HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachments 03-08-2022jj
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R-2022-05 (Attach # 2)
Resolution Approving Conveyance of Personal Property
to a Nonprofit Organization Pursuant to G.S. 160A-280
WHEREAS, the City of Dunn owns fitness equipment consisting of four treadmills, five exercise
bikes, and two ellipticals; and
WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute § 160A-280 authorizes a city to convey -personal property
for nonmonetary consideration to a nonprofit corporation if the governing board deems the property
to be surplus, obsolete, or unused; and
WHEREAS, the City of Dunn has determined that the personal property described above is surplus,
obsolete, or unused; and
WHEREAS, the City of Dunn finds that the public will benefit from the conveyance of the property
described above by donating this equipment to be used by the Dunn Police Athletic & Activities
League, Inc. for the many activities they provide for at -risk youth.
1. The Mayor and/or City Manager of Dunn is authorized to execute all documents necessary to
convey four treadmills, five exercise bikes, and two ellipticals to the Dunn Police Athletic &
Activities League, Inc.
2. The consideration for the conveyance is due to the many activities they provide for at -risk youth
thereby providing an invaluable service to the residents of Dunn
3. In accordance with the notice requirements of N.C.G.S. § 160A-280, public notice of this
resolution was given by posting on the City of Dunn website on February 25, 2022.
Adopted this the 8" day of March, 2022.
Tai ny William , City Clerk
William P. Elmore, r., May
R2022-06 (Attach # 3)
NORTH A R O L 1 A 03-08-2022
Resolution Declaring Certain Property of the City to be Surplus
And Authorizing the Disposition of Said Property
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina, has determined that the
City owns certain personal property that is no longer needed or useable by the City; and
WHEREAS, each of the items described below, is declared to be surplus to the needs of the
2014 Dodge
3 Electro-Mech
2 Electro-Mech
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Dunn City Council that the City Manager is
hereby authorized to dispose of the listed items by electronic means through
www.GovDeals.com. With appropriate notice, the date, place and time of the sale will be
announced by the City Manager or his designee.
The City Clerk shall publish at least once and not less than ten (10) days before the dates of
the auctions, a copy of this Resolution or a notice summarizing its contents as required by
North Carolina General Statute 160A-270(b).
Adopted this 81n day of February, 2022.
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R2022-07 (Attach # 4)
I� ("'I � t E' 4 i C, A � O L I i`l .A 0a-0a-2022
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Division of
Archives and Records, Government Records Section has published the General Records
Schedule and the Program Records Schedule for Local Government Agencies, which
supersedes any previous Municipal Retention and Disposition Schedules; and
WHEREAS, G.S. §121-5 and G.S. §132-3 require a municipality to approve the schedule in
order to conduct routine disposal of records which must otherwise be retained without
specific permission for disposal by the Division of Archives and Records; and
WHEREAS, the document attached to this Resolution is the form acknowledging the approval
of the schedule as required by the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural
Resources; and
WHEREAS, to reduce the burden and costs of record retention and maintain efficient City
records management, the City Council finds and determines that this Resolution should be
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dunn City Council adopts the General Records
Schedule and the Program Records Schedule for Local Government Agencies issued by the
North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and
Records dated October 1, 2021 including the time allotted for "when reference value ends".
Adopted this 811, day of March, 2022,
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ATTEST: a ^® F: e
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Ta my Will° s, CMC
City Clerk
William P. Elmor
Mayor V.
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Ordinance Amendment
02022-03 (Attach 0 5) (OA-01-22)
Sec. 18-2. - Uncontrolled growth, accumulation —Prohibited.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person owning, occupying or having in his possession or under his control
any lot or parcel of land in the city to permit to exist on such lot or parcel of land any uncontrolled growth
of noxious weeds, vegetation, grasses or bushes to a height in excess of eight (8) inches or any
accumulation of junk, brush, trash, rubbish solid waste or receptacles which may cause or threaten to
cause infestation by rats, mice, snakes, or vermin of any kind, which constitutes a fire hazard, or which,
in any other way, is noxious, dangerous, detrimental and prejudicial to the public health or safety. This
section shall not apply to planted and cultivated flowers, shrubbery, vegetables, crops, or to public areas
maintained as natural habitats or environs such as parks, nature trails, or greenways.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person owning, occupying or having in his possession or under his control
any wooded or undeveloped lot or undeveloped parcel of land less than one (1) acre in size in the city to
permit to exist on such lot or parcel of land any uncontrolled growth of noxious weeds, vegetation,
grasses or bushes to a height in excess of eight (8) inches or any accumulation of junk, brush, trash,
rubbish solid waste or receptacles which may cause or threaten to cause infestation by rats, mice,
snakes, or vermin of any kind, which constitutes a fire hazard, or which, in any other way, is noxious,
dangerous, detrimental and prejudicial to the public health or safety. This section shall not apply to
planted and cultivated flowers, shrubbery, vegetables, crops, or to public areas maintained as natural
habitats or environs such as parks, nature trails, or greenways.
Adopted this 141h day of December, 2021.
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Tam y Williary, CMC,
City C erl< c
William P. Elmore, Jr.
GRANT PROJECT ORDINANCE 02022-04 (Attach # 6)
BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of Dunn, North Carolina that pursuant to Section 13.2
of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the following grant project ordinance
is hereby adopted:
Section 1: The project authorized is the construction of the improved conveyance from the
Black River Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) including a new Effluent Pump Station
structure on the WWTP site, with three 4,200 GPM pumps providing an initial capacity of 11.25
MGD and 15,400 Lineal Feet of 36" Forcemain generally paralleling the existing Forcemain
route with improvements to the re -aeration structure near the discharge point.
Section 2: The officers of this unit are hereby directed to proceed with the grant project within
the terms of the American Rescue Plan, the State of North Carolina and the budget contained
Section 3: The following amounts are appropriated for the grant project:
Construction Including Contingency $ 14,520,000
Engineering Services $ 1,515,000
Administration $ 65,000
$ 16,100,000
Section 4: The following revenues are anticipated to be available to complete the grant project:
American Rescue Plan Earmark $ 15,350,000
City Funds $ 750,000
$ 16,100,000
Section 5: The Finance Director is hereby directed to maintain within the Grant Project Fund
sufficient specific detailed accounting records to satisfy the requirements of the grantor
agency, the grant agreement(s) and federal and state regulations.
Section 6: Reimbursement requests should be made to the granting agency in an orderly and
timely manner.
Section 7: The Finance Director is directed to report periodically on the financial status of each
project element in Section 3 and on the total revenues received or claimed.
Section 8: The Finance Director is directed to include a detailed analysis of past and future
costs and revenues on this capital project periodically to the Council.
Section 9: Copies of this capital project ordinance shall be furnished to the Clerk, the budget
officer, the Governing Board, and to the Finance Director for direction in carrying out this grant
Adopted this 8th day of March, 2022.
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0�`C.TY.......... . William P. Elmore, Jr., Ma
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Ta my WilliAJs, City Clerk
GRANT PROJECT ORDINANCE 02022-05 (Attach # 7)
BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of Dunn, North Carolina that pursuant to Section 13.2
of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the following grant project ordinance
is hereby adopted:
Section 1: The project authorized is the construction of the improved conveyance
from the City's Eastside Pump Station to a new outfall line that will replace Machine
and Welding Pump Station and will extend to the Black River Waste Water
Treatment Plant. The improvements will increase the hydraulic capacity of the
Eastside Pump Station therefore reducing the sanitary sewer overflows that have
previously occurred at the Eastside Pump Station and the Black River Outfall. The
funds will be provided by the State of North Carolina through the FY 2021-22
budget in the amount of $30,450,000 and will be administrated by the NCDEQ
Division of Water Infrastructure, The Division of Water Infrastructure has reviewed
our project and determined it is eligible to receive the American Rescue Plan (ARP)
funding from the State Fiscal Recovery Fund (SFRF) established in S.L. 2021-180.
Section 2: The officers of this unit are hereby directed to proceed with the grant project within
the terms of the American Rescue Plan, the State of North Carolina and the budget contained
Section 3: The following amounts are appropriated for the grant project:
Construction Including Contingency $ 14,289,000
Engineering Services $ 1,434,900
Administration $ 126,100
Total $ 15,850,000
Section 4: The following revenues are anticipated to be available to complete the grant project:
American Rescue Plan Earmark $ 15,100,000
City Funds $ 750,000
$ 15,850,000
Section 5: The Finance Director is hereby directed to maintain within the Grant Project Fund
sufficient specific detailed accounting records to satisfy the requirements of the grantor
agency, the grant agreement(s) and federal and state regulations.
Section 6: Reimbursement requests should be made to the granting agency in an orderly and
timely manner.
Section 7: The Finance Director is directed to report periodically on the financial status of each
project element in Section 3 and on the total revenues received or claimed.
Section 8: The Finance Director is directed to include a detailed analysis of past and future
costs and revenues on this capital project periodically to the Council.
Section 9: Copies of this capital project ordinance shall be furnished to the Clerk, the budget
officer, the Governing Board, and to the Finance Director for direction in carrying out this grant
Adopted this gth day of March, 2022.
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Ta y Willia 61 City Clerk
March 1, 2022
Attachment # 8 Re: City of Dunn, NC
03-08-2022 Black River WWTP Effluent Conveyance
System Engineering & Surveying Services
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding
On -call Task Order
Ms. Heather Adams
Public Utilities Director
City of Dunn
PO Box 1065
Dunn, NC 28335
Dear Heather:
Davis • Martin • Powell & Associates (DMP), is pleased to offer our proposal for Professional Services to
provide the City of Dunn with Engineering and Surveying Services for the City of Dunn's Black River WWTP
Effluent Conveyance System ARPA Funded Project.
As the City's Engineer of Record, dating back to the 1970's, DMP has assisted the City with many successful
wastewater collection system, pump station, and WWTP Projects. As infrastructure continues to age and the
City continues to grow, and with the City currently under a moratorium and entering into a Special Order by
Consent (SOC), both the City and DMP recognize the importance of continuing to improve the infrastructure
associated with the City's wastewater system.
Since the early 2000's, the City has engaged DMP to assist with a long term plan to Improve the hydraulic
capacity within the WWTP. The WWTP is currently limited to a peak factor of approximately 2.0 by bottlenecks
in the piping and structures downstream of the Aeration Basins. A SRF project funded in 2021 and currently
under design addresses the internal bottleneck, after which the current Effluent Pump Station and Forcemain
will become the limiting factor.
Numerous SSO's have been reported at manhole BR-8, which is located on the Black River Outfall just upstream
of the Black River WWTP. Improving the effluent conveyance system to accommodate a higher peak flow will
allow the city to treat more wastewater before the potential for overflows may occur, reducing the number
and volume of SSO's. No increase in the WWTP's 3.75 MGD permitted capacity is requested at this time.
The City of Dunn received notification of funds appropriated in the North Carolina FY 2021-22 Budget and was
appropriated funding In the amount of $30,450,000 through the Drinking Water and Wastewater Reserve —
Other Projects (S.L. 2021-180, Section 12.13.(f)) fund. Funding for will be administered through NCDEQ
Division of Water Infrastructure and DMP assisted the City with submitting an application to the Division in
early February.
The City received a Letter of Intent to Fund on February 14, 2022 from the Division of Water Infrastructure and
has selected DMP to provide a proposal for Engineering & Surveying Services.
Project Description
The project scope includes a new Effluent Pump Station structure on the WWTP site; three 4,200 GPM pumps
to provide an initial firm capacity of 11.25 MGD (3.0 peak factor); 15,400 LF of 36" Forcemain generally
paralleling the existing forcemain route, and improvements to the re -aeration structure near the discharge
T: 336-886-4821 • F: 336-886-4458 • License: F-0245
6415 Old Plank Road, High Point, NC 27265 m www.dmp-inc.com
City of Dunn, NC
Black River WWTP Effluent Conveyance March 1, 2022 Page 2 of 7
point. The system will also be designed to accommodate future expansion and additional pumps to provide
an increase in firm capacity related to future WWTP expansions.
This Project provides the following direct benefits to the City:
• Allow increased wet weather peak flows to be treated through the WWTP and discharged during
peak wet weather flow conditions, minimizing SSO's
• Abandon the existing effluent force main which is 40 years old, and nearing the end of Its useful
• Accommodate future WWTP capacity expansion.
• Lower energy consumption as compared to the current effluent pumping system.
Scope of Services
DMP's Scope of Work will include the following tasks:
Task 0001. Planning, Preliminary Design & Surveying
• Conduct property research, and send letters to property owners in the project area, notifying
them that personnel may have to enter their property as part of surveying and preliminary
design efforts;
• Contact 811 to mark existing underground dry utilities (electric, telephone) and incorporate
these locations into the construction drawings
• Collect pertinent as -built plans, maps from other utilities In the project area, etc. to be used to
compile base map data to develop conceptual routing and assist with surveying;
• Review possible construction methods for various sections of the specific project corridor and
finalize potential design solutions;
• Perform field site visits with City staff to review potential properties to be impacted;
• Identify conditions which might adversely impact the project schedule.
• Setup survey control and benchmarks, stakeout preliminary route;
• Assist with a community meeting (if desired by the City) to review project and gather input;
• Team Member Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. (CEI) will perform detailed environmental work:
➢ Background data gathering & field analysis: GIS data gathering, wetland and stream
delineation, habitat assessments, and environmental surveys (in season if needed) for
terrestrial plants
➢ Coordination at the beginning of the project with various permitting agencies will streamline
the design and provide guidance for final design solutions, while also minimizing permitting
➢ JD Prep: Preparation of request for Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination including data
forms and mapping, along with a site visit with agencies to verify resources and review of PLS
survey results for accuracy
• Perform detailed topographic and location surveying along selected corridor:
➢ Planimetric features
➢ Topography
➢ Property lines and ownership references
➢ Existing recorded right-of-way and easements
➢ Streams and wetlands (as identified)
➢ Perform Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Level B to delineate impacted utilities;
Prepare Base Plans to depict proposed layout of structures on the WWTP Site, and horizontal
alignment of the effluent forcemain;
Prepare Conceptual Layout of Effluent Pump Station and develop preliminary hydraulic analysis
City of Dunn, NC
Black River WWTP Effluent Conveyance March 1, 2022 Page 3 of 7
Task 0002. Final Design & Permitting
• Effluent Pump Station: Prepare Site Plan; demolition plan; plan/sections/details of structures
and buildings; Equipment Layouts; Electrical power plans; and Electrical and Control single line
® Effluent Forcemain: Prepare plan -profile drawings for the proposed forcemain at a scale of
V=40' horizontal and V=4' vertical. DMP drafting standards will be followed for preparation of
the plan -profile drawings.
• Develop alternatives which will accelerate permitting and construction scheduling;
® Identify key permits and easements which can be accelerated;
• Adjust route to minimize environmental impacts and utility conflicts;
Perform Geotechnlcal Analysis for identified locations
• Prepare erosion control design and details
• Permitting Assistance. DMP will prepare applications to obtain necessary permits such as:
➢ NCDOT Roadway Encroachment Agreement(s);
➢ Utility Crossing Agreement(s), if necessary;
➢ DENR Division of Land Resources —Sedimentation & Erosion Control Permit;
➢ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers & N.C. DWR 401/404 Permits for wetland and stream crossings;
➢ NC Division of Water Resources Sewer Extension Permit (if necessary);
➢ NC DEQ Authorization to Construct (ATC);
Prepare Contract Documents Including Technical Specifications and applicable Special Conditions
and Bid Forms based on the final plans.
• Prepare necessary DWI and ATC applications and forms for project review;
® Provide City and DWI with Review Sets. Comments will be incorporated into the final drawings
and the Project Manual.
Prepare an updated Estimate of Probable Cost for the project, based on proposed quantities set
up In the Bid Forms and average unit costs for individual bid items.
Task 0003. Easement Maps and Legal Descriptions
• Conduct additional field survey, as necessary, based on final alignment, if necessary
• Perform boundary surveying, as needed, and prepare maps and legal descriptions as needed to
acquire real property and easements necessary to construct the project.
• Develop easement maps and legal descriptions prepared to meet the local jurisdictional
• Stake final sewer line in the field to facilitate property owner easement acquisitions.
® Accompany City staff or Acquisition Firm to meet with individual property owners, as needed,
during the property acquisition process
It is estimated that up to twenty five (25) private property easements may be required for the
project for the Forcemain and outfall corridors
Task 0004. Bidding/Procurement
DMP anticipates this project will be divided into two potential bid packages and will assist the City in
soliciting competitive construction bids by performing the following tasks:
• Coordinate the Issuance of Contract Documents to prospective bidders;
• Attend or host virtually one (1) pre -bid conference, respond to inquiries, Issue addenda as
• Attend the Bid Opening, review the bids for conformance, prepare a Certified Bid Tabulation,
research the low Bidder's qualifications;
• Make a recommendation of award to the City to award the contract to the lowest, responsible,
responsive bidders.
City of Dunn, NC
Black River WWTP Effluent Conveyance March 1, 2022 Page 4 of 7
Task 0005. Construction Administration Services
• We anticipate that the project will be constructed under a two contracts with a construction
period not exceeding 15 months.
• Prepare Contract packages for execution.
• Conduct the Pre -Construction meeting and Issue meeting minutes.
• Review shop drawings and submittals from the Contractor.
• Review and respond to requests for information (RFI's) from the Contractor.
• Conduct regularly scheduled progress meetings and prepare meeting minutes.
• Review change order requests.
• Review monthly pay requests and forward to the City for payment.
• Assist with start up, including up to two (2) site visits post start-up
• Coordinate Contract Closeout:
• Conduct final inspection
• Review of final contract documents
• Provide Engineer's Certification of project completion to the appropriate agencies.
• Prepare Record Drawings from plan markups by the Contractor and Field RPR. One (1) hardcopy
set of record drawings will be provided in addition to AutoCAD .dwg and .pdf digital files.
Task 0006. Construction Observation (RPR Services)
• The Scope includes a Resident Project Representative (RPR) during the construction period to
review and observe work of the construction Contractor. The RPR will typically work either half
or full days depending on the work being completed;
• Coordinate schedules with the City and Contractor to provide a presence during key construction
• Serve as the Engineers' site representative and will serve as field liaison between the Contractor
and the City, attend job site meetings, etc.;
• Review and observe field work, approve payment quantities, determine acceptability of work
items, etc., for compliance with approved contract documents;
• Keep a daily log describing the activities and construction progress of the Contractor for each site
• RPR shall report directly to the Engineer;
• Assist the Contractor in maintaining records of deviations from construction drawings;
• RPR shall have no authority regarding the following:
➢ Authorization of any deviation from the contract documents or approval of any substitute
materials or equipment;
➢ Performance of any of the responsibilities of Contractor, subcontractors, or Contractor's
➢ Expediting work for the Contractor;
➢ Advice or direction relative to any aspect of jobsite health or safety;
➢ Advice or directions relative to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, or
procedures of construction unless such is specifically called for in the contract documents.
City of Dunn, NC
Black River WWTP Effluent Conveyance March 1, 2022 Page S of 7
Task0007. Easement Acquisition Assistance
DMP will coordinate with a NCDOT pre -qualified real estate acquisition firm to assist the City with
easement acquisition.
• Provide an estimate of value for each parcel at the direction of the City. It is our
recommendation that all settlements be attempted with a Right of Way Claim Report if the
estimated value is under $10,000. Should settlement not be reached using a Right of Way Claim
Report, a Right of Way Transmittal Summary or Appraisal will be requested.
• Delivery of Introduction Letter, Easement Agreement Document (provided by the City), and
color -coded exhibit to each owner of record. Furnish additional information, if requested by the
property owner, in order to attempt to secure a satisfactory negotiated settlement.
• Contact each owner of record and follow up within 7-10 days of introduction packet by letter,
phone or in -person.
• Maintain file notes of each conversation and/or contact attempt. All negotiated settlements
must comply with the client -approved budget.
• Special provisions, agreements, or negotiated settlements exceeding the budget must be in
writing and is subject to approval by the client.
• Make a good faith attempt to meet with all local property owners. Out of town property owners
will be given the opportunity to attend a site meeting.
• Any required Claim Reports, Appraisals and Appraisal Reviews will be provided and will be
submitted to the client electronically for review prior to making offer to property owner.
• Prepare and maintain a complete paper Parcel File for each settlement containing a copy of the
Easement Agreement, contact letters, e-mails, contact information, negotiation diary explaining
any issues, exceptions, or unsuccessful attempts to contact the owner of record and any related
• Upon completion of satisfactory negotiations and acceptance of the negotiated settlement,
inform the owner of record about the closing procedure and disbursement of money by the
• The City will prepare (through staff or contract attorney) all instruments of conveyance, title
opinions, record documents and coordinate closings.
• Payment requests shall be prepared and submitted to the client.
• Once approved, the original easement agreement shall be recorded at the local register of deeds
and sent to the client.
• In the event a settlement cannot be reached with a property owner, assist the client in
preparation of condemnation packet to be submitted to local government.
• Submit the paper Parcel File including all required documentation to the client's agent after a
negotiated settlement has been reached and documents recorded.
• Perform all work in accordance with 49 CFR Part 24 — Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally -Assisted Programs.
City of Dunn, NC
Black River WWTP Effluent Conveyance March 1, 2022 Page 6 of 7
DMP will provide Services based on our understanding of the project and the Scope of Work presented herein
for the following amounts, based on our experience with projects of similar scope and complexity:
0001, Planning, Preliminary Design & Surveying
Billing as
Lump Sum
0002. Final Design and Permitting
Lump Sum
0003. Easement Maps / Legal Descriptions
Lump Sum
0004, Bidding / Procurement
Lump Sum
0005. Construction Administration
0006. Construction Observation
0007. Easement Acquisition Assistance
*The Fee for Easement Maps & Legal Descriptions Is based on providing documents for twenty (25)
easements at $1,200 /easement.
These services will be provided as a Task under the 2019 On -Call Professional Services Agreement. The fee
stated above, is based on the anticipated requirements and steps we will need to complete the scope outlined
in this proposal based on similar projects. Any changes to this fee budget will be reviewed and approved before
additional cost is incurred.
Additional Services or Services Not Included
DMP has the capability to provide the following additional services, however at this time we have not included
these services as part of our scope. If any of these services are desired or become a requirement of the project,
additional fees will be negotiated.
® Preparing Engineering Report (ER) or Environmental Document for Division of Water
® Site Concept Planning
® Additional Funding Agency Applications
o Archaeological or cultural resources surveys required by the State Historic Preservation Office
(SHPO) or the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology (OSA) for the project
® Consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service
® Aquatic surveys for environmental permitting
® Subsurface Utility Engineering services (Ground Penetrating Radar and Vacuum Excavation)
® Survey stakeout services for easement acquisition and/or construction
® As -built surveying
Additional (extra) services are defined as any work item not included in the above scope of services that are
requested by the client or review agencies. Additional services will be billable at DMP Standard Billing Rates
that are current at the time the extra work is Identified. Any meetings not included in the scope of services will
be considered extra. Extra work, after approval will be identified either in writing or by verbal communication,
but must be approved in writing by client before proceeding to perform such additional services.
City of Dunn, NC
Black River WWTP Effluent Conveyance March 1, 2022 Page 7 of 7
We appreciate the opportunity to work with the City of Dunn and look forward to working with you on this
project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call.
Michael Goliber, PE
Partner, Senior Project Manager
(336) 819-5280, meoliber@dmo-inc.com
Task Order Authorization
Project: Black River WWTP Effluent Conveyance Engineering & Surveying Services
Accepte .! City of Dunn NC
By: Z
Date a f R
Title: C' YLI
The individual(s) above hereby represent and warrant they have the full and complete authority to enter into this
Task Order on behalf of their respective party.
e�2022i2200101Cllent Contract Info�olvta Task Orderfor Dunn Effluent Conveyance DMP 220010
March 1, 2022
Re: City of Dunn, NC
Eastside PS & FM South &
Machine Welding Outfall
Engineering & Surveying Services
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding
On -call Task Order
Ms. Heather Adams
Public Utilities Director
City of Dunn
PO Box 1065
Dunn, NC 28335
Dear Heather:
Davis • Martin • Powell & Associates (DMP), is pleased to offer our proposal for Professional Services to
provide the City of Dunn with Engineering and Surveying Services for the City of Dunn's East Side PS and
Machine Welding OF ARPA Funded Project.
As infrastructure continues to age and the City continues to grow, and with the City currently under a
moratorium and entering Into a Special Order by Consent (SOC), both the City and DMP recognize the
importance of continuing to improve the infrastructure associated with the City's wastewater system.
The City has engaged DMP to assist with a long term plan to improve conveyance from the City's Eastside Pump
Station to the Black River WWTP as well as improve the hydraulic capacity within the WWTP. The projects
completed to date have provided significant benefits to the City.
This application includes two additional projects, which build on the culmination of Improvements completed
over the last two decades, including modifications to the Eastside Pumping System & Forcemain and a new
Machine Welding Outfall.
Currently the Eastside Pump Station and Forcemain discharge into the Juniper Creek outfall, which discharges
into the Black River Outfall. Numerous SSO's have been reported at the Eastside Pumping Station, on the
Juniper Creek Outfall, and at manhole BR-8, which is located on the Black River Outfall just upstream of the
Black River WWTP.
The City of Dunn received notification of funds appropriated in the North Carolina FY 2021-22 Budget and was
appropriated funding in the amount of $30,450,000 through the Drinking Water and Wastewater Reserve —
Other Projects (S.L. 2021-180, Section 12.13.(f)) fund. Funding for will be administered through NCDEQ
Division of Water Infrastructure and DMP assisted the City with submitting an application to the Division in
early February.
The City received a Letter of Intent to Fund on February 14, 2022 from the Division of Water Infrastructure and
has selected DMP to provide a proposal for Engineering & Surveying Services.
Project Description
The Project includes a new 6,100 LF 36" Machine Welding Outfall directly from the Black River WWTP to the
Machine Welding Pump Station. It would eliminate the Machine Welding PS, which currently pumps directly
to Juniper Creek Outfall. A new 18,500 LF of 24" & 30" Eastside Forcemain will be installed on a southerly
T: 336-886-4821 • F: 336-886-4458 • License: F-0245
6415 Old Plank Road, High Point, NC 27265 a www.dmp-inc.com
City of Dunn, NC
ESPS & MWOF Engineering & Surveying Services March 1, 2022 Page 2 of 7
route to the Machine Welding Outfall. This, combined with modifications to the Eastside Pump Station will
allow additional flow volume to be handled at the Eastside Pump Station, allowing the City to transfer more
wastewater to the WWTP before the potential for overflows may occur, reducing the number and volume of
SSO's. In addition, the new outfall and southerly forcemain route eliminate a significant amount of flow from
the City's Juniper Creek Outfall, which directly feeds into manhole BR-08, the other location of numerous
The Project provides the following direct benefits to the City:
® Increased capacity and minimize overflows at the Eastside Pump Station.
® Remove the Eastside PS flow from the existing Juniper Creek Outfall and Black River Outfall,
minimizing overflows on Juniper Creek Outfall and at MH BR-8.
® Elimination of the Machine Welding Pump Station and associated operation and maintenance
Scope of Services
DMP's Scope of Work will include the following tasks:
Task 0001. Planning, Preliminary Design & Surveying
® Conduct property research, and send letters to property owners in the project area, notifying
them that personnel may have to enter their property as part of surveying and preliminary
design efforts;
® Contact 811 to mark existing underground dry utilities (electric, telephone) and incorporate
these locations into the construction drawings
® Collect pertinent as -built plans, maps from other utilities in the project area, etc, to be used to
compile base map data to develop conceptual routing and assist with surveying;
® Review possible construction methods for various sections of the specific project corridor and
finalize potential design solutions;
® Perform field site visits with City staff to review potential properties to be Impacted;
® Identify conditions which might adversely Impact the project schedule.
® Setup survey control and benchmarks, stakeout preliminary route;
® Assist with a community meeting (if desired by the City) to review project and gather input;
® Team Member Carolina Ecosystems, Inc. (CEI) will perform detailed environmental work:
➢ Background data gathering & field analysis: GIS data gathering, wetland and stream
delineation, habitat assessments, and environmental surveys (in season if needed) for
terrestrial plants
➢ Coordination at the beginning of the project with various permitting agencies will streamline
the design and provide guidance for final design solutions, while also minimizing permitting
➢ JD Prep: Preparation of request for Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination including data
forms and mapping, along with a site visit with agencies to verify resources and review of PLS
survey results for accuracy
• Perform detailed topographic and location survey along selected corridor:
➢ Planimetric features
➢ Topography
➢ Property lines and ownership references
➢ Existing recorded right-of-way and easements
➢ Streams and wetlands (as identified)
➢ Perform Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Level B to delineate impacted utilities;
City of Dunn, NC
ESPS & MWOF Engineering & Surveying Services March 1, 2022 Page 3 of 7
Task 0002. Final Design & Permitting
• Prepare plan -profile drawings for the proposed gravity sewer line at a scale of 1"=40' horizontal
and 1"=4' vertical. DMP drafting standards will be followed for preparation of the plan -profile
® Develop alternatives which will accelerate permitting and construction scheduling;
• Identify key permits and easements which can be accelerated;
• Adjust route to minimize environmental impacts and utility conflicts;
• Perform Geotechnical Analysis for identified locations
® Prepare erosion control design and details
• Permitting Assistance. DMP will prepare applications to obtain necessary permits such as:
➢ NCDOT Roadway Encroachment Agreement(s);
➢ Railroad Encroachment Agreement;
➢ Utility Crossing Agreement(s), if necessary;
➢ DENR Division of Land Resources —Sedimentation & Erosion Control Permit;
➢ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers & N.C. DWR 401/404 Permits for wetland and stream crossings;
➢ NC Division of Water Resources Sewer Extension Permit;
➢ NC DEQ Authorization to Construct (ATC) for Effluent Conveyance;
Prepare Technical Specifications for the project. These will include applicable Special Conditions
and Bid Forms based on the final plans.
Provide City and Funding agency with Review Sets. Comments will be Incorporated into the final
drawings and the Project Manual.
Prepare an updated Estimate of Probable Cost for the project, based on proposed quantities set
up in the Bid Forms and average unit costs for individual bid items.
Task 0003. Easement Maps and Legal Descriptions
• Conduct additional field survey, as necessary, based on final alignment, if necessary
• Perform boundary surveying, as needed, and prepare maps and legal descriptions as needed to
acquire real property and easements necessary to construct the project.
• Develop easement maps and legal descriptions prepared to meet the local jurisdictional
• Stake final sewer line in the field to facilitate property owner easement acquisitions.
• Accompany City staff or Acquisition Firm to meet with Individual property owners, as needed,
during the property acquisition process
At this time, it is only anticipated that easements will be needed along the outfall corridors and
not along the road right-of-way. It Is estimated that up to seventy eight (78) private property
easements may be required for the project for the forcemain and outfall corridors
Task 0004. Bidding/Procurement
DMP anticipates this project will be divided into two potential bid packages and will assist the City in
soliciting competitive construction bids by performing the following tasks:
• Coordinate the issuance of Contract Documents to prospective bidders;
• Attend or host virtually one (1) pre -bid conference, respond to inquiries, issue addenda as
• Attend the Bid Opening, review the bids for conformance, prepare a Certified Bid Tabulation,
research the low Bidder's qualifications;
• Make a recommendation of award to the City to award the contract to the lowest, responsible,
responsive bidders.
City of Dunn, NC
ESPS & MWOF Engineering & Surveying Services March 1, 2022 Page 4 of 7
Task 0005. Construction Administration Services
® We anticipate that the project will be constructed under a two contracts with a construction
period not exceeding 15 months.
® Prepare Contract packages for execution.
® Conduct the Pre -Construction meeting and issue meeting minutes.
® Review shop drawings and submittals from the Contractor.
® Review and respond to requests for information (RFI's) from the Contractor.
® Conduct regularly scheduled progress meetings and prepare meeting minutes.
® Review change order requests.
® Review monthly pay requests and forward to the City for payment.
® Assist with startup, including up to two (2) site visits post start-up
® Coordinate Contract Closeout:
® Attend final inspection for pump station and outfalls
Review of final contract documents
® Provide Engineer's Certification of project completion to the appropriate agencies.
® Prepare Record Drawings from plan markups by the Contractor and Field RPR. One (1) hardcopy
set of record drawings will be provided in addition to AutoCAD .dwg and .pdf digital files.
Task 0006. Construction Observation (RPR Services)
® The Scope includes a Resident Project Representative (RPR) during the construction period to
review and observe work of the construction Contractor. The RPR will typically work either half
or full days depending on the work being completed;
® Coordinate schedules with the City and Contractor to provide a presence during key construction
® Serve as the Engineers' site representative and will serve as field liaison between the Contractor
and the City, attend job site meetings, etc.;
® Review and observe field work, approve payment quantities, determine acceptability of work
items, etc., for compliance with approved contract documents;
® Keep a daily log describing the activities and construction progress of the Contractor for each site
® RPR shall report directly to the Engineer;
® Assist the Contractor in maintaining records of deviations from construction drawings;
® RPR shall have no authority regarding the following:
➢ Authorization of any deviation from the contract documents or approval of any substitute
materials or equipment;
➢ Performance of any of the responsibilities of Contractor, subcontractors, or Contractor's
➢ Expediting work for the Contractor;
➢ Advice or direction relative to any aspect of jobsite health or safety;
➢ Advice or directions relative to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, or
procedures of construction unless such is specifically called for in the contract documents.
City of Dunn, NC
ESPS & MWOF Engineering & Surveying Services March 1, 2022 Page S of 7
Task 0007. Easement Acquisition Assistance
DMP will coordinate with a NCDOT pre -qualified real estate acquisition firm to assist the City with
easement acquisition.
Provide an estimate of value for each parcel at the direction of the City. It is our
recommendation that all settlements be attempted with a Right of Way Claim Report if the
estimated value is under $10,000. Should settlement not be reached using a Right of Way Claim
Report, a Right of Way Transmittal Summary or Appraisal will be requested.
• Delivery of Introduction Letter, Easement Agreement Document (provided by the City), and
color -coded exhibit to each owner of record. Furnish additional information, if requested by the
property owner, In order to attempt to secure a satisfactory negotiated settlement.
® Contact each owner of record and follow up within 7-10 days of introduction packet by letter,
phone or in -person.
Maintain file notes of each conversation and/or contact attempt. All negotiated settlements
must comply with the client -approved budget.
• Special provisions, agreements, or negotiated settlements exceeding the budget must be in
writing and is subject to approval by the client.
• Make a good faith attempt to meet with all local property owners. Out of town property owners
will be given the opportunity to attend a site meeting.
• Any required Claim Reports, Appraisals and Appraisal Reviews will be provided and will be
submitted to the client electronically for review prior to making offer to property owner.
• Prepare and maintain a complete paper Parcel File for each settlement containing a copy of the
Easement Agreement, contact letters, e-malls, contact information, negotiation diary explaining
any issues, exceptions, or unsuccessful attempts to contact the owner of record and any related
• Upon completion of satisfactory negotiations and acceptance of the negotiated settlement,
inform the owner of record about the closing procedure and disbursement of money by the
• The City will prepare (through staff or contract attorney) all instruments of conveyance, title
opinions, record documents and coordinate closings.
• Payment requests shall be prepared and submitted to the client.
• Once approved, the original easement agreement shall be recorded at the local register of deeds
and sent to the client.
• In the event a settlement cannot be reached with a property owner, assist the client in
preparation of condemnation packet to be submitted to local government.
• Submit the paper Parcel File including all required documentation to the client's agent after a
negotiated settlement has been reached and documents recorded.
• Perform all work in accordance with 49 CFR Part 24— Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally -Assisted Programs.
City of Dunn, NC
ESPS & MWOF Engineering & Surveying Services March 1, 2022 Page 6 of 7
DMP will provide Services based on our understanding of the project and the Scope of Work presented herein
for the following amounts, based on our experience with projects of similar scope and complexity:
0001. Planning, Preliminary Design & Surveying
Billing as
Lump Sum
0002. Final Design and Permitting
Lump Sum
0003. Easement Maps / Legal Descriptions
Lump Sum
-------- --
0004. Bidding / Procurement
Lump Sum
0005. Construction Administration
0006. Construction Observation
0007. Easement AcquisitionAssistance
*The Fee for Easement Maps & Legal Descriptions Is based on providing documents for seventy eight (78)
easements at $1,200/easement.
These services will be provided as a Task under the 2019 On -Call Professional Services Agreement. The fee
stated above, is based on the anticipated requirements and steps we will need to complete the scope outlined
in this proposal based on similar projects. Any changes to this fee budget will be reviewed and approved before
additional cost is incurred.
Additional Services or Services Not included
DMP has the capability to provide the following additional services, however at this time we have not included
these services as part of our scope. If any of these services are desired or become a requirement of the project,
additional fees will be negotiated.
• Preparing Engineering Report (ER) or Environmental Document for Division of Water
• Site Concept Planning
• Additional Funding Agency Applications
• Archaeological or cultural resources surveys required by the State Historic Preservation Office
(SHPO) or the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology (OSA) for the project
• Consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service
• Aquatic surveys for environmental permitting
• Subsurface Utility Engineering services (Ground Penetrating Radar and Vacuum Excavation)
• Survey stakeout services for easement acquisition and/or construction
• As -built surveying
Additional (extra) services are defined as any work Item not included in the above scope of services that are
requested by the client or review agencies. Additional services will be billable at DMP Standard Billing Rates
that are current at the time the extra work is identified. Any meetings not Included in the scope of services will
be considered extra. Extra work, after approval will be identified either in writing or by verbal communication,
but must be approved in writing by client before proceeding to perform such additional services.
City of Dunn, NC
ESPS & MWOF Engineering & Surveying Services March 1, 2022
Page 7 of 7
We appreciate the opportunity to work with the City of Dunn and look forward to working with you on this
project. If you have any questions or need additional Information, please do not hesitate to call.
Michael Goliber, PE
Partner, Senior Project Manager
(336) 819-5280, mgoliber@dmp-inc.com
Task Order Authorization
Project: Eastside PS & FM South & Machine Welding OF Engineering & Surveying Services
Accepted: xity of Dunn, NC E
By: ✓ Date
Title: t `
The individual(s) above hereby represent and warrant they have the full and complete authority to enter into this
Task Order on behalf of their
P:12022\22000ACllent Contract lnfo\DMP Task Orderfor ESPS& MWOFDMP2200082022-03-01 .docx
�e10 0oveq'04k
] E 0
401 E Broad St . PO Box 1065 . Dunn, North Carolina 28335
(910) 230-3500 • CityofDunn.org
R2022.08 (Attach # 9)
William P. Elmore Jr.
Mayor Pro Tem
Dr. David L. Bradham
Council Members
J. Wesley $ills
April L. Gaulden
Frank McLean
Billy Tart
Chuck Turnage
City Manager
Steven Neuschafer
A Resolution Authorizing the Adoption of the updated compliance plans for the CITY OF DUNN during the
implementation of the North Carolina Small Cities Community Development Block Grant for the
Infrastructure (CDBG-1) Program.
WHEREAS, the CITY currently participates in the FY2016/2020 Small Cities CDBG Program under the
Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and administered by the North Carolina
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI); and
WHEREAS, the CDBG program has many federal performance and procurement requirements;
WHEREAS, the CITY adopted initial CDBG policies and plans in November 2021;
WHEREAS, the following documents are updated policies and plans under this program;
• Section 3 Action Plan
• Citizen Participation Plan
That these updated compliance plans are hereby submitted and adopted and to be used
throughout the implementation of the CITY OF DUNN FY 2016/2020 CDBG PROGRAM.
Adopted this 8th day of March, 2022.
G\-,l OF .Ci �'ao
a �pORA% ;
e ; QO e William P. Elmore, Jr.
�^ m
Williams( Qity Clerk
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Our People.YourSuccess.
To: City Council, City of Dunn
CC: Steven Neuschafer, City Manager
Heather Adams, Public Utilities Director
From: Monica Chevalier, Project Manager
Date: 03/08/2022
Project: CDBG-Infrastructure Sewer Rehabilitation/Replacement Project
CDBG # 16-1-3156 & 20-1-3606; WR No. 06190851.05
Subject: Update CDBG Compliance Plans
The purpose of this memo is to summarize the updated CDBG compliance plans for the City's 2016/2020
Community Development Block Grant Infrastructure (CDBG-1) Program being presented for adoption at the
City Council meeting.
The City was awarded a CDBG-I grant from NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of
Water Infrastructure (DWI) in April 2021. The CDBG Program Manual was adopted in November 2021,
containing initial compliance plans and policies designed to meet requirements for participation in the
CDBG-I program.
DWI requested the City revise the compliance for Section 3 Action Plan and Citizen Participation Plan.
(1) Section 3 Plan: The federal regulations were updated from 24 CFR Part 135 to 24 CFR Part 75 in
mid-2021, with new definitions and thresholds for CDBG funding recipients to provide good faith
efforts regarding job creation and contracting opportunities for local low-income residents and
businesses. Specific metrics, reporting requirements, and deliverables may change during project
implementation because the federal guidance is still evolving, but DWI has provided a new Section
3 Action Plan template for the City to certify. Supplemental Information is also provided by DWI.
(2) Citizen Participation Plan: The Plan is the same plan adopted previously, with one sentence
added: The closeout public hearing will not be conducted until after all third -party contract
payments have been submitted.
C: CDBG-I Files, 16-1-3156 & 20-1-3606
115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511
t: 919.469.33401 f: 919.467.6008 1 www.withersravenel.com ( License No. F-1479
Asheville ( Cary I Greensboro I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Southern Pines I Wilmington
401 E Broad St • PO Box 1065 ° Dunn, North Carolina 28335
(910) 230-3500 ° CityofDunn.org
R2022-09(Attach # 10)
William P. Elmore Jr.
Mayor Pro Tern
Dr. David L, Bradham
Council Members
J. Wesley Sills
April L. Gaulden
Frank McLean
Billy Tart
Chuck Turnage
City Manager
Steven Neuschafer
A Resolution Authorizing the Assessment of Fair Housing for the City of Dunn during the North Carolina
Small Cities Community Development Block Grant- Infrastructure (CDBG-1) Program.
WHEREAS, the City participates in the Small Cities CDBG Program under the Housing and Community
Development Act of 1974, as amended, and administered by the North Carolina Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI);
WHEREAS, the City certifies to the Division that it will affirmatively further fair housing; and
WHEREAS, the Assessment of Fair Housing is required under this program;
WHEREAS, the Assessment of Fair Housing is generally equivalent to the Analysis of Impediments to Fair
Housing; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina:
That this Assessment of Fair Housing is hereby adopted and to be used throughout the
implementation of the City of Dunn CDBG Program
\\I to IB,,/
Adopted this 8th day of Marc`1,1'%S 2y OF yj°0,,
SEAS : �®
ATTEST: m' 7iQ .
Tammy Williams,�ity Clerk
William P. Elmore Jr., Mayor
W&re communif h yins!
Attachment #10
410 Withe sRaveneL
Our PeoPu'Your SU(w,S.
To: City Council, City of Dunn
CC: Steven Neuschafer, City Manager
Heather Adams, Public Utilities Director
From: Monica Chevalier, Project Manager
Date: 03/08/2022
Project: CDBG-Infrastructure Sewer Rehabilitation/Replacement Project
CDBG # 16-1-3156 & 20-1-3606; WR No. 06190851.05
Subject: CDBG Fair Housing Analysis
The purpose of this memo is to summarize the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) /
Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) report required by the City of Dunn for participation in the CDBG
Infrastructure program.
The City is eligible to participate in the following NC Small Cities Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Programs funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD):
CDBG Program
State Administrating Agency
Infrastructure (CDBG-I)
NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI)
Economic Development (CDBG-ED)
NC Department of Commerce (DOC)
Rural Economic Development Division (REDD)
Neighborhood Revitalization (CDBG-NR)
As a recipient of federal funds, the City must demonstrate efforts to affirmatively further fair housing (AFFH).
The federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 prohibits the denial of housing to a person based on the person's
membership in one or more of the protected classes. It is also illegal to coerce, intimidate, threaten, or
interfere with a person seeking to exercise rights under the Fair Housing Act. Protected classes are:
a Religion
® National origin
Familial status
Disability or handicap
It is illegal to discriminate against a person in a protected class in the following housing situations:
• The advertising, terms, conditions, privileges, financing, or providing services or facilities in
connection with the sale or rental of most housing;
• Providing reasonable modification to a dwelling for persons with a disability at their expense when
necessary for the full use and enjoyment of the dwelling;
115 MacKenan Drive ( Cary, NC 27511
t: 919.469.3340 1 f: 919.467.6008 1 www.withersravenel.com I License No. F-1479
Asheville I Cary I Greensboro I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Southern Pines I Wilmington
Or People Your success,
The provision of reasonable accommodations to the rules, policies, practices or services wher
necessary to provide persons with a disability the equal opportunity to use and enjoy the dwelling;
Examples of Prohibited Actions:
• Discriminatory advertising, terms, conditions, privileges, financing, or provision of services or
facilities in connection with the sale or rental of most housing
• False denial of availability
• Refusal to deal & financial discrimination
• Indicating any preference or limitation because of class membership
• Denying anyone the use of or participation in any real estate services
• Denial or certain reasonable modifications and/or reasonable accommodations
Any person or persons wishing to file a complaint of housing discrimination in the City may do so by
BROAD STREET, DUNN, NC 28335; PH: 910-230-3501; TDD: 800-735-2962 (711), of the facts and
circumstance of the alleged discriminatory acts or practice. Upon receiving a housing discrimination
complaint, the City shall acknowledge the complaint within 10 days in writing and inform the State Funding
Agency (NC DOC/ NC DEQ), and the NC Human Relations Commission (NCHRC) about the complaint. The
City shall offer assistance to NCHRC in the investigation and reconciliation of all housing discrimination
complaints based on events occurring in the City. For more information: HUD Office of Fair Housing and
Equal Opportunity (FHEO) at 800-440-8091, the NCHRC at 919-807-4424, or Legal Aid of NC 855-797-
FAIR (3247) for individual assistance.
In November 2021, City Council approved and adopted the CDBG Program Manual, which includes a Fair
Housing Plan (FHP) and quarterly activities. The next step is for the town to conduct an Assessment' Of Fair
Housing (AFH) to cover a 5-year period. The AFH process includes:
A. Analysis of demographic, housing and economic statistics illustrating trends over time since 2010,
comparing the City, Harnett County, and NC;
B. Identification any fair housing issues & impediments to the community;
C. Identification of SMART Goals LSpecific, Measurable, Action -Oriented, Realistic, and Time -Bound)
that can be attempted to be addressed within the timeframe of the CDBG grant; and
D. Activities to meet these goals, including community participation.
A. Analysis of Census Data
In general, the City trends are similar to that of Harnett County and the state, with a few highlights-
® Compared to the county and state, Dunn has a higher percent of Black/African American persons
and a lower rate of increase of persons of Hispanic origin between 2010-2019.
® The median household income in Dunn is lower compared to the state and county and also
increased the least since 2010 at 0.5%, compared to 20-25% growth at the and county. This
reflects in the local poverty rate, which is approx. double the percent than that of the county and
Page 2 of 3
40 WAthersRavenel
lipour People. Your success.
m Compared to the county and state, Dunn has the oldest housing stock, with most homes being
constructed between 1960 and 1980, and only 23% of homes being constructed since 1990.
According to HUD, households that pay more than 30% of monthly income on housing costs are
cost burdened and may have difficulty affording necessities such as food, clothing, transportation,
and medical care.
Approx. 28% of homeowners in Dunn pay more than 30% of monthly income on housing
costs and are cost burdened (higher percent compared to 20-21% at the county and
Approx. 59% of renters in Dunn pay more than 30% of monthly income on housing costs
and are cost burdened (higher percent compared to 47-48% at the county and state).
B. Impediments to Fair Housing
The barriers identified are common themes across NC communities and can be summarized as difficulties
with affordable housing:
1. A lack of affordable housing stock
2. A lack of availability of large rental units, including for those with disabilities.
3. A lack of homebuyer education services
Additional factors to consider are the 2-5 year waiting list for public housing & the increase in the City's
disabled and elderly adult population. Dunn has no known issues related to housing discrimination and has
not received any community complaints.
C. SMART Goals & FH Priorities
Based on the fair housing impediments, the identified goals are:
1. Continue to expand community outreach methods for fair housing education and enforcement
2. Continue to have public meetings regarding fair housing
3. Continue to research and seek funding opportunities for community and economic development
D. Activities
Based on the identified goals, the City should continue to:
• Continue working with housing partners such as the Dunn Housing Authority (DHA), Brick Capital
Community Development Corporation, Harnett County Community Development, and Johnston -
Lee -Harnett Community Action Agency that are deeply involved in sharing resources to provide
safe, quality affordable housing to those in need
• Conduct fair housing activities to inform residents of their rights and housing providers of their
• Enhance community outreach & collaborate with partners for housing, economic development,
infrastructure, and overall community development
• For the CDBG program, combine Fair Housing and Section 3 public notices (English & Spanish)
where feasible, expand distribution to online and social media outlets & local events
The Resolution to Adopt the 2022 Analysis of Impediments/Assessment of Fair Housing includes the City's
comrnitment to affirmatively further fair housing, [he report is presented to Council for approval and adoption
to satisfy the conditions of the CDBG-1 project.
C: CDBG-I Files, 16-1-3156 & 20-1-3606
Page 3 of 3
% #
# #
} )
City of Dunn Planning Department for March $ 2022
Attachment 211 2
There are 16 alleys in Dunn that do not run through an entire block from street to street,
according to Harnett County GIS and actual site visits. These alleys appear as private property
though no surveys have been recorded that would indicate these alleys have been closed. To
legally close the alleys and properly deed the land to adjacent property owners, surveys must
be done and recorded with the County Registrar of Deeds.
These are the 17 alleys. See Alley Map in City of Dunn Alley Conditions Report, December 2019:
Quadrant I: C4, D5, D9
Quadrant II: D4, E3
Quadrant III: B2, B3, C5, D5, E3, E6
Quadrant IV: D7, E2, F4, F6, G6
Benefit to the City
Recording surveys that legally vacate alleys relieves the City of responsibility for maintaining
those spaces and presents accurately on a map where property lines actually are at each
location. This is sometimes critical information for public safety personnel to know. In addition,
many alleys are rights -of -way used to run utilities. It would be useful to know where exactly
what utilities are under, in, or over alleys. This would allow for an alley to be vacated but a
utility easement to be recorded.
Cost to the City
Photographs would need to be taken at each site to confirm what is actually there now, in
March 2022. A report could be assembled with each alley photo placed next to the aerial map
view of that alley with written description of findings and estimated cost.
A survey would need to be done for each alley. It would need to be determined if a utility
easement is needed. Cost would vary depending on the number of adjoining properties. Metes
and bounds would need to be written for each property as well. These 16 alleys touch
approximately 65 separate properties. The number of pins needed to be placed may affect the
price. There are 16 separate blocks to survey. Estimating $3,000 per block on average, the cost
of the surveys with metes and bounds would be $48,000.
The cost to record a document with the Registrar of Deeds is $21 per sheet. Assuming one
sheet for the survey map and one sheet for the metes and bounds, the estimated cost to record
the documents would be 2 730.
Signs need to be placed at each block to inform the public that a public hearing has been
scheduled to discuss the closing of these alleys. We have 6 Public Hearing signs, at least 10
City of Dunn Planning Department for March 8, 2022
more are needed. The cost of standard signs is approximately $20 a piece, for an estimated
total for signs of $200.
Every property owner affected must be informed via certified mail. Cost of certified mail is
$7.50 per address. Assuming each property owner is different, the mailing cost would be
approximately $487.
State law requires that the City advertise right-of-way closings four times over four months. All
alleys could be placed in a single advertisement that would run four times. The adds would be
long. The cost of the advertisements is estimated at $1,000 each for an estimated total of
4 000.
The total cost to vacate these 16 alleys and record them, not including City staff time, is
estimated to be:
Cost estimate to vacate 16 alleys'
Est, Cost
Recording fees
Estimated total