HomeMy WebLinkAbout03151999 ,412 . Harnett County Board of Commissioners Minutes of Regular Meeting March 15, 1999 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, March. 15, 1999, in the County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Dan B. Andrews, Chairman Joseph T. Bowden Teddy J. Byrd Walt Titchener Vice Chairman Beatrice Bailey Hill was absent. Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Commissioner Bowden led the pledge of allegiance and prayer. Commissioner Titchener moved to approve the agenda as published with the following additions: - Governing Body budget amendment - resolution authorizing reimbursement of expenditures - resolution regarding financing of water line project . Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Upon motion by Commissioner Byrd and seconded by Commissioner Titchener, the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda: 1. Minutes: Special Meeting, February 5, 1999 Regular Meeting, February 15, 1999 Reconvened Meeting, February 17, 1999 2. Budget Amendments: , 232 Health Denartment (Fund 10-General) Code 10-7600-0040 Professional Services 800. increase 10-7600-0120 Printing & Binding 2,000. increase 10-7600-0140 Travel & Meetings 4,461. increase 10-7600-0160 Maintenance & Repair 5,500. increase 10-7600-0250 Books & Publications 2,000. increase 10-7600-0330 Materials & Supplies 5,235. increase 10-7600-0450 Contracted Services 20,000. increase 10-7600-0470 Food & Provisions 500. increase 10-7600-0740 Capital Outlay-Equipment 17,000. increase . 10-3830-0321 MA Maximization 57,496. increase 233 Finance (Fund 10-General) Code 10-3480-0410 RewEntry 5,310. increase 10-4100-1512 Halt Grant -Pass-Through 5,310. increase 238 PattersonlBailev Wav Revitalization Proiect CDBG 98 (Fund 63 P/B) Code 63-9800-0600 Rehab ofpriv. owned - CDBG 6,215. increase 63-3830-0630 Owner's Contribution 6,215. increase 239 PattersonlBailev Wav Revitalization Proiect CDBG 98 (Fund 63 P/B) Code 63-9800-0600 Rehab ofpriv. owned-CDBG 2,490. increase 63-3830-0630 Owner's Contribution 2,490. increase -------------- ------------ --------- ~, -. ~- ------------ .P--.,~~'~;-...,:~...,w_ ',~.-...;:'''li-;'~--i.....!--:,-T'' 413 240 Patterson/Bailev Wav Revitalization Proiect CDBG 98 (Fund 63-P/B) Code 63-9800-0600 Rehab ofpriv. owned-CDBG 4,300. increase 63-3830-0630 Owner's contribution 4,300. increase 241 Patterson/Bailev Wav Revitalization Proiect DCBG 98 (Fund 63-P/B) Code 63-9800-0600 Rehab ofpriv. owned-CDBG 8,909. increase 63-3830-0630 Owner's contribution 8,909. increase 243 Central Carolina Communitv Colle2e (Fund 43-CCCC) . Code 43-9143-0010 CCCC-General Contract 3,926. increase 43-9143-0020 CCCC-Mechanical 352. increase 43-9143-0030 CCCC-Electrical 2,425. increase 43-9143-0200 Legal & Administrative 40,806. increase 43-9143-0800 Contingency 47,509. decrease 246 Public Utilities (Fund 31- Public Utilities) Code 31-9000-1573 Advance to Titan 20,500. increase 31-3990-0000 Fund Balance Appropriated 20,500. increase 247 Public Utilities (Fund 60- Titan Industries) Code 60-3980-0000 Advance from NE Metro 20,500. increase 60-9060-0620 Pump & Haul 20,000. increase 60-9060-0200 Legal & Administrative 500. increase 249 Soecial Districts (Fund 82-Soecial Districts) Code 82-3010-0150 Current Tax-Erwin Fire 58,000. increase 82-8013-1010 Current Tax-Erwin Fire District 58,000. increase 82-3010-0160 Current Tax-Flat Branch 62,000. increase 82-8014-1010 Current Tax-Flat Branch Fire 62,000. increase 82-3010-0240 Current Tax-Benhaven Fire 53,000. increase 82-8005-1010 Current Tax-Benhaven Fire 53,000. increase . 250 Emer2encv Resoonse Plannin2 (Fund 72-ERP) Code 72-3480-0611 NCEM-REP-OOl Grant 6,475. increase 72-5251-0740 Capital Outlay-Equipment 6,100. increase 72-5251-0450 Contracted Services 375. increase 251 Librarv (Fund 10-General) Code 10-8100-0740 Capital Outlay-Equipment 10,000. increase 10-3480-0320 EZ LST A Equipment Grant 10,000. increase 252 Public Utilities (Fund 70-SW Re2ional Transmission Caoital Proiect) Code 70-9070-0700 Interest during construction 71 , 1 00. increase 70-3980-0000 Interfund Transfer from P.U. 71,100. increase 253 Public Utilities (Fund 37-SW Water & Sewer District) Code 37-9006w2020 Debt Service Interest 71 ,100. decrease 37-9006-1560 Interfund Transfer-SW 71 , 1 00. increase 255 District Attornev's Office (Fund 10-General) Code 1 Ow490 1-0200 Personnel 4,540. increase 10-3990-0000 Fund Balance 4,540. increase . 256 Finance (Fund 10-General) Code 10-3480-0420 CARE-Board of Education 5,301. increase 10-4100-1514 CARE-Pass-through 5,301. increase 257 Finance (Fund 10-Generan Code 10-3480-0410 Re-Entry Pass-through 5,390. increase 10-4100-1512 Halt Grant Re-Entry Pass-through 5,390. increase 258 Shawtown Revitalization 95 CDBG (Fund 61wShawtown) Code 61-9030-0600 Rehab CDBG C-l 21,698. increase 61-9030-0610 Rehab CDBH L-l 5,128. increase 61-3830-0610 Owners' Contribution 26,826. increase --------~-- - ------- :-41-4 261 Public Utilities (Fund 32-Northeast Metro) . Code 32-9001-1560 Interfund Transfer-water plant 200,523. increase 32-9001-2020 Debt Service Interest 200,523. decrease 262 Public Utilities (Fund 76-Water Plant Exnansion Canital Proiect) Code 76-9026-0700 Interest during construction 200,523. increase 76-3980-0010 Interfund Transfer from GF 200,523. increase 263 Govemine Bodv (Fund 10-General) Code 10-4100-0040 Professional Services 17,000. increase 10-3990-0000 Fund Balance Appropriated 17,000. increase 265 Sheriff (Fund 10-Generan . Code 10-5120-0330 Materials & Supplies 10,000. increase 10-5100-0170 Maintenance & Repair Auto 669. increase 10-3990-0000 Fund Balance Appropriated 10,000. increase 10-3830-0396 Insurance Reimbursement 669. increase 266 Interfund Transfers (Fund 10-Generan Code 10-8701-1566 Interfd. Trans. to Runway Ext. 175,000. increase 10-3990-0000 Fund Balance Appropriated 175,000. increase 267 Aimort-Runwav Extension (Fund 49-Runwav Extension) Code 49-9039-0300 Engineering 97,000. increase 49-9039-0200 Legal & Administrative 30,000. increase 49-9039-0330 Materials & Supplies 22,000. increase 49-9039-0600 Survey 6,000. increase 49-9039-0800 Contingency 20,000. increase 49-3980-0000 Interfd. Trans. from Gen. Fund 175,000. increase 276 Govemine Bodv (Fund IO-Generan Code 10-4100-1000 A veras. Battlefield Comm. 10,000. increase 10-3990-0000 Fund Balance Appropriated 10,000. increase TAX REFUNDS 3. Tax Refunds and Releases (Attachment 1) . FINAL PLATS 4. Final Subdivision Plats: A. Byrd's Mill Rd., Section II, owner: Hughie & Vickie Stewart, et aI, 8 lots, SR 2026, Byrd's Mill Rd., Stewart's Creek Township, unzoned, 33.3 acres B. Byrd's Mill Rd., Section III, owner: Hughie & Vickie Stewart, et aI, 8 lots, SR 2026, Byrd's Mill Rd., Stewart's Creek Township, unzoned, 15.8 acres C. Long Leaf Acres" owner: R.E.S. Properties of Harnett County L.L.S., 31 lots, Barbecue Township, NC 27, unzoned, 20.1 acres D. McNeil Acres, Section 2, owner, W.R. Lambert, 11 lots, SR 1130 Norrington Rd. & SR 1145 Mack Rd., Upper Little River Township unzoned, 10.2 acres RESOL. jTOBACCO 5. Resolution regarding Tobacco Settlement (Attachment 2) RECLAssjHEALTH 6. Reclassification of position in Health Department - Physical Therapy Assistant I grade change from 61 to 63 RESOL. jENVIRON . 7. Resolution in Support of Placing All Programs Traditionally in the Division of HEALTH-HEALTH & Environmental Health Under the Organization of the Department of Health and Human HUMAN SERVICES Services (Attachment 3) RECLASSES 8. A study of the County's classification system was conducted and several key . positions were recommended for reclassification immediately. Remaining study findings will be considered as a part of the budget process. The following reclassifications will be implemented effective March 1, 1999: Title from erade to erade MIS Director 76 78 Database Analyst 71 73 Operations SupportlE-911 69 72 Network Support Manager 69 71 System Support Manager 69 71 Addressing Specialist 60 62 Addressing Specialist 60 62 Transportation Manager 65 67 Distribution Tech. III 65 66 ----------- ---- -~---~- -------~~Tl7 .---~~,~- ---~~;1l~~'r~}ri,1~i)~~~1'Y\iii-~' 415 RAILROAD 9. Resolution regarding intent of abandonment of Aberdeen and Rockfish Railroad ABANDom.1ENT (Attachment 4) CHANGE ORDER 10. Contract Change Order for Northwest Water & Sewer District project for McMahan NW W & S DIST. Brothers Pipeline, Inc. to adjust final quantities in the amount of$235.85 11. Three W elfare-to- Work positions approved as regular full-time county employees in WELFARE TO WORK the Department of Human Resources: 2 - Intake Assessment Counselor, grade 61 . 1- Office Assistant lV, grade S9 L2ASE OF FACILITIE~2. Lease of former Harnett Productions Enterprise facilities located at Arrowhead Road, TO HARNETT OPTIONAL Dunn to Harnett Optional Public Education, Inc. PUBLIC EDUCATION 13. Proclamation Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars PROCLA11ATIONjVETS (Attachment 5) COMMUNITY ACTION 14. Community Services Block Grant for Community Action - Harnett County would join with Johnston-Lee Community Actions, Inc. to provide community services. Harnett County will request to be included in the grant allocation formula. 15. Resolution Authorizing Reimbursement of Expenditures Incurred Prior to Issuance of RESOL. REIHBURSE. Debt for Harnett County's Capital Projects (Attachment 6) EXPENDITURES RESOLUTIONjFINANCI~&' Resolution regarding financing of proposed construction of wastewater treatment \__ W\\" TREATHENT works, wastewater collection systems, and water supply systems (Attachment 7) Informal comments were presented by the following citizens: INFOPJ1AL COMImNTS 1. Jerry Revas, Shady Grove Mobile Home Park, voiced concerns with definition of livestock referenced in the Mobile Home Park Ordinance regarding his pet chickens. . 2. Mr. McKoy, Anderson Creek, asked questions regarding fire and rescue tax rates. Commissioner Titchener moved for the appointments listed below. Commissioner Byrd seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Appointments: Mid Carolina A2in2 Advisorv Committee Ruby Neal for a 3-year term to expire 03/31/02 Clark Wiser and Mary McKoy reappointed for 3-year terms to expire 03/31/02 . Harnett Countv Emer2encv Services Council Mike Williams reappointed for a 3-year term to expire 03/31/02 Ac,lult Care Home Communitv Advisorv Committee Jessie S. Hamilton appointed for a 1 wy~ar term to expire 03/31/00 Nursin2 Home Communitv Advisorv Committee Ginger Whittenton for a I-year term to expire 03/31/00 Airoort Committee . Leonard A.mOld for a 3-year lerm to expire 12/31/01 MId-CarolIna Emer2encv Services Council Dan B. Andrews reappointed for a 3-year term to expire 11/30/01 Co~issioner Teddy Byrd presented the Proclamation Commemorating the 100th AnnIversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars to Commander Colon Warren VFW Post 9103. ' Chairman Andrews called to order a public hearing on the closeout of the FY 95 SHAWTON REVITAL. C~mmunity Development Block Grant for the Shawtown Revitalization Project. Patt ~nssman, The Wooten Company, discussed the performance of the program which mcluded $850,000 of clearance, relocation, housing rehabilitation activities and sewer improvements. Chairman Andr~ws opened the meeting for comments from' the public. No comments were offe:ed and Chatrman Andrews closed the public hearing. ~~ - - --- ----- -------~-------- --~--- ----,- 416 Chairman Andrews called to order a public hearing on a proposed application for a Small Cities Community Development Block Grant for FY 99-00 to undertake an infrastructure project in the Shawtown Community. Patt Crissman, The Wooten Company, explained that the funds would be used for the installation of public sewer. Chairman Andrews opened the meeting for comments from the public. No comments were offered and Chairman Andrews closed the public hearing. Commissioner Titchener moved to authorize the submission ofa CDBG infrastructure application in the amount of $710,000 with a local commitment of $200,000 with all application assurances and certifications contained therein; and that Chairman Dan B. Andrews be authorized to act in connecti. with the application and provide such additional information as may be required. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote. PUBLIC HEARING ON Chairman Andrews called to order a public hearing on a proposed Zoning Ordinance ZONING ORD. AMEND. amendment. Michelle Buckland, Planner, presented the proposed amendment which would allow recreational vehicles and travel trailers to be parked or stored in the rear or side yard of any lot. Chairman Andrews opened the meeting for comments from the public. Comments were received from the following citizens: 1. Mr. McKoy, Anderson Creek, general comments 2. Lucille Watson, 385 Fred Burns Road, for the amendment There being no further comments, Chairman Andrews closed the public hearing. Commissioner Byrd moved to adopt the amendment. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote. Ordinance Book 2, page Zonimz Ordinance Text Amendment Deletion of Article VI. Section 4.2-H Zoning Districts and Regulation. Conditional Uses Article VI Sections 4.2-H, 5.1-1, 6.1-L and 7.1-J Zoning Districts and Regulations; Add: Recreational vehicles and travel trailers parked or stored in rear or side yard of any lot; provided that no living quarters shall be maintained nor any business conducted therein while such trailer is so parked or stored (not subject to lot requirements) . Al Bain, Public Utilities Attorney, presented for the Board's consideration, a Housing PINE GROVE DEV. CORP. Develvpu.ent Agreement between the County and Pine Grove Development Corp. associated with a Community Development Block Grant project to provide sewer lines along a portion of Highway 27 and Buffalo Lakes Road. Commissioner Bowden moved to approve the agreement. Commissioner Byrd seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. AIRPORT-PERIMETER Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager, presented for the Board's FENCING consideration, a North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Aviation , funding certification regarding perimeter fencing at the Airport. Commissioner Byrd moved to decline funding for fencing contingent that the funding be redirected for the runway extension project. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Wilder reported on the runway extension project noting that construction work by the army will begin soon to extend the runway and heavy equipment will be crossing Highway 421 moving dirt to build the extension. In addition to safety measures used by the army, the Department of Transportation will install traffic warnings in the area. Chairman Andrews called to order a public hearing on an amendment to the Ordinance ORD. AMEND. WATER Regulating Use of Water and Sewer Facilities Operated by the County of Harnett. Neil. & SEWER FACILITIES Emory, County Manager, presented the amendment. Chairman Andrews opened the USE meeting for comments from the public. No comments were offered and Chairman Andrews closed the public hearing. Commissioner Byrd moved for final adoption of the amendment. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The amendment was also considered at the February 1 st Board meeting and is copied into the minutes on in Book 1, page 384-385. (and on page 226 as Attachment 7) Neil Emory, County Manager, presented a request from the Board of Elections for BOARD OF ELECTIONS programming of memory cards and for MIS staff training related to office operations. Commissioner Bowden moved to approve the request. Chairman Andrews seconded the motion. After discussion, Commissioner Bowden withdrew his motion. Commissioner Byrd moved to table the matter. Chairman Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. --------------------------- --------------- --- ~hn;..,t ';,' '~'1."'_" ,.\iil,;;~:,~.j~i;~1~;'1-'~!:<" ~,,:O'~ 417 WORKFORCE Neil Emory, County Manager, presented for the Board's consideratio~, steps ~utlined for INVESTMENT ACT the Workforce Investment Act Implementation as requested by the Mtd-Carolma IMPLEMENTATION Workforce Development Board. Commissioner Byrd moved that the Board enact the three steps to implement the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The steps authorized are listed below: Step 1. Designate an administrativelfiscal agent for the "workforce investment area" for administration of the WIA. Mid-Carolina Council of Governments currently administers the service delivery area's JTPA, Welfarewto-Work, and NC . Employment and Training Grant programs. We request that designation continue for the new Workforce Investment Act. Step 2. Approve update of the existing Consortium Agreement to incorporate the new Workforce Investment Act. Step 3. Certify the current Workforce Development Board to serve as the area's Workforce Investment Board, or a new Workforce Investment Board has to be appointed. Neil Emory, County Manager, briefed the Board that State and Federal directives now ONE STOP JOB- require that each county select a one stop center site for the One Stop Joblink Center LINK CENTER program. In Harnett County two groups have expressed an interest in hosting this site. Proposals were presented to the Board from the Harnett County Department of Human Resources by Wayne Faircloth and from the Employment Security Commission by Nelson Rose. Action by the Board will be scheduled for the next Board of Commissioners meeting. Neil Emory, County Manager, provided a brief overview of the new emergency medical ~~~P~~~~EM service system that will begin July 1, 1999, which includes changes to the way services are delivered. Mr. Emory noted that the County would have to cease non-emergency transports in order to deliver paramedic care countywide. To fill this void, staff requested proposals from private providers who are capable of delivering paramedic non-emergency . transport services. Upon review of the two proposals received, it is recommended that First Health of the Carolinas be granted the franchise for this service. The granting of this franchise would require the elimination of current private franchises granted earlier by the Board and would result in rate changes as outlined in their proposal. This high level of transport care is in response to the needs of our local hospitals. Commissioner Titchener moved to authorize staff to proceed with negotiating a franchise with First Health of the Carolinas and to continue informing citizens and nursing homes of the upcoming changes in services. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The finalized franchise will be awarded at a future meeting. Departmental reports were filed with the Board from Inspections, Housing, Sherifr s Department, Health Department, Social Services, Veterans Affairs, Economic Devebpment, and Intra-Departmental budget amendments (Attachment 8). Neil Emory, County Manager, noted that at the February 15th Board meeting, Tom Myers requested assistance from the County to get a road improvement project back on line. TOM HYERS ROAD There is a problem with moving two waterlines and a hydrant. The Board had directed staff to get costs for moving the waterlines and to contact the Department of Transportation regarding the petition. Mr. Emory reported that it would cost $100,000 to move the waterlines along Tom Myers Road so the road can be considered for improvement. . Commissioner Bowden moved that the Board go into closed session for the following CLOSED SESS. purposes: 1. To consider and discuss a personnel matter, 2. To consider and give instructions to the County Attorney concerning the handling of two claims-one of which is the case of County of Harnett vs. Marv Helen Darsons. trustee of the Mamie Stewart trust. et. al. Harnett File No. 98 CvS 1523 This motion is made pursuant to N.C. General Statute section 143-318.11 (a)(3)&(6) Commissioner Byrd seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 418 Commissioner Bowden moved for the Board to come out of closed session. Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Bowden moved to direct staff to contact the Department of Transportation REQUEST CAUTION LIGHT and request a caution light at the intersection of Highway 210 and Darroch Road at Flat AT HWY 210 & DARROCH B h F' DC" B d d d th . d . d RD' ranc Ire epartment. ommlSSlOner yr secon e e motIon an It passe . unanimously. . Commissioner Titchener moved for the County to proceed to buy the Mamie Stewart MAMIE STEWART PROPERTY property near the Airport. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed with AT AIRPORT a unanimous vote. ,. There being no further business, Commissioner Bowden moved to adjourn. Commissioner Byrd seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners regular meeting, March 15, 1999, duly adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ~ A RL Dan B. Andrews~ Chairman K~..I. '*~rI Kay g1. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Attachment 1. ......... . Aoornv~d bv thr- Hnrr.c.n '. f n.,.., dol CClI1::msdonC!1'S " (" b I<"'Y <, _'0. ., .' J i -' J..j . '. I)a,~ ~ MONTHLYREFUND REPORT KG',I.) SJ..,,--,,,,'I.,tttd 1 08-Mar-99 YEAR MONTH TOWN BILL NUMBER NAME REASON AMOUNT 98670130 ASDENMOORE, MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 375 X .6~ = 2.55 1998 03/99 RONALD JOSEPH GROVE FIRE - 375 X .08 - .30 ROUTE I, BOX 422 GROVE RESCUE - 375 X .06 ~ .!2 BENSON NC 27504 A VERAS. SOPfOOL - 375 X .0_ - .07 . TOTAL - 3.14 97555550 BLACK. III LEMUEL D SHOULD HA VE BEEN COUNTYWIDE - 28380 X .70 = 19!.66 1997 03/99 1670 LEMUEL BLACK BILLED FOR 4 MONTHS BUNNLEVEL FIRE - 28380 X .11 - 31.21 ROAD ONLY TOTAL. 229.87 BUNNLEVEL, NC 28323 979319 COLEY, JIMMY H cl MOBILE HOME DOUBLE COUNTYWIDE - 4638 X .68 = 31.5~ 1997 03/99 JANE LISTED WITH REAL NORTH HARN. FIRE - 4638 X .09 -_4.17 PO BOX 581 PROPERTY NORTH BARN. RESC - 4638 X .07 - 3.25 YOUNGSVILLE, NC INTEREST - 1.07 .27596 TOTAL - 40.03 .981580 CRUSEN, DIANE E HIGH MILEAGE AND COUNTYWIDE - 1580 X .68 = 10.~4 1998 03/99 . 1055 OVERHILLS ROAD BODY DAMAGE FLA TBRANCH FIRE - 1580 X .12 - 1.90 LINDEN, NC 28356 TOTAL - 12.64 9514941 GREER, ROGER D & DOUBLE WIDE DOUBLE COUNTYWIDE - 11250 X .70 = 78.75 1995 03/99 SANDRA LISTED 11250 X .09 = 10.12 81 DEWAR STREET 11250 X .07 = 7.87 FUQUA Y VARINA, NC TOTAL - 96.74 27526 9615715 GREER. ROGER D & DOUBLEWIDE DOUBLE (,OU~TYWIDE - 11025 X .70 = 77.~7 ') 1996 03/99 SANDRA LISTED NORlII BARN FIRE - 11025 X .09 - 9.9. 81 DEWAR STREET NORTH BARN RESC - 11025 X .07 = 7.71 FUQUAY VARINA, NC PENALTY - 9.47 27526 TOTAL - 104.27 9716302 GREER. ROGER D& DOUBLEWIDE DOUBLE COUNTYWIDE ~ 10805 X .68 = 73.47 1997 03/99 SANDRA LISTED NORTI/ I/ARN I.IRE - 10805 X .09 = 9.72 81 DEWAR STREET NORTH "^RN RESC - 10808 X .07 ~ 7.71 FUQUAY VARINA. NC PENAl.TY - '1.08 27526 TOTAL - 99.98 -------~ --------- 9817123 GREER. ROGER D & DOUBLE WIDE DOUBLE COUNTYWIDE - 10589 X .6!l- T2 00 1998 03/99 4 1 9 SANDRA LISTED NORTIIIIARN FIRE - 10589 X .09 ~ 9.53 ...~ - "- 81 DEWAR STREET NORTH HARN RESC - 10589 X .07 ~ 7.41 - FUQUAY VARINA, NC TOT AI. - 88.94 27526 9819216 HA WLEY, JOYCE H VEHICLE DOUBLE COUNTYWIDE - 1910 X .68 = 12.98 1998 03/99 1656 HOBSON ROAD LISTED WITH DMV AVERAS FIRE - 1910 X .04 ~ .76 DUNN, NC 28334 A VERAS RESC - 1910 X .05 ~ .95 A VERAS SCHOOL - 1910 X .02 = .38 TOTAL - 15.07 95016857 HAWLEY. JOYCE H VEHICLE DOUBLE COUNTYWIDE - 2120 X .70 = 14.84 1995 03/99 1656 HOBSON ROAD LISTED WITH DMV A VERAS FIRE - 2120 X .04 = .84 DUNN, NC 28~34 AVERAS RESC - 2120 X .045 = .95 AVERAS SCHOOL - 2120 X .02 = .42 TOTAL - 17.05 . 96017711 HAWLEY, JOYCE II VEHICLE DOUBLE COUNTYWIDE - 1910 X .70 = 13.77 1996 03/99 1656 HOBSON ROAD LISTED WITH DMV AVERAS FIRE - 1910 X .04 = .76 DUNN, NC 28334 A VERAS RESCUE - 1910 X .045 = .85 A VERAS SCIIOOL - 1910 X .02 = .38 TOTAL - 15.76 9718338 HAWLEY, JOYCE II VEHICLE DOUBLE COUNTYWIDE - 1910 X .68 = 12.98 1998 03/99 1656 HOBSON ROAD LISTED WITH DMV AVERAS FIRE - 1910 X .04 = .76 DUNN. NC 28334 A VERAS RESCUE - 1910 X .045 = .85 AVERAS SCHOOL. 1910 X .02 = .38 PENAl.TY . 1.49 TOTAL - 16.46 98655456 HOLMES, ELLEN K MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 19!15 X .6!l = 13.49 1998 03/99 DUNN 810 FAIRGROUND ROAD CITY OF DUNN - 1985 X .46 ~ 9.13 DUNN. NC 28334 A VERAS RESCUE. 1985 X .045 = .89 A VERAS SCHOOL. 1985 X .02 = .39 TOTAL - 23.90 98020963 HOWARD, BILL C & M NOT IN A VERAS FIRE OR A VERAS FIRE - 183845 X .04 = 73.53 1998 03/99 3440 FAIRGROUND AVERASSCHooL A VERAS SCHOOL - 183845 X .02 = 36.76 ROAD TOTAL. 110.29 DUNN, NC 28334 97020058 HOWARD, BILL C & M NOT IN A VERAS FIRE OR A VERAS FIRE. 183980 X .04 = 73.59 1997 03/99 3440 FAIRGROUND AVERASSCHooL A VERAS SCHOOL - 183980 X .02 = 36.79 ROAD TOTAL - 110.38 DUNN, NC 28334 . 96019373 HOWARD, BILL C &. M NOT IN A VERASBORO A VERAS FIRE - 158200 X .04 = 63.28 1996 03/99 3440 FAIRGROUND FIRE OR A VERASBORO A VERAS SCHOOL - 158200 X .02 = 31.64 ROAD SCHOOL TOTAL - 94.92 DUNN, NC 28334 94017940 HOWARD, BILL C & M NOT IN A VERAS FIRE OR A VERAS FIRE - 159900 X .04 = 63.96 1994 03/99 3440 FAIRGROUND AVERASSCHooL A VERAS SCHOOL - 159900 X .02 = 31.98 ROAD TOT AL - 95.94 DUNN, NC 28334 95018461 HOWARD, BILl. C &. M NOT IN AVERAS FIRE OR AVERAS FIRE - 157613 X .04 = 63.04 1995 03/99 3440 FAIRGROUND AVERASSCHooL A VERAS SCHOOL. 157613 X .02 = 31.52 ROAD TOTAL - 94.56 DUNN, NC 28334 . 98634720 KORNEGARY, MICHAEL MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 3683 X .68 = 25.04 1998 03/99 W BLACK RIVER FIRE - 3683 X .07 = 2.57 9037 J.M. KEYNES BLACK RIVER RESCUE - 3683 X .05 ~ DRIVE 1.84 UNIT 27 TOTAL - 29.45 CHARLOTTE, NC 28262 972845 I MCLAMB, JERRY D DOUBLE BILLED COUNTYWIDE. 17633 X .68 = 119.90 1997 03/99 ROUTE 3, BOX 293 A VERAS FIRE - 17633 X .04 = 7.05 DUNN, NC 28334 A VERAS RESCUE - 17633 X .045 = 7.93 A VERAS SCHOOL - 17633 X .02 = 3.53 TOTAL - 138.41 . 98083017 MORGAN, PATSY L OVER V AWED COUNTYWIDE - 12490 X .68 = 84.93 1998 03/99 ROUTE 3, BOX 293 A VERAS FIRE - 12490 X .04 = 5.00 DUNN, NC 28334 A VERAS RESCUE - 12490 X .045 = 5.62 A VERAS SCHOOL - 12490 X .02 = 2.50 TOTAL - 98.05 98653701 OWEN. JULIA R OUT OF COUNTY COUNTYWIDE - 16020 X .68 = 108.94 1998 03/99 19599 NC 210H BLACK RIV FIRE - 16020 X 07 = 11.21 ANGIER. HC 27501 Bl.ACK RIVER RESCUE. 16020 X .05 ~ 8.01 TOTAL - 128.16 98656550 ROBERTSON, JAMES D MOVED OUT OF STATE COUNTYWIDE. 3228 X .68 = 21.95 1998 03/99 3191 KEITH HILLS ROAD BUIES CREEK FIRE. 3221 X .10 = 3.22 LlLLlNGTON, NC 27546 TOTAL-25.17 98048602 WELLONS, WILLIAM S DOUBLEWIDE PICKED UP COUNTYWIDE - 44070 X .68 = 299.68 1998 03/99 243 BRAGG BLVD ON PARCEL THROUGH ANDERSON CRK FIRE - 44070 X .12 = SPRING LAKE, NC 28390 ERROR 52.88 SOLID WASTE - 37.50 TOT AL - 390.06 . , . 42.0:, {..:. .y /}'( I.(f,. . n 1 ii, ,.~; D~:~' .2::j~~:J:L_ MONTHLY REFUND REPORT -K1l;) J. lU"-kc!,/~i....U/, (~A Ie... 2J-Feb-99 BILL NUMBER NAME REASON AMOUNT YEAR MONTH TOWN 98666280 AMERICAN HONDA MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD, COUNTYWIDE - 7.842 X .68 = 53.32 1998 02/99 2 FINANCE TURNED IN TAG FLA TBRANCH FIRE. 7.842 X .10 = 7.84 3120 OLD STAGE ROAD, TOTAL.61.16 S ERWIN, NC 28339 98650772 ARNOLD, TONY R & MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 6.645 X .68 = 45.18 1998 02/99 2 PATTY N HARNETT FIRE. 6,645 X .09 = 5.98 3512 KIPLING ROAD N HARNETT RESC . 6.645 X .07 = 4.65 FUQUA Y VARINA, NC TOTAL - 55.81 . 27526 98695447 BROWSKI FRANCIS MILITARY EXEMPTION COUNTYWIDE. 11,980 X .68 = 81.46 1998 02/99 2 255 STONEY CREEK SPOUT SPRINGS FIRE - 11.980 X .09 = DRIVE 10.78 SANFORD, NC 27330 BENHA VEN RESCUE - 11.980 X .025 = 3.00 TOTAL - 95.24 987490 BRY ANT, BETTY L MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 7.490 X .68 = 50.93 1998 02/99 2 405 E. JACKSON STREET ERWIN FIRE - 7.490 X .09 = 6.74 ERWIN, NC 28339 TOTAL - 57.67 98656430 CARROLL, GEORGE T MILITARY EXEMPTION COUNTYWIDE - 7,350 X .68 = 49.98 1998 02/99 2 1020 STOCKTON DRIVE BLACK RIVER FIRE - 7,350 X .07 = 5.15 ANGIER, NC 27501 BLACK RIVER RESCUE. 7,350 X .05 = 3.68 TOTAL - 58.81 97603463 CENTURA BANK MOTOR VEf/lCLE SOLD. COUNTYWIDE - 16.353 X .68 = 1/1.20 1997 02/99 2 DUNN 109 BROADFOOT AVE TURNED IN TAG CITY OF DUNN - 16.353 X .46 = 75.22 FA YETTEVILLE. NC A VERAS. FIRE - 16.353 X .045 = 7.35 28326 A VERAS. RESCUE - 16.353 X .02 = 3.27 TOTAL-197.04 98692976 COLLINS. WILLIAM R MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 9.907 X .68 = 67.36 1998 02/99 2 748 S. RIVER ROAD SUMMERVILLE FIRE - 9.907 X .07 = 6.93 L1LLlNGTON, NC 27546 TOTAL - 74.29 97621131 DTH MANAGEMENT MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD. COUNTYWIDE - 3.827 X .68 = 26.02 1997 02/99 2 DUNe GROUP TURNED IN TAGS CITY OF DUNN - 3.827 X .46 = 17.60 PO BOX 1567 A VERAS. RESCUE - 3.827 X .045 = 1.72 DUNN. NC 28335.1567 A VERAS. SCHOOL - 3.827 X .02 = .76 TOTAL.46.10 98673719 ENNIS, PIIlLLlPS R MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD. COUNTYWIDE. 4.147 X .68 = 28.19 1998 02/99 2 ERWIN ENNIS.ANNE G TURNED IN TAGS TOWN OF ERWIN - 4,147 X .48 = 19.90 310 WEST K STREET ERWIN FIRE - 4,147 X .09 = 3.73 ERWIN, NC 28339 TOTAL - 51.82 98686397 GARRELL, GEORGE & MILITARY EXEMPTION COUNTYWIDE - 12,060 X .68 = 82.01 1998 02/99 2 MONIKA BLACK RIVER FIRE - 12.060 X .07 = 8.44 114 STOCKTON DR BLACK RIVER RESCUE - 12,060 X .05 = ANGIER. NC 27501 6.03 TOT Al - 96.48 97624796 GE CAPIl AL AUTO WRECKED VEHICLE, COUNTYWIDE - 3.090 X .68 = 21.03 1997 02/99 2 ANGIER LEASE, INC TURNED TAGS IN TOWN OF ANGIER - 3.093 X .61 = 18.86 PO BOX 310 BI.ACK RIVER FIRE - 3.093 X .07 = 2.16 BARRINGTON.IL 60011- BLACK RIVER RESCUE - 3.093 X .04 = 0310 1.23 TOTAL. 43.28 98670678 HONEYCUTT, MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 8.610 X .68 = 58.54 1998 02/99 2 KIMBERLY J AVERAS. FIRE - 8.610 X .04 = 3.44 ROUTE I. BOX 36 A VERAS. RESCUE - 8.6' 0 X .05 = 4.30 DUNN, NC 28334 AVERAS. SCHOOL- 8.610 X .02 = 1.72 TOTAL.68.00 . 9802139 HUDGINS, SR W ALTER DOUBLE WIDE DOUBLE COUNTYWIDE - 41.960 X .68 = 285.32 1998 02/99 2 &M LISTED SUMMERVILLE FIRE - 41.960 X .07 = 3200 OLD US 421 29.37 L1LLlNGTON, NC 27546 TOTAL. 314.69 93021246 LANGDON. DON RAY & 1993 WAS LEFT OFF, COUNTYWIDE - 3.900 X .70 = 27.30 1993 02/99 2 ANGIER CAROL ORIGINAL REFUND TOWN OF ANGIER. 3.900 X .75 = 29.25 PO BOX 1348 DATED 02121/98 BLACK RIVER FIRE - 3,900 X .08 = 3.12 ANGIER. NC 27501 BLACK RIVER RESCUE - 3,900 X .05S = 2.14 SOLID WASTE FEE - 31.50 TOT AL - 99.31 9635165 MANSON, ROBERT S & LAND DOES NOT EXIST. COUNTYWIDE. 1.200 X .70 = 8.40 1996 02/99 2 WY PER LAND RECORDS SPOUT SPRINGS FIRE - 1.200 X .10 = PO BOX 3359 1.20 DURHAM, NC 27702 BENHA VEN RESCUE - 1,200 X .025 = .30 TOTAL - 9.90 ----------- _.-------~ -~~- ..-~--~ BILL NUMBER NAME REASON AMOUNT YEAR MONTH 4 l?>T 9736442 MANSON. ROBERT S & LAND DOES NOT EXIST; COUNTYWIDE - 2.300 X .68 ~ 15.64 1997 02/99 2 WY PER LAND RECORDS SPOUT SPRINGS FIRE - 2.300 X .09 = PO BOX 3359 2.07 DURHAM, NC 27702 BENIIA VEN RESCUE - 2.300 X .025 = .58 TOTAL-18.29 98635174 O'QUINN FUNERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 1.023 X .68 = 6.95 1998 02/99 2 L1LLlNG HOME, INC TOWN OF L1LLlNGTON - 1.023 X .63 = PO BOX 266 6.44 L1LLlNGTON, NC 27546 TOTAL - 13.39 98640492 PAGE, SR CHARLES MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 1.683 X .68 = 11.44 1998 02/99 2 ERWIN EDWARD TOWN OF ERWIN - 1.683 X .48 = 8.07 1008 WARREN ROAD ERWIN FIRE DISTRICT - 1,683 X .02 = . ERWIN, NC 28339 .33 TOTAL - 19.84 97623630 PLEASANTS, DAVID C MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 452 X .68 = 3.07 1997 02/99 2 343 TWIN PONDS ROAD SPOUT SPRINGS FIRE - 452 X .09 = .40 SANFORD, NC 27330 BENHA VEN RESCUE - 452 X .025 = .11 TOTAL - 3.58 98663000 POPE BEULAH T MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 5.029 X .68 = 34.19 1998 02/99 2 DUNN 504 WEST POPE STREET TOWN OF DUNN - 5.029 X .46 = 23.13 DUNN. NC 28334 A VERAS. RESCUE - 5.029 X .045 = 2.26 A VERAS. somOL - 5,029 X .02 = 1.00 TOT AL - 60.58 98654954 REARDON, LYDIA S MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 253 X .68 = 1.72 1998 02/99 2 ERWIN 402 WEST I STREET TOWN OF ERWIN - 253 X .48 = \.21 ERWIN, NC 28339 ERWIN FIRE - 253 X .05 = .12 TOTAL - 3.05 9838027 ROBERTI, VIVIAN D., LAND OOES NOT EXIST, COUNTYWIDE - 2.300 X .68 = 15.64 1998 02/99 2 TRUSTEES PER LAND RECORDS SPOUT SPRINGS FIRE - 2.300 X .09 = FOR JOHN B. ROBERTI 207 3744 ST. MARKS ROAD 2.300 X .025 ~ .58 DURIIAM, NC 27707 TOTAL - 18.29 98695487 STANLEY JAMES P MILITARY EXEMPTION COUNTYWIDE. 13.230 X .68 ~ 89.96 1998 02/99 2 13 BUXTON COURT BENI!A VEN FIRE - 13,230 X .07 = 9.26 COLUMBIA, SC 29223 BENHA VEN RESCUE. 13,230 X .025 = . 3.31 TOTAL - 102.53 /"uv I, 11/' (' ~ - , ( . 98043485 SUGGS, EILEEN C & HOUSE LISTED BY COUNTYWIDE - 74.090 X .68 = 503.81 J, I I ' KENNEll! MISTAKE AND CREEK FIRE - 74,090 X .12 = 88.9 -/r 1411 FORT BRAGG TOTAL - 592.71 I ROAD ~ ( ; - FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 97591414 TOLLERSEN GLENN A TOTALED VEHICLE, COUNTYWIDE - 1.590 X .68 = 10.81 1997 02/99 2 284 BRET ROAD TURNED IN TAG BENIIA VEN RESCUE. 1.590 X .025 = .39 CAMERON, NC 28326 TOTAL - 1\.20 97853039 TRIANGLE CONCRETE DOUBLE BILLED COUNTYWIDE - 17.190 X .70 = 120.33 1997 02/99 2 L1LLlNG PIMPING TOWN OF L11!L1NGTON - 17,190 X .68 = 2893 NEILLS CREEK 11689 ROAD TOWN STICKER - 5.00 L1LLlNGTON, NC 27546 TOTAL - 242.22 98690120 VANN, WALTER M MOTOR VEIIICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 320 X .68 = 2.17 1998 02/99 2 ERWIN 604 WARREN ROAD TOWN OF ERWIN - 320 X .48 = 1.53 ERWIN, NC 28339 ERWIN FIRE - 320 X .09 = .28 TOTAL - 3.98 98690826 VINSTON, WALLACE MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 5.153 X .68 = 35.04 1998 02/99 2 ROUTE I BOX 279C FLATBRANCII FIRE - 5.153 X .12 = 6.18 BUNNLEVEL. NC 28323 TOTAL - 41.22 98650317 WEST SANDRA G PROPERTY NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ERWIN - 9.720 X .48 = 46.65 1998 02/99 2 ERWIN . PO BOX 487 TOWN STICKER - 3.00 ERWIN, NC 28339-0487 TOT AL - 49.65 98673869 WEST WILEY MOTOR VEHICLE SOLD ERWIN FIRE. 400 X .48 = 1.92 1998 02/99 2 PO BOX 487 TOTAL - 1.92 ERWIN, NC 28339-0487 98654089 WEST. SANDRA G PROPERTY NOT IN TOWN TOW'"' OF ERWIN - 200 X .48 = .96 1998 02/99 2 ERWIN PO BOX 487 TOTAL - .96 ERWIN, NC 28339-0487 9849067 WEST, SIDNEY WADE &: NOT WITHIN A FIRE ANDERSON CREEK FIRE - 133,360 X .12 1998 02/99 2 REBECCA DISTRICT = 160.03 ROUTE I. BOX 455 TOTAL - 160.03 SPRING LAKE, NC 28390 9647333 WOOD TIMMY R MOBILE HOME DOUBLE COUNTYWIDE - 8.222 X .70 = 57.55 1996 02/99 2 ERWIN 97 JESUS SAVES LANE LISTED WITH REAL ERWIN FIRE. 8,222 X .05 = 4.11 COA TS, NC 27521 ESTATE TOTAL - 61.66 ~- 42.2 - BILL NUMBER NAME REASON AMOUNT YEAR MONTH TOWN 9749071 WOOD, TIMMY R MOBILE 1I0ME DOUBLE COUNTYWIDE - 8.058 X 60: 54.79 1997 02/99 2 97 JESUS SAVES LANE LISTED WITH REAL ERWIN FIRE - 8,058 X .05 -, 4.02 COA TS, NC 27521 ESTATE TOTAL - 58.81 Attachment 2. BOARD OFCOMMlSSIONERS COUNTY MANAGER . DNI B. ANlRI!ws, JR., Chainnan NEIL EMORY BI!A1U]! B. HJu.. Wce-Chainnan WM. A. (TONY) WILDER, AssisUVII IosEPH T. B, ". -" . Thoov BYRD CLERK TO TIIE BOARD WIlJ.TT........,.._ KAy S. BLANCHARD COUNTY OF HARNETT p.o. BOX 759. LILUNGTON, N.C. 27546 (910) 893- 7SSS . FAX (910) 814-2662 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Harnett County and its citizens have long depended upon the economic benefits brought about by the cultivation of tobacco; and WHEREAS, the fanning of tobacco impacts not only the producers but also the allotment holders as well as the businesses related to fanning; and WHEREAS, the pending decisions related to the tobacco settlement will impact Harnett County and the State of North Carolina for years to come; and WHEREAS, any distribution of funds related to this settlement should take into account those that earn their livelihoods as a result ofthe production of tobacco; and WHEREAS, Harnett County representatives in the General Assembly will soon be asked . to vote on the distribution of said funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby request that the Harnett County Legislative Delegation hereby oppose any pending legislation related to the settlement until such time that the concerns of the fann community are addressed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of the delegation consult with representatives of the fanning community prior to casting any further votes on this very important matter. This 24th day of February, 1999. ~ tr1~~ ,~ I~H \~\7 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ,6J~ 13. ~ Dan B. Andrews, Chainnan ATTEST: ~~irj -w.,-~ ~ Y' C'.. ls.t L~\( v Shirley C. Wicker Harnett County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion. age or . disability in employment or the provision of services. 423 Attachment 3. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF PLACING ALL PROGRAMS TRADITIONALLY IN mE DMSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL REALm UNDER THE ORGANIZATION OF I..IU.. DEPARTMENT OF . HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THAT WHEREAS, Delivery of Environmental Health services to the Citizens of North Carolina is carried out at the county level by local health department employees; and WHEREAS, Delivery of Environmental Health services at the local level is funded by local dollars (97% local and 3% state); and WHEREAS, Environmental health services a the local level include on-site wastewater (i.e. septic systems) food, lodging and institutional sanitation (restaurants, nursing homes, food borne disease investigation) child care sanitation, child lead program, swimming pools, rabies control, safe drinking water; and WHEREAS, The State relies on local employees who are authorized as agents of the State Division of Environmental health to carry out mandated State environmental health programs; and WHEREAS, Having two different proposed State environmental health authorities for local health departments is inefficient and will cause regulatory confusion for the public and severely impact centralized training, authorization, regulatory direction and unifonnity; and WHEREAS, The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, the North Carolina Association of Local Health Directors, the Association of North Carolina Boards of . Health, the North Carolina Environmental Health Supervisors Association, and the North Carolina Public Health Association have endorsed the position to keep environmental health programs together under the State Health Director. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners strongly supports the need to ensure that all aspects of environmental health be under the organizational structure of the Department of Health and Human Services in order to continue to provide the most effective regulatory program for the citizens of North Carolina for the protection of the public health and preservation of the environment. tl This 15 I day of March, 1999. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . Af4t... 11 tU.-~ ATTEST: Dan B. Andrews, Chainnan j( Cl~Ja./ .V-(I_JtP II Ii .,rt Kay S. lanchard, Clerk to the Board . 4':24' Attachment 4. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY MANAGER DAN B. AIlDREws. JR., Chaimtall NEIL EMORY BIlA11lICE B. Hn.L, Vice-Chaimtall Wh!. A. (TONY) WILDER, Assislanl JOSS'll T. BOWDEN TEDDY BYRD CLERK TO THE BOARD W ALT TII~lIr.JlCA KAy S. BLANCIIARD . COUNTY OF HARNETT p.o. BOX 759. Ln.LINOTON, N.C. 27546 (910) 893-7555. FAX (910) 814-2662 RESOLUTION THAT WHEREAS, the Aberdeen and Rockfish Railroad has given notice of its intent to abandon the Dunn-Erwin Railroad; and WHEREAS, it is in the best public, commercial and industrial interest of the Dunn-Erwin Region of Harnett County that the rail corridor be preserved for future rail use with interim trail use; and WHEREAS, the Surface Transportation Board of the United States Department of Transportation can assign a public use condition and interim trail use condition on the rail corridor with the agreement of the Aberdeen and Rockfish Railroad through federal rail banking thereby allowing a title transfer to preserve the corridor for future rail use while allowing interim trail use; and WHEREAS, the Aberdeen and Rockfish Railroad desires a conservation tax credit for its gift of the right of way and railroad property to the receiving agency, Sandhills Area Land Trust; and WHEREAS, the tax credit is available to the railroad if in their transfer of title they also grant continued trail use if the corridor is returned to rail service. thus creating trail with rail. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to support the federal railbanking of the Dunn-Erwin Railroad by a public announcement supporting the preservation of the rail corridor, by allowing staff time to be used in seeking the preservation of the rail corridor and its conversion to a trail. and to partner with other agencies, boards, councils, commissions, and citizens groups where appropriate to accomplish the goal of preserving the rail corridor and developing interim trail use. Thif. IS'h day of March, 1999. HARNEIT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS , ~~ A. .dt-.o A ITEST: Dan B. Andrews, Chairman J<ll':'I.A ({t t1--h I' L (1 ul Kay S:'Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Hamen County does not discriminate on the basis of race. color, national origin. sex. religion. age or disability in employment or the provision of services. . ------- - - --------- 425 Attachment 5. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY MANAGER DAN B. A. " '.:0 '.. JL. Chainntm NEIL EMORY BI!AT1UCI! B. Hu. Wce-Chall'lnGlI WM. A. (TONY) WILDER. Assisranr . JOSEPH T. BOWDEN TEDDY BYRD CLERK TO TIlE BOARD WALT TITCHENF.R KAy S. BLA.'lCHARD COUNTY OF HARNETT P.O. BOX 759. LIU.lNuI Vl", N.C. 27546 (910) 893-7555. FAX (910) 814-2662 PROCLAMATION VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS tOOTH ANNIVERSARY THAT WHEREAS, born in the fires of a revolution and tempered by civil war and foreign conflicts, the United States today embodies the highest ideals of freedom and democracy: and WHEREAS, for over two hundred years millions of Americans have answered our nation's call to defend our freedoms and our democratic form of government against all enemies: and WHEREAS, such service has required sacrifice, hardship, endurance. dedication. bravery, courage. and the highest level of patriotism; those who have served our country deserve special recognition. . NOW, THEREFORE, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners do hereby call upon our fellow citizens to recognize the tOoth Anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Founded in 1899 by veterans of the Spanish-American War, the VFW is dedicated to serving all of America.s veterans and their families. Further, we urge all individuals. schools. businesses. churches. and civic organizations to proudly display the Flag of the United States of America and participate in programs honoring the VFW and all of America's twenty-six million veterans. Freedom is not free and these are the men and women who paid for the freedom all of us enjoy today. , HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS C 8. uJALL.... ~y (l.,.<-. Dan B. Andrews, Chairman ,~.) $I<tlc', ( Joseph T. Bowden (A)~ LA , - , i fe,' . I I Walt Titchener -- ',.,'" ------,----- 4'26 . Attachment 6. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES INCURRED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF DEBT FOR 1IARl\J!.1 I COUNTY'S eAPIT AL PROJECTS WHEREAS, this resolution is intended to constitute a Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is authorized to declare the official . intent of Harnett County with respect to the matters contained herein; and WHEREAS, Harnett County anticipates incurring expenditures for the construction of a courthouse, initially payable t,u... unrestricted fund balance in the . General Fund; and WHEREAS, Harnett County intends to fmance pennanently the cost of all or a portion of the improvements described above with the proceeds of tax-exempt County debt; and WHEREAS, the maximum principal arnount of debt to be issued by Harnett County to finance the improvements, including necessary reserves and costs of issuance, is $15,000,000. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County that the County hereby declares its official intent to reimburse itself with the proceeds of debt for expenditures made for the described purposes prior to the issuance of such debt. Duly adopted this 15th day of March, 1999. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .b7~ ~. &~ . Dan B. Andrews, Chainnan ATTEST: YP...~.J 6t4Atduu.ll Kay S.I lanchard Clerk to the Board , Attachment 7. Note: See Attachment 7, Resolution of Governing Body of Applicant, on page 432 RESOLUTION AMENDING ORDINANCE REGULATING USE OF WATER AND SEWER F ACILlllbS OPERATED BY THE COUNTY OF HARNETT . ' WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett has previously adopted that certain Ordinance entitled, "Ordinance Regulating the Use of Water and Sewer Facilities Operated by the County of Harnett Fixing Rents, Rates, Fees, and Other . Charges and Providing for Collection of Same;" and WHEREAS, the said Ordinance applies to all water supply and distribution systems owned and/or operated by the County of Harnett to include specifically all County water and sewer districts; AND WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to amend the aforementioned Ordinance by adding attached Exhibit A which sets forth a new Section 30 entitled. "Water Line and Sewer Extension." .j -t---.- -- 427 AND WHEREAS, as a result of the addition of the new Section 30 entitled. "Water Line and Sewer Extension,'. the previous Ordinance is to be further amended by renumbering the following sections: Section 30, entitled, "Delinquent Service Fees," is amended to read as Section 31, "Delinquent Service Fees: " Section 31, entitled, "Sprinkler Connections," is amended to read as . Section 32, "Sprinkler Connections;" and Section 32, entitled, "Provisions for Cut-Off Valve," is amended to read as Section 33. "Provisions for Cut-Off Valve; " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett that the Ordinance named herein above shall be amended by including the attached Exhibit A as Section 30, and that the above-listed sections be renumbered as set forth in this resolution. . . AND BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the Ordinance named herein above be amended as attached and as set forth above, and the Ordinance and amendments shall be and remain in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption; and 2. That the Harnett County Department of Public Utilities is hereby authorized . and directed to take such administrative actions as are necessary so as to implement the above Ordinance as amended. Duly adopted this 15th of March 1999, upon motion made by Commissioner Teddy J. Byrd and adopted by the following vote: Ayes 4 Noes 0 Absent 1 Board of Commissioners of the . County of Harnett By: gIlL B dL... Dan B. Andrews, Chairman of the Board Attest: J<it-t J 6,ia.-1tf'.i,Jl!Zd Kay S~ Blanchard, Clerk to the Board EXHIBIT A . SECTION 30 WATER AND SEWER LINE EXTENSION Section 30.1 Water and Sewer Extension in New Develooments. The responsibility for "'..\Wurling "".'\Wl and sewer lines to and within new subdivisions or within other new developments lies with the subdivider or developer, although the county may in its discretion contract with the subdivider or developer to install such water or sewer lines with County personnel. -_....-----~.,~- 428 . (a) The cost of ,,^~..uding water or sewer lines to and within subdivisions or other new developments shall be borne by the subdivider or developer. If the county requires lines within a subdivision or other new development that are larger than those necessary to serve the project and are so located to serve other properties~ the county shall reimburse the developer for any additional costs incurred as a result ofinstalling such oversized lines. (b) If a water or sewer system is to be installed in a subdivision in the County's jurisdiction, and the system is to be assumed and maintained by the County immediately upon completion of installation, a complete set of construction . plans must be provided for the proposed system. The plans shall be prepared by a regi.:l~,...,..d engineer and shall meet the utility requirements of the County, the Division of Health Services, North Carolina Department of Human Resources andlorthe Division of Environmental Management of the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. The plans shall be approved by the admini".. Glor and the registered engineer retained by the developer or owner. The engineer shall provide as-built plans and location maps for all valves and hydrant locations. (c) The systems shall be designed in accordance with specifications pro\ided by the County. Fire hydrants shall be spaced to provide coverage within a 1000 foot radius for residential development or a 500 foot radius for commercial development. (d) Minimum water main size shall be 2 inches. Acceptable line sizes are 2",4",6",8' - 12", and 16" 20". Minimum sewer main size shall be 8 inches. (e) The County will make applications for all necessary permits for extensions. No tie-ins to the existing system may be made until all pennits have been secured by the County. (t) The developer shall secure the services of a professional engineer to . design the system in accordance with county specifications. The County will monitor all construction to ensure conformity with approved design drawings. (g) All extensions must be within ,,~ul~ned road rights of way or dedicated rights of way and will not be activated until proof of such dedication bas been provided to the County. (h) Each individual, apartment, residence, or business, must have an individual meters with the exception of existing apartment complexes, condominiums, shopping centers, mobile home parks and residential developments where lines do not meet County standards. These qualifications for the use of master meters, rather than individual meters, are clearly defined in section 7 of the Harnett County Ordinance Regulating The Use Of Water Facilities. (i) Meters meeting County specification and of appropriate size for desired application shall be furnished to the County at the expense of the developer. and shall become the property of the County. G> Each occupancy or property owner must post a security deposit and setup fee, as listed in Section 20 (d) ofthe.above-mentioned ordinance, prior to activation of the service. . (k) All water lines and meter services must be in a right-of-way with a minimum width of twenty (20) feet and dedicated to the County for the operation and maintenance of said water lines and meter services. Section 30.2 Extension of Water and Sewer Lines Within the County. (a) The County currently extends service to rural areas by 3 methods: 1. Capital Projects using Loan & Grants to fund. 2. Private Development within public rights-of-way or dedicated rights-of-way funded by private funds. ----~--------------- .~. '.,"" 429 3. Co-op...u;':, 0. Projects - h..... ...... the County and private sector for commercial and industrial development. The amount of County funds contributed to a co-....!t'.......~ re project is guaranteed to be repaid to the County by the developer in net tax proceeds from the i...... '-' ved Property within the first five years. If the net tax proceeds received within the five year period fail to equal the County's fiscal co.. ,.,,1 ",,'on to the project, the Developer shall pay the difference to the County. (b) The County proposes to designate, from the Harnett County General Fund and/or the Public Utilities Fund, certain restricted annual appropriations for . the development of water and sewer line extensions within Harnett County. All requests for extensions shall be rated on the following point system. 1. Public Health Se\"":~f 40 points 2. Cost Feasibility Based Upon Return ofInvestment 40 points 3. Contributed Capital by Individual or Business 20 Doints Points Maximum 100 Points The responsibility for rating each request will be with the Director of Harnett County Depanment of Public Utilities or the designee of the Director. A minimum score of SO points is required in order for the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to consider the request. Section 30.3 Extensions Outside of Co un tv. (a) The County has no responsibility to provide water or sewer service to property located outside the County. However, upon request, the County may extend its water or sewer lines to serve propenies outside the County when it determines that it is in the County's best interest to do so. . (b) Any owner of propeny outside the County who seeks an extension of the County's water or sewer system to serve the propeny shall submit an application for extension to the County. The owner shall provide all information the County deems necessary to determine whether the requested extension is feasible and in the County's best interest. (c) The responsibility for, and the entire cost of, ..,,~..uding a water or sewer line to serve property outside the county shall be borne by the propeny owner requesting the extension. Section 30.4 Extensions Made bv Other than CC;:I,mt,v Personnel. . (a) Extensions of the County's water or S';;'i'';;. system installed by other than County personnel, whether inside or outside the county, shall be installed by a licensed utility c....l..:.ctorin accordance with the provisions of this policy as well as other County specifications and requirements. Among other matters, such specifications sball govern the size of all lines, their locations, grades, materials used, manner of installation and provision for future...~~I..."':'" 115. (b) No construction or any addition to the County's water or sewer system shall ~ommence until detailed plans have been reviewed and approved by the DIrector of the Harnett County Depanment of Public Utilities or the . designee of the Director. Such plans shall include whatever-information the ad~nistrator deems necessary to determine whether the proposed extensIOn complies- with aU applicable county specifications and requirements. (c) ,,:ater lines L....ded for addition to the County (' ned u.:.~... system WIll be allowed to connect to the system if installed within the rights- of-way of a dedicated street or if adequate.. w. _.anent easements are provided. Sewer lines shall also be installed within public street rights- of-way wherever practical, but the County may accept sewer lines constructed on private property (where the topography makes this necessary) if adequate permanent easements are provided. (d) To protect street surfaces, the County shall require that whenever . extensions of water or sewer lines are made to properties or within new subdivisions, laterals be extended to all properties expected to tap onto such water or sewer lines. 430 =Section 30.5 Observation bv Countv of Work Done bv Others. (a) All work on the ...I.~....sion of water or sewer lines not performed by County forces (whether inside or outside the county), shall be subject to observation by the County. It: in the judgment of the D:......~Dr of Harnett County Department of Public Utilities, or the n:. w..~Dr's designee, there is a demonstrated lack of competent supervision by a c..~~'"ctor, the administrator may at his option: 1. Stop work until approved supervision is obtained and the work is done in accordance with County specifications and requirements~ or . 2. Provide observation by County persormel. (b) Observation of a project by the County does not consist of or imply supervision. The person requesting the extension is solely responsible for ensuring that the project is completed according to State approved plans and County "t' ....ifications. Section 30.6 Dedication of Water and Sewer Line Extensions. (a) All water and sewer mains constructed and connected with the water and/or sewer facilities of the County pursuant to this section shall be conveyed to and become the property of the County upon completion and acceptance by the County. Connection to the system and acceptance by the County sbaIl constitute dedication of a water or sewer main extension by the person responsible for the extension. . (b) Following dedication as provided in Subsection (a), the County shall have exclusive control of all water or sewer lines and shall be responsible for their maintenance, repair and operation. However, . the conveyor of additions to the system shall guarantee the entire project against del;....~: Ie m.c.~...:al and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of acceptance of the project, including such incidental damages as may arise from such claims. (c) Design engineers must provide the County with a copy of the certification to the State that the \\G~\Wl or sewer mains are installed in accordance with the plans approved by the appropriate State agency. The design engineer shall also provide the County with one (1) set of reproducible as-built drawings of all lines installed, and one set of drawings or electronic disk in auto cad format. , Attachment 8. INTRA-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR .l.nJ!. PERIOD JANUARY 26, 1999 - FEBRUARY 12, 1999 , .~..._- .~~.:~.~.~ " 1/29/99 . 220 ~ial Services 10-7700-0260 Advertising $6,000.0 10-7700-0041 Document Fees $6,000. 10-7700-0110 nlephone &. Postage ($12,000.00) 10-7710-1400 'W ~ \ $10,000.00 T", ( 10-7710-1420 SAA &. SAD \ ,~, ($10,000.00) , , \ Solid Waste 2/4/99 223 Management 58-6600-0150 Maintenance &. Repair - Bldg. $2,200.00 58-6600-0310 Automotive Supplies ($2,200.00) Cooperative Extension - 2/5/99 224 Kid's World 25-7302-0210 Rent ($812.00) 25-7302-0450 Contracted Services $812.00 , >,;-. . -, -~ -, . c -;-. ,1* V -~ ~-~ 43~L . ~ Human $200.00 2/11199 227 Resources 10-7401-0100 Training" Meetings $800.00 10-7401-0160 MainteDaace " Repair - Equipment 10-7401-0250 Books " Publication ($200.00) 10-7401-0210 Rent - Bldg. " Equipment $50.00 10-7401-0260 Advertising ($550.00) 10-7401-0530 Dues " Subscriptions ($100.00) 10-7401-0600 Veterinary Fees ($200.00) . Human Resources - $200.00 2/11199 228 JTPA 10-7400-0060 Group Insurance 10-7400-0070 Retirement Expense $200.00 10-7400-0080 Workmen's Compensation $175.00 10-7400-0100 Training " Meetings $300.00 10-7400-0130 Utilities ($200.00) 10-7400-0160 Maintenanc:e " Repair - Equipment ($800.00) 10-7400-0260 Advertising $800.00 10-7400-0360 Participant Unifonns ($175.00) 10-7400-0530 Dues" Subscriptions ($500.00) I I f:\doc\kimberly\budamend\9899intr.xls HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Special Meeting March 26, 1999 . The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Friday, March 26, 1999, in the County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Dan B. Andrews, Chairman Beatrice Bailey Hill, Vice Chairman Joseph T. Bowden Teddy J. Byrd Walt Titchener Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manag'er Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager Guests present: Representative Don Davis Representative Leslie Cox Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. The Board discussed several issues with the legislators including the following: - proposed tobacco settlement . - school capital needs - school utilities costs - low wealth school funding - lottery - toll roads - other issues related to county government. There being no further business, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners' special meeting, March 26, 1999, duly adjourned at 10:00 a.m. A1~ &. ~L1 -'{~ J. ~ Dan B. Andrews, Chairman Kay . -Blanchard, Clerk to the Board