HomeMy WebLinkAbout010323 agenda packet REGULAR MEETING Date: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: Commissioners Meeting Room Harnett County Resource Center & Library 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 1 1. Call to order – Chairman Matt Nicol 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Barbara McKoy 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 4. Consent Agenda A. Minutes i. Regular Meeting Minutes of December 19, 2022 5. Public Comment Period Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation. 6. County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager A. Interdepartmental Budget Amendments B. Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action, Inc.’s Community Services Block Grant Application. C. Budget Amendments – Motion to approve budget amendments as requested by the Finance Director. D. Tax Rebates, Refunds and Releases – Motion to approve tax rebates, refunds and releases as requested by the Tax Administrator. 7. New Business A. Harnett County Emergency Services is seeking Board approval to accept the RFP Bid from Lee Hartmann & Sons (Winston Salem) for the upgrade of the EOC audio visual equipment. The bid is $76,379 the total grant funding available for the project is $90,633.61. This grant funding (CBCG previously approved by Board) is a zero county match, NCEM reimbursable grant. This project will enhance our response and recovery operations for the future and replace rapidly aging equipment. B. The Workforce Development Department would like to present the contract for the performance periods of January 1, 2023 - June 30, 2023 and July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 with the Mid-Carolina Regional Council to provide Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) grant services for approval. The WIOA grant is a federal grant administered by the Mid-Carolina Regional Council. WIOA grant funding will enable the Workforce Development Department to 010323 a Pg. 1 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 2 provide employment and training services to the citizens of Harnett County enrolled in the WIOA Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker Programs. 8. Closed Session 9. Adjourn CONDUCT OF THE JANUARY 3, 2023 MEETING Live audio of the meeting will be streamed on the Harnett County Government’s YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x_98EhAMeMg/featured. 010323 a Pg. 2 Harnett County Board of Commissioners December 19, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes December 19, 2022 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, December 19, 2022 at 6:00 pm, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Matt B. Nicol, Chairman William Morris, Vice Chairman W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Commissioner Member absent: Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Staff present: Brent Trout, County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Nicol called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Vice Chairman Morris led the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation. Chairman Nicol called for any additions or deletions to the published agenda. Brent Trout, County Manager, asked the Board add the approval of Carver’s Creek Grant Agreement to the agenda. Commissioner Matthews made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Weatherspoon seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Matthews made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Vice Chairman Morris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The items on the consent agenda were as follows: A.Minutes I.Work Session Minutes of November 29, 2022 II.Regular Meeting Minutes of December 5, 2022 III.Work Session Minutes of December 13, 2022 B.Parks and Recreation requests approval of the Design-Build Contract for the Neill's Creek Park Restroom and Concession facility. Samet Corporation was chosen by a Selection Committee following submittals of Statement of Qualification. Funding for this project is from the State Construction and Infrastructure Fund. The Contract amount for the design and build of the facility is $444,225. Harnett County developed Neill's Creek Park behind Harnett Central over 40 years ago. The park was expanded Item 4Ai 010323 a Pg. 3 Harnett County Board of Commissioners December 19, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 in 2018 to include the middle school's multipurpose field, baseball field, and softball field. New tennis courts were also installed on the expanded parcel in 2019. The use of these facilities has significantly grown over the past 4 years and the current restroom, concessions, and storage facilities are inadequate for recreational and school activities. This facility will include concessions area, restrooms, and equipment/maintenance supply storage to be used by Parks and Recreation and Harnett County Schools. C. Soil and Water Conservation requests approval of an award of a bid for $67,275 to MRP Grading & Clearing Inc. for Phase 1 of the Riverside Community Drainage Improvement Project consisting of culvert replacements and ditch clean outs. D. The Harnett County Public Library respectfully requests permission to accept a State Library of North Carolina Food Literacy Grant. This LSTA grant is for a total of $16,800 with no matching funds required and no ongoing expenses needed. The purpose of the Food Literacy Grant is to support food literacy and nutrition programming for North Carolina's public libraries. The Harnett County Public Library will use funds to finance cooking classes and food literacy programming using the Charlie Cart Program, an all-inclusive mobile kitchen and food literacy curriculum. The Library will work in partnership with Parks and Recreation, Harnett County Soil and Water, and the NC Cooperative Extension and 4-H to teach and provide venues for classes across Harnett County. E. Finance requests the Board of Commissioners adopt a Resolution by the Governing Body of Harnett County Whereby the Establishment and Maintenance of Accounts have been authorized for Multi-Bank Securities, LLC (MBS). (Attachment 1) F. Finance requests the Board of Commissioners update the Chairman and Vice Chairman names on the Bank Signature Card. The County of Harnett requires that each check written has two signatures. The two primary individuals that sign are the Finance Officer and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. With the results of the most recent general elections and the Board's most reorganization, the Finance Department requests that the Board of Commissioners approve removing former Chairman, Lewis W. Weatherspoon as a signature on the County's bank account and adding newly elected Chairman Matthew B. Nicol as a signature on the County's bank accounts. G. Administration requests the adoption of the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2024-2030. The CIP is the County's planning tool that assists in developing priorities for capital needs over the next seven years. Projects that are included in the CIP cost at least $100,000 and typically have a useful life of at least 10 years. H. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners selected Vice Chairman Morris to serve on the Mid-Carolina Aging Advisory Committee, Nonprofit Committee, Averasboro Township Tourism Development Authority and Cape Fear River Assembly Board. I. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners approve the appointment of Jacquelyn Bancroft, District 1, to the Mid-Carolina Aging Advisory Council. J. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners approve the cancelation of the December 28, 2022 Work Session. 010323 a Pg. 4 Harnett County Board of Commissioners December 19, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Chairman Nicol opened the meeting for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. The following people provided comments: 1. Chris Leone of Harnett County, NC. 2. Gwenn Glotnis of Harnett County, NC. 3. Elizabeth Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 4. Alan Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. No one else spoke and the public comment period was closed. Mr. Trout reviewed a request for approval of a contract with Kairos Government Affairs to perform lobbying services. The first two years of the contract would be for a fee of $4,000 per month and the third year of the contract would be for $4,500 per month. Commissioner Weatherspoon made a motion to appoint Kairos Government Affairs as the lobbying firm for Harnett County. There was no second to the motion. Chairman Nicol stated the motion failed due to the lack of a second. Mr. Trout stated I appreciate your approval of the CIP. There will be no meeting on the 28th as approved on the consent agenda. County offices will be closed December 23rd, 26th and 27th. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the budget amendments as requested by the Finance Director. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously. (Attachment 2) Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to adopt the tax rebates, refunds and releases as requested by the Tax Administrator. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously. (Attachment 3) Mr. Trout reviewed a request to approve the Carver’s Creek Grant Agreement for $100,000. The State of North Carolina provided a SCIF Grant to Harnett County in the amount of $630,000. The money was intended for five different projects. The money has already been provided to Averasboro Battlefield, Shaw House, Harnett County Fire Chiefs Association and Sheriff’s Office. The last entity to receive their money is the Carvers Creek State Park. Due to the money being required to be used for infrastructure projects the Board of Commissioners agreed to use money received from the grant for Parks construction projects and then provide general fund money to these designated recipients. The board also approved the budget amendments to put this agreement in place. The terms were finally worked out between the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources and Harnett County and we are ready to approve the agreement. Commissioner Matthews made a motion to approve the Carver’s Creek Grant Agreement. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Morris. The motion carried unanimously. 010323 a Pg. 5 Harnett County Board of Commissioners December 19, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to go into Closed Session to discuss a legal matter to preserve the attorney-client privilege. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously. Following a motion to come out of Closed Session, Chairman Nicol called the meeting back into open session. Commissioner Weatherspoon made a motion to adjourn at 6:32 pm. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Morris and carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Matt B. Nicol, Chairman Melissa D. Capps, Clerk 010323 a Pg. 6 010323 a Pg. 7 010323 a Pg. 8 010323 a Pg. 9 010323 a Pg. 10 010323 a Pg. 11 010323 a Pg. 12 010323 a Pg. 13 010323 a Pg. 14 010323 a Pg. 15 010323 a Pg. 16 010323 a Pg. 17 010323 a Pg. 18 010323 a Pg. 19 010323 a Pg. 20 010323 a Pg. 21 010323 a Pg. 22 010323 a Pg. 23 010323 a Pg. 24 Item 6A 010323 a Pg. 25 010323 a Pg. 26 010323 a Pg. 27 010323 a Pg. 28 010323 a Pg. 29 010323 a Pg. 30 010323 a Pg. 31 010323 a Pg. 32 010323 a Pg. 33 010323 a Pg. 34 Item 6B 010323 a Pg. 35 010323 a Pg. 36 010323 a Pg. 37 010323 a Pg. 38 010323 a Pg. 39 010323 a Pg. 40 010323 a Pg. 41 010323 a Pg. 42 010323 a Pg. 43 010323 a Pg. 44 010323 a Pg. 45 010323 a Pg. 46 010323 a Pg. 47 010323 a Pg. 48 010323 a Pg. 49 010323 a Pg. 50 010323 a Pg. 51 010323 a Pg. 52 010323 a Pg. 53 010323 a Pg. 54 010323 a Pg. 55 010323 a Pg. 56 010323 a Pg. 57 010323 a Pg. 58 010323 a Pg. 59 010323 a Pg. 60 010323 a Pg. 61 010323 a Pg. 62 010323 a Pg. 63 010323 a Pg. 64 010323 a Pg. 65 010323 a Pg. 66 010323 a Pg. 67 010323 a Pg. 68 010323 a Pg. 69 010323 a Pg. 70 010323 a Pg. 71 010323 a Pg. 72 010323 a Pg. 73 010323 a Pg. 74 010323 a Pg. 75 Item 6C 010323 a Pg. 76 010323 a Pg. 77 010323 a Pg. 78 010323 a Pg. 79 010323 a Pg. 80 010323 a Pg. 81 Board Report 1/3/2023 Approved___________________________ To: Harnett County Board of Commissioners Re: Consideration of Refund for Taxes, Interest and Penalities for all Muncipalities Adjustment Reason Bill Number Type Received Amount Refund Amount Name Full rebate 0002288530-2022-2022-0000-00 BUS 24.48$ 24.48$ LUMEN INC Christine Wallace Acting Tax Administrator Item 6D 010323 a Pg. 82 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\010323\7A.1 CBCG EOC RFP Board Approval request.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 3, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: NCEM Capacity Building Competitive Grant Funding EOC Audio Visual Project Bid Award REQUESTED BY: Larry Smith, Emergency Services REQUEST: Harnett County Emergency Services is seeking Board approval to accept the RFP Bid from Lee Hartmann & Sons (Winston Salem) for the upgrade of the EOC audio visual equipment. The bid is $76,379 the total grant funding available for the project is $90,633.61 This grant funding (CBCG previously approved by Board) is a zero county match, NCEM reimbursible grant. This project will enhance our response and recovery operations for the future and replace rapidly aging equipment. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 7A 010323 a Pg. 83 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\010323\7A.1 CBCG EOC RFP Board Approval request.docx Page 2 of 2 010323 a Pg. 84 010323 a Pg. 85 010323 a Pg. 86 010323 a Pg. 87 010323 a Pg. 88 010323 a Pg. 89 010323 a Pg. 90 010323 a Pg. 91 010323 a Pg. 92 010323 a Pg. 93 010323 a Pg. 94 010323 a Pg. 95 010323 a Pg. 96 010323 a Pg. 97 010323 a Pg. 98 010323 a Pg. 99 010323 a Pg. 100 010323 a Pg. 101 010323 a Pg. 102 010323 a Pg. 103 010323 a Pg. 104 010323 a Pg. 105 010323 a Pg. 106 010323 a Pg. 107 010323 a Pg. 108 010323 a Pg. 109 010323 a Pg. 110 010323 a Pg. 111 010323 a Pg. 112 010323 a Pg. 113 010323 a Pg. 114 010323 a Pg. 115 010323 a Pg. 116 010323 a Pg. 117 010323 a Pg. 118 010323 a Pg. 119 010323 a Pg. 120 010323 a Pg. 121 010323 a Pg. 122 010323 a Pg. 123 010323 a Pg. 124 010323 a Pg. 125 010323 a Pg. 126 010323 a Pg. 127 010323 a Pg. 128 010323 a Pg. 129 010323 a Pg. 130 010323 a Pg. 131 010323 a Pg. 132 010323 a Pg. 133 010323 a Pg. 134 Item 7B 010323 a Pg. 135 010323 a Pg. 136 010323 a Pg. 137 010323 a Pg. 138 010323 a Pg. 139 010323 a Pg. 140 010323 a Pg. 141 010323 a Pg. 142 010323 a Pg. 143 010323 a Pg. 144 010323 a Pg. 145 010323 a Pg. 146 010323 a Pg. 147 010323 a Pg. 148 010323 a Pg. 149 010323 a Pg. 150 010323 a Pg. 151 010323 a Pg. 152 010323 a Pg. 153 010323 a Pg. 154 010323 a Pg. 155 010323 a Pg. 156 010323 a Pg. 157 010323 a Pg. 158 010323 a Pg. 159 010323 a Pg. 160 010323 a Pg. 161 010323 a Pg. 162 010323 a Pg. 163 010323 a Pg. 164 010323 a Pg. 165 010323 a Pg. 166 010323 a Pg. 167