HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 11, 2024 Regular Session MeetingAGENDA
Lillington Board of Commissioners
Regular Monthly Meeting
Lillington Town Hall
102 East Front Street
Lillington, North Carolina 27546
June 11, 2024 6:00pm
PUBLIC COMMENT Public comment is an opportunity for citizens wishing to present unscheduled items of concern or
interest to the Commissioners. It is requested that citizens limit their presentations to three (3)
All items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine, to be enacted by one motion without discussion. If a Governing Body member or citizen requests discussion of an item, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
Item #1
Item #2
Item #3
Item #4
Item #5
Item #6
Item #7
Approval of Work Session Minutes from May 13, 2024
Approval of Closed Session Minutes from May 13, 2024
Approval of Regular Session Minutes from May 14, 2024
Approval of Special Meeting Minutes from May 23, 2024
Approval of FY23-24 Budget Amendment #8
Approval of Computer Services Agreement between the Town of Lillington and County of Harnett
Approval of Equipment Lease (Viper Radios) Agreement between the Town of
Lillington and County of Harnett
Town of Lillington | 2
PUBLIC HEARING Item# 8 Public Hearing for Consideration of Approval of Proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-
2025 Town of Lillington Annual Budget per § 159-13. Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager Item #8A Consideration of Approval of FY2024-2025 Budget Ordinance.
Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager
Item #9 Public Hearing on the Closure of East Duncan Street, East Edgar Street and Marcelle Brown Jr. Way for the Town of Lillington July 4th Celebration
Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk
Item #9A Consideration of Approval of the Closure of East Duncan Street, East Edgar Street and Marcelle Brown Jr. Way for the Town of Lillington July 4th Celebration Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk
Item #10 Public Hearing on the Question of Annexation of the non-contiguous Satellite Area PIN #: 0662-90-5908.000. Case Number ANX-24-03 – G&J Development, LLC. Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
Item #10A Consideration of Approval of An Ordinance to Extend the Corporate Limits of the Town of Lillington – G&J Development, LLC Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
Item #11 Public Hearing on the Question of Zoning Assignment for Newly Incorporated City Limits – G&J Development Landon Chandler, Planning Director
Item #11A Consideration of Approval of An Ordinance to Apply the Lillington Zoning Ordinance to the Newly Incorporated City Limits – G&J Development, LLC
Landon Chandler, Planning Director Item #12 Public Hearing on Consideration of Text Amendment to Article I of the Lillington
Unified Development Ordinance
Landon Chandler, Planning Director Item #12A Consideration of Approval of the Text Amendment to Article I of the Lillington Unified Development Ordinance
Landon Chandler, Planning Director
Item #13 Public Hearing on Consideration of Text Amendment to Article III of the Lillington Unified Development Ordinance Landon Chandler, Planning Director
Item #13A Consideration of Approval of the Text Amendment to Article III of the Lillington Unified Development Ordinance Landon Chandler, Planning Director
Town of Lillington | 3
Item #14 Public Hearing on Consideration of Text Amendment to Article X of the
Lillington Unified Development Ordinance
Landon Chandler, Planning Director
Item #14A Consideration of Approval of the Text Amendment to Article X of the Lillington
Unified Development Ordinance
Landon Chandler, Planning Director
Non-Agenda items is an opportunity for the Commissioners, Attorney or Staff to present unscheduled
items that need consideration by the Board.
Date of Meeting: June 11, 2024
Staff Work By: Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
Lisa B. Young, Assistant Town Manager
Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager
Alicia Adams, Administrative Services Director
Consent Agenda Items
All items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine, to be enacted by one motion without
discussion. If a Governing Body member or citizen requests discussion of an item, the item will
be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately:
Item #1
Item #2
Item #3
Item #4
Item #5
Item #6
Item #7
Approval of Work Session Minutes from May 13, 2024
Approval of Closed Session Minutes from May 13, 2024
Approval of Regular Session Minutes from May 14, 2024
Approval of Special Meeting Minutes from May 23, 2024
Approval of FY23-24 Budget Amendment #8
Approval of Computer Services Agreement between the Town of Lillington and County of Harnett
Approval of Equipment Lease (Viper Radios) Agreement between the Town of
Lillington and County of Harnett
RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve consent agenda items as recommended by staff.
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 13, 2024 Work Session Meeting Minutes
Work Session Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lillington, Monday, May 13,
2024 at 8:30 a.m. at the Lillington Town Hall (102 E. Front Street), Lillington, North
Board Members Present: Mayor Glenn McFadden Mayor Pro Tempore Neil McPhail Commissioner Rupert Langdon Commissioner Marshall Page
Commissioner Danny Babb
Commissioner Patricia Moss Staff Present: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager
Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk
Alicia Adams, Administrative Services Director John Bethune, Fire Chief Landon Chandler, Planning Director Shane Cummings, Engineer
Brian Hyde, Senior Infrastructure Inspector
Ashley Wimberly, Public Works Director William Baker, Parks and Recreation Director Call to Order & Welcome: Mayor Glenn McFadden called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
NEW BUSINESS Item #1 Call a Special Meeting for a Budget Work Session Mayor Glenn McFadden called a Special Meeting for a Budget Work Session on May 23, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.
Item #2 Water Model Presentation Mayor Glenn McFadden recognized Jay Meyers, Meyers Engineering. Mr. Meyers presented the Water Model Presentation to the Board. There are a lot of new subdivisions coming to the area so the purpose of the presentation is to make sure the water system can provide the service and
have enough water to serve them. Discussions were continued, Item #3 Discussion Regarding the 10th Street Bypass Mayor Glenn McFadden recognized Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager. Mr. Jeffries stated he and Landon Chandler, Planning Director, had a conversation with Ritche Hines with NCDOT
regarding the 10th Street Bypass. Mr. Jeffries explained it would be a free-flowing traffic situation. The Board discussed and came to the consensus that before starting this project they want to get done with what we have going on now. Item #4 Discussion Regarding Golden Leaf Downtown Stormwater Project
Mayor Glenn McFadden recognized Alicia Adams, Administrative Services Director. Ms.
Adams explained the purpose of this item is to discuss the Golden Leaf Downtown Stormwater Project. The Town applied for a grant for the Harnett Street Stormwater Improvements. The
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 13, 2024 Work Session Meeting Minutes
proposed project will have a strong focus on downtown Lillington and has a total drainage
impact of approximately ten (10) acres. The project will include storm drainage capture from S
9th Street, S 8th Street, N 8th Street, S Main Street, W Front Street (US 421), and S Main Street. The proposed project budget is $1,300,000.00. The project also encompasses the major stormwater improvements for revitalization of downtown. This project is critical to improving downtown. Golden Leaf has reviewed the Town’s application and is requesting the Town to
make a financial commitment to the project. The Golden Leaf representative explained this will
make our application more competitive and more likely to be awarded. They have requested the Town provide them with a response before their next meeting, which will be held June 5th and 6th. Our Board does not meet again until after those dates. The Board discussed and decided to make a financial commitment of $250,000 to the project. Commissioner McPhail made a motion
stating the Town would make a financial commitment of $250,000 to the project. Commissioner
Langdon seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Item #5 Consideration of Board of Adjustment Appointments
Mayor Glenn McFadden recognized Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk. Ms. Lucas stated that two
applications had been submitted for appointment to the Board of Adjustment. The applicants
were Janice Arnold and Kenneth Atkins. The appointment term would be for 3 years ending May
2027. Commissioner McPhail made a motion to approve the appointments to the Board of
Adjustment. Commissioner Moss seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Item #6 Administrative Reports
Capital Projects Update- Mayor Glenn McFadden recognized Alicia Adams, Administrative
Services Director. Mr. Jeffries went over the following updates;
SCIF Grants
Downtown Facilities
Stewart, Inc. is continuing to work on the construction drawings for Downtown. Staff has
received cost estimates from Duke Energy for relocation of utilities. The Town has entered into a
contract with Duke Energy including a non-refundable deposit of $90K. This will provide the
Town with the actual cost for construction for underground utilities. Staff is continuing to work
closely with Ducke Energy and Pike to work through construction plans. McAdams is continuing
to explore alternatives for stormwater retention Downtown as requested by the Lillington Board
of Commissioners at the October 23, 2023 Special Meeting. Additional surveying of Main Street
has been requested by Duke Energy and staff is working with the surveyor to determine needed
Stormwater Resiliency Funds
Staff was notified that the State allocated $3.5 million for Stormwater infrastructure
improvements and stream restoration, to provide more efficient stormwater management and
flood resiliency. Project components will include stormwater management, replacing undersized
culverts, and stabilizing streambanks to improve flood resiliency. Staff has received all of the
funding to begin the project.
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 13, 2024 Work Session Meeting Minutes
1. Downtown Stormwater Improvements
• Design construction documents have been submitted to the Town and are
currently under review.
• Subsurface exploration has commenced, and private utility locating has been
completed for necessary scoped work.
• An on-site meeting will take place to make determinations on constructability and
potential conflicts. McAdams will invite Town staff to join in field visits and
coordination discussions.
• Consultants are coordinating with the railroad RJ Corman to put in an additional
2. Duncan Street
• Under construction
3. Railroad Crossing
• Began Final Design and construction documents. McAdams will provide
preliminary plan set to the Town for review before submitting to RJ Corman.
• Ongoing coordination with RJ Corman (Railroad) for encroachment
documentation and permitting for working within their R/W.
4. 13th Street Reservoir
• McAdams is recommending upsizing the northernmost culvert crossing on S 13th
Street to dual RCBC box culverts to eliminate roadway overtopping for the 10
and 25-Year design storms. Although this recommendation is a slight deviation
from the 15’W x 6’H RCBC, which is listed as the preferred design alternative
(#2) in the previous Town of Lillington Stormwater Assessment, it will better
maintain existing stream geometry and lend to more feasible construction and
procurement of materials.
• Construction Drawings are close to completion.
• Easement acquisition will be necessary for completion of the project.
Golden Leaf Application Stormwater Harnett Street
Project Description:
The proposed storm drainage improvements would include removal and replacement of existing
storm drainage pipe, ranging from 15” RCP to 30” RCP, and removal and replacement of storm
drainage structures, including catch basins, drop-inlets, storm drainage manholes, and storm
drainage headwalls. The proposed storm drainage infrastructure will effectively capture storm
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 13, 2024 Work Session Meeting Minutes
runoff, convey stormwater efficiently inside public right-of-way, and increase the level of service
of the storm drainage system. In addition, private storm drainage infrastructure would be
relocated to the Town Right-of-Way to allow for easier access for future maintenance and
inspections. The probable cost of this project is $1.3 million, staff requested full funding for the
project. Staff met with Golden Leaf on site on March 19th. They have requested additional
information from staff that we are working with business owners in the area to complete. The
Golden Leaf Foundation reached out to staff April 4th and explained the Board of Directors took
no action on the flood mitigation application. Golden Leaf Staff explained that the project is still
eligible for an award and will be brought to the Board at the June Board meeting. They explained
the board acted on very few projects at their meeting and that receiving no action is not an
indication that the project will not be awarded. The Golden Leaf Board will meet again June 5th
and 6th to consider projects again.
North Carolina Emergency Management Transportation Infrastructure Resiliency Grant
The Town was awarded a grant from the North Carolina Emergency Management Transportation
Infrastructure Resiliency Program for $790,000. Staff issued a Notice of Award to Narron
Contracting, Inc. and the project is currently under construction. Staff requested an extension, it
was approved, and the new completion date is June 30, 2024. Installation of the new storm
drainpipe and drop inlet along the roadway is complete. Installation of fencing, curb gutter,
sidewalks, and paving will be the next phase of construction. Duncan Street will remain closed.
We have expended the construction portion of the Emergency Management Transportation
Infrastructure Resiliency Grant and will finish off the project with Flood Resiliency and Powell
Bill Funds. The contractor completed the water mina tie overs and abandonment of the existing 6
inch asbestos concrete water main along E Duncan Street last week. Contractor has begun
grading and stabilization of subgrade for the future curb and parking areas. Curb construction is
scheduled to begin this week. The project is scheduled to be complete the first week of June.
Fire Station #3 The Town staff has received their third schematic layout of the Fire Station and are continuing to work closely with Bobbitt. Below is the layout of the interior of the fire station. Bobbitt provided architectural standards for the facade of the station and staff is scheduled to meet with them May
15th to discuss next steps.
ARPA S.L. 2022-74 Appropriated Projects All documentation was submitted to the State to fund the Hwy 210 sewer line expansion and Southern Regional Sanitary Sewer/Poorhouse Creek installation of new sanitary sewer interceptor and regional pump station. The total allocation was $9,250,000. Staff has received the
offer and acceptance letter from the Department of Water Infrastructure.
a.Hwy 210 Sewer line Project
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 13, 2024 Work Session Meeting Minutes
Temple Grading signed the NTP August 14, 2023. Construction has begun and is on-
going. The contractor is continuing to install the 8-inch force main along NC Hwy 210 North,
over 50% of the force main has been installed to date. The pump station site clearing has been completed and the contractor is expected to begin installing the pump station wet well next month. The contractor has presented two change orders to the Town; changer order 1 for the additional contract time (89 calendar day increase) due to the Crested Iris design change to connect to the HRW collection system and outside agency concurrence, change order 2 is for the cost to complete the work at Crested Iris Drive to make the HRW sewer connection as demonstrated on the latest design drawings ($156,801.56 and 30 calendar day increase to contract time). b. Poorhouse Creek Staff met with Meyers Engineering on May 9th to review the final construction plans and comments. Contract documents are under review by staff. Easement acquisition will be completed by the end of July. The project will go out for bid in late August or early September. Staff is hopeful that the construction contract will be approved by November.
LASII Grant Staff submitted the LASII grant application October 2, 2023 requesting $500,000 to develop and implement a new stormwater utility to provide a predictable, equitable and ongoing funding source for its stormwater program.
The activities that the Town seeks to accomplish with the funding that the utility will provide include:
• Increasing the flood resiliency of the transportation system in and through the Town;
• Funding stormwater Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) to address stormwater quantity and quality issues;
• Handling critical maintenance needs and operations; and
• Meeting planning and implementation needs. Staff will submit a scoping document for the project due by June 3rd. Once approved DWI will send the grant agreement and the standard acceptance of funding resolution.
S.L. 2023 Appropriated Funds
The Town was appropriated $11,062,500 through Session Law in 2023. Administrative cost for
the funds is $331,875.00. Available funds remaining are $10,730,625.
Additional Proposed projects with remaining funds:
1. Water Tank $4.5 million
2. Downtown utility rehabilitation approximately $3.1 million
3. WWTP project $3.1 million
Staff completed request for funding forms to the Division of Water. Following completion of the
required documents staff can begin the projects.
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 13, 2024 Work Session Meeting Minutes
Monthly Financial Report – Mayor Glenn McFadden recognized Lisa Young, Assistant Town
Manager. Ms. Young reviewed the monthly summaries for the Town’s revenues, expenditures,
and year-to-date fund balances in the General Fund, Water/Sewer Fund, and the Powell Bill
Fund for the month of April.
Town Manager’s Report – Mayor Glenn McFadden recognized Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager.
Mr. Jeffries stated the repair of the Community Center should be finished in the next couple weeks.
He informed the Board that a Budget Amendment had been put in for approval to remove the light
pole at the ball parks, it has been leaning for a while and there are safety concerns. Mr. Jeffries
also let the Board know that the ballpark playground is taped off due to safety concerns there as
well. Discussions were continued.
Item #6 Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda for May 14, 2024
Mayor Glenn McFadden reviewed the Agenda for the May 14, 2024, Regular Meeting. Commissioner Babb made a motion to go into Closed Session per §143-318.11(a)(5). Commissioner McPhail seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Commissioner McPhail made a motion to come out of Closed Session. Commissioner Page seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned following the unanimous approval of a motion by
Commissioner Moss and a second by Commissioner Langdon. Attest:
____________________________ _______________________________ Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk Glenn McFadden, Mayor
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 14, 2024
Regular Board Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lillington, Tuesday, May 14,
2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lillington Town Hall (102 E. Front Street), Lillington, North
Board Members Present: Mayor Glenn McFadden
Mayor Pro Tempore Neil McPhail
Commissioner Marshall Page
Commissioner Rupert Langdon
Commissioner Danny Babb
Commissioner Patricia Moss
Staff Present: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager
Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager
Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
Alicia Adams, Administrative Services Director
Landon Chandler, Planning Director
Frank Powers, Police Chief
William Baker, Parks & Recreation Director
Shane Cummings, Town Engineer
Tony Buzzard, Town Attorney
Call to Order & Welcome: Mayor Glenn McFadden called the meeting to order and welcomed
those in attendance at 6:00 p.m.
Invocation: Commissioner Page held the invocation.
Agenda Consideration: Mayor Glenn McFadden presented the agenda for the consideration by
the Town Board. Commissioner Page moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner McPhail and approved unanimously. (Minute Book Notation:
Agenda is on file at Lillington Town Hall).
Public Comment: Mayor Glenn McFadden inquired as to whether anyone wished to address the
Town Board.
No one was signed up
Consent Agenda: Commissioner Langdon moved that the consent agenda items be approved as
submitted to the Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Babb and the following
consent agenda items were approved unanimously.
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 14, 2024
Item #1
Work Session Minutes from April 8, 2024
Item #2
Closed Session Minutes from April 8, 2024
Item #3
Regular Session Minutes from April 9, 2024
Item #4
Special Meeting Minutes from April 10 & 11, 2024
Item #5
FY23-24 Budget Amendment #7
Item #6
Approval of MOU between Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and
the Town of Lillington
Item #7
Approval of Master Services Agreement for Professional Services with KCI
Associates of NC, P.A.
Item #8
Approval of Right of Way Encroachment Agreement between Town of Lillington
and Piedmont Natural Gas – West Duncan Street
Approval of Right of Way Encroachment Agreement between Town of Lillington
and Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC – at existing pole on 816 Main Street
Approval of Right of Way Encroachment Agreement between Town of Lillington
and Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC – at existing pole on 31 West Front Street
Approval of Lillington Town Attorney Contract
Item #12
Approval of Contract to Audit Accounts
Item #13
Approval of Agreement between Flatwoods Fire Department EMS Station and Town
of Lillington
Old Business
Item #14 Consideration of Approval of Ordinance to Extend the Corporate Limits of the
Town of Lillington (Capeton, LLC)
Mayor Glenn McFadden recognized Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk. Ms. Lucas explained that at the
last board meeting on April 9, 2024 the consideration of approval for this annexation was tabled
to today’s meeting. Ms. Lucas then explained that Ben Taylor with Greenfield Communities sent
Landon Chandler an email today formally withdrawing their annexation application, therefore
consideration of approval on this property was no longer needed. Commissioner Page made a
motion to accept the withdrawal of the annexation application. Commissioner McPhail seconded
the motion that passed unanimously.
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 14, 2024
Item #15 Consideration of Approval of an Ordinance to Apply the Lillington Zoning
Ordinance to the Newly Incorporated City Limits. (Capeton, LLC)
Mayor Glenn McFadden recognized Landon Chandler, Planning Director. Mr. Chandler
explained that at the last board meeting on April 9, 2024 the consideration of approval for this
zoning request was tabled to today’s meeting. Mr. Chandler then explained that Ben Taylor with
Greenfield Communities sent him an email today formally withdrawing their zoning request
application, therefore consideration of approval on this property was no longer needed.
Commissioner Page made a motion to accept the withdrawal of the zoning application.
Commissioner Moss seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING Item #16 Public Hearing for Consideration of a Resolution Adopting a Water and Wastewater Allocation Policy
Mayor Glenn McFadden opened the Public Hearing at 6:05 p.m.
Mayor Glenn McFadden recognized Shane Cummings, Town Engineer. Mr. Cummings stated
the purpose of this policy is to establish a procedure by which the Town of Lillington fairly and
reasonably allocates the Town’s available water and wastewater distribution, collection,
conveyance and treatment services to developments that request Town utility service(s). The
Town seeks to grant water and wastewater allocations in a way that supports economic growth,
job creation, strengthened tax base, high quality development, and maximum efficiency of
infrastructure and service delivery.
With no additional comments, Mayor McFadden closed the Public Hearing at 6:06 p.m.
Item #16A Consideration of Approval of a Resolution Adopting a Water and Wastewater Allocation Policy A motion was made by Commissioner Page to approve a Resolution Adopting a Water and
Wastewater Allocation Policy. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Langdon and
approved unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS Item #17 Consideration of Resolution Directing the Town Clerk to Investigate a Non-
Contiguous Satellite Annexation Petition Received Under General Statue §160A-58.1 from Harold T. Butts, Jr. Mayor McFadden recognized Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk. Ms. Lucas stated for your Consideration is a Resolution Directing the Town Clerk to Investigate a non-contiguous Satellite Annexation Petition Received Under General Statute §160A-58.1 from Harold T. Butts, Jr.. The
Annexation Petition was received on April 8, 2024. The non-contiguous annexation of 31.907
acres of the property identified as PIN #: 0662-90-5908.000 located off Harnett Central Road situated in Harnett County.
A motion was made by Commissioner McPhail to approve the Resolution Directing the Town
Clerk to Investigate a non-contiguous Satellite Annexation Petition Received Under General
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 14, 2024
Statute §160A-58.1 from Harold T. Butts, Jr.. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Page and approved unanimously.
For the Record: The Town Clerk does hereby certify an investigation has been completed of the petition for the non-contiguous annexation of 31.907 acres of the property identified as PIN #: 0662-90-5908.000 located off Harnett Central Road in the County of Harnett. The petition attached hereto and have
found as a fact that said petition is signed by all owners of real property lying in the area described
therein, in accordance with G.S. §160A-58.1
Item #18 Consideration of Resolution Fixing Date of Public Hearing for June 11, 2024, on Question of Annexation, Pursuant to G.S. §160A-58.1 as Requested by Harold T. Butts, Jr. for Property Identified as PIN#:0662-90-5908.000. Mayor McFadden recognized Lindsey Lucas. Ms. Lucas stated for your Consideration is a
Resolution Fixing Date of Public Hearing on Question of Annexation, Pursuant to G.S. §160A-
58.1 as Requested by Harold T. Butts, Jr. for Property Identified as PIN #:0662-90-5908.000. Consideration of Resolution Fixing Date of Public Hearing for June 11, 2024, on Question of Annexation, Pursuant to G.S. §160A-58.1 as Requested by Harold T. Butts, Jr. for Property Identified as PIN#: 0662-90-5908.000 on June 11, 2024, at 6:00 pm.
A motion was made by Commissioner Page to approve the Resolution Fixing Date of Public Hearing for June 11, 2024, at 6 pm, on Question of Annexation, Pursuant to G.S. §160A-58.1 as Requested by Harold T. Butts, Jr. for Property Identified as PIN #: 0662-90-5908.000. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Babb and approved unanimously.
Non-Agenda Items: Mayor Glenn McFadden inquired as to whether there were any non-agenda items that should be addressed by Town Board members or staff. Mayor Pro Tempore Neil McPhail stated that an alternate needed to be elected for the CAMPO
Board in the event he can’t make it to a meeting. Commissioner Babb volunteered to be the alternate elected official for that board. Commissioner Langdon made a motion to approve Commissioner Babb as the alternate elected official on the CAMPO Board. Commissioner Langdon seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned following the unanimous approval of a motion by Commissioner Langdon and a second by Commissioner Babb.
____________________________ ____________________________
Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk Glenn McFadden, Mayor
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 23, 2024 Special Meeting/Budget Work Session Minutes
Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lillington, Thursday, May 23, 202 at 8:30 a.m.
Board Members Present: Mayor Glenn McFadden
Mayor Pro Tempore Neil McPhail Commissioner Marshall Page Commissioner Rupert Langdon Commissioner Danny Babb
Commissioner Patricia Moss Staff Present: Joseph Jefferies, Town Manager Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk
Alicia Gregory, Administrative Services Director Landon Chandler, Planning Director Call to Order: Mayor Glenn McFadden called the meeting to order. Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 Proposed Budget considerations: Mayor McFadden recognized Town Manager, Joseph Jeffries.
Mr. Jeffries stated that a copy of the proposed budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025, including the Fee Schedule, General Fund, Enterprise (Water and Sewer) Fund, and the Powell Bill Fund, has been provided to the Town Board members. A public notice will be posted and advertised stating that the proposed budget is available for public inspection prior to the June 11, 2024 public hearing and
adoption. By state law, the proposed budget has to have expenditures and revenues that balance. Fiscal Year 2024-2025 General Fund Review: Mr. Jeffries reviewed the General Fund and stated the projected revenues and expenditures for this fund is $7,839,900 which is an increase of 19.98% from the current fiscal year.
New project spending, operational expenditures, and special notations for the General Fund include the following:
• New Software
• Relocation of Clock
• Replace Roof at the Community Center
• Replace HVAC at Fire Department
• Four (4) Flock Cameras for Police Department
• Police Vehicle
• Planning Engineering Technician (Salary, Benefits)
• Building Inspector Trainee (Salary, Benefits)
• Fire Department Staff (Salary, Benefits)
• 5% COLA increase for all employees
• **New STD/LTD for all employees Mr. Jeffries noted that there is a decrease in health insurance of 14.75% for FY2024-2025 and there is an increase in dental cost of 3.5%. No change in vision costs.
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 23, 2024 Special Meeting/Budget Work Session Minutes
Mr. Jeffries also noted Retirement Costs for regular employees increased .78% for FY2024-2025 to 13.63% and Retirement Costs for Police increased 1% for FY2024-2025 to 15.10%.
Mr. Jeffries went through each department’s general fund with the Board.
Mr. Jeffries spoke with the Board regarding the SRO Agreement with the County. Mr. Jeffries wanted to know what direction the Board would like him to take. It was the consensus of the Board to Leave an SRO at Star Academy and to let the County have the Shawtown SRO back. They do not
want to do this at the expense of the Land Use Plan. Mr. Jeffries is going to speak with County Manager Brent Trout about the direction the Board wants to take.
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Enterprise Fund Review: Mr. Jeffries reviewed the Enterprise Fund and
stated the projected revenues and expenditures for this fund is $2,995,000, which is an increase of 6.93% from the current fiscal year.
Proposed new project spending, operational expenditures, and special notations for the Enterprise
Fund include the following:
•Gator & Sprayer
•Short-Lived Assets Program
•5% COLA Increase
•Healthcare costs decreased 14.75% for FY2024-2025
•Dental costs increased 3.5% for FY 2024-2025
•*No Change in Vision Costs
•**New STD/LTD for all employees
•Retirement costs increased .78% for FY2024-2025
•No rate increase from HRW for bulk water/bulk sewer
•Water & Sewer rate increase of 8% (Based on WR Martin Study)
There were no additional questions on the Water/Sewer Fund.
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Powell Bill Fund Review: Mr. Jeffries reviewed the Powell Bill Fund and stated the projected revenues and expenditures for this fund is $146,000.00, which is an increase of 36.36% from the current fiscal year.
New project spending for the Powell Bill Fund includes the following:
•Paving/Asphalt repairs in various locations
There were no additional questions on the Powell Bill Fund.
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Fee Schedule Review: Mr. Jeffries began briefing the Board on the proposed changes in the Town of Lillington Fee Schedule. A copy of the proposed fee schedule was provided to the Board.
Mayor McFadden addressed the Board and asked if everyone was in consensus with the changes to the Fee Schedule.
The Board was polled and there were no objections.
Lillington Board of Commissioners May 23, 2024 Special Meeting/Budget Work Session Minutes
There was no other discussion. Mayor McFadden reminded the Board to reach out to Town Staff if you should have any questions so
they can get those questions addressed. Mayor McFadden thanked Town Manager, Joseph Jeffries, and Assistant Town Manager, Lisa Young, for their hard work during the budgeting and fee schedule revision process.
Adjournment: Motion by Commissioner McPhail, second by Commissioner Page that the meeting be adjourned. The Board was polled and the motion was unanimously approved.
_____________________________ ____________________________
Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk Glenn McFadden, Mayor
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.org
FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Governing Board of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina, that the
following amendment is made to the budget ordinance for the period ending June 30, 2024:
Section 1. To amend the General, Powell and Water/Sewer Funds, the revenues and
expenditures are to be changed as follows:
Account Number Description Increase Decrease
10-10-530-7400 Capital Outlay $ 12,000
10-00-410-5900 Special Events $ 11,000
10-80-620-1600 Maint & Rep-Equip $ 5,000
10-20-500-3320 Signage $ 10,000
10-10-530-1700 Salaries & Wages $ 50,000
10-00-470-0200 Salaries & Wages $ 20,000
10-20-500-0200 Salaries & Wages $ 20,000
10-00-335-0402 Insurance Claims $ 50,000
10-00-329-0000 Interest $ 10,000
Town of Lillington | 2
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.org
10-00-399-0000 Fund Balance $ 28,000
To budget funds for replacing pump on fire truck; three temporary poles for events; repairs to
mowers; signage/banners; Miscellaneous adjustments.
Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Governing Body,
Budget Officer, Clerk and the Finance Director for their direction.
Adopted this 11th day of June, 2024
Glenn McFadden, Mayor
Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
This Computer Support Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into
as of the 1st day of July, 2024 by and between the County of Harnett, a body politic, organized
and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as “County”)
and the Town of Lillington, a municipal corporation, organized and existing under the laws of
the State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as “Town”).
WHEREAS, Town desires computer support services for its governmental operations
from County;
WHEREAS, County desires to provide to Town computer support services for Town’s
governmental operations;
WHEREAS, Town and County have reached an agreement for the provision of computer
support services to the Town as described herein and the parties desire to set forth the terms and
conditions of this agreement in this Contract; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits, representations, and
agreements contained herein and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree, each with the other, as follows:
1. Purpose. The purpose of this Contract is to set forth the understandings and agreements
of the parties regarding the computer support services to be performed by County for Town.
2. Services Provided by County. The County shall provide to Town, including its various
commissions, agencies, and programs the following computer support services:
A. Hosting, maintenance and support of Town staff 1-99 e-mail accounts @
a. Option 1 - $14/mailbox/month basic email Microsoft 365. Includes:
i. Microsoft 365 Exchange Plan 1 and 2
ii. Email box storage space 100gb per user
iii. Daily backups of email data
iv. Barracuda SPAM filtering service
v. Barracuda Email archiving
vi. Security monitoring
b. Option 2 - $20/mailbox/month E1 Microsoft 365. Includes:
i. All of basic email Microsoft 365 above
ii.Online web Office applications
iii.OneDrive up to 1TB of storage
iv.Microsoft Teams
v.Other Microsoft online applications
c.Option 3 - $32/mailbox/month E3 Microsoft 365. Includes:
i.All of E1 Microsoft 365 above
ii.Local Office applications on up to 5 devices
B.Provide 50mb minimum (burstable up to 500mb) Internet Connection @ $75/month;
C.Provide use of County’s data center for up to 4 servers and 1TB of network storage @
a.Each additional server is $100/month
b.Each additional 1TB is $100/month
i.Offsite replication of systems
ii.Regular backup of systems
iii.Security monitoring
D.VOIP Phone system @ $12.50/phone/fax/month;
a.Voicemail, with voicemail to email feature
b.DID allocation
c.Free long distance calling
d.Auto Attendant capabilities
e.Instant messaging client option
E.NetMotion annual license fee @ $6/per client/month
F.Labor for maintenance, repairs, security patching and upgrades to Town computers;
G.Installation and upgrades of software requested by Town;
H.Serve as a liaison with Town’s software vendors;
I.Provide consultation for any other technology needs of the Town.
J.Provide consultation for the Town’s GIS mapping needs that is outside of normal
county mapping functions
Any expenses incurred for the purchase of hardware and/or software necessary to provide for the
maintenance and/or repairs of Town’s computers, peripheral devices or networking equipment
will be the sole responsibility of Town. The County shall perform computer support services on
an as needed basis as requested by Town. All services provided by the County pursuant to this
Agreement shall occur during the County’s normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday thru Friday.
3.Compensation and Payment. Compensation for the computer support services shall be
$4,000 for a 50-hour block of time @ $80/hour plus reimbursement of directly incurred out-of-
pocket expenses including annual any support fees. County will also charge for services noted in
section 2 above. County shall invoice Town quarterly for computer support services and out-of-
pocket expenses and provide a detailed description for all out-of-pocket expenses directly
incurred. Any unused hours will be billed no later than June 30, 2025. Any overages will be
billed at $85/hour. Said invoices shall be submitted to:
Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager
Town of Lillington
PO Box 675
Lillington, NC 27521
Each invoice is due and payable to County within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice.
Town shall pay an additional charge of one and one-half percent per month (18% annually) per
month not to exceed the maximum rate allowed by law for any payment not received by County
more than thirty (30) days from the date of invoice.
4. Term of Agreement, Amendment and Termination. The term of this Agreement is
July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. This Agreement may be amended from time to time upon the
mutual consent of Town and County expressed in writing. Either party may terminate this
Agreement for any reason upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. Termination
shall not relieve Town of any financial obligations incurred prior to termination.
5. Documents and Reports. Town shall furnish or cause to be furnished to County all such
reports, data, specifications, documents or other information deemed necessary by County for
proper performance of County’s services. County may rely upon the documentation so provided
in performing the services required under this Agreement; provided however, County assumes
no responsibility or liability for their accuracy.
6. Town Data. Town retains ownership and custody of its data and County does not have
ownership, custody, or control of Town Data. County will backup Town Data for the sole
purposes of disaster recovery and will provide Town an automated backup of data stored on
Town’s designated servers and network connected computers. County will back up emails for a
period of ten (10) years and all other data for a period of one (1) year. Town is solely
responsible for generating and formatting all data. Town is solely responsible for the integrity of
all data targeted for backup. County will back up Town Data as it exists at the time of backup,
with all faults, and will restore Town Data in the same format in which it is backed up. Town is
solely responsible for retaining data and records in accordance with its retention schedules.
Town is solely responsible for fulfilling and satisfying all public records requests and all requests
for data in connection to litigation. Data backups prepared for disaster recovery purposes will be
used to restore data that has been deleted or lost. This agreement does not create a requirement
for the County to respond to or assist in satisfying public records or litigation requests from the
disaster recovery data backups.
7. Limitation of Liability. Town shall hold County harmless for any and all claims,
liabilities, losses, damages, costs or expenses arising out of or relating to the provision of
services provided by County to Town hereunder. Town and County waive special, incidental,
indirect or consequential damages, including lost profits, good will, revenues or savings, for
claims, disputes, or other matters in question arising out of or relating to this Agreement. This
limitation of liability will survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
8. No Third-Party Beneficiary. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a
contractual relationship with or cause of action in favor of a third party against either Party.
9. Severance Clause. In the event any provision of this Agreement is adjudged to be not
enforceable or found invalid, such provision shall be stricken and the remaining provisions shall
be valid and enforceable.
10. Notices. All notices or other communications which shall be made pursuant hereto shall
be in writing and shall be deemed to be given and received (a) when hand delivered to the
address stated below, (b) three (3) days after being mailed to the address stated below, postage
prepaid by certified or registered mail of the United States, return receipt requested to the address
set forth below:
TO: Town of Lillington
PO Box 675
Lillington, NC 27521
Attn: Town Manager
TO: County of Harnett
455 McKinney Parkway
County Administration Building
Post Office Box 759
Lillington, North Carolina 27546
Attn: County Manager
With Copy to: County Staff Attorney
455 McKinney Parkway
County Administration Building
Post Office Box 238
Lillington, North Carolina 27546
Either party to this Agreement may change its designated person or designated address at any
time and from time to time by giving notice of such change to the other party in the manner set
forth above.
11.Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the
State of North Carolina. The North Carolina State Courts located in Harnett County, North
Carolina shall have jurisdiction to hear any dispute under this Agreement and any legal or
equitable proceedings by either party must be filed in Harnett County, North Carolina.
12.Mediation. Any claim, dispute or other matter in question arising out of or related to this
Agreement may, per the mutual agreement of both parties, be subject to mediation as a condition
precedent to the institution of legal or equitable proceedings by either party. The Parties agree
that the mediation will be conducted and governed by the North Carolina Rules Implementing
Statewide Mediated Settlement Conferences in Superior Court Civil Actions, and N.G. Gen. Stat.
§7A-38.1(c), except as specifically provided otherwise herein. The parties shall share the
mediator’s fee and any filing fees equally. The mediation shall be held in Harnett County, unless
another location is mutually agreed upon. Agreements reached in mediation shall be enforceable
as settlement agreements in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
13.Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement
between County and the Town and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or
agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may only be amended by written instrument
signed by County and the Town.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, through their duly authorized
representatives or officers have executed this Agreement as to the date and year first above
TOWN OF Lillington
Printed Name:______________________________
This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner
required by the Local Government Budget & Fiscal
Control Act.
Printed Name:__________________
County Manager
THIS EQUIPMENT LEASE (“Lease”), made and entered into this ___ day of __________ 2024, by and between the COUNTY OF HARNETT, (hereinafter referred to as “Lessor”) and
TOWN OF LILLINGTON, (hereinafter referred to as “Lessee”) for the purposes herein stated.
WHEREAS, Lessor has received an allocation of funds from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds of H.R. 1319 American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (hereinafter referred to as “ARP/CSLFRF”); and
WHEREAS, Lessor adopted a ARP/CSLFRF Property Management Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Property Management Policy”) to ensure compliance with Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 for property acquired or updated, in whole or in part, with funds from ARP/CSLFRF; and
WHEREAS, per the Property Management Policy, equipment procured by the Lessor with ARP/CSLFRF funds may be leased by outside entities to be used for its intended purpose as evidenced by a written leasing agreement; and
WHEREAS, Lessor procured Motorola VIPER Radios with ARP/CSLFRF funds for its
Emergency Services Department for the purposes of replacing aging emergency communications equipment that will no longer function after 2024; and WHEREAS, Lessor desires to lease VIPER Radios to its municipal police departments
within Harnett County to ensure proper communication across all emergency services; and
WHEREAS, Lessee desires to lease VIPER Radios for the purpose of ensuring replacement its aging emergency communications equipment and communication across all emergency services.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above-stated desires of the parties and such other mutual promises and covenants as are set forth below, Lessor and Lessee agree as follows: 1. LEASE AGREEMENT. This Lease is entered into pursuant to and subject to the terms
and conditions of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds of H.R. 1319
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 the terms and conditions of which are incorporated by reference. 2. DELIVERY AND ACEPTANCE: Lessor hereby leases unto Lessee and Lessee hereby
receives from Lessor the radios and accompanying equipment, including chargers and
batteries, (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Leased Equipment”), described in the attached Schedule 1. Upon acceptance by Lessee of the Leased Equipment which acceptance shall be identified by Lessee taking possession of the property herein leased, such acceptance shall acknowledge that the Leased Equipment is in good order and
condition and that Lessee is satisfied with same and that Lessor has made no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to such item of equipment. All equipment
is leased unto Lessee in an “as is” condition. 3. TERM: The term of this lease shall be for a period commencing upon execution of this Lease and continuing until December 31, 2026, when this lease shall terminate (the “Lease Term”). Lessor may terminate this Lease upon thirty (30) days written notice to Lessee.
4. RENT: The rent for the Term of the Lease shall be $0.00 per year. 5. TITLE TO EQUIPMENT: Lessor represents that it owns all the Leased Equipment herein free and clear of all liens, and title shall remain in the Lessor at all times during the
Lease Term. 6. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR: All maintenance and repair costs to the Leased Equipment shall be paid by Lessee and Lessor is hereby relieved from any responsibility to maintain or repair said equipment, all said equipment being leased in an “as is”
condition. 7. STORAGE AND MOVEMENT: Lessee shall develop a control system to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft of the Leased Equipment. When the Leased Equipment is temporarily not utilized, but required for authorized use in the future,
it must be adequately stored to protect it from theft, corrosion, contamination, and damage
to sensitive parts. Leased Equipment may be moved to off-site storage locations only with the approval of Lessor. 8. INSURANCE AND RISK OF LOSS: Lessee shall acquire and maintain at all times
during the Lease Term general liability insurance for property damage on the Leased
Equipment, in the amount that sufficiently covers the full replacement value of the Leased Equipment in the aggregate with Lessor as Loss Payee on Lessee’s Certificate of Insurance during the Lease Term and provide Lessor with proof of same.
shall be responsible for any loss, theft, or repair of the Leased Equipment at its cost. 10. TAXES AND LICENSES: All taxes, license fees and other expenses associated with the Leased Equipment shall be paid by Lessee.
11. LESSEE’S INDEMNIFICATION: To the extent permitted by law, Lessee shall indemnify, protect and hold harmless the Lessor, its agents, employees, officers, trustees, successors and assigns from and against all losses, damages, injuries, claims, demands and expenses of whatever nature, arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of Lessee during
its use or operation of any item of Leased Equipment. The indemnifications and
assumptions of liability and obligation herein provided shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the termination of this Lease, whether by expiration of time, by operation of law or otherwise for any such claims made or accruing during the term of this
12.ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASE: Lessee may not assign or sublease the Leased
13.LESSOR’S WARRANTY: Lessor makes no warranties unto Lessee regarding the LeasedEquipment with all Leased Equipment being leased in its “as is” condition except to the
extent that Lessor receives any warranties from a manufacturer of the Leased Equipment,
then Lessor will pass them through to Lessee to the full extent permitted by the terms ofany such warranties.
14.LESSEES’ DEFAULT: Time is of the essence under this Lease and any of the following
events shall constitute defaults on the part of Lessee hereunder:
a.any breach or failure of Lessee to observe or perform any of its obligationsunder this lease; orb. insolvency or bankruptcy of Lessee or assignment for the benefit of creditors.Upon the occurrence of any default Lessor may exercise this option without notice to or
demand on the Lessee and thereupon all the Leased Equipment and rights of Lessee therein
shall be surrendered unto Lessor; upon default, Lessor may take possession of the Leased Equipment where found with or without process of law in court, may enter upon the premises without liability for suit, action, or other proceedings by Lessee and remove the Leased Equipment; or hold, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the Leased Equipment or
keeping of any of them as Lessor so chooses without effecting the obligation of Lessee.
15.RECORDS: Lessee shall maintain accounts, records, documents, and other evidence thataddress the proper use, insurance, inventory, costs, repairs, maintenance, and replacementassociated with the Leased Equipment. The system of accounts employed by Lessee shall
be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. All supporting
documentation shall be preserved for a period of five years following the termination orexpiration of this Lease.
16.AUDIT: Lessor may monitor operations under this Lease, including conducting site visits
to inspect the Leased Equipment, observe operations of the Leased Equipment, review
finances related to the Leased Equipment, and ensure compliance with Coronavirus Stateand Local Fiscal Recovery Funds of H.R. 1319 American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 andTitle 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200. Lessee shall permit Lessor’s auditorsand independent auditors’ access to its records and financial statements as necessary to
conduct audits, including on-site audits during normal office hours with prior notice to
Lessee, at any time during the term of this Lease, and within five years after termination orexpiration.
17.GRANT-RELATED INCOME: If Applicable, Lessee shall inform Lessor’s
Administrative Representative of any grant-related income and shall maintain appropriate
records for the receipt and disposition of such income to enable Lessor to fulfill itsresponsibility under ARP/CSLFRF.
18. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: If Applicable a final financial report is due within thirty (30) days of the expiration or termination of this Lease.
19. CHOICE OF LAW AND FORUM: This Lease shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of North Carolina (excluding any conflict of laws provisions of the State of North Carolina which would refer to and apply the substantive laws of another jurisdiction), and any claim or cause of action based on this Lease or a breach thereof shall
be brought and maintained in a state court in Harnett County, North Carolina or federal
court in North Carolina, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction thereof. Lessee consents to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of the courts described above. 20. FORCE MAJEURE: Each Party may be excused for failure to perform obligations if such
failure is caused by any reason beyond that Party’s reasonable control, or by reason of any
of the following circumstances: acts of God (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other natural disaster), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (regardless of whether war is declared), epidemics, pandemics, governmental order, embargo, labor dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of electricity or telephone
service. Lessee shall take reasonable steps to minimize delay or damages caused by
foreseeable events and will notify Lessor of the likelihood or actual occurrence of such an event. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Lease (including attachments) states the entire agreement
between the Parties as of the date of the final signature below in respect to the subject
matter of the Lease and supersedes any previous written or oral representations, statements, negotiations, or agreements. 22. SEVERABILITY: In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Lease shall
for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity,
illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof and this Lease shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein.
23. HEADINGS: The headings used in this Lease have been prepared for the convenience of
reference only and shall not control, affect the meaning, or be taken as an interpretation of any provisions of this Lease. This Lease has been prepared on the basis of mutual understanding of the Parties and shall not be construed against either Party by reason of such party’s being the drafter hereof.
24. COUNTERPARTS: This Lease may be executed in two or more counterparts (facsimile transmission, e-mail attachment or otherwise), each of which shall be deemed an original Lease and all of which shall constitute but one Lease. A signed copy of this Lease exchanged electronically shall be deemed to have full force and effect as an original
executed copy. 25. NOTICES: All notices, demands and requests to be given or made hereunder shall be given or made in writing and shall be deemed to be properly given or made if hand-
delivered or sent by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to the Lessee at the address provided on the first page of this
Lease and to Lessor at: Lessee: Frank Powers, Police Chief Town of Lillington
Post Office Box 296
Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Lessor: Larry T. Smith
Emergency Services Director
P.O. Box 370 Lillington, NC 27546 With copy to:
Senior Staff Attorney
P.O. Box 238 Lillington, NC 27546 Any such notice, demand or request may also be transmitted to the appropriate above-
mentioned party by e-mail, telephone or facsimile and shall be deemed to be properly given
or made at the time of such transmission if, and only if, such transmission of notice shall be confirmed in writing and sent as specified above. Any of such addresses may be changed at any time on written notice of such change sent by United States registered mail, postage prepaid, to the other parties by the party effecting the change.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessor and Lessee have hereunto set their hands and seal on this Lease Agreement the day and year first above written.
Brent Trout, County Manager This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.
By:_________________________________ Name: Kimberly Honeycutt Title: County Finance Officer
__________________________ Joseph D. Jeffries, Town Manager
I, ___________________________, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Brent Trout personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument.
Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this ____ day of ________________ 2024.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: ________
I, ___________________________, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Joesph D. Jeffries personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument.
Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this ____ day of ________________ 2024.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: ________
Schedule 1
Federal Grant Equipment
Wherein the Lessee agrees to the terms as outlined above and will maintain and protect the leased equipment of: 1. VIPER RADIOS with the model and serial numbers in the attached document.
Leased equipment is for the purpose of emergency response communication and use of such equipment shall be compliant with the terms and conditions of this Lease and the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds of H.R. 1319 American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and
Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200.
The annual reporting of equipment inventory will be directed to the Emergency Services Director each fiscal year. The report will require a description of the condition of the equipment as well as a report of annual utilization of the equipment.
Date of Meeting: June 11, 2024
Staff Work By: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager
Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager
Public Hearing for Consideration of Approval of Proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 Town of
Lillington Annual Budget per § 159-13.
Consideration of adoption of the annual budget for the upcoming fiscal year as defined by § 159-8:
§ 159-8. Annual balanced budget ordinance.
(a)Each local government and public authority shall operate under an annual balanced
budget ordinance adopted and administered in accordance with this Article. A budget ordinance
is balanced when the sum of estimated net revenues and appropriated fund balances is equal to
appropriations. Appropriated fund balance in any fund shall not exceed the sum of cash and
investments minus the sum of liabilities, encumbrances, and deferred revenues arising from cash
receipts, as those figures stand at the close of the fiscal year next proceeding the budget year. It is
the intent of this Article that, except for moneys expended pursuant to a project ordinance or
accounted for in an intragovernmental service fund or a trust and agency fund excluded from the
budget ordinance under G.S. 159-13(a), all moneys received and expended by a local
government or public authority should be included in the budget ordinance. Therefore,
notwithstanding any other provision of law, no local government or public authority may expend
any moneys, regardless of their source (including moneys derived from bond proceeds, federal,
state, or private grants or loans, or special assessments), except in accordance with a budget
ordinance or project ordinance adopted under this Article or through an intragovernmental
service fund or trust and agency fund properly excluded from the budget ordinance.
(b)The budget ordinance of a unit of local government shall cover a fiscal year
beginning July 1 and ending June 30. The budget ordinance of a public authority shall cover a
fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30, except that the Local Government Commission,
if it determines that a different fiscal year would facilitate the authority's financial operations,
may enter an order permitting an authority to operate under a fiscal year other than from July 1 to
June 30. If the Commission does permit an authority to operate under an altered fiscal year, the
Commission's order shall also modify the budget calendar set forth in G.S. 159-10 through
159-13 so as to provide a new budget calendar for the altered fiscal year that will clearly enable
the authority to comply with the intent of this Part. (1971, c. 780, s. 1; 1973, c. 474, s. 5; 1975, c.
514, s. 3; 1979, c. 402, s. 1; 1981, c. 685, s. 2.)
Approve FY2024-2025 Town of Lillington Budget as submitted by staff.
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.org
BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina,
in accordance with G.S. 159-13 of the North Carolina General Statutes, that:
Section 1. General Fund The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund for the operation of the
town government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30,
2025, in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for the Town:
Governing Body $ 260,800
Administration 639,050
Planning & Inspections 1,033,500
Finance 567,500
Engineering & Public Works 1,276,550
Police 1,632,000
Fire 980,900
Flatwoods Fire District 160,650
Recreation 900,250
Debt Service 301,700
Total Expenditures $ 7,752,900
It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the General Fund for the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025:
Current Year’s Property Tax $ 3,105,000
Motor Vehicles 350,000
Prior Year’s Property Tax 5,000
Tax Penalties & Interest 9,000
Inspection Fees/Permits 725,000
Flatwoods Fire District 160,650
Other Revenues 3,143,250
Fund Balance Appropriated 255,000
Total Revenues $ 7,752,900
Town of Lillington FY24-25 Budget | 2
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.org
Section 2. Powell Bill Fund
The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Powell Bill Fund for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, in accordance with the chart of accounts
heretofore established for the Town:
Total Expenditures $ 146,000
It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Powell Bill Fund for the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025:
Total Revenues $ 146,000
Section 3. Water/Sewer Fund
The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Water/Sewer Fund for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025, in accordance with the chart of accounts
heretofore established for the Town
Total Expenditures $ 2,995,000
It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Water/Sewer Fund for the
fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025:
Water Sales $ 1,390,000
Sewer Sales 1,440,000
Other Revenue 165,000
Total Revenue $ 2,995,000
Section 4. Board of Commissioners
The following is the salary schedule for the Town of Lillington Board of Commissioners for the
fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025:
Mayor $ 2,388
Commissioners $ 1,593
In addition, the Board will receive an insurance stipend at the rate of $775.00 per month for FY
Town of Lillington FY24-25 Budget | 3
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.org
Section 5. Tax Levy
There is hereby levied a tax at a rate of $0.52 (fifty-two cents) per $100 valuation of property
listed as of January 1, 2025, for the purpose of raising revenues listed as Ad Valorem Tax which
includes Current Year for Property and Motor Vehicle in the General Fund in Section 1 of this
ordinance. The rate of tax, for the purpose of taxation is based upon an estimated valuation of
property $601,744,547, a projected levy of $3,129,071 and an estimated collection rate of
99.32%. Motor vehicles estimated valuation of $67,953,978, a projected levy of $353,360 and
an estimated collection rate of 100%.
Section 6. Insurance
The Board of Commissioners has authorized the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget to include the
following cost sharing for insurance based on the employee’s full time equivalency (part time
employees will not be eligible).
Employee Only - Health: $ 660.00
Dental: $ 34.65
Vision: $ 5.49
Section 7. Fees
The Board of Commissioners hereby declares that all fees that the Town has authority to charge
on July 1, 2024 to be in effect during Fiscal Year 2024-2025 as set forth in Attachment A.
Section 8. Special Authorization – Budget Officer
A.The Town Manager shall serve as Budget Officer
B.The Budget Officer is authorized to effect interdepartmental and intradepartmental
transfers of $1,500 or less. Notification of all transfers shall be made to the Board of
Commissioners at the next regular meeting following the transfer.
Section 9. Document Availability
Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the Budget Officer, Clerk to the Board of
Commissioners and the Finance Officer to be kept on file by them for their direction in the
disbursement of funds.
Adopted this 11th day of June, 2024
Glenn McFadden, Mayor
Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
Date of Meeting: June 11, 2024
Staff Work By: Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk
Public Hearing for Temporary Closure of Town Streets for the Town of Lillington’s July 4th Celebration.
The Lillington Parks and Recreation Department is requesting to temporarily close E Duncan
Street, East Edgar Street, and Marcelle Brown Jr. Way 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. on July 4, 2024
for Lillington July 4th Celebration.
RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve temporary street closure as requested by the Lillington Parks and Recreation Department.
Date of Meeting: June 11, 2024
Staff Work By: Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
AGENDA ITEM Consideration of Ordinance Extending the Corporate Limits of the Town of Lillington.
ITEM SUMMARY The Town of Lillington received a petition under §160A-58.1 for satellite annexation. The Town Board
by Resolution directed the Town Clerk to investigate the sufficiency of the petition. In accordance with
§160A-58.2 the Town Board called a Public Hearing on June 11, 2024 for the question of annexation for
31.907-acres being PIN #: 0662-90-5908.000 Case Number ANX-24-03.
§ 160A-58.2. Public hearing.Upon receipt of a petition for annexation under this Part, the city council shall cause the city clerk toinvestigate the petition, and to certify the results of his investigation. If the clerk certifies that uponinvestigation the petition appears to be valid, the council shall fix a date for a public hearing on theannexation. Notice of the hearing shall be published once at least 10 days before the date of hearing.
At the hearing, any person residing in or owning property in the area proposed for annexation and any resident of the annexing city may appear and be heard on the questions of the sufficiency of the petition and the desirability of the annexation. If the council then finds and determines that (i) the area described in the petition meets all of the standards set out in G.S. 160A-58.1(b), (ii) the petition bears the signatures
of all of the owners of real property within the area proposed for annexation (except those not required to sign by G.S. 160A-58.1(a)), (iii) the petition is otherwise valid, and (iv) the public health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the city and of the area proposed for annexation will be best served by the
annexation, the council may adopt an ordinance annexing the area described in the petition. The ordinance may be made effective immediately or on any specified date within six months from the date of passage.
APPROVE the Ordinance to Extend the Corporate Limits of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina.
Annexation Petition 24-03 ANX HARNETT CENTRAL ROAD Non-Contiguous 31.907 Acres
To the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina:
I, Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk, do hereby certify an investigation has been completed of the above referenced petition for the non-contiguous annexation of 31. 907 acres of property identified as PIN #: 0662-90-5908.000 located off Harnett Central Road situated in the County of Hamett. The petition attached hereto and have found as a fact that said petition is signed by all owners of real property lying in the area described therein, in accordance with G.S. 160A-58.1.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Town of Lillington, this 14th day of May, 2024.
102 East Front Street • P.O. Box 296 • Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 • Fax (910) 893-3693 • www.lillingtonnc.org
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.com
ORDINANCE FY2024-23 AN ORDINANCE TO EXTEND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF LILLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the Town of Lillington Governing Board has received a petition under G.S. 160A-58.1 for non-contiguous satellite annexation of the area described below; and WHEREAS, the Governing Board has by Resolution No. 2024-21 directed the Town Clerk to investigate the sufficiency of said petition; and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk has certified the sufficiency of said petition and the Governing Board
adopted Resolution No. 2024-22 fixing a date of public hearing. By authority granted by G.S. 160A-58.2, a public hearing on the question of this annexation was held at the Lillington Town Hall at 6:00 o’clock, P.M. on the 11th day of June, 2024, after due notice by publication on the 31st of May, 2024; and
WHEREAS, the Governing Board does hereby find as a fact that the petition meets the requirements of G.S. 160A-58.1, as amended BE IT ORDAINED, by the Governing Board of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina, that:
Section 1. By virtue of the authority granted by G.S. 160A-58.2, the following described
non-contiguous territory is hereby annexed and made part of the Town of Lillington, as of June 11,
The area proposed for annexation are described as follows:
Commencing at the centerline intersection of NCSR # 2215 and NCSR # 1512 having C Grid
Coordinates of: N - 621,806.76 and E- 2,069,377.11 (NAD 83 2012B) 2018: Thence South 46 degrees 35 minutes 51 seconds West-43.75 feet to an iron stake set on the southern right of way of CSR# 2215, a 60 foot public right of way, the point of BEGINNING:
Thence leaving said right of way, South 07 degrees 31 minutes 09 seconds West- 368.33 feet to an iron stake; Thence North 89 degrees 41 minutes 02 seconds East - 331.24 feet to an iron stake; Thence North 84 degrees 30 minutes 14 seconds East- 163.54 feet to an existing iron stake;
Thence South 07 degrees 26 minutes 59 seconds West- 338.09 feet to an iron stake; Thence South 39 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East - 300.86 feet to an existing iron stake; Thence South 67 degrees 45 minutes 54 seconds East - 661.13 feet to a bent flatbar; Thence South 45 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds West - 865.52 feet to an existing iron stake; Thence North 43 degrees 56 minutes 16 seconds West - 1126.08 feet to an iron stake;
Town of Lillington | 2
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2864 ● Fax (910) 893-3607 ● www.lillingtonnc.com
Thence North 89 degrees 11 minjutes 14 seconds West - 361.94 feet to an existing iron pipe, having NC Grid Coordinates ofN - 620,825.93 and E-2,068,785.07;
Thence North 02 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds East- 997.06 feet to an iron stake on the southern right of way of CSR# 2215; Thence the following calls along said southern right of way: South 83 degrees 24 minutes 21 seconds East - 73.26 feet to an iron stake; South 83 degrees
31 minutes 41 seconds East - 75.96 feet to an iron stake; South 83 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds East-77.28 feet to an iron stake; South 84 degrees 17 minutes 44 seconds East- 77.57 feet to an iron stake; South 85 degrees 00 minutes 54 seconds East - 76.85 feet to an iron stake; South 86 degrees 20 minutes 56 seconds East - 60.65 feet to an iron stake; South 88 degrees 37 minutes 53 seconds East- 77.35 feet to an iron stake,
the point of BEGINNING, containing 31.549 acres+/-, and the property as described in Deed Book 1320 Page 863, as recorded in the Harnett County Register of Deeds.
Annexation Map Recorded in Map Book _______ - _______
Section 2. Upon and after June 11, 2024, the above-described territory and its citizens
and property shall be subject to all debts, laws, ordinances, and regulations in force in the Town of
Lillington and shall be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other parts of the Town of
Lillington. Said territory shall be subject to municipal taxes according to G.S. 160A-58.10.
Section 3. The Mayor of the Town of Lillington shall cause to be recorded in the office
of the Register of Deeds of Harnett County, and in the office of the Secretary of State at Raleigh,
North Carolina, an accurate map of the annexed territory, described in Section 1 above, together with
a duly certified copy of this ordinance. Such a map shall also be delivered to the Harnett County
Board of Elections, as required by G.S. 163-288.1.
Adopted this 11th day of June, 2024
Glenn McFadden, Mayor
Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
Tony Buzzard, Town Attorney
Date of Meeting: June 11, 2024
Staff Work By: Landon Chandler, Planning Director
Public Hearing on the Question of Zoning Assignment for Newly Incorporated City Limits
Consideration of Approval of An Ordinance to Apply the Lillington Zoning Ordinance to the Newly Incorporated City Limits G&J Development, LLC
RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve Ordinance to Apply the Lillington Zoning Ordinance to the Newly Incorporated City Limits.
Suggested Statement of Consistency
As stated in the evaluation, the requested zoning assignment to Conditional District Residential Single-Family Cluster, CD-RS10 Cluster District is compatible with Town of Lillington regulatory documents and would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on the uses in this area as well as the Town’s Land Use Plan
designation for this area. Therefore, the ordinance for the zoning assignment request be
Approved. The requested zoning assignment to Conditional District Residential Single-Family Cluster, CD-RS10 Cluster District is not compatible with Town of Lillington regulatory documents
and would not only have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community, but would
also fail to enhance the public health, safety, and general welfare as stated in the evaluation. Therefore, the ordinance for the zoning assignment request be Denied.
Date of Meeting: June 11, 2024
Staff Work By: Landon Chandler, Planning Director
Public Hearing on Consideration of Text Amendment to Article I of the Lillington Unified Development Ordinance ITEM SUMMARY Consideration of Approval of the Text Amendment to Article I of the Lillington Unified
Development Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve Text Amendment to Article I of the Lillington Unified Development Ordinance
as presented.
Text Amendments Summary: Three individual text amendments to three sections
of the UDO.
We are proposing adding Agritourism authority within the incorporated areas of the Town.
Article X (10) USE STANDARDS:
The Planning Department was asked to consider adding the ability for bona fide farms as defined under
NCGS to be able to conduct Agritourism activities as defined by same. We have added a definition of
these activities, limitations of use via the supplemental regulations, and amended the jurisdiction
section of the UDO to allow the Town to place restrictions on Agritourism style uses.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance I-1
Section 1.01 TITLE
This ordinance shall be known as and may be cited as the Town of Lillington, North Carolina,
“Unified Development Ordinance,” and may be referred to as the “Ordinance,” “UDO” or “Lillington
Section 1.02 AUTHORITY
The Lillington UDO is hereby adopted under the authority and provisions in Chapter 160D of the
North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS).
Whenever any provision of this UDO refers to or cites a section of the North Carolina General
Statutes and that section of the North Carolina General Statutes is later amended or superseded,
this UDO shall be deemed amended to refer to the amended section or the section that most
nearly corresponds to the superseded section.
The Lillington UDO shall be effective throughout the Town of Lillington and its extraterritorial
planning jurisdiction (ETJ) as identified on the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Lillington.
However, pursuant to NCGS 160D-903 property that is located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction
which is used for bona fide farm purposes is exempt from the regulations of this UDO. Agricultural
land uses located within the Town’s corporate limits and as defined by this ordinance, shall be
subject to the regulations of this UDO. The planning jurisdiction of the Town may be modified
from time to time in accordance with NCGS 160D-202. The Official Zoning Map is on file with the
Town Clerk and with the Administrator of this ordinance. The Official Zoning Map and its
boundaries shall be incorporated and made a part of this ordinance.
The purpose of the regulations set forth in the Lillington UDO shall be to fulfill the goals, objectives,
recommendations and action items of the Lillington Downtown Master Plan, Lillington Bicycle &
Pedestrian Plan, Lillington Land Use Plan, as adopted and as may be amended from time to time.
In order to protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the Town and its ETJ,
the Lillington UDO is adopted by the Board of Commissioners to regulate and restrict by means
of zoning and subdivision regulations the height and size of buildings and other structures; the
appearance and design of developments; the percentage of lots that may be covered or occupied;
the dimensions of setbacks; the size of open spaces; the density of population; to facilitate the
adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, playgrounds, and other
public requirements, to control development of flood prone areas and regulate impervious surface
areas; signs; to regulate and to facilitate the further re-subdivision of larger tracts into smaller
parcels of land and the location, use and design of landscaping, buildings, structures, and land
for trade, industry, residence, and other purposes.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance I-2
The existing zoning & subdivision regulations entitled as adopted on November 11, 2003 and as
subsequently amended are hereby repealed. The adoption of the Lillington UDO, however, shall
not affect nor prevent any pending or future prosecution of, or action to abate an existing violation
of said regulations.
In accordance with NCGS 160D-701 it is the intention of the Board of Commissioners that the
Lillington UDO implements the planning policies adopted for the Town and its ETJ, as reflected
in the Town of Lillington Land Use Plan 2015, Lillington Downtown Master Plan, Lillington Bike
and Pedestrian Plan and other related planning documents. While the Board of Commissioners
reaffirms its commitment that the Lillington UDO and any amendment to it, be in conformity with
adopted planning policies, the Board of Commissioners hereby expresses its intent that neither
the Lillington UDO nor any amendment to it may be challenged on the basis of any alleged non-
conformity with any planning document.
Specific alignments, locations, or areas of public facilities noted in any adopted plan may be varied
on a site by site basis as requested by the developer or the Administrator, provided the integrity
of the proposed network and connections, location, or area shown in the plan are maintained.
The Lillington UDO is intended to be administered with the flexibility to respond to
unique circumstances of individual properties in ways that best achieve its
A. This UDO establishes many, but not all, of the standards and procedures for
development. Other portions of the Code of Ordinances, as well as other
standards, shall apply to development, including, but not limited to, building
codes, fire codes, utility, street and drainage design and construction
B. The issuance of any development approval pursuant to this UDO shall not
relieve the recipient from the responsibility to comply with all other Town,
County, State or federal laws, ordinances, rules or regulations.
C. References to other regulations or provisions of the UDO are for the
convenience of the reader. The lack of a cross-reference does not exempt a
land, building, structure, or use from other regulations.
D. The UDO contains numerous graphics, pictures, illustrations, and drawings to
assist the reader in understanding and applying the UDO. However, to the
extent that there is any inconsistency between the text of the UDO and any
such graphic, picture, illustration, or drawing, the text controls unless otherwise
provided in the specific section.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance I-3
1.07.02 CONFLICT
When provisions of the Lillington UDO impose higher standards than are required
in any other statute or local ordinance or regulation, provisions of the Lillington
UDO shall govern. When the provisions of any other statute or local ordinance or
regulation impose higher standards than are required by the provisions of the
Lillington UDO, the provisions of that statute or local ordinance or regulation shall
Except as otherwise specifically provided in the Lillington UDO, no land shall be subdivided; no
land or structure shall hereafter be used or occupied; no excavation, removal of soil, clearing of
a site, or placing of fill shall take place on lands contemplated for development; no infrastructure
shall be constructed or installed; and no structure, or part thereof, shall be constructed, erected,
altered, or moved, unless in compliance with all of the applicable provisions of the Lillington UDO.
All existing lots of record, platted prior to the adoption of this UDO or the prior Zoning &
Subdivision Regulation and upon which no buildings have been erected, shall be grandfathered
upon the date of adoption of this UDO and shall not be subject to the new lot standards herein.
However, buildings upon such lots shall be subject to standards in this ordinance including all
related site improvements.
Any violation of provisions existing on the effective date of the ordinance shall continue to be a
violation under this ordinance and shall be subject to the penalties set forth at the time of the
violation, unless the use, development, construction or other activity is clearly consistent with the
express terms of this ordinance.
Any building or development for which a permit or plan approval was issued under
prior regulations shall be allowed, provided a valid approval has not expired. All
new applications shall comply with the provisions of this UDO. Legal non-
conforming situations may continue in conformance with this UDO.
A. Any type of land development application which has been officially filed with the
appropriate Town official prior to the effective date of this ordinance or any
amendment thereto, may continue to be processed under the land use rules
and regulations in effect prior to said date, or the applicant may decide to
request the application be processed under the new land use rules and
B. The application approval process for such applications must be completed
within one year of the filing date. Completion of the application approval process
is considered to be the issuance of the appropriate Town permit, certificate, or
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance I-4
other designation sought under the land use rules and regulations in effect prior
to the effective date of this ordinance.
C. If the application approval process is not completed within the specified time,
then the application process may be completed only in strict compliance with
the requirements of this ordinance.
D. The specified time may be extended at the discretion of the Administrator due
to delays in approvals from agencies external to the Town of Lillington.
Section 1.11 FEES
Any action on an application for development shall be subject to payment of the required fee in
the amount established by resolution of the Board of Commissioners and filed in the office of the
Town Clerk. All required fees shall accompany an application, shall be made payable to the Town
of Lillington, and shall be submitted to the Administrator. All fees are non-refundable.
This UDO is intended to be administered in an efficient manner that provides appropriate
opportunities for public involvement and an efficient development process. The roles of the Board
of Commissioners, Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, other boards and Town staff are
established in Article 7 – Administration & Development Processes.
Many provisions herein are a restatement of provisions of the Lillington Zoning and Subdivision
Ordinances, adopted November 11, 2003 and are hereby continued without interruption. All other
provisions of this Ordinance shall become effective February 14, 2017.
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.com
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Lillington may enact ordinances to protect
the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens under the North Carolina General Statutes
§160A-174; and
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Governing Board of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina, that
Lillington Unified Development Ordinance is amended as follows:
The Lillington UDO shall be effective throughout the Town of Lillington and its extraterritorial planning
jurisdiction (ETJ) as identified on the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Lillington. However, pursuant
to NCGS 160D-903 property that is located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction which is used for bona fide
farm purposes is exempt from the regulations of this UDO. Agricultural land uses located within the Town’s
corporate limits and as defined by this ordinance, shall be subject to the regulations of this UDO. The
planning jurisdiction of the Town may be modified from time to time in accordance with NCGS 160D-202.
The Official Zoning Map is on file with the Town Clerk and with the Administrator of this ordinance. The
Official Zoning Map and its boundaries shall be incorporated and made a part of this ordinance.
All provisions of any Town Ordinance or Resolution in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed.
Adopted this 11th day of June, 2024
__________________________ Glenn McFadden, Mayor
Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
Date of Meeting: June 11, 2024
Staff Work By: Landon Chandler, Planning Director
Public Hearing on Consideration of Text Amendment to Article III of the Lillington Unified Development Ordinance ITEM SUMMARY Consideration of Approval of the Text Amendment to Article III of the Lillington Unified
Development Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve Text Amendment to Article III of the Lillington Unified Development Ordinance
as presented.
Text Amendments Summary: Three individual text amendments to three sections
of the UDO.
We are proposing adding Agritourism authority within the incorporated areas of the Town.
Article X (10) USE STANDARDS:
The Planning Department was asked to consider adding the ability for bona fide farms as defined under
NCGS to be able to conduct Agritourism activities as defined by same. We have added a definition of
these activities, limitations of use via the supplemental regulations, and amended the jurisdiction
section of the UDO to allow the Town to place restrictions on Agritourism style uses.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-1
The following table lists the principal uses allowed by right within zoning districts
as well as uses that may be authorized subject to approval of a Special Use
Permit. Function codes of the Land Based Classification Standards (LBCS) of the
American Planning Association (APA) correspond to the authorized uses and shall
be used to define uses. All uses are subject to the standards and regulations within
this UDO.
Uses not listed as permitted (P); permitted with supplemental use standards (PS);
or requiring a special use permit (S) are presumed to be prohibited ( - ) from the
applicable zoning district.
In the event that a particular use is not listed in the Use Table, and such use is not
listed as a prohibited use and is not otherwise prohibited by law, the Administrator
shall determine whether a materially similar use exists in this chapter. Should the
Administrator determine that a materially similar use does exist, the regulations
governing that use shall apply to the particular use not listed and the
Administrator’s decision shall be recorded in writing.
The Administrator may determine that a use is materially similar if a permitted use
is similarly classified by one or more of the following use classification systems:
A. Land Based Classification Standards (LBCS) of the American Planning
Association (APA)
B. North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)
3.01.5 USE TABLE
Uses listed as (P) or (PS) which require a Transportation Impact Analysis
(according to Article 5 – Subdivisions & Infrastructure), and all residential
developments with 3 units or more, are subject to the Major Site/Subdivision Plan
Review Process established in Article 7 – Administration & Development
Processes. See Appendix A – Development Flow Chart for more information
regarding how the development process will be administered according to the use
allowances established below.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-1
Class A – Single Family Manufactured Home PS PS - - - - - - - - - - - - Class B & C – Single Family Manufactured Home S S S - - - - - - - - - - -
Manufactured Home Park S S - - - - - - - - - - - Dwelling – Accessory PS PS PS PS PS PS PS - - - - - - -
Dwelling – Multi-Family (3 or more units) - - - - PS PS PS PS - - - - - - Dwelling – Multi-Family Conversion - - - S PS PS PS - S - - - - -
Dwelling – Single Family Attached (Townhome) - - - S P P P S - - - - - - Dwelling – Single Family Detached P P P P - P - - - - - - - -
Dwelling – Two Family (Duplex) - - - S P P - - - - - - - - Family Care Home (6 or fewer residents) PS PS PS PS PS PS - - PS PS - - - -
Live-Work Units - - - - - PS P PS PS - - - - - Residential Care Facilities (more than 6 residents) S S S S PS PS PS - PS PS PS - - -
Bed and Breakfast Establishments PS S S S - PS PS PS PS PS - - - - Hotel/Motel/Inn - - - - - - P P P P P - - -
Rooming and Boarding House - - - S S S S - S - - - - - RR RS-20 RS-15 RS-10 RMF RMX NMX CB O/S NB GB LI HI FRO
C. OFFICE AND SERVICES Banks, Credit Unions, Financial Services - - - - - - PS PS P PS P - - -
Dry Cleaning & Laundry - - - - - - P P P P P - - - Funeral Homes/Crematoria P P - - - - - P P P P - - -
Home Occupation PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS - - - - - Medical Clinic - - - - - P P P P P P - - -
Personal Care Service - - - - - P P P P P P - - - Restricted Personal Care Service - - - - - - - PS - - PS - - -
Post Office - - - - - - P P P P P - - - Professional Service - - - - - P P P P P P - - -
Veterinary Service - - - - - - PS PS PS P P P P -
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-2
Adult Establishments - - - - - - - - - - - - S - Alcoholic Beverage Sales or Services - - - - - - P P P P P - - -
Outdoor Amusement or Theme Park - - - - - - - - - P - P - - Indoor Amusement - - - - - - P P - P P P - -
Automobile/Vehicle Sales, Rental, Service & Repair - - - - - - - S - S P P P - Bar/Tavern - - - - - - P P - P P - - -
Bicycle Sales & Repair - - - - P P P P P P P P - - Camps & Camping Establishments S S - - - - - - - - - - - S
Drive-In Theater - - - - - - - - - - S - - - Drive-Thru/Drive-In Facility (principal or accessory) - - - - - - PS PS PS PS PS - - -
Electronic Gaming Operations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Games Arcade Establishment - - - - - - S S - S S - - -
Gas/Fueling Station - - - - - - PS - - PS P P P - General Commercial - - - - - P P P - P P - - -
General Commercial (greater than 25,000 sf) - - - - - - - - - S - - - Golf Course S S S S S S S - - - - - - S
Hardware, Home Center Sales or Services - - - - - - - - - - P - - - Heavy Equipment/Manufactured Homes Rental/Sales/Service - - - - - - - - - - P P - -
Night Club - - - - - - P P - P P - - -
Open Air Retail - - - - - PS PS PS - P P - - - Outside Sales - - - - - PS PS PS PS PS P - - -
Parking Lot/Structure (Principal Use) - - - - - - - S - - S - - - Pawnshops - - - - - - - - - - PS - - -
Racetrack - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Restaurant - - - - - P P P P P P - - -
Riding Stables P P - - - - - - - - - - - P Shooting Range, Indoor P - - - - - - - - - P P P -
Shooting Range, Outdoor S - - - - - - - - - - - S - Special Events Center S S S S - S S P P P P - - -
Theater, Indoor Movie or Live Performance - - - - - - P P - P P - - - Theater, Outdoor - - - - - - PS PS - P P - - -
Vehicle Rental (moving trucks) - - - - - - PS PS - P P - - - Vehicle Service (major repair/body shop) - - - - - - - - - P P P P -
Vehicle Service (minor maintenance/repair) - - - - - - PS PS - PS P P P -
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-3
Chemical, Medals, Machinery and Electronic Manufacturing - - - - - - - - - - - - S -
Foods, Textiles and Related Products - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Light Industry Uses - - - - - - - - - - PS PS PS -
Heavy Industry Uses - - - - - - - - - - - - P - Landfill - - - - - - - - - - - - S -
Light Manufacturing Workshops - - - - - - P P P P P P P - Materials Recovery & Waste Transfer Facilities - - - - - - - - - - - S PS -
Recycling Collection Stations - - - - - - - - - - PS PS PS - Storage – Self Service - - - - - - - - - - S P P -
Warehouse & Storage (Outdoor) - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Warehouse and Storage (Indoor) - - - - - - - - - - S P P -
Wholesaling and Distribution Establishments - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Wood, Paper and Printing Products - - - - - - - - - - - P P -
LAND USE TYPE: RR RS-20 RS-15 RS-10 RMF RMX NMX CB O/S NB GB LI HI FRO F. EDUCATION AND INSTITUTIONS Business Associations, Non-profits and Civic Clubs - - - - - - P P P P P - - - Cemetery PS PS PS PS PS PS PS - PS PS PS - - PS Child/Adult Day Care (8 or less persons) P P P P P P P - P P P - - - Child/Adult Day Care (more than 8 persons) PS PS PS - - PS PS - PS PS PS - - - College or University S S S S S S S S S S S Community Support Facility PS S S S S PS PS PS- PS PS - - - PS Conference/Convention Center P - - - - - - P - P P - - - Correctional Institution - - - - - - - - S - - S S - Halfway House - - - - S S S - S S - - - S Hospital - - - - - - - - P P P P - - Museum/Cultural Facility - - - - - P P P P P - - - Public Administration/Civic Meeting Facilities P P P - - P P P P P P - - P Public Safety Station S S S S S S PS P P P P P P P Recreation Facility (Indoor) - P P P P P P P P P P P P Recreation Facility (Outdoor) P P P P P P P P P P P - - P Religious Institutions P P P P S S S - P P P P - - School (elementary or secondary) P S S S S S S - S - - - - S Sports Arena/Stadium - - - - - - - S - S S P - - Studio (art, dance, martial arts, music) - - - - - P P P P P P - - -
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-4
Agritourism PS PS - - - - - - - - - - - - Animal Production P S - - - - - - - - - - - -
Community Gardens P P P P P P P P P P P - - P Kennels (indoor) P - - - - - - - - P P P - -
Kennels (outdoor) S S - - - - - - - - PS P P - Nurseries and Garden Centers P P - - - - - - P P - - - -
Airstrip S S - - - - - - - - - S S S Rail Station - - - - - - - S - S S S - -
Solar Energy System S - - - - - - - - - - S S - Truck and Freight Transportation Services - - - - - - - - - - - P P -
Utilities (Class 1) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Utilities (Class 2) P P P P P P P P P P P P P PP
Utilities (Class 3) - - - - - - - - - - - P P - Wireless Telecommunications Facility (non-tower) PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS
Wireless Telecommunications Tower S S - - - - - - - - S S S S LAND USE TYPE: RR RS20 RS-15 RS-10 RMF RMX NMX CB O/S NB GB LI HI FRO
I. UNCLASSIFIED OR NO FUNCTION Satellite Dishes (greater than 24” in diameter) PS PS PS - - - PS PS - PS PS P P PS
*Temporary Uses/Special Events PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS
*Requires Board of Commissioners approval if located on public street/property.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-1
There are certain uses that exist which may be constructed, continued, and/or
expanded provided they meet certain conditions specific to their design or
operation. Such conditions ensure compatibility so that different uses may be
located in proximity to one another without adverse effects to either. When uses
are listed in the Use Table above as Permitted with Supplemental Use Standards
(PS) or uses requiring Special Use Permits (S) they shall comply with the additional
criteria set forth in this Article for that use in addition to other applicable criteria
contained in this ordinance.
A. Land uses with supplemental standards are uses permitted by right, provided
that the specific standards set forth in this Article are met.
B. The specified standards are intended to ensure that these uses fit the vision of
the zoning districts in which they are permitted, and that these uses are
compatible with other development permitted within the districts.
A. Purpose
There are uses that are generally compatible with other land uses permitted in
a zoning district but, because of their unique characteristics or potential impacts
on adjacent land uses, are not permitted in zoning districts as a matter of right.
These uses may be permitted through the issuance of a Special Use Permit
(SUP) after ensuring that the use complies with the approval criteria listed
below. No inherent right exists to receive a SUP. Such authorization must be
approved under a specific set of circumstances and conditions. Each application
and situation is unique and may be subject to specific requirements to mitigate
the impacts of the proposed use.
B. Criteria
1. See Article 7 – Administration and Development Processes.
All manufactured HUD homes and offices, whether used for residential or business
purposes and whether placed in a manufactured home park or on an individual lot
of record, shall meet the following requirements:
A. Each manufactured home stand and space shall be graded to provide adequate
storm drainage away from the structure and such that there will exist no more
than 3 feet difference between the chassis of the home or office and the finished
grade of the stand along the entire perimeter of the home or office proper.
B. The manufactured home or office is set up in accordance to the standards set by
the North Carolina Department of Insurance in the current edition of the North
Carolina Regulations for Manufactured Homes, including, but not limited to, all
footings, supporting piers, anchors, and tie downs.
C. The tongue, moving hitch, wheels, axles, and transporting lights are all removed.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-2
D. Stairs, porches, entrance platforms, ramps, and other means of entrance and
exit to and from the home are installed in accordance with the requirements of
the North Carolina State Building Code, attached firmly to the primary structure,
and anchored securely to the ground.
E. Other than those within the manufactured home or office itself, all installations of
plumbing and electrical wiring and all gas and oil appliances shall comply with
the provisions of the building, plumbing, electrical, heating, and gas regulations
of the North Carolina State Building Code.
F. Empty liquefied petroleum gas containers and other objects and materials not
approved by the Fire Department shall not be stored under manufactured homes
or offices.
A continuous permanent masonry foundation, unpierced except for required
ventilation and access, shall be installed around the entire perimeter of the home
or office. If the masonry foundation is not brick, stone, or decorative concrete block
it shall be coated with a mortar-like finish on the visible side. Class A Manufactured
Homes have additional requirements, as described in the definition section of this
A. Each single-wide manufactured home or office shall be installed with skirting
provided by the manufacturer specifically for such use, unpierced except for
required ventilation and access, around the entire perimeter of the home or
office. Skirting shall be made of a material compatible with the siding of the home
or office.
B. Class B and Class C Manufactured Housing (Single-wide manufactured HUD
homes) shall be permitted in Manufactured Home Parks only.
A. General Park Requirements
1. No manufactured home park shall be approved for a site less than 10
contiguous acres under single ownership or control.
2. The manufactured home park shall be screened from all adjacent property
with a 20-foot buffer in accordance with Article 4 – Design Standards.
3. The operator/manager of a manufactured home park shall designate and
enforce a uniform type of underpinning of all manufactured homes in the
4. All streets within a manufactured home park shall comply with the standards
set forth in Article 5 – Subdivisions & Infrastructure.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-3
5. An acceptable plan for the collection and disposal of garbage shall be included
in the site plan for the manufactured home park. The size and type of all
garbage receptacles shall be in conformance with town standards. No person
shall throw or leave garbage or refuse upon the ground of any manufactured
home park. It shall be the duty of the manufactured home park operator to
make certain that all garbage and refuse are regularly disposed of in a sanitary
6. Recreational space shall be provided in accordance with Article 5 –
Subdivisions & Infrastructure.
7. Maximum density is 5 units per acre; minimum area is 3 acres.
B. Space Requirements
1. Each manufactured home space shall be clearly established on the ground by
permanent monuments or markers.
2. No more than one manufactured home may be parked on any manufactured
home space.
3. Minimum setbacks for all sides for a manufactured home within a space (any
attached accessory structure, such as room extensions, porches and porch
roofs and carports shall, for the purpose of this setback requirement, be
considered to be part of the manufactured home) shall be 15 feet.
4. No manufactured home space shall have direct vehicular access to a
thoroughfare street.
5. Each manufactured home stand and space shall be graded to provide
adequate storm drainage away from the structure and such that there will exist
no more than 3 feet difference between the chassis of the home or office and
the finished grade of the stand along the entire perimeter of the home or office
6. Each home shall be at least 40 feet from any property line.
7. Each manufactured home space shall have a permanent site number sign that
is clearly visible from the street running in front of the home.
8. A minimum of 2 parking spaces shall be provided for each manufactured
9. A visitor parking area, consisting of 1 space for each 5 manufactured home
units located within the park, shall be provided. This parking area does not
have to be paved.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-4
A. One (1) accessory dwelling unit is permitted as an accessory to a residential use.
B. The dwelling unit may be attached or detached, located on the side or rear of the
C. The maximum size of Accessory Dwellings is the lesser of fifty (50) percent of
the living area of the Principal Structure or one thousand (1,000) square feet.
D. Accessory Dwellings must be a minimum of 10 feet from the side or rear setback
and shall not be located within the front setback.
E. If the Accessory Dwelling is attached to the primary residence, then access is
limited to the side or rear of the Accessory Dwelling or to an existing door.
F. Attached or detached Accessory Dwellings must have the same architectural
appearance of the primary residence such as same type and color of siding, trim
and roofing appearance.
G. Manufactured housing, campers, travel trailers and recreational vehicles are not
permitted for use as an accessory dwelling.
H. Must contain complete kitchen facilities including a stove or cook top and a full
bath including lavatory, water closet, and tub or shower (or combination).
I. One off-street parking space shall be provided in addition to those required for
the principal dwelling.
A. A maximum of 4 units is permitted in a converted single-family dwelling and it
shall be designed such that a maximum of two main entrances are on the fronting
façade (similar to a duplex configuration). Additional building entrances may be
provided on the side and rear of the building.
B. Must result from the conversion of a single building containing at least 2,000
square feet of Gross Floor Area that was in existence on the effective date of this
ordinance and that was originally designed, constructed and occupied as a
Single-Family residence.
A. For properties zoned CB: First or main floor of building must be non-residential
and must provide a “shop-front” appearance at the sidewalk level in accordance
with Article 4 – Design Standards. See Section 4.09.06 – Multi-Family
Development Standards for specific architectural & design requirements.
B. For properties zoned RMF, RMX, & NMX: See Section 4.09.06 – Multi-Family
Development Standards for specific architectural & design requirements.
A. Family Care Homes shall be certified by the International Building Code, as
amended by the NC Building Code.
B. No Family Care Home shall be closer than ½ mile to another such use.
Construction shall meet requirements of the International Residential Code, and
the following:
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-5
A. The maximum total size of a live-work unit shall be 3,000 square feet and 3
stories in height.
B. The work area shall occupy a maximum of 50% or less of the total unit.
C. The non-residential area function shall be limited to the first or main floor only.
D. A maximum of 3 non-residential worker or employees are allowed to occupy the
non-residential area at any one time.
E. The same tenant shall occupy the work area and living area.
A. Residential care facilities must be buffered from adjacent residentially zoned
property with a 20-foot buffer in accordance with Article 4 – Design Standards.
B. Prior to the submission of an application, an owner/operator of a residential care
facility shall have received a license from the State of North Carolina for such a
C. Unless located and having access on an arterial or marginal access street, no
residential care facility shall contain more than 16 units.
D. To the extent practicable, the community shall provide access connectivity
(vehicular and pedestrian) to adjacent neighborhoods.
E. The following accessory uses are permitted: congregate dining facilities,
recreational and social facilities, health care facilities, gift shops, snack shops,
banks, barber/beauty shops, and similar services for residents.
Bed & Breakfast establishments, where allowed, are subject to the following
A. No more than eight (8) guest rooms that offers bed and breakfast
accommodations may be provided on each private residence;
B. Serves only the breakfast meal, and that meal is served to overnight guests of
the business;
C. An owner/manager of a bed and breakfast home shall reside on the property.
A. In residential and mixed use districts, parking areas shall not be permitted in the
front yard and shall be screened from adjacent properties by a 20-foot buffer.
B. The owner shall serve as a full-time manager or otherwise designate a fulltime
manager, either of which shall permanently reside on the premises.
C. The minimum size of any sleeping room shall be 200 square feet per resident.
D. One full bath consisting of tub or shower, toilet and sink shall be provided for
each 4 residents.
E. Full kitchen facilities, consisting of a stove, oven, sink, refrigerator, food
preparation area, and storage areas shall be provided and accessible to all
F. Signs, other than address/tenant identification signs which meet the
requirements of Article 4 – Design Standards, shall not be permitted.
G. All of the lot area which is not used for parking, sidewalks, buildings, utility
structures or site access must be landscaped and maintained.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-6
A. Teller & ATM traffic queues will not interfere with pedestrian movement along
public sidewalks or create a traffic hazard.
B. Drive-through lanes or loading spaces shall not be located any closer than thirty-
five (35) feet to a residential zoning district and shall be located in the side or
rear yards only.
A. Permitted in the primary dwelling only as an accessory use.
B. Clearly incidental and secondary to residential occupancy.
C. The use shall be carried on entirely within an enclosed structure on the
D. No more than 25% of the total floor area or 500 square feet, whichever is less,
is used for such purposes
E. No sign or display of products be visible from the streets;
F. No more than one person not a resident of said dwelling is employed in
connection with the home occupation.
G. The home occupation shall be operated by a resident of the dwelling.
H. Storage of goods and materials associated with the home occupation must be
completely within an enclosed structure.
I. Parking must be provided so as not to create hazards or street congestion.
J. All parking associated with the home shall be accommodated off-street or in
spaces directly in front of the residence.
K. No generation of dust, odors, noise, vibration or electrical interference or
fluctuation shall be perceptible beyond the property line.
A. Such facilities shall be at least 1,000 feet from a religious institution, school or
playground or another such facility and shall be a minimum of 500 feet road
frontage spacing from residential uses in a residential zoned district.
B. The facility shall be open to the public only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
11:00 p.m.
Only animals in veterinary care may stay overnight. No kennels or storage of
animals shall be permitted outside unless otherwise permitted in the district in which
it is located.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-7
A. Some special entertainment uses because of their very nature can have serious
objectionable operational characteristics, particularly when several of them are
concentrated under certain circumstances can produce deleterious secondary
effects on adjacent areas and the community at large, including increased
transients, increased crime, disruptive conduct, financial instability and negative
influences on children and the surrounding populace.
B. Special regulation of these uses is necessary to ensure that these adverse
effects will not contribute to the blighting or downgrading of the surrounding
neighborhood due to the deleterious secondary effects listed above.
C. Avoiding concentration of these uses, separating these uses from other uses
and screening these uses can reduce the deleterious secondary effects listed
D. These special regulations are itemized in this section. The primary control or
regulation is the purpose of preventing a concentration of these uses in any one
area (i.e., not more than one (1) such use within two thousand (2,000) feet of
each other which would create such adverse effects):
1. Adult Bookstores;
2. Adult Motion Picture Theaters housed in a permanent indoor structure;
3. Clubs and other places of entertainment operated as a commercial
enterprise providing nude or semi-nude entertainment such as "topless"
4. Eating and drinking establishments including drive-in curb service providing
nude or semi-nude entertainment such as "topless" dancing;
5. Any Physical Culture establishment, masseur, massage parlor, health salon
or club not otherwise defined in this UDO.
6. Adult Motels and Hotels.
E. Location of uses.
1. No use regulated under this section may be located within two thousand
(2,000) feet of another use permitted under this section which will be
measured from the exterior walls of the building(s) containing such
regulated use.
2. No use permitted under this section may be located within one thousand
feet (1000) of any area zoned for residential use or from the property line of
any residential dwelling.
3. One thousand five hundred feet (1,500) of any religious institutions, day care
center (child/adult) or public or private schools, public park, library or theater
open to the general public in any zoning districts.
4. Measurements of distance separation shall be in a straight line from the
closest points of the building at which the adult uses are located.
5. No use regulated under this section may be located in any designated
Highway Overlay District.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-8
F. Signs
1. Signage is limited to one (1) wall sign per premise.
2. The maximum Sign area shall be 10 square feet.
G. Hours of Operation.
No adult establishment shall operate before 4:00 p.m. or after 12:00 midnight.
A. Outdoor theaters shall be buffered from adjoining residential uses with a 50-
foot buffer as set forth in Article 4 – Design Standards.
B. The performance and audience areas for any outdoor theater shall be located
a minimum of 200 feet from any adjacent residentially zoned property.
C. Primary access to all outdoor theaters shall be to a collector or higher order
D. Lights shall be shielded and positioned so as not to shine onto adjacent
A. Traffic queues will not interfere with pedestrian movement along public
sidewalks or create a traffic hazard.
B. Use of the drive-through service will not interfere with the use, enjoyment or
operations of adjacent properties.
C. Drive-through lanes or loading spaces shall not be located any closer than thirty-
five (35) feet to a residential zoning district.
D. If a speaker box faces a residential zoning district, there shall be a 50-foot buffer
or sound wall between the speaker box and the residential district.
E. Stacking Lane Requirements
1. All uses and facilities providing drive-up or drive-through service shall
provide the at least the minimum required vehicle stacking spaces
established below.
2. Stacking spaces shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet wide by twenty (20)
feet long.
3. Stacking spaces shall not impede on-site or off-site traffic movements,
including access to parking spaces.
4. A solid faced brick, masonry or wooden wall or fence shall be provided along
a property line abutting Lots or Parcels zoned residential purposes to block
lights from vehicles in the stacking lanes or drive through facility.
Activity Minimum Required Stacking Spaces Measured From
Bank teller lane 4 Teller or Window
Restaurant, drive-
6 Order Box to Beginning
of Drive Through Lane
Car wash 4 Stall Entrance
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-9
A. Canopies/Pumps
1. Must be located to the side or rear of the principal building.
2. Pump canopies must be located at least 50 feet from any interior side or
rear property line that adjoins residentially developed property.
3. Must be buffered from adjoining residential uses with a 20-foot buffer in
accordance with Article 4 – Design Standards.
4. The maximum number of pumps permitted at a single gas/fueling station
shall be 12.
5. A conforming principal building is required and shall be a minimum of 1,600
square feet.
B. Lighting
All lighting must be shielded to direct light and glare only onto the lot or parcel
where the gas/fueling station is located and shall be in accordance with Article
4 – Design Standards.
A. The use shall be conducted behind the prevailing setback line for the district.
B. Sidewalk Kiosks, Vendor Carts, Concession Stands, etc: Such uses shall be
permitted to operate within the right-of-way provided that adequate pedestrian
clearance on the sidewalk is maintained (minimum of 5 feet) and the automobile
and bicycle travel way is clear of obstructions.
C. No permanent parking is required but the use must accommodate reasonable
vehicular circulation and parking to preclude off-site impacts as determined by
the Administrator.
A. Outside sales must be clearly secondary to the primary use within the associated
permanent structure and shall generally be located to the side or rear of the
principal structure. Display of merchandise for sale outdoors in the front yard
shall not exceed a maximum of 12 feet from the front face of the building.
B. Displays on public sidewalks: Merchandise for sale may be placed on the public
sidewalk in front of the shop where the building is directly adjacent to the
sidewalk provided that adequate pedestrian clearance on the sidewalk is
maintained (minimum of 5 feet). Such sales may also be subject to other town
ordinances, ADA requirements, etc.
C. Merchandise for sale may be located outside the primary use between the hours
of 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM (this provision does not apply to primary uses for
Automobile, Vehicles or Equipment Sales ).
Pawn shop facilities shall be at least 1,000 feet from a religious institution, school
or playground or another pawn shop and shall have a minimum of 500 feet road
frontage spacing from residential uses in a residential zoned district.
A. Outdoor shooting ranges shall be buffered from adjoining properties with a 50-
foot buffer as set forth in Article 4 – Design Standards.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-10
B. Outdoor shooting ranges shall be located no closer than 1,000 feet to any
religious institution, school or residential dwelling.
A. Outdoor theaters shall be buffered from adjoining residential uses with a 50-foot
buffer as set forth in Article 4 – Design Standards.
B. Primary access to all outdoor theaters shall be to a collector or higher order
C. Lights shall be shielded and positioned so as not to shine onto adjacent
A. Vehicles must be stored in an area that is screened from the public right-of-way
and adjacent residential neighborhoods by a 50-foot buffer in accordance with
Article 4 – Design Standards.
B. When vehicle rental is an accessory use, the storage of vehicles shall not occupy
more than the minimum number of required spaces.
C. All parking areas shall be placed in accordance within the provisions of Article 4
– Design Standards and shall be accessory to an otherwise conforming building.
A. All outdoor storage areas shall be screened by a 50-foot buffer in accordance
with Article 4 – Design Standards.
B. Vehicle bays shall be set perpendicular to the street or otherwise screened from
direct view by landscaping.
A. No generation of dust, odors, noise, vibration or electrical interference or
fluctuation shall be perceptible beyond the property line.
B. All establishments shall be maintained so as not to create environmental
hazards (such as oil or gas leaks or spills) that pose a threat to ground or surface
water quality, air quality, wildlife and/or humans.
C. Vehicular access to the site shall be provided on a thoroughfare of suitable
industrial capacity as determined by the Administrator and/or any required
Transportation Impact Analysis.
A. All such uses must be located a minimum distance of 500 feet from the RS-20,
RS-15, RS-10, RMF, RMX and CB districts and any parallel conditional zoning
district to those districts.
B. All establishments shall be maintained so as not to create environmental
hazards (such as oil or gas leaks or spills) that pose a threat to ground or surface
water quality, air quality, wildlife and/or humans.
C. Vehicular access to the site shall be provided on a thoroughfare of suitable
industrial capacity as determined by the Administrator and/or any required
Transportation Impact Analysis.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-11
A. All such uses must be located a minimum distance of 500 feet from the RS-20,
RS-15, RS-10, RMF, RMX and CB districts and any parallel conditional zoning
district to those districts.
B. All establishments shall be maintained so as not to create environmental
hazards (such as oil or gas leaks or spills) that pose a threat to ground or surface
water quality, air quality, wildlife and/or humans.
C. Vehicular access to the site shall be provided on a thoroughfare of suitable
industrial capacity as determined by the Administrator and/or any required
Transportation Impact Analysis.
D. A minimum 150-foot buffer area is required along all property lines and public
rights-of-way. No materials recovery and waste transfer activities, including
parking, access roads, buildings, or disposal shall occur in the buffer area.
Roads for access to the site may cross the 100-foot area, and monitoring wells
may be located within the 100-foot area. All existing trees within the buffer area
shall be preserved, except to allow for construction of necessary road crossings
and monitoring wells.
E. A 50-foot buffer shall be required in the buffer area along all property lines and
public rights-of-way regardless of the adjacent zoning. Existing plant material
may be included in the computation of the required plantings, with approval of
the Administrator.
A. All such uses must be located a minimum distance of 500 feet from the RS-20,
RS-15, RS-10, RMF, RMX and CB districts and any parallel conditional zoning
district to those districts.
B. All establishments shall be maintained so as not to create environmental
hazards (such as oil or gas leaks or spills) that pose a threat to ground or surface
water quality, air quality, wildlife and/or humans.
C. Vehicular access to the site shall be provided on a thoroughfare of suitable
industrial capacity as determined by the Administrator and/or any required
Transportation Impact Analysis.
D. A minimum 150-foot buffer area is required along all property lines and public
rights-of-way. No materials recovery and waste transfer activities, including
parking, access roads, buildings, or disposal shall occur in the buffer area.
Roads for access to the site may cross the 100-foot area, and monitoring wells
may be located within the 100-foot area. All existing trees within the buffer area
shall be preserved, except to allow for construction of necessary road crossings
and monitoring wells.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-12
E. A 50-foot buffer shall be required in the buffer area along all property lines and
public rights-of-way regardless of the adjacent zoning. Existing plant material
may be included in the computation of the required plantings, with approval of
the Administrator.
A. All outdoor storage, collection loading and processing areas must be located a
minimum distance of 500 feet from the RS-20, RS-15, RS-10, RMF, RMX and
CB districts and any parallel conditional zoning district to those districts.
B. All outdoor storage, collection loading and processing areas must be located a
minimum distance of 50 feet from the adjacent property line.
C. All establishments shall be maintained so as not to create environmental hazards
(such as oil or gas leaks or spills) that pose a threat to ground or surface water
quality, air quality, wildlife and/or humans.
D. Vehicular access to the site shall be provided on a thoroughfare of suitable
industrial capacity as determined by the Administrator and/or any required
Transportation Impact Analysis.
A. A minimum of 3 contiguous acres shall be required to establish a cemetery,
columbarium or mausoleum not located on the same tract of land as a religious
B. The minimum yard required for all structures, excluding gatehouse, is 50 feet
from any exterior property line. Gatehouses shall be excluded from any
minimum yard requirement.
C. The minimum yard required for mausoleums and columbariums adjacent to a
street shall be equal to a principal building front yard in the district.
D. The minimum yard required for any grave or burial plot is 50 feet from any
exterior property line. This requirement does not apply where the adjacent
property contains an existing cemetery.
E. The minimum yard required for any grave or burial plot adjacent to a street shall
be equal to a principal building front yard in the district provided that, where
graves or burial plots are adjacent to streets and closer than 50 feet, a low
planted screen shall be provided between the street and the cemetery. Such
screen shall be 8 feet wide planted with evergreen shrubbery placed a
maximum of 5 feet on center. All shrubs shall achieve a height of 4 feet within
3 years.
A. Outdoor play space for Child Care Homes shall be provided in accordance with
the regulations of North Carolina Department of Human Resources.
B. Outdoor play space shall be enclosed on all sides by building and/or walls or
fences in accordance with the standards in ordinance. The minimum height for
such fences shall be 4 feet.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-13
C. Outdoor play space may not include driveways, parking areas, or land otherwise
unsuitable for children's play space.
D. Outdoor play space may not be in the established front yard.
E. Adult Day Care Centers: Adult Day Care Centers shall meet the requirements
of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Service’s “Adult Day
Care and Day Health Services Standards for Certification.”
No such use may be located within 1000 feet of another such use measured as a
straight line on a map unless as part of an accessory use to an existing religious
No such use may be located within 2500 feet of another such use measured as a
straight line on a map.
A. Athletic fields and parking areas must be buffered from adjacent residentially
zoned property with a 20-foot buffer as set forth in Article 4 – Design Standards.
B. Connectivity (vehicular and pedestrian) to surrounding residential areas is
required. Where a full vehicular connection is impractical, a multi-use trail
connection shall be provided.
C. Student pick-up/drop-off areas shall adhere to NCDOT standards for vehicular
circulation and stacking.
A. Agritourism, as defined in Article 10 of this ordinance, means any activity carried out on a
farm or ranch setting that allows members of the general public, for recreational,
entertainment, or educational purposes, to view or enjoy rural activities, including
farming, historic, cultural, harvest-your-own activities, fishing, equestrian activities, or
natural activities and attractions.
B. A building or structure used for agritourism includes any building or structure used for
public or private events, including, but not limited to, the sales of agricultural and/or plant
products, hayrides, horse farms (breeding, boarding, riding lessons, training, buying
selling, showing, racing, etc.), corn mazes, tours, class field trips, weddings, receptions,
wineries, breweries and an activity involving any animal exhibition at an agricultural fair
licensed by the Commissioner of Agriculture pursuant to NCGS 106-520.3.
C. The sale of farm or agricultural-related products not produced on-site, shooting ranges,
and rides on non-farm recreational equipment, including motorcycles or all-terrain
vehicles (ATVs), are prohibited.
D. The minimum lot size for agritourism land use shall be 2 acres.
E. The minimum size of any structure used for agritourism shall be 1,000 square feet.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-14
F. A building or structure that is used for agritourism is a bona fide farm purpose if the
building or structure is located on a property that:
1. is owned by a person who holds a qualifying farmer sales tax exemption certificate
from the Department of Revenue pursuant to NCGS 105-164.13E(a) or
2. is enrolled in the present-use value program pursuant to NCGS 105-277.3.
Formatted: Indent: Left: 1", No bullets or numbering
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-15
A. Animal production may only occur on a lot exceeding 2 acres in size.
B. Not more than one animal unit shall be kept, maintained or stabled per 6,000
square feet of land.
C. All animals shall be fenced so that they are no closer than 100 feet from a
dwelling unit on an adjacent property. This provision shall not apply if a dwelling
unit is constructed so as to encroach upon an existing animal production use.
However, an existing animal production use may not expand towards a newly
established residential use.
A. Any building or pen housing animals shall be located a minimum of 150 feet
from any residentially zoned or developed property.
B. Areas used for exercising or training of animals shall be securely fenced to
prevent the animals from straying.
C. All animal refuse and food shall be kept in airtight containers and disposed of
on a regular basis.
D. Animal wastes shall not be stored within 150 feet of any property line or
surface waters unless located indoors.
E. All such outdoor kennels and similar animal shelters shall be buffered from
any adjoining residentially zoned property with a 50-foot buffer in accordance
with Article 4 – Design Standards.
A. Produce stands shall be permitted by the Administrator to operate on an
individual parcel for a period of time not to exceed 90 consecutive days and no
more than 2 events per calendar year.
B. Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM.
A. All equipment shall be a minimum of a one hundred feet (100’) from all property
B. There shall be a 50-foot buffer area along all property lines.
C. The entire site shall be fenced, a minimum of six feet (6’ in height) and secured
to reduce/eliminate trespassing.
D. A maximum height (not including power lines) for the solar panel arrays shall be
no more than fifteen five feet (15’).
E. Landscaping including vegetative buffers, security fences and gates shall be
maintained for the duration of the solar farm operation, up to and including
F. Solar panels shall be constructed so as to minimize glare or reflection onto
adjacent properties and roadways.
G. The Administrator shall be advised in writing within thirty (30) days by the solar
farm operator or property owners (whichever entity/party holds the development
and building permits) in the event the project is sold or otherwise transferred to
another entity/party and/or the current operator/owner abandons the project.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-16
H. At the time of applying for permits the applicant (solar farm developer or property
owner) shall include a decommissioning plan with the anticipated life expectancy
of the solar farm and the anticipated cost in current dollars, as well as the method
(s) of insuring that funds will be available for decommissioning and restoration of
the project site to its original, natural condition prior to the solar farm
I. If the site is damaged, the solar farm operator shall have twelve (12) months to
bring the project back to its operational capacity. If for any reason the solar farm
is not generating electricity after six (6) months, the operator shall have six (6)
months to complete decommissioning of the solar farm.
J. In the event of bankruptcy or similar financial default of the solar farm, the
property owner of the project site shall bear the decommissioning costs.
K. All solar farms shall be in compliance with the requirements of the most current
State Building and Electrical Codes, the State of North Carolina and Harnett
L. Each solar farm shall be required to have the facility inspected annually for three
(3) years by the Administrator or his/her designee following the issuance of the
permit to verify continued compliance with this ordinance.
A. Hangars or open storage shall be screened with a 20-foot buffer from all
property lines, except those properties with LI and HI zoning.
B. No outdoor public address system shall be permitted which can be heard
beyond the boundaries of the property.
C. Hours of operation shall be limited from 6 am – 10 pm.
Maximum height on any co-located structure shall be 40 feet.
A. Transmission towers may be sited on any held tract of land exceeding one-half
acre in size.
B. The site shall be fenced with an eight-foot high fence, landscaped and buffered.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-17
C. Abandoned towers (those not used for a period of six months or more) shall be
removed by carriers.
D. Should technology changes render the height of the tower excessive, the
Administrator may require that the tower be reduced in height, replaced or
E. All telecommunication towers must have setbacks from all property lines of at
least one foot for every foot of structure height.
F. Height of the structure shall be limited to a maximum of 200 feet in all districts.
G. Special Use Permit applications shall provide the following information that:
1. Demonstrates the antenna's compliance with State and Federal radio
frequency emission standards.
2. Specifies the tower height and design and include a cross-section of the
3. Details any technical, engineering, economic and other pertinent factors
governing the selection of the proposed design.
4. Demonstrates the tower's compliance with applicable structural standards,
which may include certification that the tower will withstand sustained winds
in accordance with local building codes or nationally recognized standards.
5. Describes the failure characteristics of the tower and demonstrates that the
site and setbacks are of adequate size to contain debris.
6. Describes the tower's maximum capacity, including the number of antennas
that it can accommodate for collection, taking into consideration radio
frequency interference, mass, height and other characteristics, as well as
options to overcome any problems that these considerations may pose to
service delivery.
7. Assesses the environmental impact of the facility siting, including the impact
on adjacent structures and districts as well as on historic sites and
8. Determines whether the construction of the tower and its reception and
transmission functions will interfere with the usual and customary
transmission or reception of radio, television and other services on adjoining
9. Documents the due diligence in seeking and subsequent failure to find
space on an existing tower to collocate their antenna(s) (if permission for
tower construction is being sought).
10. Documents compliance with or exemption from FCC, FAA, MEPA and any
other federal or state regulations applicable to the siting; statements must
be issued from the FCC, FAA or the state attesting to the proposed facility's
11. Includes an agreement between the Town and the tower owners and their
successors to allow shared use of the tower if:
a) Capacity exists based on existing and planned use;
b) A future Applicant for space on the tower agrees in writing
c) The potential use is technically compatible
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-18
12. Documents anticipated maintenance needs, including frequency of service,
personnel needs, equipment needs and traffic, noise or safety impacts of
such maintenance.
13. Documents liability insurance or bonding where applicable.
14. Includes approval of the site owner, if different from the tower owner, to
apply for a permit.
Proposed land uses defined as temporary uses shall obtain a zoning permit that
outlines the conditions of operations and shall be consistent with the applications of
this section. Upon conformance to all requirements of this section, the Administrator
has the authority to issue a development permit for temporary uses such as
bazaars, festivals, carnivals, produce stands, seasonal outdoor sales, races,
construction offices, and similar uses. Such permit shall be issued for a fixed period
of time, to be stated in the permit and shall be subject to such limitations as the
Administrator may impose to protect the character of the district affected. The
Administrator may consider any prior violation of this ordinance by applicant for
which the applicant has received citation or notice from the Administrator as
grounds for denial of an application.
A. All permitted temporary uses listed in this section require a zoning permit for
temporary use that shall be reviewed and issued by the Administrator.
B. The property on which a temporary use is proposed must contain sufficient space
to support the temporary use.
C. Parking must be adequate to support the proposed temporary use.
D. Restroom facilities, if needed, must be provided.
E. All inspections and permits required by the building code, fire marshal, or
applicable government agency must be received.
F. A temporary use shall last only as long as that time period stated in the
development permit but shall not exceed 140 days within a calendar year on any
individual lot. Duration of a development permit for temporary use is intended to
include days operated, or attended by persons not employed by or volunteering
to work at the event and does not include the setup, takedown, clean-up, or
rehearsal days of the event.
G. The applicant is responsible for fully removing from the site any structures
allowed as temporary uses and also any garbage or rubbish resulting from the
temporary use within 3 days after the expiration of the zoning permit. Each day
after the expiration of the permit in which applicant fails to fully remove a structure
or garbage or rubbish shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance.
H. Temporary uses shall be limited to a maximum duration of 14 days, unless
otherwise specifically authorized or extended by the Administrator. A permittee
may request an extension of the approval term in writing before the expiration of
the original approval term and the Administrator may approve an extension upon
a finding that the special event has substantially complied with all conditions of
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-19
the original approval, and that the extension will not create substantial adverse
impacts on adjacent properties.
I. Maximum number of special events per property: within any single calendar year,
the same property may host no more than ten special events. The temporary use
permits for these special events may be reviewed and approved concurrently. A
minimum of 14 days shall lapse between special events on any one property.
J. Any temporary use/special event involving usage of a public street/property shall
require Board of Commissioner approval.
Zoning permits for temporary uses are not required for the following events (this
exemption does not exclude any other required permits, such as building permit,
ABC license, health department approval, Board of Commissioner approval for
usage of a public street/property etc.):
A. Private events such as weddings, private parties, funerals, etc.; not open to the
general public; and lasting less than 12 hours.
B. Government-sponsored events and those governed by the Lillington Code of
C. Regularly established permanent places of worship, sports facilities, schools,
auditoriums, or other similar permanently established place of assembly for
events that do not exceed the maximum capacity of the structure or site where
the assembly is held.
D. Events which occur on property possessing site plan approval for such activities.
E. Indoor promotional events where the size and location of such events shall be
reasonably related to the existing building and in no case shall interfere with the
day-to-day business operations of on-site or adjacent businesses.
F. Natural disaster and emergency offices.
A. Produce Sales, Seasonal Outdoor Sales & Other Similar Uses: Such
temporary uses shall not exceed 90 consecutive days and no more than 2
events per calendar year. Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 AM – 10:00
B. Contractor’s Office and Equipment/Storage Sheds: Contractor's office
and/or equipment/storage sheds may be placed in any district temporarily on
the site of construction of a development for which plans have been approved.
All such equipment shall be removed upon completion of development.
C. Real Estate Office in a Construction Trailer or Temporary Modular Unit:
One temporary structure, such as a construction trailer or temporary modular
unit may be used as a real estate sales office in any new construction project in
any district. Such a temporary structure shall be used for the sale of units within
that project only. Temporary real estate offices in construction trailers or
temporary modular units may remain on the site until the development
completion date.
D. Real Estate Office in a Model Home: A model dwelling may be used as a real
estate sales office in a new residential development in any District. Such a
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-20
model home/sales office may be used for the sale of units within that project
E. Large Events (Bazaars, Festivals, Carnivals, Fairs, Circuses, Concerts &
Similar Outdoor Gatherings with the total anticipated assembly of 3,000 or more
people and duration of 2 or more days per calendar year on an individual parcel
or site). The following information is required as part of the application process
a minimum of 30 days prior to the planned event:
1. Anticipated attendance, including previous attendance figures;
2. Anticipated number of days needed to prepare location for use;
3. Means of activity containment (i.e. fencing, security, etc.);
4. Event security, crowd control and traffic safety measures. Provisions for
these must be approved by the Lillington Police Department;
5. Location of temporary signage;
6. Existing land uses of all adjacent properties;
7. Location of restroom facilities;
8. Method and location of garbage impoundment and means of removal;
9. Location and method of site lighting;
10. Adequate access for emergency vehicles;
11. Applicant is responsible for obtaining all other applicable permits, such as
building permits, ABC licenses, and health department approval. Proof of
application for these permits must be submitted with the zoning permit
A. The provisions of this section shall apply to satellite dish antennas that are
greater than twenty-four (24) inches in diameter.
B. Only one satellite dish antenna shall be allowed per premises, except for display
models as provided in this section.
C. In the RR and RS-20 zoning districts, a ground-mounted satellite dish antenna
may be installed only in a side or rear yard and shall not be located within any
required building setback.
D. In all nonresidential zoning districts:
1. A satellite dish antenna may be installed at any location on the Lot except
within ten (10) feet of either a public street right-of-way or a side or rear yard
Lot line that abuts a residentially zoned district.
2. A satellite dish antenna may be installed on the roof of the Principal
Structure provided it is anchored to a rafter, girder or other superstructure
member of the building so as to be structurally secure.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance III-21
E. A dish antenna shall be permanently ground or roof mounted (where permitted)
and no antenna shall be installed on a portable or moveable structure except to
transport an antenna to a permanent site or to provide a temporary on-site
antenna for testing purposes not to exceed seven (7) days in duration.
F. A dish antenna shall be painted with a dull, non-glossy finish. No lettering,
numerals or pattern shall be permitted on the dish surface other than the name
of the manufacturer in letters not to exceed six (6) inches in height.
G. No antenna shall exceed an overall diameter of twelve (12) feet or an overall
height of seventeen (17) feet above existing grade when located on the ground.
H. When located on the roof of a building in a non-residential district, no antenna
shall exceed the building height limitation for the district in which it is located by
more than ten (10) feet.
I. Inoperative satellite dish antennas, not to exceed two (2) in number, may be
stored outside of commercial establishments in districts in which satellite dish
retail sales are permitted.
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.com
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Lillington may enact ordinances to protect
the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens under the North Carolina General Statutes
§160A-174; and
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Governing Board of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina, that
Lillington Unified Development Ordinance is amended as follows:
A. Agritourism, as defined in Article 10 of this ordinance, means any activity carried out on
a farm or ranch setting that allows members of the general public, for recreational,
entertainment, or educational purposes, to view or enjoy rural activities, including
farming, historic, cultural, harvest-your-own activities, fishing, equestrian activities, or
natural activities and attractions.
B. A building or structure used for agritourism includes any building or structure used for
public or private events, including, but not limited to, the sales of agricultural and/or
plant products, hayrides, horse farms (breeding, boarding, riding lessons, training, buying
selling, showing, racing, etc.), corn mazes, tours, class field trips, weddings, receptions,
wineries, breweries and an activity involving any animal exhibition at an agricultural fair
licensed by the Commissioner of Agriculture pursuant to NCGS 106-520.3.
C. The sale of farm or agricultural-related products not produced on-site, shooting ranges,
and rides on non-farm recreational equipment, including motorcycles or all-terrain
vehicles (ATVs), are prohibited.
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2864 ● Fax (910) 893-3607 ● www.lillingtonnc.com
D.The minimum lot size for agritourism land use shall be 2 acres.
E.The minimum size of any structure used for agritourism shall be 1,000 square feet.
F.A building or structure that is used for agritourism is a bona fide farm purpose if the
building or structure is located on a property that:
1.is owned by a person who holds a qualifying farmer sales tax exemption
certificate from the Department of Revenue pursuant to NCGS 105-164.13E(a) or
2.is enrolled in the present-use value program pursuant to NCGS 105-277.3.
All provisions of any Town Ordinance or Resolution in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed.
Adopted this 11th day of June, 2024
__________________________ Glenn McFadden, Mayor
Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk
Date of Meeting: June 11, 2024
Staff Work By: Landon Chandler, Planning Director
Public Hearing on Consideration of Text Amendment to Article X of the Lillington Unified Development Ordinance ITEM SUMMARY Consideration of Approval of the Text Amendment to Article X of the Lillington Unified
Development Ordinance RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve Text Amendment to Article X of the Lillington Unified Development Ordinance
as presented.
Text Amendments Summary: Three individual text amendments to three sections
of the UDO.
We are proposing adding Agritourism authority within the incorporated areas of the Town.
Article X (10) USE STANDARDS:
The Planning Department was asked to consider adding the ability for bona fide farms as defined under
NCGS to be able to conduct Agritourism activities as defined by same. We have added a definition of
these activities, limitations of use via the supplemental regulations, and amended the jurisdiction
section of the UDO to allow the Town to place restrictions on Agritourism style uses.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-1
10.01.1 GENERALLY The text within the UDO shall control where there is any conflict between text within the UDO and any caption, illustration or graphic presentation. Unless prohibited by context, reference to any article, section or paragraph shall include all portions of that article, section or paragraph.
10.01.2 RULES OF CONSTRUCTION A. Words used in the present tense shall include the future tense; words used in the singular number shall include the plural number; and words used in the plural number shall include the singular number. B. In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by the UDO, the day of the act, event or default from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included. The last day of the period so computed shall be included unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, in which event, the period shall run until the end of the next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. When the period of time prescribed or allowed is less than ten (10) days, intermediate Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays shall be excluded in the computation. C. A word importing the masculine gender only shall extend and be applied to female persons and to firms, partnerships and corporations, as well as to male persons. D. The words "may" and “should” are always permissive and never mandatory. E. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely permissive. F. The word "month" shall mean thirty (30) calendar days. G. The word "person" shall extend and be applied to associations, clubs, societies, firms, partnerships and bodies politic and corporate, as well as to individuals. H. Whenever the UDO refers to a specific portion of the Code of Ordinances or the UDO itself, that reference shall include any subsequent amendment to the referenced portion or any subsequent provision superseding the provision. I. The terms "used" or "occupied" as applied to any land or building shall be construed to include the words "intended, arranged, or designed to be used or occupied"; the term "existing" as applied to any use, structure, or development includes the words "existing on the effective date of this UDO." 10.01.3 RESPONSIBILITY FOR INTERPRETATIONS All interpretations shall be the responsibility of the Administrator.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-2
Section 10.02 ABBREVIATIONS As used in this UDO, the following abbreviations shall have the meanings assigned to them in this section. A. BMP: Best Management Practices B. DBH: Diameter at breast height, which is the diameter of a tree measured four and one-half (4 ½) feet above grade. C. DENR: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. D. IESNA: The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. E. NCDOT: North Carolina Department of Transportation F. TIA: Traffic Impact Analysis G. TRC: Technical Review Committee H. NCGS: North Carolina General Statues I. UDO: Unified Development Ordinance
Section 10.03 DEFINITIONS (GENERAL) As used in the UDO, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them in this section. When one or more defined terms are used together, their meanings shall also be combined as the context shall require or permit. All terms not specifically defined shall carry their usual and customary meanings. Undefined terms indigenous to a trade, industry or profession shall be defined when used in such context in accordance with their usual and customary understanding in the trade, industry or profession to which they apply. ABUTTING. Having property or district lines in
common. Lots are also considered to be
abutting if they are directly opposite each other
and separated by a street or alley.
ACCESS. A way of approaching or entering a
property. Access also includes ingress, the right
to enter and egress, the right to leave.
contribute directly to the building of facilities
including land-disturbing activities for roads,
parking lots, footings, etc.
in the implementation, administration, or
enforcement of development regulations that
involves the determinations the determination of
facts and the application of objective standards
set forth in NCGS 160D or local government
development regulations. These are sometimes
referred to as “ministerial” decisions or
“administrative determinations.”
proceeding to gather facts needed to make an
administrative decision.
ADMINISTRATOR. The person designated to
carry out the responsibilities established in this
UDO or their designee.
ADULT BOOKSTORE. An establishment having
as a substantial or Significant portion of its stock
in trade, books, magazines and other periodicals
which are distinguished or characterized by their
emphasis on matter depicting, describing or
relating to "Specified Sexual Activities" or
"Specified Anatomical Area", or an
establishment with a segment or section
devoted to the sale or
display of such material.
ADULT ESTABLISHMENT. Any establishment
having a substantial portion of materials or
entertainment characterized by an emphasis on
sexual activities, anatomical genital areas, or the
female breast as listed and defined in NCGS,
Section 14.210.10 (or any successor thereto).
motion pictures not previously submitted to or
not rated by the Motion Picture Association of
America are shown in rooms designed primarily
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-2
lodging, which said motion pictures have as the
dominator primary theme matters depicting,
describing or relating to Specified Sexual
enclosed building used for presenting material
distinguished or characterized by an emphasis
on matter depicting, describing or relating to
Specified Sexual
Activities or Specified Anatomical Areas, for
observation by patrons therein.
AGRITOURISM. Any activity carried out on a
farm or ranch setting that allows members of the
general public, for recreational, entertainment, or
educational purposes, to view or enjoy rural
activities, including farming, historic, cultural,
harvest-your-own activities, fishing, equestrian
activities, or natural activities and attractions.
AIRSTRIP. A surface used for take-off and
landing of aircraft.
retail sales of beer, wine, and/or other alcoholic
beverages for off-premise consumption as a
primary use.
APPLICANT. A person, including any
governmental entity, seeking development
AMUSEMENTS, INDOOR. Establishments that
provide commercial recreation activities
completely within an enclosed structure such as
video arcades, skating rinks, roller rinks,
shooting ranges, bowling alleys, and
billiards/pool halls.
that provide commercial recreation activities
primarily outdoors such as miniature golf
establishments; go-cart facility; theme parks,
carnivals, fairgrounds, and midways; paintball
parks; and water rides.
ANIMAL PRODUCTION. Industries in the
Animal Production subsector raise or fatten
animals for the sale of animals or animal
products. The subsector comprises
establishments, such as ranches, farms, and
feedlots primarily engaged in keeping, grazing,
breeding, or feeding animals. These animals are
kept for the products they produce or for
eventual sale. The animals are generally raised
in various environments, from total confinement
or captivity to feeding on an open range pasture.
Establishments primarily engaged in the farm
raising and production of aquatic animals or
plants in controlled or selected aquatic
environments are included in this subsector.
ATM. Computerized, self-service machines used
by banking customers for financial institutions,
including deposits, withdrawals and fund
transfers, without face-to-face contact with
financial institution personnel. These machines
may be located at or within banks, or in other
SERVICE & REPAIR. Establishments which
may have showrooms or open lots for selling,
renting or leasing automobiles, light trucks,
motorcycles, and ATVs.
SERVICES. Establishments that engage in
financial transactions that create, liquidate, or
change ownership of financial services. Banks,
credit unions, and savings institutions may
perform central banking functions, accept
deposits, and lend funds from these deposits. In
addition to banks and credit unions, financial
services institutions may include: credit
trust companies, holding companies, savings
and loan institutions, check cashing services,
securities/commodity contract brokers and
dealers, security and commodity exchanges,
vehicle finance (equity) leasing agencies, and
investment companies.
BAR/TAVERN. A business where alcoholic
beverages are sold for on-site consumption,
which are not part of a larger restaurant.
Includes bars, taverns, pubs, and similar
establishments where any food service is
subordinate to the sale of alcoholic beverages.
May also include beer brewing as part of a
microbrewery and other beverage tasting
private home of not more than 8 guest rooms
that offers bed and breakfast accommodations,
and that:
1) No more than eight (8) guest rooms that
offers bed and breakfast accommodations may
be provided on each private residence; 2)
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Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-3
Serves only the breakfast meal, and that meal is
served to overnight guests of the business; 3)
An owner/manager of a bed and breakfast home
shall reside on the property.
BERM. An earthen mound designed to provide
visual interest, screen undesirable views, and/or
decrease noise.
structural or non-structural management-based
practice used singularly or in combination to
reduce non-point source inputs to receiving
waters in order to achieve water quality
protection goals.
production and activities relating or incidental to
the production of crops, fruits, vegetables,
ornamental and flowering plants, dairy, livestock,
poultry, and all other forms of agriculture as
defined in NCGS 106-581.1 and all other
purposes described in NCGS 160D-903.
BUFFER. A combination of physical space and
vertical elements, such as plantings or fencing,
used to separate and screen incompatible land
uses form each other.
BUFFERYARD. The area of a required buffer in
which plantings or other screening elements are
to be located.
BUILDING. Any structure used or intended for
supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
STRUCTURE. A building or structure that is
located on the same Lot as a Principal Building
or Structure, used incidentally to a Principal
Building or used for purposes that are secondary
the Principal Use of the site. For example, a
storage shed is considered an Accessory
Building when located on a Lot with a Single-
Family dwelling.
STRUCTURE. The building or structure on a Lot
that houses the Principal Use. For example, in
the example for the previous definition, the
Single-Family home would be the Principal
BUILDING FLOOR AREA. The gross floor area
of an individual structure built for support, shelter
or enclosure for any occupancy or storage.
of that side of the principal building that faces
the street. For corner Lots, the front shall be
determined by the Administrator based on other
development along the faces of the block on
which the corner Lot is located.
BUILDING HEIGHT. The vertical distance from
the average sidewalk or street grade, or finished
grade of the building line, whichever is the
highest, to the highest point of the building.
BUILDING STORY. A story is a habitable level
within a building of no more than 14 feet in
height from finished floor to finished ceiling.
Unoccupied attics less than 7 feet in height and
raised basements less than 6 feet in height (as
measured from the average grade of the fronting
sidewalk) are not considered stories for the
purposes of determining building height. A
mezzanine shall be considered a story if it is
contiguous with at least 60% of the building’s
front façade, is designed to be occupiable, and
maintains an average depth of at least 16 feet.
The under-roof area with dormers does not
count as a story.
BUILT-UPON AREA. Built-upon areas shall
include that portion of a development project
that is covered by impervious or partially
impervious cover including buildings, pavement,
gravel areas, recreation facilities, etc. (Note:
Wooden slatted decks and the water area of a
swimming pool are considered pervious.)
Sites where the main operation is to
accommodate campers and their equipment,
provide overnight recreational camps, may
provide cabins, food services, washrooms,
trailer parks, etc.
CANOPY TREE. Large-growing, shade-
producing trees with an expected mature height
of 40 feet or greater and an expected mature
crown spread of 30 feet or greater.
CEMETERY. A parcel of land used for
internment of the dead in the ground or in
Manufacturing facility that transforms or refine
chemicals or metals, and manufacture products
from chemicals or metals.
CO-LOCATION. The use of an approved
telecommunications structure to support
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-4
antenna for the provision of wireless services.
CHANGE OF USE. For the purposes of this
UDO only this term shall mean any alteration in
the use of a lot or structure which, in the
determination of the Administrator, changes the
primary use such lot or property from one use
type listed in the Use Table in Article 3 to
another use type.
THAN 8 PERSONS). An individual, agency, or
organization providing supervision or care on a
regular basis for children or adults who are not
related by blood or marriage to, and who are not
the legal wards or foster children of, the
supervising adults; and who are not residents in
the center; designed and approved to
accommodate more than 8 children or adults at
a time based on State regulations; not an
accessory to residential use.
PERSONS). Supervision or care provided on a
regular basis as an accessory use within a
principal residential dwelling unit, by a resident
of the dwelling, for no more than 8 children (no
more than 5 of which may be of pre-school age).
certification that a structure conforms to
provisions of the UDO (and building code) and
may be used or occupied. Such a certificate is
granted for new construction or for alterations or
additions to existing structures or a change in
use. Unless such a certificate is issued, a
structure cannot be occupied or used.
CIRCULATION AREA. That portion of the
vehicle use area used for access to parking or
loading areas or other facilities on the lot.
CORNER LOT. A lot which abuts the right-of-
way of two streets at their intersection.
COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY. Junior colleges,
colleges, universities, and professional schools
with physical structures (excluding online and
remote programs). These establishments furnish
academic or technical courses and grant
degrees, certificates, or diplomas at the
associate, baccalaureate, or graduate levels in a
campus setting in more than one building.
permanent, stand-alone support facility providing
personal assistance to individuals in need; such
assistance to individuals may include temporary
shelter, food services provisions, counseling,
instruction, medical services, and other
incidental services. This definition does not
include emergency/hazard shelters or
clothing/food collection centers as accessory
COMBINATION USE. A use consisting of a
combination on one lot of two or more principal
uses separately.
DEVELOPMENT. No further land-disturbing
activity is required on a phase of a project
except that which is necessary for establishing a
permanent ground cover.
which land uses or conditions can coexist in a
relative proximity to each other in a stable
fashion over time such that no use or condition
is unduly negatively impacted directly or
indirectly by another use or condition.
Compatibility does not require homogeneity, but
does consider the relative scale, design and
intensity of nearby structures, uses and
CONDITIONAL ZONING. A legislative zoning
map amendment with site-specific conditions
incorporated into the zoning map amendment.
commercial facility for public assembly including,
but not limited to auditoriums, conference
facilities, convention centers, exhibition halls,
and the like.
COMMUNITY GARDEN. An exterior area for the
small-scale production of vegetables and
flowering plants for personal or small
commercial use. This definition includes
community and private gardens.
establishments generally designed for the
confinement, correction, and rehabilitation of
offenders sentenced by a court.
property right or interest from the property owner
to a unit of government or nonprofit conservation
organization stipulating that the described land
shall either remain in its natural, scenic, open or
wooded state; or be used for agricultural
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-5
purposes authorized specifically authorized by
the easement.
CRITICAL ROOT ZONE. The circular area of
ground surrounding a tree extending from the
center of tree to the greater of 1.5 feet per
caliper inch DBH of the tree or the dripline
(furthest extent of tree canopy).
CUTOFF FIXTURE. An outdoor light fixture
shielded or constructed in such a manner that
no more than two and one half (2½) percent of
the total light emitted by the fixture is projected
above the horizontal plane of the fixture.
DEDICATION. A gift, by the owner, or a right to
use land for a specified purpose or purposes.
Because a transfer of property rights is entailed,
dedication must be made by written instrument,
and is completed with an acceptance.
building floor area of any construction projects
simultaneously developed by a single developer.
DEVELOPMENT. The construction, erection,
alteration, enlargement, renovation, substantial
repair, movement to another site, or demolition
of any structure; excavation, grading, filling,
clearing or alteration of land; the subdivision of
land; the initiation or substantial change in the
use of land or the intensity of use of land.
administrative or quasi-judicial approval made
pursuant to NCGS 160D that is written and that
is required prior to commencing development or
undertaking a specific activity, project, or
development proposal. Development approvals
include but are not limited to zoning permits, site
plan approvals, special use permits, variances,
and certificates of appropriateness. The term
also includes all other regulatory approvals
required by regulations adopted pursuant to
NCGS 160D, including plat approvals, permits
issued, development agreements entered into,
and building permits issued.
development program, dimensional standards,
special conditions and restrictions on
development submitted with the application for
zoning approval.
which grading, lawns, pavement and buildings
will be located.
development described in this UDO or otherwise
established that is characterized by a mix of
uses, intensities of development or specific
design characteristics.
development ordinance, zoning regulation,
subdivision regulation, erosion and
sedimentation control regulation, floodplain or
flood damage prevention regulation, mountain
ridge protection regulation, stormwater control
regulation, wireless telecommunication facility
regulation, historic preservation or landmark
regulation, housing code, State Building Code
enforcement, or any other regulation adopted
pursuant to NCGS 160D or a local act or charter
that regulates land use or development.
(through) lot which is accessible from both
streets upon which it fronts.
DRAINAGE EASEMENT. A 20’ wide minimum
strip of land reserved for conveyance of
stormwater required when the total drainage
area exceeds 4 lots or 4 acres, whichever is
less, generally located along rear or side lot
lines, but may cross lots at such points that will
not pose a hazard to persons or property.
DRAINAGEWAY. A natural or artificial stream or
depression that conveys surface water.
or accessory facility where goods or services
may be obtained by motorists without leaving
their vehicles. These facilities include drive-
through bank teller windows, dry cleaners, fast-
food restaurants, drive-through coffee, photo
stores, pharmacies, etc. Does not include:
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), gas
stations or other vehicle services, which are
separately defined.
DRIVE-IN THEATER. A specialized outdoor
theater for showing movies or motion pictures on
a projection screen where patrons view movies
from their vehicles.
DRIPLINE. A vertical line extending from the
outer edge of a tree canopy to the ground.
Coin operated laundries, dry cleaning pick-up
stores without dry cleaning equipment, or dry
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-6
cleaning stores that do not provide cleaning
services to other collection stations or stores.
DWELLING. Any building, structure,
manufactured home or mobile home, or part
thereof, used and occupied for human habitation
or intended to be so used, and includes any
outhouses and appurtenances belonging thereto
or usually enjoyed therewith, except that for
purposes of NCGS 160D it does not include any
manufactured home, mobile home, or
recreational vehicle, if solely used for a seasonal
vacation purpose.
DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing
complete, independent living facilities for one or
more persons, including provisions for living,
sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
DWELLING, ACCESSORY. A dwelling unit
either detached or attached, such as a garage
apartment or cottage, located on a lot with an
existing single-family dwelling.
including three (3) or more dwelling units
vertically arranged (generally) and with parking
located below or behind the buildings. Units
may be for rental or for sale in condominium
ownership or may be designed as continuing
care facilities. The ground floor may be
available for commercial uses. The uses
permitted within the building are determined by
the District in which the building is located.
multi-family dwelling containing not more than
four dwelling units and results from the
conversion of a single building containing at
least 2,000 square feet of Gross Floor Area that
was in existence on the effective date of this
provision and that was originally designed,
constructed and occupied as a single-family
(TOWNHOME). A multi-family dwelling in which
each dwelling unit shares a common wall
(including without limitation the wall of an
attached garage or porch) with at least one other
dwelling unit and in which each dwelling unit has
living space on the ground floor and a separate
ground floor entrance and each dwelling unit is
conveyed through a subdivision plat.
free standing building designed for and/or
occupied by one household. These residences
may be individually owned as residences or
residences owned by rental or management
companies. Also includes factory-built, modular
housing units that comply with NC State Building
two-family residential use in which the dwelling
units share a common wall (including without
limitation the wall of an attached garage or
porch) and in which each dwelling unit has living
space on the ground floor and a separate
ground floor entrance.
EASEMENT. A grant of one or more of the
property rights by the property owner for
limited use of private land for a public or quasi-
public purpose and within which the owner of the
property shall not erect any permanent
structures except when authorized by the town.
business activity, whether as a principal or
accessory use, in which patrons use electronic
or mechanical
machines, including, but not limited to,
computers and gaming terminals, to conduct or
stimulate games of chance, including the use of
the machines to reveal the pre-determined value
of an entry, and where cash, merchandise or
other items of value are redeemed or otherwise
distributed, whether the value is determined by
the machines or by pre-determined odds.
Gaming Operations do not include any Lottery
approved by the State of North Carolina or any
nonprofit activity otherwise lawful under state
intended to protect occupants from temporary
emergencies and hazards.
WATER CONTROLS. A structural best
management practice (BMP) used to reduce
non-point source pollution to receiving waters in
order to achieve water quality protection goals.
EROSION. The wearing away of land surface by
the action of the wind, water, gravity, or any
combination thereof.
ESTABLISHED FARM. Means an ongoing
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-7
agricultural operation including all such
operations that qualify for the agricultural use
value tax rate.
EVIDENTIARY HEARING. A hearing to gather
competent, material, and substantial evidence in
order to make findings for a quasi-judicial
decision required by a development regulation
adopted under NCGS 160D.
that are built or those projects that at a minimum
have established a vested right under North
Carolina zoning law as of the effective date of
this ordinance.
JURISDICTION (ETJ). That portion of the
Town's Planning Jurisdiction that lies outside the
corporate limits of the Town.
FACADE. That portion of any exterior elevation
on the building extending from grade to top of
the parapet, wall or eaves and the entire width of
the building elevation.
FAMILY. One or more persons living together as
a single housekeeping unit.
RESIDENTS). A home with support and
supervisory personnel that provides room and
board, personal care and rehabilitation services
in a family environment for not more than 6
resident handicapped persons and is certified by
the State of North Carolina. (NCGS 168-21)
FINISHED GRADE. The grade after
construction, exclusive of any filling, berming,
mounting, or excavating.
FLOOR. The top surface of an enclosed area in
a building (including basement), i.e. top of slab
in concrete slab construction or top of wood
flooring in a frame construction. The term does
not include the floor of a garage used solely for
parking vehicles.
FRONTAGE. All property abutting a street line
measured along the street line.
Establishments for preparing the dead for burial
or internment and conducting funerals (i.e.
providing facilities for wakes, arranging
transportation for the dead, and selling caskets
and related merchandise).
GROSS FLOOR AREA. The sum of the
enclosed area on all floors of a building
measured from the outside faces of the exterior
walls. It includes any below grade floor areas
used for habitation or storage.
GAS / FUELING STATION. Establishment that
primarily retails automotive fuels. These
establishments may further provide services
such as automotive repair, automotive oils,
and/or replacement parts and accessories. Gas
stations include structures that are specialized
for selling gasoline with storage tanks, often
underground or hidden. The sale of food and
other items as well as car washes shall be
incidental to the gas station.
GENERAL COMMERCIAL. A place of business
providing the sale and display of goods or sale
of services directly to the consumer, with goods
available for immediate purchase and removal
from the premises by the purchaser.
THAN 25,000 SF. A use category allowing
general commercial premises greater than
25,000 square feet in gross leasable area to be
available for the commercial sale of
and prepared foods, but excluding
GREENWAY. A linear natural preserve available
for free and unstructured recreation to the
general public. This term is not meant to be
inclusive of required pedestrian/bicycle
connections from adjacent development to
GROSS FLOOR AREA. The total area of a
building measured by taking the outside
dimensions of the building at each floor level
intended for occupancy or storage.
floor area designed for tenant occupancy and
exclusive use, including any basements,
or upper floors. It is measured from the center
line of joint partitions and from outside wall
GROUND COVER. Any natural vegetative
growth or other material that renders the soil
surface stable against accelerated erosion.
HALFWAY HOUSE. A home for not more than
nine persons who have demonstrated a
tendency toward alcoholism, drug abuse, mental
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-8
illness (as defined in NCGS 122C-3. (14), or
anti-social or criminal conduct, together with not
more than two persons providing supervision
and other services to such persons, all of whom
live together as a single housekeeping unit.
HOME RENTAL/SALES. Establishments which
may have showrooms or open lots for selling,
renting or leasing heavy equipment such as
buses, trucks, manufactured homes,
construction equipment, or boats or marine craft.
HOME OCCUPATION. Any occupation or
profession carried on entirely within a dwelling
by one or more occupants thereof, provided that
such use is clearly incidental and secondary to
the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes.
HOSPITAL. A health care facility and related
facilities the purpose of which is to provide for
care, treatment, testing for physical, emotional,
or mental injury, illness, or disability, and
overnight boarding of patients, either on a for
profit or not-for-profit basis; but not including
group homes.
HOTEL/MOTEL/INN. Establishments providing
lodging and short-term accommodations for
travelers. They may offer a wide range of
services including, overnight sleeping space,
food services, convention hosting services,
and/or laundry services. Entertainment and
recreation activities may also be included.
Extended-stay hotels are included in this
professional society of lighting engineers,
including those from manufacturing companies,
and others professionally involved in lighting.
IMPERVIOUS SURFACE. Impervious surface
area includes any material which reduces and/or
prevents absorption of storm water. This
includes but is not limited to, buildings, roads,
pavement, gravel surfaces, etc.
INDUSTRY, HEAVY. A non-residential use that
requires a National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit for an
industrial or stormwater discharge; or that
involves the use or storage of any hazardous
materials or substances; or that is used for the
purpose of manufacturing, assembling, finishing,
cleaning or developing any product or
commodity; or that involves the mining or
extraction of any minerals, ore, fossil fuels, or
other materials from beneath the surface of the
earth. Typically, the largest facilities in a
community, these structures house complex
operations, some of which might be continuous
(operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
INDUSTRY, LIGHT. A non-residential use that
involves the manufacturing, assembling,
finishing, cleaning or developing any product or
commodity. Facilities are typically designed to
look and generate impacts like a typical office
building, but rely on special power, water, or
waste disposal systems for operation. Noise,
odor, dust, and glare of each operation are
completely confined within an enclosed
building, insofar as practical. This includes
medical and testing laboratories. This definition
also includes facilities for scientific research, and
the design, development, and testing of
electrical, electronic, magnetic, optical, computer
and telecommunications components in
advance of product manufacturing, and the
assembly of related products from parts
produced off-site, where the manufacturing
activity is secondary to the research and
development activities. Also included are
laundry/dry cleaning plants as principal uses
engaged primarily in high volume laundry and
garment services, including: carpet and
upholstery cleaners; diaper services; dry-
cleaning and garment pressing; and commercial
KENNELS, OUTDOOR. A use or structure
intended and used for the breeding or
accommodation of small domestic animals for
sale or for the training or overnight boarding of
animals for persons other than the owner of the
lot, but not including a veterinary clinic in which
the overnight boarding of animals is necessary
for or accessory to the testing and medical
treatment of the physical disorders of animals.
land by any person in residential, industrial,
educational, institutional, or commercial
development, highway and road construction
and maintenance, that results in a change in the
natural cover or topography and that may cause
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-9
or contribute to sedimentation.
LANDFILL. A disposal facility for hazardous or
nonhazardous solid waste. These
establishments also manage recycling and
resource recovery facilities that operate in
conjunction with landfills.
LANDSCAPE PLAN. A plan illustrating the
design and specifications for the preservation of
existing vegetation; the placement of any live
plant materials such as trees, shrubs, grasses,
ground covers, etc.; and the location and design
of built features such as berms, fencing, walls,
assembly, fabrication, production or processing
of goods and materials using processes that
ordinarily do not create noise, smoke, fumes,
odors, glare, or health or safety hazards outside
of the building and are visually undifferentiated
from an office building or a residentially-scaled
garage. These typically involve the work of
artisans or craftsman. May also include beer
brewing or other similar facilities as part of a
microbrewery and other beverage tasting
LIGHT POLLUTION. Any adverse effect of
manmade light including, but not limited to, Light
Trespass, up-lighting, the uncomfortable
distraction to the eye, or any manmade light that
diminishes the ability to view the night sky; often
used to denote urban sky glow.
LIVE-WORK UNITS. An attached residential
building type with a small commercial enterprise
on the ground floor and a residential unit above
or behind with a common tenant in both spaces
(no dual occupancy is permitted).
LOT. A parcel of land having frontage on a
public street or other officially approved means
of access.
LOT FRONTAGE. The lot width measured at
the street right-of-way line from which the lot
obtains access.
site development and stormwater management
that mimics the natural hydrologic functions of
infiltration, runoff, and evapotranspiration on a
site before development occurs.
MANUFACTURED HOME. A dwelling unit that
is composed of one or more components, each
of which was substantially assembled in a
manufacturing plant and designed for installation
or assembly and installation on the building site.
dwelling unit constructed with one or more
components which are pre-fabricated and
hauled to the site that are capable of producing
a dwelling which is indistinguishable from
conventionally built homes and which meets the
construction requirements of the North Carolina
Residential Building Code as amended.
dwelling unit that: (1) Is not constructed in
accordance with the requirements of the North
Carolina Uniform Residential Building Code as
amended; and (2) Is composed of two or more
components, each of which was substantially
assembled in a manufacturing plant and
designed to be transported to the home site; and
(3) Meets or exceeds the construction standards
of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
manufactured home that does not meet the
definition criteria of a Class A or Class B
manufactured home but which, at a minimum,
exceeds 32 feet in length and 8 feet
in width.
use in which more than one Class B or Class C
manufactured home is located on a single Lot.
MAJOR SUBDIVISION. Any subdivision of land
into six (6) or more lots, or which requires the
dedication of public utilities, public easements
and/or public streets.
comprises establishments primarily engaged in
a) operating facilities for separating and sorting
recyclable materials from nonhazardous waste
streams (i.e., garbage) and/or b) operating
facilities where commingled recyclable
materials, such as paper, plastics, used
beverage cans, and metals, are sorted into
distinct categories.
machinery or equipment with moving parts,
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-10
generates noise, or causes any kind of
environmental disturbance or creates emission
of any kind, including air movement. Said
machinery or equipment is generally functional
or utilitarian in nature.
MEDICAL CLINIC. Medical service facilities that
provide outpatient ambulatory or outpatient
health care such as emergency medical clinics;
ambulatory surgical centers; dialysis centers;
outpatient family planning services; community
health centers and clinics; blood and organ
banks; and medical services such as physician’s
and dentist’s offices.
MINOR SUBDIVISION. Any subdivision of land
into five (5) or fewer lots of which does not
require the dedication of public utilities, public
easements and/or public streets.
MULTI-USE TRAIL. A trail designed for
compatible and safe concurrent use by
pedestrians and bicyclists.
designed to promote cultural advancement and
serve the community such as occasional live
theater, dance, or music establishments; art
galleries, studios and museums; non-profit civic
or fraternal organizations; museums, exhibition,
or similar facility; and libraries.
NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS. Improved space set
aside for public use and recreation that is
comprised of one or more of the following:
Greenway, Green, Square, Playground,
or Community Garden.
NIGHT CLUB. A business that operates
primarily in the evening hours that principally
provides entertainment such as live music,
and/or dancing, comedy, etc.
development or undertaking that is incomplete at
the effective date of this UDO and would be
inconsistent with any regulation applicable to the
district in which it is located if completed as
proposed or planned.
establishment that provides activities related to
growing crops mainly for commercial food and
fiber. Establishments, such as farms, orchards,
groves, greenhouses, and nurseries, which are
primarily engaged in the commercial production
of crops, plants, vines, or trees and their seeds
should be included in this category.
plans officially adopted by the Lillington Board of
Commissioners as a guide to the development
of the Town of Lillington.
OPEN AIR RETAIL. A retail sales establishment
operated primarily in the open air including, but
not limited to: farmers market, flea markets,
sidewalk kiosks and the like. Uses not included
are: car sales, equipment sales, boats sales,
and home and garden supplies and equipment.
OPEN SPACE. Those areas set aside and
protected from development which may be left
in a generally unimproved state.
OUTPARCEL. A parcel of real property having
access to at least one public street, private
roadway or private drive that is part of a larger
commercial development, but that may be sold
or leased without further subdivision.
goods and products outside of a permanent
structure that are clearly related to the function
contained in that structure. This includes, but is
not limited to, landscape materials, lawn and
garden supplies, and produce.
OWNER. The legal or beneficial owner of land,
including but not limited to a mortgagee or
vendee in possession, receiver, executor,
trustee, or long-term or commercial lessee, or
any other person or entity holding proprietary
rights in the property or having legal power of
management and control of the property.
“Owner” shall include long-term commercial
tenants; management entities, such as those
charged with or engaged in the management of
properties for profit; and every person or entity
having joint ownership of the property. A
secured lender not in possession of the property
does not constitute an owner, unless the
secured lender is included within the meaning of
“owner” under another description in this
definition, such as a management entity.
PARCEL. An area of land not dedicated for
public or common use capable of being
described with such definiteness that its location
and boundaries may be established and
includes but is not limited
to lots.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-11
USE. A stand-alone parking lot or structure
(deck/garage) that is available for public or
private use, but that is not accessory to another
PARKING AREA AISLES. That portion of the
vehicle use area consisting of lanes providing
access to parking spaces.
PAWNSHOPS. Premises operated by a
pawnbroker who is engaged in the business of
lending money on the security of pledged goods
and who may also purchase merchandise for
resale from dealers and traders. (Subject to
NCGS, Chapter 91A)
entity authorized by this UDO to grant
development approval, whether discretionary or
services such as hair and nail salons, barber
shops, clothing alterations, shoe repair, weight
loss centers and non-permanent makeup
(RESTRICTED). A personal service
establishment that may tend to have a blighting
and/or deteriorating effect upon surrounding
areas and that may need to be dispersed from
other similar uses to minimize its adverse
impacts, including check-cashing services and
tattooing, piercing, tobacco & vape stores, and
similar services. These uses may also include
accessory retail sales of products related to the
services provided.
the Town limits as well as the area beyond the
Town limits within which the Town is authorized
to plan for and regulate development, as set
forth in this UDO.
PLAT. A map or plan of a parcel of land which is
to be, or has been subdivided.
POST OFFICE. Establishments conducting
operations of the United States Postal Service
including permanent, contract, and lease
provided that make available the knowledge and
skills of their employees to sell expertise and
perform professional, scientific, and technical
services to others such as legal services;
accounting, tax, bookkeeping, and payroll
services; architectural, engineering, and related
services; graphic, industrial, and interior design
services; consulting services; research and
development services; advertising, media, and
photography services; real estate services;
investment banking, securities, brokerages; and
insurance-related services.
PRODUCE STANDS. A temporary open air
stand or place for the seasonal selling of
agricultural produce by an individual (excludes
Open Air Retail).
federal, state and local law enforcement and fire
protection agencies, and their accessory uses
including office space, temporary holding cells,
equipment and evidence storage facilities, and
vehicle garages. This definition is not intended
to be inclusive of vehicle impoundment lots or
state prison facilities.
FACILITY. Not-for-profit membership
organizations such as alumni associations,
booster clubs, scouting organizations, ethnic
associations, social clubs, fraternal lodge and
veterans' membership
organizations primarily engaged in promoting
the civic and social interests of their members.
The uses often include meeting and storage
involving the finding of facts regarding a specific
application of a development regulation and that
requires the exercise of discretion when
applying the standards of the regulation. Quasi-
judicial decisions include but are not limited to
decisions involving variances, special use
permits, certificates of appropriateness, and
appeals of administrative determinations.
Decisions on the approval of subdivision plats
and site plans are quasi-judicial in nature if the
regulation authorizes a decision-making board to
approve or deny the application based not only
on whether the application complies with the
specific requirements set forth in the regulation,
but also on whether the application complies
with one or more generally stated standards
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-12
requiring a discretionary decision on the findings
to be made by the decision-making board.
RACETRACK. An outdoor course prepared for
horse, dog, automobile, or other vehicle racing.
structures for active recreation including
gymnasiums, natatoriums, fitness center,
athletic equipment, indoor running tracks,
climbing facilities, court facilities and their
customary accessory uses. This definition is
inclusive of both non-profit and for-profit
and other open space used for active or passive
recreation such as ball fields, batting cages,
skateboard parks, playgrounds, greenway trails,
driving ranges, and tennis courts and their
customary accessory uses including, but not
limited to, maintenance sheds, clubhouses (with
or without food service), pools, restrooms, and
picnic shelters.
center for the acceptance by donation,
redemption, or purchase, of recyclable materials
from the public.
REDEVELOPMENT. Any rebuilding activity
other than a rebuilding activity that results in no
net increase in built- upon area and provides
equal or greater stormwater control than the
previous development.
premises (not a single-family dwelling) with paid
or volunteer staff that provides full-time care to
more than 6 individuals. Residential care
facilities include group homes (NCGS §131D),
nursing homes (NCGS § 131E-101), residential
child-care facilities (NCGS § 131D-10.2),
assisted living residences (NCGS § 131D-2),
adult care homes (NCGS §131D-2), retirement
housing, congregate living services, assisted
living services, continuing care retirement
centers, skilled nursing services and
orphanages. This term excludes family care
homes and halfway houses.
RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION. Any facility such as
a church, temple, monastery, synagogues, or
mosque used for worship by a non-profit
organization and their customary related uses
for education (pre-schools, religious education,
etc.), recreation (gymnasiums, activity rooms,
ball fields, etc.), housing (rectory, parsonage,
elderly or disabled housing, etc.) and accessory
uses such as cemeteries, mausoleums, offices,
soup kitchens, and bookstores.
RESTAURANT. A retail business selling ready-
to-eat food and/or beverages for on or off-
premise consumption. Customers may be
served from an ordering counter (i.e. cafeteria or
limited service restaurant); at their tables (full-
service restaurant); and, at exclusively
pedestrian oriented facilities that serve from a
walk-up ordering counter (snack and/or
nonalcoholic bars). To qualify as a restaurant,
an establishment's gross receipts from food and
nonalcoholic beverages shall be not less than
30% of the total gross receipts from food,
nonalcoholic beverages, and alcoholic
RETENTION POND. A pond that has a
permanent pool and which also collects storm
water runoff, filters the water and releases it
slowly over a period of days.
RIDING STABLES. An establishment where
horses are boarded and cared for, and where
instruction in riding, jumping and showing
and/or the hiring of horses for riding is offered.
RIGHT-OF-WAY. An interest in land to the
Town, County or State that provides for the
perpetual right and privilege of the Town, its
agents, franchise holders, successors, and
assigns to construct, install, improve,
reconstruct, remove, replace, inspect, repair,
maintain, and use a public street, including
related and customary uses of street rights-of-
way such as sidewalks, bike paths, landscaping,
mass transit facilities, traffic control, traffic
control devices and Signage, sanitary sewer,
stormwater drainage, water supply, cable
television, electric power, gas, and telephone
transmission and related purposes in, upon,
over, below, and across the rights-of- way.
residential use consisting of at least one
dwelling unit together with more than two rooms
that are rented out or are designed or intended
to be rented but which rooms, individually or
collectively, do not constitute separate dwelling
units. A rooming house or boarding house is
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-13
distinguished from a tourist home in that the
former is designed to be occupied by longer-
term residents (at least month-to-month tenants)
as opposed to overnight or weekly guests.
A public or private institution for education or
learning including athletic or recreational
facilities, which does not include lodging. This
institution includes any school licensed by the
state and that meets the state requirements for
elementary and secondary education.
SEDIMENT. The solids particulate matter both
mineral and organic that has been or is being
transported by water, air, gravity or ice from its
site of origin.
SEDIMENTATION. The process by which
sediment resulting from accelerated erosion has
been or is being transported off the site of the
land-disturbing activity or into a lake or natural
SEEDING. Seed, straw and tack, hydro-seed,
sod, or other approved seeding method.
SETBACK (MINIMUM). A line parallel to the
front property line in front of which no structure
shall be erected. Setbacks shall be figured from
the right-of-way line.
permanently located and improved area that is
designed and operated for the use of rifles,
shotguns, pistols, silhouettes, skeet, trap, black
powder or any other similar sport shooting in an
outdoor environment. Shooting range exclude
any area for the exclusive use of archery or air
guns or enclosed indoor facility that is designed
to offer a totally controlled shooting environment
and that includes impenetrable walls, floor and
ceiling, adequate ventilation, lighting systems
and acoustical treatment for sound attenuation
suitable for the range's approved use.
SHOPPING CENTER. A collection of
commercial businesses located in one or more
buildings on a site that is under common
ownership or management. Shopping Centers
may include outparcels.
SIGN. Any words, lettering, parts of letters,
pictures, figures, numerals, phrases, sentences,
emblems, devices, design, trade names or
trademarks by which anything is made known,
such as the designation of an individual, firm,
association, profession, business commodity or
product, which are visible from any public way
and used to attract attention.
SIGN, AREA. (1) The surface area of a sign
shall be computed as including the entire area
visible from any one point, within a regular
geometric form or combinations of regular
geometric forms comprising all of the display
area of the sign including latticework, wall work
and individual letters and spaces between letters
comprising part(s) of the sign. (2) Computations
of sign area shall include only one side of a
double-faced sign structure. If a sign has two
sides joined at an angle of greater than 60
degrees, the surface of both sides of the sign
shall be included in the computation of area.
SIGN, AWNING/CANOPY. Signs integrated into
traditional storefront awnings or canopies that
may project over a sidewalk from the building
purpose signs designed to identify parking
areas, control traffic, and provide guidance to
special areas and to announce one’s arrival into
the heart of the community. These signs are
solely for the purpose of navigation and do not
contain commercial messages.
electronically generated changeable copy
message within a sign frame which does not
incorporate any mechanical movement of the
sign itself.
SIGN, FLASHING. Any illuminated sign on
which the artificial light is not maintained
stationary or constant in intensity and/or color at
all times when such is in use. For the purpose of
this ordinance, any moving, illuminated sign
shall be considered a flashing sign. Such signs
shall not be deemed to include time and
temperature signs or public message displays
using electronic switching.
SIGN, FREESTANDING. (1) A sign that is
attached to, erected on or supported by some
structure (such as a pole, mast, frame or other
structure) that is not itself an integral part of or
attached to a building or other structure having a
principal function other than the support of a
sign. (2) A sign that stands without supporting
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-14
elements, such as a “sandwich sign,” is also a
freestanding sign.
SIGN, IDENTIFICATION. A sign used to display
only the name, address, crest or trademark of
the business, individual, family, organization or
enterprise occupying the premises, the
profession of the occupant or the name of the
building on which the sign is displayed; or a
permanent sign announcing the name of a
subdivision, shopping center, park, or public or
quasi-public structure, facility or development
and the name of the owners or developers.
SIGN, MONUMENT. A freestanding sign where
the base of the sign is on the ground and is
supported by solid structural features other than
support poles. The width of the top of the sign
structure can be no more than 120%.
established prior to the effective date of this
ordinance or subsequent amendment thereto,
that does not conform to the sign regulations
found herein.
that draws attention to or communicates
information about a business, establishment,
service, commodity, accommodation, attraction,
entertainment or other activity that is conducted,
sold or offered at a location other than the
premises on which the sign is located.
SIGN, POLE. A freestanding sign that is affixed,
attached or erected on a pole.
SIGN, PORTABLE. Any sign not exceeding 32
square feet in billboard area and not
permanently attached to the property on which it
is located.
SIGN, PROJECTING. A sign attached to a wall
and projecting away from that wall more than 12
inches, but not more than five feet.
SIGN, ROOF. A sign which is displayed above
the eaves of a building.
SIGN, TEMPORARY. A display, informational
sign, banner or other advertising device
constructed of cloth, canvas, fabric, wood or
other temporary material, with or without a
structural frame (including banners), and
intended for a limited period of display, including
decorative displays for holidays or public
SIGN, WALL. A sign attached to a wall and not
projecting away from the wall more than 12
SIGN, WINDOW/DOOR. Signs Flat signs or
letters which are painted or attached to the
window of a building or structure.
SILTATION. Sediment resulting from
accelerated erosion which can be settled or
removed by properly designed, constructed, and
maintained control measures; and which has
been transported from its point of origin within
the site of a land-disturbing activity; and which
has been deposited, or is in suspension in
SINGLE-TIER LOT. A lot which backs upon a
limited access highway, a railroad, a physical
barrier, or another type of land use and to which
access from the rear is usually prohibited.
SITE PLAN. A scaled drawing and supporting
text showing the relationship between lot lines
and the existing or proposed uses, buildings, or
structures on the lot. The site plan may include,
but is not limited to, site-specific details such as
building areas, building height and floor areas,
setbacks from lot lines and street rights-of-way,
intensities, densities, utility lines and locations,
parking, access points, roads, and stormwater
control facilities, that are depicted to show
compliance with all legally required development
regulations that are applicable to the project and
the site plan review. A site plan approval based
solely on application of objective standards is an
administrative decision, and a site plan approval
based in whole or in part upon the application
of standards involving judgement and discretion
is a quasi-judicial decision, A site plan may also
be approved as part of a conditional zoning
SLEEPING UNIT. A room or space in which
people sleep, which can also include permanent
provisions for living, eating, and either sanitation
or kitchen facilities but not both. Such rooms and
spaces that are also part of a dwelling unit are
not sleeping units.
defines a Solar Energy System (also known as a
Solar Farm): the components and subsystems
required to convert solar energy into electric or
thermal energy suitable for use. The area of the
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-15
system includes all the land inside the perimeter
of the system, which extends to any fencing.
The term applies, but is not limited to, solar
photovoltaic (PV) systems, solar thermal
systems, and solar hot water systems.
allow for various gatherings such as
weddings, receptions, arts and crafts
shows, corporate meetings, etc. and which can
be indoor or outdoor or a combination thereof.
SPECIAL EVENTS: Temporary, organized
events that: 1) Run no longer than two weeks;
2) Are intended to or likely to attract substantial
crowds; and 3) Are unlike the customary or
usual activities generally associated with the
property where the special event is to be
purpose of this UDO, "Specified Anatomical
Areas" is defined as: 1) Less than completely
and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic
region, buttock and female breast below a point
immediately above the top of the areola; and 2)
Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state
even if completely and opaquely covered.
purposes of this UDO, "Specified Sexual
Activities" is defined as: 1) Human genitals in a
state of sexual stimulation or arousal; 2) Acts of
human masturbation, sexual intercourse or
sodomy; or 3) Fondling or other erotic touching
of human genitals, pubic region, buttock or
female breast.
STABILIZATION. The process of restoring a
site with ground cover or armor to resist soil
erosion from the forces of air, wind, or water.
STATE MANDATE. The minimum rules adopted
by the Environmental Management Commission
(EMC) for application to state’s water supply
watersheds, as required by the Water Supply
Watershed Protection Act. The purpose of the
Act, as stated in its opening paragraph is “…to
protect and enhance the quality of the state’s
surface water supplies by establishing a
cooperative program of water supply protection
to be administered by local governments
consistent with statewide management
requirements established by the Environmental
Management Commission (EMC).”
STORMWATER RUNOFF. The surface flow of
water resulting from precipitation in any form
and occurring immediately after rainfall or
STREAM. An intermittent or perennial surface
water subject to US Army Corps of Engineers
(Corps) and/or NC Division of Water Resources
(DWR) 404/401 jurisdiction. To confirm
jurisdictional status, a formal Corps and/or DWQ
response is required (e.g. Jurisdictional
STOP WORK ORDER. A written order to stop
work, issued by the Administrator, upon
determining that work is being conducted in
violation of this ordinance.
storage of various materials outside of a
structure, as a principal use. This includes
salvage yards used for the storage and/or
collection of any type of equipment.
containing separate enclosed storage spaces of
varying sizes leased or rented on an individual
Facilities for the storage of furniture, household
goods, or other commercial goods of any nature.
Includes cold storage. Does not include
warehouse, storage, or mini-storage facilities
offered for rent or lease to the general public;
warehouse facilities primarily used for
wholesaling and distribution; or terminal
facilities for handling freight.
of inlets, conduits, channels, ditches, and
appurtenances which serve to collect and
convey stormwater through and from a given
drainage area.
PRACTICE MANUAL. The Stormwater Best
Management Practice Manual approved for use
in Phase II jurisdictions by the N.C. Division of
Water Resources and certified by this
jurisdiction is at least as stringent as the
Stormwater Best Management Practice Manual
approved for use in Phase II jurisdictions the
proper implementation of the requirements of
the federal Phase II stormwater program. All
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-16
references herein to the Stormwater Best
Management Practice Manual are to the latest
published edition or revision.
contemplated best usage of streams, pursuant
to 15A NCAC 02B .0300, and/or subsequent
clarifications, modifications, and addenda.
STREAM BUFFER. An area of natural or
planted vegetation through which stormwater
runoff flows in a diffuse manner so that the
runoff does not become channelized and which
provides for infiltration of the runoff and filtering
of pollutants. The stream buffer is measured
from the normal pool elevation of impounded
structures and from the bank of each side of
streams or rivers.
STREET. A dedicated and accepted public right-
of-way for vehicular and pedestrian traffic
which affords the principal means of access to
abutting property:
(1) ALLEY. A minor right-of-way privately or
publicly owned, primarily for the service
access to the back or side of properties.
traffic artery designed primarily to carry heavy
volumes of local vehicular traffic from the
intersecting minor streets.
designed to carry medium volumes of
vehicular traffic, provide access to the major
street system, and collect the vehicular traffic
from the intersecting minor streets.
(4) CUL-DE-SAC. A street intersecting
another street at one end and permanently
terminated by a vehicular turnaround at the
the principal purpose of which is to provide
vehicular access to the properties abutting it.
or minor (service) street which parallels and
is immediately adjacent to a major street or
highway, and which provides access to
abutting properties and protection from
through traffic and control of intersections
with major traffic streets.
STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected,
including but not limited to buildings, which
requires location on land or attachment to
something having permanent location on the
MUSIC. Small facilities for individual and group
instruction and training in the arts; production
rehearsal; photography, and the processing of
photographs produced only by users of the
studio facilities; martial arts training studios;
gymnastics, yoga, and similar instruction; and
aerobics and gymnastics studios with no other
fitness facilities or equipment.
SUBDIVIDER. Any person, firm, or corporation
who subdivides or develops any land deemed to
be a subdivision as herein defined.
SUBDIVISION. The division of land for purposes
of sale or development as specified in NCGS
of determining whether sufficient progress has
been made on an approved plan, one or more of
the following construction activities toward the
completion of a site or subdivision plan shall
occur: obtaining a grading permit and
conducting grading activity on a continuous
basis and not discontinued for more than 30
days; or installation and approval of on-site
infrastructure; or obtaining a building permit for
the construction and approval of a building
foundation. “Substantial progress” for purposes
of determining whether an approved plan is null
and void is not necessarily the same as
“substantial expenditures” used for determining
vested rights pursuant to applicable law.
PERFORMANCE. A specialized theater for
showing movies or motion pictures on a
projection screen or a stage for live
performances. This category also includes
cineplexes and megaplexes, complex structures
with multiple movie theaters, each theater
capable of an independent performance.
THEATER, OUTDOOR. An establishment for
the performing arts with open-air seating for
TOP OF BANK. The points in a cross-section
where the stream channel makes a transition to
flood plain. Top of bank can be identified by a
change in the slope of the land, a transition
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-17
from terrestrial to riparian vegetation, and/or
changes in the composition of substrate
TOWER. Any structure designed primarily to
support an antenna for receiving and/or
transmitting a wireless signal.
TRACT. All contiguous land and bodies of water
being disturbed or to be disturbed as a unit,
regardless of ownership.
TRAFFIC VISIBILITY ZONE. A sight triangle at
intersections of two public streets or a public
street and private driveway with the triangle
formed by measuring from the point of
intersection of the front and exterior side lot lines
a distance of 25 feet along said front and side lot
lines and connecting the points so established to
form a sight triangle one the area of the lot
adjacent to the street intersections.
UNDERSTORY TREE. Small-growing trees with
an expected mature height of 20 to 40 feet.
USE, ACCESSORY. A use incidental to and
customarily associated with a specific Principal
Use located on the same Lot, Tract or Parcel.
USE, PRINCIPAL. The primary or main use of
land or structures, as distinguished from a
secondary or accessory use.
UTILITIES. Publicly or privately owned facilities
or systems for the distribution of gas, electricity,
steam, or water, the collection, treatment and
disposal of sewage or refuse; the transmission
of communications; of similar functions
necessary for the provision of public services.
Radio transmission facilities less than 180 feet in
height for use by ham radio operators or two-
way radio facilities for business or governmental
communications shall be deemed accessory
uses and not utilities. Utilities are divided into 3
(1) CLASS 1: Transmission and collection
lines (above and below ground) including
electrical, natural, gas, waste water
collection/transmission, and water distribution
lines; pumping stations, lift stations, and
telephone switching facilities (up to 200 sq.
(2) CLASS 2: Elevated water storage tanks;
water and wastewater package treatment
plants, telephone switching facilities (over
200 sq. ft.), substations, or other similar
facilities in connection with telephone,
electric, steam, and water facilities.
(3) CLASS 3: Generation, production, or
treatment facilities such as power plants,
water and sewage plants (greater than 0.3
mgd), and landfills.
VEHICLE USE AREA. That portion of a lot or
parcel that is used by vehicles for access,
circulation, parking and loading and unloading. It
comprises the total of circulation areas, loading
and unloading areas and parking areas (spaces
and aisles).
VETERINARY SERVICES. Establishments that
include services by licensed practitioners of
veterinary medicine, dentistry, or surgery for
animals; boarding services for pets; and
Establishments which may have showrooms or
open lots for selling, renting or leasing
automobiles, light trucks, motorcycles, and
TRUCKS. Establishments exclusively for renting
or leasing trucks, vans, and trailers for moving
furniture and other goods.
REPAIR/BODY WORK. The repair, servicing,
alteration, restoration, towing, painting, cleaning,
or finishing of automobiles, trucks, recreational
vehicles, boats, large appliances, commercial
and industrial equipment and other vehicles as a
primary use, including the incidental wholesale
and retail sale of vehicle parts as an accessory
use. This includes major repair and body work
which encompasses towing, collision repair,
other body work and painting services, and tire
MAINTENANCE/REPAIR. The repair, servicing,
alteration, restoration, towing painting, cleaning,
or finishing of automobiles, trucks, recreational
vehicles, boats and other vehicles as a primary
use, including the incidental wholesale and retail
sale of vehicle parts as an accessory use. Minor
facilities providing limited repair and
maintenance services. Examples include: car
washes, attended and self-service; car stereo
and alarm system installers; detailing services;
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-18
muffler and radiator shops; quick-lube services;
tire and battery sales and installation (not
including recapping).
WETLANDS. Wetlands are areas that are
inundated or saturated by surface or ground
water at a frequency and duration sufficient to
support, and that under normal circumstances
do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically
adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes,
bogs, and similar areas. This definition of
wetlands is used by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (Corps) and the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) since the 1970s for
regulatory purposes in Section 404 of the Clean
Water Act.
Establishments engaged in selling merchandise
to retailers; to contractors, industrial,
commercial, institutional, farm or professional
business users; to other wholesalers; or acting
as agents or brokers in buying merchandise for
or selling merchandise to such persons or
companies. This does not include selling to the
public. Examples of these establishments
include: 1) Agents, merchandise or commodity
brokers, and commission merchants; 2)
Assemblers, buyers and associations engaged
in the cooperative marketing of farm products; 3)
Merchant wholesalers; 4) Stores primarily selling
electrical plumbing, heating, and air conditioning
supplies and equipment.
TOWER. A structure, facility or location
designed, or intended to be used as, or used to
support antennas or other transmitting or
receiving devices. This includes without limit,
towers of all types, kinds and structures,
including, but not limited to buildings, church
steeples, silos, water towers, signs or other
structures that can be used as a support
structure for antennas or the functional
equivalent of such. It further includes
all related facilities and equipment, including but
not limited to cabling, equipment shelters and
other structures associated with the site. It is a
structure and facility intended for transmitting
and/or any form or type of wireless
communications or service, including but not
limited to commercial radio, television, cellular,
SMR, paging, 911, Personal Communications
Services (PCS), commercial satellite services,
microwave services and any commercial
wireless telecommunication service not licensed
by the FCC.
(NON-TOWER) A Wireless Telecommunication
Facility not located on a structure designed
primarily to support an antenna for receiving
and/or transmitting a wireless signal.
YARD. The area between a building and the
property line.
YARD, FRONT. The area between the Building
Front and the front property line.
YARD, SIDE. The area between the side of a
building and the side property line that extends
from the building front to the rear-most
part of the building.
YARD, REAR. The area between the rear of a
building and the rear property line.
to a zoning regulation to change the zoning
district that is applied to a specific property or
properties. It does not include the initial adoption
of a zoning map by local government or the
repeal of a zoning map and readoption of a new
zoning map for the entire planning and
development regulation jurisdiction. It does not
include updating the zoning map to incorporate
amendments to the names of the zoning districts
made by zoning text amendments where there
are no changes in the boundaries of the zoning
district or land uses permitted in the district. It
does include the initial application of zoning
when land is added to the territorial jurisdiction
of a local government that has previously
adopted zoning regulations. It does include the
application of an overlay zoning district or a
conditional zoning district.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-19
Section 10.04 Definitions (Specific)
The following definitions include those
applicable to both the Flood Damage Prevention
and Water Supply Watershed regulations of this
STRUCTURE). A structure located on the same
Parcel of property as the Principal Structure and
the use of which is incidental to the use of the
Principal Structure. Garages, carports and
storage sheds are common urban Accessory
Structures. Pole barns, hay sheds and the like
qualify as Accessory Structures on farms, and
may or may not be located on the same Parcel
as the farm dwelling or shop building.
extension or increase in the floor area or height of
a building or structure.
ADMINISTRATOR. The individual appointed to
administer and enforce the floodplain
management regulations of this article.
APPEAL. A request for a review of the
floodplain administrator’s interpretation of any
provision of Article 10 of this ordinance.
designated Zone AO on a community's Flood
Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) with base flood
depths determined to be from one to three feet.
These areas are located where a clearly defined
channel does not exist, where the path of
flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate, and
where velocity flow may be evident.
“Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)”.
BASE FLOOD. The flood having a 1% chance
of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
determination of the water surface elevations of
the base flood as published in the Flood
Insurance Study. When the BFE has not been
provided in a “Special Flood Hazard Area”, it
may be obtained from engineering studies
available from a federal, state, or other source
using FEMA approved engineering
methodologies. This elevation, when combined
with the “Freeboard”, establishes the
“Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation”.
BASEMENT. Any area of the building having its
floor sub-grade (below ground level) on all sides.
BUFFER. For purposes of the Water Supply
Watershed Regulations of this Ordinance,
“buffer” shall mean an area of natural or planted
vegetation through which stormwater runoff
flows in a diffuse manner so that the runoff does
not become channelized and which provides for
infiltration of the runoff and filtering of pollutants.
The buffer is measured landward from the
normal pool elevation of impounded structures
and from the bank of each side of streams or
BUILDING. See “Structure”.
BUILT-UPON AREA. Built-upon areas shall
include that portion of a development project
that is covered by impervious or partially
impervious cover including buildings, pavement,
gravel areas, recreation facilities, etc. (Note:
Wooden slatted decks and the water area of a
swimming pool are considered pervious.)
portion of a building, or exterior area adjacent to
a building used for the storage of any chemical
or chemically reactive products.
the Water Supply Watershed Regulations of this
Ordinance, “cluster development” shall mean the
grouping of buildings in order to conserve land
resources and provide for innovation in the
design of the project. This term includes
nonresidential development as well as single-
family residential subdivision and multifamily
developments that do not involve the subdivision
of land. Any development with 15 percent (15%)
or greater amount of natural open space.
CRITICAL AREA. The area adjacent to a water
supply intake or reservoir where risk associated
with pollution is greater than from the remaining
portions of the watershed. The critical area is
defined as extending either one-half mile from
the normal pool elevation of the reservoir in
which the intake is located or to the ridge line of
the watershed (whichever comes first); or one-
half mile upstream from the intake located
directly in the stream or river (run-of-the-river),
or the ridge line of the watershed (whichever
comes first). Local governments may extend the
critical area as needed. Major landmarks such
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-20
as highways or property lines may be used to
delineate the outer boundary of the critical area
if these landmarks are immediately adjacent to
the appropriate outer boundary of one-half mile.
PREVENTION). Any man-made change to
improved or unimproved real estate, including,
but not limited to, buildings or other structures,
mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving,
excavation or drilling operations, or storage of
equipment or materials.
For purposes of the Water Supply Watershed
Regulations of this Ordinance, “development”
shall mean any land disturbing activity which
adds to or changes the amount of impervious or
partially impervious cover on a land area or
which otherwise decreases the infiltration of
precipitation into the soil.
WATERSHED). For projects that do not require
a State permit, existing development shall mean
a project that, at a minimum, has established a
vested right under North Carolina zoning law as
of the effective date of the Water Supply
Watershed regulations of this Ordinance based
on at least one (1) of the following criteria: A)
Substantial expenditures of resources (time,
labor, money) based on a good faith reliance
upon having received a valid local government
approval to proceed with the project; or B)
Having an outstanding valid building permit as
authorized by the North Carolina General
Statutes (GS 153A-344.1); or C) Having an
approved site specific or phased development
plan as authorized by the North Carolina
General Statutes.
DISPOSAL. As defined in G.S. § 130A-
290(a)(6), the discharge, deposit, injection,
dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of any solid
waste into or on any land or water so that the
solid waste or any constituent part of the solid
waste may enter the environment or be emitted
into the air or discharged into any waters,
including ground waters.
building which has its lowest elevated Floor
raised above ground level by foundation walls,
shear walls, posts, piers, pilings, or columns.
ENCROACHMENT. The advance or
infringement of uses, fill, excavation, buildings,
structures or development into a floodplain,
which may impede or alter the flow capacity of a
manufactured home park or subdivision for
which the construction of facilities for servicing
the Lots on which the manufactured homes are
to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the
installation of utilities, the construction of streets,
and either final site grading or the pouring of
concrete pads) was completed before the
original effective date of the floodplain
management regulations adopted by the
FLOOD OR FLOODING. A general and
temporary condition of partial or complete
inundation of normally dry land areas from: A)
The overflow of inland or tidal waters; and/or B)
The unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of
surface waters from any source.
(FBFM). An official map of a community, issued
by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, on which the Special Flood Hazard
Areas and the floodways are delineated. This
official map is a supplement to and shall be used
in conjunction with the Flood Insurance Rate
Map (FIRM).
FLOOD HAZARD AREA. The minimum area of
the flood plain that, on the average, is likely to
be flooded once every 100 years (i.e., that has a
one percent (1%) chance of being flooded each
year) as identified by the federal insurance
administration on flood hazard area boundary
An official map of a community, issued by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency,
where the boundaries of the Special Flood
Hazard Areas have been defined as Zone A.
FLOOD INSURANCE. The insurance coverage
provided under the National Flood Insurance
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-21
official map of a community, issued by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, on
which both the Special Flood Hazard Areas and
the risk premium zones applicable to the
community are delineated.
examination, evaluation, and determination of
flood hazards, corresponding water surface
elevations (if appropriate), flood hazard risk
zones, and other flood data in a community
issued by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency. The Flood Insurance Study Report
includes Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs)
and Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps
(FBFMs), if published.
FLOOD PRONE AREA. See “Floodplain”.
FLOOD ZONE. A geographical area shown on a
Flood Hazard Boundary Map or Flood Insurance
Rate Map that reflects the severity or type of
flooding in the area.
FLOODPLAIN. Any land area susceptible to
being inundated by water from any source.
type of permit (zoning or Special Use Permit)
that is required in conformance with the
provisions of this article prior to the
commencement of any development activity.
of an overall program of corrective and
preventive measures for reducing flood damage
and preserving and enhancing, where possible,
natural resources in the floodplain, including, but
not limited to, emergency preparedness plans,
flood control works, floodplain management
regulations, and open space plans.
REGULATIONS. This article and other land
development ordinances, subdivision
regulations, building codes, health regulations,
special purpose ordinances, and other
applications of police power which control
development in flood prone areas. This term
describes federal, state or local regulations, in
any combination thereof, which provide
standards for preventing and reducing flood loss
and damage.
contained in Article X of this Ordinance, any
other Section of this Ordinance, local or State
building codes, health regulations, special
purpose ordinances, and other applications of
police power which control development in flood-
prone areas. This term describes Federal, State
or local regulations, in any combination thereof,
which provide standards for preventing and
reducing flood loss and damage.
FLOODPROOFING. Any combination of
structural and nonstructural additions, changes,
or adjustments to structures, which reduce or
eliminate flood damage to real estate or
improved real property, water and sanitation
facilities, structures, and their contents.
FLOODWAY. The channel of a river or other
watercourse and the adjacent land areas that
must be reserved in order to discharge the base
flood without cumulatively increasing the water
surface elevation more than one (1) foot.
FREEBOARD. The height added to the Base
Flood Elevation (BFE) to account for the many
unknown factors that could contribute to flood
heights greater that the height calculated for a
selected size flood and floodway conditions,
such as wave action, bridge openings, and the
hydrological effect of urbanization on the
Watershed. The Base Flood Elevation plus the
freeboard establishes the “Regulatory Flood
Protection Elevation”.
facility which cannot be used for its intended
purpose unless it is located in close proximity to
water, such as a docking or port facility
necessary for the loading and unloading of
cargo or passengers, shipbuilding, or ship
repair. The term does not include long-term
storage, manufacture, sales, or service facilities.
N.C.G.S. Ch. 130A, Article 9, a facility for the
collection, storage, processing, treatment,
recycling, recovery, or disposal of hazardous
highest natural elevation of the ground surface,
prior to construction, immediately next to the
proposed walls of the structure.
HISTORIC STRUCTURE. Any structure that is:
(a) Listed individually in the National Register of
Historic Places (a listing maintained by the U.S.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-22
Department of the Interior) or preliminarily
determined by the Secretary of the Interior as
meeting the requirements for individual
listing on the National Register; (b) Certified or
preliminarily determined by the Secretary of
the Interior as contributing to the historical
Significance of a registered historic district or a
district preliminarily determined by the Secretary
to qualify as a registered historic district;
(c) Individually listed on a local inventory of
historic landmarks in communities with a
“Certified Local Government (CLG) Program”; or
(d) Certified as contributing to the historical
Significance of a historic district designated by a
community with a “Certified Local Government
(CLG) Program”. Certified Local Government
(CLG) Programs are approved by the U.S.
Department of the Interior in cooperation with
the North Carolina Department of Cultural
Resources through the State Historic
Preservation Officer as having met the
requirements of the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966 as amended in 1980.
LANDFILL. A disposal facility or part of a
disposal facility where waste is placed in or on
land and which is not a land treatment facility, a
surface impoundment, an injection well, a
hazardous waste long-term storage facility, or a
surface storage facility in accordance with
NCGS 130A-290. For the purpose of the Water
Supply Watershed regulations of this Ordinance
this term does not include composting facilities.
LOT. A parcel of land occupied or to be
occupied by a main building or group of main
buildings and accessory building together with
such yards, open spaces, lot width, and lot area
is required.
is part of a subdivision, a plat of which has been
recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds
prior to the adoption of the Water Supply
Watershed regulations of this Ordinance, or a lot
described by metes and bounds, the description
of which has been so recorded prior to the
adoption of the Water Supply Watershed
regulations of this Ordinance.
elevation of the ground, sidewalk or patio slab
immediately next to the building, or deck
support, after completion of the building.
LOWEST FLOOR. The lowest floor of the lowest
enclosed area (including basement). An
unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, usable
solely for parking of vehicles, building access, or
limited storage in an area other than a basement
area is not considered a building's lowest floor,
provided that such an enclosure is not built so
as to render the structure in violation of the
applicable non-elevation design requirements of
this article.
transportable in one or more sections, which is
built on a permanent chassis and designed to
be used with or without a permanent foundation
when connected to the required utilities. The
term “Manufactured Home” does not include a
“Recreational Vehicle”.
SUBDIVISION. A Parcel (or contiguous Parcels)
of land divided into two or more manufactured
home Lots for rent or sale.
MARKET VALUE. The building value, not
including the land value and that of any
Accessory Structures or other improvements on
the Lot. Market value may be established by
independent certified appraisal; replacement
cost depreciated for age of building and quality
of construction (actual cash value); or adjusted
tax assessed values.
MEAN SEA LEVEL. For purposes of this article,
the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD)
as corrected in 1929, the North American
Vertical Datum (NAVD) as corrected in 1988, or
other vertical control datum used as a reference
for establishing varying elevations within the
floodplain, to which Base Flood Elevations
(BFEs) shown on a FIRM are referenced. Refer
to each FIRM panel to determine datum used.
NEW CONSTRUCTION. Structures for which
the “start of construction” commenced on or
after the effective date of the original version of
the community's Flood Damage Prevention
Ordinance and includes any subsequent
improvements to such structures.
described by a plat or a deed that was recorded
prior to the effective date of the Water Supply
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-23
Watershed regulations of this Ordinance (or its
amendments) that does not meet the minimum
lot size or other development requirements of
Article X of this Ordinance.
a river or other watercourse and the adjacent
land areas that must be reserved in order to
discharge the base flood without cumulatively
increasing the water surface elevation more than
one foot as designated in the Flood Insurance
Study Report.
development other than residential
development, agriculture, and silviculture.
POST-FIRM. Construction or other development
for which the “start of construction” occurred on
or after the effective date of the initial Flood
Insurance Rate Map for the area.
PRE-FIRM. Construction or other development
for which the “start of construction” occurred
before the effective date of the initial Flood
Insurance Rate Map for the area.
of the actual cash value of the structure is above
PROTECTED AREA. The area adjoining and
upstream of the critical area of WS-IV
watersheds. The boundaries of the protected
area are defined as within five miles of and
draining to the normal pool elevation of the
reservoir or to the ridgeline of the watershed; or
within 10 miles upstream and draining to the
intake located directly in the stream or river or to
the ridgeline of the watershed.
Anything which is injurious to the safety or
health of an entire community or neighborhood,
or any considerable number of persons, or
unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in
the customary manner, of any navigable lake, or
river, bay, stream, canal, or basin.
which is: A) Built on a single chassis; B) Four
hundred square feet or less when measured at
the largest horizontal projection; C) Designed to
be self-propelled or permanently towable by a
light duty truck; and D) Designed primarily not
for use as a permanent dwelling, but as
temporary living quarters for recreational,
camping, travel, or seasonal use.
REFERENCE LEVEL. The portion of a structure
or other development that shall be compared to
the regulatory flood protection elevation to
determine regulatory compliance. For structures
within Special Flood Hazard Areas designated
as Zone A1-A30, AE, A, A99, or AO, the
reference level is the top of the lowest floor or
bottom of lowest attendant utility including
ductwork, whichever is lower.
ELEVATION. The “Base Flood Elevation” plus
the “Freeboard”. In “Special Flood Hazard
Areas” where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs)
have been determined, this elevation shall be
the BFE plus two feet of freeboard. In “Special
Flood Hazard Areas” where no BFE has been
established, this elevation shall be at least two
feet above the highest adjacent grade.
REMEDY A VIOLATION. To bring the structure
or other development into compliance with state
and community floodplain management
regulations, or, if this is not possible, to reduce
the impacts of its noncompliance. Ways that
impacts may be reduced include protecting the
structure or other affected development from
flood damages, implementing the enforcement
provisions of the ordinance or otherwise
deterring future similar violations, or reducing
federal financial exposure with regard to the
structure or other development.
REPETITIVE LOSS. Flood-related damages
sustained by a structure on two (2) or more
separate occasions during any 10-year period
for which the cost of repairs at the time of each
such flood event, on the average, equals or
exceeds 25 percent (25%) of the market value of
the structure before the damage occurred.
residence such as attached and detached single
family dwellings, apartment complexes,
condominiums, townhouses, cottages, and their
associated outbuildings such as garages,
storage buildings, gazebos, and customary
home occupations.
RIVERINE. Relating to, formed by, or
resembling a river (including tributaries), stream,
brook, and the like.
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-24
SALVAGE YARD. Any non-residential property
used for the storage, collection, and/or recycling
of any type of equipment, and including but not
limited to vehicles, appliances and related
defined in G.S. 130A-290(a) (35), any facility
involved in the disposal of solid waste.
G.S. 130A-290(a) (36), any place at which solid
wastes are disposed of by incineration, sanitary
landfill, or any other method.
The land in the floodplain subject to a one (1)
percent or greater chance of being flooded in
any given year.
substantial improvement, and means the date
the building permit was issued, provided the
actual start of construction, repair,
reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition
placement, or improvement was within
180 days of the permit date. The actual start
means the first placement of permanent
construction of a structure (including a
manufactured home) on a site, such as the
pouring of slabs or footings, installation of piles,
construction of columns, or any work beyond the
stage of excavation or the placement of a
manufactured home on a foundation. For a
substantial improvement, the actual start of
construction means the first alteration of any
wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the
building, whether or not that alteration affects
the external dimensions of the building.
Permanent construction does not include: A)
Land preparation, such as clearing, grading, and
filling; B) The installation of streets and/or
walkways; C) Excavation for a basement,
footings, piers or foundations, or the erection of
temporary forms; and/or D) The installation on
the property of accessory buildings, such as
garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units
or not part of the main structure.
PREVENTION). For purposes of the Flood
Damage Prevention Regulations of this
Ordinance, “Structure” shall include but is not
limited to a walled and roofed building, a
manufactured home, or a gas or liquid storage
tank that is principally above ground. For
floodplain management purposes, principally
above ground means that at least 51 percent
(51%) of the actual cash value of the structure is
above ground.
WATERSHED). Anything constructed or
erected, including but not limited to buildings,
which requires location on the land or
attachment to something having permanent
location on the land.
origin sustained by a structure during any one-
year period whereby the cost of restoring the
structure to its before damaged condition would
equal or exceed fifty (50) percent of the market
value of the structure before the damage
occurred. See definition of “Substantial
combination of repairs, reconstruction,
rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of
a structure, taking place during any one-year
period for which the cost equals or exceeds 50%
of the market value of
the structure before the “start of construction” of
the improvement. This term includes structures
which have incurred “substantial damage”
regardless of the actual repair work performed.
The term does not, however, include either: A)
Any correction of existing violations of state or
community health, sanitary, or safety code
specifications which have been identified by the
community code enforcement official and which
are the minimum necessary to assure safe living
conditions; or B) Any alteration of a historic
structure, provided that the alteration will not
preclude the structure's continued designation
as a historic structure.
SURFACE WATER. Surface water is present if
the feature is shown on either the most recent
version of the soil survey map prepared by the
Natural Resources Conservation Service of the
United States Department of Agriculture or the
most recent version of the 1:24,000 scale (7.5
minute) quadrangle topographic maps prepared
by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS).
Town of Lillington, NC Unified Development Ordinance X-25
TOXIC SUBSTANCE. Any substance or
combination of substances (including disease
causing agents), which after discharge and upon
exposure, ingestion, inhalation, or assimilation
into any organism, either directly from the
environment or indirectly by ingestion through
food chains, has the potential to cause death,
disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer,
genetic mutations, physiological malfunctions
(including malfunctions or suppression in
reproduction or growth), or physical deformities
in such organisms or their off spring, or other
adverse health effects.
For purposes of the Water Supply Watershed
Regulations of this ordinance, “variance” shall
mean a permission to develop or use property
granted by the Watershed Review Board
relaxing or waiving a water supply watershed
management requirement adopted by the
Environmental Management Commission that is
incorporated into this ordinance.
1) VARIANCE (MAJOR). For purposes of
the Water Supply Watershed regulations of
this Ordinance, “major variance” shall mean
a variance from the minimum state wide
water supply watershed protection rules that
results in any one (1) or more of the
following: A) The relaxation, by a factor of
more than 10 percent (10%), of any
management requirement that takes the
form of a numerical standard; and/or B)
Petitions to increase built upon percentage
greater than 10 percent (10%).
2) VARIANCE (MINOR). For purposes of
the Water Supply Watershed regulations of
this Ordinance, “minor variance” shall mean
petitions for the reduction of any standard by
a factor of less than ten percent (10%),
including residential density or built upon
VIOLATION. For purposes of the Flood Damage
Prevention Regulations of this ordinance,
“violation” shall mean the failure of a structure or
other development to be fully compliant with the
community’s floodplain management
regulations. A structure or other development
without the elevation certificate, other
certifications, or other evidence of compliance
required in this ordinance is presumed to be in
violation until such time as that documentation is
structure for which the use requires access to,
proximity to, or citing within surface waters to
fulfill its basic purpose, such as boat ramps, boat
houses, docks, and bulkheads. Ancillary
facilities such as restaurants, outlets for boat
supplies, parking lots, and commercial boat
storage areas are not water dependent
VIOLATION. The failure of a structure or other
development to be fully compliant with the
community’s floodplain management
regulations. A structure or other development
without the elevation certificate, other
certifications, or other evidence of compliance
required in Article 6 is presumed to be in
violation until such time as that documentation is
height, in relation to mean sea level, of floods of
various magnitudes and frequencies in the
floodplains of riverine areas.
WATERCOURSE. A lake, river, creek, stream,
wash, channel or other topographic feature on or
over which waters flow at least periodically.
“Watercourse” includes specifically designated
areas in which substantial flood damage may
WATERSHED. The entire land area contributing
surface drainage to a specific point (e.g. the
water supply intake).
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.com
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Lillington may enact ordinances to
protect the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens under the North Carolina General Statutes
§160A-174; and
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Governing Board of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina, that
Lillington Unified Development Ordinance is amended as follows:
SECTION 10.03 DEFINITIONS – GENERAL As used in the UDO, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them in this
section. When one or more defined terms are used together, their meanings shall also be
combined as the context shall require or permit. All terms not specifically defined shall carry
their usual and customary meanings. Undefined terms indigenous to a trade, industry or
profession shall be defined when used in such context in accordance with their usual and
customary understanding in the trade, industry or profession to which they apply.
AGRITOURISM. Any activity carried out on a farm or ranch setting that allows members of
the general public, for recreational, entertainment, or educational purposes, to view or enjoy rural
activities, including farming, historic, cultural, harvest-your-own activities, fishing, equestrian
activities, or natural activities and attractions.
102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2864 ● Fax (910) 893-3607 ● www.lillingtonnc.com
All provisions of any Town Ordinance or Resolution in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed.
Adopted this 11th day of June, 2024
__________________________ Glenn McFadden, Mayor
Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk