HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal DT'S Marine Service Decision PacketFINAL DRB DECISION PACKET Harnett County, North Carolina Planning Department 108 E. Front Street, Lillington, NC 27546 Phone: (910) 893-7525 Fax: (910) 893-2793 Development Name: DT’S MARINE SERVICE Development Type: COMMERCIAL SITE PLAN REVIEW Date: JANUARY 8, 2014 The above referenced application  SHORT TERM CONDITIONS, COMMENTS, OR JUSTIFICATIONS The following conditions are to be rectified prior to obtaining DRB signature and are subject to change during the course of the meeting. : : Driveway to building shall be constructed of an all-weather proof surface and at least 20' in width.  : : NC HWY 24 should be NC 24 Vicinity map: Add SR #s. Mayer Rd SR1154, Calvin Rd SR1153, Brooks Mangum Rd SR1155 Buffalo Lake Rd SR 1115  : : Add a note that states “Conditional Use Permit approved 11/12/13” Add Board approval condition of “Only boat & watercraft repairs to be performed.” Note who will maintain the parking and buffer areas Add note that states “This development is within the five mile Military Corridor Overlay Zone, and may be subject to military training activities.” Sign must be on the Hwy 24 side of property. Sign shall require a separate permit. Add notes as per UDO use regulations… Junked and inoperable boats and/or parts storage areas shall be screened from view from adjacent property and/or public or private right(s)-of-way. Said screening shall be a minimum of six (6) feet and height and shall consist of an opaque fence or continuous row of evergreen shrubs. All operations, equipment, inoperable boats, and/or junk shall be kept within required secure area at all times, unless in motion by transportation to and from the site. Maximum two (2) inoperable or junked boats outside of secured area or enclosed building, unless otherwise specified, shall be permitted. Boats shall be stored in such a manner that all fire apparatuses and equipment can access all areas of the site at all times and shall be in accordance with all local, State, and Federal regulations. Equi pment, inoperable boats/ motor vehicles, parts, and/or junk shall not be located within the required front yard or buffer area. Is an NCDOT driveway permit required? If so, certification from NCDOT that all driveway permits have received approval should be submitted. Add owner cert… As the owner of record, I hereby formally consent to the proposed development shown on this site plan and all regulations and requirements of the Harnett County ordinances. ______________________________________ Date Owner Signature   : : Add a note that states “Conditional Use Permit approved 11/12/13” Add Board approval condition of “Only boat & watercraft repairs to be performed.” Note who will maintain the parking and buffer areas Add note that states “This development is within the five mile Military Corridor Overlay Zone, and may be subject to military training activities.” Sign must be on the Hwy 24 side of property. Sign shall require a separate permit. Add notes as per UDO use regulations… Junked and inoperable boats and/or parts storage areas shall be screened from view from adjacent property and/or public or private right(s)-of-way. Said screening shall be a minimum of six (6) feet and height and shall consist of an opaque fence or continuous row of evergreen shrubs. All operations, equipment, inoperable boats, and/or junk shall be kept within required secure area at all times, unless in motion by transportation to and from the site. Maximum two (2) inoperable or junked boats outside of secured area or enclosed building, unless otherwise specified, shall be permitted. Boats shall be stored in such a manner that all fire apparatuses and equipment can access all areas of the site at all times and shall be in accordance with all local, State, and Federal regulations. Equipment, inoperable boats/ motor vehicles, parts, and/or junk shall not be located within the required front yard or buffer area. Is an NCDOT driveway permit required? If so, certification from NCDOT that all driveway permits have received approval should be submitted. Add owner cert… As the owner of record, I hereby formally consent to the proposed development shown on this site plan and all regulations and requirements of the Harnett County ordinances. ______________________________________ Date Owner Signature  : : Show distances to nearest water utilities. -Show existing 4inch water main along SR 1154.  : :   Engineering (910)893-7555 :    LONG RANGE CONDITIONS The following conditions must be satisfied Must meet all requirements set forth by NC DENR. Contact at (910)433-3300.  : Please visit www.harnett.org/utilities for more information on the approval process. The developer and the utility contractor must jointly provide HCDPU a one (1) year warranty on all water and sewer improvements installed to serve these lots.  :   :   :   :     Devel opment Review Board Chairman   Development Review Board Chairman   A FINAL copy, consisting of any corrections, etc., will be sent after the meeting. Upon resubmittal, additional comments/ corrections may be required. **Please remember all applicable fee’s** If APPROVED, your signed plat/plan may be picked up at the Planning Department or will be mailed to you within two (2) business days. If APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS, you must submit 5 copies of the plat/plan to the Planning Department showing that all items listed under Short Term Conditions have been rectified. Please be aware that review will not be done while you wait, as all DRB members will have to review the plat/plan for compliance. If HELD, you must submit 5 copies of the plat/plan showing that all items listed under Short Term Conditions have been rectified. To attend the next DRB meeting, revised plat/plans must be submitted by noon on Wednesday following the meeting the application was put on hold. If DENIED, you may appeal the Board’s Decision to the Harnett County Planning Board within 30 days or meet with Planning Staff to discuss other potential options.