HomeMy WebLinkAboutSite Plan Revised 4-10-14 (5)220 _ - - - 220 240 11 min. �Freeboard ----7 . #1 Rip-RP 240 240 up to 1.0 1 3600 3600 561, x 28V x 4D G x 4' - up to 1.8 up to 1.8 1 6480 6480 40 6'x 4' - -- up to 0.5 200 1800 .. 1 00 220. .. ... _ 220 220 .- ._ 6' x 4' ST -5 up to 0.2 Ul to 01 720 720 26'L x 13,W x 4D 4' x 3' ' "+. _. SEEDING SCHEDULE 1 0 SHOULDERS, SIDE DITCHES, SLOPES (MAX. 3:1) DATE 180 _ .i - - - 180 200 - MAR. 1 - APR. 15 200 200 APR. 15 - JUN. 30 HULLED COMMON BERMUDAGRASS � JUL 1 - AUG. 15 - 120 LBS /ACRE ••• P MILLET 35 LBS /ACRE OR SORGHUM •• OR SORGHUM -SUDAN HYBRIDS 7 ea�pu rI SLOPES (3:1 TO 2:1) MAR 1 - JUN. 1 t 50 LBS /ACRE 200 & ADD TALL FESCUE 120 LBS /ACRE _ - OR ADD WEEPING LOVERGRASS 10 LBS /ACRE MAR�N - ,UN OR ADD HULLED COMMON BERMUDAGRASS 25 LBS /ACRE • TALL FESCUE AND 120 LBS /ACRE '"• OROWNTOP MILLET 35 LBS /ACRE 160 '"• OR SORGHUM - SUDAN HYBRIDS - - 160 180 _. _ NOV. 1 - MAR. 1 180 180 SEEDING SCHEDULE FOR REVEGETATION BENEFICIAL TO WILDLIFE DATE TYPE PLANTING RATE FEE. 1 - APR 1 160 20-40 LEIS /ACRE FEB. 1 - APR. 15 _.. - -� 160 160 MAR - APR. ti f »I 16 LBS /ACRE MAR. - APR. APR. - MAY 180 6-B LBS /ACRE APR. 15 - JUN. 15 BAHIA GRASS LOVEGRASS 25-35 LBS /ACRE 4-5 LOS /ACRE CONSULT CONSERVATION ENGINEER, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE OR WRDUFE BIOLOGIST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNINo 07HER ALTERNATIVES FOR VEGETATION OF DENUDED AREAS, THE ABOVE VEGE- TATION RATES ARE THOST WHICH DO WELL UNDER LOCAL CONDITIONS OTHER SEEDING COMBINATIONS AND SEEDING RATES ARE P"ER r. '- TEMPORARY -- RFSEED ACCORDING TO OPTIMUM SEASON FOR DESIRED PERMANENT VEGETATION. DO NOT ALLOW TEMPO ARY COVER 10 GROW OVER 12' IN HEIGHT BEFORE MOWING,OTHERWISE FESCUE MAY BE SHAbETI WT. - 140 110 0 50 100 150 2(00 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 ;i 150 160 200 250 300 SCALE (� Cross Section G - G SCALE SCALE X: 1" = 5D X: 1" ° 50' Cross Section J -J Y: 1" = ZO' Cross Section H -H X: 1" = 50' Y: 1" = 20' Y: 1" = 20' Overburden Storage Pile Continuous Benches o � E �E Diversion Berm TREES DESIGNATED SHALL BE WRAPPED NOR 4" WIDE TRUNK WRAPPING MATERIAL MADE OF Ter, LWRSES OF CRINKLED PAPER CEMENTED WITH BITUMINOUS MATERIAL 2 - 2" x 2" ROUGH SAWED HARDMJW STAKES FREE OF DEFECTS THAT IMPAIR STRENGTH. DAMAGED WOOD ON STAKE TOPS SHALL BE CUT OFF EVENLY Place material from excavation an downhill side of flow. Use additional fill to achieve specified height and width f -y...l 2'men. TWISTED WLV. WIRE 12 GAUGE TRANSPLANTED TREE SHALL BE 2" HIGHER IN RELATIONSHIP To FINISHED GRADE rye PLANTED WHERE PREVIOUSLY s L 3'Y REMOVE BURLAP FROM Seed and mulch divemim charnel and dike TOP 1/3 OF nom"LL immediately after construction. Choose Bpproprate seeding mixture from the se - TOPSOIL MIXTURE ��- ,3 I -I! Illl�l I- �l TREE PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE Construction Specifications: 1) Remove and properly dispose of all trees, brush, stamps, and other objectionable material. 2) Ensure that the minimum constructed cross section meets all design requirements, 3) Ensure that the top ofthe dike is not lower at any point than the design elevation plus the specified senlement 4) Provide sufficient room around diversion m permit machine regarding and cleanout. 5) Vegetate the ridge immediately after censtimction, orders it will remain in place less than 30 working days. Maintenance: Inspect temporary diversions once a week and after every minfmll. Immediately remove sediment from the flow area and repair the diversion ridge. Check outlets, and make timely repairs ae needed. When the area protected is pemanently stabilized, remove the ridge and the charnel to blend with the natural ground level and appropriately stabilize it. TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH NOT TO SCALE Place material from excavation on downhill side of flow. use additional fill to achieve specified height and width. Flow _ NEVER CUT A LEADER THIN BRANCHES BY 1/3 RETAIN NORMAL TREE SHAPE NEW OR USED 2 - PLY REINFORCED RUBBER G HOSE 2" PINE MULCH AROUND TREE PIT SAUCER 20 -- 3' Min. 3' Min. IONT-0 3' Min ! I Seedandmulch diversion clhannel anddike immediately after construction. choose appropriate seeding mixture from the seeding schedule. Construction Specifications: 1) Remove and properly dispose of all trees, brush, stumps, and other objectionable material. Fill and compact all ditches, swales, or gullies that will be crossed to moral ground level or above. 2) lust before placement of fill, the base ofthe ridge should be disked by machinery. 3) Excavate, shape, and stabilize the diversion to line, grade, and cross section, as required 4) Compact the ridge n prevent =equal settlement, mud to provide stability against seepage. 5) Vegetatively stabilize the diversion after its installation. Maintenance: Inspect permmtent diversion ditches after every rainfall during the construction operation. Immediately remove any obstructions form the flow area, and repair the diversim ridge. Check outlets, and make timely repairs as needed. Maintain the vegetation in a vigorous, healthy condition m all times. PERMANENT DIVERSION DITCH ' REV NO: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION: DATE: I ' U 1REVISIONS BASED ON LO COMMENTS & COUNTY COMMENT 4-2 -14 ' Q2 1 REVISIONS BASED ON LQ COMMENTS 3 -11 -14 6" SCALE X: 1" = 40' Y: 1" = 40' Cross Section 1 -1 Quarry Side Sidi 2 Road / Adjacent Property Side Typical Cross Section Tvr)iCa- lPlan View 1. Stagger the planting of low growing trees and /or shrubs in order to provide visual screening. 2. Plant two rows of trees and /or shrubs along top of berm (and along side slope if possible). 3. Small berm and tree and /or shrub plantings shall be a minimum of 6 ft. in height. 4. TREES ON BERM SHALL BE EVERGREEN COMBINATION TREE PLANTINGS BERM D Not To Scale Pipe Outlet to Flat Arm - No Well- Defined Channel � t p � r *fr��11i i f� ►:0 �� �� i �rT�:=N %1ZI- ■F7 /� jet Aviii,�nflf�iia�� Ing 7 t ow>>i2 \r PLAN Pipe Outlet to Well- Defined Channel SECTION A -A' SECTION A -A' Constuctim Specifications: - l. Ensure that the subgrade for the filter and ripmp follows the required lines and grades shown in the plan. Compact any fill required in the subgrede m the density ofthe surrounding undisturbed mmsiaL Low areas in the subgnule our ondiaturbed soil may also be filled by increasing the npmp thickness. 2. The riprap and gravel filter most confom to the specified grading limits shown an the plans. 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be Properly Protected from punching or tearing during installation Repair my damage by removing the riprap and placing another piece of filter cloth ova the damaged area All comecnngjoints should overlap so the top layer is above the downstream layer a minimum of I fora. If the damage is extensive, replace the entire titter cloth. 4. Ripmp may be placed by equipment, but take cam to avoid damaging the filter. 5. The minimum thickness ofthe riprap should be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. 6. Riprap may be field Stone or rough quarry scone. It should be hard, angular, highly weather - resistant and well graded 7. Construct the spron an zero grade with m overfill at the end. Make the top ofthe riPmp at the downstream and level with the receiving Area or slightly below it. 8. Ensue that the apron is properly aligned with the receiving arm- and preferably straight Throughout its length. If a curve is needed to fit site conditions, place it in the upper section ofthe apron. 9. Immediately Bfta consmctim, stabilize aft disturbed areas with vegetation.. Maintenance: Inspect npmp outlet stmctums weekly Bud after significant (12 inch or greater) rainfall events to see if my erosion around or below the ripmp has taken place, or rstones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent forth; damage. ENERGY DISSIPATER DETAIL ■ Max. Lifts tyP• 8' min. VI' Typical Visual - -.- - -.__. Barrier Berm '- 10' max. 111 fts Slope Down Toward Center (typ.) ----- - - - - -- P m - - - - - - - - - - = �- 3ti typ on Side Slopes a Overburden Pile 2:1 typ. on N Note: Lifts to be placed so -------- - - - -�, that all drainage is that 20 ft. C directed to Sediment Basin 1 25 ft. Undisturbed Buffer Top of Berm Cary Rap -Rap up sides of spillway Top Elevation of Stormwater - #5 Washed a Flood Storage Stone _ Sediment Storage Zone q .g (Total Basin Capacity) a 8 Max. Level of sediment - collected clean basin V-6" max. when this level is reached ";..- Sediment Depth Varies Cary rip -rap up Disturbed Area (Acres) sides of spillway Varies jJ Min.Sed . Storage - fiA3 11 min. �Freeboard ----7 . #1 Rip-RP ST -1 . #5 Meshed $tone SECTION THROUGH TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN r P-0n I MIN. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP DETAIL 1' -0" T -0" min. min. Y -0" Freeboard min. max. 1 Varies #1 Rip -Rap Constluctim Specifications _ -- 1. Clear, grub, and strip the area under the embankment of all vegetation and root mat. Remove all surface Roil containing high amounts of organic mane, Bud stockpile or dispose of it properly. Haut all objectionable material to the designated disposal area. 2. Ensure that fill material for the embankment is fore of room, woody vegetation, organic matter, and other objectionable material. Place the fill in lifts not to exceed 9 inches, and machine compact it Over fill the embankment 6 inches in allow for settlement 3. Construct the outlet section in the embankment. Protect the connection between the riprap and the soil from piping by using filter fabric are keyway cutoff trench between the riprap structure and SOIL Place the filter fabric between the riprap and the soil. Extend the fabric aroun the spillway foundation and sides to the top ofthe dam; or Excavate a keyway Hunch along the center lice ofthe spillway foundation extending up the sides to the height ofthe dam. The trench should be at (east 2 fee deep and 2 feet wide with 1:1 side slopes. 4. Clear the pond area below the elevation of the crest ofthe spillway to facilitate sediment clemsout 5. All cut and fill slopes should be 2:1 or flatter. 6. Ensum that the stone (drainage) section ofthe embankment has a minimum bottom width of! feet and maximum side slopes of 1:1 that extend to the bottom ofthe spillway seefion. 7. Construct the minimum finished stone spillway bottom width, as shown an the plans, with 2:1 side slopes extending to the top of the over filled embankment. Keep the thickness ofthe sides of the spillway outlet structure at a minimum of 21 inches. The weir must be level and constructed to grade to assure design capacity. 8. Material used in the stone section should be a well- graded mixture of stone with a d5o size of 9 inches (elms B mSim control stone is recommended) and a maximum stone size of 14 inches. The atom may be machine placed and the smaller storms worked into the voids ofthe large stores. The stone should be hard, angWm, and highly weather- resistant 9. Discharge inlet wale into the basin in a manner to prevent erosion. Use temporary slope drains or divisions with outlet protection to divert sediment -laden water to the upper and ofthe pool area m improve basin trap efficiency (References: RmmffCmtrol Measures and Outlet Protection). 10. Ensure that the stone spillway Outlet section extends downstream past the toe ofthe embadmce; until stable conditions are reached and outlet velocity is acceptable for the receiving stream. Keep the edges ofthe stone outlet section flush with the surrounding ground, and shape the center to confine the outflow stream (References: (mdet Protection). 9. Direct emergency bypass to natural, stable areas. Locate bypass outlets so that flow will not damage the a ubankmen. 10. Stabilize the embankment and all disturbed arms above the sediment pool and downstream trim the trap immediately after fAOamlCtlon (References: Surface Stabilization). 11. Show the distance from the rap ofthe spillway to the sediment cle rmit level (12 the design (lepth) m the plans and mark it in the field 14. Install porous bales as specified in Practice 6.65, Porous Baffles. Maintenance: Inspect temporary sediment traps at least weekly and after each signficant (Ys inch or greater) rainfall event Bad repair immediately. Remove sediment, and restore the trap Wits original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to one-half the design depth ofthe trap. Place the sediment that is removed in the designated disposal Area, and replace the part of the grovel facing that is impaired by sediment. Check the structure for damage from erosion or piping. Periodically check the depth ofthe spillway to ensure it is a minimum of 1.5 feet below the )ow point ofthe embankment. Immediately fill my settlement of the embankment m slightly above design grade. Any riprap displaced from the spillway most be replaced immediately. After all sediment - producing areas have been permanently stabilized, remove the structure and all unstable sediment. Smooth the area to blend with the adjoining areas, and stabilize properly. Notes: 1) Sediment traps are sized for the total drainage area with 1 clean -out per year 2) Weir dimensions are minimum requirements from NCESCPDM (Table 6.60a) TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP DETAIL SEDIMENT TRAP 9CHEDTT.F. Structure No. Disturbed Area (Acres) Drainage Area (Aces) Min. Surface Area - sq -ft Min.Sed . Storage - fiA3 Basin Dimensions V x W z D' (Average) Weir Dimensions ST -1 up to 1.0 up to 1.0 1 3600 3600 561, x 28V x 4D G x 4' ST -2 up to 1.8 up to 1.8 1 6480 6480 741, x 37'W x 49D 6'x 4' ST -3 up to 0.5 Ul to 0.5 1800 1800 401, x 20'W x 4D 4'x 3' ST-4 up to 1.0 up to 1.0 3600 3600 56'L x 28'W x 4,D 6' x 4' ST -5 up to 0.2 Ul to 01 720 720 26'L x 13,W x 4D 4' x 3' CULVERTSCHEDULE Culvert No. Diameter (in.) Numbs -.. of Pipes , A -1 24 1 2 CMP A -2 24 2 CMP A -3 36 1 CM], ENERGY DISSIPATER DETAIL Culvert / Ditch No. Length (ft) Width (ft) Depth (in) S (class) Slope A -1 20 12 24 B/1 0% A -2 20 12 24 B/I 2% D-1 20 100 18 A 0% SEEDBED PREPARATION 1. Chisel compacted areas and spread topsoil 2 inches deep over adverse soil conditions, if available. 2.Rip the entire area to 6 inches depth. 3. Remove all loose rock, roots, and other obstructions leaving surface reasonable smooth and uniform. 4. Apply agricultural lime, fertilizer, and super phosphate uniformly and mix with soil (see below *). 5. Continue tillage until a well - pulverized, form, reasonable uniform seedbed is prepared 4 to 6 inches deep. 6. Seed on a freshly prepared seedbed and cover seed lightly with seeding equipment or cultipack after seeding. 7. Mulch immediately after seeding and anchor mulch. 8. Inspect all seeded areas and make necessary repairs or reseedings within the planting season, if possible. if stand should be over 60% damaged reestablished following original lime, fertilizer and seeding rates. 9. Consult conservation inspector on maintenance treatment and fertilization after permanent cover is established. *Apply, Agricultural Limestone - 2 tons /acre or 3 tons /acre in clay soils Fertilizer - 1000 Ibs /acre (10- 10 -10) Super phosphate - 500 Ibs /acre (205) Mulch - 2 tons /acre (small grain straw) Anchor - Asphalt emulsion at 450 gal /acre 12 Gauge 4 R.x4 r. or 2 fix 2R. welded wine hooked on to preformed ch°nmia m metal roots. Ukraviolat reeletanl nsohxtiN /obdc er ay Wnt, second Eo wire with metal c pa or wine at 6 in, on motere. Max. sedlmaN storage level b 1/2 hNgM. Remave sMfxneM when this N nemlMd or m direelad by the Cmaani.6nn Mepsetor. BL Sheet drainage any 'r. Natural Once. Cam 12 h!ohes of fobrla Into tremor, Inver eat soil, tamp and backfdl. B Pontine dorm aM 4 inchee horizontal. 18 In -.. in. a wine an, I I McMI Peate of 8 R O.C. MAX. 4 h A1�"TP" NOTE: SIR Farm shouts rat m flyPu m (CurUeaam k, or ueed a t M am S mnc Mp Ditch oW. Mm. SM Fence ----- NOTE: r Ft. ehoWd not ,''^'''''''''''�' trace °us 81lalwnian Sedhoent St., Pit dPldroa is. To I yymm\Few *"not ones Eme; tq er°af"W adVMaNs to dPq rudiment pR In front a the SIR Fence when. pmaible. Commienun Sp,,tf m ms: MATERIALS 1. Use a synthetic filter fabric of at least 95% by weight of poly defuts or Polyester, which is certified by the manufacbuer or supplier as conforming to the requirements in ASTM D 6461. Synthetic filter fabric should contain ultraviolet my inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum off months of expected Usable construction life in a temperature range of 0 to 120° F. 2. Ensure that posts for sediment fences ere 1.331b rimer ft steel with a mimml= Iengh of 5 feet Make sure that steel posts have Projections to facilitate fastening the fabric. 3. For reinforcement of standard strength filter fabric, we wire fence with a minimum 14 gauge and a maximum mesh spacing off inches. CONSTRUCTION 1. Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength synthetic filter fabrics. 2. Ensure that the height ofthe sediment fence does not exceed 24 inches above the ground surface. (Higher fences may impound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure ofthe structure.) 3. Construct the fil ter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length ofthe barrier TO avoidjoints. Whonjoints are necessary, securely fasten the filter cloth only at a support post with 4 feet minimum overlap to the next Post. 4. Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened Recently to die upslope side ofthe posts. Ext end the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench Fasten the wire reinforcement, then fabric on the upslope side of the fence post. Wire or plastic zip ties should have minimum 50 pound tensile strength. 5. Wilma wire mesh support fence is used, space post; a maximum of 8 feet apart. Support posts should be driven securely into the ground a minimum of 24 inches. 6. Extra strength filter fabric with 6 fee post spacing does not require wine mesh support fence. Securely fasten the filter fabric directly to posts. Wire or plastic zip ties should have minimum 50 pound tensile strength. 7. Excavate a trench approximately 4 inches wide and 8 inches deep along the proposed lime ofposts and upslope from the barrier. 8. Place 12 inches ofthe fabric along the bottom and side of the trench. 9. Backfill the trench with soil placed over the filter fabric and compact. Thorough compaction ofthe backfill is critical to silt fence performance. 10. Do not attach filter fabric to existing trees. SEDIMENT FENCE INSTALLATION USING THE SLICING METHOD Instead ofexcevating a trench, placing fabric and than backfilling trench, sediment fence may be installed using specially desigoed equipment that inserts the fabric into a cut sliced in the ground with a disc. Installation Specifications: 1. The base o£both end posts should be at least one foot higher than the middle of the fence. Check with a level ifnecessary, 2. Install posts 4 feet apart in critical areas and 6 feet apart on standard applications. 3. Install posts 2 feet deep on the downstream side ofthe silt fence, and as close as possible to the fabric, enabling posts to support the fabric from upstream water pressure. 4. Install posts with the nipples facing away from the silt fabric. 5. Attseh the fabric m each post with three ties, all spaced within the top 8 inches ofthe fabric. Attach each tie diagonally 45 degrees through the fabric, with each puncture at least I inch vertically apart Also, each tie should be positioned to hang on a post stipple when tightened to pmvmt sagging. 6. Wrap approximately 6 inches of fabric around the and posts and secure with 3 ties. 7. No mom than 24 inches are 36 inch fabric is allowed above ground level, 8. The installation should be checked and corrected for any deviations before compaction. 9. Compaction is vitally impormnt for effective results. Compact the soil immediately next to the silt fence fabric with the front wheel ofthe tractor, skid steer, or roller exerting at least 60 pounds per square inch. Compact the upstream aide IRA and then Each side twice frr a total of 4 trips. Maintenance: inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs immediately. Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective, replace it promptly. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next min and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during chemical. Remove all fencing material and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area m grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized. SEDIMENT FENCE DETAIL not to scale J J w q m a M M b N r 41 om@ M G Ra h m T OMN N Zoo Q dPO tvrol o ngpp�w� 2 O O HU _� m W � C V TYPE "A" DRAWN: LAB SEEDING SCHEDULE FOR LAB DATE: STABILIZATION GRASS w DATE TYPE PLANTING RATE MAR. 15 - MAY 15 PERRENNIAL SEED MIX 10 LBS /ACRE N.C. WILDLIFE RESOURCES MAR. 1 - JIM. 1 COMMISSION SERICEA LESPEDEZA (SCARIFIED) 50 LBS /ACRE (MAR 1 -APR. 15) ADD TALL FESCUE 120 lB5 /ACRE ((MAR. 1 J0 MAR. 1 - JUN. 30 OR ADD WEEPING LOVEGRASS OR ADD HULLED COMMON BERMUDAGRASS 10 LBS /ACRE 25 LBS /ACRE JUN. 1 - SEP 1 •+• TALL FESCUE AND 120 LBS /ACRE mi •N BROWNTOP MILLET 35 LBS /ACRE SEP. I - MAR. 1 OR SORGHUM - SWAN HYBRIDS SERICEA LESPEDM (UNHULLED - UNSCARIFIED) 30 LBS /ACRE 70 LBS /ACRE (NOV. 1 -MAR 1) AND TALL FESCUE AND ABRUZZI RYE 120 LBS /ACRE 25 L85 /ACRE YQ W q TYPE "B" 1L� li SEEDING SCHEDULE M 0 SHOULDERS, SIDE DITCHES, SLOPES (MAX. 3:1) DATE TYPE PLANTING RATE AUG 15 - NOV, 1 TALL FESCUE ;pp LBS /ACRE NOV. 1 - MAR. 1 TALL FESCUE app LBS /ACRE MAR. 1 - APR. 15 & ABRUZD RYE TALL FESCUE 25 LBS /ACRE 300 LBS /ACRE APR. 15 - JUN. 30 HULLED COMMON BERMUDAGRASS 25 IBS /ACRE JUL 1 - AUG. 15 TALL FESCUE AND 120 LBS /ACRE ••• P MILLET 35 LBS /ACRE OR SORGHUM •• OR SORGHUM -SUDAN HYBRIDS 30 L85 /ACRE ea�pu rI SLOPES (3:1 TO 2:1) MAR 1 - JUN. 1 SERICEA LESPEDEZA ( SCARIFIED) 50 LBS /ACRE MAR 15 'S & ADD TALL FESCUE 120 LBS /ACRE MAR. 1 -JUN. 30 OR ADD WEEPING LOVERGRASS 10 LBS /ACRE MAR�N - ,UN OR ADD HULLED COMMON BERMUDAGRASS 25 LBS /ACRE • TALL FESCUE AND 120 LBS /ACRE '"• OROWNTOP MILLET 35 LBS /ACRE '"• OR SORGHUM - SUDAN HYBRIDS 30 IBS /ACRE SEP. 1 - MAR. 1 SERICEA LESPEDEZA (UNHULLED - UNSCARIFIED) 70 LBS /ACRE NOV. 1 - MAR. 1 AND TALL FESCUE ADD ABRUZZI RYE 120 LBS /ACRE 25 LBS /ACRE SEEDING SCHEDULE FOR REVEGETATION BENEFICIAL TO WILDLIFE DATE TYPE PLANTING RATE FEE. 1 - APR 1 KOBE LESPEDEZA 20-40 LEIS /ACRE FEB. 1 - APR. 15 ORCHARD GRASS 15-25 LBS /ACRE MAR - APR. SHRUB LESPEDEZA 16 LBS /ACRE MAR. - APR. APR. - MAY SVATCHGRASS 6-B LBS /ACRE APR. 15 - JUN. 15 BAHIA GRASS LOVEGRASS 25-35 LBS /ACRE 4-5 LOS /ACRE CONSULT CONSERVATION ENGINEER, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE OR WRDUFE BIOLOGIST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNINo 07HER ALTERNATIVES FOR VEGETATION OF DENUDED AREAS, THE ABOVE VEGE- TATION RATES ARE THOST WHICH DO WELL UNDER LOCAL CONDITIONS OTHER SEEDING COMBINATIONS AND SEEDING RATES ARE P"ER r. '- TEMPORARY -- RFSEED ACCORDING TO OPTIMUM SEASON FOR DESIRED PERMANENT VEGETATION. DO NOT ALLOW TEMPO ARY COVER 10 GROW OVER 12' IN HEIGHT BEFORE MOWING,OTHERWISE FESCUE MAY BE SHAbETI WT. J J w q m a M M b N r 41 om@ M G Ra h m T OMN N Zoo Q dPO tvrol o ngpp�w� 2 O O HU _� m W � C V LAB DRAWN: LAB URI LAB DATE: DEC. 2013 w SOUTH LOCATION: J O Q 0 W >0 0 UA ® _ mi F"• , ,w VW CY Z O �11-as z � �F YQ W q WIRRRR 1L� li t1LL gg RWNY i M 0 w NJ I Y0 CO t P Q us� i. 117, al�m " \R< ill ea�pu rI MPa ai LAB DRAWN: LAB URI LAB DATE: DEC. 2013 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: J O F. M nk0 W UA OU mi a (j Z O 1- to z � IL >(�, 1L� li t1LL gg RWNY i M l I DESIGNED: LAB DRAWN: LAB CHECKED: LAB DATE: DEC. 2013 REGION: SOUTH LOCATION: GARDNER Gardner 5-5 Detail.dwg DWG FILE: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: 1' = 200' VERTICAL: SHEET NO.: X =2