HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttach 06-11-2019ro Tammy Williams wles5d9k j Iz2 FY 2019-2020 BUDGET.jpg (35 KB) Cost is $ 76.13. Thank You. On 5/24/2019 3:26 PM, Tammy Williams wrote: Please get the attached Legal Notice prepared for publication on May 31, 2019. Please send rue proof and cost. Thanks! ray waUa*n,k City Clerk City of Dunn 910-230-3501 City of Dunn NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING -- FY 2019-2020 BUDGET The proposed Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget for the City of Dunn has been presented to the City Council and is available for public inspection in the office of the Clerk at the Dunn Municipal Building from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays. The City Council will hold a public hearing ort the proposed budget on June 11, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Dunn Municipal Building, 401 E. goad Street, Dunn, NCS for the purpose of receiving comments on the proposed budget. Persons wishing to be heard are invited to make written or oral comments, Tammy Williams City Clerk 5/31/2019 Delete nespona gUICK Meps move .. lags _.... `Tue 5128(2019 10:32 ANI. Attachment #1 classifieds@mydailyrecord.com 06-11-2019 Re: Legal Notice ro Tammy Williams wles5d9k j Iz2 FY 2019-2020 BUDGET.jpg (35 KB) Cost is $ 76.13. Thank You. On 5/24/2019 3:26 PM, Tammy Williams wrote: Please get the attached Legal Notice prepared for publication on May 31, 2019. Please send rue proof and cost. Thanks! ray waUa*n,k City Clerk City of Dunn 910-230-3501 City of Dunn NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING -- FY 2019-2020 BUDGET The proposed Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget for the City of Dunn has been presented to the City Council and is available for public inspection in the office of the Clerk at the Dunn Municipal Building from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays. The City Council will hold a public hearing ort the proposed budget on June 11, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Dunn Municipal Building, 401 E. goad Street, Dunn, NCS for the purpose of receiving comments on the proposed budget. Persons wishing to be heard are invited to make written or oral comments, Tammy Williams City Clerk 5/31/2019 I Attachment #2 Subject Notice of Public Hearing - RZ-03-19 and OA -04-18 06-11-2019 Attached 6J00000481jpg (81 K61; (NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING - RZ-03-19 - 6-11-19.doc (28 KBI From: classif ieclsC@mydaiEyrecord.corn f rnailto:class fieds a@rnyda lyrecord.cornj Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 10:24AM To: Melissa Matti <MMattiPdunn-nc.or > Subject: Re: Notice of Public Hearing - RZ-03-19 and OA -04-18 Cost is $ 415.20 to run three times. On 5/14/2019 2:06 PM, Melissa Matti wrote: Attached please find a Notice of Public Hearing — Rezoning Request RZ-03-19 & Ordinance Amendment Request OA -04-18 Please advertise on May 21", May 28th, and June 41h, 2019 and please confirm receipt. Thank you, Melissa Matti, CMC Administrative Support Specialist It City of Dunn PO Box 10651 Dunn, NC 28335 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (910) 230-3505 (o) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL (910) 230-9005 (f) BE HELD BY THE CITY OF DUNN PLANNING BOARD ON mmatti aMunn-nc.ort; MAY 28, 2019 AT 6:30 P.M. AND BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUNN ON JUNE 11, 2019 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COURTROOM OF THE DUNN MUNICIPAL BUILDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: REZONING REQUEST — RZ-03-19 PIN: 1516-85.7018.000 and 1516-85.605B.000 Charlie Yokley - McAdams (applicant) ONH Properties, LLC (owner) This Is a reqquest to rezone two (2) parcels .27 acres +l• located In the 800 block of E. Cumberland St. The parcels are currently zoned R•7, Sin Is Family Dwelling District and are proposed to be rezoned to C-3, Highway Commercial District. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REQUEST—OA-04-18 Chapter 22; Article III, Division 7 of the Zoning Ordinance — C-2, Shopping Center District This request Is to amend the Ordinance to add minimum lot area requirements for out parcels for the C-2; Shopping Center District. ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO BE HEARD EITHER FOR OR AGAINST THE PROPOSED ITEMS SET FORTH ABOVE ARE REQUESTED TO BE PRESENT AT THE ABOVE MEN- TIONED TIME AND PLACE. COPIES OF PROPOSED ITEMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. WRITTEN COMMENTS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF DUNN P.O. BOX 1065 DUNN, NC 28335 5/21,28; 6/412019 Attachment #3 06-11-2019 Subject ( Notice of Public Hearing - 204 Ammons Rd and 602 E Pearsall St. Attached VJ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGA)a (101 KBI; M� PH - 204 Ammons Rd &602 E Pearsall St - 641-19 doc (29 KBI From: classifieds c mydail.�record.com[mailto:classifiedsmydailyrecard.comj Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2019 9:16 AM To: Melissa Matti <MMatti(adunn-nc.org> Subject: Re: Notice of Public Hearing - 204 Ammons Rd and 602 E Pearsall St. Cost is $356.39 On 5/30/2019 8:05 AM, Melissa Matti wrote: Attached please find a Notice of Public Hearing — 204 Ammons Rd. and 602 E. Pearsall St. Please advertise on May 31" and June 4th, 2019 and please confirm receipt. Thank you, Mel%ssA Maar, ci tc LEGAL NOTICE Administrative Support Specialist 11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA, UNDER AUTHOR - City of Dunn ITY OF CHAPTER 160A, SECTION 364 OF THE GENERAL PO Box 1065 STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:00 P.M. ON JUNE 11, 2019 IN THE Dunn, NC 28335 COURTROOM OF THE DUNN MUNICIPAL BUILDING. (910) 230-3505 (o) THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE DISCUSSED. (910) 230-9005 (f) PUBLIC HEARING: mm�tti_@dunn-nc.org (1) A HEARING WAS HELD ON MARCH 14, 2019 IN REFERENCE TO THE DWELLING LOCATED AT 204 AMMONS ROAD. AT SAID HEARING, EVIDENCE WAS GIVEN TO SHOW THAT THE PROPERTY IS IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY OF DUNN MINIMUM HOUSING CODE AND N.C.G.S. 160A — 428. AN ORDER WAS ALSO PLACED TO OWNER(S), ULFET VALERIE THOMPSON TO REPAIR OR DEMOLISH SAID DWELLING. TO DATE, NO RESPONSE HAS BEEN MADE. THEREFORE, IT WILL GO BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE TO HAVE THE DWELLING REMOVED AND ALL COSTS INCURRED BE A LIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY. (2) A HEARING WAS HELD ON MARCH 14, 2019 IN REFERENCE TO THE DWELLING LOCATED AT 602 E. PEARSALL ST. AT SAID HEARING, EVIDENCE WAS OF ,—i REPAIR OR DEMOLISH SAID DWELLING. TO DATE, NO RESPONSE HAS BEEN MADE. THEREFORE, IT WILL G( BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE TO HAVE THE DWELLING REMOVED AND ALL COSTS INCURRED BE A LIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY. ALL PERSON DESIRING TO BE HEARD, EITHER FOR OR AGAINST THE PROPOSED ITEMS SET FORTH ABOVE, ARE REQUESTED TO BE PRESENT AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED TIME AND PLACE. STEVEN KING CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CITY OF DUNN 5/31; 6/4/2019 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE, DUNN CITY COUNCIL U. Valerie Thompson 215 Burke St. Dunn, NC 28334 To Whom It May Concern: LOCATION OF DWELLING: 204 Ammons Road Dunn, NC 28334 (PIN 0#:1515-49-8767.000) You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held before the City Council of the City of Dunn at its June 11 tt', 2019 meeting at 7:00 pm at the City of Duim Municipal Building, located at 401 E. Broad Sheet. Following the public hearing, the City Council will consider for decision, an ordinance to authorize Building Inspector to demolish said dwelling. This is the 31St day of May, 2019, Steven Iii Chief Buildin Spector, City of Drain NOTICE OE PUBLIC HEARING DUNN CITY COUNCIL Clara Belle M. Johnson 5311 Fairground Rd. Dunn, NC 28334 To Whom It May Concern: LOCATION OF DWELLING: 602 E. Pearsall St. Dunn, NC 28334 (PIN #:1516-75-1263.000) You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held before the City Council of the City of Dunn at its June 11'l', 2019 meeting at 7:00 pra at the City of Duni Municipal Building, located at 401 E. Broad Street. Following the public hearing, the City Council will consider for decision, an ordinance to authorize Building Inspector to demolish said dwelling. This is the 31St day of May, 2019. Steven King Chief Building otos, City of Duni ® north Carolina NN city of duan POST OFFICE BOX 1065 ^ DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 • FAX (910) 230-3590 www.dttnn-nc.org R2019-09 (Attach #4) 06-11-2019 A RESOLUTION RE -NAMING A STREET WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF DUNN FROM HOLLAND AVENUE TO CORINTH AVENUE Mayor Oscar N. Harris Mayor Pro Tem Frank McLean Council Members Buddy Maness Dr. Gwen McNeill Billy Tart Chuck Turnage Dr. David L. Bradham City Manager Steven Neuschafer WHEREAS, the City of Dunn has been petitioned by Stoney Run Properties, LLC, for the renaming of Holland Avenue to Corinth Avenue, a minor public street, located on a parcel of land (PIN # 1526-16-4532) within the corporate city limits of the City of Dunn; WHEREAS, Stoney Run Properties, LLC is the sole owner of the lots fronting on this minor public street within the Stoney Run Industrial Park; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Dunn finds: 1. That the renaming of said street will be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the city. 2. The name Corinth will not conflict with other street names in the City of Dunn. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dunn, that the municipal street presently, and commonly, known as "Holland Avenue" be and is hereby re- named "Corinth Avenue." This 11th day of June, 2019. ,r�uuurq G�(Y OFD ., :•C)&PORAIF Attest: d SEA\- ®9Ty 4. Tammy Willias, City Clerk F {. t a C � 0 car N. Harris MA'yor mliere 60772972CG7ZL 7naffers 02019-04 (OA -04-18) Attachment # S Adopted: 06-11-2019 The City of Dunn Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by revising Article III, Division 7, Section 22-164 (1) DIVISION 7. C-2 Shopping Center District Sec. 22-164. Enumerated by district. The following dimensional requirements shall apply within the C-2 shopping center district: (1) Minimum lot area: Three (3) acres. (2) Minimum yard size: a. Front: Forty (40) feet. b. Rear: Twenty (20) feet. c. Side: Twenty (20) feet, each side. d. Width of lot: 100 ft. e. Depth of lot: 100 ft. (3) Minimum lot area - outparcels: 40,000 square feet for outparcel with no separate road access. (Code 1974, § 25-46; Ord. No. 02007-12, 9-6-07) 01 R20190-101 teach #6) JOINT RESOLUTION BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND THE CITY OF DUNN COUNCILTO SELL REAL PROPERTY THAT WHEREAS, Harnett County and the City of Dunn are the owners of a 50 foot x 150 foot real property tract located on East Edgerton Street in the City of Dunn, Harnett County, NC 28334. This tract was conveyed to Harnett County and the City of Dunn in that Deed recorded in Book 1247, Page 332, Harnett County Registry with Parcel ID No, 02151608470027;and WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Harnett Chapel Freewill Baptist Church (Harnett Chapel) have made an offer to Harnett County and the City of Dunn to purchase said real property tract for the purchase price of $5,250.00 pursuant to the negotiated offer, advertisement and upset bid procedure set forth in N.C. Gen. Stat. §160A-269; that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and the City of Dunn Council have considered this offer and they desire through this Resolution to propose to accept the offer on the condition that Harnett Chapel pay a 5% deposit ($267.50) and that the further requirements of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A-269 are met. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Cormnissioners and the City of Dunn Council pursuant to the provisions of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A-269 do hereby propose to accept the offer by the Trustees of the Harnett Chapel Freewill Baptist Church to purchase that 50 foot x 150 foot real property tract (Parcel ID No.: 02151608470027) upon its deposit of 5% of the offered price ($267.50) and subject to any upset bids received after publication of Harnett Chapel's offer pursuant to the aforementioned statute. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that th compliance with the sale provisions of N.C. Gen. and Council a proposed Special Warranty Deed and accepted for said real property, Adopted this the 17°i day of June, 2019. ATTEST: arg i t Regina eler Clerk the Board e County and City attorneys will insure the Stat. §160A-269 and will provide to the Board at such time that a final bid has been received HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By:ozcr�, Gor on Springle, C -m Adopted this the ( 10�day of June, 2019. CITY OF DUNN COUNCIL 0 unnu'�i pqY OG, ......... 2 ,:GORPORgT'.2: BY: F : _ scar N. Harrivs'' r SEAL ATTEST: Clerk to the To Tammy Williams '.I, NOTICE TO SELL REAL PROPERTY.jpg (122 KB) FYI margaret RZOLwa WtneeLer, 0-1,e02 1-tarvvett caacvito $DLard of cow vv ss ovuers T'.D. FD)( 759 LJx,L Em9tovv, NO, 2754ro ��a)g2a�-�oo2 (ctLrect) (fax) er[harwett.or From: classifiedsPniydailyrecord.com <classifieds(a mydaily_record.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 8:52 AM To: Gina Wheeler <Rwheeler@harnett.oM> NORTH CAROLINA Subject: Re: Please publish notice HARNETT COUNTY NOTICE BY HARNETT COUNTY AND Cost is $ 219.41. Will publish tomorrow 6/20/19. Thank You. THE CITY OF DUNN TO SELL REAL PROPERTY WITH INVITATION FOR UPSET BIDS On 6/18/2019 1:09 PM, Gina Wheeler wrote: TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the provisions of N.C. General Statutes § 160A-269, the Harnett County Board of Commission - Please publish the attached notice once in the Daily Recurs and the City of Dunn Council by Resolution dated June 11 and 17, 2019, proposed to accept an alter by Harnett Chapel Freewill Baptist Church to purchase from Harnett County and Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk the City of Dunn the following described real property: Harnett County Board of Commissioners P.O. Box 759 Lillington, NC 27546 That 50 toot x 150 loot tract located on East Edgerton Street In the City of Dunn, Averasboro Township, Harnett County, NO, 28334, with a Parcel ID No. 02151608470027 which is more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot Nos. 7 and 8 in Block 2" in the subdivision of the R.M. Warren property, lying and being on the North side of the extension of the East Edgerton Street according to a cer- tain map or plat made by D. L Farmer, Surveyor, dated January, 1924, and is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Harnett County in Map Book 3, Page 31. Each of said lots being 25 feet by 150 feet in size. The above described lots are a portion of the real property conveyed to the County of Harnett and the Town at Dunn In that deed dated March 8, 1939 and recorded In Book 247, Page 332, Harnett County Registry. The offered purchase price for the above described real prop- erty Is $5,250.00 Any person or entity interested in purchasing this real property may do so by raisin gg the bid of $5,250.00 in an amount not less than ten percent (, 0%) of the first One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and live percent (5%) of the remainder. Any raised bid shall be made in writing and delivered to the Harnett County Clerk, Margaret Regina Wheeler, by the bidder who shall also pay to the Clerk a deposit of live percent (5%) of the Increased bid. The County Clerk can be contacted at the following address: Margaret Regina Wheeler, County Clerk Harnett County Administration Building 420 McKinney Parkway Lillinglon, NC 27546 Telephone: 910-8937555 Any raised bid must be made within ten (10) days of the publication date of this Notice. During the upset bid process, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and/or the City of Dunn Council retain the right to reject any and all offers. Harnett CouV Board of Commissioners and the City of Dunn Council 6/20/19 north carolina Mayor Oscar N. Harris . Mayor Pro Tem LWDUNN Frank McLean Council Members Buddy Maness city O f d U. o ri Dr. Gwen McNeill Billy Tart ge POST OFFICE BOX 1065 ^ DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 Chuck Dr. Davidid L. L. Bradham (910) 230-3500 a FAX (910) 230----- City Manager www.dunn-nc.org R2019-11 (Attach #7) Steven Neuschafer 06-11-2019 RESOLUTION BY GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF DUNN WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 159G has created Asset Inventory and Assessment grants to assist eligible units of government with meeting their water infrastructure needs, and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality has offered a State Reserve Grant in the amount of $150,000 to perform asset inventory and assessment work, and WHEREAS, the City of Dunn intends to perform said project in accordance with the agreed scope of work. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUNN: That the City of Dunn does hereby accept the State Reserve Grant offer of $150,000. That the City of Dunn does hereby give assurance to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality that any Conditions or Assurances contained in the Award Offer will be adhered to. That Steven Neuschafer, City Manager, and successors so titled, is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the appropriate State agency may request in connection with such application or the project; to make the assurances as contained above; and to execute such other documents as may be required by the Division of Water Infrastructure. Adopted this the 11th Day of June, 2019 at Dunn, North Carolina. r�! ' Osc�#,AHarris, ayor Attest: ' �.'Gp1�PORgT�,, SEAT- Tam y William , ity Clerk 'e�''•9Ty CA���•6 r,,,llvvl lii\\4a DUNN All -America Cip 1 Wi4ere cov7flt! 7naffers 1989'2013 Attachment #8) 06.11-2019 FIRST AMENDMENT TO SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM BETWEEN THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE CITY OF DUNN THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM ME, MORANDUN OF UNDERSTANDING is made and entered into as of the 1 lth day of June, 2019 (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Date"), by and between the Harnett County Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"), the governing body of the Harnett County Schools (hereinafter "HCS") and the City of Dunn (hereinafter referred to as "City"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Board and the City entered into a School Resource Officer Program Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as the "MOU") dated October 1, 2018 to provide School Resource Officers to certain schools within the HCS; WHEREAS, according to Article IX, Section 4 entitled "Amendments and Modifications; Additional Policies and Procedures," the MOU may only be amended by written instrument and executed in the same fashion as the MOU; WHEREAS, the Board and City mutually desire to amend the MOU to permit both parties to renew the MOU at the expiration of the then -current term; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and consideration herein contained, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Article VII entitled "Term and Termination of MOU" of the MOU is hereby amended as follows: By adding the following sentence at the end of the first paragraph stating: "This MOU may be renewed for additional one-year terms upon the mutual written agreement of both parties prior to the expiration of the then -current term." 2. All other terms of the October 1, 2018 MOU will remain unchanged. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLAND] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, through their duly authorized representatives or officers, have executed this First Amendment to School Resource Officer Program Memorandum of Understanding as of the Effective Date: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CITY OF DUNN —�A a Cid ofEduption M yor 41 Super' n ent City Manager �d`� �1.• ' Iq Re: Renewal of School Resource Officer Program Memorandum of Understanding Per Article VII entitled "Amendments and Modifications• Additional Policies and Procedures" of the School Resource Officer Program Memorandum of Understanding dated October 1, 2018 ("MOU"), attached hereto, the Harnett County Board of Education and the City of Dunn mutually agree to renew the MOU on the same terms and conditions for a term of 12 months beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020. SIGNATURES: Jtrxt� 13� d�q DATE CITY of D.4 E: R9T�.Z ?�opT SEAL : P �,.•STAT(�,H oq� 4 � g Attachment ta 9 20 9 9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER JAMES H. TROGDON, III GOVERNOR SECRETARY May 28, 2019 WBS ELEMENT: 47532.3.2 COUNTIES: Hamett/Cumberland DESCRIPTION: Utility Construction (Water and Sewer) for NCDOT TIP Project 1-5877,1-95 — Interchanges and Widening to 8 Lanes — from SR 1811 (Bud Hawkins Rd - Exit 70) to SR 1002 (Long Branch Rd — Exit 71) SUBJECT: Use and Occupancy Agreement Steven Neuschafer, City Manager City of Dunn PO Box 1065 Dunn, NC 28335 Dear Mr. Neuschafer: The proposed improvement of NCDOT TIP Project I-5877 is scheduled to be let as a Design Build Project contract on July 16, 2019 (with Technical and Price Proposals due on June 25, 2019), with construction beginning as soon as the Design Build Contract is executed by NCDOT and the successful Design Build Contactor. The construction of this project will require the installation of a public sewer pump station and force main which will become part of the City's system to replace an existing private sewer pump station and force main that is in conflict with the Roadway Improvements. As discussed with you previously, the design for the sewer pump station and force main has been handled by our engineers (for this project, Davis Martin Powell and Associates working as a sub consultant to Michael Baker) and construction will be included in the Roadway Contact. This work will be done at the expense of the Department of Transportation in accordance with General Statute 136-27.1. I am sending for your approval, Special Provisions, and Plans showing the proposed sewer pump station and force main. In accordance with State and Federal Regulations, it will be necessary for the City of Dunn and the Department of Transportation to agree in writing as to the terms of use and occupancy for the sewer pump station and force main to remain within the highway right of way, or in NCDOT PUE's located adjacent to the highway right of way. Accordingly, the following conditions will apply with regards to the sewer pump station and force main: Mailing Address: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRA DIVISION 6 POST OFFICE BOX 1150 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28302 Telephone: (910)364-0600 Fax: (910486-1959 Cnstoarer Service: 1-877-368-4968 Websile: w .nedot.gov Location: 558 GILLESPIE STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28301 Page 2 I-5877 06/20/19 (1) The sewer pump station and force main will be located and accommodated in a manner that will not impair the planned highway or the construction or maintenance or interfere with the safe operation in accordance with the attached plans which are made apart hereof. MI (3) The City of Dunn will be responsible for maintenance and service of the sewer pump station and force main to be retained within the Department of Transportation's right of way limits, or within NCDOT PUE's in accordance with the mandate of the statutes and such other laws, rules, and regulations that have been or may be validly enacted or adopted now or hereafter. (4) That upon satisfactory completion of the sewer pump station and force main, and after the one year contractor's warranty has expired, the City of Dunn agrees that it shall release the Department of Transportation from any and all claims for damage in connection with the sewer pump station and force main, and further, that it shall release the Department of Transportation of any further responsibility for the cost of maintenance to the sewer pump station and force main. This release shall be deemed to be given by the City of Dunn upon completion of construction of the project, its acceptance by the Department of Transportation and the City of Dunn from the Roadway Contractor, subject to the Contractor's one year warranty period, unless the City of Dunn notifies the Department of Transportation in writing to the contrary prior to the Department's acceptance of the project (subject to the contractor's one year warranty period). (5) The Department's Special Provisions binds the contractor to guarantee materials and workmanship against latent and patent defects arising from faulty materials, faulty workmanship or negligence for a period of twelve months following the date of final acceptance of the work for maintenance and shall replace such defective materials and workmanship without cost to the Department, The highway contractor will not be responsible for damage due to faulty design, normal wear and tear, for negligence on the part of the Department, and/or for use in excess of the design. Where items of material curry a manufacturer's guarantee for any period in excess of twelve months, then the manufacturer's guarantee shall apply for that particular piece of material. Appropriate provisions of the payment and/or performance bonds shall cover this guarantee for the project. Should any failure result from the conditions found in tine item (S) the Department would then enter into a Contract with the City of Dunn for reimbursement to be made to the City of Dunn for necessary repairs performed by the City of Dunn and/or its contractor. The Utility Relocation Agreement would be issued by the NCDOT Division 6 and the repairs would be coordinated between the City of Dunn and the Department's assigned Resident Engineer. Page 3 1-5877 06/20/19 Please indicate your concurrence in these conditions and attached plans by signing in the appropriate space provided below and return to Steve McKee at smckee@dmp-inc.com no later than June 20, 2019. if our office has not received this agreement by the due date, the highway project will be delayed by the Department of Transportation. Sincerely, Lee R. Hines, Jr., (Richie), PE District Engineer — Approvyd Od Accepted For: The C tyro, nn by Steven Neuschafer, City Manager N.C.G.S. § 133-32 and Executive Order 24 prohibit the offer to, or acceptance by, any State Employee of any gift from anyone with a contract with the State, or from any person seeking to do business with the State. By execution of any response in this procurement, you attest, for your entire organization and its employees or agents, that you are not aware that any such gift has been offered, accepted, or promised by any employees of your organization. UT Form 15 REV. 5/3/2017 CITY OF DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA BUDGET 02019-05 (Attach #10) 06-11-2019 FY 2019-2020 The following represents the budget for the City of Dunn, North Carolina adopted June 11, 2019, that the following fund revenues and departmental expenditures have been approved for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019: SECTION I. GENERAL FUND General Fund Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Local Option Sales Tax Lice nses/Perm its/Fees Investment Income Utilities Sales Tax Beer and Wine Tax Powell Bill Installment Financing Proceeds Garbage/Recycling Charges Grant Revenue Fund Balance -Powell Bill Other Revenue General Fund Expenditures General Government Public Safety Public Works/Cemetery Sanitation and Waste Removal Debt Service Recreation Library Powell Bill -Streets $4,198,600 2,212,000 522,000 55,000 773,000 43,500 295,000 580,000 938,000 172,500 600,000 1,207,500 TOTAL $11,597,100 $2,877,100 3,498,500 1,738,400 753,000 781,500 886,200 277,400 785,000 TOTAL $11,597,100 LEVY OF TAXES There is hereby levied the following rate of tax on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) valuation of taxable property, as listed for taxes as of January 1, 2019 for the purpose of raising the revenue from current year's property tax, as set forth in the foregoing estimates of revenue and in order to finance the foregoing appropriation: GENERALTAX Rate per $100 Valuation of Taxable Property $.50 SPECIAL DOWNTOWN TAX DISTRICT Rate per $100 Valuation of Taxable Property $.12 SECTION II. WATER AND SEWER A. Revenues Utility Charges -Water Utility Charges -Sewer Tap Fees Reconnection Fees Penalties Investment Income Water Tower Site Rental Eastover Sanitary District -Debt Payment Other Income B. Expenditures Administration/Finance Water/Sewer Distribution and Collection Water Treatment Plant Waste Water Treatment Plant Debt Service $3,100,000 2,493,000 15,000 55,000 75,000 7,500 75,000 192,000 194,700 TOTAL $6,207,200 $1,160,300 1,557,600 1,297,700 1,283,100 908,500 TOTAL $6,207,200 SECTION III. STORMWATER FUND A. Revenues Stormwater Fees B. Expenditures Stormwater Expenditures TOTAL $135,000 TOTAL $135,000 SECTION IV. SPECIAL AUTHORIZATION -BUDGET OFFICER $135,000 $135,000 A. The Budget Officer shall be authorized to affect interdepartmental transfers, in the same fund, not to exceed $5,000. B. The Finance Director is hereby designated Finance Officer and is authorized to make interfund loans for a period of not more than 60 days. The Finance Officer shall establish and maintain accounting procedures which are in compliance with the Statutes of the State of North Carolina. C. Interfund transfers, established in the budget document, may be accomplished without recourse to the council. SECTION V. RESTRICTION -BUDGET OFFICER The interfund transfer of monies, except as noted in Section IV -paragraph B and C, shall be accomplished by Council authorization only. SECTION VI. UTILIZATION OF BUDGET AND BUDGET ORDINANCE The Ordinance and the Budget Document, shall be the basis of the financial plan for the Dunn Municipal Government during the 2019-20 fiscal year. The Budget Officer shall administer the budget and shall insure that the operating facilities are provided guidance and sufficient details to implement their appropriate portion of the Budget. SECTION VII. DISTRIBUTION Copies of this Ordinance shall be furnished to the Clerk, to the Council, and to the Budget Officer and Finance Director to be kept on file by them for their direction in the disbursement of funds. Adopted this 11"' day of June, 2019. CV-IY OF�'�., �.GOpO�T •?2 e® scar N. Harris F . Mayor Attest: m Tammy WilliarAs City Clerk The budget ordinance, and all additional amendments,zNeuschafe;r office of the City Clerk, Dunn Municipal Building, Dunn, North Carolin tev City Manager 1of14 The City Manager shall have the authority to set any fee not otherwise listed and shall have the authority to make any interpretations of any fee listed on this schedule. Administration CURRENT FEES PROPOSED FEERI Misc. Fee & Charges Copy of City Council Meetings & Other Meetings CD/DVD $5.00 per CD/DVD CD/DVD provided by individual $0.00 Xerox Copies- Black & White ,100 per page Returned Check Fee $25.00 Sunshine List- except media $10.00/year §143-318,12 Public notice of official meetings. The public body shall charge a fee to persons other than the media, who request notice, of ten dollars ($10.00) per calendar year, and may require them to renew their requests quarterly. Assessments !Vater & Setver Assessments Water Main To be determined - per job/lineal ft. Sewer Main To be determined - per job/lineal ft. Ciro & Gutter To be determined - per job/lineal ft. Sidelvalk To be determined - per job/lineal ft. Tile Open Ditehlftinp cost of materials Up to 1200 sq. ft. $500.00 Over 1200 sq. ft. .250 per sq, ft (Includes Electrical, Plumbing & Mechanical) Note: This is total sq, ft., ie garage, porch, deck, etc. included Homeowners Recovery Fund - § 87-15.6. $10.00 Additions & Remodeling - Residential (Bedrooms, bathrooms, sunrooms, etc) 0 - 400 sq, ft. $200.00 Over 400 sq. ft. .250 per sq. ft (Includes Electrical, Plumbing & Mechanical) Multi-Fandly Dwelling First Unit $350.00 Each Additional Unit $150.00 (Includes Electrical, Plumbing & Afechanical) Residential Accessory Baildinec (Attached & Detached (Garages, storage buildings, pool houses, decks/screen porches, etc) 0 to 400 sq. ft. 2of14 Mobile Homes $100.00 Single -Wide Mobile Homes - (Building only) $150.00 Double -Wide Mobile Homes - (Building only) $175.00 Triple -Wide Mobile Homes - (Building only $200.00 (Includes piers, tie -downs, steps, and decks) $50.00 Poured Footing Inspection $40.00 Mechanical Permit Fee $50.00 Electrical Permit Fee $50.00 Plumbing Permit Fee $50.00 Duvelffi es Moved on Lot $150.00 Trade Fees $50.00/each Residential Accessory Baildinec (Attached & Detached (Garages, storage buildings, pool houses, decks/screen porches, etc) 0 to 400 sq. ft. $50.00 401 to 800 sq. ft. $100.00 801 to 1200 sq. ft. $150.00 1200 sq. ft. and greater Same As New Dwelling Mechanical Permit Fee $50.00 Electrical Permit Fee $50.00 Plumbing Permit Fee $50.00 Residential Trade Permits Mechanical Permit Fee $50.00 Electrical Permit Fee $50.00 Plumbing Permit Fee $50.00 Modular Homes $290.00 (Fee Includes Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical) Permit Fee for Non -Residential Construction $0 to 2,500,00 $50.00 $2,501 to 25,000 $200.00 $25,001 to 50,000 $400.00 $50,001 to 100,000 $805.00 $100,001 to 200,000 $1,610.00 $200,001 to 350,000 $2,815.00 $350,001 to 500,000 $3,720.00 $500,001 to 750,000 $4,975.00 $750,001 to 1,000,000 $6,230.00 Fees over $6,230 = plus 0.2% of each added million dollars or portion thereof 3of14 Platt Review Fees (Non -Residential ONO $50.00 (Includes Building and Fire Review) $100.00 < 5,000 sq. ft. $50.00 5,000 sq. ft. - 10,000 sq. R. $100.00 10,001 sq. ft. - 25,000 sq. ft. $150.00 25,001 sq. ft. - 100,000 sq. ft, $200.00 > 100,001 sq. ft. $250.00 Miscellaneous Fees $50.00 Demolition Permit $50.00 Residential $50.00 Commercial Use Commercial Rates Swimming Pools $50.00 Plus Trade Fees Permit Changes (Change of Contractor, Scope of Work etc) $50.00 Permit Renewal $100.00 Service Pole and Service Changes $50.00 Change of Occupancy or Use Permit $50.00 Reinspection Fee $50.00 Conditional Power Inspection (Commercial Only) $50.00 Working Without Permit Double Permit Fees Sign Permit (requiring footings and wind calculations $50.00 Misc. Inspection (daycares/foster homes, etc.) $50.00 ABC Permit Inspections $50.00 Residential Deck or Handicap Ramp $50.00 Residential Roof Replacement $50.00 Residential Lawn Irrigation $50.00 Fire Pernit Fees Construction Permits (Rentired Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems $35.00 plus $2 per nozzle Battery Systems $50.00 Compressed Gases $50.00 Cryogenic $50.00 Fire Alarm and Detection Systems $35.00 plus $2.00 per device Fire Pumps and Related Equipment $50.00 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (UGST/AGST) $50.00 Per Tank (Piping) $50.00 Hazardous Materials $75.00 Industrial Ovens $50.00 LP Gas Systems $50.00 Private Fire Hydrants $50.00 per Hydrant Spraying or Dipping $50.00 Standpipe Systems $50.00 Temporary Membrane Structures and Tents $50.00 4of14 Operational Peiwi is $35.00 Amusement Buildings $50.00 Carnivals and Fairs $75.00 Combustible Dust -Producing Operations $50.00 Combustible Fibers $50.00 Compressed Gases $50.00 Covered Mall Buildings $50.00 Cutting and Welding $50.00 Dry Cleaning Plants $50.00 F,xhibits and Trade Shows $75.00 Explosives $100.00 - Fireworks Displays $50.00 Flammable and Combustible Liquids $50.00 Fumigations and Thermal Insecticidal $50.00 Hazardous Materials $200.00 HIM Facilities $200.00 High -Piled Storage $50.00 Hot Work Operations $0.00 Liquid/Gas-Fueled Vehicles in Assembly Buildings $50.00 Miscellaneous Combustible Storage $50.00 Organic Coatings $50.00 Private Fire Hydrants $50.00 per hydrant Pyrotechnic Special Effects Material $50.00 Repair Garages and Motor Fuel -Dispensing Facilities $50.00 Storage of Scrap Tires and Tire Byproducts $50.00 Waste Handling $50.00 Temporary Membrane Structures and Tents $25.00 Fire Inspection Fees Up to 3,000 sq. ft. $35.00 3,001 sq. ft. to 5,000 sq. ft. $45.00 5,001 sq. It, to 10,000 sq, ft. $65.00 10,001 sq. ft. to 25,000 sq. ft. $95.00 25,001 sq, ft. to 50,000 sq. ft. $125.00 50,001 sq, ft. to 100,000 sq, ft. $165.00 100,001 sq. ft. to 500,000 sq. ft. $215.00 > 500,000 sq, ft. $300.00 Fire Re-Gispection Fees Follow-up reinspection No Charge I st reinspection $45.00 2nd reinspection $65.00 3rd reinspection $85.00 5 of 14 Fire Plan Review Fees Price to Now For Sprinkler & Fire Alarm $150.00 <5,000 sq, ft. $50.00 5,000 sq. ft. - 10,000 sq. ft. $100.00 10,001 sq. ft. - 25,000 sq. ft. $150.00 25,001 sq. ft. - 100,000 sq. ft. $200.00 > 100,001 sq. ft. $250.00 Weeth, Lot Fees - Uncontrolled Growth" Price to Now Lots .00 to .25 acres $150.00 .26 to .50 acres $200.00 .51 to 1.00 acres $260.00 Each Additional Acre $260.00 Fines Dunn Public Library follows the fee structure established by the Harnett County Public Library One Week Items (DVDNideo) - begins after closing on due date 0.50¢ per day Maximum overdue fine for DVD/Videos is limited to $20.00 One Week Items (magazines) - begins day after item due A0¢ per day Three Week Items (books) - begins 10th day after item due $2.00 Each additional day late ,10¢ per day -Maximum overdue fine for books is limited to $10.00 Hourly Rale of each employee Fees Hourly Rate for each piece of equipment Lost or danineed materials Actual cost of material Fax Per submitted lanfill ticket Outgoing I0¢/page local & toll free order's $1.00/page long distance Incoming 10¢/page Photocopies & Printouts Black & White 10¢/page Color $1.00 per page Removal Fee 'Administrative/Processing Fee $125.00 'Manpower Hourly Rale of each employee Hourly Rate for each piece of equipment 'Equipment/gas usage used 'Tipping Fees Per submitted lanfill ticket Minimum removal fee plus administrative fee on all work order's $50.00 Cemetery Services Grove open/n2/elosine Monday thru Friday Weekends and Holidays Urn and infant fee Marker Foundation Base Veteran/Government marker -furnished Base for other markers Cennetery Rales /All Cemeteries I to 3 spaces 4 or more spaces 4 or amre spaces can be financed ivith a dawn pcgnnent = to price of I space for 12 nronths at 8% interest* Centetety Lot Transfer Fees & Deed Fees Transfer Form only - without a printed deed Transfer Form - with a printed deed Deed Copies Dunn Community Building Dr. P.K. Vyas M.D. Recreation Center Membership Fees (Includes use of f-Pellness/Fimess Pon & Racquetball Rni) Pay Per Use Fee Racquetball Class Rental Fee Batting Cage (booked in 30 min. tinieslots) Multi -Purpose Room Gym Rental Fees - Tournament Play Only Park Picnic Shelter Rental Tennis Court Rental Fee Openspace Rental (non bat( field) Park Rental - does not include hall fields Ball Field Rental Without Lights With Lights Reserve fields without lights Reserve fields with lights 6of14 $700.00 $900.00 of appropriate fee No Charge $100.00 $800.00 $700.00 $20.00 $25.00 $25.00 $500 + $300 deposit $20/month = $200/year $5 per person $5.00 per person $15.00 per hour $5 per person $25/hr. + $50.00 deposit $50/11r.+$100.00 deposit $40/hr (remove tournaments only) $25 per day $15/hr $15 per hour $16Jhr $50V Remove $200.00 per day $250.00 per day $25.00/Hour (Max. 2 hours) $30.00/hour (max 2 hours) Slims Registration Resident Non -Residents Sponsorship Fees Spring Sports T -ball, A league and AA league Girl's softball - 8u, 10u, 12u, 15u, 18u Boy's baseball - AA, AAA, Majors, Dixie Boys, Dixie Boys Majors Miracle League team - effective 4/15/15 Fall Sports Soccer 4u, 6u, 8u Soccer lou & 13u Adult League Sports Men's and Women's softball Kickball Men's Basketball Volleyball, Wallepball C.B. Codrington Parld City Swimming Pool Adults Children PAL Members Pool Rental Application for Rezoning or Conditional Zoning (per owner) Application for Conditional Use Permit Application for Ordinance Amendment/ General Plan Amendment Application for Street/Alley Closing Application for Voluntary Annexation (per parcel) Board ofAdiustment Fees Application for Variance Application for Special Use Permit Appeal Zoning Administrators Decision Development Pertnil Fee Schedule Site plan and permit review New Construction/Major Addition (per lot) Single Family Home Single Family Home (in floodplain) Multi-family/Non-residential Multi-family/Non-residential (in floodplain) 7of14 $20 per player $60 one sport $40 each additional sport $40 each additional child $200.00 $275.00 $275.00 $275.00 $175.00 $225.00 change to Youth Sports Registration $500Group/$50Individual* $30 resident/$50 non-resident $500 Group/$so Individual* $30 resident/$56 non-resident $450 Group/$50 Individual* $30 resident/$50 non-resident $300Group/$50individual * $36 resident/$50 non-resident $3.00 $2.00 $1,00* Rernovefrom schedule $60/hr-minimum 2 hours $500.00 $700.00 $300.00 $500.00 $125.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 8of14 Minor Addition/Change In Use (per lot) Multi-family/Non-residential $50.00 Multi-family/Non-residential (in floodplain) $100.00 Fence Permit $50.00 Zoning Compliance Letter Fee $50.00 Sinn Permit Fees Wall Sign $50,00 each Ground Sign $100,00 each Freestanding Sign $200.00 each Construction/Portable Sign/Temporary Signs $50,00 each Plan Review - Master Sign Plan $150.00 Outdoor Advertising/High Rise (plus Inspection Fees) $200.00 each Temporary Banner/Windblown Signs $20.00 Yard Sale Signs and Section 22-297 Signs No Fee Political Signs and Special Event Signs $150.00 ($75 reftended - all signs removed within 5 days) Sign Cabinet Replacement $100.00 Subdivision Fee Schedule Certificate of Exemption $50.00 Minor Subdivision Plan Review Fee 1-3 lots (including new residual parent lot) $50.00 per lot Maio -Subdivision - Sinele Family Residential Preliminary Subdivision Plat Review Base Fee *Base fee includes up to 3 lots including new residual parent lot $200.00 *Additional lots exceeding 3 included in base fee $10/tot Final Subdivision Plat Review Fee *Base fee includes up to 3 lots including new residual parent lot $150.00 *Additional lots exceeding 3 included in base fee $10/lot Major Subdivision -Mull Fmnily and Non -Residential Preliminary Subdivision Plat Review Base Fee $300.00 *Additional fee for each lot including new residual parent lot $10/lot Final Subdivision Plat Review Fee $200.00 *Additional fee for each lot including new residual parent lot $10/lot Construction Plans Review Fee Processing fee plus hourly rate for consultant review services limes the number of review hours $75 minimum *Not to exceed $250 unless Developer is notified that the fee could exceed the cap amount. Note: all plan review fees include three review of plans submittals. If additional reviews are necessary, an additional plan review fee will be assessed per plan review, 9of14 Publications $10.00 Copies (Black and White) 10¢/page Maps $10.00/day 8 1/2" x 11" $5.00 11°x17' $10.00 24" x 36' $20.00 32" x 44" $30.00 Custom Map = cost of map plus: $50.00/hour Laree Format Prints/Conies of Plans 24" x 36" (B & W only) $3.00/page Land Use Plan Paper (B & W) $10.00 Paper (Color) $20.00 CD (pdt) $3.00 Zoning Ordinance Paper (B & W) $10.00 CD (pdf) $3.00 Updates $10.00/day Paper (B & W) .100/sheet CD (pdf) $3.00 Pedestrian Plan/Bike Plan Paper (B & W) $10.00 Paper (Color) $20.00 CD (od8 $3.00 Released Back to Owner Impound Fee $25.00 Boarding $10.00/day Other Offenses $10.00 Aggressive Does 1st Offense $50.00 2nd Offense $100.00 3rd Offense $200.00 Pet Adoptions Dogs $15.00 Cats Free 10 of 14 Police CURRENT FEES PROPOSED FEES Registration Fee for Solicitation or Peddling - § 11-73 $20.00 Apply in advance - valid for 30 days Charitable Solicitation Permit Fees - §11-286 Permit for application required 30 days in advance of event $20.00 Cops, of Reports $2 each. Disk $10.00. Latoya said to remove C.A.D. Reports $2.00 Curfew Ordinance Ist offense - misdemeanor $100.00 2nd Offense $250.00 3rd Offense $400 + imprisonment False Alarm Responses (Sec. 13-52) Sixth false alarm $50.00 Seventh false alarm $100.00 Eighth false alarm $150.00 Nineth false alarm $200.00 "Pen (10) or more false alarms $250.00 Graffiti Ordinance - § 13-65 $10.00 1st Offense - Civil Penalty $250.00 2nd Offense $500.00 Delinquency charge upon non-payment $25.00 Misdemeanor for failure to pay $1,000 and/or imprisonment Noise Ordinance - §13-36 Application & Permit Fee - 48 hrs. prior to event $15.00 Security Deposit $100.00 Initial citation $50.00 Initial citation - not paid within 72 hours add $25.00 2nd Offense within 12 months $100.00 3rd Offense within 12 months $250.00 Parade/Picket Line/Group Demonstration Permits - §I4-3 $0.00 Parldng Violations Overtime Parking $5.00 Double parking $10.00 Parking in no Parking Zone $10.00 Stopping, Standing or Parking within Intersection, on Crosswalk, near Fire Hydrant, etc. $10.00 Stopping in Street $10.00 Parking in Fire Lane $25.00 Parking in Loading Zone $10.00 Obstructing passage of Public Conveyance or vehicle $10.00 All Other Parking Violation $10.00 Tobacco Free Ordinance Violations $50.00 Storage Fee - Impound Lot (fee assessed once vehicle released by courts) $20.00/day 11 of 14 Returner! Cheek Fee $25.00 Taxicab Fare $1.95 for the first one-tenth (1/10) mile Bulls pickup per unit service fee and $0.25 for each additional one-tenth Storm Water Fee (1/10) of a mile Non -Residential ($4.20 for first mile and $2.50 each Residential additional mile) Garbare Picku $5.00 each Residential Garbage Rate $18.9.5 per month" $19.40 per month Curbside Recvelin Residential curbside pick-up (every other week) $3.45 per month" $3.60 per month (billing is included with City of Dunn utility bill) Non-payment Administrative Fee Bulls pickup per unit service fee $3.85 per month Storm Water Fee 10% of outstanding bill Non -Residential $5.00 per month * $7,00 per month Residential $2.00 per month Duplicate Pay stubs $5.00 each Duplicate W-2 $5.00 each Wage Garnishments - per pma•olI $10.00 each After Hours Fee $45.00 Non-payment Administrative Fee $35.00 Late Fee 10% of outstanding bill Water Rate Schedule Inside City Limits Minimum 2,000 $12.75 per month" $14.75 per month 2,041 to 4,000 gallons $4.08 per 1,000per month r $4.50 per 1,000 per month 4,001 to 6,000 gallons $4.60 per 1,000 per month 6,061 to 8,000 gallons $4.55 per 1,000 per month 8,061 + gallons $4.70 per 1,000 per month Outside City Limits Minimum 2,000 $25.50 per month e $29.50 per month 2,001 to 4,000 gallons $8.16per 1,000per month x $9.00 per 1,000 per month 4;001 to 6,000 gallons $9.20 per 1,000 per month 6,001 to 8,000 gallons $9.30 per 1,000 per month 800 E. + gallons $9.40 per 1,000 per month Industrial Rate Inside City Limits Minimum 2,000 $12.75 per month * $14.75 per month 2,001 to 4,000 galion.s $4.08 per 1,000 per month r $4.50 per 1,000 per month 4,001 to 6,000 gallons $4.60 per 1,000 per month 6,001 to 8,000 gallons $4.65 per 1,000 per month 8,601 to 500,000 gallons $4.70 per 1,000 per month 500,001 + gallons $2.10per 1,000per month" $2.75 per 1,000 per month Outside City Limits Minimum 2,000 2,001 to 4,000 gallons 4,001 to 6,000 gallons 6,061 to 8,000 gallons 8,001 to 500,000 gallons 500,001 + gallons Government Bull( Rate W/o minimum gad guaranteed in contract Minimum gad guaranteed in contract Server Rates Inside City Limits %" meter I" I% 2" 3" 4" 6" Sewer Only Large Indust�ia' Uscr-t,ppiies to a large sanitary se,,ver service where the customer is biticd monthly and discharges 1,00ffMO gallons (minimum of Three months out of a rolling 1:2 months to qualify for this rate) and whereall wastcwatcr is discharged into the sanitary server system at r singic discharge point Outside City Limits 3/4" meter 1'• 2" 3" 4" 6" Sewer Only Large Industrial User -Applies ma, large unitary server service where the customer is billed monthly and discharges 1,000,000 gallons (minimum of three months out of a roiling 12 months to qualify for this rate) and where all wastewater is dkeharged into the sanitary sewer system, at a single discharge point Water & Sewer Tap Fee Schedule Water Taps Tap Restoration 12 of 14 $25.50 per month a $29,50 per month $8.16 per 1,000 per month r $9.00 per 1,000 per month $9.20 per 1,000 per month $9,30 per 1,000 per month $9.40 per 1,000 per month $4.20 per 1,000 per month x $550 per 1,000 per month $4.12 per 1,000 per month $4,70 per 1,000 per month $2.12 per 1,000 per month $2.14 per 1,000 per month Base Rate Approved 3112119 $11.00(BR+$4.80/1,000) per month $13.75(BR+$6.00/1,000) per month $20.61(BR+$4.80/1,000) per month $25.76(BR+$6.00/1,000) per month $38.15 (BR+$4.80/1,000) per month $42.00 (BR+$6.00/1,000) per month $59.30(BR+$4.80/1,000) per month $59.30(BR+$6.00/1,000) per month $155.83 (BR+$4.80/1,000) per month $155.83 (BR+$6.00/1,000) per month $172.87 (BR+$4,80/1,000) per month $172.87 (BR+$6.00/1,000) per month $538.77(BR+$4.80/1,000) per month $538.77(BR+$6.00/1,000) per month $30.45permonth $39.00permonth Base Rate (by meter size)+ $5.1011,000 per month Base Rate $22.00(BR+$9.60/1,000) per month $27.50(BR+$12.00/1,000) per month $41.22 (BR+$9.60/1,000) per month $51.52 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month $76.30 (BR+$9.60/1,000) per month $84.00 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month $118.60 (BR+$9.60/1,000) per month $118.60 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month $311.66 (BR+$9.60/1,000) per month $311.66 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month $345.74 (BR+$9.60/1,000) per month $345.74 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month $1077.54 (BR+$9.60/1,000) per month $1077.54 (BR+$12.00/1,000) per month $60.90permonth $78.00 per month 400.00 Base Rate (by meter size)+$10.2011,000 per month 13 of 14 In Town 3/4" Water Tap Fee 1,000.00 1" Water Tap Fee 1,200.00 All Taps greater than I "are cast plus time and material Out of TatV/i 3/4" Water Tap Fee $1,600.00 V Water Tap Fee $1,800.00 All Taps greater than I "ere cost plus time and material Sewer Taps Tap Restoration $400 4" (Direct tap to nein and not to eyeeed 87't or depth. Tap feepht.v bene & materiaisfor core driltiug or depths greater than 8 Ft) $1,000 6" (Direct tap to main (tied not to exceed 8Pt in depth. Tap fee plus time and nuderlal for core drilling or depths greater then 8 Ft.) $1,200 Transfer Fee $20.00 processing Fee $35.00 Water Sample Fee $50.00 Water Sample Fee - government bulk users $25.00 Mater Meter Tamperhw Fee Water cut-on/cut-off $50.00 Lock $75.00 Breaking cut off valve $150.00 Damage to attf nnated metering equipment dleter Deposit Rates $11.00 per month Homeowners $50.00 Rental Tenants $100.00 Commercial Accounts $100.00 Fireline Protection 2" $11.00 per month 4" $21.00 per month 6' $42.00 per month 8" $72.00 per month to,, $108.00 per month 12" $160,00 per month $325 per incident 14 of 14 Taxes CURRENTFEES1 PROPOSED FEES'' Prover ty Tax Rate Rate Downtown Dunn Tax District Vehicle License Fee Yard Sale Permit- limit 3/year § 11 -25 3 - § 11-254 Administrative processing permit fee for no more than 3 such permits lasting no more than 2 consecutive days during any calendar year. Business Registration Fee Privileee License Schedule B (fees regulated by the City of Dunn) Beer "Off Premises" Beer "On Premises" Taxicabs § 11-194. Wine "Off Premises" Wine "On Premises" .500/$100 valuation of taxable property .120/$100 valuation of taxable property $30.00 $2.00 $40.00 $5.00 $15.00 $15.00 each driver $10.00 $15.00