HomeMy WebLinkAboutHorton - Dog training - SRHARNETT COUNTY
July 13, 2020
SSttaaffff CCoonnttaacctt:: SSaarraahh AArrbboouurr,, PPllaannnneerr II
((991100)) 889933--77552255 oorr SSaarrbboouurr@@hhaarrnneetttt..oorrgg
APPLICANT: Denny Norton and Jeanne Wetzel
OWNER: Denny Norton and Jeanne Wetzel Horton
LOCATION: 64 Teak Wood Ct. Lillington, NC 27546
ZONING: RA-20R ACREAGE: +/- .52 acres PIN: 0506-84-2606.000
REQUEST Non-residential Conditional Use Permit for Dog Training Business
Directions from Lillington: Please see application for driving directions.
• Surrounding land use consists of single-family residential in a neighborhood setting.
• Public water; Private septic will be utilized.
• The parcel is currently used as a residential dwelling and dog training business.
• A conditional use permit is required for kennels, boarding stables, & other similar related uses.
• A commercial site plan review process will be required if a conditional use permit is granted.
• Sight distances are moderate
• Traffic counts for this location are not available.
• Parking Requirements: 1 per employee + 1 per kennel or pen
• Type A Buffer and Type D Buffer Required for a level 3 use adjacent to a level 1 use
9.1.8 Required Buffer & Screening Types
In situations where a development is adjacent to multiple uses then the buffer requirement
for each use shall be required along each property line, otherwise the development shall
follow the requirements listed below. In situations where both vegetative screening and
fencing are either required or utilized, the required vegetation shall be planted on the
finished side of the fence, which shall face out. Buffer shall be installed in accordance with
the Buffer Types (Type A, Type B, Type C, and Type D) listed herein.
A. All buffer types shall include:
1. A staggered row of large maturing trees, spaced not more than 30 feet apart; and
2. Low-growing evergreen shrubs, evergreen ground cover, or mulch covering the balance of
the buffer area.
B. Type A Buffer
1. Minimum width of 15 feet (applies to side and rear property lines)
2. Option 1
A row of evergreen shrubs placed not more than four (4) to six (6) feet apart which will
grow to form a continuous hedge of at least six (6) feet in height within two (2) years of
planting; or
3. Option 2
A masonry wall located within the required buffer area; such wall shall be a minimum
height of six (6) feet (above finished grade;) and, if a block wall, it shall be painted on all
sides; or an opaque fence six (6) feet in height; or
4. Option 3
A berm meeting the requirements of this Section.
E. Type D Buffer
1. Minimum width of 15 feet (applies to property lines adjacent to public right-of-way or as
otherwise noted within this Ordinance)
2. Option 1
A row of evergreen shrubs, 10 shrubs for every required large maturing tree, placed not
more than four (4) feet apart which will grow to form a continuous hedge of at least six (6)
feet in height within two (2) years of planting; or
3. Option 2
An opaque fence located within the required buffer area; such fence shall be a minimum
height of six (6) feet in height.
Site Road view
Across Street Road View