HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/17/82 Subdiviision Regulations Text Amendment Sec 3.0a R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, the County Subdivision Ordinance as currently drawn would require that all subdivisions of land in the County resulting in tracts of land of ten acres or less be considered and approved by the Planning Board prior to transfer; the purpose being to consider suitability of the land for development purposes and to presumably not permit the sell of small tracts of land not suitable for development purposes; WHEREAS, this is a very cumbersome process to buyers and sellers of single tracts of land which could take up to several weeks and because it is so cumbersome appears to have been universally ignored by transferors of single tracts of land where residential subdivisions of serveral lots are not contemplated by the seller; WHEREAS, the extent of non - compliance has recently become known by the Planning Board because of the initiation of a new procedure under which application for septic tank permits are routed by the Planning Department; WHEREAS, the only enforcement tool included in the ordinance to enforce compliance is the process of issuance of criminal warrants against the seller; WHEREAS, the ordinance has not been enforced as of this date in that no criminal warrants have been drawn at the instance of either private citizens or law enforcement officials within the County; WHEREAS, the ordinance, as now structured, requires that all subdivisions of land within the meaning of the ordinance being transferred in the County which result in tracts of land of less than ten acres, whether the land be commercial, agricultural, timber, a 'mineral or residential, have 80 feet of frontage on a public road, built to specifications acceptable to the State of North Carolina and having a 60' right of way; WHEREAS, in our County there exist many tracts of land containing one or two houses which tracts do not front on paved roadways and which houses have been served by small driveways with rights of way across the lands of others which were reserved years ago and are not 60' in width, or which are served by roads which were once public roads years ago but were not taken over by the State when it took administration of the road system from the counties; WHEREAS, the County may want to consider allowing the sale of small tracts served by driveways, existing farm roads, and old public roads that are not kept up by the State to be made under limited circumstances and with full road disclosure statements to the buyers including an explanation as to consequences and responsibilities for maintenance of said private road as required by N.C.G.S. 136- 102.6(f); NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommends that Section 3.0 of the County Subdivision Ordinance be amended to read as follows: SECTION 3.0 GENERAL A. All subdivision of land except those described in Subsection B. below within the subdivision jurisdiction of Harnett County shall hereafter conform to the procedure contained within the articles of this Ordinance. This Subdivision Regulation Ordinance requires that a plat be prepared, approved, and recorded pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance whenever a subdivision of land takes place. If the subdivision contains one to five lots, it qualifies as a minor subdivision. The discussion of minor subdivisions is found in Article 3, Section 3.4. a B. That there shall be excepted from the procedures contained in the Articles of this ordinance subdivisions of tracts of land having frontage on private streets when disclosure statements are given as required by North Carolina General Statute 136- 102.6(f) or on neighborhood public roads as defined by North Carolina General Statute 136 -67 where disclosure statements are given as requested by North Carolina General Statute 136- 102.6(f); said exception is to apply only when the seller files with the County as affidavit that he does not contemplate that the private street or neighborhood public road will serve more than three dwelling units and no commercial or industrial sites. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommends that the County study in detail the feasibility of incorporating into the subdivision ordinance provisions for private roads under limited circumstances in the County and consider the feasibility of making enforcement of the Subdivision Ordinance more practical by requiring compliance with that ordinance in order to get certificates of compliance for septic tanks and /or building permits and deeming non - compliance with the ordinance to be an encumbrance covered by the warranty against encumbrances in general warranty deed to the extent permitted by state law; additionally, the Planning Board recommends that the County consider amendments which would enable buyers and sellers of single tracts of land on paved public roads to meet requirements of the ordinance rapidly so that real estate transactions of small tracts would not be held up any longer than absolutely necessary. This the day of A" 1982. Casey S. Fowl r, Chairman of Harnett County Planning Board