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MONDAY JAITUAPY :rd 1910 ComissionePs rrct in regular session present
J.A. Smith Chm protcm D.P. McDonald, T A Hi rs in�-ton, W.M. , .,
�• -. � , .,F_ larlin- ton, Absent G.P. Pope Chairman
Hinitr, of 1a, t moctino read aryl n,pprovroe/
We the undersigned comittee appointed to let the county home beg to report that the highest bidder
was Mr F.C. Cox , for twelve hundred pounds of good lint cotton and was rented to him for the year
1910 klwax by us. A.M. Shaw ) Comit
T.A. Harrington(
The report of J.3.Lo,nier ,Sheriff was read and accepted and ordered filed and recordod.
The report of Dr L.J. Arnold Supt of health was road and accepted and ordered filed and accepted.
The report of C.F. Massey bridge Engineer on the inspection of Duke bridge was read and accepted
and is as follows: Mr G.F. Fope,chairman county Comissioners and associates- Gentleman:
On Saturday Dec lath 1909, I. Lade an insspection of your new bridge over Cape Foar River near the
torn of Duke r..C. and find the bridge and approaches as follovrsi
Re- constructional Iron work in the three (3) river sans, I find this iron work fully up to
contract, excepting the floor girders here 1 find that (5) five (I) I beams have been used under
floor where the plan calls for six (6) of these I beams, In my judgment these five beams are suffiw
cient der the strength of any load that the bridge will ever have at any time and will carry somewhat
more than specifications setforth. This amount of material left out is a matter which yourself end4
the contractor can settle as you deem best. There are 2) two bolts with nuts on them in two of the
brace rods which should be removed and pins with cotters used in their place. This the contractor
agrees to have made O.K.
Re- concrete piers- -These are of good material properly reinforced and are up to specifications.
The foundations, I understand from Mr, McDonald, are down to solid rock and properly anchored.
Re= approaches to Bridge. It appears that considerable of the material from Old Bridge has been
allowed to be used in the construction of these approaches and the use of same was agreeable to both
party of first part and party of second part. In the use of this material, while same was both correct
and to the interest of the County in first cost, yet it is impossible to give the appearance of all
new work. The work on those approaches will be very substantial when complete, 1 reccommend that on
the West side of bridge the bents nest to the concrete piers and the second one from this pier be X
braced with rods having turn buckles. The strut on first bent west of river pier should be raised
slightly to make same on a level -or pareliel with the other struts, this is as much for looks as for
Re- Approaches - -East side of bridge advise that a brace be put across first bent from pier at a
point about bald way from top of tubes to floor of approach, as both of these pests are slightly
bent, this brace should be made so that plate will clamp on both sides of pests and make one post
reinforce the other. The third and fourth bent from East pier should be cross-braced, these are net
14 feet above concrete'reaapproaches, but in my opinion should be braced. Where floor beams rest an
top of posts, I advise that these be more securely bolted as they have only one bolt to each post.
Two bolts and a filling of washes so as to clamp these beams tightly would make the approaches much
more rigid. Another and probably better plan would be to bolt angle of iron on floor beams and iron
posts in such a manner as to make some more rigid. This was fully explained to MR. McDonald while
I was at the bridge. This reccommendation applies to all the iron posts and bridge floor beams
of the approaches.
With the above reccommendations carried out 1 think you can feel that you have done well in seour-.
ing a bridge of such geed quality for the citizens of Harnett County for the money which you have
invested, and that this bridge is a credit both to the county commissioners and the men who built
same. 8o the wheel guard in center of bridge. This is a matter of slight importence and as there
is a difference of opinion my suggestion would hardly be in place here, were the bridge two feet
wider, I should certainly advise this wheel guard as it would add to the life of the bridge floor..,
ing, as it is it can or need net be put on, with it off the load will naturally be more evenly dist-
ributed as the main portion of the travel is early morning and in the evening are in one direction
across a bridge. Hope this report may moat with the approval of both parties. I remain,
Respectively yours,
C. F. Massey, Engtr.
Jury drawn
1, 11. F. Gainey Averasboro.
2. S. M. Hobbs Stew Cr.
3 Julius A. St ic Aver.
4.' J. M. Mason, Buck.
5. C. B. Jackson, Aver
8, J. E. Gaskin, B.C.
7. G. D. Elliott, Stew Cr.
8. W. Driver, Avers.
9. no, M. Leo, "
10. Leander Lee, "
11. J. P. Pogo, B R.
12. J. M. Gregory, N.C.
13. M.R. Morgan, Sr, Lill.
14. Wm. R. Harringtob, "
15. R. H. Core, Avers.
16. D. A. Stewart, U.L.R.
17. J. E. Lanier, Buckh.
18. L. J. Stewart, Avers.
19 Burrwell Dean, Buckh.
20 W. J. Bethune, Stew Cr.
21 E. L. Parker, Avers.
22 J. R. Young, B. River.
23 Reuben Matthews, B.R.
24 H. L. Stewart, Avers.
25 Alex :Test, Cr.
26 E.E. Parker, Lill.
27 W.M. Pope, Avers.
28 R. M. Carmody, Grove,
29 J. W. Purdie, Avers.
30 J. E. Wilson. Avers.
for first week of Feb. Term of Court.
32 W. T. Morgan, B.C.
33 A. M. Boasely, Grove.
34 J. F. O'Quinn, U.L.R.
35 W. J. Stewart, Avers.
36 Willie Johnson, B.C.
Jury list drawn for second of Feb. Term of Court.
1 A. B. Mason, Buckh.
2 E. M. Tew, Duke.
3 M. D. 1ioLeod, Barb.
4 S. D. Br tley, Lill.
5 S. J. Mae, Avers. r_
8 J. D. Byrd, Stew Cr.l--c - -CL
7 A. B. Guy, B. River.
8 W. H Pool, Greve.
9 D. Ray, And Cr.
10 C.C. Jarman, Lil.
11 J. W. Draughorn, Avers.
12 W.ct. Parker, Lil.
13 C. P. West, And Cr,
14 Angus McNeill, Stew Cr.
15 Geo, L . Zngram, Ander. Cr.
16 T. P. Dean, Buckh.
17 Niven Ray, Jr. A. Cr.
18 W. A. Reaves, Avers.
State of North Carolina,
Harnett County.
' At an election held at the residence of W. J. MQpDonild on the 14th day of December 1909.
for and against Stick Law in a portion of Miumbis Barbe?$ue and Johnsonville Townships, 28 votes
were cast stock law and 9 votes were cast against Stook law.
John Darroch,¢
W. J. McDonald, Registrar. John McLeod.
Dec. 14th4 1909.
The petition for'stook law election in Upper Little River Township for stock law election wad
recwived and election ordered to be held at T.C. Hunts store on February Fifth 1910 the Registrart
to be J.B.F. Stewart, the judges to be T.H. Cummings and D.A. Patterson,
The Northington Ferry was let to the lowest bidder for the year 1910 and the lowos bidder was nr'
6,7. Fuquay for i.k :15.00 per month.
Ordered by the board that A.M. Long of Neills creek Township be appointed one of the fonce com-
nissoners of the stock law territory of Buck horn Hectors Creek and parts of Black river and Neills
creek to take effect at once.
The following releases were made AJ. Butler of averasboro 12.31 Dunn school district H.",'. Jackson
x.i.32 Dunn School District W.B. Hobson 90cts Duran School District,
Ral Douglass ;!'2.66 Lillington Township, A.S. Brown decd of 9* U.L.Rivor Township :2.06
J.P. Mathews = ectors creek 61.07 Special school district.
After passing the orders named below the Board adjourned to meet on Jany 18th in Special session
for the purpose of settling the matter in dispute concerning the Duke and Lillington bridges and
such other things as may come before it
Wm Reardon t15,Phoeby Massey t3, Jno.Thomas ""6 Sarah Arnold 3, Jean Turner "6, Charity LcLean °'3,
terg McCormick .""3,Logan'.icDou;ald r'S, Archio Mathews 0.2,Abram ,:°cLean4, ??artha Johnson 3 3.A,
Baughcom r`21, SL sar Baiter s 3,'Lill^ Oquinn 1`.9,:e .H. Brown 6,Hellen McDougald '3, Nancy Hare .`3,
Hare Children `,;6,Owcn Williams 1`3 Eddie Aaker :":5, ",Iinta Gaskin d6,Susan Moore 4,Dorcas Carnpbell;•3,
E.E. Kelly ; ?4, Mrs W. ?tilson,e9t Mrs J.L. Morrison " „7, Furnie Wood °`3, Lear and Caroline Cox each
3 ',tnly Holidly3tGoo Hargrove 4; 6,' Hilliard. Johnson t9, '.7m Campbell t.!6,Fllen Baker '4,Lavenia Baker
o, Rachel ;.'.cLoarr.3, Alec Williams "3,Abelona Williams `3,?irs IIr J. Matheus'l5.00, Tom Blackman
Laney highs ....,3rs 0.M. Jackson :° :5
z ,.Mar Hartsfeild j3,Alridge Denning 1,'3,Abram '.'cDoudald
Sarah Turner y3,
Special bridge orders,
H.H. Kizrett for Carolina, Fngineerinc CO
agk.D.P. McDonald Supt of bridge wort:
J.P. Byrd for Carolina Engineering Co
I.A. Kline part on approaches at Duke
n n
For Bridge repairs
J.P. Byrd Bridge in Stewarts Creek
Troy Hilliard building bridgeacross Neills crook
For county home
'_t.P. Morgan keeping home one Month
McPherson Drug Co for medicine for county home
. 132.64
Cenoral county funds
F.R. Taylor t.U.e. f - 4:0:25
A.M. Shay Clerk 61.30
A.-. Shaw P.A. For county 83.16
Nathan Minter For Keeping Northington furry one month 10.50
Leon McDonald -Note heads for registers offico 2.50
Den 'icl'ei1l for kcopi nay- Duke ferry ono month 27.50
N.A. Smith and D.P. Sonter out of the funds of BHorn and H Crook
parts of B River and Veils Crock and no other Ptdb.Utd *
C.iicArtan tocome out of the funds appropiatod for farmers aid
taovenient and no other.
7,H. Turlington out of the ;girls funds
Total amounts allowed
Pauper fLinda
Special bridge funds
Bridge funds
County funds
Total amounts allowed
Reopec, Ill su�zn 'tad ,
• `;18°/.72
” 5.00 -
Rt0XXXXX$X22 A.M. SIIAW. Clerk