Minutes of Regular Meeting
February 2, 2015
The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, February 2,
2015, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front
Street, Lillington, North Carolina.
Members present:
Staff present:
Jim Burgin, Chairman
Gordon Springle, Vice Chairman
Abe Elmore, Commissioner
Barbara McKoy, Commissioner
Joe Miller, Commissioner
Joseph Jeffries, Interim County Manager
Dwight Snow, County Attorney
Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer
Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk
Chairman Burgin called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Commissioner McKoy led the pledge
of allegiance and invocation.
Chairman Burgin called for additions and deletions to the published agenda. Commissioner
Miller moved to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion
which passed unanimously.
Vice Chairman Springle moved to approve the following items listed on the consent agenda.
Commissioner Elmore seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
1. Budget Amendments:
229 Health Department, Division on Aging
Code 110- 7501- 441.32 -11 Family Care Support
110 -7501 - 441.32 -26 Incentives
110- 7501- 441.60 -47 Food & Provisions
110- 0000 - 353.75 -01 Family Caregiver Donations
230 Parks & Recreation
Code 110 -8200- 450.60 -33 Materials & Supplies
110- 0000 - 354.82 -01 Restitution
232 Health Department, Division on Aging
Code 110- 0000 - 331.75 -52 HG -CCBG Nutrition
110- 0000 - 331.75 -53 State /Federal Funds (NSIP)
110- 0000 - 353.75 -53 Contributions
200 increase
185 increase
125 increase
510 increase
900 increase
900 increase
5,940 increase
1,625 decrease
4,315 decrease
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
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235 Health Department
Code 110- 7600 - 441.60 -33 Materials & Supplies
110- 7600 - 441.60 -46 Medical Supplies
110- 0000 - 331.76 -01 WIC - Client Services
236 Health Department
Code 110- 76000 - 441.64 -25 Books & Publications
110- 0000 - 334.76 -12 HIV /STD State
2. Tax refunds, rebates and release
1.321 increase
2,300 increase
3,621 increase
26 decrease
26 decrease
3. Harnett County Engineering and Facilities requested award of bid for Roll -Off Truck
with Tarping System to Advantage Truck Center/Volvo Roll -Off Truck with Tarping
System in the amount of $151,915.09. Advantage Truck Center was no the lowest bidder
however they offered the dimensions associated with an extended cab as stated in the bid
package. (Attachment 1)
4. Harnett County Sheriffs Office requested approval of the Harnett County Dentention
Center Medical Plan. Harnett County contracts with Southern Health Partners to provide
medical care to the Harnett County Detention Center. The Medical Plan is developed by
Southern Health Partners and has been reviewed and approved by the Harnett County
Sheriff's Office and the local Health Director of the Harnett County Department of
Public Health.
5. Harnett County Airport Administrator requested approval of a NC DOT /DOA grant
agreement for aid related to the Runway 5 Approach Clearing. The approach clearing
will consist of clearing trees and vegetation on approximately 12 acres of uplands and
wetlands located on the west side of Runway 5.
6. Harnett County Tax Administrator requested approval to bar off the system, in the
amount of $323,310.90, all property taxes that are over 10 years old (2003 and 2004) that
can no longer be legally collected through forced collection procedures. Staff continues
to push in collecting delinquent accounts by wage garnishments, bank attachments,
sheriffs executions, other County certifications, mortgage style foreclosures as well a
implementing in -rem foreclosures and participation in the debt set -off program.
7. Harnett County Health Director requested approval to establish/increase /decrease the
following fees as approved by the Board of Health on January 15, 2015:
90636 Twinrix (Hep A & Hep B combination) $95.00 (new)
90670 Prevnar (PCV13) $140 (was $110)
90675 Rabies $245 (was $230)
90680 Rotateq $75 (was $70)
90696 Kinrix (IPV, Dtap) $50 (was $40)
90698 Pentacel (Dtap, IPV, HIB) $75 (was $40)
90700 DTaP $50 (was $25)
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
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Proquad (MMR & Varicella)
Hep B
17P (Maternal Health)
(was $45)
(was $ 130)
(was $25)
(was $30)
(was $40)
(reduced from $15)
Chairman Burgin opened the floor for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3
minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes.
- Kris Nystrom of 391 Center Lane in Bunn Level spoke about the condition and general
lack of books in Harnett County schools. He said we need a "reset "; we need quantity
sufficient new books or go all electronic and we need a system of accountability. Mr.
Nsytrom said we need prosecution of those who violate rules and the law and referenced
the Harnett County Disciplinary Form. Mr. Nystrom also spoke about the use of
substitute teachers and asked commissioners to visit the schools.
- Andy Stevens of 2109 Leona Drive in Greensboro, representing Grass Roots of North
Carolina (GRNC), spoke in opposition to the proposed Firearms Discharge Ordinance
and asked commissioners to table the bad, unenforceable, feel good but do nothing,
expensive and time consuming ordinance. Mr. Stevens also said Harnett County's
existing ordinances are not in compliance with state law regarding fireamis possession
and concealed carry. He threatened suit by GRNC if the County did not comply with
state laws which he said have changed twice in the last five years. Commissioners said
they would check on this and get it corrected.
- Billy Glover of 2377 Meadowlark Road in Dunn spoke in opposition to the proposed
Firearms Discharge Ordinance. Mr. Glover previously shared how the proposed
ordinance would affect his property.
- Rick Foster of 529 Ridgeview Drive in Cameron, who was part of the citizen team who
helped draft the ordinance, spoke in favor of the proposed Firearms Discharge Ordinance.
Mr. Foster said there is a cost to inaction, especially the way our County is changing and
growing, and said he believes this ordinance is the bare minimum to help the Sheriff
"control stupid actions ". He said more importantly it puts into County ordinance the
principle that property owners have the right to discharge firearms on their own property
with very minimum restrictions.
- Jerry Rivas of 364 Twin Ponds Road in Sanford, who also served on the stakeholders
committee that help draft the proposed ordinance, said as it stands right now this
ordinance places very few limitations on the discharge of firealiiis on someone's private
property. Mr. Rivas said it has put some safeguards in place to ensure your projectile
stays on your property. He said he doesn't have a problem with the ordinance if it passes
the way it is because he doesn't believe it will affect him in any way.
- Gary Ross of 1148 Melony Lane in Cameron said they need to concentrate on the proper
impact zones and hunter safety so people understand. He said the proposed ordinance is
unenforceable and asked commissioners to table it.
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
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- H.L. Britt of 12875 Hwy 210 South said he appreciates the effort but they need to put a
whole lot more thought into this ordinance. He said he could understand the distance
from schools and daycares but not churches.
— Barry Lewis of the Anderson Creek area said the proposed ordinance could potentially
affect every property in Harnett County because a church is provisionally approved for
any type of zoning. Mr. Lewis said he believes there are errors in the staff analysis
because the ordinance specifies 500 feet from the boundary of any land owned by a
church or daycare so it would affect more than the 1% to 2% mentioned. He said there
are things that could be done to make the proposed ordinance more effective and safer.
- Brenda Page of 22 Wyoming Court in Spring Lake said she is concerned with the
proposed fine.
— Claud Tweed of the Anderson Creek area said he lives on 5 'h acres and his home is
within 200 feet of a church so there is nowhere on his land where he can fire his gun
without being in violation of the proposed ordinance.
- Angel Pedilla of 99 Oak Hill Lane in Spring Lake said in the South we plink on the
weekends. He said people have starting building churches out in the country which
would prohibit shooting your guns which is a right that we have.
- Kirk Rhodes of the Anderson Creek area said he loves to shoot and asked that they please
not take that away. He said he thinks these laws will cause more problems for our
overworked deputies.
Randy Baker, Harnett County Senior Zoning Inspector, reviewed the most recent amended
version of the proposed Firearms Discharge Ordinance. Mr. Baker shared a questionnaire used
by the Planning Department to solicit information from the stakeholders group and sunshine list.
He said they also provided them with copies of various other counties ordinances. Mr. Baker
said the 500 feet setback was language taken from a Lenoir County ordinance. Mr. Baker
stressed that the 500 feet distance in the proposed ordinance is in no way to be presumed to be a
safe distance. He said the 500 feet distance is basically a "no fire buffer zone "; something
similar to their development practices when they say a dwelling cannot be built any closer than
35 feet from a front set back rule.
Mr. Baker responded that the fine in the ordinance would be $50 if not otherwise specified by the
Board. He explained if you get fined for a violation and then continue that activity it would be
an additional $50 per day fine that you continue to violate. Mr. Baker said a church could
basically go in any zoning district however they still have to meet setback requirements and must
go through the criteria of being reviewed. Mr. Baker also noted the display on the map was an
approximate and the numbers were passed solely on permits that were issued for those types of
structures. Mark Locklear, Director of Planning Services, said the 500 feet language originated
from the Lenoir County ordinance but noted there are ordinances out there that don't have that at
all so it is possible to remove that section. Sheriff Rollins also commented.
Vice Chairman Springle moved to eliminate Item A in Section 10 "Within 500 feet as measured
in a straight line from the point of discharge to the property line of any church, school, daycare
or nursing home ". Vice Chairman Springle said he thinks they have, in the other sections,
provided protection to those places without putting the prohibited restrictions on the property
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
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owners. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion which passed 4 to 1 with Commissioner
McKoy opposing.
Commissioner Springle moved to approve the Fireamis Discharge Ordinance as amended.
Commissioner Miller seconded the motion which passed 4 to 1 with Commissioner McKoy
opposing. Commissioners thanked the staff, Sheriff and committee members for their work on
the ordinance.
Mr. Jeffries presented the following report:
- Sandhills Center Quarterly Fiscal Report
Mr. Jeffries said he does not recommend going with the Spring Lake annexation request. As part
of his research he said Spring Lake does not provide any service to the area. Mr. Jeffries said
Harnett County currently uses the ad valorem formula to disperse sales tax which is based on
population so there would not be any distributions of sales taxes to Spring Lake however it
would limit the County's ability to go back to the per capita option to disperse sales tax. If the
Board did decide to go with the per capita option it would then have to distribute sales taxes to
Spring Lake. Mr. Jeffries also said this could take away the ability to incorporate in the future.
He mentioned other items that could potentially have an impact are the Powell Bill based on per
capita, the hold harmless for municipalities based on Medicare swap and elections.
Mr. Jeffries introduced Harnett County native Monica Jackson as the new Harnett County Senior
Staff Attorney. Mrs. Jackson addressed the Board.
There was no new business.
Commissioner Elmore moved that the Board go into closed session to discuss Economic
Development. Vice Chairman Springle seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Commissioner Elmore moved that the Board come out of closed session. Vice Chairman
Springle seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Commissioner Miller moved that the Board adjourn at 10:05 am. Vice Chaimian Springle
seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioners were scheduled to tour the
CCCC Lee and Chatham County main campytw ii imediately following the meeting.
Jim j urgin, Chai ; t Regina Wh
er, Clerk
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
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Roll -Off Truck with Tarping System
Bid Opening: Tuesday, December 23, 2014, 2:00 p.m.
Harnett County Engineering & Facilities Maintenance Bldg.
Bidder Name Amount Cab Dimensions
TriPoint Truck Center
Contact: Maury Rice 39" front to back
Freightliner $145,521.00
56" floor to ceiling
Carolina Environmental Systems
Contact: Maxwell Taylor
Advantage Truck Center
Contact: Bruce Stadler
TripleT Freightliner, Sterling & Western Star
Contact: David Foster
Gregory Poole
Contact: Mike Howell
Southeast Atlantic Peterbilt
Contact: Jim Moynihan
TripleT Parts & Equipment Co., Inc.
Contact: Josh Foster
40.5" front to back
56" floor to ceiling
47" front to back
62" floor to ceiling
47" front to back
56.25" floor to ceiling
42" front to back
56" floor to ceiling
42" front to back
73.3" floor to ceiling
37" front to back
$166,453.00 71" floor to ceiling