HomeMy WebLinkAboutTROTTER3_revised 5.2.14VICINITY MAP SURVEYED BY:DRAWN BY: SCALE: 1"= CHECKED & CLOSURE BY:DRAWING NO.FIELD BOOK TOWNSHIP STATE: NORTH CAROLINA TAX PARCEL ID#: DATE: SURVEY FOR: COUNTY 1662 CLARK RD.,LILLINGTON,N.C. 27546 (910) 893-5252 WATERSHED DISTRICT PIN # ZONED BENNETT SURVEYSF-1304S 60°53'15"W156.19'209.22' N 13°47'00"W 177.17' 18 4 . 1 0 ' N 51°36'54"E 420.25' N 4 3°58'14"E 49 9.75' 133.50' N 15°17'07"W 150.00' 146.00'180.00'135.00' 33 8 . 7 0 ' S 15°17'07"E 180.00' 112.50' 133.50' N 15°17'07"W 150.00' 133.50' 133.50'N 15°17'07"W150.00'133.50' 66.34' S 7 6 ° 5 7 ' 5 5 " W S 23°18'22"E169.91'215.85' 72.46' N 74°42'53"E S 74°42'53"W 112.50' 196.52' N 40°34'45"W221.4 1' 65.04' S 70°00'46"W 606.72' S 67°45'13"E 335.43' 65.04'96.92'N 86°07'33"W105.54'S 15°17'07"E 171.28' 100.00' N 13°02'05"W342.19' 53.37' 14 1 . 8 7 ' 288.82' 133.50' S 15°24'23"E 159.48' 60 7 . 8 9 ' N 46°40'27"E 424.48' 133.50' S 15°17'07"E 150.00' 133.50' 112.50' 112.50' N 15°17'07"W 180.00' S 48 °2 1'19"E 248.95' 17 2 . 0 4 ' S 81°56'38"E 115.27' 15 3.3 7' S 51 °5 1'39"E 1 74.74' N 21°26'42"E 224.97'133.50'S 15°17'07"E150.00'133.50'S 15°17'07"E150.00'133.50' S 24°58'01"W 230.73' 24 8 . 0 8 ' S 15°17'07"E 196.98'S 76°57'55"W116.33'41.15' C9 40.00' C10 C3 C11 50.00'S 49°11'49"E C1 2 58.77' C13 C 14 55.45'C15 C15 50.00' C16 N 29°48'01"W 41.15' C1 7 C1 8 40.00'C4 C19 50.00' C20 S 02°02'27"EC954.82'306.38'52.12'232.76'C1650.00'N 35°17'02"E 227.20'41.15'N 52°57'00"EC5 40.00'50.00'S 45°06'58"W54.15'C1025.00'51.54'C1720.86'S 82°16'58"E 25.00'20.26'17.00'N 07°17'11"EC6 16.67'50.00'S 49°12'57"W73.45'C1150.00'CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CH.BEARING 67.02'C1825.77'S 09°10'40"E 366.38'25.48'93.58'N 01°51'01"WC725.00'93.33'21.03'S 37°03'06"WC1250.00'20.41'41.15'C19S 08°48'35"W 366.38'40.00'C1 110.48'25.00'C8 N 36°29'25"E25.00'110.06'39.27'39.27'C1335.36'S 53°00'46"W35.36'50.00'N 29°42'53"E S 60°17'07"E 41.15'C2040.00'366.38'C225.00'C1 N 83°38'48"E 83.55'C2 C3 21.03'C4 83.37'C5 20.41'C14C6 S 68°10'56"WC750.00'N 39°22'48"WC8AND UTILIY EASEMENT) NOTE: DOC'S ROAD IS ON THE NCDOT THOROUGHFARE PLAN. STREET LIGHTS NO MORE THAN 300' APART. D.E. 20' D.E DEED BOOK 2844,PAGE 223-243 MAP REFERENCE 23 LOTS 19.1 AC.+- MAP NO. 2005-843 MCCORMIC FARMS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DB:1133,PG:465 RA-20R PUBLIC WATER (HARNETT COUNTY) DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL BE LOCATED 10' TRACT DATA DARLEY CT. - 176' MRBMRBRVB100'100' PRIVATE SEPTIC 50' PIN 9597-93-2848.000 TROTTER'S RIDGE EACH SIDE OF EXISTING DRAINAGE PIPES ADDITIONAL ROADS PID 030507 0200 HARNETT BARBECUE LAND USE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL NC 27 W RA-20R KENTUCKY DERBY LN. - 1011' NCSR 1116 N/A FINAL MAJOR S/D KENTUCKY DERBY LN. OWNER: HARNETT DEVELOPMENT LLC SITE 14030PHASE 3PHASE 2B 2317 ENON ROAD PHASE 2BPHASE 3 OXFORD,NC 27565 TROTTERS RIDGE PHASE 2B MAP NO. 2013-303 PHASE 3KENTUCKY DERBY LANE (60'PUBLIC AND UTILITY EASEMENT) 919-422-7065 FIRE HYDRANTS ARE NO MORE THAN 500' APART. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION DEED REFERENCE DARLEL CT.(50'PUBLIC NORTH REFERENCE MAP NO. 2011-411 DEED BOOK 2807,PAGE 847 20' D.E Certificate of Improved Maintence I hereby certify that I assume all financial and legal responsibilities for the Maintenance and upkeep of all the streets and other required Department of Transportation or other appropriate public or private entities. that they are accepted for maintance by North Carolina improvements in until such time DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ROAD CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS CERTIFICATION APPROVED DISTRICT ENGINEER DATE NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY my supervision(deed description recorded in Book , that the ratio of precision as calculated is 1:10000;that this plat was prepared in accordance with G.S. 47-30 as amended.Witness MICKEY R.BENNETT L - 1514 indicated as drawn from information found in Book ,Page , Page ,etc) that the boundaries not surveyed are clearly my original signature,registration number and seal this I,Mickey R.Bennett,PLS do certify that this plat was drawn under SEE SEEREF.REF. day of .A.D. 2014. I hereby certify that the development depicted hereon has Development Review Board pursuant to the regulations set forth by E-911 Adressing,Enviromental Health,Fire Marshal, Planning,and Public Utilities of Harnett County,N.C.,Subject to recordation in the Harnett County Office of Register of Deeds within thirty days of the date below. Development Review Board,Chairman Date been granted preliminary approval by the Harnett County LEGEND LINES SURVEYED EIP------EXISTING IRON PIPE ECM------EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT PKNS------P.K.NAIL SET ELS------EXISTING LIGHTWOOD STAKE EIS------EXISTING IRON STAKE NMN------NEW MAGNETIC NAIL ERRS------EXISTING RAILROAD SPIKE EMN------EXISTING MAGNETIC NAIL ECS------EXISTING COTTON SPINDLE NRRS------NEW RAILROAD SPIKE ECM/PKN/ECS (CONTROL CORNERS) NCS------NEW COTTON SPINDLE EPKN------EXISTING P.K.NAIL EIP/EIS---(CONTROL CORNERS) LINES NOT SURVEYED-------------- CB&D--CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE D.E.---DRAINAGE EASEMENT EX.-----EXISTING AC.--- ACRES NIP--NEW IRON PIPE NIS--NEW IRON STAKE C/L--CENTER LINE CP--CALCULATED POINT N/F--NOW OR FORMALLY R/W--RIGHT OF WAY CERTIFICATION OF OWNERSHIP,DEDICATION AND JURISDICTION I,(We)hereby certify that I am (We are) the owner(s) or agent of the property shown and described hereon and that free consent,establish the minimum building setback lines, and dedicate all streets, alleys, walks, parks and other sites and easements to public or private use as noted, and regulation jurisdiction of Harnett County. owner/agent Date I(We) hereby adopt this site plan with my (our) all the land shown hereon is within the zoning PUBLIC PLAT DECLARATION All roads in this subdivision are hereby declared public.The maintenance of all streets and roads in this subdivision shall be the shall be their responsibility to bring such streets up to the standards of the North Carolina Department of Transportation before any streets on this plat are added into the North Carolina State Highway System. If the District Engineer has not recommended that the N.C.Department of Transportation accept maintenance responsibility for the required public road improvments by the time that the County has issued buildings permits for seventy-five percent(75%)of the lots shown on the recorded plat, the County shall not issue any more building permits until the District Engineer makes such a recommmendation and formally notifies the Subdivision Administrator. responsibility of and it PRELIMINARY PLAT NOT FOR RECORDATION CONVEYANCES OR SALES NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY at o'clock M . KIMBERLY S. HARGROVE Register of Deeds By:Assistant/Deputy Register of Deeds This Map/Plat was presented for registration and This day of 2014. recorded in this office at Map Number 2014- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT I,______________________________,REVIEW OFFICER OF HARNETT COUNTY,CERTIFY THAT THE MAP OR PLAT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING . REVIEW OFFICER WHICH THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFFIXED MEETS ALL DATE: 0 NOTES: 1.NEW IRONS SET AT ALL CORNERS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2.ALL ROADS SHALL BE DEDICATED TO NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. SHALL BE RESPONSIBILITY OF PROPERTY OWNERS. 3.ALL DRAINAGE EASEMENTS CROSSING PRIVATE PROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE TO HARNETT COUNTY UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE. 4.PUBLIC UTILITIES,FIRE HYDRANTS AND STREET LIGHTS SHALL BE INSTALLED LA NDSURVEYORE ENOR THCAROLINA No. 1514SEAL M I C K E YR.BENNETTPROFESSIONAL MINIMUM BUILDING SET BACKS MAXIMUM HEIGHT ------- 35' CORNER LOT SIDE YARD -- 20' REAR YARD -------- 25' SIDE YARD -------- 10' FRONT YARD -------- 30' STORMWATER CERTIFICATION I certify that the stormwater management facilities are constructed and instaled in accordance with the,rules,regulations,drainage design standards of Harnett County, the State of North Carolina and the approval permit and erosion control plan. Consulting Engineer I,MICKEY R.BENNETT,DO HEREBY CERTIFYTHAT THIS SURVEY CREATES A SUBDIVISIONOF LAND WITHIN THE AREA OF A COUNTY OR REGULATES PARCELS OF LANDMUNICIPALITY THAT HAS AN ORDINANCE THAT VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT This Development is within one mile of a Voluntary Agricultural District. 20' D.E 0.460 AC. 0.465 AC. 0.465 AC. 1.73 AC. 0.461 AC. 1.05 AC. 0.462 AC. 0.67 AC. 0.71 AC. 2.84 AC. 1.53 AC. 1.08 AC. 0.63 AC. 0.47 AC. 0.460 AC. 0.460 AC.0.460 AC.0.460 AC. 0.460 AC. 0.56 AC0.52 AC.0.464 AC.0.468 AC.T CB CB CBCB CBCBCB WWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWW W W WUUU U U U W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWWW 50 35 32 47 44 34 42 36 49 452546 38 37 33 4827 32A 31 29 40 30 41 26 28 39 43