HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/18/88 Subdivision Regulations Text Amendment Art II Sec 2.0 Art III Sec 3.3 Sec 4.3.ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE HNTITLBD SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS FOR HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED APRIL 4, 1977 WHEREAS, this Board adopted an Ordinance on April 4, 1977 entitled "Subdivision Regulation, for Harnett County, North Carolina"; and WHEREAS, this Board In of the opinion that the amendments set forth below are nece,earylto the clear and efficient working of the Ordinance;.and WHEREAS, as provided by Section 8.2 of the Ordinance, the said amendment. heve been submitted to the Harnett County Planning Board for review and recommendation, where they have been favorably reportedl and WHEREAS, pursuant to N. C. Gen. Stat. 163A -323, after notice as by law provided, a public hearing has been held concerning adoption of the amendmentsl NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED: 1. That Article 11, Section 2.0, A17 (a) read as follows: IT. Subdlslalon —binou (a) Any subdivision which createe a maximum of three (3) additional lot- which front on an existing Public reed or have permanent access or agrees by at least a 38' easement or other approved mean,. 2. That Article III, Section 3.3 read an follows The subdivider shall aubmit ten (10) black or blue line copies of a final plat, and one (1) reproducible drawing to the Planning Board through the Administrator of the Ordinance seven (T) working days prior to the regular meeting of the Planning Board at which the plat 1s to be eoneldered. The final plat shall be prepared by a licensed surveyor. Such plat shall be drawn on sheets not larger than twenty -four (24) Snchen by thirty -six (36) Inches. nor smaller than eight and one -half (8-1/2) Inches by fourteen (l4) Inches. 3. That Section 4.3 of the Ordinance be amended to read as follows: Section 4.3 Rater and q Installation end provision for water supply mild cewag� disposal shell be according to the standards of the Bernet County Department of Public litllltlen Comprebenalve Hato and Sewer Plane and the Harnett Comity Health Department. Hate. qua 1 Avatar! A. Co ➢nectlnu_8eeulteme¢Z: Am to any subdivision which l: created after the adoption of this section, as amended (April Is, 1988) and 1e located within that number o1 feet of an exlating county owned or operated Pate: supply and distribution system ea is specified 1: Subsection B below, whether the subdivision le locate, uttbin or ulthout the - ervlce area or an exletLq county owned or operated public water supply any distribution system, the developer or subdivider chat] cause a water distribution system• meeting tb•. standards herein specified, to be constructed anc Installed In much subdivision and shall further cause said Pater distribution system to be connected to the existing county owned or operated public water nuppl) and distribution eyetem which Is located as specified In said Subsection B. This requirement also applies tc new Thames of existing subdivisions when these phaeee have not been previously approved by the Harnett County Planning Board. Consideration shall be given to the acreage of an entire tract and the number of potential lots thereln, taking Into account topmgr.phy, feasibility of the land for further subdivision development, slid other factors. Where, In the opinion of the Planning Board and Utility Department, a subdivision cannot be economically connected to a county owned or operated water distribution system, the subdivision must contain adequate area (based on Information concerning the soil survey, Peter table, type of .... t h 9a die poeal, eto.) for I'm lne Celle tlon of private Peter supply eymtemm, and must be approved In wrlting by it's County Health Department. In addition, where, In the opinion of the Plans lne Board end Utl 11 ty Department, A subdivision cannot be scones lenlly connected to a county owned or operated water distribution System, the developer or subdivider may establleh and create a public Pater supply eyetem or connect the subdivision to an axle tins publlc Pater euPPly eyetem. public Peter supply llo waver, Ouch created system or Ouch water distribution- system to be connected to an existing eye tam shall be Mimi by and meet the requirements of all federal, O to ta, end local Sever, menta, Including but not lilted to the Division of Health Services, Department of Nu an Re eourcee o! the Strata of North Carolina and the North Carolina Ut111 ties Commission. D. B1aSa¢aa— Basniilca required to meet the➢ condltfonem ofdlEhleosection lwh be the e. of enubexisting Co. located Within number that ply owned oroperatedRater supply and distribution system which equate the product of the number of late within the nubdlvielon (Including iota to be developed In the future) PROVIDED IIOH8V8R multiplied by 100; , that the maximum distance required for connection shell be 50DU feet. 0. 6nubilat- Sp-- C^T ^el ty- Suttlslsncz In the event that a su bd lvlelon should meet the distance specification requlremente of Subsection B and the county owned or operated Peter supply and distribution system to which the aubdlvlelon would connect shall be of Inaufflclent capacity to Permit the delivery of Pater to said subdivision, the subject Buldiviale. Bhall be relieved oI the requirement to connect to such county eyetem. D. B,21ew_Emulremen tai When a developer or subdivider Ss required to lnetall a water distribution system Pursuant to this section, prior to final approval of the tem record Eo plat, the plane for the water distribution eye be eo Installed shall be submitted to the County Director of Public Utilities. The location, else and Bpeclflcatiena of the Rater distribution eyetem shall be placed upon Bald plat for rmvleu and aPproval. The County Director of Public Utilities shall review the Information supplied and determine whether the plane most the requirements of this emotion. (4r8/S18 D/3)o.l a IP 1 8- Claa_H0 cificat101: The plane for a water distribution system to be Installed pursuant to this section shell show and /or state thereon ouch information as will indicate that the ere rem planned will Beet, when section. uc Eed and Sne tolled, the requirements of thin sectio g• water Dletrlbution ?vetnm se^cliicetloaa� A -star e dlekrlbutlon .,at., to be Constructed within a subdivision pursuant to this -action and /or connected to the county owned or operated system shall: 1. Be properly connected in such a manner as to adequately serve ell Into shown on the eubdlvlelon Plat (including both present and future lots) for 2. Center* c to the fire pecificalione of the Ilarnett County Department of Public Utilities me provided by said Department standards of good p and conform to the accepted rectice for water eye Eem construction, as specified by the Division of Health Serviced, Departmenb of )lumen Pesaurcee, of the state of North Carolina (or any succenoor agency thereof) and as specified In the Harnett County water system extension policy. 3. Se approved by the n ... door, federal and /or state a nannies prior to or at the time of completion. �. Conform to all federal, state end /or local ordinances, rules and regula tlons relating thereto end any lice nee end /or permit° required thereby shell be obtained. 6. Be constructed pursuant to the necessary contractual agreementa required by the Decider, ruled and regulatlmne of the Harnett County Department of Public UtIII tied. D• Flea— L.rctec.tloa:. In major eubdlvlalonn with new roads where .'n adequate public water supply system 1e available, the developer or subdivider shall Instal, fire ded ranee to such a manner that the subdivision is afforded adequate fire protectlon or as provided In the local government water system extension policy. Fire hydren t° shall be located In such a manner that no lot Se further than one thous.nd (1,000) feet from e hydren t. Hater linen on which file hydrants are to be diet.lied she 11 be not leas than elx (S) Inches in :lame ter. Thar- shell bat" closed or dead end lines en rvlcing till fire hydrant location. In the eubdlvlelon, unleoe an alternate method le Appr ore d, H. 6atrdltlelnaa _Whata_8ectioa_DotA"llcable. When located outside the service ere° of a county owned en operated water supply and distribution system and /or or subdivi the distance spec ifle.tlena, lot ilea° within e subdivision ley be adequate "-ter in a allowed to be reduced, provided vailable for dome. tic devel use from a Community xa ter system to be developer; and provided six (B) Inch alter 11 nee are India liefelled by the lied to service fire hydrant location. ouch that and no lot la farther than 11000 feet from such a location, t.b fir. hydrants Iota Clone, valves are Provided at eels meet these provision,, it elf the subdivision does not red"latlone specified hell be considered under the PUbdlo we ter available, herein for property not having 1, COnatcuctioa�yrlodt Hhen a eubdlvlelon le developed In nder the Oster distribution .,ate, required- hereunder to be elmultoneoua with "a madavelopmentnstructed In eubdlvlelon, each phase of tape the Due to changes brought about by emendln the following amendments ere also daSead deelrable at g Section A.3 above, Eh1e time: naceean.,. _ (1) (2) (3) That Article 111, Section 3. B, It Ordinance be emended 3 to read es follow.': em 116 of the Cards Sce Ee of Approval of Na ter Olepoesl out tam e, alHned by the Count his out g "nPly And Sewage signed by the agan E, y Health Director when Count g Certificate of Approval county owned ,orUto pe rated Director 1s requl red pub! le aewnge Se to be utlllaed, Pubiic war test.!] these The aubdSvlderaehell approved plane, tac111tlee An accordance with the That Article IV, Gectlon q,p g Ordinance be emended to reed as follows: lee amended) of the be lPella1h. MUM not exceed two two lows: (2,000) feet In length. A all no o thousand (1,0001 fast'" all cul -de --ace ion nth water linen shat Sn length, gar than one That pet Ehoueend amended tole V, Sactlon to read S'2 C of the Ordle -Ac° be Env ee follow°: The subdivider shall submit to the with the tined PIA t, a Certificate ofaAnln Supply and &e ue e B Board Along Neel th Dl rector or D1ePOnal Sys tam signed rove! oP Wa tar of ApP, a hie authorized gned by the County required °Inns: by the County UE11161es Certificate end /or public sews ty owned or operated Director As shall A..,. 11 g° le to beer Ou bllc water approved Dlene these fec111 else In eccordan oaeubdiv Isar Duly adopted thle da with the loth y of April, IBOB HAPNRTT COUNTY y BOARD OF CON117SG1 OI18RS� Loyd D. Ste art; Chair a— AA TTBgT; V� g YOwnHr ,Clsr