HomeMy WebLinkAbout062723 ws packetWORK SESSION AGENDA Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: Commissioners Meeting Room Harnett County Resource Center & Library 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 1 1.Call to order – Chairman Matt Nicol 2.Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Vice Chairman William Morris 3.Paramedic Academy Update; Larry Smith, Emergency Services Director 4.Discuss a request to approve chemicals contract s with Oltrin Solutions, Inc; Steve Ward, HarnettRegional Water Director 5.Discuss a request to adopt a Resolution to Support High Performance and GovernmentInnovation with the Harnett County TEAM Harnett Performance Management Plan; Mike Morrow,Assistant County Manager 6.Discuss the EMS Premium Pay Policy Updates and EMS Retention Pay Policy; Ally Fouts; Lead forNorth Carolina Fellow 7.County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager •Upcoming meetings and invitations 8.Closed Session 9.Adjourn CONDUCT OF THE JUNE 27, 2023 MEETING Live audio of the meeting will be streamed on the Harnett County Government’s YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x_98EhAMeMg/featured. HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: July 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Otrin Solutions Inc. Chemical Contract REQUESTED BY: Steve Ward - Harnett Regional Water REQUEST: Harnett Regional Water requests approval of chemical contracts with Oltrin Solutions Inc. for supply of 12% and 15% Trade Sodium Hypochlorite to Harnett County Regional Water Treatment Plant. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\ U sers\jbell-raig\AppData\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\INetCache\Content. Outlook\ VPFIHEEA \HR W Chemical Contract Agenda Memo 7.3.23_0Itrin Soln. lnc_.docx Page I of I Item 4 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 2 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 3 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 4 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 5 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 6 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 7 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 8 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 9 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 10 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 11 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 12 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 13 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 14 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 15 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 16 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 17 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 18 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS \2023\062723 ws\5.1 2023_JUN_27_AGENDA_ITEM_RESOLUTION_PERFORMANCE_MGMT_FINAL.docx Page 1 of 2 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: July 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Resolution to Support High Performance and Government Innovation with the Harnett County TEAM Harnett Performance Management Plan REQUESTED BY: Brent Trout, County Manager REQUEST: The Board of Commissioners finds that high performance and government innovation is grounded in transparency and accountability which are critical in the public sector for the effective and credible functioning of a healthy governance, and in fulfilling the government’s responsibility to citizens and taxpayers. Transparent and reliable reporting to promote accountability, enhance the effectiveness of government services to its citizens, and increase public confidence in their government. The Board and staff share a duty to ensure that the actions of public officials, employees, contractors and volunteers are carried out in the responsible manner possible and that the County policy, budgets, goals and objectives are fully implemented. In February 2022, Harnett County Board of Commissioners voted to approve the inaugural Strategic Plan. The Harnett County 2032 Strategic Plan is designed to provide a clear vision for the future along with direction for turning that vision into a reality. Understanding what the County wishes to achieve by having a clear focus is foundational for building a culture of high performance and essential for making a positive impact in the community. Harnett County staff established a name, vision, and mission statement for the performance management plan in November, 2022. Collaborative Goal teams were established to identify Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and to ensure Key Strategic Actions (KSA) were successfully completed. Two foundational reports will be provided to the Board and the community: Quarterly updates of the Key Strategic Actions and an Annual Performance Scorecard with Key Performance Indicator results and analysis. The intended outcomes from the TEAM Harnett Performance Management Plan includes the following: 1.To ensure Key Performance Indictors are linked to the Strategic Plan 2.To ensure organizational buy-in with effective communication 3.To conduct an annual review of the the reporting process and performance results Item 5 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 19 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS \2023\062723 ws\5.1 2023_JUN_27_AGENDA_ITEM_RESOLUTION_PERFORMANCE_MGMT_FINAL.docx Page 2 of 2 4.To use results to empower, not punish, using the system for leadership and learning 5.To empower employees with strategy and performance to deliver high quality services 6.To focus on action and use project management tools to stay on track 7.To analyze results to make improvements to services with a customer focus 8.To automate the process when possible 9.To report results with transparency 10.To integrate the performance management with the strategic planning and budget process With the these Goals in mind, Harnett County commits itself to a journey toward becoming a superior performing organization. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 20 TEAM HARNETT PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PLAN June 27, 2023 Item 5 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 21 TEAM Harnett Performance Management Purpose •Provide an update to the Board of Commissioners on the background, process, and direction of the Performance Management Plan •Request to add a Resolution to the July 17, 2023 regular board meeting of the Board of Commissioners for support and approval of the TEAM Harnett Performance Management Plan considering a high-performance government framework openly through innovation in operations and promoting transparency. HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 22 TEAM Harnett Performance Management Strategic Plan Timeline HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 23 Harnett County Strategic Plan Goals HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 24 Aligning TEAM Harnett for Success HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 25 TEAM HarnettWhat is Performance Management? •Regular and systematic collection, analysis and reporting of data that tracks resources used, outputs produced, efficiencies realized and whether specific outcomes were achieved •The process of evaluating the results to enhance the decision making processes with the functions of management •Comparing performance over time, trending, benchmarking, evaluation and continuous improvement efforts HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 26 7 The Five Pillars of Superior Performance Supported by Leaders at Every Level HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 27 TEAM HarnettTimeline Information Update •February 2022: Adoption of the first Harnett County Strategic Plan •November 16, 2022: Launch of Performance Management Program with training for directors and managers •December 6 & 16, 2022: Goal Team Meetings •January 24, 2023: Presentation of Performance Management Program at Board of Commissioners Retreat •April 11, 2023: Performance Management training for next level managers and supervisors •April 20&21, 2023: Quarterly Goal Team update meetings for key performance indicators and strategic actions for the quarter of March 31, 2023 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 28 Status of Key Strategic Actions and Critical Projects •There were 28 Key Strategic Actions identified in Harnett County’s Strategic Plan. •Status as of December 31, 2022:39% are Pending 43% are In-Process 18% are Completed •Status as of March 31, 2023:32% are Pending 36%% are In-Process 32% are Completed HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 29 Harnett County Key Strategic Actions Status 1.1: Engage school administration proactively to discuss and coordinate budget priorities and funding for FY2023 In-Process 1.2: Restore County involvement in capital planning and architectural committee for ongoing and upcoming projects Complete 1.3: Create and adopt a long-term plan for funding new schools based on Board of Education priorities Complete 1.4: Address teacher supplements to increase competitiveness in the region Complete 1.5: Adopt Legislative Priorities for FY2022 that includes advocacy for increased funding for schools Complete 2.1: Complete Compensation Study to assess competitiveness of employee pay and salary compression for existing County employees Complete 2.2: Review and revise employee performance evaluation process to encourage culture of accountability Pending 2.3: Engage County employees in improving internal processes and provide regular education on adherence Pending 2.4: Develop and implement an organizational training and development program In-Process 2.5: Research, develop, and implement a holistic performance management program In-Process 2.6: Implement process for obtaining citizen feedback on County service provision Pending 2.7: Provide County employees with enrichment opportunities Pending 3.1: Prioritize parks and greenway projects for development through Capital Improvements Program In-Process 3.2: Provide support for local farmer's markets and community gardens at County locations to support healthy food options forresidents Pending 3.3: Assess most pressing issues surrounding substance abuse and engage stakeholders to develop plan to curb problems In-Process 3.4: Increase provision of County programs and initiatives aimed at encouraging healthy lifestyles and outdoor activity Pending 3.5: Meet regularly with the local arts organizations to generate and implement ideas for celebrating arts and culture.PendingHCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 30 Harnett County Key Strategic Actions Status 4.1: Revise development and incentive policies to support thriving business and job creation Pending 4.2: Increase availability of high-speed Broadband throughout County In-Process 4.3: Seek to extend natural gas availability along strategic corridors identified for commercial growth Pending 4.4: Pursue enhanced transportation infrastructure to reduce congestion and increase access throughout the county In-Process 4.5: Plan water and wastewater infrastructure to direct and attract residential, commercial and industrial growth toward targeted areas In-Process 4.6: Educate County departments about economic development priorities and their role in advancing those priorities In-Process 5.1: Launch program to provide presentations to community groups and organizations from County staff on requested topics Complete 5.2: Create and distribute bimonthly County newsletter in Harnett Regional Water bills Complete 5.3: Implement use of video and storyboards to promote County events and educate citizens on County services and initiatives Complete 5.4: Launch new engagement initiative to inform citizens and County employees through quarterly update meetings Complete 5.5: Redesign County website with citizen dashboard to create more user-friendly experience In-Process HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 31 Key Strategic Action Highlights •Quarterly collaborative meetings with County Manager and Superintendent to engage proactively and developing a customer survey to be completed by 6/30/23 In -Process •Restored County involvement in capital planning and architectural committee for ongoing and upcoming projects-Current project to ensure all school have upgraded door security. Locks are currently being replaced at 17 schools. Complete •A long-term plan for funding new schools based on Board of Education priorities will be presented in Jan.2023To ensure funding is available for school construction projects over the next 20 years. Complete •Teacher supplement request will be received by May 15, 2023. to strengthen the ability to recruit and retain qualified teacher for the county’s students. Complete •Harnett County has an adopted state legislative agenda that advocates for increased funding for schools. Complete Other Goal Successes •Moving forward to seek Board approval to contract with Lobbying Firm to address adopted priorities with state and federal elected officials during the upcoming calendar year. Complete Goal 1: Superior Education HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 32 Key Strategic Action Highlights •The purpose of the Compensation Strategy Study is to assist the County in reviewing and analyzing the current staff compensation structure and obtain recommendations for improvements to the existing structure to ensure internal equity and external competitiveness. Complete •Staff is working to develop a system where employees have on demand training in Neogov-Learn that will provide the access to training and development courses. Employees who are new to a supervisory role will have the necessary skills and tools to be successful in their new role in leading their team. In –Process •The UNC School of Government’s Center for Public Leadership and Governance is supporting Harnett County’s strategic planning and performance program. The process is occurring in three phases. This Scope of Work includes preparation of plan elements for phase I, and phase II for the development of the Strategic Plan. Phase III of the plan is for the Performance Management Program. In -Process Goal 2: Organizational Excellence HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 33 Key Strategic Action Highlights •Parks and Recreation has requested funding for various park projects for the Capital Improvement Program which are all in different stages. These projects are located throughout the County and range from small projects to full park development. Parks and Amenities are planned based on community input, staff knowledge, and recreational trends. Greenways planning is following the recommendations of the 2021 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenway Plan with dedicated funding in the Capital Improvement Program. In -Process •Staff has developed a taskforce and begun work to assess the most pressing issues surrounding substance abuse. By expanding our current programs and pooling the resources of County departments and community partners, we will provide access to a “one-stop shopping” source of information, resources, and support to the residents of Harnett County. In -Process Goal 3: Safe & Healthy Community HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 34 Key Strategic Action Highlights •Staff is working to expand access to broadband across the county. Fixed Wireless Implementation and Great Grant Award are ongoing projects. In -Process •The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is conducting a corridor study of U.S. 401. This study will build off of previous studies and will focus on planning and design to determine the proposed ultimate cross-section and alignment of U.S. 401 by developing a vision for the study area, analyzing short-and long-term solutions, and developing realistic, implementable and prioritized projects. Phase 3 Develop Preferred Alternatives is underway. In -Process •The water and wastewater infrastructure project is in the plan design & permitting stage with an expected bid date of Feb 2024. Estimate time of completion of Oct 2025 and consists of construction of approx. 5 miles of 20” force main along HWY 87 and the renovation of sewer lift station #57 in Spout Springs. It will provide more wastewater capacity to accommodate residential, commercial, and industrial growth in the South West & South Central areas of Harnett County. In -Process Goal 4: Economic Strength HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 35 Key Strategic Action Highlights •Launched a program to provide presentations to community and organizations from on requested topics. The request a speaker program, provides a community engagement opportunity. Citizens and organizations can coordinate a representative to speak to discuss County related topics. County departments also participate in various outreach opportunities at schools, clubs, community organizations, businesses by providing presentations or hosting booths to hand out information on county services. Complete •Launched the “County Roots” Newsletter in May 2022. This bi-monthly 1 page newsletter is included in the Harnett Regional water printed water bills and is sent to nearly 40,000 customers. Information from several county departments is included in the newsletter. Complete •Improved use of video and storyboards to promote County services. The County utilizes videos via its various social media channels to engage and encourage participation in County services. Various departments, such as Cooperative Extension, County Manager’s Office, and Library, create storyboards for specific initiatives. Live streams of the Board of Commissioners regular meetings and work session are also posted weekly to the County’s YouTube channel. Complete •Offered quarterly information sessions for citizens and employees beginning in July 2022. Each quarter, an in-person session and a virtual session has been offered to employees and citizens to learn more about County initiatives, services, and programs. Each session has allowed for Q&A session at the end, and has included a different Department Director(s) and/or representative from the County Manager’s office to provide information. Complete •The redesign of the County website with citizen dashboard capability, to create more user-friendly experience is underway. In -Process Goal 5: Informed and Engaged Citizens HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 36 TEAM HarnettPerformance Management Plan Intended Outcomes 1.To ensure Key Performance Indicators are linked to the Strategic Plan 2.To ensure organizational buy-in with effective communication 3.To conduct an annual review of the reporting process and performance results 4.To use results to empower, not punish, using the system for leadership and learning 5.To empower employees with strategy and performance to deliver high quality services 6.To focus on action and use project management tools to stay on track 7.To analyze results to make improvements to services with a customer focus 8.To automate the process when possible 9.To report results with transparency 10.To integrate performance management with the strategic planning and budget process HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 37 TEAM HarnettPerformance Management Plan Going Forward •Provide quarterly update reports of Key Strategic Actions to the Board of Commissioners •Quarterly update reports of Key Strategic Actions will be posted to the website in an effort to promote transparency and good governance •Annual Performance Scorecard with Key Performance Indicators with results and analysis reported at the Board of Commissioners retreat •Next phase activities for departments over the next 24 months will be the creation of business plans that highlight a written road map for the mission critical action items and strategic goals of these organizations HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 38 TEAM HarnettStaff Recommendation •Add an agenda item for resolution to the July 17, 2023 regular board meeting of the Board of Commissioners for consideration and approval HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 39 Questions? HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 40 Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION , 2023 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, SUPPORTING HIGH PERFORMANCE AND GOVERNMENT INNOVATION WITH THE HARNETT COUNTY TEAM HARNETT PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PLAN; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the County desires to be data driven and results focused with a robust strategic plan and high performance framework; and WHEREAS, the County proactively encourages resident and business participation in government and also seeks to inform and empower those entities buy providing diverse engagement opportunities and easy and open access to public data and information; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the County to increase transparency with regard to County revenues, expenditures, budgets, contracts, leases, grants, and organizational performance; and WHEREAS, the County is committed to timely and consistent publication of data which is essential to open and effective government and using technology to foster open, transparent, and accessible government; and WHEREAS, the County official website, social media channels and performance and open data portals provide exceptional vehicles for dissemination of important County information and data to the public, 24 hours and day, 7 days a week; and WHEREAS, the County is committed to providing superior services to its residents, and therefore desires to create and sustain a high performance management plan through visionary planning, operational results, continuous improvement, empowered employees and a customer orientation; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners deems approval of this Resolution to be in the best interests of the health, safety, and welfare of the residents and citizens of Harnett County and the public at large. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA, that: SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby affirmed and ratified. SECTION 2. The Board hereby pledges to establish and maintain appropriate customer, resident, stakeholder and employee engagement efforts. HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 41 Page 2 of 2 SECTION 3. The Board instructs staff to establish, maintain and enhance the County’s strategic performance reporting and data portals focusing on efficacy, cost and completeness. SECTION 4. The County pledges to support a high-performance government framework openly and faithfully through innovation in operations and transparency. Through this pledge, the Harnett County TEAM Harnett Performance Management Plan is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A” by this reference. SECTION 5. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption ADOPTED this _____ day of ____________________, 2023. ____________________________________ Chair, Harnett County Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board of Commissioners HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 42 EXHIBIT “A” HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 43 HARNETT COUNTY Performance Management Plan T.E.A.M. Harnett T racking E xellence through A ccountable M easurements HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 44 Prepared by Harnett County in collaboration with the UNC School of Government, Center for Public Leadership and Governance Lead Consultants: Rebecca Jackson, Adjunct Faculty Member, UNC School of Government Center for Public Leadership and Governance CEO, True North Performance Group, LLC Lydian Altman, Senior Manager for Leadership Curriculum Development, UNC School of Government Center for Public Leadership and Governance HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 45 Barbara McKoy District 1 District 4 Brooks Matthews District 3 Lewis Weatherspoon Chairman District 5 Matthew Nicol Vice-Chairman District 2 County Commissioners William Morris HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 46 Contents The Strategic Plan as a Foundation for a HighPerforming Framework Harnett County's Strategic Plan: Vision, Mission and Core Values Strategic Goals: Superior Education, Organizational Excellence, Healthy & Safe Community, Economic Strength, Informed and Engaged Citizens Aligning the Organization for Success T.E.A.M. Harnett: Harnett County's Performance Management Plan Harnett County's Commitment to a Superior Performing Organization 5 6 10 14 15 17 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 47 The Strategic Plan as a Foundation for a High Performing Framework In February 2022, Harnett County Board of Commissioners voted to approve the County's inaugural Strategic Plan. Harnett County’s 2032 Strategic Plan is designed to provide a clear vision for the future along with direction for turning that vision into a reality. Understanding what the County wishes to achieve by having a clear focus is foundational for building a culture of high performance and essential for making a positive impact in the community. That is what a strategic plan provides. Once a strategic plan is in place, it is not meant to be a static document that sits on a shelf. It is a living document that must be evaluated and updated as priorities and needs change. Long-term strategic planning provides direction, identifies desired outcomes, and is the basis for performance analysis. Core Values Core ValuesCore ValuesVision & Mission Strategy: Goals & Objectives One Year Plan: Key Strategic Actions Performance Measures Vision: What do we want our community to be like for future generations? Mission: What is our purpose for existence? Core Values: What are our beliefs and attitudes that guide behavior and our relationships with others? Strategy: What are our goals, objectives and Key Strategic Actions? Performance: What are our one-year plans and how will we track our progress? HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 48 WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE DO OUR MISSION Harnett County will effectively and efficiently deliver high quality County services and public infrastructure with smart growth strategies and through a responsive Board and workforce who are committed to excellence and ensuring the public trust with dedication, leadership and governance. Our mission imparts our organization’s purpose. It describes why we exist and defines our organization’s role in pursuing the community vision. WHO WE ASPIRE TO BE OUR VISION Harnett County is a unified, safe, healthy, and engaged community that is culturally vibrant, well-planned with a thriving economy and a high-quality educational system, in harmony with its environment and beautiful natural resources, and with strong leadership ensuring equitable services so that all citizens will prosper. Our vision tells us where we are going. It describes the ideal state of Harnett County in 10 years and is focused on the community’s future. Harnett County's Strategic Plan HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 49 CORE VALUES Our Core Values inform how we will make decisions and fulfill our mission to serve the public. They define our standards of behavior. Harnett County employees are public servants whose purpose is to CREATE a better Harnett County. Working together to get the job done, communicating clearly and proactively, engaging community partners and stakeholders, and recognizing the benefits of diverse views and opinions in decision-making. EAMWORKT XCELLENCE Committing to making processes more efficient and effective, asking how can we make things better, and seeking continued professional development. E CCOUNTABILITY Recognizing your actions and behaviors reflect on the organization, taking responsibility when things don't go as planned, doing what you say you will do, and being good stewards of the public trust. A Seeking to provide citizens and coworkers with the highest level of service possible, taking the time to listen and respond to their needs, and engaging in problem-solving. USTOMER SERVICEC Doing what's right even when nobody's watching, having concern for others, and serving with integrity, honesty and consistency. E THICAL & FAIR TREAMENT Valuing other people's beliefs and treating them with kindness and courtesy. ESPECTR HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 50 SUPERIOR EDUCATION HEALTHY & SAFE COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE ECONOMIC STRENGTH INFORMED & ENGAGED CITIZENS Harnett County’s Strategic Plan is designed to provide a clear vision for the future along with direction for turning that vision into a reality. The Plan includes five Strategic Goals that reflect the County’s priorities for the next three years. Goal statements define what the organization intends to accomplish and lays out a path to follow in order to realize the vision. Each Goal includes a set of Objectives that further define the Goal, along with Key Strategic Actions that should be undertaken in the coming year to make progress toward the County's Objectives. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are identified and results are measured and tracked to ensure progress is being made toward accomplishing each goal. A Strategic Performance Scorecard is issued annually. Strategic Goals HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 51 GOAL OBJECTIVES FY 2024 KEY STRATEGIC ACTIONS Objective 1.4 Advocate for appropriate allocation of school funding from federal and state sources Objective 1.3 Attract, support, and retain highly qualified and experienced public school teachers and staff Objective 1.2 Maintain a long-term funding plan for capital needs Objective 1.1 Maintain effective collaboration with Harnett County Schools to coordinate budget process, capital projects, and other initiatives SUPERIOR EDUCATION A strong public school system is essential for the development of children into productive adults who contribute to the overall success of Harnett County. It is critical that Harnett County Government partner with the Harnett County School System to ensure all students in Harnett County are provided with a high quality education. Action 1.1: Engage school administration proactively to discuss and coordinate budget priorities and funding for FY2023 Action 1.2: Restore County involvement in capital planning and architecturalcommittee for ongoing and upcoming projects Action 1.3: Create and adopt a long-term plan for funding new schools basedon Board of Education priorities Action 1.4: Address teacher supplements to increase competitiveness in theregion Action 1.5: Adopt Legislative Priorities for FY2022 that includes advocacy forincreased funding for schools HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 52 GOAL OBJECTIVES FY 2023 KEY STRATEGIC ACTIONS Objective 2.4 Seek new and best practice technology to improve processes in all operational areas Objective 2.3 Foster culture of accountability through performance management and adherence to internal processes Objective 2.1 Attract, retain and grow high performing employees ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE Harnett County’s greatest asset is its employees. The County desires to become an employer of choice, growing a culture that values high performance and embraces diversity. A positive workplace environment increases productivity and reduces employee stress levels, empowering staff to perform at their peak and provide top-notch service to residents. The County seeks to implement a culture of accountability where staff at every level look for ways to improve and innovate operations and service delivery. Action 2.1: Complete Compensation Study to assess competitiveness of employee pay and salary compression for existing County employees Action 2.2: Review and revise employee performance evaluation process toencourage culture of accountability Action 2.3: Engage County employees in improving internal processes andprovide regular education on adherence Action 2.4: Develop and implement an organizational training anddevelopment program Action 2.5: Research, develop, and implement a holistic performancemanagement program Objective 2.2 Lead the organization with best finance and budget practices Objective 2.5 Improve resident and customer experiences through efficient, high quality service delivery and continuous improvement Action 2.6: Implement process for obtaining citizen feedback on Countyservice provision Action 2.7: Provide County employees with enrichment opportunities HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 53 Harnett County is committed to ensuring that all residents have opportunities to live healthy and productive lives, and that they feel safe. This commitment is shown through the provision of services and programs that enhance residents' lives and promote healthy behaviors and lifestyles. The County is also committed to providing strong public safety and emergency response services. GOAL OBJECTIVES FY 2023 KEY STRATEGIC ACTIONS SAFE & HEALTHY COMMUNITY GOAL OBJECTIVES Objective 3.4 Decrease alcohol and drug abuse Objective 3.3 Improve access to healthy food Objective 3.2 Protect open space and natural resources Objective 3.1 Preserve and enhance County residents' quality of life through open space, parks, recreation resources and greenways Objective 3.5 Provide high quality emergency response and public safety Action 3.5: Meet regularly with the local arts organizations to generate andimplement ideas for celebrating arts and culture. Objective 3.6 Support, promote and celebrate arts and culture Action 3.1: Prioritize parks and greenway projects for development throughCapital Improvements Program Action 3.2: Provide support for local farmer's markets and communitygardens at County locations to support healthy food options for residents Action 3.3: Assess most pressing issues surrounding substance abuse andengage stakeholders to develop plan to curb problems Action 3.4: Increase provision of County programs and initiatives aimed atencouraging healthy lifestyles and outdoor activity HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 54 ECONOMIC STRENGTH Harnett County is committed to creating economic opportunity for our residents. The County is working to strengthen its economic development program to position the County for success. This includes providing well- planned infrastructure to recruit business and industry, working with our educational partners to ensure a highly-skilled workforce, and leveraging our resources to ensure residents share in the prosperity generated through these efforts. GOAL OBJECTIVES FY 2023 KEY STRATEGIC ACTIONS Action 4.6: Educate County departments about economic development priorities and their role in advancing those priorities Action 4.1: Revise development and incentive policies to support thriving business andjob creation Action 4.2: Increase availability of high speed Broadband throughout County Action 4.3: Seek to extend natural gas availability along strategic corridors identified for commercial growth Action 4.4: Pursue enhanced transportation infrastructure to reduce congestion andincrease access throughout the county Action 4.5: Plan water and wastewater infrastructure to direct and attract residential,commercial and industrial growth toward targeted areas Objective 4.4 Provide strategically-placed infrastructure for business and industry growth and attraction Objective 4.5 Enhance Harnett Regional Jetport's function as an economic engine for the county Objective 4.1 Provide an effective economic development program Objective 4.6 Foster upward mobility and reduce poverty Objective 4.2 Provide well-planned communities with smart and sustainable growth strategies Objective 4.3 Attract and retain a diverse and viable tax base with increased commercial and retail Objective 4.7 Leverage partners and stakeholders to enhance economic development capacity HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 55 INFORMED & ENGAGED CITIZENS Harnett County Government exists to serve the citizens of Harnett County. It is vitally important that the public have access to information about County services and programs, and are given an opportunity to provide feedback to the County. Citizens also need to have the capacity and knowledge to effectively engage with County government. GOAL OBJECTIVES FY 2023 KEY STRATEGIC ACTIONS Action 5.5: Redesign County website with citizen dashboard tocreate more user-friendly experience Action 5.1: Launch program to provide presentations to community groups andorganizations from County staff on requested topics Action 5.2: Create and distribute bimonthly County newsletter in HarnettRegional Water bills Action 5.3: Implement use of video and storyboards to promote County eventsand educate citizens on County services and initiatives Action 5.4: Launch new engagement initiative to inform citizens and Countyemployees through quarterly update meetings Objective 5.3 Provide effective internal communications and engagementwith employees Objective 5.2 Provide opportunities for citizens to engage meaningfully with County government Objective 5.4 Strengthen Citizen Advisory Boards and Committees program Objective 5.1 Provide effective communication to citizens and businesses HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 56 Aligning the Organization for Success Harnett County's strategic plan improves transparency and accountability. It aligns community values with strategies and priorities, transforming ideas into action. The plan provides clarity to our organization and the community. It guides our efforts and helps make sure resources are allocated in the right areas. Harnett County's plan lays a foundation for engaging employees and citizens with clear communication, and it provides a basis for performance management and improvement so that we have better results for citizens! Tactical PlanningExecution: Delivering High Quality Services Better Results for Citizens Set Direction, Define Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals Strategic Planning Define Objectives, Performance Targets and Targets for Action Set PrioritiesCommunicate Results, Engage and Empower Customers and Employees Transparency & Innovation Align Budget to Programs and Performance Targets Allocate ResourcesPerformance Management: Identify Results and Commit to Data Driven Evaluation and Improvement Performance Management Provide World Class Services and Ensure Excellent Customer Service Implement & Integrate Feedback from Citizens, Data Driven Decisions and Continuous Improvement HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 57 Performance Management incorporates a wide variety of techniques to achieve desired results. Harnett County will proactively and intentionally work to develop and integrate beneficial processes. Departments will measure performance using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are carefully aligned to the overall strategic plan and outcome focused. KPIs are vital pieces of data which influence and inform management and policy decisions so improved results will be realized overtime. Tracking and reporting performance will increase accountability and transparency. KPIs should provide accurate and timely information about the state of County services and operations. Harnett County staff had the opportunity for deep dive training sessions on performance management. Overtime, the County will continue to work to expand and improve the set of performance measures, and County processes and tools used to track and analyze the data. County departments will work to update and align their business plans to the overall County Strategic Plan. Departmental budget requests will consider strategic priorities and performance results. Additionally, customer and employee priorities and satisfaction are an important aspect to performance management. Surveys and engagements will be conducted as resources allow to incorporate the customer and employee perspective. The County will consider strategic alignment as it develops future employee performance systems and processes and recognition programs. Harnett County is committed to continuous improvement. Staff is deploying Rapid Improvement Teams to increase the quality and efficiency of services provided to the community. Harnett County's Performance Management Plan HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 58 WHAT IS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT? Regular and systematic collection, analysis and reporting of data that tracks resources used, outputs produced, efficiencies realized and whether specific outcomes were achieved. The process of evaluating the results to enhance the decision making processes with the functions of management. Comparing performance over time, trending, benchmarking, evaluation and continuous improvement efforts. WHY DO WE DO IT? Better policy and management decisions Transparency and accountability mandates it To monitor County operations for our commitment to great customer service, operational excellence, and continuous improvement It is the right thing to do! T.E.A.M. HARNETT Harnett County staff established a name, vision, and mission statement for the performance management plan in November, 2022. Collaborative Goal teams were established to identify Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and to ensure Key Strategic Actions (KSA) were successfully completed. Two foundational reports will be provided to the Board and the community: Quarterly updates of the Key Strategic Actions and an Annual Performance Scorecard with Key Performance Indicator results and analysis. The name T.E.A.M. Harnett stands for:Tracking Excellence throughActionable Measurements HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 59 To ensure Key Performance Indictors are linked to the Strategic Plan To ensure organizational buy-in with effective communication To conduct an annual review of the the reporting process and performance results To use results to empower, not punish, using the system for leadership and learning To empower employees with strategy and performance to deliver high quality services To focus on action and use project management tools to stay on track To analyze results to make improvements to services with a customer focus To automate the process when possible To report results with transparency To integrate the performance management with the strategic planning and budget process T.E.A.M. Harnett Program Vision Statement To achieve excellence through performance, measurement, and growth. T.E.A.M. Harnett Program Mission Statement To promote confidence and accountability in Harnett County by creating an ongoing and systematic performance management framework to improve actionable results through evidence-based decision making, continuous organizational learning, and an involved community. T.E.A.M. Harnett Program Intended Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. With the these Goals in mind, Harnett County commits itself to a journey toward becoming a superior performing organization. Harnett County's Performance Management Plan HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 60 A Framework for a Superior Performing Organization with a Foundation in Leadership Excellence T.E.A.M. Harnett will use the 5 Pillars of Superior Performance as a framework to focus and empowerthe organization to reach its goals and improve results. Superior performance is not something wedo. We believe that it is a mindset, and part of the cultural belief system that guides our day-to-daydecision-making for Harnett County. HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 61 harnett.org/strategicplan For more information, contact: Harnett County Manager's Office 455 McKinney Parkway Lillington, NC 27546 910-893-7555 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 62 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS \2023\062723 ws\6.1.1 EMS PP agenda form.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: July 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: EMS COVID-19 Premium Pay Policy Update REQUESTED BY: County Manager's Office (Ally Fouts) REQUEST: On October 17, 2022, the Board of Commissioners approved an EMS COVID-19 Premium Pay Policy, featuring four premium payouts to EMS Staff in December 2022, June 2023, December 2023, and June 2024. However, on April 10, 2023, Congress ended the COVID-19 National Emergency, which means that "premium pay" is no longer an eligible use of ARPA funds. The updated Premium Pay Policy will reflect only one premium payout that was completed with ARPA-eligible funds (December 2022). FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 6 HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 63 1 County of Harnett EMS COVID-19 Premium Pay Policy Effective October 17, 2022 Updated July 17, 2023 I. Purpose This EMS COVID-19 Premium Pay Policy will provide prospective monetary payments to eligible Harnett County Emergency Medical Services (“EMS”) employees for the risks they incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (“SLFRF”), a part of the American Rescue Plan, allows local governments to provide premium pay for eligible workers who have performed essential work during the COVID-19 pandemic, which ended on April 10, 2023, when Congress ended the COVID-19 National Emergency. The SLFRF Final Rule provides specific requirements for providing premium pay to workers, including the documentation of eligibility for all premium payouts. II. Applicability This policy applies to EMS employees who meet eligibility requirements for COVID-19 premium pay, as outlined below. According to the SLFRF Final Rule, emergency responders qualify as eligible workers. III. Policy A. Eligibility Requirements Harnett County EMS employees that are active at the time of COVID-19 premium payouts (see Section III C) and also meet the following criteria may be eligible for COVID-19 premium pay: 1) Performed essential in-person work which, as established by the SLFRF Final Rule, must include: i. Regular in-person interactions with patients, the public, or coworkers of the individual that is performing the work; or ii. Regular physical handling of items that were handled by, or are to be handled by, patients, the public, or coworkers of the individual that is performing the work; 2) Full time employee; and HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 64 2 3) Employee earns less than or equal to 150% of the North Carolina state average annual wage for all occupations after COVID-19 premium pay is allocated or the employee is not exempt from FLSA overtime provisions. B. Reporting Requirements All information relating to COVID-19 premium payments, including recipient counts and dollars allocated, will be reported to the federal government per ARPA guidelines. COVID-19 premium payments will also be subject to public records law and relevant documents will be maintained for five (5) years. C. Payout Calculation Full-time employees that meet eligibility requirements and are employed by Harnett County EMS for the entire duration of the timeframe listed below will receive payments as follows: 1) Full-time employees employed from June 1, 2022 to December 1, 2022 will receive $1,750 for the pay period ending December 15, 2022 which will be paid in the employees’ December payroll Payments will be direct deposited into the account on record for each employee along with their regular paycheck and will be treated as wages for tax, retirement, and withholding purposes. Employees shall not be entitled to partial payments if they leave their employment with EMS or fail to meet any of the eligibility requirements during any of the premium pay timeframes listed above. IV. Implementation of Program It shall be the duty of the Harnett County Finance Department to implement the premium pay program and to follow all reporting requirements per the ARPA guidelines. V. Policy Non-Compliance Employees willfully violating the terms and conditions of this policy may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. VI. Audit All policies for Harnett County will be subject to audit or review. HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 65 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS \2023\062723 ws\6.2.1 EMS RP agenda form.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June 19, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: EMS Retention Pay Policy REQUESTED BY: County Manager's Office (Ally Fouts) REQUEST: On October 17, 2022, the Board of Commissioners approved an EMS COVID-19 Premium Pay Policy, featuring four premium payouts to EMS Staff in December 2022, June 2023, December 2023, and June 2024. However, on April 10, 2023, Congress ended the COVID-19 National Emergency, which means that "premium pay" is no longer an eligible use of ARPA funds. Instead of using ARPA-eligible funds, Administration recommends the use of supplanted ARPA funds to complete the remaining three payouts, promised in the original policy, as retention pay. The EMS Retention Pay Policy would provide a retention payment of $1,750 to full-time EMS staff who were employed by Harnett County EMS for the entirety of the following timeframes: - December 1, 2022 to June 1, 2023 - June 1, 2023 to December 1, 2023 - December 1, 2023 to June 1, 2024 FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 66 1 County of Harnett EMS Retention Pay Policy Effective July 17, 2023 I. Purpose This EMS Retention Pay Policy will provide prospective monetary payments to eligible Harnett County Emergency Medical Services (“EMS”) employees to effectively retain employees in this critical sector. II. Applicability This policy applies to EMS employees who meet eligibility requirements for this retention bonus, as outlined below. III. Policy A. Eligibility Requirements Full-time employees of Harnett County EMS during the entirety of the timeframes listed below are eligible for retention bonus. B. Payout Calculation Full-time employees of Harnett County EMS for the entire duration of the 6-month timeframe s listed below will receive payments as follows: 1) Full-time employees employed from December 1, 2022 to June 1, 2023 will receive $1,750 for the pay period ending June 15, 2023 which will be paid in the employees’ June payroll 2) Full-time employees employed from June 1, 2023 to December 1, 2023 will receive $1,750 for the pay period ending December 15, 2023 which will be paid in the employees’ December payroll 3) Full-time employees employed from December 1, 2023 to June 1, 2024 will receive $1,750 for the pay period ending June 15, 2024 which will be paid in the employees’ June payroll Payments will be direct deposited into the account on record for each employee along with their regular paycheck and will be treated as wages for tax, retirement, and withholding purposes. Employees shall not be entitled to partial payments if they leave HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 67 2 their employment with EMS or fail to meet any of the eligibility requirements during any of the premium pay timeframes listed above. IV. Implementation of Program It shall be the duty of the Harnett County Finance Department to implement the premium pay program. V. Policy Non-Compliance Employees willfully violating the terms and conditions of this policy may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. VI. Audit All policies for Harnett County will be subject to audit or review. HCBOC 062723 ws Pg. 68