HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttach 12-10-2019CITY OF DUNN REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING 1 BA -04 (Attach #1) 12-10-2019 6/30/2020 Department: Public Utilities Budget Amendment # BA 04 Date: 12/10/2019 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After ''.. Amendment Water/Sewer Fund 30-810-7402 Captial Improvement Projects $ 225,000 $ 27,500 $ 252,500 LAYtNUI I URt I U IAL: $ 225,000 $ 27,500 $ 252,500 FUND LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment Water/Sewer Fund 30-368-2002 Fund Balance $ (30,000.00) $ (27,500) $ (57,500) RCVCIVUG IUINL: n // y (SV,000.VUf vJ (L /,JUU) tb (S I,SUU) CERTIFICATION: I certifv this reauested budget amendment was aooroved t e itv Council on: FUNDING SOURCE: City Manager. - (%. .. Iy,. Finance Director. ®l -g n Y.1 ` A This project was approved uring -d t e-HgetIng /uuulll process. The total construction cost and the paving to complete the project totaled $218,500. There was $150,000 built into the Water/Sewer budget and $41,000 for paving in Powell Bill Funds. The remaining 27,500 of the porject will be taken from the Water/Sewer fund balance. Fund Balance from the Enterprise Fund. Date: 12/10/2019 Date: 12/10/2019 Attachment 9 2 •h k•h �t•�F k k9: :P 9e •x :4 •k $4r*A•9: *��,•A•* k�F� •k �••k 1: k h* k•k 1P 9r k* *�*�*Ve :P �•:Y UTILITY RELOCATION AGREEMENT NCDOT HIGHWAY WBS ELEMENT NO, 53083.1.1 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM NO. I-5883 COUNTY Harnett ���t•�,r•x�;����a•�,t•,r,r�•,�*•x�r*�•:r�,r•xw�x��*•x**��•xx*�,v•x�r�•,�* This agreement made this day of1�,P' .h'\ c`i�i , by and between the Department'of Transportation, an agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the DEPARTMENT, and City of Dunn Inc. hereinafter referred to as the COMPANY: WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT will submit a project for construction as follows: known as route Interstate 95 in Harnett County, North Carolina to be designated as N.C. State Highway Project and/or WBS Element 53083.1.1 and, WHEREAS, theconstruction of said project will require certain adjustments to be made to the existing facilities of the COMPANY; NOW, THEREFORE, in order to facilitate the orderly and expeditious relocation of the said facilities -of COMPANY, the DEPARTMENT and the COMPANY have agreed as follows: 1. That the scope, description, and location of work to be undertaken by the COMPANY are as follows 2. That any work performed tinder this agreement shaA comply with DEPARTMENT's "POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR ACCOMMODATING UTILITIES ON HIGHWAY RIGHTS OF WAY" dated January 1, 1975, and such amendments thereto as may be in effect at the date of this agreement. The work to be performed by the COMPANY shall conform with .Federal Highway Administration's Federal -Aid Policy Guide, Subchapter G, Part 645, Subpart A hereinafter referred. to as FAPG dated December 9, 1991; and such amendments thereto as may be in effect at the date of this agreement. The provisions of said FAPG and amendments thereto are incorporated in this agreement by reference as fully as if herein set out. Any work performed under this agreement not in compliance with FAPG shall constitute unauthorized work and the DEPARTMENT shall be relieved of participating in the costs of such unauthorized work unless such work is done pursuant to a supplemental agreement attached to and made a part hereof. 3. That the COMPANY will prepare an estimate, broken down as to estimated cost of labor, construction overhead, materials and supplies, handling charges, transportation and equipment, rights of way, preliminary engineering and construction engineering, including an itemization of appropriate credits for salvage and betterments, and accrued depreciation all in sufficient detail to provide the DEPARTMENT a reasonable basis for analysis. Unit costs, such as broad gauge mots of property, may be used for estimating purposes where the COMPANY uses such units in its own operations. The COMPANY will also prepare plans, sketches or drawings showing their existing facilities, temporary and permanent changes.. to Ae..made with reference to.the.DEPARTMENT's.new right of way using appropriate nomenclature, symbols, legend, notes, color coding or the like. The before mentioned estimate and plans are attached hereto and made a part hereof. The DEPARTMENT will not reimburse the COMPANY for any utility relocations or changes not necessitated by the construction of the highway project, nor for changes made solely for the benefit or convenience of the COMPANY, its contractor, or a highway contractor. 4. That the DEPARTMENT's authority, obligation, or liability to pay for relocations as set forth in this agreement is based on the COMPANY having a right of occupancy in its existing location by reason of the fee, an easement or other real property interest, the damaging or taking of which is compensable in eminent domain. 5. That payment for all work done hereunder shall be made in accordance with the requirements of FAPG unless payment is being made pursuant to a supplemental agreement attachedto and made a part of this agreement. 6. That the construction work provided for in this agreement will be performed by the method or methods as specified below: BY COMPANY'S REGULAR FORCE: The COMPANY proposes to use its regular construction or maintenance crews and personnel at its standard schedule of wages and working hours in accordance with the terms of its agreement with such employees. Q BY EXISTING WRITTEN CONTINUING CONTRACT: The COMPANY proposes to use an existing written continuing contract under which certain work as shown by the COMPANY's estimate is regularly performed for the COMPANY and under which the Iowest available costs are developed. X BY CONTRACT: The COMPANY does not have adequate staff or equipment to perform the necessary work with its own forces. The COMPANY proposes to award a contract to the lowest qualified bidder who submits a proposal in conformity with the requirements and specifications for the work to be performed as set forth in an appropriate solicitation for bids. 7. a. It is contemplated by the parties hereto that the construction of this State Mghway Project will begin on or about the _, day of b. Based on the best information available at the present time to the COMPANY, indicate applicable paragraph bclow: Lnd Materials are available and it is expected that work will be complete prior to highway construction. F] All work will take place during highway construction and arrangements for said work will be coordinated with highway construction operations at preconstruction conference. Work will begin promptly upon notification by DEPARTMENT; however, it is not expected to be complete prior to highway construction. Any remaining work tivill.be coordinated with_highway construction operations at preconstruction conference. Other (Specify) S. That the method used by the COMPANY in developing the relocation costs shall be as indicated by Paragraph (a), (b), or (c) as follows: a. ❑ Actual direct and related indirect costs accumulated in accordance with a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the applicable Federal or State regulatory body. b. VN Actual direct and related indirect costs accumulated in accordance with an established accounting procedure developed by the COMPANY and approved by the DEPARTMENT. c. tZ On a lump -sum basis where the estimated cost to the DEPARTMENT does not exceed $100,000:00. Except where unit costs are used and approved, the estimate shall show such details as man-hours by class and rate; equipment charges by type, size, and rate; materials and supplies by items and price; and payroll additives and other overhead factors. 9. Indicate if (a) or (b) is applicable: a. � That the replacement facility is not of greater functional capacity or capability than the one it replaces, and includes no COMPANY betterments. b. L] That the replacement facility involves COMPANY betterments, or is of greater functional capacity or capability than the one it replaces. 10, That the total estimated cost of the work proposed herein, including all cost to the DEPARTMENT and COMPANY less any credit for salvage, is estimated to be The estimated non -betterment cost to the DEPARTMENT, including all cost less any credits for salvage, betterments, accrued depreciation and additional work done by the COMPANY will be -------------------------- ------------------- The estimated cost to the COMPANY including betterments, and any additional -work -done by the COMPANY will -be -------------- (The above costs shall be supported by attached estimate and plants) $162,000.00 $ 162,000.00 $ 0 11. That in the event it is determined there are changes in the scope of work, extra work, or major changes from the statement of work covered by this agreement, reimbursement shall be limited to costs covered by a modification of this agreement or a written change or extra work order approved by the DEPARTMENT. 12. Periodic progress billings of incurred costs may be made by COMPANY to the DEPARTMENT not to exceed monthly intervals; however, total progress billing payments shall not exceed 95%- of the approved non -betterment estimate. Progress billing forms may be obtained from the Area Utility Agent. 13. One final and detailed complete billing of all cost shall be made by COMPANY to the DEPARTMENT at the earliest practicable date after completion of work and in any event within six months after completion of work. The statement of final billing shall follow as closely as possible the order of the items in the estimate portion of this agreement. 14. That the DEPARTMENT shall have the right to fnsp.ect all books, records, accounts and other documents of the COMPANY pertaining to the work performed by it under this agreement at any time after work begins and for a period of 3 years from the date final payment has been received by the COMPANY. 15. That the COMPANY obligates itself to erect, service and maintain the facilities to be retained and installed over and along the highway within the DEPARTMENT right of way limits in accordance with the mandate of the Statute and such other laws, rules, and regulations as have been or may be validly enacted or adopted, now or hereafter. 16. That if, in the future, it becomes necessary due to highway construction or improvement to adjust or relocate utilities covered in this agreement being relocated at DEPARTMENT expense that are crossing or otherwise occupying highway right of way, the non -betterment cost of same will be that of the DEPARTMENT. 17. That if, at any time, the DEPARTMENT shall require the relocation of or changes in the location of the encroaching facilities covered in this agreement being relocated at COMPANY expense, the COMPANY binds itself, its successors and assigns, to promptly relocate or alter the facilities, in order to conform to the said requirements, without any cost to the DEPARTMENT. 18. That the COMPANY agrees to relinquish their rights in that portion of right of way vacated by their existing facilities now absorbed within DEPARTMENT right of way. 19. Proper -temporary and- permanent measures shall -be -used to control erosion and sedimentation in accordance with all local, State and Federal regulations. 20. The COMPANY agrees to comply with the environmental rules and regulations of the State of North Carolina. Violation to the NC Sedimentation Pollution Control Act, Clean Water Act, NC Coastal Management Act, or other environmental commitment outlined in the project permits may result in work stoppage, penalties and/or construction delays. 21. The COMPANY agrees to comply with Buy America. United States Codes (USC) 313 and Code of Federal Regulations 23 CFR 635.410: Requires the use of domestic steel and iron in all federally funded construction projects. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby have affixed their names by their duly authorized officers the day and year first above written. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION E" TITLE: ATTEST ORSS �t V®� OF" COMPANY) BY: TITLE: lJ \ `2;C�` IIIp1,�,llll�TTLE' C -A . O Fkpo[IgTG22 SEM- ......... EM- . `7 ( ' C . p 'AR \0 llll/111111 �e �� N.C.G.S. § 133-32 and Executive Order 24 prohibit the offer to, or acceptance by, any State Employee of any gift from anyone with a contract with the State, or from any person seeking to do business with the State. By execution of any response in this procurement, you attest, for your entire organization and its employees or agents, that you are not aware that any such gift has been offered, accepted, or promised by any employees of your organization. Form CIT 16.8 Rev.06/29/18 DAvis • MARTIN • POWELL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS November 19, 2019 Re: City of Dunn, NC PJ's Sewer Extension Limited Const Adm & Inspection Services DMP Project 170303 (BF) Ms. Heather Adams City of Dunn PO Box 1065 Dunn, North Carolina 28335 Dear Heather: As requested, Davis -Martin -Powell (DMP) is pleased to offer this Technical Services Proposal related to the construction of an 8 In sewer main extension to serve PJ's Truck Bodies located adjacent to 1-95 just south of the Hodge Chapel Road Interchange. Project Background and Scope of Services Enoch Engineers has designed a City of Dunn sewer extension to serve PJ's Truck Bodies located adjacent to 195 and south of Hodge Chapel Road. The corridor is just inside the Public Utility Easement (PUE) being acquired by DOT for the roadway construction and to provide space for this sewer line, HRW water line, OH power, and UG telephone Iines.DOT will be paying for construction and DMP cost related to this project as part of their RW settlement with the property owner since the roadway improvements will disturb the PJ's existing septic sewer system. DOT has agreed to pay the City for construction cost and Engineering cost associated with limited construction administration and limited inspection services for this project. A copy of our estimated project cost is enclosed and DOT is entering an agreement with the City for the project budget presented including estimated construction cost, engineering, and construction continency for a total of $162,000. DMP proposes to provide the following services related to the construction of the 8" sewer line designed by Enoch Engineers: 1. Review plans prepared by Enoch and attend meeting leading to plan approval. 2. Prepare technical specifications, quantity take off and informal bid documents for the project. 3. Assist City in bidding and award of the project. 4. Review shop drawings and payment request by the contractor. 5. Construction adm. to include attending the pre -construction meeting, 1 site visit, and attend the final inspection. 6. Provide limited inspection services (or CEI services in DOTterms). The inspection services is based on a 60 -day construction contract with 2 days per week intensity at 4 hours per visit. Compensation DMP proses to provide the Construction Adm. services for lump sum fee items and Construction Inspection on a per diem hourly rate bases in accordance with the following task. These services will be provided in accordance with our Attachment A, Standard Terms and Conditions, and Attachment B Standard Hourly Rates. T: 336-886-4821 • F: 336-886-4458 • License: F-0245 6415 Old Plank Road, High Point, NC 27265 • www,dmp-inc.com Dunn — PJ's Sewer Extension November 19, 2019 Page 2 of 2 Task Cost A. Items 1 and 2 above for plan reviews, $5,000 Lump Sum preparation of specs, and bidding documents B. Items 3, 4, and 5 above for bidding assistance, $7,000 Lump Sum shop drawings and pay request reviews, and attending meetings described C. Item 6 above for limited construction $7,000 Estimated Hourly inspection services Total Technical Services Cost $19,000 Additional Services If the need for additional services are identified during the construction of the project, such as more intense inspection service or the need for materials testing services the budget can be revised as necessary. Any additional services would be performed at our standard rates and would not be incurred without your prior authorization. Closing We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to the construction of this project. If you find this proposal acceptable, please return one signed copy of this letter proposal to our office, and if you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, DAVIS • MARTIN • PO ASSOCIATES, INC Randy L. McNeill, PE Enclosures: Attachment A—Standard Terms & Conditions Attachment B—Standard Hourly Rates Engineer's Estimate of Project Cost 1 Accepte i of Dunn By: Date C: Steven Neuschafer Michael Goliber DAMS • MARTIN • l OWELL Basis of cost ENGINEERS S SURVEYORS ■iA ❑ Conceptual 6415 Old Plank Road or O Preliminary High Point, NC 27265 ❑ Final p. 336.886.4821 Date: 11/14/2019 ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST Location: P1 Truck Bodies Project 170303 Project: City of Dunn Public Sewer Extension Based an Enoch Construction Plans Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Construction Budget Mobilization 1 LS $ 7,000 $ 7,000 8" PVC gravity sewer, 10' to 16' depth 891 LF 100 $ 89,100 4' dia manholes, 10'to 13' depth 4 Ea 51000 $ 20,000 Temporary construction entrance 1 Ea 2,000 $ 2,000 Temporary silt fence, with stone outlets 840 LF 5 $ 4,200 Heavy duty pavement patch 55 SY 100 $ 5,500 Core drlll existing manhole 1 Ea 2,200 $ 2,200 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION BUDGET $ 130,000 Technical Services (Construction Adm and Limited CEI Services) $ 19,000 Construction Contingencies $ 13,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT BUDGET $ 162,000 Construction Adm includes: Plan reviews, past site meeting, prepare specs, estimate quantitites and budget,assist with bidding, attend pre con, 1 site visit during const, attend final insp, process pay request and DOT reimbursement Limited CEI Services based on 60 day contract with inspections at 2 days per week at 4 hrs per day This ENGINEER'S Estimate of Probable Project/Construction Cost Is made on the basis of ENGINEER'S professional Judgment and experience as a professional generally famil ar with the Industry. The OWNER understands that the ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment, or services furnished by others, the Contractor's methods of determining prices, or the competitive bidding or market conditions. ENGINEER cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids, or actual construction cost will not vary from estimates of probable constructlon cost as prepared by ENGINEER. Page 1 of 1 CITY OF DUNN REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISION FISCAL YEAR ENDING BA -0512- A 12 10 2019#3) 6/30/2020 Department: Public Utilities Budget Amendment # BA 5 Date: 12/10/2019 FUND tl,Ica,vuv.vv) \,,uuu,cuoJ m �gn�gc�o/ LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Appropriation Before Amendment Amount of Amendment Increase/Decrease Appropriation After Amendment Tart Park Renovations 74665-0000 Construction $ 1,000,000 Amendment After in 2018-1019. The construction cost for the park, 74685-1000 Administration 125,000 - Amendment Tart Park Renovations 74-385-0000 Financial Installment Agreeement 1,125,000.00 $ 1,836,269 $ 2,961,269 CAYCIVUI I VKC I. I1L. .p t., u W i, , v v. , I KCVCNUC IV INL: J tl,Ica,vuv.vv) \,,uuu,cuoJ m �gn�gc�o/ CERTIFICATION: I certify this requested budget amendment was approved t ouncil on: Appropriation Amount of Appropriation FUND Date: �Z /0 LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION Before Amendment After in 2018-1019. The construction cost for the park, including a Chairlift and Sun Shades (Alternate Pricing), Amendment Increase/Decrease Amendment Tart Park Renovations 74-385-0000 Financial Installment Agreeement S (1,125,000.00) $ (1,836,269) $ (2,961,269) KCVCNUC IV INL: J tl,Ica,vuv.vv) \,,uuu,cuoJ m �gn�gc�o/ CERTIFICATION: I certify this requested budget amendment was approved t ouncil on: City Manager' �^'� ))//55 g''y q Date: dL' j J 01n) 9 Finance Directo. V �flUOG A, Date: �Z /0 JUSTIFICATION: This project was a roved during the budgeting process in 2018-1019. The construction cost for the park, including a Chairlift and Sun Shades (Alternate Pricing), using the Stewart Group for the Site Bid ($1,555,069), Engineered Construction Company for the building ($629,200), and with the City Self -Performing other parts cf the project ($777,000) will have a total project cost of $2,961,269. The Initial cost was expected to be $1,125,000 that make the total increase by $1,836,269. We have Grants from PARTF for $350,000 and State Grant Aid for $500,000 reducing the total to be borrowed in the amount of $2,111,269. FUNDING SOURCE: Borrowing to complete the total project north carolina UL Attachment #4 -DUNN tz-to-zois city of dune POST OFFICE BOX 1065 a DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 a FAX (910) 230-3590 wwwAunn-nc.org City of Dunn Mayor OATH OF OFFICE "I, William P. Elmore Jr., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of Mayor, of which I am about to enter, according to the best of my skill, ability, and judgment; so help me God." �11 4 4• f f William P. Elmore Jr. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 10th day of December, 2019. Attest: Taimmly William City Clerk ail. O. Henry l is Jr. l It11 Judicial District aur t Judge OFD m ORArF- '.• SEPI : \acre `s f'•.. .•''�c 2c 7 ere 6'Oii MU71G maffers north carolina U=D--DUNN city of dunn POST OFFICE BOX 1065 - DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 25335 (910) 230-3500 a FAX (910) 230-3590 www.dunn-nc.org Dunn City Council OATH OF OFFICE Attachment #5 12-10-2019 "I, J. Wesley Sills, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of Council Member, of which I am about to enter, according to the best of my skill, ability, and judgment; so help me God." J. Wesley Sills Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 10th day of December, 2019. Attest: K. Edward Greene Retired Court of Appeals Judge north caroling NN city of Bunn POST OFFICE BOX 1065 „ DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 a FAX (910) 230-3590 www.dnnn-nc.org Dunn City Council OATH OF OFFICE Attachment #6 12-10-2019 "I, April L. Gaulden, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of Council Member, of which I am about to enter, according to the best of my skill, ability, and judgment; so help me God." April L. Gaulden Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 10th day of December, 2019. Attest: --N L INV an -n iy William City Clerk Adie M. Harris Rawls 11th Judicial District Court Judge ,N111/1//j xz o ORPORqFT ?2 '•. SEAL yip r,7 , >y ' N f^� ppryry as M/rere c"tmune nz ers C._ R city of dunn POST OFFICE BOX 1065 - DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 25335 (910) 230-3500 - FAX (910) 230-3590 www.dunn-nc.org Dunn City Council OATH OF OFFICE Attachment #7 12-10-2019 "I, Willie Frank McLean, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of Council Member, of which I am about to enter, according to the best of my skill, ability, and judgment; so help me God." Sworn to and subscribed before rue, this the 10th day of December, 2019. Attest: E Tatnm� William City Cleric Mary D to ib. My Commission ... Geo "P® 2 m a!' SEAL �s d� tiA��ee tsej®889181\\\e 1872021 MMM north carolina UMDUNN city of duan POST OFFICE BOX 1065 • DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 o FAX (910) 230-3590 www.dunn-nc.org Dunn City Council OATH OF OFFICE Attachment #8 12-10-2019 "I, Billy N. Tart, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of Council Member, of which I am about to enter, according to the best of my skill, ability, and judgment; so help me God." Billy N. Tart 6j Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 10th day of December, 2019. Attest: city °bbnnnlei, ® ;SOP H% AABBffl fSp Flb�\\\ K. Edward Greene Retired Court of Appeals Judge mhere cam7lit!5y mafferrs north carolina 61 ir LLU�DUNN city of dunn POST OFFICE BOX 1065 - DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 - FAX (910) 230-3590 www.dunn-nc.org Dunn City Council OATH OF OFFICE Attachment #9 12-10-2019 "I, Charles W. "Chuck" Turnage, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of Council Member, of which I am about to enter, according to the best of my skill, ability, and judgment; so help me God." Charles W. "Chuck" Turnage Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 10th day of December, 2019. .°°°°nrnreni OFO�� w s: PO `2 ® ®oo ® O. Henry Wi lis J SEAQ e 11th Judicial District Court Judge Attest: i CAPD. ,i' oral raoc5a°°° City DUNN All-AmericaCity 1 w4ere communi maffers rsxv*20o POST OFFICE BOX 1065 . DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 • FAX (910) 230-3590 www.dunn-nc.org Dunn City Council OATH OF OFFICE "I, David L. Bradhain, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of Council Member, of which I am about to enter, according to the best of my skill, ability, and judgment; so help me God." David L. Bradham Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 10th day of December, 2019. °°"1151110", G\ -TY OF .'GORPpF1gT'2 ®tea SEALCMA 0® Jy+Ala i a11%0" aminy Williai `s City Clerk' DUNN Ail -America City 1 sere zwann9T maffers 1999 {(2013 WHEREAS, Dr. Gwen McNeill has served this community and the City of Dunn in numerous capacities, including representing Ward Two for four years as a member of the Dunn City Council since December 2015; and WHEREAS, these years of service have been marked by exemplary dedication to the best interests of the City as she has worked for the betterment of its economic, infrastructure, -cultural, literacy and aesthetic development; and WHEREAS, during these years of service, Gwen has gained the admiration and respect of local officials and her constituents for her untiring efforts in providing for the orderly growth of Dunn; and WHEREAS, Gwen has also served this community through various charitable, civic and educational organizations, such as serving as a community service counselor with children, volunteering with the Harnett County One on One program, serving as President of the Grove Park Committee, conducting a women's conference for many years and also as a preacher of the Gospel; and WHEREAS, many projects have been commenced and completed by the City during Gwen's term in office, including but not limited to: hosting the Veterans Experience Action Clinic, Police Department achieving CALEA Accreditation, completion of the Harnett Training School project with implementation of the CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Project around the Dunn Enrichment Area; many economic development projects including the recent Pallet Consultants of North Carolina Inc.; several major Water and Sewer improvements including the implementation of the Automated Metering Infrastructure project; and WHEREAS, Gwen has further worked with the Mayor and Council in improving the City's Fund Balance from $3,572,257 in 2015 to $5,416,208 in 2019 and pushing for the collection of past due debts related to weeded lots and demolitions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina, that the Mayor and City Council express to you, Dr. Gwen McNeill, on behalf of themselves, our residents and officials, our appreciation and gratitude for your unselfish, devoted and invaluable service and contributions rendered to the Council and the City of Dunn in the many capacities in which. you have served; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we offer you our very best wishes for success, happiness, prosperity and good health in your future endeavors. This Resolution shall be incorporated into the official Minutes of the City of Dunn, and shall be in full farce and effect from and after this 10'h day of December, 2019. William P. Elmore Jr., Md/or ATTEST: l5°'rv`' ✓ 4Tyffiwqllll, am s, City Clerk 019-29 h #11) W-JR2DuNN 12-10-2010-201 9 *Amt lmC14 ' alM rmnmrsnt mnlhn t!�Wl��� 1989 )t 2013 In Recognition and-3ppreciation of Or. Gwen McNeil ,For Tour 'Years of Outstanding Service andGeadership on the Dunn City Council WHEREAS, Dr. Gwen McNeill has served this community and the City of Dunn in numerous capacities, including representing Ward Two for four years as a member of the Dunn City Council since December 2015; and WHEREAS, these years of service have been marked by exemplary dedication to the best interests of the City as she has worked for the betterment of its economic, infrastructure, -cultural, literacy and aesthetic development; and WHEREAS, during these years of service, Gwen has gained the admiration and respect of local officials and her constituents for her untiring efforts in providing for the orderly growth of Dunn; and WHEREAS, Gwen has also served this community through various charitable, civic and educational organizations, such as serving as a community service counselor with children, volunteering with the Harnett County One on One program, serving as President of the Grove Park Committee, conducting a women's conference for many years and also as a preacher of the Gospel; and WHEREAS, many projects have been commenced and completed by the City during Gwen's term in office, including but not limited to: hosting the Veterans Experience Action Clinic, Police Department achieving CALEA Accreditation, completion of the Harnett Training School project with implementation of the CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Project around the Dunn Enrichment Area; many economic development projects including the recent Pallet Consultants of North Carolina Inc.; several major Water and Sewer improvements including the implementation of the Automated Metering Infrastructure project; and WHEREAS, Gwen has further worked with the Mayor and Council in improving the City's Fund Balance from $3,572,257 in 2015 to $5,416,208 in 2019 and pushing for the collection of past due debts related to weeded lots and demolitions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina, that the Mayor and City Council express to you, Dr. Gwen McNeill, on behalf of themselves, our residents and officials, our appreciation and gratitude for your unselfish, devoted and invaluable service and contributions rendered to the Council and the City of Dunn in the many capacities in which. you have served; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we offer you our very best wishes for success, happiness, prosperity and good health in your future endeavors. This Resolution shall be incorporated into the official Minutes of the City of Dunn, and shall be in full farce and effect from and after this 10'h day of December, 2019. William P. Elmore Jr., Md/or ATTEST: l5°'rv`' ✓ 4Tyffiwqllll, am s, City Clerk — h =.—Itnn R2019-30 (Attach #12) .. T ---N 12-10-2019 o� AII•Amerla CIb pierr ad ��„ 1111 I.f ro ao19 arvnHers In 1�cognition and-9ppreciation of 1989 *2D13 SEC Frank "Buddy" Maness III TorSbCteen Tears of Outstanding Service andGeadership on the Dunn City Council WHEREAS, Eli Frank "Buddy" Maness has served this community and the City of Dunn in numerous capacities, including representing Ward One for sixteen years as a member of the Dunn City Council since December 2003, serving as Mayor Pro Tem from October 2013 to December 2014; and WHEREAS, these years of service have been marked by exemplary dedication to the best interests of the City as he has worked for the betterment of its economic, infrastructure, cultural, literacy and aesthetic development; and WHEREAS, during these years of service, Buddy has gained the admiration and respect of local officials and his constituents for his untiring efforts in providing for the orderly growth of Dunn; and WHEREAS, Buddy has served this community as a long-time businessman and has been involved in various charitable, civic and educational organizations, such as serving as 2012-2013 President of the Dunn Rotary Club, serving as a board member of Habitat for Humanity, volunteer work with Hurricane efforts, at local schools, community clean-up days and many years serving as a T -Ball coach for the City of Dunn Parks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, many projects have been commenced and completed by the City during Buddy's term in office, including but not limited to: completion of the Dr. PIS Vyas Recreation Center, establishment of the Dunn Community Development Corporation and the Downtown Dunn Development Corporation; the City's Fire Department and Rescue Squad merged as Dunn Emergency Services, Inc.; Betsy Johnson Hospital transferred to Harnett Health System, which is now operating two nonprofit Health Care facilities in Harnett County; completion of the Downtown Dunn Revitalization Project, Tyler Park Renovations Project, and Harnett Training School project with implementation of the CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Project around the Dunn Enrichment Area; many economic development projects including the Rooms To Go Super Center; Police Department achieving CALEA Accreditation; several major Water and Sewer improvements including the development of the Eastover Sanitary Water District, I-95 Corridor Sewer System Improvements to provide service for Exits 75 and 77, as well as implementation of the Automated Metering Infrastructure project; and WHEREAS, Buddy has further worked with Mayor Harris and the Council in improving the City's Fund Balance from $3,003,468 in 2007 to $5,416,208 in 2019 and was a proud member of the delegation bringing home the City's second All -America City Award in 2013. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina, that the Mayor and City Council express to you, Eli Frank "Buddy" Maness III, on behalf of themselves, our residents and other officials, our appreciation and gratitude for your unselfish, devoted and invaluable service and contributions rendered to the Council and the City of Dunn in the many capacities in which you have served; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we offer you our very best wishes for success, happiness, prosperity and good health in your future endeavors. This Resolution shall be incorporated into the official Minutes ofthe City of Dunn, and shall be in full force and effect from and after this 10°i day of December, 2019, William P. Ehnore Jr., Maycd ATTEST: Tam y Willi, ,City Clerk --�- 2019 bc&d W-J���� R2019-31 (Attach #13) 12-10-ttac .ur nt au.n alrx sommrmi nmtlery W , In Recognition andAppreciation of 1989*2013 Oscar N Mamr Tor Twenty Tears of outstanding Service andLeadership as Mayor of the City of Dunn WHEREAS, Oscar N. Harris has served this community and the City of Dunn in numerous capacities, including twenty years as Mayor of the City of Dunn, twelve of those years served since December 6, 2007; and WHEREAS, these years of service have been marked by exemplary dedication to the best interests of the City as he has worked for the betterment of its economic, infrastructure, cultural, literacy and aesthetic development; and WHEREAS, during these years of service, Oscar has gained the admiration and respect of local officials, area business and civic leaders, as well as the City's residents, for his untiring efforts in providing for the orderly growth of Dunn; and WHEREAS,. Oscar has also served the community as a long-time businessman and has been involved in various charitable, civic and educational organizations; and WHEREAS, just a few examples of Oscar's public service include exemplary leadership as a founding and/or charter member of many great organizations such as Habitat for Humanity of Harnett County, General William C. Lee Memorial Commission and Museum, and Dunn Area History Museum. He has been a huge supporter and friend to Campbell University, recently leading the campaign to fund the School of Osteopathic Medicine Building. He has served two terms as Senator. of the NC 15" Senatorial District and served on many statewide boards including the NC Department of Transportation and North Carolina Economic Development Board; and WHEREAS, many projects have been commenced and completed by the City during Oscar's current term in office, including but not limited to: establishment of the Dunn Community Development Corporation and the Downtown Dunn Development Corporation; merged the City's Fire Department with the Rescue Squad and established Dunn Emergency Services, Inc.; transferred operation of the Betsy Johnson Hospital to Harnett Health System which is now operating two nonprofit Health Care facilities in Harnett County; completion of the Downtown Dunn Revitalization Project, Tyler Park Renovations Project, and Harnett Training School project with implementation of the CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Project around the Dunn Enrichment Area; many economic development projects including the Rooms To Go Super Center; several major Water and Sewer improvements including the development of the Eastover Sanitary Water District, I-95 Corridor Sewer System Improvements to provide service for Exits 75 and 77, as well as implementation of the Automated Metering Infrastructure project; Police Department achieving CALEA Accreditation; hosting the Veterans Experience Action Clinic; and WHEREAS, Oscar has further lead the City in improving its Fund Balance from $3,003,468 in 2007 to $5,416,208 in 2019 and was instrumental in the City receiving its second All -America City Award in 2013. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina, that the Mayor and City Council express to you, Oscar N. Harris, on behalf of themselves, our residents and officials, our appreciation and gratitude for your unselfish, devoted and invaluable service and contributions rendered to the Council and the City of Dunn in the many capacities in which you have served; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we offer you our very best wishes for success, happiness, prosperity and good health in your future endeavors. This Resolution shall be incorporated into the official Minutes of the City of Dunn, and shall be in full force and effectfrom and after this 10' day of December, 2019. William P. Elmore Jr, M(YY ATTEST: Taraaiimy Willm, r ,City Clerk north carolina UL-DUNN city of dunn POST OFFICE BOX 1065 a DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 • FAX (910) 230-3 www.ditnn-nc.org R2019-3 10 tt 9 #14) RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2020 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE CITY OF DUNN CITY COUNCIL Mayor William P. Elmore Council Members J. Wesley Sills April L. Gaulden Frank McLean Billy N. Tart Chuck Turnage or, David L. Bradham City Manager Steven Neuschafer WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Statute 160A-71 allows the City Council to fix a specific time and place for their regular meetings; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Statute 143-318.12(a) requires that the City Council's schedule of regular meetings be kept on file with the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina that the following meeting schedule be adopted: Tuesday January 14, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday February 11, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday March 10, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday April 14•, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday May 12, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday June 9, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday July 14, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday August 11, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday September 8, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday October 13, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday November 10, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday December 8, 2020 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Dunn, meeting in regular session this 10th day of December, 2019. A G1 Vy OF GORPO,R,yT .•William P. Elmore Jr., or Attest: ®, F SEAL CARO\;,\%` Tammy Williaii k City Clerk DUNN All -America Cid IIR1 Am cmmunt maAerr mg*20o north carolina UEDUNN city of dunn POST OFFICE BOX 1065 a DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 ^ FAX (910) 230-350^ www.dunn-nc.org R2019-33 0 2t 9 #15) Mayor William P. Elmore, Jr Council Members J. Wesley Sills April L. Gaulden Frank McLean Billy N. Tait Chuck Turnage Dr David L, Ba adham City Manager Steven Neuschafer RESOLUTION GRANTING AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE ALL EVIDENCES OF DEBT, DRAW CHECKS, DRAFTS, AND WIRE TRANSFERS UPON ACCOUNTS OF THE CITY OF DUNN BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Dunn hereby designates First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, First Federal Savings and Loan Association, Branch Bank & Trust Co. (to become Truist Bank), Select Bank & Trust, and the North Carolina Capital Management Trust as its depositories, and that William P. Elmore, Jr., Mayor; Steven Neuschafer, City Manager; Mathew Boone, Assistant City Manager; James Roberts, Finance Director; and Omessia Tatum, Accountant, be authorized effective December 10th, 2019, to execute all evidences of debt, draw checks, drafts, and wire transfers upon the accounts of the City in said banks: William P. Elmore, Jr., Mayor Steven Neuschafer, City Manager Mathew Boone, Assistant City Manager James Roberts, Finance Director Omessia Tatum, Accountant BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that such evidence of debt, checks, and drafts will be signed or authorized by any two of said officials. ,,,iiurryr This the I0 dory ofLieceinber•, 2019. q,G�� ( OF �j .,e j G o ® ® William P. Elmore, Jr. f SEAQ :: Q Mayor Attest: 0'91,N CPSI'%" ®u .. n F131t!`tttc Tammy Williams City Clerk 'Q DUNN krad All -America City r Alm covnnnLr mafferar 1989{(2013