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The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on
Monday, November 5, 1990, in the County Office Building, Lillington,
North Carolina, with the following members present: Bill Shaw, Mack I
Reid Hudson, Mayo Smith, and Chairman Lloyd G. Stewart presiding.
Commissioner Rudy Collins was absent. Others present were Dallas H.
Pope, County Manager; W. Glenn Johnson, County Attorney; Vanessa W.
Young, Clerk .to the Board; and Kay S. Blanchard, Recording Secretary.
Chairman Stewart called the meeting to order at 9 a.m.
Commissioner Hudson offered the invocation.
MINUTES APPROVED Commissioner Smith moved for the approval of the minutes of the
regular meeting on October 15, 1990. Commissioner Shaw seconded the
motion and it passed with a unanimous vote.
DOT Mr. Charles Denkins, Acting Highway Maintenance Engineer, North
Carolina Department of Transportation, briefed the Board on current
DOT activities.
SOCIAL SERVICES STUDY Mr. John House, David M. Griffith and Associates, briefed the Board on
BY DAVID M. GRIFFITH the operations review of the Harnett County Department of Social
AND ASSOCIATES Services conducted by David M. Griffith and Associates. Chairman
Stewart recommended that a presentation of their findings also be
presented to the Social Services Board.
ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT Carla Stephens, Planning Director, briefed the Board that a public
CHANGE - GEORGE WOMBLE hearing was held on October 15, 1990, on application to change zoning
ordinance text for George Womble, reference Article VI, Section, Number of Apartments Per Acre. Ms. Stephens presented
the application to the Board for consideration. Commissioner Shaw
made a motion that the matter be tabled until the Board meeting of
November 19, 1990. Commissioner Hudson seconded the motion and it
passed with a unanimous vote. The Board requested that information bel
provided to them concerning the proposed Zoning Ordinance change as it
relates to other counties and geographic areas within a county.
FARMERS REQUEST SPECIAL Rodney M. Tart, Public Utilities Director, briefed the Board on
WATER RATES requests by farmers in various water districts for a special farm rate
for water used for agricultural purposes within the County.
LAND RECORDS MANAGEMENT Bobby L. Wicker, Tax Administrator, presented for consideration by the
PROGRAM AGREEMENT - Board, a Land Records Management Program Agreement between the North
DEHNR AND COUNTY Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and
the County of Harnett. Commissioner Hudson moved for the approval of
the grant agreement. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it
passed with a unanimous vote.
RESOLUTION RE: CADASTRAL Bobby L. Wicker, Tax Administrator, briefed the Board on proposals
MAPPING PROJECT received concerning Harnett County Cadastral Mapping Project, and
presented a resolution concerning award of contracts for the project.
COlnmissioner Hudson moved for the adoption of the resolution.
Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
vote. The resolution is copied in full at the end of these minutes
dated November 5, 1990, as document No. 1.
CADASTRAL MAPPING SOFTWARE Bobby L. Wicker, Tax Administrator, presented for consideration an
AND SERVICES - AGREEMENT agreement between L. Robert Kimball & Associates and Harnett County
WITH L. ROBERT KIMBALL & for cadastral mapping software and services. Chairman Stewart
ASSOCIATES instructed the County Attorney to review and make necessary changes to
the proposed agreement and the Board would consider it at the next
regular Board meeting.
REPORTS Dallas H. Pope, County Manager, presented departmental reports for the
following departments for the Board to review: Sheriff's Department, I
Tax, Emergency Medical Services, Building Inspections, Veteran's, and
Sheriff's Department.
TAX ATTORNEY'S REPORT The Tax Attorney's Report for the month of October was presented to
the Board and is copied in full at the end of these minutes dated
November 5, 1990, as document no. 2.
X-RAY FEES ADOPTED Henry Thompson, Health Department Director, presented a proposal for
X-Ray Fees for the Board's consideration. Commissioner Smith made a
motion that the Health Department be authorized to charge a fee of
five dollars ($5.00) for providing chest X-rays to individuals in
those instances where businesses or agencies need these services in
the course of their operation, and it is within the scope of the
tuberculosis program to provide these services. Film interpretation
will be made by the chest clinician serving the Harnett County Health
Department. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it passed with
a unanimous vote.
------ -" --- "",
TAX REFUNDS Bobby L. Wicker requested the following tax refunds:
1- Norman V. Avery, Rt. 1, Erwin $ 79.87
2. William D. Flowers, III, Rt. 2, Linden 14.99
3. World Omni Leasing, Deerfield Beach, FL 66.23
4. World Omni Leasing, Deerfield Beach, FL 48.98
I 5. World Omni Leasing, Deerfield Beach, FL 98.90
6. Freddy West, Box 971, Lil1ington 42.99
7. Warren Lashley, Rt. 1, Lillington 75.55
8. Warren Lashley, Rt. 1, Li1lington 58.40
9. Richard Williams, Fort Campbell, KY 5.53
10. Richard Williams, Fort Campbell, KY 6.64
11. Chris & Debra Strohm, Olivia, NC 117.03
12. Dennis & Carolyn Fritzler, Dunn 126.86
13. Daniel & Brenda Norton, Whiteville 98.62
Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve the tax refunds.
Commissioner Hudson seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
BUILDING RENOVATION Tom Meece, Industrial Development Director, presented a proposed
FUND GRANT AGREEMENT building renovation fund grant agreement for the Board's
consideration. Commissioner Smith moved for the approval of the
building renovation fund grant agreement. Commissioner Hudson
seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote.
RESOLUTION RE: TAX Attorney E. Marshall Woodall presented a proposed resolution
EXEMPT LOAN FOR NW concerning a tax exempt loan for Northwest Harnett Volunteer Fire
HARNETT VOLUNTEER Department for the Board's consideration. Commissioner Hudson moved
FIRE DEPT. for the adoption of the resolution. Commissioner Smith seconded the
motion and it passed with a unanimous vote. The resolution is copied
in full at the end of these minutes dated November 5, 1990, as
document no. 3.
EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner Shaw moved that the Board go into executive session.
Commissioner Hudson seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
I vote.
Commissioner Shaw moved that the Board come out of executive session.
Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
RESOLUTION RE: Rodney M. Tart, Public Utilities Director, presented for the Board's
ADVANCEMENT OF FUNDS consideration, a resolution authorizing advancement of funds to
TO SE WATER AND SEWER Southeast Water and Sewer District of Harnett County. Commissioner
DISTRICT Smith moved for the adoption of the resolution subject to the approval
of the County Attorney. Commissioner Hudson seconded the motion and
it passed with a unanimous vote. The resolution is copied in full at
the end of these minutes dated November 5, 1990, as document no. 4.
BUDGET AMENDMENTS: Dallas H. Pope, County Manager, requested the following budget
amendment for Public Utilities (Southeast):
PUBLIC UTILITIES Code 60-9013-001 Construction $71,306
(SOUTHEAST) Revenue: 60-3770-002 Advance from Gen. Fd. 71,306
Commissioner Smith moved for the approval of the budget amendment
subject to approval by the County Attorney of related resolution.
Commissioner Hudson seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
INTERFUND TRANSFERS Dallas H. Pope, County Manager, requested the following budget
(SOUTHEAST) amendment for Interfund Transfers (Southeast):
Code 10-8701-168 Advance to Southeast $71,306
Revenue: 10-3990-000 Fund Balance Appropriated 71,306
I Commissioner Smith moved for the ap~roval of the budget amendment
subject to approval by the County Attorney of related resolution.
Commissioner Hudson seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
Dallas H. Pope, County Manager, requested the following budget
amendment for Governing Body:
Code 10-4100-162 Dunn Water Contract 71,306
Revenue: 10-3990-000 Fund Balance Appropriated 71,306
Commissioner Hudson moved for the approval of the budget amendment.
Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
SHERIFF DEPT. AND Dallas H. Pope, County Manager, requested the following budget
JAIL amendment for Sheriff's Department and Jail:
Code 10-5100-046 Medical Supplies & Drugs-
Shere Dept. $4,600 I
Code 10-5120-046 Medical Supplies & Drugs-
County Jail 2,760
Revenue: 10-3990-000 Fund Balance Appropriated 7,360
Commissioner Shaw moved for the approval of the budget amendment.
Commissioner Smith seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
TAX DEPARTMENT Dallas H. Pope, County Manager, requested the following budget
amendment for the Tax Department:
Code 10-4500-045 Contracted Services 7,000
10-4500-074 Capital Outlay-Equipment 5,000
10-4500-075 Lease Payments 2,000
Commissioner Shaw moved for the approval of the budget amendment.
Commissioner Hudson seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
Dallas H. Pope, County Manager, requested the following budget
amendment for Board of Elections:
Code 10-4300-074 Capital Outlay-Equipment 624
Revenue: 10-3990-000 Fund Balance Appropriated 624
Commissioner Smith moved for the approval of the budget amendment.
Commissioner Hudson seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
SOCIAL SERVICES Dallas H. Pope, County Manager, requested the following budget I
amendment for Social Services:
Code 10-7700-046 Medical Supplies & Drugs 3,404
Revenue: 10-3990-000 Fund Balance Appropriated 3,404
Commissioner Smith moved for the approval of the budget amendment.
Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
HEALTH DEPT. Commissioner Hudson moved for the approval of the following personnel
actions in the Health Department with implementation date of November
1, 1990:
Janet Blackwell - PHN Supvr. I - 720
Debrorah Hobbs - PHN Supvr. I - 72C
Danita Mason - Rec./Clerk IV - 59C
Tammy Norris - Acct./Clerk IV - 590
Maxine Blackmon - Housekeeping - 56A
Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous
NEW POSITION DESIG- Commissioner Shaw moved for the approval of a new position in the
NATED AS DETENTION Sheriff's Department with an effective date of November 1, 1990. The
NURSE IN SHERIFF new position is designated as a Detention Nurse with a classification
DEPT. of 74E and assigned to Departmental Code 5100. Commissioner Smith
seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote.
AD JOUR}.j1<1ENT There being no further business, the Harnett County Board of
Commissioners re~\~lar meeting November 5, 1990, duly adjourned at
1:35 p.m. --" I
Stewart, Chairman
KoA/\/ L. AJt1A1,f), /VlO
Kay S.~lanchard~ Recording Secretary
I THAT WHEREAS, the County of Barnett desires to pursue
efforts to complete its county-wide cadastral mapping project,
WHEREAS, certain of the work in connection with such project
has been completed or initiated, but there is substantial work
remaining to be done, and
WHEREAS, the County of Harnett has previously disseminated
requests for proposals in connection with the completion of such
project even though the proposed work in question involves
services and the securing of proposalS is not required by law,
WHEREAS, pursuant to such requests the County of Barnett has
now received proposals from Benatec Associates, Inc., and L.
Robert Kimball and Associates, and
WHEREAS, such proposals have been reviewed by the
appropriate representatives of the County of Barnett and further
negotiations with L. Robert Kimball and Associates have been
pursued; and
WHEREAS, L. Robert Kimball and Associates submitted the
lower proposal and it has been determined that L. Robert Kimball
and Associates is a responsible entity and that the proposal
I submitted by it is responsive; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett
considers it in the best interest of the County to proceed with
the acceptance of the negotiated proposal of L. Robert Kimball
and Associates, and to award the subject contract to said entity
and to make provision for execution of all documents necessary in
order effectuate such award:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners
of the County of Harnett that the contract for completion of the
cadastral mapping project of the County of Barnett pursuant to
all of those terms and conditions contained in the County's
request for proposals shall be and same is hereby awarded to L.
Robert Kimball and Associates for the sum of $657,000.00,
that the appropriate representatives of the County of Harnett
shall prepare and otherwise provide all necessary contract
documents in order to effectUate such award, and that the
Chairman of the Barnett county Board of Commissioners shall be
and he is hereby authorized to execute said documents on behalf
of the County of Barnett upon the review and approval thereof by
the County Attorney of said County.
This 5th day of November, 1990.
By: ~. s~at~~t
( ,
2!.~~~ "-Lt.) . 't ~t! .\.~
Vanessa W. YOurJ' Claiiirk
rROM. I. Marlhall Woodall
Anderson Creek TownshiD
Iverette, Mark '0 CvD 1042 3112 .10 250.40 200.00
Averasboro TownshiD
MCDowell, Coatella eg cvD 1088 542.74 246.40 190.00
Underwood, Kenneth '0 CvD lOst U2.0' 254.80 200.00
Barbeeue Township 340.00 I
Cordle, Ronald L. " CvD 1013 1lI0. t5 513.40
Out., Townlhip
Colville, Morril '0 CvD 0808 '17.50 n.80 75.00
Dar' Ricky '0 CvD 122' 1,127.17 241.00 200.00
Wb t..n, Marvin 90 CvD 1012 441.15 250.40 200.00
Orova Townlblp 200.40 200.00
ClIanaan, Carol '0 CvD 1147 711.48
JOhn.on, Charle. '0 CvD 1058 2,123.14 251. 10 200.00
LlVin.on, George gO CVD 103' 742.21 210.80 200.00
lork, Lendo '0 CVD 10U 518.11 255.25 200.00
Heetor's Creet TownshiD 253.80 200.00
Utter' Louie 8' CvD 10'0 1,342.14
Coli nl, Royce '0 CvD 0110 131.31 24'.00 200.00
Johnlon, LaRue 8' CvD 1411 837.01 2".20 200.00
lI1lt)er LIttle River TownshlD 2U.80 200.00
Minlhew, Wl11la. '0 CvD lOll 11011.38
Subtotal $13,820.13 $3,812.55 $3,005.00
NOTE I · Total collected Include. taxe., intere.t and Court co.t..
.. Court co.t. include. attorney fee. allowed by Court.
TOTAL A...."JflT'S "I $3,005.00
;' Mvanced CO.tl.
10-1-'0 Lillinvton POltmalter - po.tage
Sidney M. Barefoot - '0 CVD 1157 1.85
10-1-'0 Lillinvton POltma.ter - po.tage
Mark Iverette - '0 CVD 1042 1.40
10:'1-'0 Lillinvton POlt..lter . po.tage
Lendo lork - '0 CvD 1043 1.85
10-1-'0 Lillington POltmalter - po.tave
Lorenlo Davia - '0 CVD 0'77 2.55
10-1-'0 Lillinvton poatma.ter . po.tage
BIlly Illia - '0 CVD 1244 1.40
10-3.'0 Lillington Poat.aater - po.tage I
Hubert Benton Harmon - '0 CVD 11'2 4.85
10-4-'0 Lillinvton Po.t.a.ter - po.tale
Terry D. rerrell - '0 CVD 123 2.80
10.8-'0 Harnett County Clerk of Superior Court
- certified copy of Will - R. L.
Harrinvton - 88 CvD 1473 2.00
10-15-'0 Lillinvton POltma.ter - certified ..il
Terry rerrell - '0 CvD 1233 2.20
10-11-'0 Sheriff of Cumberland County - .ervice fee
Carl aalacci - '0 CvD 1281 4.00
10-19-'0 Lillington POltmalter - certified ..il
Samuel Stinney - '0 CvD 115' 4.20
10-19.'0 Sheriff of Lee County - lervice fee
Kenneth Worthy - '0 CvD 0'45 1.00
10-25-'0 Sheriff of Lee County - lervice fee
Horace Johnlon - '0 CvD 1304 5.00
10-25-'0 Sheriff of Sa.plon countr - .ervlce fee
Horace Johnlon - '0 CVD 304 10.00
10-25-'0 Lillington Po.tma.ter - certified ..il
Horace John.on - '0 CvD 1304 ' 2.20
10-25-'0 Lillington POlt.alter - poltage
Horace B. Johnlon, Jr. - '0 cvD 1304 8.40
10-26-'0 Lillington POltma.ter - poltage
Marvin Welt, Jr. - '0 CVD 12'2 2.80
10-21-'0 Lillington POlt.alter - poltage
Annie Porter - '0 CVD 1341 .70
10-29.90 Lillinlton POltmalter - pOltage
Shirre 1 Dean Robinlon - 90 CVD 1242 2.80
10-21-'0 Lilllngton POlt.alter - pOltage
Claretta McNeill - '0 CVD 1238 1.40
10-30-'0 Lillinvton POltmalter - pOltage
lugene Davil - '0 CvD 1237 2.80
10-30-'0 Lilliugton POltma.ter - po.tate I
Mae Vann Aldinger - '0 CVD 12 3 .45
10-30.'0 Lillington POlt.a.ter - po~tage
Ray H. Roger. - '0 CvD 1241 .'0
10-30-'0 Sheriff of Wake County - .ervice fee
Mae Aldinger - 90 CVD 1213 5.00
10-31.'0 Sheriff of Cumberland County - service fee
Ja.el Kelly - '0 CvD 11'0 10.00
10-31-'0 Sheriff of Wake County - lervlce fee
Ray Rogar. - '0 cvD 1241 ...1L.lI.Jl
Total Advanced co.t. $101.55
BALANCI DUI 13.111.55
I. ar.ba Wo ali
POlt Office Box 3'
Lillinvton, NC 27546
Telephone I <'19) 813-5111
--- -- -- -- ~- -- ----.--- - -------- - ~.'-
Commissioners of Harnett County, North Carolina does hereby approve
a tax-exempt loan to the Northwest Harnett Volunteer Fire
Department, Inc. (the "VFD" ) from First Citizens Bank & Trust
Company in the principal amount of $245,000.00 which loan is for
the following purposes (check applicable purpose):
1. (X) for the construction of a fire station for
the VFD, including the purchase of the
underlying real property.
2. (X) the purchase by the VFD of fire trucks and
all related fire fighting equipment
which fire trucks and fire station will be owned and operated by
the VFD at the following address:
Baptist Grove Intersection
Route 2, Box 260-A
Fuquay Varina, NC 27526
I Duly adopted this 5th day of November, 1990.
Vanessa W. Young, C~~Board
Reaolution Authorizinq
Advancement of Funds to
Southeaat Water and Sewer District of Harnett County
THAT WHEREAS, the Southeast Water and Sewer D18trict of
Harnett County (hereinafter sometimes referred to aa the
"D18trict") 18 planning to inatall and construct water diatribution
facilities within ita boundariesJ and
WHEREAS, the District has made application to the Parmer. Home I
Adminiatration of the Unit.d State a D.partment of Agriculture for
a loan and/or grant to fund the cost of such faciliti.sJ and
WHEREAS, at the curr.nt time, the above m.ntioned loan and/or
grant funds are not availabl., and
WHEREAS, the City of Dunn, which ia encircl.d by the District,
had d.termin.d that it d.8ir.d to extend a water d18tribution
pipeline through the D18trict to the Cumb.rland County-Harnett
County boundaryJ and
WHEREAS, the plans for the Diatrict's water facilities
include the inatallation of a water distribution pipeline along
the same route aa waa deaired by the City, and
WHEREAS, the aaid City, the Diatrict and the County of Harnett
have mutually agr.ed that proviaion ahould be IIIllde for the
installation of one wat.r distribution pipeline along the rout.
described so as to, among other things, .liminat. duplicative
.fforta and costa which would b. associated with multiple pip.lines
and to provide a pip.lin. which will m..t the curr.nt and .xp.cted
n..da of auch parti.s, and
WRBRlAS, th.r. is an immediate n.ed fot the installation and
construction of the r.f.r.nc.d wat.r distribution pip.lin. and the
District has d.termin.d that it would be moet advantag.oue to
participate in the inetallation of the same at the current time;
WRBREAS, eo ae to enable the Dietrict to participate in the I
r.ferenced conetruction, the Board of Commissionere of the County
of Harn.tt hae agre.d to advance to the Dietrict euch funde ae will
equal the D18trict' e proportionate ehar. of the coet of eaid
pipeline; and
WHEREAS, it is und.retood that the int.nt of the Dietrict and
the County ie for the Dietrict to finance the coet of eaid wat.r
dietribution pipeline ae part of itl water distribution facilities
proj.ct and pursuant to the aforem.ntioned loan and/or grant from
the Farm.rl Hom. Administration, and
WHIREAS, it 18 furth.r undentood that. the. intent of the
County of Harnett is to advance luch funds only until luch time as
the aforementioned loan and/or grant IIIllY be s.cured, or such other
financing arrangem.nt is IIIllde, it beiDg the b.lief of the eaid
County that it 18 in the b.et int.r.st of the Dhtrict to
participat. in eaid inetallation proj.ct at the current tim..
NOW, TRlRErORE, BI IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commiseionerl
of the County of Harn.tt thatl
It Ihall and her.by do.e authorize the advancem.nt of the sum
of $71.305.86 to the Southea.t Water and S_er Di.trict of
Harnett County, subject to the understanding. as herein recited,
for the purpo..s above d..crib.d.
Duly .dopted thh 5th day of Nov. , UtO, upon IIOtloll _d.
by COllDie.ion.r Slalth , .econded by COIlIIis8ion.r
Hudson , and adopted by the following VOt.1
.......1""._.... or RAI..~I'''__
Byl lfti !J ~
L . St_art,
Char n of the Board
-tC.", 'i J ~\'
Van.... ". Young," ,.
Cl.rk to the Board