HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachments 06-09-2020city of dunn POST OFFICE BOX 1065 • DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 o FAX (910) 230-3590 www.dunn-nc.org Attachment #1 06-09-2020 PUBLIC NOTICE related to Regular Council Meeting Mayor William P. Elmore Jr. Mayor Pro Tern Chuck Tmnage Council Members J. Wesley Sills April Gaulden Frank McLean Billy Tart Dr. David L. Bradham City Manager Steven Neuschater The public is hereby notified that the City Council of the City of Dunn will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Dunn Municipal Building, 401 E. Broad Street, Dunn, NC. Some members of the Council may participate electronically. SPECIAL NOTICE REGARDING MEETING ACCESS DUE TO STATE OF EMERGENCY In an effort to reduce the spread of Covid-19, in -person access to the Council meeting is limited to a total of25 people (less than 14% of occupancy) to include our Council and needed staff. The Council Meeting will be available for live public viewing on Facebook - The City of Dunn, NC page or the Public can call in to listen - contact the City Clerk at 910-230-3S01 or tilliams@dunn-nc.org prior to Monday, June 8, 2020, 1:00 p.m. for instructions. Public access will be limited to a total of 12 people other than staff and Council. Audio will be available while waiting outside Council Chambers, if maximum occupancy is reached. Public Comment Period - Comments can be called in or emailed in to the Clerk by Monday, June 8, 2020, 1:00 p.m. to be read at the meeting. The person must abide by all rules related to the Public Comment Period, provide name and address and abide by the 3-minute time limit. The person may also call into the meeting to give their comments but they must call the City Clerk to sign up and receive instructions by the above stated time. Public Hearing - Comments can be called in or emailed to the Clerk by Monday, June 8, 2020, 1:00 p.m. and they will be read at the meeting during the Public Hearing. The call and email should include name, address of the person filing the comments and the Public Hearing that the comments are in reference to. The person may also call into the meeting to give their comments but they must call the City Clerk to sign up and receive instructions by the above stated time. Tammy Williams City Clerk 910-230-3S01 tilliams@dunn-nc.org DUNN All-Amarlu Cily I z��re c�7nmuni ma,�ters 1984*2013 x Mayor William P. Elmore Jr. city of dunn POST OFFICE BOX 1065 • DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 m FAX (910) 230-35Qn www.dunn-nc.org R2020-10 (Attach #2) 06-09-2020 Mayor Pro Tern Chuck Turnage Council Members J. Wesley Sills April Gaulden Prank McLean Billy Tart Dr. David L. Bradham City Manager Steven Neuschafer RESOLUTION DECLARING THE BADGE AND SERVICE WEAPON CARRIED BY CHIEF CHUCK WEST SURPLUS AND AWARDING THEM TO HIM ON HIS RETIREMENT WHEREAS, Charles L. "Chuck" West II served as Chief of the Dunn Police Department from December 1, 2017 until June 1, 2020, at which time he retired from the Dunn Police Department and an active career in law enforcement spanning over 30 years; and WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute Chapter 20-187.2 authorizes governing boards of law enforcement agencies to award to a retiring member the badge worn by him, as well as his service weapon: Glock, 9mm caliber, Model 17, Serial Number PKW913; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina, that the badge and service weapon (Serial # PKW913) with three magazines carried by Chief West be declared surplus and awarded to him on the occasion of his retirement. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we extend our sincere appreciation to Chief West for dedicated service rendered by him during his employment with the City of Dunn and the many improvements and accomplishments achieved by the department under his leadership. Adopted this 9eh day ofjune, 2020. ATTEST: � Tammy William ity Cleric mie� e-Ak - William P. Elmore r., Mayor zaffers CITY OF DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA STATE OF EMERGENCY - COVID-19 P2020-09 (Attach #3) AMENDMENT 1 06-09-2020 WHEREAS, a State of Emergency was declared for the City of Dunn in connection with the State of Emergency declarations, both nationwide and statewide, in response to COVID-19; and WHEREAS, the City of Dunn has taken many precautions including limiting public access to City facilities as well as to the City of Dunn Council and Planning Board meetings; and WHEREAS, the limiting of access to Council meetings and Planning Board meetings were in keeping with the Governor's Executive Order and to reduce the spread of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, the Governor has moved the State of North Carolina to Phase 2, easing certain COVID-19 restrictions; and WHEREAS, the Governor has also exempted Local Governments from the COVID-19 restrictions placed on businesses and other agencies. NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me as the Mayor of the City of Dunn under Article 1A of Chapter 166A of the North Carolina General Statutes and the City of Dunn Code of Ordinances: I hereby amend the State of Emergency issued on May 16, 2020 to allow for limited access by the public to the City of Dunn Council and Planning Board meetings with plans for public and staff attendance to be established by the City Manager. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as COVID-19 statewide restrictions are eased and as our State progresses through the phases outlined by the Governor, access limits to City meetings and facilities will also ease until all access restrictions are lifted, in accordance to the direction established by the City Manager. So Proclaimed, This, the 2801 Day of May, 2020. „Nruru„� %� '4OFD^A� o t?:�O�p0PA roc SEA\- f Q® p' ......••'�?`, �'� 9rH� C AQ`O ,�• Attest: s� � t Tammy Williai s)City Cleric CITY OF DUNN REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING BA $ BA16 2 (Attach #4) 6/3012020 Department: Administration Budget Amendment #: BA 8 Date: 6/9/2020 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-420-5900 Retiree's Insurance $ 133,000 $ 30,000 $ 163,000 tht'CIVUI i uNt I V I AL: 3 iao,uuu y ou,uuu a ioo,uw FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment Fund Balance 10-368-2001 Fund Balance $ (12,502.00) $ (30,000) $ (42,502) NEVENUt I I AL: y tl G,ouLUu) I certifv this reauested budoet amendment was approved by tyle UXV VW%cII on: Retiree insurance wes more expensive this year and this will move funds to cover expenses related to the Retiree Insurance increases. SOURCE: Use fund balance to cover the increased cost of Retiree's Insurance. BA 1920 #8 Date: (3V,Vvv) Z� (4L,Ouz) CITY OF DUNN REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING 6/30/2020 Department: Administration Budget Amendment#: BA9 Date: 6/9/2020 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-410-5701 Attorney Fees $ 20,000 $ 25,000 $ 45,000 General Fund 10-410-5702 Attorney Fees -Lot Foreclosures 5,000 1,000 $ 6,000 EAFLNUI IUKL I IAL: ZP 26,000 $ Gn,OVV $ 01,000 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment Fund Balance 10-368-2001 Fund Balance $ (42,502) $ (26,000) $ (68,502) KLVLNUL I IAL: D la 0 (44,OU4/ .y tGO,VVVf y �V O,J VG) CERTIFICATION: I certify this requested budget amendment was approved by ouncil on: SOURCE: The City had increased expenses due to land purchases, borrowing, Covid-19, Travel to New Bern for Council Retreat, and a lawsuit. Use fund balance to cover the increased expenses due to land purchases, borrowing, Covid-19, and lawsuit. SA 1920 #9 CITY OF DUNN REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING 6/30/2020 Department: Administration Budget Amendment#: BA 10 Date: 6/9/2020 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-443-9500 Tax Collection Fees $ 50,000 $ 20,000 $ 70,000 tXrtNUII J1 iz iU IAL: Y ov,vuu y 4u,uvu FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-301-0000 Ad -Valorem Taxes -Current Yr. $ (3,750,000) $ (20,000) $ (3,770,000) KtVtNUt IUTAL: was y a,iou'uuu) y (�u,uuu) y to"1u,uvu) on: There was an increase in the amount of fees due to increased receipts. SOURCE: Increase revenue from Ad -Valorem taxes currently received to fund increased fees. BA 1920 #10 CITY OF DUNN REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISION Department: Administration Budget Amendment #: BA 11 FISCAL YEAR ENDING 6/30/2020 Date: 6/9/2020 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-420-7400 Capital Outlay $ - $ 68,726.16 $ 68,726A6 30-710-7400 Capital Outlay 37,006.39 $ 37,006.39 EXPENDITURE TOTAL: 105,732.55 $ 105,732.55 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment Fund Balance 10-368-2001 Fund Balance $ (68,502) $ (68,726A6) $ (137,228.16) 30-390-4000 Fund Balance (192,750.00) (37,006.39) $ (229,756.39) on: Date: 06-09-2020 The City purchased 3 pieces of property (Skinner, Turner, Weeks & Stephenson) that were approved by City Council. SOURCE: Use fund balance to cover the cost of the approved land purchases. BA 1920 #11 CITY OF DUNN REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING 6/30/2020 Department: Administration Budget Amendment#: BA12 Date: 6/9/2020 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-510-1500 Animal Control Building $ 3,000 $ 10,200 $ 13,200 EXPENUI I URL IUTAL: 3,000 $ i0,200 $ 13,200 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment Fund Balance 10-368-2001 Fund Balance $ (137,228.16) $ (10,200) $ (147,428.16) PAM on: Date: Funds donated from the Magdalene Ennis Trust to improve the animal shelter are included in Fund Balance. SOURCE: Use the donated funds that are in fund balance to cover the expenses to improve the animal shelter. BA 1920 #12 C�lii•L�1y�14�W REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING 6/30/2020 Department: Administration Budget Amendment#: BA 13 Date: 6/9/2020 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-510-7403 Capital Outlay -SRO Vehicle $ - $ 58,157.12 $ 58,157.12 EXPENDITURE TOTAL: 58T157.12 $ 58,157A2 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-375-0201 SRO Reimbursement -Harnett Primary/Wayne Avenue $ (89,100) $ (58,157.12) $ (147,257.12) amendment was on: The City had increased expenses due to the purchase of a SRO vehicle. SOURCE: Use the SRO Reimbursement from the County to cover the cost of the vehicle. BA 1920 #13 CITY OF DUNN REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING 6/30/2020 Department: Administration Budget Amendment #: BA 14 Date: 6/9/2020 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-510-7401 Capital Outlay -Vehicles $ 160,000 $ 114,536.25 $ 274,536.25 GrCNUI I URC I U I Y.L. U , v N , .ca W - I . -� FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-399-1400 Installment Financing $ (580,000) $ (114,536.25) $ (694,536.25) CERTIFICATION: I certify this requested budget amendment was approve rekityCouncil on: Ci LIManagen Date: 06-09-2020 Finance Director: Date: 06-09-2020 JUSTIFICATION: The City had increas d expenses due to the purchase of police vehicles that were carried over from the prior year. FUNDING SOURCE: Use installment financing from USDA to cover the cost of the vehicles. BA 1920 #14 CITY OF DUNN REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING 6/30/2020 Department: Administration Budget Amendment#: BA 15 Date: 6/9/2020 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-500-1700 Information Technology $ 6,000 $ 100,000 $ 106,000 IzAl-'tNUI I Unt I U IAL: $ o,uvu S V m FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-399-1400 Installment Financing $ 465,463.75 $ (100,000) $ 365,463.75 FUNDING SOURCE: requested budget amendment was on: The City had increased expenses due to the purchase of computers. Use installment financing from First Citizens Bank to cover the cost of the computers. BA 1920 #15 06-09-2020 CITY OF DUNN REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING 6/3012020 Department: Administration Budget Amendment #: BA 16 Date: 6/9/2020 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment General Fund 10-420-7400 Capital Outlay $ - $ 163,050.31 $ 163,050.31 tJrMNUI I UM= I U I ML. S - Q , v.o� N , v..�, FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment Fund Balance 10-368-2001 Fund Balance $ (147,428.16) $ (163,050.31) $ (310,478.47) KtVtNUt IUIHC 4al a y J Niv,+i o.+ij (CERTIFICATION: I certifv this requested budqet amendment was approved b e Oity7Council on: _ Date: 06-09-2020 Finance Director: OJ :ICATION: The City purchased Y pieces of property 906 W. Broad St. & 108 N. Wayne Ave. (Tyndall Property) that were approved by City Council. NO SOURCE: Use fund balance to coverthe cost of the approved land purchases. BA 1920 #16 CITY OF DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA BUDGET 02020-09 (Attach #5) FY 2020-2021 05-09-2020 The following represents the budget for the City of Dunn, North Carolina adopted June 9, 2020, that the following fund revenues and total fund expenditures have been approved for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020: SECTION I. GENERAL FUND General Fund Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Local Option Sales Tax Licenses/Permits/Fees Investment Income Utilities Sales Tax Beer and Wine Tax Powell Bill Installment Financing Proceeds Garbage/Recycling Charges Grant Revenue Fund Balance -Powell Bill Other Revenue General Fund Expenditures General Government Public Safety Public Works/Cemetery Sanitation and Waste Removal Debt Service Recreation Library Powell Bill -Streets LEVY OF TAXES $4,193,600 2,160,000 549,700 75,000 746,400 44,000 295,000 560,000 957,000 53,000 300,000 1,341,300 TOTAL $11,275,000 $2,823,790 3,338,400 1,997,500 775,000 883,960 610,700 215,650 630,000 TOTAL $11,275,000 There is hereby levied the following rate of tax on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) valuation of taxable property, as listed for taxes as of January 1, 2020 for the purpose of raising the revenue from current year's property tax, as set forth in the foregoing estimates of revenue and in order to finance the foregoing appropriation: GENERALTAX Rate per $100 Valuation of Taxable Property $.50 SPECIAL DOWNTOWN TAX DISTRICT Rate per $100 Valuation of Taxable Property $.12 SECTION II. WATER AND SEWER A. Revenues Utility Charges -Water Utility Charges -Sewer Tap Fees Reconnection Fees Penalties Investment Income Water Tower Site Rental Eastover Sanitary District -Debt Payment Other Income B. Expenditures Administration/Finance Water/Sewer Distribution and Collection Water Treatment Plant Waste Water Treatment Plant Debt Service SECTION Ill. STORMWATER FUND A. Revenues Stormwater Fees B. Expenditures $3,200,000 2,650,000 19,000 45,000 60,000 7,500 80,000 192,000 442,500 TOTAL $6,696,000 $1,264, 800 1,677,300 1,417,700 1,321,000 1,015,200 TOTAL $6,696,000 TOTAL $414,000 $414,000 Stormwater Expenditures $414,000 TOTAL $414,000 SECTION IV. SPECIAL AUTHORIZATION -BUDGET OFFICER A. The Budget Officer shall be authorized to affect interdepartmental transfers, in the same fund, not to exceed $5,000, B. The Finance Director is hereby designated Finance Officer and is authorized to make interfund loans for a period of not more than 60 days. The Finance Officer shall establish and maintain accounting procedures which are in compliance with the Statutes of the State of North Carolina. C. Interfund transfers, established in the budget document, may be accomplished without recourse to the council. SECTION V. RESTRICTION -BUDGET OFFICER The interfund transfer of monies, except as noted in Section IV -paragraph B and C, shall be accomplished by Council authorization only. SECTION VI. UTILIZATION OF BUDGET AND BUDGET ORDINANCE The Ordinance and the Budget Document, shall be the basis of the financial plan for the Dunn Municipal Government during the 2020-21 fiscal year. The Budget Officer shall administer the budget and shall insure that the operating facilities are provided guidance and sufficient details to implement their appropriate portion of the Budget. SECTION VII. DISTRIBUTION Copies of this Ordinance shall be furnished to the Clerk, to the Council, and to the Budget Officer and Finance Director to be kept on file by them for their direction in the disbursement of funds. Adopted this g'h day of June, 2020 'I, William P. Elmo`re, Jr oO�PO�TF : Mayor ' Attest: _ ®m SEA\- ®' .. �. Tammy William's, City Clerk ` The budget ordinance, and all additional amendments, are available in the office of the City Clerk, Dunn Municipal Building, Dunn, North Carolina / / n/ City Manager City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Administration CURRENT FEES Misc. Fee & Chatpes Copy of City Council Meetings & Other Meetings CD/DVD $5.00 per CD/DVD CD/DVD provided by individual $0.00 Xerox Copies- Black & White .10¢ per page Returned Check Fee $25.00 Sunshine List - except media $10.00/year §143-318.12 Public notice of official meetings. The public body shall charge a fee to persons other than the media, who request notice, of ten dollars ($10.00) per calendar year, and may require them to renew their requests quarterly, Assessments Water & Server Assessments Water Main To be determined - per job/lineal ft. Sewer Main To be determined - per job/lineal ft. Curb & Cutter To be determined - per job/lineal ft. Sidelvallt To be determined - per job/lineal ft. Tile Open Ditch/PtEing cost of materials Building Inspections & Code Enforcement CURRENT FEES New Dwelling - Single FanzLI Dwelling Up to 1200 sq. ft. $500.00 Over 1200 sq. ft. .25¢ per sq. ft. (Includes Electrical, Plumbing & Mechanical) Note: This is total sq. ft., i.e. garage, porch, deck, etc. included Homeowners Recovery Fund - § 87-15.6. $10.00 Additions & Remodeling - Residential (Bedrooms, bathrooms, sunrooms, etc.) 0 - 400 sq. ft. $200.00 Over 400 sq. ft. .25¢ per sq. ft. (Includes Electrical, Plumbing & Mechanical) Multi -Family Dwelling First Unit $350.06 Each Additional Unit $150.00 (Inchrdes Electrical, Plumbing & Mechanical) Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DR"T Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Mobile Homes Single -Wide Mobile Homes - (Building only) $150.00 Double -Wide Mobile Homes - (Building only) $175.00 Triple -Wide Mobile Homes - (Building only $200.00 (Inchides piers, fie -downs, steps, and decks) Poured Footing Inspection $50.00 Mechanical Permit Fee $60.00 Electrical Permit Fee $60.00 Plumbing Permit Fee $60.00 Dwellings Moved mt Lat $150.00 Trade Fees $60.00/each Residential AcceSSmT Buildings (Attached & Detached) (Garages, storage buildings, pool houses, decks/screen parches, etc.) 0 to 400 sq. ft. $50.00 401 to 800 sq. ft. $100.00 801 to 1200 sq. ft. $150.00 1200 sq. ft. and greater Same As New Dwelling Mechanical Permit Fee $60.00 Electrical Permit Fee $60.00 Plumbing Permit Fee $60.00 Residential Trade Pervnits Mechanical Permit Fee $60.00 Electrical Permit Fee $60.00 Plumbing Permit Fee $60.00 Modular Homes $290.00 (Fee Includes Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical) Permit Fee for Nan -Residential COuNti'1letion $0 to 5,000.00 $100.00 $5,001 to 25,000 $200.00 $25,001 to 50,000 $400.00 $50,001 to 100,000 $805.00 $100,001 to 200,000 $1,610.00 $200,001 to 350,000 $2,815.00 $350,001 to 500,000 $3,720.00 $500,001 to 750,000 $4,975.00 $750,001 to 1,000,000 $6,230.00 Fees over $6,230 = plus 0.2% of each added million dollars or portion thereof Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Plan Review Fees (Non -Residential Only (Includes Building mtd Fire Review) < 5,000 sq. ft. $50.00 5,000 sq. ft. - 10,000 sq. ft. $100.00 10,001 sq. ft. - 25,000 sq, ft. $150.00 25,001 sq. ft. - 100,000 sq. ft. $200,00 > 100,001 sq, ft. $250.00 Miscellaneous Fees Demolition Permit (May require asbestos report) Residential $60.00 Commercial Use Commercial Rates Residential Swimming Pools $50.00 Plus Trade Fees Permit Changes (Change of Contractor, Scope of Work, etc.) $50.00 Permit Renewal (6 months to 2 years) $100.00 Permit Renewal (More than 2 years) New Permit Fees Service Pole and Service Changes $50.00 Change of Occupancy or Use Permit $50.00 Reinspection Fee (I - 7 items or approved plans not on site) $50.00 Reinspection Fee (>8 items or after 1st Reinspection) $75.00 Conditional Power Inspection (Commercial Only) $50.00 Working Without Permit Double Permit Fees Sign Permit (requiring footings and wind calculations $60.06 Misc. inspection (dayeares/foster homes, etc.) $75.00 ABC Permit Inspections $75.00 Residential Deck or Handicap Ramp $60.00 Residential Roof Replacement $50.06 Residential Lawn Irrigation $50.00 After Hours/Weekend/I-loliday Inspections $100/hr. (I hour minimum) replacement Permit Inspection Card $25.00 Fire Permit Fees Construction Permits (Required) Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems $35.00 plus $2 per nozzle Battery Systems $50.00 Compressed Gases $50.00 Cryogenic $50.00 Fire Alarm and Detection Systems $35.00 plus $2.00 per device Fire Pumps and Related Equipment $50.00 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (UGS'r/AGST) $50.00 Per Tank (Piping) $50.00 Hazardous Materials $75.00 Industrial Ovens $50.00 LP Gas Systems $50.00 Private Fire Hydrants $50.00 per Hydrant Spraying or Dipping $50.00 Standpipe Systems $50.00 Temporary Membrane Structures and Tents $50.00 Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. geewdgMgd Permits Amusement Buildings $50.00 Carnivals and Fairs $75.00 Combustible Dust -Producing Operations $50.00 Combustible Fibers $50.00 Compressed Gases $50.00 Covered Mall Buildings $50.00 Cutting and Welding $50.00 Dry Cleaning Plants $50.00 Exhibits and Trade Shows $75.00 Explosives $100.00 - Fireworks Displays $50.00 Flammable and Combustible Liquids $50.00 Fumigations and Thermal Insecticidal $50.00 Hazardous Materials $200.00 HPM Facilities $200.00 High -Piled Storage $50.00 Hot Work Operations $0.00 LiquidlGas-Fueled Vehicles in Assembly Buildings $50.00 Miscellaneous Combustible Storage $50.00 Organic Coatings $50.00 Private Fire Hydrants $50.00 per hydrant Pyrotechnic Special Effects Material $50.00 Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -Dispensing Facilities $50.00 Storage of Scrap Tires and Tire Byproducts $50.00 Waste Handling $50.00 Temporary Membrane Structures and Tents $25.00 Fire Inspection Fees Up to 3,000 sq. ft. $35.00 3,001 sq. ft. to 5,000 sq. ft. $45.00 5,001 sq. ft. to 10,000 sq. ft. $65.00 10,001 sq. /i. to 25,000 sq. ft. $95.00 25,001 sq. ft. to 50,000 sq. ft. $125.00 50,001 sq. ft. to 100,000 sq. ft. $165.00 100,001 sq. ft. to 500,000 sq. ft. $215.00 > 500,000 sq. ft. $300.00 Fire Re -Inspection Fees Follow-up Reinspection No Charge 1st Reinspection $45.00 2nd Reinspection $65.00 3rd Reinspection $85.00 Not remedied after 3rd Reinspection until corrected $100 per day Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Fire Plan Review Fees For Sprinkler & Fire Alarm < 5,000 sq. ft. $50.00 5,000 sq. ft. - 10,000 sq, ft. $100.00 10,001 sq. ft. - 25,000 sq. ft. $150.00 25,001 sq. ft. - 100,000 sq. ft. $200.00 > 100,001 sq. ft. $250.00 Weedy Lot Fees - Uncontrolled Growth Price to Mou, Lots .00 to .25 acres $150.00 .26 to .50 acres $200.00 .51 to 1.00 acres $260.00 Each Additional Acre $260.00 City Code Violations Fire Code Citations (Section 8-38) Locked or Blocked Exit (1st offense) $500.00/door Locked or Blocked Exit (After Ist offense within 12 month period) $1,000.00/door Overcrowding (Exceeding posted occupant load) $500.00/door Overcrowding (After 1st offense within 12 month period) $1,000.00/door Illegal Burning - First Offense Written Warning ---second Offense $50.00 - Third Offense (Notify State of Air Quality Violation) $100.00 Minimum Housing Code - 4-31 Noncompliance after 90 day order expires - 4-31(14) $250.00/per day Violation of Section 4-31(10)(a) $100.00 Non -Residential Code -Art VII Noncompliance after 90 day order expires (First day) - 4-192 $150.00 - Noncompliance after first Citation $50.00/per day Dunn Public Library CURRENT FEES Fines Dunn Public Library follows the fee structure established by the Harnett County Public Library One Week Items (DVD/Video) - begins after closing on due date 0.50¢ per day Maximum overdue fine for DVD/Videos is limited to $20.00 One Week Items (mal:azines) - begins day after item due .10¢ per day Three Weelc Items (books) - begins loth day after item due $2.00 Each additional day late .10¢ per day Maximum overdue fine for books is limited to $10.00 Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Fees Lost or damaged materials Actual cost of material Fax Outgoing 10¢/page local & toll free $1.00/page long distance Incoming 10¢/page Photocopies & Printouts Black& White 10¢/page Color $1.00 per page Color (I I x 17) $2.00 per page Replacement Library Card $1.00 Books Marks on pages non -obstructing of text $5.00 Torn pages $5.00 Torn cover $5.00 Magazines Damaged (torn pages) $3.00 Audiobooks & DVDs Audiobook missing disc $10.00 Audiobook case damage $8.00 Missing DVD case $2.00 Missing DVD bonus material $5.00 Public Works CURRENT FEES JunIFIDebris Removal Fee 'Administrative/Processing Fee $125.00 'Manpower hourly Rate of each employee 'Equipment/gas usage Hourly Rate for each piece of equipment used 'Tipping Fees Per submitted landfill ticket Minimum removal fee plus administrative fee on all work orders $50.00 Cemetery Services Grave openln2/closinp Monday thru Friday $700.00 Weekends and Holidays $900.00 Urn and infant fee % of appropriate fee Marker Foundation Base Veteran/Government marker - furnished No Charge Base for other markers $100.00 Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. CemeteJv Rates /All Cemeteries Each Plot $1,000.00 Cemetery Lot Transfer Fees & Deed Fees Transfer Form only - without a printed deed $20.00 Transfer Form - with a printed deed $25.00 Deed Copies $25.00 Parrs & Recreation CURRENT FEES Fmcil/ty Use &Fees Dunn Community Building $500 + $300 deposit Dr. RIC Vyas ALD. Recreation Center Membership Fees $20/month = $200/year (Includes use of i'Yelhsess/Fitness Rm & Racquetball Rm) Pay Per Use Fee $5 per person Racquetball $5.00 per person Class Rental Fee $15.00 per hour Batting Cage (booked in 30 min. timeslots) $5 per person Multi -Purpose Room $25/hr. + $50.00 deposit Gym Rental Fees $40/hr. + $100,00 deposit Park Picnic Shelter Rental $15/hr. Tennis Court Rental Fee $15 per hour Open space Rental (non ball field) $10/hr. Athletic Field Rental Without Lights $200.00 per day With Lights $250.00 per day Reserve fields without lights $25.00/Hoar (Max. 2 hours) Reserve fields with lights $30.00/hour (max 2 hours) Yanfh Sports Regishatlon Resident $20 per player Non -Residents $60 one sport $40 each additional spout $40 each additional child Sponsorship Fees Sp/'%/J2 Spm'Is T-ball, A league and AA league $200.00 Girl's softball - 8u, 10u, 12u, 15u, 18u $275.00 Boy's baseball - AA, AAA, Majors, Dixie Boys, Dixie Boys Majors $275.00 Miracle League team - effective 4/15/15 $275.00 Fall Sports Soccer 4u, 6u, Su $175.00 Soccer IOn & 13u $225.00 Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Adult League Sports Men's and Women's softball $30 resident/$50 non-resident Kickball $30 resident/$50 non-resident Men's Basketball $30 resident/$50 non-resident Volleyball, Walleyball $30 resident/$50 non-resident Late Fee for all Registrations $5.00 C.B. Codrington PalklCity Srvinmm7g Pool Adults $3.00 Children $2.00 Pool Rental $60/hr: minimum 2 hours Planning CURRENT FEES Plmmiag Board Fees Application for Rezoning or Conditional Zoning (per owner) $500.00 Application for Conditional Use Permit $700.00 Application for Ordinance Amendment/ General Plan Amendment $300.00 Application for Street/Alley Closing $500.00 Application for Voluntary Annexation (per parcel) $125.00 Board of Adiustment Fees Application for Variance $500.00 Application for Special Use Permit $1,000.00 Appeal Zoning Administrator's Decision $500.00 Development Permit Fee Schedule Site plan and permit review New Construction/Major Addition (per lot) Single Family Home $50.00 Single Family Home (in floodplain) $100.00 Multi-family/Non-residential $100.00 Multi-family/Non-residential (in floodplain) $200.00 Minor Addition/Change In Use (per lot) Multi-family/Non-residential $50.00 Multi-family/Non-residential (in floodplain) $100.00 Fence Permit $50.00 Zoning Compliance Letter Fee $50.00 Sign Permit Fees Wall Sign $50.00 each Ground Sign $100.00 each Freestanding Sign $200.00 each Construction/Portable Sign/Temporary Signs $50.00 each Plan Review - Master Sign Plan $I5 .00 Outdoor Advertising/High Rise (plus Inspection Fees) $200.00 each Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Temporary Banner/Windblown Signs $20.00 Yard Sale Signs and Section 22-297 Signs No Fee Political Signs and Special Event Signs $150.00 ($75 refunded - all signs removed irithin 5 days) Sign Cabinet Replacement $100.00 Subdivision Fee Schedule Certificate of Exemption $50.00 Minor Subdivision Plan Review Fee 1-3 lots (including new residual parent lot) $50.00 per lot Major Subdivision - Sinkle Family Residential Preliminary Subdivision Plat Review Base Fee *.Base fee includes up to 3 lots including new residual parent lot $200.00 *Additional lots exceeding 3 included in base fee $10/lot Final Subdivision Plat Review Fee *Base fee includes up to 3 lots including new residual parent lot $150.00 *Additional lots exceeding 3 included in base fee $10/lot Major Subdivision - Mald Family and Non -Residential Preliminary Subdivision Plat Review Base Fee $300.00 *Additional fee for each lot including new residual parent lot $10/lot Final Subdivision Plat Review Fee $200.00 *Additional fee for each lot including new residual parent lot $10/lot Construction Plans Review Fee Processing fee plus hourly rate for consultant review services tines the number of review hours $75 minimum "Not to exceed $250 unless Developer is notified that the fee could exceed the cap amount. Note: all plan review fees include three review of plans submittals. If additional reviews are necessary, an additional plan review fee will be assessed per plan review. Publications Copies (Black and White) 100/page Maps s 1/2" x I V $5.00 11" x 17" $10.00 24" x 36" $20.00 32" x 44" $30.00 Custom Map = cost of map plus: $50.00/hour Larne Format Prints/Copies oLPlans 24" x 36" (B & W only) $3.00/page Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Land Use Plan Paper (B & W) $10.00 Paper (Color) $20.00 CD (pdf) $3.00 Zoning Ordinance Paper(B & W) $10.00 CD (pdf) $3.00 Updates Paper (B & W) .10¢/sheet CD (pdf) $3.00 Pedestrian Plan/Bilie Plan Paper (B & W) $10.00 Paper (Color) $20.00 CD (pdf) $3.00 Privilege License Business Registration Fee $40.00 Schedule B (fees regulated by the City of Dunn) Beer "Off Premises" $5.00 Beer "On Premises" $15.00 Wine "Off Premises" $10.00 Wine "On Premises" $15.00 Alcohol Consumption at Public Special Events $100.00 Food Truck $40.00 Taxicab Fare Taxicabs § 11-194. $15.00 each driver $195 for the first one -tenth (1/10) mile and $0.25 for each additional one -tenth (I/10) of a mile ($4.20 for first mile and $2.50 each additional mile) Animal Control CURRENT FEES Released Back to Owner Impound Fee $25.00 Boarding $10.00/day Other Offenses $10.00 Aeeressfve Does 1 st Offense $50.00 2nd Offense $100.00 3rd Offense $200.00 Pet Adoptions Dogs $85.00 Cats $45.00 Rabies Shot $10.00 Heaitworm Shot Test (optional) $15.00 10 Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Police CURRENT FEES Registration Fee for Solicitation or Peddling - §11-73 $20.00 Apply in advance - valid for 30 days Charitable Solicitation Permit Fees - §11-286 $20.00 Permit for application required 30 days in advance of event Curfew Ordinance 1st offense - misdemeanor $100.00 2nd Offense $250.00 3rd Offense $400 + imprisonment False Alarm Respmises (Sec. 13-52) Sixth false alarm $50.00 Seventh false alarm $100.00 Eighth false alarm $150.00 Ninth false alarm $200.00 Ten (10) or more false alarms $250.00 Graffiti Ordinance - §13-65 1 st Offense - Civil Penalty $250.00 2nd Offense $500.00 Delinquency charge upon non-payment $25.00 Misdemeanor for failure to pay $1,000 and/or imprisonment Noise Ordinance - §13-36. Application & Permit Fee - 48 hrs. prior to event $15.00 Security Deposit $ I00.00 Initial citation $50.00 Initial citation - not paid within 72 hours add $25.00 2nd Offense within 12 months $100.00 3rd Offense within 12 months $250.00 Parade/Picket Line/Group Demonstration Permits-§14-3 $0.00 Parking Violations Overtime Parking $5.00 Double parking $10.00 Parking in no Parking Zone $10.00 Stopping, Standing or Parking within Intersection, on Crosswalk, near Fire Hydrant, etc. $ I0.00 Stopping in Street $10.00 Parking in Fire Lane $25.00 Parking in Loading Zone $10,00 Obstructing passage of Public Conveyance or vehicle $10.00 All Other Parking Violation $10.00 Tobacco Free Ordinance Violations $50.00 Storage Fee - Impound Lot (fee assessed once vehicle released by courts) $20.00/day 11 Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. FINANCE DEPT, CURRENT FEES Returned Check Fee $25.00 Carbare Pickup Residential Garbage Rate $16.70 per month Residential Yard Waste Rate $3.10 per month Curbside Recycltn� Residential curbside pick-up (every other week) $3.70 per month (billing is included with City of Dunn utility bill) Bulls pickup per unit service fee $4.00 per month Sturm Water Fee Non -Residential $7.75 per month Residential $2.75 per month WaterlSeiver CURRENT FEES After Hours Fee $45.00 Non-payment Administrative Tee $35.00 Late Fee 10% of outstanding bill Water Rate Schedule Inside City Limits Minimutn 2,000 $15.25 per month 2,001 to 4,000 gallons $4.65 per 1,000 per month 4,001 to 6,000 gallons $4.75 per 1,000 per month 6,001 to 8,000 gallons $4.80 per 1,000 per month 8,001 +gallons $4.85 per 1,000 per month Outside City Limits Minimum 2,000 $30.50 per month 2,001 to 4,000 gallons $9.30 per 1,000 per month 4,001 to 6,000 gallons $9.50 per 1,000 per month 6,001 to 8,000 gallons $9.60 per 1,000 per month 8,001 1- gallons $9.80 per 1,000 per month Industrial Rate Inside City Limits Minimum 2,000 $15.25 per month 2,001 to 4,000 gallons $4.65 per 1,000 per month 4,001 to 6,000 gallons $4.75 per 1,000 per month 6,001 to 8,000 gallons $4.80 per 1,000 per month 8,001 to 500,000 gallons $4.85 per 1,000 per month 500,001 + gallons $2.80 per 1,000 per month Outside City Limits Minimum 2,000 $30.50 per month 2,001 to 4,000 gallons $9.30 per 1,000 per month 4,001 to 6,000 gallons $9.50 per 1,000 per month 6,001 to 8,000 gallons $9.60 per 1,000 per month 8,001 to 500,000 gallons $9.80 per 1,000 per month 500,001 + gallons $5.60 per 1,000 per month 12 Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Government Bulk Rate W/O minimum GPD guaranteed in contract $4.70 per 1,000 per month Minimum gpd guaranteed in contract $2.14 per 1,000 per month Server Rates Inside City Limits Base Rate 3/e" meter $14.50(BR+$6.36/1,000) per month 1" $27.30(BR+$6.36/1,000) per month 1'/2 $44.50(BR+$6.36/1,000) per month 2" $62.85(BR+$6.36/1,000) per month 3" $165.20(BR+$6.36/ 1,000) per month 4" $183.25(BR+$636/1,000) per month 6" $571.10(BR+$6.36/1,000) per month Sewer Only Residential $45.00 per month Sewer Only Commercial (requires metered usage) $45,00(BR+$6.36/1,000) per month Large Industrial User -Applies to a large sanitary sewer service where the customer is billed monthly and discharges 1,000,000 gallons (minimum of three months out of a rolling 12 months to qualify for this rate) and where all wastewater is discharged into the sanitary sewer system at a single discharge point Base Rate (by meter size)+ $5.50/1,000 per month Outside City Limits Base Rate '/;' meter $27.50 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month 1" $51.52 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month 1Y2 $84.00 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month 2" $118.60 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month 3" $311.66 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month 4" $345.74 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month 6 " $1077.54 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month Sewer Only Residential $78.00 per month Sewer Only Commercial (requires metered usage) $78.00 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month Large Industrial User -Applies to a large sanitary sewer service where the customer is billed monthly and discharges 1,000,000 gallons (minimum of three months out of a rolling 12 months to qualify for this rate) and where all wastewater is discharged into the sanitary sewer system at at single discharge point Base Rate (by meter size)+ $11.00/1,000 per month 13 Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule foi, FT 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Water & Sewer Tan Fee Schedule All Taps Deposit required. Deposit are 50% of tap cost as identified. All taps greater than I"are cost plus tinte and material (Deposit Required) Deposits are 50% of tap cost. DEPOSIT REQUIRED Water Taps Tap Restoration (Same as new Tap) $500.00 In Town 3/4" Water Tap Fee $1,500.00 1" Water Tap Fee $1,800.00 Water Taps Out of Town 3/4" Water Tap Fee $2,500.00 1" Water Tap Fee $3,000.00 Sewer Tans Tap Restoration (Same as new Tap) $500 4" (Direct tap to main and not to exceed 8Ft in depth. Tapfee phis time & materialsfor core drilling or depths greater than Wt.) $1,400 6" (Direct tap to main and not to exceed 817t in depth. Tapfee plus time and material for core drilling or depths greater than 8 Ft) $1,600 Transfer Fee $25.00 Temporary Landlord Connection $35.00 Water Sample Fee $50.00 Water Sample Fee - government bulk users $25.00 Water Meter Tampering Fee Water cut-on/cut-off $50.00 Lock $100.00 Breaking cut off valve $175.00 Damage to automated metering equipment (first occurrence) $150 per incident Damage to automated metering equipment continue occurrences) $325 per occurrence Meter Deposit Rates Homeowners $60.06 Rental Tenants $100.00 Commercial Accounts Based on Meter Size 3/4"-1 1/2" _ $100, 2"= $200, 3"_ $300, 4"= $400, 6" =$600 Hydrant Meter (Deposit) $100.00 Meter Read Request Rates 2 Read Requests per Calendar year no charge Additional Reads (if no error identified) cost per read $25.06 Fireline Protection 2" $12.00 per month 4" $25.00 per month 6" $50.00 per month 8" $75.00 per month 10" $ 110.00 per month 12" $160.00 per month 14 Fee Schedule 20-21 City of Dunn Fee Schedule DRAFT Fee Schedule for FY 2020-2021 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Taxes CURRENT PEES PPaperty Tnx Rate Rate .5001$100 valuation of taxable property Downtown Dunn Tax District .12¢!$100 valuation of taxable property Vehicle License Fee $30.00 Yard Sale Permit- iindt 3/year $2.00 § 11-253 - § 11-254 Administrative processing permit fee for no more than 3 such permits lasting no more than 2 consecutive days daring any ealendar. year. 15 Fee Schedule 20-21 nc e city of Bunn POST OFFICE BOX 1065 ® DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 • FAX (910) 230-3590 %w .dunn-nc.org 02020-10 (Attach #6) 06-09-2020 Mayor William P. Elmore Jr. Mayor Pro Tern Chuck Turnage Council Members J. Wesley Sills April L. Gaulden Frank McLean Billy N. Tart Dr. David L. Bradham City Manager Steven Neuschafer AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TO REMOVE OR DEMOLISH THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS AN UNSAFE BUILDING CONDEMNED PURSUANT TO N.C.G.S. §160A-426, ET SEQ. WHEREAS, that on February 191h, 2020, the Chief Building Inspector for the City of Dunn sent a notice to Peggy J. Blackmon, Brittany Blackmon, and Joy Blackmon, the owner(s) of record of structure located at 100 Poppy St, noting that the structure was in a condition that constitutes a fire and safety hazard, and is dangerous to life, health and property and was thereby condemned, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-426, and noticed the property owner of a hearing on February 27th, 2020 at the office of the Chief Building Inspector located at 102 North Powell Ave., Dunn, North Carolina pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-428; and WHEREAS, on February 27th, 2020 a hearing was conducted by the Chief Building Inspector Steven King. Following the completion of the hearing, the Chief Building Inspector entered an Order, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160-429, declaring that the structure referenced above is in a condition that constitutes a fire or safety hazard and is dangerous to life, health or other property and ordering the property owner to repair or demolish the structure on the property within sixty (60) days of the date of such Order, being May 2nd, 2020; and DUNN All-AmarleaCity 1 �re eatrerttecnf. 7natters (9R9*261} WHEREAS, the owner of the above described structure did not appeal the Order of the Building Inspector within the ten (10) day time period prescribed in North Carolina General Statute § 160A-430 and such Order is therefore a final Order; and WHEREAS, on May 29th, 2020 and June 2"d, 2020, the City of Dunn published legal notices that a public hearing would be held before the Dunn City Council on June 91h, 2020 to consider the adoption of this Ordinance, directing that the Building Inspector proceed with the demolition of the structure described hereby, and that all costs incurred shall be a lien against such property, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-432; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dunn, NC finds that the structure described herein is dangerous or prejudicial to the public health or public safety and is a nuisance in violation of North Carolina General Statute 160A-193; and WHEREAS, this structure should be removed or demolished, as directed by the Chief Building Inspector, and is an unsafe building condemned as set forth in North Carolina General Statute § 160A-426 and constitutes a fire and safety hazard; and WHEREAS, the owner of this structure has been given a reasonable opportunity to repair or demolish the structure pursuant to an Order issued by the Building Inspector on March 3rd, 2020 and the owner has failed to comply with this order; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina that: Section 1. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to place a placard on the exterior of the structure described herein, containing the legend: "This building is unfit for human habitation and is a public nuisance; the use or occupation of this building for human habitation is prohibited and unlawful." On the structure at the following address: 100 Poppy St. Dunn, NC 28334 PIN 4:1517-14-4010.000 PARCEL ID 9: 02151718070049 Section 2. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to remove or demolish the above described structure in accordance with his Order to the owner thereof dated the 3`d day of March, 2020 and in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 160A-432, based on the owner's failure to comply with such Order. Section 3. (a) The cost of removal or demolition shall constitute alien against the real property upon which the cost was incurred. The lien shall be filed in the office of the City Tax Collector, and shall have the same priority and be collected in the same manner as the lien for special assessments in Article 10 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes, and such costs shall also be lien against any other real property owned by the owner of the property within the City of Dunn, North Carolina, or within one (1) mile of the City of Dunn city limits, except for the property owner's primary residence. (b) Upon completion of the required removal or demolition, the Building Inspector shall sell the useable materials of the structure and any personal property, fixtures, or appurtenances found in the building and credit the proceeds against the cost of removal or demolition. The Building Inspector shall certify the remaining balance to the Tax Collector. If a surplus remains after sale of the materials and satisfaction of the cost of removal or demolition, the Building Inspector shall deposit the surplus with the Harnett County Clerk of Superior Court where it shall be secured in the manner provided by North Carolina General Statute §160A-432. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or cause to be removed the placard from any building to which it is affixed. It shall likewise be unlawful for any person to occupy or to permit the occupancy of any building therein declared to be unfit for human habitation. Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective upon its adoption. Adopted this 91" day of June, 2020. aaeunii�i� a OF D(j ...........2 ��r' PpRA%'•: ti0 SEND=�0 Attest: RTl1 GP /} �, WV WW T ry Willia City Clerk at a ✓ ,..-- William P. Elmore, Jr., a or e M u a J 3 ... �X ��•.W:G'3 city of dunn 02020-11 (Attach #7) 06-09-2020 POST OFFICE BOX 1065 - DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 a FAX (910) 230-3590 wwwAunn-nc.org Mayor William P. Elmore Jr. Mayor Pro Tern Chuck Tannage Council Members J. Wesley Sills April L. Gaulden Frank McLean Billy N. Tart Dr. David L. Bradham City Manager Steven Neuschafer AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TO REMOVE OR DEMOLISH THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS AN UNSAFE BUILDING CONDEMNED PURSUANT TO N.C.G.S. §160A-426, ET SEQ. WHEREAS, that on March 17th, 2020, the Chief Building Inspector for the City of Dunn sent a notice to Linda Maynard Pope., the owner(s) of record of structure located at 707 S. King Ave. noting that the structure was in a condition that constitutes a fire and safety hazard, and is dangerous to life, health and property and was thereby condemned, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-426, and noticed the property owner of a hearing on March 27th, 2020 at the office of the Chief Building Inspector located at 102 North Powell Ave., Dunn, North Carolina pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-428; and WHEREAS, on March 27th, 2020 a hearing was conducted by the Chief Building Inspector Steven King, following the completion of the hearing, the Chief Building Inspector entered an Order, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160-429, declaring that the structure referenced above is in a condition that constitutes a fire or safety hazard and is dangerous to life, health or other property and ordering the property owner to repair or demolish the structure on the property within thirty (30) days of the date of such Order, being May 6th, 2020; and DUNN bcaRII We�etic" 1 1 20-16ere CO-Wnff�7 7M ffersr 1999 * 2013 WHEREAS, the owner of the above described structure did not appeal the Order of the Building Inspector within the ten (10) day time period prescribed in North Carolina General Statute §160A-430 and such Order is therefore a final Order; and WHEREAS, on May 29u', 2020 and June 2nd, 2020, the City of Dunn published legal notices that a public hearing would be held before the Dunn City Council on June 9111, 2020 to consider the adoption of this Ordinance, directing that the Building Inspector proceed with the demolition of the structure described hereby, and that all costs incurred shall be a lien against such property, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-432; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dunn, NC finds that the structure described herein is dangerous or prejudicial to the public health or public safety and is a nuisance in violation of North Carolina General Statute 160A-193; and WHEREAS, this structure should be removed or demolished, as directed by the Chief Building Inspector, and is an unsafe building, condemned as set forth in North Carolina General Statute §160A-426 and constitutes a fire and safety hazard; and WHEREAS, the owner of this structure has been given a reasonable opportunity to repair or demolish the structure pursuant to an Order issued by the Building Inspector on April 61h, 2020 and the owner has failed to comply with this order; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina that: Section 1. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to place a placard on the exterior of the structure described herein, containing the legend: "This building is unfit for human habitation and is a public nuisance; the use or occupation of this building for human habitation is prohibited and unlawful." On the structure at the following address: 707 S. King Ave. Dunn, NC 28334 PIN #: 1516-45-2783.000 PARCEL ID #: 02151610420009 Section 2. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to remove or demolish the above described structure in accordance with his Order to the owner thereof dated the 6u' day of April, 2020 and in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §160A-432, based on the owner's failure to comply with such Order. Section 3. (a) The cost of removal or demolition shall constitute a lien against the real property upon which the cost was incurred. The lien shall be filed in the office of the City Tax Collector, and shall have the same priority and be collected in the same manner as the lien for special assessments in Article 10 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes, and such costs shall also be lien against any other real property owned by the owner of the property within the City of Dunn, North Carolina, or within one (1) mile of the City of Dunn city limits, except for the property owner's primary residence. (b) Upon completion of the required removal or demolition, the Building Inspector shall sell the useable materials of the structure and any personal property, fixtures, or appurtenances found in the building and credit the proceeds against the cost of removal or demolition. The Building Inspector shall certify the remaining balance to the Tax Collector. If a surplus remains after sale of the materials and satisfaction of the cost of removal or demolition, the Building Inspector shall deposit the surplus with the Harnett County Clerk of Superior Court where it shall be secured in the manner provided by North Carolina General Statute §160A-432. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or cause to be removed the placard from any building to which it is affixed. It shall likewise be unlawful for any person to occupy or to permit the occupancy of any building therein declared to be unfit for human habitation. Section S. This ordinance shall become effective upon its adoption. Adopted this 9u' day of June, 2020. `,lllllil le l,° a oG��Y OF ��Cf m ter' ®p,PORAT a •O SEAS Attest ae2� T� O...kq `V �eetesulsld1 Tam y Willi s City Clerk William P. Elmore, Jr Mayor p F a R r y fi city of dunn 02020.12(Attach #8) 06-09-2020 POST OFFICE BOX 1065 - DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 25335 (910) 230-3500 - FAX (910) 230-3590 www.dunn-nc.org Mayor William P. Elmore Jr. Mayor Pro Tem Chuck Tonnage Council Members L Wesley Sills April L. Gaulden Frank McLean Billy N. Tart Dr. David L. Bradham City Manager Steven Neuschafer AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TO REMOVE OR DEMOLISH THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS AN UNSAFE BUILDING CONDEMNED PURSUANT TO N.C.G.S. §160A-426, ET SEQ. WHEREAS, that on March 9rh, 2020, the Chief Building Inspector for the City of Dunn sent a notice to John Byrdsol heirs c/o Elaine Jones., the owner(s) of record of structure located at 610 E. Pope St. noting that the structure was in a condition that constitutes a fire and safety hazard, and is dangerous to life, health and property and was thereby condemned, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-426, and noticed the property owner of a hearing on March 16tb, 2020 at the office of the Chief Building Inspector located at 102 North Powell Ave., Dunn, North Carolina pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-428; and WHEREAS, on March 16tb, 2020 a hearing was conducted by the Chief Building Inspector Steven King, following the completion of the hearing, the Chief Building Inspector entered an Order, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160-429, declaring that the structure referenced above is in a condition that constitutes a fire or safety hazard and is dangerous to life, health or other property and ordering the property owner to repair or demolish the structure on the property within thirty (30) days of the date of such Order, being April 171h, 2020; and DUNN All-At�ee(e� Glp 1 r ztrfZere e mmuni mafterr 1989 * 2013 WHEREAS, the owner of the above described structure did not appeal the Order of the Building Inspector within the ten (10) day time period prescribed in North Carolina General Statute § 160A-430 and such Order is therefore a final Order; and WHEREAS, on May 1st, 2020 and May 5th, 2020, the City of Dunn published legal notices that a public hearing would be held before the Dunn City Council on May 12", 2020 to consider the adoption of this Ordinance, directing that the Building Inspector proceed with the demolition of the structure described hereby, and that all costs incurred shall be a lien against such property, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-432; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dunn, NC finds that the structure described herein is dangerous or prejudicial to the public health or public safety and is a nuisance in violation of North Carolina General Statute 160A-193; and WHEREAS, this structure should be removed or demolished, as directed by the Chief Building Inspector, and is an unsafe building condemned as set forth in North Carolina General Statute § 160A-426 and constitutes a fire and safety hazard; and WHEREAS, the owner of this structure has been given a reasonable opportunity to repair or demolish the structure pursuant to an Order issued by the Building Inspector on March 3rd, 2020 and the owner has failed to comply with this order; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dunn, NC voted 4-2 on May 12th, 2020 in favor of the owner(s) having until the June 9th, 2020 Council Meeting to clean up and sell the property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina that: Section 1. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to place a placard on the exterior of the structure described herein, containing the legend: "This building is unfit for human habitation and is a public nuisance; the use or occupation of this building for human habitation is prohibited and unlawful." On the structure at the following address: 610 E. Pope St. Dunn, NC 28334 PIN #: 1516-74-1768.000 PARCEL ID #: 02151612150002 Section 2. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to remove or demolish the above described structure in accordance with his Order to the owner thereof dated the 18"' day of March, 2020 and in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 160A-432, based on the owner's failure to comply with such Order. Section 3. (a) The cost of removal or demolition shall constitute alien against the real property upon which the cost was incurred. The lien shall be filed in the office of the City Tax Collector, and shall have the same priority and be collected in the same manner as the lien for special assessments in Article 10 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes, and such costs shall also be lien against any other real property owned by the owner of the property within the City of Dunn, North Carolina, or within one (1) mile of the City of Dunn city limits, except for the property owner's primary residence. (b) Upon completion of the required removal or demolition, the Building Inspector shall sell the useable materials of the structure and any personal property, fixtures, or appurtenances found in the building and credit the proceeds against the cost of removal or demolition. The Building Inspector shall certify the remaining balance to the Tax Collector. If a surplus remains after sale of the materials and satisfaction of the cost of removal or demolition, the Building Inspector shall deposit the surplus with the Harnett County Clerk of Superior Court where it shall be secured in the manner provided by North Carolina General Statute § 160A-432. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or cause to be removed the placard from any building to which it is affixed. It shall likewise be unlawful for any person to occupy or to permit the occupancy of any building therein declared to be unfit for human habitation. Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective upon its adoption. Adopted this 9th day of June, 2020. eeeoun�rrry ° CITY T :Zp 2 i SF Attest: �''o�CAFr'4�-��ma�e°°° °earnne�eea Tamr4y Williams City Clerk William P. Elmore, Jr , ayor