The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, November
19,;1984,'in the Commissioners Room, County Office Building, Lillington, North
Carolina, with the following members present: M. H. Brock, Lloyd G. Stewart, Bill
Shaw, Rudy Collins, and Chairman Jesse Alphin presiding. Vanessa W. Young, Clerk
to the Board; Robert Morgan, County Attorney; and Mollie, J. Wade, Recording Secre-
tary, were also present.
CALL TO ORDER Chairman Jesse Alphin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
PRAYER Commissioner Lloyd G. Stewart led the evening prayer.
MINUTES APPROVED The minutes from the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting of November S,
1984, were approved as read;
Jay Snipes, CPA with Oscar N. Harris $ Associates, presented a report to the Board
on the audit of the financial statements for the County for the year ended June 30,
1984. Mr. Snipes also presented a report to the Board on the audit of the financial
statements, on the Bales Creek - Coats Water and Sewer District for the year ending
June 30, 1984.
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT .At the Commissioners meeting of October 15, 1984, Roger Sheats with Region "M"
OPPORTUNITY Council of: Governments presented to the Board for consideration an Affirmative
POLICY Action Plan for Harnett County. It was the decision of the Board at its meeting of
October 14, 1984 to accept -the plan for review and bring it back before the Board
for " considerationat its meeting tonight: During this time, the County asked
Mr. Morgan, County' Attorney, to review the Plan. Mr. Morgan appeared before the
Board and informed the Commissioners that he has studied the Plan and has discussed
4t. Roger Sheats and Mr. Brock. He presented for the Board's consideration the
County's -Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement. Following a discussion,
Commissioner Collins made a motion that the following EEO Policy Statement as pre-
sented by Mr.` Morgan be approved, Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion and it
carried faith, a unanimous vote:
The County of Harnett maintains; the policy of providing equal employment opportuni-
ties for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, hand-
icap, age, political affiliation, or any other non -merit factor, except where reli-
gion, sex, natioal origin, or age are bona fide occupational qualifications for
In order to ensure that equal employment opportunities exist throughout the entire
personnel program, the County of Harnett shall emplement a results oriented program .
of. affirmative action and eliminate any artificial barriers that may exist in the
personnel program that may not have provided equal employment opportunities for all
qualified individuals.
The affirmative action program shall ensure greater utilization of all persons'by
identifying previously underutilized groups, in the work force, such as monorities,
women, and the handicapped, and making special efforts toward their recruitment,
selection,: development, and` upward. mobility and any' other term, condition, or
privilege of employment.
Responsibility is hereby assigned to the - County Manager and he shall be authorized
to appoint' an equal employment officer who shall be answerable to him. The County
Manager and EEO Officer shall confer regularly and periodically concerning equal
employment opportunities in'the County and shall confer with department heads,
elected and appointed, and shall report periodically to the Board of County Com-
The County of Harnett is committed to this program -and is aware that with its imple-
mentation, the County will:receive positive benefits through the greater utilization
and development of previously underutilized human resources.
Adopted this 19th day'of - November, 1984.
s /Jesse Alphin
t.j ,
PICK -UP TRUCK FOR Harold G. Grady, District Forester, requested that the Board appropriate $4,000 in
FOREST SERVICES county funds for the purchase of a pick -up truck for the Forest Services Program.
PROGRAM He explained that when he presented his budget request for this fiscal year, the
State had not provided any additional money to be used to help in the purchase of a
truck. Since the budget was approved, the State has now allocated additional money
to District Six to purchase two vehicles. He explained that in his district, Har-
nett County needed to replace a vehicle more than the other counties. All three
vehicles in Harnett County have high mileage and will need to be replaced within the
next few years. Following a discussion, Commissioner Collins made a motion that the
Board authorize the purchase of this truck; Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion
and it carried with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Brock made a motion that Code 5300 -097 be increased by $4,000 for the
purchase of this truck; Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it carried with
a unanimous vote. The $4,000 represents the County 40% share and the State will pay
the other 60%.
ADDITIONAL SOCIAL Helen Crews, Director of Social Services appeared before the Board and stated that
SERVICES EMPLOYEES at the last Commissioners meeting, she requested that she be allowed three additional
employees for her department. She thanked the Board for allowing her to come back
before them again with this request. She stated that she is in dire need of the
first two positions - -the AFDC - Medical Assistance Eligibility Specialist and Social
Worker I. She explained that the third position would require a long start -up time
and they could wait on that position, but hope that it would be funded at some time
in the future. Roger Johnson, Chairman of the Social Services Board, appeared be-
fore the Commissioners and on behalf of the DSS Board endorsed the request of Mrs.
Crews. Following a discussion, Commissioner Brock made a motion that Mrs. Crews
be authorized to fill the Eligibility Specialist and Social Worker I positions as
requested, effective December 1, 1984; Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it
carried with a unanimous vote.
EQUIPMENT FOR Rodney Tart, Director of the Public Utilities Department, appeared before the Board
PUBLIC UTILITIES and reported that the following three bids were received and opened for the horizon-
tal earth boring machine for his department on Wednesday, November 14:
N. C. Equipment Company
Interstate Equipment Company
A. E. Finley and Associates
$15,930.00 477.90
15,353.52 460.61
14,371.00 429.00
Mr. Tart recommended that the bid for this piece of equipment be awarded to the low
bidder, A. E. Finely $ Associates. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that Mr. Tart's
recommendation be accepted and that the bid for the horizontal earth boring machine
be awarded to A. E. Finley $ Associates in the amount of $14,761; Commissioner
Collins seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote.
ELEVATING SCRAPER Commissioner Shaw reported to the Board that on Tuesday, November 13, 1984, the
FOR LANDFILL County received and opened bids for the purchase of an elevating scraper for the
landfill program. He explained that the County received the following three bids on
the cash price with no trade -in: (1) R. W. Moore -- $83,095; (2) North Carolina
Equipment Company -- $94,850; (3) Gregory Poole -- $82,173, Commissioner Shaw reported
that he had met with Mr. Brock, County Manager, and Corbett Coats, Landfill Super-
visor, on Friday, November 16, and after reviewing the bids decided that the best
bid was from Gregory Poole in the amount of $82,173 with no trade -in. Commissioner
Shaw made a motion that the bid be awarded to Gregory Poole for the cash price of
$82,173; Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion. Bill Moore with R. W. Moore
asked to be recognized by the Board. Mr. Alphin recognized Mr. Moore who appeared
before the Commissioners. Mr. Moore stated that he felt his company was the low
bidder. He stated that he did not think Gregory Poole completed the bid proposal
form correctly. Gregory Poole did not offer a trade -in and it did not offer finan-
cing. He stated that he felt the cash price alone does not determine the low price.
He felt the trade -in price and the financing should be considered and that his
company, R. W. Moore, had offered the best financing available. He stated that he
felt that if his company was not awarded the low bid, then the bids should be thrown
out and the piece of equipment bid again. Following these statements, Commissioner
Stewart withdrew his second to the motion that the bid be awarded to Gregory Poole.
Ron McLamb, a representative from Gregory Poole stated that he appreciated being
given an opportunity to bid and that whatever decision the Board made his company
would abide by it and would do so gracefully. He stated that no where in the bid
specifications did he see where it said that all items on the bid proposal have to
be filled out for one item to be considered. He stated that Gregory Poole bid its
best price which is the cash price with no trade -in. Harvey Strickland with N.C.
Equipment Company stated that his company appreciates being given the opportunity
to bid and his company would respect whatever decision is made by the Board. Com-
missioner Shaw withdrew his motion that the bid be awarded to Gregory Poole. Fol-
lowing a discussion, Commissioner Shaw made a motion that the Committee composed of
Mr. Brock, Corbett Coats, and himself review the bids again and after consulting
with the County Attorney be allowed to award the bid to the most qualified bidder;
Commissioner Brock seconded the motion and it passed upon the following vote:
Ayes: Brock, Shaw, Collins, and Alphin Noes: None; Abstained: Stewart;
Absent: None
BUDGET AMENDMENT Commissioner Brock made a motion that Code 4500 -04S, Contracted Services, be in
BASE MAPPING creased by $20,000 for the base mapping project; Commissioner Shaw seconded the
PROJECT motion and it carried with a unanimous vote.
SWEARING -IN M. H. Brock, - County Manager, reported to the Board that the swearing in ceremony
CEREMONY ANNOUNCED of the new elected officials will be held December 3, 1984, at 12 noon at the
RESOLUTION RE: - Ervin Dobson; Director of Planning, presented to the Board for their consideration
SECTION "8" a resolution concerning the annual contributions contract for the Section "8"
HOUSING Housing Program. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that the Board adopt the following
resolution as presented by Mr. Dobson; Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and
it carried with a unanimous vote;
Whereas, the Harnett County Board'of Commissioners (herein called the "PHA ") purposes
to enter -into anAnnual Contributions Contract (herein called the "Contract") with
the United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development (herein
called the "Government").
NOW, THEREFORE-, BE IT RESOLVED by the PHA as follows:
Section 1..The Contract, numbered Contract No.IA- 3351, is hereby, approved and
accepted -both as to form and substance and the Chairman of. County Commissioners-is
hereby authorized and directed to execute said Contract in triplicate on behalf of
the PHA, and the Chairinan of County Commissioners'is hereby authorized and directed
to impress and attest the official seal of the PHA on each such counterpart and.to
forward said executed counterparts to the Government together with such other docu-
ments evidencing the approval and authorizing the execution thereof as may be
required by-the Government.
Section 2. The Chairman of.County Commissioners is hereby authorized to file with
the Government from time to time, as monies' are required, requisitions together with
the necessary supporting document, for payment under the Contract.
Section 3.- This Resolution` shall take effect immediately,
SUBDIVISION PLAT Ervin Dobson presented to the Board for consideration a subdivision plat for Brent
BRENT CRIZER $ WIFE Crizer and wife located in Grove Township. Mr. Dobson explained that this plat had
been approved by the Planning Board and the Health Department. Commissioner Brock
made a motion that the subdivision plat for Brent Crizer and wife be approved;
Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it tarried with a unanimous vote.
SUBDIVISION PLAT Ervin Dobson presented to the Board for consideration a subdivision plat for C. J.
C.J. MABRY Mabry located in Black River Township on SR 1538 near Angier. Mr. Dobson explained
that this plat had, been approved by the Planning Board, but not by the Health Depart
ment. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that this plat be approved contingent upon
its approval by the Health Department, Commissioner Brock seconded the motion and
it carried with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Stewart made a motion that the Board of Commissioners will not consider
any subdivision plats in the future unless they have received prior approval by the
Planning Board and the Health Department; Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and
it carried with a unanimous vote.
SUBDIVISION PLAT Mr. Dobson presented to the Board for consideration the e - William M. Johnston Subdivi-
JOHNSTON sion Plat located in Lillington Township. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that this
subdivision plat be approved Commissioner. Collins seconded the motion and it passed
with a unanimous vote.
Mr. Dobson presented to the Board for consideration the Lester Lewis Subdivision
Plat. Commissioner Collins made a motion that the Lester Lewis Subdivision Plat be
approved;. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote
It was pointed out by the Board that it was difficult for the Planning Board to meet
on the same night as the Commissioners and for,the Planning Board to review the sub -
division plats and get the plats to the Board of Commissioners for their considera'' -`
tion all in the same night. Mr. Dobson stated that they usually have no more than
4S minutes. The Commissioners suggested that Mr; Dobson talk with the Planning
Board members and see if -they could meet on another night.
Mr. Brock informed the Board that he has received a letter from Steve Harrell with
the Town of Benson requesting that David Denning be appointed to the Benson Plan-
ning Board and Keith Stewart be appointed to the Benson Board of Adjustments. Commis
sioner Brock made a motion that these appointments be approved; Commissioner
Stewart seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote.
is 9J
Mr. Morgan informed the Board that he had reviewed the bid proposal form for the
Scraper for the Landfill and felt that by the way the form is set up that it allows
the bidder to offer three different proposals to the County; one for just the cash
price; a bid for the cash price less the trade -in; and a bid on the financing
arrangements, and that the bidder is not required to offer a bid on all three of the
proposals to be considered for any one. Mr. Morgan stated that he did want to ex-
plain the way the bid proposal form is set up and that he would review the bids and
get back with the Committee.
The Board thanked Mr. Morgan for clarifying this matter.
Commissioner Stewart made a motion that the Board of Commissioners change the time
of its mid -month meetings from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. to follow the annual time
change; Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous
vote. When the time changes in the fall, the Commissioners meeting will move back to
7:00 p.m.; and in the Spring when day light savings time comes into effect, the
Commissioners meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting
of November 19, 1984, duly adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
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