HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/16/12 Water & Sewer Use Text Amendment Ratest ��pprovgoa `dL, coom t m�t� �ountY t1��y� Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item 5_K MEETING DATE: July 16, 2012 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Amendment of Public Utilities Ordinance REQUESTED BY: Steve Ward, HCDPU REQUEST: This is a formal request for the Board to amend the Public Utilities Ordinance for the FY 2012 -13. The ordinance needs to be amended to show the new water and sewer rates as adopted as part of the budget ordinance. These changes are shown in the attached amended ordinance for your review. Please place this item on the consent agenda at the next available meeting. COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: \UtefileI \Puusers\sward\My Documents \Ordinances and Policies\Agenda Request to Amend Public Utilities Ordinance for FY 2012- 13.doc Page I of I RECEIVED BY LEGAL SERVICES DATE: Lo -Z9 -12 BY: (3aNFlv-5 COUNTY DOCUMENT REVIEW COVER SHEET 1 1' I. Th's B ck ONL �( o be complete b_y Q partment . , Vendor Legal Name: 1��1 �i� \V WC ZSII�At�C�- Mt �6\",- — Type of Contract: ❑ New ❑ Renewal ❑ Amendment ❑ Services ❑ Goods ❑ Con ulting 4 Construction ❑ Lease Other: ¢�- Description /Scope -of Work: W �zwL2� -R s Funding Source: 110 ❑ County ❑ State Grant ❑ Federal Grant ❑ Local Grant ❑ To Be Financed ❑ Other Expenditure /Revenue Codes) (all 14 digits required) Department: Project Code: Annual Contract �mou nt: Budget Amendment MUST be attached if needed Dept. Contact: v-t Uv, Contract Period (dat Date Needed /Board.Rijvieuvf" - Contact Telephone: 17 0 Z Department Head Signature: IY4 Date: Department Head 6s reviewed attached and is satisfied with material terms INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR (Applicable only for hardware /software purchased or related technology services) This contract has been reviewed and approved by the IT Director as to technical content and network compatibility. IT Director's Signature: Date: COUNTY STAFF ATTORNEY Comments: E Signature: 41A tt Date: RISK MANAGEMENT Risk Mana ement has received a copy of the Certificate of Insurance. Yes _ No _ Signature: Date: FINANCE Comments: Signature: Date: % 70 •/ L COUNTY MANAGER Signature: Date: (CLERK TOT BO RD OF COMM STONERS (Agenda Request form must be attached) Comments: /t -/ Signature: Date: °%' CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Date Provided to Clerk for Board Packet: I -iCD -12 Final Contract Distribution Date: Contract Control Number: L � 3-[ d ❑ Scanned ❑ Original /Copy to Dept. ❑ Original to Clerk ❑ To Dept for vendor sig. Rev.05 /2012 Duly Adopted this / � V(�l of July 2012, upon motion made by Commissioner na r h rp �,c and adopted by the following vote: Ayes. IL/_ Noes cj� Si Attest: Absent Board of Commissioners of the County Hamett County By: / Timothy c ill, Chairman of the Board and of the Governing b-6dy of the Water and Sewer Districts of Harnett County. A` L Mar " et Regina )Wheeler, Clerk to the Board and the Water and Sewer Districts of Harnett County. 35