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Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Commissioners Meeting Room Harnett County Resource Center & Library 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington
1.Call to order – Chairman William Morris
2.Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Vice Chairman Brooks Matthews
3.Board of Elections Update; Claire Jones, Board of Elections Director
4.Discuss a request to approve the Strategic Plan for Harnett County Public Libraries; AngelaMcCauley, Library Director
5.Discuss a request to confirm designation of Child Fatality Prevention Team/Community ChildProtection Team (CFPT/CCPT) as a single county team; Ainsley Johnson, Health Director
6.Discuss a request to approve a vaccine administration fee for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV);Ainsley Johnson, Health Director
7.Discuss a request to approve the updated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Project Ordinance;Brent Trout, County Manager
8.Review applications to serve on Boards and Committees.
9.County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager
•December 2, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Review
•Upcoming meetings and invitations
10.Special Presentation
11.Closed Session
A livestream of the meeting will be on the Harnett County Government’s YouTube Channel
at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x_98EhAMeMg/featured.
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Board Meeting
Agenda Item
MEETING DATE: December 2, 2024
SUBJECT: ARPA Updates & Grant Project Ordinance
REQUESTED BY: Brent Trout, County Manager
Administration is requesting approval to amend the Grant Project Ordinance for the
$26,411,744 received from the American Rescue Plan Act - Coronavirus State & Local
Fiscal Recovery Fund (ARPA/CSLFRF). This amendment shall recognize modifications
to spending amounts for projects previously approved by the Board in Project
Ordinance format.
$5,000,000 of the County's ARPA/CSLFRF funding had been allocated to a contract
with Adams Robinson Enterprises, Inc. for the construction of a 9MGD capacity
upgrade at the North Harnett Wastewater Treatement Plant. The State General
Assembly approved legislation that eliminated the county match provision for CAB
Grants. The state will now be funding the entire amount of the grant funding for each
project in the CAB program. Harnett County therefore is not required to commit the
matching funds and can now approve the addition of $1,941,785 to be used on the
treatment plant project.
Spectrum was chosen for a second GREAT Grant project in Harnett County. The
County's match for this project was modified from $375,000 to $218,626. The money
not required for the match ($156,374) is being reallocated to the North Harnett
Wastewater Treatement Plant project.
The project ordinance also showed an amount of $1,411,600 that was unallocated to a
project. The amount must be obligated towards a project by December 31, 2024. There
are no other qualifying designated projects so the above amount is now being obligated
to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant project.
The changes to the various line items now bring the total amount of funding for the
North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant project to $8,509,759 up $3,509,759 from
the original $5,000,000 amount.
The approval of this ordinancee will ensure that the requirement to obligate the ARPA
funds by the December 31, 2024 deadline will have occurred. The County will have
until December 31, 2026 to spend the money.
Item 7
HCBOC 112624 ws
Status Allocated Obligated Expended
North Harnett WWTP Upgrade Contribution 491 In Progress 8,509,759$ 8,509,759$ -$
GREAT Grant 1 (Brightspeed Cloudwyze)BBAND In Progress 375,000$ 375,000$ -$
GREAT Grant 2 (Spectrum)BBAND In Progress 218,626$ 218,626$ -$
VIPER Radios for Police Departments 292 Completed 1,571,309$ 1,571,309$ 1,571,309$
VIPER Radios for Emergency Staff 292 Completed 5,619,227$ 5,619,227$ 5,619,227$
Premium Pay for EMS Employees --Completed 117,823$ 117,823$ 117,823$
Eligible Employee Salaries (Revenue Replacement)Completed 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$
Totals:26,411,744$ 26,411,744$ 17,308,359$
Remaining Funds for Contingency for ARPA-Eligible Projects: *(0)$ -$ 9,103,385$
Project Total:26,411,744$ 26,411,744$ 26,411,744$
*any remaining ARPA contingency funds will be directed to the North Harnett WWTP upgrade
Project Amount
Lead for NC Fellow 15,000$
IT River Fiber Extension 149,332$
Funding for Harnett Regional Jetport 2,500,000$
CloudWyze Fiber Phase 2 Match 2,000,000$
DSS 2nd Floor Upfit 1,200,000$
Office 365 Cloud Migration 1,043,259$
Riverside Flood Project 750,000$
Retention Pay for EMS Employees 382,177$
Contribution to Saleeby YMCA 295,000$
Management Analyst 150,000$
Digital Literacy Training (CloudWyze)5,000$
County Morgue 396,100$
Northwest Harnett Station 3 Emergency Services 215,257$
New Desks for Department of Social Services 73,610$
New Utility Vehicle for Parks & Rec 13,870$
Rewrite Documentation for Harnett Regional Jetport 22,535$
Transit Vans for HARTS 26,612$
Tranfer to General Fund (Projects cut by BOC)209,594$
Transfer to Gen Fund to reduce use of Fund Balance 500,000$
Remaining Funds for Contingency for Displaced Projects: **52,654$
Project Total:10,000,000$
**there are no timeline requirements for displaced funds
Funds remaining for ARPA-eligible projects 16,411,744$
Harnett County ARPA Funding Overview
November 22, 2024
Project Overview
Revenue Replacement (reimbursed general fund for employee salaries)10,000,000$
Interest Available
Displaced Funding
Total ARPA Allocation 26,411,744$
ARPA-Eligible Projects
DEADLINE: Obligate by December 31, 2024; Expend by December 31, 2026
HCBOC 112624 ws
Total Interest Available To Date 1,049,211$
HCBOC 112624 ws
Section 1.
Section 2. The following amounts are appropriated for the project and authorized for expenditure:
Ordinance Adjustment Amended
ARPA/CSLFRF Allocation Unassigned 1,411,600$ (1,411,600)$ -$
Revenue Replacement (Eligible Employee Salaries)10,000,000$ -$ 10,000,000$
VIPER Radio - County and Fire 5,619,227$ -$ 5,619,227$
EMS Premium Pay 117,823$ -$ 117,823$
VIPER Radio - Local Law Enforcement 1,571,309$ -$ 1,571,309$
GREAT Grant (Brightspeed)375,000$ -$ 375,000$
GREAT Grant (Spectrum)375,000$ (156,374)$ 218,626$
North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant 5,000,000$ 3,509,759$ 8,509,759$
CAB Grant (Brightspeed)1,941,785$ (1,941,785)$ (0)$
Total 26,411,744$ (0)$ 26,411,744$
Section 3.The following revenues are hereby appropriated for this project:
Ordinance Adjustment
ARPA/CSLFRF Allocation 26,411,744$ -$ 26,411,744$
Total 26,411,744$ -$ 26,411,744$
BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County,North Carolina, sitting as the governing board
for Harnett County that,pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the
following grant project ordinance is hereby adopted.
This ordinance is to establish a budget for projects to be funded by the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal
Recovery Funds of H.R.1319 American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA/CSLFRF).The County of Harnett
has received a total allocation of $26,411,744 of ARPA/CSLFRF funds.These funds may be used for the
following categories of expenditures, to the extent authorized by state law:
2.Address negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency,including economic harms to
workers, households, small businesses, impacted industries, and the public sector;
1. Support public health expenditures, by funding COVID-19 mitigation efforts,medical expenses,
behavioral healthcare, and certain public health and safety staff;
3.Replace lost public sector revenue,using this funding to provide government services to the extent of the
reduction in revenue experienced due to the pandemic;
4. Provide premium pay for essential workers, offering additional support to those who have borne and will
bear the greatest health risks because of their service in critical infrastructure sectors; and,
5.Invest in water,sewer,and broadband infrastructure,making necessary investments to improve access to
clean drinking water,support vital wastewater and stormwater infrastructure,and to expand access to
broadband internet.
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Section 4.
Section 5.
Section 6.
Section 7.
Section 8.
This ordinance will amend the Grant Project Ordinance to allocate funding to the projects outlined below which have
been approved by the Board of Commissioners.
The GREAT Grant (Spectrum)project is ongoing.Through the same program outlined previously,the county has
entered into a three-way agreement with Spectrum for a second GREAT Grant award.This amendment reflects the
amount ($218,626)that the county has agreed to match for this project.The difference from the original $375,000 and
$218,626 was added to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project.
The CAB Grant (Brightspeed)is ongoing.Through the Completing Access to Broadband (CAB)program,the NC
Department of Information Technology (NCDIT)enters into a three-way agreement with ISPs and county governments
to deploy broadband projects in unserved areas of each county.House Bill 10 was approved by veto override on
November 21, 2024 eliminating the Harnett County match requirement for this grant.The originally obligated amount
of $1,941,785 was added to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade project obligation.
This ordinance will amend the Grant Project Ordinance to recognize changes in previously approved projects and
allocate funding to projects which have been approved since the last amendment.
The North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade is ongoing.This project is expected to cost over
$100,000,000.This infrastructure upgrade is an eligible use of ARPA funds,so $8,509,759 of the County's ARPA
allocation will be contributed to this project.
The Finance Officer is hereby directed to maintain sufficient specific detailed accounting records to satisfy the
requirements of the grantor agency and the grant agreements,including payroll documentation and effort certifications,
in accordance with 2 CFR 200.430 & 2 CFR 200.431 and the County’s Uniform Guidance Allowable Costs and Cost
Principles Policy.
The VIPER Radio - County and Fire project is now complete.This project provided 913 radios to the county for use by
the following departments:Emergency Management Services (EMS),Fire Marshall, Transportation (HARTS),Sheriff,
and Harnett Regional Water, as well as local fire departments. The county must pay sales tax on the purchase of goods
and services but is eligible to file for reimbursement of the sales tax paid. The original budget included the amount of
sales tax; this adjustment reallocates the unspent funds that were originally dedicated to this project.
The EMS Premium Pay project is no longer eligible under ARPA/CSLFRF because Congress declared an end to the
COVID-19 National Emergency on April 10, 2023.This adjustment reallocates the unspent funds that were originally
dedicated to this project.
The VIPER Radio -Local Law Enforcement project is complete.At the request of our municipalities, the county is
dedicating a portion of its ARPA/CSLFRF allocation to purchase VIPER radios for all police departments in the
County. As an eligible use, the project will provide 242 radios.
The GREAT Grant (Brightspeed)project is ongoing.Through the Growing Rural Economies with Access to
Technology (GREAT)Program,the NC Department of Information Technology (NCDIT)sought to enter into a three-
way agreement with Internet Service Providers (ISPs)and local governments to expand broadband accessibility in
rural areas.Initially,CloudWyze was identified as the ISP to receive the GREAT Grant for Harnett County.However,
in late 2023,NCDIT designated Brightspeed as the recipient. This amendment reflects the amount that the county has
agreed to match for this project.
The Finance Officer is hereby directed to report the financial status of the project to the governing board on a quarterly
Copies of this capital project ordinance shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, the Budget Director and the
Finance Officer for direction in carrying out this project.
The unobligated funds in the amount of $1,411,600 is now obligated in this ordinance to the North Harnett Wastewater
Treatment Plant Upgrade project in order to obligate all funds by the December 31, 2024 deadline. The total cost for
this project will exceed $100,000,000 and the project is already under contract for construction.
HCBOC 112624 ws
Section 9.
day of , 2024.
ATTEST:William Morris, Chairman
Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Melissa Capps, Clerk to the Board
Duly adopted this
This grant project ordinance amendment expires on December 31, 2026,or when all the ARPA/CSLFRF funds have
been obligated and expended by the county, whichever occurs sooner.
HCBOC 112624 ws
There is one (1) alternate citizen member vacancy on this Board.
We would like to remove Carl Davis from this Board. He is currently seated on one too many boards. He is
currently serving as the Harnett County Employee alternate member. His term will expire on September 30,
Drew Bryant would like to be considered for appointment. This position is employee specific. If appointed, he
would fill the Harnett County Employee alternate member vacancy left by Carl Davis. Drew would fill Carl’s
remaining term whose term expires September 30, 2027.
We have four (4) public member vacancies on this Board.
We have received an application from Denise Galloway. She would like to be considered for appointment as a
public member on this Board. She resides in District 4.
We have received an application from Ciara Monique Suros. She would like to be considered for appointment
as a public member on this Board. She resides in District 5.
Item 8
HCBOC 112624 ws
From:2023 Harnett County (Board of Commissioners)
Subject:Application to Serve on a Board
Date:Wednesday, October 23, 2024 6:01:22 PM
Board:Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
Voting District: District 4
Name:Denise Galloway
Address:5953 Cokesbury Road
Zip Code: 27526
Years of Formal
Civic and fraternal
Current 10-year member American Legion Post 116, Fuquay-Varina,
Past member Harnett County Public Library Board of Trustees
Past member Safe Kids Harnett County
Why you would
like to serve:
Desire to serve local community. Frederick Douglass said it best, "It
is easier to build strong children than repair broken men." If I can be
part of that in any small way, I am honored and willing to be of
Signature:Denise Galloway
I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature
confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of
HCBOC 112624 ws
From:2023 Harnett County (Board of Commissioners)
Subject:Application to Serve on a Board
Date:Tuesday, October 29, 2024 3:01:53 PM
Board:Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
Voting District: District 5
Name:Ciara Monique Suros
Address:977 coachman Way
Zip Code: 27330
Years of Formal
Civic and fraternal
Why you would
like to serve:
I am a previous JCPC member chair from Moore County JCPC,
however, due to relocating I am no longer able to hold a seat.
Signature:Ciara Suros
I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature
confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of
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