HomeMy WebLinkAbout01151912Al County comissioners met in Adjourned session Monday January 15th 1912 at 10 o clock being no one present but V.C. Mathews Chm and J.N. Fuquay no Quorum the board adjourned to 2.15 P.M. at Evening session present V.C. Mathews chm J.N. Fuquay and J.E. Wilson J.C. Clifford Atty, The following resolutions were adopted: - Whereas the The board of Comissioners of Harnett county and the Board of Comissioners of Cumber- land county, were by the Act of the General Assembly of 1911 to wit Chapt of Public Local. Laws of 1911, authorized Lo adjust and determine the Bonded and Floating Indebtness of Cumberland prop -arty chargable to territoty detached by said territory: Now Therefore be it resolved by the board of Comissioners of Harnett the Board of Comissioners of Cumberland Concurring, that V.C. Mathews be and he is hereby appointed Comissioner, for Harnett county and ke is hereby authorized to act with a comissioner to be appointed by and for Cumberland county, Said comissioners are authorized to meet at such time and place as they may•mutually agree upom and to agree upon and determine such part of the Indebtness of Cumberland as is properly chargeable to said detached territoty, and if an agreement can be affected, there proceedings shall be conclus- ive and binding upon each county, and if an agreement cannot be affected then said Comissioners may call in an Umpire whose decission shall be final, The decission and the finding of the Comissioners thus appointed shall be reported at once to the Comissioners of Harnett, Who shall there upon make provision for the levy/ of taxes in said territory or for the assumption by the county as a whole of said Indebtness, Resolved further that either of said. Comissioners may call into consultation the County Attorneyof their respective counties,. Resolved further by the Comissioners of Harnett county that V.C. Mathews be and he is Hereby authori -zed to accept from any of the Officers of Cumberland, any taxes which have been collected from said detached territoty and to accept from any of said Officers any tax list or abstracts and to receipt the County of Cumberland or any of its Officers for same and to releive said County from all further Liability on account of the same, this clause of aatixkaaaixtiaxa these Resolutions to beelfective without any concurrence of the board of Comissioners of Cumberland,. It is ordered by the. Board of County Comissioners of Harnett county that C.D. Stewart Assistant Tax nssessor for Grove Township be and he is hereby ordered to file the Tax Abstracts for said Township with the Clerk of this Board or upon failure so to.do that he be rewuired to appear before the Board on the First Monday in February 1912 and show cause if any he have why the above order shall not be complied with. Resolved by the Board of Comissioners of Harnett county, that pursuant to an act of the generalAs- sembly of North Carolina at its session 1911, the same being chapter 564 of the private laws of 1911 an Election is hereby called to be held in all Elections Precincts of the county on the 27th day of February 1912 upon the question of the issue of Bonds of said County of Harnett in the sum of One Than Hundred Thousand Dollars, with Interest Coupons attached, the proceeds of which to be used for for the purpose of repairing grading improving and working the roads of Said county; that those Voters favoring said issue of Bonds shall vote a ballot containing the words "For Good Roads Bond Issue " and that those Voters opposed to said Issue shall vote Ballots containing the words" Against Good Roads Bond Issue" Resolved further that Notice be given that if Said Wuestion be carried in the Affirmative that it becomes the duty of the Board of Comissioners to levy annually a tax of not exceeding 15cts on the One•Hundred Dollars of Property and 45cts en each Taxable Poll; And if said Wuestion be carried in the Negative it becomes the duty og the Board under said act to maintain a convict camp for the purpose of working the public roads, and for said purpose to levy an annual tax of not exceeding 25cts on Each One•Hundred Dollars valuation of Property, and 75 cts on each taxable Poll. Resolved further that a new registration of all voters be and the same is hereby ordered prior to said Election. Resolved further that these resolutions be published by the Clerk of this Board for Thirty Bays. prior to said Election in the Harnett Reporter Rattified thi8 Jany 1St 1912 A petitiom of more than one fifth of the qualified voters of Harnett county having been filed with the Board praying for an Election on the question of Stock law or no Stock law. It is therefore ordered by the board of Comissioners of Harnett county that an Election be and the same is hereby called to be held in all of the precincts of said county on the 27th day of February 1912 . at which - Election shall be submitted to the voters of said county, The question of Stock law or no Stock law for the entire county of Harnett -as provided by section 1672 of the Revisal of 1905 said otock Law if Carried in the affirmative to go into effect Jan 1st 1913 It is further ordered that said Election be held at the same time and by the same Officers as the Bond Election called to be held on the same day,. and it is Further ordered that an entirely New Registration itt be had for said• two Elections. • It is further ordered that this call for said Election be published by the Clerk of this Board for Thirty Days in some News paper published in the county., Ratified January 15th 1912 And the following Registrars and Judges have been appointed for the different precincts to hold same Anderson Creek Registrar H.D. McDonald Judges John McArtan ,Duncan Darrock, Averasboro No 1 Registrar O.P. Shaell Judged B.L. Howard J.H. Pope Averasboro no 2 Registrar Sully Cooper Judges J.D. Edzell Willard Jackson Barbecue Registrar John Darrock Judged W.J. McDonald • John McLeod, Black River Registrar J.A. Hockady Budges C.A. Adams J.R. Young Buck Horn Registrar L.S. Mann Judges J.M. Cade E.M. Blanchard Duke Registrar E.S. Yarborough Judges W.D. Barnes F. Smith Jr Grove Registrar W.H. Parrish Judges P.F. Pope W. H.. Turlington Hec Creek Registrar/ D.R. Smith Judges W.A. Mathews J.W. Senter Johnsville Registrar H.A. Morrison Judges C.C. Cameron E Arnett Lillington Registrar J.E. Ligon Judges S.D. Brantly H.J. McDonald Neills Creek Registrar N.A. Stat.art Judges Edward Green A.M. Long St Creek Registrar J.L. Smith Judges John Williams Geo E. Byrd U.L. River #1 Registrar D.M. McLean Judges Dan A. Collins D.E. Nordan " #2 Registrar H.Y. Smith Judges N.T. Patterson J.C. Cummings It is ordered by the Board that this list be published and the Clerk be directed to purchase all necess- ary supplies in the way of New Registration books for said slection Monday January 15th 1912 Continued A petition of Geo K. Heimmingway, and thirteen other voters, of the territory from above described having been presented to the board praying for an Election to be held on the questiop of stock law or no stock law , within all of that part of Averasboro Township West of the A.C. L. Rail Road and embraced within that territory recently added to Harnett county from Cumberalnd and it appearing to the board that more than one fifth of the voters of said- territory have signed said petition it is therefore ordered that an Election be called upon said wuestion to be held in said territory at such place as the Registrar herein after appointed shall designate and advertized to be held an the 20th day of February 1912, It is further ordered that for the purpose of holding said Election Geo K. Reimingway is appointed Registrar, and N.R. Lucas and N.T. Starling are appointed Judges It is further ordered that ther be a new registration for said Election of which said registrar shall give due notice, Giving also due notice of the holding of said Election and the tame and place where Kama and when same shall be held; provided that the petitioners shall pay the expense of said Election rattified Jany 15 th 1912 This Order for the paupers were allowed: - To V.C. Mathews chm for County Home Expenses was allowed 458,94 being all the money allowed at this session. This ILanuar$ 15th 1912 Respectfully Submitted, Approved- '(" a "" _cci Chm A.M. Shaw Clerk D.P. Mcb9 Rg FEBRUARY 5TH 1912 COMISSIONERS J.E. WILSON B.F. WILLIAkS AND TUE FOLLOWING ORDERS WERE ALLOWED. FROM THE PAUPER FUNDS; - Mrs Jack Mathews Mrs Minta Gaskin owen williams MATILDA THORNTON MALISA LUCAS MALISSA AMMONS Yrs 0.M. Jackson Lille Oquinn Geo Hargrove Archie Mathews M.H. Brown Hilliaed Johnson J.A. Baughcom Lavenia Baker Ellen Baker Eddie Baker John Thomas Caroline Tucker Kate Knight Lavenia Hobson Emily Mathews THE FOLLOWING ORDERS WERE ALLOWED FOR SUPPLIES AND FOR THE SUPT. OF COUNTY HOME J.A. WEEKS SUPT OF COUNTY HOME W.F. Marsh for set of harness John Moore for hauling logs and lumber T.L. Gerald for mule J.M. Shaw for repairing county home V.C. Mathews chm for bill and supplies r1, :CI to frk TOTAL AMOUNTS ALLOWED FRON THE FAUPERFD J.B. Lanier sheriff made filed and recorded, D.B. Stewart Treas urer presented the following Pauper funds 4124.44 30 MET IN REGULAR SESSIOM PRESENT V.C. kATHEWS CHM? J.N. FULUAY J.C. CLIFFORD ATTY FULL BOARD PRESENT. THE FOLLOWING ORDERS WERE ALLOWED FROMTRE $11,50( BRIDGE FUNDS:* 9.00 oA. MCNEILL FOR BUILDING BUIES CREEHK 5.50,\ RIDGE 4129.23 2.00 J.H. McNeill repairing bridge in 4.O0 Y U.L. River Township 12.00 4.00' J.A. Stewart for painting Steel - 8.0C, Bridges 200,00 9.00i 2,00' total from bridge funds 4341.23 10.001 Allowed from the general county 2.00' funds - 10.00'V.C. Mathews Ohm 10,00'J.14. Shaw work on Court House and 2.001. well house 2.00 J.B. Lanier Sheriff 6.00'J.E. Wilson Comissioner 2.00'D.P. McDonald 3.00'J.0 3.00' B. 4.00' L. J. J. .4144424 H. 8.50 A. 40.00 A. 250,00 0.1 11 . Clifford Atty F. Williams Com D. Arnold Ferryman N. Fuqua) B. Lanier Sheriff G. Thomas for fixing jail pipe M. Sham P.A. bill rendered M. Shaw clerk of board I. Biggs jailer 18.15 23.95 Total from the county funds 4599.84 Total amount allowed from all county funds his report for the month of January was read and ordered/ 25.00 ' 84.75 ' 10.3C 30.4C 4.00 62.50 5.00 ' 15.90 4.00 1.50 6.00 r 116.45 26.35 ' 66.70 4458.85 - 41399.92 made his report was received and ordered filed and recorded also orders and weree Citeelled County funds 41847.13 Bridge funds$217,08 funding coupons of 425 each 4750.00 A 38 Bridge coupons of 25 each $950.00 V.C. Mathews and A.M. Shaw appointed as a comittee to check up the treasurers books, checked up same and make the following report, We found to be on hand for the general county funds which includes Pauper Bridge Jury and general Decenber 4th 1911 41338.52 On hand for the special Bond funds$6367.25, Lillington Road funds 41270.65 Buck Horn and Hec Creek funds 493.22 ,these being all of the funds that the County Comissioners draw upon . Repectfully Submitted A.M. Shaw V.C. Mathews Comittee, By order of the board of Comissioners V.C. Mathews Chm was instructed to have the county home insured at once for a reasonable amount. The Chairman was instructed to investigate the disputed road question of Buckhorn Township and report at the next meeting of the board. On motiom of J.E. Wilson the Chairman was authorized to appoint 2 members of the Board with himself to buy 2mules for the county home and to consider the advisability of selling the timber en the county home land and also of having J.H. Moore to have more logs hauled for the farm buildings He named J.E. Wilson and J.N. Fuquay as comittee