Minutes of Special Session
July 9, 2013
The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Tuesday, July 9, 2013, in
the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street,
Lillington, North Carolina.
Members present: Jim Burgin, Chairman
Gary House, Vice Chairman
Beatrice B. Hill, Commissioner
C. Gordon Springle, Commissioner
Member absent: Joe Miller, Commissioner
Staff present: Tommy Burns, County Manager
Joseph Jeffries, Deputy County Manager
Tony Wilder, Deputy County Manager
Dwight Snow, County Attorney
Kimberly Honeycutt, Interim Finance Officer
Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board
Chairman Burgin called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Commissioner Springle led the pledge
of allegiance and invocation. The following agenda was before commissioners:
1. Request for Road Closure — portion of Parrish Street in Buies Creek,
Jennifer Slusser
2. Alcohol Sales Proposition — Grove Township, Jennifer Slusser
3. Summerville Bunnlevel Fire & Rescue's Request to purchase a 1998
American LaFrance/General Pumper Tanker with equipment for
$90,000, Gary Pope
4. Recreation Fee Text Amendment, Mark Locklear
5. Finance Officer's Report, Kimberly Honeycutt
6. County Manager's Report, Tommy Burns
Senior Staff Attorney Jennifer Slusser introduced Ms. Kelly Stewart, a student from UNC
Chapel Hill, who is working for the County as an intern this summer funded through a SECU
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Mrs. Slusser presented a request for road closure of a portion of Parrish Street in Buies Creek.
Mrs. Slusser noted this is an undeveloped unopened .2 acre section of road. She noted Mr.
Stancil was present, representing SHC Holdings, Inc., who are attempting to do some type of
multi -family development. Mrs. Slusser reported that Campbell University is in agreement with
the proposed road closure. Mrs. Slusser sought direction from the Board, noting if they wished to
proceed, direct mail notices would need to be mailed to any adjourning property owners with
Campbell University and SHC Holdings owning everything except for one small parcel.
Commissioners would also need to have a public hearing and adopt a resolution. Mark Locklear,
Interim Director for Planning Services, stated the request was okay from a planning perspective.
It was the consensus of the Board to move forward with this request as presented.
Mrs. Slusser presented a request for an alcohol sales election in the Grove Township. She noted
Harnett County Board of Election's Director Claire Jones and Mr. Lane Gregory were present.
Mr. Gregory contacted the County due to business owners in that area being interested in
proceeding with the sale of beer and wine to be more competitive in the Grove Township. Mrs.
Slusser said the Board of Commissioners can call for an election for alcohol sales if they choose
to. Staff believes the November election would be the most appropriate time to do this, if the
Board so chooses, given the Town of Coats will already be having municipal elections. Mrs.
Jones said adding this to the ballot would increase costs a couple of thousands of dollars for
additional ballots and polling workers to cover the whole Coats Precinct. Mrs. Slusser said it is
required that the population voting on this be comprised of more than 20% of the total County
population to move forward and in this particular situation it is at 20.338%. If commissioners
wish to proceed they would need to approve a resolution to put this on the ballot and then that
election would be held in conjunction with the November elections. Mrs. Slusser said a public
hearing is not required by statute but has typically been held. Previously the Town of Coats
failed liquor by the drink and mixed beverage but do allow the sale of beer and wine. Mr.
Gregory addressed the Board, saying his business is on the edge of the Harnett/Johnston county
line surrounded by businesses who legally sale beer and wine. Mr. Gregory told the Board that
Mrs. Slusser has been great to work with. It was the consensus of Board to move forward with
this request as presented.
Chairman Burgin asked Mrs. Jones what the cost would be to add the 1/4 cent sales tax
referendum to the ballots in the upcoming November election. Mrs. Jones said it would cost
approximately $36,000 given each polling location would need to be open. Mrs. Jones said that
decision would need to be made 60 days prior to the election.
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Vice Chairman House said he thinks we need to wait until we have a regular election given we
have already paid $40,000 for this once before. Commissioner Hill also said she believes we
need to wait. Commissioners requested clarification if this vote could be held during a primary
election or general election. Mrs. Jones noted the 1/4 cents sales tax referendum was previously
on the ballots in 2007, 2009 and 2010.
Commissioner Springle said he thinks we need to get this money as soon as possible. He noted
the Board is meeting with the School Board soon and a better job needs to be done promoting the
sales tax increase. Chairman Burgin mentioned discussions he has being having with Board of
Education Chairman Chuck Levorse. Chairman Burgin said he feels like the sales tax increase
failed in the past because citizens were afraid they would also increase property taxes.
Gary Pope, Director of Emergency Services, presented Summerville Bunnlevel Fire & Rescue's
request to purchase a 1998 American LaFrance/General Pumper Tanker with equipment for
$90,000. President Leo McDonald, Chief Melvin Yow, Treasurer Robert West and Fire Marshal
Jimmy Riddle were present. Mr. McDonald addressed the Board regarding this request. He said
the used truck meets qualifications and noted a new truck would cost $450,000. Chief Yaw said
the truck, capable of hauling 6 men and being used as a mutual aid truck, should work for them
for 10 to 12 years. Mr. Pope also noted this equipment would help with their ISO rating and they
would be getting rid of some older equipment. It was the consensus of Board to put this request
on the consent agenda for their upcoming meeting.
Mr. Locklear presented a recreation fee text amendment for discussion. Mr. Locklear reported
staff was asked to put together a text amendment that would allow developers to receive credit
for recreational amenities they chose to put in their developments. He noted we currently charge
$500 recreation fee per lot in Harnett County for all the subdivisions that came into existence
after this was put in place. NC General Statute permits the County to collect the recreational fees
which can only be used to purchase land.
Mr. Locklear said this seems like a simple text amendment on the surface but is very
complicated. The proposed amendment was denied by the Planning Board the previous week.
In the proposed text amendment, developers must enter into a written agreement with the County
and submit a certified cost estimate for the proposed or existing recreational amenity to receive
credit against the recreation fee. Mr. Locklear reported that the proposed text amendment would
also give credit to existing developments who had already installed recreation amenities. The
proposed text amendment also states developers would only receive 50% credit for amenities if
they were not open to the public however if they are open to the public and membership is
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required it shall be at a fair market prices and in no case shall it be greater than 50% of the fee
that is paid by the development's residents.
Mr. Locklear and Mrs. Slusser talked about the process staff might use to administer this
program. The proposed amendment also states "All amenities must meet the definition of
Recreational Open Space, be permanently maintained by owners of the amenity and/or Home
Owner's Association, and be approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to receiving credit. If
the amenity is eliminated, removed, or closed to the public then the developer must repay the
credited amount." Mr. Locklear said no credit will be given for open space as developers are
already given credit when we they are given "higher density". Mr. Locklear said active
recreational amenities are defined in the Unified Development Ordinance. Mr. Snow suggested
staff further define active recreation verses common area or open space.
Mr. Jeffries said it would require special legislation to change how the recreational fees collected
can be used. He believe the original intent of the statute was to encourage developers to build
recreational amenities. Mr. Jeffries noted the lease for the West Park is paid out of the Anderson
Creek and Johnsonville Recreational Funds which these credits would impact.
It was the consensus of the Board to consider giving credit for recreational amenities from this
point forward but not going back to existing developments who had already installed recreation
amenities. Commissioners pointed out that any recreational fees collected were spent on
recreation. Staff will take the revised text amendment back to the Planning Board for
Mr. Jeffries reported that Planning Services have preliminary approved 1000 new lots on top of
everything else. He said there are 800 to 900 homes built in Harnett County per year.
Chairman Burgin asked if we could request that developers show us how they plan on taking
care of the additional students before approving any additional lots. Mr. Locklear said they
could require a school impact analysis or include this in the approval process however Mr.
Jeffries shared concerns regarding adequate public facilities ordinances and the reversals
Durham County are currently dealing with.
The group discussed the pending settlement agreement with Mr. David Levinson, which states he
has to pay recreational fees according to the 2007 standards, and believes he will seek an
amendment to his settlement agreement if this amendment passes.
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Chairman Burgin said he was appalled by recent comments made by a Planning Board member
during a Planning Board meeting and apologized to Mr. Locklear for those comments. Chairman
Burgin asked the County Attorney to look into the process of having a Planning Board member
Mrs. Honeycutt will provide commissioners with updated budget books and a copy of the fixed
asset audit report. Mrs. Honeycutt noted she is working on finalizing the bank proposal to be put
out around September and is starting to work on the proposal for the upcoming contract audit.
She and Mrs. Slusser requested clarification regarding the contract audit, which will include
construction contracts. Staff explained the internal review process currently in place for
contracts which will soon be done electronically as well as working toward being able to accept
and put out electronic signatures.
Chairman Burgin asked about the status of the lockboxes and the need for central mail
processing within the County. He asked that all county contracts be put on-line for review.
Mr. Burns said staff is very concerned about the tropical storm that could be headed this way.
He said the biggest concern is wind damage given the land is so saturated. He noted Gary Pope
would be meeting with the Chiefs Association the following day to prepare for any issues.
Mr. Burns reviewed the draft agenda for the upcoming July 15, 2013, regular board meeting. He
shared an invitation with the Board for the Town of Coat's Open House for their new town hall
on Thursday, July 11th from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm. Mr. Burns reminded the Board of their
upcoming joint meeting with the Harnett County School Board at 9:00 am on Tuesday, July 23,
2013, including lunch around 11:30 am. Commissioners are also invited to attend Duke
Energy's presentation of the Duke Site Readiness Plan at 3:00 pm on July 18, 2013, in the Board
of Commissioners meeting room.
Mr. Burns notified commissioners of an upcoming meeting with Johnson County Industries (JCI)
who currently occupy the HPE Building. Mr. Burns said staff is trying to work out a
compromise with JCI and CCCC to better utilize that facility and help the programs run better.
Mr. Burns noted at one time both programs were housed at the HPE facility and CCCC has the
support of ARC. Mr. Jeffries spoke with Victoria Whitt, Sandhills Center LME, who requested
application to get someone else to run that program if JCI were to leave. Sandhills currently
administers some of the funding for that program.
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Mr. Burns also noted he recently met with Amy Huntington regarding the proposed Veteran's
Court and offered our support even though we can't commit any funding at this time.
Chairman Burgin asked everyone to start thinking about what can be done about the drug
problems in Harnett County. He said he would visit with the Sheriff soon to discuss this. Mr.
Burns noted the Sheriff met recently with Cumberland County and Spring Lake to talk about
drug trafficking problems. The group continued to discuss the prescription drug epidemic
currently affecting young people.
Chairman Burgin distributed a list of school needs previously discussed. He asked
commissioners to send any other issues to Mr. Burns as staff prepares for the July 23rd joint
meeting with the Harnett County Board of Education. Chairman Burgin said he has requested a
meeting with the U.S. Department of Education via Renee Elimer's office.
Commissioner Springle said he attends the BRAC meeting and confirmed with Mr. Greg Taylor
that there was never any federal money promised for schools. He said Congressman Bob
Etheridge included $50 million in a budget bill once which was later removed. Commissioner
Springle said the problem is the way the impact money is funded with Harnett County getting
19% of the funding they should. Commissioners agreed to invite Mr. Taylor to the July 23rd
Mr. Springle, who serves on the Board for Johnston -Lee -Harnett Community Action, said they
have an $18 Million budget and do a tremendous job providing numerous services to the three
counties. He noted they are an extremely transparent organization with all of their financial
information on-line.
Commissioner Springle moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:54 am. Commissioner Hill
seconded the motion which passed 4 — 0.
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