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- - - - - -CALL SESSILE - - -- -
The Commissioners met in call session January lb, 1930, all members
being present to_;ether wit'. J. C. eet, Atty.
'riEREAS tae county of Harnett does not have a sufficient number of terms
of the 3uperioT J ;urt for the transaction of criminal business, and the
criminal docket now has ujon it several cases 2f )UbiiC ith ort which should
be tried before the next ret.ular term of said court in ::.ay, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED that the Governor be arc' he is .er:by requested to call
a special term of 6u erior Court for one week for the trial of criminal cases
only to be held in the County of Harnett beginning o Monday n.rrch 17th, 1930,
to be hod1 without any Grand Jury. Loved by Stuart Turlington, seconded by
0. H. Pope, th::.t the order of S. 0. 3. be approved.
It is ordered that J. E. Dupree County Auditor be instructed to let a
contract for a ouilding to be used for a colored toilet the building to be
placed on the Co..rt House pro,,erty.
It is ordered t_r,t the County appropriate 425.00 to the Daniel Boon Assn.
It is ordered t_:: t all slot Lit:.chines & vending La.c::ines in the County of
Harnett be removed or confiscated at once.
It is ordered ti. _ the Convict Camp be moved to the old County Fprm end
tnerz be a permanent site for the Camp.
It is also ordered thr. L. L. Bplla.rc Road Supvr, have entire charge
o_' the County farm and to have raised such foods, vegetables and other produce
as he dee :us necessary for t;::e upkeep of the Convicts and inmates of the County
It is ordered tart th. L. B-llard Road Supvr. have as much as pos::ible of
she hand at the County Hone cle -red for cultivation.
It is ordered th t the office of the Clerk of 0:u:.rt be supplied with one
typewriter of the Clerks choice.
aHEREAS, sufficient taxes have not been collected to pay appropriations
made for the current fiscal ye >r 1929 -30 and to pay interest on bonds and to pe
notes to become due within the next six (6) months, Harnett County, and a tempo
ary loan is necessary to meet such appropriations and to pay interest on notes
and vonds and to pay notes.
HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, That asid County borrow be authorized to borrow
on the faith and credit of said county aaprescribed by Section Four, Public Law
of 1927 of "The County Finance Act" the sum of Sixty five Thousand Dollars,
(465,000.00) for the purpose of reaising funds to meeet the appropriations made
for ordinary expenses of said county,and the chairman of this board be and he
is hereby authorized to execute note or notes in the aggregate sum of Sixty Fiv_
Thousand Dollars (465,000.00) date January 27th, 1930, payable to bearer and
signed by the said Chairman and attested by the Clerk to the Board, payable on
the 27th day of July, 1930, bearing interest at ale rate or six per cent per an Ira
That said note or notes be negotiated and delivered by the Maid Chairman for th
purposes aforesaid.
(Sean leitiltakeL file for note forme)
CHAIRMAN Board of County Commission:rs
of Harnett County.
It is ordered th_.t C. H. Pope and Stuart Turlington be appointed as a
Committee to confer with a committee from the town of Dunn and the Chamber of
Commerce of Dunn & the Citizens of Sampson County & +iayne County, to meet with
the above mentioned committee on Tuesday night Jan 21st, 1930, al; Newton Grove
N.C. with reference to indorsing the movement whereby the Stae highway comm.
is requested to take over the road leading from Dunn to Newton Gove and known
as the old Dunn & Newton Grove road.
It is ordered th:.t M. L. Ballird road Supvr. ouy for the use of transport
ing contiats one truck, Ford or Chevrolet.
J. E. ;eILLIAi.iS,
Jury sworn and e::paneled_ as follows: J. Taylor, A. E. .rs'hburn,
Bartley Johnson, E B, Edwards, Lalcom aha :, J. D. ACorqudale, L. Hall, J.
Stephenson, Jeppie T. il_iams, du. C. Smith, eJ. H. Coats, L. N. Hesy, at Close
of State's evidence, defendant - enters plea of guilty of abandonment of his wi
and child, The judgment of the Court is that the defendant be confined in Jai
for a term of two years to be assigned to work the Roads. It is furtherorder
and ajudged that the County Commissioners of Harnett County pay on the 1st da
each month, beginning on February 1st, 1930, the sum of 815.00 to Mrs, Alice
Williams for support of herself and infant child Harvey, during the serving o:
sentence above imposed on the defendant:
The Judgment heretofore.renderedat this term on Tuesday January 7, 19
at page 519, is amended as follows: That the County Commissioners pay the 15
per month as set out in this judgment to Mrs. Anna B. Lewis, - Superintendent
of Walfare, and her successors, to be used and expended as she shall deem
expedient on the family, that ;,is, the wife of the defendant and their child,
the defendant; in liey of saidcommissieners payirg said sum to Mrs. Alice
I, L. M. Chaffin, C. S. C. of Harnett County, hereby certify that the
foregoing is a true copy of the judgment rendered in the above entitled case
appears of record in Minute Docket #10,,at pages 519 and 537.
Witness my hand and official sea; this the llth day of January, 1930.
L. M.- Chaffin, C. S. C.
We, the Grand Jury, for the January term 1930 of Harnett Superior Cour",
do hereby submit this as our report covering our transactions and recornmendat'ons
during said terml
We have diligently inquired into and made returns of all bills of indi
ment sent us by the Solicitor,
We have inspected the County Home and find i in most excellent condit on,
and all the inmates properly cared for.
We have inspected the several offices in the courthouse and find them
excellent condition, but we make.. the following recommendations as to some:
The the floors of the Register of Deeds office, the office of the Superintend
of Welfare andthe Tax Collector be covered or paintred:
We have inspected the Jail and find it in excellent donditiop, the pri -oners
therein had no complaint to make.
We have inspected the Convict Camp and find it in a very satisfactory
condition.- The only complaint heard was that the breakfast was at times not
sufficient, and that separate bathing facilities are not being provided for
white and colored prisoners, also that proper medical attention and shoes are
bei:;g provided.
We d4sire to make the following general-recommendations and abservations.
1st. That all slot machines within the bounds of the County be remov
or confiscated at once. We know of nothing th.t is more harmful or detriment
to the youths of the county than for them t>play with such machines which, if
they are not themselves gambling devices; lead to gambling.
2nd. We recommend the -a a permanent site be selected for
which site to be centrally located. We suggest as such a site a
the Old County Homer
and more
upon the
3rd. We recommend thacadditional land at the county Hoe be cleare
culitvated upon which to raise more vegetables for use, of the ininat
4th. We recommend that the county Commissioners have arected at once
courthouse property twe toilets,' one for each sex, for the colored r
5t #. We recommend that new typewriter be furnished for the office
the Clerk of Court;
In conelusion we desire to- express ourthanks to his honor, Judge Smal
the Judge presiding, the solicitor, and to all the other Court officials,
for the assistance rendered us and for the courtesies shown us during this terff
respectfully submitted.
F. C. Hobbs, Foreman,
This Januiry 10, 1930.
It is ordered that the farmers Store Go. of Mamers be releived
on 700.00 of personal property fro the yetr 1930.
It is ordered thHt meeting adjourn until the first monday in February
unless otherwise called by the Chairman.
February 2, 1)33.
ihe CoJnty johlAssioners het in rekular Session ieorw.ry 1930
11 h.ehbers preseht except 6tu-rt i-ur1in,toh. The Minutes were read and
The Bo r• 01 jo.Ality Comhissiohers of Hrrnett 0;unty, North 0-rolina,
met ih sessioH -t --e Hose 111 the Towli of Lillihjtpli, liorth
0 rolina at o'clock A. Li. oh the 3rd of February 1)30, the followinfz
mehbers beili„, )resent:
2. R. Rosser,
C. H. Pope, ThH6 H. Pope, Clerk,
... C. LoTdarliiiik,
The chzirsr h :,hiou-liced Bo rd would heqr hty and all citizens
taxpyer: ITHio iiiht desire to )rotest it tke Issuance of ,he 43)0•0
ackuol boildiAliL Bohda )ursuynt to the bohd order introduced Thlifil r; Oth, 1)30.
There be-1,, no such yruteste, )iker full o-pottohity hz.d oeen .Liveh for tqki-h±
the s'-he: After he rih; colisiderin z11 such robes s:
Of mr. •. R. Ro. ser, z sec ded of .r. J. Doliderfilk, the
szid order s fin:lly )Hesed o roll-czli vote.
Upon roll-chil, 1 .0 vole opo •he adoption of szid order was follows
Yems: 1. R. Rosser, sr.„.
6. LiWder..:11k, O. H. .eope,
14. hoc: 11,
BE IT RESOLVED eu.erkQotn s bo rd ,e, and he is hereby quthor
ized 'lid directed to Jublish, as r quired by J11A, :Le order atthorizin,L
..),D school buitdili.) qohds 01 te co.hny, luhroduced JahuLry otk, 1)36,
)nd passed zt this Jeeti.li,, ili the Hqrhstt o)uhty ries fpr tz,b
sliccessive weeks, bei--)ng vi1h _li,e issue of s Id :zper ,.ublished on Zebru ry
fth, 1,33.
ILlilil Roll-c)11, tlis vo the Hdali of th,q forelitoih.: resolution
Yets: T. R. Rosshr,
O. Lowdenilk,
Q. H. r02e,
1. Th t eher_ahc: _ vili„. zriseli in the Ahjr Sohool District of
H Thett uouhliy, th 0.ds of H The:Jt Cliuhty sh)11 be issued for the ,.irpose
of yorcli sin_ he necessaxy lzhd me erectih: the necessary ,uildilib Hid
•equipolh• s.liie to cr:,:ry oh it least a six h _ths school term in sc.id school
District of H rhett .:;.u:;, sEt-de belh„; a /rt of he iniforM State system
of Jublic schools required o c o o ch.stitutionito the L.,T6L, te Tihci)1.1 ah ul
of $3),Oo0...).).
E. lh t : tz::: suffieht '..D ): : the )1.1hci2z.1 lid interest of the bonds
.liieh Lue sh 11 ..0 ahnw.ily levied fhd collected.
.:.- . 61. -
; .n
Co,hy debt h s beeh filed Thi the Clerk and
is 0e Ha, lc ihspecti - -.