HomeMy WebLinkAbout011822 agenda packetREGULAR MEETING Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Commissioners Meeting Room Harnett County Resource Center & Library 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 1 1.Call to order – Chairman Lewis Weatherspoon 2.Pledge of Allegiance – Bradley Goddard, Caleb Burges and Stuart Kelly, Jr. of Cub Scout Pack 713 (attending to complete their Building a Better World Adventure requirements) 3.Invocation – Commissioner Mark Johnson 4.Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 5.Administer the Oath of Office to Brent Trout, Dwight Snow, County Attorney 6.Consent Agenda A.Minutes i.Regular Meeting Minutes of January 3, 2022 ii.Work Session Minutes of January 11, 2022 B.Budget Amendments C.Tax Rebates, Refunds and Releases – Motion to approve tax rebates, refunds and releases as requested by the Tax Administrator. D.Adopt a Resolution of the Harnett County Commissioners Honoring George A. Wood for his Service as Interim County Manager. E.Adopt a Resolution Changing the January 25, 2022 Planning Retreat to February 24, 2022. F.General Services Director/Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) requests the Board of Commissioners approve supplemental funding for the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) FY2020 CARES Act grant in the amount of $386,113. This requires NO ($0.00) local match. The additional grant funding will be used for operating services during and due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The period of performance is from January 20, 2020 - June 30, 2022. G.Economic Development Director requests approval of a proposal from Sanford Holshouser regarding Economic Development Organizational Structure Review/Enhancements in the amount of $8,250. 7.Public Comment Period Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 1 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 2 8. Public Hearing: Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2111-0001 Landowner / Applicant: Dan A. Smith & Max D. Smith; 1.30 +/- acres; Pin # 0652-39-5267.000; From RA-30 to Commercial Zoning District; SR # 1575 (Neil Smith Road); Hectors Creek Township. 9. Public Hearing: Proposed Zoning Change: Case #PLAN2112-0003 Landowner / Applicant: Sease 1995 Family LTD Partnership & William Patrick Sease; 6.52 +/- acres (two parcels); Pin #’s 1538-10- 7948.000 &1538-10-5706.000; From Commercial to Industrial Zoning District; SR# 1709 (Hodges Chapel Road); Averasboro Township. 10. Public Hearing: Proposed Text Amendment: Case # PLAN2112-0001 Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance; Article VI, Section 6.5. To amend Harnett County’s UDO in order to comply with North Carolina Fire Prevention Code. 11. Discussion of Board’s Legislative Priorities for FY 2022, Brian Haney, Assistant County Manager 12. County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager A. Harnett County Veterans Services Activity Report B. Harnett County Department of Public Health Activities Summary C. Interdepartmental Budget Amendments 13. New Business 14. Closed Session 15. Adjourn CONDUCT OF THE JANUARY 18, 2022 MEETING Live audio of the meeting will be streamed on the Harnett County Government’s YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x_98EhAMeMg/featured. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 2 Item 6Ai Harnett County Board of Commissioners January 3, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 6 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes January 3, 2022 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, January 3, 2022 at 9:00 am, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Chairman Matt B. Nicol, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Mark B. Johnson, Commissioner Member Absent: W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Staff present: George Wood, Interim County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Weatherspoon called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Commissioner McKoy led the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation. Chairman Weatherspoon called for any additions or deletions to the published agenda. George Wood, Interim Manager, stated I have three, I would recommend you put this right after the public comment period. The first is to entertain a motion to appoint a new county manager, after that a motion to approve the contract and authorize the chairman to sign that contract, and then adopt a budget ordinance in the amount of $15,300 for salaries and wages for the manager’s new contract, and to cover services under the interim county manager’s contract. Vice Chairman Nicol made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McKoy and carried unanimously. Vice Chairman Nicol made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The items on the consent agenda were as follows: A. Minutes i. Special Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2021 ii. Regular Meeting Minutes of December 6, 2021 iii. Recessed Meeting Minutes of December 7, 2021 iv. Work Session Minutes of December 14, 2021 B. Budget Amendments (Attachment 1) HCBOC 011822 Pg. 3 Item 6Ai Harnett County Board of Commissioners January 3, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6 C. Tax Rebates, Refunds and Releases – Motion to approve tax rebates, refunds and releases as requested by the Tax Administrator. (Attachment 2) D. Administration is requesting the Board of Commissioners adopt an Ordinance enacting and adopting the S-4 Supplement to the Code of Ordinances for Harnett County. (Attachment 3) E. The Sheriff Office is requesting the Board of Commissioners approve the reclassification of a Deputy Position (Job Class 7010) to Deputy Sheriff Corporal (Job Class 7020). F. The Sheriff Office is requesting the Board of Commissioners approve the reclassification of a Detention (Civilian) Position (Grade 15) to Administrative Assistant II. G. The Sheriff Office is requesting the Board of Commissioners approve a proposal to purchase a specialty vehicle utilizing asset forfeiture funds. H. Administration requests the Board authorize the transfer of $5,000 from contingency to fund the 4-H Teen Court Program through the end of FY 2022, at which time Cooperative Extension intends to request another grant from JCPC to continue fully funding the program going forward. I. Administration requests the Board approve Work Authorization No. 17-01 Terminal Building. J. The Harnett County Health Department has been allocated an additional $299,331 for FY 21-22 from NCDHHS. These funds are to assist with coronavirus vaccine activities to support distribution, access and vaccine coverage. This funding will ensure greater equity and access to the vaccine. K. Administration recommends the Board of Commissioners select Mark III Employee Benefits as the County's benefits broker to provide broker services for the benefits plan year beginning July 1, 2022. Staff recommends entering into a contract for three years with the option to renew for up to two additional one-year terms, as outlined in the RFP for Benefits Broker Services that was issued on November 3, 2021. L. Coats Grove Fire & Rescue, Inc. is requesting the Board approve the purchase of Stryker power load stretchers for a total cost of $44,092.85. M. The Register of Deeds Office is requesting the Board to approve an increase in the current contract for Vital Records Holdings, LLC by $6,000 for a total of $9,000. N. Administration requests approval of a contract with Spruill Construction for demolition of the former Harnett County Detention Center and associated electrical, mechanical, plumbing, site, and architectural work. The Board previously awarded the project to Spruill Construction at its November 15, 2021 meeting. Spruill was the low bidder with a base bid of $448,000. O. Emergency Services requests approval of the Emergency Medical Services Medical Director contract between County of Harnett and Nathan Miller, M.D. effective February 1, 2022. Dr. Miller is replacing current Medical Director Sean Ray, M.D. Chairman Weatherspoon opened the meeting for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. The following people provided comments: HCBOC 011822 Pg. 4 Item 6Ai Harnett County Board of Commissioners January 3, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 1. Ronnie Kemp of 244 Chesley Lane, Lillington, NC. 2. Elizabeth Crudup Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. No one else spoke. The public comment period was closed. George Wood, Interim County Manager, provided an update on the interview process for the County Manager position. Commissioner Johnson made a motion to appoint Mr. Brent Trout as the new county manager effective January 18, 2022. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McKoy and carried unanimously. Vice Chairman Nicol made a motion to approve the contract for Mr. Trout and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Vice Chairman Nicol made a motion to approve a budget amendment in the amount of $15,300 for salaries and wages for the manager’s new contract, and to cover services under the interim county manager’s contract. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner McKoy made a motion to reappoint George Thurman and Robert Doberstein and to appoint Tracie Turcotte to the Harnett County Board of Equalization and Review. Vice Chairman Nicol seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Commissioner Johnson made a motion to appoint Frank “Trip” Belote to the Triangle South Workforce Development Board. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Nicol and carried unanimously. Barry Blevins, General Services Director, requested the Board of Commissioners consider and approve, the reinstatement of passenger fees for the Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP). In late March 2020, the North Carolina General Assembly announced the ROAP program would not be funded for fiscal year 2020-2021. Following this announcement, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) informed transit systems that revenue losses could be reimbursed through CARES act funding. To reduce the financial impact on citizens during the COVID pandemic, the Board of Commissioners waived the $3.00 in county and $5.00 out of county fees on April 6, 2020. ROAP funding was included in the State budget approved on November 18, 2021. With funding reinstated, it is a requirement that transit systems collect passenger fees. Commissioner McKoy made a motion to approve the reinstatement of the $3.00 in county and $5.00 out of county fees. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Nicol asked if staff had received any feedback on pricing. Mr. Blevins stated they had not, however, ridership had increased, likely due to the fees being waived. Mr. Blevins stated if the Board approves the reinstatement of fees he would like that to be effective February 1, 2022. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 5 Item 6Ai Harnett County Board of Commissioners January 3, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6 Commissioner McKoy rescinded her motion. Commissioner McKoy made a motion to approve the reinstatement of the $3.00 in county each way and $5.00 out of county each way fees effective February 1, 2022. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mr. Wood stated I would like to recommend some changes to the schedule to present the CIP and for the Planning Retreat. Our new county manager will start work on January 18th. Currently, we have the CIP Presentation scheduled for January 25th. This gives little time for him to review the CIP, or learn some of the key issues that need to be addressed in the Planning Retreat. In talking with the management staff, and the budget director, we want to recommend that you change to the following schedule: February 1, 2022: Present the CIP February 7, 2022: Have a Public Comment Period on the CIP February 16 or nearby date, 2022: Conduct the Planning Retreat I further recommend that you consider using an outside facilitator to conduct the Planning Retreat. Both the UNC School of Government and Mid-Carolina Council of Governments have personnel that can perform this function. This frees up the county manager to fully participate in the discussion, without also having to facilitate the meeting. I have done retreats both ways, and I highly recommend you use the outside facilitator. The Commissioners discussed dates and the use of an outside facilitator. Commissioner McKoy made a motion for staff to present the CIP on February 1, hold a public comment for the CIP on February 7th and hold the annual Planning Retreat on February 17, 2022. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Johnson and carried unanimously. Chairman Weatherspoon, Mr. Wood and Ms. Capps will work on a location for the Planning Retreat. Mr. Wood reviewed a recommendation on Harnett Regional Water pay adjustments. As you know, we continue to struggle with a higher than normal employee turnover rate. We have tried to address some departments already, and need to address the other departments as quickly as possible. Otherwise, we will continue to be a training ground for other jurisdictions that have higher pay. This is the key issue you will face in the coming budget, and sooner, if we can find the money. The sales tax is coming in higher than budgeted, and we have solid numbers for July through September. That is one avenue of getting some of the necessary money. Steve and I are recommending that you take each position in HRW up by two grades. This is roughly a 10% increase per employee. If you approve these on January 3, 2022, they would go into effect on the January 16th pay period. This comparable to what we did for the Sheriff's Department, EMS, HARTS, and the building inspectors. Per our budget director, a salary and benefits increase for half a year would be $322,027; and for a full year $644,053.49. Fortunately, HRW is a standalone enterprise fund, with its revenues being the charges for water and sewer services. There are more than sufficient funds in their reserves to pay for these increases. Consequently there is no financial reason to delay giving these raises until the start of the next fiscal year; and operationally we need to address this problem as soon as possible. Vice Chairman Nicol commented this is outstanding, a long time coming; I would like to thank the staff. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 6 Item 6Ai Harnett County Board of Commissioners January 3, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6 Commissioner McKoy also commented for items 9 and 10 I will wholeheartedly approve this, we need to value our employees. Vice Chairman Nicol made a motion to approve the recommendation to take each position in HRW up by two grades. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Johnson and carried unanimously. Commissioner McKoy made a motion to approve the ordinance amending the job classification and compensation plan. Mr. Wood stated there are two critical pieces of information your staff had been waiting on to move forward. The first is the Audit for FY 2021 received this month, which revealed we had added to our fund balance by underspending the budget and revenues coming in higher than budgeted. This increased our unassigned General Fund balance to 28% of expenditures. Our target is 20%. So, that gives us a cushion going forward, meaning we can appropriate additional fund balance without a problem, as we would not actually spend it. The second is whether the sales tax revenue would come in higher than budgeted (like the property tax mentioned earlier). Sales tax is received by the county from the NC Department of Revenue monthly, with a three month lag time. That means that in early December, we had received actual receipts for July, August, and September. We would like a few more months to verify the trend, but we believe that we can conservatively estimate that sales tax revenue for the full fiscal year will be at least $1,000,000 higher than budgeted. So, we now have the necessary information on these two funding sources. Given the high turnover problem that must be addressed, and the new information discussed above, I have met with the two assistant managers, budget director and finance director, and we believe we have sufficient recurring revenues identified so that we can move forward with a two grade reclassification of all of the county positions that have not received the roughly 10% increase as previously outlined above. Each grade is about 5% higher than the previous grade, so these increases would be the same as given to the employees noted above. We believe it is critical to do this as soon as possible to address the employee turnover problem and allow the County to recruit and retain a qualified workforce going forward. Therefore, we recommend that you adopt the attached ordinance amending the job classification and compensation plan at your January 3, 2022 meeting. If you approve this recommendation, the raises would become effective beginning with the January 16, 2022 pay period, which ends on February 15, 2022, with payment to employees on February 28, 2022. Mr. Haney reviewed the exceptions with are included in the Ordinance. Commissioner McKoy asked a question regarding the Board of Elections. Mr. Haney shared information regarding the Deputy Director position for the Board of Elections. Vice Chairman Nicol seconded the motion to approve the ordinance amending the job classification and compensation plan. The motion carried unanimously. (Attachment 4) Mr. Wood thanked the Board of Commissioners. Chairman Weatherspoon thanked the committee for their hard work on this issue. Chairman Weatherspoon recognized Mr. Christian Lockamy, the new Economic Development Director. Mr. Wood provided information on a Jetport Budget Amendment. Mr. Wood stated we took the airport over on June 17th and we came to you prior to that time with a proposed amendment with HCBOC 011822 Pg. 7 Item 6Ai Harnett County Board of Commissioners January 3, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 an estimate with an understanding that we would like to get several months under our belt and have a good trend line and come back with an amended budget. The good news is we are taking in about $111,000 in revenues than we had anticipated. Chairman Weatherspoon asked for clarification on a couple of items. Mr. Wood also shared information on considering a recommendation on HR Jetport Fuel Purchasing Contract bids. Commissioner Johnson made a motion to add this item to the February 11, 2022 work session to be voted on at the work session. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Nicol and carried unanimously. Vice Chairman Nicol made a motion to approve the budget amendment for the Jetport. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Johnson and carried unanimously. Coley Price, Assistant County Manager, introduced Mr. Christian Lockamy, the new Economic Development Director. Mr. Lockamy stated I am really glad to be here, I think I can help you guys focus in the areas that will make the most difference for the community. Mr. Wood stated the Harnett County DSS Monthly report, interdepartmental budget amendments, the North Carolina Department of State Treasurer Retirement System Division – Contribution-Based Benefit Cap Report and Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action, Inc.’s Community Services Block Grant Application were included in the agenda packet for information. Commissioner McKoy made a motion to go into Closed Session for the following purpose: To consult with the County’s legal counsel in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege concerning the handling of certain claims and litigation including the following case: (1) Terry Antoine Frederick vs. Nurse Meygen, et. Al. U.S. District Court, File No. 5:21- ct-3240-D; and (2) Patricia Rivera vs. County of Harnett; Industrial Commissioner File No. 21-009812. This motion is made pursuant to NC General Statute Section 143-318.11 (a)(3). The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Nicol and carried unanimously. Following a motion to come out of Closed Session, Chairman Weatherspoon called the meeting back into open session. Vice Chairman Nicol made a motion to adjourn at 10:34 am. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Johnson and carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Chairman Melissa D. Capps, Clerk HCBOC 011822 Pg. 8 Attachment 1 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 9 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 10 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 11 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 12 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 13 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 14 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 15 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 16 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 17 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 18 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 19 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 20 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 21 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 22 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 23 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 24 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 25 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 26 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 27 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 28 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 29 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 30 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 31 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 32 Attachment 2HCBOC 011822 Pg. 33 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 34 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 35 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 36 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 37 Attachment 3 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 38 Attachment 4 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 39 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 40 Item 6Aii Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes January 11, 2022 Page 1 of 4 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Work Session January 11, 2022 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in work session on Tuesday, December 11, 2022 at 9:00 am, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Mark B. Johnson, Commissioner W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Member Absent: Matt B. Nicol, Vice Chairman Staff present: George Wood, Interim County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Weatherspoon called the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 9:00 am. Commissioner McKoy led the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation. The following agenda was before the Board of Commissioners: 1. Call to order – Chairman Lewis Weatherspoon 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Barbara McKoy 3. Discuss FY2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES ACT) Grant Supplemental Funds, Barry A. Blevins, General Services Director 4. Development Services briefing on upcoming public hearings: • Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2111-0001 Landowner / Applicant: Dan A. Smith & Max D. Smith; 1.30 +/- acres; Pin # 0652-39-5267.000; From RA-30 to Commercial Zoning District; SR # 1575 (Neil Smith Road); Hectors Creek Township. • Proposed Zoning Change: Case #PLAN2112-0003 Landowner / Applicant: Sease 1995 Family LTD Partnership & William Patrick Sease; 6.52 +/- acres (two parcels); Pin #’s 1538-10-7948.000 &1538-10-5706.000; From Commercial to Industrial Zoning District; SR# 1709 (Hodges Chapel Road); Averasboro Township. • Proposed Text Amendment: Case # PLAN2112-0001 Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance; Article VI, Section 6.5. To amend Harnett County’s UDO in order to comply with North Carolina Fire Prevention Code. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 41 Item 6Aii Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes January 11, 2022 Page 2 of 4 5. Discuss Proposal from Sanford Holshouser regarding Economic Development Organizational Structure Review/Enhancements, Coley Price, Assistant County Manager and George Wood, Interim Manager 6. Discussion of Board’s Legislative Priorities for FY 2022, Brian Haney, Assistant County Manager 7. Discuss and consider recommendation on HR Jetport Fuel Purchasing Contract, George Wood, Interim County Manager 8. County Manager’s Report- George Wood, Interim County Manager • January 18, 2022 Regular Meeting Agenda Review • Review applications to serve on Boards and Committees • Upcoming meetings and invitations 9. Closed Session 10. Adjourn Barry Blevins, General Services Director, reviewed a request for the Board of Commissioners to consider and approve supplemental funding for the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) FY2020 CARES Act grant in the amount of $386,113. This requires NO ($0.00) local match. The additional grant funding will be used for operating services during and due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The period of performance is from January 20, 2020 - June 30, 2022. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the consent agenda at the next regular meeting. Jay Sikes, Assistant Development Services Director/ Manager of Planning Services, provided a briefing on the following upcoming public hearings: • Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2111-0001 Landowner / Applicant: Dan A. Smith & Max D. Smith; 1.30 +/- acres; Pin # 0652-39-5267.000; From RA-30 to Commercial Zoning District; SR # 1575 (Neil Smith Road); Hectors Creek Township. • Proposed Zoning Change: Case #PLAN2112-0003 Landowner / Applicant: Sease 1995 Family LTD Partnership & William Patrick Sease; 6.52 +/- acres (two parcels); Pin #’s 1538-10-7948.000 &1538-10-5706.000; From Commercial to Industrial Zoning District; SR# 1709 (Hodges Chapel Road); Averasboro Township. • Proposed Text Amendment: Case # PLAN2112-0001 Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance; Article VI, Section 6.5. To amend Harnett County’s UDO in order to comply with North Carolina Fire Prevention Code. Mark Locklear, Development Services Director, provided an update on the 421 overlay project. He also thanked Mr. Wood for all he had done, he has been a wealth of knowledge and I would like to say thank you. Mr. Locklear also thanked the board for taking his recommendation and approving the salary increases, it means a lot for moral, recruitment and retention. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 42 Item 6Aii Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes January 11, 2022 Page 3 of 4 Christian Lockamy, Economic Development Director, reviewed a proposal from Sanford Holshouser regarding Economic Development Organizational Structure Review/Enhancements. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the consent agenda at the next regular meeting. Brian Haney, Assistant County Manager reviewed and provided an update on Harnett County’s Legislative Priorities for Fiscal Year 2021 which included the following: • Broadband • Economic Development • Harnett Regional Jetport • Transportation • Education • Appropriate Full Funding for the Federal Impact Aid Program ( Federal) • Assist with Efforts to Expand Natural Gas Capacity (State) • Require Accurate County Assignment of Sales Tax for Delivered Goods (State) • Provide Additional Solutions to Assist with Funding Public Education (State & Federal) • Provide Funding to Help Counties Implement School Security Measures (State & Federal) • Preserve Funding for Local Health Departments (State) • Lower NCDOT Road Takeover Threshold to 60-65% percent Buildout (State) • Support Legislation to Assist Firefighters who Contract Disease Related to Service (State) • Expand Fire Protection Grant Opportunities to include Counties (State & Federal) • Give School Systems Flexibility in Establishing their K-12 Calendars (State) • Provide Funding to Support and Establish Treatment Courts (State) • Appropriate Recurring Funds to Support State Aid for Public Libraries (State) • Increase Appropriation to Agricultural Development & Farmland Preservation Trust Fund (State) The Board discussed changes and additions for FY 2022 Legislative Priorities. Staff will bring back a revised draft at the next regular meeting for the Board to review. George Wood, Interim County Manager, stated we had sent out a memo to the Board, we pulled it from the last agenda so that it could be provided to the Jetport Advisory Board who met in the last week. I made a recommendation and the Jetport Board has made another recommendation. Chairman Weatherspoon shared the Jetport Advisory Board voted to reject the bids, do another RFP and be more specific in the RFP. Additional discussion included current bids, asking the Advisory Board to write up their recommendation and the Board of Commissioners review both recommendations before making a decision. Commissioner Matthews made a motion to table HCBOC 011822 Pg. 43 Item 6Aii Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes January 11, 2022 Page 4 of 4 this item to the February 1st work session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Johnson and carried unanimously. Mr. Wood stated this will be my last meeting. We will be having an 11:30 am luncheon for Brent Trout on the 18th. I will be going over projects and key issues with him from 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm. Mr. Wood stated I believe you have made an excellent choice. Mr. Wood stated I have enjoyed working with you all. Chairman Weatherspoon stated Mr. Wood, in a short period of time you have done a tremendous amount for this County and we appreciate everything you have done. Commissioner Matthews stated thank you Mr. Wood, I have enjoyed working with you, thank you for your dedication to the County. Commissioner McKoy stated I really appreciate you and what you have done for this County, you have certainly made a difference. I also appreciate your open ear and understanding of what is going on in this County. The January 18, 2022 Regular Meeting agenda and applications to serve on Boards and Commissioners were also reviewed. Wayne Coats, Sheriff, provided an update on the KARES effort for the tornado victims in Kentucky. Commissioner McKoy moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 a.m. Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion that passed unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Chairman Melissa D. Capps, Clerk HCBOC 011822 Pg. 44 Item 6B HCBOC 011822 Pg. 45 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 46 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 47 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 48 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 49 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 50 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 51 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 52 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 53 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 54 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 55 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 56 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) RELEASE REASON: Adjustment 0000004688-2021-2021-0000-00-REG BETHUNE, PENELOPE S 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/30/2021 2,869.09 2,571.59 297.50 0000012606-2021-2021-0000-00-REG BROWN, ROGER ANDREW 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/2/2021 424.61 48.59 376.02 0000014955-2021-2021-0000-00-REG DIXON LIVING TRUST 7/28/2021 CRYSTAL THOMAS 11/30/2021 499.15 85.00 414.15 0000020942-2021-2021-0000-00-REG TYNDALL, DANNY GIBSON JR 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/1/2021 231.62 231.62 0.00 0000020942-2021-2021-0070-00-DLD GREGORY, JOHN MARSHALL JR 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/1/2021 0.00 612.79 -612.79 0000022810-2021-2021-0000-00-REG HARRINGTON, MICHAEL D 7/28/2021 AMY BAIN 12/8/2021 7.22 0.66 6.56 0000051451-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WALKER, SHIRLENE 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/1/2021 882.79 608.48 274.31 0000056642-2021-2021-0000-00-REG SANCHEZ, ANDRES BETANCOURT 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/1/2021 326.86 80.91 245.95 0000056658-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WARD, ELLIS JR 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/6/2021 1,963.13 17.37 1,945.76 0001988615-2021-2021-0000-00-REG MOORE, HAROLD LEONARD 7/28/2021 KARA DANIELS 12/1/2021 4.30 4.30 0.00 0002249654-2021-2021-0000-00-REG GODWIN, JOHN CHADWICK 7/28/2021 APRIL DIAZ 12/28/2021 90.84 80.75 10.09 0002250719-2021-2021-0000-00-REG BAKER, SHERRY COOKE 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/20/2021 23.91 16.52 7.39 0002262685-2021-2021-0000-00-REG SCHELLING, EDMOND ROBERT JR 7/28/2021 APRIL DIAZ 12/29/2021 24.09 24.09 0.00 Release Reason ALL 12/1/2021 Default Sort-By: Report Parameters: Tax District: Grouping: Bill #,Taxpayer Name,Release Date,Billing Date,Operator ID, Release Amount Data as of: 1/6/2022 6:45:03 PM TR-304 Bill Release Report NCPTS V4Date run: 1/7/2022 1:49:45 PM Release Date Start:Release Date End: 12/31/2021 PAGE 1 of 6 Item 6C HCBOC 011822 Pg. 57 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) 0002262996-2021-2021-0000-00-REG BROCK, WILBERT FRANKLIN JR 7/28/2021 APRIL DIAZ 12/30/2021 292.88 47.28 245.60 Subtotal 4,429.95 RELEASE REASON: Deferred Bill 0000050731-2021-2021-0070-00-DLD STEVENS, CAROL A 12/1/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/1/2021 262.39 262.39 0.00 Subtotal 262.39 RELEASE REASON: Duplication 0002283159-2021-2021-0000-00-REG NEIGHBORS, JESSE CLEON II 7/30/2021 AMY BAIN 12/28/2021 3.56 3.56 0.00 Subtotal 3.56 RELEASE REASON: Exempt Property 0000015652-2021-2021-0000-00-REG THE WORK CENTER INC, 7/28/2021 CRYSTAL THOMAS 12/7/2021 1,840.43 1,840.43 0.00 0000015795-2021-2021-0000-00-REG THE WORK CENTER INC, 7/28/2021 CRYSTAL THOMAS 12/7/2021 944.02 944.02 0.00 0000052565-2021-2021-0000-00-REG NC DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/1/2021 5,576.01 5,576.01 0.00 0002003005-2021-2021-0000-00-REG COOPERS CREEK HOMEOWNERS ASSOC INC, 7/28/2021 CRYSTAL THOMAS 12/21/2021 106.98 106.98 0.00 Subtotal 8,467.44 RELEASE REASON: Full rebate 0000006721-2021-2021-0000-00-REG BROWN, GEORGIA LEE 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/7/2021 5.34 5.34 0.00 0002251606-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WILLIAMS, LEWIS JACK 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/20/2021 13.45 13.45 0.00 0002270767-2021-2021-0000-00-REG IRWIN, THOMAS CRAIG 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/14/2021 267.00 267.00 0.00 0002286456-2021-2021-0000-00-REG DAVIS, ADDISON DIMMITT IV 7/30/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/15/2021 302.95 302.95 0.00 Subtotal 588.74 PAGE 2 of 6 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 58 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) RELEASE REASON: Less than min amt 0001895382-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WILSON, MARIE SUGGS 7/28/2021 CRYSTAL THOMAS 12/28/2021 2.91 2.91 0.00 Subtotal 2.91 RELEASE REASON: Military 0002279318-2021-2021-0000-00-REG PIRCHER, CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL 7/28/2021 APRIL DIAZ 12/13/2021 121.73 121.73 0.00 Subtotal 121.73 RELEASE REASON: Over Assessment 0001895382-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WILSON, MARIE SUGGS 7/28/2021 CRYSTAL THOMAS 12/28/2021 4.85 1.94 2.91 Subtotal 1.94 RELEASE REASON: Property Granted PUV 0000050731-2021-2021-0000-00-REG BEASLEY, GARY B 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/1/2021 324.57 324.57 0.00 Subtotal 324.57 RELEASE REASON: Removal of SW Fee 0000003192-2021-2021-0000-00-REG NC DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/1/2021 85.00 85.00 0.00 0000014544-2021-2021-0000-00-REG NC DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/1/2021 85.00 85.00 0.00 0000054373-2021-2021-0000-00-REG THURMAN, GEORGE C 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/6/2021 521.05 85.00 436.05 0000058326-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WEST, DONALD B 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/1/2021 706.08 85.00 621.08 0000058382-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WEST, DONALD BRADLEY 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/1/2021 716.30 170.00 546.30 0001710078-2021-2021-0000-00-REG OMEGA X LLC 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/9/2021 2,683.09 170.00 2,513.09 Subtotal 680.00 RELEASE REASON: Situs error 0002082734-2021-2021-0000-00-REG NORMARK, NANCY BULLOCK 7/28/2021 MARGARET WRIGHT 12/20/2021 251.45 251.45 0.00 PAGE 3 of 6 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 59 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) 0002288521-2021-2021-0000-00-REG TOYOTA INDUSTRIES COMMERCIAL FINANCE INC 12/7/2021 SHANNON AUTRY 12/7/2021 1,831.93 1,831.93 0.00 Subtotal 2,083.38 RELEASE REASON: SMALL UNDERPAYMENT 0000001096-2021-2021-0000-01-REG AMERIGAS PROPANE LP 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 12/14/2021 96.33 0.80 95.53 0000001628-2021-2021-0000-00-REG ARNETTE, HARRY L 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 12/13/2021 720.45 0.20 720.25 0000005194-2021-2021-0000-00-REG BLANDING, CAROLYN SIMPSON 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 12/17/2021 754.04 0.04 754.00 0000005195-2021-2021-0000-00-REG BLANDING, LINCOLN 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 12/17/2021 480.93 0.93 480.00 0000008496-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WILLIAM E BYRD FAMILY LTD PART, 7/28/2021 AMY BAIN 12/3/2021 367.23 0.01 367.22 0000020294-2021-2021-0000-00-REG GOOLD, KENNETH C 7/28/2021 KARA DANIELS 12/6/2021 2,764.60 0.60 2,764.00 0000021062-2021-2021-0000-00-REG GRIFFIN, CARL 7/28/2021 KARA DANIELS 12/6/2021 658.62 0.10 658.52 0000021604-2020-2020-0000-00-REG HAIR, WILLIAM T 7/30/2020 TRACI FERRELL 12/15/2021 240.55 0.32 240.23 0000023172-2021-2021-0000-00-REG HATLEY, GERALD B 7/28/2021 YVONNE MCARTHUR 12/29/2021 2,967.93 0.60 2,967.33 0000023690-2021-2021-0070-00-REG HENNINGS, CAROLYN JOAN 12/14/2021 TRACI FERRELL 12/21/2021 766.58 0.01 766.57 0000024308-2021-2021-0000-00-REG HOBBY, A C 7/28/2021 AMY BAIN 12/16/2021 215.14 0.01 215.13 0000027113-2021-2021-0000-00-REG FOWLER, JAMES W 7/28/2021 YVONNE MCARTHUR 12/14/2021 907.08 0.60 906.48 0000032720-2021-2021-0070-00-REG MANGUM, TIMOTHY JAY 12/21/2021 YVONNE MCARTHUR 12/22/2021 4,514.04 0.01 4,514.03 0000033123-2021-2021-0000-00-REG CURRIN, JAMES MARK 7/28/2021 AMY BAIN 12/3/2021 229.68 0.36 229.32 0000033649-2021-2021-0000-00-REG BARBOUR, BARBARA 7/28/2021 AMY BAIN 12/30/2021 21.68 0.03 21.65 0000038753-2021-2021-0000-00-REG MOUNTCASTLE, MICHAEL DEAN 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 12/3/2021 57.68 0.81 56.87 0000039046-2021-2021-0000-00-REG MYATT, ELLIE JEAN LANGDON 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 12/3/2021 786.83 0.02 786.81 0000045796-2021-2021-0000-00-REG ROGERS, SUSAN ANN 7/28/2021 YVONNE MCARTHUR 12/29/2021 59.86 0.01 59.85 PAGE 4 of 6 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 60 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) 0000046509-2021-2021-0000-00-REG MIKE SALMON 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 12/9/2021 106.60 0.60 106.00 0000048691-2021-2021-0070-00-REG HOWINGTON, HOLLY LEIGH 12/30/2021 KARA DANIELS 12/30/2021 2,257.55 0.01 2,257.54 0000051566-2021-2021-0000-00-REG STRICKLAND, JOHNNY DURWOOD 7/28/2021 KARA DANIELS 12/30/2021 842.06 0.06 842.00 0000052261-2021-2021-0000-00-REG MCLEOD, BARBARA S 7/28/2021 KARA DANIELS 12/30/2021 83.59 0.59 83.00 0000063605-2021-2021-0000-00-REG DOUGLAS, RALPH HEIRS 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 12/17/2021 267.70 0.53 267.17 0001092487-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WALKER, RONNIE C SR 7/28/2021 LOCKBOX DPC 12/3/2021 4,700.79 0.70 4,700.09 0001313409-2021-2021-0000-00-REG CRITES, GARLAND RAY 7/28/2021 AMY BAIN 12/3/2021 47.06 0.03 47.03 0001412011-2012-2012-0000-00-REG FABIAN, ALBERTO MEDEL 11/1/2012 TRACI FERRELL 12/17/2021 36.67 0.28 36.39 0001590745-2021-2021-0000-00-REG DRL PROPERTIES LLC 7/28/2021 KARA DANIELS 12/21/2021 168.00 0.01 167.99 0001710078-2021-2021-0000-00-REG OMEGA X LLC 7/28/2021 TRACI FERRELL 12/21/2021 2,513.09 0.09 2,513.00 0001715041-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WALL, GEORGE RAY 7/28/2021 AMY BAIN 12/15/2021 170.81 0.81 170.00 0001735264-2021-2021-0000-00-REG MULLEN, SHELTON HEIRS 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 12/17/2021 327.72 0.72 327.00 0001877440-2021-2021-0000-00-REG AARONS SALES & LEASE 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 12/10/2021 231.63 0.06 231.57 0001899171-2012-2012-0000-00-REG MCDOUGALD, LAQUONYA SHAUNTEL 12/3/2012 TRACI FERRELL 12/17/2021 37.60 0.98 36.62 0001984003-2012-2012-0000-00-REG MANNS, MARK JAMES 6/1/2012 TRACI FERRELL 12/20/2021 27.72 0.20 27.52 0001991580-2012-2012-0000-00-REG MORTON, JOSEPH PAUL 8/1/2012 TRACI FERRELL 12/21/2021 22.54 0.10 22.44 0001992563-2012-2012-0000-00-REG LINDSEY, BRANDEN MATTHEW 9/4/2012 TRACI FERRELL 12/17/2021 27.89 0.08 27.81 0002002380-2021-2021-0000-00-REG CURRIN, KATRINA MATTHEWS 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 12/10/2021 269.90 0.30 269.60 0002094410-2013-2013-0000-00-REG MCKOY, SHAUN GREGORY 7/1/2013 TRACI FERRELL 12/17/2021 103.29 0.50 102.79 0002246865-2021-2021-0000-00-REG NORRIS, JOEL RICHARD 7/28/2021 KARA DANIELS 12/29/2021 7.74 0.02 7.72 0002263846-2020-2020-0000-00-REG HAMILTON, SARA MARIE 7/30/2020 KARA DANIELS 12/29/2021 583.81 0.36 583.45 0002282811-2021-2021-0000-00-REG LANIER, HAROLD MURCHISON 7/30/2021 KARA DANIELS 12/30/2021 8.35 0.04 8.31 PAGE 5 of 6 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 61 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) Subtotal 12.53 RELEASE REASON: Sold/Traded 0002258576-2021-2021-0000-00-REG JOHNSON, TERRY LYNN 7/28/2021 AMY BAIN 12/20/2021 11.93 11.93 0.00 Subtotal 11.93 Total 16,991.07 PAGE 6 of 6 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 62 Item 6D RESOLUTION BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HONORING GEORGE A. WOOD FOR HIS SERVICE AS INTERIM COUNTY MANAGER WHEREAS, George A. Wood began his career in local government administration in 1977 and has served the public for over 40 years as a City and County Manager throughout North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia; and WHEREAS, George has been an active member of his professional community by serving on the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners’ Risk Management Board of Directors, and serving as a member of the State Library Board of North Carolina and the North Carolina City and County Management Association; and WHEREAS, George was appointed to serve as Acting County Manager for Harnett County on May, 17, 2021; and WHEREAS, George was sworn in as Interim County Manager for Harnett County on June 30, 2021; and WHEREAS, George has been a committed and dedicated public servant and has worked to promote the well-being of the employees and citizens of Harnett County; and WHEREAS, George has served his role as Interim County Manager with professionalism, integrity, humility and compassion; and WHEREAS, George has made a lasting positive impact in Harnett County and the State of North Carolina through his exceptional fiscal and management influence; and WHEREAS, through his leadership and expertise, Harnett County has entered a new era of economic prosperity; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby honor George A. Wood for his long and distinguished career in local government, and for his leadership in Harnett County. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners hereby expresses its appreciation for his service to our community and wishes him a healthy and fulfilling retirement. Adopted this 18th day of January, 2022. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ________________________________ Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Chairman _____________________________ _____________________________ Matt B. Nicol, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy _____________________________ _____________________________ Mark Johnson W. Brooks Matthews HCBOC 011822 Pg. 63 Item 6E A RESOLUTION TO CHANGE THE MEETING DATE OF THE JANUARY 25, 2022 PLANNING RETREAT FOR THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS THAT WHEREAS, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners adopted on September 19, 1994 certain Rules of Procedure by which the Board would conduct its meetings; and WHEREAS, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners adopted the 2022 Schedule of Meetings on December 6, 2021 establishing a Planning Retreat on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 to be held in the Board of Commissioners Meeting Room at the Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, NC; and WHEREAS, Rule 6 of the Rules of Procedure concerning “Regular and Special Meetings” states that the Board may change the place or time of a particular meeting by resolution: that the Board has determined that it would like to change the Planning Retreat scheduled for Tuesday, January 25, 2022 to Thursday, February 24, 2022 to be held in the Board of Commissioners Meeting Room at the Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, NC. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County that the Tuesday, January 25, 2022 Planning Retreat be changed to Thursday, February 24, 2022 to be held in the Board of Commissioners Meeting Room at the Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, NC. This Resolution shall be filed with the Clerk to the Board, posted at the regular meeting place and forwarded to all parties on the County’s Sunshine List. Adopted by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners in regular session, this 18th day of January, 2022. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: ___________________________________________ Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Chairman Attest: _____________________________________ Melissa Capps, Clerk HCBOC 011822 Pg. 64 Item 6F HCBOC 011822 Pg. 65 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 66 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 67 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 68 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 69 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 70 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 71 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 72 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 73 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 74 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 75 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 76 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 77 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 78 November 29, 2021 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Mr. George A. Wood Interim County Manager Harnett County 455 McKinney Parkway Lillington, NC 27546 Re: Proposal – Economic Development Organizational Structure Review/Enhancements Dear George: This is a follow-up to earlier discussions with you and other County and economic development leaders. The below proposal contemplates Sanford Holshouser Economic Development Consulting LLC (“SHEDC”) in conjunction with Nexsen Pruet PLLC (“NP”) performing the following scope of work to evaluate Harnett County’s organizational structure for its economic development programs, making recommendations as to any changes in that structure, and amending any documents to effectuate any desired changes. SHEDC will be the lead consultant in this matter. Rocky Lane and Ernie Pearson will be your contacts for this work, but we may call on other SHEDC partners as needed to assist in performing the work called for by this proposal. NP will be a subcontractor to SHEDC. Ernie Pearson on behalf of NP, or a paralegal or other attorney designated by him, will assist in preparing amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws for Harnett County Property Corporation (“HCPC”), organizational documents for Harnett County Economic Development Council (“HCEDC”), and any agreements or memoranda of understanding between the County and either or both of the above entities. The services provided by SHEDC and NP will include the following: - A review of all documents which formed and now govern HCPC and the HCEDC. - A review of any agreement(s) between the County and HCPC and HCEDC. - A best practice analysis of up to eight similar economic development programs in North Carolina and other states which utilize a public/private economic development structure, Item 6G HCBOC 011822 Pg. 79 Sanford Holshouser Economic Development Consulting, LLC US Senator Terry Sanford (1917-1998) 4141 Parklake Avenue, Suite 200 919-653-7805 Ÿ Fax 919-653-0435 NC Governor James E. Holshouser (1934-2013) Raleigh, NC 27612 www.SHEDC.com in order to gather information on programs which are most successful and the underlying organizational structures which facilitate and support those programs. - Regular consultations with you and others on your economic development leadership team to review our team’s on-going findings with that group and to incorporate that group’s input into our final recommendations and report. - Regular consultations with the County’s designated new economic development director to elicit his input and incorporate that into our team’s recommendations and report. - Preparing any needed amended Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws for HCPC and filing any amended Articles of Incorporation with the NC Secretary of State’s office. - Preparing a new or amended agreement or memorandum of understanding between the County and HCPC. - Preparing any documents to provide for the continuation or termination of the HCEDC, as may be needed. - Reviewing a draft report with the County’s economic development leadership group, and incorporating any changes into the final report. - Appearing before and making a presentation on the final report to an audience that you and your County’s economic development leadership group might designate. - To the extent that the above scope of work requires additional, or amended elements, the SHEDC team will accommodate those needs. The SHEDC team’s fees for these services will be a flat fee of $8,250.00. SHEDC will be solely responsible for the payment of any fees owed to NP out of that amount. In addition, the SHEDC team will be reimbursed for any expenses. At present, we think those expenses will be limited to mileage reimbursements and filing fees with the Secretary of State’s office. An invoice for this fee and any expenses will be submitted at the conclusion of our work. As to the timeline, the SHEDC team is ready to start work on this immediately. We can provide a final report within thirty (30) days of the start date. If you find the above proposal to be acceptable, please sign below. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 80 Sanford Holshouser Economic Development Consulting, LLC US Senator Terry Sanford (1917-1998) 4141 Parklake Avenue, Suite 200 919-653-7805 Ÿ Fax 919-653-0435 NC Governor James E. Holshouser (1934-2013) Raleigh, NC 27612 www.SHEDC.com Sincerely, Ernest C. Pearson cc: Coley Price Rocky Lane The above proposal is accepted. ___________________________ Date:________________________ George A. Wood Interim County Manager . HCBOC 011822 Pg. 81 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2022\011822\8.1 Dan Smith_agenda form.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 18, 2022 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2111-0001 REQUESTED BY: Mark Locklear/ Development Services REQUEST: Landowner / Applicant: Dan A. Smith & Max D. Smith; 1.30 +/- acres; Pin # 0652-39- 5267.000; From RA-30 to Commercial Zoning District; SR # 1575 (Neil Smith Road); Hectors Creek Township. Development Services staff recommends approval based on the Land Use compatabilty and the long standing nonresidential uses of this sturcture. Additional Information: On January 3rd, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of application based the existing nonresidential use as well as Land Use compatability. One citizen (adjacent property owner) spoke in opposition in reference to increased traffic, noise, and discomfort of not knowing what type of business may be located beside her home. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 8 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 82 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 83 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 84 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 85 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 86 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 87 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 88 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 89 STAFF REPORT Page 1 of 4 REZONING STAFF REPORT Case: PLAN 2111-0001 Jay Sikes, Mgr. of Planning Services jsikes@harnett.org Phone: (910) 893-7525 Fax: (910) 814-8278 Planning Board: January 3, 2022 County Commissioners: January 18, 2022 Requesting a Rezoning from RA-30 to Commercial Applicant Information Owner of Record: Applicant: Name: Dan A. Smith & Max D. Smith, Jr Name: Dan A. Smith Address: PO Box 926 Address: PO Box 926 City/State/Zip: Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 City/State/Zip: Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 Property Description PIN(s): 0652-39-5267 Acreage: 1.30 Address/SR No.: 42 Neil Smith Rd (SR # 1517) Township: (09) Johnsonville (10) Lillington (11) Neill’s Creek (12) Stewart’s Creek (13) Upper Little River (01) Anderson Creek (02) Averasboro (03) Barbecue (04) Black River (05) Buckhorn (06) Duke (07) Grove (08) Hectors Creek Vicinity Map Vicinity Map HCBOC 011822 Pg. 90 STAFF REPORT Page 2 of 4 Physical Characteristics Site Description: Site is currently occupied by one structure that currently houses the Kipling Post Office and a photography studio. Surrounding Land Uses: Undeveloped land, residential & agricultural uses, and several non- residential uses. Services Available Water: Public (Harnett County) Private (Well) Other: Unverified Sewer: Public (Harnett County) Private (Septic Tank) Other: unverified Transportation: Annual Daily Traffic Count: 8,800 on US 401 & 1,600 on Harnett Central Rd Site Distances: Good Zoning District Compatibility The following is a summary list of potential uses. For all applicable uses for each Zoning district please refer to the UDO’s Table of Uses. CURRENT REQUESTED RA-30 Comm Parks & Rec X X Natural Preserves X X Bona Fide Farms X X Single Family X X Manufactured Homes, (with design criteria) X Manufactured Homes X Multi-Family X (with CUP) Institutional X X Commercial Services X Retail X Wholesale Industrial Manufacturing HCBOC 011822 Pg. 91 STAFF REPORT Page 3 of 4 Land Use Classification Compatibility ZONING LAND USE Comm Rural Center Parks & Rec X X Natural Preserves X X Bona Fide Farms X X Single Family X X Manufactured Homes, Design Regulated X X Manufactured Homes Multi-Family X Institutional X X Commercial Service X Retail X X Wholesale X Industrial Manufacturing Evaluation Yes No The IMPACT to the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable, and the benefits of the rezoning outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community. REASONING: The impact to the surrounding community is reasonable, as there are several nonresidential uses in this area and any new development would incur site improvements. Yes No The requested zoning district is COMPATIBLE with the existing Land Use Classification. REASONING: The requested zoning to Commercial is compatible with the land use classification of Rural Center Development Node. These nodes are usually market driven commercial centers with a small scale, non-residential footprint less than 50,000 sq ft. Yes No The proposal does ENHANCE or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. REASONING: The requested zoning would enhance or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare due to the potential site improvements that could take place. Yes No The request is for a SMALL SCALE REZONING and should be evaluated for reasonableness. REASONING: Due to the Land Use compatibility and except for a street would be contiguous to Commercially zoned property, this application does not need to be considered for a Small Scale rezoning. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 92 STAFF REPORT Page 4 of 4 Site Photographs Subject Property Subject Property (view from Kipling Rd, across US 401) Adjacent property & street view Suggested Statement-of-Consistency (Staff concludes that…) As stated in the evaluation, the requested rezoning to Commercial would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community and will maintain the public health, safety, and general welfare based on the existing nonresidential uses in this area as well as compatibility with the County’s Land Use Plan. Therefore, it is recommended that this rezoning request be APPROVED. Additional Information On January 3rd, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of application based on compatibility with the Land Use Plan and the existing nonresidential uses on site. One citizen (adjacent property owner) spoke in opposition in reference to increased traffic, noise, and discomfort of not knowing what type of business may be located beside her home. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 93 Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2111-0001 Landowner: Dan A. Smith and Max D. Smith, Jr Applicant: Dan A. Smith Request: 1.3 acres from RA-30 to Commercial Location: 42 Neil Smith Rd, Hector’s Creek Township Pin #’s: 0652-39-5267 Meeting Date: January 18, 2022 Statement-of-Consistency The requested rezoning to Commercial would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on existing nonresidential uses as well as compatibility with Harnett County Land Use Plan. Therefore the Harnett County Commissioners APPROVE the rezoning request. _______________________________ Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Chairman ATTEST: ____________________________________ Melissa D. Capps, Clerk HCBOC 011822 Pg. 94 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2022\011822\9.1 Sease_agenda form.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 18, 2022 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2112-0003 REQUESTED BY: Mark Locklear/ Development Services REQUEST: Landowner / Applicant: Sease 1995 Family LTD Partnership & William Patrick Sease; 6.52 +/- acres (two parcels); Pin #’s 1538-10-7948.000 &1538-10-5706.000; From Commercial to Industrial Zoning District; SR# 1709 (Hodges Chapel Road); Averasboro Township. Development Services staff recommends approval based on the Land Use compatabilty as well as the nonresidential zoning and uses within the area. Additional Information: On January 3rd, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of application based on the existing nonresidential uses on site and in this area. No one spoke in opposition FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 9 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 95 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 96 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 97 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 98 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 99 STAFF REPORT Page 1 of 5 REZONING STAFF REPORT Case: PLAN 2112-0003 Jay Sikes, Mgr. of Planning Services jsikes@harnett.org Phone: (910) 893-7525 Fax: (910) 814-8278 Planning Board: January 3, 2022 County Commissioners: January 18, 2022 Requesting a Rezoning from Commercial to Industrial Applicant Information Owner of Record: Applicant: Name: Sease 1995 Family Ltd Partnership Name: Sease 1995 Family Ltd Partnership Address: 8004 Foxwood Dr Address: 8004 Foxwood Dr City/State/Zip: Raleigh, NC 27615 City/State/Zip: Raleigh, NC 27615 Property Description PIN(s): 1538-10-7948 & 1538-10-5706 Acreage: 6.52 Address/SR No.: 3607 Hodges Chapel Rd (SR #1709) Township: (09) Johnsonville (10) Lillington (11) Neill’s Creek (12) Stewart’s Creek (13) Upper Little River (01) Anderson Creek (02) Averasboro (03) Barbecue (04) Black River (05) Buckhorn (06) Duke (07) Grove (08) Hectors Creek Vicinity Map HCBOC 011822 Pg. 100 STAFF REPORT Page 2 of 5 Physical Characteristics Site Description: currently occupied by the applicant’s business, which is a heavy truck shop & towing facility and other items that have accumulated due to their business. Surrounding Land Uses: Several non-residential uses, as well as residential and agricultural uses. Services Available Water: Public (Harnett County) Private (Well) Other: Unverified Sewer: Public (Harnett County) Private (Septic Tank) Other: unverified Transportation: Annual Daily Traffic Count: 2,100 along this section of Hodges Chapel Rd. Site Distances: Good HCBOC 011822 Pg. 101 STAFF REPORT Page 3 of 5 Zoning District Compatibility The following is a summary of potential uses. For all applicable uses for each Zoning district please refer to the UDO’s Table of Uses. CURRENT REQUESTED Comm Industrial Parks & Rec Natural Preserves X X Bona Fide Farms X X Single Family Manufactured Homes, (with design criteria) Manufactured Homes Multi-Family Institutional X X Commercial Services X X Retail X X Wholesale X X Industrial X Manufacturing X Land Use Classification Compatibility The following is a summary of potential uses. For all applicable uses for each Zoning district please refer to the UDO’s Table of Uses. ZONING LAND USE Industrial EMU Parks & Rec X Natural Preserves X X Bona Fide Farms X X Single Family Manufactured Homes, Design Regulated Manufactured Homes Multi-Family X Institutional X X Commercial Service X X Retail X X Wholesale X X Industrial X X Manufacturing X X HCBOC 011822 Pg. 102 STAFF REPORT Page 4 of 5 Site Photographs site site driveway & adjacent property street view & adjacent residence street view & I-95 View across the street HCBOC 011822 Pg. 103 STAFF REPORT Page 5 of 5 Evaluation Yes No The IMPACT to the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable, and the benefits of the rezoning outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community. REASONING: The impact to the surrounding community is reasonable, as there are several nonresidential uses in this area. Yes No The requested zoning district is COMPATIBLE with the existing Land Use Classification. REASONING: The requested zoning is compatible with the existing Land Use classification of Employments Mixed Use. This area is also within a Compact Mixed Use development node. These two designations highlight growing areas of the County that could include locations for employment and economic development opportunities, as well as have access to major thoroughfares. Yes No The proposal does ENHANCE or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. REASONING: The requested rezoning to Industrial would maintain the public health, safety, and general welfare as the proposed zoning district will allow for similar uses as which already exist. Yes No The request is for a SMALL SCALE REZONING and should be evaluated for reasonableness. REASONING: Due to its size and since this parcel is adjacent to the same zoning district, this application does not need to be considered for a Small Scale rezoning. Suggested Statement-of-Consistency (Staff concludes that…) As stated in the evaluation, the requested rezoning to Industrial would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on the nonresidential uses, current zoning districts in this area as well as compliance with the County’s Land Use Plan. Therefore, i t is recommended that this rezoning request be APPROVED. Additional Information On January 3rd, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of application based on the existing nonresidential uses on site and in the area.  No one spoke in opposition. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 104 Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2112-0003 Landowner: Sease 1995 Family Ltd Partnership Applicant: Sease 1995 Family Ltd Partnership Request: 6.52 acres from Commercial to Industrial Location: 3607 Hodges Chapel Rd, Averasboro Township Pin #’s: 1538-10-7948 & 1538-10-5706 Meeting Date: January 18, 2022 Statement-of-Consistency The requested rezoning to Industrial would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on the existing nonresidential uses in this area as well as compliance with the County’s Land Use Plan. Therefore the Harnett County Commissioners APPROVE the rezoning request. _______________________________ Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Chairman ATTEST: ____________________________________ Melissa D. Capps, Clerk HCBOC 011822 Pg. 105 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2022\011822\10.1 Addressing.FM_agenda form.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 18, 2022 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2112-0001 REQUESTED BY: Mark Locklear/ Development Services REQUEST: Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance; Article VI, Section 6.5. To amend Harnett County’s UDO in order to comply with North Carolina Fire Prevention Code. Development Services staff recommends approval based on compliance with the NC Fire Preventiona Code. Additional Information: On January 3rd, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of application based State regulations. No one spoke in opposition FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 10 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 106 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT ARTICLE VI. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Section 6.5 Display of Address 6.5.1 Display Provisions A. The owner(s) of any addressable structure shall post the approved street address number on the structure for the purpose of health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Harnett County. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner(s) to ensure that the display of the street address numbers is properly maintained. B. The height of the street address number displayed on a single family dwelling or detached residential structure shall be a minimum of three inches (3”). C. The height of the street address number displayed on a multifamily dwelling or nonresidential structure shall be a minimum of five inches (5”) six inches (6”). D. Street address numbers shall be of a contrasting color to the background so that they are clearly visible. E. The street address number shall be displayed on the structure in a location clearly visible from the public or private right(s)-of-way or dedicated access easement day and night. F. When the structure is not clearly visible or is more than 100 feet from the named road, the street address number shall be displayed at the driveway that serves the structure. The display shall be perpendicular to the roadway and shall be clearly visible from both directions of the public or private right(s)-of-way or dedicated access easement day and night. G. The street address number shall be displayed on both sides of the mailbox and on the mailbox door when mail is delivered to the structure by the United States Postal Service. H. E-911 Addressing shall have the right to authorize and approve alternate methods of displaying street address numbers which meet the intent of this Ordinance when strict adherence to these standards cannot reasonably be met. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 107 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE HARNETT COUNTY UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County adopted the UDO on October 17, 2011 for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the county residents; and WHEREAS, this ordinance was adopted under authority granted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, particularly G.S. 153A-340; and WHEREAS, the UDO contains provisions for amending said ordinance and those provisions have been followed; and WHEREAS, the Harnett County Planning Board has reviewed the amendment to the article of the UDO as listed below and recommends the adoption of the following amendment. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA that Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance Article VI: General Development Standards, Section 6.5.1 Display of Address, Display Provisions; of the UDO shall be amended to read as indicated in “Attachment”. “Attachment” is filed with the Unified Development Ordinance in the Clerk to the Board’s Office. Duly adopted this 18th day of January 2022 and effective upon adoption. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _______________________________ Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Chairman ATTEST: ____________________________________ Melissa D. Capps, Clerk HCBOC 011822 Pg. 108 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 2 ATTACHMENT ARTICLE VI. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Section 6.5 Display of Address 6.5.1 Display Provisions A. The owner(s) of any addressable structure shall post the approved street address number on the structure for the purpose of health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Harnett County. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner(s) to ensure that the display of the street address numbers is properly maintained. B. The height of the street address number displayed on a single family dwelling or detached residential structure shall be a minimum of three inches (3”). C. The height of the street address number displayed on a multifamily dwelling or nonresidential structure shall be a minimum of six inches (6”). D. Street address numbers shall be of a contrasting color to the background so that they are clearly visible. E. The street address number shall be displayed on the structure in a location clearly visible from the public or private right(s)-of-way or dedicated access easement day and night. F. When the structure is not clearly visible or is more than 100 feet from the named road, the street address number shall be displayed at the driveway that serves the structure. The display shall be perpendicular to the roadway and shall be clearly visible from both directions of the public or private right(s)-of-way or dedicated access easement day and night. G. The street address number shall be displayed on both sides of the mailbox and on the mailbox door when mail is delivered to the structure by the United States Postal Service. H. E-911 Addressing shall have the right to authorize and approve alternate methods of displaying street address numbers which meet the intent of this Ordinance when strict adherence to these standards cannot reasonably be met. HCBOC 011822 Pg. 109 Item 12AHCBOC 011822 Pg. 110 July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun TOTAL AVG. Front Desk - Check-in Appointments 855 1324 1597 1296 1090 1166 7328 1221.3 Health Clinics Adult Women Wellness Clinic 7 1 6 1 2 0 17 2.8333 Care Coordination for Children (CC4C)118 120 123 127 119 138 745 124.17 Child Health - Sick Clinic 107 171 214 179 135 179 985 164.17 Child Health - Well Clinic 84 140 131 109 76 73 613 102.17 County Employee Health Clinic 143 177 148 138 139 151 896 149.33 Family Planning 149 135 113 137 127 123 784 130.67 Immunizations 166 267 897 1163 268 223 2984 497.33 COVID Vaccines 439 535 675 648 1486 1218 5001 833.5 Maternity (Prenatal Clinic)151 170 144 97 125 78 765 127.5 OB Care Management (OBCM)110 206 173 153 170 206 1018 169.67 Postpartum Home Visits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Refer/Repeat Pap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STD Services 97 105 95 79 83 67 526 87.667 TB Services 78 77 66 73 82 39 415 69.167 Welcome Baby Home Visits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Services 1649 2104 2785 2904 2812 2495 0 0 0 0 0 0 14749 2458.2 Reportable Disease Cases Tuberculosis 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 0.5 HIV - (Quarterly report)4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0.6667 AIDS - (Quarterly report)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SYPHILIS - (Quarterly report)2 3 4 1 0 7 17 2.8333 OTHER STD's 90 61 44 20 15 26 256 42.667 Other (salmonella, campylobacter, etc)1 2 3 4 9 4 23 3.8333 Total Services 97 66 51 26 24 39 303 50.5 Health Education Outreach 288 484 352 533 273 197 2127 354.5 Laboratory Clients 584 797 720 604 722 644 4071 678.5 Laboratory Tests 1147 1157 1098 987 1158 1052 6599 1099.8 HIV Tests 132 110 106 91 99 89 627 104.5 WIC Active Participation 3497 3479 3480 3586 3580 17622 3524.4 Vital Statistics Births In County 25 25 38 24 37 37 186 31 Births Out of County 100 75 127 128 125 137 692 115.33 Deaths 53 69 70 60 60 63 375 62.5 Environmental Health Applications Received 125 131 119 126 104 72 677 112.83 Permits Issued 88 83 113 84 98 76 542 90.333 Completions Issued 60 58 56 64 73 52 363 60.5 Repair Permits Applied 9 15 6 4 4 6 44 7.3333 Permits Denied 1 0 0 1 0 2 4 0.6667 Food and Lodging Establishments Inspected/Reinspected 67 80 76 40 43 59 365 60.833 Visits /Construction/Critical 28 48 42 23 18 18 177 29.5 Complaints 0 4 6 2 0 4 16 2.6667 Private Water Supplies Well Applications Received 12 3 1 2 3 3 24 4 updated 1/05/2022 Activities Summary Harnett County Department of Public Health Item 12B HCBOC 011822 Pg. 111 Item 12C HCBOC 011822 Pg. 112 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 113 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 114 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 115 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 116 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 117 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 118 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 119 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 120 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 121 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 122 HCBOC 011822 Pg. 123