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Board of County Commissioners met,present
G.K.Grantham,T.A. Harrington ,D.P.McDonald.J.A.Sthith and W.H.Turlington.
J.B.Lanier Shff.filed his report of shedule P.' 0.taxes sere was ordered recorded.
J.H.Williams Treas.presented his monthly report same was ordered filed.
Dr.J.W.Halford Supt.Health presented his monthly report same ordered filed.
The Board elects finance Committee for Harnett County, H.T.Spears Chm. G.K.Grantham and
T.A.Harrington having received the highest vote were declared elected.
Petition signed by N.T.McLeod,M.A.McLeod and J.A.Yarbrough,asking privilege to annex themselves
to the U.L.R.stock law territory,saine was gra.;ted.
G.W.Fuquay presented his bond in the sum of 1500.,with Thos.H.Cummings as surety,saftie was
accepted b9 the following vote those voting for G.K. Grantham ,Harrington,McDonald,Smith
and Turlington. Those voting against none.Said bond was ordered recorded.
Upon hearing complaint of G.H.LOng and others,asto the dumting of sawdust into certain
streams it is orderedby the Board , that it will pass no ordinance relative to an51. steam
in Harnett Countyiuntil it shall appear to the Board that a notice has been served upon
all parties interested as mill men on such stream,at least. ten days before the filing of
any such petition;such notices to be served by a proper officer,and such notice to contain
a statement of the date upon which such petition is to be filed.
In pursuance of the judgement in the case of the County Board'of Education of Harnett County.
vs the Board of Commissioners for the County of Harnett authorizes the issuance of a Peremptory
worth of Madamas ordering the said Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County forthwith
to assemble and make an additional tax levy for Special School Tax Dist No. Mite race
Averasboro Townshir.It is hereby upon motion of Commissioner Smith Pni Seconded by Commissioner
Harrington, ordered that an additional Special Scl -ool Tax levy of 151, on every 100 dollars
valuation of property and 45% on each taxable poll Ih said Dist.be and the same is hereby
made for Special School Tax Dist.TTo.1 white race Averasboro Township ;ti -eroby increasing the
Special Shool Tax for said Distto scud on rroperty and 90c/ on pollTIt is further ordred that
the Clerk of this Board compute said Taxes at once and deliver the books to the Sheriff of
said County James B.Lanier;and it is ordered that the said Sheriff forth with proceed to
collect said taxes according to law.
On hearing petition signed by A.C.Holloway and others slere for stock -law 'rut. y in
t'-c fcJlcr'ing bc'unds, vi z:Beginniing Pt P pc;.nt on the Wake County line at J.M.Stew.:arts
Eesidenee,,thence dern J ...'Stewarts lame to the end of sorie,then on the bridge en Raccoon
branch on road leading from J.H.Dudleys to Pngier; tY.ence d.cirn Test side of Raccoon branch
along the fence line of J.C.Dudley to J. T.Senter,thence Ground the finid of J.J.Senter
East side fence line to P,obt.a.da-r,-s,theiice around the East fence line of Robert Adams to
B.P.Dunrec'i,thence around-t.he field of L.F.Durree finid line of Fast aeideto Ira Dupree
thence around the field of Ira Ferree to the public rod at the Southwest corner of Fast
side fieid,thence direct to Est.of J.R.Wilder at line of N.A l-nit" and J.R.Wilder Est.
Thence direct along the line of N.f,.Sith and. J.R.Wilder F'st.to rublic road at (about)
tenant house of J.R.Wilder Est:, thence across Raleigh and Pure£cy public road "to South f'
fcnee _line of "pond field " of .1.Ii.Wildi Est.,th -once around eaid pond field the fence line
to the Northwest corner of said pond or house field, thence direct to Neills Creek at
Southwest corner of lowg ;round field of ?T.P.Carrenter place thence along South side of the
field of the said ' -.Ja.ir enters place the fence line to Southeast corner of house field
of Troy Hilli.ard,thence around said fields the fence to Teat s.icz' of Troy Hilliard's house
thence direct to Southeast corner of Herbert Rambeaut's house- field,thence around said
house -field of said Herbert to a tobacco barn on lane leading west from residence of
Herbert Rambeaut,thence from tobacco aforesaid direct to Sanders Smiths dwelling,thence
toward East from Sanders Smith's direct to County line at mouth of John Smiths lane.
Said petition greeted and :aid election ordered to be held at. School- F,ouse at Harnett
Chapel on the 10th.day of February 1908; under the laws regulating general elections
and that the sanity be advertised according to la.w.Those favoring said territory will vote
"ForStock Law ": Those opposing ?ill vote "Against Stock Law ":It is furthe ordered that
H. °.Holloway be and he is hereby appointed registrar for said election and he is directed
tomake a new registration of all the qualified voters residing within the boundaries of
said territory; and thatB.F.Dupree add Troy Hilliard be and they are hereby appointed
poll holders for said election.
Upon hearing of petition signed by W..Page and others asking for a Midge across Fish
Creek on the Northington road,Mr T.A.Harrington was appointed a committee to let out same.
Ordered. that r.H.Collins be relieved of ""'.29 Special School Tax in Black Riverhe being
out of district.
Ordered that John McKay col. of U.L.R.Township be relieved of poll tax for the year 1.907.
Ordered that tars J.Beasley be relieved of 90d Special School tax in Averasboro Township
she being out of Dist.
Ordered that R.G.Allen be relieved of ".1.87 Special School Tax in Averasboro Township_
he living out of Dist.
Ordered that Josiah Wiggins be relieved of.f/flSpecia.l School Tax in Grove Town ship.
Ordered that E.G.Yesser be relieved of °.79 taxes over charged in Averasboro Township.
Ordered that J.A.Clifton be relieved eof r 7.80 in Lillington Township.
Ordered that R.!.Wiggins he relieved of 90d steeled School tax in Grove Township.
Ordered thatAlex McNeill be relieved of 81d fence tax in Barbecue and U.L.R.Townships.
Crdered that V..R.Morgan be allowed S:1S77 FOR clothing for paupers as per bill rendered.
Ordered that J.H.Withers ?.r.be allowed 8.6.60 for examination of 7 lun &tics & mileage.
Ordered that &1.R.Morgan be allowed "52.7,5 for keeping CO.Eome 1 month.
Ordered that C.M.Muse he allowed ?"12.50 for service as Co.atty. 1 month.
Crderedthat ".J.Brown be allowed :r'S5. for building bridge across Campbells creek.
MONDAY JANUARY Cth.lnes c ontinued.
Ordered that J.L.P.Prownbe allowed :"3.75 for holding Stock -Law election in UJ.R.
Ordered that J.W.McLeod be allowed N56. for building bridge /across ThorntonsACreeki
Orderd that W.A.Avent be allowed 117.85 for building bridge across Rocky branch.
Ordered that J.P.Pittman be allowed 111.50 for publication as per bill rend.
Ordered that J.B.Lanier be allowed 4`'6.35 for cffice supplies as per bill rend.
Ordered that A.I:.Daucom be allowed x'7.20 for board of J.A.Eauc'om 1 moi-th.
Orderd that J.B.Lanier Sheriff be allowed 15.50 for having Safe repaired.
CrderPc that Mrs.Mary r.Cameron be allowed 15.40 for burial expenses of Chloe rctougalr'.
Ordered that B.B.Wilson be allowed $1.00 for holding election in Stock law U.L.R.
Crdered that Jas.A.Buchanan be allowed ?$8.39 for services cs registrar U.L.R.Stock law.
Ordered that J.B.Lanier Sheriff be allowed $91.15 for service as jailor.
Ordered that G.W.Fuouay be allowed $18.for.keeping Northington ferry 1 month.
Ordered that Salgon Live Stock Co.be allowed 18. for taking jurors to County -Home
and one trip to Duke to convey prisoner.
Ordered that E.R.Thomas Drug Co.be allowed $:2.90 for drugs furnished euarentined patients.
Ordered that Dr.J.W.Halford be allowed ?`,75. for service as Supt Health 1 year.
Crdered that H.C.Stewart P.A. be allo*red'45.20 for purchase.as per bills rend.
Ordered that H.C.Stewart clerk be allowed 1:8. for services.
Ordered that The Lillington News be allowed $10. for publication as per bill.
Ordered that the following amounts be allowed each out side poor,
William Reardon 415.Phoeby Massey "'3.Mary Tilton "3 John Thomas 16.Sarah Arnold 13
Jean Turner ',4.50 Charity McLean .Ni7.e�r Coff eld '•.Caroline Cox ?3.Leah Cox t,F
Sophia Buie ."`.3 Emily Holliday $3.Geo.Hargrcves & wife t3.Hilliard Johnson 19.Wm.Campbell
' .Martha Johnson t"3.Ellen Bakert4.50 Lilla O'Quinn t9 Y.F.Erown & wife $6.Nancy Hare $4.
Dolly Hare N6.Harriett Williams 43.Tom Blackman &6.Nancy Hughes 4`3.Sally A.Yarbrough '6.
Minta Gaskin 36.Hare Children tl8.Wesley Womack`"6.Mra 0..Jackaon ?"6.Stronrry Ashworth $'3.
Lavinia Baker t6.0wen Williams $4.Darcas Campbell $6 H.L.Kelly t4.Thos Hinton m4.Mary E.
Baker $3.Susan Baker S. Mrs.Willie Wilson ?"9.Archie Hayes 4`6. Mag & Annie Buie $3.
Matthew Monroe '9.Mrs.Jennie B,Morrison $9.Wi11_e Douglass 4$6.Furnie G.Wood16.Margaret
McCormick t3.Margaret A.Hartfield1:3. Mrs.Nancy McAuley `10.Logan McDougald $3.Archie
Matthews $15.Abram McLean 13.Tom Holder 4,9.!re.Nancy E.Woodell $10.J.A.Baucom 121.
Ordered that the following Jurors be drawn for February term Harnett Superior Court.
Haywood Reaves Jr.
Jefro Tart
Anderson Creek,
Andersons Creek
Alex West
J.Een Thomas
Daniel Graham
,Black River
Bennett Hockaday
Nellie Creek
Joseph Johnson
t, N.I.Reardon
Flack River,Buckhorn
J.D.Smith T.W.Austin
Joseph Adams L.F.Arnold
W.H.Flowers L.E.Kelly
Clerks report for January 1908.
Amount allowed
Amount allowed
General County
December 1907,
January 1908,
Total to date
Releases January
Property 45.87
M poll @ 2.30
Releases December 1907.
Total to date
'4 </// y�
Approved/7" Ent Chm.
J.T.Lucas Jr.
Respectfully submitted,
Gus M.Stewart
Hinton Ennis
Dixon Carrol
J.A. Thomas
Neills Creek
A. W. Stewart