OF HUMAN RESOURCES Commissioner W. J. Cotton, Jr. moved that Joseph Lucas be
appointed as Director of the Harnett County Department of Human
Resources, Commissioner Jesse Alphin seconded the motion, and those
voting for the issue were Commissioners Cotton, Brock, Alphin and
Chairman Etheridge.
Mr. Richard E. Moore and Mr. Roy Spainhour appeared before the
Board in regards to the Metro Water District. A lengthy discussion
followed relating to the issue and Mr. Spainhour and Mr. Moore
answered questions posed by those in attendance.
With no further questions or items of business, the meeting was
adjourned by the Chairman at 8: P. M.
�tr Z
August 18, 1975
The mid -month meeting of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners was held on
Monday, August 18, 1975. The Chairman convened the meeting at 7:30 P. M., and
the following were in attendance, Chairman Bobby R. Etheridge, Commissioners Brock
Cotton and Alphin. The County Attorney Edward H. McCormmigk, and the clerk, H. D.
Carson, Jr. were present.
Commissioner Brock led the evening prayer.
The minutes of the previous meetings were read by the Secretary and approved.
Mrs. Helen Crews, Director of Social Services, appeared before the
Board in regard to CETA Title IV -D, of Social Security Act as it
related to Child Support Enforcement. This, she said, was a prov-
ision for enforcement of parents to support their children and that
federal funds would support 75% of the program, and the remaining
25% of undetermined source as of yet. 25% of the funds collected
the first year would go to the county and thereafter only 10% so
that the program would become self sustaining. The Chairman asked
that the County Attorney prepare a ruling for the Commissioners to
study and indicated that action would be taken at the meeting to be
held on Tuesday, September 2, 1975.
GRANT Upon motion by Commissioner Cotton and second by Commissioner
Alphin, the following resolution pertaining to Federal Water Poll-
ution Control was adopted by a vote of 4 ayes and no opposition.
"Whereas an offer of a Grant in the amount of
$45,000.00 has been made the County of Harnett,
Lead Agency for the Greater Harnett County
Wastewater Facilities Planning Area, by the
United States Environmental Protection Agency
for the purpose of assisting in the preparation
of a Wastewater Facilities Planning Report,
total maximum estimated cost of which is
$60,000.00; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the
Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett
that the hereinbefore mentioned offer be accepted
on behalf of the County of Harnett and the Greater
Harnett County Planning Area and further, that
Official Representative of the County of Harnett,
Chairman Bobby R. Etheridge, be and is hereby
directed to execute the United States Environmental
Protection Agency Grant Agreement under 33 U.S.C.
1151 et seq. amended, thus accepting said grant
offer and making all assurances contained therein."
Letter of Acceptance
Lert;t xof Acceptance
As a result of the .above action, a letter of acceptance of Federal
Grant Offer #C370454- .01 -0, to the Environmental Protection Agency
was ordered and signed by the Chairman
NER- Contractural Agreement
The Board of Commissioners was advised that a proposed contract,
between the County and North Carolina Department of Natural and
Economic Resources for the provision of planning services was
presented and discussed; that, under the terms of the said con-
tract, the County will pay a total of Three Thousand Two Hundred
dollars ($3,200.00), payable on or before October 1, 1975, as its
share of the planning costs.
Commissioner Alphin introduced the following resolution, which
was read:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Commissioners of the County of Harnett:
1. That the contract between the County of
Harnett and the North Carolina Department
of Natural and Economic Resources be and the
same is hereby approved.
2. That the Chairman and the Clerk be and
they are hereby authorized to sign and execute
the said contract for and on behalf of the
County of Harnett and forward the same to the
North Carolina Department of Natural and
Economic Resources.
3. That upon final execution a copy of the
said contract be filed with the minutes.
Enacted this, the 18th day of August, 1975.
Upon motion of Commissioner Alphin, seconded by Commissioner Brock,
said resolution was unanimously passed, with all commissioners
voting affirmatively.
MANAGERS'REPORT The Manager reported on various activities going within the county:
County Garage, Manpower Program, Renovation of ASC Office, Surplus
Property Sale and again mentioned the need of the landfill for a
scraper for use in maintaining the fill.
CHAIRMAN REMARKS The Chairman mentioned to the Board that correspondence had been
received from Senator Robert B. Morgan and from Senator Jesse Helms!
Gilbert Brown
Rodney C. Hobbs from Bunnlevel and Raleigh appeared before the Board
in regards to the fact that his land and that of his father, located,
on SR2203, was being used for dumping trans, garbage and refuse
materials. He `asked that some measure be taken to alleviate this
matter, and suggested that a mini -site be set up near the area
for legal dumping. Chairman Etheridge expressed appreciation from
the Board for his coming and for the information he imparted to
them, and assured him that efforts were being made to alleviate
the problem there and all over the County, and that the State
Department of Health, Mr. Bill Strickland, was presently preparing
a master plan for Harnett County.
The Chairman gave copies of the following letter of resignation
that he had received from Commissioner Gilbert Brown, and read
aloud the letter, as follows:
August 15, 1975
Bobby R. Etheridge, Chairman
Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Lillington, N.C.
It is with deep regret that I must tender my resignation as a member of
the Harnett County Board of Commissioners, to be effective October 1,
1975. I have reached this decision because of the time that is involved
in serving in this capacity. Also with the economy being what it is,
I find that I must devote more of my time to my personal business and
therefore cannot give adequate time that is required to serve as Comm
I would like to express my appreciation to the people of Harnett
County for allowing me to serve. I would also like to thank the depart-
ment heads and employees for their cooperation during my tenure of service.
I hope that, in the future, I can be of service again to the people of
Harnett County.
Respectfully submitted /s/ Gilbert Brown
Action Commissioner Cotton moved to accept the resignation as submitted,
Commissioner Brock seconded and all members voted for the issue.
Commissioner Cotton moved for adjournment. The time was 9:00 P.M.
f }
Clerk to the Boai'd
The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session
on Tuesday, September 2, 1975. With Chairman Bobby R. Etheridge
presiding the following members were present: Jesse Alphin,
W. J. Cotton, Jr., Gilbert Brown, and M. H. Brock. H. D. Carson,
Jr., Clerk to the Board and Ed McCormick, County Attorney were
also present.
The Chairman called the meeting at 9:35 a.m.
Rev. Barry Barbour, United Methodist Church, Kipling, offered the
morning prayer.
Kenneth Autry, Department of Transportation, appeared before the
Board and discussed several road matters.
Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, gave the report of his department.
OF SURPLUS PROPERTY At 10:00 a.m. the bid opening for the sale of surplus property of
the following four automobiles began.
#1 - -1972 Chev. 4 dr. Sedan S #1M69R2D164201 Beige, A /C, P /B, P /S, A /T,
400 cubic engine
#2 - -1973 Chev. 4 dr. Sedan S #1L69H3D140263 Beige, A /C, P /B, P /S, A /T,
350 cubic engine
#3- -1973 Chev. 4 dr. Sedan S #1L69H3D140251 Beige, A /C, P /B, P /S, A /T,
350 cubic engine
#4 - -1973 Chev. 4 dr. Sedan S #1L69H3D140276 Beige, A /C, P /B, P /S, A /T,
350 cubic engine
The Chairman asked the people in attendance if there were any bids
to be turned in to do so. He then informed them that the Board
has the right to accept or reject any or all bids. All bids were
sealed and attached with the bid was either a 5% cash, cashier's
check, certified check, or bid bond of the total bid as required
by the N.C.G.S. 143 -129.
Clyde L. Patterson
Sealed with a personal check of $173.30
Bid for #1 $916.00
#2 880.00
#3 790.00
#4 880.00
Making a total of $3,466.
Royie V. Massengill
Sealed with a Cashier's Check of $110.00
Bid for #1 $451.01
#2 651.01
#3 451.01
#4 502.05
Making a total of $2,155.11
R. M. Hayes
Sealed with a personal check of $95.00
Bid for #1 $400.00
#2 500.00
#3 500.00
#4 500.00
Making a total of $1,800.00