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The Harnett County Baord-of Commissioners ,met in regular session on Monday, July 2,
1984, in the Commissioners Room, County Office Building, Lillington, North Carolina,
with the following members present: M. H. Brock, Bill Shaw, Rudy Collins, Lloyd G.
Stewart, and Chairman Jesse Alphin presiding. - Vanessa W. Young, Clerk to the Board,
and Robert Morgan„ County Attorney, were also present.
Chairman Jesse Alphin' called the meeting to order-at 9::20-.a,m,
Commissioner Rudy Collins led the morning prayer..
The minutes from the Harnett County Board of Commissione
were approved as read.
Ray Stone,- Highway Maintenance Engineer with the North Carolina Deparment of Trans-.
portation,.appeared before the Board to discuss road matters and situations in Har-
nett County.
SR 1708
M. H. Brock, County Manager, informed the Board that the County has received a peti.-
tion from T.. C. Miller and the other residents on 5. R. 1708 requesting that this
road be paved. Mr. 'Brock explained that this road had a high priority and was con-
'sidered for paving at one time, but at that particular -time, the Department of Trans-
portation could not get all the property oweners to give the required sixty foot
right-of-way. Commissioner Brock made a motion that this petition be approved and
conveyed to- the.Baord of Transportation for their consideration Commissioner Stew?:
seconded the:. motion and it carried with a unanimous vote.
Mr. Brock, County, Manager, informed Mr. Stone that he had received word that the
Department of Transportation is planning to install a traffic light at the bypass i
Erwin on Highway 421, which we know as Zola' s Barbecue: He explained for several
years in the past, the County and the officials from the Town of Erwin had requested
that this action be taken, -but they were informed by the Department of Transportatio
that a traffic light at this intersection would be very dangerous because of the hil
right at the intersection." Any truck coming over that hill would not have sufficien
time to stop.. Mr.' Brock stated that someone needs to speak to the public concerning
this proposed action and explain to the people what effect this light will have on
the safety of this interection. Mr. Brock stated that he.was not convinced himself
that a traffic light at this particular intersection would be the best thing to do.
DISTRIBUTION OF Chairman Jesse Alphin commented that the amount of gasoline tax funds appropriated
GASOLINE TAX for the use on the Secondary-Roads in North Carolina has not for several years
FUNDS, FORMULA changed.' He explained that now the County receives only enough secondary road funds
NEEDS TO-BE to pave one or two miles of.road a year. He stated that Harnett County has 270 mile
CHANGED of roads that needs to be paved and at the rate we are going it will take 135 years,
He stated that the only way we can obtain relief from this situation is to change,
the formula in the distribution of gasoline tax money. He asked that Mr. Morgan,
County Attorney, check into this matter. '
BENHAVEN EMERGENCY M. H. Brock, County Manager, also informed -Mr. Stone that signs are needed at the
SERVICES SIGNS' Benhaven Emergency Services Stationwarningpersons that emergency vehicles may be
entering the highway.
CHILD: RESTRAINT Jim Herrington with the Boone Trail Medical Center appeared before the Board and
LOANER PROGRAM explained the GHSP Local Government Child Restraint Loaner Program. He explained
further that in the western part of the County, there are 3,000 children under age
5 -and statistics indicate' that only 10% of these children are buckled up in restrain
devices.' Through this program, the County -would receive from the GHSP 25 CRD
(Child Restraint Devices) and the County would match this grant with 25 CRD. In
turn, the County would also enter into a lease agreement with The Western Medical
Group which would administer this program and would rent the car seats to the citi-
zens of the County. Mr. Herrington' continued to explain that any person could rent
a CRD, that it was not based on income. He also explained that if the person could
not afford to rent a CRD, it may be possible to obtain financial support from the
Civic Clubs in the Community. Also, he explained that he had talked with the civic
organizations and many of them have shown an interest in providing a CRD for this
program. Following a discussion, Commissioner Shaw moved for the adoption of the
following resolution approving GHSP Local Government Child Restraint Loaner Program
and authorizing the execution of the Agreement between the County and the Governor's
Highway Safety Program; Commissioner' Collins seconded the notion and it carried.
Whereas, the North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program, hereinafter
referred to as GHSP, proposes to implement a program to assist Harnett County, here-
inafter referred to as the County, in protecting their young children against death
and serious injury, in automobile accidents, GHSP will provide the county with a
supply of crash - tested' automobile child restraint devices (CRD's), provide for the
initial training of personnel who will implement the program to learn how to pro-
perly install and properly use the CRD's provided, provide all forms necessary for
operating and keeping records of the operation of the program, provide materials
developed for GHSP designed to educate parents about using CRD's, provide technical
advice and gereral supervision to County personnel; PROVIDED, the County agrees to
provide manpower or to designate a local group or agency, The Western Medical Group,
who will provide the manpower to coordinate, publicize, and operate the distribution
of CRD's within the County for a period of not less than two (2) years, to obtain
25 additional crash - tested CRD's and to use them in this program, to insure that
every parent who is loaned a CRD is given appropriate instrution as to how to use
the CRD properly, to provide training for all persons involved in the loaner program
who are not initially trained by GHSP, to report in three -month and twelve -month
intervals as to the financial and implementation status and inventory of the program,
to expand the program to its fullest extent possible based on local demand and /or
manpower available to run the program, that any funds generated by the rental of
CRD's provided by GHSP will be used to purchase additional CRD's or to replace and
refurbish older seats, to ensure that all programs within hte County that provide
health related educational services for lower income groups are aware of the pro-
gram's existence, to provide information regarding toddler seats for participating
parents who are returning their infant carriers, to be a focal point for child
transportation safety dissemination within the County by using materials provided by
Whereas, the GHSP Local Government Child Restraint Loaner Program hereinabove
described is considered most necessary to the preservation of the safety and welfare
of the young children within the County.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GHSP local Government Child Restraint
Loaner Program set out hereinabove be and it is formally approved by the Chairman
of the Board of Commissioners and that the County Manager of this County be and is
hereby empowered to sign and execute the required agreement between this County and
the GHSP to acquire the benefits of the Local Government Child Restraint Loaner
Program hereinabove set out for the County.
This resolution was passed and adopted the 2nd day of July, 1984.
CHILD RESTRAINT Commissioner Shaw made a motion that the Board approve the following lease agreement
SAFETY PROGRAM between the The Western Medical Group and Harnett County concerning the operation of
AGREEMENT WITH the Child Restraint Loaner Program; Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion and it
A. For the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) per year, the Harnett County Board of Commis-
sioners hereby agrees to lease to The Western Medical Group (Boone Trail and
Anderson Creek Medical Centers)
25 Century Infant Love Seats.
B. Unless sooner terminated by either party upon giving thirty (30) days written
notice, this Agreement shall cover a period of two years from the date of this
C. The Western Medical Group (lessee) agrees to provide manpower for the two -year
period of this Agreement to distribute above infant carriers within the County
of Harnett and to operate the distribution program during the two -year period in
accordance with the provisions of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CHILD RESTRAINT LOANER
PROGRAM AGREEMENT between the N. C. Governor's Highway Safety Program and the
County of Harnett, dated July 2, 1984.
D. If The Western Medical Group (lessee) fails to continue a distribution program
for the full two -year period from the date of this Agreement, The Western Medical
Group (lessee) shall return the seats to the lessor who will return them to GHSP 1
for subsequent use.
E. If The Western Medical Group (lessee) continues and expands the distribution
program for the full two -year period following the date of this agreement, all
safety seats shall become the property of the lessee and all agreements between
the County of Harnett and The Western Medical Group (lessee) are discontinued.
In witness whereof, said parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the
date herein shown below.
Executed by the County of Harnett, State of North Carolina this the 2nd day of
July, 1984.
Larry Knott, Operations Officer, appeared before the Commissioners and presented for
the Board's consideration a resolution regarding the usage of a Police Information
Network terminal in the Communication Center. .`Commissioner Collins made' a motion`'
that the following resolution be adopted; Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and
it carried with a unanimous. vote::
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Departmnet of Justice Police Information Net-
work plans to make available to law enforcement agencies and other appropriate
agencies of the State through the use of a centralized computer system - various in-
formation now available or to be developed essential to the efficient operation of
said agencies such as, but not limited to, information contained in the Department
of Motor Vehicles' files, information contained in the National Crime Information
Center, information contained in the State Bureau of Investigation's files, Departfl
ment of Corrections' files, and informaiton from local law enforcement agencies by
the installation of a Police Information Network terminal in the Communicaiton Cen-
ter of the Harnett County's Sheriff's Office provided the Board of Commissioners of
Harnett County agrees to furnish a proper site for installing such terminal, and the
necessary personnel to operate said terminal, and further agrees to assume the usage
cost of such terminal from the date of installation; that said installation of a
Police Information' Network terminal is considered to be most necessary to the pre -
servation of law and order and the promotion of public safety within the County; and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Justice, Police Information Net -
and this County have agreed as follows:
(A) The North Carolina Department of Justice,' Police Information Network
will install and maintain a video terminal and printer connected to the Police
Information Network, system and also, train operators selected and paid by the County
to operate such terminal.
(B) The County shall furnish a proper site for installation of a Police
Information Network terminal and also furnish personnel to operate said terminal.y
(C) The County shall assume' the usage
once) of the Police Information Network terminal
beginning from date of installation.
cost (which cost includes Mainten
in the amount of $250.00 (per mon
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the installation of a Police Inform-
ation Network terminal be and it is hereby formally approved by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Harnett County, North Carolina, and that the Chairman of the Board of
County Commissioners (or County Manager) of this County be and they are hereby em-
powered to sign and execute the required Agreement between this County and the
North Carolina Department of Justice Police Information Network.
This Resolution was passed and adopted the 2nd day of July, 1984.
M. H. Brock, County Manager, informed the Board that the County has received a letter
from the Bunnlevel Emergency Service, Inc., requesting that the County donate $1,000
to this corporation for operational expenses. Mr. Brock explained that Mr. Byrd
stated in his letter that The First Responder Unit has been split from the Flatwoods
Community Fire Department and is now a separate corporation. The new corporation,
Bunnlevel Emergency Services, Inc., has purchased a van from Flatwoods Community
Fire Department and leases a bay for storage at Station No 2 located in Bunnlevel.
Mr. Byrd also stated in his letter that the Fire Department has been very coopera-
tive with the new Corporation and has been supportive in its reorganization. It was
also stated in the letter that Bunnlevel Emergency now depends on donations for its
operations and requested $1,000 as a contribution from the County. Mr. Brock
explained that the County contributes annually $5,000 to each of the certified
Rescue Squads in the County but Bunnlevel Emergency, Inc., was not certified because
they do not hare the necessary equipment. Commissioner Shaw stated that all of its
personnel is certified. Following a discussion, Commissioner Shaw made a motion
that the County contribute $1,000 to Bunnlevel Emergency Services, Inc; Commissioner
Stewart seconded the motion and it carried.
Commissioner Brock made a motion that Special Appropriations, Rescue Squads, Code
10- 8700 -101 be increased by. $1,000 for the contribution to Bunnlevel Emergency
Services, Inc.; Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and it carried with a
unanimous' vote.
Vanessa W. Young, Finance Officer, appeared before the Board and requested the
Commissioners to charge off the delinquent taxes for 1973 as in accordance with the
General Statutes. Following a discussion, Commissioner Stewart made a motion that
the Board charge off the delinquent taxes for 1973; Commissioner Shaw seconded the
motion and it carried with a unanimous vote.
MID -MONTH MEETING Marshall Woodall, Attorney for the Buies Creek -Coats Water and Sewer District appeared
RESCHEDULED before the Board and requested the Commissioners to hold a special meeting on July 23,
1984, because of the sale of the bonds for the Buies Creek -Coats Water and Sewer Dis-
trict. Commissioner Stewart made a motion that the midmonth meeting in July be re-
scheduled from July 16, 1984 to July 23, 1984 at 7:30 p.m.; Commissioner Collins
seconded the motion and it carried.
TAX ATTORNEY'S Mr. Woodall presented to the Board the following tax attorney's report.
Averasboro Township
Charles Calvin & Mary Lee
Alfred Elliott
Chester C. Payton
Barbecue Township
Roger Fiason
Lillington Township
Chester C. Payton
No suit
No suit
No suit
78 CvD0868
No suit
215.63 55.00
2810.20 25.00
$4782.65 $155.00
FUNDING REPORT Mr. Brock, County Manager, reported to the Board that the County has been informed
FOR IND. TR. CNT. that the Legislature has approved funding in the amount of $380,000 for the Industrial
Training Center. Mr. Brock stated that the County has not received this commitment in
writing yet, but it appears that it is firm. He also explained that the County will
not have to provide a match for these funds.
PROGRESS REPORT Commissioner Shaw and M. H. :Bfock gave a progress report on the Law Enforcement Center.
ON LAW ENFORCE- It was explained that the committee for the Law Enforcement Center has visited four
MENT CENTER centers, three were constructed by Williams Associates and the most recent visit was
to a center in Lancaster, S.C., constructed by Williams. Mr. Brock and the Sheriff
visited this center and they were very impressed. Mr. Brock stated that it made him
realize just how out of date the operations of the Harnett County jail facility are.
Following a lengthy discussion of the jail facility and the possible financial arrange-
ments of this facility, Commissioner Shaw made a motion that Williams F, Associates be
and are hereby authorized to proceed with the working drawings of the Law Enforcement
Center after receiving an executed contract from Harnett County for these architectural
services; Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
BUDGET TRANSFERS Section II of Harnett County's F.Y. 1983 -84 Budget Ordinance authorizes the Budget
F.Y. 1983 -84 Officer to transfer appropriations less than $500 within a fund with the condition that
an official report of such transfers is presented to the Board. M. H. Brock, Budget
Officer, presented to the Board, the following report on the budget transfers for the
F.Y. 1983 -84:
Date of Transaction Department and code
1 -23 -84
2 -10 -84
WIC Program
596 -022 Salaries $
596 -045 Contracted
Central Maintenance
555 -017 Maintenance
555 -033 Materials $
Wages, Increase $78.70
Services, Decrease $78.70
$ Repair -Auto, Decrease $500.
Supplies, Increase $500.
3 -6 -84 Sheriff's Dept.
510 -059 Crime Prevention, Decrease $500.
510 -013 Utilities, Increase $500.
3 -29 -84 Veteran's Service Office
607 -012 Printing F, Binding, Increase $25
607 -016 Maintenance F Repair - Equip., Decrease $25.
4 -06 -84 Sheriff's Dept.
510 -059 Crime Prevention, Decrease $500.
510 -025 Laundry $ Dry Cleaning, Increase $500.
4 -13 -84 Finance Office
440 -014 Travel $ Meetings, Increase $500.
440 -016 Maintenance $ Repairs, Decrease $500.
FOR 1984 NACo
Date of Transaction Department and Code
4 -13 -84 Airport
650 -057 Miscellaneous Expense, Increase $300.
650 -015 Maintenance $ Repairs, Decrease $300.
4 -16 -84 Planning Dept.
625 -033 Materials F Supplies, Increase $500.
625 -017 Maintenance F, Repair-Auto, Decrease $500.
5 -10 -84 One -on -One Program
615 -006 Group Insurance, Increase $164
615-007 Retirement, Increase $315.
615 -005 F.L.C.A., Decrease $479.
5 -10 -84
5 -10 -84
Parks -$ Recreation
620 -031 Automotive
620 -015 Maintenance
Register of Deeds
480 -033 Materials &
480 -054 Insurance $
Supplies, Increase $300.
F, Repairs, Decrease $300..'
Supplies, Increase $500.
Bonds, Decrease $500.
5 -10 -84 640 -035 Linen, increase $500
640 -031 Automotive Supplies, Decrease $500.
5 -25 -84 605 -011 Telephone & Postage, Increase $400.
605-074 Capital Outlay, Decrease $400.
605- 016 Maintenance G Repair Equip., Increase $100.
605 -033 Materials -& Supplies, Decrease $100.
Chairman Jesse Alphin' announced that the County has received a letter from Governor
Hunt declaring Harnett - County eligible for Farmers" Home Administration disaster
loan assistance because of adverse weather conditions that began on March 1, 1983,
and ended on March, 29, 1984.
M. H. Brock, County Manager, gave an update on current legislative issues; including
the IV -D Program which will be turned back over to the counties on July 1, 1985;
actions on intangible tax;'inventory tax, and the Law Enforcement Retirement Program
Gordon Springle, Chairman of the - Library Board, gave an update on-the new Library
facility. He explained that they are in the very early stages and as of yet the
Library Board has not approved the preliminary drawings.
The`Board had planned for a reception honoring Nina Bethune upon retirement,
but At.s. ' Bethune who worked with the Library was unable to attend the Board
meeting this morning. Mrs. Randall, Director of the Library, accepted on behalf of
Mrs. Bethune a plaque expressing the Board's appreciation to Mrs. Bethune for her
service to the County.
Commissioner Collins made a motion that Mr. Brock -be approved as the Voting delegate
and Jesse Alphin as the alternate voting delegate for the 1984 North Carolina Asso-
ciation of County Commissioners Annual Conference; Commissioner- Stewart seconded the
motion and it carried with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Shaw made a motion that the following budget amendment for the Health
Department be approved; Commissioner Collins` seconded the motion and it carried
Code 10 -7630- 002, Salaries & Wages, Increase of $13,056.
Code 10- 7630 -005, FICA,, Increase of $914.
Code 10- 7630 -006, Group. Insurance, Increase of $799.
Code 10-7630-007, Retirement, Increase of $982._
Code 10- 7630 -045, Contracted Serices, Decrease of $15,751.
Explanation: Create a staff position for a Physical Therapy Assistant II
The Board of Commissioners at 10 :30 a.m. gave anyone present an opportunity to appea
before the Board of Equalization and Review. No one appeared before the Board.
Thomas Allen, Tax Collector, gave a report on the ac
the month of June and his plans for July, 1984.
ibities of his department for
Mr. Allen reported that he has received a` written 'letter " -from Continental Warp Knits,
Inc., requesting a tax release. The letter explained that last year they moved thei
office from Gloversville, New York, to their manufacturing facility at Angier, and
apparently the forms were mailed to Gloversville and the Gloversville post office did
not forward the forms to Angier. Following a discussion, Commissioner Collins made
a motion that this penalty be relieved; Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it
carried with a unanimous vote.
Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board and stated that his office
would have the tax receipts ready to go out maybe by the end of the month.
Commisisoner Collins made a motion that Mr. Allen be and he is hereby authorized to
mail out the receipts when they are ready; Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and
it carried.
M. H. Brock, County Manager, reported to the Board that the County has received a
letter recommending that William Monds, Bill Glover, and Alsey Johnson be appointed to
serve on the Planning Board and that Charles Hardy, Nathan Johnson and Kenneth Lee be
appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Commissioner Brock made a motion that
the above recommended appointments to the Planning Board and to the Zoning Board of
Adjustments be approved; Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and it carried
Mr. Brock reported that the County has received a check in the amount of $620.50 from
Univision Cable Systems, Inc., representing their payment for the cablevision fran-
chise fee.
There being no further business, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting
of July 2, 1984, duly adjourned at 11:17 a.m.
ClerkGi ear /`Tit" 1444n/