HomeMy WebLinkAbout041723 agenda packet revisedREGULAR MEETING Date: Monday, April 17, 2023 – REVISED Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Commissioners Meeting Room Harnett County Resource Center & Library 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 1 1.Call to order – Chairman Matt Nicol 2.Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Lewis Weatherspoon 3.Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 4.Consent AgendaA.Minutesi.Regular Meeting Minutes of April 3, 2023 ii.Work Session Minutes of April 11, 2023 B.Parks and Recreation requests the approval of a construction contract with American Ramp Company to build the designed Mountain Biking trails at Anderson Creek Park. The contract amount for the trail construction is $201,704 and is funded through the State Capital Infrastructure Fund. American Ramp Company designed the trails in the summer of 2022 following public input from citizens. The trails will consist of approximately 1.5 miles of trail including ramps, obstacles, and passive trail. American Ramp is a member of the purchasing cooperative alliance, Sourcewell. The services for design and construction are pre-bid through this alliance. C.Adopt a Resolution requesting NCDOT add Dontella Way, Florentine Court, Hunting Wood Drive, Boone Court in Quail Glen 6 to the State’s Secondary Road Systems. D.Development Services requests the Board’s approval to accept the Request for Proposal bid from Stewart, Inc. to provide planning consulting services for the Harnett County Comprehensive Land Use Plan update. The bid estimate for the consulting services is $220,000. E.Information Technology requests the approval of an amendment to the CloudWyze Broadband Agreement Statement of Work. CloudWyze has requested a change to the phase 1 statement of work. With the expansion of CloudWyze fiber throughout the county the cost of water towers with equipment installed does not make sense. CloudWyze fiber in the Town of Erwin has made further fixed wireless expansion on commercial tower inefficient use of funds. CloudWyze is requesting the allocation of the last $200,000 funding from the county to be allotted to a fiber build between MCNC fiber backbone and the Oakridge tower and remove the expansion of any further wireless towers. This will provide a redundant route to another core tier 1 provider for bandwidth and enable residents along the fiber path to gain access to broadband. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 1 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 2 F.In the State of North Carolina's most recent budget, $1.5 million was allocated to Harnett County to be passed along to 46 entities, as decided by Senator Burgin. Administration is requesting approval of the funding agreement with Harnett County Historical Society. G.The Legal Department is seeking Board approval to enter into an Easement Agreement between the County of Harnett and the Adams family for the purposes of establishing a permanent non- exclusive access easement and temporary access easement from the public right of way commonly known as Butler Farm Drive. This Agreement will provide access over and across the County property for the benefit of the Adams family property. H.The Legal Department requests the Board accept the Deed for real property located at 109 Coates Road, Linden, North Carolina as part of the DPS Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. I.Administration is requesting the Board adopt an Ordinance adopting the S-5 2022 Supplement to the Code of Ordinances. J.Harnett County Board of Commissioners accept the resignation from Gloria Gulledge as the Dunn representative on the Harnett County Library Board of Trustees and appoint Shirley White- Snead as the Dunn representative and Adrienae Bell as the District 1 at large member for the Harnett County Library Board of Trustees. K.Proclamation honoring Dr. Linda Moore Robinson 5.Public Comment PeriodPeriod of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation. Speakers arerequested to signup prior to the meeting. Speakers may sign up by contacting the clerk atmdcapps@harnett.org at least one hour prior to the start of the meeting or by utilizing the signup sheet atthe back of the room. The signup form will be picked up by the clerk 5 minutes before the publishedmeeting start time. 6.Public Hearing regarding the Lease of County Property to Lamar, Inc. for a billboard at 5.41077/-78.81134 at Main Street, Lillington, North Carolina. The County intends to lease the above-described property to Lamar, Inc. for a term of ten years. In consideration of the lease, Lamar will pay asrent the rate of $2,100.00 per year. **Following the public hearing, the Board will consider approval ofthe lease of the above-described property to Lamar, Inc. for a term of ten years. In consideration of thelease, Lamar will pay as rent the rate of $2,100.00 per year.** 7.Discuss request from the I-95/I-40 Crossroads of America Economic Development Alliance. 8.County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager A.Harnett County Veterans Services Activity Report B.Harnett County Department of Public Health Monthly Report C.North Carolina Department of State Treasurer Retirement System Division – Contribution-Based Benefit Cap Report. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 2 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 3 D.Interdepartmental Budget AmendmentsE.Budget Amendments – Motion to approve budget amendments as requested by the FinanceDirectorF.Tax Rebates, Refunds and Releases – Motion to approve tax rebates, refunds and releases asrequested by the Tax Administrator. 9.New Business A.The Jetport requests the Board of Commissioners accept the work authorization for professional services with Parrish and Partners, LLC. for the construction phase of the jetport terminal. Work authorization total is $861,815.00, which is provided through the State Capital and Infrastructure Fund Grant (SCIF). 10.Closed Session 11.Adjourn CONDUCT OF THE APRIL 17, 2023 MEETING Live audio of the meeting will be streamed on the Harnett County Government’s YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x_98EhAMeMg/featured. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 3 Harnett County Board of Commissioners April 3, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes April 3, 2023 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, April 3, 2023 at 9:00 am, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman William Morris, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Commissioner Staff present: Brent Trout, County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Nicol called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Commissioner Weatherspoon led the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation. Chairman Nicol called for any additions or deletions to the published agenda. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the agenda as published. Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The items on the consent agenda were as follows: A.Minutes i.Regular Meeting Minutes of March 20, 2023 ii.Work Session Minutes of March 28, 2023 B.The Sheriff’s Office requests a reclassification of a Deputy’s position (Pay Grade 107) to a new position Computer Forensic Analysis (Pay Grade 112). A second Computer Forensic Analysis is needed to enable the timely examination of seized cellphones and computers. C.The Sheriff’s Office requests approval of the 2023 Harnett County Health Plan for the Harnett County Detention Center. D.The Jetport requests the Board of Commissioners approve the acceptance an additional $41,000 awarded by the North Carolina Department of Transportation/Division of Aviation and approve the amended capital project Item 4Ai HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 4 Harnett County Board of Commissioners April 3, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 ordinance for the Aircraft Apron and Helipad Design and Construction project. This award requires a local match of $4,100. (Attachment 1) E. Administration requests the Board of Commissioners approve the updated funding plan for the County's $26,411,744 allocation of ARPA funds. In addition to updating numbers for previously approved projects, this plan includes an additional $2 million allotment to purchase additional VIPER Radios for local police departments. F. Administration requests the Board of Commissioners authorize the filing of a Community Funding Grant Application for Corporate Hanger Infrastructure Development at the Jetport. G. Administration requests the Board of Commissioners approve the appointment of Commissioner Brooks Matthews to the Board of Equalization and Review. Chairman Nicol opened the meeting for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. The following people provided comments: 1. Elizabeth Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 2. Alan Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 3. Jimmy Ragland of 476 E Smithfield Street, Angier, NC. 4. Jerry Rivas of 364 Twin Ponds Road, Sanford, NC. No one else spoke. The public comment period was closed. Brent Trout, County Manager, shared information regarding the census figures. To grow from the 133,000 to 138,000 in two years according to their estimates, is the numbers to support what we see is going on so as we go forward with the budget that is something we will keep in mind. The demand on our services is definitely increasing. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the budget amendments as requested by the Finance Director. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McKoy and carried unanimously. (Attachment 2) Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn at 9:15 am. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman Melissa D. Capps, Clerk HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 5 Attachment 1 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 6 Attachment 2 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 7 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 8 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 9 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 10 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 11 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 12 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 13 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 14 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 15 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 16 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 17 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 18 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 19 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 20 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 21 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 22 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 23 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 24 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 25 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 26 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 27 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes April 11, 2023 Page 1 of 4 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Work Session April 11, 2023 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in work session on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 9:00 am, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman William Morris, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Commissioner Staff present: Dwight Snow, County Attorney Brent Trout, County Manager Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Melissa Capps, County Clerk Chairman Nicol called the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 9:00 am. Commissioner Weatherspoon led the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation. The following agenda was before the Board of Commissioners: 1.Call to order – Chairman Matt Nicol 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Lewis Weatherspoon 3.National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week Proclamation 4.Discuss a request from the I-95/I-40 Crossroads of America Economic Development Alliance; Reid Williams, President 5.Discuss a request to approve a construction contract with American Ramp Company to build the designed Mountain Bike Trails at Anderson Creek; Carl Davis, Parks and Recreation Director 6. Discuss a resolution requesting NCDOT add Dontella Way, Florentine Court, Hunting Wood Drive, Boone Court in Quail Glen 6 to the State’s Secondary Road Systems; Jay Sikes, Development Services Assistant Director/ Manager of Planning Services 7.Discuss Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update Project Bid Award; Jay Sikes, Development Services Director and Coley Price, Deputy County Manager 8.Discuss an amendment to the CloudWyze Agreement; Ira Hall, Chief Information Officer 9.Discuss Nonprofit Funding Agreement with Harnett County Historical Society; Ally Fouts, Lead for North Carolina Fellow Item 4Aii HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 28 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes April 11, 2023 Page 2 of 4 10. Discuss an easement agreement between Harnett County and the Adams Family for access to Butler Farm Drive property; Christopher Appel, Senior Staff Attorney 11. Discuss DPS Hazard Mitigation Grant Program regarding property located at 109 Coats Road, Linden, NC; Christopher Appel, Senior Staff Attorney 12. Discuss a request regarding the financing of a capital improvement project for the Benhaven Fire Department; Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer 13. Discuss a request to adopt the S-5 2022 Supplement to the Code of Ordinances; Melissa Capps, Clerk to the Board 14. Review applications to serve on Boards and Committees. 15. County Manager’s Report - Brent Trout, County Manager • April 17, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda Review • Upcoming meetings and invitations 16. Closed Session 17. Adjourn Chairman Nicol read the National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week Proclamation, proclaiming the week of April 9th - April 15th, 2023 as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. The Board of Commissioners presented a framed copy of the Proclamation to Harnett County Telecommunicators and expressed their appreciation. Reid Williams, President of I-95 / I-40 Crossroads of America Economic Development Alliance and Harold Keen, Board Chair of the Board of Directors of I-95 / I-40 Crossroads of America Economic Development Alliance shared information regarding a request for funding to match funds from the State to renovate the building located at 600 South Magnolia Avenue in Dunn, NC for a workforce training center. Discussion included tenants of the building, up fit of the building, training of students will be conducted by Central Carolina Community College staff members, impact on community college’s budget, voting membership on the I-95 / I-40 Crossroads of America Economic Development Alliance Board of Directors, ownership of the building, leasing space and maintenance and upkeep of the building. Consensus of the Board was to bring this item back for further discussion at the April 17th meeting as a separate line item on the agenda. Carl Davis, Parks and Recreation Director, reviewed a request for approval of a Construction contract with American Ramp Company to build the designed Mountain Biking trails at Anderson Creek Park. The contract amount for the trail construction is $201,704 and is funded through the State Capital Infrastructure Fund. American Ramp Company designed the trails in the summer of 2022 following public input from citizens. The trails will consist of approximately 1.5 miles of trail including ramps, obstacles, and passive trail. American Ramp is a member of the purchasing cooperative alliance, Sourcewell. The services for design and construction are pre-bid through this alliance. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 29 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes April 11, 2023 Page 3 of 4 Jay Sikes, Development Services Assistant Director/ Manager of Planning Services, reviewed a request for approval of a Resolution requesting NCDOT add Dontella Way, Florentine Court, Hunting Wood Drive, Boone Court in Quail Glen 6 to the State’s Secondary Road Systems. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Coley Price, Deputy County Manager and Jay Sikes, Development Services Assistant Director/ Manager of Planning Services reviewed a request for approval to accept the Request for Proposal bid from Stewart, Inc. to provide planning consulting services for the Harnett County Comprehensive Land Use Plan update. The bid estimate for the consulting services is $220,000. The following items were added: airport overlay, affordable housing, Western Harnett growth – commercial nodes, explosive growth in Angier, Lillington and Northwest Harnett – look at protecting these corridors, natural resources, enhance greenways and open space plans, looking at how we can grow smart, clearly define economic development opportunities and zones, and stakeholders will be included, including our municipalities. There are five things this guiding document will look at is water, sewer, transportation, conservation and open space. Mr. Sikes shared they will also be working with LS3P as a subcontractor for Stewart. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Ira Hall, Chief Information Officer, provided an update on the GREAT Grant and the number of subscribers to CloudWyze. Mr. Hall also reviewed a request for approval of an amendment to the CloudWyze Broadband Agreement Statement of Work. CloudWyze has requested a change to the phase 1 statement of work. With the expansion of CloudWyze fiber throughout the county the cost of water towers with equipment installed does not make sense. CloudWyze fiber in the Town of Erwin has made further fixed wireless expansion on commercial tower inefficient use of funds. CloudWyze is requesting the allocation of the last $200,000 funding from the county to be allotted to a fiber build between MCNC fiber backbone and the Oakridge tower and remove the expansion of any further wireless towers. This will provide a redundant route to another core tier 1 provider for bandwidth and enable residents along the fiber path to gain access to broadband. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Ally Fouts, Lead for North Carolina Fellow, shared the quarterly report had been submitted. She also reviewed a request for approval of the funding agreement with Harnett County Historical Society which was one of the 46 entities that were included in $1.5 million allocation from the State to Harnett County to be passed along to entities as decided by Senator Burgin. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Christopher Appel, Senior Staff Attorney, reviewed a request for approval to enter into an Easement Agreement between the County of Harnett and the Adams family for the purposes of establishing a permanent non-exclusive access easement and temporary access easement from the public right of way commonly known as Butler Farm Drive. This Agreement will provide access over and across the County property for the benefit of the Adams family property. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 30 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes April 11, 2023 Page 4 of 4 Attorney Appel also reviewed a request for the Board to consider accepting the Deed for real property located at 109 Coates Road, Linden, North Carolina as part of the DPS Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer, reviewed a request regarding the financing of a capital improvement project for the Benhaven Fire Department. Benhaven Fire Department is looking to construct a 3 bay fire facility. For financing, they would need a Resolution from the Board through a public hearing which would enable Benhaven Fire Department to receive a tax-exempt type loan saving them over a million dollars over the life of the loan. We will be bringing the Resolution back to you and have a public hearing on May 1st if the Board is ok to proceed. The notice of public hearing will be required to be placed on our website. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the agenda for the May 1st meeting. Melissa Capps, Clerk to the Board, reviewed a request for approval of an Ordinance adopting the S-5 2022 Supplement to the Code of Ordinances. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Applications to serve on the various Boards and Committees were reviewed. Appointments to the Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action Board and the Dangerous Dog Committee were placed on hold and will be reviewed at the April 25th work session. Consensus of the Board was to place the acceptance of the resignation from Gloria Gulledge as the Dunn representative on the Harnett County Library Board of Trustees and appointment of Shirley White-Snead as the Dunn representative and Adrienae Bell as the District 1 at large member for the Harnett County Library Board of Trustees on the next Consent Agenda. The vacancy on the Harnett County Board of Equalization and Review will be published and applications will be open for a month. Brent Trout, County Manager, shared he and Mr. Price went up to Raleigh last week and met with legislative representatives to discuss County projects and priorities. Mr. Trout provided an update on Kairos. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn at 10:39 am. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McKoy. The motion carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman Melissa D. Capps, Clerk HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 31 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\041723\4B.1 agendaform2023_AmericanRampCompany.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Anderson Creek Park, Phase 2-Mountain Bicycle Trail Construction REQUESTED BY: Carl Davis, Parks and Recreation Director REQUEST: Parks and Recreation requests the approval of a Construction contract with American Ramp Company to build the designed Mountain Biking trails at Anderson Creek Park. The contract amount for the trail construction is $201,704 and is funded through the State Capital Infrastructure Fund. American Ramp Company designed the trails in the summer of 2022 following public input from citizens. The trails will consist of approximately 1.5 miles of trail including ramps, obstacles, and passive trail. American Ramp is a member of the purchasing cooperative alliance, Sourcewell. The services for design and construction are pre-bid through this alliance. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4B HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 32 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 33 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 34 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 35 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 36 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 37 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 38 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 39 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 40 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 41 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 42 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 43 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 44 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 45 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 46 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 47 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 48 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 49 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 50 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 51 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 52 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 53 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 54 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 55 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 56 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 57 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 58 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 59 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 60 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 61 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 62 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 63 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 64 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 65 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 66 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 67 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 68 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 69 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 70 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 71 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 72 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 73 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 74 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 75 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 76 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 77 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 78 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 79 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 80 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 81 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 82 strong roots • new growth HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that Harnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby, by proper execution of this document, request that the North Carolina Department of Transportation add to the State’s Secondary Road System the below listed streets. Quail Glen 6 •Donatella Way •Florentine Court •Hunting Wood Drive •Boone Court Duly adopted this 17th day of April, 2023. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _______________________________ Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman ATTEST: ____________________________________ Melissa D. Capps, Clerk Item 4C HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 83 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 84 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J. ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION SIX / DISTRICT TWO POST OFFICE BOX 1150 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28302 Telephone: (910) 364-0601 Fax: (910) 437-2529 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Website: www.ncdot.gov Location: 600 SOUTHERN AVENUE FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306 September 20, 2022 Mrs. Melissa Capps Clerk Harnett County Board of Commissioners Post Office Box 759 Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Subject: Secondary Road Addition To Whom It May Concern: This is in reference to a petition submitted to this office requesting street(s) in Harnett County be placed on the State’s Secondary Road System. Please be advised that these street(s) have been investigated and our findings are that the below listed street(s) are eligible for addition to the State System. Quail Glen 6  Donatella Way  Florentine Court  Hunting Wood Drive  Boone Court It is our recommendation that the above-named street(s) be placed on the State’s Secondary Road System. If you and your Board concur in our recommendation, please submit a resolution to this office. Sincerely, Christopher Jones Engineering Technician III HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 85 C:\Users\mdcapps\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\7MJ7GNDQ\agendaform2023 RFP BID Approval Updated (002).docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update Project Bid Award REQUESTED BY: Mark Locklear, Development Services REQUEST: Development Services is seeking Board approval to accept the Request for Proposal bid from Stewart, Inc. to provide planning consulting services for the Harnett County Comprehensive Land Use Plan update. The bid estimate for the consulting services is $220,000. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4D HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 86 2 HARNETT COUNTY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN 2023 Proposals Due January 20, 2023 no later 4:00 pm. Submit Proposals to: Harnett County Finance Attn: Renea Warren-Ford Purchasing Specialist 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, NC 27546 Submit via UPS, FedEx or in person Include Bid No. DS-01152022 on the outside of a sealed envelope. 455 McKinney Parkway Lillington, North Carolina 27546 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 87 3 Contents 1.0 Purpose and Background 2.0 General Information 2.1 Request for Proposal Document 2.2 Proposal Contents 3.0 Consultant Evaluation and Selection 3.1 Evaluation Criteria 4.0 Submission Requirements 4.1 Submission Schedule 4.2 Method of Submission 4.3 Contact Information 4.4 Submit 5.0 Scope of Work 5.1 Key Principles and Elements 5.2 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Components 5.3 Implementation and Strategies 5.4 Final Comprehensive Land Use Plan Deliverables 6.0 Conditions and Limitations HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 88 4 1.0 Purpose and Background Harnett County is seeking proposals for professional planning services to assist in the development and production of an updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Proposals should demonstrate a consultant’s competence, experience, and qualifications in providing services. Vendors must have experience successfully working in the state of North Carolina. Purpose: The Request for Proposal is intended to solicit proposals from qualified consultants for the development of Harnett County’s Comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Plan will be forward thinking and address anticipated growth in a way that preserves community character, reduces sprawl, maximizes existing infrastructure, enhances multi-modal opportunities, considers environmental impacts, and improves quality of life. The process will include the inventory, analysis, and synthesis of information, which will be organized into a series of planning elements: Land Use, Transportation, Public Utilities, Economic Development, Parks & Natural Resources, County Jetport, Growth Capacity, Regional/ Inter-Jurisdictional Coordination, and Housing– Analysis of Market and Affordable Housing. The Comprehensive Plan will serve as both a physical plan and policy guide, and will be used by elected officials and appointed boards, staff, community members, and other decision makers who are charged with shaping how Harnett County will grow in the future. A detailed description of services to be provided is outlined under “Scope of Work”. Background: Harnett County is located in Central North Carolina between Raleigh and Fayetteville. There are five (5) municipalities located in the County, the largest of these being the City of Dunn. The County includes 601 square miles and a population of approximately 143,573. Harnett County is experiencing rapid growth. The county experienced a 16.5% increase in population from 2010 to 2020. Much of this growth has been outside of the incorporated towns, which make up approximately 20% of the county population. The County’s proximity to Raleigh and the Fayetteville area and the Highway 87 & I-95 corridors make Harnett County a desired location for residents, businesses, and industry. 2.0 General Information 2.1 Request for Proposal Document The RFP is comprised of this RFP document, any attachments, and any addenda released before Contract award. All attachments and addenda released for this RFP in advance of any Contract award are incorporated herein by referenced. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 89 5 2.2 Proposal Contents Proposals should be effectively organized and presented, and should be limited in the number of pages. All proposals shall address the following information: a) Project Approach: Provide an approach to the scope of work, with particular attention to methods proposed for public participation. The approach should be responsive to the items presented in this RFP, but can be enhanced where it can be shown that doing so benefits the project. Describe how the plan will be tailored to meet the unique needs of Harnett County. Provide a tentative schedule for the life of the project, highlighting each major component of the scope of work and deliverables. b) Project Team: Provide a description and organizational chart that indicates how the consultant or consultant team will work with the County. Name the specific staff proposed for the project, including their titles and identify a project manager. Note the office location of each staff assigned to the project, their roles and responsibilities and their time availability to devote to this project. Provide a description of the services and tasks that you would expect the County to provide. c) Qualifications and Experience: Identify similar projects that each team or individual has completed recently; provide a synopsis of each and include the name of the project, project location, client name, date completed and contact person. For each staff person assigned to the project, clearly delineate their professional credentials and experience, identifying pertinent experience to be applied to this project. d) Fee Proposal: Provide a not-to-exceed price for all services required by this proposal. e) Offer alternatives or suggestions to reduce costs. 3.0 Consultant Evaluation and Selection 3.1 Evaluation and Selection Criteria The following will be used in evaluating proposals as part of the initial ranking: a) A project approach that satisfactorily addresses all aspects of the scope of work in a way that meets the needs of Harnett County. b) Experience of proposed personnel in preparing comprehensive or other vision based plans with public participation in counties that are similar to Harnett. c) Availability of proposed personnel to devote adequate time and resources to complete the plan in a timely manner. d) References that indicate a positive experience and quality performance. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 90 6 e) Overall Quality of the Proposal, including effective organization and presentation as evidence of the quality of the final product that can be expected. f) Fee Proposal, based upon the competitiveness of the pricing. 4.0 Submission Requirements The Consultant is expected to enter into an agreement with the County of Harnett, and to provide pr oper insurance documentation, references, execution of proposal sheet, and employee eligibility. 4.1 Submission Schedule Proposals are due to the County’s Development Services Director and the Cou nty’s Purchasing Specialist by 4:00pm January 20, 2023. The County may invite one or more selected firms to a presentation and interview before staff and/or other elected or appointed officials prior to final selection. It is anticipated that a final selection and Notice to Proceed will be issued on or around February 6, 2023. 4.2 Method of Submission One electronic copy, in PDF format, and one paper copy must be submitted labeled with the firm name and Land Use Plan. 4.3 Contact Information For questions or to submit a proposal, please contact Renea Warren-Ford at purchasing.support@harnett.org and include Land Use Plan in the subject line. Budget parameters will not be discussed with any prospective consultant. Respondents are advised to refrain from contacting County Commissioners or Planning Board members. 4.4 Submit Send one (1) electronic copy via email in PDF format to purchasing.support@harnett.org and submit (1) paper copy via FedEx, UPS or hand deliver labeled with firm name and Land Use Plan to: Harnett County Resource Center and Library Attn: Renea Warren-Ford Purchasing Specialist 455 McKinney Parkway Lillington, NC 27546 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 91 7 5.0 Scope of Work The selected consultant(s), with direction from the County and its residents, will engage the community in a participatory process; facilitate public meetings; prepare the proposed plan for review by county departments and elected officials; and, based on this collective information and input, finalize the updated Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan will be adopted by County Commissioners in order to provide direction to County officials, staff, residents, businesses, and the development community t o implement the County’s goals. 5.1 Key Principles and Elements  A Steering Committee made up of elected and appointed officials, County staff, and involved members of the community will be formed. Additionally, a sub-committee will also be formed for Economic Development-specific purposes that will work with this overall Steering Committee. These committees will provide guidance and direction to the consultant throughout the development of the plan and will make a recommendation to the Board of Commi ssioners for adoption of the plan. Please include meeting schedules, project timelines, key contacts, and other pertinent information needed to ensure a successful partnership and completion of the project. County staff will aid in providing technical and logistical support for the project.  Public Participation should be an integral part of the development of the plan. Staff envisions a grass- roots approach to the development of the plan that will include website outreach via the county website, social media, electronic surveys, info booths at local events, and other forms of community outreach to achieve this objective. Furthermore, a preliminary meeting is required with each steering committee and a minimum of three public drop-in works sessions, and a final Public Hearing presentation. One drop-in session shall have a focus on wildlife and environmental concerns to accommodate the wildlife grant the department was recently awarded. Staff will aid in logistics, prepare materials and assist with presentations to the Planning Board and Board of Commissioners as well as participate in drop-in sessions.  The proposed Land Use Plan should be based upon a common vision developed via input from the community. It should break the County into small growth areas and be easy to read and to use by county staff, elected officials, the Planning Board, and the community in general. It should include goals and strategies for addressing each of the elements described below, as well as specific steps for implementing the plan and keeping it up-to-date. Staff will be available to assist in the preparation of the plan’s content and maps, as needed. 5.2 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Components The following components are expected: a) Land Use:  Evaluation of the Department’s existing policies and programs;  Serve as the primary policy guide for short and long-range planning, zoning and development decision-making within the county;  The Comprehensive Plan shall also serve as a necessary first step and guideline toward systematic HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 92 8 revisions of the county’s existing land use and development regulations;  Should include an anticipated future land use map. b) Transportation/Mobility (including pedestrian and bicycle): Harnett has grown and will grow significantly in the coming years. As a result, the current infrastructure has experienced increased traffic, significant commute times, and added costs for residents. Improving access to regional destinations is a paramount transportation concern. Other key issues are maintaining mobility on key arterials, adding a connected road network as growth occurs, and providing multi-modal transportation options. The location and intensity of development envisioned in the existing plan’s future land use map are mean t to decrease the trip length, and vehicle miles traveled. Also, NCDOT and the County will be working on an updated CTP and we would like to include elements of that plan here. c) Public Utilities and Infrastructure:  The County would like to include the Harnett Regional Water’s existing plans for the various parts of the County at the very least as it pertains to the growth of the County. Details of this component could include:  Existing Conditions evaluation: o County System only, not including municipal areas. o Description of current facilities (summary of everything described in current W&S plans and then updated with information provided by the Public Utilities staff) o Description of planned facilities (summary of everything described in current W&S plans then updated with information provided by the Public Utilities staff) o Summary of service areas, including agreements with other jurisdictions/service providers. o Map of existing County service areas, and existing and planned County facilities. Possibly, two maps: water and wastewater. o Water and sewer usage trends and issues (collected from current W&S plans, and refined with information provided by the Public Utilities staff and through stakeholder input)  Description of Municipal Systems – general information that clarifies relationship of their service areas to County service areas. Also, general information about their operations and needs, especially that which could have an impact on the County service or systems.  Map of Easily Served Catchments (subsets of sub-watersheds)- This may help refine delineation of future service areas d) Economic Development Strategies Harnett County’s current economic conditions are being shaped by global trends that are rapidly changing the competitive landscape. Urbanization is a significant trend in NC and around the world. Harnett County has only 44 percent of its population living in the county's urban areas. Dunn, the largest Harnett County municipality, is the 88th largest in North Carolina and is about half the size of the southern Wake County cities of Apex, Holly Springs, Garner, and Fuquay-Varina. The primary focus for economic development, listed in the existing land use plan, is deve loping a community product that is attractive to potential investors. Current resources in the county that provide support and competitive advantage for economic growth in Harnett county include the presence HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 93 9 of interstate 95, Fort Bragg, and Campbell university, and an abundance of water sources. Also, the County has a recently updated its Economic Development Plan and we would like to include elements of that plan here. e) Harnett County Jetport A key component of Harnett county is its Regional Jetport. Including an airport overlay (intended to promote compatible land uses in the vicinity of the airport by allowing land uses that will be compatible with airport operations' noise and promote individuals' safety on the ground) is a target goal of the future plan. An airport overlay will limit the density of land use (i.e., people) in the vicinity of the airport. Benefits of the overlay include reduction of the impact of aircraft noise on people, protection of people on the ground in the event of an aircraft accident, protection of pilots from hazards, and limiting assemblies such as schools, churches, and apartments, as these are places where people gather in high density and restricting the location of hazardous material to protect both the users of the airport and the public. Failure to implement this overlay may create hazards to air navigation, reductions in airport utility resulting from obstructions to flight paths, and noise-related incompatible land use resulting from residential construction too close to the airport. f) Housing Evaluate the real estate market conditions in selected, competitive locations in Harnett County to understand how recent market trends, current economic conditions, and future growth affect opportunities for new development in the area. The analysis will be considered a critical component when testing overall market potentials that will inform and guide the study area's long-term land use and zoning policies. The housing section of the report will analyze historic and current building inventory, occupancy and vacancy levels, annual absorption (leasing) activity, historical development trends, and other appropriate market indices for housing, workplace (office and industrial), supporting commercial (retail) and lodging/hospitality uses based on available data.  Affordable Housing: Affordable housing can be defined as housing in which the occupant pays no more than 30 percent of gross income for housing costs. Furthermore, affordable housing should address housing costs so that residual household income is available for food, medicine, transportation, and other non-housing essentials, as well as improvement of family well-being through access to employment and schools; and the development of secure social networks. g) Parks & Natural Resources Harnett County's natural resources and parks are among its most valuable assets. Farms and forests contribute $300 million in value-added income annually. The Cape Fear River provides a source of drinking water for the region. Combined with the Upper Little River, Raven Rock State Park, and Anderson Creek Park forms a network of recreation opportunities and open spaces unparalleled to the Triangle and Fort Bragg regions. Harnett county has an abundance of natural habitats (hosting 56 recognized or rare species) and water systems (precisely several headwater streams feeding into the Cape Fear River, which provides drinking water). However, habitat fragmentation has been occurring due to development and urbanization. Harnett County aims to protect its unique habitats by providing active and passive recreational opportunities. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 94 10 h) Growth Capacity Harnett County is rapidly growing with large amounts of new development and population. As such, Harnett County must prepare to have the capacity to meet the service demands of current residents, future residents and new development. The population is projected to grow to approximately 174,361 residents by 2040, so it is imperative that goals, policies, and priorities be established to properly accommodate the growing nature of the County. Furthermore, a Smart Growth Audit should be performed to identify areas where there are smart growth principles. Finally, coordinated growth planning should be introduced. The County should be evaluated as a whole for development suitability based on existing infrastructure such as roads, school capacity, and utilities, then divided into subareas accordingly. Growth Framework Maps, an Urban Services Area Map, and a Natural Features Map should be produced to promote a comprehensive approach to growth in Harnett County. i) Regional/ Inter-Jurisdictional Coordination Planning coordination between Harnett County and neighboring jurisdictions is essential for establishing rational and cohesive development patterns. As the region continues to grow, the opportunities for inter-jurisdictional cooperation increase, and the cooperation between jurisdictions becomes more valuable. The new comprehensive plan should incorporate regional planning policies to address shared priorities, potential impacts, and opportunities that transcend jurisdictional lines. Harnett County will increase collaboration with nearby jurisdictions and agencies, including the five municipalities located within the County -- the towns of Lillington, Coats, Angier, and Erwin, and the City of Dunn; the bordering Town of Fuquay-Varina in south Wake County; Fort Bragg (to be renamed Fort Liberty), and the regional planning agencies CAMPO, FAMPO, and the Mid Carolina RPO.  Develop regulatory standards in order to support municipal annexatio n based on existing municipal utility capacity and urban service areas. The standards should be used to generate development framework categories and identify areas appropriate for municipal development on a development framework map.  Develop coordination policies for transportation improvements such as interconnectivity for greenways, side paths, and roadways as growth spurs new improvements; multi-modal transportation to decrease travel time, congestion, and automobile dependency. 5.3 Plan Implementation and Strategies Establish a project timeline that includes benchmarks or milestones for measuring the progression of the planning process. Develop performance measures for the strategic action plan to measure the effectiveness of implementation activities and programs for each component. 5.4 Final Comprehensive Land Use Plan Deliverables At a minimum, for the entire Comprehensive Growth Plan, the following deliverables shall be produced:  A Comprehensive Growth Plan and Executive Summary in written and electronic form as well as a corresponding presentation to stakeholders.  An action plan with strategic goals and objectives, recommended implementation steps. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 95 11  A comprehensive and detailed activity report covering the consultant’s completed work output for all items listed above;  A final report to be formally presented to the County Commissioners and other stakeholders groups.  A Future Land Use map and applicable GIS files. Deliverables shall be submitted in written, amendable, ele ctronic format as used by the County and a minimum of ten hard copies. 6.0 Conditions and Limitations Equal Employment Opportunity All firms will be required to follow Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policies. Harnett County will affirmatively assure that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement, equal employment opportunity will be offered to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, natural origin, sex, and marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age. Minority and Small Business Participation Plan It is the policy of Harnett County that Minority and Women Owned Businesses (MBEs) and other small businesses shall have the opportunity to compete fairly in contracts financed in whole or in part with public funds. Consistent with this policy, Harnett County will not allow any person or business to be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be discriminated against in connection with the award and performance of any contract because of sex, race, religion, or national origin. Proposals will be evaluated based on the following factors by an evaluation team consisting of County management personnel. The award made to the firm whose proposal has been determined to be most advantageous to the County. The County reserves the right to reject any proposal. The County may or may not award this contract solely on the cost submitted as part of the proposal. Any cost incurred by respondents in preparing or submitting a proposal shall be the respondent’s sole responsibility. End of RFP Harnett County Comprehensive Plan 2 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 96 12 REFERENCES 1. Agency or Firm Name: Business Address: Contact Person: Telephone Number: 2. Agency or Firm Name: Business Address: Contact Person: Telephone Number: 3. Agency or Firm Name: Business Address: Contact Person: Telephone Number: 4. Agency or Firm Name: Business Address: Contact Person: Telephone Number: 5. Agency or Firm Name: Business Address: Contact Person: Telephone Number: HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 97 13 EXECUTION OF PROPOSAL PAGE Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2023 Date: By submitting this proposal, the Vendor/Contractor certifies the following: An authorized representative of the Vendor/Contractor has signed this proposal. It can obtain insurance certificates as required within 10 calendar days after notice of award. The Vendor/Contractor has determined the cost and availability of all equipment, materials and supplies associated with performing the services outlined herein. All labor costs, direct and indirect, have been determined and included in the proposed cost. If required, the Vendor/Contractor has attended the pre-proposal conference and is aware of the prevailing conditions associated with performing this contract. The Vendor/Contractor agrees to complete the scope of work for this project with no exceptions. Therefore, in compliance with the foregoing Request for Proposal, and subject to all terms and conditions thereof, the undersigned offers and agrees, if this proposal is accepted within (60) days from the date of the opening, to furnish the services for the prices quoted. Vendor: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip Code: Telephone Number: Principal Place of Business if different from above By Title: (Type or Print Name) (Signature) HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 98 Stewart 223 S. West Street / Suite 1100 / Raleigh, NC 27603 O 919.380.8750 F 919.380.8752 stewartinc.com JANUARY 20, 2023 HARNETT COUNTYHARNETT COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN 2023 Raven Rock State Park HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 99 STRONGER BY DESIGN 223 S. West Street Raleigh, NC T 919. 380. 8750 Suite 1100 27603 F 919. 380. 8752 January 20, 2023 Harnett County Finance Renea Warren-Ford, Purchasing Specialist 455 McKinney Parkway Lillington, NC 27546 RE: Request for Proposals - Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2023 Dear Ms. Warren-Ford: On behalf of the Transportation & Planning Practice at Stewart, I am pleased to submit this proposal to update the County’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan. As you will see in this document, our planning process will be driven by a robust community engagement process involving residents, business owners, staff , and other key stakeholders. We will use this input to develop a new user-friendly and highly visual plan that will guide and manage growth, land use, infrastructure, open space, and recreational eff orts over the next 10 to 20 years. We have an exemplary team of professionals that are available to work on this project upon notice to proceed. Our planning team has several Certifi ed Planners with decades of public and private sector planning experience, as well as professional landscape architects and engineers. STEWART is well-positioned to provide the County with an innovative community engagement strategy and a well- managed, clear process, which will lead to visually engaging guidance documents with actionable strategies that assist with implementation. Our fi rm’s recent experience includes projects in Johnston County, Creedmoor, Dunn, Lillington, Smithfi eld, Huntersville, Clayton, Franklin County, Warren County, and many more. A combination of several factors makes the Stewart Team the best choice for your project:▪Experienced Planning and Landscape Architecture Team - Our staff is profi cient in comprehensive planning, zoning, and GIS mapping, and understands the interplay between land use, potential growth/preservation areas, infrastructure needs, and other elements necessary to craft an eff ective plan.▪Focus on Small- to Mid-Size Communities - Our team works almost exclusively with small- to mid-size communities and understands the complexities of allocating fi nancial resources to achieve large visions. Stewart will work with Couinty staff to meet the project schedule and budget requirements of the project.▪NCLM Preferred Partner - Stewart’s Community Planning Practice is endorsed as a Preferred Partner by the NC League of Municipalities.▪Core Values - Stewart has developed a rich culture of servant leadership that closely aligns with the services that local governments provide. Our core values of Trust, Humility, Respect, Excellence, Accountability, and Discipline, or THREAD, drive the way we interact with our clients, partners, and coworkers.▪Local Firm - Our main offi ce is located in Raleigh, less than an hour’s drive from Harnett County. We appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal for this project. We look forward to the prospect of working with Harnett County. Please call me at 919.866.4761 or email me at dtaylor@stewartinc.com should you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, STEWART Doug Taylor, PE, CPM Vice President | Practice Leader, Transportation & Planning Principal: Doug Taylor, PE, CPM 919.866.4761 dtaylor@stewartinc.com Project Manager: Jake Petrosky, AICP 919.866.4812 jpetrosky@stewartinc.com COVER LETTER HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 100 CONTENTSCONTENTS PROJECT APPROACH SUGGESTIONS TO REDUCE COST FEE PROPOSAL QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE PROJECT TEAM 01.01. 02.02. 03.03. 04.04. 05.05. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 101 PROJECT APPROACH01.01. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 102 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 5 01PROJECT APPROACH PROJECT UNDERSTANDING We understand that a strategic update of the Comprehensive Growth Plan can help guide Harnett County into its next phase of development while building on its roots that have created a strong, prosperous community. Harnett County is unique in that in combines rural beauty and aff ordable living, with proximity to urban areas and an optimal climate for business and industry. Recent growth trends have brought the county from a population of 68,000 in 1990 to approximately 144,000 in 2023. State projections indicate growth trends will continue until 2050. Indeed population projections for 2050 top 200,000 people. This rapid growth brings a need to refi ne strategies for growth management, provision of infrastructure and services and economic development. A forward thinking growth plan is needed to address emerging issues, update development policies and develop smart ways to accommodate growth while preserving overall quality of life for residents. As cost of living continues to rise in Wake County and available land decreases, it is to be expected that growth trends will continue in surrounding counties. This plan needs to address how and where to accommodate growth. While many parts of Harnett County have established a deep history and a defi ned community character, we must now identify “What does Harnett County look like in the future?”, “How do we protect local resources and assets?” and “How do we adapt to best serve your residents and businesses?”. The County’s ideal location along Highway 87, US 421, US 401 and I-95 allows for accessibility to major economic hubs in Raleigh and Fayetteville. The Harnett County Jetport and utility system are also signifi cant assets that need to be enhanced and protected. More local jobs, businesses and in-county spending are long-term economic goals that need to addressed in the time horizon of this update of the Comprehensive Growth Plan. In addition, development and housing policies should be adjusted to refi ne the target housing market and better balance housing demand and future costs of services. Overall this plan update provides a chance to continue the captivating story of Harnett County and write the next chapter of how this community with deep agricultural roots will embrace new growth and development to become a desired location for residents, business and industry. In order to develop this plan, the Stewart team will review and analyze the 2015 Grow Harnett County Comprehensive Plan and the 2023 Strategic Goals, and conduct in-depth public engagement to facilitate a community conversation in order to gauge the needs of residents, staff and stakeholders. Our team will work closely with staff and offi cials to address priorities and update the policy framework that chart a course for the next 5-10 years. The next section of this approach will detail our specifi c methods of addressing Land Use, Transportation/Mobility, Public Utilities & Infrastructure, Economic Development Strategies, Harnett County Jetport, Housing, Parks & Natural Resources, Growth Capacity, and Regional/Inter-Jurisdictional Coordination in the Growth Plan Update. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 103 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 6 PROJECT APPROACH PHASE I - PROJECT INITIATION & ANALYSIS Prior to beginning the planning process, our team will meet with staff to refi ne the work plan, milestones, deliverables, community engagement process, schedule, and communication methods. The team will work with staff to identify and assemble relevant background documents for review. Spatial data and adopted plans will be collected from the County, State, and regional and federal agencies as appropriate. Assessments of past planning eff orts and the existing regulatory framework will be vital to understanding challenges, opportunities, and recent successes. This information will also be useful later in the process when crafting a feasible approach to implementation. To initiate the planning process, the Stewart team will conduct an initial round of meetings with staff , the Steering Committee, and stakeholders to help identify key issues Stewart’s Planning practice has experience working in Harnett County and several other local governments in the region. The Stewart team will facilitate the creation of a well-organized, user-friendly plan guided by community engagement and input. We will accomplish this by executing a three-phase project scope that can be customized to meet the County’s expectations. PHASE I - PROJECT INITIATION & ANALYSISPHASE II - VISIONING & PLAN DEVELOPMENTPHASE III - IMPLEMENTATION & ADOPTION Communication is a key part of any successful planning project. Throughout this project, our team will hold bi-weekly coordination calls with county staff . Our team will work together with Harnett County staff in all facets of the project including identifi cation of stakeholders, data analysis and mapping, and the creation of policies and implementation strategies that are actionable, attainable, and tied to responsible parties and budgetary implications. Community engagement is an ongoing, collaborative process between the consultant team and the staff and citizens of Harnett County. Ultimately, a successful public process enhances community support and buy-in and bolsters the confi dence of County leaders to implement future projects and prioritize resources. The Stewart team will support the county’s eff orts to involve residents, business owners, and other stakeholders using engaging and transparent methods to ensure all are aware of the land use plan project and are given multiple opportunities to ask questions, voice preferences and priorities, and be part of the process. Our approach begins with refi ning the community engagement process during the project kickoff in conjunction with staff . Visual branding of the project will be refl ected in outreach materials and a specially created website or web page on the County website to raise awareness of the process and garner excitement throughout the community. Our team will assist with the formation of a diverse and balanced Steering Committee and stakeholder groups. Updated recommendations for the plan topic areas, including land use, mobility, infrastructure, economic development, jetport, housing, parks & natural resources, public services, and regional coordination will be drafted based on feedback from staff , the steering committee and elected offi cials. Actionable items to be completed within the next 3 to 5 years will be crafted and collected in the implementation plan. 01PROJECT APPROACH STEWART’S PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT TECHNIQUES LEADERSHIP & STAKEHOLDER INTERVIEWS One-on-one discussions within strategic groups STEERING COMMITTEE Creating a diverse committee composed of members of elected and appointed boards, citizens, business owners, and other key stakeholders is recommended to meet four times during the planning process and assist in developing the plan 24/7 SURVEYS Ensure a complete cross- selection of the citizenry is polled MULTI-MEDIA & ONLINE PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT Stewart has fully embraced online and multi-media content to better engage stakeholders. Our team has capacity to conduct live, online events and create concise, engaging video clips to create and record public involvement eff orts and capture comments COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE & ONLINE MEETINGS Meeting(s) where draft plan elements will be presented, and feedback documented to help guide plan development and implementation steps VISIONING WORKSHOPS Workshops, organized with leadership and staff , to gather public input on issues, priorities, recommendations and conceptual designs through an interactive, iterative design process PROJECT WEBSITE & SOCIAL MEDIA Provide materials and “post-able” updates to staff for the project web page, Facebook, Instagram, and/ or Twitter. INFO BOOTH/POP UP MEETING Pop up events are organized throughout the planning process to assess public feedback. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 104 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 7 to be addressed in the Comprehensive Growth Plan and to understand expectations. The meetings will include the following: ▪Kick-off Meeting & Community Tour ▪Stakeholder Interviews ▪Steering Committee Meeting Public Participation Plan As part of this project, a public participation & engagement plan will be created. A minimum of three public work sessions are anticipated with this project: two to gather early input and a third single meeting to present the results. One meeting will focus on wildlife and environmental concerns. It is also anticipated up to two info booths will be organized at community events or programs to garner input. Community Profi le During this phase, Stewart will prepare a Community Profi le (CP), incorporating updated statistics and fi ndings from recent County eff orts. The CP will include the County history, baseline demographic and economic data (population, employment, income, socioeconomic data, retail trends, etc). We will use data from Harnett County, US Census Bureau, State of North Carolina, ESRI and other available sources. Information collected regarding the economy, business patterns, employment and demographics will provide insight into potential issues and opportunities. The data will be studied to benchmark progress and provide context to policy recommendations developed later in the process. Community Survey The team will work closely with County staff to develop a Community Survey to gather feedback from the public regarding community vision, goals, and key issues to be addressed by plan policies, future regulatory eff orts, and priority investments. The survey may include a visual preference survey that provides images of a variety of diff erent development types or elements. The Community Survey can be made available on-line, in print form, and as a component of a public meeting. Optionally, the Project Team could work with a third-party provider (e.g. PublicInput.com) to create an interactive website and survey that could include a community forum and/or map-based activities to identify land use preferences. PHASE II - VISIONING & PLAN DEVELOPMENT Community Visioning We believe that a concentrated eff ort focused on community visioning and concept development will build excitement and create momentum. Following the completion of Phase 1, key team members will conduct two public workshop(s) that will focus developing priorities and understanding issues in diff erent areas of county. Workshops will focus on issues, opportunities, visioning and recommendations, concepts, and action items. Based on the public input received, we will prepare draft vision and goals as well as a framework for recommendations in the Comprehensive Growth Plan. Land Use & Housing The Stewart team will conduct a detailed analysis of issues and opportunities in various portions of the County. Residential growth areas, redevelopment and commercial opportunities, transportation corridors, economic development opportunities, and conservation priorities will be studied. Capacity & Land Use Suitability We will conduct analysis of existing land use and land supply to understand capacity for growth in key areas of the county. It is anticipated that data related to recently approved development will be compiled and used to inform the land use and capacity study. A suitability analysis will determine areas most suitable for diff erent types of development based on a variety of inputs. It is anticipated that suitability maps will be created for residential, commercial, industrial and conservation/open space. Exact land use types and inputs will be determined based on consultation with county staff . Typical inputs include proximity to existing and proposed roadways and utility infrastructure; proximity to schools, parks, and commercial areas; adjacent land uses; and understanding of existing land use patterns and environmental constraints. This task will also include a Smart Growth Audit that will identify areas where growth could be accommodated based on smart growth principles. The suitability analysis, Smart Growth Audit and input from public meetings will utilized by the Steering Committee, county staff , and the consultant team to inform future land use preferences including use-mix, scale, and design character. Deliverables for this task will be utilized to formulate the future land use map and associated character area recommendations. Example of an image for social media advertising the Henderson County Comp Plan survey. This survey was provided in digital and mail format and received 7,000 responses. 01PROJECT APPROACH HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 105 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 8 Future Land Use The project team will provide guidance on the future land use recommendations for diff erent areas of the county. A growth framework map will be developed and revised to update the adopted Future Land Use Map. This will be a graphic representation of the County’s vision as to where growth should occur as well as how agricultural and natural resources can be protected from development. The map will be supplemented with descriptions of land use character areas that will be brought to life using precedent imagery and/or conceptual diagrams that specify intended use mix, scale, density, and other physical design characteristics. Development of the Future Land Use Map and associated character areas will be guided and informed by local goals, technical analysis, staff , and Steering Committee perspective. Ultimately, these character areas might be used to update existing development ordinances, overlay districts or achieve other economic or conservation goals. Regional and national best practices will be reviewed and recommendations will provide guidance for future updates to the county’s land use and development regulations. Housing This element of the plan will include an analysis of historic and current development trends, occupancy and vacancy levels, absorption and other market indicators. Specifi c recommendations will build off of the Future Land Use Map and be tailored to take advantage of market opportunities for housing for all levels of income. Included in this may be recommendations that allow for more aff ordable and/or workforce housing in defi ned areas through targeted code updates, incentives or partnerships. Transportation Harnett County has witnessed high levels of population growth in the last few decades, with more growth expected in the future. While the county’s Comprehensive Growth Plan and more recent regional eff orts have attempted to address infrastructure improvements needed to accommodate this growth, many eff orts are dated or focused on regional mobility only. Harnett County needs to identify local priorities for targeted transportation network improvements to accommodate additional travel demand. Priority intersection improvements, widenings and collector level roadways need to be identifi ed and referenced in the plan. Priorities should be informed by analyzing existing travel demand and taking into account recent trends in development to identify hot spots that may not be showing up in the latest regional travel model runs due to outdated socio-economic forecasts. Analyzing key greenway, bicycle and pedestrian connections will also be part of this task. Context-specifi c cross-sections may be needed for key streets. The recently adopted greenway plan will also be consulted. Coordination with DOT and regional transportation planning organizations will be necessary during this task. LJB staff and key staff from Stewart have collaborated on county level transportation planning eff orts in the past with success (NW Harnett County Area Plan, Southwest Bypass Land Use Plan). Public Infrastructure Our analysis and recommendations will address constraints as it relates to potential growth in Harnett County. A framework for public and privately funded infrastructure improvements needs to be updated regularly to ensure that it is in line with the type of growth that is envisioned as part of the land use element of the plan. This element of the plan will include a summary of service areas and agreements, current facilities, planned facilities, and issues and trends. The team will develop a map of easily served catchments (subsets of sub- watersheds) using a digital elevation model (DEM) and A future land use map that shows diff erent character areas and describes allowable land uses, density, and other design characteristics can communicate public priorities and provide policy guidance. “I would like to take this opportunity to recommend an outstanding group at Stewart. We are working through our Land Development Update, a complete overhaul of what we have ever done before. Stewart has dug in and made this process work with our small staff and hurdles we could have never expected. They have just made this process be whatever it needs to be in order to be successful. Stewart has worked well with staff and really made sure our plan and process feel like Alamance County and not just a cookie-cutter plan. We couldn’t have picked a better group to drive home this new way of thinking we are in and the leaps and bounds we are trying to go to help Alamance County step into the future and do things that have never been done here before. We believe this project has been a success from the personal touch and true dedication of the Stewart team.” - Tonya Caddle Planning Director Alamance County Government 01PROJECT APPROACH HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 106 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 9 ArcHydro tools in ArcGIS. This map will be utilized during conversations with Harnett Regional Water and to make land use recommendations. This analysis will also be utilized to create an Urban Services Area Map. Economic Development Economic development and coordination with public investment is critical to the future fi scal health of Harnett County. The Stewart team will incorporate key strategies from the recently adopted Economic Development Plan into the Comprehensive Growth Plan. Additional recommendations may address land use regulations, new public investments, public/private partnerships, incentives, and organizational strategies. Harnett County Jetport The Stewart team will coordinate with county and airport staff to develop recommendations for land use regulations in the vicinity of the Harnett County Jetport. Recommendations could include an overlay that includes design standards and list of permitted uses, those permitted with additional standards or those that require a special use permit. Parks & Natural Resources Open space, recreation facilities and natural resources are important not only to residents and visitors but also the economic competitiveness of the county. This element of the Plan will focus on how the County can meet its current and future recreation and open space needs. In addition, we will provide guidance on how the County can protect sensitive areas and promote recreational opportunities that could facilitate economic development. We will coordinate with County staff to obtain GIS mapping of existing facilities, information on park level-of-service and maintenance needs, priority park improvements, greenway corridors, regional park locations, interconnection opportunities, and strategic open space priorities. The team will ensure consistency between adopted plans and implementation steps. The plan will include recommendations on how to improve resiliency and address the need for land use policies to include open space preservation. Stewart team members are very familiar with Harnett County. Our team knows fi rst hand the County’s character and charm. The Stewart team has experience planning for expansion of and context-sensitive redevelopment around major airport facilities. The graphic above, from the Harvey Parkway Area Plan shows facility expansion and investment around the Global Transpark. 01PROJECT APPROACH HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 107 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 10 Regional and Inter-Jurisdictional Coordination The Stewart team will assist County staff in developing recommendations on how to increase collaboration with nearby jurisdictions and agencies. Recommendations could include policies related to annexation, utility service and transportation improvements. Focus group meetings with regional planning agencies and the fi ve municipalities are included in this task. Plan Development The project team will prepare and submit the draft Comprehensive Growth Plan (to be delivered in batches of chapters for ease of review) to County staff and the Steering Committee. Upon completion of the review, the draft document will be posted on the County website for public comment. County staff and the Stewart team will also conduct a community open house to reveal the full plan. All comments received from staff , the Steering Committee, and the public will be cataloged, and responses made. This careful tracking of comments will allow our team to identify common themes in feedback/comments for discussion with staff and elected/appointed offi cials during the review and public hearing and adoption process. The draft document will be revised and amended as appropriate. PHASE III - IMPLEMENTATION & ADOPTION Implementation After the plan is in draft format, the Stewart team will conduct a work-session with planning staff and other County departments to discuss strategic goals, capital resources, and implementation steps. Potential amendments to existing development regulations and other design standards recommended during the Plan process may also be discussed. An Action Plan may be prepared noting time frame, prioritization, and projected cost of each recommended action and will be used to inform the County’s budgeting activities. Plan Adoption Plan adoption will be a collaboration between County staff and the Stewart Team to work through the Comprehensive Growth Plan adoption process. Key members of the Stewart team will be available to attend a Planning Board meeting to present the Draft Plan. We will also attend one County Commissioners meeting to provide a plan status update and one meeting to present the fi nal version of the plan recommended for adoption. Final Plan Document & Executive Summary Following the public hearing process, a fi nal set of plan documents will be provided to the County including plan document, executive summary, appendices, maps and map data, public engagement summaries, etc. The plan and key deliverables will be provided in editable, electronic format. A minimum of ten hard copies will also be provided. Project Initiation & AnalysysExisting Plan and Document Review/Data Gathering Tour & Initiation Meetings Mapping & Deliverables Community Profi le Community Survey Community Visioning Land Use & Housing Capacity & Suitability Future Land Use Transportation Jetport Public Infrastructure Economic Development Parks and Natural Resources Plan DevelopmentVisioning & Plan DevelopmentImplementation Plan Adoption Final Plan Document Implementation & AdoptionFebruary 2023 - April 2023 May - August 2023 September - December 2023 Proposed Schedule Proposed Scope of Work TENTATIVE PROJECT SCHEDULE 01PROJECT APPROACH HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 108 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 11 PROJECT TEAM02.02. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 109 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 12 02PROJECT TEAM FIRM OVERVIEW MISSION STATEMENT Strengthening communities by serving, leading, and working in a creative and interdisciplinary way. LOCATION WHERE WORK WILL BE PERFORMED Headquarters Downtown Raleigh 223 S. West Street Suite 1100 Raleigh, NC 27603 919.380.8750 FIRM OVERVIEW STRONGER BY DESIGN Stewart is located throughout the Carolinas, comprising nearly 200 employees with eight offi ce locations. With a unique interdisciplinary collaborative approach that results in stronger and more creative design solutions, Stewart serves domestic and international clientele, off ering a full range of services to meet the needs of our clients, including: Founded in 1994 by Willy E. Stewart, PE, the fi rm is owned by a select group of professionals who are personally involved in our clients’ success. Stewart has developed a rich culture of servant leadership, summarized by the acronym, THREAD: Trust, Humility, Respect, Excellence, Accountability, Discipline. These core values are at the heart of how we work with each other, our clients, our partners, and our community. THREAD has evolved into a curriculum that is taught to employees through our THREAD Institute. Stewart is a certified Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) with the State of North Carolina. The company has been recognized multiple times as a Best Place to Work in the Triangle and Charlotte markets by American City Business Journals. Engineering News- Record has nationally recognized Stewart as a Top 500 Design Firm since 2019. ▪Landscape Architecture ▪Structural Engineering ▪Transportation & Planning ▪Civil Engineering ▪Geomatics ▪Geotechnical & Construction Services LJB ENGINEERING PC d/b/a LJB In 1966, LJB began as an engineering company fueled by integrity, quality, and service. Today, we maintain those core values, and our diverse and talented staff provide services in architecture, engineering, environmental sciences, GIS services, and surveying. Key engineering disciplines include civil, environmental, safety, and structural engineering. The fi rm is headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, and has 13 offi ces, including four locations in North Carolina – Kernersville, Charlotte, Garner, and Wilmington. LJB’s core purpose is to improve the quality of life. In everything we do, we want to make a diff erence in our world. We understand the importance of our work and the impact our decisions have on the public. Our three fundamental core values represent our guiding principles and are not just mottos we tap into at work. We live them. Integrity defi nes us, quality distinguishes us, and service fulfi lls us. LJB’s skilled staff of 199 hold 61 professional engineering licenses, allowing us to work in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., as well as several U.S. territories and Canadian provinces. The depth and experience of LJB’s infrastructure team is signifi cant. Our staff include water resource engineers, highway and bridge engineers, traffi c engineers, utility engineers, GIS specialists, and design technicians. CONSULTANT RESPONSIBILITIES With the support of Stewart’s transportation planners, LBJ will lead the following plan components: ▪Transportation & Mobility ▪traffi c analysis ▪multi-modal transportation options ▪roadway feasibility studies ▪Harnett County Jetport ▪noise analysis ▪utility analysis ▪land use analysis ▪airport overlay district ▪Regional Coordination ▪utility capability analysis ▪interconnectivity analysis STEWART ENGINEERING INC. d/b/a STEWART HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 110 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 13 02PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL CHART DOUG TAYLOR PE CPM PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE 38 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE JAKE PETROSKY AICP PROJECT MANAGER, COMMUNITY PLANNING 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE JAY MCLEOD AICP COMMUNITY PLANNING MANAGER HARRISON WENCHELL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING TEAM LEAD JOAN LYONS AICP TRANSPORTATION PLANNER ANDREA RADFORD PLANNER JAQUASHA COLON PLANNER BECCA MOUNTZ PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT STEPHEN FABER PLA DESIGN/GRAPHICS FARRELL NICHOLSON PE FEASIBILITY DESIGN LEADER MIKE SURASKY PE, PTOE TRANSPORTATION & TRAFFIC, QUALITY CONTROL indicates LJB indicates Stewart TEAMING LEGEND LEE ANNE NANCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CHAD SARY AICP CZO GROWTH AND STRATEGY IN-HOUSE CONSULTANTS HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 111 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 14 02PROJECT TEAM RESUMES JAKE PETROSKY AICP PROJECT MANAGER As Director of Community Planning, Jake is responsible for Land Use Planning and Urban Design at Stewart. His duties include project management, analysis, conceptual design and public engagement activities. Jake has 20 years of experience in land use and comprehensive plans, small area plans, multi-modal transportation planning, parks, greenways, and environmental planning. He believes in data-driven, design-oriented planning and has a professional and personal interest in well designed, connected places and open spaces and how they can improve quality of life. 45% Availability to devote to this project RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Harnett County Comprehensive Plan* | Harnett County, NC Project Manager | Jake developed land use, natural resources, economic development, transportation and utility recommendations, in addition to scenario planning and indicator development. The project included an NC Wildlife Partners for Green Growth Grant that included a Esri Storymap deliverable. *denotes work performed prior to joining Stewart NW Harnett County Small Area Plan | Harnett County, NC Planner/Public Involvement | Stewart worked with Harnett County and the Town of Angier on a strategic plan for the rapidly growing area of Northwest Harnett County. The plan includes providing guidance on how to accommodate growth while preserving the character of rural areas and historic crossroads communities. Form-based design guidelines were illustrated by Stewart’s landscape architects and urban designers, and lay the groundwork for ordinance updates that raise the bar for new development. City of Dunn Land Use Plan | Dunn, NC Planner | Jake assisted with the urban design and public involvement components of the project. The focus of the Plan is a new Future Land Use Map and accompanying character areas, the Plan also addresses cultural resources, natural resources, parks, recreation, transportation, and city infrastructure. The plan also includes a conceptual small-area plan for an arts and entertainment district with unique connections to downtown and the Dunn-Erwin Rail Trail. The Plan also incorporates a performance- based character area called “Gateways & Corridors” that focuses more on function, access, and design standards, and less on specifi c uses. Envision Johnston: Comprehensive Land Use Plan | Johnston County, NC Project Manager | For this comprehensive plan, Stewart assisted with data inventory, reviewed adopted plans to develop an understanding of existing policies informing growth and development in Johnston County, and created suitability maps for various types of development. Jake participated in public input sessions, and developed future land use scenarios for the study area. The team then drafted a set of policy recommendations and presented high-level recommendations and strategies to the public. Additional Relevant Planning Experience: ▪Smithfi eld Comprehensive Growth Management Plan | Smithfi eld, NC ▪Henderson County 2045 Comprehensive Plan | Henderson County, NC ▪Granville County Comprehensive Plan | Granville County, NC ▪Alamance County Comprehensive Development Plan | Alamance County, NC ▪Pitt County Comprehensive Plan | Pitt County, NC EDUCATION Master of Urban Planning University of Florida Bachelor of Community and Regional Planning Appalachian State University REGISTRATION American Institute of Certifi ed Planners (AICP): #026937 I OFFICE LOCATION Raleigh, NC PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Planning Association PRESENTATIONS Economic and Placemaking Benefi ts of Trails, 2017 Piedmont Trails Summit The GeoDesign Toolshed, Esri 2017 GeoDesign Summit Growth Modeling and Utility Impact Analysis, 2015 Esri GIS User Conference AWARDS 2018 APA County Planning Division CPD Award of Excellence, Plan Chatham* 2018 Marvin Collins Outstanding Planning Award Plan Chatham* HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 112 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 15 02PROJECT TEAM RESUMES Jay has more than 12 years of planning experience in long-range, regional, and local/ current planning. He likes to dive into research and analysis before focusing on achieving desired outcomes through placemaking and public realm enhancement and design. Generating place-sensitive solutions relating to climate resilience and climate planning have become focal areas in recent years. He has coordinated urban and long-range planning projects and is also experienced in ordinance creation and implementation with a focus on progressive and achievable outcomes. 35% Availability RELEVANT EXPERIENCE NW Harnett County Small Area Plan | Harnett County, NC Planner/Public Involvement | Stewart worked with Harnett County and the Town of Angier on a strategic plan for the rapidly growing area of Northwest Harnett County. The plan includes providing guidance on how to accommodate growth while preserving the character of rural areas and historic crossroads communities. Form-based design guidelines were illustrated by Stewart’s landscape architects and urban designers, and lay the groundwork for ordinance updates that raise the bar for new development. Town of Smithfi eld Growth Management Plan | Smithfi eld, NC Project Planner | Stewart facilitated the creation of a new Comprehensive Growth Management Plan for the Town of Smithfi eld. The development of the plan included a visioning process with innovative outreach activities like pop-up meetings at festivals, district conversations with residents, and an interactive, advanced, custom survey platform website. The plan includes a housing and economic analysis, land use suitability analysis, downtown revitalization strategies, conceptual designs, and a focus on tying together land use and infrastructure recommendations and investment decisions. A custom GIS-based CommunityViz model was created to assist in the development of land use recommendations. A build-out model allowed the quantifi cation of the residential and non-residential carrying capacity of land within the study area. Existing zoning was compared with alternative future land use policies to understand the economic, fi scal, and environmental impacts. Granville County Comprehensive Plan | Granville County, NC Senior Planner | Stewart was selected to prepare the Granville County Comprehensive Plan that addresses and determines the community’s priorities and addresses anticipated growth in ways that preserve the community character, foster economic development, and recognize the County’s natural assets. The work program included a signifi cant level of community involvement consisting of pop-up meetings, workshops, social media, community preference surveys and the use of both steering committee and stakeholder groups. Pitt County Southwest Bypass Land Use Plan | Pitt County, NC Project Planner | As a result of the Pitt County’s Southwest Bypass Land Use Plan adoption, Stewart was hired to develop various land use ordinance updates to implement recommendations and strategies from their new plan. These updates included new overlay districts, conservation subdivision regulations, revised conditional zoning processes and updated mixed use, billboard and lighting standards. EDUCATION Master of Urban and Regional Planning University of Florida Master of Urban Ecology University of Louisville Bachelor of Science in Biology Florida State University REGISTRATION American Institute of Certifi ed Planners (AICP): #268453 I OFFICE LOCATION Raleigh, NC PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Conservation Strategies Committee of the Triangle Land Conservancy Board Member, Triangle Land Conservancy AWARDS American Planning Association Florida Chapter (APA FL) 2013 Award of Merit in Neighborhood Planning* APA FL, Heart of Florida Chapter, 2013 Award of Merit* North American Development Organizations (NADO) 2013 Innovation Award* APA FL, Heart of Florida Chapter, 2012 Award of Merit* NADO 2012 Innovation Award* NADO 2011 Innovation Award* *denotes work performed prior to joining Stewart JAY W. McLEOD AICP PLANNING MANAGER | COMMUNITY PLANNING HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 113 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 16 Doug has over 38 years of engineering and progressive leadership experience focused in staff development, change management, policy/program development and supervision. He previously served as Assistant State Roadway Design Engineer with NCDOT, managing projects in Divisions 10 through 14. He currently serves as Practice Leader of Transportation & Planning, which includes the Community Planning team. Doug provides oversight to community planning projects and also provides expertise related to transportation planning, prioritization and design 20% Availability RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Town of Knightdale ADA Transition Plan | Knightdale, NC Principal-in-Charge | The Stewart team worked with the Town of Knightdale to inventory the condition of facilities throughout the Town and evaluate ADA transitions. After conducting an evaluation of physical barriers to access of Town programs, our team coordinated with the workgroup and the Town staff to perform facility assessments, and developed the transition plan from the self-evaluation and facilities inventory. Town of Swansboro ADA Transition Plan | Swansboro, NC Principal-in-Charge | For the Town of Swansboro, the Stewart team conducted ADA evaluations of public rights-of-way and public buildings. We also collected public input about existing conditions and trained Town staff to conduct future assessments. Our work included the development of cost estimates of recommended improvements, and project prioritization and implementation strategies to assist the Town in proceeding with repairs. Cary Parkway/High House Road Intersection Improvements | Cary, NC Project Manager | This Town of Cary project includes roadway, traffic signal, and landscape design for the proposed improvements at the intersection of Cary Parkway (SR 3977) and High House Road (SR 1615). The Town is providing additional left-turn lanes and new right-turn lanes while maintaining the overall aesthetic appeal of the intersection. The Town has developed a preliminary intersection visualization design. It is the intent of the project to respect the character of the intersection while allowing for the widened roadway. Estes Drive Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements | Chapel Hill, NC Principal-in-Charge | Stewart was selected for the Estes Drive corridor improvement project between Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Caswell Road, a vital link in the Town’s transportation network. The proposed complete street improvements will not only create a safe transportation corridor for all users, but will also help drive future walkable development. Early in the project, Stewart led the town through an alternatives analysis to gain public feedback on potential options and select the best design for the corridor. In addition to design, Stewart is overseeing utility coordination, right-of-way acquisition, planting plans and fostering the project through design approval. Complex federal funding contributed to the challenges with this project. Key to success were coordination and negotiation with UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, NCDOT as well as individual property owners to acquire right-of-way along the corridor. The project was advertised and awarded for construction in June. Stewart will provide construction assistance to see the project through to completion. Additionally, Doug has provided oversight on the following Planning projects: ▪Oxford Comprehensive Plan | Oxford, NC ▪Pittsboro Future Land Use Plan | Pittsboro, NC ▪Washington CAMA Land Use Plan | Washington, NC ▪Surfside Beach Comprehensive Plan | Surfside Beach, SC ▪Town of Erwin Land Use Plan | Erwin, NC EDUCATION Associate of Applied Science in Civil Engineering Technology Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College REGISTRATION Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina #30984 National Certifi ed Public Manager’s Consortium Certifi ed Public Manager (CPM) I OFFICE LOCATION Raleigh, NC DOUG TAYLOR PE, CPM PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE 02PROJECT TEAM RESUMES HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 114 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 17 ANDREA RADFORD PLANNER Andrea has fi ve years of experience in community planning. She serves on the Town of Wake Forest Historic Preservation Commission and served several years as a Board of Directors member for a downtown development non-profi t organization. Combining a degree in urban and regional planning with a background in historic preservation, architecture, and urban design, her research focuses on sustainable place-making, community building, and civic engagement. She has a strong background in data collection, analytical research, technical writing, and public outreach to develop projects, studies, and programs. 35% Availability EDUCATION Master of Urban and Regional Planning University of Florida Graduate Certifi cate, GIS for Urban and Regional Planners University of Florida Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design University of Charleston I OFFICE LOCATION Raleigh, NC RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ▪Lillington Downtown Master Plan | Lillington, NC Planner ▪Nash County Land Use Plan | Nash County, NC Planner ▪Waynesville Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update | Waynesville, NC Planner ▪Highlands Comprehensive Plan | Highlands, NC Planner ▪Henderson County Comprehensive Plan | Henderson County, NC Planner ▪Brevard Comprehensive Land Use Plan | Brevard, NC Planner ▪Warren County Comprehensive Plan | Warren County, NC Planner ▪Eden Comprehensive Plan | Eden, NC Planner JAQUASHA COLÓN PLANNER I Jaquasha is a planner with a background in urban, landscape, and architectural design, and believes all communities deserve a standard of great design. Part of any planning process should include robust engagement that educates and empowers the community to make decisions best suited to their needs. She has over four years of experience centered on planning and designing for complete streets retrofi ts, and understands just how multimodal accessibility can impact a community. Additionally, she has participated and helped organize ten project charrettes as a designer and assistant project manager. 35% Availability EDUCATION Master of Landscape Architecture North Carolina State University Master of Urban Design University of North Carolina at Charlotte Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University REGISTRATION American Institute of Certifi ed Planners (AICP): #33262 I OFFICE LOCATION Raleigh, NC RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ▪Harnett County US 421 Overlay District | Harnett County, NC Planner ▪Lillington On-Call Planning Services | Lillington, NC Planner ▪Fayetteville Downtown Master Plan | Fayetteville, NC Planner ▪Johnston County Comprehensive Plan | Johnston County, NC Planner ▪Nash County Land Use Plan | Nash County, NC Planner ▪Pitt County Comprehensive Plan | Pitt County, NC Planner 02PROJECT TEAM RESUMES HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 115 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 18 02PROJECT TEAM RESUMES STEPHEN FABER PLA, ASLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Stephen has over 13 years of experience across multiple project types. Through research, design and real estate advisory services, Stephen combines design and strategic planning to drive positive outcomes for clients, users, and the environment in projects of varying scales from residential design to large master-planned communities. Stephen’s work includes mixed-use development, education planning and design, urban infi ll design, residential design, resort planning, brownfi eld reclamation, public open space and park design, greenways and roadway corridors, campus and community master-planning, and ecological restoration. 35% Availability EDUCATION Master of Real Estate Development Clemson University Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, minor in Horticulture University of Arkansas REGISTRATION Professional Landscape Architect (PLA): North Carolina #2054 I OFFICE LOCATION Durham, NC RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ▪Town of Lillington Downtown Block Redevelopment | Lillington, NC Design & Graphics ▪Smithfield Comprehensive Growth Management Plan | Smithfield, NC Design & Graphics ▪Pitt County Southwest Bypass Plan | Pitt County, NC Design & Graphics ▪Alamance County Land Development Plan | Alamance County, NC Design & Graphics ▪Town of Waynesville Comprehensive Land Use Plan | Waynesville, NC Design & Graphics ▪Town of Winterville Land Use Plan | Winterville, NC Design & Graphics ▪Town of Franklin Comprehensive Land Use Plan | Franklin, NC Design & Graphics JOAN LYONS AICP TRANSPORTATION PLANNER Joan develops various types of environmental and public participation planning documents, including a variety of project types from bridge replacements and intersection improvements to interchange reconfi gurations and lengthy widening projects throughout the State of North Carolina. Joan is also recognized for her work as an industry leader of bringing ADA compliance to municipalities in North Carolina through the development of ADA Transition Plans that increase accessibility for all and meet requirements for FHWA funding. She possesses strong skills with data collection, analytical research, technical writing, stakeholder facilitation, and public outreach to develop projects, studies, and programs. Prior to her work at Stewart, Joan’s work has been recognized at the national level by the American Planning Association (APA), and the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT). 35% Availability EDUCATION Master of Science in Urban Development & Management (Specialties: Urban Strategies/Planning) at Erasmus University Rotterdam Master Class - Design for Just Cities at Harvard University Graduate School of Design Bachelor of Arts in Mass & Political Communications at Louisiana State University REGISTRATION American Institute of Certifi ed Planners (AICP): #381233 I OFFICE LOCATION Raleigh, NC RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ▪Town of Chapel Hill ADA Transition Plan | Chapel Hill, NC Transportation Planner ▪Town of Clayton ADA Transition Plan | Clayton, NC Transportation Planner ▪Town of Holly Springs ADA Transition Plan | Holly Springs, NC Transportation Planner ▪US 1/ US 158 Road Widening, NCDOT | Vance & Warren County, NC Transportation Planner ▪US 1 Turn Lane at US 401/158, NCDOT | Norlina, NC Transportation Planner ▪Bringle Ferry Road Interchange Improvements, NCDOT | Spencer, NC Transportation Planner HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 116 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 19 FARRELL NICHOLSON PE FEASIBILITY & DESIGN LEAD Farrell has nine years of specializing in transportation and public infrastructure. With a background in roadway and hydraulics, she has a keen understanding of construction activities, as well as experience with design of roadway improvements, including the geometrics, plans, profi les, details, cross sections, quantities, and cost estimates. She is well-versed in NCDOT standards for hydraulic design, permitting, erosion control, traffi c control, pavement marking, and signing projects. She has managed projects from simple roadway widening to complex interstate projects with sensitive watersheds. Farrell has also managed several on-call contracts with municipalities and NCDOT. She has managed LJB’s on-call contract for Feasibility Studies for several years completing over 15 separate projects including coordination with stakeholders. Another on-call client that Farrell manages is the Town of Bermuda Run, they has used LJB for several varied projects including meeting the coordination needs with NCDOT on projects. 35% Availability EDUCATION Master of Business Administration North Carolina State University Bachelor of Civil Engineering North Carolina State University REGISTRATION Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina #045691 Erosion and Sediment Control Level III I OFFICE LOCATION Garner, NC RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ▪Randolph County Economic Development Megasite | Randolph County, NC Feasibility & Design Lead ▪Person County Megasite | Roxboro, NC Roadway Engineer ▪17th Street Sidewalk Enhancements | Wilmington, NC Feasibility & Roadway Lead ▪A-171560 NC 101 Relocation | Beaufort, NC Project Manager ▪Bermuda Run On-Call | Bermuda Run, NC Project Manager MIKE SURASKY PE. PTOE TRANSPORTATION & TRAFFIC Mike has more than 25 years of experience with leading projects from start to fi nish for state, municipal, and private clients. Mike has been involved with several diff erent projects on many diff erent levels, including working on on-call projects that involved both design and construction solutions to many challenges. He possesses excellent project management skills, allowing him to eff ectively communicate and facilitate tasks with team members involved in every aspect of the project. Mike has also developed public involvement plans for numerous public projects. 25% Availability EDUCATION Master of Civil Engineering North Carolina State University Bachelor of Civil Engineering North Carolina State University REGISTRATION Professional Engineer (PE): North Carolina #027333 Professional Traffi c Operations Engineer I OFFICE LOCATION Raleigh, NC RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ▪US 401 Corridor Study | Harnett County, NC Project Manager ▪Harnett County NW Area Study | Harnett County, NC Project Manager ▪Town of Zebulon Development Review | Zebulon, NC Project Manager ▪CAMPO Northeast Area Study | Wake & Franklin County, NC Project Manager ▪Creedmoor Intersection Feasibility Study | Creedmoor, NC Project Manager ▪Crabtree Valley Transportation Study | Raleigh, NC Traffic Analysis Team Lead 02PROJECT TEAM RESUMES HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 117 QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE03.03. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 118 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 21 03QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE PLANNING EXPERIENCE IN HARNETT COUNTY STEWART has a long history of community planning projects with Harnett County and the municipalities within the county. In fact, our fi rst ever municipal planning client was the Town of Lillington. Our team has a vested interest in the growth and development in Harnett County and is excited to work with you to ensure the Comprehensive Plan positions the County for anticipated growth and future economic development, while preserving it’s unique character. Lee Anne Nance, President and Chief Operations Offi cer, served as Director of Economic Development in Harnett County for eight years. Her knowledge will serve as an invaluable resource for our planning team. Chad Sary, Executive Vice President of Growth and Strategy, previously served as Practice Leader of Community Planning and has developed close relationships with the City of Dunn and the Town of Lillington. He hosted the Dunn City Council retreat in 2021. Stewart has the unique skills, knowledge, experience and local insight to identify solutions that are unique to the needs of Harnett County. The adjacent images are a selection of planning work which Stewart has provided in Harnett County, while the following pages will display our experience in comprehensive and land use plans for local governments across the state. The plan outlined priority transportation improvements, collector street connections and modernized development standards in the area to balance environmental preservation and economic development. NW Harnett County Small Area Plan Adopted in 2022, the plan focus is a new Future Land Use Map and accompanying character areas. Additional areas of focus include infrastructure, natural resources, parks, recreation, and transportation. Dunn Land Use Plan Stewart serves as an extension of Town staff and a resource pro- viding services such as general planning & zoning administration, fl ood damage prevention administration, research and special land use studies, rezoning, grant writing and more. Lillington On-Call Planning Due to the anticipated growth along US Highway 421, Harnett County engaged Stewart to provide a land use study & analysis of the 13-mile corridor from the Town of Lillington to the City of Dunn. The result was an inventory of the existing institutional, industrial, and commercial land uses and the drafting of zoning map and UDO amendments to support future desired land uses and their building and site design. Highway 421 Overlay District HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 119 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 22 03QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE PROJECT OVERVIEW Warren County is located in the northeastern Piedmont region of North Carolina. While remaining a rural county, signifi cant growth is occurring along the southern portion of the county and in the north near Lake Gaston. Warren County chose Stewart to prepare a new Comprehensive Development Plan to guide the county in land use decisions into the next two decades. The existing Comprehensive Land Use Plan (Warren County-2002) was adopted in 2002 with few updates since. There have been signifi cant changes to the area since then, including the implementation of countywide zoning in 2019. STEWART RESPONSIBILITIES Stewart was hired to prepare a Comprehensive Development Plan that is forward thinking and in alignment with the County’s values and strategic goals; it addresses anticipated growth in a way that preserves community character, takes a community-minded and strategic approach to economic development, and infrastructure. The Comprehensive Development Plan is both functional and intentional and provides tools for the County to make strategic investments and plan for the next twenty years with implementation broken down by short-, intermediate-, and long-term strategies. J EXPERIENCE TO BE APPLIED TO HARNETT COUNTY Utilizing best practices related to land use planning and development design, the plan included detailed recommendations for modernizing the county’s zoning ordinance in order to address priorities expressed by citizens and elected offi cials during the process. These priorities included fi ne tuning residential districts and supplemental requirements for commercial and mixed- use projects near Lake Gaston. The plan also documented parks and recreation priorities and included a updated greenway plan for the county. LOCATION Warren County, NC OWNER Charla Duncan Project Manager PO Box 619 Warrenton, NC 27589 252.257.3115 charladuncan@warrencountync.gov DATES Start: 2021 Completion: 2022 DISCIPLINES Land Use Planning Public Engagement GIS Urban Design TEAM Jake Petrosky, AICP Project Manager Jay McLeod, AICP Project Planner Jaquasha Colon, AICP Project Planner Andrea Radford Project Planner Stephen Faber, PLA, ASLA Landscape Designer WARREN COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN View the plan here: https://www.warrencountync.com/DocumentCenter/View/5281/Warren-County-Comprehensive- HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 120 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 23 03QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE PROJECT OVERVIEW Stewart was engaged by Pitt County (in conjunction with Greenville, Ayden, Winterville, and NCDOT) to prepare the Southwest Bypass Corridor Land Use Plan. Pitt County and the surrounding area is experiencing growth in anticipation of completion of the Southwest Bypass. The bypass will improve mobility and alleviate congestion but also presents challenges. Existing land use policy and regulations did not address the type, scale, and design of non-residential uses typically associated with a transportation facility of the magnitude of the bypass. The intent of the plan is to help local governments take advantage of development opportunities along the corridor, while ensuring that future development is managed appropriately and is compatible with existing communities and long term plans for growth in the County and partner municipalities. STEWART RESPONSIBILITIES The planning eff ort included a scenario planning exercise to determine impacts of diff erent land use policies. Stewart created a custom GIS-based forecasting model created using ArcGIS and CommunityViz to provide build-out forecasts for the eff ort. The preferred scenario will be used as the future land use plan for the county and will inform infrastructure and land use decisions for partner municipalities as well. Policy recommendations related to land use, economic development, aesthetics and user experience, natural resources and open space, infrastructure and transportation were developed to help guide growth and development along the corridor for years to come. Key transportation recommendations included access management policy recommendations, collector street connections and intersection improvements. J EXPERIENCE TO BE APPLIED TO HARNETT COUNTY This plan included many key team members that will be working on the Harnett County Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The integrated approach to land use and transportation recommendations that was used will also be needed for Harnett County. LOCATION Pitt County, NC OWNER Pitt County Eric Gooby, AICP, Senior Planner 1717 W. 5th Street Greenville, NC 27834 egooby@pittcountync.gov 252.902.3250 DATES Start: 2017 Completion: 2018 DISCIPLINES Public Engagement Planning GIS Civil Engineering Transportation TEAM Jake Petrosky, AICP Project Manager Jay McLeod, AICP Project Planner Jaquasha Colon, AICP Project Planner Rebecca Mountz Project Planner The Southwest Bypass Land Use Plan included visioning exercises with stakeholders and municipal partners. Scenario planning and conceptual designs were used to illustrate ways to protect agriculture and create mixed-use nodes near key interchanges. PITT COUNTY SOUTHWEST BYPASS LAND USE PLAN View the plan here: https://www.pittcountync.gov/715/Southwest-Bypass-Land-Use-Plan HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 121 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 24 03QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE PROJECT OVERVIEW Stewart was engaged by Granville County to prepare a Comprehensive Plan that addresses the county’s priorities and anticipated growth in ways that preserve the community character, foster economic development, and recognize the County’s natural assets. The population of Granville County is estimated at 59,000, and is approximately 536 square miles in size with five municipalities: Butner, Creedmoor, Oxford, Stem, and Stovall. The County is located in the Kerr Tar and Triangle region of North Carolina, and is adjacent to two metropolitan centers, Raleigh and Durham. STEWART RESPONSIBILITIES The work program included a signifi cant level of community involvement consisting of pop up meetings, workshops, social media, community preference surveys and the use of both steering committee and stakeholder groups. As part of the project, Stewart analyzed land use suitability, transportation corridors, water and sewer capacity, and utilized CommunityViz to help the County understand implications of diff erent land use scenarios and capacity for growth. This modeling provided an insight into the impacts that land use policies can have on neighborhoods, the economy, infrastructure and the environment. The plan identifi ed commercial, mixed use and employment opportunities, clarifi ed density and design expectations in residential growth areas and included recommendations to maintain agricultural lands. J EXPERIENCE TO BE APPLIED TO HARNETT COUNTY GIS and public utility access was used to refi ne growth areas in southern Granville County. This same approach may be needed in growing areas of Harnett County. LOCATION Granville County, NC OWNER Granville County Barry Baker Planning Director 141 Williamsboro St. Oxford, NC 27565 919.603.1334 barry.baker@granvillecounty.org DATES Start: 2017 Completion: 2018 DISCIPLINES Planning Civil Engineering GIS Public Involvement Transportation TEAM Jake Petrosky, AICP Project Manager Chad Sary, AICP, CZO, CFM Senior Planner Jay McLeod, AICP Senior Planner View the plan here:http://www.granvillegreenways.org/2018-comprehensive-plan/ The plan included a robust public engagement program, land use suitability analysis, demographic forecasting, and the use of CommunityViz in understanding the impact of diff erent growth scenarios and recommendations for updating development standards. GRANVILLE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 122 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 25 PROJECT OVERVIEW The 2045 Henderson County Comprehensive Plan is a tool used for guiding the growth, redevelopment, and overall improvement of the county. The plan will serve as the offi cial statement by Henderson County of its vision, intentions, goals, objectives, and strategies for future land use, economic development, environmental preservation, housing, parks and recreation, and more. The Plan will update the County’s future land use map and address new issues and priorities. It will also address several topics including balancing housing growth and preservation of agriculture, planning strategically for infrastructure and economic development, and protecting key natural resources. STEWART RESPONSIBILITIES Stewart provided project management, public involvement, land use, natural resources, and infrastructure planning. Henderson County is experiencing signifi cant growth pressure from retirees, second home buyers and residents looking to locate near local jobs and in proximity to Asheville. Accommodating this growth while preserving land for economic development and agriculture is one of the central challenges of the next decade for the county. The 2045 Comprehensive Plan will outline strategies to balance growth through intentional land use policies and targeted code updates. It will also lay the groundwork for strategic grey and green infrastructure systems that will support current and future county residents and businesses. J EXPERIENCE TO BE APPLIED TO HARNETT COUNTY Balancing growth and protecting agriculture and sensitive environmental resources was an important part of the Henderson County Comp Plan. This same balance will be needed in parts of Harnett County where prime farmland and sensitive natural resources exist. LOCATION Henderson County, NC CLIENT/OWNER Henderson County Planning Department Autumn Radcliff , Planning Director 100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792 828.694.6558 aradcliff @hendersoncountync.gov DATES Start: June 2021 Completion: October 2022 (Anticipated) DISCIPLINES Community Planning Landscape Architecture TEAM Jake Petrosky, AICP Project Manager Jay McLeod, AICP Project Planner Jaquasha Colon, AICP Project Planner Stephen Faber, PLA, ASLA Landscape Designer Andrea Radford Project Planner n n n nn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nn n n n §¨¦26 §¨¦26£¤176 £¤176 £¤64 £¤64 £¤64 £¤64 £¤25 £¤25 H e n d e r s o nHe n d er s o n HHeennddeerr ssoonnHendersonHendersonHenderson Henderson HHeennddeerrssoonn HH ee nndd ee rrss oonn Dana Edneyville East Flat Rock Gerton Fruitland Tuxedo Bat Cave Etowah Horse Shoe Mountain Home Valley Hill UV191 UV191 UV280 UV1106 UV1006 HENDERSONVILLE FLAT ROCK LAUREL PARK FLETCHER MILLS RIVER Airbus,USGS,NGA,NASA,CGIAR,NCEAS,NLS,OS,NMA,Geodatastyrelsen,GSA,GSI and the GIS User Community FLU CHARACTER AREA Community Center Neighborhood Center Employment and Industry Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential Agriculture / Rural Very Low Density Conservation Areas Municipality / ETJ Ecusta Trail HENDERSON COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 03QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Creating a balance of agricultural preservation and industry growth was at the forefront of this Comprehensive Plan. View the plan here: https://www.hendersoncounty2045.com/ HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 123 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 26 03QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE PROJECT OVERVIEW Stewart worked on a new Comprehensive Growth Management Plan for the Town of Smithfi eld. Smithfi eld is the county seat and located about 30 minutes from the regional economic engine of Raleigh. Towns like these have particular assets and challenges that are relatively unique. STEWART RESPONSIBILITIES The Comprehensive Growth Management Plan included a visioning process with innovative outreach activities like popup meetings at festivals, district conversations, and an interactive publicinput.com website. The plan included a housing and economic analysis, land use suitability analysis, downtown revitalization strategies, conceptual designs, and a focus on tying together land use and infrastructure recommendations, and investment decisions. Form-based recommendations were illustrated in conceptual designs for suburban retrofi t sites along key commercial corridors. Downtown and subdivision design recommendations were created to improve the quality of development while providing fl exibility for innovative design. J EXPERIENCE TO BE APPLIED TO HARNETT COUNTY Development design, use mix and intensity along key corridors needs to be a specifi c part of the Harnett County Comprehensive Land Use Plan. LOCATION Smithfi eld, NC OWNER Town of Smithfi eld Stephen Wensman Planning Director 350 E. Market Street Smithfi eld, NC 27577 919.934.2116, ext. 1114 Stephen.wensman@smithfi eld-nc.com DATES Start: April 2018 Completion: September 2019 DISCIPLINES Planning Bicycle & Pedestrian Public Involvement Urban Design Landscape Architecture Parks and Conservation Planning TEAM Jake Petrosky, AICP Project Manager Jay McLeod, AICP Project Planner Stephen Faber, PLA, ASLA Landscape Designer Conceptual designs for redevelopment areas conveyed the need for form-based regulation of future development along key gateway corridors. View the plan here: https://www.smithfield-nc.com/page/planning_townplan TOWN OF SMITHFIELD COMPREHENSIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 124 FEE PROPOSAL04.04. MUNICIPALITIES 1. Ayden 2. Kinston 3. Huntersville 4. Chapel Hill 5. Highlands 6. Waynesville 7. Franklin 8. Wilson’s Mills 9. Garner 10. Cullowhee 11. Eden 12. Fayetteville 13. Clayton 14. Carolina Beach 15. Smithfi eld 16. Lillington 17. Garland 18. Cashiers 19. Harrisburg 20. Swansboro 21. Duck 22. Wake Forest 23. Winterville 24. Butner 25. Lexington, SC 26. Knightdale 27. Beaufort 28. Boone 29. Hope Mills 30. Asheboro 31. Salisbury 32. Lewisville 33. Pittsboro 34. Princeville 35. Green Level 36. Garysburg 37. Goldsboro 38. Star 39. Ahoskie 40. Castalia 41. Newton Grove 42. Peletier 43. Salemburg 44. Farmville 45. Spring Lake 46. Roseboro 47. Brevard 48. Manteo 49. Lucama 50. Kill Devil Hills 51. Washington 52. Dunn COUNTIES Alamance County Franklin County Granville County Guilford County Harnett County Henderson County Jackson County Johnston County Pender County Pitt County Pasquotank County OTHER Upper Coastal Plains Council of Governments COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECT LOCATIONS Stewart’s certifi ed planners and urban design professionals are providing support to achieve clients’ visions of successful communities all across North Carolina. Municipalities Counties Projects Stewart Offi ce Locations MAP LEGEND HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 125 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 28 FEE PROPOSAL 04 DESCRIPTION: SCOPE OF SERVICES FEE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN PHASE I Project Initiation and Analysis $38,000 PHASE II Visioning and Plan Development $65,000 PHASE III Implementation and Adoption $15,000 Expenses $2,500 TOTAL $120,500 ADDITIONAL TASKS Additional Conceptual Design (per site / area)$6,000 - $10,000 CommunityViz and/or ArcGIS Urban Modeling $10,000 - $25,000 Additional Public Meeting $8,000 Enhanced Website/Survey Platform $5,000 Additional In-person Meetings $1,500 per person Additional Virtual Meetings $500 per person Stewart agrees to provide the planning consulting services outlined above for the following compensation: COST ESTIMATE HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 126 SUGGESTIONS TO REDUCE COST05.05. HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 127 HARNETT COUNTY | COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATESTEWART 30 05SUGGESTIONS TO REDUCE COST Stewart is committed to providing clients a scope that is tailored to needs and available budget. Below are potential suggestions on how to save on consulting costs for this plan: ITEM POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS Printing fi nal deliverables $1,000 Reuse design template from previous Growth Plan with minor updates $1,000-2,000 Reduce person-trips and/or in-person meetings $1,000-12,000 County staff plays a role in mapping and analysis $2,000-5,000 County staff (i.e. PIO) assists with outreach $2,000-4,000 County staff assists with Executive Summary $1,000-2,000 Total $8,000-$26,000 SUGGESTIONS TO REDUCE COST HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 128 Town of Lillington Granville County Barry Baker, Planning Director City of Dunn 401 E. Broad Street, Dunn, NC George Adler 910.766.0983 Alicia Gregory 919.893.0305 PO Box 296, Lillington, NC 919.603.1334 Henderson County Planning Department 100 N. King Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792 Autumn Radcliff, Planning Director 828.694.6558 Pitt County 252.902.3250 141 Williamsboro Street, Oxford, NC 1717 W. 5th Street, Greenville, NC 27834 Eric Gooby, AICP, Senior Planner HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 129 January 19, 2023 Stewart Engineering, Inc. d/b/a Stewart 223 S West Street, Suite 1100 Raleigh, NC 27603 919-380-8750 Doug Taylor, PE, CPM VP | Practice Leader Transportation & Planning HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 130 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 131 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\041723\4E.1 agendaform2023 cloudwyze SOQ amendment 0417 2023.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: CloudWyze Broadband Agreement Amendment of SOW REQUESTED BY: Ira Hall, Chief Information Officer REQUEST: CloudWyze has requested a change to the phase 1 statement of work. With the expansion of CloudWyze fiber throughout the county the cost of water towers with equipment installed does not make sense. CloudWyze fiber in the Town of Erwin has made further fixed wireless expansion on commercial tower inefficient use of funds. CloudWyze is requesting the allocation of the last $200,000 funding from the county to be allotted to a fiber build between MCNC fiber backbone and the Oakridge tower and remove the expansion of any further wireless towers. This will provide a redundant route to another core tier 1 provider for bandwidth and enable residents along the fiber path to gain access to broadband. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4E HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 132 SECOND AMENDMENT TO BROADBAND SERVICES AGREEMENT SOW 1 THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE BROADBAND SERVICES AGREEMENT SOW 1 (the “Amendment”) is made and entered into as of this 4th day of April, 2023, by and between the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the “County”), and CloudWyze, Inc., a North Carolina corporation (the “Company”). Each of the foregoing may be referred to herein as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”. WHEREAS, the Parties previously entered into a Broadband Services Agreement (the “Agreement”) dated October 12, 2020, through which Company agrees to provide certain Broadband service to unserved and underserved areas of the County; and WHEREAS, contemporaneously with the Agreement, the parties entered into SOW 1 (the “SOW”) which provided certain specific terms and conditions for the performance of the Services; and WHEREAS, the Parties amended the SOW as set forth in the First Amendment to Broadband Services Agreement (the “first Amendment”) dated November 15, 2021; and; WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the SOW as specifically set forth herein to modify the terms and conditions of the SOW. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and undertakings set forth herein and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The third paragraph of Section 1 of the SOW is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: The network is expected to include 4 commercial towers, fiber in Lillington, and fiber in the Cokesbury area. 2. The table in Section 2 of the SOW is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Anticipated Activity Payment Anticipated Payment Date Agreement – 10% $200,000 November 30, 2020 Project Kickoff – 50% $1,000,000 December 15, 2020 2 Total Towers Completed – 10% $200,000 June 30, 2021 Lillington Fiber Build Completed – 10% $200,000 October 30, 2021 4 Total Towers Completed – 10% $200,000 November 30, 2022 Cokesbury Fiber Build Completed – 10% $200,000 August 31, 2023 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 133 3. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in this Amendment shall have meaning ascribed to them in the Agreement. 4. This Amendment together with any attachments or exhibits hereto sets forth the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the specific subject matters hereof. All prior contemporaneous or other oral or written statements, representations, or agreements by or between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof are merged herein. Except as expressly modified herein, the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect in accordance with its terms. In the event of ay conflict between the terms of the Agreement and the terms of this Amendment, the terms of this Amendment shall govern. 5. This Amendment may be executed in multiple counterpart originals, which as a group shall constitute one Amendment. The Parties agree that this Amendment may be executed by faxed, scanned, or emailed signatures, which shall be as enforceable as an original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have duly executed this Second Amendment as of the date first above written. COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA By: Name: Title: OLSEN ENTERPRISES, INC. d/b/a CLOUDWYZE By: Name: Title: HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 134 Fiber Connection to Oakridge Tower HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 135 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\041723\4F.1 Agenda Form 4.17.2023 Nonprofit.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Nonprofit Funding Agreements ($1.5 Million State Appropriations) REQUESTED BY: County Manager's Office (Ally Fouts) REQUEST: In the State of North Carolina's most recent budget, $1.5 million was allocated to Harnett County to be passed along to 46 entities, as decided by Senator Burgin. Administration is requesting approval of the funding agreement with Harnett County Historical Society. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4F HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 136 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 137 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 138 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 139 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 140 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 141 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 142 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\041723\4G.1 Agenda Memo - Easement Agreement - Adams Family Butler Farm Road.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Butler Farm Drive Easement Agreement REQUESTED BY: Chris Appel - Legal Department REQUEST: The Legal Department is seeking Board approval to enter into an Easement Agreement between the County of Harnett and the Adams family for the purposes of establishing a permanent non-exclusive access easement and temporary access easement from the public right of way commonly known as Butler Farm Drive. This Agreement will provide access over and across the County property for the benefit of the Adams family property. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4G HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 143 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 144 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 145 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 146 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 147 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 148 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 149 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 150 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 151 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 152 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 153 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 154 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 155 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\041723\4H.1 Agenda Request - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: DPS Hazard Mitigation Grant Program REQUESTED BY: Christopher Appel, Senior Staff Attorney REQUEST: The Legal Department requests that the Board accept the Deed for real property located at 109 Coates Road, Linden, North Carolina as part of the DPS Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4H HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 156 Page Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: 2022 S-5 Supplement to the Code of Ordinances REQUESTED BY: Melissa Capps, Clerk to the Board REQUEST: American Legal Publishing Corporation of Cincinnati, Ohio (“American Legal Publishing”) has completed the 2022 S-5 supplement to the Code of Ordinances of the County of Harnett (“Code of Ordinances”), which supplement contains all ordinances of a general and permanent nature enacted since the prior supplement to the Code of Ordinances. Staff requests the Board of Commissioners adopt the attached Ordinance adopting the S-5 Supplement to the Code of Ordinances for Harnett County. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4I HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 157 strong roots • new growth HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ORDINANCE NO. 2023-___ AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A SUPPLEMENT TO THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, American Legal Publishing Corporation of Cincinnati, Ohio (“American Legal Publishing”) has completed the 2022 S-5 supplement to the Code of Ordinances of the County of Harnett (“Code of Ordinances”), which supplement contains all ordinances of a general and permanent nature enacted since the prior supplement to the Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, It is the intent of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to accept these updated sections in accordance with the changes of the law of the State of North Carolina; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Section 1. That the 2022 S-5 supplement to the Code of Ordinances as submitted by American Legal Publishing Corporation of Cincinnati, Ohio, and as attached hereto, be and the same is hereby adopted by reference as if set out in its entirely. Section 2. Such supplement shall be deemed published as of the day of its adoption and approval by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and the Clerk to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and ordered to insert such supplement into the copy of the Code of Ordinances kept on file in the Office of the Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners on this ___ day of April, 2023. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS __________________________________ ATTEST: Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman _____________________________________ Melissa D. Capps, Clerk to the Board HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 158 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 159 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 160 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 161 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 162 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 163 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 164 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 165 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 166 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 167 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 168 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 169 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 170 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 171 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 172 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 173 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 174 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 175 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 176 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 177 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 178 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 179 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 180 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 181 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 182 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 183 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 184 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 185 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 186 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 187 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 188 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 189 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 190 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 191 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 192 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 193 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 194 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 195 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 196 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 197 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 198 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 199 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 200 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 201 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 202 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 203 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 204 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 205 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 206 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 207 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 208 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 209 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 210 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 211 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 212 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 213 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 214 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 215 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 216 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 217 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 218 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 219 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 220 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 221 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 222 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 223 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 224 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 225 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 226 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 227 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 228 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 229 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 230 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 231 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 232 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 233 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 234 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 235 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 236 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 237 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 238 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 239 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 240 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 241 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 242 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 243 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 244 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 245 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 246 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 247 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 248 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 249 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 250 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 251 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 252 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 253 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 254 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 255 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 256 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 257 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 258 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 259 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 260 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 261 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 262 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 263 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 264 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 265 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 266 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 267 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 268 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\041723\4J.1 Board Appointment and resignation memo.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Harnett County Boards and Committees REQUESTED BY: Administration REQUEST: As dicussed at the Aprill 11, 2023 Work Session, Harnett County Board of Commissioners accept the resignation from Gloria Gulledge as the Dunn representative on the Harnett County Library Board of Trustees and appoint Shirley White-Snead as the Dunn representative and Adrienae Bell as the District 1 at large member for the Harnett County Library Board of Trustees. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4J HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 269 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 270 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 271 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 272 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 273 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 274 Item 4K HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 275 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\041723\6.1 Lamar billboard lease agenda memo 4.4.23.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Advertising Lamar Billboard lease REQUESTED BY: Thomas Royer - Staff Attorney REQUEST: Legal Deparment requests approval of the Billboard Space lease agreement between the County and Lamar. The lease is a ten year lease in the amount of $2,100 annually. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 6 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 276 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 277 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 278 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 279 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\041723\7 I 95 I 40 Alliance Funding Request Agenda Form.docx Page 1 of 2 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: I-95/I-40 Crossroads of America Economic Development Alliance Funding Request REQUESTED BY: County Manager, Brent Trout REQUEST: At Tuesday, April 11, 2023 work session, a presentation was made by the I-95/I-40 Crossroads of America Economic Development Alliance. This presentation included a request from Harnett County for a financial contribution in the amount of $5,000,000. After a review of the County’s current financial position by Finance Officer, Kimberly Honeycutt, it is recommended that if the Board is inclined to approve the request, that we “fund” request as follows: 1. A $2,500,000 appropriation from fund balance for the current year . Based upon the Reserve Fund Balance – Six Month Calculation presented in February, an appropriation of $2,500,000 would impact the County’s unassigned percentage by 1.75%. 2.In Fiscal Year 2023-2024, a second appropriation of $2,500,000 would be made once the Fiscal Year 2023 audit is complete. As required by the County’s fiscal policy, the Finance Officer is required to provide a six-month fund balance reserve calculation. Based upon current year activity, it is anticipated that available reserves will exceed 20%. 3.If funding for the Alliance is approved, the funds would be transferred to a capital reserve fund until disbursement. In summary, if approved, an appropriation of $2,500,000 would reduce the County’s available fund balance to an approximate 25.58%; the amount is above the recommended range of 15% to 20% and yet still remains sufficient to fund capital improvement allocations currently approved in the Capital Improvement Plan. The funding is available to fulfill the request of the Alliance if approved by the Board. In my discussions with Reid Williams this funding proposal should be workable with their project timeline. He has stated they do not need all of the funds up front but it is needed as the project progresses. Item 7 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 280 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\041723\7 I 95 I 40 Alliance Funding Request Agenda Form.docx Page 2 of 2 FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 281 Item 8AHCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 282 July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun TOTAL AVG. Front Desk - Check-in Appointments 1127 1188 1958 1876 1465 1116 1182 1074 1269 12255 1361.7 Health Clinics Adult Women Wellness Clinic 1 6 3 3 4 1 2 2 1 23 2.5556 Care Coordination for Children (CC4C)156 146 127 137 142 168 156 156 140 1328 147.56 Child Health - Sick Clinic 100 119 204 237 237 161 177 197 243 1675 186.11 Child Health - Well Clinic 136 149 147 142 112 107 108 147 124 1172 130.22 County Employee Health Clinic 131 142 137 156 162 165 129 134 128 1284 142.67 Family Planning 130 134 123 132 121 129 163 151 168 1251 139 Immunizations 169 255 255 1368 373 175 203 173 159 3130 347.78 COVID Vaccines 240 154 404 453 270 160 82 56 45 1864 207.11 Maternity (Prenatal Clinic)118 166 171 175 155 162 171 180 187 1485 165 OB Care Management (OBCM)182 192 166 181 178 182 183 184 166 1614 179.33 Postpartum Home Visits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Refer/Repeat Pap 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 5 0.5556 STD Services 100 93 80 103 97 83 87 85 100 828 92 TB Services 58 81 52 42 35 25 60 53 53 459 51 Welcome Baby Home Visits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Services 1521 1638 1870 3130 1886 1520 1521 1518 1514 16118 1790.9 Reportable Disease Cases Tuberculosis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HIV - (Quarterly report)0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.1111 AIDS - (Quarterly report)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SYPHILIS - (Quarterly report)5 2 0 10 0 4 8 1 9 39 4.3333 OTHER STD's 8 13 30 24 12 45 15 34 28 209 23.222 Other (salmonella, campylobacter, etc)4 1 7 2 3 1 7 2 4 31 3.4444 Total Services 17 16 37 36 15 51 30 37 41 280 31.111 Health Education Outreach 110 286 177 141 168 202 168 169 170 1591 176.78 Laboratory Clients 824 776 974 939 1688 1486 968 934 1075 9664 1073.8 Laboratory Tests 1157 1317 1409 1594 1016 912 1391 1552 1712 12060 1340 HIV Tests 109 108 90 116 158 106 108 121 134 1050 116.67 WIC Active Participation 3530 3645 3589 3556 3556 3526 3529 3517 28448 3556 Vital Statistics Births In County 37 45 48 39 27 44 40 55 41 376 41.778 Births Out of County 127 155 125 116 96 116 84 120 150 1089 121 Deaths 66 64 58 54 63 73 70 57 56 561 62.333 Environmental Health Applications Received 122 95 114 85 88 62 106 85 148 905 100.56 Permits Issued 64 91 63 66 39 49 58 74 95 599 66.556 Completions Issued 65 78 64 74 74 65 87 56 81 644 71.556 Repair Permits Applied 8 2 14 7 1 5 7 11 14 69 7.6667 Permits Denied 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 0.3333 Site Visits 120 134 144 72 77 85 87 92 110 921 102.33 Food and Lodging Establishments Inspected/Reinspected 90 108 106 81 95 72 86 71 90 799 88.778 Visits /Construction/Critical 70 54 60 71 51 24 63 77 65 535 59.444 Complaints 3 4 1 3 1 0 3 1 3 19 2.1111 Private Water Supplies Well Applications Received 2 2 4 4 2 1 4 3 4 26 2.8889 updated 7/08/2022 updated 04-05-2023 Activities Summary Harnett County Department of Public Health Item 8B HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 283 Item 8C HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 284 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 285 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 286 Item 8D HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 287 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 288 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 289 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 290 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 291 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 292 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 293 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 294 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 295 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 296 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 297 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 298 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 299 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 300 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 301 Item 8E HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 302 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 303 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 304 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 305 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 306 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 307 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 308 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 309 67B HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 310 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 311 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 312 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Hamett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. Section I. To amend the Fleet Maintenance The appropriations are to be changed as follows: department of the General fund. EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1104250 502020 SALARIES & WAGES -PART-TIME $2,426 1104250 507010 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE $152 1104250 525010 VEHICLE SUPPLIES-FUEL-WEX $300 1104250 543040 RENTAL-COMPUTERS $150 1104250 587000 NON-CAP ASSET -OFFICE FURNIT $175 1104250 525013 VEHICLE SUPPLIES -OTHER $34,819 1104250 533070 SANITATION $880 1104250 534010 PRINTING $35 1104250 543020 RENTAL -POSTAGE METERS $66 1104250 583000 NON-CAP ASSET -LARGE EQUU $1,000 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE 1104250 380850 INSURANCE SETILEMENT $34,920 1104250 380890 OTHER REVENUE $1,121 EXPLANATION: Move money from insurance settlement, other revenue, and money within Fleet Maintenance budget to fund lines with negative balances and to cover other expenses through the end of the fiscal year. APPROVALS: DECREASE �)?;;;?'-I/, "j/2..� YneptHead (date) ���] ·13·�,County Manager (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Prepared by: Adopted this ___ day of ________ , 20 __ . Melissa Capps Clerk to the Board khoneycutt Page 1 ofl Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman Board of Commissioners Date: April 13, 2023 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 313 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) RELEASE REASON: Adjustment 0000033008-2018-2018-0000-00-REG MARSHALL, ELAINE F 8/11/2018 MARGARET WRIGHT 3/30/2023 1,958.34 1,885.44 72.90 0000033008-2019-2019-0000-00-REG MARSHALL, ELAINE F 7/19/2019 MARGARET WRIGHT 3/30/2023 1,958.34 1,885.44 72.90 0000033008-2020-2020-0000-00-REG MARSHALL, ELAINE F 7/30/2020 MARGARET WRIGHT 3/30/2023 1,958.34 1,885.44 72.90 0000033008-2021-2021-0000-00-REG MARSHALL, ELAINE F 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 3/30/2023 1,958.34 1,885.44 72.90 0000047791-2022-2022-0000-00-REG KENNETH SHAW LIVING TRUST, 8/17/2022 AMY BAIN 3/3/2023 92.39 22.29 70.10 0000047792-2022-2022-0000-00-REG KENNETH SHAW LIVING TRUST, 8/17/2022 AMY BAIN 3/3/2023 116.86 46.76 70.10 0000047794-2022-2022-0000-00-REG KENNETH SHAW LIVING TRUST, 8/17/2022 AMY BAIN 3/3/2023 120.15 50.05 70.10 0002178185-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SANCHEZ, SETH 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/30/2023 16.51 16.51 0.00 0002255417-2022-2022-0000-00-REG MYERS, FELICIA KIMBERLY 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/27/2023 9.38 9.38 0.00 0002256153-2021-2021-0000-00-REG HOLDEN, LOYD ARNOLD JR 7/28/2021 APRIL DIAZ 3/3/2023 119.31 119.31 0.00 0002258556-2022-2022-0000-00-REG CONNELLY, THOMAS B 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/15/2023 275.47 137.24 138.23 0002261168-2022-2022-0000-00-REG POPE, HARVEY DELMAR 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/6/2023 6.87 6.87 0.00 0002261181-2022-2022-0000-00-REG ARELLANO, HUMBERTO 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/22/2023 90.79 64.30 26.49 0002261283-2022-2022-0000-00-REG GREGORY, JONATHAN HUGH 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/15/2023 228.26 8.87 219.39 0002263024-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WALDEN, JASON A 7/28/2021 APRIL DIAZ 3/10/2023 416.00 416.00 0.00 Release Reason ALL 3/1/2023 Default Sort-By: Report Parameters: Tax District: Grouping: Bill #,Taxpayer Name,Release Date,Billing Date,Operator ID, Release Amount Data as of: 4/5/2023 6:39:18 PM TR-304 Bill Release Report NCPTS V4Date run: 4/6/2023 12:39:37 PM Release Date Start:Release Date End: 3/31/2023 PAGE 1 of 7 Item 8F HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 314 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) 0002263024-2022-2022-0000-00-REG WALDEN, JASON A 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/10/2023 308.64 308.64 0.00 0002269839-2022-2022-0000-00-REG DEPIERRE, JOHN EDWIN III 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/29/2023 314.26 314.26 0.00 0002270731-2022-2022-0000-00-REG JORDAN, MARK E 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/2/2023 372.30 372.30 0.00 0002277154-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SANCHEZ, DOTTIE MERRITT 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/30/2023 230.09 230.09 0.00 0002279215-2022-2022-0000-00-REG FIFER, MICHAEL STEVENS 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/15/2023 235.52 235.52 0.00 0002279217-2021-2021-0000-00-REG HARRIS, JOSHUA PETER 7/28/2021 APRIL DIAZ 3/20/2023 4.90 4.90 0.00 0002279217-2022-2022-0000-00-REG HARRIS, JOSHUA PETER 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/20/2023 4.37 4.37 0.00 0002279586-2022-2022-0000-00-REG DAVIS, MARCUS ANTHONY 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/9/2023 61.28 45.89 15.39 0002281221-2021-2021-0000-00-REG GONZALEZ, GUILLERMO 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 2/28/2023 22.56 22.56 0.00 0002281221-2022-2022-0000-00-REG GONZALEZ, GUILLERMO 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 2/28/2023 18.33 18.33 0.00 0002288540-2022-2022-0000-00-REG ARCE, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/7/2023 7.97 7.97 0.00 0002288694-2022-2022-0000-00-REG TYNDALL, TONY EUGENE 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/1/2023 11.75 7.88 3.87 0002290604-2022-2022-0000-00-REG ROUTZHAN, JURGEN E 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/6/2023 3.46 3.46 0.00 0002291086-2022-2022-0000-00-REG NEWHOUSE, MICHAEL ALLEN 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/9/2023 268.40 268.40 0.00 0002291373-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SUPERMARKET 8/25/2022 AMY BAIN 3/3/2023 1,175.46 1,175.46 0.00 0002291376-2022-2022-0000-01-REG MILES MENG LLC 8/25/2022 SHANNON AUTRY 3/8/2023 4,340.49 3,430.52 909.97 0002296922-2022-2022-0000-00-REG EVANGELISTO, DANIEL LAWRENCE 8/26/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/22/2023 175.71 175.71 0.00 Subtotal 15,065.60 RELEASE REASON: Assessed In Err 0002288151-2022-2020-0000-00-REG JASON KRUSE THOMAS 10/27/2022 KRISTY TAYLOR 3/10/2023 724.34 724.34 0.00 Subtotal 724.34 RELEASE REASON: Duplication 0002291402-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SADLER MILESTONE RESTAURANT 11/9/2022 SHANNON AUTRY 3/24/2023 1,180.27 1,180.27 0.00 Subtotal 1,180.27 PAGE 2 of 7 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 315 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) RELEASE REASON: Full rebate 0000027615-2022-2022-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, LASCOTTIE 8/17/2022 MARGARET WRIGHT 3/29/2023 385.55 385.55 0.00 0001666663-2022-2022-0000-00-REG MANZOLA, BARBARA ADDISON 8/17/2022 MARGARET WRIGHT 3/3/2023 18.88 18.88 0.00 0001765637-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SURLES, WILLIAM RAYMOND KENNETH 8/17/2022 MARGARET WRIGHT 2/28/2023 33.32 33.32 0.00 Subtotal 437.75 RELEASE REASON: Less than min amt 0000047536-2023-2020-0070-00-REG SERINA, DAVID A 3/28/2023 KARA DANIELS 3/28/2023 1.48 1.48 0.00 0000047536-2023-2021-0070-00-REG SERINA, DAVID A 3/28/2023 KARA DANIELS 3/28/2023 1.50 1.50 0.00 Subtotal 2.98 RELEASE REASON: Listed In Error 0002291008-2022-2022-0000-00-REG CROSSROADS EQUIPMENT LEASE AND FINANCE 8/17/2022 SHANNON AUTRY 3/15/2023 438.63 438.63 0.00 Subtotal 438.63 RELEASE REASON: Military 0002262933-2022-2022-0000-00-REG YOUNG, JEREMY A 8/17/2022 MARGARET WRIGHT 3/27/2023 427.40 6.72 420.68 0002263107-2022-2022-0000-00-REG BURNS, RAY HARRISON JR 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/10/2023 401.95 401.95 0.00 0002269759-2022-2022-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, CALE WADE 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/7/2023 212.36 212.36 0.00 0002288777-2022-2022-0000-00-REG COLLINS, MARC 8/17/2022 TRACY CLARK 3/6/2023 152.51 152.51 0.00 0002295186-2022-2022-0000-00-REG CACCIOTTI, MICHAEL A 8/26/2022 AMY BAIN 3/17/2023 213.81 213.81 0.00 0002296279-2022-2022-0000-00-REG WILLIAMS, DENISE SHERRELLE 8/26/2022 APRIL DIAZ 3/28/2023 160.66 160.66 0.00 Subtotal 1,148.01 RELEASE REASON: Ownership change 0000044366-2022-2022-0000-00-REG M AND R ENTITLEMENT LLC 8/17/2022 AMY BAIN 3/21/2023 785.34 785.34 0.00 0000046560-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SANCHEZ, MARTA O 8/17/2022 AMY BAIN 3/6/2023 4,099.84 4,099.84 0.00 0000058082-2022-2022-0000-00-REG LUGO, NOE A 8/17/2022 AMY BAIN 3/9/2023 218.31 218.31 0.00 PAGE 3 of 7 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 316 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) 0000058084-2022-2022-0000-00-REG LUGO, NOE A 8/17/2022 AMY BAIN 3/9/2023 138.71 138.71 0.00 0002184276-2022-2022-0000-00-REG MICHAELSON, DAVID R 8/17/2022 AMY BAIN 3/27/2023 1,443.04 1,443.04 0.00 Subtotal 6,685.24 RELEASE REASON: Removal of SW Fee 0000006210-2022-2022-0000-00-REG BRIDGES, SHERRILL 8/17/2022 MARGARET WRIGHT 3/2/2023 646.16 85.00 561.16 Subtotal 85.00 RELEASE REASON: SMALL UNDERPAYMENT 0000001861-2022-2022-0000-00-REG ATKINS, DIANA B 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/20/2023 844.66 0.16 844.50 0000004743-2022-2021-0070-00-REG BETTS, DONALD W 2/1/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/2/2023 358.06 0.08 357.98 0000005000-2022-2022-0000-00-REG BLACKMON, JERRY 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/1/2023 701.87 0.45 701.42 0000009180-2022-2022-0000-00-REG CAMPBELL, LOIS F 8/17/2022 TAMMY HERRING 3/1/2023 408.84 0.75 408.09 0000009640-2022-2022-0000-00-REG CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT, 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/20/2023 145.00 0.45 144.55 0000013912-2022-2022-0000-00-REG DAVIS, HELENE 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/8/2023 897.85 0.51 897.34 0000021688-2022-2022-0000-00-REG HAITHCOCK, TERESA 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/8/2023 1,096.68 0.21 1,096.47 0000021886-2022-2022-0000-00-REG HALL, MOLLIE C 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/3/2023 48.02 0.21 47.81 0000025822-2022-2022-0000-00-REG HURLEY, CODRINE 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/2/2023 13.73 0.11 13.62 0000030858-2022-2022-0000-00-REG WHITE, EUGENE 8/17/2022 TAMMY HERRING 3/27/2023 92.11 0.69 91.42 0000047108-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SEARS, RONNIE OGENE 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/8/2023 952.28 0.45 951.83 0000052869-2022-2022-0000-00-REG WINCOR PROPERTIES LLC 8/17/2022 IVR DPC 3/8/2023 1,897.00 0.74 1,896.26 0000054087-2022-2022-0000-00-REG GRINDSTONE ACQUISITIONS LLC, 8/17/2022 IVR DPC 3/21/2023 3,371.48 0.74 3,370.74 0000058969-2022-2022-0000-00-REG WHITE, EUGENE 8/17/2022 TAMMY HERRING 3/27/2023 26.30 0.20 26.10 PAGE 4 of 7 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 317 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) 0000058971-2022-2022-0000-00-REG WHITE, EUGENE 8/17/2022 TAMMY HERRING 3/27/2023 95.59 0.73 94.86 0000063178-2022-2022-0000-00-REG WHITE, EUGENE 8/17/2022 TAMMY HERRING 3/27/2023 113.50 0.85 112.65 0001016022-2022-2022-0000-00-REG ECKLUND, SIMON C 8/17/2022 TAMMY HERRING 3/27/2023 2,842.07 0.42 2,841.65 0001859129-2022-2022-0000-00-REG ALDO HOLDING LLC 8/17/2022 TAMMY HERRING 3/27/2023 21.59 0.15 21.44 0001982060-2013-2013-0000-00-REG TAYLOR, PAULINE 7/1/2013 TRACI FERRELL 3/24/2023 25.30 0.08 25.22 0002002823-2022-2022-0000-00-REG MOGOI, MATONGO 8/17/2022 TAMMY HERRING 3/27/2023 11.80 0.22 11.58 0002091141-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SMUCKER FOODSERVICE INC 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/8/2023 60.40 0.56 59.84 0002091981-2013-2013-0000-00-REG WILSON, DANIELLE MARIE 7/1/2013 TRACI FERRELL 3/24/2023 27.64 0.85 26.79 0002093330-2013-2013-0000-00-REG GRANTHAM, TOMECCA LATRICE 7/1/2013 TRACI FERRELL 3/24/2023 26.30 0.03 26.27 0002094407-2013-2013-0000-00-REG WRIGHT, MICHAEL JASON 7/1/2013 TRACI FERRELL 3/24/2023 55.64 0.21 55.43 0002095259-2013-2013-0000-00-REG MCARTHUR, KATHY MARIE 6/25/2013 TRACI FERRELL 3/24/2023 28.94 0.22 28.72 0002102062-2013-2013-0000-00-REG YORK, MARQUITA RASHONDA 9/3/2013 TRACI FERRELL 3/24/2023 28.30 0.65 27.65 0002102578-2013-2013-0000-00-REG COATS, GARY MIKAL 8/22/2013 TRACI FERRELL 3/24/2023 27.96 0.05 27.91 0002103524-2013-2013-0000-00-REG WILLIAMS, TOBY LAVONNE 10/1/2013 TRACI FERRELL 3/24/2023 27.79 0.44 27.35 0002111566-2021-2021-0000-00-REG LOWE, JAMES ROSS 7/28/2021 TAMMY HERRING 3/7/2023 34.50 0.01 34.49 0002184276-2022-2022-0000-01-REG HINTON, CHANTEL MARTHA 8/17/2022 AMY BAIN 3/27/2023 1,443.04 0.83 1,442.21 0002246929-2022-2022-0000-00-REG PEPPLE, CHARLES WAYNE 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/7/2023 5.29 0.04 5.25 0002250263-2022-2022-0000-00-REG PURDIE, WILLIE ARCHIE 8/17/2022 TAMMY HERRING 3/7/2023 20.34 0.15 20.19 0002258232-2022-2022-0000-00-REG PARRISH, JAMES PRESTON 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/16/2023 181.36 0.02 181.34 0002261425-2022-2022-0000-00-REG IRELAND, JOHN FRANKLIN 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/9/2023 19.78 0.14 19.64 PAGE 5 of 7 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 318 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) 0002262536-2022-2022-0000-00-REG NAYLOR, JEFFREY ALAN 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/20/2023 119.53 0.90 118.63 0002268516-2019-2019-0000-00-REG BOWDEN, LUBY RAY 7/19/2019 TRACI FERRELL 3/24/2023 44.89 0.01 44.88 0002272489-2022-2022-0000-00-REG CHOATE, MARCUS R 8/17/2022 IVR DPC 3/12/2023 10.72 0.08 10.64 0002278986-2022-2022-0000-00-REG LONG, JOSHUA BRANDON 8/17/2022 IVR DPC 3/3/2023 93.76 0.70 93.06 0002281485-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SWEET, GREGORY ALLEN 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/7/2023 34.34 0.26 34.08 0002282160-2021-2021-0000-00-REG GREEN LEAF CARE CENTER 7/26/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/8/2023 83.95 0.64 83.31 0002283149-2021-2021-0000-00-REG OLDHAM, ADAM JARED 7/30/2021 IVR DPC 3/21/2023 6.04 0.04 6.00 0002284407-2021-2021-0000-00-REG MCKENZIE, DANIEL MARK 7/30/2021 IVR DPC 3/9/2023 93.06 0.70 92.36 0002284881-2021-2021-0000-00-REG SIMMONS, VICKIE MOORE 7/30/2021 TAMMY HERRING 3/24/2023 5.86 0.04 5.82 0002288095-2022-2022-0000-00-REG PASCOE, JEFFREY WAYNE 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/2/2023 248.72 0.04 248.68 0002289245-2022-2022-0000-00-REG VARGAS, FREDY ERNESTO 8/17/2022 TAMMY HERRING 3/7/2023 18.43 0.15 18.28 0002291104-2022-2022-0000-00-REG PARSONS, SHANE 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/3/2023 12.72 0.11 12.61 0002292557-2022-2022-0000-00-REG TANT, BRENDA DANIELS 8/26/2022 TAMMY HERRING 3/27/2023 13.51 0.47 13.04 0002292808-2022-2022-0000-00-REG STEWART, JAMES KENNY 8/26/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/15/2023 8.48 0.06 8.42 0002292825-2022-2022-0000-00-REG CANNON, OMAR SHEAREE 8/26/2022 IVR DPC 3/25/2023 33.19 0.25 32.94 0002293821-2022-2022-0000-00-REG STARCHER, MICHAEL ALLEN 8/26/2022 IVR DPC 3/18/2023 15.87 0.12 15.75 0002294473-2022-2022-0000-00-REG THOMAS, PERCIVAL DALE 8/26/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/20/2023 4.96 0.28 4.68 0002296865-2022-2022-0000-00-REG ENNIS, RICHARD LANE 8/26/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 3/20/2023 20.47 0.15 20.32 Subtotal 17.40 RELEASE REASON: Sold/Traded 0002269879-2022-2022-0000-00-REG WILD TRUCKING LLC 8/23/2022 SHANNON AUTRY 3/29/2023 923.26 923.26 0.00 Subtotal 923.26 PAGE 6 of 7 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 319 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) RELEASE REASON: Value Increase 0002291376-2022-2022-0000-00-REG TMART #4 ANGIER 8/25/2022 SHANNON AUTRY 3/8/2023 2,085.80 2,085.80 0.00 Subtotal 2,085.80 Total 28,794.28 PAGE 7 of 7 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 320 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\041723\9A.1 23.04.13 - PP WA Agenda Request - 04.17.23.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: April 17, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Terminal Construction Project - Work Authorization for Professional Services REQUESTED BY: Natalie D. Pusser REQUEST: Jetport request the Board of Commissioners to accept the work authorization for professional services with Parrish and Partners, LLC. for the construction phase of the jetport terminal. Work authorization total is $861,815.00, which is provided through the State Capital and Infrastructure Fund Grant (SCIF). FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 9A HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 321 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\041723\9A.1 23.04.13 - PP WA Agenda Request - 04.17.23.docx Page 2 of 2 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 322 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 323 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 324 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 325 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 326 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 327 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 328 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 329 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 330 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 331 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 332 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 333 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 334 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 335 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 336 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 337 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 338 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 339 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 340 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 341 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 342 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 343 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 344 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 345 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 346 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 347 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 348 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 349 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 350 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 351 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 352 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 353 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 354 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 355 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 356 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 357 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 358 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 359 HCBOC 041723 Revised Pg. 360