HomeMy WebLinkAbout111214ssa Agenda Package9:00am 9:15am 9:30am 9:45am 10:00 am 10:15 am 10:30 am Harnett County Board of Commissioners Special Session Wednesday, November 12,2014 9:00am Minimal Tax Bills and Underpayments, Keith Faulkner Discussion regarding HARTS fares, Barry Blevins Discussion regarding support of JCI application for DOT funds, Barry Blevins HARTS System Safety Program Audit Report, Barry Blevins Library Contract with Municipalities & Anderson Creek School, Patrick Fitzgerald County Manager's Report November 17th Regular Meeting Agenda Review Gina Wheeler Subject: FW: Minimal Tax Bills and Underpayments From: Keith Faulkner To: Tommy Burns Subject: Minimal Tax Bills and Underpayments Tommy, Attached is a copy of the current resolution that was adopted in 2004 concerning not rendering tax bills under $3.00. Note that this resolution is actually based on NCGS 105-321(f), not NCGS 105-330.5. It should probably be revised accordingly by the Board. Also attached are proposed changes to NCGS 105-357(c) that Billy came up with based on what we felt the Board wanted dealing with underpayments and overpayments. The other attachment is a list of bills outstanding with a balance of less than $5.00. The total for approximately 2000 bills is $6,855.65. NCGS 105-321(f) allows counties to not bill up to $5.00 based on its estimated cost to bill. Based on our estimates the $3.00 minimum that we currently have in place is sufficient. Our billings are automated through Professional Mail Services and the cost ofthe actual mailings is very low. Even estimating time for our staff to process the abstracts to send to them does not seem to exceed $3.00 per bill. However, some counties, such as Johnston, do not bill anything up to $5.00 based on the limit set by the statute. If the Board wanted to, by resolution, ask the General Assembly to revise NCGS 105-357(c) per Billy's proposal, to allow the County to consider releasing underpayments up to $5.00 then that would take care of the attached list. I think this is the biggest concern, having small balances outstanding that may exceed $5.00 in cost if you continually send out delinquent notices. The first law is only dealing with the original billing. Therefore, we feel that the resolution from 2004 concerning the $3.00 minimum billing is sufficient, though it should be revised in reference to the correct statute. We think that asking for a revision to NCGS 105-357(c) to allow the County more discretion in what they can consider payment in full is the more effective route. Please let us know your thoughts. Thanks, Keith <MINIMAL TAX RESOLUTION.pdf> <Proposed Local Bill for Tax Office.pdf> <billlessthanfivedollar.pdf> 1 Harnett COUNTY Board of Commissioners NORTH CAROLI~A www.harnett.org Tedd\' J. Byrd. Chairman Beatrice B Hill. Vice Chairman Dan B. Andrews Tim McNeill Walt Titchener Resolution Directing Tax Administrator Not To Collect Minimal Property Taxes On All Taxable Property Kat S Blanchard. Clerk to the Board Whereas, N.C.G.S. 105-330.5 has been amended to allow counties to be relieved of collecting minimal property taxes in an amount up to $3.00; and Whereas, the cost ofbilling is estimated to exceed $3.00 on property tax bills rendered in Harnett County. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners hereby directs the Tax Administrator not to render property tax bills on all taxable property when the total bill including municipal and special district taxes does not exceed $3.00. Be it further resolved that the Tax Administrator keep a record of the taxpayers and the amount of taxes not billed by the county and report to the Board of Commissioners as part of the settlement each year. This motion was made by Commissioner Tim McNeill, seconded by Commissioner Dan B. Andrews, and passed by a unanimous vote. This resolution supersedes a resolution adopted May 6, 2002 regarding tax on motor vehicles. This the 16th day of February, 2004. \•. .. . .. ~ HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ".-~ . . ; . ~ . ' strong roots • new growth PO Box 759 1 02 East Front Street Lillmn,ton. NC 27546 ph: 910-893-7555 tx: 910-814-2662 AN ACT TO PERMIT HARNETT COUNTY TO RELEASE SMALL NON-PAYMENTS OR UNDERPAYMENTS OF CURRENT OR DELINQUENT TAXES, FEES, PENALTIES, INTERESTS OR COSTS. The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: Sec. 1. G.S. 105-357 (c) is amended as follows: (c) Small Underpayments and Overpayments.-The governing body of a taxing nnit Harnett County may, by resolution, permit its tax collector to treat small nonpayments or underpayments of current or delinquent taxes , feeo;, penalties, interest, or costs as fully paid and to not refund small overpayments of taxes unless the taxpayer requests a refund before the end of the fiscal year in which the small overpayment is made. A "small underpayment or nonpayment " is one where the current or delinquent taxes, fees, penalties. interest, or costs a payment made, other than in person, that is no more than one dollat ($1.00) less than the tax:e5 dne on a ta:x: receipt five dollars ($5.00) for each fiscal year therein owed. A "small overpayment" is a payment made, other than in person, that is no more than one dollar ($1.00) greater than the taxes due on a tax receipt. The tax collector shall keep records of all underpayments and overpayments of taxes by receipt number and amount and shall report these payments to the governing body as part of his settlement. A resolution authorizing adjustments of underpayments and overpayments as provided in this subsection shall: (1) Be adopted on or before June 15 of the year to which it is to apply; (2) Apply to taxes levied for all previous fiscal years; and (3) Continue in effect until repealed or amended by resolution of the taxing unit. Sec. 2: Section 1 of this Act applies only to Harnett County. Sec. 3: This act is effective upon ratification and may be applied retroactively to nonpayments or underpayments of current or delinquent taxes, fees, penalties, interest, or costs no more than five dollars ($5.00) for each fiscal year therein owed. V') Q) u "> L. Q) (./') rn L. Q) c Q) l? Ha r n e t t Ar e a Ru r a l Tr a n s i t Sy s t e m • El d e r l y an d Di s a b l e d Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n As s i s t a n c e Pr o g r a m (E D T A P ) • St a t e Gr a n t un d e r th e Ru r a l Op e r a t i n g As s i s t a n c e Pr o g r a m (R O A P ) • Pr o v i d e s op e r a t i n g as s i s t a n c e fu n d s fo r th e tr a n s p o r t a t i o n o f th e st a t e ' s el d e r l y an d di s a b l e d po p u l a t i o n • Av e r a g e nu m b e r o f ED T A P pa s s e n g e r tr i p s / u s e r s pe r FY ye a r = 27 , 0 0 0 - 29,000 • Av e r a g e mi l e s tr a v e l e d pe r FY ut i l i z i n g ED T A P fu n d i n g = 34 2 , 2 2 8 + • Av e r a g e co s t pr o j e c t e d fo r en t i r e FY 14 - 1 5 = $1 6 3 , 0 1 4 - $2 3 5 , 7 1 5 • St a t e fu n d i n g le v e l fo r FY 14 - 1 5 = $7 7 , 0 9 9 • Av e r a g e Co s t pe r Pa s s e n g e r Tr i p fo r ED T A P us e r s = $6 . 0 9 - $8 . 8 1 (D i r e c t cost Co u n t y ab s o r b s af t e r re c e i v i n g ED T A P fu n d i n g ) H a r n e t t Ar e a Ru r a l Tr a n s i t Sy s t e m co n t ' d • Se e k gu i d a n c e on ED T A P fa r e - - pr o p o s e d • Pr o p o s e d fa r e fo r ED T A P us e r s $2 on e - w a y • La r g e s t or g a n i z a t i o n s af f e c t e d ar e HP E & CC C C (S h a w t o w n ) - • HP E av e r a g e s 17 , 0 0 0 tr i p s pe r FY • CC C C / S h a w t o w n av e r a g e s 9, 0 0 0 tr i p s pe r FY • Pa s s e n g e r tr i p s wi l l +u p wh e n CO G Ge n e r a l Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n fu n d s ar e ex h a u s t e d (F e b - M a r 15 ) • Nu t r i t i o n si t e s wi l l ad d to ED T A P ri d e r s h i p / t r i p nu m b e r s by ap p r o x i m a t e l y 1 8 0 0 - 22 0 0 + pe r FY ( d e p e n d e n t up o n re q u e s t s ) . Board of Commissioners www.harnett.org Joe Miller, Chairman Gary A. House, Vice Chairman Jim Burgin Beatrice B. Hill November 12, 2014 C. Gordon Springle Gina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Mr. Ken Baker, Mobility Development Specialist II PO Box 759 102 E. Front Street Lillington, NC 27546 North Carolina Department of Transportation/Public Transit Division 1 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27601 ph: 910-893-7555 fax: 910-814-2662 Re: Letter of Support for Johnston County Industries (JCI) I Harnett Production Enterprise's (HPE) 5310 Program Application for Purchase of Service Dear Mr. Baker: The Harnett County Board of Commissioners would like to express its support of JCI/HPE's application to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for 5310 Program funding for the purchase of service to supplement direct costs associated with transportation of HPE passengers. Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) uses Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (EDTAP) funds to provide daily transportation for HPE passengers. JCI's successful application and program will help supplement the County's growing expenditure support for this transportation. This is another great illustration of community partnerships to ensure Harnett County meets the needs of our residents. Harnett County anticipates this grant will assist in continuing efficient transit operations in support of its citizens utilizing HPE services. Likewise, the funding award will help to offset the rising costs of public transportation in our community. Sincerely, Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners strong roots • new growth U) V) Q) I-u J-> 0 !..... :::> a: Q) <( (./') >-<( ro I-!..... w Q) u.. I c <( Q) (./') (.9 Ha r n e t t Ar e a Ru r a l Tr a n s i t Sy s t e m Sy s t e m Sa f e t y Pr o g r a m A u d i t As s e s s m e n t : 8- 9 Oc t . 20 1 4 De c e m b e r 12 , 20 1 4 : St a t e de a d l i n e t o r fi n d i n g s Re s o l u t i o n Pl a n Sy s t e m Sa f e t y Pr o g r a m In s p e c t e d : N u m b e r o f Ve h i c l e Ma i n t e n a n c e Re c o r d s In s p e c t e d : 23 o f 27 N u m b e r o f Em p l o y e e s Tr a i n i n g Re c o r d s In s p e c t e d : 23 o f 32 N u m b e r o f Ve h i c l e s In s p e c t e d : 13 o f 27 N u m b e r o f Ri d e Ch e c k - Dr i v e r Ev a l u a t i o n s Pe r f o r m e d : 5 • Se c t i o n 1 Dr i v e r / E m p l o y e e Se l e c t i o n • Se c t i o n 2 Dr i v e r / E m p l o y e e Tr a i n i n g • Se c t i o n 3 Sa f e t y Da t a Ac q u i s i t i o n / A n a l y s i s • Se c t i o n 4 Dr u g an d Al c o h o l Ab u s e Pr o g r a m s • Se c t i o n 5 Ve h i c l e Ma i n t e n a n c e • Se c t i o n 6 Se c u r i t y Ha r n e t t Ar e a Ru r a l Tr a n s i t Sy s t e m Pl a n o f Ac t i o n ( s ) : • Se c t i o n 1 Dr i v e r / E m p l o y e e Se l e c t i o n : De v e l o p , up d a t e & re v i e w pr o c e s s to en s u r e the re q u i r e d in f o r m a t i o n is do c u m e n t e d an d tr a c k e d pe r i o d i c a l l y . • Se c t i o n 2 Dr i v e r / E m p l o y e e Tr a i n i n g : De v e l o p an d im p l e m e n t a pr o c e s s t o do c u m e n t all re q u i r e d tr a i n i n g at re q u i r e d in t e r v a l s . • Se c t i o n 3 Sa f e t y Da t a Ac q u i s i t i o n / A n a l y s i s : De v e l o p an d im p l e m e n t a wo r k p l a c e as s e s s m e n t th a t ra i s e s sa f e t y aw a r e n e s s . • Se c t i o n 4 Dr u g an d Al c o h o l Ab u s e Pr o g r a m s : • Se c t i o n 5 Ve h i c l e Ma i n t e n a n c e : Co n d u c t re m e d i a l tr a i n i n g on pr e - t r i p in s p e c t i o n s . Conduct a re v i e w of al l as s i g n e d ve h i c l e s t o ac c e s s th e st a t u s of th e ve h i c l e fl e e t . • Se c t i o n 6 Se c u r i t y : De v e l o p an d im p l e m e n t a se c u r i t y pl a n ap p l i c a b l e to HA R T S and its op e r a t i o n . R.Ecsll!s . ' i• 1) t . '/ ... "' ,.. 1' "fl'' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ._ ~Errcou ,.:1 DEPARTivfENT OF TRANSPORTATION Elf·sOFt:"fc~ PAT MCCRORY GOVERNOR October 29. 20 14 Darvin Springfield. Transportation Coordinator Harnett Area Rural Transit System P.O. Box 85 Lillington. NC 27546-0085 SUBJECT: System Safety Program Audit Report Dear Mr. Springfield. ANTHONY J. TATA SECRETARY The North Carolina Department of Transportation. Public Transportation Division (NCDOT-PTD) in accordance with federal and state requirements conducted a System Safety Program Audit of Harnett Area Rural Transit System from October 8-9, 2014. The audit included an inspection of your Safety Program, equipment to include maintenance records. personnel training records. a review of your System Safety Program Plan and required policies & procedures. As directed by the System Safety Program Plan (SSPP) Standard Operating Procedure of the Public Transportation Division. a Safety and Security Specialist conducts System Safety Program assessment/inspection of the Community and Human Service Transportation Systems. The inspections provide the division an overall assessment of Safety Programs, condition and maintenance of equipment and personnel training status. During the inspection there were fifty-five (55) out of ninety-two (92) sub-sections that were not in compliance. The attached document, System Safety Program Audit Assessment: Report of Findings & Corrective Actions. list deficiencies. required corrective actions and resolution deadlines. The findings represent deficiencies and potential hazards to system efficiency, vehicle operations, and passenger safety. Please be advised that due to the severity of these findings. NCDOT/PTD will closely monitor the county's efforts to address the findings. We want to work with you to ensure that the system provides safe and reliable transportation for Harnett County residents. All findings must be corrected on or before December 12, 2014. When all findings are resolved you must provide documentation of compliance to NCDOT/PTD. If the findings are not corrected by the suspense date, this will constitute a breach of contract and may jeopardize your transit system· s funding and result in tennination of the project agreement. In the event of a contract termination, the grantee shall surrender the equipment and/or transfer title(s) for equipment to the Department or the Department's designee. As you know, the North Carolina Department of Transportation emphasizes safety throughout the entire organization, across all modal units. It is important that transit customers feel safe when riding public transit vehicles. The Public Transportation Division is responsible for ensuring that the federal and state MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 1550 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1550 TELEPHONE: 919-707-4670 FAX: 919-733-1391 W\IVW.NCDOT. GOVINCTRANSIT LOCATION: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1 SOLITHWILMINGTON STREET RALEIGH, NC financial assistance received is being used to provide a safe public transportation network for all North Carolinians. The NCDOT/PTD appreciates the cooperation and assistance provided by the Harnett Area Rural Transit System staff during the course of the audit. Mr. Malcum D. Massenburg, Safety & Security Specialist. is available to answer any questions or to assist you in addressing the findings and corrective actions. He can be reached at (919) 707~4682 or by email: mdmassenburrrcilmcdot.!!01'. If he is unavailable, please contact Richard R. Jones, Safety & Security Program Manager at (919) 7074680 or by email: niones!CI.mcdot.gm·. Sincerely, JfYI vJ{h1!o Tammy Montanez Acting Assistant Director for Financial and Administrative Services Public Transportation Division cc: Cheryl Leonard, Assistant Director for Mobility Development. NCDOT/PTD Richard R. Jones, TSSP. MESH. Safety & Security Program Manager, NCDOT/PTD MalcumMassenburg, TSSP, Safety & Security Specialist NCDOT/PTD Ken Baker, Mobility Development Specialist, NCDOT/PTD Joe Miller. Chairman, Harnett County Commissioner Board of County Attachment: System Safety Program Audit: Report of Findings & Corrective Actions ~oard Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: November 17,2014 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Library Contract With Municipalities and Anderson Creek Primary School REQUESTED BY: Patrick Fitzgerald, Library Director REQUEST: The Harnett County Public Library respectfully requests to approve a new contract between the Harnett County Public Library and the Affliate and Branch Libraries. The Library Board of Trustees, the Anderson Creek Primary School, and the towns of Angier, Coats, Dunn, and Erwin have each signed the contract. The existing contract between the Libraries is dated October 1991, and was in need of updating to clarify the roles and responsibilities between the County Library and the Affliate and Branch Libraries. While each Municipality will maintain local control of their own Library, the Harnett County Public Library will provide all technology; ie: hardware, software, ILS, databases, system troubleshooting, maintenance contracts for our equipment, as well as provide all cataloging services for the system. This new contract will provide more systemwide consistency in our policies and procedures, a requirement for our new ILS, NC Cardinal. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Users\pfitzgerald\Documents\Agenda request contracts.doc Page STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT COUNTY OF HARNETT THIS INTERLOCAL LIBRARY AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Agreement") is made pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section 153A-270 and entered into this __ day of , 20 1_, by and between the County of Harnett, a body politic, organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as "County"), and the Town of Angier, the Town of Coats, the City of Dunn, the Town of Erwin, all municipal corporations, organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina, and Anderson Creek Primary School. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, County maintains and operates the Harnett County Library System (hereinafter referred to as "Library System") pursuant to Chapter 153A, Article 14 of the North Carolina General Statutes to provide library service to the residents of Harnett County, and appoints the Board of Trustees of the Harnett County Library System to formulate and recommend programs, policies and regulations for the government of Library System and to otherwise advise the Harnett County Board of Commissioners on library matters; and WHEREAS, the Municipalities an~ Anderson Creek Public Library each maintain and operate libraries pursuant to Chapter 153A, Article 14 of the North Carolina General Statutes to provide library services to the residents of their respective municipalities and communities; and WHEREAS, County and Municipalities and Anderson Creek Public Library wish to merge frnancial appropriations for and operational supervision into the Harnett County Library System to provide a more consistent, efficient and effective manner of providing library services in Harnett County. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set forth, and pursuant to resolutions duly adopted by their governing boards and in compliance with the North Carolina Administrative Code and the North Carolina General Statutes, the parties identified below renew their commitment 1 to the Harnett County Library System based upon the terms set forth below in the Agreement. I. Members of the Harnett County Library System: County of Harnett (hereinafter "County") Town of Coats (hereinafter "Coats") Town of Erwin (hereinafter "Erwin) Town of Angier (hereinafter "Angier'') City of Dunn (hereinafter "Dunn") Anderson Creek Public Library (hereinafter "Anderson Creek Public Library") Coats, Erwin, Angier, and Dunn hereinafter collectively "Municipalities." II. Purpose: This agreement is to perpetuate excellent library and information services to the residents of the areas included within the jurisdictions of the aforementioned government bodies through their collaborative and collective efforts under the legal authority of the North Carolina General Statutes and North Carolina Administrative Code by defining the financial, property and operational appropriations and supervision of the Library System ill. Board of Trustees: Pursuant to the direction of the County of Harnett Board of Commissioners, the Harnett County Library System Board of Trustees shall be the governing body of the Library System. There shall be Eleven (11 ) members of the Board, with one (1_) appointed from each Member. The remaining members shall be at large seats representing other areas of Harnett County and as many ex -officio County Commissioner seats as deemed appropriate by the Board of County Commissioners. Appointments are for staggered terms and Board members shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive three year terms. No Board Member shall serve more than six consecutive years. The Harnett County Library System Board of Trustees Library Policies and Procedures shall supersede local policy and procedure. The following powers and duties are delegated to The Harnett County Library System Board of Trustees: 2 i. To adopt bylaws and rules for its own governance. ii. To recommend to the Board of County Commissioners policies for the administration and operation of the Library System iii. To assure compliance with applicable State and Federal Law and eligibility requirements for receipt of State and Federal funds. iv. To make recommendations concerning the construction and improvement of physical facilities for the libraries within the system. viii. To make regular reports of services and operations. v. To obtain an annual independent audit of regional accounts and submit a copy to the State Library of North Carolina. IV. Finance: A. Property Ownership I. All buildings, grounds and other facilities of each library shall remain property of its respective Municipality or County. Anderson Creek Public Library structure will continue to be a County owned building. 2. All books, technology and other resources paid for by local funds shall remain property of their respective Municipality or County. 3. All books, technology and other resources paid for with System or State funds shall remain the property of the System. B. Personnel 1. Anderson Creek Public Library is staffed by County Employees and, therefore, subject to County Personnel Ordinance and Policies. 2. All other members are responsible for the direct payment of: a. Salaries and benefits for staff at their respective libraries. b. All facility costs, including, but not limited to, rent utilities, custodial services, and the maintenance and repair of building interiors and exteriors, parking lots, grounds, and landscaping. c. Costs of library materials for their respective libraries 3 C. Technology 1. Hardware a. The Harnett Library System will provide the following: 1. Equipment necessary for the wide area network. n. Computers for public access and circulation. iii. Equipment necessary for the PC/Print management system. b. The Municipalities and Anderson Creek Public Library agree to provide and own any other equipment as necessary. 1. The parties agree that: i. Equipment acquired by the Municipalities and Anderson Creek Public Library must meet the minimal recommendations as determined by Harnett County IT, if connected to the Library . Computer system. ii. The Municipalities and Anderson Creek Public Library will be responsible for the installation, software, repair and maintenance for Municipality or Anderson Creek Community owned equipment. 2. Exceptions: 2. Software: i. Public computers owned or leased by Harnett County ii. Pc/print management; Staff computers used for circulation; iii.Library System will install and maintain software necessary to access the ILS. iv. Harnett County will continue to install and maintain the print management, security software, anti-virus software and filter software for all computers on the county network. a. Integrated Library System (ILS) i. The Library System maintains the ILS (V -smart) used by all libraries. ii. The database belongs to the Library System and it is responsible for the integrity of the data. The parties, therefore, agree to the standards and policies set by the Library Director and the Library System, including 4 cataloging. iii. The Harnett County public Library will be responsible for the cataloging of all materials added to the system. b. The Library System will provide ILL (InterLibrary Loan) services. V. Operations: In order for consistency and continuity in the system to best serve the citizens of the County of Harnett and for purposes of applying for grants and aid, the parties agree to the following: 1. The Municipalities and Anderson Creek Public Library will provide, by the 5th of every month, a report which encompasses the library's usage including the door count, programming statistics, number of employees and hours of operation. 2. The Municipalities and Anderson Creek Public Library will provide revenue expenditures and their Annual budgets of each Library by the 15th day of August each year. 3. The Municipalities and Anderson Creek Public Library will send representatives to monthly Branch Manager meetings. 4. The Municipalities and Anderson Creek Public Library will abide by the Service Policy of the Harnett County Library System http://www.harnett.org/library/pub1ications/policy2012.pdf ) and Library Card and Borrowing Policies (http://www.harnett.org/librarylhlibcar.htm) located on the Harnett County Public Library Website. 5. Any other requirement necessary to aid in the administration of the Library System. VI. Term of Agreement and Amendment: The term of this Agreement is January 1, 2014 to December 31,2019. This Agreement may be amended from time to time upon the mutual written consent of all the parties. Vll. Termination: This Agreement may be terminated by the mutual written consent of all the parties. Such 5 termination will occur six (6) months after the final consent is received by the Library System Board of Trustees. VIU. Integration of Understandings: This Agreement is intended as the complete integration of all understandings between the parties. No prior or contemporaneous additions, deletions, subsequent renewal, deletion, or other amendment hereto shall have any force or affect unless embodied herein in writing signed by both parties. IX. Controlling Law: This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. The North Carolina State Courts located in Harnett County, North Carolina shall have jurisdiction to hear any dispute under this Agreement and any legal or equitable proceedings by either party must be filed in Harnett County, North Carolina. X. Notices: All notices or other communications which shall be made pursuant hereto shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be given and received (a) when hand delivered to the address stated below, (b) three (3) days after being mailed to the address stated below, postage prepaid by certified or registered mail of the United States, return receipt requested to the addresses set forth below. Either party to this Agreement may change its designated person or designated address at any time and from time to time by giving notice of such change to the other party in the manner set forth above. XI. Indemnification/limit of liability paragraph: To the extent permitted by law, each party will mutually indemnify and hold harmless the other parties, their officers, agents and employees from and against all loss, cost, damage, expense and liability caused by accident or other occurrence resulting in bodily injury, including death and disease to any person or damage or destruction to property, real or personal arising directly or indirectly from operations, products, or services rendered or purchased under this Agreement. 6 This contract may be amended upon unanimous approval of all the parties signing this agreement. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Harnett County Public Library, Angier Public Library, Dunn Public Library, Coats Public Library, Erwin Public Library and Anderson Creek Primary School. ~\~ Harnett County Library Angier Public Library Coats Public Library Dunn Public Library Erwin Public Library Principal, Anderson Creek Primary School Library Board Angier Public Library Library Board Coats Public Library Library Board Dunn Public Library Library Board Erwin Public Library Library Board Anderson Creek Primary School Library Board Chairman, Harnett County Board of Commissioners Mayor, Town of Angier Mayor, Town of Coats Mayor, City of Dunn Mayor, Town of Erwin Superintendent, Harnett County Board of Education This contract may be amended upon unanimous approval of all the parties signing this agreement. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Harnett County Public Library, Angier Public Library, Dunn Public Library, Coats Public Library, Erwin Public Library and Anderson Creek Primary School. Harnett County Library Angier Public Library Coats Public Library Dunn Public Library Erwin Public Library Principal, Anderson Creek Primary School Harnett County Library Library Board Angier Public Library Library Board Coats Public Library Library Board Dunn Public Library Library Board Erwin Public Library Library Board Anderson Creek Primary School Library Board Chairman, Harnett County Board of Commissioners Mayor, Town of Angier Mayor, Town of Coats Mayor, City of Dunn Mayor, Town of Erwin Superintendent, Harnett County Board of Education 7 . . This contract may be amended upon unanimous approval of all the parties signing this agreement. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Harnett County Public Library, Angier Public Library, Dunn Public Library, Coats Public Library, Erwin Public Library and Anderson Creek Primary School. Harnett County Library Angier Public Library ,AidA~ I Coats Public Library Dunn Public Library Erwin Public Library Principal, Anderson Creek Primary School Harnett County Library Library Board Angier Public Library Library Board Coats Public Library Library Board Dunn Public Library Library Board Erwin Public Library Library Board Anderson Creek Primary School Library Board Chairman, Harnett County Board of Commissioners Mayor, Town of Coats Mayor, City of Dunn Mayor, Town of Erwin Superintendent, Harnett County Board of Education 7 This contract may be amended upon unanimous approval of all the parties signing this agreement. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Harnett County Public Library, Angier Public Library, Dunn Public Library, Coats Public Library, Erwin Public Library and Anderson Creek Primary School. Harnett County Library Harnett County Library Library Board Chairman, Harnett County Board of Commissioners Angier Public Library Coats Public Library Angier Public Library Library Board Coats Public Library Mayor, Town of Angier Mayor, ~D{]L},,r;jl~l~~~ Dunn Public Library · Dunn Public Library Mayor, Erwin Public Library Principal, Anderson Creek Primary School Library Board Erwin Public Library Library Board Anderson Creek Primary School Library Board City of Dunn Mayor, Town of Erwin Superintendent, Harnett County Board of Education 7 This contract may be amended upon unanimous approval of all the parties signing this agreement. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Harnett County Public Library, Angier Public Library, Dunn Public Library, Coats Public Library, Erwin Public Library and Anderson Creek Primary School. Harnett County Library Angier Public Library Coats Public Library Dunn Public Library Harnett County Library Library Board Angier Public Library Library Board Coats Public Library Library Board Dunn Public Library Library Board !~bl)J)ett ~bhc Ltbrary Library Board Principal, Anderson Creek Anderson Creek Primary Primary School School Library Board Chairman, Harnett County Board of Commissioners Mayor, Town of Angier Mayor, Town of Coats Mayor, City of Dunn ~\\\,~ =a Town of Erwin Superintendent, Harnett County Board of Education 7 This contract may be amended upon unanimous approval of all the parties signing this agreement. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Harnett County Public Library, Angier Public Library, Dunn Public Library, Coats Public Library, Erwin Public Library and Anderson Creek Primary School. Harnett County Library Angier Public Library Coats Public Library Dunn Public Library Erwin Public Library ~~~ Principal, Anderson Creek Primary School Harnett County Library Library Board Angier Public Library Library Board Coats Public Library Library Board Dunn Public Library Library Board Erwin Public Library Library Board Anderson Creek Primary School Library Board Chairman, Harnett County Board of Commissioners Mayor, Town of Angier Mayor, Town of Coats Mayor, CityofDunn Mayor, Town of Erwin ~~ County Board of Education 7