HomeMy WebLinkAbout04011918APRIL lst, 291". % 5, k 5 .
Count; Cormi�aaioners met in Regular Session. Present: J.C. Byrd, act rig �.ti -rr;an ir. uu a ce
o° J.I.Barnes, F..D.Overby, D.P,Aay, h.T.Johnson� Also Charles Hass, Att'y., J.L. Barnes; Chair
came it later. _
Ordered that the Auditor wake out Sa#ocl Tax for Disttiet -# 2, for A•ndero4la's Greek Tc;Yrzhil.
mh; xac left cut by orrar of list taken for YontvJordan CO.
Ordered that D.N. lteLean be relea ed cf 5c ?-ocl Tax ir, Zillingtcn 7F i on acres of landAcharged
by mistake]
Ordorrld that A.p.Shew, Auditcr, eke out list of taxes due # 10 4shool Wistriet, Avorasboro
Township, from I%mr,s4oh6Ibl District 1, m, , e out by- B.b. Warron.
Ordered that Auditor A.Y. Shaw make out taxes on $4,000.00 worth property. Tax JLue to G.P.
Warrep. (got listed by error).
O rRred that A.B.1toHeill be relecse4 of #10.61 worth cf prclerty _.steel oy error.
Otdsrod' that J.S. Cobo be released of taxes in Grove. 11A.00 wcrti of property imp rcIerly
The fellowind•son w*ro,isppointod list tekore for the several Townrhi,ps:
Andorscn'a Crook ---------------- i ------- R.D.RoDonald
Aesrasbcro ------------------- .-- p'.A.Lee
Bur- ecus -------------------------------------- T.... rrinAton °
BlackRiver . --------------------------------
Buokhorn---- •--- • - - - -. -- F.I'.Blanchard
Duke ------------------------------------------ L.F.Staaci
Grove ------------------------------------------ . C �
Hector's Creek --------------------------------- +�► -'
Johnsonville- — -------------------------------- J.".6pivey
Lillington -------------------------------- --- -Chas. I ?ier,:f
I;eill's Creek --------------------------------- John Green �
Stewart's Croeko--- --- - --- -- ---I --- ..----- - -J.Y. Williams
Upper B.i .l! itteex+�• -..•t.-------------------- W.L.M.HarrinLion 1,
TIY Pollcwin; .zero selected for Jurors for May Court:
1. L.V. Dennir!g, i 0iwsk- A ----------------------- Bla -k :liver
2. D-IV. Frice----------- --------- ----------- Black River
3, A.J.' Butler ---------------------- ...._ - -_ -- Averasooro
4. J.H. ]Coors -• ------------------------ ------
5. C.F.Adams ------------- -_ « >. __- - -B aeic River
6. W.C. parks---- - -ii4«i --------------------- - Joh.rsonvil3e
John Lungs----- ---- --- - -- ------------ ....... Averaeboro
isOlmstead -------- -_- ------------ -- ----iiJl!oyhrsonville
�j. D•u. Harringtonii iiiii wwiia.aiwir ...............y.y. •
10. O.S. Bcrdoai- % ------------------------------- Heotcr s Creek
11. W.R.Tutor- - -- -- - - -- - ---- - =Buckhc
12 J. " ". ?rascr, -- _- _ _ Bucknorn
13. W.F.V&tthow$ - -- --- - --- -- - - - - --- .---- Yeill's Creek
14. J : >- .h'.Wccdv °: _ _. _ _..--- °-- ---- --- Byakhorn
15. W- V.Bnnis ---------------------- ei:,)'s Creek
16. J. =' .Jackson,- -'------ --= ----- --- -- ------ --- Averas"ro
17. J.';'.I r;s_- - -- - - -- - - --- -.-------- U.L.R
16. L.A.Prico ------------------------------- Averuiibcrc
to r ?fi IvN ry_ . --------------- Averasboro
20. Y.B. Shaw -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - -. - arderscr:'s Crce' -;
-1. .` -
Si1c, Leµ:unt------------------------------ B1aok River
GL. •i11.a. fl"v^•.__._ .. .. _.. .. ..... . -. --------- ti ri6l'Yi
e3 u.W. Whittenton ---------------------------- vruve
25. J.C. Ammons - - --- - - -- . -_ -
i C "aR)
26. O.k. Tiutor--- --- - - -.__.Buckrcrn
27. J - k•' J sake on ---------------------------- Duke
26. L.i�'..jix.= n---- -,. - -- -- -- -- •- - - -- Hectcr'a Creek
29. J.li. McLeod--------- --- ------- ---------- averesbcro
30. J.P. Cutts ----------------- ----------- Neill!s Creek
31. J.Y. Barefoot----7 -- -•• - -- -------------- vetQasisoro
32. D.W. Arnold -- . -_- -------------------- Averaeboro
33. H.J. Laniep------ -. r - -- - -- --- -- lilIinter_
3a. J,L. Gray --- `. - -..q_ ... -a- - -. _- eHeetOr'e Cree}c
35... Z.5.'$ttphs"on -- __-- -Buckhorn
3E. E.C.ivar3rwx. -- --- - - -- ------ - -- - -Black River
Ordered by the Board of
actively engaged in any militury
from Poll Tax for the year 7917.
County Commissioners: That all reeideots of Harnett County now
or naval brrct; of the Federal Government are hereby released
R"QLY&u, That the Chairman of the Bcard be amthor #z *d to execute a oontraet with the
A.O.L. R.ii Co. a„reeing to accept a °wocdop bridge at Olivia in lisu of steel bridge ordered by
Corporation Commission providing same is built within four months, and furtAq r,prq,viding tkaet if
the County should order the wooden bridge replaced by steel brid a inside of ten ,�iQ) y #ars the
railroad comrany shall have oroaiL.On t,eir.l:art of ocat of stee ,brie by, cost of wGiodon bridge.
It appearing ..to the Board that a lawful aseesement of taxes mac be made upon property
listed during the month'of Vay at an;i time up to the first day, of AuZust, and it furtner appearing
to the Board tb*t the tax list to be lade during the month of i"ay of this year will prvuauly,show
such an 1ncrga)se of valud,tion as to enable the schools of the county to run for another yesx without
the Special Ass#ssment:of taxes cantanplatsd in the fpecia? Blectien heretofore called by this Board
to be held en_Aprj1 �5, 191$, It, is'tho refrdre ordered by the Board that the call of said electicn be
and the samo is hereby revoked thd'Board reservin the ri t`te Dell said election to be' held between
L,4 first day of Jerre and the first day of Augusit should.th! Beard find that a apicial aisessmont cf
Waxes not now authoriiid by law is absolutely neoessary for the proper continuance of the schools of
the County.
Lillington,N.C.,lsarch 16th, 1.91£.
We, the Registrar and Judges of Flection for District # 11 U.L. River Township, b'Z to
make the following report of Election held Saturday, March l6th,191f, for a special ta:: cf 30 cents
cn the 4100.00 worth of:-pa=pxx**x real and personal property and 90 cents on the Poll.
Number of votes registered--------------------------- 21
Humber of votes cast for tax - -- --- -- -- --
3*um1ba i •actsw r a;a:nat tax ----------------------------------- O
M.S.Holder, Registrar.
J tr ARCison ) Ju:fy es of Election. ��j -3rLy
J D. io,.,ere )
y2. Als-
95. J.O.
> C S' uel�1►si� va<�nT+►Aaa$a XWM"K tea -• &aps rai4"42- �r_-- - _-•_- --- - - --. -• w250.00
-- - - -�#- .............. -a5s.a
E97 to 85; inclusive -------- r..- _- - - - -•- -- -- --Paupers7.ist----
55. J.O. Sullivan, Reparing Court House and Jail - -- -- 265.65
56. J.C. Byrd, Commissioner , -- - --- y.GO
+ ,HAD. Overt+y,payment on.Old, Soldier's coffin -- -- ---_-� - --- - 20.00
L.D. Arnold, Forrymon• - -- -4 26,00
9. W.H. Turlington, Salary *,.. ........ - r------------ - .. -------- _w 364.10
O. W.N. Turlington, Sheriff, -Court Cost for Special Term 155.70
861, W.H. I*auoett. Register of Daeds, S&laty,--- _---- - - -. -- - 228.51
1802. W.F. Byrd, C S.0 Salary, -- - - -- - -- -` 212,13
863. A.M. Shaw, Auditor, Salary. - -- -4� 100.00
864. J.W. HAlford, Salary County Physician-- --------- --- - -- - ---; 50.00
865. State Hospital of Goldsboro,Bxpensee fex <eonveyint ifx*tee• x3.65
#860. Town of Lillington, Light Uponsa 3 month*---- . - - - - -. - - -w 3G.27
0867. H.B. Ryals, Poll Holder. - - - - -- - -------------------------- --$ 2.00
#bub. W.Y. Hodge er4eli- Yeiisjrr- ,•, - - -.._ _ .___- •-- -_ - - -- 2.00
#8b9. W.E. bTichols, Rey;istrax,a.... ___ -- - -- ------- -- - -- - -w e4.59
#870. J.D. Lanier, Supt. County Hums, - -- -- - --
#:71. D. A. Collins, Court OffieexM- - - -« --------------- -- -- ------ 7.5G
C. 1" 6, buriail of Confederate pensioner, -- - --- - - -m- 20.00
613. Haxnet4 Hardware Company, Supilies for County hcr-e,--- ---- -- 5.95
874. J.S. Harman Lumber for Lridge-- -- -- - - -- -- _ -_ -- - - - - -4 19.95
#876. F.J. Cox. JailorI ----------- ---- .- - - - - -- --
7 - 0 . Hal°ord�Coronor�w _ - --- -._ � -r _ - ----- - -'1�' 25.80
#87#. D.R.Stewart, Burial of Elizabeth Ray ja sicner-------------- 4 20.00
#878. A.A.!SC..Don4ld, Recorder, - -- ---- - - - - -- - -- -- n...r►•
Total - -• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a•a
J.J. Starlin -- - -- - -- -------------------------------- 3.00 9cnthly
Peggy McLan -- - - -- -- - --------------- - -- 3.90 "
Marcha knight and Sistexw ----------------------- ---- -- • - -- - -- 6.04 "
BythaWaddell --------------------- -------------------------- 12.00
Cattie Morrison- - - ---- .. - - -T- 3.G0
Robert Maynor----------- --- - - - - -- -- -- --- -- ------- - - - - - -- 3,00
IN.B. Fare eLr d 1�'£i^'i= .,j- _. «..__- r.._....- .........i..+.w.....- .-.. -.+ 5.00
Mrs. Dun Lucas- - - -- - -- - - -- -- _- -------------- 4.00 N
Balt Williams -------------------- V ----- - - - - - -- - -- -- 2.00 "
JohnGriffi-------------------------------------------------- 2.00 "
Patsy Bryant --------------------------------------- - -- -- 12.00 Quparterly
Jack Douglass- -------- --- -- lZ.00 p
W.H. Holman- -- -- --
-- - - - - -_ - -_____ ---- -__« .00
Henry Overby - - -- ------------ -- �.0^ "
fenny., Black--------------- - -- -- - -- - - - - --- --- --- - -- 10.0u
Duncan Rlaok -----------------------------------------------
- -- -- -- -- ----- - -- ---- - - - - - -- 10.00
Y Y Ckzon- »_ - --- _ -- -• - - -- - 10.00 "
May Wioker -----------------------------------------
...._____,...: iy.00 p
Stephen Arnold - - ---- - - -- _ -_ .0t N
Jezoie 4di11i .a�n - - - -•------------------ --- -- - - -- 4.Oit
_..,_-- _ - - - - --- - -- 12.00
- - • - ---
Annie hcrrisu-- ..________ __-
(Continued on next page.)
Go ( /
- - - --
Archie Hu tthe, vs--------------------- ----------- --- -- --- --- -:- - --
i_ n;
!?urt?,a 0ohn son----------------- ------------ --- ------- -- - -- - --
J.in. - _...... -- -- - -- -_ ... - ._..--- °' -- - ----
Eddie B -- ---------- ------- ------- ------ - - - - -- - ---- - - -- --
6._ 0
..=a :.eT---------------------------------------------------
LaP:. t.•lit =:dYC r - -. -.- - --:... . -- _ ._----- _____.--- ---- --- -- -- --- - - --
R achel Iic�, eats- 4Ba�eraeev► oi---- ..- ....__..__..- _..-- _-.....
Rachel IT4ean (Stewart's Creek) --------------- - - - - -- -- - - - - --
4.0 C'
JohnThomas ----- --- --------- - ---- -- ----- ------ ------- ----
Catiierine Campbell------------ -- --- ----- ------- --- ----- - --- --
Yurt,:a Parker -- .,. -------------------- --------------------
iRartl�a lic�tan- --------- -- --------- ---- ---------- - -- - -• --- --
Rose Cameron-- ..- ._._.. ---- --- ----- -- - --- -- --- -- --- - -- - - --
Mary -- -- ----- - - -- - --
Sallie McI? Bill -- -- --- ----- ----- --- - -- --- ------ .__... -_._._
A n
Cinda L'cl,ec:q- ._..._ . -- - ----- ------ ------- --- --- - --- - ------
Robert Cutts ---------------------- - - -- ...._ __..._ ._. ... ... -.. -_
Owin Williams- - - - - --
Y1m. D:.v. --- --- ----- -------- --- --° - __--- -------- ------------
• Lay_.. - . -.,;: . -_.- --------------------------------------------
Me. Covington-- -- ---- -- --- ---- -- -- - -- -- ._.._._.._. -. __... __
kra. B. Gilbert------ ------ - - - --- - --- ---- ------------- - --- --
:CnT allssa kr; ^:ors-- ------- ---- -- - --- - --- -------- - - - ---
I «
Archie ---- ---- --
Alex. Pe' grba ii- ---- --- --- -- --- --------- - --...-
Robert Keen,------------------ --- --- ----- ---- -- ---- ---- --- - --
IsaacYCKUY ---- ----- -- --- ------ ---- ------- - -- - -- ......
Ycl-ie Plc d ----------------------------------------------------
-------- ---- --- - - - ---
sal nun tsuctaran-- --- --- -- ------ ---- -- -- -- -- -- --- ----- ---- - --
-7 .
--- ---- - - - --- ----- -- - - - - -- ----- ---- ------ --•- --
Dave lural iscn - -. _. _.. _ -_.__ ____._.. -_-___ ... -- -- ---- •---_ --
Joe McCormick--- ------- --- - - - - --
6. Cc
Total - -
Total amcur,-� paid out for all sources ---------------- ---- t4ic6..3.
Res ectfully Submitted,
N.Y. ra,.,cet., C'�erk of Board.
MAY A,TH,1918.
Commissioners met in regular= session. Present: D.J. Barnes, Chairmen, J.C.Byrd, D.P. Ray
and R.T. Johnson.
Minutes of .last meeting read and approved.
C. _ i_1
WHEREAS, upon the meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County this day there is
a vacancy caused by the death, since our last meeting, of our fellow member, R.D.Overby; and whereas,
when we come to the deliberation of this day's duty we are freshly res(inded of our loss, be it
1- That we acknowledge the debt -of gratitude that we owe Mr. Overby for his wise counsel, his
splendid courage, his hopeful attitude and his generous followehip in the worh that we have wrought
2- That as represenatives of the County at large we- deeply deplore the loss of a citizen and
a public servant whose past life so full of helpful deeds and whose future held so much promise;
3- That we mourn with the bereaved widow and other kindred in the great lose that they are
called upon to sustain, and commend to them the consolations of our common christian hope;
4- That these rooklutione be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Commissioners, a copy
furnished to the bereaved widow and copies to the presses of the County.
Unanimously adopted at the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, May 6th,1918.
Ordered that Will Harris be released of Poll Tax for the year 1917.
Ordered that L.H. Lee,- Jr., be released of =970:00 of taxes improperly charged.
Ordered that Ellen Parker be placed upon the Pauper-List at $6.00 per :quarter, beginning
to -day with $4.00..
Ordered that J.D.Barnes and J.C. Byrd take the bridge in charge aortae Black River between
Duke and Dunn and Sake bids on same together with balance of Commissioners.
=4.00. Ordered that Mary Oiles be put on the Pauper List at $6.00 per quarted, beginning to -day with
Ordered that Amanda Mills be put on Pauper List at $6.00 per quarter,beginnisg with 04.00 to -day.
We, the undersigned Registrar and Judges of Election for Special Tax School District, being
District 10. 4,.looated on Barbepue and.Johnsonville Townships, Harnett County, North Carolina,
having held the election in said Special Tax SohoolDistriot according to the provisions of Section
4113 of the Revisal of,1903 of North Carolina, as ammended 1907, 1909 and 1911, on the 27th day of
April,1914, do make and certify to be correct, the following statemen:
lumber of voters registered - - - - -- ----------------------- -_ _ 24
Number cast for Special Tax---- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 13
lumber oast against Special Tax -----------------------------------
(0 V2 R)