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September 15th. 192-4.
Commissioners raet in call Session, all members beings .-resent. Also 1.1t. Young, atty for Board.
Moved and seconded that the number of trucks be increased by one(1) for use in "eills Creek
Township; to take care of Children in District No 5.CJ
Comc:.issicner V1. J. Mc Stewart laced in nomination for the office of Tax,Coilectur H.._.Tur-
lington. Said noipinution was seconded by J.A.Buchanan, and u,,on a vote of said Board, Mr.
Turlington was unanimously elected Tax Collector for Iarne t County.
Upon Iotiin dui seconded Mr. 7 C.Upchurch as unanimously elected Game Warden for Harnett Co.
6rdered that rebate i.P.:>urles :'50.05 fcr error in taxes ih Averasborc Township.
110 ed and seconded that I.H: Salmon be appointed Rural Police ran for U.I..R. Township.
,v--d and s..conded that allow Tax Collector H.A.Turlington, 3; per cent ga first .x50,000.00
an: ?. one and one hal per cent on remainder of ta;;es collected for 1924.
Moved and seconded that Clerk ,tl.H.Faucette see Tinner and have leaks stopped and gutters
fixed on Court House.
cued and eecunr_'ed that Committee in charge of County Home, Stewart and,Fockaday, be ap-
pointed ti h�._ tockade built around Convict Camp.
Resolution Authorizing the advertisec,ent, sale and issuance of 2-70,000.00 Bonds for
Duke Schoc. District No. 1.
Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County.
Section 1. That 2-70,000. 0 ;',hocl BuK ding Bonds for 1 %uke School District No 19 Harnett County
North Carolina, authorized at anelection Feld on ;say 14th. 192-4, be issued consisting of 70 bends
of $1,000.00 er:_ch, numbered I to 70 inclu ^ive, for the purpcce of erecting and equipping schcll
buildings apai and acquiring sites therefor in said district, under date
of September 1, 19,_6, end r :.aturing in nur:_rical order annually, "arch 1, Jc@2A7,xxx±xx±itfx "2000.00
192-6 to 1942 and ,,3000 1943 to 1954 all" inclusive, ithout option to prior payment', bearing
i -,terezt at the rate ti6 be hereafter determined, not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable
se.,.A- annually on the first,days of :arch _nd :, eptember in each year, both principal and interest
tc be payable in gold coin of tie United States of the present standard of weight and fineness at
the Unified states :- ortgaCe and Trust Company in 17ew York City.
Cecund t. The said bonds shall be signed by the Chairmar of this H?oard and the seal of the
County shall.be impressed upon er.ch bond and attested by the Re i,ter of Deeds, and the interest
coupons annexed shall bear tge printed, lithographed or etched facsimile signat re of the said
Chairman, and the from of said bonds and coupons shall be ubetantially ae fclloe:s:
o ;,`,1000.
United States of Arerica
State of North Carolina
County of Harnett
Duke School District No 1
School Building Bond
The County of Harnett, North Carolina, fcr and inbehalf of Duke School District No 1, the latter
being local ta.x district within sa d County maintaining a union School , is indebted and hereby
prsr ices ti; ;:ay to the beaza^on i-grch 1 , 19 the sum of
XJ:3ticxis b n, THit US.S11) D011,. R:.•
with into est thereon a the rate of er ce:.tum per annum, payable semi - annually on.the first
days of -larch and September, of each yeai, upon the present_tion and surrender of the annexed ttj-
terest coupons as they severs :.Ily fall due. Loth prircipal.and interest of this bond are payable
at tle Unitcd ates 'crtggge and 'eruct Company in New York ,,i,y in gold coin of the United States
of the present standard of eight and fineness.
This b:.r,d is on s of an i.,-sue of seventy bends of like date and aiount, aggregating ?,'70,000.00
and is issued for the urpose of erecting and equipping school buildings and purchasing sites
therefor within and for said district under -.nd pursuant to Sections 257 to 2-62, Article 2-2, Chap-
ter 166, Public Laws of North Carolina, 19 ;3, and a vote at an election duly called and held -of
rnire than a majority of all the qualified voters within said district, rnd resolutions duly passed
by the Board of lCounty Cors_issioners of Harnett County%
It is hereby ffiadiiddad certifies. tnd recoted that all acts, cenditiors and things _required to
i_ :w,;con, r.xict and be perforned pre:edent to and in the issuance of tLis bond have Jiappened,e,cist
and ha-,-- be-n p:r ^rurned in regular and due form and time as required by the laws and Constitution
of crth Carolina; that provisio has, been made f,r the levy and cel.lect on of a direct annual tax
upon al taxL.ble ,.rerty v;ithia e id dist ict sufficient to meet the payi::ent of the principal and
interest of this cond a- the sa e shall faall due; and that the total indebtedne of r.id district
including this bend, does not exceed any constitutional or stctutoty limitation therec . For the
prompt payment of this bcnd,ondc both principal and interest as the sar::e shall fall due, the
full faith, credit and resources of said District are hereby irrevocably pledged.
IN 14IT14ES'S WIER9XF, the Board If Count. : "orL:rissior, s of said harnett County has caused this
bone to be signed in hehalf of said dirtric' by the C1 -jairr. -an of said Board, and he cor_oorate
seal cf said County to ue :_c:pressed hbrecn, attested by Register of Deeds of said County, and has
caused 'he annexed interest coupons to be e- ecuted with the dacsimile signature of said Ohairi. -,an
all as cf 'h fir.:t day of September, 19,'4.
Register of Deeds
No Coupon
On 1,19
The County of Harnett, forth Carolina, for and
tc be.rer at the United -tates 'ortgage and rust
gold coin, as provided in and fcr the se., i6annual
irrr Fond issued in behalf of said distric., dated
Chairman, Board of County Commissioners
�n behalf of Duke School District boo 1, will pay
cr :pan. -, in "e2- Ycrh City, the sum, of in
interest then due on aid County's School Build -
eytember 1, 1924, and numbered
Chairman Ecard of County Comr.ris:ioners.
Section 3. That in each year while any of said bonds shall be outstanding there sho;ll be levied
by this Board a direct ta;.upon all taxable property within said district, over and above al:'. t�x-
able property within ;.c;id districts, over and ;hove 11 other ta-es authorized or per itted by
,aw sufficient in arr,ount to a; _he principal and interest o` the said bents as the same shall
fo.all due, which tax is ti be devoted to no other purpose.
:-'ection 4. That the Register of Deeds is hereby directed to publish in he I- arnett County
News, L newsparer published in Lillington, within harneti County, and circulati-:g within s id
School Listrict' there being r.c newspa-,er printed within said district, :_:.nd tc publish also
in the Raleigh ]dews and Cbeever the latter being a newsl;aper which publishes from time to time
notices of sale of municipc:l bonds at ie;,st once in e ch not said papers ct lcc:st ter. de.srs
before Cctuber 6, 1924, substantially the following x1onotice calling for bids to be received
for said bonds, which notice or an abbreviated fcrni thereof may be published in ,ny other
ournal published is this State or elsewhere:
?70,000 Duke School District No 1, 1i :C. wchool Bends.
Sealed bids addressed to the undersigned will be received until 10 o'clock, .,.1d' Cot. 6th.
19:4, at the Curt House , by the board of County Comr.iscior. 5s of Harnett Court -, for the ,.ur-
ehase of X70,000 School Building Bends issued by and in the r.L,me of said County fct and in behalf
cf Duke Cchocl District No 1, a school district within said county raintaininh c, union ehhool,
at which. time said bonds will be sold. Bonds d ted :eptember 1, 19124; maturing :annually 1: rch
1 , W:2000 1956 to 1942 and },3000 1943 to 1954, all inclusive, without prior option. "enor,in--tion
,1000.;.IntPrest rate tc be bid; one rate for 811 bonds, not exceedcrng D% in a multiple of
one fourth of 1%; bonds to.be awarded at highest price bid for lwwest rate offrred; principal
:rd ir,terest(m and S 1) payable in gold in 117ew York City; general c.ligations of district
unlimited tax; delivery on or about Cetober 27th, 1924, in New York City or at purcha:r 'e
cost fcr delivery and exchamge :t ld, ce of $i.. chouce.
The bonfs will be prepared under the c peryision of the United States I.'ortgage and Trust
Ccripany, New York City, which :.ill certify as to the genuineness of the signatures of the of-
ficials and the seal impressed thereon. The approving ppinionof Chester B, lasslich, 3sq. New
York City will be furnished the purchaser.
The fonds were authorized at an election: 150 voting for and 21 against; The election
has been ratified b4, *he General r".ser.bly of North Carolina . Bids bust be on blank form, which
will be furnished by said Trust Company or the undersigned, nd r..ust be enclosed in a sealed
envelope rrar'ced ^Proposal for Bond --O and rust be accorpa:ied by a cer,ied check(or cash) p<,y-
able tc the order of the undersigned upon an incorporated bank or trust ecrr.pany for 1400.00,
to secure the district against any loss resulting from the failure cf the bidder to comply
with the terms of his bid. No bid of les than par and accrued interest will be wonsidered. The
right to reject all bids is reserved.
w.H.Faucette, Register of Deess.
lillington, North Carolina.
Section 5. That no other bonds of th6se voted at the said election h - -1d L "ay 14; 1924, than
the w70,000 bonds herein authorized shall now or at any time be issued, said election habing
been validated as to ;?70000 bonds and no more by the General Aseembly of T.orth `'arolina by ar
aot ratified ie. August, 1924.
The resoultion was put to a vote and was pareed by the following vc�es:
;yes: Jas. 1,. Taylor, J.A.Buchanan, I,C.J.McNeill, 'N.J.11.c Ste. -.,:art and J.A.Heckaday.
Noes; None
The being no further business the Commissioners adjourned until their neat regular meeting date.
Jas. A. Taylor, Chairman
W.H. Faucette, Clerk to Board
The following resolution was adopted by the Board at their meeting on Sept. 15th.1924.
"Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County:
That one note of the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County br executed to the sum of
$lOr000.00 dated Sept. 1924' maturing October 1, 19250 and bearing interest at 5%
per annum, interest pays lie at *aturety.
LBoth interest and principal payable to Bearer at Bank of the City of Hew York, New
York. In anticipation of collection of taxes for the -year�924 -25 and that as d note be sold
or hypothecated by the tr asurer of Harnett County and the proceeds thereof tur8ld into
the general funds of said County.
Be, it further resolved; That the full faith and credit of the Board of Commissioners of
Hatnett County, be pledged to the puncutal payment of the principal and interest aSx of
said note at maturety, ^'