HomeMy WebLinkAbout120114a Agenda PackageHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS County Administration Building 102 East Front Street Lillington, North Carolina Regular Meeting December 1, 2014 9:00am 1. Call to Order-Chairman Joe Miller 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation-Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill 3. Consent Agenda A. Minutes B. Resolution Certifying and Declaring the Results of the Special Bond Referendum on the Bond Order Authorizing the Issuance of$100,000,000 General Obligation School Bonds Held for the County of Harnett, North Carolina on November 4, 2014. C. Emergency Services requests approval of the Flatwoods Service Agreement with the Town of Lillington. D. Administration requests approval for the recording of a recombination map for Erwin Memorial Park Cemetery. Recess meeting to reconvene after Swearing-in Ceremony 10:00 am Reception Swearing-In Ceremony-Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney (Board of Commissioners Meeting Room, Administration Building) Reconvene meeting and Reorganization of the Board, Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board 4. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 5. Consent Agenda A. Budget Amendments B. Tax refunds, rebates and releases C. Health Department requests approval to submit an application for Project Lazarus Community Coalition Grant 2014-2015. The purpose of this grant targets prescription drug overdose, with the goal of preventing prescription drug misuse, abuse and diversion. The grant does not require any matching funds. D. Harnett County Board of Health requests approval to establish the following fees: CPT Code Description Proposed Charge Q3014 Tele health originating site facility fee $25.00 90633-90632 Hepatitis A (current charge $25) $35.00 Page 1 HC BOC 120114 Page 1 E. County Engineer's Office requests approval ofResolution to Approve the Continued Operations and Expansion of the Area 1 C&D Landfill Unit and the Proposed Area 2 C&D Landfill Unit. F. Sheriffs Office requests approval of Resolution Authorizing Disposition of Personal Property to donate vehicles and equipment to Central Carolina Community College. G. Relay for Life has requested use of the governmental complex facilities, including the commons area, at no cost. H. Resolutions awarding tablets to Commissioner House and Commissioner Hill. 6. Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation 7. Appointments 8. County Manager's report-Joseph Jeffries, Deputy County Manager -Harnett County Financial Summary Report-October 2014 -Harnett County Public Health Activities Summary-October 2014 -Upcoming Courses for County Elected Officials (UNC SOG) -NCACC Legislative Goals Conference (January 15-16, 2015) -Harnett Local Government Association Dinner (January 27, 2015 at 6:30) 9. New Business 10. Closed Session 11. Adjourn Page2 HC BOC 120114 Page 2 Agenda Item 3 -A HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting November 17, 2014 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, November 17, 2014, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Staff present: Joe Miller, Chairman Gary House, Vice Chairman Jim Burgin, Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill, Commissioner Gordon Springle, Commissioner Tommy Bums, Harnett County Manager Joseph Jeffries, Deputy County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Commissioner Hill led the pledge of allegiance and invocation. N.C. Representative Marvin W. Lucas presented the Order of the Long Leaf Pine Award to Commissioner Hill. Commissioner Hill addressed the group. Chairman Miller called for additions and deletions to the published agenda. Commissioner Springle requested to move up on the agenda the consideration of the Resolution concerning the Management Services Agreement implementation between Harnett Health System, Inc. and Cumberland County Hospital System, Inc., d/b/a Cape Fear Valley Health System. Commissioner Burgin moved to approve the revised agenda. Vice Chairman House seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioner Burgin moved to approve the following items listed on the consent agenda. Commissioner Springle seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 1. Minutes: November 3, 2014 regular meeting October 28, 2014 special session 2. Budget Amendments: 152 Health Department Code 110-7600-441.60-45 Drugs 110-0000-331.76-14 Maternal Health. 418 decrease 418 decrease November 17, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 1 of8 HC BOC 120114 Page 3 153 Health Department Code 110-7600-441.58-01 Training 110-7600-441.64-25 Books & Publications 110-0000-334.76-12 STD Prevention 154 Airport Jetport Rehab & Strength CP1303 Code 302-8300-406.54-01 Construction 302-8300-406.45-80 Contingency 155 Planning Services Code 110-7210-465.11-00 Salary&Wages-AMPI 11 0-7200-465.11-00 Salary & Wages -Regular 110-7210-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense-AMPI 110-7200-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense-Regular 110-7210-465.23-00 Retirement-AMPI 110-7200-465.23-00 Retirement-Regular 110-7210-465.26-08 Workman's Comp-AMPI 11 0-7200-465.26-08 Workman's Comp -Regular 110-7210-465.25-10 Unemployment 110-7200-465.25-10 Unemployment 157 WIA Youth Program 500 increase 500 increase 1,000 increase 230,291 decrease 230,291 increase 2,132 increase 2,132 decrease 163 increase 163 decrease 151 increase 151 decrease 138 increase 13 8 decrease 21 increase 21 decrease Code 234-0000-331.74-05 Harnett In School Youth Program 15,000 decrease 234-0 000-331.74-07 Harnett Out ofSchool Youth Prog. 15,000 increase 158 Cooperative Extension Code 110-7300-465.32-30 Family & Consumer Science (FCS) 200 increase 110-7300-465.32-32 Comm., Rural Development (CRD) 1,945 increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 2,145 increase 162 Transportation Code 110-4650-410.12-00 Salary & Wages Part Time 110-4650-410.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 110-0000-334.55-02 EDT AP Transportation Plan 110-0000-334.55-05 RGP Transportation 110-0000-334.77-04 Work First Transportation 3. Tax refunds, rebates and releases (Attachment 1) 4. Resolution To Honor Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill (Attachment 2) 5. Resolution To Honor Commissioner Gary A. House (Attachment 3) 16,180 decrease 1,334 decrease 8,300 decrease 41 ,427 decrease 32,213 increase November 17, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 2 of8 HC BOC 120114 Page 4 6. Cooperative Extension requested permission to accept grant renewal :for Child Care Block Grant from Child Care Networks, Inc. in the amount of$33,673 for FY 2014- 2015. 7. Harnett County Public Library requested approval of a new contract between the Harnett County Library and the affiliate and branch libraries. The Library Board of Trustees, the Anderson Creek Primary School, and the Towns of Angier, Coats, Dunn and Erwin have each signed the contract. The existing contract needed updating to clarify the roles and responsibilities between the County Library and the affiliate and branch libraries. 8. Proclamation-National Hospice Palliative Care Month-November 2014 9. Emergency Services requested permission to apply for the 2015 Emergency Management Performance Grant. This is a federal grant administered by the State that is available to local governments to assist in the cost of developing and maintaining a comprehensive emergency management program. These funds are received annually and are included as part of Emergency Services operating budget. 10. Resolution to cancel the November 25,2014 Special Session of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. (Attachment 4) 11. General Services requested approval of a letter of support for Johnston County Industries (JCI)/Harnett Production Enterprise's (HPE) 5310 Program Application for Purchase of Service to supplement direct costs associated with transportation of HPE passengers. Mr. Snow presented for consideration a Resolution concerning the Management Services Agreement (MSA) implementation between Harnett Health System, Inc. (HHS) and Cumberland County Hospital System, Inc., d/b/a Cape Fear Valley Health System (Cape Fear). He noted as part of the agreement between HHS and Cape Fear, which was effective November 3, 2014, the two local governments involved with HHS; the City of Dunn and Harnett County, were asked to be a part of a resolution that would approve the MSA amongst other things. Mr. Snow previously summarized the agreement and proposed resolution at a work session of the Board where copies of both were distributed for review. During that meeting, commissioners directed that the agreement and resolution be added to the upcoming agenda as well as requesting representative from HHS and Cape Fear come and present the resolution and answer any questions. Attorney Ben Thompson of Wyrick Robbins first said it was a privilege to know and work with Commissioner Hill and thanked her for her years of service. Mr. Thompson urged the Board to approve the proposed resolution before them for consideration. He recognized present to answer any questions and demonstrate support of the resolution HHS Chairman and Campbell Vice- President Dr. Ron Maddox, Campbell President Dr. Jerry Wallace, Campbell Vice President of November 17,2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 3 of8 HC BOC 120114 Page 5 Finance Jim Roberts, Cape Fear Chief Executive Officer Mike Nagowski, HHS • s new President Dan Weatherly and Cape Fear Director of Government Relations Breeden Blackwell. Mr. Thompson summarized that they are asking for the County's consent to the execution of the new MSA between HHS and Cape Fear as well as the amended articles of incorporation which will allow for one person to be nominated by Cape Fear to serve on the HHS Board. As part of the MSA, Mr. Thompson noted they are also asking the County to approve the creation of a new entity (Newco) in the future for the purposes of transferring all of the tangible and intangible assets, except the real property and improvements associated with Betsy Johnson Regional Hospital and Central Harnett Hospital, to the Newco. Under there terms of the MSA, Cape Fear has the option to purchase forty-nine percent (49%) of that entity and eventually to purchase all of that entity. He stressed that at no time would the real estate consisting of the Betsy Johnson Regional Hospital facility and Central Harnett Hospital facility be included in the transfer to the Newco as they will remain the property ofHHS subject to the various restrictive covenants of record. Mrs. Thompson mentioned the 2005 Memorandum of Understanding between Harnett County and the City of Dunn along with WakeMed that created the HHS. Mr. Thompson noted the County of Harnett, through the Harnett Forward Together Committee (HFTC), donated over 20 acres ofland for the construction of the new Central Harnett facility which reverts back to HFTC if it ceases to be a healthcare facility. He gave an overview of the process that lead to the MSA with Cape Fear and highlighted some factors supporting that decision. The MSA is a ten year agreement with one year renewal terms thereafter. Mr. Thompson continued to discuss terms of the MSA including a lease obligation, management fees and a $10 Million line of credit made available to HHS. Mr. Thompson clarified the request for endorsement was not a legal requirement however all involved active participates wanted this to be completely transparent. Mr. Nagowski spoke in favor of this request. He said Cape Fear is excited and proud to have been selected as a partner with HHS. Mr. Nagowski said they understand how important it is for healthcare to continue to grow and thrives and believe healthcare should be local. Mr. Nagowski talked about keeping Harnett County citizens in Harnett County for healthcare, the expansion of services, recruitment of doctors and EMS transport. Dr. Wallace thanked Mrs. Hill for being his commissioner, for standing for what is right for Harnett County and for supporting Campbell University. Dr. Wall ace asked commissioner to support this recommendation as he believes this new relationship will be good for the County and Campbell University. Dr. Wallace said within four years Campbell University will have more than 2000 health professional students studying in Harnett County. Vice Chairman House confirmed that if the 20 acres of land donated for the construction of the new Central Harnett facility reverted back to HFTC so would the USDA debt. Mr. Thompson responded that the County has no financial interest as far as the operation of the hospital itself. Vice Chairman House also inquired about meeting the obligation of the job creation grant. November 17, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 4 of8 HC BOC 120114 Page 6 Commissioner Burgin moved to approve the Resolution concerning the Management Services Agreement implementation between Harnett Health System, Inc. and Cumberland County Hospital System, Inc., d/b/a Cape Fear Valley Health System. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion which passed unanimously. (Attachment 5) Mr. Bums presented the Proclamation proclaiming November 2014 as National Hospice Palliative Care Month to Transitions LifeCare's Harnett County Advisory Committee member Cramer Walker. Mrs. Walker thanked commissioners for recognizing the important work of the Hospice staff and volunteers and also for bringing attention for those who need treatment for terminal illness. Chairman Miller presented a resolution to Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill honoring her service and contributions as Commissioner of Harnett County. Chairman Miller also presented Commissioner Hill with a Harnett County plaque. Chairman Miller presented a resolution to Vice Chairman House honoring his service and contributions as Commissioner of Harnett County. Chairman Miller also presented Commissioner House with a Harnett County plaque. Former Commissioners Dan Andrews and Tim McNeill spoke of their time serving with Commissioners Hill and House and the progress made in the County. Chairman Miller opened the floor for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. -Paul Long of601 Old Buies Creek Road in Angier said we have got to build schools. Mr. Long said we are going backwards and he hasn't seen the progress he would have like to have seen out of this Board the last two terms. Mr. Long said county employees are under stress, they need a raise, they need good healthcare and they need to be looked after. He said we only fiscally responsible when it comes to the poor. Mr. Long said we need to get back to the basics and get back to the people. Randy Rogers of 904 Hillside Drive in Lillington thanked Commissioners Hill and House for their sacrifices made for all. Mr. Rogers said the fight for open government will continue and the attempt to conceal, hide and destroy the truth is not going to occur. He said public records belong to all. Sharlene Jones of2370 Old Buies Creek Road said citizens need to understand there is going to big changes, not good changes. She said people need to pray to save this County. Daniel Glover of Old State Road in Coats said the loss ofHamett County Manager Tommy Bums is a devastating blow to the county. He said not many county managers in North Carolina will want to come serve in Harnett County now. Mr. Glover said politics plays a big role in what is going on in this county but there is going to be even more transparency than before going forward. Commissioner Hill recognized in the audience former Commissioners Dan Andrews and Tim McNeill as well as Commissioner-elect Barbara McKoy. Commissioner Hill addressed the group. November 17, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 5 of8 HC BOC 120114 Page 7 Darvin Springfield, Transit Services Manager, petitioned the Board for a public hearing on the Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) application and the FY 2016 Community Transportation Program Application (HARTS) application to be submitted to the NC Department of Transportation. Mr. Springfield reported the ROAP funds are utilized to for the operating costs of trips and other transportation services. Funds will be utilized to provide transportation services when there are no other available funds. Rural Operating Assistance Program includes the following programs: r Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (EDTAP) provides operating assistance funds for transporting elderly and disabled citizens-$77,099; and ,. Employment Transportation Assistance Program (EMP) provides transportation for the general public to employment locations, employment training, and any other employment related destinations-$32,313; and ,. Rural General Public Program (RGP) funds are intended to provide transportation for individuals of the County who do not have a human service agency or organization that will pay for their transportation services -$1 02,506 and requires a 1 0% match. Mr. Springfield reported the FY 2016 Community Transportation Program (HARTS) provides assistance to coordinate existing transportation programs operating in Harnett County as well as provides transportation options and services for the community within the service area. These services are currently provided using demand response and subscription routes. The 5311 Community Transportation Program intends to enhance the access of people in non-urbanized areas to health care, shopping, education, employment, public services and recreation. Section 5311 assists in the maintenance, development, improvement and use of public transportation systems in non-urbanized areas. Requested funding amounts are as follows: Y $231,627 for Administrative with a local match of$34,745; and 'y $113,000 for Capital (vehicle and other) with a local match of$11,300. Mr. Springfield requested approval ofboth of these applications and the resolution to apply for these funds. Mr. Springfield asked the public to fill out a Public Involvement Voluntary Title VI form made available during the meeting. Mr. Springfield responded that General Services has applied for these grants fund for the last nineteen years. Chairman Miller called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Seeing no one move, Chairman Miller closed the public hearing. Commissioner Springle moved to approve the applications for both grants and resolution. Commissioner Burgin seconded the motion which passed unanimously. (Attachment 6) Mark Locklear, Planning Services Director, petitioned the Board for a public hearing on proposed text amendments, Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance, Revisions to Article V (Use Regulations), Section 7.5.6 (Firing Ranges). On behalf of the Planning Department, Mr. Locklear thanked Commissioners Hill and House for their years of service and said it has been a pleasure serving them throughout the years. Mr. Locklear stated the proposed text amendment was developed to address the use of commercially operating firing ranges and November 17, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 6 of8 HC BOC 120114 Page 8 the effects of such ranges upon adjacent and surrounding communities. Mr. Locklear stressed this amendment is solely intended to be applied to commercial operating ranges only. The private use of firing ranges located on residential properties is not affected by these regulations. This amendment is to allow for safe operation of such ranges and help protect the adjacent properties and the health, safety and welfare for Harnett County Citizens. Mr. Locklear noted Commissioners Miller and Springle served on this steering committee which also included Board of Adjustment members, existing range owners and citizens. He said this was a long process but a good learning experience. Mr. Locklear thinks they have put together some successful and innovative thinking when it comes to regulations for firing ranges. He noted they started this process in April 2013 and thirteen drafts were prepared throughout the process. Mr. Locklear said they learned that one size does not fit all when it comes to gun ranges. The committee ended up taking the approach that it didn't matter the piece ofland, it just mattered to design it using whatever requirements were made available to them to make it safe and then go before the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Locklear reported staff hired a private range consultant to evaluate their regulations and to look at what they have put in place. They also asked the consultants to go out and look at some of our existing ranges and give some suggestions on possibly making those ranges safer. Mr. Locklear said staff wants to make sure the public knows exactly what they are doing when it comes to text amendments and give them an opportunity to comment. He said staff is trying harder to get the word out on the website and using social media. Mr. Locklear reported that the Harnett County Planning Board tabled the text amendment on October 6, 2014 for further information, from staff, on insurance liability and professional cost related to engineers, environmental, range design, etc. On November 3, 2014, after discussion of the above reference issues, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the text amendment application. Mr. Locklear also shared a Suggested Statement of Consistency, which was provided to commissioners at the meeting and is required for text amendments. Randy Baker, Senior Zoning Inspector, thanked the committee members for their assistance and cooperation. Mr. Baker emphasized that a lot of the proposed regulations will put emphasis on the conditional use approval process. All firing ranges must receive a conditional use approval from the Harnett County Board of Adjustments, meet any condition that they may place on it as well as meet the design requirements stated in the proposed amendment. Mr. Baker said this is very technical and to ensure the safety and the well-being of the citizens they have incorporated that the professional design element must be added to the design of these ranges. He said they learned a firing range is designed for the discharge of firearms not for the explosion of explosive devices which is an entirely separate range. Mr. Baker said this document will limit the ability to explode things on a firing range. He noted the addition of zoning compliance inspections where staff will perform an annual inspection to verify the range is continuing to be operated in the manner it was approved in. Mr. Baker said they went through the amortization process for existing ranges effective upon adoption of this ordinance. Commissioners Miller and Springle November 17, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 7 of8 HC BOC 120114 Page 9 agreed this process was a good community effort, they learned a lot and think it was a great way to handle this situation. Chairman Miller called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Paul Long of 601 Old Buies Creek Road in Angier said he has had guns all his life and voiced concern regarding more regulations. He said he believes this is a good ordinance but said the citizens need to watch out because they are not always getting the whole truth. Seeing no one else move, Chairman Miller closed the public hearing. Chairman Miller moved to approved the proposed text amendment citing the requested text amendment is compatible with Harnett County's regulatory documents and would promote public health, safety, and general welfare ofthe County, as well as maintain orderly and compatible land use and development patterns and encourage environmentally responsible development practices, as described within the facility design and environmental management sections of the document. Commissioner Springle seconded the motion which passed unanimously. County Manager Mr. Bums presented the following reports: -Veterans Affairs Activities Report-October 2014 -Interdepartmental Budget Amendments -Planning Services report -October 2014 Mr. Bums noted that the Harnett County Board of Elections is currently working on certifying the bond election results which will cause this Board to approve a resolution accepting those bond results as required to continue this bond process. Mr. Bums announce the retirement of Assistant Emergency Management Director Beverly Williams and School Superintendent Tom Frye. Mr. Bums also noted that the Board had recently received his resignation effective December 1st. Mr. Bums said this was the most mentally labor intensive decision he has ever had to make but believes it's a good professional opportunity for him to continue in his career. Chairman Miller called for any new business. Commissioner House addressed the group. There was no need for closed session. Chairman Miller reminded the group of the reception immediately following the meeting. Commissioner Springle moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:57pm. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Joe Miller, Chairman Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk November 17, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 8 of8 HC BOC 120114 Page 10 CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS FOR THE REFERENDUM OF THE Agenda Item J -B COUNTY OF HARNETT 0:\1 THE 4TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014 WE. the undersigned Chairman and Members of the Harnett County Board of Elections, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that we met on November I 4, 2014 at the hour of I I :00 a.m., in the office of the Harnett County Board of Elections in Lillington, North Carolina to canvass the returns of the special bond referendum held in the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the '"County'') on November 4, 2014. I. The total number of voters who voted "YES" in answer to the question, ''SHALL the order authorizing $100,000,000 of bonds plus interest to pay the capital costs of providing for the construction, renovation, improvement equipping and furnishing of public school facilities within the County, including the acquisition of land. rights-of-way and easements required therefor, and providing that additional taxes may be levied in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the bonds be approved?", was 13,384. The total number of voters who voted "NO" in answer to such question was I 2,365. The question in the form submitted was APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority ofthose who voted thereon at said referendum. 2. All persons voting at said referendum were required to use ballots or ballot labels setting forth the questions to be voted upon in the form prescribed by the Board of Commissioners of the County (the "Board"). 3. Only the persons who have been duly registered were permitted to vote at said referendum. The total number of voters who were registered and qualified to vote at said referendum was 69,695. 4. The polls for said referendum were opened at the polling places in the County on November 4, 2014. at the hour of 6:30a.m., and were closed at the hour of 7:30 p.m. on that day. Jlv' WJ7NE.'l'S WHEREOF, we have set our hands for the purpose of certifying to the Board the result of the special bond referendum held for the County on November 4, 2014, this _lj__ day of November, 20 14. HC BOC 120114 Page 11 EXTRACT FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "Board'') was held at the County Commissioners' Meeting Room, Harnett County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina, at 9:00 a.m. on December 1, 2014 (the "Meeting''), after proper notice, and was called to order by Chairman Miller, and upon the roll being called, the following members of the Board answered present: Joe Miller, Chairman Gary House, Vice Chairman Jim Burgin, Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill, Commissioner Gordon Springle, Commissioner The following members of the Board were absent: Also present: Joseph Jeffries, Deputy County Manager Dwight Snow, Staff Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk Commissioner introduced the following resolution (the "Resolution''), a summary of which had been provided to each Commissioner, a copy of which was available with the Clerk to the Board and which was read by title: RESOLUTION CERTIFYING AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM ON THE BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS HELD FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA ON NOVEMBER 4, 2014 WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners (the "Board'') of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "County") has considered the Certificate of Canvass of the Harnett County Board of Elections canvassing the referendum held for the County on November 4, 2014 and certifying the result thereof to the Board and has canvassed the result of said Referendum. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA that it be and hereby is certified and declared that the number of voters registered and qualified to vote at said Referendum was 69,695. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it be and hereby is certified and declared that the total number of voters who voted "Yes" in answer to the question "'SHALL the order authorizing $100,000,000 of bonds plus interest to pay the capital costs of providing for the construction, renovation, improvement, equipping and furnishing of public school facilities within the County, including the acquisition of land, rights-of-way and easements required therefor, and providing that additional taxes may be levied in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the bonds be approved?" was 13,384. The total number of voters who voted "No" in answer to such question was 12,365. The question in the form submitted was APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of those who voted thereon at said referendum. HC BOC 120114 Page 12 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a statement substantially in the form hereinafter set forth declaring the result of said referendum shall be prepared, delivered to the Clerk to the Board for filing and recordation and published in accordance with law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall become effective on the date of its adoption. Upon motion of Commissioner , seconded by Commissioner ______ , the foregoing resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION CERTIFYING AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM ON THE BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS HELD FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA ON NOVEMBER 4, 2014" was adopted by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this I st day of December, 2014. HC BOC 120114 Page 13 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT ) ) ) ss: I, Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of a Resolution entitled, "RESOLUTION CERTIFYING AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM ON THE BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS HELD FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA ON NOVEMBER 4, 2014'' adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, in regular session convened on the 1st day of December, 2014. WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, this the 1st day of December, 2014. Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board of Commissioners (SEAL) HC BOC 120114 Page 14 STATEMENT OF RESULTS OF SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM ON THE BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS, HELD FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA ON NOVEMBER 4, 2014 WHEREAS, by direction of the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") ofthe County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "County''), a special bond referendum was duly called and held for the County on November 4, 2014 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the County the question hereinafter set forth, and the Board has received from the Harnett County Board of Elections a certification of the results of said referendum, and has determined the result of said referendum to be as hereinafter stated; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board hereby makes the following statement of the result of said referendum pursuant to The Local Government Bond Act: (1) The number of voters registered and qualified to vote at said referendum was 69,695. (2) The total number of voters who voted "Yes" in answer to the question, ''SHALL the order authorizing $100,000,000 of bonds plus interest to pay the capital costs of providing for the construction, renovation, improvement, equipping and furnishing of public school facilities within the County, including the acquisition of land, rights-of-way and easements required therefor, and providing that additional taxes may be levied in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the bonds be approved?" was 13,384. The total number of voters who voted "No" in answer to such question was 12,365. The question in the form submitted was APPROVED by the affirmative vote of a majority of those who voted thereon at said referendum. Any action or proceeding challenging the regularity or validity of this special bond referendum must be begun within 30 days after December 3, 2014. PPAB 2628336vl COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA By /s/ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board of Commissioners County of Harnett, North Carolina HC BOC 120114 Page 15 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item 3 -C MEETING DATE: December 1, 2014 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Flatwoods Fire District Service Agreement REQUESTED BY: Gary Pope, Emergency Services Director REQUEST: Emergency Services requests approval of the Flatwoods Service Agreement with the Town of Lillington. COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: S:\ES-FINANCE\AGENDA FORM\agendafonn2014 Appointment ofLocal Firemen's ReliefFund Trustees.doc Page 1 ofl HC BOC 120114 Page 16 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT AGREEMENT FOR FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this the_ day of ___ , 2014, by and between COUNTY OF HARNETT (sometimes hereinafter referred to as "County") and the Town of Lillington (sometimes hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"). RECITALS: THAT WHEREAS, "The County Service District Act of 1973" pursuant to North Carolina General Statute § 153A-300, et. seq. provides that the board of commissioners of any county may finance, provide, or maintain fire protection services, facilities, and functions through designated service districts; WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 159-13(a) provides, in part, that the board of commissioners of any county may adopt a "budget ordinance making appropriations and levying taxes for the budget year in such sums as the board may consider sufficient and proper"; and "the budget ordinance may be in any form that the board considers most efficient in enabling it to make the fiscal policy decisions embodied therein." WHEREAS, County has established various Fire Protection Service Districts pursuant to The County Service District Act of 1973 and levies and collects taxes and is responsible for appropriating said funds for the use and benefit of the citizens in the designated district; and WHEREAS, Contractor has secured equipment, land and buildings for the operation of a fire department capable of providing fire protection services within a designated district; and 1 HC BOC 120114 Page 17 WHEREAS, County desires to contract with Contractor to provide fire protection services, facilities, and functions for the benefit of the designated Fire Protection Service District; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto contract and agree as follows: 1. GENERAL: Contractor shall furnish fire protection services, facilities, and functions pursuant to the standards set forth by the North Carolina Department of Insurance, County of Harnett, and all other pertinent federal, state, and local laws and regulations within the boundaries of the Flatwoods Fire Protection Service District (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Fire Protection Service District"). The Fire Protection Service District is defined in the map of the Fire Protection Service District on record with the Clerk to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and in the GIS/Land Records Management of Harnett County. Contractor shall provide, or make provision for, the necessary equipment, personnel, facilities, and all other things necessary for furnishing such protection in the Fire Protection District. The services shall be in accordance with the standards as set forth in this Agreement by the North Carolina Department of Insurance, County of Harnett, and all other federal, state, and local regulations regarding fire protection, and all future amendments adopted in accordance with this Agreement. The Contractor shall furnish fire protection services, facilities, and functions without charge to all persons and property located within the Fire Protection Service District in an efficient and workmanlike manner. This provision shall not prohibit the Contractor from entering into contracts with Federal, State, or local governments or utility companies for the provision of emergency protection 2 HC BOC 120114 Page 18 services for a fee, or from applyj.ng for and/or receiving any donations, grants, or contributions of any kind, whether governmental or private. 2. PAYMENT: For fiscal year July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, and for four additional consecutive years concluding Jun 30, 2019, County shall cause to be assessed or levied property taxes for fire protection services, facilities, and functions for the Flatwoods Fire Protection Service District and paid to Contractor in an amount of Twelve Cents ($0.12) per One Hundred Dollars ($100 .00) valuation on all real and personal property located in the Flatwoods Fire Protection Service District pursuant to North Carolina General Statute § 153A-307 and as adopted in the budget ordinance of County. For each fiscal year following the July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 fiscal year, the amount paid to Contractor shall be in the same amount as for the initial year and the amount paid to Contractor will be reflected in the budget ordinance adopted by County for the Fire Protection Service District. In determining this amount, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners has taken into consideration the needs of citizens of the Fire Protection Service District as projected by Contractor and makes said decision in the best interests, and for the use and benefit, of the citizens of the Flatwoods Fire District. 3. TIME OF PAYMENT: County shall pay to Contractor the monthly collection of current and delinquent property taxes levied pursuant to The County Service District Act of 1973 for the Fire Protection Service District by the 15th day of the month following the month of collection by County. County may pay to Contractor the monthly collection of sales tax levied for the Fire Protection Service District by the 15th day of the month following collection by County. 3 HC BOC 120114 Page 19 4. USE OF FUNDS: Contractor shall use all funds paid to it by County under this Agreement solely and exclusively to provide for fire protection services, facilities and functions for the benefit of the citizens of the Flatwoods Fire Protection Service District and to meet the standards and requirements of County established by this Agreement. 5. PURCHASES OVER $20,000.00: If Contractor desires to make any single capital purchase in the amount of $20,000.00 or greater and said purchase has not been approved by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners in the current year capital outlay in the Contractor's estimated budget, Contractor shall submit a written request for purchase which must be approved by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. The written request shall be submitted by Contractor to the Harnett County Fire Marshal who, in tum, shall forward the request to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners for its consideration. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners may accept or reject the request in its sole discretion. 6. INSPECTIONS/AUDITS/BUDGETING/BONDING: Contractor agrees that County has the right to inspect all books and accounts of Contractor at any time. Said inspection shall be conducted by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners through the Harnett County Fire Marshal, the Harnett County Finance Officer, or other designees of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. It is further agreed that Contractor will present the Harnett County Board of Commissioners with an annual audit by a certified public accountant which shall be in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or other comprehensive basis of accounting. Contractor agrees to comply with all County budgeting procedures and such other 4 HC BOC 120114 Page 20 federal, state, county, and local laws, rules, procedures, or policies as may be applicable. Contractor agrees to submit budget estimates by the date requested by the Harnett County Fire Marshal to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners on the standard forms used by County. Contractor agrees to use standard line items for accounting as requested or consented to by the Harnett County Finance Officer. Contractor shall secure and maintain a bond in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) for Contractor's finance director, who shall have access, and authority, to receive or disburse funds belonging to the Contractor. Proof of such bonding shall be provided prior to the disbursement of any funds by County to Contractor under this agreement. 7. ASSETS/INVENTORY/RETURN OF ASSETS ON TERMINATION: Contractor shall maintain an accurate accounting of the use of funds paid to it by County under this Agreement and shall maintain an accurate inventory of any property with a purchase price of $1,000.00 or greater purchased in whole or in part with County Fire Protection Service District Funds for the purpose of providing and furnishing fire protection services to the Fire Protection Service District pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. Should the Contractor no longer provide fire protection services, facilities, and functions to the Fire Protection Service District pursuant to this Agreement, all assets and property that have been acquired using County Fire Protection Service District funds at any time, past, present or future, and having a value of $1 ,000.00 or greater at time of termination shall become the property of County at the expiration of the Agreement. 5 HC BOC 120114 Page 21 8. WITHHOLDING OF FUNDS ON NON-COMPLIANCE: If any condition of this Agreement is not being fulfilled by Contractor to the satisfaction of County, in County's sole discretion, the Harnett County Finance Officer has the right to withhold any and all funds to be paid to Contractor under this Agreement until such time as the Contractor complies with the terms of this Agreement. If Contractor refuses or fails to provide fire protection services, facilities, or functions as contemplated under this Agreement and to the sole satisfaction of County, the Harnett County Fire Marshal shall investigate the cause of said refusal or failure. During the investigation by the Harnett County Fire Marshal, County may withhold any and all funds due and payable to Contractor. If the investigation by the Harnett County Fire Marshal determines that Contractor has refused or failed to perform the duties and obligations of it as required herein, and certifies the results of the investigation to the County Manager, the County Manager may instruct the Finance Officer to withhold any and all funds to be paid to Contractor under this Agreement until a resolution regarding the refusal or failure to perform is reached by the parties. If a resolution is unable to be reached by the parties, County, in its sole discretion, may withhold any and all funds to be paid to Contractor under this Agreement, terminate this Agreement for cause, or take any other such action as County deems necessary to protect the citizens of the Fire Protection Service District. Contractor's failure to file reports required of it to any Federal, State, or local authority shall be grounds for County to terminate this Agreement with Contractor for cause. A termination for cause shall not relieve Contractor of its obligations to County under paragraph 8 of this Agreement. Nothing herein shall affect Contractor's ultimate rights to payments, or County's responsibility for payments, as outlined 6 HC BOC 120114 Page 22 herein for services actually rendered by Contractor prior to the effective date of any termination. Nothing herein shall prevent County and Contractor, in the event of a termination of this contract for any reason, from entering into an agreement to provide services beyond the effective date of any such termination. 9. INSURANCE COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS: Contractor shall obtain and keep in force during the term of this Agreement the following minimum insurance coverage: a. Worker's Compensation: Coverage for all paid and volunteer workers meeting the statutory requirements of the State of North Carolina; b. Comprehensive General Liability, Malpractice, and Errors and Omissions: Coverage with minimum limits of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence, $1,000,000.00 aggregate combined single minimum for bodily injury liability and property damage liability; c. Business Auto Policy: Coverage with minimum limits of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury liability and property damage liability. This shall include owned vehicles, hired, and non-owned vehicles and employee non-ownership. d. Management or Directors and Officers Liability: Coverage with minimum limits of$1,000,000.00 per claim and $2,000,000.00 aggregate. e. Umbrella Liability: Coverage with a minimum limit of $1,000,000.00 with underlying coverage of auto liability, general liability, employer's liability, and $1,000,000.00 aggregate. 7 HC BOC 120114 Page 23 f County as an Additional Insured: County of Harnett shall be named as an additional insured on all policies of insurance required hereunder. Contractor shall furnish County a certificate of insurance annually. g. Indemnity Agreement: Contractor shall and hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless County, from any and all liability and expenses, including attorney's fees, court costs, and other costs incurred by County caused by the negligent acts or omissions of Contractor, its volunteers, agents and employees. 10. FIRE RATING REQUIREMENT: Contractor shall maintain a minimum of 9S/E rating or better with the Department of Insurance, Office of State Fire Marshal. Contractor shall continuously comply with all applicable federal, state, county, and local laws, rules, procedures, or policies under this Agreement. 11. WATER USE REQUIREMENTS: Contractor shall comply with all County directives associated with the use of water from any County owned or operated water system within the geographic area in which services under this Agreement is provided. It is further agreed that any water withdrawn from a County owned or operated water system will be reported on a monthly basis to the Harnett County Department of Public Utilities. 12. MAINTENANCE/UPGRADE OF INSURANCE RATING: Contractor shall annually submit to the Harnett County Fire Marshal a written plan outlining how it will maintain or upgrade its current insurance rating. 8 HC BOC 120114 Page 24 13. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The parties agree to the following m1mmum performance standards and agree that these performance standards are material terms to this Agreement: a. DISPATCHING PROTOCOLS: Contractor shall comply with the County Dispatching protocols as established by County. b. RESPONSE TIME: Contractor shall have an average response time, defined as the time period from dispatch until arrival on scene, of 11 minutes or less for fire calls within the North Carolina Rating System recognized fire insurance district. The average response time will be determined by the Harnett County Fire Marshal on a quarterly basis. c. MANPOWER (ON SCENE): Contractor shall adopt a standard operating guideline that addresses the number of firefighters required on all types of fire calls. A current, valid copy of the Contractor's guideline shall be kept on file with the Harnett County Fire Marshal. Contractor shall place four ( 4) trained personnel on the scene to operate at least one (1) pumper when making the initial attack on all structure fire calls. d. TRAINING: Contractor shall have the m1mmum standard training requirements, as established by the State of North Carolina, for providing fire, rescue, and 9 HC BOC 120114 Page 25 emergency management services. Contractor shall maintain training levels in accordance with National Incident Management System (NIMS) directive. e. PRE-FIRE INCIDENT SURVEYS: Contractor shall develop a pre-fire incident survey and update it annually for all commercial buildings within the Fire Protection Service District. Facilities that should be given priority are those building displaying NFP A 704 placards, hazardous, institutional, and assembly occupancies. Contractor agrees to cooperate with local fire code enforcement officials to determine hazards and occupancies. Upon request, the Harnett County Fire Marshal or his designee shall assist Contractor in developing pre-fire incident surveys for buildings within the Harnett County Fire Marshal's fire code enforcement serv1 ce area. f. FIRE INVESTIGATIONS: Contractor's officer in charge at all fire scenes shall attempt to determine the origin and cause of every fire. When the officer in charge cannot determine the origin and cause of the fire or if the cause is suspected to be incendiary in nature, or if the incident involves a bum injury, the officer in charge shall request assistance from a representative of the Harnett County Fire Marshal's Office. Contractor shall provide any reasonable assistance requested by the Harnett County Fire Marshal's Office at the fire scene. g. SOFTWARE AND REPORTS: Contractor shall use reporting software supplied by County. No less than the following information is required to be reported in the reporting software to be 10 HC BOC 120114 Page 26 used for compiling reports: 1. Incident; 2. Staff; 3. Hydrants; 4. Training. Fire Incident reports shall be completed, utilizing the software provided by County, by the 1 01h day of the month showing completion of the reports for the previous month. Contractor shall keep all reports and records on site at Contractor's principal place of business for at least five years from the creation date. All State and County required reports and rosters shall be submitted to the appropriate authority by the requested deadline. h. FIRE HYDRANTS: Contractor shall conduct fire hydrant testing and maintenance on not less than an annual basis. Testing shall ensure that every wet and dry fire hydrant in the Fire Protection Service District is flushed and checked for accessibility, functionality, visibility, and operation. Records of fire hydrant tests and maintenance conducted by Contractor shall be completed and maintained in compliance with the North Carolina Rating System. 1. MEDICAL FIRST RESPONDER: Contractor may choose to participate in County's Medical First Responder Program. Participation in this program is fully voluntary. If Contractor elects to participate in the program, Contractor's participation shall conform to the Harnett County EMS System Plan, as amended from time to time. 11 HC BOC 120114 Page 27 J. EMERGENCY DISASTER RESPONSE: Contractor shall follow the Harnett County Emergency Operations Plan, as may be amended from time to time, when responding to an emergency disaster. k. STATE OF EMERGENCY: At the request of County, Contractor shall assist County in providing services during and following times of emergencies or disasters, including, but not limited to: 1. Debris Removal; 11. Debris Clearance; 111. Traffic Control; IV. Search and Rescue; v. Evacuation; v1. Medical Services as identified by County; and vn. Other life-saving and property protection measures as necessary. All operations shall be in accordance with the Harnett County Emergency Operations Plan and County Emergency Management Ordinance, as may be amended from time to time. 1. HARNETT COUNTY CHIEF'S ASSOCIATION: Contractor shall participate in the Harnett County Chief's Association to allow for an exchange of information between County and Contractor. Such participation shall include, but is not limited to, having a representative at Harnett County Chief's Association meetings. 12 HC BOC 120114 Page 28 m. SOFTWARE USER GROUP County will organize reporting software user group meetings periodically to enhance user training. Contractor shall send at least one representative to these meetings. 14. EFFECTIVE DATE: This effective date of this agreement is July 1, 2014, subject always to the continued legal existence of the Fire Protection District and Contractor, and shall continue from fiscal year to fiscal year as outlined herein unless terminated by either party pursuant to the provisions contained herein and is subject always to appropriation of funds by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. 15. TRANSFER/ASSIGNMENT: This Agreement or any responsibilities for fire protection services required therein may not be transferred or assigned by Contractor without the written consent of County. 16. AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon advance written notice to the other party, served upon the other party by certified mail at least ninety (90) days prior to termination. Failure of County and Contractor to agree upon the amount of funding shall cause this Agreement to terminate upon written notice to the other party, served upon the other party by certified mail, at least thirty (30) days prior to termination. This Contract may be amended only by mutual agreement of the parties in a written addendum hereto. Either party may propose an amendment to this Agreement by submitting the amendment in writing to the other party at least sixty (60) days in advance of the amendment's proposed effective date. 13 HC BOC 120114 Page 29 17. GUARANTEE: It is understood that there are necessary and beneficial system improvements that County and Contractor both recommend be installed within the Flatwoods Fire District System. Contractor and County understand and agree that these improvements are as follows: Installation of five (5) fire hydrants and approximately 4100 linear feet of 6 inch and 8 inch waterlines in the Flatwoods District along Lincoln McKay Drive, NC Hwy 210 South and James Tart Road. Contractor and County agree and understand that these improvements will cost Flatwoods Fire District as much as One Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars ($157, 168.00). It is further understood that the Fire District has certain reserve funds available to provide for these improvements but insufficient reserve funds to cover the entire cost of these improvements. It is understood that by executing this agreement the Harnett County Board of Commissioners agrees to authorize Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) from said Flatwoods financial reserves toward said improvement project. In consideration for this contract, and specifically for the agreement to five (5), one (1) year terms as outlined herein, Contractor will provide the additional funds to cover said project up to One Hundred Seven Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars ($1 07,168.00) to help cover the costs of the system improvements. Upon completion of construction, the waterlines and fire hydrants will be inspected. Upon receipt of all appropriate governmental approvals of the construction, Contractor will convey to the County, by deed, all rights, title and interest in and to all of the water improvements and infrastructure, and all easements. In said deed, Contractor will warrant and affirm for the benefit of the County that all 14 HC BOC 120114 Page 30 persons, finns or corporations who furnished labor or materials used directly or indirectly in the completion of the work will have been paid in full and further warrant all water improvements and infrastructure, installed by Contractor within the easement tract, against defects in materials, equipment, or construction, for a period of one (1) year from date of acceptance of same by County. Absent a written agreement to the contrary, the completion of the five ( 5), one (1) year terms as contemplated herein, at the continued same annual assessment rates as contemplated herein, shall be considered satisfaction of any obligation for County or any other party to repay Contractor the amount Contractor advances to cover said project. In the event that, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, this contract is terminated by either party or by any Court or any other mechanism, with or without cause, prior to the expiration of the five (5), one (1) year terms as contemplated herein, then County hereby agrees to reimburse Contractor for the amount Contractor advances based on a prorated remainder amount due using the date of the final payment of any such advance as the starting date of said five (5) year tenn. The prorated amount due shall be based upon monthly payments over a five (5) year tenn for the actual advance with an interest rate of3%. By way of example only, attached is a sample amortization schedule of said repayment on the basis of One Hundred Seven Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars ($107,168.00) being advanced where the final payment ofthe advance was made January 1, 2015. 18. EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT: This Agreement is not intended to serve for the benefit of any third party. The rights and obligations herein belong exclusively to the entities 15 HC BOC 120114 Page 31 which are parties hereto and no third party shall rely upon anything contained herein as a benefit to that third party. 19. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES. The relationship of the parties established by this Agreement is solely that of independent contractors, and nothing contained in this contract shall be construed to (i) give any party the power to direct or control the day- to-day activities of the other; (ii) constitute such parties as partners, joint ventures, co- owners or otherwise as participants in a joint or common undertaking; (iii) make either party an agent of the other for any purpose whatsoever; or (iv) give either party the authority to act for, bind, or otherwise create or assume any obligation on behalf of the other. Nothing herein shall be deemed to eliminate any fiduciary duty on the party of the Contractor to the County that may arise under the law or under the terms of this Agreement. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: The terms and provisions herein contained, and the attached amortization schedule, constitute the entire agreement by and between County and Contractor and shall supersede all previous communications, representations, or agreements, either oral or written between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof; except that this paragraph shall not be construed to supersede any existing and applicable Mutual Aid and/or Automatic Aid Agreements. 21. CHOICE OF LAW: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of North Carolina. Any and all actions and proceedings arising under this Agreement shall be brought and heard in the Superior Court of Harnett County. 22. SAVINGS CLAUSE: To the extent any provision herein shall be deemed unenforceable, either as a matter of law or any other reason, such provision shall be 16 HC BOC 120114 Page 32 modified to reflect the intent of the parties. If such a provision cannot be modified to reflect the intent of the parties, the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect as long as the purpose and intent of the agreement can still be carried out by the remaining enforceable terms. In the event that there are unenforceable provisions which prevent the effect, intent and purpose of the agreement from being carried out, which cannot be modified to keep such purpose and intent, then the parties hereby agree that they shall take whatever action necessary to effectuate the purpose of this agreement. In the event the parties cannot come to an agreement as to the alternative methods for effecting the purpose and intent of this agreement, the parties hereby expressly consent to Mediation as a condition precedent to the institution of legal or equitable proceedings by either party. The Parties agree that the mediation will be conducted and governed by the North Carolina Rules Implementing Statewide Mediated Settlement Conferences in Superior Court Civil Actions and the North Carolina General Statutes. The parties shall share the mediator's fee and any filing fees equally. The mediation shall be held in Harnett County, unless another location is mutually agreed upon. Agreements reached in mediation shall be enforceable as settlement agreements in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 23. DRAFTING OF DOCUMENT AND RELIANCE BY PARTIES: In negotiation, discussion and drafting of this contract, the parties have been advised to seek legal counsel for representation to the extent they desire and have been given the opportunity to do so. The parties warrant, represent and agree that they are not relying on the advice of any other party to this contract as to the legal or other consequences arising out of the negotiation and execution of this contract other than legal counsel to 17 HC BOC 120114 Page 33 the extent they have chosen to consult legal counsel. The parties warrant and agree that this contract was not induced by fraud, coercion, compulsion or mistake. This contract shall be deemed to have been drafted by both parties and for purposes of interpretation no presumptions shall be made to the contrary. 24. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT: Harnett County is an equal employment opportunity employer. The County is a federal contractor, and therefore the provisions and affirmative action obligations of41 CFR § 60-1.4(a), 41 CFR 60-741.5(a), and 41 CFR 60-250.4 are incorporated herein by reference, where applicable. 25. E-VERIFY. Contractor certifies that it and any subcontractors complies with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the North Carolina General Statutes. 26. NOTICES: All notices or other communications which shall be made pursuant hereto shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be given and received (a) when hand delivered to the address stated below, (b) three (3) days after being mailed to the address stated below, postage prepaid by certified or registered mail of the United States, return receipt requested to the address set forth below: TO CONTRACTOR: Town of Lillington Attn: Bill Summers PO Box 296 Lillington, NC 27546 TO COUNTY: County of Harnett Post Office Box 370 (mail) 1005 Edwards Brothers Drive (physical) Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Attn: Harnett County Fire Marshal 18 HC BOC 120114 Page 34 With copy to: County of Harnett Post Office Box 238 (mail) 102 E. Front Street (physical) Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Attn: County Staff Attorney Either party to this Contract may change its designated person or designated address at any time and from time to time by giving written notice of such change to the other party in the manner set forth above. 27. AUTHORITY. The undersigned persons hereby verify that they have the actual and apparent authority to enter into this contract and that any and all action necessary to approve this contract has been undertaken and approved by said entities. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, on the date and year first above written, County has caused this instrument to be executed by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of County and attested by the Clerk to said Board; and the Contractor has caused this instrument to be signed in its name by its Manager by authority duly given by its Board. (The remainder of this page left blank intentionally) 19 HC BOC 120114 Page 35 COUNTY OF HARNETT JOE MILLER, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: MARGARET REGINA WHEELER, CLERK STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT I, , a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Joe Miller personally came before me this day who being by me duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is the Chairman of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and Margaret Regina Wheeler is the Clerk of said Board, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the official seal of Harnett County, that said instrument was signed by him, attested by said Clerk and the County's seal affixed thereto, all by authority of the Board of Commissioners of said County, and the said Joe Miller acknowledged said instrument to the act and deed of Harnett County. Witness my hand and official stamp, this the ___ day of _____ , 20_. ________ ,Notary Public My Commission Expires: [SEAL] 20 HC BOC 120114 Page 36 BILL SUMMERS, TOWN MANAGER TOWN OF LILLINGTON, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ______ _ I, , a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Bill Summers personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that he is the Town Manager ofthe Town of Lillington, and that by authority duly given him, and as an act ofthe Town, he signed the foregoing. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this __ day of _______ _ 2014. Notary Public My Commission Expires: ____ _ [SEAL] 21 HC BOC 120114 Page 37 Ammiization ~chedule Calculator-Bankrate.com ~ankrate.com® """"""tn<lvv. Qb!t<tm. frto. Amortization table tor $107,188.00 borrowad on Jan 1, 2015 1 ~-~l~~~~ea-~-_ Paymont Prl~pal Paid Feb. 2015 $ 1,925.67 $1,657.75 l.!ar.2015 $1,926.67 April2016 $ 1,925.67 ' May2015 s 1,925.67 June 2015 $ 1,925.67 ' Ju!y 2015 s 1,926.67 Aug.2016 s 1,925.67 Sept 2016 s 1,925.67 Oct.2015 s 1,925.67 Nov. 2016 $ 1,925.67 Oeo. 2016 $ 1,925.67 · r~~. ~1~ $ 1,925.67 ~ 1 ~.~~~;;;----$ 1.926.67 I I' i -'~·~ 2~16 s 1,925,67 April2016 S 1,926.67 May 2016 ~ l Juoe 2016 ·11::,: Sept 2016 Oct 2016 Nov.2016 Dec. 2016 Jan.2017 Feb. 2017 Mar. 2017 Apri12017 May2017 Juna2017 July2017 Aug.2017 sept 2017 Oct.2017 Nov. 2017 Dec. 2017 Jan. 2018 $1,926.67 $ 1,925.67 $1,925.67 s 1,925.67 $1,925.67 $1,925.67 s 1,925.67 s 1,925.67 $1,926.67 s 1,925.67 $1,925.67 $1,925.67 $1,925.67 $1,925.67 $1,925.67 $1,925.67 s 1,925.67 s 1,925.67 $1,925.67 s 1,925.67 s 1,925.67 $ 1,661.89 $ 1,666.05 $ 1,670.21 s 1,674.39 $1,678.57 $1,682.77 $1,666.98 s 1,691.20 $1,695.42 $ 1,699.66 $1,703.91 s 1,708.17 $1,712.44 s 1,716.72 $1,721.01 $ 1,725.32 $1,729.63 s 1,733.95 $ 1,73R29 $1,742.63 $1,746.99 s 1,751.36 s 1,755.74 $1,760.13 s 1,764.53 $1,768.94 s 1,773.36 s 1,777.79 $ 1,782.24 s 1,766.69 s 1,791.16 s 1,795.64 s 1,800.13 s 1,604.63 $1,609.14 Interest Paid Total Interest $267.92 s 267.92 $263.76 $631.70 $259.62 $791.32 $255.46 s 1,046.77 s 251.28 $ 1.298.05 $247.09 $ 1,545.15 $242.90 s 1,768.04 $238.69 $2,026.74 $234.47 s 2,281.21 $230.25 s 2,491.45 $226.Q1 $2,717.46 $221.76 $2,939 22 $217.50 $3,158.72 $213.23 s 3,369.94 $ 208.95 s 3,578.89 $204.65 $3,763.65 $200.35 $3,963.90 $198,04 $ 4,179.94 $191.71 s 4,371.65 $187.38 $4,559.03 $183.03 $4,742.07 s 178.68 $4,920.74 $174.31 $5,095.05 s 169.83 s 6,264.98 s 185.54 s 5,430.53 $161.14 $ 5,591.67 $ 158.73 s 6,748.40 $152.31 $5,900.71 $147.87 $6,048.58 s 143.43 s 6,192.01 s 136.97 $6,330.99 $134.51 s 6,465.60 $ 130.03 $6,595.63 $125.54 s 6,721.07 s 121.04 $6,942.11 $116.63 $6,958.64 Balance l $ 105,610.25 $100,8-48.36 s 102,182.31 $ 100,512.10 $98,837.71 $97,159.13 $95,476.36 $93,789.39 $92,098.19 $00,402.77 $68,700.11 $86,999.20 $65,291.02 $83,578.58 $81,661.86 $80,140.85 $76,415.63 $76,685.90 $74,1151.95 $73,213.66 s 71,471.02 $69,724.00 $67,1172.67 $66,216.94 $64,456.81 $62,692.28 $60,923.35 $59,149.99 $57,372.19 $65,589.95 $53,803.26 $52,012.10 $50,216.46 $48,416.33 $46,611.71 s 44,802.57 http://www.bankrate.com/calculators/mortgages/amortization-calculator.aspx?IoanAmou ... Page 1 of2 11/11/2014 HC BOC 120114 Page 38 Amortization ~chedule Calculator ~ Hankrate.com Page 'L o1 'L Mon!h!Year Payment Principal Paid Jnteresl Paid Totalln!ere.st Balance ¥·--------- Feb. 2016 $1,1125.67 s 1,813.66 $ 112.01 $7,070.64 $42,B88.91 ---------- Mar. 2018 s 1,1125.67 s 1,818.20 s 107.47 $7,178.12 $41,170.71 --------·-----·---------- Apo12018 $1,1125.67 s 1,822.74 $102.93 $ 7,281.04 $39,347.97 May 2018 s 1,925.67 $1,827.30 $98.37 s 7,379.41 $37,520.67 -----------------··------------ .M1e2018 $1,926.67 $ 1,831.87 $93.80 s 7,473.22 $35.688.80 July 2018 $1,925.67 $1,838.45 $89.22 $7,662.44 $33,852.35 Aug. 2018 $1,925.67 $1,841.04 $84.63 s 7,847.07 $32,011.32 ---· ----------. --- Sspt 2018 $1,925.67 $1,845.64 $60.03 $7,727.10 $30,185.68 --·----------------------------------------- 0Cl201B s 1,1125.67 s 1,850.25 $76.41 s 7,802.51 $28,316.42 i Nov. 2018 s 1,1125.67 $ 1,854.68 $70.79 $7,673.30 $28,460.64 ---·-----------·-------·- Dec. 2018 s 1,925.67 $ 1,859.52 $66.15 $7,939.45 $24,601.02 ------- Jan. 2019 $1,925.67 $1,684.17 $61.50 $8,000.95 $22,738.88 • l Feb. 201: __ $1,925.67 $1,866.83 $56.84 $8,057.80 $20,866.03 ----· ----- Mar. 2019 s 1,925.67 $1,873.50 $52.17 s 8,109.97 $18,994.53 -------------- Apol2019 s 1,1125.67 $1,878.18 $47.49 $8,157.45 $17,116.35 May 2019 $1,1125.67 s 1,682.68 s 42.79 s 6,200.24 $ 15,233.47 l June2019 s 1,926.67 $ 1,887.58 s 38.08 $6,238.33 s 13,345.89 -----· ·--·----·------------·--·~-· -- JiJ!y2019 s 1,1125.67 $1,892.30 $33.38 s 6,271.69 $11,453.58 Aug 2019 s 1,1125.67 $ 1,697.03 s 28.63 $8,300.33 s 9,558.65 --· --· ·------·---- Sepl2019 $1,926.67 $1,901.78 $23.89 $8,324.22 $7,654.77 Ocl2019 s 1,925.67 $ 1,906.53 s 19.14 s 8,343.35 $6,748.24 -------------------- Nov.2019 $1,925.67 $ 1,911.30 $14.37 $6,357.72 $3,838.94 ------------- Dec. 2019 s 1,925.67 $1,916.08 $9.59 $8,387.32 $1,920.67 .. ____ -----·-·· ----------. --······--·--·-----.. ---... -..... -----· -----·---·--·-·- Jan.2020 $1,925.67 $1,1120.87 $4.80 $8,372.12 $0.00 ··--------- http://www.bankrate.com/calculators/mmtgages/amotiization-calculator.aspx?loanAmou ... 11/11/2014 HC BOC 120114 Page 39 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item 3-D MEETING DATE: December 1, 2014 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Erwin Memorial Park REQUESTED BY: Joseph Jeffries, Deputy County Manager REQUEST: Requesting approval for the recording of a recombination map for Ewin Memorial Park Cemetery. This will allow our legal staff to prepare a deed for the transfer of County property to Erwin Memorial Park as previously discussed. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: P :\BOC\agendaform20 14.doc Page 1 of 1 HC BOC 120114 Page 40 Recess meeting to reconvene after Swearing-in Ceremony 10:00 am Reception Swearing-In Ceremony-Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney (Board of Commissioners Meeting Room, Administration Building) Reconvene meeting and Reorganization of the Board HC BOC 120114 Page 41 Agenda Item S-A BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7600-441.11-00 Salaries & Wages $ 2,000.00 110-7600-441.21-00 Group Insurance $ 1,522.00 110-7600-441.21-05 Clinic $ 75.00 110-7600-441.30-04 Professional Services $ 3,000.00 110-7600-441.55-12 Printing & Binding $ 775.00 110-7600-441.60-33 Materials & Supplies $ 3,957.00 110-7600-441.60-46 Medical Supplies $ 1,500.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 11 0-0000-331 . 76-11 Immunization $ 12,829.00 EXPLANATION: To budget additional State funds received for the Immunization Program. J( APPROVALS: );;.\ 9 t fJvWL 'f. r) Department Head (date) nager (Date) ! I II JL( JL/ Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners HC BOC 120114 Page 42 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7600-441.60-46 Medical Supplies $ 28.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 11 0-0000-334.76-06 TB Program $ 28.00 EXPLANATION: To budget additional State funds for the TB Program. APPROVALS: V)( 2t~:l}':l Department Head ( ate) ~~ Fina Officer (D ) J Hctqtl4-. £~~0~ unty Manager (Date) f f I ')_ 'J( /'6J Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Fin a nee Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners HC BOC 120114 Page 43 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the Emergency Telephone System Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 240-5900-420.60-33 Materials & Supplies $89,975 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 240-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated $89,975 EXPLANATION: This is part of the Viper Project, Funds needed to purchase 11 77" VisionMOBILE Law Vehicle Workstation Software License from TriTech Software Systems. This is a 911 Eligible Expense. APPROVAlS: ~0-kJ±c;. _y~ Department Head (date) 1 h~o---1'{ Finan e Officer (d Count Manager (date) { ~~ ,,_2.4-, 1-,,1 J'l lr Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to tht Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this day of Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board 12014. Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners HC BOC 120114 Page 44 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Emergency Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-3 2 2 .51-00 Permits & Fees I Municipal Fire Inspection 32500 110-0000-322.53-03 Emergency Services I Municipal Fire Inspection 32500 EXPlANATION: To budget the transfer of funds to a new account code-facilitate tracking of revenues. APPROVALS: Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ____ , 2014. Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners HC BOC 120114 Page 45 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Emergency Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-322.50-00 Permits & Fees I Fire Inspection Fees 5819 110-0000-322.53-02 Emergency Services I Fire Inspection 5819 EXPlANATION: To budget the transfer of funds to a new account cod~facilitate tracking of revenues. APPROVALS: '-'A-'W-_.......r--> u ! :w I i -'r Depart en! Head (date) Finance 0 ce (date) 1 Cou y Manager (dat~)/0-'1{ f<( Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ____ , 2014. Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners HC BOC 120114 Page 46 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Sheriff's Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 252-5100-420-35-97 Execution Sale 5,000 252-5100-420-35-96 Execution-Clerk of Court 5,000 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 252-0000-351-51-02 Execution Sale 5,000 252-0000-336-24-02 , Execution-Clerk of Court 5,000 EXPLANATION: To increase the Sheriff's Office Execution sale lines for Budget year 2014-2015. APPROVALS: , ~, 'X \'\\rn l.ll. ,O~.t," 7c/l~ Department Head (date) mance Officer aater / Cou y Manager (date) / II 124 ) ~ It I ).if ( t.f Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the I Budget Officer and the Fin a nee Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Daniel, Clerk to the Board day of J 2014. Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners HC BOC 120114 Page 47 Agenda Item S-B Date : 12/01/2014 Approved By: ________ _ TO : HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RE: CONSIDERATION OF REFUND FOR TAXES, INTEREST AND PENAL TIES FOR ALL MUNICIPALITIES JOHNSON, JAMES City 0.00 DOUGALS JR 0000027968- JOHNSON, AMY 2009-2009-671.45 Refund MERCADO 000000 County 671.45 2 JOHNSON, JAMES City 0.00 DOUGALS JR 0000027968- JOHNSON, AMY 2010-2010-671.45 Refund MERCADO 000000 County 671.45 3 JOHNSON, JAMES City 0.00 DOUGALS JR 0000027968- JOHNSON, AMY 2011-2011-676.45 Refund MERCADO 000000 County 676.45 4 JOHNSON, JAMES City 0.00 DOUGALS JR 0000027968- JOHNSON, AMY 2012-2012-696.45 Refund MERCADO 000000 County 696.45 S. KEITH FAULKNER City Total 0.00 Revenue Administrator County Total 2,715.80 Total to be 2,715.80 Refunded Date: 12/01/2014 Approved By: ________ _ TO : HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RE: CONSIDERATION OF REFUND FOR TAXES, INTEREST AND PENAL TIES FOR ALL MUNICIPALITIES CONWAY, 0000004440-City 0.00 THERESA 2009-2009-45.00 Refund 000000 County 45.00 2 CONWAY, 0000004440-City 0.00 THERESA 2010-2010-45.00 Refund 000000 County 45.00 3 CONWAY, City 0.00 THERESA 0000004440- 2011-2011-50.00 Refund 000000 County 50.00 4 HOWARD, 0002005350-City 0.00 SETH E 2013-2013-10.54 Refund CLUGSTON, 000000 County 10.54 2000 27x64 Double-Wide Double Listed 2000 27x64 Double-Wide Double Listed 2000 27x64 Double-Wide Double Listed 2000 27x64 Double-Wide Double Listed Released Solid Waste Fee Released Solid Waste Fee Released Solid Waste Fee Military Exemption HC BOC 120114 Page 48 AMYTHEST MARIE S. KEITH FAULKNER Revenue Administrator CC: S. KEITH FAULKNER City Total County Total Total to be Refunded 0.00 150.54 150.54 HC BOC 120114 Page 49 Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item MEETING DATE: December 1, 2014 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Project Lazarus Grant Application REQUESTED BY: John Rouse, Jr. REQUEST: The Health Department is seeking Board of Commissioner approval to submit an application for Project Lazarus Community Coalition Grant 2014-2015. Grant dollar amounts range from $6,500-$10,000. The purpose ofthis grant targets prescription drug overdose, with the goal of preventing prescription drug misuse, abuse and diversion. The Health Department, has conducted two community education sessions one in May and the second session was held in September 2014, both were very well attended. From the second session community members identified serveral strategies, they would like to see implemented. However not all can be competed thorugh one grant application. The objectives we would like to secure grant funding to work towards includes: 1. Public awareness and outreach education of the problem of overdose within the community. 2. Reduce the presence of unused medicines by partnering with organizations that provide medicine drop are the two initial identified. 3. Hann reduction to prevent opioid overdose deaths with anidote naloxone. The time line for gran January-June 30, 2015. The grant does not require any matching funds. Substance Abuse was also one of the focus areas selected as a priority area from the 2013 Community Health Assessment (CHA). Thank you for your consideration of this grant application request. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: U:\my documents\1-Winword\BOC Mtg Request\Lazarus Grant 11-20-2014.doc 1 of! Page HC BOC 120114 Page 50 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: December 1, 2014 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Establishing Fees REQUEST: The Board of Health at their regular meeting on November 20, 2014 approved to establish the following fees: CPT CODE Q3014 90633/90632 Description Tele health originating site facility fee Hepatitis A (current charge $25) Thank you for your consideration in the establishing of these fees. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: U :\my documents\ I-Winword\BOC Mtg Request\ 11-21-2014 Est Fees. doc 1 of I Proposed Charge $25.00 $35.00 Page HC BOC 120114 Page 51 Agenda Item Board Meeting Agenda Item \)ec.:e ('(\ bev' \ I 2£'1 \4 MEETING DATE: fh:tober a, 2W4 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Dunn-Erwin Landfill Facility Resolution REQUESTED BY: Amanda Bader by Joseph Jeffr-· .,.._,_,._ REQUEST: Harnett County Dunn-Erwin Landfill Facility, Resolution to Approve the Continued Operations and Expansion of the Area 1 C&D Landfill Unit and the Proposed Area 2 C&D Landfill Unit FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: U :\My Documents\F orms\agendaform20 I 4 .doc Page I of I HC BOC 120114 Page 52 HAR..~ETT COUNTY DUNN-ERWIN LANDFILL FACILITY RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE CONTINUED OPERATIONS & EXPANSION OF THE AREA 1 C&D LANDFILL UNIT AND THE PROPOSED AREA 2 C&D LANDFILL UNIT BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners hereby grants approval for the issuance of a solid waste permit by the NC DENR Division of Waste Management (DWM) for 1) the continued operations and expansion of the Area 1 construction and demolition debris (C&D) landfill unit and 2) the proposed future Area 2 C&D landfill unit at the County's Dunn-Erwin Landfill facility in compliance with North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules T15A NCAC 13B .0536(c)(11)(A). The active Area 1 and the proposed future Area 2 C&D landfill units are located within the existing landfill facility boundary (approximate 325 acre tract owned by the County) as shown the attached Figure 1. The Board of Commissioners hereby approves the following items related to the landfill facility: 1. Service Area: The landfill facility serves the County of Harnett in the State of North Carolina (approximate population of 114,678 people based on Census 2010 data and 125,000 people based on 2013 estimates). 2. Waste Types and Disposal Rates: The landfill facility will accept construction and demolition debris (C&D) waste for disposal at a maximum rate of 35,000 tons/year (125 tons/day based on 280 operating days per year). 3. Landfill Capacity: The landfill facility will provide the following gross capacity (volume of waste plus periodic and final cover soil) consistent with the contours shown on the attached Figure 2: Landfill Unit Waste Footprint Gross Capacity Area 1 (Filled + Vertical Expansion) 16.8 Acres 785,011 CY Area 2 19.3 Acres 1,324,583 CY 4. Landfill Service Life: Depending on the actual disposal rates, the Area 1 and Area 2 landfill units are projected to have an approximate remaining service life of 5 and 3 8 years, respectively (based on an average disposal rate of 15,000 tons/year). Adopted, this __ day of _______ , 2014. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Joe Miller, Chairman Attest: Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board HC BOC 120114 Page 53 Agenda Item 5 -f Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: December 1, 2014 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Donation REQUESTED BY: Sheriff Rollins REQUEST: The Harnett County Sheriffs is requesting to donate vehicles and equipment to Central Carolina community College. See attachment FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Users\MHAIRR\Dcsktop\20 14-20 15\Agenda Request\agendaform20 14 Donation Jessie Bloodhoud.doc 1 of 1 Page HC BOC 120114 Page 54 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DISPOSITION OF PERSONAL PROPER TV WHEREAS, County of Harnett (the "County") owns the following motor vehicles, utilized by the Harnett County Sheriffs Department in connection with its public safety function: YEAR MAKE YIN 2004 Ford I FMZU72K34ZB06779 2002 Chevrolet 2Gl WF55K229309I32 2002 Dodge 2B3HD46V72H3084I4 2007 Chevrolet 2GI WT58NX792882I4 2008 Ford 2FAHP7I VX8XI76347 2007 Ford 2FAFP71 W07Xl26054 WHEREAS, such vehicles are now obsolete and surplus to the needs of the County; WHEREAS, said vehicles have little, if any, value on the open and public market; WHEREAS, Central Carolina Community College ("CCCC"), located in Lee County, could utilize such vehicles for training purposes at its Emergency Services Training Center, said Center is often used by the various local government jurisdictions within Harnett County for training purposes; WHEREAS, the transfer of such vehicles to CCCC would provide for and promote the safety and welfare of the citizens of Harnett County by affording County law enforcement personnel and other local government jurisdiction law enforcement personnel equipment to be used for training purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, that the Harnett County Sheriff shall be and is hereby authorized and directed to take any such action as might be necessary and advisable to transfer the above-referenced vehicles to Central Carolina Community College, without consideration, pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina General Statute§ I53-I76. Duly adopted this the I st day of December 2014. County of Harnett By: ----------------------------------- ------------------~ Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: (SEAL) Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk HC BOC 120114 Page 55 NOTICE STATE OF :\fORTH CAROLINA PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZI DISPOSITION OF PERSONAL PROP£ TO BE ADOPTED BY HARNETT COl YEAR MAKE YIN 2004 Ford 1 FMZU72K34ZB06779 2002 Chevrolet 2G 1 WF55K229309132 2002 Dodge 2B3HD46V72H308414 2007 Chevrolet 2G 1 WT58NX79288214 2008 Ford 2FAHP71 VX8Xl76347 2007 Ford 2FAFP71 W07X 126054 WHEREAS, such vehicles are now obsolete and surplus to the needs of the County; WHEREAS, said vehicles have little, if any, value on the open and public market; WHEREAS, Central Carolina Community College ("CCCC"), located in Lee County, could utilize such vehicles for training purposes at its Emergency Services Training Center, said Center is often used by the various local government jurisdictions within Harnett County for training purposes; WHEREAS, the transfer of such vehicles to CCCC would provide for and promote the safety and welfare of the citizens ofHarnett County by affording County law enforcement personnel and other local government jurisdiction law enforcement personnel equipment to be used for training purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, that the Harnett County Sheriff shall be and is hereby authorized and directed to take any such action as might be necessary and advisable to transfer the above-referenced vehicles to Central Carolina Community College, without consideration, pursuant to the provisions ofNorth Carolina General Statute§ 153-176. Duly adopted this the 1'1 day of December 2014. County of Harnett By: _________________ _ ------------------~ Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: (SEAL) Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk HC BOC 120114 Page 56 November 12, 2014 Overview Office of the Sheriff of Harnett County Sheriff Larry Rollins www.harnettsheriff.com PO Box399 175 Bain Street, Lillington, NC 27546 Phone: 91 0-893-9111; Fax: 910-893-6450 The Harnett County Sheriff's Office will be re-aligning and reducing some of the older vehicles in it's fleet. Most of the excess vehicles were removed from the inventory culminating in select vehicles being donated to ecce on or about March 2014. However there were some vehicles that remained in the inventory to be used as an economical way to gleen spare parts and equipment. With the new state contract days away and the reception of new CSI vehicles, six Harnett County Sheriff Vehicles remain in the inventory and should be re-aligned and donated to CCCC. These vehicles have very little value for resale, are partially roadworthy and are not benefitting the county by remaining on the books. The partially equipped emergency equipment existing on the vehicles are part of the "strobe and separate siren, light control system". They are no longer on the market and serve very little resale value to the Law Enforcement community. Proposal: Donate the following vehicles complete with partially installed emergency Equipment. Mileage ~liN Ilea~ MaRe l!l~ae Blue tiooH Eguip mota I 194688 1FMZU72K34ZB06779 2004 Ford Explorer $704.00 118.75 $822.75 179925 2GlWF55K229309132 2002 Chev Impala $293.00 71.35 $364.35 199652 2B3HD46V72H308414 2002 Dodge Intrepid $316.00 71.35 $387.35 156765 2G1VVT58NX79288214 2007 Chev Impala $1552.00 71.35 $1,623.35 172,967 2FAHP71VX8X176347 2008 Ford Crown Vic $1005.00 118.75 $1,123.75 157037 2FAFP71W07X126054 2007 Ford Crown Vic $950.00 118.75 $1,068.75 Totals 4820.00 570.30 $5390.30 Total value $5,390.30 Any questions concerning the above information, contact the undersigned at 910 893-0118. Allen G Blanchette Operations Sergeant HC BOC 120114 Page 57 Miles 194688 Year/Make 2004 Ford Explorer 1F~ZU72K34ZB06779 Condition:Engine burning oil Miles 199652 Year/Make 2002 Dodge Intrepid 2B3HD46V72H308414 Condition: Electrical issues Miles Year/Make 2008 Ford Crown Vic 2FAHP71VX8X176347 Condition Will not start-ignition Miles 179925 Year/Make 2002 Impala 2G1VVFSSK229309132 Condition: Poor/trans slip/block cracked Miles 156765 Year/Make 2007 Impala 2G1VVT58NX79288214 Condition: Burn Y2 quart oil daily Miles 157037 Year/Make 2007 Ford Crown Vic 2FAFP71VV07X126054 Condition: High Mileage /trans HC BOC 120114 Page 58 Agenda Item 5 ., I-f Resolution THAT, WHEREAS, Gary A. House became a Harnett County Commissioner in December of 2006; and www.harnett.org WHEREAS, after eight years of service to the citizens of Harnett County, Commissioner Houses' term will expire December 1, 2014; and WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 160A-265 allows the governing body, at its discretion, to (i) hold, use, change the use thereof to other uses, or (ii) sell or dispose of real and personal property, without regard to the method or purpose of its acquisition or to its intended or actual governmental or other prior use; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners that Gary A. House be awarded the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 given to him during his tenure, as requested. Duly adopted this I st day of December, 2014. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairman Attest: Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board strong roots • new growth HC BOC 120114 Page 59 Harnett COUNTY Resolution THAT, WHEREAS, Beatrice B. Hill became a Harnett County Commissioner in 1990; and WHEREAS, after twenty-four years of service to the citizens of Harnett County, Commissioner Hills' term will expire December 1, 2014; and www.harnett.org WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 160A-265 allows the governing body, at its discretion, to (i) hold, use, change the use thereof to other uses, or (ii) sell or dispose of real and personal property, without regard to the method or purpose of its acquisition or to its intended or actual governmental or other prior use; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners that Beatrice B. Hill be awarded the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 given to her during her tenure, as requested. Duly adopted this 1st day of December, 2014. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairman Attest: Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board strong roots • new growth HC BOC 120114 Page 60 Agenda Item 7 December 1, 2014 APPOINTMENTS NEEDED ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE We need members on this committee. Members receive mileage reimbursement as claimed. AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY BOARD We have a vacancy for on this board for District 4. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT We have a vacancy for an alternate member on this board for District 1. BOARD OF HEALTH The Harnett County Health Director recommends reappointment of the following members to serve on the Board of Health: -C. Tyrus Clayton, Jr. -Professional Engineer Member -Dr. Auston "Trey" C. Williams, III -Dentist Member -Tollan I. Wade-Public Member HARNETT COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES David Hesselmeyer has expressed interest in serving on this Board. There is an At-Large vacancy as Mr. Edward Menichella recently resigned from this Board. HARNETT NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE We need members on this committee. Members receive mileage reimbursement as claimed. HISTORIC PROPERTIES COMMISSION We currently have vacancies for a regular members in District 3 and District 5. MID-CAROLINA AGING ADVISORY COMMITTEE We need members on this committee. Members receive mileage reimbursement as claimed. Page 1 -Appointments HC BOC 120114 Page 61 NT Y ii!ORTrl CAROUii!A November 21, 2014 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: BOH Members Department of Public Health www.harnett.org Harnett County Government Complex 307 W. Cornel1us Harnett Boulevard Lillington, NC 27546 ph 910-893-7550 fax: 910-893-9429 I would like to recommend the following members be re-appointed to the Board of Health. 1) C. Tyrus Clayton, Jr.-Professional Engineer Member 2) Dr. Auston "Trey" C. Williams, Ill-Dentist Member 3) Tollan I. Wade-Public Member Please let me know if you have any questions. strong roots· new growth HC BOC 120114 Page 62 APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A BOARD APPOINTED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /41"/Je# Cov/1& /{,_/,{;,: C: :/r,.r'J d...,-/,,/ /-;.vJ'h~s NAME: __ (i)=J~~-V __ ,·_oi __ ~~~~~J-~~~~~~~~~eti~u~~'~----------v----------------- BOARD: ADDRESS: ;;; b f ;:J,rll //D' ~A; ..tJ/, 've VOTING DISTRICT: (Please check district number in which you live): D District 1, Commissioner Hill's D District 4, Commissioner Andrews' D District 2, Commissioner House's D District 5, Commissioner McNeill's gDistrict 3, Commissioner Burgin's TELEPHONE: (HOME) 91 ~ cf; Y Jl 7? (WORK) _9_/_o __ 2_/__:5/_____:f/t_:___o_f_)( PRESENT OCCUPATION: t2b/rft'l7 /~/'tfr,ay C, 'I.Jv//4/tr -t::'/1 /~1~ / ~~4.-'t< /~.r..( YEARSOFFORMALEDUCATION: __ ~~-~----------------------------------- CIVIC AND FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS IN WHICH YOU HAVE PARTICIPATED: 2?vt-,J /.,-~~A /r~ J)eoA../1/VJt'.n/ DATE: f//36 3 I I SIGNATURE~~~ **************************************** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: DATERECEIVED: ------------------------------------------------------- DATE FORWARDED TO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: ________________________ _ HC BOC 120114 Page 63 HC BOC 120114 Page 64 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT October, 2014 GENERAL FUND FYE 2015 2014-2015 Activity Total Adjusted (includes Percent Same Period Department FYE 2013 FYE 2014 Budget encumbrances) to Date last Fiscal Year CCR&R-Smart Start 17,922 250 4-H Teen Court & At Risk 30,804 45,686 49,773 13,865 27.86% 11,515 Child Care Youth Training 27,367 17,897 0.00% 8,251 Race to the Top 13,570 27,775 4,845 17.44% 4,068 Adolescent Parenting 3,789 4,595 Department on Aging 293,761 283,332 314,750 85,459 27.15% 94,564 Family Caregiver Support 38,363 51,769 61,146 19,868 32.49% 18,982 RSVP 72,852 73,276 77,705 26,363 33.93% 24,790 CAP-Disabled Adults 291,181 326,783 331,970 104,831 31.58% 106,759 Nutrition for Elderly 405,545 378,087 432,711 124,290 28.72% 118,194 Health 5,932,196 5,787,018 7,208,993 1,752,457 24.31% 1,767,887 Mental Health 615,679 815,679 605,679 302,840 50.00% 252,840 Social Services 9,418,756 9,359,396 10,313,676 2,966,275 28.76% 3,089,198 Public Assistance 7,944,608 7,829,453 9,691,288 2,297,603 23.71% 2,247,007 Veteran's Services 166,579 172,197 176,245 56,988 32.33% 55,727 Restitution 127,765 110,369 120,868 38,150 31.56% 37,141 Human Services App. 174,635 99,840 99,000 67,557 68.24% 74,713 Library 881,506 928,107 1,082,480 303,982 28.08% 330,053 Cultural & Recreational App. 167,000 100,000 150,000 0.00% 100,000 Parks & Recreation 319,254 363,011 436,081 136,931 31.40% 140,875 Education Board of Education-current 20,288,004 20,523,700 21,523,700 7,174,567 33.33% 8,551,542 Board of Education -capital Central Carolina-current 638,841 927,711 917,467 305,822 33.33% 309,237 Central Carolina-capital 23,973 Central Carolina-works 25,000 25,000 0.00% lnterfund Transfers 455,491 1,903,876 43,334 26,667 61.54% 36,667 Debt Service 11,486,712 13,902,144 15,185,209 99,246 0.65% 753,239 Contingency Total $ 102,308,383 $ 105,234,405 $ 114,714,295 $ 29,292,367 25.54% $ 31,515,056 2014-2015 Total Adjusted FYE 2015 Percent Same Period FYE 2013 FYE 2014 Budget Activity to Date last Fiscal Year Ad Valorem Taxes $ 54,273,480 $ 58,070,801 $ 57,851,526 $ 14,666,040 25.35% $ 16,051,534 Sales Tax 14,238,193 14,884,497 14,980,744 1,041,524 6.95% Other taxes 1,010,549 1,037,719 1,200,000 271,138 22.59% Permits & Fees 3,089,188 2,763,205 2,927,767 666,695 22.77% 814,005 Intergovernmental Revenue 20,204,388 19,304,274 19,852,080 3,904,395 19.67% 3,843,334 Sales & Services 9,422,096 7,658,151 9,694,505 1,991,661 20.54% 1,795,186 Other Revenues 2,902,980 3,451,519 3,778,586 999,381 26.45% 380,789 Rents, Concessions. & Fees 83,870 77,898 84,251 18,778 22.29% 8,892 Other Finance Sources 960,622 857,548 450,000 0.00% lnterfund Transfers 438,263 460,947 492,541 0.00% Fund Balance Appropriated 3,402,295 0.00% Total $ 106,623,629 $ 108,566,559 $ 114,714,295 $ 23,559,612 20.54% $ 22,893,740 Revenues over/(under) expenditures $ (5,732,755) (8,621,316} 1y Oocuments\Monthly Reports\2014-2015\0ctober 2014-Financial Statements.xlsx HC BOC 120114 Page 65 October, 2014 September, 2014 August, 2014 July, 2014 June, 2014 May, 2014 April, 2014 March, 2014 February, 2014 January, 2014 December, 2013 November, 2013 October, 2013 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT October, 2014 GENERAL FUND Cash and Investments Cash Tax lockbox $ $ 475 $ $ 475 $ $ 475 $ $ 475 $ 2,799,637 $ 475 $ 5,325,561 $ 27,888 $ 12,798,914 $ 27,888 $ 14,373,115 $ 27,887 $ 16,560,067 $ 27,845 $ 17,860,088 $ 27,845 $ 10,145,781 $ 27,845 $ 16,621,211 $ 27,858 $ 6,725,797 $ 27,405 Debt Service and Transfer Requirements Interest Principal Transfers Out Current Year $ 5,465,931 9,719,278 43,334 Outstanding $ 58,811,027 143,630,869 Estimated Fund Balance $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ NCCMT Total 24,307,459 $ 24,307,934 26,396,094 $ 26,396,569 19,277,617 $ 19,278,091 20,554,835 $ 20,555,310 21,645,331 $ 24,445,443 20,305,523 $ 25,658,972 20,164,065 $ 32,990,868 18,787,339 $ 33,188,341 16,075,525 $ 32,663,437 15,963,619 $ 33,851,552 14,551,933 $ 24,725,559 12,624,371 $ 29,273,440 13,767,699 $ 20,520,901 In the governmental fund financial statements, fund balance is composed of five classifications designed to disclose the hierarchy of constraints placed on how fund balance can be spent. They are as follows: Non-Spendable Fund Balance- Restricted Fund Balance- Committed Fund Balance- Assigned Fund Balance- Unassigned Fund Balance- This classification includes amounts that cannot be spent because they are either (a) not in spendable form or (b) legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. The classification includes amount that are restricted to specific purposes externally imposed by creditors or imposed by law. This classification represents the portion of fund balance that can only be used for specific purposes imposed by majority vote by a quorum of the County Commissioners, that can by adoption of an ordinance, commit fund balance. That portion of fund balance that the County intends to use for specific purposes. The County Commissioners have the authority to assign fund balances. This classification represents the portion of fund balance that has not been assigned to another fund or is not restricted, committed, or assigned to specific purposes within the general fund. 1y Documents\Monthly Reports\2014 ~ 2015\0ctober 2014-Financial Statements.xlsx HC BOC 120114 Page 66 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT October, 2014 GENERAL FUND Unassigned Fund Balance at June 30, 2014 Unaudited 06/30/2014 Revenues over/(under) Expenditures Year to Date Revenues over/(under) Expenditures Remaining Debt Payments for this Year Outstanding budget amendments Year to Date Fund Balance Appropriated If the County were to stop operations at the end of this month and had no further receivables or payables, then this would be the estimated fund balance amount and its percentage of expenditures. Amount by which fund balance percentage will change $ 18,732,095 (5,732,755) 12,999,340 (15,085,963) (3,402,295) (18,488,258) $ (5,488,918) -4.78% $ 1,147,143 The County Board of Commissioners have approved a fund balance policy which strives to maintain a minimum fund balance of 15%. 1y Documents\Monthly Reports\2014-2015\0ctober 2014-Financial Statements.xlsx 18.20% HC BOC 120114 Page 67 HARNETT COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT October, 2014 PUBLIC UTILITIES FUND FYE 2015 2014-2015 Activity Total Adjusted (includes Percent Same Period Department FYE 2013 FYE 2014 Budget encumbrances) to Date last Fiscal Year Admin/CSR/Meter Services $ 37,598,026 $ 19,229,033 $ 13,146,523 $ 2,327,925 17.71% $ 1,844,969 Water Treatment 3,571,705 3,671,291 4,397,498 990,167 22.52% 1,046,881 Wastewater Treatment 1,790,807 1,965,319 2,349,238 447,439 19.05% 538,393 Wastewater Treatment SHWW 1,358,206 1,860,402 2,336,717 461,723 19.76% 447,301 Distribution 3,349,268 3,383,463 4,167,901 1,202,695 28.86% 971,387 Collections 3,056,462 2,975,052 3,486,170 791,780 22.71% 866,958 Total $ 50,724,474 $ 33,084,560 $ 29,884,047 $ 6,221,729 20.82% $ 5,715,889 2014-2015 Total Adjusted FYE 2015 Percent Same Period FYE 2013 FYE 2014 Budget Activity to Date last Fiscal Year Intergovernmental Revenue $ 3,703 $ 3,703 $ 3,600 $ 0.00% $ Sales & Services 27,670,467 30,275,723 26,921,865 10,469,816 38.89% 8,703,846 Other Revenues 4,934,826 13,281,536 1,788,900 115,844 6.48% 101,491 Rents, Concess. & Feees 5,531 96 5,000 14 0.28% Other Finance Sources 20,065,000 473,683 1,230,196 lnterfund Transfers 150,000 Fund Balance Appropriated 1,164,682 0.00% Total $ 52,679,527 $ 44,184,741 $ 29,884,047 $ 11,815,870 39.54% $ 8,805,337 Revenues over/(under) expenditures $ 5,594,141 $ 3,089,448 Cash and Investments Cash lockbox * NCCMT Total October, 2014 $ 29,394,358 $ $ 517,712 $ 29,912,069 September, 2014 $ 28,441,620 $ $ 517,378 $ 28,958,997 August, 2014 $ 25,475,483 $ $ 516,449 $ 25,991,932 July, 2014 $ 25,392,786 $ $ 515,469 $ 25,908,254 June,2014 $ 23,566,116 $ $ 512,929 $ 24,079,044 May, 2014 $ 22,909,362 $ $ 511,160 $ 23,420,522 April, 2014 $ 24,890,282 $ $ 505,012 $ 25,395,294 March, 2014 $ 25,824,291 $ $ 497,945 $ 26,322,236 February, 2014 $ 21,864,353 $ $ 458,673 $ 22,323,026 January, 2014 $ 21,428,607 $ $ 455,673 $ 21,884,280 December, 2013 $ 19,879,494 $ $ 454,890 $ 20,334,384 November, 2013 $ 19,734,711 $ $ 453,440 $ 20,188,151 October, 2013 $ 17,751,137 $ $ 453,180 $ 18,204,317 * The balance in the lockbox account is rolled into the cash account before each month closes. Debt Service and Transfer Requirements Current Year Outstanding Interest $ 2,999,352 $ 36,944,577 Principal $ 4,922,410 87,739,896 Transfers Out $ 1,164,682 $ 9,086,444 $ 124,684,473 1y Oocuments\Monthly Reports\2014-2015\0ctober 2014-Financial Statements.xlsx HC BOC 120114 Page 68 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAL SUMMARY REPORT October, 2014 SOLID WASTE FUND FYE 2015 2014-2015 Activity Total Adjusted (includes Percent Same Period Department FYE 2013 FYE 2014 Budget encumbrances) to Date last Fiscal Year Solid Waste $ 5,073,308 $ 5,161,897 $ 5,394,790 $ 1,146,526 21.25% $ 1,474,420 Total $ 5,073,308 $ 5,161,897 $ 5,394,790 $ 1,146,526 21.25% $ 1,474,420 2014-2015 Total Adjusted FYE 2015 Percent Same Period Revenues: FYE 2013 FYE 2014 Budget Activity to Date last Fiscal Year Taxes $ 227,228 $ 237,297 $ 259,000 $ 0.00% $ Intergovernmental Revenue 25,000 Sales & Services 4,776,288 5,006,315 5,097,390 1,247,240 24.47% 1,432,011 Other Revenues 638,962 378,116 2,400 175 7.29% 1,992 Rents, Concess. & Feees 430 243 27 14 Other Finance Sources 582,662 739,763 739,763 lnterfund Transfers Fund Balance Appropriated 11,000 0.00% Total $ 6,225,570 $ 6,361,734 $ 5,394,790 $ 1,247,442 23.12% $ 2,173,780 Revenues over/(under) expenditures $ 100,916 $ 699,360 Cash and Investments Cash Sun Trust First Bank NCCMT Total October, 2014 $ 635,163 $ 256,610 $ 253,226 $ 296,324 $ 1,441,322 September, 2014 $ 783,054 $ 237,379 $ 234,622 $ 296,324 $ 1,551,379 August, 2014 $ 513,937 $ 202,029 $ 206,671 $ 296,324 $ 1,218,960 July, 2014 $ 481,103 $ 193,679 $ 199,824 $ 242,829 $ 1,117,436 June, 2014 $ 709,310 $ 153,450 $ 169,118 $ 242,829 $ 1,274,707 May, 2014 $ 1,018,519 $ 153,450 $ 169,118 $ 242,829 $ 1,583,916 April, 2014 $ 517,264 $ 144,082 $ 159,723 $ 190,383 $ 1,011,453 March, 2014 $ 659,891 $ 122,417 $ 153,463 $ 190,282 $ 1,126,053 February, 2014 $ 929,101 $ 98,860 $ 110,949 $ 190,282 $ 1,329,192 January, 2014 $ 1,206,501 $ 94,942 $ 110,849 $ 127,968 $ 1,540,260 December, 2013 $ 462,549 $ 77,362 $ 102,262 $ 127,968 $ 770,141 November, 2013 $ 463,532 $ 70,276 $ 88,219 $ 127,968 $ 749,995 October, 2013 $ 598,623 $ 62,630 $ 80,153 $ 58,925 $ 800,331 Debt Service and Transfer Requirements Current Year Outstanding Interest $ 127,786 $ 796,081 Principal 403,867 3,338,828 Transfers Out $ 531,653 $ 4,134,909 ·1y Documents\Monthly Reports\2014-2015\0ctober 2014-Financial Statements.xlsx HC BOC 120114 Page 69 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAl SUMMARY REPORT October, 2014 MEDICAL INSURANCE FUND FYE 2015 2014-2015 Activity Total Adjusted (includes Percent Same Period Category FVE 2013 FYE 2014 Budget encumbrances) to Date Last Fiscal Year Paid Claims $ $ $ 5,490,000 $ 1,200,569 21.87% $ Fixed Cost 637,000 305,262 47.92% Total $ $ $ 6,127,000 $ 1,505,830 24.58% $ 2014-2015 Total Adjusted FVE 2015 Percent FVE 2015 Revenues: FVE 2013 FYE 2014 Budget Activity to Date Activity Medical Premiums $ $ $ 6,127,000 $ 2,442,382 39.86% $ Other revenues 10,783 Fund Balance Appropriated Total $ $ $ 6,127,000 $ 2,453,165 40.04% $ Revenues over/(under) expenditures $ 947,334 $ Loss Ratio 61.65% Cash and Investments Cash NCCMT Total October, 2014 $ 970,266 $ 543,297 $ 1,513,564 September, 2014 $ 1,086,724 $ 543,297 $ 1,630,021 August, 2014 $ 1,042,547 $ 543,297 $ 1,585,844 July, 2014 $ 768,924 $ 543,297 $ 1,312,222 June,2014 $ $ $ May, 2014 $ $ $ April, 2014 $ $ $ March, 2014 $ $ $ February, 2014 $ $ $ January, 2014 $ $ $ December, 2013 $ $ $ November, 2013 $ $ $ October, 2013 $ $ $ 1y Oocuments\Monthly Reports\2014-2015\0ctober 2014-Financial Statements,xlsx HC BOC 120114 Page 70 HARNETI COUNTY FINANCIAl SUMMARY REPORT October, 2014 DENTAL INSURANCE FUND FYE 2015 2014-2015 Activity Total Adjusted (includes Percent Same Period Category FYE 2013 FYE 2014 Budget encumbrances) to Date Last Fiscal Year Paid Claims $ $ $ 340,000 $ 67,877 19.96% $ Fixed Cost 36,000 11,818 32.83% Total $ $ $ 376,000 $ 79,695 21.20% $ 2014-2015 Total Adjusted FYE 2015 Percent FYE 2015 Revenues: FYE 2013 FYE 2014 Budget Activity to Date Activity Dental Premiums $ $ $ 376,000 $ 124,169 33.02% $ Other revenues 166,433 Fund Balance Appropriated Total $ $ $ 376,000 $ 290,602 77.29% $ Revenues over/(under) expenditures $ 210,907 $ Loss Ratio 64.18% Cash and Investments Cash NCCMT Total October, 2014 $ 210,907 $ $ 210,907 September, 2014 $ 203,941 $ $ 203,941 August, 2014 $ 204,905 $ $ 204,905 July, 2014 $ 192,296 $ $ 192,296 June, 2014 $ $ $ May, 2014 $ $ $ April, 2014 $ $ $ March, 2014 $ $ $ February,2014 $ $ $ January, 2014 $ $ $ December, 2013 $ $ $ November, 2013 $ $ $ October, 2013 $ $ $ 1y Documents\Monthly Reports\2014-2015\0ctober 2014-Financial Statements.x!sx HC BOC 120114 Page 71 updated 11/13/2014 Harnett County Department of Public Health Activities Summary HC BOC 120114 Page 72 Gina Wheeler From: Sent: To: Subject: UNC School of Government <announcements@sog.unc.edu> Friday, November 07, 2014 5:08 PM Gina Wheeler Upcoming Courses for County Elected Officials !2:.1 I Q -~-------- Courses for County Elected Officials Essentials of County Government January 8-9, 2015 January 23-24, 2015 February 11-12, 2015 February 18-19, 2015 Winston-Salem Chapel Hill Asheville New Bern This two-day course is designed to help newly elected officials, veteran elected officials, and managers understand the basics of county government. Entire boards are encouraged to attend together. Program Topics: • What counties do and how they do it • Governing board roles and responsibilities • Financing county government • State-mandated ethics training To register, visit www.sog.unc.edu/node/1195. leaderShop for Veteran Elected Officials Managing Conflict-How to Disagree and Still Work Together January 8, 2015 January 23, 2015 February 11, 2015 February 18, 2015 Winston-Salem Chapel Hill Asheville New Bern Conflict on a board is inevitable. Many decisions have long- term and serious consequences requiring all sides of an issue to be heard. Effective board members know how to encourage 1 l ISTER NOW AlSO AVAilABlE Suggested Ru!es of Procedure for the Board of unty Commissioners 0 ~~-~c-o-·· •• -· -----· This handbook in the local Government Board Builders series covers the general principles of parliamentary procedure as applied to the meetings of North Carolina boards of county commissioners. SEND TO A COLLEAGUE CONNECT WITH US! [0 [0 GJ HC BOC 120114 Page 73 difficult conversations, respectfully disagree, and continue to work together effectively. This informative and practical workshop will explore the ways in which conflict is part of the governance process. Instructors will share tools to do the following: • Build self-awareness • Articulate your point of view in a constructive way • Encourage others to share their viewpoints To register, visit www.sog.unc.edu/node/1195. This program includes a two-hour ethics training that meets the statutory requirements for local elected officials. To register, visit www.sog.unc.edu/node/1195. For More Information Contact Susan Hutchinson, program manager, at 919.966.4171 or smhutch@sog.unc.edu. Visit the School of Government on Face book or Twitter If you prefer not to receive e-mail from the School of Government announcing upcoming programs, please click on the "Unsubscribe" link below. Forward email This email was sent to gwheeler@harnett.org by announcements@sog. unc.edu i Update Profile/Email Address : Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscriberM Privacy Policy. UNC School of Government Knapp-Sanders Building Campus Box 3330 . Chapel Hill · NC 27599-3330 2 HC BOC 120114 Page 74 • Essentials of County Government & LeaderS hop 2015 Page 1 of3 Published on School of Government (http://www.sog.unc.edu) Essentials of County Government & leaderShop 2015 After the November elections, the UNC School of Government and the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners jointly hold a two-day orientation to county government in four locations across the state. This program is for newly elected officials, veteran elected officials and managers. Entire boards are encouraged to attend. LeaderShop for veteran elected officials (open to both county and municipal officials) is also offered during this program. It always takes place on the first day of Essentials. This year's topic is Managing Conflict-How to Disagree and Still Work Together. This program offers participants points toward recognition in the Local Elected Leaders Academy (LELA) [1] BELOW ARE THE AGENDAS FOR EACH OF THE 3 REGISTRATION OPTIONS FOR ESSENTIALS AND LEADERSHOP: Option #1 Essentials of County Government Day One 8:30 AM-3:00 PM Essentials of County Government-For newly elected officials, veteran elected officials and entire boards • Context for NC county governments • What counties do and how they do it • Governing board roles and responsibilities 3:00 PM-5:00 PM-Ethics for Elected Officials (satisfies state mandated training) Both Essentials and LeaderShop registrations include ethics training Day Two 8:00AM-5:00PM-Essentials of County Government-For newly elected officials, veteran elected officials and entire boards • Financing county government • Working with others • County responsibility for public school financing • "Bottom Line" -a budget simulation Option #2 ECG PlUS leaderShop on Managing Conflict-How to Disagree and Still Work Together Day One 8:30 AM-3:00 PM LeaderShop for Veteran Elected Officials -Managing Conflict-How to Disagree and Still Work Together -for veteran elected county and municipal officials 3:00 PM-5:00 PM-Ethics for Elected Officials (satisfies state mandated training) Both Essentials and LeaderShop registrations include ethics training Day Two 8:30AM-5:00PM-Essentials of County Government-For newly elected officials, veteran elected officials and entire boards • Financing county government " Working with others • County responsibility for public school financing • "Bottom Line" -a budget simulation http://www.sog.unc.edu/orint/1195 HC BOC 120114 Page 75 , Essentials of County Government & LeaderS hop 2015 Page 2 of3 Option #3 One day LeaderShop-Managing Conflict-How to Disagree and Still Work Together Day One Only 8:30AM-3:00PM LeaderShop for Veteran Elected Officials -Managing Conflict-How to Disagree and Still Work Together -for veteran elected county and municipal officials 3:00 PM-5:00 PM-Ethics for Elected Officials (satisfies state mandated training) Both Essentials and LeaderShop registrations include ethics training See Below for Specifics and Registration Options: Option 1. Essentials of County Government (2 days) $425-For newly elected county officials; and veteran elected county officials and entire boards (including managers) who wish to accompany newly elected officials Includes: Day One Essentials, Ethics and Day Two Essentials (includes "Bottom Line"-a budget simulation), and the "Handbook for NC County Commissioners" Option 2. Essentials with Leadershop for Veteran Elected Officials (2 days) $425-Open to veteran elected county officials and managers Includes: Day One LeaderShop -Managing Conflict-How to Disagree and Still Work Together; Ethics and Day Two Essentials (includes "Bottom Line"-a budget simulation), and the "Handbook for NC County Commissioners" Option 3. LeaderShop for Veteran Elected Officials-Managing Conflict-How to Disagree and Still Work Together {1 DAY) $225-Open to both county and municipal veteran elected officials and managers. Includes: Day One LeaderShop for veteran elected officials and state mandated ethics training. Does NOT include Day Two Essentials; "Bottom Line"-a budget simulation; or "Handbook for NC County Commissioners" Registration links are in the blue box in the top right of the page. HElPfUl INfORMATION: Online Registration Instructions: Click here [2] Essentials Agenda Link [3] Ethics Information: To attend ethics during this program, you must register for one of the 3 course options. Please visit the (click on the link) ethics [4] website for additional information on ethics legislation and future ethics training. After ECG/LeaderShop, the next ethics training will be the Live Webinar May 20, 2015. The on demand ethics webinar will be avaialble to purchase begining mid June through October 2015. Bottom Line Information (County Budget Simulation Tool) Bottom Line is an interactive learning tool that simulates the county budget process. Participants break into small groups and act as local governing board members during the budget process. As a group, you will decide what specific values are most important to the community, then face several scenarios where you must choose between cutting programs/services or increasing taxes/fees to balance the budget based on these community values. Bottom Line takes place on Day Two of Essentials. To attend Bottom Line, you must register for one of the 2 day programs above. Note that option 3 does NOT include Bottom Line SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS: Scholarships are made available for Essentials of County Government and LeaderShop for veteran elected officials by the generous support of the following: • Food Lion • Prudential Financial Application link will be available November 17th here Course Materials: THERE IS AN APP FOR THAT! 2015 is the year of the ECG mobile app. After Thanksgiving, you will be able to access the mobile app via Google Play, the App Store, or directly through a web URL to access all course materials. Materials are only being provided electronically through the app/web URL. If you wish to print any materials before you come to the program, you can access the URL on your computer, print what you like and bring it with you. You will have access to the App for the rest of 2015 so unless you need something while you are at ECG or the LeaderShop for Veteran Elected Officials, you can download or print what you like when you return home. Stay tuned for more details! http://v.ww.sog.unc.edu/nrint/1195 111.:::nfl1 11 HC BOC 120114 Page 76 ' ' .. Essentials of County Government & LeaderShop 2015 Program Options Please select one of the options below for more information • January 8-9, 2015 Winston-Salem-Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center (Thu/Fri) [5] • January 23-24, 2015 Chapel Hill Sheraton (Fri/Sat) [6] • February 11-12, 2015 Asheville Doubletree Biltmore (Wed/Thu) [7] • February 18-19 2015-New Bern Convention Center (Wed/Thu) [8] Knapp-Sanders Building Campus Box 3330 UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3330 T: 919.966.5381 I F: 919.962.0654 Source URL: http://www.sog.unc.edu/node/1195 Links: [ 1] http:/ jwww.sog.unc.edu/programs/lela Page 3 of3 [2] http:/ jwww .sog. unc.edu/sites/www .sog. unc. edu/files/online_registration_instructions_ECG_LeaderShop_O .docx [ 3] http:/ jwww .sog.u nc.edu/sites/www .sog. unc. edu/files/20 15agenda_ECG_Letterhead_1_ vrnu .docx [ 4] http://www .sog.unc.edu/programs/ethics [ 5] http:/ jwww .so g. unc.edu/node/1195/sog-program/view-offering/ 419 [ 6] http:/ jwww .so g. unc.edu/node/ 1195/sog-program/view-offering/ 420 [ 7] http:/ jwww .so g. unc.edu/node/1195/sog-program/view-offering/417 [ 8] http:/ jwww .sog. unc.edu/node/1195/sog-program/view-offering/418 http://www.sog.unc.edu/print/1195 11 /J:;. /'101 ;I HC BOC 120114 Page 77 Gina Wheeler From: Sent: To: Subject: Gina Wheeler Thursday, November 20, 2014 4:14 PM Gina Wheeler FW: Registration opens for 2015 Legislative Goals Conference; Free seminar on fiduciary responsibilities for elected officials From: NCACC [mailto:ncacc@ncacc.org] Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 3:26PM To: Gina Wheeler Subject: Registration opens for 2015 Legislative Goals Conference; Free seminar on fiduciary responsibilities for elected officials Registration opens today for the NCACC's 2015 Legislative Goals Conference to be held at the Pinehurst Resort in Moore County, Jan 15-16, 2015. This conference is the culmination of a months-long process to discuss and deliberate more than 350 proposals that have been submitted by a record number of counties. The vote of our member counties at this conference will establish our legislative agenda for the full two years of the 2015 Session of the General Assembly. Each county is strongly encouraged to send at least one registered delegate to the conference to make sure your county's voice is heard as the issues are deliberated and decided. The pre-registration fee of $99 will be waived for county commissioners (only the elected officials) who register on or before Tuesday, Jan. 6. After that date, the on-site registration fee of $125 will apply for all registrants . • Hotel Accommodations 1 HC BOC 120114 Page 78 A block of rooms is reserved at the Pinehurst Resort for the nights of Jan 14-16 at the rate of $99 per night plus charges and taxes. To receive this room rate, your room must be booked on or before DECEMBER 19, 2014. After that date, the hotel's regular room rate will apply, and there is no guarantee rooms will be available. Reservations should be made directly with the hotel by calling (888) 575-4641. A deposit equal to the cost of one night's lodging is required. Cancellations must be received on or before DECEMBER 19, 2014 in order to receive a refund of your deposit. When: Tuesday, Nov. 18, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Note: A second offering of the workshop toward the west central part of North Carolina will be held in early 2015. Where: Imperial Centre (\ 270 Gay St., Rocky Mount. The workshop will be held in the Studio Theater located in Building C. See the facility map at the Studio Theater is in the numbered area "5". Registration: No cost for county and municipal officials. Register online at Description: This workshop will focus on the financial fiduciary responsibilities that elected officials have regarding the annual audit, the oversight of fund balance, and reporting requirements of the Local Government Commission. Specifically, there will be a focus on two ofthe most frequently challenging arenas: what an audit is (and, more importantly, what it is not) and the limitations and flexibility that a governing board has regarding the use of fund balance. Instruction will include real-life examples of internal control challenges and how board involvement can help overcome those challenges. Attendees will also learn about the types of questions that elected officials should ask of their staff and their independent auditors, and what various correspondences from the Local Government Commission actually mean. LELA credits: This workshop is an offering ofthe Local Elected Leaders Academy, and county and municipal officials are invited to attend. Attendees will receive six credits in the "workshops/programs" category toward recognition for their commitment to lifelong learning through the LELA Recognition Program. Instructors: Gregory S. Allison, Senior Lecturer in Public Finance and Government, UNC School of Government; and Sharon Edmundson, Director, Fiscal Management Section, State and Local Government Finance Division, N.C. Department of State Treasurer 2 HC BOC 120114 Page 79 Legislative Goals Conference Legislative Goals Conference Register Accommodations Leading Your County Governing Board Contact Info Agenda Page 1 of2 Tentative Agenda Below is the tentative agenda for the Orientation for Leading your County Governing Board (Jan. 14) and 2015 Legislative Goals Conference (Jan. 15-16). Times and schedule are subject to change. Room locations will be specified later. Wednesday January 14, 2015 8:30AM-9:00AM Leading your County Governing Board: Registration - Conference Center Foyer 9:00AM-9:15AM Leading your County Governing Board: Welcome & Big Questions -Olmsted Patrice Roesler, NCACC Vaughn Upshaw, School of Government 9:15AM -10:15AM Leading your County Governing Board: Board Leadership Roles & Responsibilities -Olmsted Vaughn Upshaw, School of Government 10: 15AM -1 0:30AM Leading your County Governing Board: Break - Ross/Tufts/Olmsted 1 0:30AM -11 :45AM Leading your County Governing Board: Leading Public Sector Governing Boards: Legal and Procedural Requirements -Olmsted Amy Bason, NCACC Norma Houston, School of Government 11 :45AM-12:30PM Leading your County Governing Board: Lunch- Carolina Dining Room C 12:30PM -1:30PM Leading your County Governing Board: Cases and Consequences: Board Chairs and the Media -Ross Todd McGee, NCACC 12:30PM -1:30PM Leading your County Governing Board: Cases and Consequences: Procedural Problems -Tufts Amy Bason, NCACC Norma Houston, School of Government 1:30PM -1:40PM Leading your County Governing Board: Break - Ross/Tufts/Olmsted 1:40PM -2:40PM Leading your County Governing Board: Cases and Consequences: Board Chairs and the Media -Ross Todd McGee, NCACC 1:40PM -2:40PM Leading your County Governing Board: Cases and Consequences: Procedural Problems -Tufts Amy Bason, NCACC Norma Houston, School of Government 2:40PM-3:00PM Leading your County Governing Board: Big Answers - Olmsted 3:00PM-3:15PM Leading your County Governing Board: Break- Ross/Tufts/Olmsted 3:15PM -5:15PM Leading your County Governing Board: Parliamentary procedure training-Olmsted Amy Bason, NCACC Norma Houston, School of Government 5:15PM Leading your County Governing Board: Adjourn- Thursday January 15, 2015 https://www.signup4.net/public/ap.aspx?EID=20 15163E&OID= 110 11/20/2014 HC BOC 120114 Page 80 Legislative Goals Conference 8:00AM -5:00PM 8:30AM -9:30AM 9:30AM-12:00PM 12:00PM -1:30PM 1:00PM 1:30PM -3:30PM 3:30PM-5:30PM 5:30PM -6:30PM 6:30PM 8:00AM -9:00AM 8:30AM -12:00PM 12:00PM Page 2 of2 Legislative Goals Conference: ~egistration - Conference Center Foyer Legislative Goals Conference: I'VIeet and Greet: Coffee and Doughnuts -Conference Center Foyer Legislative Goals Conference: ~ducation Session - Ross!Tufts/0/msted/Ca//away Legislative Goals Conference: Lunch -Cardinal Ballroom Legislative Goals Conference: Deadline to submit new goals -Registration desk Legislative Goals Conference: Legislative Goals Voting Session -Ross!Tufts/Oirnsted!Ca/laway Legislative Goals Conference: Screening Committee Meeting -South Legislative Goals Conference: Reception -Cardinal Ballroom Legislative Goals Conference: Dinner on your own- Friday January 16, 2015 Legislative Goals Conference: Meet and Greet: Coffee and Doughnuts -Conference Center Foyer Legislative Goals Conference: Legislative Goals Voting Session -Ross/Tufts/Olmsted/Callaway Legislative Goals Conference: Adjourn - Ross/Tufts/Olmsted/Callaway https://www.signup4.net/public/ap.aspx?EID=20 15163E&OID=ll 0 11/20/2014 HC BOC 120114 Page 81 Harnett COUNTY Board of Commissioners WWW.hamettorg Joe Miller, Chairman September 22, 2014 Gary A. House, Vice Chairman Jim Burgin NCACC Beatrice B. Hill Attn. Johanna Reese 215 N. Dawson Street Raleigh, NC 27603 C. Gordon Springle Gina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Dear Mrs. Reese: On behalf of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners I respectfully submit the following legislative goals as priorities for the County of Harnett, North Carolina: 1. Allow counties to use E-911 funds for E-911 needs other than equipment; PO Box759 102 E. Front Street lillington, NC 27546 ph: 910-893-7555 fax: 910-814-2662 2. Continue to lobby for counties to receive the maximum allocation from lottery funds; 3. Allow counties the same authority as municipalities regarding recreational fees charged to developers; 4. Provide relief for rural hospitals; 5. Change system of funding DOT projects to assist rural counties, which are negatively impacted under the current funding system; 6. Support the public behavioral health managed care organization model currently in place with an emphasis on local treatment facilities. 7. Allow counties the flexibility to charge a school impact fee where districts are overcapacity, with fees to be used solely for the identified impacted area. 8. Allow counties to participate in the state health plan; 9. ClarifY sales tax distribution by county rather than zip code; 10. Expand broadband into rural counties and pursue funding options i.e. grants or loans; 11. Restore funding to State Aid to Public Libraries Fund to the pre-2011 level of $15.7 million; and eliminate special provisions that distribute State Aid outside of the equitable formula developed by the State Library Commission; and 12. Study leachate generated from LCID landfills and define best management practices (BMPs) for on-site management of leachate which could include spray irrigation. We appreciate the Association's hard work on behalf of the counties. If you have any questions regarding our legislative goals please feel free to contact Harnett County Manager Tommy Bums at (91 0)893-7555 or tburns(@,hamett.org. s(/: Jo~ Harnett County Board of Commissioners strong roots • new growth HC BOC 120114 Page 82