The Harnett County Board of Commissioners sat as a Board of Equalization and Review
for the first scheduled meeting on Monday, April 30, 1973. Mrs. Eiixakakk Ruby T.
Currin, Deputy Clerk of Superior Court, administered aid officiated in the following
sworn statement, as taken by each of the following: M. H. Brock, 3EXWO084 jt,0411‹., W.J.
Cotton, Jr., C. E. McLamb and Gilbert Brown:
I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the Const-
itutioT n and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina
not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my
office as a member of the Board of Equalization and Review of Harnett County, North
Carolina, and that I will not allow my actions as a member of the Board of Equalization
and Review to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so
help me, God.
Signed ( All Commissioners signed individually)
Subscribed to and sworn to before me, this the 30th day of April, 1973.
Signed ( s/s Ruby T. Currin, Dep. Clerk)
Mr. Brock called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. According to the regulations of
the New Machinery Act, compensation for the members of the Board must be settled at
the first meeting, as the first order of business. By consent of the Board, the com-
pensation was set at $20.00 per meeting.
Those appearing before the Board on April 30, 1973 are recorded as follows and the
action if any, is recorded along with the appeal.
1. William Presley & Leonore Tuck, Buies Creek, N. C.
Neill's Creek Township. 2 lots # 2 & 3 Camelot subdivision, carrying a total value
of $35,815.
Mrs. Tuck appeared before, requested another evaluation of the property because she
felt the value was too high.
ACTION: The total value of the above property was adjusted from $35,815. to $32,685.
by action of the Board.
2. Thomas L. Chase, 303 County Avenue, Dunn, N. C. Re: 3 lots County Avenue, true val.
set at $5,176. Averasboro Township.
Mrs. Chase appeared before the Board and indicated that an improvement charge had
been added to the property when no improvement had been made. Mr. Allen informed
the Board that an improvement had been made in the past and not added until this
ACTION: The Board order "No Chan ge ".
3. R. B. Turner & Martha P. Turner, Buies Creek, N. C. Box 506, Re: Lot #12, Parkwood.
Mr. Turner stated to the Board that he felt his property had increased in value too
fast and too high in value.
ACTION: The Board ordered no change from the true value of $15,890.
4. David Stephenson, Angier, Black River Township. land from B.J. Williams Heirs.
Mr. Stephenson said he felt the land was priced too high, more than he paid for it.
ACTION: The Board order no change from a true value of $7,852.00.
5. Mr. and Mrs. Donnie McLamb, Averasboro Township, with a trueialue on the property
of $9,688. Mr. McLamb did not understand his notice to appear, Mr. Thomas Allen
explained the process to him.
No Change.
6. J. H. Williams, Jr., Stewerts Creek, Twp., 431 acres total value of land and buildings
$61,427. Mr. Williams requested relief due to floodings of low lands, erosion, etc.
ACTION: True value of land and buildings changed from $61,427 to $55,427, by order
of the Board.
No person or persons appeared before the Board on this day.
1. Beamon Kelley, Lillingtbn, N. C. Lillington Township, Re: 3.4 acres land and build-
ing, with total true value of land and buildings $29,380. Mr. Kelley felt his
property was priced too high because of the location and nature of his property.
ACTION: The Board ordered no change, after another inspection.
Attorney Patrick Pope appeared for Johnson Tilghman for
Township, regarding 15 2/3 acres of land and buildings,
land and buildings $35,058.00 He stated that he felt
the evaluation placed on this property was too high, and
erty be reviewed.
Mrs. F. H. Fleming, dove
with a total true value of
and Mrs. Fleming felt that
requested that the prop-
ACTION: By order of the Board, the following adjustment was
lands and buildings of $35,058. was reduced to $30,824.
made: total value of
No further requests for reviews were presented, Commissioner McLamb moved to adjourn
the Board of Equalization and Review, Commissioner Cotton seconded and the Chairman
adjourned the Board of Equalizat4o and Reviewer 2:00 p.m..
Allen, Clerk the Boar
Thomas A , Board of Equalization
The Board of Commissioners met
present: M. H. Brock, Gilbert
and Review.
on May 18, 1973, 11:00 a.m., with the following members
Brown, C. E.McLamb, and W. J. Cotton, Jr.
,The Chairman called the session to order and informed all those present that the pur-
dlpose of the meeting was to fill the unexpired term of D. P. Ray, Jr., deceased member
!of the Board.
rThe following letter from the County Executive Committee was read for the pleasure of
„the Board, and entered into the permanent record of the County:
May 18, 1973
Hon. Jack Brock, Chairman
Harnett County Board of County Commissioners
Lillington, N. C. 27546
Dear Mr. Brock:
This is to inform the Board of County Commissioners
of the action of the Harnett County Democratic Executive
Committee, which met at the Harnett County Courthouse
last night, May 17th at 7:30.
This action, of course, is regarding the Executive
Committee's recommendation of a replacement of D. P. Ray.
In a vote taken last night of qualified members and their
proxies, Bob Etheridge received 69 votes and Bill Shaw
received 31 votes. There were no other nominations.
Therefore, the Harnett County Democratic Executive
Committee respectively recommends taht the Harnett County
Board of County Commissioners appoint Bob Etheridge of
Lillington as the replacement of Mr. D. P. Ray, Jr.
Thanking you for past courtesies, s remain,
/s/ Ronald J. Coats
Ronald J. Coats,
Chairman, Harnett County Democratic Executive Committee
Commissioner W. J. Cotton, Jr., made a motion that the Board accept the recommendation
from the Executive Committee, and appoint Bobby R. Etheridge of Lillington to fill the
unexpired term of D. P. Ray, Jr. Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion and upon its
being put to a vote, all members voted affirmatively. The oath ceremony was set for
9:30 a.m. on the morning of June 4, 1973.
Commissioner McLamb moved for adjournment and the Chairman adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
Clerk Chairman