HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 8, 2024 Work Session MeetingAGENDA
Lillington Board of Commissioners
Work Session Meeting
Lillington Town Hall 102 E. Front Street Lillington, North Carolina 27546
July 8, 2024 8:30am
Item #1 Consideration of Planning Board Appointment
Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
Item #2 Discuss and Consider Allowing Harmony Baptist Church to Connect to the Sewer System Shane Cummings, Town Engineer
Item #3 Administrative Reports A.Capital Projects Update
Alicia Adams, Administrative Services Director
B. Presentation of the Monthly Financial Report
Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager
C. Presentation of Town Manager’s Report
Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager
Item #4 Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda for July 9, 2024
Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager
Date of Meeting: July 8, 2024
Staff Work By: Landon Chandler, Planning Director Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk
Consideration of Planning Board Appointment
Per Section 32.45-49 of the Lillington Code of Ordinances; the Planning Board has two (2) vacancies
open for appointment. The need is for one (1) member from the corporate limits and one (1) member
from the ETJ. The Town Clerk has received two (2) applications. One (1) from an applicant located
within corporate limits and one (1) located in the ETJ.
§ 32.46 COMPOSITION; TERMS OF MEMBERS; VACANIES. The Planning Board shall consist of six members, three from the corporate limits of the town
and three from the one-mile territorial jurisdiction, who shall be appointed by the Town Commissioners. Three members shall be appointed for a term of two years and three members shall be appointed for a term of one year. As the terms of these six members expire, new appointments for terms of two years shall be made. The appointment of members shall be made
as vacancies occur by expiration of the term of office or at such other time as vacancies occur. (’69 Code, § 2-65) (Ord., passed 8-7-73) The proposed appointment terms are as follows:
Name Address Proposed Term
Jon Blair 816 S. Main Street September 2023 - September 2025
Kenneth Atkins 768 S. River Road September 2023- September 2025
RECOMMENDED ACTION Appoint applicants to serve on the Planning Board as requested.
Length of residence in Lillington: h(; 4 c:A � ..SHow did you find out about this board or committee?FacebookWebsite __ NewspaperEmail . /) � ./) ./ 7 Other (please describe) -=j��--'"<,wfe,__,___,____ot/�/.r--TA�.µ_e1--1----f. (--=-=-�-+L---#-¼...L...L..:.'A_:,,;J'-------',, /,___ Please describe your qualifications and why you wish to serve the board/committee youtf;t-v;1tffi� $/ttJ /4& ' /2JiJoJ tie
Other Service to the Community (Civic Clubs, Activities, etc.) Signature•Please do not submit resumes or attachments.•This application is public record.ToeArreA/f e.urref(.f./ /{1?
s:g:�6o2� Date•Information in this application will be considered in making applications. •If not initially appointed to serve, this application will remain active until August 1 of thefollowing year.Applications are to be returned to the Town Clerk in person (102 E Front Street), by mail (P .0.Box 296, Lillington, NC 27546), or by email (agregory@lillingtonnc.org).
Date of Meeting: July 8, 2024
Staff Work By: Shane Cummings, Town Engineer
Discuss and Consider Allowing Harmony Baptist Church to Connect to the Sewer System
Consider Allowing Harmony Baptist Church to Connect to the Sewer System so they can add on to
the church.
Appove the Harmony Baptist Church Sewer Connection
Joseph Jefferies, Manager
Town of LiLlington
102 E Front St,
LiLlington, NC 27546
Re: Harmony Baptist Church, 3566 Hwy 210 S
Request for Sewer Connection
Dear Mr. Jefferies,
The Board of Deacons of Harmony Church has commissioned Green
Engineering ofWilson, NC to prepare plans, specs, NC DOT encroachment
permit, and application to seek a sewer tap on the Towns existing 8-inch PVC
force main located within 5 feet of the edge of pavement in the western
margin of NC Highway 210 South. The church is currently planning to
construct a new fellowship haLL behind the existing sanctuary and education
building. The church occupancy rating is 234, however the existing fellowship
hall is only 57.
The church has been working with the county Environmental Health Section
seeking a feasible on-site sewer soLution. Given the limited space constraints
on the site aLong with limited permeable soil alternatives for Leach field
repair, Leaves the best Long-term solution to connect to the Towns force main
that serves the sate(lite development Vandercroft Farms.
The Church is ready to start clearing property and obtain buiLding
permits. Before the building can begin, it must determine if the Town will be
amenable to allowing the church access to the existing sewer force main,
whether they have to be annexed, and whether the church comes under the
auspices ofTown building, permits and inspections. Time is ofthe essence
as the church is ready to begin their project once the sewer access issue is
Joseph Jefferies, Manager
Town of LiLLington
Page 2
Green Engineering appreciates the help and guidance of Mr. Shane
Cummings With the tOWn in working With our OffiCe working through the
details with the engineering aspects of this sewer connection.
On behalf of the Church Board of Deacons and members, we respectfully
submit this request and trust the Town Board wilL render a decision as quickly
as possible.
Rodney M Tart, Project Engineer
Green Engineering
Rodney Gregory, Chair of Building Committee
Johnny Atkins Trustee
NDOT encroachment form
SERVTCEADDRESS: 3SkG Act YZk)'>, ,6'tmt/[, ,B,,4-5
SSN:DL#&STATE 4/(:, Ob:\M'%'o/
102 East Front Street * p.o. Box 296 * Lillington, North Carolina 27546
Phone: (910) 893-2654 @ Fax (910) 893-3693 * www.lillingtonnc.org
Any request for connection to the town water and/or sewer system shall be accompanied by a valid annexation petition.
The Town Board shall make a decision as to annexation of the property, annexation agreement on the property, or decision
not to annex the property before any connections are made. No annexation agreement shall postpone the date of
annexation for more than five years from the date of the petition.
(Ord. passed 6-11-1996; Ord. 2021-19, passed 2-9-2021)
Date of Meeting: July 08, 2024
Staff Work By: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager
Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager
Alicia L. Adams, Administrative Services Director
Ashley Wimberly, Public Works Director
Frank Powers, Police Chief
John Bethune, Fire Chief
William Baker, Parks & Recreation Director
Brandon Harris, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director
Josh Perry, Planning & Inspections
Christy Norris, Youth Programs
Administrative Reports.
Monthly reports covering administrative and department activities, financial summaries and
public utility usage information
Receive information and direct staff, if applicable.
SCIF Grants
Downtown Facilities
Stewart, Inc. is continuing to work on the construction drawings for Downtown. Staff has
received cost estimates from Duke Energy for relocation of utilities. The Town has entered into a
contract with Duke Energy
including a non-refundable
deposit of $90K. This will
provide the Town with the
actual cost for construction
for underground utilities.
Staff are continuing to work
closely with Ducke Energy
and Pike to work through
construction plans.
McAdams is continuing to
design stormwater
infrastructure facilities.
The surveyor has completed
the additional requested
survey work for Duke
Duke Energy has submitted
preliminary plans for
underground utilities. Staff
met with Duke Energy June
27th to discuss all the
pedestrian scale and roadway
lighting. Pike Engineering is
working to coordinate
underground utilities and conduit for pedestrian and roadway lighting. Pike Engineering is doing
both the roadway lighting and the parking lot lighting.
Stormwater Resiliency Funds
Staff was notified that the State allocated $3.5 million for Stormwater infrastructure
improvements and stream restoration, to provide more efficient stormwater management and
flood resiliency. Project components will include stormwater management, replacing undersized
culverts, and stabilizing streambanks to improve flood resiliency. Staff has received all of the
funding to begin the project.
1. Downtown Stormwater Improvements
• Design construction documents have been submitted to the Town and are
currently under review.
• Consultants are coordinating with the railroad RJ Corman to put in an additional
2. Duncan Street
• Duncan Street will
open following the
4th of July Event
• Signage, stripping,
and pedestrian
crosswalks will be
completed by the
end of July
• As-builts and
CCTV will also be
completed at
project close out
3. Railroad Crossing
• Began Final Design
and construction
McAdams will provide preliminary plan set to the Town for review before
submitting to RJ Corman.
• The Town is waiting on a site visit from Jeremy Myers with RJ Corman who is a
track engineer.
• Ongoing coordination with RJ Corman (Railroad) for encroachment
documentation and permitting for working within their R/W.
4. 13th Street Reservoir
• McAdams is recommending upsizing the northernmost culvert crossing on S 13th
Street to dual RCBC box culverts to eliminate roadway overtopping for the 10
and 25-Year design storms. Although this recommendation is a slight deviation
from the 15’W x 6’H RCBC, which is listed as the preferred design alternative
(#2) in the previous Town of Lillington Stormwater Assessment, it will better
maintain existing stream geometry and lend to more feasible construction and
procurement of materials.
• Currently at 60% CD set, coordinated with structural engineer on design
• Working towards obtaining 401/404 permitting
• Easement acquisition will be necessary for completion of the project.
• LKC Engineering will perform a boundary survey for the two adjacent parcels in
order to finalize the metes and bounds of easement acquisition
Golden Leaf Application Stormwater Harnett Street
Project Description: The proposed storm drainage improvements would include removal and
replacement of existing storm drainage pipe, ranging from 15” RCP to 30” RCP, and removal and replacement of storm drainage
structures, including catch basins,
drop-inlets, storm drainage manholes, and storm drainage headwalls. The proposed storm drainage infrastructure will
effectively capture storm runoff,
convey stormwater efficiently inside public right-of-way, and increase the level of service of the storm drainage system. In addition,
private storm drainage infrastructure
would be relocated to the Town Right-of-Way to allow for easier access for future maintenance and inspections. The probable cost of
this project is $1.3 million, staff
requested full funding for the project. Staff met with Golden Leaf
on site on March 19th. They have requested additional information from staff that we are working with business owners in the area to complete.
The Golden Leaf Foundation reached out to staff April 4th and explained the Board of Directors
took no action on the flood mitigation application. Golden Leaf Staff explained that the project is still eligible for an award and will be brought to the Board at the June Board meeting. They explained the board acted on very few projects at their meeting and that receiving no action is not an indication that the project will not be awarded. The Golden Leaf Board will meet again
June 5th and 6th to consider projects again.
The Golden Leaf Grant Agreement is slated to be approved on the consent agenda at the Regular Meeting.
North Carolina Emergency Management Transportation Infrastructure Resiliency Grant
The Town was awarded a grant from the North Carolina Emergency Management Transportation
Infrastructure Resiliency Program for $790,000. Staff issued a Notice of Award to Narron
Contracting, Inc. and the project is currently under construction. Staff requested an extension, it
was approved, and the new completion date is June 30, 2024. Installation of the new storm
drainpipe and drop inlet along the roadway is complete. Street will remain closed. We have
expended the construction and engineering design portion of the Emergency Management
Transportation Infrastructure Resiliency Grant and will finish off the project with Flood
Resiliency and Powell Bill Funds.
Signage, stripping, and pedestrian crosswalks will be completed by the end of July. As-builts and
CCTV will also be completed at project close out
Fire Station #3 The Town staff has received their third schematic layout of the Fire Station and are continuing to
work closely with Bobbitt. Below is the layout of the interior of the fire station. Bobbitt provided
architectural standards for the facade of the station and staff met with them May 15th to discuss next steps. Bobbitt is currently addressing all the comments from staff and will provide final design in the coming weeks along with an updated schedule.
ARPA S.L. 2022-74 Appropriated Projects
All documentation was submitted to the State to fund the Hwy 210 sewer line expansion and
Southern Regional Sanitary Sewer/Poorhouse Creek installation of new sanitary sewer interceptor and regional pump station. The total allocation was $9,250,000. Staff has received the offer and acceptance letter from the Department of Water Infrastructure.
a. Hwy 210 Sewer line Project
Temple Grading signed the NTP August 14, 2023. Construction has begun and is on-going. The contractor is continuing to install the 8-inch force main along NC Hwy 210 North and is nearing completion. The pump station site clearing has been completed and the contractor is expected to begin installing the pump station wet well this month. Pump
station construction is scheduled to be complete by the end of July. The installation of the
gravity sewer will start in August. The contractor has presented two change orders to the
Town; changer order 1 for the additional contract time (89 calendar day increase) due to the Crested Iris design change to connect to the HRW collection system and outside
agency concurrence, change order 2 is for the cost to complete the work at Crested Iris
Drive to make the HRW sewer connection as demonstrated on the latest design drawings ($156,801.56 and 30 calendar day increase to contract time). The change orders have been approved by the state and the Town of Lillington. b. Poorhouse Creek
Meyers Engineering will be submitting to DWI for a sewer permit in the coming weeks.
Contract documents have been review by staff and comments are currently being addressed. Easement acquisition has begun. The project will go out for bid in late August or early September. Staff are hopeful that the construction contract will be approved by November.
LASII Grant Staff submitted the LASII grant application October 2, 2023 requesting $500,000 to develop and implement a new stormwater utility to provide a predictable, equitable and ongoing funding source for its stormwater program.
The activities that the Town seeks to accomplish with the funding that the utility will provide include:
• Increasing the flood resiliency of the transportation system in and through the Town;
• Funding stormwater Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) to address stormwater quantity and quality issues;
• Handling critical maintenance needs and operations; and
• Meeting planning and implementation needs.
Staff submitted a scoping document for the project. Once approved DWI will send the grant agreement and the standard acceptance of funding resolution. The grant agreement has not been sent for approval as of now. The project schedule is two years, with a completion date of July
S.L. 2023 Appropriated Funds
The Town was appropriated $11,062,500 through Session Law in 2023. Administrative cost for
the funds is $331,875.00. Available funds remaining are $10,730,625.
Additional Proposed projects with remaining funds:
1. Water Tank $4.5 million
• Request for Qualifications will be accepted at Town Hall July 16th at 2:00pm
2. Downtown utility rehabilitation approximately $3.1 million
3. WWTP project $3.1 million
Staff completed request for funding forms to the Division of Water. Following completion of the
required documents staff can begin the projects.
Date of Meeting: July 8, 2024
Staff Work By: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager
Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager
Alicia L. Adams, Administrative Services Director
Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda
The purpose of this agenda item is to allow the Town Board an opportunity to ask questions
regarding the Regular Meeting agenda for July 9, 2024.
No Action Required.