County Commissioners met in regular session on March 2, 1925, at 10 o:clook
A.M. All members being present.‘ G.K. Grantham, Chairman, B.P. Ingram, J.G.
Layton, J.A. Hockaday, and James A. Buchanan, also M.T. Spears, County Attor-
ney for Board.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
It is ordered that a rebate be given Mrs. S.C. Neighbors for $27.60, error
of $2000.00 in listing property in Averasboro Township.
It is ordered that a rebate be given Mrs. N.N. Barnes for the years
1922, 1923, and 1924, error of $2640.00 in listing property in Averasboro
Township. Same property listed and paid by F.H. Barnes.
It is ordered that a rebate be given B.J. Mabry for $16.41 special school
It is ordered that H.D. Jones be given rebate of $1.00 for dog listed through
error in Averasboro Township.
It is ordered that Vincent Holder be
property in Upper Little River.
It is ordered that release be given
listing $3500.00 in Grove Township.
Coats Motor Company.
rt is ordered that release be given A.A. Bethune for $60.79, error of
$3150.00 in listing lots in Bunnlevel.
It is ordered that J.D. McLeod be'given release to the amount of $6.40,
error of $500.00 in listing property in Averasboro.
It is ordered that N.T. Whittenton be given release for school tax in the
amount of $8.25, listed in Averasboro Noll, should be Grove No.6.
It is ordered that C.A. McNeill be given release of $1.40 for special school
tax - Lillington township- property not in school district.
It is ordered that N.H. Parrish be given a release of $24.49, same property
listed and paid by B.F. Parrish in Grove township.
It is ordered that a release be given Mrs. Janie Stewart for $9.90, error of
$500.00 in listing jroperty in Lillington Township.
It is ordered that James H. Withers, Jr. be given a release of $26.50 for
error in listing property in Barbecue Township.
It is ordered that W.H. Burgess be released of special school tax in Upper
Little River Township No. 6 , to the amount of 72 cents.
relieved of 30 cents error in listing
C.G. Stewart for $83.30, error of
Same property listed and paid by
It is ordered that Jow`A. Stewart Estate be allowed to list property in Grove
Township for the year 1920, amount of taxes $21.34, paid and turned over to
County Auditor.
It is ordered that Chairman of the Board, County Attorney and County Auditor
be named asa Committee to investigate the amounts due each school district of
the County n the a000unt of 1923 taxes.
It is ordered that the report from E.F. Young be accepted and filed. Taxes
collected since last meeting $471.95. Check for this amount attached and turned
over to County Auditor.
It is ordered by Commissioners that a bridge be built across South prong of
the creek between VanLindley Nursery and Cambro on new road to be laid out by
Township Road Commissioners.
It is ordered that D.A. Stewart be paid $64.36 for two brdiges on Northington
Road in Upper Little River Township.
It is ordered that D.B. Holder be paid $11.04 for work and lumber on bridge on
MoDougald Road.
It is ordered that Hq. Btry. 117th. (Dunn Unit National Guard) be paid
monthly allowance of $50.00, for Feb,
It is ordered that Herbert Griffin be paid $28.00 as ferryman at Northington'
It is ordered that C.A. Todd be paid $2.00 for work on chairs at Courtheuee.
It is ordered that J.D. Patterson be paid $52.68 for work on bridge on Patter
son Road in U.L.River.
It is ordered that J.W. McLeod, Jailor, be paid $97.70.
It is ordered that J.P. Bradley be paid t30.88 for petty cash fund,
It is ordered that J.E. Caviness be paid $100.0 for Nab. Salary,
It is ordered that report from H.A. Edge be accepted and filed, and that
$108.33 be paid for salary.
It is ordered that report from Miss Elizabeth Bridge be accepted and filed, .
and that *33.33 be paid .
It is ordered that report from A.D. Herring be accepted and filed, and that
$25.00 salary be paid.
It is ordered that Mamie Sexton be paid $44.40- Clerk to. Board.
It is ordered that Dr. J.W. Phillips be paid $66•00 for Health, and ivarentine
officer, also visits to Jail and Camp during Feb.
It is ordered that Fayetteville Office Supply Company be paid_$1O0.00 for des
and file for County Auditor.
It is ordered that report from H.A. Turlington be accepted and filed.
Amount collected $32,243.37, and commission paid $483.65.
It is ordered that the Clerk of the Court be paid $37.80 for salary, Juvenile
Court, phone, postage, etc, Also bill of cost for $31.50, and that report of
the Clerk be accepted and filed,
It is ordered that D.P. Graham be relieved of poll tax in Barbecue Township,
owing to disability
It is ordered that C. McLrtan, J.W. McAllister, N.A. Stewart be paid *3•00
each for services on Pension Board,
It is ordered that H.A. Edge be paid $9.00, telephone rent for Dec, Jan. and
It is ordered that letter from Dann Chamber of Commerce, endorsing proposed
Road Bill for county -wide Road `;System for road construction and maintenance,
be accepted and filed.
It is ordered that Norwood Brick Co. be given release for taxes listed in err
in Lillington Township for the year 1922.
It is ordered by the Board of Commissioners that E.F. Young and M.T. Spears,
attorneys, be instructed to bring suit against J.W. EioArtan, Ex- Sheriff and
Nn t Casualty Company,' assurety on Ex Sheriff's bond.
It is ordered that the taxes of Bank of Varina,be referred to County Attorney
for investigation, and report at the next meeting.
It is ordered that the Board of County Commissioners endorse and underwrite
t'Yb note for the Road Commissioners of Biaek,Rivvownship Road District for
$1500.00 to =tux . 1st, and the taxes 'r a year 1925 forts4gsagrount
to stand security ? -said endordement o-»J
It is ordered that J.H. Williams be paid $13.77 for lumber for bridge in
Stewart's Creek Township, 459 ft. at $30.00.
It is ordered that Lee Furniture Company be paid $32.00 for Congoleure in
Register of Deeds office.
It is ordered that Alfred Williams 5 Company be paid $6.00 for merchandise
bqught by J.W. McArtan. County Order /769 400 given for this amount was
It is ordered that J.D. McLeod be paid $15.00 for building bridge across
ditch in Black River township, authorized by J.A. Hockaday.
It is ordered that J.L. Hatcher be paid $20.00 for burial of Reuben Jones,
It is ordered that Johnson & Bryan Company be paid $20.00 for coffin for
J.L. Darrooh, Confederate Soldier.
It is ordered that report of S.B. Caviness, Supt. of Convict Camp, be
accepted and filed. All bills attached paid.
It is ordered that renewal premium of $48.00 be paid J.C. Thomson for
insurance on jail.
It is ordered that C.A. McNeill be paid $10.00 for still in Barbecue.
It is ordered that O.R. Pearce be paid $20.00 for two stills in Averasboro.
It is ordered that J.W. Campbell be paid $10.00 for one still in Barbecue.
It is ordered that J.H. Dixon be paid $10.25 for stopping leaks at jail.
It is ordered that Johnson & Bryan Co. be paid $175:'dor merchandise
furnished County.
It is ordered that Doyle - Clute - Carlesle - Broham Company be paid $62.05
for merchandise for county.
It is ordered that Womble & Spence be paid $1.35 for broom for courthouse.
It is ordered that Edwards & Broughton be paid $160.80 for books for
Register of Deeds.
It is ordered that A.F. Fowler, Sheriff, be paid all bills expended for
expenses, eta.
It is ordered that Harnett County News be paid $134.37 for printing.
It is ordered that J.A. Marsh be paid $10.70 for merchandise furnished
It is ordered that Goodno & Steele be paid $714.87 .
It is ordered that Byrd Bros. & Shaw be paid $1146.86 for materials and
work at courthouse.
It is ordered that A.F. Fowler, Sheriff, be paid for grate and express to
amount of $23.57. Grate for sheriff's office.
It is ordered that J.P. Parker be paid $95.73 salary and other expenses at
County Home.
It is ordered that N.C. Geological & Economics Survey be paid $19.60, as
per statement of Feb. lst.
Increase in Certain Pauper Allowances
It is ordered that the montly allowance for Harry Campbell, pauper, be
increased from $15.00 to $25.00 per 4,
It is ordered that the montly allowance for Stephen Harrington, pauper,
be increased from $3.00 to $5.00 per month. (Mailed to Frances McLeod,
Broadway, N.C.)
It is ordered that renewal policies on jail and courthouse be investigated
by Chairman and County Auditor.
It is ordered that the Chairman and Clerk sign an application for
a loan from the State Spga4al Panda of $600.00, said loan being
Harnett Countye part of the new Brick Building at Linden, Cumber-
land County, The County Superintendent is instructed to have the Board
of Education pass a Resolution binding itself to reed to Harnett County
its pro rata part of cost of said building in case said school district
should be dissolved, and that part of Stewart's Creek in said district
returned to Harnett County.
It is ordered that the following five men be appointed as Members of
Harnett County Board of Agriculture to assist Mr. H.A. Edge in the
extension of his work in every: community, in Harnett County; J.P. Dewar,
F.M. McLeod, C.L. Bailey, J.M. Williams and Geo. Hemmingway.
It is ordered that the Chairman of the County Commissioners and Clerk to
Board sign and approve an application for a loan of x¢30,000.00 from State
Special Building Fund for Patterson, Mt, Pisgah, Cool Springs, and Cede
Grove School Districts.
A�nnn ,, i (
It is ordered that the resignation of J.G. Layton t ben;,.,
accepted, and that Jas, A. Buchanan be appointed in his place."02
It is ordered that the.School Budget for the year 1924 -25 be increased
by the amount of the fees of Goodno & Steele for making the school audit
required by the State laws.
It is ordered that a posting. be installed for keeping the county's
records, and thatM.T. Spears, 3.2. Bradley and Ralph L.- Steele be directed
to make the purchase, and that they are authorized to purchase a second -hand
machine if they find that a second hand machine can be purchased to
It is ordered that Goodno & Steele in making their audit take up and
properly show as assets of the county all claims shown as due the county by
the audit report. of S,G. Gardner & Company made during 1922.
Bills Paid, for March, 1925:
113 North State Power Co. Lights for Courthouse & Jail for Jan.
114 " n n It n 71 n If "
115 Goodno & Steele,
116 D.A. Stewart,
117/ B.B. Holder,
118 Herbert Griffin,
119 O.A. Todd)
120 J.D. Patterson,
121 J.W. McLeod,
122 J.P. Bradley, Auditor,
123 J.E. Caviness,
124 H.A. Edge,
125 Bliss Bridge
124 ; A.D..Herring,
127 J.P. Bradley, Auditor
128 Mamie Sexton
18e Dr. J.W. Phillips,
130 Fayetteville Supply Co
131 L.M. Chaffin, C.S.C,
132 L.M. Chaffin, C.S.C.
133 04 McArtan,
134 J.H. McAllister,
135 N.A. Stewart,
136 H.A. Edge,
137 J.H. Williams,
138. Dunn Nat, Guard,
139 Lee Furniture Co.
140 Alfred Williams,
141 D.J. McLeod,
142 J.L. Hatcher,
143 Johnson Bryan Co.
144 J.C. Thomson,
145 C.A. McNeill,
146 O.R. Pearce,
147 J.W. Campbell,
148 J.H. ' Dixon,
149 Johnson Bryan Co.
150 Doyle- Clute- Co.`
151 Spence & Womble,
152 Edwards & Broughton,
153 A.F. Fowler,
154 A.F. Fowler,
155 Harnett County News,
Work for County
Lumber for 2 Bridges U.L.R.
" " on McDougall Road,
Keeping Ferry
Repairing 2 <chairs for Courthouse,
Lumber for Bridge on Patterson Road,- 52.68
Jailor, 97.70
Petty Cash Fund. 30.88
Feb. Salary, 100,00
rr it -
n n
If " 25.00
TT rr.
n g „ 3.00
,, rr rr 3.00
Telephone. Bill 3 months, 9.00
Lumber for Bridge 13.77
Feb, Allowance;, 50.00
Covering for floor in Reg. of D. 32.00
Mdse. bought by J.W. McArtan, 6.00
Bridge across ditch B.R. Township, 15.00
Burial of Reuben Jones, 20.00
Coffin for J.L. Darroch, 20.00
Premium on Ins. 48.00
1 Still in Johnsonville, 20.00
2 stills, Averasboro, 20.00
1 still in Barbecue, 10.00
Plumbing in jail, 10.25
Mdse. for County, 2.15
TI Tr n 62.05
IT TT rr 1.35
Book for Register of Deeds, 160.80
Expenses, 23.57
" ::.367.00
Printing for County, 134.37
Clerk to Board
Health & Quarantine Officer,
.` Desk & Filing Cabinet for Auditor,
Salary etc,
Bills of Cost,
Member Pension Board,
156 J.A. Marsh,
157 Byrd Bros. & Shaw,
158 Lynn Wilder,
159 Johnson Bryan Co.
160 Lanier's Filling Sta
161 J.P. Parker,
162 N.C. Geo. & Eco.
163 H.A. Turlington,
164 S.B. Caviness,
165 H.L. Johnson,
166 Roger Weaver,
167 Sam Stubb,
168 D.W. McDonald,
169 Atkins Bros.
170 Lynn Wilder,
171 Womble & Spence,
172 Upchurch & Quinn,
173 N.A. Mson,
174 Johnson & Bryan Co.
175 Atkins Bros.
176 Harnett H.H.
177 " Hardware H.
178 Sarah Gainey,
179 Carrie Mason,
180 to 205
206 W.A. Johnson,
207 Dr. W.P. Holt,
208 F.H. Taylor,
209 Sam Stubbs,
210 Judge Lyon,
211 CNsh
212 C.S. Cade,
213 J.B. Tugwell,
214 W.J. Cotton,
215 C.C. Lyon, Judge,
216 Kate Wade,
Mdse. for County Home,
Bldg. to Courthouse,
Mdse. County Home,
. Gas & Oil for County Home,
Supt. Co. Home,
Bal. due Feb. 1st,
Tax Collector,
Supt. Convict Camp,
Guard Camp,
" 4 days,
" 24 "
Mdse. County Home,
" Convict Camp,
Gas & Oil to Convict Camp,
Mdse. to Camp,
:others Aid,
" n
Pauper Allowance for Feb.
Vital Statistics for Black River,
" Duke Twp.
" Neill's Cr.
10 days Guard Convict Camp,
Cash Advanced,
Jury Funds,
Vital Statistics Buckhorn,
" " Lillington,
Hector's Creek,
2 Weeks March Term,
Court Steno. March Term,
The commissioners adjourned until the next meeting on
First Monday in April.
" 10.25
1,146. 6
G.K. Grantham, Chairman County Commissioners,
Mamie Sexton, Clerk to Board.