Planning Department
PO Box 65
108 E. Front St.
Lillington, NC 27546
Ph: 910-893-7525
Fax: 910-814-8278
TO: Harnett County Board of Adjustment Members
FROM: Teresa Byrd, Senior Dept. Support Specialist/Board Clerk
DATE: September 2, 2021
RE: September 13, 2021 Meeting
On this meeting agenda, there are the following:
• A Doublewide Manufactured Home in an RA-30 Zoning District.
• A Self-Storage Facility in an RA-30 Zoning District.
• A Dog Training and Board Facility in an RA-20R Zoning District.
PLEASE CALL in advance if you WILL NOT be able to attend the
Harnett County Development Services
420 McKinney Parkway
Lillington, NC 27546
September 13, 2021 @ 6:00 p.m.
Procedure to be followed at each Board of Adjustment Meeting:
1. Call to order 8. Cross-examination from the Board and others
2. Invocation 9. Close Conditional Use Hearing
3. Swearing in of witnesses 10. Deliberation by Board of Adjustment
4. Briefing on application being considered 11. Findings of Fact Checklist
5. Public Hearing opened 12. Decision by Board of Adjustment or Other Motion
6. Testimony from applicant 13. Approval of Minutes
7. Testimony from other witnesses 14. Board in Closed Session
Special Use –New Business
1. BOA2108-0003. Verenice Goicochea Pineda & Raul Diaz Urieta. A Doublewide
Manufactured Home in an RA-30 Zoning District; Pin # 0633-83-8669.000; .92 +/- acres;
Hector’s Creek Township; OFF SR # 1403 (Kipling Road).
2. BOA2108-0001. Roy & Rhonda Harrington / Harrington Companies, LLC. A Self-
Storage Facility in an RA-30 Zoning District; Pin # 0601-61-7373.000; 14.74 +/- acres;
Upper Little River Township; Intersection of Hwy 421N & SR#1269 (Patterson Road).
3. BOA2108-0002. Jessica Ellis. A Dog Training & Boarding Facility in an RA-20R
Zoning District; Pin # 0534-96-7220.000; 15.71 +/- acres; Stewart’s Creek Township; SR
# 2044 (Will Lucas Road).
September 13, 2021
SSttaaffff CCoonnttaacctt:: SSaarraahh AArrbboouurr,, PPllaannnneerr II
((991100)) 881144--66441144 oorr SSaarrbboouurr@@hhaarrnneetttt..oorrgg
APPLICANT: Raul Diaz Urieta
OWNERS: Raul Diaz Urieta & Verenice Pineda
LOCATION: Kipling Rd. Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526
ZONING: RA-30 ACREAGE: .92 +/- PIN: 0633-83-8669.000
REQUEST: Special Use Permit for a Multi-Section Manufactured Home in the RA-30 Zoning
The parcel is currently vacant
Surrounding land uses consist of stick built and manufactured residential home sites, and business activities.
Public water and private septic will be utilized.
Sight distances are moderate along Kipling Rd.
Traffic counts for this section of Kipling Rd. are unavailable.
If the special use permit is granted, the project will continue to Central Permitting to obtain all required
RA-30 Zoning District
All requirements or conditions shall be met prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy
(CO) for the home. In cases where the requirements listed herein cannot be met, the
applicant(s) may apply for a conditional use permit.
A. The structure shall be built to the HUD code for manufactured homes.
B. When located on the site, the longest axis of the unit shall be parallel to the lot frontage.
C. The structure shall have an a-pitched roof that is covered with material commonly used in
standard residential roofing construction. Said material shall be installed properly and be
consistent in appearance.
D. The structure shall have masonry underpinning that is continuous, permanent, and unpierced
except for ventilation and access.
E. The exterior siding shall consist predominantly of vinyl, aluminum, wood or hardboard; and
shall be comparable in composition, appearance, and durability to the exterior siding commonly
used in standard residential construction. Said exterior siding shall be in good condition,
complete, and not damaged or loose.
F. The minimum lot size shall be one (1) acre excluding any street right-of-way and the minimum
lot frontage shall be 150 feet as measured at the right-of-way line or along an easement whichever
applies, except on the bulb of a cul-de-sac where a minimum of 40 feet is acceptable.
G. The tongue or towing device shall be removed.
APPLICANT: Raul Diaz Urieta CASE NUMBER: BOA2108-0003
1. The requested use is / is not in harmony with the surrounding area and compatible
with the surrounding neighborhood for the following reasons:
2. The requested use will / will not materially endanger the public health and safety for
the following reasons:
3. The requested use will / will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property,
or, alternatively, the requested use is / is not or will / will not be a public necessity
for the following reasons:
4. The requested use will / will not meet all required conditions and specifications for
the following reasons: __________________________________________________
5. The requested use is / is not in general conformance with the Harnett County Unified
Development Ordinance (UDO), Land Use Plan, and other relevant adopted plans for
the following reasons:___________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
September 13, 2021
SSttaaffff CCoonnttaacctt:: LLaannddoonn CChhaannddlleerr,, SSeenniioorr PPllaannnneerr
((991100)) 889933--77552255 oorr LLCChhaannddlleerr@@HHaarrnneetttt..oorrgg
APPLICANT: Roy & Rhonda Harrington
OWNER: Harrington Companies, LLC
LOCATION: Patterson Rd
ZONING: RA-30 PIN#: 0601-61-7373 ACERAGE: 15.02
REQUEST: Storage, Self Mini-Warehouse
MAP: Directions from Lillington: Please see application for driving directions
• Site: Site is currently vacant and has been used as agricultural uses
• Surrounding Land Uses: Residential home sites and vacant land.
• Site uses Public Water
• Site uses Private Septic
• Site distances are good.
• Traffic count is approx. 7,300 vehicle trips along US 421.
• The applicant wishes to operate a Self Mini-Warehouse Storage.
• This project will be required go through the commercial site plan review process if approved. The Commercial Site
Plan review process includes a thorough review from Planning, Fire Marshal, Public Utilities, E911/ Addressing, and
Environmental Health Departments.
8.3.4 Storage, Self Mini-Warehouse
Subject to the following requirements:
A. Maximum building height of 20 feet.
B. A secured fence of at least six (6) feet in height shall surround the perimeter of the storage facility.
C. Adequate lighting shall be provided to illuminate the storage facility. The minimum size streetlight shall be a 175 watt
Mercury-vapor (approximately 7,000 lumen class) or its equivalent, spaced at intervals of not more than 300 feet.
D. No outside storage shall be permitted except as provided below.
E. Outdoor storage of boats, vehicles (including motorcycles), and recreational vehicles in designated spaces shall meet the
following requirements:
1. Outdoor storage space shall be limited to 25 percent (25%) of the total area of the site. Area not designated as outdoor
storage on the required site plan shall not be utilized for outdoor storage.
a. Existing facilities expanding to include outdoor storage shall submit a revised site plan showing such, in accordance with the
provisions of this Ordinance.
2. Area designated for outdoor storage shall not be visible from adjacent right(s)-of-way and shall install a Type D Buffer along
the exterior of the perimeter fencing.
3. Outdoor storage space(s) shall be located at the rear or side of the site.
F. The storage of hazardous, toxic, or explosive substances shall be prohibited.
G. No business activity sales, service, or repair activities, other than rental of the storage units or spaces, shall be conducted
within the storage facilities.
9.1.8 Required Buffer & Screening Types
In situations where a development is adjacent to multiple uses then the buffer requirement for each use shall be required along
each property line, otherwise the development shall follow the requirements listed below. In situations where both vegetative
screening and fencing are either required or utilized, the required vegetation shall be planted on the finished side of the fence,
which shall face out. Buffer shall be installed in accordance with the Buffer Types (Type A, Type B, Type C, and Type D)
listed herein.
A. All buffer types shall include:
1. A staggered row of large maturing trees, spaced not more than 30 feet apart; and
2. Low-growing evergreen shrubs, evergreen ground cover, or mulch covering the balance of the buffer area.
B. Type A Buffer
1. Minimum width of 15 feet (applies to side and rear property lines)
2. Option 1
A row of evergreen shrubs placed not more than four (4) to six (6) feet apart which will grow to form a continuous hedge of at
least six (6) feet in height within two (2) years of planting; or
3. Option 2
A masonry wall located within the required buffer area; such wall shall be a minimum height of six (6) feet (above finished
grade;) and, if a block wall, it shall be painted on all sides; or an opaque fence six (6) feet in height; or
4. Option 3
A berm meeting the requirements of this Section.
E. Type D Buffer
1. Minimum width of 15 feet (applies to property lines adjacent to public right-of-way or as otherwise noted within this
2. Option 1
A row of evergreen shrubs, 10 shrubs for every required large maturing tree, placed not more than four (4) feet apart which
will grow to form a continuous hedge of at least six (6) feet in height within two (2) years of planting; or
3. Option 2
An opaque fence located within the required buffer area; such fence shall be a minimum height of six (6) feet in height.
Site Across Road
Road View Road View
APPLICANT: Roy & Rhonda Harrington CASE NUMBER: BOA2108-0001
Harrington Companies, LLC
1. The requested use is / is not in harmony with the surrounding area and compatible
with the surrounding neighborhood for the following reasons:
2. The requested use will / will not materially endanger the public health and safety for
the following reasons:
3. The requested use will / will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property,
or, alternatively, the requested use is / is not or will / will not be a public necessity
for the following reasons:
4. The requested use will / will not meet all required conditions and specifications for
the following reasons: __________________________________________________
5. The requested use is / is not in general conformance with the Harnett County Unified
Development Ordinance (UDO), Land Use Plan, and other relevant adopted plans for
the following reasons:___________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
September 13, 2021
SSttaaffff CCoonnttaacctt:: LLaannddoonn CChhaannddlleerr,, SSeenniioorr PPllaannnneerr
((991100)) 889933--77552255 oorr LLCChhaannddlleerr@@HHaarrnneetttt..oorrgg
CASE NUMBER: B0A2108-0002
APPLICANT: Jessica Ellis
OWNER: Jessica Ellis
LOCATION: 2510 Will Lucas Rd
ZONING: RA-20R PIN#: 0534-96-7220.000 ACERAGE: 15.71
REQUEST: Kennel: Dog Training and Boarding Facility
Directions from Lillington: see application
Site: Site is currently wooded and unoccupied.
Surrounding Land Uses: Residential home sites, agricultural, and vacant land.
Site uses Public Water
Site uses Private Septic
Site distance is good.
Traffic count: N/A
The applicant wishes to operate a dog training and boarding facility.
This project will be required go through the commercial site plan review process. The Commercial Site Plan review
process includes a thorough review from Planning, Fire Marshal, Public Utilities, E911/ Addressing, and
Environmental Health Departments.
-Parking Requirements: 1 per employee + 1 per kennel or pen
-Type A Buffer and Type D Buffer Required for a level 3 use adjacent to a level 1 use
9.1.8 Required Buffer & Screening Types
In situations where a development is adjacent to multiple uses then the buffer requirement
for each use shall be required along each property line, otherwise the development shall
follow the requirements listed below. In situations where both vegetative screening and
fencing are either required or utilized, the required vegetation shall be planted on the
finished side of the fence, which shall face out. Buffer shall be installed in accordance with
the Buffer Types (Type A, Type B, Type C, and Type D) listed herein.
A. All buffer types shall include:
1. A staggered row of large maturing trees, spaced not more than 30 feet apart; and
2. Low-growing evergreen shrubs, evergreen ground cover, or mulch covering the balance of
the buffer area.
B. Type A Buffer
1. Minimum width of 15 feet (applies to side and rear property lines)
2. Option 1
A row of evergreen shrubs placed not more than four (4) to six (6) feet apart which will
grow to form a continuous hedge of at least six (6) feet in height within two (2) years of
planting; or
3. Option 2
A masonry wall located within the required buffer area; such wall shall be a minimum
height of six (6) feet (above finished grade;) and, if a block wall, it shall be painted on all
sides; or an opaque fence six (6) feet in height; or
4. Option 3
A berm meeting the requirements of this Section.
E. Type D Buffer
1. Minimum width of 15 feet (applies to property lines adjacent to public right-of-way or as
otherwise noted within this Ordinance)
2. Option 1
A row of evergreen shrubs, 10 shrubs for every required large maturing tree, placed not
more than four (4) feet apart which will grow to form a continuous hedge of at least six (6)
feet in height within two (2) years of planting; or
3. Option 2
An opaque fence located within the required buffer area; such fence shall be a minimum
height of six (6) feet in height.
Site Across Road
Road View Road View
E:\Data\0534\171030GR\210809EL.dwg, Site Plan, 8/9/2021 11:51:44 PM, 1:100, PRELIMINARY DRAWING, Streamline Land Surveying, Coats NC 910-897-7715
APPLICANT: Jessica Ellis CASE NUMBER: BOA2108-0002
1. The requested use is / is not in harmony with the surrounding area and compatible
with the surrounding neighborhood for the following reasons:
2. The requested use will / will not materially endanger the public health and safety for
the following reasons:
3. The requested use will / will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property,
or, alternatively, the requested use is / is not or will / will not be a public necessity
for the following reasons:
4. The requested use will / will not meet all required conditions and specifications for
the following reasons: __________________________________________________
5. The requested use is / is not in general conformance with the Harnett County Unified
Development Ordinance (UDO), Land Use Plan, and other relevant adopted plans for
the following reasons:___________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________