HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachments 05-12-2020north Carolina
city of dllnn
(910) 230-3500 < FAX (910) 230-3590
Attachment #1
www.dunn-nc.org 05-12-2020
William P. Elmore .Jr.
Mayor Pro Tem
Chuck Turnage
Council Members
J. Wesley Sills
April Gaulden
Frank McLean
Billy Tart
Dr. David L. Bradham
City Manager
Steven Neuschafer
PUBLIC NOTICE related to Regular Council Meeting
The public is hereby notified that the City Council of the City of Dunn will hold their regular
meeting on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Dunn Municipal
Building, 401 E. Broad Street, Dunn, NC. Some members of the Council may participate
In an effort to abide with the Governor's Executive Order and to reduce the spread of Covid-19, m-
person access to the Council meeting is limited to a total of 10 people to include our Council and
needed staff.
The Council Meeting will be available for live public viewing on Facebook - The City of Dunn, NC
page or the Public can call in to listen - contact the City Clerk at 910-230-3501 or
tilliams@dunn-nc.org prior to Monday, May 11, 2020, 1:00 p.m. for instructions.
Public access will be limited to 1 person at a time to make comments for the Public Comment
Period and Public Hearings Only. Audio will be available while waiting outside Council Chambers.
Public Comment Period can be called or emailed in to the Clerk by Monday, May 11, 2020, 1:00
p.m. to be read at the meeting. The person must abide by all rules related to the Public Comment
Period, provide name and address and abide by the 3-minute time limit. The person may also call
into the meeting to give their comments but they must call the City Clerk to sign up and receive
instructions by the above stated time.
Public Hearing - Comments can be called in or emailed to the Clerk by Monday, May 11, 2020,
1:00 p.m. and they will be read at the meeting during the Public Hearing. The call and email
should include Name, Address of the person filing the comments and the Public Hearing that the
comments are in reference to. The person may also call into the meeting to give their comments
but they must call the City Clerk to sign up and receive instructions by the above stated time.
Tammy Williams
City Cleric
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Drinking Water Week2O2O
WHEREAS, water is our most valuable natural resource; and
WHEREAS, only tap water delivers public health protection, fire protection, support for our
economy and the quality of life we enjoy; and
WHEREAS, any measure of a successful society — low mortality rates, economic growth and
diversity, productivity, and public safety — are in some way related to access to safe water; and
WHEREAS, we are all stewards of the water infrastructure upon which future generations depend;
WHEREAS, each resident of our city is called upon to help
protect our source waters from pollution, to practice water
conservation, and to get involved in local water issues by
getting to know their water.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, I, William P. Elmore, Jr., Mayor of Dunn, North
Carolina, and on behalf of the City Council and residents of the City of Dunn, do hereby proclaim
the week of May 3-9, 2020 as Drinking Water Week in the City of Dunn and encourage all our
residents to join us in expressing appreciation to the City of Dunn Public Utilities' employees for all
their efforts to provide safe drinking water to all our residents and consumers.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Diann
to be affixed on this I" day of May, 2020.
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Attachment #3
Destruction of Records- Administration Department
Submitted for the May 12, 2020 City Council Meeting
: � De eri tion of Reeord ..
:: ReteniiOn�Period
7nc7usive Dates
Agenda and Meeting Packets
3 years
July 1, 2015 —December 31, 2016
and Supporting Documents
Advisory Board Applications
1 year after appointment
July 1, 2015 — December 31, 2018
Advisory Board records,
2 years
July 1, 2015 — December 31, 2017
correspondence and
appointment reports
Routine after 1 yearAll
July 31, 2015 —December 31, 2016
other after 3 years
Department/Staff Reports
3 years
Jan, 2014— December 31, 2016
General Correspondence
3 years
July 1, 2015—June 30, 2016
Public Information Request
2 years after resolution
March 2014 — December 31, 2017
Surplus Property
3 years
January 1, 2013 — December 31,
Powell Bill Records
3 years
2011— December 31, 2016
Easements and Right of Way
10 years after expiration
Any that have expired prior to
December 31, 2009
1 year after ownership
All properties sold/donated/traded
Land Ownership Records
prior to December 31, 2018
Submitted By:
Destruction of Records- Finance Department
Submitted for the PO A 20 r City Council Meeting
Description of Record
Retention Period
Inclusive Dates
Accounts Payable Check Stubs &Invoices
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
Purchase Orders -Yellow Copies
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
General Fund Receipt Books
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
Payroll Direct Deposit Stubs
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
Averasboro Accounts Payable Invoices
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
Vendor Statements
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
Purchase Order Reports
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
Accounts Payable Proof Reports
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
Accounts Payable General Ledger Reports
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
Check Registers
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
Payroll Invoices
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
Payroll Reports
3 Years
July, 2016-June, 2017
Tax Reports
10 Years
July, 2008-June, 2009
Submitted By: Omessia Tatum/
Printed Narne/Siox6wrl
Department: Finance
Attachment #4
Harnett County Dunn -Erwin Rail Trail Rules and Regulations
The following restrictions apply to the rail trail(s) and rail corridor(s) built or maintained by the County of
Harnett (HQ, The City of Dunn (Dunn) and the Town of Erwin (Erwin) and to all rail trail easements and
rights of way under the jurisdiction of HC, Dunn and Erwin.
1.1 Motorized vehicles restricted. No motorized vehicles, Including automobiles, trucks, farm or
agricultural vehicles, motorcycles, motorbikes, motor scooters, go-carts, golf carts, snowmobiles,
motorized bicycles, motorized skateboards, mopeds or all -terrain vehicles will be allowed on the rail
trail(s) or rail corridor(s) at any time. The following vehicles and uses are exempted from this
1.1a Motorized vehicles are restricted to parking areas, driveways and other areas specifically
posted for motor vehicle occupancy.
1.1b Government maintenance vehicles, ambulance, law enforcement, fire or other emergency
vehicles will be allowed to enter onto rail trails) and rail corridor(s) in the course of carrying out
their normal duties.
1.1c Construction or maintenance vehicles owned and operated by private contractors may
enter onto CCFPD and VCCD rail trails) and corridor(s) subject to specific permission from each
1.1d Agricultural, ranch or personal vehicles belonging to specific owners, their employees or
assigns, may enter onto and across rail trail(s) and rail corridor(s) subject to the terms of
easements or agreements between either HC, Dunn or Erwin and individual landowners.
1.1e Wheelchair or other personal accessibility vehicles that are not wider than 3 feet and not to
exceed 5mph
1.2 Allowed Uses. Bicycles, pedestrians, skates, skateboards, non -motorized scooters, and baby strollers
are allowed on the rail trail unless specifically prohibited and posted otherwise. All trail users will travel
at safe speeds at all times. All trail users must stay within the trail footprint. All off trail use is prohibited.
1.3 Right of Way. In areas of mixed use, i.e. bicycles and pedestrians, bicycle or other wheeled traffic is
to yield to pedestrians.
1.4 Fishing. Fishing is not allowed anywhere on or from the trail and its easements. You may only do so
where permitted on public land according to the regulations of the State of North Carolina and private
land where permitted such as below the trail on the Cape Fear River as permissible by state and local
law. A valid license is required. Fishing from trail bridges is not allowed.
1.5 Camping Prohibited. overnight camping is prohibited on or in the entire rail corridor(s).
1.6 Fires Prohibited. Fires are prohibited at any location and at all times within the rail corridors, trail,
trail easements or trail facilities, including, but not limited to, parking areas, trail shoulders and borders,
bridges and structures. Fires are allowed in grills if provided by the District(s) in specified areas. The
controlled burning by employees of the District(s) is excepted. It is unlawful to burn fires in any location
at any time in a careless manner, to leave a fire unattended, to burn any explosive ortoxic materials, or
to fail to extinguish accidental fires completely.
1.7 Smoking Prohibited. Smoking is prohibited inside of and within 15 feet of any structure or facility
including but not limited to restrooms, shelters, pavilions
1.8 Firearms Prohibited. It is forbidden to discharge firearms or projectile weapons of any kind within,
onto or across the rail trail(s) or rail corridor(s) in Erwin and Dunn. This includes paint ball guns or air
guns. The exception to this will be law officers discharging weapons in the line of duty.
1.9 Hunting Prohibited. The rail corridor(s) is closed to hunting.
1.10 Closed Areas. Entry onto or use of rail trail(s) or rail corridor(s) lands posted as closed or no
trespassing is prohibited.
1.11 Trespass Prohibited. It is prohibited to trespass from trails or corridors onto adjacent private lands
except where specifically authorized by the owners or occupants of private lands.
1.12 Equestrian & Farm Animal Use. Equestrian & Farm Animal use is prohibited in all areas of the rail
trail(s) and rail corridor(s).
1.13 Dogs and Domestic Pets and Livestock. Dogs and other domestic pets must be leashed or on lead,
and under the direct control of the owner or keeper at all times. Pets must remain in the footprint of the
trail. Domestic Livestock is prohibited on the rail corridor. Posted leash laws or County or municipal laws
or ordinances must be obeyed. Dogs or other animals are prohibited in areas specifically posted for such
prohibition. Pet waste must be picked up and disposed of off -site in a safe and sanitary manner by
owners or keepers. Disturbance of wildlife by pets is prohibited.
1.14 Stop Required. Trail users shall stop at all road and driveway crossings and yield to any motorized
traffic, except where the trail or rail corridor takes precedence over a driveway crossing, In which case
driveway users shall yield to trail or corridor users.
1.15 Commercial Activities Limited. Commercial activities, provision of services, or any activity for which
a fee may be charged are prohibited on rail trail(s) and rail corridor(s) except when specifically
authorized by a special use permit or Board approval.
1.16 Disorderly Conduct Prohibited. Disorderly conduct of any kind is prohibited anywhere on the
entire rail corridor(s). Disorderly conduct includes, but is not limited to, making any coarse, annoying,
derisive or obviously offensive utterance, gesture or display which tends to incite an immediate breach
of the peace. Also fighting, littering or abandonment of private property, making excessive or amplified
noise that would tend to disturb the peace and quiet of adjacent residents or occupants, or any other
activity that deliberately infringes on the ability of others to use or enjoy the trail or trails facilities.
1.17 Hazardous Activities Prohibited. Hazardous activities of any kind are prohibited on the rail trail(s)
and rail corridor(s). Hazardous activities are defined as those activities, which might constitute or
contribute to a hazard to the safety of any person or animal. Such activities include, but are not limited
to, use of fireworks or other explosives, use of remote -controlled craft, swimming or wading. Exceptions
or additions to these restrictions may be made in specific locations or circumstances subject to the Rail
Trail Board.
1.18 Vandalism Prohibited. Vandalism, property damage or removal of resources or facilities is
prohibited on the entire rail corridor(s). It is unlawful to remove, damage, deface, mutilate or destroy
any structure, poster, sign, marker, fence, gate, furniture, vegetation, rock, or any object of scientific or
historic value or interest.
1.19 Wildlife Protected. Wildlife is protected within the entire rail corridor(s). Hunting, trapping,
chasing, molesting, harming, removing, killing or otherwise disturbing wildlife on the rail corridor(s) is
prohibited at all times and under all circumstances, with the exception of fishing (1.4). Damaging or
destroying the habitat of any species of wildlife is prohibited. Removing or destroying, native plants, bird
or reptile eggs is prohibited. Nothing in this section shall prohibit trapping for research, management
and monitoring purposes.
1.20 Littering and Waste Disposal Prohibited. Any disposal, depositing or abandonment of trash,
garbage, grass cuttings, brush, tree limbs and branches, yard wastes, litter, waste paper, waste food
products, human or animal wastes, toxic materials, oil and other mechanical waste products, animal
parts, fire ash or other combustion byproducts, or other waste products on or within the rail corridors)
other than in designated containers and locations is prohibited.
2.21 Structures and Notices Prohibited. Construction of any kind not specifically authorized by HC,
Erwin, Dunn or the Board of Director(s) is prohibited, Activities prohibited include, but are not limited
to, excavations, ground clearing or grading, erection of permanent or temporary structures, erection of
signs, posting of bills, notices or posters, fencing or clearing of vegetation.
1.22 Other Restrictions. All other rules, regulations, ordinances and restrictions set forth for all other
HC, Dunn, and Erwin properties are in effect for the rail trall(s) and corridors. A full listing of rules and
regulations for all properties will be available upon request to the Board of Directors.
This Article establishes review standards for uses of rail trail(s) and rail corridor(s) allowed only by
permit. HC, Dunn, Erwin and the Board may approve, approve with conditions, or deny applications for
special uses of the rail trail and corridor.
2.1 The Board of Director(s) may condition a certification of consistency on the applicant agreeing to
provide a surety bond in favor of the Board, HC, Dunn or Ervin in the event that a Special Use Permit is
granted, In an amount to be determined by the Board. All Financial Security will be held for the duration
of any special use permit. The bond will be conditioned upon:
3.1a Faithful compliance with the terms of special use permit regulations, and policies of HC,
Dunn and Erwin.
3.1b The restoration and clean-up of any site affected by the special use. Any revegetation
needed to restore the site shall conform to Board directives and or HC, Dunn or Erwin
2.2 The Board may condition certification on the applicant's agreement to pay a use impact fee which is
commensurate with the additional maintenance costs associated with the proposed use.
2.3 The Board shall make a written response to either approve of the proposed special use with or
without conditions, or disapprove the proposed special use, within 45 days of receiving a written
request for a special use. An applicant may appeal the determination to the Board of
Directors/Commissioners within 15 days of receipt of the determination. The Board of
Directors/Commissioners must issue a final determination within 30 days of hearing an appeal pursuant
to this section.
2.4 Other Permits and Special Uses. All other HC, Dunn and Erwin rules and regulations pertaining to
special use permits must be followed. A full listing of special use permit regulations will be available
upon request to the Board of Directors.
The terms and conditions of Conservation Covenants, Access, Permanent, Temporary, Utility, or Trail
Easements or other approved agreements between HC and the Board of Directors and private property
owners, other governments or grantors are incorporated into these regulations by reference. To the
extent of any conflict between these regulations and the terms of conservation covenants, access,
permanent, temporary, utility, or trail easements, the terms of such covenants or easements will
control. Those terms and conditions shall be enforced under the provisions of this regulation as if they
were set forth herein.
HC and the Board of Directors may amend these rules and regulations from time to time. These rules
shall apply to existing rail trails and rail corridors as well as future rail trail additions or acquisitions
5.1 Permission to use rail trails and rail corridors. Failure to abide by these rules for use of the rail trails
and corridors may be just cause to revoke permission to use or occupy the property.
5.2 Criminal Enforcement. The Board of Directors, HC, Erwin and Dunn shall cooperate with local
jurisdictions in reporting and enforcing penalties for violations of Federal, State, County and Municipal
Codes occurring on rail trail(s) and rail corridor(s).
5.3 Civil Enforcement. In the event of any activity in violation of these Rules and Regulations, the Board,
HC, Dunn or Erwin Attorney(s), in addition to other remedies provided by law or specified herein, may
institute an injunction, mandamus, abatement, or other appropriate action or proceeding to prevent,
enjoin, or abate any unlawful activity, or to remove any Improvements on construction resulting from
such unlawful activity. In the event that such unlawful activity has damaged property, the violator shall
be liable for any damage to property resulting from any such unlawful activity, including, but not limited
to, compensation for staff time and for use of HC, Dunn or Erwin equipment to repair such damage, as
well as replacement costs for damages. Any civil action or proceeding can include a claim to recover all
such money damages.
These regulations, or a summary thereof, will be posted at visible locations on rail trail(s). Full text of
these regulations shall be available for public inspection at request to the Board of Directors. Adopted
by the Dunn -Erwin Rail Trail Board, Harnett Count, the Town of Erwin and the City of Dunn on INSERT
city of dunn
(910) 230-3500 m FAX (910) 230-3590
R2020/Attach #5)
William P. Elmore Jr.
Mayor Pro Tem
Chuck Tumage
Council Members
J. Wesley Sills
April L. Gaulden
Frank McLean
Billy Tart
Dr. David L. Bradham
City Manager
Steven Neuschafer
WHEREAS, the City of Dunn City Council, Dunn, North Carolina desires to renovate Clarence Lee Tart
Park (the "Project') to better serve the citizens of Dunn; and
WHEREAS, The City of Dunn desires to finance the Project by the use of an installment contract
authorized under North Carolina General Statute 160A, Article 3, Section 20; and
WHEREAS, findings of fact by this governing body must be presented to enable the North Carolina
Local Government Commission to make its findings of fact set forth in North Carolina General Statute 159,
Article 8, Section 151 prior to approval of the proposed contract;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Dunn, North Carolina, meeting in
regular session on the 12th day of May, 2020, make the following findings of fact:
1. The proposed contract is necessary to renovate Clarence Lee Tart Park.
2. The proposed contract is preferable to a bond issue for the same purpose because the method of
financing proposed best allows the City to expedite construction of the facility, and will allow the
City to pay for the facility of a shorter period of time. Further the relative small amount to be
financed would not justify the cost of a bond issue.
3. The sums to fall due under the contract are adequate and not excessive for the proposed purpose
because the construction contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder who will perform the
contract in a qualified manner, and the financing contract will be awarded to the financial
institution that submits the most favorable proposal.
4. The City of Dunn's debt management procedures and policies are good because it fully complies
with all statutory requirements involving debt management.
S. The increase in taxes necessary to meet the sums to fall due under the proposed contract will be
2 cents per $100 valuation and is not deemed to be excessive.
6. The City of Dunn is not in default in any of its debt service obligations.
7. The attorney for the City of Dunn will render an opinion that the proposed Project is authorized
by law and is a purpose for which public funds may be expended pursuant to the Constitution
and laws of North Carolina.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is hereby authorized to act
on behalf of the City of Dunn in filing an application with the North Carolina Local Government
Commission for approval of the Project and the proposed financing contract and other actions not
inconsistent with this resolution.
This resolution is effective upon its adoption this 12th day of May, 2020.
The motion to adopt this resolution was made by l_,OURd PV to 6C'y I seconded
by C.° OL n I. Mew bee &4 awe and passed by a vote of LO to
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4TamyWIlia City Clerk
William P. Elmore, Jr., Mayor
This is to certify that this is a true and accurate copy of Resolution No. •DO DO --I adopted by the
Dunn City Council on the 12th day of May, 2020.
Tamm illiams,
City Cleric
f 31aC300
1 1
city of Bunn
(910) 230-3500 m FAX (910) 230-3590
www.dunn-nc.org R2020-08 (Attach #6)
William P. Elmore Jr.
Maym•Pro Tem
Chuck Turnage
Council Members
J. Wesley Sills
April L. Caulden
Frank McLean
Billy Tail
Dr. David L. Bradham
City Manager
Steven Neuschafer
WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Dunn desires to proceed with borrowing in the amount
of $2,120,000 for the renovation, construction, and development of Clarence Lee Tart Park.
WHEREAS, the interest rate will not exceed 3.5% for terms of fifteen years for the total project and
will not have a repayment schedule exceeding $190,000 per year.
WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of Dunn authorizes the Mayor and the City Manager to
sign all documents relating to the loans and/or grants.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED this Resolution will become part of the official minutes of
the City Council meeting held on May 12, 2020,
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City Clerlc
William P. Elmore Jr.
w4ere wmm !n maffers
city of dunn
02020-07(Attach #7)
(910) 230-3500 + FAX (910) 230-3590
William P. Elmore Jr.
Mayor Pro Tem
Chuck Tonnage
Council Members
J. Wesley Sills
April L. Gaulden
Frank McLean
Billy N. Tart
Dr. David L. Bmdham
City Manager
Steven Neuschafer
WHEREAS, that on March 9th, 2020, the Chief Building Inspector for the City of
Dunn sent a notice to Annie P. McNeil., the owner(s) of record of structure located at 307 W.
Johnson St. noting that the structure was in a condition that constitutes a fire and safety hazard,
and is dangerous to life, health and property and was thereby condemned, pursuant to North
Carolina General Statute §160A-426, and noticed the property owner of a hearing on March 16th,
2020 at the office of the Chief Building Inspector located at 102 North Powell Ave., Dunn, North
Carolina pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-428; and
WHEREAS, on March 16,11, 2020 a hearing was conducted by the Chief Building
Inspector Steven King, following the completion of the hearing, the Chief Building Inspector
entered an Order, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160-429, declaring that the
structure referenced above is in a condition that constitutes a fire or safety hazard and is
dangerous to life, health or other property and ordering the property owner to repair or
demolish the structure on the property within thirty (30) days of the date of such Order, being
April 17th, 2020; and
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WHEREAS, the owner of the above described structure did not appeal the Order of the
Building Inspector within the ten (10) day time period prescribed in North Carolina General Statute
§ 160A-430 and such Order is therefore a final Order; and
WHEREAS, on May 1"' 2020 and May 5", 2020, the City of Dunn published legal
notices that a public hearing would be held before the Dunn City Council on May 12t', 2020 to
consider the adoption of this Ordinance, directing that the Building Inspector proceed with the
demolition of the structure described hereby, and that all costs incurred shall be a lien against such
property, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute § 160A-432; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dunn, NC finds that the structure described
herein is dangerous or prejudicial to the public health or public safety and is a nuisance in violation of
North Carolina General Statute 160A-193; and
WHEREAS, this structure should be removed or demolished, as directed by the Chief
Building Inspector, and is an unsafe building condemned as set forth in North Carolina General Statute
§ 160A-426 and constitutes a fire and safety hazard; and
WHEREAS, the owner of this structure has been given a reasonable opportunity to
repair or demolish the structure pursuant to an Order issued by the Building Inspector on March 3rd,
2020 and the owner has failed to comply with this order;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Dunn,
North Carolina that:
Section 1. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to place a placard on the
exterior of the structure described herein, containing the legend:
"This building is unfit for human habitation and is a public nuisance; the use or occupation of this
building for human habitation is prohibited and unlawful."
On the structure at the following address:
307 W. Johnson St. Dunn, NC 28334
PIN #:1516-69-5687.000
PARCEL ID #: 02151607330009
Section 2. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to remove or
demolish the above described structure in accordance with his Order to the owner thereof dated the
18th day of March, 2020 and in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 160A-432, based on
the owner's failure to comply with such Order.
Section 3. (a) The cost of removal or demolition shall constitute a lien against the real property upon
which the cost was incurred. The lien shall be filed in the office of the City Tax Collector, and shall
have the same priority and be collected in the same manner as the lien for special assessments in
Article 10 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes, and such costs shall also be lien
against any other real property owned by the owner of the property within the City of Dunn, North
Carolina, or within one (1) mile of the City of Dunn city limits, except for the property owner's
primary residence.
(b) Upon completion of the required removal or demolition, the Building Inspector shall sell the
useable materials of the structure and any personal property, fixtures, or appurtenances found in the
building and credit the proceeds against the cost of removal or demolition. The Building Inspector
shall certify the remaining balance to the Tax Collector. If a surplus remains after sale of the materials
and satisfaction of the cost of removal or demolition, the Building Inspector shall deposit the surplus
with the Harnett County Clerk of Superior Court where it shall be secured in the manner provided by
North Carolina General Statute §160A-432.
Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or cause to be removed the placard fiom
any building to which it is affixed. It shall likewise be unlawful for any person to occupy or to permit
the occupancy of any building therein declared to be unfit for human habitation.
Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective upon its adoption.
Adopted this 12t" day of May, 2020.
` RPORgT y7''
Attest: T�..CA�O.at°�`o,
Tammy Willi
an s
City Clerk
illiam P. Elmore, 10
•., ayor
Attachment #8
April 27, 2020
Re: City of Dunn 2020 Street, Drainage,
and Water System Improvements
Engineering Services Proposal
Mr. Vincent Washington, PWD
Ms. Heather Adams, PUD
City of Dunn
PO Box 1065
Dunn, NC 28335
Dear Vincent and Heather:
Davis • Martin • Powell & Associates (DMP) entered an Engineering Services Agreement on June 26, 2017 for Street
Improvements planning, design, construction administration, and resident project representative services for a large list
of streets located throughout the City. The Initial phase of this project was limited to the evaluation of 24 streets
identified by Staff to determine anticipated Improvements for each street and to develop initial conceptual budgets for
improvements for each of the Identified streets.
In 2014, DMP, as part of a study partially funded by a grant application from the Division of Water Resources (DWR),
evaluated the overall condition and capacity of a portion of the existing major stormwater conveyance systems within
the City of Dunn. This study identified specific bottlenecks within the system where potential improvements in the
system's flow conveyance would be most effective.
Understanding the Project and Project Scope
Utilizing the information from both of the studies, along with the information presented by city staff and DMP staff at
the recent Council Budget Retreat, the City desires to proceed with three (3) areas of street, drainage, and watersystems
improvements as presented in the table below.
Brief Description
Overall Project Budgets
Bay Street
Complete storm drainage, and
Drainage Piping - $230,000
Wilson to Clinton
resurface street
Resurface - $165,000
General Lee
Install 36" RCP and patch, (resurfacing not included)
Drainage Piping and patching
and Broad
and water line improvements
Pavement - $350,000
Water system imp $205,000
Replace 2" water line with
Install 6" water main and renew
Cumberland to Cole
6" water main, Replace sewer main between Broad
services - $195,000
Street and Harnett and resurface street with FDR
Replace 8" sewer line, manholes and
Broad to Vance
from Cumberland to Cole
services - $65,500
Resurface - $500,000 (Cumberland to
Lake Shore Drive
6" Water Line & Street Patching
$340,000 Water Line
$165,000 Patching
DMP will conduct detailed site reviews and conduct limited surveying as necessary to provide a combination of GIS and
survey based Construction Documents in adequate detail to show the needed improvements. The Construction
Documents will be utilized to procure competitive bids from construction contractors. Base maps will be developed
T: 336-886-4821 • F: 336-886-4458 • License: F-0245
6415 Old Plank Road, High Point, NC 27265 ® www.dmp-inc.com
2020Street, Drainage, and Water System Improvements April27, 2020
utilizing existing GIS data available along with data collected during on -site examinations. Extensive field surveying by
DMP is not Included as part of this proposal.
Project Tasks
Based upon the information provided, a summary of the project tasks we anticipate this project will include is as follows:
Task 1: Final Engineering Design. Permitting and Bidding Services:
— Conduct additional field investigations, and limited surveying to help Identify critical drainage Issues and to
determine areas of pavement patch and the slopes and cross slopes of the pavement surfaces.
— Develop construction plans, technical specifications and bidding documents.
— Coordinate necessary permitting, if necessary.
— Provide updated estimate of probable cost based on recent similar projects bids in other areas of the State.
— Send out bid documents and respond to questions during the bidding process. Review bids and make
recommendation on successful low construction bidder.
— Permitting for water line upgrades through Public Water Supply
— Erosion Control Permit
Task 2: Construction Administration Services: Construction Administration services would include general
engineering and office support during construction.
— We anticipate that the project will be constructed under a single contract.
— Conduct the Pre -Construction meeting and Issue meeting minutes.
— Review shop drawings and submittals from the Contractor.
— Review and respond to requests for information (RFI's) from the Contractor.
— Conduct regularly scheduled progress meetings and prepare meeting minutes.
— Review change order requests.
— Review monthly pay requests and forward to the City for approval.
— Coordinate Contract Closeout, to include attendance at final inspection, review of final contract documents,
and Engineer's Certification of project completion to the appropriate agencies.
— Prepare Record Drawings from plan markups by the Contractor and Field RPR. One (1) hardcopy set of
record drawings will be provided in addition to AutoCAD .dwg and .pdf digital files.
a Task 3: Resident Project Representative (RPRI Services:
— The Scope includes a Resident Project Representative (RPR) during the construction period to review and
observe work of the construction Contractor. The RPR will typically work either half or full days depending on
the work being completed;
— Coordinate schedules with the City and Contractor to provide a presence during key construction tasks;
— Serve as the Engineers' site representative and will serve as field liaison between the Contractor and the City,
attend job site meetings, etc.;
— Review and observe field work, approve payment quantities, determine acceptability of work items, etc., for
compliance with approved contract documents;
— Keep a daily log describing the activities and construction progress of the Contractor for each site visit;
— RPR shall report directly to the Engineer;
— Assist the Contractor in maintaining records of deviations from construction drawings;
— RPR shall have no authority regarding the following:
® Authorization of any deviation from the contract documents or approval of any substitute materials or
® Performance of any of the responsibilities of Contractor, subcontractors, or Contractor's superintendent;
® Expediting work for the Contractor;
Advice or directions relative to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures
of construction unless such is specifically called for in the contract documents.
2020Street, Drainage, and Water System Improvements April27, 2020 Page 3 of 4
Additional Services
DMP has the capability to provide the following additional services, however at this time we have not included these
services as part of our scope. If any of these services are desired or become a requirement of the project, additional
fees will be negotiated.
— Construction layout and staking
— Material Testing
— Geotechnical Analysis
Additional (extra) services are defined as any work item not included in the above scope of services that are requested
by the client or review agencies. Additional services will be billable at DMP Standard Billing Rates that are current at the
time the extra work is identified. Any meetings not included in the scope of services will be considered extra. Extra work,
including any adjustments to the Final Development Plan after approval will be Identified either in writing or by verbal
communication, but must be approved in writing by client before proceeding to perform such additional services.
Project Fees
Davis • Martin • Powell & Associates proposes to begin this project upon receipt of this signed amendment to complete
the design and bidding work for the three areas as described above.
Task 1: Final Engineering Design, Permitting and Bidding
Task 2: Construction Administration
Task 3: Resident Project Representative (RPR)
The fee stated above, are based on the anticipated requirements and steps we will need to complete the scope outlined
in this proposal based on similar projects. Additional design work due to site changes by the owner, any needed
geotechnical analysis, or requirements imposed by any permitting agencies may require adjustments to this fee. Any
changes to this fee budget will be reviewed and approved before additional cost is incurred.
If needed, a breakdown of the Fees and Project Costs can be provided to assist the City of Dunn with securing a bank
loan as necessary.
These services will be provided as a Task under the 2019 On -Call Professional Services Agreement. Periodic invoices
corresponding to the completed task outlined above will be sent at the beginning of each month, and payment will be
due within 30 days.
2020 Street, Drainage, and Water System Improvements April27, 2020 Page 4 of 4
If you have any questions, require additional information or would like to discuss our proposal in more detail, please let
us know. If this amendment meets your approval, please return one signed copy to our office and we shall proceed with
proposed design improvements and bidding service for the 3 areas described above. We appreciate the opportunity to
provide these services, and look forward to the project moving through these Tasks to the construction phase of the
Michael Goliber, PE
Partner, Senior Project Manager
(336) 819-5280, mgollberPdmo-inc.com
C: File
AccepteZCiVof unn,NCB Date
y -
Receipt of this proposal, Including the Terms and Conditions and Schedule of Fees attached hereto, is hereby
acknowledged and all of the terms and conditions contained therein are accepted. The individual(s) above hereby
represent and warrant they have the full and complete authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of their
respective party.
IIDMFIIVolllofffcelVROFOSALIDunnl20205treetdrolnogewater Imp 12020 Street Drainage and Water System Improvements 2020-04-27 FLNAL.do"
city of dune
(910) 230-3500 a FAX (910) 230-3590
www.dunn-uc.org R2020-09 (Attach #9)
William P. Elmore Jr.
Mayor Pro Tem
Chuck Turnage
Council Members
J. Wesley Sills
April L. Gaulden
Frank McLean
Billy Tart
Dr. David L. Bradham
City Manager
Steven Neuschafer
WHEREAS, the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 and the North Carolina Water Infrastructure
Fund have authorized the making of loans and/or grants, as applicable, to aid eligible, drinking -
water system owners in financing the cost of construction for eligible, drinking -water
infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Deparment of Environmental Quality has offered a Federal Drinking Water
State Revolving Loan for the construction of a Water Distribution System Rehablitation Project
(Erwin Road Area 14-inch Waterline Abandonment & East Wake 2-inch Waterline) in the
amount of $875,750, herafter referred to as the "Project"; and
WHEREAS, The City of Dunn intends to construct said Project in accordance with engineering plans and
specifications that have been or will have been approved by the North Carolina Public Water
Supply Section.
That the City of Dunn does herby accept the Federal Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan
offer in the amount of $875,750; and
That the City of Dunn does herby give assurance to the North Carolina Department of
Environmental Quality that they will adhere to all applicable items specified in the standard
"Conditions" and "Assurances" of the Department's funding offer, awarded in the form of a
Federal Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan; and
That Steven Neuschafer, City Manager for the City of Dunn, and successors so titled, is hereby
authorized and directed to furnish such information, as the appropriate State agency may
request, in connection with such application or the Project; to make the Assurances as
contained above, and to execute such other documents as may be required in connection with
the application; and
That the City of Dunn has complied substantially or will comply substantially with all Federal,
State and Local laws, rules, regulations, and ordiances applicable to the Project, and to
Fenderal and State grants and loans pertaining thereto.
Adopted this the 12`n day of May, 2020 in the City of Dunn, North Carolina.
OF D '.
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William P. Elmore, J (L
Ma r
The undersigned duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Dunn does hereby certify: That the
above/attached resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution authorizing the filing of an application
with the State of North Carolina, as regularly adopted at a legally convened meeting of the City Council of the
City of Dunn duly held on the 12' day of May, 2020; and, further, that such resolution has been fully recorded
in the journal of proceedings and records in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
this 12th day of May, 2020.
of Rocorging Officer)
City Clerk
(Title of Recording Officer)
OF b
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City of Dunn Water Distribution Rehabilitation Project 02020-08 (Attach #10)
Capital Project Ordinance
Be it ordained by the Governing Board of the City of Dunn, North Carolina, that pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter 159
of the North Carolina General Statutes, the following Capital Project Ordinance is hereby adopted:
Section 1: The capital project herein authorized "Erwin Road Area (14-inch Waterline Abandonment) & East Wake Street
(2-inch Waterline) Water Distribution Rehabilitation Project" is for the construction and/or installation of drinking water
infrastructure, to be financed by Federal Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF).
Section 2: The officers of this unit of local government are hereby directed to proceed with the Project within the terms of
the Board resolution, loan documents, and the budget contained herein.
Section 3: The following amounts are appropriated for the Project:
Construction $652,500
Engineering/Administration $158,000
Contingency $65,250
Loan Closing Fee $18,000
TOTAL $893,750
Section 4: The following revenues are anticipated to be available to complete the Project:
Federal DWSRF Loan
City of Dunn $18,000
Section 5: The Finance Officer is hereby directed to maintain within the Capital Project Fund sufficient, specifically
detailed accounting records to satisfy the requirements of the funding agency, the funding agreements, and the federal
regulations. The terms of the bond resolution also shall be met.
Section 6: Funds may be advanced from the General Fund for the purpose of making payments as due. Reimbursement
requests should be made to the funding agency in an orderly and timely manner.
Section 7: The Finance Officer is directed to report, on a quarterly basis, on the financial status of each Project element in
Section 3 and on the total grant/loan revenues received or claimed.
Section 8: The Budget Officer is directed to include a detailed analysis of past and future costs and revenues on the
Project in every budget submission made this Board.
Section 9: Copies of this Capital Project Ordinance shall be furnished by the Clerk to the Governing Board, and to the
Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for direction in carrying out the Project.
Duly Adopted this the 12°1 day of May, 2020
a f1m,
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William P. Elmore, Jr., ayo
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`AJ�Tammy° ge illiam, City Clerk
Attachment #11
DATE: 4/14/2020
AND WBS Elements: 47532.3.3
THIS MUNICIPAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into on the last date executed below, by and
between the North Carolina Department of Transportation, an agency of the State of North Carolina,
hereinafter referred to as the "Department' and the City of Dunn, a local government entity,
hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality".
WHEREAS, the Department has plans to make certain street and highway constructions and
improvements within the Municipality under Project 1-5986B, in Harnett County; and,
WHEREAS, the Department and the Municipality have agreed that the municipal limits, as of the date
of the awarding of the contract for the construction of the above -mentioned project, are to be used in
determining the duties, responsibilities, rights and legal obligations of the parties hereto for the
purposes of this Agreement; and,
WHEREAS, this Agreement is made under the authority granted to the Department by the North
Carolina General Assembly, including but not limited to, the following legislation: General Statutes of
North Carolina (NCGS), Section 136-66.1, Section 160A-296 and 297, Section 136-18, and Section
20-169, to participate in the planning and construction of a Project approved by the Board of
Transportation for the safe and efficient utilization of transportation systems for the public good; and,
WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement have approved the construction of said Project with cost
participation and responsibilities for the Project as hereinafter set out.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, each in consideration of the promises and undertakings of
the other as herein provided, do hereby covenant and agree, each with the other, as follows:
1. The Project consists of widening 1-95 to eight lanes and improve interchanges at 1-95 AT US 421
(EXIT 73) and SR 1793 (EXIT 72) in Harnett County
Agreement ID # 9312
2. At the request of the Municipality, and in accordance with the Department's Pedestrian Policy
Guidelines and Complete Streets Policy, the Project will include construction of sidewalk on SR
1793 on the Spring Branch (West) side of 1-95 and through the roundabout on both sides of 1-95,
US 421/E. Cumberland Street, and S. Sampson Avenue between US 421/E. Broad Street. Said
work shall be performed in accordance with the Department's policies, procedures, standards,
and specifications, and the following provisions.
3. The Department shall prepare the environmental and/or planning document, and obtain any
environmental permits needed to construct the Project, and prepare the Project plans and
specifications needed to construct the Project. All work shall be done in accordance with
departmental standards, specifications, policies and procedures.
4, The Department shall be responsible for acquiring any needed right of way required for the
Project. Acquisition of right of way shall be accomplished in accordance with the policies and
procedures set forth in the North Carolina Right of Way Manual.
5. It is understood by both parties that all work for the sidewalk shall be performed within the
existing right of way. However, should it become necessary, the Municipality, at no expense or
liability whatsoever to the Department, shall provide any needed right of way and or construction
easements for the construction of the sidewalk, and remove from said rights of way all
obstructions and encroachments of any kind or character. Acquisition of any needed right of way
shall be performed in accordance with the following state and federal policies and procedures,
"Right of Way Acquisition Policy and Land Acquisition Policy, contained in the Federal -Aid Policy
Guide, Part 712, Subpart B", and the North Carolina Right of Way Manual (Uniform Relocation
Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970). The Department shall be
indemnified and held harmless from any and all damages and claims for damages associated
with the acquisition of any construction easements and/or right of way.
6. The Municipality shall be responsible for the relocation and adjustment of all municipally -owned
utilities in conflict with the Project and shall exercise any rights that it may have under any
franchise to effect all necessary changes, adjustments, and relocations of communications and
Agreement ID # 9312
electric power lines; underground cables, gas lines, and, and other pipelines or conduits; or any
privately- or publicly -owned utilities.
7. If the Municipality requests the Department to include the relocation and/or adjustment of
municipally owned utilities in its construction contract provisions, and the Department agrees,
then the Department shall include this work at no cost to the Municipality. If the Municipality
requests utility betterments, then a separate utility agreement will be prepared to state the cost
estimate and the reimbursement terms. The Municipality shall reimburse the Department all the
costs associated with said betterments in accordance with NCGS 136-27.1. Reimbursement will
be based on final project plans and actual costs.
8. The Department shall construct, or cause to be constructed, the Project in accordance with the
plans and specifications of said Project as filed with, and approved by, the Department. The
Department shall administer the construction contract for said Project.
9. Upon completion of the Project:
A. The Department shall be responsible for all traffic operating controls and devices which shall
be established, enforced, and installed and maintained in accordance with the North Carolina
General Statutes, the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for
Streets and Highways, the latest edition of the "Policy on Street and Driveway Access to
North Carolina Highways', and departmental criteria.
B. The improvement(s) shall be a part of the State Highway System and owned and maintained
by the Department.
10. The Municipality, at no expense to the Department, shall assume all maintenance responsibilities
for the sidewalks and release the Department from all liability relating to such maintenance.
11. The Municipality shall participate in the sidewalk costs of the Project as follows:
Agreement ID # 9312
A. In accordance with the Pedestrian Policy Guidelines, the Municipality shall reimburse the
Department twenty percent (20%), of the actual cost, including administrative costs, of
the work associated with the construction of the pedestrian facilities. The Department
shall participate in eighty percent (80%) of the actual cost of the pedestrian facilities for
that portion of the project within the corporate limits, where new pedestrian facilities are
to be installed. The estimated cost of the pedestrian facilities is $80,561, The estimated
cost to the Municipality is $16,112. Both parties understand that this is an estimated cost
and is subject to change.
B. Upon completion of the Project, the Department will invoice the Municipality for their
share of the actual costs. Reimbursement to the Department shall be made in one final
payment within sixty days of invoicing by the Department. A late payment penalty and
interest shall be charged on any unpaid balance due in accordance with NCGS § 147-
C. :Reimbursement to the Department shall be made in one final payment within sixty days
of invoicing by the Department. A late payment penalty and interest shall be charged on
any unpaid balance due in accordance with NCGS § 147-86.23,
D. In the event the Municipality fails for any reason to pay the Department in accordance
with the provisions for payment herein above provided, NCGS § 136-41.3 authorizes the
Department to withhold so much of the Municipality's share of funds allocated to said
Municipality by NCGS § 136-41.1 until such time as the Department has received
payment in full under the reimbursement terms set forth in this Agreement.
12. It is the policy of the Department not to enter into any agreement with another party that has been
debarred by any government agency (Federal or State). The Municipality certifies, by signature
of this agreement, that neither it nor its agents or contractors are presently debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in this
transaction by any Federal or State Department or Agency.
13. To the extent authorized by state and federal claims statutes, each party shall be responsible for
its respective actions under the terms of this agreement and save harmless the other party from
any claims arising as a result of such actions.
14. The other party to this Agreement shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title
49 CFR, Subtitle A, Part 21) and related nondiscrimination authorities. Title VI and related
Agreement ID # 9312
authorities prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, gender,
and age in all programs or activities of any recipient of Federal assistance.
15. All terms of this Agreement are subject to available departmental funding and fiscal constraints.
16.This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and there are no
understandings or agreements, verbal or otherwise, regarding this Agreement except as expressly
set forth herein.
17, The parties hereby acknowledge that the individual executing the Agreement on their behalf is
authorized to execute this Agreement on their behalf and to bind the respective entities to the
terms contained herein and that he has read this Agreement, conferred with his attorney, and fully
understands its contents.
18, A copy or facsimile copy of the signature of any party shall be deemed an original with each fully
executed copy of the Agreement as binding as an original, and the parties agree that this
Agreement can be executed in counterparts, as duplicate originals, with facsimile signatures
sufficient to evidence an agreement to be bound by the terms of the Agreement.
19. By Executive Order 24, issued by Governor Perdue, and N.C. G.S.§ 133-32, it is unlawful for any
vendor or contractor ( i.e. architect, bidder, contractor, construction manager, design professional,
engineer, landlord, offeror, seller, subcontractor, supplier, or vendor), to make gifts or to give
favors to any State employee of the Governor's Cabinet Agencies (i.e., Administration,
Commerce, Environmental Quality, Health and Human Services, Information Technology, Military
and Veterans Affairs, Natural and Cultural Resources, Public Safety, Revenue, Transportation,
and the Office of the Governor).
IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED upon that the approval of the Project by the Department is
subject to the conditions of this Agreement.
Agreement ID # 9312
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed, in duplicate, the day and year
heretofore set out, on the part of the Department and the Municipalit by authority duly given.
B Y ✓' BY:
TITLE: City Clerk TITLE: City Manager
N.C.G.S. § 133-32 and Executive Order 24 prohibit the offer to, or acceptance by, any State
Employee of any gift from anyone with a contract with the State, or from any person seeking to do
business with the State. By execution of any response in this procurement, you attest, for your entire
organization and its employees or agents, that you are not aware that any such gift has been offered,
accepted, or promised by any employees of your organization.
(SEAI'6.,% , Z
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This Agreement has been pre -audited in the manner
required by the Local Government Budget and
Fiscal Control Act. Q
Federal Tax Identification Number
Remittance Address:
City of Dunn
401 E Broad St, PO Box 1065
Dunn NC 28335
Agreement ID # 9312