HomeMy WebLinkAbout05051980HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING, MAY 5, 1980 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on May 5, 1980, in the Commissioners Room, County Office Building, Lillington, North Carolina, with the following members present: M. H. Brock, Bill Shaw, Rudy Collins, and Chairman Jesse Alphin presiding. H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board, and Edward H. McCormick, County Attorney, were also present. Commissioner Lloyd Stewart was absent. ALL TO ORDER Chairman Jesse Alphin called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. BAYER Commissioner Bill Shaw led the morning prayer. INUTES APPROVED The minutes from the Harnett County Board of Commissioners Meeting held on April 21, 1980, were approved as read. AYLOR, DOT Mr. Taylor with the North Carolina Department of Transportation appeared before the Board to discuss road matters and situations in Harnett County. 201 STUDY FOR Larry Pearce with Moore, Gardner, and Associates appeared before ESTERN HARNETT the Board to discuss the 201 Plan for Western Harnett County. OUNTY Mr. Pearce informed the Board that a public notice of this session had been duly advertised in the Fayetteville Observer on April 1 and 2, 1980, giving the time, date, and place of this meeting and inviting the citizens in Western Harnett to come and to partici pate in this public discussion. Mr. Pearce explained to the Board that in November, 1978, the original 201 Facilities Plan and application for Western Harnett were submitted to EPA; but in order to conform with current federal regulations governing the 201 program, it would be necessary for the County to submit a revised plan of study to EPA. Mr. Pearce continued to explain that the changes will involve primarily budget increases for an expanded scope of work and budget participation program. The planning area boundaries will remain the same. Following the discussion of this project, the Board indicated their support to submit a revised 201 study for Western Harnett County to EPA. BANGOR PUNTA Commissioner Jack Brock announced, pursuant to Chapter 159C of the General Statutes of North Carolina and the regulations thereunder, that he had been advised that the Harnett County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority intended to file an application with the Secretary of the Department of Commerc for approval of an industrial and manufacturing project in Harnett County, North Carolina, consisting of the acquisition of an approximately 25 acre site located in the Town of Lillington in Harnett County, North Carolina, and an approximately 45,000 square foot shell building thereon, the improvements of said building and the acquisition and installation therein of certain equipment for the manufacture of leather goods, including belts and holsters to be financed for Bangor Punta Corporation by not exceeding $1,500 000 aggregate principal amount of bonds of the Authority. Since such application for approval cannot, under regulations of the Department of Commerce, be officially received until, among other things, the Board approves the project in principle, the Authority has recommended and requested that the Board pass a resolution approving the project in principle without in any way prejudicing the right and responsibility of the Board under G.S. 159C -4(d) to approve or not to approve the issuance of the bonds after the Department of Commerce has approved the project and the Local Government Commission has approved the bond issue, by which time additional information relative to the project, the Company and the proposed financing will have been developed. Thereupon, Commissioner Collins introduced the following resolution a copy of which had been distributed to each Commissioner and the title of which was read: RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE OF AN INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTUR ING PROJECT IN HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, TO BE FINANCED FOR BANGOR PUNTA CORPORATION BY NOT EXCEEDING $1,500,000 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF BONDS OF THE HARNETT COUNTY INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AUTHORITY. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Harnett: Section 1. The proposed industrial and manufacturing project in Harnett County, North Carolina, consisting of the acquisition of an approximately 25 acre site located in the Town of Lillington in Harnett County, North Carolina, and an approximately 45,000 square foot shell building thereon, the improvement of said building and the acquisition and installation therein of certain equipment for 424 RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING MAY 25 as MEM- ORIAL DAY ACTION RESOLUTION PRO - CLAIMING THE WEEK DF MAY 18 through 24 as OLDER AMERI CANS WEEK the manufacture of leather goods, including belts and holsters to be financed for Bangor Punta Corporation by not exceeding $1,500,000 aggregate principal amount of bonds of The Harnett County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority is hereby approved in principle. Section 2. The Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Harnett, North Carolina, is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Department of Commerce. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage.. Commissioner. Shaw moved passage of the foregoing resolution entitled: "APPROVAL IN PRINCIPLE OF AN INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTURING PROJECT IN HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, TO BE FINANCED FOR BANGOR PUNTA CORPORATION BY NOT EXCEEDING $1,500,000 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF BONDS OF THE HARNETT COUNTY INDUSTRIAL FACILITIE AND POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING. AUTHORITY ", Commissioner Brock seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Brock, Shaw, Alphin, and Collins NOES: None ABSENT: Lloyd Stewart Harry Zoldak, Chairman of the Joint Harnett County Veterans' Association, appeared before the Board and presented for the Board's consideration the following resolution proclaiming May 25, 1980, as Memorial Day: WHEREAS, Thousands of gallant Americans have paid the supreme sacrifice for the preservation of our precious American heritage; and WHEREAS, It is both fitting and proper that a special day be set aside to pay tribute to their deeds as well as honor the millions of Americans who wore the uniform of our country with honor in time of war and have also passed on into eternity; and WHEREAS, More than a century ago the first order was issued for a nationwide observance of a day "designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of our country;" and WHEREAS, Such a special day commemoration provides not only an occasion for expression of patriotic unity, but also a rededication of our efforts to achieve the ultimate goal of an honorable world peace to assure that such sacrifice will never again be necessary; and WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States of America, through enactment of Public Law 90 -363, June 28, 1968, has set aside the last Monday in the month of May as Memorial Day; now THEREFORE, We, Do hereby proclaim Sunday, May 25, 1980, as Memorial Day, and do hereby call upon all citizens to observe the day in honor of our heroic dead and in reaffirmation of the founding principles of our nation. We further call upon each residence and business firm to display appropriately and proudly the Flag of the United States of America in observance of this holiday. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hand and caused to be affixed our official seal, this fifth day of May, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty. Upon motion of Commissioner Collins, seconded by Commissioner Shaw, the foregoing resolution passed with a unanimous vote. May Marshbanks, Director of Harnett County Council on Aging, appeared before the Board and presented the following resolution proclaiming the week of May 18 through May 24, 1980 as OLDERN AMERICANS WEEK IN - HARNETT COUNTY. WHEREAS, the President of the United States has proclaimed the month of May as Older Americans Month in our nation; and WHEREAS, the Governor of North Carolina has proclaimed the Month of May as Older Americans Month in our state; and WHEREAS, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners recognizes the contribu- tions of the Older Adults to Harnett County and its citizens; and, WHEREAS, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners desires to express their appreciation to the Older Adults for their contributions to the growth and progress of Harnett County; and, WHEREAS, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners is concerned for the welfare of the Older Adults of Harnett County: CARNELL ROBINSON APPOINTED TO LEE - HARNETT MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET AMENDMENT TO LIBRARY BOARD NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim the week of May 18 through May 24, 1980, OLDER AMERICANS WEEK IN HARNETT COUNTY and commend this observance to all our citizens. Upon motion of Commissioner Collins, seconded by Commissioner Shaw, the foregoing resolution carried. Commissioner Collins made a motion that Carnell Robinson be appointe to serve on the Lee - Harnett Mental Health Board for a three -year term. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried. Margaret Randall, Director of the Harnett County Library, appeared before the Board and requested an amendment to the Library Budget, Code 10- 630 -25. Following a lengthy discussion of this request, Commissioner Brock made a motion that Code10- 630 -25 be amended in the amount of $3,207. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried. INVITATION FOR Don Buie with Central Carolina Technical Institute appeared before BIDS FOR INDUSTRIAL the Board and requested authorization to invite bids for the EDUCATIONAL CENTER purchase of machine shop equipment for the proposed Industrial - Educational Center. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that Don Buie be authorized to proceed with the Invitations for Bids on the machine shop equipment and the date of the bid opening be set for Wednesday, May 28, 1980, at 3 p.m. Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and the issue carried. EFUNDS Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board and requestec the following refunds: 1. Betty Brinkley McMillan, Rt. 2, Box 166, Cameron, Anderson Creek Township, in the amount of $16.21 for a 1968 Tiffney Mobile Home which was double listed. 2. Irene Maynard Barefoot Heirs, 6701 Alexis Dr., Bowie, MD 20715 in the amount of $49.34 for a house on a lot located on E. Pearsall St., which was torn down. Commissioner Collins made a motion that the foregoing refunds be approved, Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and theissue carried. UDGET AMENDMENT Commissioner Brock made a motion that Code 10- 450 -02, Salaries, be AX LISTING amended by $20,000; Code 10- 450 -12, Printing, be amended by $2,000; Code 10- 450 -33, Materials and Supplies, in the amount of $6,000; Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and the issue carried. IVIL PREPAREDNESS Commissioner Collins made a motion that the Board adopt the following HANGED TO EMERG- resolution changing the name of Civil Preparedness to Emergency NCY MANAGEMENT Management. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried. WHEREAS, The North Carolina Civil Defense Act of 1951 authorized the establishment of Civil Defense Agencies, and WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of Harnett County subsequently by resolution established the Harnett County Civil Defense Agency, and WHEREAS, the 1975 North Carolina Legislature changed the name from Civil Defense to Civil Preparedness and WHEREAS, the 1979 North Carolina Legislature changed the name from Civil Preparedness to Emergency Management. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that henceforth the Harnett County Civil Preparedness Agency shall be known as the Harnett County Emergency Management Agency. 426 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Mr. James Goff, Chairman of the Harnett County Agricul- WITH THE EXTENSION DEPART- tural Extension Office, appeared before the Board and MENT presented the following Memorandum of Understanding bet- ween the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service, North Carolina State University, A & T State University, and the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to the Board for consideration. Commissioner Collins made a motion that the Board approve the following Memorandum of Understanding, Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried: The North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service was establis- hed as a part of the School of Agriculture and Life Sciences of North Carolina State University by Federal and State legislation for the specific purpose of "extending" the educational service of the University to the people of the State on subjects relating to agriculture, home economics, 4 -H youth, and community and natural resource development. The laws creating Extension were specifically designed to ensure that the findings of research in these areas were communicated to the people. Under the Appropriatic Act of 1972 funds were provided to the 1862 Land Grant Universities to enhance the extension outreach of the 1890 Universities, of which A & T State University is one. The Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 stipulated that these funds would be appropriated directly to the 1890 Institutions and ormalized the Extension program as an official part of the School of Agriculture at this institution. However, to provide effective coordination, administrative contacts will be handled by the county and district chairmen of North Carolina State University with appropriate attention given to A & T State University personnel. Legislation provided that Agricultural Extension work be a partnership among three levels of government -- Federal, State and County. Extension Agents are officially appointed as members of the U. S.Department of Agriculture and charged with carrying out educational work of the department. Upon acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners, they are also designated as field faculty members of either North Carolina State University, with professional rank, or A & T State University. To assure that the educational programs offered by Agricultura Extension or both land -grant institutions meet the needs of local clientele, it is important that both elected and appointed official of each level of government understand their respective responsibi- lities and relationships in the conduct . of this work. RESPONSIBILITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS The North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service and the A & T State Agricultural Extension Program will: 1. Establish minimum requirements and qualifications for employ- ment in Extension work. 2. Receive and examine applications for employment. 3. Interview and screen applicants to determine their qualifica- tions and availability. 4. Recommend to the County Conuuissioners, qualified applicants for appointment to vacant or new Extension positions. 5. Recommend the salaries of Extension agents and paraprofessional 6. Recommend the salaries of Extension secretaries and pay the State portion according to the State Personnel Pay Plan. - 7. Determine jointly with the County Board of Commissioners the share of salaries to be paid by each and provide the State and Federal share of these salaries. 8. Prepare and submit an annual budget request to the Board of Commissioners for the county's share of funds for salaries and operating expenses. 9. Provide funds for official travel necessary in the conduct of Extension work to the extent that funds are available and for purposes authorized by State and Federal policies. 10. Provide Extension agents with official envelopes, bulletines (designated for free distribution), leaflets and other publications for educational purposes. s 427 11. Accept responsibility and provide the leadership for administration and supervision for Extension programs and personnel, including compliance with the requirements of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity guidelines. 12. Develop and administer a personnel management plan that will provide for: A. The annual review of each worker's performance. B. Counseling for job improvement where needed. C. Periodic county program reviews. 13. Provide a staff of specialists to continuously train agents in current technology and other changes affecting agriculture, home economics, 4 -H and youth, community and natural resource development and to assist them in the conduct of work in these areas. 14. Provide Extension workers with training programs as needed to maintain effective program delivery. 15. Develop and maintain a County Advisory Leadership System to insure that county Extension programs are based on the particular needs of people in their respective county. The Board of County Commissioners will: 1. Provide the county's share of salaries for Extension personnel 2. Provide office space and equipment, utilities, telephone, office supplies, demon- stration materials and other items needed for efficient operation of the County Extension Office and program. 3. Review and consider the annual budget request from the Extension Service and take appropriate action by July 1 of each fiscal year. 4. Confer and advise with the District and County Extension Chairmen and Extension Advisory Council relative to county Extension programs. The North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service and the A & T State Agricultural Extension Program and the Board of County Commissioners mutually agree: 1. That all county Extension appointments and separations are to be worked out jointly between the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service and the Board of County Commissioners, and that no official action will be taken by either party regarding appointment or separation prior to discussion of the matter with the other party. 2. That the policies established by the State of North Carolina and followed by the University be used as a guide in granting annual, sick, civil and military leave for Extension personnel. 3. To cooperate in applying Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity plans of the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service 4. That Extension agents will not be classified under a county classification system. 5. That Extension agents will follow county policies relative to office hours and holidays. ROCLAMATION The following resolution proclaiming the week of May 4, 1980, as Harnett, OMEMAKERS WEEK County Extension Homemakers Week was presented to the Board for their consideration: WHEREAS, Harnett County is indebted to members of the Harnett County Extension Homemakers Association, Inc., whose outstanding contributions to the development of homes and families have added immeasurably to our state's strength and vitality and whose skills and leadership continue to expand its greatness; and WHEREAS, Extension Homemakers continue their active involvement in communities across the state by seeking to identify the needs of families to marshall the available resources, and encourage family and community participation to achieve a richer quality of living; and WHEREAS, observance of National Extension Homemakers Week is a nationwide tribute to homemakers and the support they offer to individuals and families, it is fitting that Harnett County recognizes these women for their contributions to the well -being and progress of our state and its citizens; THEREFORE, I proclaim the week of May 4, 1980, as HARNETT COUNTY EXTENSION HOMEMAKERS WEEK and commend this observance to our citizens. CTION Commissioner Collins moved for the adoption of the foregoing resolution, Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried. 42 PURCHASE OF VEHICLE Jerry Bullock, Director of the Harnett County Housing and Urban FOR WEATHERIZATION Development Office, appeared before the Board and requested authorization to purchase a vehicle for the Weatherization Program. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that Jerry Bullock be authorized to purchase a vehicle from state or federal surplus. Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and the issue carried. APPOINTMENT TO Commissioner Brock moved for the adoption of the following NORTHEAST METRO resolution appointing Halford Coleman to serve on the Northeast BOARD Metropolitan Water District Board for a three -year term. Commis- sioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried with the following vote: :Yeas 4 ; Nays 0 ; Absent 1 ; Abstained 0 . WHEREAS, Chapter 162A, Article 4, as amended, provides that the Board of Commissioners shall appoint three board members of a duly created Metropolitan Water District; and TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT TAX ATTORNEY'S REPORT EkPENECTURE REPORT ADJOURNMENT WHEREAS, the term of Henry L. Johnson expired on April 14, 1980; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Harnett that Halford Coleman be and he is hereby appointed to the District Board for a term expiring on April 14, 1983. Earl Jones, Tax Collector, appeared before the Board and reported on the activities of his department for the month of April and his plans for the month of May The following tax attorney's report was filed with the Board: SUITS COLLECTED, DISMISSALS OR CANCELLATIONS FILED: AVERASBORO TOWNSHIP: Gaynell and Ezra Brewington James Norman and Vilda Sue Cooke George Edward & Doris J. Coxum JOHNSONVILLE TOWNSHIP: William Elvin Moore STEWART'S CREEK TOWNSHIP Thomas Graham Fonnie Walker Charlie & Annie S. Steele Richard D. Hanken 78 CVD 0341 74 CVD 1620 78 CVD 0344 380.00 90.00 289.57 90.00 356.34 55.00 S.D. #3568 607.70 30.00 79 CVD 0552 283.73 40.00 79 CVD 0915 207.67 40.00 No Suit Started 43.36 15.00 No Suit Started 33.05 15.00 TOTALS $2,201.42 $375.00 M. H. Brock, County Manager, filed the expenditure report for the month of April, 1980, with the Board. There being no further business, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners Meeting of May 5 duly adjourned at 11:45 a.m. Secretary irman Clerk