HomeMy WebLinkAboutRay_Appeal SR HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING July 11, 2022 SSttaaffff CCoonnttaacctt:: LLaannddoonn CChhaannddlleerr,, SSeenniioorr PPllaannnneerr ((991100)) 889933--77552255 oorr llcchhaannddlleerr@@hhaarrnneetttt..oorrgg CASE NUMBER: BOA2204-0004 APPLICANT: Patricia Ray Bass OWNERS: Patricia Ray Bass LOCATION: 5158 Titan Roberts Rd ZONING: RA-20R ACREAGE: 2.00 acres PIN#: 0586-39-0589 REQUEST: The Applicant has appealed the Administrator’s decision on interpretation of a portion of the code outlined below. MAP: COUNTY REGULATION: Article VI. Section 3.0 (Accessory Structures) The accessory structure located in the side yard must be relocated in order to adhere to the required five (5) feet side setback requirement. Background This situation came to Harnett County by way of a neighbor’s complaint. The neighbor stated that they believed that the parcel in question contained a structure that did not receive permits, and was at least partially located on their property. The neighbor then had a survey performed and it does indeed show that the structure is partially located on their property (see attached). Staff has checked the records and can find none where a permit was pulled for the structure. The applicant is appealing the administrator’s decision that they are in fact in violation. At this time, staff has received no evidence to support the applicant’s stance. Mr. Randy Baker is also in attendance and may be able to offer additional information if needed. SITE PHOTOS: