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The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in emergency
session on September 5, 1996, at the Law Enforcement Center,
Lillington, North Carolina, with the following members present:
Chairman H. L. Sorrell, Jr., Joseph T. Bowden, and Walt
Titchener., and Beatrice B. Hill.
Chairman Sorrell called the meeting to order and called on County
ANENDMENTS TO Manager Neil Emory. Mr. Emory presented for the Board's
. CONTRACTS WITH consideration, an amendment to the contracts with the County Fire
FIRE & RESCUE and Rescue Departments.. Commissioner Titchener moved to adopt
the amendment. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it
passed with a unanimous vote.
RESOLUTION RE: Commissioner Hill moved to adopt a resolution to authorize
expenditure of funds to respond to the disaster situation caused
EXPENDITURE OF by Hurricane Fran and to authorize the County Manager and Finance
FUNDS Officer to provide to the State and to FEMA, for all matters
pertaining to such Federal disaster assistance, the necessary
assurances and agreements. Commissioner Bowden seconded the
motion and it passed with a unanimous vote. (Attachment 1)
RECESS Chairman Sorrell recessed the meeting.
The Board reconvened with the following members present: Vice-
Chairman Beatrice B. Hill, Walt Titchener, and Daniel B. Andrews.
CALLED BACK TO Vice-Chairman Hill called the meeting back to order.
Commissioner Andrews made a motion to authorize Vice-Chairman
VICE CHAIRNAN Hill to declare a state of emergency in Harnett County if
LULL AUTHORIZED necessary. Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it
TO DECLARE STATE passed with a unanimous vote. (Attachment 2)
OF EMERGENCY There being no further business at this time, the Board recessed.
. RECESS A/r;( ~d'
IH. L. Sorrel1, - Jr., ~ma"n
Ka~~Bi!~c~o the Board
Attachment 1.
(Goucming Body) (Public Entity)
· (Name of Incumbent) (Offici4l Position)
VANESSA W. YOUNG ", Governor's Authorized Representative,
· (Name of Incumbent)
is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of ~'M' ~al,... ·
. .. public entity established under the laws of the State of N r ,
this application and to file it in the at"t".....t"..- State office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial
assistance under the Disaster ReUe! Act (Public Law 288, S3rd Con.,.-.) or otherwise available from the President's
Disaster ReUe! Fund.
THAT RW,F.TT r.oUN'fY , a pubUc e..;':~J established under the laws of the State
of -bIQP'Mf 'r,AROT.TNA ,hereby authorizes its qent to ....~.:de to the State aDd to the Federal
Emergency Management Acency (FEMA) for aD matten pertainJDg to such Feden! disaster assistance the assurances '
and agreements printed OD the reverse side hereof.
Passed and apr...'''! this 5TH day of SEPTEMBER , 1996 .
H. L." Sorrell, Jr., Chairman
(Name and Title)
Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman
(Name and Title)
Commissioners Dan" B. Andrews, Joseph T. Bowden, and Walt Titchener
(Name end Title)
-- -~~-~---.-_...- .~"---~~~.-------- ----,,-~-----.~---~--- --- ___,_ _~_n____"_~___'___ - -,---
I, KAY S. BLANCHARD , duly appointed and- CLERK TO THE BOARD of
HARNETT COUNTY dO hereby certify that the above is a true and ew_.._~ copy of..
resolution passed and approved by the BOARD OF COMMISSION~ of HARNE~T. @T~IIT -_ . "1'"
. :.
(Governing Body) (Public Enn.ty )' ..
'. .
on the 5TH day of SEPTEMBER ,19 96 .
Date: 9/19/96 '-
'.) .; . \"
Clerk to the Board 1\ ~ J. ~llta.'lll
(Official Position) Kay S. BlancffDinature)
-Namc of ;lIeumbellt nced not be prouided ;11 thMe ecuu IIIMrfi :he ,oucml",bod~ of the public e"tit~ daire, to "uthori%e "II)'
;lIeum"en; o( the dn;'lI"tell offieiol pMitiolllO rcpraelu II.
BEATRICE B. Hu. Viee-Chaimum WM. A. (TONY) Wn.DER. Assistant
P.O. BOX 759 . LlLLINGTON. N.C. 27546
(910) 893-7555' FAX (910) 893-4992
WHEREAS the County of Harnett has experienced extensive damage from Hurricane Fran
on September 5, 1996; and
WHEREAS the Harnett County Board of Commissioners has designated the County of
Harnett to be declared as a Disaster Area;
BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board ofG........,..issioners does hereby, by proper
execution of this document, authorize expenditure of funds relative to the disaster situation caused
by Hurricane Fran without nonnal County purchasing procedures with the following stipulations:
. Period of expenditw'e of disaster funds to begin on September 5, 1996 at 12:00 p.m. and will
continue until Sunday, September 15, 1996 at 5:00 p.m.
. County purchasing regulations are temporarily suspended during the time period designated;
Adopted this the 5th day of September 1996.
;J(( ~ /
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" H. 1.. Sorrell, Jr.,. Chainnan
Ai u:.ST:
Kay S. Blanchard
Clerk to the Board
r. 7 r},
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Attachment 2
.:. . '. - " CvUl\'" i. STATE OF XMERc:RNCY OlmlNANCE
'CndE:%1" t:he authority of Article 36A of Chapter 14~ Chapter
. 166A. and Chapter 160~ of tbe North Carolina General Statutes.
the Couuty of J-lt1.~.,. 8 1- ordains:
Section 1. State-of .~.r~ency: .~R~rictions.Authorized.
(a) A. State of bergcm.ey Bhal.l he dpf!1asd to exist whenever
during times of publie crisis. disaater, riotiug, catastrophe, OT
sim11ar publIc e_erseacy, for auy reagan. pt~blic safety
authorities are unable to maintain public order or a.fford
a.dequa~e pro1:ect.iou for lives, safety or property, or whp.never
the occurrence of any such c:ondltion i8 i1l!1ineDt.
(b) Iu ~be event of an existing or threatened State of
Emergeucy endangering th~ 11,,-=:8, Dafety, healtb and w.1~.are of
the people withiu ~ ++ COUDty or any part t:hereof, or
'tn-reatening damages 1:0 OT dest1:uctlon of prope~, :he
Chairperson of the Board of Co..issiDDers of J~'r", '.
County is hereby autborized and e.pu~e~ed unde~ Sect10DC 14-
288.13 and 166A-8 to issue a f"Llic proels.ation declaring to all
persons the exist@Dce of such a 5~ of Emecg~Dcy, and, in o~der
to more effectively prDtect the lives and property of people
within the county, to place 1u effect any or all of the
restrictions hereinafter authorized.
(c) The Chairperson is hereby authorl.zed and empowered to
limit by the proclamation the application of all or any part 01
Rllr-h reatrictions ~o any area specifically designated or
described within the county and to specific hours of the day or
. liight:~ and to exempt froll all or aDY part of such rastrictioDs,
while aec1ng in !:he liDe of and wlchin tbe scope of their
regpt!'l"t"f.vp dut:ies. law enforcement offieere, firellen and other
public employees, rescae squad meabera, doctora, nurses,
employee. of hnRpitals and other Dedical facilIties; oD-duty
military personnel, whether state or federal; on-duty employees
of public utilltieB, pnbl \c trau2ortatloD companies, and.
newspaper, magaziue, radio broe castiDg, aDd television
broadcasting corporatlo~a op.~ated far profit; and sucb other
classes of person. as .ay be esseDeial to the preservation of
publie order aDd immediately necessary to serve tbe safety,
health, and welfare needs of the people w1thin the c.......ty.
Section 2. Procl..ation .lmoosin2 !rohibitions .and
RcsLx i.cl.:lons :
(a) tf The ChairperBoD of the BOilX'd of Co..i AAianers of
~_.. . County by r-...ela11latiOD may impose the prohibitions
a.n re=-Lc.ict:ious specified in ac:c1:ioD8 3 th~oU8h 8 of this
ordinance in the manner described iu thoBe sections. The
Che.lrperson 1II4Y impose a8 IlI4DY of thoBe specified probibitin:ns
and restrictions as he finds lire nece8sary, because of an
emergency, LU ma.intai.n an acc~l'tab~g level of' tmb1ic order aud
serviees~ and to protect lives, safety, and proper~y. The
Chairperson shall recite 'his findings in the proclalU.t:ion. .
(b) Th~ proc1auation aba11 b. in writing. The Cha1rperson
sball cake reasonable steps to give notice of the 'terua of the
. proclama:ian to Lboac affected by it aDd aba11 POg~ a copy of it
in the Count:y Courthouse. The Chairperson shall send reports of
the subs~ance of the proc~a.ation to thA ma.. co_~unieations
media which serves the affec~ed area. The Chairperson shall
retain a text. of 'the proc1amatian BDd furuiah upon request:
certified ~opie8 of it for UlJe as evidence.
Sect:ion 3. Evacuation.
The Chairperson may direct and compel t~v~~on of all
or part of the population of the County o~ Q.V' , to
prescribe routes, modes of transportation, auuaest1natioD in
caaneetion with evacua~~oni ~d to control in8ceas and cftreSG of
a disaster area. the lIovement: of persons within the area, and the
oceupancy of premises therein. Details of the t:!"8cuaticm may be
set forth or amended in a subsequent procl8Jaation which shall be
well publicized.
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Section 4. Curfew.
(a) The proclamation may impose a curfew prohlbl~1ng in
certai:n a.rea. mtd durml certain periods the appearance iD -public
of anyone who is not a me.ber of an exe.pted class. The
proll!l.amatlon shall ~l'@ctfy the geogra1)bical araa or areas and tbe
period during each 24-bour day to which the curfe1r applies. The
Chai~l'crElotl lIlay e2:l!~'Pt from Aoue or all of the curfew
restrictions classes of people whose exe1lptiOlJ the Chairperson
finds nec~c~ for the prQlJ.... .atioD. of the public bea1th, safety.,
and welfare. The proclamatiOll shall state the exempted classes
and the res~~lctiaDa f~o. which each ~. e%8mpted.
(b) Un1ess otherwise 8p~eified in the proclamation, the
curfew shall apply duriu& the specified period each day until the .
Cba~rper.ou by p~oc1amatlOD reaove. the eurf.w.
Section 5. Restrictio~8 on Poc.ecaioD, ConB,~tion. or
T~ansfeT of Alcoholie Be~era2es.
The proclamation may prohibit the possession or cODsuapticm
of any al.coho11c bevera.ge; inc.1.uding beer. viDe, and szpirit:unos
liquot' other than on one's own premises. and lIlay prohibit the
transfer, rraDsporcaclon, sale or purchase of any alcoholic
begerage within the area of the Count, described in the
proc.la~ation. The proh1bL~~on. LE ~mposed. may app1y to
t.ransfers of alcohol1c beverages by em~loyeea of A,lc:.oholic
Beverage CODtrol scores as well as by auYODe else within the
geographical area described.
Section 6. Re:n:ric:tion on Possell5i.nn1 Transportation, aDd
Transfer of Dan2erous .Wea~ous and.Substanc:.es.
(a) The proc1a.a~ia~ may prohibit the ~raD.s'PDrtat1on or
1Jo:s:seasicm off DlSe'. oti7D preDlilll"9, or the sa1e or purcbaBe of any
dangerous weapon Dr substance, The Chairperson may e%.emptfrolll
saw~ u& all of the ~estrietions cl~Rges of people whose
possession, transfer, or transportation of certain dange~ous
weapons or 8ubseance8 is necessary to th~ rreBervation of ~be
public'B'bealtb, e4fety, or welfa~e. Tbe ?Toelamation sball
BeBee lhe exemp~ed classc8 ~nd tho rearri~~inn. from wbieb each
is exempted.
(b) "Dangerous ~pOD. or BubstaDcew means: .
(1) Any deadly wea'POD. ammuni cion, explosive.,
iDcendiary devic.e:, radioacti~e lIulterial or d~vieeo R~
defined in G.S. 14-288.8(c)(5), gasoline, or other
ins~rumeut. or substance designed for a use that earries
a threat of serious bodily injury or destrueeion of
(2) Any other iuat:rull!lent. or 8ubl:5LaDce ~hat is capable
of being used to inflict serious bodily injury or
destruetlon of propercy, when ~he circumstances
indicate that there 1s some probability that such
instrUment or substance will be so used.
(3) Any part or ingredient ln any InaLcument or
subst.ance included above when ~he circuaatauces
indicate a probabIlity that such a pare or !ngredienc
wi.ll be 80 UlJed.
(c) If i..pnRAd. the restr!etioDS shall apply tbroughout the
j urisdi~tloD of the County ('town) or such part tbe~eof as
deaignatcd in th. proclaaatinn..
SoctiOD 7. RAatr;r.tions.an Access .to Areas.
(a.) The proc.laaation lIIa1 prohibit obtaining aceess or .
att:emptiDg to obtain access to any area, designa~ed in tbe maDDer
d~scribed in this oectiou. in violation of auy order, clearly
p08ted notice, or barricade indicating that access is denied or
(b) A.r~ to which access ia denied or res"tTf ct:ed shall be
des:ignaced by the Sheriff and his SU], ...diDatea when directed in
t:be proc:lallat:1an co du so by tbe Chalrpe1"aOll. llhtm ac:ting Uftd~r
this 8.11tborit'Y, the Sheriff and bie subordinates lIlay restrict or
deny access to an,. area, aLLllnl:l:., b:i.ahvlIY or l.ocat:iolll withfn thl!
County if that restriction or denial of acce8a or use ls
reasonably necessary to prollote effortll baiDS made to O"8T~ome
t:b'! emergency or to prevent. further aggravation of tb@ emergeucy.
Seetion 8. The ~TDclamation ma~ nrobiblt ~ restrict:
(a) Move~ents of people in public places;
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(b) The operation of officesi business e8tab1iubmeuC8. and
other places to or from vhich peop e may travel or at whic~ they
may eoueregate; and
(e) Other activi'C1.es or cond1t:ions t:he cGncrol of which may
be reasonably neee.sary to 1I1aiu"taln order aud protect lives or
property durlu& tbe State of E~erReDcy, within tbe area
desigaa~ed in the proclamation.
Section 9. Re1Ioval .of .Prohibitions .and Restrictions.
Tbe Chairperson shall by proelaat:ion t...._...inate the entire
de~laration of e.~~8..ncy or remove the prohibitions and
restrictions as t:he emergency no longer requires che1l, or wben
. dl.rec1:ed Co do 1:0 by the Boa-rd of CmlllliRsloners.
Sectica 10. Su~erl:ediD_._ndA.~dRtDrv.Proclamatian8.
The Chai~p(!r80D 1D hi. !her d iceretioD 'IIl;)y i nvokp. the
restrictiolls authorized by this ordinance in separate
proclamations, and may a.end any p~ocla.ation by mp8n8 nf R
superseding proclamation in accordace w1ch the procedures set:
forth in Section 2.
Section 11. te~lnatiOD of Proclamation.
Any proc:lalllatiou issu.ed under this ordinance shal.l QJ[pire
five days after its last i_1>>ositicm unless sooner terminated in
wr1~1ng under the .am~ procedures sec for~ in Section 2 for
Secticm 12. In .Csse .of .Absence.or.Dlsabilitvof ChairpersDD
In case of the absenee or disability of the Chairperson, the
Vice-Cbairperson or the .oard of Go..i.sloDers, or such other
person as may be designated by the Board Df Commissioner8, sball
have aD exercise dl of the powers herein g1 Veil the Chairperson.
Section 13. PenaltT .for.Yiolat1on.
Any person violatfng any prohibition or reucr1etion i.posed
by a proclamation authorized by this ordinance shall be guilty of
. a misdemeanor, punishable upon conviction by a fiDe not exceeding
fifty dollars (850.00) or bllpris..,..,...,ent not exceedinR 30 days, as
provided by G.S. 14-4.
Section 14. Re~al of.Confli~t1n2~rdinBDces.
, ,
All ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this
nrrHn.::anee are hereby repea1ed.
Section 15. Territorial Auulicab11itv..
'11111: ordinaDc" sha11 RO... apply withla the c__..ora'te Iiwtce
of any munlcipallr.y, or .ithin my area of the COUDty aver which
the municipality ha. juri8dic:elcns to e1:Ult!t g@D@rat pnlice-t'~...er
ordinances. unless the lDUDiaipall.ty by reso1.u.tion emullmte to it:s
application or the Hayor of tbe lIIunielpality has requested its
a.'P~lication, in wbicb event lr. shall appl'Y to S11ch areas aJJ full,.
a.nd to the sa..e extent: as elsewhere in the County" (This
o~dittance shall not app1y witbin the corporate limits of any
other lI1.m.icipaliry or -J area outRide of the jurisdiction of the
t~ of ..,,)
Section 16. Validity.
If any section, subsectioD, seJltence, clause. or phrase of
this ordinance is for any reason he1d to be invalid, such
decision shUt not affect me val1dU:y of the reaain1ng portions
. of 'this ordinance. The Board of C01l1lissioner. hereb, declares
that it .auld bave passed this ordinAnee nnd PAe~ geerion,
subsection, clause, and phraae "thereof, irrespective of the fact
'thac anyone or Ilore sect:ioDs. RubAp.C!1:;nn~. A,-"nr.eDe~JJ. t'!l~uRp.II.
or phrases be declared L I.: ~id.
Section 17. Effective.Date .of.Ordinance.
This ordinance shall take effect on the f.tJ 'H... day of
~flI f-\"'~~ ,-", ,. 1q..!L.
. . .lIo.t ttej.--t. Count,.
Board ot Camaissiouers