HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevised 10-4-19 (2)VICINITY MAPSURVEYED BY:DRAWN BY:SCALE: 1"=CHECKED & CLOSURE BY:DRAWING NO.FIELD BOOKTOWNSHIPSTATE: NORTH CAROLINATAX PARCEL ID#:DATE:SURVEY FOR:COUNTY1662 CLARK RD.,LILLINGTON,N.C. 27546(910) 893-5252WATERSHED DISTRICTPIN #ZONEDBENNETT SURVEYSF-1304080654 0090 03OPEN SPACE WILL BE MAINTAINED BY HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATIONTOTAL OPEN SPACE 10.01 AC., 13% OF TOTAL AREA0653-34-4823.000US 401 NZONED RA-30NORFORK & SOUTHERN R/RPHASE IIICMRBMRBPIN 0653-34-4823.000RVB100'100'SR 142950'LITTLE CROSS LLCAVERY POND SUBDIVISIONSR 1427O OOAVERY POND DR.LITTLE CROSS LLCHARNETTSITEOWNER:LITTLE CROSS LLCHECTORS CREEKSTREETSCAPE BUFFER SHALL BE MAINTAINED BYMAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS AREA PER LOT 2850 SQ.FT.TRACT DATA PHASE IIIARA-308625 MT.PLEASANT ROADOLD HEAD WAY (50'PUBLIC AND UTILITY EASEMENT)WILLOW SPRINGS,NC 27592DEED BOOK 3578,PAGE 937HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONWS-IVFINAL MAJOR SUBDIVISIONPH. 919-552-7075PID 080654 0090 03MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 80'THERE SHALL BE NO ENCROACHMENTS INTO WETLANDSSITE DOES NOT LIE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA,LAND USE EMPLOYMENT MIXED USETHIS SHEET SHALL BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH SHEETS 2 & 3AVERY POND SUBDIVISIONMINIMUM LOT SIZE 20,000 SQ.FT.MAP REFERENCEMAP NO. 2018-20DEED REFERENCEFEMA PANEL 3720064200JSUBDIVISION DEVELOPED UNDER COMPATIBILITY DESIGN CONCEPTMINIMUM LOT WIDTH CULDESAC 40'COVER SHEETSHEET 1 OF 3PHASE IIICADDITIONAL ROADS18 LOTS10.55ACRES19266CJULYCertificate of Improved MaintenceI hereby certify that I assume all financialand legal responsibilities for the Maintenanceand upkeep of all the streets and other requiredDepartment of Transportation or other appropriatepublic or private entities.that they are accepted for maintance by North Carolinaimprovements in until such timeDEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONDIVISION OF HIGHWAYSPROPOSED SUBDIVISION ROADCONSTRUCTION STANDARDS CERTIFICATIONAPPROVEDDISTRICT ENGINEERDATENORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTYmy supervision(deed description recorded in Book ,that the ratio of precision as calculated is 1:10000;that this platwas prepared in accordance with G.S. 47-30 as amended.WitnessMICKEY R.BENNETTL - 1514indicated as drawn from information found in Book ,Page ,Page ,etc) that the boundaries not surveyed are clearlymy original signature,registration number and seal thisI,Mickey R.Bennett,PLS do certify that this plat was drawn underSEESEEREF.REF.day of .A.D. 2018.I hereby certify that the development depicted hereon hasDevelopment Review Board pursuant to the regulations setforth by E-911 Adressing,Enviromental Health,Fire Marshal,Planning,and Public Utilities of Harnett County,N.C.,Subjectto recordation in the Harnett County Office of Register ofDeeds within thirty days of the date below.Development Review Board,Chairman Datebeen granted preliminary approval by the Harnett CountyLEGENDLINES SURVEYEDEIP------EXISTING IRON PIPEECM------EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENTPKNS------P.K.NAIL SETELS------EXISTING LIGHTWOOD STAKEEIS------EXISTING IRON STAKENMN------NEW MAGNETIC NAILERRS------EXISTING RAILROAD SPIKEEMN------EXISTING MAGNETIC NAILECS------EXISTING COTTON SPINDLENRRS------NEW RAILROAD SPIKEECM/PKN/ECS (CONTROL CORNERS)NCS------NEW COTTON SPINDLEEPKN------EXISTING P.K.NAILEIP/EIS---(CONTROL CORNERS)LINES NOT SURVEYED--------------CB&D--CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCED.E.---DRAINAGE EASEMENTEX.-----EXISTINGAC.--- ACRESNIP--NEW IRON PIPENIS--NEW IRON STAKEC/L--CENTER LINECP--CALCULATED POINTN/F--NOW OR FORMALLYR/W--RIGHT OF WAYCERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP,DEDICATION AND JURISDICTIONI,(We)hereby certify that I am (We are) the owner(s) oragent of the property shown and described hereon and thatI(We) hereby adopt this plan of subdivision with my (our)free consent,establish the minimum building setback lines,and dedicate all streets, alleys, walks, parks and othersites and easements to public or private use as noted, andall the land shown hereon is within the subdivisionowner/agentDateregulation jurisdiction of Harnett County.PUBLIC PLAT DECLARATIONAll roads in this subdivision are hereby declared public.Themaintenance of all streets and roads in this subdivision shall be theshall be their responsibility to bring such streets up to thestandards of the North Carolina Department of Transportationbefore any streets on this plat are added into the North CarolinaState Highway System. If the District Engineer has notrecommended that the N.C.Department of Transportation acceptmaintenance responsibility for the required public roadimprovments by the time that the County has issued buildingspermits for seventy-five percent(75%)of the lots shown on therecorded plat, the County shall not issue any more building permitsuntil the District Engineer makes such a recommmendation andformally notifies the Subdivision Administrator.responsibility of and itPRELIMINARY PLATNOT FOR RECORDATIONCONVEYANCES OR SALESNORTH CAROLINAHARNETT COUNTYat o'clock M .KIMBERLY S. HARGROVERegister of DeedsBy:Assistant/Deputy Register of DeedsThis Map/Plat was presented for registration andThis day of 2016.recorded in this office at Map Number 2016-STATE OF NORTH CAROLINACOUNTY OF HARNETTI,______________________________,REVIEW OFFICER OFHARNETT COUNTY,CERTIFY THAT THE MAP OR PLAT TOSTATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING.REVIEW OFFICERWHICH THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFFIXED MEETS ALLDATE:0NOTES:1.NEW IRONS SET AT ALL CORNERS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.2.ALL ROADS SHALL BE DEDICATED TO NORTH CAROLINADEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION.SHALL BE RESPONSIBILITY OF PROPERTY OWNERS.3.ALL DRAINAGE EASEMENTS CROSSING PRIVATE PROPERTYIN ACCORDANCE TO HARNETT COUNTY UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE.4.PUBLIC UTILITIES,FIRE HYDRANTS AND STREET LIGHTS ARE INSTALLEDLA N DSURVEYORE ENORTHCAROLINA No. 1514SEALM I C K E YR.BENNETTPROFESSIONAL MINIMUM BUILDING SET BACKSMAXIMUM HEIGHT ------- 35'SIDE YARD -------- 10'FRONT YARD -------- 35'CORNER LOT SIDE YARD -- 20'REAR YARD -------- 20'I certify that the stormwater management facilitiesare constructed and instaled in accordance withthe,rules,regulations,drainage design standards ofapproval permit and erosion control plan.Consulting EngineerSTORM WATER CERTIFICATIONHarnett County,and the State of North Carolina and theI,MICKEY R.BENNETT,DO HEREBY CERTIFYTHAT THIS SURVEY CREATES A SUBDIVISIONOF LAND WITHIN THE AREA OF A COUNTY ORREGULATES PARCELS OF LANDMUNICIPALITY THAT HAS AN ORDINANCE THATVOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTThis Development is within one mile of aVoluntary Agricultural District.