor Avgas tank are equipped with a high-level shutoff. This prevents overflow of the fuel being pumped into the tanks. 11. The quarterly water defense checks need to be performed and properly records on quarterly form 12. There is a strong possibility that transport exhaust gases can come into contact with product vapor gases when receiving Avgas during offload at the current location of the transport pump. Safety hazard. (Reason to move location of Avgas tank away from buildings). 13. The off-loading point for the JetA tank needs to have a spring-loaded valve. Current valve has had the spring removed. (Example: someone could push the end of a broom stick through the pipe to open the valve causing a loss of 12,000 gallons of JetA). Environmental hazard. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 280 transPortatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 225 Alternatives:• Do nothing. As the airport continues to grow, the Jetport will sell more fuel. The current refueling process increases the chances of an employee getting injured on the job. • Repair the tanks. This will minimize the environmental risks but does not minimize the hazards of on-the-job injuries with the Avgas tank not having the capability of bottom loading a truck. Four years ago, the pump was assessed by Campbell Oil and determined that the pump and style of the tank would not allow bottom loading. Tank replacement was the only solution. • Remove old tanks and find a new, remote location to install a new 12,000 Avgas tank and a new 12,000-gallon JetA tank. Recommended Solution:Once the Jetport Master Plan is complete and fuel tank recommendations have been made, move forward with this project when a funding source has been identified. Relation to other Projects: This project is related to the Airport Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan update and implementation. Current Stage of Project:The Harnett County Board of Commissioners has authorized the Design/Bid phase for a new fuel farm, as outlined in the proposal submitted by Parrish and Partners. HRJ is using NPE funding to finance the design and bidding process for this project. The design phase is currently 75% complete. The project will be bid out upon completion of the design phase, with an estimated completion date of December 2025. However, this timeline is contingent on potential supply chain issues. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 281 transPortatIon226 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Architectural Design & Construction Administration - - 21,749 - - - - - - - 21,749 Construction - - 212,500 212,500 - - - - - - 425,000 Design, Engineering & Construction Administration - - 104,400 - - - - - - - 104,400 Furnishings & Equipment - - 675,018 675,017 - - - - - - 1,350,035 Other Contracted Services - - 83,000 83,000 - - - - - - 166,000 Contingency - - - 183,000 - - - - - - 183,000 Total Project Cost - - 1,096,667 1,153,517 - - - - - - 2,250,184 Funding Source Grants, Gifts, Etc. - - 1,096,667 1,153,517 - - - - - - 2,250,184 Total Funding Source - - 1,096,667 1,153,517 - - - - - - 2,250,184 operating effect Increased Operating Costs - - - 1,000 1,030 1,061 1,093 1,126 1,159 1,194 7,663 Total operating effect - - - 1,000 1,030 1,061 1,093 1,126 1,159 1,194 7,663 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 282 transPortatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 227 Project name Hangar development Responsible department Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) Functional Area Transportation Project Status Future Project Type Facilities description:Construct three-unit corporate box hangars, located at 615 Airport Road, Erwin, NC, to provide adequate space to store larger aircraft used by many businesses. Project Justification:Currently, HRJ owns one out of the seven enclosed hangars located at the jetport. Annual ground leases for privately owned hangars generate less than $7,500. Additionally, like the other 61 general aviation airports across the state, Harnett Regional Jetport has a serious deficiency in usable hangar space at and on the airfield. Demand far outweighs capacity. Consequently, HRJ staff records indicate there is a waiting list of 44 aircraft owners requesting hangar space and weekly space inquiries are the norm. Phase 1 of hangar development will construct three corporate box-style 65x60 square-foot hangars and the required apron access infrastructure to allow aircraft to gain access to the apron air operations area. Leasing the three hangars at $40 per square-foot could reasonably generate $4,680+ per month or $56,160 per year, dependent upon the negotiated lease price. In addition, property taxes for aircraft stored within each hangar could add $5,000+ per year, dependent upon the aircrafts’ type, age, and condition. Alternatives:• Do nothing. By not constructing hangars, the county will lose revenue generated by lease payments, aeronautical revenue and other related economic activities including the direct, indirect and induced economic impacts associated with additional aircraft at HRJ. • Construct a three-unit hangar to address the increasing demands in storage space while generating revenue for the jetport and county, as well as the positive economic impact on the surrounding community. •Implement Master Plan recommendations. Recommended Solution:Move forward with this project once the Master Plan is complete. Current Stage of Project:The HRJ Hangar Development Project is currently on hold pending final FAA review and approval of the updated Airport Layout Plan (ALP) and Master Plan. The project will proceed once the updated plan is implemented and specific hangar requirements are determined. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 283 transPortatIon228 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Harnett Regional Jetport master Plan Update Responsible department Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) Functional Area Transportation Project Status Approved-Contracts Let Project Type Study description:Update the HRJ master plan that gives decision makers a roadmap for future growth and capital improvements planning and maintains the county’s eligibility for grant funds. Project Justification:The last master plan update was in 2005. A master plan update produces a terminal area forecast and an updated ALP. The FAA accepts a master plan update but approves the forecast and ALP. Part of the master plan update is production of an up-to-date Airport Layout Plan (ALP). An FAA-approved ALP is required for receiving Airport Improvement Program grant funds and is necessary to be included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). The FAA uses NPIAS listing as their mechanism to set priorities throughout the country for general aviation (GA) airports. Harnett Regional Jetport is currently included in the NPIAS and regularly receives grant funding for airport projects. An ALP shows boundaries, proposed additions, existing facilities, and other improvements since the plan was last updated. Funds earmarked for terminal construction are set to expire in the upcoming fiscal years and won’t be able to be spent on terminal construction because NC DOT has delayed funding. These funds are available to fund the master plan update. Several entities have expressed interest in developing outside the existing ALP, and a revised master plan and its updated ALP would guide decisions for future development. Alternatives:Do nothing. If nothing is done, the county will fail to plan for future growth and will lose grant eligibility. Recommended Solution:Update the HRJ master plan using expiring FAA Non-Primary Entitlement funds with a 10% county match requirement. Current Stage of Project:HRJ has submitted the updated Airport Layout Plan(ALP) and Master Plan to the FAA, and as of October 2024, is waiting for final review and approval. The project will proceed once the FAA provides feedback and approval. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 284 transPortatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 229 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Other Contracted Services 414,357 414,357 - - - - - - - - 414,357 Total Project Cost 414,357 414,357 - - - - - - - - 414,357 Funding Source Airport Capital Reserves 13,900 13,900 - - - - - - - - 13,900 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 400,457 400,457 - - - - - - - - 400,457 Total Funding Source 414,357 414,357 - - - - - - - - 414,357 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 285 transPortatIon230 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name new Terminal Construction Responsible department Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) Functional Area Transportation Project Status Substantially Complete Project Type Facilities description:Construct a 6,969-square-foot airport terminal at HRJ, located at 615 Airport Road, Erwin, to create a “Gateway to Harnett,” improve jetport services, and provide office space for Economic Development. Project Justification:Built in 1981, the existing 2,200-square-foot terminal is outdated and its waiting area, meeting facilities and pilot spaces are inadequate. Office space for airport staff is also lacking. The terminal’s antiquated design does not portray the county and its economic development efforts in the best light. A 2018 ITRE research study showed the airport has a $176.5 million annual economic impact. Because of its demonstrated connection and potential impact, co-location of the county’s Economic Development offices is desired. Alternatives:• Do nothing. If nothing is done, the jetport’s terminal will continue to be outdated and undersized. The limited spaces for meetings, waiting, and pilots makes it less desirable for flights and for use as a meeting space. • Construct a new 6,969-square-foot terminal. The lower level would house two conference rooms, additional office space for airport staff, a pilot lounge with shower area, a larger waiting lounge, and office space for Economic Development. The upper floor, accessible without entering the lower level, would house another meeting space and observation platform, which should be an attractive meeting space for economic development and other needs. A temporary terminal will also be needed during construction, so that the old one can be demolished to make way for the new one. The project would consist of these improvements, along with necessary infrastructure and site improvements. No additional land is needed, as everything would be built on property currently owned by Harnett County. Recommended Solution:Using State Capital Infrastructure Funds (SCIF), construct a new airport terminal. operating Impact:There is no impact to the operating budget. Current Stage of Project:Construction of the new HRJ terminal was completed on June 1, 2024. The County is currently working with Parrish and Partners to install new signage at the Airport Road and Highway 421 intersection. Upon completion of the signage installation, final payments will be processed and the project will be complete. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 286 transPortatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 231 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 5,498,254 5,392,603 - - - - - - - - 5,392,603 Engineering - 1,170,850 329,825 - - - - - - - 1,500,675 Other Contracted Services 892,896 109,258 - - - - - - - - 109,258 Furnishings & Equipment - 197,385 44,500 - - - - - - - 241,885 Total Project Cost 6,391,150 6,870,096 374,325 - - - - - - - 7,244,421 Funding Source Airport Capital Reserves - 184,525 - - - - - - - - 184,525 Grants, Gifts, Etc. 6,000,000 6,351,201 148,868 - - - - - - - 6,500,069 Interest 391,150 334,370 225,457 - - - - - - - 559,827 Total Funding Source 6,391,150 6,870,096 374,325 - - - - - - - 7,244,421 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 287 transPortatIon232 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name Runway extension Responsible department Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) Functional Area Transportation Project Status New Project Type Facilities description:Construct a 500-foot extension of the HRJ runway, located at 615 Airport Road, Erwin, to provide adequate space to meet the demands of the growing aviation industry in our region. This expansion is a proactive step to ensure that the jetport remains competitive and can effectively serve the needs of businesses relying on air transportation. Project Justification:Harnett Regional Jetport recognizes the pressing need to enhance its infrastructure to cater to larger aircraft commonly used by numerous businesses. The current runway length of 5,000 feet is insufficient for accommodating the increasing demand for turbine aircraft operations, as identified during the recent Masterplan Update. Without an extension, the jetport would struggle to support the economic growth and safety requirements of our aviation community. Alternatives:• Do Nothing - Maintaining the status quo by not extending the runway does not address the escalating need to accommodate larger corporate jets and the associated increase in jetport traffic. This alternative fails to meet the requirements of the growing aviation sector in our region. • Extend Runway by 500 Feet - This recommended solution, extending the runway by 500 feet, directly addresses the issues at hand. It not only allows HRJ to cater to larger corporate jets but also opens up new avenues for economic development and enhances the overall safety of aircraft operations. This alternative aligns with the vision of making HRJ a vital and thriving aviation hub for years to come. Recommended Solution:The Jetport Advisory Board considers the runway extension project to be the number one priority of the Jetport. The recommended solution is to extend the runway by 500 feet. This extension will not only bring the total runway length to 5,500 feet but also enable HRJ to accommodate larger corporate jets, thereby expanding economic development opportunities in the region. Furthermore, it will contribute to a safer operational environment for aircraft, ensuring that HRJ remains a reliable hub for aviation services. Current Stage of Project:Harnett Regional Jetport (HRJ) has secured a $15.6 million Transportation Reserve Directed Funding Grant to support its expansion project. The airport’s engineer of record is working with the NC Division of Aviation to determine whether the FAA’s approval is required for the land acquisition and any associated development. The engineering firm is also conducting land surveys to identify potential land acquisition opportunities southwest of Runway 05. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 288 transPortatIonHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 233 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Design, Engineering & Construction Administration 830,000 - 830,000 - - - - - - - 830,000 Construction 13,870,000 - - 13,870,000 - - - - - - 13,870,000 Land 900,000 - 900,000 - - - - - - - 900,000 Total Project Cost 15,600,000 - 1,730,000 13,870,000 - - - - - - 15,600,000 Funding Source Grants, Gifts, Etc. 15,600,000 - 1,730,000 13,870,000 - - - - - - 15,600,000 Total Funding Source 15,600,000 - 1,730,000 13,870,000 - - - - - - 15,600,000 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 289 transPortatIon234 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 290 Solid Waste HCBOC 120224 Pg. 291 solId Waste236 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project name northwest Convenience Center Relocation Responsible department Solid Waste Functional Area Solid Waste Project Status Approved-No Contracts Project Type Facilities description:Relocate the Northwest Convenience Center to 1971 Oakridge River Road, Fuquay-Varina to provide a larger and safer site to serve the growing population in this area. Project Justification:The existing solid waste convenience center, located at 1260 Cokesbury Road, Fuquay-Varina, is outdated and no longer safely accommodates the needs of residents in this area of the county. The site averages 738 per visitors per week. The county leases the one-acre site for $2,500 per year, but only a small fraction of the property is useable, so expansion is not feasible. The small size and inefficient configuration make it inadequate. Newer convenience centers have a more efficient design that offer more waste disposal options and better traffic flow through the site. The Cokesbury Road site is not large enough to segregate pedestrians from vehicles, and traffic backs up onto Cokesbury Road during peak usage, both of which are safety concerns. The site is also located on a narrow secondary road and the entrance and exit are located in a curve, another concern for traffic safety. Last year the county purchased property on Oakridge River Road, Fuquay-Varina to re-locate this convenience center. This 2.5-acre area reserved for the convenience site provides ample room to provide an expanded center that is safer and configured for better traffic flow within the site. It would also offer additional options for waste disposal, such as used oil, oil filters, scrap tires, white goods, and scrap metal. Last year, the county obtained a conditional use permit to build a convenience center on the Oakridge River Road property. Alternatives:• Do nothing. If nothing is done, the circulation within the site, its small size, and its location on Cokesbury Road will continue to create safety concerns for the center’s users. • Utilizing the property the county purchased last year, construct a new convenience center that allows for better circulation within the site and safer entrance into and exit from the site. This option also results in savings from no longer having to lease the Cokesbury Road site. Recommended Solution:The recommendation is to construct a new site on the county owned property at 1979 Oakridge River Rd, Fuquay-Varina, which is better suited to accept the number of vehicles and citizens that utilize the convenience site in this area. This site will provide an ample amount of space to receive trash and recycling in a more user friendly, more accommodating, and safer manner for the Northwest area. Although the need for relocation is prevalent, we are recommending a phased approach to construction starting in FY2022. Phase 1 of 2 would utilize the upper half of the property and would include installation of road and staging area for receiving trash and recycling. Harnett County Solid Waste Department will utilize staff and equipment to complete the majority of Phase 1. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 292 solId WasteHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 237 operating Impact:The largest impact will be to general operations by utilizing current landfill staff. Duties and tasks need to be reviewed to make sure everything is covered for general operations at the landfill while workers and equipment are reassigned to this project. By doing a phased approach, this will not impact our budget with an initial costly effect to expenditures, and expenses can be dispersed over the next two years, while providing a more than adequate space and continued services for waste disposal for our citizens in the area. Current Stage of Project:The Northwest Convenience Center Relocation project is currently in the procurement stage. The department put the project out for bid and received bids that exceeded the budgeted amount. As a result, the department will implement a phased approach to begin construction of Phase 1 in late FY 2025 using current Solid Waste staff. This phased approach will utilize Solid Waste staff and equipment to construct the necessary infrastructure, allowing the department to open the site while also achieving significant cost savings. This approach will contribute to the efforts and plans to build a capital reserve without depleting all funds in one fiscal year. The Board of Commissioners approved the project ordinance on September 7, 2021. The Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan has been submitted and approved by the State, and all necessary permits have been obtained. HCBOC 120224 Pg. 293 238 Harnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 Project Cost Budget Prior to FY 2025 Current Year: 2025 Year 1: FY 2026 Year 2: FY 2027 Year 3: FY 2028 Year 4: FY 2029 Year 5: FY 2030 Year 6: FY 2031 Year 7: FY 2032 Total Construction 317,128 - 317,128 - - - - - - - 317,128 Contingency 26,097 - 26,097 - - - - - - - 26,097 Design, Engineering & Construction Administration 108,856 114,309 2,220 - - - - - - - 116,529 Furnishings & Equipment 60,000 49,594 - 10,406 - - - - - - 60,000 Permit & Connection Fees 1,500 1,205 545 - - - - - - - 1,750 Total Project Cost 513,581 165,108 345,990 10,406 - - - - - - 521,504 Funding Source Solid Waste Capital Reserve 513,581 165,108 345,990 10,406 - - - - - - 521,504 Total Funding Source 513,581 165,108 345,990 10,406 - - - - - - 521,504 operating effect Decreased Costs (15,000) - - (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (17,500) Transfer from Solid Waste Fund 513,581 513,581 - - - - - - - - 513,581 Total operating effect 498,581 513,581 - (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) 496,081 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 294 solId WasteHarnett County, North Carolina | Recommended Capital Improvements Program 2026-2032 239 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 295 harnett.org HCBOC 120224 Pg. 296 ITem 9B HCBOC 120224 Pg. 297 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 298 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 299 Item 9C HCBOC 120224 Pg. 300 HCBOC 120224 Pg. 301