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NEW STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES Site Area Description Stabilization 7 days Tlmelrame Exceptions © Perimeter dikes, swales. ditches and slopes None <;a High Ouality Water (HOW) Zones 7 days None Slopes sleeper than 3:1 7 days If slopes are 10' or less in length and are not j steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed. p Slopes 3:1 or (latter 14 days 0 ties d. All other areas with slopes flatter than 4.1 - 14 days None. except for perimeters and HOW Zones, z s �a �o �0> oQ Ilp �O /10 HAMILTON RD. SR#2037 ^O 0 SITE z mac, A 0 FIRE LANE RI). SR#2038 o (A 0)o m VICINITY MAP o ' NOT TO SCALE NEW STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES Site Area Description Stabilization 7 days Tlmelrame Exceptions © Perimeter dikes, swales. ditches and slopes None <;a High Ouality Water (HOW) Zones 7 days None Slopes sleeper than 3:1 7 days If slopes are 10' or less in length and are not j steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed. p Slopes 3:1 or (latter 14 days 7 days for slopes greater than 50'm length. d. All other areas with slopes flatter than 4.1 - 14 days None. except for perimeters and HOW Zones, PERMANENT GROUNDCOVER NOTE: Provide permanent groundcover for all disturbed areas within 15 working days or 90 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction development. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE Work will begin as soon as possible. Grading should be completed within 120 working days. During construction period, maintain the combined NPDES and NCDENR Self Inspection report per document requirements. The following consist of the construction sequence that will be followed: 1) Obtain preliminary approval of erosion control plan. 2) Obtain grading permit before beginning any land disturbing activity. 3) Access site through existing gravel drive to install curlex wattles below existing gravel drive entrance in NC DOT R/W ditch. 4) Grade back existing slope only in the location of the temporary construction entrance then install temporary construction entrance with proposed permanent entrance pipe. 5) Install rock pipe inlet protection to proposed permanent entrance pipe. 6) Remove existing gravel drive entrance and and existing drive culvert then install remaining curlex wattles in NC DOT R/W ditch. 7) Grade back only enough of the slope south of the construction entrance to install silt fence along the entire front of the property at the R/W of the road per plans. 8) Install all remaining silt fence, silt fence "J" hook and stone silt fence outlets around site per plans and details. 9) Install temporary diversion ditch at top of construction entrance to divert flow around entrance and behind proposed silt fence per plans. 10) Maintain all temporary measures for the duration of the project. Inspect weekly and after any rainfall event. See additional maintenance requirements per details. 11) Rough grade site per plans. 12) As areas are brought to grade in NC DOT R/W ditch, stabilize by providing groundcover and install proposed temporary ditch liner (S75 -D) per plans and details. Re -install curlex wattles in the ditch for any potential sediment control during remaining construction. 13) Install rip rap energy dissipaters at all pipe outlets per plans and details. 14) Grade site and gravel areas of proposed gravel drive and substation area. Install concrete driveway apron per plans and details. 15) Provide permanent groundcover as per Groundcover Stabilization Chart and Seeding Specifications on plans throughout construction. 16) After site has been inspected and found to be 100% stable and all permanent drainage features are working properly, remove any remaining temporary erosion control measures. 40 0 40 80 120 GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 40' `,11111111111///// C `` 61?- ®� 46 \\ 4 OWNER INFORMATION: \ SOUTH RIVER EMC°4gVlD LO11a` \, LATTA FAMILY LIMITED PARTNF"' P.O. BOX 931 1 PARCEL PIN # 0547-76-7792.00 DUNN, NC 28335 PARCEL PID # 120547 0074 CONTACTS: CHUCK RICHARDSON ZONING: RA -30 crichardson@sremc.com Knowwhat's below. ZO / EXISTING 24° Cl IRRFNT i.JSF; RESIIDFNTIi (910) 892-8071 0 ^ all you dig. / \ CONCRETE CULVERT � z Call m (FLOWS TO EAST) Z EQ PARCEL INFORMATION: 5 o CO 0 r` g s PARCEL PIN #: 0547-65-3833.000 `3CO imz4ib PARCEL PID #: 120547 0074 01 1 > ItA ADDRESS: 1370THOMPSON ROAD o BUNNLEVEL, NC 28323 o o SILT FENCE (+/-150' LENGTH) STEWART'S CREEK TOWNSHIP m w HARNETT COUNTY ° -o U PARCEL ACREAGE: 3.47 AC. o N STONE SILT FENCE OUTLET _ \ 'DEED BOOK: 3228 DEED PAGE: 530 0 1Dsro��3°s� FARM ACK (6' LENGTH MIN./7YP.) PLAT BOOK: 2014 PLAT PAGE: 159 w \ \ 205 \ "'vewav \ EXISTING ZONING: RA -20R z \ 206 \ 204 x MINIMUM FUTURE SETBACKS: w x, ?w FRONT SETBACK 35MIN. 0 ° I �+ CURLEX WATTLES (TYPICAL) o SILT FENCE (+(- 305' LENGTH) 1 \ 207 I \ R 2 12" WATTLES @ 50' O.C. IN DITCHLINE SIDE SETBACK 10' MIN. Z I � REAR SETBACK 25' MIN. Q WATERSHED: WS IV W o x x --max 20F>25). \ ! N�. -2 1.90' FEMA FLOODPLAIN 3720054600) (2006) Mail g X 7.rar + ROCK PIPE INLET PROTECTION NO FLOODPLAIN PRESENT ON-SITE w ro N g �+ x \ \ (� 20' GATE \\ STRUCTURE TYPE: g 3 0) O i.9 \ PROPOSED RCP #1 � PROPOSED ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION > w O_>N �20 '65', (15°' RCP @ 1.1%SLOPE) PARKING: NO PARKING OR STORAGE OF Q = = U I CONCRETE DRIVEWAY INVERT IN 201.90'a Z VEHICLES WILL BE ALLOWED ONLY SERVICE APRON \ ' 0 w INVERT OUT 201.00 o VEHICLE USE TO MAINTAIN STRUCTURE a m o 0` TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE HOURS OPERATION: N/A EXCEPT FOR PERIODIC $ c + INSPECTIONS AN REPAIRS A REQUIRED Z o 0 P. - r (20' X 50' MIN.) D S Q g N O IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE. r- c SILT FENCE (+/- 230' LENG TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH / SHOULDER BERM (TYP.) EXISTING SITE 3.47 AC. N J t DIVERT WATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS 1.00 AC. , RAVERIVE C jW TO BEHIND SILT FENCE ON BOTH SIDES OF DRIVE PROPOSED SUBSTATION AREA 37,245 S.F. \ ` ' w + PROPOSED GRAVEL DRIVE 6,377 S.F. 1 206 N TOTAL % IMPERVIOUS: 28.8% • J a — — 20' GATE �x RIP RAP ENERGY DISSIPATOR / PLAN DESIGN INFORMATION: GRAVEL SUBSTATION 204 OUTLET PROTECTION (La = 10' MIN., AREA (TYP.) WIDTH = 8', DEPTH = 15, 6" RIP RAP) SITE DEVELOPMENT: J. DAVID LEDFORD & ASSOCIATES PERMANENT DITCH #1 Ex 15°CONCRE' ° 2730 MAIDEN HIGHWAY LINCOLNTON, NC 28092 BOTTOM WIDTH = 2.0' @ 2.0 /o / / ( -- -- — .� , >< _--- r DEPTH = 1.5' SIDE SLOPES = 3:1 MIN. � \ 2Q 1.00 j zo \ \ ` � N (TVP) x ��x _ z — LINER: S75 -D NORTH AMERICAN CONTACT: DAVID LEDFORD, RLA Z 203 ` w \ 75� g' SECURI_T=�XAI�_x _ x - GREEN OR EQUAL jdavidledford@yahoo.com -7880 ahoo.com W LIMITS OF DISTURBED AREA x__ - x �-x (704) 530-7880 0 r (2.55 ACRES) I 207 20 II Ill ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION: O G oil11.0 STONE SILT FENCE OUTLET ELECTRICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. M -� V (6' LENGTH MINI TYP.) 2407 NORTH TRYON STREET CD N CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 } O \ 21' CONTACT: )ODI HILL, P.E. t m 1* j_ z�� — _ °I - — Was°3° _ I ? SILT FENCE "J" HOOK jhill@ecepower.com Q °� o Z o (MIN. 25' LENGTH) (704) 372-6673 z Y SILT FENCE 226' LENGTH) _— --_zoz > OYNER PIEDMSURVEYING Li Fu zoz CURLEX WATTLES (TYPICAL) SURVEYING: Q ¢ w 1 N , .0 P.O. BOX 115 v, ° m 12" WATTLES @ 50' O.C. IN DITCHLINE A ° 00 m m / DUNN, NC 28334 CONTACT: ANDREW JOYNER, PLS \ 200z TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH / SHOULDER BERM (TYP.) piedmontsurveying@embarkmail.com 200 m m 3 TO DIVERT WATER FROM GRUBBED AREA TO EXCAVATED (910) 892-2511 \ NC FLOODPLAIN 2' l �'� _ _ — - . / I N AREA IN FRONT OF CHECK DAM OUTLET (THIS AREA) / Z rye I � � -- / / � I -rye , z EXCAVATE THIS AREA TO A DEPTH OF 12" BELOW Z Z) / o THE BASE OF THE CHECK DAM OUTLET FOR O DETENTION AND SEDIMENT STORAGE AREA O 1' GRUBBING OF THIS I - J � U ray ' AREA ONLY O `(N 6' L GRADE CHANGES CHECK DAM WITH WEIR (ENGTH MIN.) _ los _ — — �I' i SII ' PLACE IN DIVERSION BERM TO ALLOW FOR RELEASE Q 0^ OF FLOW FROM DETENTION I STORAGE AREA \ \ Z 1pS/OF / �. _ — — _ — — ,� '\ok SILT FENCE (+l- 475' LENGTH) o la— 011111b ir Q STONE SILT FENCE OUTLET (6' LENGTH MIN-/ TYP.) ` a° PLACED IN LOW POINT - C OF SILT FENCE U) x r-0 J fee \ \ JERRY W. & SHELIA L. LATTA W J PARCEL PIN # 0547-65-7472.000 5lr.I nL PARCEL PID # 120547 0073 O Q T ZONING: RA -30W J� CURRENT USE: RESIDENTIAL ' 0 (n Z ru . tic` (n w a 0 EXISIir .._.,Jla is RESIDENCE JIMMY C. COOLEY 0 w O PARCEL PIN # 0547-55-9356.000 ~ PARCEL PID # 120547 0072 Of ZONING: RA -20R a - CURRENT USE: RESIDENTIAL DRAWING NUMBER: C2