HomeMy WebLinkAbout072114a Agenda PackageHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS County Administration Building 102 East Front Street Lillington, North Carolina Regular Meeting July 21,2014 7:00pm 1. Call to order-Chairman Joe Miller 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation-Vice Chairman Gary House 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 4. Consent Agenda A. Minutes B. Budget Amendments C. Tax refunds, rebates and releases D. Resolution to add roads to state system E. Administration requests approval of Cross Access Easement and Road Maintenance Agreement for Bain Street in Lillington F. Cooperative Extension requests permission to accept contributions from a private individual and a contributor in the amount of$61,000 for support of the Parenting Education Program. G. Cooperative Extension requests permission to apply for $40,000 grant from Wal-Mart for Parenting Education Program. 5. Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation 6. Appointments 7. Public Hearing on Adoption of Bond Order Authorizing the Issuance of$100,000,000 General Obligation School Bonds of the County ofHarnett, North Carolina, Dwight Snow, County Attorney 8. Adoption of Bond Order Authorizing the Issuance of$100,000,000 General Obligation School Bonds of the County of Harnett, North Carolina; and Adoption of Resolution Setting a Special Bond Referendum and Directing the Publication of Notice of a Special Bond Referendum and Notification of the Harnett County Board of Elections. 9. County Manager's report-Tommy Burns, County Manager -Community Development Monthly Performance Report-June 2014 -Planning Services Report-June 2014 -Department of Public Health Activities Summary-June 2014 -Interdepartmental Budget Amendments 10. New Business 11. Closed Session 12. Adjourn Page 1 Agenda Item I.J. • BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Public Utilities South Central Wastewater Phase lC-2 Project PU1006, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 578-91 00-431-46-01 Residual Equity $610,494 578-9100-431-45-33 Materials & Supplies $381,128 578-9100-431-45-20 LeQal $33,289 57 8-91 00-431-45-22 Issuance Cost $328 57 8-91 oo-431 -45-38 ::;o EnQineering $3,029 578-91 00-431-45-40 Land & RW $26,300 578-9100-431-45-70 Interest During Construction $8,967 578-9100-431-45-80 ContinQency $54,507 578-9100-431-45-54 WWTCP $102,946 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To budget residual equity do to close of project and balance sheet account. Department Head (date) section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted ________________________________ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Comm BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Emergency Medical Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: i EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT ! CODE NUMBER ; DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE I 110-5400-420.35-72 I ASPR 2012 (Wake Med) 5,225 I REVENUE I AMOUNT AMOUNT I CODE NUMBER I DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-353.54-10 I ASPR 2012 (Wake Med) 5,225 1 EXPlANATION: To budget the increase to the ASPR 2012 (WAKE MED) Expenditure and Revenue codes in the amount of $5,225.00. These funds are from the FY2012 ASPR SMAT Ill Grant administered through the WakeMed Trauma CapRac (Capital Regional Advisory Committee). These funds will be used to purchase medications for our SMAT Ill Team. These FY12-13 funds were carried over to last year's FY13-14 budget and we would like to request they be carried over to this year's FY14-15 budget. This request is due to the medications are on a national back order and their ETA is unknown at this time. FY13-14 Budget PO Number 048144. APPROVALS: . ;.~.... 'lh/l't Depa tment Head (date) Fmance Offl er datr) { County anager (date) J. l;d 7 7 1 Lk 'lr r;; 1 Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be urnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ____ , 2014. Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Sheriff's Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 252-5100-420-35-97 Execution Sale 235 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 252-0000-351-51-02 Execution Sale 235 EXPlANATION: To transfer$ 235.00 collected during an execution sale on 07/03/14 to pay towing expense incurred, APPROVALS: 1\\o~\_1,,~, ~ Department Head (date) ?1 7 / \~ anager (date) r1JT (I Jf Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to t~{1· Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Daniel, Clerk to the Board day of 12014. Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 4b BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Sheriff's Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 252-5100-420-35-98 NC Dept. of Revenue 983 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 252-0000-336-24-03 NC Dept. of Revenue 983 EXPLANATION: To transfer$ 982.93 collected on 07/03/14 for the NC Department of Revenue on a tax warrant. APPROVALS: \\\o\~-1-'\N'·~" 7/)i I ·~ Department Head (date) Finance Offi r (pate) Co ty Manager (date) I I {t4 77/1 Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Daniel, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014. Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 5b BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett. North Carolina. that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30. 2014: Section 1. To amend the Public Utilities Department. Water Treatment Plant Expansion PU0705 ,the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 569-0000-370-82-02 Revenue Bonds 764.682 569-0000-389-50-00 Public Utilities 764,682 EXPLANATION: To reduce budget for Revenue Bonds due to: Debt Defeased To budget a transfer of funds to the project from Public Utilities due to the defeasement of the Revenue Bonds. 7/3/2014 HCDPU Director (date) County Manager (date) 7)!lf/IL{ Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted __________________________________ __ Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Joe Miller. Chairman Harnett County Board of Comm BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Harnett. North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section L To amend the Public Utilities Department Budget, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 531-9000-431-90-7 6 Other Financing Uses $764,682 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 531-0000-399-00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 764,682 EXPLANATION: To budget funds to transfer to the Water Plant Expansion Project(PU0705) due to the Defeasment of Revenue Bonds APPROVALS: u 1-1-f'l Deportment Head [date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted __________________________________ __ Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Comm BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7600-441.60-45 Drugs $ 2,678.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-331.76-12 Family Planning $ 2,678.00 EXPLANATION: To budget additional State funds received for Family Planning. ~~~- coUflt'{Mager(Date) j / 7 /Y /lf Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners l~b -' BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department Division on Aging, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER 110-7510-441.60-33 REVENUE CODE NUMBER 11 0-0000-331.77-04 EXPlANATION: A9r'4wz~~ Department Head (date) AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Materials & Supplies $ 2,500.00 AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE National Senior Service Corp $ 2,500.00 Budget Amendment from the National Senior Service Corp to purchase Computer, printer, paper and cartridges. These funds can also be used for training if any is offered within the FY. If so I will do a BA to move funds from Materials and Supplies to cover this cost in training. ''.wv\ 7/11/11 Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Fin a nee Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners l ~b Charlene Sharp From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mary Jane Sauls Thursday, July 10, 2014 9:41AM Charlene Sharp Vicky Walden Budget Amendment-7510 A budget amendment needs to prepared for additional funds from Corporation for Nationa I Service to purchase technology items such as: Computer, printer, paper and cartridges. Funds may also be used for training ... if training is offered within this fiscal year. Increase-Materials and supplies 110-7510-441-60-33 $ 2500 and the revenue National Senior Service Corp 110-0000- 331-77-04 $2500. 1 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department Division on Aging, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER 110-7500-441.33-45 REVENUE CODE NUMBER 11 0-0000-331 . 77-03 EXPLANATION: AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Contracted Services $ 9,600.00 AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Title Ill/Home & Commun $ 9,600.00 Budget Amendment to budget additional funds received from Mid Carolina for the In-Home Aide program. Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners \ Ms. Mary Jane Sauls Harnett County Division on Aging 309 Cornelius Harnett Boulevard Lillington, NC 27546 Dear Ms. Sauls: June 25, 2013 For the upcoming Fiscal Year that begins July ~the HCCBG funding for Harnett County Division on A in is $504,553 with a required match of$56,061. This is to be distributed 1 6 183 In-ho:rg~_Aide $13,397 Home Improvement, and $294,973 Elderly Nutrition (Congregate and Home Delivered Meals). Please complete, sign and return the required forms listed below to me by July 17, 2013. 111 DOA-732, Provider Services Summary (7th document in list, 732-14.XLS) e DOA-732A, Cost Computation Worksheet (9th document in list, 732A.XLS) 111 DOA-732A1, Labor Distribution Worksheet (lOth document in list, 732Al.XLS) IIi DOA-733, Methodology to address Service Needs of Low-income Minority Elderly (15th document in list, 733-14.DOC) llii DOA-734, Standard Assurances (17th document in list, 734-14 .DOC) 111 Standard Assurance Client Rights (22nd document in list, 734HCCBGinHomeClientsRights.doc) You can find these forms on the N.C. Division of Aging and Adult Services website at www.ncdhhs.gov/aging/cobudget/cobudgdn.htm. Click on each of the required forms and save to your hard drive before you begin to complete them. By having them on your hard drive you will have immediate access to them for future revisions. ** For the DOA-732, please only get the signature of your department director. I will send a packet to the Harnett County Legal Department in order to obtain approval and the other required signatures. ** If you have any questions, please give me a call at 323-4191 ext. 22. I look forward to another great year of service to the residents ofHarnett County. Sincerely, Glenda A. Dye Aging Director 2ffi{ib:-illurnlinn J\r.eu J\g.encg nn J\ging 130 Gillespie Street e Post Office Drawer 1510 e Telephone (910) 323-4191 G Fax (910) 323-9330 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302 Ms. Mary Jane Sauls Harnett County Division on Aging 309 Cornelius Harnett Boulevard Lillington, NC 27546 Dear Ms. Sauls: May 5, 2014 For the upcoming Fiscal Year that begins Jul , 2014, the HCCBG funding for H~a::.rn~e::!:t!..t ~C«.!JJJ.~~~...u..!.lL.. on Aging is $506,696 with a required match of$ 6,300. This is to be distribute 205 7~3 In-home Aide an $300,913 Elderly Nutrition (Congregate and Home Delivered Meals). Please complete, sign and return the required forms listed below to me by May 21,2014. -~~~ DOA-732, Provider Services Summary (ih document in list, 732-lS.XLS) ......,Iii DOA-732A, Cost Computation Worksheet (9th document in list, 732A.XLS) -If; DOA-732Al, Labor Distribution Worksheet (lOth document in list, 732Al.XLS) -111 DOA-733, Methodology to address Service Needs of Low-income Minority Elderly (15th document in list, 733··15.DOC) Iii DOA-734, Standard Assurances (17th document jn list, 734-lS.DOC) ~~~ Standard Assurance Client Rights (22nd document in list, 734HCCBGinHomeClientsRights.doc) Y. Exhibit 14A: List of Subcontractors (New This Year -Form Enclosed) You can find these forms on the N.C. Division of Aging and Adult Services website at "-·-·--_ -~------·· www.ncdhhs.gov/aging/cobudget/cobudgdn.htm. Click on each ofthe required forms and save to your hard drive before you begin to complete them. By having them on your hard drive you will have immediate access to them for future revisions. **For the DOA-732 1 please only get the signature of your department director. I '''ill send a packet to the Harnett County Legal Department in order to obtain approval and the other required signatures. ** If you have any questions, please give me a call at 323-4191 ext. 22. I look forward to another great year of service to the residents of Harnett County. Sincerely, \.~·~\0~~ Glenda A. Dye (j Agjng Director Enclosures (3) "PROGRESS THROUGH !NTERGO\IERNMENTAL COOPERATION" BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the Harnett County WIA Adult Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7410-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages-Part-time 6977 234-7410-465.30-22 (IND Cost) 5962 234-7410-465.32-72 Support Services 1500 2 34-7 410-465.3 3-45 Contracted Services 1088 234-7410-465.35-26 Participant Cost 3717 234-7410-465.35-27 Child Care 1000 234-7410-465.41-11 Telecom & Postage 740 234-7410-465.58-01 Training & Meetings 500 234-7410-465.58-14 Travel (Admin) 800 234-7410-465.58-19 Travel ( Participant) 3000 234-7410-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 2000 234-7 410-465.35-83 Training Voucher Authorization 6285 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 2 34-0000-3 31-7 4-10 WIA Adult Program 33569 EXPLANATION: To increase budget to actual award amount to cover expenditure in the above line items. ounty Manager (date) '1 /tlJ / J Y Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment sh_all be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 234-7411-465.22-BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the Harnett County WIA Dislocated Worker Adult Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE 234-7411-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages (Part-time) 234-7411-465.26-08 Worker's Camp 234-7411-465.35-27 Child care 234-7411-465.32-72 Supportive Services 234-7411-465.33-45 Contracted Services 234-7411-465.58-01 Participant Cost 234-7411-465.60-33 Telecom. & Postages REVENUE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE 234-0000-331-7 4-11 WIA Dislocated Worker Program Adopted this day of Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE 6977 358 1000 15,200 1600 6000 169 AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE 31304 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Sherriff's Department the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 252-51 00-420-35-98 NC Dept of Revenue 40,000 252-51 00-420-35-97 Execution Sole 1,000 252-51 00-420-35-96 Clerk of Court 250,000 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 252-0000-336-24-03 NC Dept of Revenue 40,000 252-0000-351-51-02 Execution Sole 1,000 t----·-- 252· ooo0..~;,24-02 Clerk of Court 250,000 r-- EXPLANATION: To budget funds collected for the NC Deportment of Revenue, Execution Sale, and Clerk of Court For FY 2014-2015. APPROVALS: x~~l J I \ ~ /, ~'LQ, ~t~ ·71 11 ( / t1 ( j Finance Officer [date) ~F~~~ County Manager [date) 7 ( / ~ /1'( Department Head (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted ____________________________________ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Comm Jul 09 14 05:49a BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAfNED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, That the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the WIA Youth Program, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE 234-7408-465.12-02 Participant Wages 6,582.00 234-7408-465.22-00 FICA 400.00 234-7408-465.26-08 WorkerComp 200.00 234-7 408-4£5.33-45 Contracted Services 234-7408-465.35-01 Stipends/Bonuses 7,619.00 234-7408-465.35-26 Participant Cost 2 34-7 408-465.58-14 Travel Adm 234-7408-465.60-31 Gas & Oil & Auto Supplies rota I 14,801.00 REVENUE AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE !34-0000-331.74-08 Sampson Out chool 8,489.00 'otal 8,489.00 XPLANATION: To cover expenditure in the above line item. To add additional funds approved by :egional Office. .PPROVALS: • ,\ ~ I 1 "' II 1<&ntc& a.~~ 7/9/t<f ' . ' ~VLc~ ; 71! l4 p.3 AMOUNT DECREASE 2,996.00 809.00 2,357.00 150.00 6,312.00 AMOUNT DECREASE 0.00 ~ Department Head (date} ~Finance 91iicer (date) (_) ection 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the clerk to the Board, and to the udget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. anagec{datel? (! '/ j; tf Adopted this _____ _ !argaret Regina Daniel, terim Clerk to the Board day of __________________ _ Timothy B. McNeill, Chairman Harnet County Board of Commissioners Jul 09 14 05:49a BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, That the follo~ing amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the WIA Youth Program, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOliiiNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREallif\SE 234-7 406-465.12-02 Participant Wages 12,L09.00 234-7406-465.22-00 FICA ..,..ss.oo 2 34-7 406-465.26-08 Worker Camp ~00.00 234-7406-465.33-45 Contracted Services 2 34-7 406-465.35-01 Stipends/Bonuses 234-7406-465.35-26 Participant Cost 5,1.:2.2.00 234-7 406-465.41-11 Telephone & Postage 3.90.00 234-7 406-465.58-14 Travel 5,5.04.00 234-7406-465.60-33 Material & Supplies 2so.oo rota I 24,430.00 REVENUE AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCRE.4SE :34-0000-331.74-06 Sampson lnschool 7,288.00 'otal 7,288.00 XPLANATION: To cover expenditure in the above fine item. To add additional funds approved by .egional Office. iPPROVALS: . p.2 AMOUNT DECREASE 10,886.00 6,256.00 17,142.00 AMOUNT DECREASE 0.00 arm&& a.~ 7/9(1</ __,;:.~~_,a..~~~--- Department Head (date) Co Y Manager (date) ectfon 2. Copies of this budget amendment shalf be furnish~-d to the clerk to the Board, and to the ?/! ~~ udget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this _____ _ largaret Regina Daniel, terim Clerk to the Board day of __________________ _ Timothy B. McNeill, Chairman Harnet County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Cooperative Extension, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7310-465-33-45 Contracted Services 52,980 110-7310-465-58-14 Travel 3,500 110-7310-465-60-53 Dues & Subscriptions 2,250 110-7310-465-60-33 Materials & Supplies 1,270 110-7310-465-60-47 Food & Provisions 1,000 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-353-73-10 Contribution &Donation (Bob Barker Found.) 39,000 110-0000-353-73-10 Contribution & Donation (Private Contributor) 1,000 110-0000-353-73-10 Contribution & Donation (Hudson Family) 21,000 EXPLANATION: APPROVAlS: The Parents As Teachers Program has been funded over 15 years by the Harnett County Partnership For Children. Due to its funder's budget cut, the PAT program has changed its initiative and has secured funds to operate this program for the 2014-15 fiscal year. The PAT program continues to be a strong programming entity with Harnett County citizens providing parenting and child care issues and providi rental edu~·onal suppo~ for, ~":w~n~ chi_ld~~~· __ . ~ ~ /) £1 1 / -:1 'h\ \nL L / r "~\('[1.,;_:.., -----fJWvvvt,___ o {' ent Hea~ '( ~nanre ofliter (~ale)' / · Coun Manager (date) j / dJ rp~ , I 1 I I r I <1-) 1 , '-{ , t Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Harnett County Parents as Teachers 126 Alexander Drive, Lillington, NC 27546 910-814-6050 www.harnettcountypat. weebly.com July 11, 2014 To Whom it May Concern: The Harnett County Parents as Teachers Advisory Board would like to submit this plan with support by the Parents as Teachers National Center and endorsements by North Carolina Parents as Teachers, Department of Social Services, Cooperative Extension, UNC Chapel Hill School of Nursing, as well as many families across Harnett County. In corporation with funding from the Bob Barker Foundation, the Parents as Teachers program intends to hire Melanie Graham in a contract capacity for a coordinating position to fulfill the duties of leading the program including serving Harnett County families with children ages birth to five and seeking funding for program continuation as well as conduct other programming responsibilities as required by Parents as Teachers accreditation. Bob Barker has pledged to provide funding and the advisory board plans to pursue matching funds and seeks program expansion through grant writing, fund raising events, and securing private funding to continue program efforts. Harnett County Cooperative Extension is willing to provide office space for programming activities. With money running through Harnett County Government, the advisory board would notify Harnett County Finance in the event that the funding would not continue thirty days in advance. Respectfully Submitted, Harnett County Parents as Teachers Advisory Board Dr. Susan Byerly Charles Royals Glenn Johnson Linda Stewart Alice Thomas AI Hardison Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: July 21,2014 TO: HARNETI COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Request permission to accept contributions ~ REQUESTED BY: Tyrone L. Fisher, County Extension Directo'( 1f 7 {n /l'i REQUEST: Harnett County Cooperative Extension requests permission to accept contributions from a private individual and a contributor in the amount of 61 ,000 for support of the Parenting Education Program. The Parents As Teachers Program has been funded over I 5 years by the Harnett County Partnership for Children. Due to its funder's budget cut, the PAT program has changed its initiative and has secured funds to operate this program for the 2014-15 fiscal year. The Parents As Teachers Program continues to be a strong programming entity with Harnett County citzens providing parenting and child care issues and providing parental educational support for growing children. COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: \\hcfile2\Coopusers\swilliams\my documents\agendaform20 14 .doc 1 ofl Page BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Cooperative Extension, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7326-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 4723 110-7326-465.21-00 Group Insurance 778 110-7326-465.21-05 Employee Clinic 35 110-7326-465.22-00 FICA 1249 110-7326-465.23-00 Regular Retirement 833 110-7326-465.25-10 Unemployment Benefits 122 110-7326-465.26-08 Worker's Compensation 208 110-7326-465.41-11 Telecommunications & Postage 160 110-7326-465.58-01 Training & Meetings 600 110-7326-465.58-14 Travel Administration 1300 110-7326-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 4122 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-331-73-26 Revenue-Race to the Top Grant 14,130 EXPLANATION: APPROVA : T budget funds for the fiscal year 2014-2015 awarded for Race t~t. Depart~ e ":: /~<./ Finance Officer (date) ~~Oger (date) I J '(I/; If ?(IY.;!f Section 2. Copies of his budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Cooperative Extension, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7301-465.11-00 Salary & Wages 11,774 110-7301-465.21-00 Group Insurance 825 110-7301-465.21-05 Employee Clinic 10 110-7301-465.22-00 FICA 899 110-7301-465.23-00 Regular Retirement 834 110-7301-465.25-10 Unemployment Benefits 116 110-7301-465.26-08 Worker's Compensation 761 110-7301-465.41-11 Telecommunications & Postage 70 110-7301-465.55-12 Printing & Binding 250 110-7301-465.58-01 Training & Meetings 100 110-7301-465.58-14 Travel Administration 300 110-7301-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 193 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-334-73-01 Revenue-Child Care Resource & Referral 12,636 EXPLANATION: APPROVALS: Budget cannot exceed the amount of the grant award of $33,673 for fiscal year 2014-201~ . "~J/ ~" .. { -(/ 2d#//~ ~ Depart~~ :/I 'F'in'k; Offl;~~~~t:)-, {1-;;:;;:t ~;nager (date) f . J 7(~(1<-f .· rz { 1 'I; 1 r Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7600-441.60-33 Materials & Supplies $ 75.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 11 0-0000-331.76-13 Child Health (CFPT) $ 75.00 EXPLANATION: To budget additional State funds. APP9Jtytff Department Head (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 3Db BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7600-441.41-11 Telecommunications & Postage $ 1,132.00 110-7600-441.58-01 Training $ 320.00 110-7600-441.58-14 Travel $ 900.00 110-7600-441.60-33 Materials & Supplies $ 630.00 110-7600-441.60-46 Medical Supplies $ 6,539.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 11 0-0000-331 . 76-11 Immunization Action Plan $ 9,521.00 EXPlANATION: To reduce State funds budgeted in lAP for FY 14-15. A9T742f Department Head (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7 600-441.58-14 Travel $ 646.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 11 0-0000-331.76-01 WIC-Crossroads $ 646.00 EXPLANATION: To budget additional WIC State funds received. Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER 110-7600-441.32-26 110-7600-441.58-14 110-7600-441.60-33 110-7600-441.60-47 REVENUE CODE NUMBER 11 0-0000-334.76-26 EXPLANATION: APPROVALS: AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Incentives $ 700.00 Travel $ 700.00 Materials & Supplies $ 800.00 Food & Provisions $ 500.00 AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Quality Health Improvement $ 2,700.00 To budget funds received from the NC Public Health Foundation for implementation of a Quality Improvement program. anager (Date) 17 / ,.. J /f/5";/9' Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7600-441.60-45 Drugs $ 3,172.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-334.76-24 STD DRUGS $ 3,172.00 EXPlANATION: To budget additional State funds for purchasing STD Drugs. APPROVALS: \ ~ t r.ut~~"u; DepartmentHead(te) ~~~ ounty Ma ager (Date) / / 7tiS I'! Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 34b 234-7405-465. -BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the Harnett County WIA Youth Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7405-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages (Part-time) 4884 234-7405-465.30-22 IND Cost 3387 234-7405-465.58-19 Participant Travel 1147 234-7405-465.32-72 Supportive Services 874 234-7405-465.35-26 Participant Cost 1809 234-7405-465.32-73 Training Voucher 9126 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 2 34-0000-331-7 4-05 WIA In School Youth Program 21227 EXPLANATION: To increase budget to actual award amount to cover expenditure in the above line items. c~~h~tfrt~~ 1/14/Jt- Department Head (date) aunt~ Manager (date) ~ fs-~ Zr' Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 3Sb 234-7407-465. -BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board ofthe County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2015: Section 1. To amend the Harnett County WIA Youth Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7407-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages (Part-time) 2093 234-7407-465.30-22 IND Cost 1451 234-7407-465.58-19 Participant Travel 492 234-7407-465.35-26 Participant Cost 659 234-7407-465.32-73 Training Voucher 3911 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-0000-331-74-07 WIA Out of School Youth Program 8606 EXPLANATION: To increase budget to ctual award amount to cover expenditure in the above line items. ~vfgd{) 7/14/Jif I I Department Head (date) unty Manager (date) 7; J S I J Y Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Da t e : 07 / 2 1 / 2 0 1 4 Ap p r o v e d By : TO : HA R N E T T CO U N T Y BO A R D OF CO M M I S S I O N E R S RE : CO N S I D E R A T I O N OF RE F U N D FO R TA X E S , IN T E R E S T AN D PE N A L T I E S FO R AL L MU N I C I P A L I T I E S No . Na m e of Ta x Pa y e r Bi l l # Ta x , In t e r e s t an d Pe n a l t i e s To t a l Re f u n d Re q u e s t Status Reason BU T L E R , CH A R L E S WI L S O N Ci t y 0 Boat sold 00 0 1 5 5 3 8 3 0 - 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 0 9 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 8 . 9 4 Refund Co u n t y 22 8 . 9 4 2 BU T L E R , CH A R L E S WI L S O N Ci t y 0 Boat sold 00 0 1 5 5 3 8 3 0 - 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 4 . 9 1 Refund Co u n t y 21 4 . 9 1 3 HU D S O N , MI C H A E L JA S O N Ci t y 0 Military DO D 18 9 3 2 9 3 - 20 1 1 - 20 1 1 - 00 0 0 0 0 24 2 . 4 8 Refund Exemption Co u n t y 24 2 . 4 8 4 HU D S O N , MI C H A E L JA S O N Ci t y 0 Military 00 0 1 8 9 3 2 9 3 - 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 2 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 9 . 4 Refund Exemption Co u n t y 23 9 . 4 5 MO R I N , RO B E R T L Ci t y 0 Value MO R I N , L 00 0 0 0 3 8 4 6 6 - 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 3 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 3 . 5 8 Refund Decrease Co u n t y 19 3 . 5 8 6 TO P P I N G , JO S E P H DE A N Ci t y 0 Military 00 0 1 7 8 2 2 1 6 - 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 5 . 6 3 Refund Exemption Co u n t y 10 5 . 6 3 7 TO P P I N G , JO S E P H DE A N Ci t y 0 Military > Refund Exemption ~ 00 0 1 8 9 4 5 8 6 - 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 3 . 0 1 ('D = Co u n t y 21 3 . 0 1 =-~ S. KE I T H FA U L K N E R Ci t y To t a l 0 ~ ..... Re v e n u e Ad m i n i s t r a t o r Co u n t y To t a l 1, 4 3 7 . 9 5 tl'l e To t a l to be l..t: Re f u n d e d 1, 4 3 7 . 9 5 I CC : S. KE I T H FA U L K N E R Ha r n e t t Co u n t y Re b a t e De t a i l s Re p o r t Fr o m 6/ 1 / 2 0 1 4 To 6/ 3 0 / 2 0 1 4 No n D M V Ow n e r N a m e Ac c o u n t # Ab s t # Ta x Y e a r Ac t T y p e Na r r a t i v e BA G L E Y . CH A R L E S GR E G O R Y 34 3 6 0 1 5 00 0 1 0 1 2 9 0 8 20 1 4 RE I BI L L E D IN ER R O R PE R MW BA S S . CA R R I E MC L E A N 32 0 8 9 9 1 00 0 0 0 0 3 6 2 7 20 1 3 RE I BU T L E R . CH A R L E S WI L S O N 24 1 4 7 2 7 00 0 1 5 5 3 8 3 0 20 0 9 IN D 25 9 4 8 5 7 00 0 1 5 5 3 8 3 0 20 1 0 IN D 27 8 8 9 0 7 00 0 1 5 5 3 8 3 0 20 1 1 IN D 29 9 4 0 4 4 00 0 1 5 5 3 8 3 0 20 1 2 IN D 31 8 5 7 7 2 00 0 1 5 5 3 8 3 0 20 1 3 IN D NO HS E ON PR O P E R T Y RE L E A S E SW F FO R 20 1 3 TH I S BO A T WA S SO L D TO SA M M Y KA I S E R IN TH E 20 0 8 YE A R PE R BI L L OF SA L E TH I S BO A T WA S SO L D TO SA M M Y KA I S E R IN TH E 20 0 8 YE A R PE R BI L L OF SA L E TH I S BO A T WA S SO L D TO SA M M Y KA I S E R IN TH E 20 0 8 YE A R PE R BI L L OF SA L E TH I S BO A T WA S SO L D TO SA M M Y KA I S E R IN TH E 20 0 8 YE A R PE R BI L L OF SA L E TH I S BO A T WA S SO L D TO SA M M Y KA I S E R IN TH E 20 0 8 YE A R PE R BI L L OF SA L E CE N T R A L CA R O L I N A HO L D I N G S LL C 31 7 3 2 0 7 Re b a t e A m t LateAmt 74 2 . 6 t 0.00 12 2 . 8 6 0.00 91 4 . 4 1 52.73 ... 00 0 1 5 5 6 8 1 3 20 1 2 BU S RE L E A S E DU E TO TH E 20 1 2 OR I G I N A L LI S T I N G SE N T IN FE B R U A R Y 20 1 4 . T H I S BI L L WA S FORCE BILLED FROM FI G U R E S OF TH E 20 1 1 LI S T I N G . 14 . 4 0 0 . 4 6 DE N T . CA R O L Y N 26 4 7 1 1 3 00 0 0 0 4 2 1 4 2 20 1 0 RE I TO CO R R E C T BI L L S FO R 20 1 0 & 20 1 1 28 0 6 3 1 3 00 0 0 0 4 2 1 4 2 20 1 1 RE I TO CO R R E C T BI L L S FO R 20 1 0 & 20 1 1 34 3 6 0 7 0 00 0 0 0 4 2 1 4 2 20 1 4 RE I BI L L E D IN C O R R E C T L Y 34 3 6 0 7 1 00 0 0 0 4 2 1 4 2 20 1 4 RE I BI L L E D IN C O R R E C T L Y 34 3 6 0 9 8 00 0 0 0 4 2 1 4 2 20 1 4 RE I BI L L E D IN C O R R E C T L Y 34 3 6 0 9 9 7/ 1 0 / 2 0 1 4 Page 1 of 2 Ha r n e t t Co u n t y Re b a t e De t a i l s Re p o r t Fr o m 6/ 1 / 2 0 1 4 To 6/ 3 0 / 2 0 1 4 No n D M V Ow n e r N a m e Ac c o u n t # Ab s t # Ta x Y e a r Ac t T y p e Na r r a t i v e 00 0 0 0 4 2 1 4 2 20 1 4 RE I BI L L E D IN C O R R E C T L Y JO H N S O N GE N E R A L JU N I O R II & 32 1 6 5 7 7 00 0 0 0 2 5 4 6 8 20 1 3 RE I PE R BO Y D RE L E A S E ON E SO L I D WA S T E FE E MI L L E R . ED W A R D EA R L JR 28 8 0 5 7 6 00 0 1 8 6 1 8 6 2 20 1 1 IN D SI L L E T I . JO N A T H A N P 28 4 2 4 3 5 00 0 1 2 6 2 0 2 5 20 1 1 RE I 30 0 5 2 5 8 00 0 1 2 6 2 0 2 5 20 1 2 RE I 31 9 4 0 0 2 00 0 1 2 6 2 0 2 5 20 1 3 RE I SN E A D . GE O R G E F 31 9 5 1 2 9 BO A T LI S T E D ON A B S T R A C T # 1 8 6 1 8 2 8 - 2 0 1 1 AN D CO L L E C T E D 04 / 2 0 / 1 4 IN C O R R E C T SQ U A R E FO O T A G E PE R KH IN C O R R E C T SQ U A R E FO O T A G E PE R KH IN C O R R E C T SQ U A R E FO O T A G E PE R KH Re b a t e A m t LateAmt 2. 7 6 7 . 6 9 0.00 37 0 . 4 8 0.00 20.11_ ----2.01 43 7 . 9 5 0.00 00 0 0 0 4 9 4 0 2 20 1 3 RE I RE B A T E D VA L U E AN D SO L I D WA S T E PE R BO Y D ; H O U S E NO T LI V E A B L E FO R OV E R 20 Y R S 48 9 . 4 8 0.00 WO O D S . CH A R L E S A SR 31 9 6 1 2 3 00 0 0 0 5 2 8 0 7 20 1 3 RE I LO T IS A RA V E N , NO T US E A B L E PE R BB 14 5 . 3 5 0.00 Gr a n d To t a l : 20 . 4 1 1 . 4 0 1.494.79 7/ 1 0 / 2 0 1 4 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item "f • D Harnett COUNTY RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby, by proper execution of this document, request that the North Carolina Department of Transportation add to the State's Secondary Road System the below listed street. Senter Hills Subdivision Senter Lane Duly adopted this 21st day of July, 2014. ATTEST: Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board strong roots • new growth HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Joe Miller, Chairman www.harnett.org STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY GOVER.'>:OR Division Six -District Two Harnett County Mrs. Gina Wheeler July 1 0' 2 014 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Post Office Box 759 Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Subject: Secondary Road Addition Dear Mrs. Wheeler: ANTHONY J. TAT A SECRETARY This is reference to a petition submitted to this office requesting street(s) in Harnett County be placed on the State's Secondary Road System. Please be advised that these street(s) have been investigated and our findings are that the below listed street(s) are eligible for addition to the State System. Senter Hills Subdivision • Senter Lane It is our recommendation that the above named street(s) be placed on the State's Secondary Road System. If you and your Board concur in our recommendation, please submit a resolution to this office. Sincerely, [) c-:J fJ.t-- David Plummer Engineering Technician P.O. Box 1150, Fayetteville, ~.C. 28302 Voice: 910.486.1496 Fax: 910.437.2529 ! -- ~ \ ~~ ~(/ '~ \ / / \~ / / JJ - < . Q 1r · I . I I I I -~ I 1 I 'I 1 I l I I 1 I I T I I I I I T I I T -- - - \' I ~"~ I I T I I T I J l p \ l I' t1 § 0 ! _ ~") 11 _ 7 6 ~1~ § ~.p 11 1 " ? } I l l . . ! ' - - FO R T BR A G G MI L I T A R Y RE S E R V A T I O N / ( 1 I I ~ r - - - l i n ~ L - I i I I I I .I ~ - , / \ \ .. . ~~ ) ~~ ~ ( "' ;; , --- - - - - - - " \ ~ \ .) l i n \ ~ " \ _., _ 24 7 _ 1 ·o .1 0 tl > - . s \ \ ~- ~ _ / · D2 ' 2 S t 21 4 0 -. o ? - l i f § ~-- n~- - 2 4 6 { U. s . G .0 5 / \ / / \ 11 . 2 5 _2 1 7 _ ; ) \ _ / _ r - " 1 ( l _ _ ~- _ ) t 1 2 ~-SJ ~ -----, ~--/- -- - - \ ~- '! I I D .. 14 --> , ----t ll i 1 \ 4- . t l Q ~---l I un /~ ill6 -~~:J ZQ1l Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item MEETING DATE: July 21, 2014 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Request approval of Cross Access Easement and Road Maintenance Agreement for Bain Street in Lillington REQUESTED BY: Joseph Jeffries, Deputy County Manager REQUEST: Administration requests approval of a 60-foot Cross Access Easement and Road Maintenance Agreement for Bain Street, located in Town of Lillington, County of Harnett, between County of Harnett, Edgar R. Bain and wife, Faye M. Bain and Trump Lillington, LLC. Please see attached documents. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Users\bhaney\Desktop\2014 Agenda Request Fonn.doc Page I of I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT AND ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT and ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT is made as of this __ day of , 2014, by and between the County of Harnett, a body politic organized according to the laws of the State of North Carolina, Edgar R. Bain and wife, Faye M. Bain, and Trump Lillington, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company. WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, the parties to this CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT and ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (hereinafter, ''Agreement") are the owners of those parcels of land located in the Town of Lillington, County of Harnett, and as shown on that map attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Edgar R. Bain, who is married to Faye M. Bain, the owner of Lot 2 as identified on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, Trump Lillington, LLC is the owner of Lot 1 as identified on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, The County of Harnett owns property which is contiguous with the Northwest property lines of Lot 1 and Lot 2 and across which runs a street identified as Bain Street on Exhibit A ("County Property''); and WHEREAS, Lot 1, Lot 2, and the County Property rely on that entrance, exit and roadway identified as ''60' Cross Access Easement-Bain Street" on Exhibit A for access to U.S. Highway 401, and more specifically for access, ingress, egress, regress, and as a drainage and utilities easement; and WHEREAS, all of the parties hereto desire that Lots 1 and 2 shown on said Exhibit A be developed and maintained for commercial purposes as pennitted by applicable zoning for the property with access, and more specifically for access, ingress, egress, regress, and as a drainage and utilities easement, across Bain Street to U.S. Highway 401, a public road, all for the common and continued use by each of the parties, their heirs, successors, assigns, mortgagees, tenants, sub-tenants, licensees, invitees and employees. WHEREAS, Bain Street is more specifically described in that metes and bounds legal description attached hereto as Exhibit B. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration for the mutual benefits to each of the parties as set out in the premises, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I Cross Access Easement 1. Each of the parties to this Agreement do hereby grant to the other parties hereto, their successors, assigns, mortgagees, tenants, sub-tenants, licensees, invitees, and employees, a perpetual non-exclusive right, privilege and easement for pedestrian and vehicular traffic for access, ingress, egress, regress and a drainage and utilities easement, over Bain Street and the driveways, rights of way and traffic lanes constructed or to be constructed as shown on Exhibit A and more particularly described by that metes and bounds description in Exhibit B, to have and to hold such right, privilege and easement subject to the following terms and conditions hereof. 2. Each of the parties agrees that it will not erect any barrier or construction which would prevent the free flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic between the other parcels shown on Exhibit A and B or between said parcels and the public roads bordering the lands shown on Exhibits A and B. 3. It is understood and agreed that this Cross Access Easement is perpetual and shall exist and be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns. ARTICLE II Maintenance Obligations 2 1. Construction, Replacement, Maintenance, Improvement and Repair of Bain Street. Subject to the Provisions hereinafter set forth: a) The County of Harnett will determine the necessity of repair, maintenance, improvement and replacement of the Bain Street as described in Exhibit B. b) Each Party shall perform its construction and maintenance obligations of its own parcel hereunder in a manner so as not to impair, interfere with or block the access to the other parcels or the business operations of the other Parties. c) The actual and documented reasonable costs of repair, maintenance, improvement and replacement of Bain Street shall be shared between the parties as follows: a. 75% of the total cost of the repair, maintenance, improvement and replacement to be paid by the County of Harnett; b. 12.5% of the total cost of the repair, maintenance, improvement and replacement to be paid by Trump Lillington, LLC; c. 12.5% of the total cost of the repair, maintenance, improvement and replacement to be paid by Edgar R. Bain and Faye M. Bain. d) Each party shall pay the County of Harnett its share of the above described expenses within 30 days after receiving from the County of Harnett a statement therefor, together with supporting invoices setting forth the actual cost paid for such repair, improvement, maintenance and/or replacement expenses as provided for herein. e) Replacement, Improvement, Maintenance and Repair of Bain Street does not include snow removal. f) In the event a Party fails to pay its portion of the Replacement, Maintenance, Improvement and Repair cost within 30 business days after receiving a written request from the County of Harnett, the other parties will have all rights and remedies available to it by law and also all of the rights and remedies set forth in Article III. g) Notwithstanding the foregoing to the contrary, damage to the driveways on the Properties or to the pavement and landscaping caused by a Party or its contractors or employees shall be the responsibility of such Party. h) The obligations hereunder shall run with the land. If a Property is subdivided and sold, any obligation or expense attributed to a subdivided parcel shall be deemed an expense of such subdivided parcel and then 3 owner thereof. Upon conveyance by a Party of all or a portion of its Property, such Party shall be released from any Replacement, Maintenance, Improvement and Repair or other obligations for Bain Street (or portion thereof) actually conveyed. i) Replacement, Improvement, Maintenance and Repair of Bain Street may include the placement of speed bumps, at cost to the County of Harnett. j) The parties agree that each will be responsible for the maintenance of landscaping, including mowing, for that portion of Bain Street on which its property fronts. ARTICLE III Defaults and Remedies 1. Defaults. If any Party (the ''Defaulting Party'') should fail to observe any of the terms, conditions, restrictions or provisions of, or should fail to perform any of its covenants or obligations under this Agreement within a period of 30 days after the other Party (the ''Non-Defaulting Party'') has given to the Defaulting Party written notice thereof, then the Defaulting Party shall be in default under this Agreement; provided that if the obligation is of such a nature that the same cannot, with due diligence, be reasonably performed within such 30-day period, then such default shall be deemed to have been cured if the Defaulting Party commences such performance within such 30-day period and thereafter undertakes and proceeds with due diligence to complete the same and does complete the same within a reasonable time. If a default has occurred and is not cured within the time period specified in this Section 1, then the Non-Defaulting Party shall have all of the rights and remedies afforded to it by law and also all of the rights and remedies set forth in Section 2 hereof (whether or not they are expressly provided by statute or recognized by judicial precedent), any one or more of which may be exercised and enforced independently or concurrently after such default remains uncured, without further notice to the Defaulting Party and without waiving any of the Non-Defaulting Party's other rights and remedies, and all of which shall, to the extent applicable, survive the termination of any right granted in this Agreement. 2. Remedies. a) Cure. Following the expiration of the applicable cure period, the Non-Defaulting Party may, at its election, cure any default of the Defaulting Party under this Agreement; and if the Non-Defaulting Party should do so, then it shall be entitled to be reimbursed for all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by it in connection therewith, from either the Defaulting Party, its contractors, or its . . msurance carriers. b) Civil Actions. Following the expiration of the applicable cure period, the Non- Defaulting Party may sue the Defaulting Party for the specific performance of any obligation undertaken by the Defaulting Party in this Agreement, for injunctive or 4 other equitable relief, or for damages in any court of competent jurisdiction in order to recover any such amount as may be due and payable to the Non- Defaulting Party. c) Obstruction Defaults. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, in the event vehicular access to a Property is completely obstructed (each such event, and "Obstruction Default"), the Non-Defaulting Party may notify the Defaulting Party by any means reasonable under the circumstances, including via facsimile or telephone, of the Obstruction Default and demand that the Obstruction Default be remedied. If, after 24 hours after such notice has been provided, the Defaulting Party has not remedied the Obstruction Default or commenced to remedy the Obstruction Default and thereafter remedies such Obstruction Default within 24 hours, the Non-Defaulting Party shall have the right (but not the obligation) to remedy the Obstruction Default (including the right to enter upon the Defaulting Party's Property) and shall be reimbursed by the Defaulting Party for the reasonable costs for such remedy upon demand. ARTICLE IV Miscellaneous Provisions 1. Notices. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given to a Party under this Agreement shall in writing and shall be given by ordinary U.S. mail, or by registered or certified U.S. mail, return receipt and postage prepaid, or delivered in person, by over-night courier, telefacsimile, interconnected computers, or any other mean for transmitting a written communication. Notice for each party is to be sent to the following addresses: County of Harnett: County Manager County of Harnett P.O. Box 759 Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Edgar R. Bain and Faye M. Bain: 65 Bain Street Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Trump Lillington, LLC 6305 People Road Holly Springs, North Carolina 27540 2. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective successors and assigns (including successive, as well as immediate, successors and assigns) of the parties hereto. 5 3. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State ofNorth Carolina. 4. Duplicate Originals: This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be a duplicate original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute a single instrument. 5. Article and Section Captions: The Article and Section captions contained in this Agreement are included only for convenience of reference and do not define, limit, explain or modify this Agreement or its interpretation, construction or meaning and are in no way to construed as a part of this Agreement. All exhibits referred to in this Agreement are hereby incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. 6. Severance Clause: in the event any provision of this Agreement is adjudged to be unenforceable or found invalid, such provision shall be stricken and the remaining provisions shall be valid and enforceable. 7. Integration of Understandings: This Agreement is intended as the complete integration of all understandings between the parties. No prior or contemporaneous additions, deletions, subsequent renewal, deletion, or other amendment hereto shall have any force or affect unless embodied herein in writing signed by both parties. 8. No Partnership, Joint Venture or Principal-Agency Relationship. Nothing contained in this Agreement nor any acts of the parties hereto shall be deemed or construed by the parties or any third Person to create a principal and agent relationship, partnership, joint venture, employer-employee relationship or of any association between the parties to this Agreement. 9. No Dedication. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a gift, grant or dedication of any portion of the Property to the general public or for any public purpose; provided that the parties shall have the right to extend the benefit of any of the easements granted herein to any governmental unit, public body and/or utility company for the purpose of the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, relation, modification, extension or alteration of utility and drainage lines and related facilities. 10. Termination of Liability Upon Transfer: If the owner of a parcel should transfer its fee simple interest in and ownership of such parcel, then the liability of the transferor for the breach of this Agreement occurring after the date of such transfer, shall automatically be terminated and the transferee, by the acceptance of the conveyance of such fee simple interest, shall automatically be deemed to have accepted, assumed and agreed to observe or perform such covenant or provision after the date of such transfer. 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the below-named parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. By: By: __________________ _ Edgar R. Bain Faye M. Bain STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ______ _ I, , a Notary Public for said County and State, certify that Edgar R. Bain and Faye M. Bain personally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that they signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this __ day of _____ , 2014 Official Signature ofNotary: ____________________ _ Notary's Printed Name: ______________ _ [Seal] My commission expires: _____________ _ 7 County of Harnett, North Carolina By: __________ _ Joe Miller, Chairman, County Board of Commissioners, County of Harnett Attest: Printed N arne: Clerk to the County Board of Commissioners STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT I, , a Notary Public for said County and State, certify that personally appeared before me this day, acknowledging to me that she/he is the Clerk to the County Board of Commissioners for the County of Harnett, North Carolina and that by authority duly given and as the act of said County, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by the Chairman of the County Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina and attested by her/him as Clerk to said County Board of Commissioners. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this __ day of _____ , 2014 Official Signature ofNotary: ____________ _ Notary's Printed Name: ______________ _ [Seal] My commission expires: _____________ _ 8 TRUMP LILLINGTON, LLC By: ---------------------------- Name: -------------------------- Title: --------------------------- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF _____ _ I, , a Notary Public for said County and State, certify that (Name of manager, title, name of LLC) personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument on behalf of the Company. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this __ day of ________ , 2014 Official Signature ofN otary: ____________________ __ Notary's Printed Name: _____________________ __ [Seal] My commission expires: ________________________ _ 9 COUNTY OF HARNETT PLAT BK 2000, PG 21 0 I ·'t -~ ~I ~I lf) ~I ~, I I I 1- llJ llJ ~ 1- U'J z <( [LJ 1-z llJ 2 llJ U'J <( llJ U'J U'J llJ u u <( U'J U'J ~ u 0 '-.0 EXHIBIT A us 401 W CORNELIUS HARNETI BLVD. . (R/W WIDTH VARIES) 551 o5 I 'SO'E G9. 15' (TOTAL) 4 '5""E 133.73 (TOiTTP..~l::_) _ _.;_ __ ..L--~-"N: --f'.N, ~ ,~ s5Go3 u L=G0.40' R=G570.00' CHD. L=G0.40' CHD. DIR=555o 43' 3 I "E L\.=0°31 '3G" LOT I TRUMP LILLINGTON. LLC DB 31 ; 5, PG 7% PLAT BK 2004, PG 908 PIN OG50 77~4493.000 3b,783 50FT 0.84 AC CAPE FEAR PLAZA, LLC DB 3025, PG 553 ,,,,.ql ,__ ______ N_4_9-o0-0-'0-2-"W-I-9-8-.4-G-' ------M•. !J-1 to -to lf) 0 't z LOT 2 EDGAR R. BAI N DB I GG7, PG 379 PLAT m:. 2004, PG 908 (\) (\) N49°00'02"W 5.G3' 55G'04'59"E 5.48' L-··Ns I 0 27'53"W G0.05' 145 I 0 27'53''W 21 0.00' Exhibit "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION 60 FOOT CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT COUNTY OF HARNETT TOWN OF LILLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA Beginning at a Point, said Point being located the following courses and distances from the northwestern most comer of the Trump Lillington, LLC property, as shown on that certain plat entitled ''Boundary Survey for McLaughlin Properties, LLC", as prepared by Herbert J. Nobles, Jr., PLS, dated May 13, 2014, and revised July 7, 2014: South 40 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds West for a distance of 1 0.10 feet to a point; Thence, from said Point of Beginning, South 40 degrees 53 minutes 42 seconds West for a distance of 159.47 feet to a point; Thence, South 40 degrees 55 minutes 15 seconds West for a distance of237.99 feet to a point; Thence, North 51 degrees 27 minutes 53 seconds West for a distance of 60.05 feet to a point; Thence, Nmth 40 degrees 55 minutes 15 seconds East for a distance of 240.57 feet to a point; Thence, North 40 degrees 53 minutes 42 seconds East for a distance of 152.39 feet to a point; Thence, along and with the southern right of way of US Highway 401, along a curve to the right having a radius of6570.00 feet, a delta angle ofO degrees 31 minutes 36 seconds, and an arc length of 60.40 feet, being subtended by a chord of South 55 degrees 43 minutes 31 seconds East for a distance of60.40 feet to the Point of Beginning. End of Legal Description Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: July 21,2014 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Request permission to accept contributions ~ REQUESTED BY: Tyrone L. Fisher, County Extension Director(~ 7 {11 (1<1 REQUEST: Harnett County Cooperative Extension requests permission to accept contributions from a private individual and a contributor in the amount of61,000 for support of the Parenting Education Program. The Parents As Teachers Program has been funded over 15 years by the Harnett County Partnership for Children. Due to its funder's budget cut, the PAT program has changed its initiative and has secured funds to operate this program for the 2014-15 fiscal year. The Parents As Teachers Program continues to be a strong programming entity with Harnett County citzens providing parenting and child care issues and providing parental educational support for growing children. 5 €» e.:r~l f= c -v t-V -c-v )._ \\hcfile2\Coopusers\swilliarns\my documents\agendaforrn20 14.doc I of 1 Page Harnett County Parents as Teachers 126 Alexander Drive, Lillington, NC 27546 910-814-6050 www.harnettcountypat. weebly.com July 11, 2014 To Whom it May Concern: The Harnett County Parents as Teachers Advisory Board would like to submit this plan with support by the Parents as Teachers National Center and endorsements by North Carolina Parents as Teachers, Department of Social Services, Cooperative Extension, UNC Chapel Hill School of Nursing, as well as many families across Harnett County. In corporation with funding from the Bob Barker Foundation, the Parents as Teachers program intends to hire Melanie Graham in a contract capacity for a coordinating position to fulfill the duties of leading the program including serving Harnett County families with children ages birth to five and seeking funding for program continuation as well as conduct other programming responsibilities as required by Parents as Teachers accreditation. Bob Barker has pledged to provide funding and the advisory board plans to pursue matching funds and seeks program expansion through grant writing, fundraising events, and securing private funding to continue program efforts. Harnett County Cooperative Extension is willing to provide office space for programming activities. With money running through Harnett County Government, the advisory board would notify Harnett County Finance in the event that the funding would not continue thirty days in advance. Respectfully Submitted, Harnett County Parents as Teachers Advisory Board Dr. Susan Byerly Charles Royals Glenn Johnson Linda Stewart Alice Thomas AI Hardison BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina .. that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Cooperative Extension, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7310-465-33-45 Contracted Services 52,980 110-7310-465-58-14 Travel 3,500 110-7310-465-60-53 Dues & Subscriptions 2,250 110-7310-465-60-33 Materials & Supplies 1,270 110-7310-465-60-4 7 Food & Provisions 1,000 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-353-73-10 Contribution &Donation (Bob Barker Found.) 39,000 110-0000-353-73-10 Contribution & Donation (Private Contributor) 1,000 110-0000-353-73-10 Contribution & Donation (Hudson Family) 21,000 EXPLANATION: APPROVALS: The Parents As Teachers Program has been funded over 15 years by the Harnett County Partnership For Children. Due to its funder's budget cut, the PAT program has changed its initiative and has secured funds to operate this program for the 2014-15 fiscal year. The PAT program continues to be a strong programming entity with Harnett County citizens providing parenting and child care issues and providi rental educa0·onal suppo~ ~or_ ~!'C)W~"'~ chi_ld;e~. ·--, ~/) /) ~ £r 1 ''J,t~: \,c\.t 1 1 . / 'rrt'~-~ ~---~ ·,-.. c ~ D 1 ent Head (d.1e} 1 '~nOn<e olfiCet _('!"'•!" / Coun Manager (date) I rp: _ _ . i I I' I ! I ~--) 1/, t.{ , r Section 2. Co pres of thrs budget amendment shall be furnrshed to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners ( \~ Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: July 7, 2014 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Request permission to apply for Walmart Grant REQUESTED BY: Tyrone L. Fisher, County Extension Director REQUEST: Harnett County Cooperative Extension requests permission to apply for $40,000 grant from W almart for Parenting Education program. COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Users\swi!liams\Desktop\County forms\agendafonn2014.doc I ofl Page Walmart +o State Giving Guidelines Overview of Criteria • Orgamzations must have a current tax-exempt status under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to apply. Orgamzat1ons rlUst be listed in the r1ost current IRS 50 State Master File at the t1me the appl cat1on IS submitted and if approved at he t11ne the grant is awarded. • The m1nim urn amount that can be requested is $25,000 Them aXJmum is $250.000 The aver2~8 grant SIZe IS S~Q 000. • Grant appl1cat1ons are not eligible 1f they a) lnc'.ude a request for more than 10% of the organization's overhead or indirect costs b) exceed 25% of the orgamzation's annual operatmg budget for the most recent f.scal year c) plan to use funds that wdi be managed or used outside the state for Vvh1ch they are applying d) mclude or request multi-year programs or commitments e) inciude a request to fund personnel expenses of IT' Ore than 50~' for anysmgle program- related position • Organizations must be requestmg support for programs that serve unmet needs of /ow- mcome. underserved populat1ons within the state or region for Which they are applymg. Note Grants to Washmgton, DC. organizations may serve the greater Washington metro area. • Organizations may receive only one grant per state per calendar year. Nonprofit organizations, mcludmg national organizations applymg on behalf of their affiliates serving more than one state, must apply in each state for locally specific work. Generic applications subm,tted to multiple states w11/ not be considerEd. G Cycle During cycles 1 & 2. we will only accept appl1cat1ons from organ1zJt1ons requesting funding for programs withm tha scope of Focused GIVIng' areas. If your program falls outside the Focused Gr,,;ng areas and 1n an area descnbed below as CommumtyEngagement GiVIng''. you may apply in either cycle 3 or~ However, application cycles 3 & 4 will also accept applications from the Focused Gi\1ng areas. *Focused Giving-Organizations seeking fund1ng for programs focused on Hunger Relief & Healthy Eatrng or Career Opportunity can apply in either one of their state's annual cycles. Examples of programs in Focused Givmg areas.· efforts that atm to enroll people in SNAP, healthy eatmgl cookmg sktlls tram mg. nutnt10n educatton programs and career sk:lls or job trainmg efforts that lead to placement. **Community Engagement Giving-Organizations seeking funding for programs outside of those listed 1n Focused Gi\1ng, and whose programs focus on lhe unmet needs ofunderserved low-mcome populations, can apply in cycles 3 & 4 only. Examples of programs in Community Engagement Givtng.· education. health care access and other hurnan serv1ces programs. 2014 State Giving F'rogram Cycle Sclwdule The State Gil.ing Program includes four application cycles per year. Organizations can &pply in certain cycles only, dependl~g on the st2te where they operate and the focus area ofth·3ir program. Please reVIeW the mformation below to unders land the qualifications for applications m each cycle. Application Cycle 1 Appf:c'" !lens are ,·cceoted ..:an. 19 20~4 to ~="eb "', 2C14 OeadLr.e to a poly ,sFeb" 2314 cl ~-~59 p rr1 CST No~ fJc. -t\Gr o~ fvna·ng dec s:o~· ·S Apr! "~ 2 2G14 AL AK. c:. DC F~ GA. HI, 10, LA. lv'D \'S IVT ''V. \JC, OR PR SC :N TX :;.,. '·\'A Fcci.Jsed G,virrg areas only AppJ icatlon Cycle 2 Application Cycle 3 Application Cycle 4 Appl1caLc"sa•e accepted Apr/13. 2014 to Apr! 26.2014. Deadlu"'e to apply <S Apol 26. 20~4 at 11 59 p M CST l\atrf·ca:J0'1 of fund.ng dens on ~ July 5 2C'4 A!-plrcatrons are accepted 'rt'>'Tl Jl.!y 6 2C~4 to July 12 20~4 Deadhn.e to apo!J' 15 July 12 2c·4 a: 11 ·59 p rr. CST ~ot•~:catrcr-of f_.nc~,.,g d~c~C'1 rs Sept 6 2014 Appl!calronsare accsptE:!c' from Sept 7, 2014 lo Sept. 13 2C14 DeadLne to apply s Sept 13 2C14 a~ 11 59 p m CST Not•f.catrcn of f .. r.crng deoson rs Nov 8 20'4. Program Funding Exclusions AZ. AR CO. CT. DE.IL. IN. lA. KS KY. '~E. IAA Ml lvN. MO. NE. :\H. NJ NM NY. ND OH. OK. PA RL SD. UT, VT \\'\/, WI WY Al 1\K CA. DC "L GA hi ID LA MD MS I~T NV NC OR. PR. SC TN. TX VA. WA AZ. AR. CO. CT. DE. IL. IN. lA KS KV. ME f,JA Ml J,<N. MO. NE NH 'IJ, NM. NY ND OH, OK. PA Rl SD. UT, VT. VN. WI WY Advet'·sing, marketing venues, film or\ildeo projects Athlettc sponsorships (teamsi~vents) Focll&:!d GrvPlQ arcss Q'l]j' CornrrlJr.lly Ergar;eme'lt and FocJsed G•v;ng areas Cornrnut·•ty EngagetTe'1t and Focused G:vtng a•cas , Capital campatgns and endowments (defined as any plans to raise funds fora stgnrficant purchcse or expense. such as new construction, maJor renovations or to help fund normal budgetaryttems) • Capital improvements or construction costs. defined as property improvements that will enhance the property value or increase the useful life of the property. (Note, infrastructure capacitJ•building such as vehicles and freezers is allowed for organizations in the Hunger Reltef & Healthy Eatmg focus area) • Fundratsing events (walks, races, tournaments. dinners etc.). ·Including but not limited to parttctpatron, sponsorship, and execution • Dis aster relief efforts • Jndrvrduals (requests made solely for the benefit of one person or family) • In-kind donation requests. including requests for gift cards • Memberships. including assoctat:on/chamber memberships • Political causes, candidates. orgamzat1ons or campaigrs • Projects that send products or people. or provide direct goods or services for reltef efforts to a foreign country • Programs that directly benefit Wai-Mart Stores, Inc. m anyway (e.g. dnVlng customer traffic to stores. purchasmg onlyWalmart product or gtft cards, supplying candrdates for Walmart employment. etc.) Scholarships (tuitiOn, room and board or any other expense related to college. university or vocational school attendance) • Tickets to recreational events such as athletic events. games. theme parks. etc . • Travel or lodging expenses for groups or individuals, where travel is the pnmaryreason and:or majority cost for the proposal 0 1·ganization Exclusions • Organizations that deny service, membership or other involvement on the basis of race, religion. color. sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age national origm, ancestry, citizenship, veteran. disability status. or other legally protected class • OrganizatiOns that have already received funding through the State GiVlng Program this fiscal year (Feb. 1 -Jan. 31) • OrganizatiOns that have not completed the required lmpa~t Reports for any prey,ous State Gtving grants recetveC from the Walm art Foundat:on • Organizations whose funds will not be managed and used locally Organizations whose programming or policies may pos1t1on Wa!mart, Sam's Club, or the Walmart Foundation ·,n a negative light • Faith-based organizations when the proposed grant Will only benefit the organization or its members Sclc>ctiotl PI ocoss • Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis throughout the cycle. Submil\t~g yoLr application as soon as possible after the cycle opens allows us to re10ew your application and, rfpossible, <o1Jov1 up wit'l any questions or concerns. , Once an application IS received. it is reviewed by the Walmart Foundat.on to ensure it meets all funding reqUirements. • Qualified applications are provided to the State Advisory Councils fer review , Slate Advisory Councils meet to rey,ew grants and make fundmg recommendations \o the Walrrart Foundation. • AI' Slate Giving applicat.ons are subject to the State Giving administrators' final decision. • Applicants Will be not;fed of the status of their application via e-m ad or postal mail after fund.ng decisions are made For communication t1mel1nes. please see the 2014 State Giving Program Fundmq Cycle Schedule. • Organizations trat receive grants :n 2014 are required to submit two lm pact Reports within 12 months after :he award date detailing how the grant was used and what outcomes were achieved. Impact Reports must be received by the due date :n order for the Walmart Foundation to consider an organizal!on for additional fundmg. • In accordance 'AJth past program guidelines, organizations that received funding prior to 2014 are requrred to submit only one Impact report 12 months after their funding date. Due to the changes in cycles for 2014. there may be timing 1ssues for organizations that received funding dunng the second cycle of 2013. Organizations that are eligible (based on program focus) to apply for either of the Focused Gi~ng cycles (1 or 2) may do so pnor to the completion of the 1m pact report for their 2013 grant The impact report Will still be due 12 months after the notificatiOn of award date. Agenda Item 6 July 21, 2014 APPOINTMENTS NEEDED ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE We need members on this committee. Members receive mileage reimbursement as claimed. AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY BOARD We have a vacancy for on this board for District 4. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT We have a vacancy for an alternate member on this board for District 1. HARNETT NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE LaConda Davenport is interested in being appointed to serve on this committee. We need members on this committee. Members receive mileage reimbursement as claimed. IDSTORIC PROPERTIES COMMISSION Donna M. Johnson has expressed interested in being reappointed to serve on this commission. We currently have vacancies for a regular members in District 3 and District 5. MID-CAROLINA AGING ADVISORY COMMITTEE We need members on this committee. Members receive mileage reimbursement as claimed. PLANNING BOARD We have a vacancy for a regular member in District 2. SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD Social Services Board and staff requests approval of appointment of Mrs. Billie Bryant to serve on the DSS Board Page 1 -Appointments APPLICATION TO SERVE ON A BOARD APPOINTED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOARD: Nursing Home Advisory Committee NAME: LaConda Davenport ADDRESS: 11 Briarwood Place VOTING DISTRICf (Please check district number in which you live.) 0 District I, Commissioner Hill's 0 District 2, Commissioner House's IZJ District 3, Commissioner Burgin's 0 District 4, Commissioner Andrews' 0 District 5, Commissioner McNeill's TELEPHONE: (HOME) ___ (.~..2-56;;.:.)..;...2_27.._-.-32;;.;.7..o.6---(WORK), ___ {_91_9.._) _77_4...;-0o..;8o..;1..;.1 __ PRESENT OCCUPATION:_ Occupational Health Supervisor YEARSOFFORMALEDUCATION:_~p~os~t~m~a~s~re~r~d~e~gr~e~e~e--------------------------------- CIVIC AND FRATERNAL ORGANJZA TIONS lN WHICH YOU HAVE PARTICIPATED: PLEASE TELL WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THE ABOVE LIST ED BOARD: I am a registered nurse with an vested interest in the well being of those in long term care facilities. 1 want to ensure that the quality of care and standards are being met for those who are the backbone of our communities. I want to educate staff, families, and the communities are issues that are affecting this special population. DATE: ____ ..;.07~/-14..;./..;.20~1-4 __ ___ SIGNATURE: ***************************************** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE RECEIVED:----------- DATE FORWARDED TO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS:--------------- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS lA. TOTHE "4fntfl COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES TERM OF APPOINTMENT JULY 1, 2014-JUNE 30,2017 0 5 2014 This is to notify the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Social Services that the County Commissioners of the above-mentioned county have named as their appointee to the County Board of Social Services the following person: -female !No: __. r-l R_a_c_e= ____ -""k)"'-'!.h~'-"-/.:....{e=----------' Gender: l County Commissioner: 1 Yes: I I Signature Board of County Commissioners: , Cler~ Please see information regarding eligibility for board membership below. PlEASE RETURN THIS fORM TO: Glenda Pearce Social Services Commission 2401 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-2401 Mrs. Billie Bryant 2885 Christian Light Road Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 (919)552-5400 home (919}630-0558 cell Mrs. Billie Bryant is a retired school teacher who has taught at Western Harnett High School, Western Harnett Middle School, and Harnett Central Middle School. She has two adopted daughters. One was adopted through Harnett County DSS. Mrs. Bryant worked with Mrs. Cindy Milton and Mrs. Anne Plummer during the adoption process. Mrs. Bryant is a member of Kipling United Methodist Church where she currently serves as a Sunday school teacher. She along with others helped start the food closet sponsored by the church. She is involved in the annual BBQ fund raiser the church has. Mrs. Bryant is very involved in her community. She advocates for the individuals in her community that may need services offered by Harnett County DSS. She has contacted the agency several times in the past to see about individuals in the community receiving help with their needs. Mrs. Bryant is willing to devote the necessary time and effort to fulfill the responsibilities of the position while learning more of the role of DSS in the community. Agenda Item __ ']..._ __ _ NOTICE OF PuBLIC HEARING BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "County") has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to pay the capital costs of providing for the construction, renovation, improvement, equipping and furnishing of public school facilities within the County, including the acquisition ofland, rights-of-way and easements required therefor; and WHEREAS, an application has been filed with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina (the "Commission") requesting Commission approval of the General Obligation School Bonds hereinafter described as required by the Local Government Bond Act, and the Clerk to the Board has notified the Board that the application has been accepted for submission to the Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, as follows: Section I. In order to raise the money required for the purposes described above, in addition to any funds which may be made available for such purposes from any other source, General Obligation School Bonds of the County are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to the Local Government Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal amount of such General Obligation School Bonds authorized by this order shall be $100,000,000. Section 2. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said General Obligation School Bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. A sworn statement of the County's debt has been filed with the Clerk to the Board and is open to public inspection. Section 4. This bond order shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at a referendum scheduled for November 4, 2014. The foregoing bond order has been introduced and a sworn statement of debt has been filed under the Local Government Bond Act showing the appraised value of the County of Harnett, North Carolina to be $7,462,937,353 and the net debt thereof, including the proposed bonds, to be $216,916,557. The finance officer of the County has filed a statement estimating that the total amount of interest that will be paid on the bonds over the expected term of the bonds, if issued, is $52,500,000. The estimate is preliminary, is for general informational purposes only, and may differ from the actual interest paid on the bonds. A tax will be levied to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds if they are issued. Anyone who wishes to be heard on the questions of the validity of the General Obligation School Bond Order and the advisability of issuing the bonds may appear at a public hearing or an adjournment thereof to be held at the County Commissioners' Meeting Room, Harnett County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina, at 7:00p.m. on the 2Pt day of July, 2014. Is/ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board of Commissioners County of Harnett, North Carolina Form LGC-108 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURER LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 4505 Fair Meadow Lane, Suite 102, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6449 Telephone (919) 807-2350 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (Article 4, General Statutes Chapter 159) Unit ______ _,C'""'o_,un~ty.__o""f,_,H~ar=n=e=t=t ___________ Population __ 1""2.,0,....9""0~0..__ __ Note: Application must be filed and accepted prior to introduction of bond order. If voter approval is required, publisher's affidavit of Notice of Intent must be filed before application may be acknowledged. 1. List below the purpose and amount of bonds. Complete Budget and Related Information for each purpose. (LGC 108B) a. School Construction $ 100,000,000 b. c. d. e. Total ............................................ . $ 100.000.000 2. The following are furnished in support of this application: 0 Certified copy of petition of local boards of education to the Board of County Commissioners to issue bonds (for School bonds only). a Certified copy of resolution of governing body making necessary findings relating to proposed bonds, authorizing filing of application and designating authorized representative. 0 Letter setting forth fee arrangement with bond counsel. 0 Publisher's Mfidavit of Notice of Intent if voter approval required (copy not acceptable). IIIII Selected Fiscal Information as certified by finance officer (LGC-108A) Ill Capital budget and related information (LGC-108B for each purpose listed in item 1.) 0 Projection of water and sewer net revenues, (LGC-108C); To be filed only if proposed bonds are for water and/or sewer purposes. 0 Projection of enterprise net revenues (other than water or sewer) LGC-108D; To be filed only if proposed bonds are for electric, gas, parking or other purposes. Ill Preliminary copy of sworn statement of debt (LGC-109). IIIII Statement of estimated interest including assumptions. 0 "Engineer's/Architect's engagement letter (fee arrangement) and a copy of proposed contract." 0 Other.Specny ___________________________________ _ Complete page 2 of this application and the attachments before signing certification CERTIFICATION Date June 13, 2014 This application and attach-~L...,..~C\----""-'~~~,------/-~P~~.L:I--"=~'----+-----------1 ments are true and correct to Telephone the best of my knowledge. 910-893-7557 LGC-108 (Back) Page 2 3. Atrorney __ ~D~w~ig~h~t~VV~·~S~n~o~w~----=---~~-----------=----------~~-----------­ Address _ _,3-'<-0,_2 ...cVV-'-'.'-"E"-'d"'l:g,.,e"'-rt""'o""'n'-"S~t"'-'re""e'-"t..._,, D~unn=-"',~N"'-TC~2~8""3~34~--Telephone _ _,_(9"'-'1"-"0'-'-) --"8"'9~2--"8~1~99~-- 4. BondCounsel~--~P~a~rk~e~r~P~o~e~~--~--------------------~--------------------­ Attach copy of fee arrangement with bond counsel as part of application. 5. If the proposed bonds require voter approval, give tentative date of referendum _ __,1=1,_,/0'--'4"""/1.._,4~- 6. If the proposed bonds do not require voter approval, furnish the following information (except for bonds not subject to the 2/3rds limit): a. Outstanding debt at 6-30 ___ (beginning of previous fiscal year) .......... . b. Outstanding debt at 6-30 ____ (end of previous fiscal year) ..................... . c. Prior year's reduction of debt (line a less line b) ........................................... . d. (2/3 of line c) .................................................................................................... . e. Less: new debt incurred during current fiscal year ..................................... . f. Maximum non-voted bonds (lined less e) .................................................... .. 7. Has any formal opposition ro proposed bonds been asserted? No (Yes; No). If yes, furnish details of opposition. ------------------------------------------------ 8. Does unit propose bonds (other than in this application) for any purpose in the next 12 months? -No (Yes; No). If yes, furnish details.--------------------- 9. Current audited financial statements have been received by Fiscal Management. Audit Reports are due October 31 each year. For units with a calendar year or fiscal year not ending on June 30, audited financial statements should be received within four months of year-end. Yes Ill No 0 EXTRACT FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "Board") was held at the County Commissioners' Meeting Room, Harnett County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina, at 9:00 a.m. on June 2, 2014 (the "Meeting"), after proper notice, and was called to order by Chairman Joe Miller, and upon the roll being called, the following members of the Board answered present: Joe Miller, Chairman Gary House, Vice Chairman Jim Burgin, Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill, Commissioner Gordon Springle, Commissioner The following members of the Board were absent: none Also present: Tommy Bums, County Manager Joseph Jeffries, Deputy County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill introduced the following resolution (the "Resolution"), a summary of which had been provided to each Commissioner, a copy of which was available with the Clerk to the Board and which was read by title: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF BONDS WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners (the "Board'') of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "County") is considering the issuance of general obligation bonds of the County which shall be for the following purpose and in the following maximum amount: $100,000,000 of bonds to pay the costs of providing for the construction, renovation, improvement, equipping and furnishing of public school facilities within the County, including the acquisition of land, rights-of-way and easements required therefor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board that the Clerk to the Board is hereby directed to cause a copy of the "NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF BONDS" to be published in the Dunn Daily Record on or about June 4, 2014. Upon motion of Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill, seconded by Commissioner Vice Chairman Gary House, the foregoing resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GoVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF BONDS" was adopted by the following vote: AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 2nct day of June, 2014. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT ) ) ) ss: I, Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of a Resolution entitled, "RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF BONDS" adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, in regular session convened on the 2nd day of June, 2014. WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, this the 2nd day of June, 2014. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of intention of the undersigned to file application with the Local Government Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina for its approval of the issuance of general obligation bonds of the County of Harnett, North Carolina which shall be for the following purpose and in the following maximum amount: $100,000,000 of bonds to pay the costs of providing for the construction, renovation, improvement, equipping and furnishing of public school facilities within the County, including the acquisition ofland, rights-of-way and easements required therefor. Any citizen or taxpayer of the County of Harnett, North Carolina objecting to the issuance of any or all of said bonds, within seven days after the date of publication of this notice, may file with the Local Government Commission, at 325 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603, Attention: Secretary, and with the undersigned a written statement setting forth each objection to the proposed bond issue and such statement shall contain the name and address of the person filing it. COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA By Is! Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board of Commissioners County of Harnett, North Carolina EXTRACT FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "Board'') was held at the County Commissioners' Meeting Room, Harnett County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina, at 9:00a.m. on June 2, 2014 (the "Meeting"), after proper notice, and was called to order by Chairman Joe Miller, and upon the roll being called, the following members of the Board answered present: Joe Miller, Chairman Gary House, Vice Chairman Jim Burgin, Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill, Commissioner Gordon Spring1e, Commissioner The following members of the Board were absent: none Also present: Tommy Burns, County Manager Joseph Jeffiies, Deputy County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill introduced the following resolution (the ''Resolution"), a summary of which had been provided to each Commissioner, a copy of which was available with the Clerk to the Board and which was read by title: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE OFFICER TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF THE COUNTY'S PROPOSED GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS AND TO SUBMIT SUCH APPLICATION TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners (the "Board'') ofthe County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "County") proposes to set a public hearing on the following Bond Order entitled: "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA;'' WHEREAS, it is necessary, as a condition to the consideration and adoption of the Bond Order, to submit an application to the Local Government Commission (the "Commission") for approval of the bonds, all in the manner required by The Local Government Bond Act. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board that the Finance Officer of the County is hereby directed (1) to file with the Commission an application for its approval of the general obligation school bonds described above on a form prescribed by the Commission, (2) to request in such application that the Commission approve the County's use of Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP of Charlotte, North Carolina, as bond counsel for the County, and (3) to state in such application such facts and to attach thereto such exhibits in regard to such general obligation school bonds, and to the County and its financial condition, as may be required by the Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective on the date of its adoption. Upon motion of Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill, seconded by Commissioner Vice Chairman Gary House, the foregoing resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE OFFICER TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GoVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF THE COUNTY'S PROPOSED GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS AND TO SUBMIT SUCH APPLICATION TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION" was adopted by the following vote: AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of June, 2014. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT ) ) ) ss: I, Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of a Resolution entitled, "RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE OFFICER TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF THE COUNTY'S PROPOSED GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS AND TO SUBMIT SUCH APPLICATION TO THE LOCAL GoVERNMENT COMMISSION" adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County ofHamett, North Carolina, in regular session convened on the 2nd day of June, 2014. WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal ofthe County of Harnett, North Carolina, this the 2nd day ofJune, 2014. EXTRACT FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "Board") was held at the County Commissioners' Meeting Room, Harnett County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina, at 9:00 a.m. on June 2, 2014 (the ''Meeting"), after proper notice, and was called to order by Chairman Joe Miller, and upon the roll being called, the following members of the Board answered present: Joe Miller, Chairman Gary House, Vice Chairman Jim Burgin, Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill, Commissioner Gordon Springle, Commissioner The following members of the Board were absent: none Also present: Tommy Burns, County Manager Joseph Jeffries, Deputy County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill introduced the following resolution (the "Resolution"), a summary of which had been provided to each Commissioner, a copy of which was available with the Clerk to the Board and which was read by title: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA MAKING CERTAIN STATEMENTS OF FACT CONCERNING PROPOSED BOND ISSUE WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners (the "Board'') of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "County") is considering the issuance of bonds of the County which shall be for the following purpose and in the following maximum amount: $100,000,000 of bonds to pay the costs of providing for the construction, renovation, improvement, equipping and furnishing of public school facilities within the County, including the acquisition of land, rights-of- way and easements required therefor. WHEREAS, certain findings of fact by the Board must be presented to enable the Local Government Commission of the State of North Carolina to make certain determinations as set forth in Section 159-52 the North Carolina General Statutes, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board, meeting in open session on the 2nd day of June, 2014, has made the following factual findings in regard to this matter: A. Facts Regarding Necessity of Proposed Financing. The proposed bonds are necessary and expedient to pay the capital costs of providing for the construction, renovation, improvement, equipping and furnishing of public school facilities within the County, including the acquisition of land, rights-of-way and easements required therefor. B. Facts Supporting the Amount of Bonds Proposed. The sums esti.roated for these bonds are adequate and not excessive for the proposed purposes. Estimates for the proposed projects to be financed with such bonds have been carefully analyzed and determined by persons knowledgeable about the proposed projects. C. Past Debt Management Procedures and Policies. The County's debt management procedures and policies are excellent and have been carried out in compliance with law. The County employs a Finance Officer to oversee compliance with applicable laws relating to debt management. The Board requires annual audits of County fmances. In connection with these audits, compliance with laws is reviewed. The County is not in default in any of its debt service obligations. The County Attorney reviews all debt-related documents for compliance with laws. D. Past Budgetary and Fiscal Management Policies. The County's budgetary and fiscal management policies have been carried out in compliance with laws. Annual budgets are closely reviewed by the Board before final approval of budget ordinances. Budget amendments changing a function total or between functions are presented to the Board at regular Board meetings. The Finance Officer presents fmancial information to the Board which shows budget to actual comparisons annually and otherwise as the County Manager deems necessary or as a member of the Board may request. E. Increase in Taxes; Retirement of Debt. The increase in taxes necessary to service the proposed debt will not be excessive. The schedule for issuance anticipates issuing all of the bonds in more than one series during calendar years 2015 through 2020. Upon motion of Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill, seconded by Commissioner Vice Chairman Gary House, the foregoing resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA MAKING CERTAIN STATEMENTS OF FACT CONCERNING PROPOSED BOND ISSUE" was adopted by the following vote: AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of June, 2014. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT ) ) ) SS: I, Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of a Resolution entitled, "RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA MAKING CERTAIN STATEMENTS OF FACT CONCERNING PROPOSED BOND IsSUE" adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, in regular session convened on the 2nd day ofJune, 2014. WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, this the 2nd day of June, 2014. PPAB 2449814vl J.GC-J08A STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE TREASURER State and Local Government Finance Division and the Local Government Commission 4505 Fair Meadow Lane, Suite 102, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6449 SELECTED FISCAL INFORMATION AS CERTIFIED BY FINANCE OFFICER Unit County of Harnett 1. Ad Valorem Tax (current flScal year): Appraised Value S7 .343,570.685 Tax Rate -General Fund $ Total Levy 53,497,265 -Other funds Uncollected at 06/30/13 1.288,218 -Total $ Percentage Collected 97.59% 0.7250 0.7250 2. For the past 5 fiscal years, has there been a delay in payment or non-payment of matured bonds and coupons when presented to the unit's fiscal agent? No (Yes; No). If yes, explain circumstances on separate statement. 3. Information relating to compliance with Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act: (If answer to any question in this item is No, furnish explanation.) A. Purchasing and Contracts (1) Are purchase orders issued for all commitments over a minimum amount? (2) Do all purchase orders include a preaudit certificate signed by the finance officer (or properly Yes appointed deputy)? Yes (3) Are all purchase orders posted to appropriate expenditure accounts as encumbrances? Yes B. Other: (1) Do checks or drafts on an official depository bear on their face a preaudit certificate, of sufficient unencumbered appropriation signed by the finance officer (or properly appointed deputy)? Yes (2) Are the finance officer, tax collector, and other employees (as required) properly bonded according to G.S. 159-29? Yes (3) Did the budget provide for all deficits, if any, as shown in the audit report for the prior year? Yes C. Please include a description of any material instance of misfeasance or malfeasance (within the last three years) which might affected the credit of the unit. --'N'-'-/~'A=--------- I certify the above is correct to the Best of my knowledge Date June 13, 2014 LGC-l08A(Back) Page 2 D. Additional Loan and Grant procedures for a Capital Project Ordinances (1) Loans Pursuant to G.S. 159-26(b)(6), a capital project fund is required to account for all debt instrument proceeds used to finance capital projects. To facilitate budgetary and accounting control, it is required that a capital project ordinance, pursuant to G.S. 159-13.2, be adopted by the governing board authorizing all appropriations necessary for the completion of the project. Will the unit prepare and adopt a balanced capital project ordinance covering the life of the project? Ill YES 0 NO (2) Grants To facilitate budgetary and accounting control, it is required that a grant project ordinance, pursuant to G.S. 159-13.2, with a corresponding capital project fund, be adopted by the governing board authorizing all appropriations necessary for the completion of the project. Will the unit prepare and adopt a balanced capital project ordinance covering the life of the project? Ill YES 0 NO DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURER LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION 4505 Fair Meadow Lane, Suite 102, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6449 CAPITAL BUDGET AND RELATED INFORMATION LGC-108B Unit --------"'C~o'-='u""n~ty:L..:>!.o~f~H~a;.±r;!n""e.!!!tt,___ ____________ Date June 13, 2014 Note: A separate Fm·m LGC-108B is required for each bond purpose listed on application. 1. Bond purpose School Construction Amount $100,000,000 2. Project: (Describe in general terms nature of capital outlay)--------------- Construction of two new schools to address growing student population along with increasing size of existing school facilities to better accommodate the increasing student population in the Harnett County system. 3. Necessity: (Describe in general terms why improvements are needed; Include copy of preliminary engineering report or other documents upon which applicant is relying.) ____ _ Exponential growth in the south western part of the county due to the influx of military families serving at Fort Bragg. Most recent base realignment moved several thousand new families into the area thus impacting the schools and requiring additional new schools and expansion of existing schools. 4. Consulting Engineer or Architect _ ____,S"""F-"L"'-+'-"A""-'Ar~c""'hi.._·t.,e""'c""ts,__ ______________ _ Is it anticipated that engineer/architect fees for the project(s) will be paid prior to receiving construction bids and/or prior to the issuance of bonds? ----------------- If so, from what source will the fees be paid?--------------------- 5. If costs were not the result of consultant's study, give basis of estimates---------- 6. Capital budget-based on estimates determined as of---'O=ct.,o""'b-"'er"-"'9-'--"'2><-0""13~--------­ Include copy of engineering report and/or documentation for cost estimates. Estimated Cost Construction Cost..................... ""'"$--'8""9""''"""6"'"50"",'-"0'-"0=0 Eng. or Arch. Fees.................... 6,360,000 Land and Rt.-of-way ............... . Bond Counsel Legal Fees ........ . 100 000 Other Legal and Fiscal ........... . Administrative ........................ . Capitalized Interest ................ . Contingency ............................. . 3.890,000 • • 0 •••••• 0 0 •• ~ •••••• 0 ••••••••••••• 4 • 0 •••••••••••• 0. Total............................. $ 100.000,000 Funding Sources Bonds...................................... $ 100,000,000 Grants (indicate source) Available Cash ...................... . Other ...................................... . Total................ $. 100,000,000 LGC-108B (Back) Page 2 7. Give explanation of any other legal and fiscal fees in item 6 of this schedule. ---.d,.NuTfA£1-___ _ 8. If proposed bonds are greater or less than the amount of bonds reflected in item 6 of this schedule, give explanation _ ___.N'-'-"'/A~------------------------ 9. Furnish documentation indicating status of grants listed in item 6. _ _....N'""Tf'-"-A~------- 10. Has a Federal loan been applied for or committed? _ __,N'-"-"-o __ (Yes; No). If yes, give amount; Agency ---------· Furnish documentation indicating status of commitment. 11. Does project require approval of either Federal or State regulatory agency? _ __,N'-'-T-"'-o-(Yes; No). If yes, give name of agency and furnish documentation indicating status of approval. ___ _ 12. Indicate estimated date project will be acquired or contract let or if more than one project, indicate project, estimated cost and date for each. Highland High, 63,405,000 January 2015; New Central Area Middle School, 32,540,000 July 2016; Highland Elementary School Addition, 715,000 January 2018; Johnsonville Elementary School Addition, 1,602,500 January 2018; Overhills Elementary School Addition. 1,737,500 January 2018 Estimated increase in tax rate by reason of proposed bonds $. ___ """0_,_,.1""'2,_,3"-------· If no increase is anticipated, explain-------------------------- 14. Estimated increase in annual operating cost, for other than enterprise, by reason of proposed capital improvements. $. ________ • Indicate how increase in operating cost will be paid. N/A STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE TREASURER State and Local Government Finance Division and the Local Government Commission 325 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-1385 REPAYMENT PLAN FOR NON-ENTERPRISE PROJECTS LGC-108E Complete if the proposed financing is for non-enterprise purposes. List below the available sources of repayment and the amounts available to service debt over a three-year period. Explain in detail and attach supporting schedules. AVAILABLE AMOUNT Available Sources Fiscal Year 2016 Fiscal Year 2017 Fiscal Year 2018 Property taxes $ 9,500,000 $ 9,500,000 $ 9,500,000 Total Amount Available $ 9,500,000 $ 9,500,000 $ 9,500,000 Debt Service Amount $ 9,500,000 $ 9,275,000 $ 9,050,000 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE TREASURER State and Local Government Finance Division and the Local Government Commission 325 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-1385 STATEMENT OF DEBT For ---"'C"""o""'un""'t"-ly'--'o"'-'f'-"H~ar~n~e'-.!;t;c_t __ , North Carolina To be filed with the application. The debt described below should not include debt incurred or to be incurred in anticipation of the collection of taxes or other revenues or in anticipation of the sale of bonds other than funding or refunding bonds. The debt described below should not include revenue bonds or special obligation bonds. A. Gross Debt 1. Outstanding debt evidenced by bonds: Purpose Water Sanitary Sewer Electric Gas Other Amount $19,695,000 $ ___ =52=,_,_,72=2=.2=9'-"'-0 2. The proposed financing, and bonds authorized by orders introduced but not yet adopted: Date Introduced June 02, 2014 Purpose School Construction 3. Unissued bonds authorized by adopted orders: Date Introduced Purpose Amount $100,000,000 Amount 4. Outstanding debt not evidenced by bonds (lease-purchase agreements): Date Incurred Purpose Note Payable -General Fund Enterprise Lease Purchase Agreements Amount $104,122,490 3,699,695 6,478,320 Total Gross Debt (Sum of 1, 2, 3 and 4) $ 100.000 000 $ _____ _ $ 114.300.505 $==~26!;h7~.0~2~2~7~9;,g5 LGC-1 09 (Back) Page 2 B. Deductions 1. Funding and refunding bonds authorized by orders introduced but not yet adopted. 2. Fund and refunding bonds authorized but not issued. 3. Amount held m sinking funds or otherwise for the payment of gross debt other than debt incurred for water, gas, electric light or power purposes or sanitary sewer purposes (to the extent deductible under Section 159-55[b] of the Local Government Bond Act), or two or more of these purposes. 4. Bonded debt included in gross debt and incurred or to be incurred for water, gas or electric light or power purposes, or any two or more of these purposes. 5. Bonded debt included in gross debt and incurred or to be incurred for sanitary sewer system purposes (to the extent deductible under Section 159-55[b] of The Local Government Bond Act). 6. Uncollected special assessments levied for local improvements for which gross debt (that is not otherwise deducted) was or is to be incurred, to the extent it will be applied, when collected, to the payment of such gross debt. 7. Estimate of special assessments to be levied for local improvements for which any part of gross debt (that is not otherwise deducted) was or is to be incurred, to the extent that the special assessments when collected, will be applied to the payment of any part of gross debt. Total Deductions (Sum of 1 through 7) C. Net Debt being the difference between Total Gross Debt (A) and Total Deductions (B). D. Assessed Value of property subject to taxation being the value from which the assessed value was last fixed for taxation as revealed by the County tax records and certified by the County Tax Supervisor. E. Percentage that Net Debt bears to the assessed value of property subject to taxation (C + D F. Estimated Total Amount of Interest that will be paid on the bonds over the expected term of the bonds. I certifY the above is correct to the best of my know ledge. LGC-109 (Back) $ _____ _ $ _____ _ $ __ ---..!!3.!!.:0 .~4~11~.2~3~8 $ __ ~1~9.~6£.!95~.o~o!Yo $ _____ _ $ _____ _ $ _____ _ $'==~5Jb0,""=1~06~.2~3~8 $===-2~1g6.,g9~] 6!±!.5~5~7 $ _ ___,7c..,_:.4~6'.!:;_;2,~9~37l.J,.!, 3~5~3 2.91% $ _____ _ Date July 7, 2014 STATE OF ~ORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ---""H,_,a=r=n"'-et,_,t'----- ) ) ) ss.: __ 2o.Ki~·==m~b~e:.:.rl~e:.:ry_,H~on""e"-v!:..>c~u~tt~--------------' being duly sworn, says that she is the ---=-F-==in=a=n=c=e__,O"-"ffi=ce=r~--of the ___ ___,C"'"'o"""u~n=..:ot:..r.y _____ of -----=H=a"'-r""n""e""tt,__ ___ _ in the State of North Carolina; and that the foregoing statement is true and was made and subscribed by her. Sworn to and subscribed before me on the day of the date of said statement ~l;w.4 w~ J. .. J (Notary Pubhc) My commission expires the ;[{~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF __ __,H~ar""'n""'e'"""tt"---- ) ) ) day of_..!:_y_f_~ __ , 2ofl. ss.: I, the undersigned _____ _,C"""l""'er""k"'---------of the ------==C=o'-"'u""n'""ty.L-.... _____ _ of ___ _,H~ar±..=n~e~tt~---in the State of North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing statement and accompanying affidavit were filed in my office on the ---"'g_-1-h ___ day of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County, this 0~ _,. l ___ D ___ day of '>..Lt& y 2o_li_. STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED INTEREST AMOUNT ON GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS The Board of Commissioners (the "Board'') of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "County") will consider the introduction of the following bond order of the County at its June 16, 2014 meeting: $100,000,000 of bonds to pay the costs of providing for the construction, renovation, improvement, equipping and furnishing of public school facilities within the County, including the acquisition of land, rights-of-way and easements required therefor Section 159-55 of the General Statutes ofNorth Carolina requires the County's Finance Officer to file with the Clerk to the Board at the time the bond order is introduced a statement estimating the total amount of interest that will be paid on the general obligation bonds over the expected term of the bonds, if issued, and a summary of the assumptions on which the estimate is based. The total estimated interest on the bonds is $52,500,000 based on the following assumptions: The general obligation bonds will be issued in an amount of $100,000,000 at an estimated interest rate of 5% with level principal amortization beginning in the first year after issuance and ending in the 20th year. The assumed interest rate is based on the estimated interest rate that similar bonds would bear if issued currently plus approximately 200 basis points. The total estimated interest amount is preliminary and is for general informational purposes only. There is no assurance that the assumptions on which the estimate is based will occur, and the actual occurrence of certain of the facts on which the assumptions are based is beyond the County's control. Differences between the actual circumstances at the time the bonds are issued from the assumptions included in the estimate could result in significant differences between the estimated interest and the actual interest on the bonds. The validity of the bonds authorized by the bond order is not subject to challenge on the grounds that the actual interest cost of the bonds when issued proved to be different than the amount set forth in this statement. This statement will be filed with the North Carolina Local Government Commission and maintained by the Clerk to the Board. June 13,2014 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT ) ) ) Finance Officer ( County of Harnett, North Carolina' ·- ss: I, Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereby certifies that the foregoing statement and accompanying affidavit were filed in my office on the_ day of June, 2014. Agenda Item 8 EXTRACT FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "Board") was held at the County Commissioners' Meeting Room, Harnett County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina, at 7:00p.m. on July 21,2014 (the "Meeting"), after proper notice, and was called to order by Chairman Joe Miller, and upon the roll being called, the following members of the Board answered present: The following members of the Board were absent: Also present: * * * * * * The Clerk to the Board reported to the Board that a bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000,000 OF GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT,NORTH CAROLINA," which was introduced at a meeting of the Board on June 16, 2014, was published on July 11, 2014, with notice that the Board would hold a public hearing thereon on July 21, 2014 at 7:00p.m. The Clerk to the Board also reported that there had been filed in her office a statement of debt complying with provisions of the Local Government Bond Act, and such statement as filed showed the net indebtedness of the County to be 2.91% of the assessed valuation of property in the County subject to taxation. At_:_ p.m., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear anyone who wished to be heard on the questions of validity of the General Obligation School Bond Order and the advisability of issuing the General Obligation School Bonds. After the Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard in connection with the foregoing questions, Chairman Miller closed the public hearing be closed. Commissioner moved that the Board adopt without change or amendment and direct the Clerk to the Board to publish a notice of adoption, as prescribed by The Local Government Bond Act, of the bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000,000 OF GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA," as introduced at the meeting of the Board held on June 16, 2014. The motion was seconded by Commissioner _______ and was adopted by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: EXTRACT FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "Boarcf') was held at the County Commissioners' Meeting Room, Harnett County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina, at 7:00p.m. on July 21, 2014 (the "Meeting'), after proper notice, and was called to order by Chairman Joe Miller, and upon the roll being called, the following members of the Board answered present: The following members ofthe Board were absent: Also present: Commissioner introduced the following resolution (the "Resolution"), a summary of which had been provided to each Commissioner, a copy of which was available with the Clerk to the Board and which was read by title: RESOLUTION SETTING A SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF A SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM AND NOTIFICATION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners ofthe County of Harnett, North Carolina has adopted the following bond order and such bond order should be submitted to the voters of the County of Harnett, North Carolina for their approval or disapproval in order to comply with the constitution and laws of North Carolina: "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA;" NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners (the "Board'') ofthe County of Harnett, North Carolina, as follows: ( 1) For the purpose of determining the question whether the qualified voters of the County of Harnett, North Carolina shall approve or disapprove (a) the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of the General Obligation School Bonds of the County authorized by said bond order, which indebtedness shall be secured by a pledge of the County's full faith and credit and (b) the levy of a tax for the payment thereof, said bond order shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the County at a special bond referendum to be held in the County on November 4, 2014. (2) The Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of said referendum which shall be in substantially the form entitled "COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM," attached hereto. Said notice of referendum shall be published at least twice. The first publication shall be not less than 14 days, and the second publication shall be not less than 7 days before the last day on which voters may register for the special bond referendum. (3) The Harnett County Board of Elections is hereby requested to print and distribute the necessary ballots and to provide the equipment for the holding of said referendum and to conduct and to supervise said referendum. (4) The ballots to be used at said referendum shall contain the following words: "SHALL the order authorizing $100,000,000 of bonds plus interest to pay the capital costs of providing for the construction, renovation, improvement, equipping and furnishing of public school facilities within the County, including the acquisition of land, rights-of-way and easements required therefor, and providing that additional taxes may be levied in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the bonds be approved?"; with squares labeled "YES" and "NO" beneath or beside such words in which squares the voter may record his or her choice on the question presented; and (5) The Clerk to the Board shall mail or deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Harnett County Board of Elections within three days after this resolution is adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective on the date of its adoption. Upon motion of Commissioner seconded by Commissioner -------" the foregoing resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION SETTING A SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF A SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM AND NOTIFICATION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS" was adopted by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: PASSED, ADOPTEDANDAPPROVEDthis 21"1 day ofJuly, 2014. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT ) ) ) ss: I, Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County ofHarnett, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of a Resolution entitled, "RESOLUTION SETTING A SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF A SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM AND NOTIFICATION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS" adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County ofHarnett, North Carolina, in regular session convened on the 2 P 1 day of July, 2014. WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, this the __ day of July, 2014. Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board of Commissioners (SEAL) BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners (the "Boarcf') ofthe County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "County") has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to pay the capital costs of providing for the construction, renovation, improvement, equipping and furnishing of public school facilities within the County, including the acquisition of land, rights-of-way and easements required therefor; and WHEREAS, an application has been filed with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission ofNorth Carolina (the "Commission") requesting Commission approval of the General Obligation School Bonds hereinafter described as required by the Local Government Bond Act, and the Clerk to the Board has notified the Board that the application has been accepted for submission to the Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, as follows: Section 1. In order to raise the money required for the purposes described above, in addition to any funds which may be made available for such purposes from any other source, General Obligation School Bonds of the County are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to the Local Government Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal amount of such General Obligation School Bonds authorized by this order shall be $100,000,000. Section 2. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said General Obligation School Bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. A sworn statement of the County's debt has been filed with the Clerk to the Board and is open to public inspection. Section 4. This bond order shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at a referendum scheduled for November 4, 2014. The foregoing order was adopted on the 21st day of July, 2014, and is hereby published on the_ day of July, 2014. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of the order must be begun within 30 days after the date of publication of this notice. The finance officer of the County has filed a statement estimating that the total amount of interest that will be paid on the bonds over the expected term of the bonds, if issued, is $ . The estimate is preliminary, is for general informational purposes only, and may differ from the actual interest paid on the bonds Is/ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board of Commissioners County of Harnett, North Carolina Ha r n e t t Co u n t y Co m m u n i t y De v e l o p m e n t Mo n t h l y Pe r f o r m a n c e St a t u s Re p o r t (D u e on 15 t h o f ea c h mo n t h ) Gr a n t e e Na m e : Co u n t y o f Ha r n e t t Gr a n t Nu m b e r : 11 - C - 23 1 4 Mo n t h : Ju l y Year: 2014 Ac t i v i t y Pe r f o r m a n c e C u r r e n t Pe r f o r m a n c e St a t u s Re m e d y to get back on Schedule Sc h e d u l e (I f O f f Sc h e d u l e ) (I f Off Schedule) (O n / O f f ) Re h a b i l i t a t i o n On Re c o n s t r u c t i o n On Cl e a r a n c e On Te m p o r a r y Re l o c a t i o n On Pl a n n i n g On Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n On -- Co m m e n t s : De m o l i t i o n co n t r a c t si g n e d ; tw o re c o n s t r u c t i o n co n t r a c t s si g n e d ; tw o re h a b co n t r a c t s in fi n a l st a g e s o f ap p r o v a l . Pr e p a r e d By : En d o r s e d By : Ti t l e : Pr o j e c t Ma n a g e r , TW C Ti t l e : Co u n t y Ma n a g e r (C i t y / C o u n t y Manager or Clerk) Bo a r d or Co u n c i l Up d a t e : Da t e : Ju l y 21 , 20 1 4 Pe r f o r m a n c e Sc h e d u l e (B a s e d on P e r f o r m a n c e B a s e d C o n t r a c t ) O n / O f f Sc h e d u l e •! • • O. f f P e r f o r m a n c e Sc h e d u l e : Pr o v i d e cu r r e n t pe r f o r m a n c e st a t u s an d re m e d y to ge t ba c k on sc h e d u l e an d su b m i t report •! • • On Pe r f o r m a n c e Sc h e d u l e : St o p an d su b m i t re p o r t , no cu r r e n t pe r f o r m a n c e st a t u s or re m e d y to ge t ba c k on schedule is required DC A Mo n t h l y Pe r f o r m a n c e Re p o r t v. 11 2 0 1 3 > ~ = Q.. ~ ; 9 PLANNING SERVICES REPORT June 2014 Monthly Status Report For Planning, Inspections & Central Permitting Fiscal Year 2013-2014 2 Table of Contents I. Revenue Breakdown Inspections: Inspection Revenue…………………………………………………………………….….3 Planning: Activity Report…………………………….……………………………………….………..4 Division 6 Project Update……………………………………………………………….....9 Planning Revenue…………………………….……………………………….…………..13 Cell Tower Revenue…………………………………………………………….…….…..14 Recreational Fees……………………………………………………………….…….…..15 A.M.P.I. ……………………………………………………………………………….…....16 Environmental Health: E-Health Revenue…………………………………………………………………….…...17 Food & Lodging Revenue………………………………………………………………....18 Public Utilities: Public Utilities Revenue……………………………………………………………..…….19 Fire Marshall: Fire Marshall Revenue……………………………..………………………………….…..20 II. Applications & Permits Permits: Permits Issued By Month………………….…….…………………………………..…....21 Permits by SFH/Manufactured Homes…………………………………………………..22 Valuations: Permit Valuations……………………………….…………………………….….…….…..23 III. Township Information: Recreational Fee ……………………………………………………………………………..….....24 Lots…………………………………….….……………………………………………………..……25 Applications………………….……….………………………………………………………..…....26 3 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 $- $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY Total FY 07-08 $137,669 $116,790 $65,855 $80,112 $70,145 $82,664 $64,481 $88,041 $89,842 $96,144 $111,329 $116,899 $1,119,971 FY 08-09 $100,391 $57,218 $60,319 $46,249 $51,961 $30,566 $33,723 $58,632 $99,530 $98,338 $73,324 $67,868 $778,119 FY 09-10 $86,771 $66,489 $93,014 $81,537 $61,148 $92,292 $81,129 $67,281 $103,548 $100,216 $79,804 $69,365 $982,594 FY 10-11 $87,913 $76,715 $58,124 $88,071 $101,297 $74,283 $71,218 $84,997 $80,399 $95,521 $187,293 $93,581 $1,099,412 FY 11-12 $80,637 $118,971 $122,574 $81,479 $85,075 $56,285 $71,908 $91,662 $83,841 $84,000 $113,049 $106,431 $1,095,912 FY 12-13 $125,159 $96,940 $79,878 $96,342 $92,119 $81,678 $130,365 $124,565 $82,768 $118,398 $111,644 $104,006 $1,243,862 FY 13-14 $127,150 $112,368 $61,868 $78,174 $61,113 $40,752 $94,942 $62,630 $89,368 $87,892 $104,572 $73,937 $994,766 Inspection Revenue FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 Angier and Lillington are not included in this dataset. Angier contracts HC Inspections at $2,083 monthly. Lillington at $2,333 monthly. 4 Planning Activity Report For June 2014 Board Of Adjustments Appeal Cell Tower Swmh / Dwmh PUD Commercial Variance Total Monthly 2 2 Year To Date 0 5 3 0 28 1 37 Recreational Fees For Major Subdivisions Townships Total For Month Year To Date Total (since f.y. 06) Anderson Creek $ 26,500.00 $ 963,500.00 Averasboro $ - $ - $ 6,500.00 Barbecue $ 12,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 335,000.00 Black River $ - $ - $ 29,500.00 Buckhorn $ - $ - Duke $ - $ - Grove $ - $ - Hectors Creek $ 8,500.00 $ 67,000.00 Johnsonville $ - $ - $ 191,500.00 Lillington $ - $ - Neills Creek $ - $ - Stewarts Creek $ - $ - $ 77,500.00 Upper Little River $ - $ - $ 49,000.00 Totals $ 12,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 1,719,500.00 Preliminary Major Subdivisions Townships Number Of Subdivisions By Month Number of Lots By Month YTD Anderson Creek Approved 1 65 411 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 54 Averasboro Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Barbecue Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 1 1 1 Black River Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Buckhorn Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Duke Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Grove Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Hectors Creek Approved 104 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Johnsonville Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Lillington Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Neills Creek Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Stewarts Creek Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Upper Little River Approved 21 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 5 Preliminary Major Subdivision Totals Monthly Number Of Subdivisions Number Of Lots Approved 1 65 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 1 1 Year To Date Number Of Subdivisions Number Of Lots Approved 7 536 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 2 55 Final Major Subdivisions Townships Number Of Subdivisions Number of Lots By Month YTD Anderson Creek Approved 96 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Averasboro Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Barbecue Approved 1 24 171 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 36 Black River Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Buckhorn Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Duke Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Grove Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Hectors Creek Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Johnsonville Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Lillington Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Neills Creek Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Stewarts Creek Approved 7 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Upper Little River Approved 0 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 Final Major Subdivision Totals Monthly Number Of Subdivisions Number Of Lots Approved 1 24 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 0 0 Year To Date Number Of Subdivisions Number Of Lots Approved 12 274 Reviewed & Placed On Hold 1 36 Minor Subdivisions Monthly Number Of Subdivisions Number Of Lots Approved 3 6 Year To Date Number Of Subdivisions Number Of Lots Approved 66 100 6 Exempt Subdivisions Monthly Number Of Subdivisions Number Of Lots Approved 8 11 Year To Date Number Of Subdivisions Number Of Lots Approved 133 234 Flood Zone Permits Issued Monthly 0 Year To Date 1 Zoning Inspections Monthly 29 Year To Date 380 Manufactured Home Park License Issued Monthly Number Of Parks Number Of Lots Approved 6 52 Year To Date Number Of Parks Number Of Lots Approved 105 1489 Manufactured Home Park Inspections Monthly Number Of Inspections 18 Year To Date Number of Inspections 194 Rezoning Requests Monthly Type Of Request P.B. Action C.C. Action 2 RA-20R to Commercial 2 Approved Approved 1 Denied Denied 1 Year To Date Total Number Of Requests P.B. Action C.C. Action 6 6 Approved Approved 5 Denied Denied 1 Text Amendments Monthly 0 Year To Date 11 Violations Monthly Complaints Resolved Pending 0 3 -3 Year To Date Complaints Resolved Pending 63 46 17 Commercial Site Plan Reviews Monthly 5 Year To Date 27 Abandoned Mobile Home Project Initiative (A.M.P.I) Monthly S.W.M.H. D.W.M.H. TOTALS Contracts 0 0 0 Removed 0 0 0 Year To Date S.W.M.H. D.W.M.H. TOTALS Contracts 0 0 0 Removed 0 0 0 7 Special Project Activity June 2014 New  Planning Staff has started compiling information for a RFP for the New Harnett County Comprehensive Growth Plan.  Harnett County Planning Department was awarded a $10,000 grant for Land Use Funds through the NC Wildlife Resource Commission and has moved forward for acceptance by the Harnett County Commissioners.  Brad Sutton, Assistant Building Codes Administrator resigned his position (after 13 years of service) with the Inspections Department to take a similar job with the Town of Cary. Ongoing  County Planning Staff, along with the Town of Angier staff met with the new Director of CAMPO to discuss transportation issues within in Harnett County. Staff Reviewing Commercial Site Plans for: New 1. Strickland’s Repair 2. Sheryl’s Catering 3. Campbell Pointe Townhomes (3 phases, 99 total units) 4. All American Fire Protection Ongoing 5. Army Medical Building (Hwy 87) 6. Anderson Creek Commercial Complex 7. Campbell University Weight Room at Football Field House 8. Holle Kennels 9. Hanson Aggregates Expansion Hold  Neill’s Creek Land Use Plan. (See Above)  Continued development of the Countywide Land Use Plan rewrite with Western Harnett Small Area Plan.  Development of the Problem Properties Task Force (No funding approved for FY:2013)  Staff has completed a draft version of a Firearms Discharge Ordinance. 8 Upcoming Harnett County Planning Board Meeting: Monday, July 7, 2014 NO MEETING SCHEDULED Harnett County Board of Adjustment Meeting: Monday, July 14, 2014 Conditional Use 1. BA-CU-16-14. Woodall, E Marshall & Harold B Woodall. A Singlewide Manufactured home in an RA- 30 Zoning District; Black River Township; PIN # 0662-36-4167.000; NC 210 North. Appeal 1. BA-AP-01-14. William Daniel Andrews; Daniel & Joyce Andrews; Drake Landing, LLC; Hector’s Creek & Black River Townships; SR # 1441 (Chalybeate Springs Road). The applicants request an appeal of the Zoning Administrator’s Notices of Violation dated April 30, 2014, which is related to the operation of an Outdoor Firing Range Facility without a conditional use permit. 9 Division 6 Project Update – Mid Carolina RPO 10 11 12 13 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 $- $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 $140,000 $160,000 $180,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY Total FY 07-08 $14,950 $24,040 $7,240 $13,055 $7,175 $12,020 $10,440 $28,745 $11,240 $12,815 $11,840 $18,230 $171,790 FY 08-09 $12,870 $10,532 $8,367 $16,615 $7,130 $4,317 $3,690 $12,170 $10,095 $9,875 $6,743 $6,790 $109,194 FY 09-10 $14,052 $8,355 $7,438 $11,755 $10,365 $8,095 $6,350 $9,575 $10,285 $12,455 $9,250 $8,370 $116,345 FY 10-11 $12,540 $7,980 $7,960 $12,205 $9,430 $7,230 $11,445 $7,850 $12,160 $9,880 $8,985 $8,860 $116,525 FY 11-12 $6,189 $35,772 $7,930 $9,305 $7,904 $7,745 $7,854 $12,517 $8,788 $10,035 $8,262 $13,917 $136,218 FY 12-13 $10,322 $10,414 $11,068 $10,615 $8,635 $7,243 $10,521 $10,539 $13,451 $16,832 $12,750 $7,033 $129,423 FY 13-14 $4,934 $5,470 $11,157 $7,156 $8,598 $8,791 $5,552 $11,063 $17,782 $10,291 $13,852 $6,160 $110,806 Planning Fees FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 Angier is not included in this dataset. Angier contracts with HC Planning at $1,833 monthly. 14 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 $- $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 $140,000 $160,000 $180,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY Total FY 07-08 $-$-$-$-$-$-$18,000 $-$-$4,500 $-$22,500 FY 08-09 $8,750 $-$-$-$6,000 $-$-$-$-$4,500 $4,500 $-$23,750 FY 09-10 $-$-$-$-$-$4,300 $-$4,500 $49,500 $-$-$4,250 $62,550 FY 10-11 $4,500 $-$-$-$-$-$4,500 $-$-$-$-$-$9,000 FY 11-12 $-$15,000 $-$-$5,000 $-$-$-$-$4,500 $4,500 $-$24,500 FY 12-13 $13,500 $4,500 $-$4,500 $40,000 $20,000 $18,500 $10,000 $5,000 $28,000 $20,000 $-$164,00 FY 13-14 $11,500 $1,000 $28,000 $6,500 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 $5,000 $3,000 $2,000 $4,000 $67,000 Cell Tower Fees No cell tower fees were tracked prior to February of 02-03 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 15 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY Total FY 07-08 $75,000 $-$86,000 $9,500 $67,000 $15,000 $56,500 $81,000 $11,000 $-$25,000 $74,500 $500,500 FY 08-09 $-$18,500 $-$-$5,500 $-$-$40,000 $-$71,000 $10,500 $57,500 $203,000 FY 09-10 $-$96,500 $15,000 $-$500 $-$15,000 $-$30,500 $-$9,500 $17,000 $184,000 FY 10-11 $-$20,000 $49,500 $-$5,500 $-$-$15,500 $23,000 $21,500 $-$13,000 $148,000 FY 11-12 $35,500 $-$-$35,000 $16,000 $-$92,000 $21,000 $129,000 $13,500 $500 $19,500 $362,000 FY 12-13 $-$55,000 $30,500 $3,500 $67,500 $11,000 $4,500 $-$-$15,000 $28,000 $-$215,000 FY 13-14 $7,500 $6,500 $59,000 $-$-$-$8,500 $-$-$26,500 $-$12,000 $120,000 Recreational Fees FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 16 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 $- $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY Total FY 07-08 $1,200 $530 $904 $1,325 $952 $1,859 $500 $509 $996 $32 $272 $9,078 FY 08-09 $500 $810 $500 $1,979 $1,578 $1,972 $1,023 $648 $666 $1,303 $2,299 $668 $13,946 FY 09-10 $1,666 $561 $740 $1,964 $350 $-$868 $-$1,885 $1,600 $616 $-$10,249 FY 10-11 $1,359 $696 $1,050 $1,468 $1,035 $451 $958 $700 $584 $595 $721 $578 $10,195 FY 11-12 $-$250 $287 $-$-$-$-$-$350 $-$1,250 $-$2,137 FY 12-13 $1,576 $2,110 $52 $152 $1,022 $2,366 $2,071 $215 $-$-$70 $-$9,634 FY 13-14 $-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$- Abandoned Manufactured Home Planning Initiative Fees No A.M.P.I. fees were tracked prior to November of FY 05-06 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 17 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 $- $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY Total FY 07-08 $21,975 $19,050 $16,075 $17,800 $16,050 $11,575 $22,500 $17,225 $17,775 $21,950 $18,700 $16,600 $217,275 FY 08-09 $16,450 $14,475 $23,825 $9,750 $8,950 $6,925 $8,450 $10,175 $20,750 $12,775 $17,225 $15,650 $165,400 FY 09-10 $14,600 $14,900 $13,175 $10,600 $13,000 $9,600 $11,975 $18,375 $13,225 $16,975 $15,950 $13,875 $166,250 FY 10-11 $18,225 $11,075 $10,800 $7,000 $11,800 $5,300 $10,750 $11,675 $13,450 $10,400 $10,750 $16,100 $137,325 FY 11-12 $15,275 $22,525 $21,425 $26,650 $23,025 $11,175 $39,175 $21,550 $29,675 $23,700 $21,200 $32,150 $287,525 FY 12-13 $17,000 $31,250 $33,525 $18,450 $21,900 $19,450 $18,650 $58,425 $35,400 $30,150 $26,100 $22,075 $332,375 FY 13-14 $26,600 $30,775 $27,050 $22,750 $22,050 $22,800 $26,700 $19,900 $27,425 $25,225 $19,400 $28,350 $299,025 Enviromental Health Revenue Based upon fees received & processed through Central Permitting FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 18 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 $- $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY Total FY 07-08 $-$700 $600 $400 $700 $600 $800 $600 $600 $1,400 $200 $1,000 $7,600 FY 08-09 $600 $800 $800 $400 $800 $800 $400 $200 $1,000 $600 $600 $200 $7,200 FY 09-10 $800 $1,100 $200 $400 $-$400 $600 $200 $-$200 $400 $400 $4,700 FY 10-11 $600 $400 $1,000 $300 $400 $-$400 $400 $700 $300 $400 $700 $5,600 FY 11-12 $200 $800 $400 $400 $400 $200 $300 $-$500 $-$200 $-$3,400 FY 12-13 $400 $400 $-$800 $-$-$200 $400 $200 $400 $500 $200 $3,500 FY 13-14 $200 $200 $200 $-$-$-$-$-$400 $600 $200 $500 $2,300 Food & Lodging Revenue Based upon fees received & processed through Central Permitting No food & lodging fees were tracked prior to August FY 07 -08 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 19 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 $- $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY Total FY 07-08 $49,465 $115,689 $63,470 $85,155 $52,725 $51,470 $53,715 $32,620 $51,035 $43,855 $54,795 $52,125 $706,119 FY 08-09 $76,555 $33,430 $41,130 $50,815 $23,300 $27,385 $21,160 $33,840 $24,585 $31,190 $39,955 $47,210 $450,555 FY 09-10 $48,335 $57,700 $40,520 $50,505 $50,905 $20,420 $51,285 $31,880 $54,305 $67,815 $24,445 $68,095 $566,210 FY 10-11 $35,200 $55,910 $38,055 $27,785 $34,900 $39,370 $18,270 $26,620 $63,290 $49,315 $51,650 $42,925 $483,290 FY 11-12 $47,475 $54,145 $54,300 $54,385 $43,490 $36,430 $33,255 $44,425 $32,040 $30,275 $39,815 $35,445 $505,480 FY 12-13 $34,995 $28,260 $39,940 $43,990 $33,320 $24,520 $27,515 $36,535 $48,965 $22,640 $44,285 $28,060 $413,025 FY 13-14 $25,085 $35,825 $36,690 $43,500 $17,725 $13,775 $27,605 $22,555 $39,485 $37,925 $20,570 $47,270 $368,010 Public Utilities Fees Based upon fees received & processed through Central Permitting Includes water, sewer, sprinkler taps & water meters FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 20 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY Total FY 07-08 1425 1365 1210 2045 855 835 1075 1660 1465 1370 1350 1835 16490 FY 08-09 1180 1160 1095 1285 1065 380 915 940 770 1155 395 725 11065 FY 09-10 1030 1455 864 2118 1879 2508 763 897 1007 2313 660 1949 17443 FY 10-11 703 1106 1080 1346 1949 2461 1364 1907 940 1059 1715 542 16172 FY 11-12 660 2181 1043 615 3133 4235 1196 1407 2436 581 2106 1337 20930 FY 12-13 $1,675 $1,534 $1,100 $835 $539 $702 $3,138 $693 $825 $1,193 $5,021 $1,279 $18,534 FY 13-14 $2,530 $1,594 $3,289 $1,722 $926 $725 $3,251 $862 $1,023 $650 $2,446 $741 $19,759 Fire Marshall Fees Based upon fees received & processed through Central Permitting FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 21 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY12-13 FY 13-14 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY Total FY 07-08 285 305 216 299 192 250 208 251 223 273 318 285 3,105 FY 08-09 339 219 225 198 175 139 134 154 172 218 218 222 2,413 FY 09-10 242 219 274 305 188 209 218 200 231 290 290 234 2,900 FY 10-11 250 245 198 285 276 240 225 236 250 242 318 320 3,085 FY 11-12 192 250 207 197 223 160 172 222 218 219 222 275 2,557 FY12-13 265 241 219 210 199 182 254 251 201 267 259 235 2,783 FY 13-14 263 248 174 211 187 161 203 186 319 286 265 291 2,794 Permits Issued By Month Includes Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, Insulation, Manufactured Homes & Single Family Dwellings FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY12-13 FY 13-14 22 Permit Type July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June Totals Manufactured 11 9 7 19 11 25 12 6 14 18 11 15 158 Single-Family 73 83 48 53 43 11 42 42 64 54 43 44 600 Total 84 92 55 72 54 36 54 48 78 72 54 59 758 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June Totals Single Family Home/Manufactured Home Permits Manufactored Home Single-Family Total 23 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 $- $50,000,000 $100,000,000 $150,000,000 $200,000,000 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun FY Total FY 07-08 $9,523,208 $15,974,931 $10,566,088 $12,474,891 $11,435,765 $8,608,283 $10,833,271 $7,458,094 $14,023,150 $13,569,455 $14,860,887 $12,131,716 $141,459,739 FY 08-09 $12,691,631 $8,776,508 $5,220,612 $4,920,978 $5,369,579 $3,450,528 $5,649,131 $7,522,965 $9,077,151 $7,856,281 $8,725,777 $7,417,729 $86,678,870 FY 09-10 $11,379,224 $10,362,784 $10,638,492 $7,230,957 $9,428,102 $9,361,441 $8,443,143 $9,086,404 $8,810,094 $12,441,314 $9,830,598 $9,402,588 $116,415,141 FY 10-11 $11,252,733 $7,950,958 $8,345,311 $11,182,071 $10,872,478 $11,426,556 $8,228,678 $11,513,785 $14,305,568 $13,132,419 $13,407,863 $1,403,883 $123,022,303 FY 11-12 $11,473,930 $273,697 $9,121,214 $10,094,638 $8,891,826 $4,212,104 $7,595,696 $10,643,099 $7,896,499 $8,047,635 $15,469,436 $12,968,827 $106,688,601 FY 12-13 $6,648,277 $11,216,486 $8,186,483 $9,713,654 $8,884,669 $8,409,146 $14,682,203 $12,334,320 $12,393,618 $11,295,201 $9,394,109 $10,291,523 $123,449,689 FY 13-14 $13,270,018 $10,211,222 $5,736,233 $9,105,513 $5,639,513 $1,558,260 $6,553,020 $6,817,970 $10,994,367 $8,907,093 $8,492,767 $4,644,885 $91,930,861 Residential Application Valuation By Month FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 24 $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 Anderson Creek Averasboro Barbecue Black River Buckhorn Duke Grove Hectors Creek Johnsonvill e Lillington Neills Creek Stewarts Creek Upper Little River Fees $937,000 $6,500 $323,000 $29,500 $0 $0 $0 $58,500 $191,500 $0 $0 $77,500 $49,000 Recreation Fees By Township (TOTALS SINCE 10/1/06) No recreational fees were tracked prior to October of FY 06-07 25 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Anderson Creek Averasboro Barbecue Black River Buckhorn Duke Grove Hectors Creek Johnsonvill e Lillington Neills Creek Stewarts Creek Upper Little River Lots 1874 13 646 59 0 0 0 118 383 0 0 155 98 Lots By Township (TOTALS SINCE 10/1/06) No lots were tracked prior to October of FY 06-07 26 ] 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Township Applications YTD 13-14 Demolition - Add/Alter Residential - Add/Alter Non-Residential - Stores & Other Customer Service - Office/Bank Plaza - Hospitals, Institutions & Schools - Commercial Activities - Industrial, Public Works & Utilities - Church or other Religious - Amusement,Social or Recreational - Hotels/Motels - Munufactored Homes - Multiple family Dwellings - Duplex Dwellings - Single family Dwellinngs - Other Non-residential - updated 7/07/2014 Harnett County Department of Public Health Activities Summary Agenda Item __ q_.,_ __ Agenda Item __ q ___ _ BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Sampson County WIA Adult Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7412-465.22-00 FICA 700 234-7412-465.23~90 Retirement 700 234-7412-465.~?26 Incentives 1000 234-7412-465.58-01 Training & Meetings 93 234-7412-465.58-14 Travel 1000 234-7412-465.58-19 Participant Travel 1000 234-7412-465.22-00 Group Ins 113 234-7412-465.21-04 HSA 8 234-7412-465.32-73 11 r ~ \ V\ \ n"' ~ o Lu.,~ Y\t ri:J 4372 J REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To increase budget to actual ward amount to cover expenditure in the above line items. ~6-11-14 Department Head (date) Finance Off e (date) Cou y Manager (date) { I L1 0 L~tl~r Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013: Section 1. To amend the Human Resources Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-4250.410-30-04 Professional Services $1200.00 110-4250.410-32-92 Pre-employment Screenings $1200.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Money being moved to pay for ongoing drug testing and back ground checks APPROVALS: L · <t-13-1'1 Department Head (date) r (~r~ ounty anager (dateh ~~ q { j 'I Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 473~ BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the WIA Dislocated Worker Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER 04 DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7413-465.21-.¢ HSA $1000.00 234-7413-465.58-01 Training & Meetings $4000.00 234-7413-465.58-19 Participant Travel $1000.00 234-7413-465.32-73 Training Vouchers $4000.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To cover expenditure in the above line items. APPROVALS: ~ ~ &JJkj!f~~~ Department Head (date) mance 0 c (date) Co Y Manager (date) { !9/1 U C !2o J a.-~ 7 Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners ~l5 I BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the WIA Dislocated Worker Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7411-465.32-26 Incentives/Participants $1000.00 234-7411-465.58-19 Participant Travel $1000.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To cover expenditure in the above line items. APPROVALS: fkl/JrlliPJt roJ~/t4 · }j~~ ~ ~ Department Head (date) Finance 0 i~~~~i~.?J-Co ty Manager (d&t l1 ( / y Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment sh~ll be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section l.To amend the Youth Services, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-6500-406.41-13 Operating/Utilities 800 110-6500-406.43-15 Operating/Repair & Maint. /Building 700 110-6500-406.54-26 Operating/ Advertising 100 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To fund line item for amount needed for the remainder of the fiscal year. APPROVALS: k'~ /j" artment Head (date) nanc~~ · ate) ounty anager (date)&_ (/q ( { 1 Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ______ day of ______ J ______ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Li1ll BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Emergency Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: 1 EXPENDITURE I AMOUNT AMOUNT I ; CODE NUMBER : DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE I DECREASE i 110-5300-420.11-00 : Salaries & Wages I 7,936 i 110-5300-420.11-06 1 Salaries & Wages-Comp Time Payout 153 ; 11.0-5300-420.11-13 I Salaries & Wages-Vacation Payout 7,783 i i I ! I I l l_B~VENUE i AMOUNT AMOUNT : CODE NUMBER i DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE I : EXPLANATION: To budget the transfer of funds to Salaries & Wages-Comp Time Payout and Vacation Payout. Vacation and Comp Payouts for employee resignation, Michael Martin resigned June 1, 2014. APPROVALS: ~~~-~=-· ·_.:,_I b~ti tk1- ' I I I entHead(datel 1nanceOff e (d~1}9 \l£1 County anager(date)&>{ff( /if Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be urnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ____ , 2014. Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners DEPARTMENT: FUND: CODE NUMBER 110-7100-465.60-47 110-7100-465.58-01 APPROVALS: EXPLANATION: RETURN TO: BUDGET AMENDMENT Industrial Development 7100 DESCRIPTION OF CODE Food & Provisions Training & Meetings Department Head: Finance Officer: County Manager: To move money to cover food and proviSions for Economic Development for remainder of fiscal year DATE: AMOUNT INCREASE $300 June 16, 2014 AMOUNT DECREASE $300 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Transportation Budget, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-4650-410.60-33 Operating/Materials and Supplies 1.00 110-4650-410.55-12 Operating/Printing and Binding 1.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To cover the cost of an Office Depot invoice that was more than the amount that remained in transportation's account line for materials and supplies. APPROVALS: fo-,~~ /J.~-'l' De"partment Head {date) nager (date)<.o ( ( q ( 1 t.j Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this-------day of _______ _.} 2014. Margaret Regina Daniel, Interim Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Public Utilities Department, 531, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 531-9025-431-30-04 Distribution/Professional Services $20,000.00 531-9000-431-32-77 Credit Card Processing $20,000.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To cover costs associated with credit card processing to the end of the year. lql1~ ·~ ~....-L-7'-....,__,_-'='91""'-"-"'-'----t-, __;_' ounty anager (dat~ { {? ( / ~ Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted ------------ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Emergency Medical Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: ' EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT , CODE NUMBER r DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE ~------- 110-5400-420.11-05 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME i 3,929 ~ 110-5400-420.11-13 ! SALARIES & WAGES-VACATION PAYOUT I 3,929 L I I I I l I i i :REVENUE ' t-AMOUNT AMOUNT ~~-----------_J__ t I : CODE NUMBER · DESCRIPTION OF CODE iNCREA~. -DECREASE i -r··------------~-------t-1----+-1 ~~=~ EXPlANATION: To budget the transfer of funds to Salaries & Wages-Vacation Payout. Vacation Payout for employee resignation, Susan D. Hairr resigned June 16, 2014. APPROVALS: anager (date)~( ['1 {/ ~ Section 2 .. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ____ , 2014. Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE 110-7930-441.43-21 Maint & Repair-Auto 110-4610-410.43-21 Maint & Repair-Auto REVENUE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE EXPLANATION: To amend budget amendment 442b. APPROVALS: Department Head {date) AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE 1,658 1,658 AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE ager { ate) Ct; {fer// 'I Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2014: Section 1. To amend the Legal Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-4155-410.12-00 Salaries & Wages-Part-time $950.00 110-4155-410.33-45 Contracted Services $950.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Move funds from Salaries & Wages-Part Time to Contracted Services for payment of services provided by Taylor Emory to complete an electronic records file management project. APPROVALS: 2DI4-C ntyMan er(date)(o{lq{Ji 5 ction 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners DEPARTMENT: FUND: CODE NUMBER 110-4610-410.60-31 110-4610-410.60-33 APPROVALS: EXPLANATION: RETURN TO: BUDGET AMENDMENT Engineering Facilitions 4610 DESCRIPTION OF CODE Gas Materials & Supplies Department Head: Finance Officer: County Manager: To move money to cover gas expense for balance of FY DATE: AMOUNT INCREASE $700 June 19, 2014 AMOUNT DECREASE $700 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Sheriff's Office, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: :_5XPEN~ITUR~ __ j_ ___________ AMOUNT I AMOUf':'T I ' CODE NUMBER i DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREAS~ ·----- ~ _p0-5100-420-12-00 Salaries & Wages Part-time 4,232 i 110-5120-420-11-13 i Salaries & Wages Vacation Payout 4,232 I r i : : I ! ' f--I l REVENUE I AMOUNT : AMOUNT ': CODE NUMBER i DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE r----i I i I I I I 1- ___ _j_ l L. EXPLANATION: To transfer funds in the Sheriff's Detention salaries lines to complete budget year 2013-2014. APPROVALS: Adopted this Margaret Regina Daniel, Clerk to the Board day of 12014. Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Sheriff's Office, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: i EXPENDITURE I AMOUNT AMOUNT ; CODE NUMBER i DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE I DECREASE ; 110-5100-420-11-13 l Salaries & Wages Vacation Payout 10,500 I I 110-5100-420-11-oo I Salaries & Wages ! 10 591 I ! 110-5120-420-11-66 : S~~-r~~ & W~ges CO~.f? T_i_~ _ _P_ay~~t 91 l ' - i i I I I REVENUE I AMOUNT ! AMOUNT l CODE NUMBER i DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE I DECREASE I J I I i i I ----~ ---------I I I -~----------f --. ·--~----~----------I > ______ ---L-. EXPLANATION: To transfer funds in the Sheriff's salaries lines to complete budget year 2013-2014. APPROVALS: Adopted this Margaret Regina Daniel, Clerk to the Board day of 12014. Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners I J i ! j BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Sheriff's Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: ! AMOUNT i AMOUNT ~ ---------+--------~-----~+'-------------\ f--C_:_O-=---D_E _N_U_M_B_E_R __ -+-: _D_ES_C_R_I PTI ON 0 ~ CODE INCREASE DE CREASE ! EXPENDITURE 20 35 96 Cl k f C ! 252-5100-4 --i er 0 ourt I : 38,000 i I 252-5100-420-35-98 I NC Dept. of Revenue 38,000 i i i I I ! I I I i I ------~ i REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNTr ~---~----· ··----~- I CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1--I I l L EXPLANATION: To transfer$ 38,000.00 from Special Operating accounts for budget year 2013-2014. APPROVALS: w 3° /lf C\'v)\ ~-::, '%3/J '-l Department Head {date) ~r(~~ Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Daniel, Clerk to the Board day of 12014. Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ,.r), I . ' I \_I BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be mode to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE 3 1 2-8300-4 l 0-46-D l General Fund 3 l 2-8300-41 0-46-D2 Fencing & Land Scaping REVENUE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE EXPLANATION: budget CP0306, the appropriations AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE 2,222 2,222 AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE To budget funds for the closing of the Transportaion Facility Project. APPROVALS: ~, t:',&?;-;;/ /~k··j7 ~ll\ Department Head(Date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Comm BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the WIA Adults Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7412-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 200.00 234-7412-465.25-10 Unemployment Benefits 80.00 234-7412-465.26-08 Worker's Compensation 160.00 234-7412-465.32-72 Support Services 1000.00 234-7412-465.58-14 Travel Administration 300.00 234-7412-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 40.00 234-7412-465.21-00 Group Insurance Expense 113.00 234-7412-465.32-73 Training Vouchers 1667.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To cover expenditure in the above line items. APPROVALS: c~e) (,j,)t/ff t ina nee Offi er (date) Co ty Manager(;;:;- Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to ~f jo/ J I} Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Emergency Medical Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: , EXPENDITURE ________ _,_ _ __:_A.:__M __ O__:_U_N_T_--I _ _:._AMOUNT __j , CODE NUMBER . DESCRIPTI_<?_I\j_O-'=-CODE ----------+--INCREASE DECREASE j 110-S401-420.11-05 . SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME 526 ~ ----~ ' 110 5401 420 11 13 SALARIES & WAGES VACATION PAYOUT 447 ----i i ; 110-5401-420.11-10 , SALARIES & WAGES-HOLIDAY PAYOUT I 79 i -~-----·---l ~ i I i I I I : I ! :-=1 i ' i i i I I I i I I i I i I T i REVENUE -'--·---------------------+ AMOUN_T_---1--AM_<?UNT~_j INCREASE DECRE~_J CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE ---- EXPlANATION: To budget the transfer of funds to Salaries & Wages-Vacation Payout and Salaries & Wages- Holiday Payout. Payouts for employee, Stephen T. King, termination May 23, 2014. APPROVAlS: ment Head (date) · nee Offic (date) Coun Manager (date) G ( 3 [)( / tj Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day of ____ , 2014. Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Legal Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-4155-410.64-25 Books & Publications 150.00 110-4155-410.33-45 Contracted Services 150.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Move $150.00 from Books & Publications to Contracted Services that will be used on West Payment Center Purchase Order (#48494) to pay for West Law Online Data Center Legal Database annual agreement. APPROVALS: nager (date) 0 I 36 [} 1 Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment h II be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINEDby the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending!une 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Public Utilities NE Waste Water Project PU1201, the appropriations ore to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 542-91 00-431-45-01 Construction $36,234 542-91 00-431-45-20 Leoal & Adm $4,094 542-91 00-431-45-30 Enoineerino $91,085 542-91 00-431-45-33 Materials & Supplies $18,125 542-91 00-431-45-40 Land & RW $46,809 542-91 00-431-45-80 Contingency $75,504 542-91 00-431-46-01 Residual Equity $271,851 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To budget the closing of NE Wastewater Extension Project. Department Head (date) ~~. County Manager (date) [ {/l.l {a ?>o. ( Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. \~111 Adopted __________________________________ __ Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Comm BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be mode to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013: Section 1. To amend the Public Utilities Fund , Buffalo Lakes Road & Wild Horse WW Ext Project PU0802 the appropriations are to be changed as follows:: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 571-9100-431-46-01 Residual Equity $1,570 571-9100-431-45-20 Legal $536 571-91 00-431-45-33 Enqineerinq $386 571-91 00-431-45-40 Land R&W $487 571-9100-431-4510 Continqencv $161 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE . EXPLANATION: To budget Residual Equity Transfer for the close of Buffalo Lakes Road Wild Horse WW Ext. Adopted __________________________________ __ Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board \~ll9 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Comm BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Public Utilities Fund, East Central Water Improvements PU0703, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 567-9100-431-45-70 Interest During Construction 181,118 567-9100-431-46-01 Residual Equity 181,118 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: TO budget sales tax and interest earned for the East Central Water Improvements Project. APPROVALS: u ~-yt~ DepartmentHead(dat~ Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted __________________________________ __ Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board l~l~O Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Comm BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Legal Services Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-4155-410.58-01 Training & Meetings 1,800.00 110-4155-410.58-14 Travel Admin. 1,800.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Move $1,800.00 from Training & Meetings to Travel Administration to be used for hotel, food allowance and mileage for the 2014 Summer Attorneys Conference in Asheville. APPROVALS: ~}! l> Jo /tf Section . Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT _.I l BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Public Utilities Department Capital Project PU 1005 SCWW 1C -1, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 577-9100-431.45-30 MBD Engineers $26,277.00 577-9100-431-45-80 Contingency $26,277.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Engineer amendment to modify sewer system in South Central1C1. APPROVALS: Count Manager {date) j l & 3o I { Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this day of Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board J 2014. Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 50/ i RECENED BY LEGAL SERVICES DATE: BY:. _________ _ COUNTY DOCUMENT REVIEW COVER SHEET .J, This Block ONLY to be completed by Department .J, Vendor Legal Name: MBD Consulting Engineers, PA !Type of Contract: o New CJ Renewal ~Amendment o Services o Goods o Consulting LJ Construction o Lease o Other: Description/Scope of Work: Redesign of approximately 3000 linear feet of sewer system Funding Source: c County o State Grant ~ Federal Grant o Local Grant o To Be Financed o Other Expenditure/Revenue Code(s) (all14 digits required) Department: HCDPU 577-9100-431-45-30 Project Code: PU1005 SCWW 1C1 Annual Contract Amount: 26277.00 Budget Amendment MUST be attached if needed Dept. Contact: Steve Ward -/c~ntract Period (dates): Date Needed/Board Review: July 7, 2014 / ontact Telephone: 910-814-3042 Department Head Signature: IV? Date: (;. .-)' -; t Department Head has~eJiewed attached and is satisfied with material terms INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR (Applicable only for hardware/software purchased or related technology services) This contract has been reviewed and approved by the IT Director as to technical content and network compatibility. IT Director's Signature: Date: COUNTY STAFF ATTORNEY Comments: Signature: Date: RISK MANAGEMENT Risk Management has received a copy of the Certificate of Insurance. Yes __ No __ Signature: Date: FINANCE Comments: !Signature: Date: L COUNTY MANAGER re: Date: CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (Agenda Request form must be attached) !Comments: ~ignature: Date: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Date Provided to Clerk for Board Packet: Final Contract Distribution Date: Contract Control Number: o Scanned o Original/Copy to Dept. o Original to Clerk o To Dept for vendor sig. Rev. 05/2012 r This is EXHIBIT J, consisting of 2 pages, referred to and part of the Agreement between OWner and Engineer for Professional Services dated April 5, 2010. AMENDMENT TO OWNER-ENGINEER AGREEMENT 1. Background Data a. Effective Date of Owner-Engineer Agreement: b. Owner: c. 'ngineer: d. Prolect: 2. Nature of Amendment [!]Modification to Basic Services 0Modification to Additional Services 0Modificatlon to Responsibilities of Owner 0Modification to Payment to Engineer 5-Apr-10 County of Harnett MBD Consulting Engineers, PA SCWW Phase 1C-1 0Modification to Time(s) for rendering Services 0Modification to other terms and Conditions of the Agreement 3. Oescriotlon of Modifications The Basic Services were modified as follows: a. Resident Project Representative Services The original contract completion date was March 23, 2013. The contract completion date was extended 172 days to September 12,2013. Substantial completion was attained 95 days after the completion date on December 16, 2013. March 23. 2013 to September 12. 2013 (Contract time Extension) Troy Conner Hiram Marziano 144 Hrs.@ $63.00 \hr. = 12 Hrs. @ $71.00 \ hr. = Subtotal: $9,072.00 $852.00 $9,924.00 September 12. 2013 to December 16. 2013 (Beyond Contract Completion Date) Troy Conner 95 Hrs. @ $63.00 \ hr. = $5,985.00 Hiram Marziano 8 Hrs. @ $71.00 \hr. = $568.00 Subtotal: Total Increase to Resident Project Representative Services: b. Engineering Services $6,553.00 $16,477.00 Funding Source USDA USDA liquidated Damages liquidated Damages The design of the collection system In the vicinity of Hwy. 210 was modified to delete a section of 8" gravity main beginning at the intersection of lakeview Orive and Hwy. 210 and extending along Hwy. 210 to the intersection with Sand Clay Road. A new section of 8" gravity main was designed along Meadow View Road, Sand Clay Road, and an existing utility easement parallel to Hwy. 210 in its' place. The total length of main was approximately 3,000 linear feet. {Exhlblt J ·Amendment to Owner· En&meer Agreementl EJCOC E-510 Sblnl!arc! Form of Agreement Between ().~.~nor and Efti)neer for P11>fessio!lllf Se:vla:s, funding Agency Add!!! on COp):wrl§ht e 2002 National Sodety of Professional Efllilneers for EJCOC. All tights reserved. The pricing for the additional design work including surveying, design, and coordination with regulatory authorities is as follows: Surveying Design Technician Senior Engineer (lump Sum) 40 Hrs. @ $85.00 \hr. = 40 Hrs. @ $130.00 \hr. = Total Increase to Design Sei'Vices: $1,200.00 $3,400.00 $5,200.00 $9,800.00 For the modifications to services set forth above, Owner shall pay the Engineer the following additional compensation: Total Additional Compensation:· ~26,;zti.oo Owner and Engineer hereby agree to modify the above-referenced Agreement as set forth in the Amendment. All provisions of the Agreement not modified by this or previous Amendments remain In effect. The Effective Date of this Amendment is 5/7/2014. OWNE~-H-A-RN_E_TT __________ __ ENGINEER: MBD CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.A. By: J. Charles McGougan, P.E. Title:_....;/J::...;;...!.,:......~=.;.;.._tJ ______ _ Trtle: Vice President Date: __ (,_-_J.._J_-_1_'/ ____ _ Date: June 5, 2014 AGENCY CONCURRENCE By {Signature): Typed Name: Title: Date: (ExhibitJ ·Amendment to Owner· Englnw Asreement) EJCDC E-510 Stsodard form of Aj:reement Between Owner snd Engineer fer Professionol Services, fundln~ Agenty Addition Coi')'WI1fht 0 2002 ~olllll Society of P~onol fn!lneer; for EJCDC. .All ri§lm rese/Ved. BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Harnett County WIA Adult Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER?." DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7411-465.35-j)-1' Participant Cost 1000 234-7411-465.58-19 Travel (Participant) 1000 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To increase budget to actual ard amount to cover expenditure in the above line items. cfta.<~m &I[A 6-27-2014 Department Head (date) . e t l4-anager (dat~13 o / [ L/J Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budg t Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1.To amend the Transportation, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-4650-410.32-70 Operating-Capital Assistance-TDP 1080 110-4650-410.33-45 Operating-Contracted Services 1080 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To fund line item for amount needed for the remainder of the fiscal year for taxes and tags for new vehicles. APPROVALS: y ~ De ~[3~1[~ Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this. ______ day of ______ _; _______ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Public Utilities Department, 531, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 531-9000-431-41-10 Admin/Operating Utilities $6500.00 531-9030-431-41-10 Collections/Operating Utilities $65,000.00 531-9000-431-41-11 Admin/Telecommunication & Postage $19,000.00 531-9030-431-34-02 Collections/Chemicals $35,000.00 531-9030.431-30-04 Collections/Professional Services $17,500.00 531-9000-431-60-31 Ad min/Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies $3,600.00 531-9020-431-60-31 NHWWTP/Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies $3,300.00 531-9021-431-60-31 SHWWTP/Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies $300.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To cover utility and fuel costs to the end of the year. APPROVALS: Adopted ------------ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the Harnett County WIA Adult Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7407-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 1037 234-7405-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 932 2 34-7 405-465.11-13 Vacation Payout 26 234-7 405-465.23-00 Retirement 68 234-7407-465.11-13 Vacation Payout 11 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To increase budget to actua a ard amount to cover expenditur in the above line items. C~JJt lMc[J27-2014 Department Head (date) Finance Offic (date~ Cou Manager (date)/ I? ~3 I ll/ b 3 o{ J 4 Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Jun 30 14 09:07a BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, That the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the WIA Youth Program, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRlPTION OF CODE INCREASE i 234-7 406-465.58-14 Travel 195.00 234.7406-465.35-01 Operating Special Account/Stipends 234-7406-465.58-01 Training & Meeting Total 195.00 REVENUE AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE fatal 0.00 EXPLANATION: To cover expenditure in the above line item. Adopted this------day of _________________ _ p.2 AMOUNT DECREASE 12.) -+f};OO 10 3:~5.ef'! 195.00 AMOUNT DECREASE 0.00 Jlargaret Regina Danlel, nterim Clerk to the Board Timothy B. McNeill, Chairman Harnet County Board of Commissioners I fJO~ t BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the WIA Adults Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7412-465.11-00 Wages & Salaries 672.00 234-7412-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 47.00 234-7412-465.58-19 Participant Travel 300.00 234-7412-465.32-73 Training Vouchers 419.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To cover expenditure in the above line items. APPROVALS: duxUtf£Uac(1 &tooit't ~ ~ Department Head (date) (/ colv Manager (date) 7 I?/ If Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 201.4: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Cooperative Extension, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE 110-7300-465-58-14 Travel 110-7300-465-60-33 Materials & Supplies REVENUE CODE NUMBER Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board DESCRIPTION OF CODE day of AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE 395 395 AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the WIA Adults Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7413-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 595.00 234-7413-465.11-13 Vacation Payout $595.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPlANATION: To cover expenditure in the above line items. APPROVAlS: {i a-Jd:/1 1tll£~ c,;3of, tf-_x_·~·1_U_~-ti----J_ Department Head (date) Finance Offi r (date) ~I ">to It+- ty Manager (date) 7 section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners /I'( 5l \i BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the WIA Adults Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7fi-12-465.11-00 Salaries and Wages 387.00 234-7412-465.21-05 Employee Clinic 158.00 234-7412-465.22-00 FICA Expense 16.00 234-7412-465.23-00 Regular Retirement 22.00 234-7412-465.25-10 Unemployment Benefits 11.00 234-7412-465.26-08 Worker's Compensation 15.00 234-7412-465.32.26 Incentives/Participants 79.00 234-7412-465.11-13 Vacation Payout 688.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To cover expenditure in the above line items. APPROVALS: Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 201.4: Section 1. To amend the WIA Adults Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7410-465.21-04 HSA 37.00 I 234-7410-465.11-13 Vacation Payout 37.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To cover expenditure in the above line items. APPROVALS: {!~ I}J_.ach r;/3f i--'='---F'--==-:::....:_.~--- Department Head {date) 1 'J~gr1e~ anager (date) 7 / '1/l J Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the 1 Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the WIA Adults Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7411-465.26-08 Worker's Compensation 455.00 234-7411-465.11-13 Vacation Payout 455.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To cover expenditure in the above line items. APPROVALS: CkJdi;~htl3of!. · · ~B-~ Department Head 1 date) Fin nee Offq~ i'i ~ Coun Man age r I date) 7 / 7 /! f Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Si41 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Harnett. North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the, General Fund Parents as Teachers, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 11 0-731 0-465. 1 1-00 Salaries & Wages $319 11 0-731 0-465. 11-06 Camp Time Payout $207 110-7310-465.11-13 Vacation Payout $3,244 110-7310-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages Parttime $3,770 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To adjust salary lines for the close of the Parents as Teacher grant. APPROVALS: Dep=orHead F;nance lcer(dafe) /30/14 ~ (?/3o(J 'f Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the s6dge Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted __________________________________ __ Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Comm BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett. North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30.2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund. Race To the Top Early Learning the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 11 0-7326-465.11-06 Camp Time payout $23 11 0-7326-465.11-13 Vacation Payout $431 110-7300-465.11-04 NCCES Labor Distribution $454 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To balance Christina Jolly Camp time and Vacation Payout due to the close of the Parents as Teachers grant. APPROVALS: Department Head (Date) Finance Of· r (date) /14-County Manager (date) section 2. Copies of this budget omendmenf sholl be furnished fo the Clerk fo the Boord. ond to the Bu~LI3 "[tt{_ Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted __________________________________ ___ Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Comm BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER 110-7600-441.32-68 110-7600-441.58-18 REVENUE CODE NUMBER EXPlANATION: APPROVALS: Department Head (date) AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Board Member Expense $ 1,080.00 Contract Travel $ 1,080.00 AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE To move funds from Board Member Expense to Contract Travel to cover costs of board member travel. Finance Officeri(Date) section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners tDI BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER 110-7600-441.33-50 110-7600-441.33-45 REVENUE CODE NUMBER EXPlANATION: APPROVALS: AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Contracted Services-M is cella neous $ 32,130.00 Contracted Services $ 32,130.00 AMOUNT AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE To move funds from Contracted Services (33-45) to Contracted Services-Miscellaneous (33-50) for Health Department Electronic Medical Record Sytem (Patagonia). 7/ (l lt.~ Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 11 t \ \ l BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7600-441.60-45 Drugs $ 50.00 110-7 600-441.60-46 Medical Supplies $ 50.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Move funds to purchase emergency supplies for shelter/point of dispensing bags. APPROVALS: DepCfrtkl?J:dL~~~ Finance Officer (D,_a~ / I q Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners \3 i BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the Highland Middle School Project CP1301 Fund 331, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT b-CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE @_l-8300-480-47 -55 1 rechnolog~ & Comp $355,390 '331-8300-480-45-29 Construction Contract 2 $355,390 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: To budqet coblinq contractor for the Hiahland Middle School Proiect. Technology System: Structured Cabling, Intercom, r\udio Enhancement, Video Distribution, Intrusion Detection. CCTV APPROVALS: n c~Q--tL~~-·'4i_ _QJ Projects Fina~ce ~~ Joj tlf Accounting Specialist 7/11 ( 14 ate) section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted __________________________________ ___ Margaret Regina Daniel. Clerk to the Board Joe Miller. Chairman Harnett County Board of Comm '11 \ l 234-7410-465.22-BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the Harnett County WIA Adult Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7410-465.11-00 Salaries& Wages 2800 234-7410-465.21-00 Group Insurance 1996 234-7410-465.22-00 FICA 213 234-7410-465.26-08 Worker's Compensation 595 234-7 410-465.58-01 Training & Meetings 500 234-7 410-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 2000 234-7410-465.58-14 Travel (Admin) 800 234-7410-465.33-45 Contracted Services 688 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE ~PLANATION: To increase budg';' to ac!!'al cover expenditure in the above line items. · ~!Jhlft,~ 1/1 ti; f ( . r\Lu ~ 7 n{t4- Department Head (date) /' Fmance ff1cer (date) ounty Manager (date)/ 1 7? 11.11/t¥ Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners l9i 234-7411-465.22-BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the Harnett County WIA Dislocated Worker Adult Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7411-465.11-00 Salaries& Wages 2775 234-7411-465.32-73 Training Voucher (ITA) 35206 234-7411-465.41-13 Utilities 1000 234-7411-465.58-19 Travel (Participant) 4977 234-7411-465.35-83 Training Voucher (Authorization) 35,000 234-7411-465.30-22 (IND) Cost 6458 234-7411-465.58-01 Training & Meetings 1000 234-7411-465.60-33 Material & Supplies 1500 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPlANATION: To increase budget to cov r expenditure in the above line items. f!raJWli/J;MIJ "/l{t ?~ 1/1111LJ Department Head (date) Finance 0 cer (date) unty Manager (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be~urnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015: Section 1. To amend the Harnett County WIA Adult Program Fund, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 234-7410-465.32-73 Training Voucher (ITA) 28715 234-7 410-465.35-83 Training Voucher (Authorization) 28715 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7600-441.43-16 Repairs & Maintenance-Equipment $ 700.00 110-7600-441.60-45 Drugs $ 700.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE EXPLANATION: Move funds to better meet the needs of the programs (CH/IAP). Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2014 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners