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The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session
on Monday, October 2, 1995, in the Commissioners Meeting Room,
County Office Building, Li11ington, North Carolina.
Members present: H. L. Sorrell, Jr., Chairman
Beatrice Bailey Hill, Vice-Chairman
Dan B. Andrews
Joseph T. Bowden ..
Walt Titchener
Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager
Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager
Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney
Vanessa W. Young, Finance Officer
Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board
Chairman Sorrell called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. and
Commissioner Hill led the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer.
Commissioner Hill moved for approval of the agenda as published,
with the addition of a proclamation designating Extension
Homemakers Week, to the consent agenda. Commissioner Andrews
seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote.
CONSENT AGENDA Upon motion by Commissioner Bowden and seconded by Commissioner
Andrews, the Board unanimously approved the following items on
the consent agenda:
l. Minutes: Regular Meeting, September 18, 1995
2. Budget Amendments:
Governinq Body
Code 10-4100-1511 Rape Crisis/Pass Through 10,782. increase
Revenue: 10-3480-0790 Rape Crisis Grant 10,782. increase
Public Bulldinqs .
Code 10-5000-0540 Insurance and Bonds 15,000. increase
Revenue: 10-3990-0000 Fund Balance Appro. 15,000. increase
Emerqency Medical Services
Code 10-5400-0740 Capital Outlay-Equip. 7,602. increase
Revenue: 10-3990--0000 Fund Balance Appro. 7,602. increase
Emerqency Services
Code 10-5300-0170 Maintenance & Repair Auto 290. increase
10-5300-0740 Capital Outlay-Equip. 290. decrease
Industrial Development
Code 10-7250-0740 Capital Outlay-Equip. 36. increase
10-7250-0310 Gas, Oil, Auto. Supplies 36. decrease
Shawtown After School Enrichment Proqram
Code 10-7304-0740 Capital Outlay-Equip. 37l. increase
10-7304-0330 Materials & Supplies 37l. decrease
Health Department
Code 10-7600-0160 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 350. increase
10-7600-0740 Capital Outlay-Equip. 1,300. increase
10-7600-0020 Salaries & Wages 2,650. decrease
Public Assistance
Code 10-7710-0610 Non-FSA Day Care - 25 46,210. increase
Revenue: 10-3480-0027 Day Care (Non-FSA) 46,210. increase
Community Alternatives Program .
Code 10-7721-0040 Professional Services 3,825. increase
10-7721-0020 Salaries & Wages 3,825. decrease
Veteran's Services
Code 10-7600-0740 Capital Outlay-Equip. 3,995. increase
Revenue: 10-3990-0000 Fund Balance-Appro. 3,995. increase
Southwest Water & Sewer
Code 37-9006-0730 Capital Outlay-Other 3,000. increase
37-3990-0000 Fund Balance-Appro. 3,000. increase
Southwest Reqional Capital Proiect
Code 77-9028-0040 Blue Construction 3,200. increase
77-9028-0800 Contingency 3,200. decrease
Southeast Capital Proiect
Code 66-9013-0040 Hendrix-Barnhill 70,526. increase
Revenue: 66-3700-5200 Tap-on-Fees 70,526. increase
: 1'.~ '~_j"
RESOL. TO ADD ROAD 3. Resolution requesting addition of road to state system
(Attachment 1)
RESOL. TO ESTAB. 4. Resolution to establish boundary line between Harnett county
JOHNSTON/HARNETT and Johnston County (Attachment 2)
BOUNDARY 5. Relocation of fire hydrants at the Governmental Complex site
as recommended by the Emergency Services Director
6. Authorization for General Services Manager to sign titles of
vehicles sold at Annual Surplus Sale, October 7, 1995
EXT. HOMEMAK~ WEEK 7. Proclamation regarding Extension Homemakers Week (Attachment
. 3)
APPOINTMENTS Commissioner Titchener made a motion to appoint Kay Jones, Dunn,
and Geraldine Byrd, Erwin, to the Domiciliary Home Community
Advisory Committee. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and
it passed with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Hill made a motion to appoint Sabrina Currin,
Harnett County Sheriff's Department, to the Child Fatality
Prevention Team. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it
passed with a unanimous vote.
Commissioner Titchener made a motion to appoint Gary Pope,
Emergency Services Director, to the Mid-Carolina EMS Advisory
Council. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed
with a unanimous vote.
RECOGNITION OF Chairman Sorrell presented the Certificate of Achievement for
FINANCE DEPT. FOR Excellency in Financial Reporting to Finance Officer Vanessa
AWARD Young and the staff of the Finance Office. This is the fourth
year the Finance Office has received the prestigious award.
REQUEST FOR SCHOOL Bob Beasley, Superintendent, Harnett county Schools, appeared
before the Board to discuss the need for five additional school
BUSES buses at an estimated cost of $250,000. The Board took no action
at this time.
EAST CENTRAL W & S Chairman Sorrell stated that at this time, the Board will
consider certain matters sitting in its capacity as the governing
. body of East Central Water & Sewer District of Harnett County.
Al Bain, Public Utilities Attorney, presented for the Board's
consideration two bond resolutions for the East Central District.
Commissioner Bowden moved for approval of Series A and Series B
bond resolutions. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it
passed with a unanimous vote. (Attachment 4) Chairman Sorrell
closed the East Central portion of the meeting.
CONTRACT FOR AIRPORTWm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager, presented for the
PROJECTS Board's consideration a contract with Talbert and Bright, Inc. ,
Consultant/Engineers for upcoming capital projects at the
Airport. Commissioner Titchener moved to approve the contract
subject to review and approval by the County Attorney.
Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed with a
unanimous vote.
PARALLEL TAXIWAY Commissioner Andrews moved for approval of Work Authorization
WORK AUTHOR. regarding the parallel taxiway project at the Airport.
Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed with a
unanimous vote.
SUPPLEMENTAL Neil Emory, County Manager, briefed the Board that at the July
MEDICARE POLICY 17th meeting, a health benefits program for retired County
employees was approved. At this time, the Board is asked to
consider a Supplemental Medicare Policy for retired employees.
Commissioner Bowden moved to approve a Supplemental Medicare
Policy for employees who retire after July 1, 1995. Commissioner
Andrews seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote.
(Attachment 5)
. ELECT. INSP. FOR Neil Emory, County Manager, briefed the Board that it has
SCHOOLS recently come to the County's attention that the County is
responsible for electrical inspections of public school
buildings. Commissioner Titchener moved that the Inspections
Department proceed with required inspections program.
Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed with a
unanimous vote.
JURY COMMISSION Neil Emory, County Manager, presented a request from the Clerk of
i COMPUTER SYSTEM Court for implementation of a Jury Commission computer system.
Commissioner Bowden moved to authorize purchase of the desired
system. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed
with a unanimous vote.
ROOM DIVIDERS FOR Neil Emory, County Manager, presented for the Board's
EMER. SERVo OFFICE consideration a request to purchase room dividers for the
;Emergency Services Office. Commissioner Titchener moved to
authorize the purchase. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion
and it passed with a unanimous vote.
.~-- ---~_. --
WATER & SEWER Neil Emory, County Manager, reported to the Board that due to a
EXTENS ION IN location change, the extension of water and sewer service to the
EDGERTON PARK truss company in Edgerton Park could cost an additional $60,000.
Once the line is fully extended it will also serve the spec
building. Commissioner Titchener moved that the County
contribute to the Committee of 100, $20,000 per year for three
years or the cost of extension, so that the project might go
forward. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed
with a unanimous vote.
POSITION FOR Neil Emory, County Manager, presented for the Board's
IMMUNIZATION PROG. consideration a request from the Health Department for a nine
month position to work in the Immunization Program. The position .
would be funded by the State. commissioner Bowden moved for
approval of the position. Commissioner Andrews seconded the
motion and it passed with a unanimous vote.
INITIAL BRIEFING Neil Emory, County Manager, briefed the Board on a request from a
EMS TRANSPORT local group for an EMS transport agreement. Consideration of
AGREEMENT this request will be placed on a future agenda.
Departmental reports were filed with the Board from Veteran's
Affairs, Economic Development Commission, Department of Social
Services, Tax Department and the Tax Attorney's Office.
Attachment 6)
There being no further business, Commissioner Hill moved that the
ADJOURNMENT meeting adjourn. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it
passed with a unanimous vote. The meeting of the Harnett County
Board of Commissioners October 2, 1995, duly adjourned at 9:55
Board of Commissf ners
~~, J M~dJ2d
Ka . Blanchard
Clerk to the Board '.
Attachment 1.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of
Commissioners do hereby, by proper execution of this document,
request that the North Carolina Department of Transportation add
to the State's Secondary Road System for maintenance, the below
listed streets:
Kennis Creek Subdivision
Dupree Court .~
Adopted this 2nd day of October, 1995.
ATTEST: ~~-f(hairman
~~.I. &aAtfJLlW"i
Ka . Blanchard
Clerk to the Board
j ,.. r.;
Attachment 2.
WHEREAS, a common boundary line separates Harnett and Johnston
Counties; and,
WHEREAS, over the years since the counties were created, the exact
locations of said common boundary has been lost; and,
WHEREAS, the location of the c~..u..on boundary is important for a number
of reasons including, but not limited to, (a) determination of which county
has taxing authority, (b) determination of where the residents vote, (c)
determination of which schools children attend, and (d) determination of
which zoning, health an other ordinances are applicable; and,
WHEREAS, the N.C. Geodetic Survey section, Land Resources Division and
N.C. Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources will install
permanent monuments at all corners in the common line established by
agreement of the counties; and,
WHEREAS, representatives of Harnett and Johnston Counties have met,
visited the area of the common boundary and have agreed upon the location
upon the ground of all corners in the common boundary line and now wish to
engage the services of the N.C. Geodetic Survey section to permanently mark
the corners shown on prepared map; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Harnett County Board of
Commissioners to authorize the Harnett County Tax Administrator and
Johnston County Manager to resolve the tax properties along the county line
. as follows:
Properties lying on the county line and divided by the county line and
where less than one (1) acre lies in one county, the county containing the
most of the parcel shall tax the entire parcel; and,
Properties lying on the county line and divided by the county line and
where one (1) acre or more lies in one county, each county shall tax the
amount of land lying in the respective county.
This the 2nd day of October, 1995.
ATTEST: ?~~{irman
K ~ J. dfrVYlChO-Jld
Kay Blanchard
Clerk to the Board
Attachment: Harnett/Johnston County Line Boundary Coordinates
_n ~~.'~ _._ ~_ - _____.__~.__ _____n___ _'~'_ _~-.-- __'__. _~~_____~_._n~~__' --~ -, ~------
The following description locates the Hamett/Johnston County Line with state plane
coordinates in North American Datum 1927. The firSt coordinate begins at the intersection
of Wake, Johnston and Harnett county lines and continues in a southeastern direction until
the intersection of Harnett, Johnston and Sampson county lines.
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213935.1.2r,oooooooo 57 766.7500000000 2140158.75OOOOOOOO 517823.812500000O
579782.87500000OO 2140091.76OOOOOOOO 578309.5OOOOOOOOO 2140005.5OOOOOOOOO
2139372.25OOOOOOOO 578161.62500000OO 2140160.25OOOOOOOO 511819.312500000O
579732.431500000O 2140091.25OOOOOOOO 578304.37500000OO 2140001.25OOOOOOOO
2139385.5OOOOOOOOO 578156.62500000OO 2140162.?o?ooooooo 577815.562500000O
519658.431500000O 2140096.5OOOOOOOOO 57829B~I25000000 214??oo.?o?ooooooo
2139416.5OOOOOOOOO 578751.62500000OO 21401 5.25OOOOOOOO 577B~3150000000
579557.562500000O 2J 40094.15OOOOOOOO 578288.687500000O 213 38.5OOOOOOOOO
2139450.5OOOOOOOOO 57 740.25"vvJvJOO 2140168.25OOOOOOOO 511735.937500000O
579468.312500000O 21~94.7500000000 578279.5OOOOOOOOO 21~.5000000000
213ld.51.,oIJuvOOOOO 5781 .181500000O 2140J11.~ 511~
5794 .312500000O 2d4m5.0000000000 578268.81 213 .75OOOOOOOO
2139452.?o?ooooooo 51 1 1.062500000O 2140175.5OOOOOOOOO 517595.81500000OO
579319.062500000O 2J 40095.25OOOOOOOO 578261.12500000OO 2139797.75OOOOOOOO
21394 71.25OOOOOOOO 57 727.437OvIJIJ\,lJ\) 2140119.?o?ooooooo 577396.562500000O
579269.8125000ooo 2140094.25OOOOOOOO 578235.62500000OO 2139777.?o?ooooooo
2139589.16OOOOOOOO 578719.25OOOOOOOO 2140183.5OOOOOOOOO 577360.12500000OO
579157.8125000ooo 2140092.?o?ooooooo 578221.181500000O 2139763.75OOOOOOOO
2139715.?o?ooooooo 578710.?o?ooooooo 2140185.5OOOOOOOOO 577316.937500000O
579054.181500000O 2140090.?o?ooooooo 578216.181600000O 2139757.?o?ooooooo
2139817.?o?ooooooo 518701.?o?ooooooo 2140187.75OOOOOOOO 577276.87500000OO
578983.75OOOOOOOO 2MOO89.5000000000 678210.931500000O 213175OOOOOOOO
2d39884~ 51 95.812500000O 21~189.5000000000 577142. 7500000O
57 950.12 2Ja40089.7500000000 578 5.187500000O 213 .25OOOOOOOO
2139930.25OOOOOOOO 51 90.31500000OO 2140190.5OOOOOOOOO 517058. 7500000OO
578917.37500000OO 2J 40090.75OOOOOOOO 5' 8198.437500000O 2139608.?o?ooooooo
214??oo.?o?ooooooo 51 683.812500000O ~14&! 90.?o?ooooooo 517003.12500000OO
578916.37500000OO 2140092.25OOOOOOOO 5: -81 .vu1uvvJOOOQ 2139583.()()()()()()()O
2140002.75OOOOOOOO 57fl678.1250000000 lI40189.2500000000 516947.5OOOOOOOOO
518916.181500000O 2M0094.0000000000 518184.37500000OO 213Bf19.25OOOOOCQO
2140005.15OOOOOOOO 57E~ 2140188.5OOOOOOOOO 5769 .562500000O
5789~50000000 214 . 5~8176~375000000 2JB9558.25OOOOOVOO
214 .5OOOOOOOOO 67 9.37500000OO 1401 7.r.ooooooooo 57 77.750?0ooooo
571\913.12500000OO 2~7 .?o?ooooooo 518169.75OOOOOOOO 21395~5.0000000000
214l~11.5000000000 51 .31500000OO 2d40115000000000 576851. 12500000O
57tl91 .12500000OO 2140098.?o?ooooooo 5~ 163. 2500000O 2J39515.0000000000
2140013.?o?ooooooo 578663.187500000O 140186.?o?ooooooo 51 197.?o?ooooooo
5789tw.1875000000 2140099 .25OOOOOOOO 578158.312500000O 2139477.?o?ooooooo
1d4 14.Z500000000 518660~ 2140185.5OOOOOOOOO 576149.75OOOOOOOO
5 91 .3J2~ 2~401 .75OOOOOOOO 578152.62500000OO 21:m~.2500000000
214001 .7 57 657. 2140184.75OOOOOOOO 5761 . 2500000O
578908.62500000OO 2~02.7500000000 5781461150000000 2~12.5000000000
2J~19.5000000000 57 J815000000 21401 .?o?ooooooo 57 .312500000O
57 ~50000000 2MM 4.1D\JVWOOOO 518140.~~ 21euB93.0000000000 .
21400 .?o?ooooooo 57 .187500000O 21401 . 576 .5OOOOOOOOO
57890~250000000 2M2J~ 578135.87600000OO 2J39383.2500000000
214 .25OOOOOOOO 51 . [)[)[)[)O 2140183.25OOOOOOOO 57 516.87500000OO
578~25000000 5rd~~~~00 578129.937500000O 213931&?o?ooooooo
214 .5OOOOOOOOO 2140184.25OOOOOOOO 576461.6 500000OO
578901.937500000O 2140108.?o?ooooooo 578124.5OOOOOOOOO 21394~5000000000
2140029.25OOOOOOOO 518639.37500000OO 2140185.75OOOOOOOO 576427.1 1500000O
578899.87500000OO 2~10.0000000000 578120.06~ 2dl3t44.2500000000
2140032.?o?ooooooo 57 .312500000O 2140187. 57 .?o?ooooooo
578897.56R 5r~.~~ 578115.937600000O 213945L.7500000000
21400~. 2140188.5OOOOOOOOO 516377.1 ~
578895. 2M0114.1500000000 578110.5OOOOOOOOO 21~9399 .
21400 6. 57 24.187500000O 2140189.5OOOOOOOOO 576 71.937500000O
518893.5OOOOOOOOO 5rM~H9B: 578104.62500000OO 2J39~~ 75OOOOOOOO
214~ 2140~~ 57 >>r~
578890. 2140117. 57809 . 21 .1
214004 .75OOOOOOOO 578615.687500000O 2140192.5OOOOOOOOO 5761 .
578887.1fRoo 21~h8.~ 578087~ 2~.2500000000
2~47. 578 . 37 21401 ~ 57~15000000
51 .31 2M81~ 578080.7 213 .5OOOOOOOOO
2140050.75OOOOOOOO 57 7. 2140195.5OOOOOOOOO 57 7.?o?ooooooo
578881.937500000O 2140118.15OOOOOOOO 518072.687500000O 2139194.5OOOOOOOOO
_____ 11 ...~,
67598,1i.7500000000 21~~.5OOOQOOOOO
2139175.25OOOOOOOO 572 90. 12500000O
575910.~ 2138227.?o?ooooooo
21391 . 572622.312500000O
575858.87500000OO 2138279.?o?ooooooo
2139155.~ 572472.62500000OO
675798.062500000O 2138324.?o?ooooooo
2139157.7??0oooooo 572386.187500000O
575666.?o?ooooooo 2~ml.0000000000
2139133.75OOOOOOOO 57 .187500000O
575610.37500000OO 2138362.76OOOOOOOO
21390~ 572248.937500000O
575561. 2~38349.0000000000
21390 .75OOOOOOOO 57 196.312500000O
575530.~75000000 2~38320.26OOOO!lOOO
213899 .5OOOOOOOOO 57 145.25OOOOOOOO
575505.6OOOOOOOOO 2138322.?o?ooooooo
21389.s.700" , c, ao 572106.87500000OO
575miJ50000000 2138338.75OOOOOOOO
21 .~ 512055 .25OOOOOOOO
57548.8 ,OOOO()() 21 i/&5~.(j()()()()()()(JOO
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575171A3~ 21:J8:J56.2fiOOOOOO{KI
. 2138807. 572021.6250000000
575447.8125OQQQQQ 2138388.?o?ooooooo
213871~OO 571922.750?0ooooo
5~~2.2500000000 571843.56250000(IO
5 5270.0625OOOQOO 2138440.?o?ooooooo
21iJOO~ 571772.687500000O
575239. 2138450.000000!l000
21385 1.25OOOOOOOO 571728.687500000O
575236.87500000OO 2138456.75OOOOOOOO
2138544.25OOOOOOOO 571676.250?0ooooo
575211.250XliC))I)I)I) 2138451.75OOOOOOOO
2138002.LI"I"',t '"'A DO 571615.?o?ooooooo
515205.62500000OO 2138434.?o?ooooooo
2138445.5OOO<JOOOOO 571547.?o?ooooooo
575167.62500000OO 2138409.25OOOOOOOO
21383~ 571490.937500000O
5~5146. 21~
138350.7 571 .
5~103.1250000000 21R'~
19l:289.7~ 5714 . 37
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575024.687500000O 2138362.?o?ooooooo
2138216.5??0oooooo 571336.5OOOOOOOOO
574919.5OOOOOOOOO 2138362.000vvvvvOO
2138181.5OOOOOOOOO 571336.?o?ooooooo
574929.062500000O 2138359.25OOOOOOOO
2111 70.25OOOOOOOO 571270.62500000OO
574 J875000000 2138348.?o?ooooooo
21381 5.5OOOOOOOOO 571228.812500000O
574826.187500000O 2138334.?o?ooooooo
213&}41.7500000000 571189.187500000O
5747 ~~ 2138314.5OOOOOOOOO
21381 . 5711.s.3750000000
574711.312500000O 2138272.?o?ooooooo
2138094 .5OOOOOOOOO 571099.12500000OO
574641.250?0ooooo 2138271.?o?ooooooo
213810.1.5OOOOOOOOO 571097.62500000OO
574584~75000000 2138180.75OOOOOOOO
21381 .75OOOOOOOO 570971.4375000ooo
574527.25OOOOQQOO 2138158~
2138145.75OOOOOOOO 570949.81
574482.812500000O 2138105.25OOOOOOOO
2138143.75OOOOOOOO 570908.62500000OO
574437.562500000O 2138019.25OOOOOOOO
2138141 .?o?ooooooo 510836.562.<jOO()()()O
574419.562500000O 2137961.750?0ooooo
21~119.0000000000 570805.312500000O
574 75.937500000O 2137900.25OOOOOOOO
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. 574331'm& 2137872~
2138040. 5OOOOOOOO 570741.31 5000ooo
514'298iJ 2137820.25OOOOOOOO
21379 .25OOOOOOOO 570685,62500000OO
574310.312500000O 2137736.25OOOOOOOO
2137934.2500000OO0 510609.62500000OO
574309.062500000O 2137678.75OOOOOOOO
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574299.87500JOOOO 2137768.?o?ooooooo
2137851.7li-,1." ","VOl) 570311.437500000O
574288.687500000O 2137760.?o?ooooooo
2137838.6OOOOOOOOO 570106037500000O
574255.06~ 2137717.75OOOO()(JOO
2137827.7 57??oo.?o?ooooooo
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1_. ~
Attachment 3.
Harnett County
North Carolina
\\' llliREAS, Harnett County is indebted to members of the Harnett County
Extension Association Inc., whose outstanding contributions to the development of
homes and families have added immeasurably to our county's strength and vitality
and whose skills and leadership continue to expand its greatness; and
\\' .l1EREAS, Each year, approximately 150 Extension Homemakers in Harnett
County sponsor several community service projects and educational programs.
Representing a wide variety of projects, these volunteers work to improve
citizenship, cultural arts, literacy, family life, nutrition, environment,
housing and nutrition and health.
\\' .lW..REAS, Because of these many partnerships, and through the dedication
of its many members, the National' Extension Homemakers have become the largest
adult education volunteer organization in our state and nation.
NOW, TIlEREFORE, We, the Board of Commissioners of the county of
Harnett do hereby proclaim the week of October eighth through the fourteenth,
Nineteen hundred and ninety-five as "NATIONAL EAJ.~NSION HOMEMAKERS
WEEK IN HARNETT COUNTY," and urge our citizens to recognize and commend
our county's Extension Homemakers for their contributions to our communities.
Duly adopted this 2nd Day of October, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-five.
~L~, ~l.~-
Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman Joseph T. Bowden
9 l)Jj-7kL
. ~
Dan B. Andrews
- -- ----------
Attachment 4.
The Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, sitting as the governing
body of the East Central Water and Sewer District of Harnett County, convened in
a special setting during its meeting held on October 2. 1995 at 9: 00 0' clock a. m.
in the Harnett County Office Building, 102 East Front Street, Li11ington, North
Board Members present were: H.L. Sorrell, Jr. . (Chairman), Walt Titchener,
Beatrice Bailey Hill, Dan B. Andrews and Joseph T. Bowden. No members were
* * * * *
Commissioner Bowden presented the
. following resolution and moved that it be adopted:
WHEREAS, the bond order hereinafter described has taken
leffect and the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett,
lsitting as the governing body of East Central Water and Sewer
District of Harnett County (the "Issuer"), desires to make
provision for the issuance of bonds authorized by said bond
()rder; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of
Harnett, sitting as the governing body of the Issuer, desires to
sell a $3,608,000 portion of the bonds at private sale without
advertisement; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of
Harnett, sitting as the governing body of the Issuer, desires to
sell said $3,608,000 portion of the bonds at a rate of interest
. n4,t exceeding 5.125% per annum; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of
Harnett, sitting as the governing body of the Issuer, has been
informed of United States of America's undertaking to purchase
said $3,608,000 portion of the bonds at the rate of 5.125% per
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the
COlunty of Harnett, sitting as the governing body of the Issuer,
as follows:
(1) The Issuer shall issue its bonds of the aggregate
principal amount of $3,608,000 pursuant to and in accordance with
the $6,500,000 water bond order adopted by the Board of
commissioners of the county of Harnett, sitting as the governing
body of the Issuer on February 19, 1990. The bonds shall be
designated "Water Bonds, Series A," and referred to herein as the .
"Bonds." The period of usefulness of the capital project to be
financed by the issuance of the Bonds is a period of forty years
computed from the date of the Bonds.
(2) The Bonds shall be issuable in the denomination of
$500 or any integral multiple thereof, shall be numbered so as to
uniquely designate each Bond and such numbering shall be in
accordance with the system of the hereinafter designated bond
registrar of the Issuer and shall be payable in annual
installments on June 1 as follows:
principal principal principal
Year Amount Year Amount Year Amount
1998 $ 36,500 2011 $ 69,000 2024 $132,500
1999 38,000 2012 72,500 2025 139,000
2000 40,000 2013 76,500 2026 146,000
2001 42,000 2014 80,000 2027 146,000
2002 44,000 2015 84,500 2028 146,000 .
2003 46,000 2016 88,500 2029 146,000
2004 48,500 2017 93,000 2030 146,000
2005 51,000 2018 98,000 2031 146,000
2006 53,500 2019 103,000 2032 146,000
2007 56,500 2020 108,500 2033 146,000
2008 59,500 2021 114,000 2034 146,000
2009 62,500 2022 119,500 2035 146,000
2010 65,500 2023 126,000
(3) The Bonds shall be dated June 1, 1995 (unless
awarded to the United states of America in which case the Bonds
shall be dated as of the date of delivery thereof), and shall
bear interest from their date until they shall mature at a rate
or rates which shall be hereinafter determined provided the net
interest cost to the Issuer shall not exceed 5.125% per annum.
Such interest shall be payable semi-annually on June 1 and Decem-
ber 1 in each year; provided, however, that if any Bonds shall be
purchased by the United States of America, the interest on such
Bonds to the maturity thereof shall be payable on June 1, 1996 .
and annually thereafter of the 1st day of June of each year.
(4) The Bonds shall be issued as fully registered
bonds without coupons in the denomination of $500 each or any
integral multiple thereof (the "Multiple Bonds"), or, at the op-
tion of the purchaser, as a single fully registered bond without
coupons in the denomination of $3,608,000 (the "Single Bond")
payable in installments. If issued as Multiple Bonds, the Bonds
j . ,
'L.~~~_' I
shall bear the facsimile signatures of the Chairman of the
governing body of the Issuer and the Clerk of the Board of
commissioners of the county of Harnett and of the Issuer and a
facsimile of the corporate seal of the Issuer and the certificate
of Approval of the Local Government commission shall bear a
facsimile signature of the Secretary of said Commission. If
. issued as a Single Bond, the Bonds shall be signed by the
Chairman of the governing body of the Issuer and the Clerk of the
Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett and of the Is-
suer, the corporate seal of the Issuer shall be impressed thereon
and the Certificate of Approval of the Local Government
commission shall be signed by a designated assistant of said
commission. Interest on the Bonds shall be paid by check by the
Issuer or a paying agent to be designated by the Board of
commissioners of County of Harnett, sitting as the governing body
of the Issuer (the "Paying Agent"), and mailed to the registered
owner of record as of 15 days prior to the interest payment date
at his address as it appears on the bond registry books of the
Paying Agent. Principal of the Bonds shall be paid by check by
the paying Agent upon presentation of the Bonds for payment.
. (5) At the option of the purchaser of the Bonds, the
Issuer may issue, in lieu of the Multiple Bonds, a Single Bond
without coupons bearing interest at the same rate or rates as the
Multiple Bonds. The Single Bond shall be of the denomination of
$3,608,000, shall be numbered R-l and shall be payable in
installments on June 1 in years and amounts as set forth with re-
spect to the Multiple Bonds. Within ninety days after the
receipt by the Issuer of the written request of the registered
owner of the Single Bond, the Issuer will, at its own expense,
prepare and execute Multiple Bonds in the form hereinafter set
:forth, of type, composition and printed on paper of customary
1iiTeight and strength, in an aggregate principal amount equal to
the unpaid principal amount of the Single Bond, and having
Maturities corresponding to the principal installments of the
. single Bond then unpaid; and the Issuer will cause the Multiple
Elonds to be presented to the transfer agent to be designated by
the Issuer (the "Transfer Agent") for endorsement and for dating
the authentication blank thereon and for delivery to the
registered owner of the Single Bond upon surrender and
cancellation of the Single Bond.
(6) The Single Bond purchased by the United States of
~nerica shall be payable in installments without presentation.
176 (7) So long as the Bonds are held or insured by the
united states of America, the principal thereon may be prepaid in
whole or in part without premium at any time in inverse order of
(8) The Bonds maturing on and after June 1, 2006
shall be sUbject to redemption prior to their stated maturities
at the option of the Issuer on or after June 1, 2005, in whole at
any time or in part on any interest payment date, at a redemption
price equal to the principal amount of each bond to be redeemed .
together with accrued interest thereon to the redemption date
plus a redemption premium of one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%)
of the principal amount of each bond to be redeemed for each
period of twelve months or part thereof between the redemption
date and the maturity date of each bond to be redeemed, provided
that such premium shall not exceed two percent (2%) of such
principal amount. If less than all of the Bonds of any maturity
are called for redemption, the bonds to be redeemed shall be
selected by the Issuer in such manner as it may determine. If
less than all of the Bonds of different maturities are called for
redemption, the bonds to be redeemed shall be called in the
inverse order of their maturities. If less than all of the
principal amount of a single Bond is to be redeemed, the Issuer
shall exchange a bond of the denomination representing the .
portion of the Bond not redeemed to the registered owner in
exchange for the Bond a portion of which is to be redeemed.
Whenever the Issuer shall elect to redeem Bonds, notice of such
redemption of Bonds, stating the redemption date, redemption
price and identifying the Bonds or portions thereof to be re-
deemed by reference to their numbers and further stating that on
such redemption date there shall become due and payable upon each
bond or portions thereof so to be redeemed, the principal
thereof, redemption premium and interest accrued to the
redemption date and that from and after such date interest
thereon shall cease to accrue, shall be given not less than 30
days nor more than 45 days prior to the redemption date in
writing to the registered owners, by pre-paid first-class mail,
at their addresses as such addresses appear on the records of the .
Transfer Agent, as bond registrar, but any failure in respect of
such mailing will not affect the validity of the redemption.
(9) The Multiple Bonds and the provisions for the
registration thereof, for the approval of the Multiple Bonds by
the Secretary of the Local Government Commission, and for
authentication of the Multiple Bonds by the Transfer Agent shall
be in substantially the following form:
- - ---
,~".! -
(Form of Multiple Bonds)
No. R- $
Water Bond, Series A
June 1, 1995
The East Central Water and Sewer District of Harnett
County (hereinafter referred to as the "District ), a county
water and sewer district of the state of North Carolina,
ac::knowledges itself indebted and for value received hereby
promises to pay to the registered owner named above on the date
specified above, upon the surrender hereof, the principal sum
shown above and to pay to the registered owner hereof interest
thereon from the date of this bond until it shall mature at the
rate per annum as specified above, payable semi-annually on June
. 1 and December 1 of each year. Principal of this bond is payable
by check by First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company, in Raleigh,
North Carolina, as paying agent, or by the duly appointed
alternate or successor paying agent (the "Paying Agent"), in such
cOlin or currency of the United states of America as at the time
of payment shall be legal tender for payment of public and
private debts. Interest on this bond is payable by check by the
Paying Agent mailed to the registered owner hereof at his address
as it appears on the bond registry books of First-Citizens Bank &
Trust Company, in Raleigh, North Carolina, as transfer agent (the
"Transfer Agent"), at the close of business on the fifteenth day
of the calendar month (whether or not a business day) next
prE!ceding each interest payment date. This bond is transferable
. by the registered owner hereof or his duly authorized attorney at
the principal office of the Transfer Agent, upon surrender of
thi.s bond, accompanied by a duly executed instrument of transfer
in form and with guaranty of signature satisfactory to the
Transfer Agent, and upon payment of any taxes or other
governmental charges incident to such transfer. Upon any such
transfer a new registered bond without coupons of the same
maturity and in the same aggregate principal amount will be
issued to the transferee. The person in whose name this bond is
----~-~_._~--~-~-'~--.-~_.~-~ -~._. -'~-""-- - -~----'---'-'-'.
, c-)
registered shall be deemed the owner hereof for all purposes, and
the County and the Transfer Agent shall not be affected by any
notice to the contrary.
This bond is issued in accordance with the Registered
Public Obligations Act, Chapter 159E of the General statutes of
North Carolina, and pursuant to The Local Government Finance Act,
Chapter 159 of said General statutes, and a bond order adopted by
the Board of commissioners of the County of Harnett, sitting as .
the governing body of the District, on February 19, 1990 to pay
capital costs of providing water facilities for the District.
The bonds maturing on and after June 1, 2006 shall be
subject to redemption prior to their stated maturities at the
option of the District on or after June 1, 2005, in whole at any
time or in part on any interest payment date, at a redemption
price equal to the principal amount of each bond to be redeemed
together with accrued interest thereon to the redemption date
plus a redemption premium of one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%)
of the principal amount of each bond to be redeemed for each
period of twelve months or part thereof between the redemption
date and the maturity date of each bond to be redeemed, provided
that such premium shall not exceed two percent of such principal
amount. If less than all of the bonds of any maturity are called .
for redemption, the bonds to be redeemed shall be selected by the
District in such manner as it may determine. If less than all of
the bonds of different maturities are called for redemption, the
bonds to be redeemed shall be called in the inverse order of
their maturities. If less than all of the principal amount of a
single bond is to be redeemed, the District shall exchange a bond
of the denomination representing the portion of the bond not
redeemed to the registered owner in exchange for the bond, a
portion of which is to be redeemed. Whenever the District shall
elect to redeem bonds, notice of such redemption of bonds,
stating the redemption date, redemption price and identifying the
bonds or portions thereof to be redeemed by reference to their
numbers and further stating that on such redemption date there
shall become due and payable upon each bond or portion thereof so .
to be redeemed, the principal thereof, redemption premium and
interest accrued to the redemption date and that from and after
such date interest thereon shall cease to accrue, shall be given
not less than 30 days nor more than 45 days prior to the
redemption date in writing to the registered owners, by pre-paid
first-class mail, at their addresses as such addresses appear on
the records of the Transfer Agent, but any failure in respect of
such mailing will not affect the validity of the redemption.
- -
. .f ~
='= 1 ",J
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions,
acts and things required by the Constitution or statutes of the
state of North Carolina to exist, be performed or happen
precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, have been
performed and have happened, and that the amount of this bond,
together with all other indebtedness of the District, is within
every debt and other limitation prescribed by said Constitution
. or statutes. The faith and credit of the District are hereby
pledgl3d to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest
on this bond in accordance with its terms.
This bond shall not be valid or become obligatory for
any purpose until the certifications hereon shall have been
signed by authorized representatives of the Local Government
Commission of North Carolina and the Transfer Agent.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the District has caused this bond
to bear the facsimile signatures of the Chairman of the governing
body ()f the District and the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
of the County of Harnett and of the District and a facsimile of
the cClrporate seal of the District to be imprinted hereon, and
this bond to be dated June 1, 1995.
(facsimile sianature)
. Chairman, governing body of
East Central Water and Sewer
District of Harnett County
(facsimile sianat r:f")
Clerk, East Central Water and
Sewer District of Harnett County
Transfer Agent's Certificate ot Authentication
This bond is one of the bonds of the issue designated
herein and issued under the within-mentioned bond order.
Authorized Signatory
. Date of Authentication
The issue hereof has been approved under the
provisions of The Local Government Bond Act.
(facsimile sianature)
Secretary of the Local Government Commission
-,~- ~,~-~-~ .- -~--~~'-----'-'-'-"---
For value received the undersigned registered owner
thereof hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto
the within bond and all rights thereunder and hereby irrevocably
constitutes and appoints
attorney to register the transfer of said bond on the books kept
for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the .
Signature Guaranteed: Dated:
NOTICE: The assignor'S signature to this assignment must
correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the
within bond in every particular, without alteration or
enlargement or any change whatever.
(10) The Single Bond, the provisions for entry of pay-
ments of principal and interest with respect thereto, for assign-
ment thereof and for approval thereof by the Secretary of the
Local Government Commission to be endorsed thereon shall be in
substantially the following form:
(form of Single Bond) .
Water Bond, Series A
R-l $3,608,000
East Central Water and Sewer District of Harnett County
(hereinafter called the "District"), a county water and sewer
district of the State of North Carolina, acknowledges itself
indebted and for value received, hereby promises to pay to the
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, or its registered assigns (herein
called "Payee"), the principal sum of $3,608,000 on the first day
of June in years and installments, as follows: .
Principal principal Principal
Year Amount Year Amount Year Amount
1998 $ 36,500 2011 $ 69,000 2024 $132,500
1999 38,000 2012 72,500 2025 139,000
2000 40,000 2013 76,500 2026 146,000
2001 42,000 2014 80,000 2027 146,000
2002 44,000 2015 84,500 2028 146,000
2003 46,000 2016 88,500 2029 146,000
2004 48,500 2017 93,000 2030 146,000
2005 51,000 2018 98,000 2031 146,000
2006 53,500 2019 103,000 2032 146,000
2007 56,500 2020 108,500 2033 146,000
2008 59,500 2021 114,000 2034 146,000
2009 62,500 2022 119,500 2035 146,000
2010 65,500 2023 126,000
- --.-
in such coin or currency of the United states of America as at
the time of payment shall be legal tender for the payment of
debts due the United states of America, and to pay interest on
the balance of said principal sum from time to time remaining
unpaid, in like coin or currency, at the rate of five and one
hundred twenty-five thousandths per centum (5.125%) per annum on
. June 1, 1996, and annually thereafter on June 1 of each year,
until the principal amount hereof has been paid.
Payments of the installments of principal and interest
then due and payable on this bond shall be made without
presentation or surrender hereof. Upon final payment of
principal and interest, this bond shall be surrendered to the
District for cancellation.
This bond is issued in accordance with the Registered
Public Obligations Act, Chapter 159E of the General statutes of
North Carolina, and pursuant to The Local Government Finance Act,
Chapter 159 of said General statutes, and a bond order adopted by
the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, sitting as
the governing body of the District, on February 19, 1990 to pay
capital costs of providing water facilities for the District.
. This bond is exchangeable at the sole expense of the
District at any time, upon ninety days' notice, at the request of
the registered owner hereof and upon surrender of this bond to
the District, for fully registered bonds, in the denomination of
$500 each or any inte~ral multiple thereof, in an aggregate
principal amount equal to the unpaid principal amount of this
bond and in the form of such fully registered multiple bonds as
is provided for in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the
This bond may be assigned and upon such assignment the
assignor shall promptly notify the District by registered m.:l.il,
and the assignee shall surrender the same to the District for
transfer on the registration records, or in exchange for fully
registered bonds in the denomination of $500 each or any integral
. multiple thereof, in an aggregate principal amount equal to the
unpaid principal amount of such single registered bond and
bearing maturities corresponding to the principal installments on
such single registered bond then unpaid, and every such assignee
shall take this bond subject to such condition.
So long as this bond is held or insured by the united
states of America, the principal installments hereof may be
prepaid in whole or in part at any time in inverse order of
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions,
acts and things required by the Constitution or statutes of the
state of North Carolina to exist, be performed or happen
precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, have been
performed and have happened, and that this bond is within every
limitation prescribed by said constitution or statutes. The
faith and credit of the District are hereby pledged to the .
punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond in
accordance with its terms.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the District has caused this bond
to be signed by the Chairman of the governing body of the
District and the Clerk of the Board of commissioners of the
County of Harnett and of the District and sealed with the
ccrporate seal of the District and this bond to be dated
Chairman, governing body of
East Central Water and Sewer District
of Harnett County
Clerk, East Central Water and Sewer .
District of Harnett County
The issuance of the within bond has been approved under
the provisions of The Local Government Bond Act.
Secretary of the Local Government Commission
Designated Assistant
Name of
Principal Interest Payinq Aqent,
Principal Balance Payment Date Authorized
Due Date Pavment Due (5.125%) Paid Off. , Title
June 1, 1996
June I, 1997
June I, 1998 $ 36.500 .
June 1, 1999 38.000
June 1, 2000 40.000
June I, 2001 42.000
June 1, 2002 44.000
June 1, 2003 46.000
June 1, 2004 48.500
June 1, 2005 51.000
June 1, 2006 53.500
June 1, 2007 56.500
June 1, 2008 59.500
June I, 2009 62.500
June 1, 2010 65.500
June 1, 2011 69.000
June 1, 2012 72.500
June 1, 2013 76.500
June 1, 2014 80.000
June 1, 2015 84.500
June 1, 2016 88.500
June 1, 2017 93.000
June 1, 2018 98.000
June 1, 2019 11)3.000
June 1, 2020 108.500
June 1, 2021 114.000
June 1, 2022 119.500
June 1, 2023 126.000
June 1, 2024 132.500
. June 1, 2025 139.000
June 1, 2026 146.000
June 1, 2027 146.000
June 1, 2028 146.000
June 1, 2029 146.000
June 1, 2030 146.000
June 1, 2031 146.000
June 1, 2032 146.000
June 1, 2033 146.000
June I, 2034 146.000
June 1, 2035 146.000
Principal installments on which payments have been made prior to
Name of
principal Due Aqent,
Principal Off. ,
Date Amount Payment Balance Date Paid Title
For value received the undersigned registered owner
thereof hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto
the within bond and all rights thereunder and hereby irrevocably
constitutes and appoints
. attorney to register the transfer of said bond on the books kept
for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the
Signature Guaranteed: Dated:
~._--._~--~-~- -,-----.- --~--'~- ~~_._----
NOTICE: The assignor's signature to this assignment must
correspond with the name as it appears upon the ~ace of the
within bond in every particular, without alterat10n or
enlargement or any change whatever.
(11) Actions taken or to be taken by officials of the
Issuer to select paying and transfer agents, and a bond
registrar, or alternate or successor agents and registrars .
pursuant to section 159E-8 of the Registered PUblic Obligations
Act, Chapter 159E of the General statutes of North carolina, are
hereby authorized and approved.
(12) The Bonds shall be sold to the United States of
America at private sale without advertisement in the form of a
single registered bond bearing interest at the rate of 5.125%
per annum, provided that the Local Government commission shall
determine that such price is in the best interest of the Issuer.
(13) The Chairman of the governing body of the Issuer
and the Clerk of the Board of commissioners of the County of
Harnett and of the Issuer are hereby authorized and directed to
cause the Bonds to be prepared and, when they shall have been
duly sold by the Local Government Commission, to execute the
Bonds and to turn the Bonds over to the state Treasurer of North .
Carolina or to the Transfer Agent for delivery to the purchaser
or purchasers to whom the Bonds may be sold by said commission.
(14) The Issuer covenants to comply with the
provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
"Code"), to the extent required to preserve the exclusion from
gross income of interest on the Bonds for Federal income tax pur-
( 15) The Issuer hereby represents that (i) the
proposed $3,608,000 Water Bonds, Series A, are not private
activity bonds as defined in the Code and ( ii) the Issuer,
together with any subordinate entities of the Issuer and any
entities which issue obligations on behalf of the Issuer,
reasonably expects that it will not issue cumulatively more than
$10,000,000 of tax-exempt obligations (other than private .
activity bonds which are not qualified 50l(c) (3) bonds) during
the current calendar year. In addition, the Issuer hereby
designates the Bonds as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" for
the purposes of section 265(b) (3) of the Code.
(16) The power to make any election on behalf of the
Issuer with respect to the arbitrage rebate provisions of the
Code applicable to the Bonds is hereby delegated to the Chairman
of the governing body of the Issuer and the Clerk of the Board of
Commissioners of the county of Harnett and of the Issuer.
The motion having been duly seconded, and the
resolution having been considered, it was adopted by the
following vote:
. AYES: 5
* * * * *
The Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, sitting as the governing
. body of the East Central Water and Sewer District of Harnett County. convened in
a special setting during its meeting held on October 2, 1995 at 9 :00 0' clock a.m.
in the Harnett County Office Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North
Board Members present were: H.L. Sorrell, Jr. , (Chairman), Wal t Ti tchener .
Beatrice Bailey Hill, Dan B. Andrews and Joseph T. Bowden. No members were
* * * * *
Commissioner Bowden presented the
following resolution and moved that it be adopted:
WHEREAS I the bond order hereinafter described has taken
effect and the Board of Commissioners of the county of Harnett,
. sitting as the governing body of East Central Water and Sewer
District of Harnett County (the "Issuer"), desires to make
provision for the issuance of bonds authorized by said bond
order; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of
Harnett, sitting as the governing body of the Issuer, desires to
sell a $172,000 portion of the bonds at private sale without
advertisement; and
____'_c____ -r --______ _ __ _____ '-~_'________ ~______~_.______ _____,r_ __.._____~.__~- ~___._______..._.....v~______
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of
Harnett, sitting as the governing body of the Issuer, desires to
sell said $172,000 portion of the bonds at a rate of interest not
exceeding 5.25% per annum; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of
Harnett, sitting as the governing body of the Issuer, has been
informed of United States of America's undertaking to purchase .
said $172,000 portion of the bonds at the rate of 5.25% per
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the
County of Harnett, sitting as the governing body of the Issuer,
as follows:
(1) The Issuer shall issue its bonds of the aggregate
principal amount of $172,000 pursuant to and in accordance with
the $6,500,000 water bond order adopted by the Board of
Commissioners of the County of Harnett, sitting as the governing
body of the Issuer on February 19, 1990. The bonds shall be
designated "Water Bonds, Series B," and referred to herein as the
"Bonds." The period of usefulness of the capital project to be
financed by the issuance of the Bonds is a period of forty years .
computed from the date of the Bonds.
(2) The Bonds shall be issuable in the denomination of
$500 or any integral multiple thereof, shall be numbered so as to
uniquely designate each Bond and such numbering shall be in
accordance with the system of the hereinafter designated bond
registrar of the Issuer and shall be payable in annual
installments on June 1 as follows:
principal Principal Principal
Year lunount Year Amount Year Amount
1998 $ 2,000 2011 $ 3,000 2024 $ 6,000
1999 2,000 2012 3,000 2025 6,000
2000 2,000 2013 3,000 2026 6,500
2001 2,000 2014 4,000 2027 7,000
2002 2,000 2015 4,000 2028 7,000
2003 2,000 2016 4,000 2029 7,500
2004 2,000 2017 4,000 2030 8,000
2005 2,000 2018 4,500 2031 8,000
2006 2,000 2019 4,500 2032 8,000 .
2007 2,500 2020 5,000 2033 8,000
2008 2,500 2021 5,000 2034 8,000
2009 3,000 2022 5,500 2035 8,000
2010 3,000 2023 5,500
(3) The Bonds shall be dated June 1, 1995 (unless
awarded to the united States of America in which case the Bonds
shall be dated as of the date of delivery thereof), and shall
bear interest from their date until they shall mature at a rate
or rates which shall be hereinafter determined provided the net
interest cost to the Issuer shall not exceed 5.25% per annum.
- - ---
1 0'7
_'_ 0 !
Such interest shall be payable semi-annually on June 1 and Decem-
ber 1 in each year; provided, however, that if any Bonds shall be
purchased by the united states of America, the interest on such
Bonds to the maturity thereof shall be payable on June 1, 1996
and annually thereafter of the 1st day of June of each year.
(4) The Bonds shall be issued as fully registered
. bonds without coupons in the denomination of $500 each or any
integral multiple thereof (the "Multiple Bonds"), or, at the op-
tion of the purchaser, as a single fully registered bond without
coupons in the denomination of $172,000 (the "Single Bond")
payable in installments. If issued as Multiple Bonds, the Bonds
shall bear the facsimile signatures of the Chairman of the
governing body of the Issuer and the Clerk of the Board of
Commissioners of the County of Harnett and of the Issuer and a
facsimile of the corporate seal of the Issuer and the certificate
of Approval of the Local Government Commission shall bear a
facsimile signature of the Secretary of said Commission. If
issued as a Single Bond, the Bonds shall be signed by the
Chairman of the governing body of the Issuer and the Clerk of the
Board of commissioners of the County of Harnett and of the Is-
. suer, the corporate seal of the Issuer shall be impressed thereon
and the certificate of Approval of the Local Government
Commission shall be signed by a designated assistant of said
Commission. Interest on the Bonds shall be paid by check by the
Issuer or a paying agent to be designated by the Board of
Commissioners of County of Harnett, sitting as the governing body
of the Issuer (the "Paying Agent"), and mailed to the registered
owner of record as of 15 days prior to the interest payment date
at his address as it appears on the bond registry books of the
Paying Agent. Principal of the Bonds shall be paid by check by
the Paying Agent upon presentation of the Bonds for payment.
(5) At the option of the purchaser of the Bonds, the
Issuer may issue, in lieu of the Multiple Bonds, a Single Bond
without coupons bearing interest at the same rate or rates as the
. Multiple Bonds. The Single Bond shall be of the denomination of
$172,000, shall be numbered R-1 and shall be payable in
installments on June 1 in years and amounts as set forth with re-
spect to the Multiple Bonds. Within ninety days after the
receipt by the Issuer of the written request of the registered
owner of the single Bond, the Issuer will, at its own expense,
prepare and execute Multiple Bonds in the form hereinafter set
forth, of type, composition and printed on paper of customary
---~-- ~---~ - -'-~~"-~-'---'-----'"~-~--'-~---~--' ~---------~~---~..--------_.-._------
weight and strength, in an aggregate principal amount equal to
the unpaid principal amount of the Single Bond, and having
maturities corresponding to the principal installments of the
single Bond then unpaid; and the Issuer will cause the Multiple
Bonds to be presented to the transfer agent to be designated by
the Issuer (the "Transfer Agent") for endorsement and for dating
the authentication blank thereon and for delivery to the .
registered owner of the Single Bond upon surrender and
cancellation of the Single Bond.
(6) The Single Bond purchased by the United States of
America shall be payable in installments without presentation.
(7) So long as the Bonds are held or insured by the
united States of America, the principal thereon may be prepaid in
whole or in part without premium at any time in inverse order of
(8) The Bonds maturing on and after June 1, 2006
shall be subject to redemption prior to their stated maturities
at the option of the Issuer on or after June 1, 2005, in whole at
any time or in part on any interest payment date, at a redemption
price equal to the principal amount of each bond to be redeemed
together with accrued interest thereon to the redemption date .
plus a redemption premium of one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%)
of the principal amount of each bond to be redeemed for each
period of twelve months or part thereof between the redemption
date and the maturity date of each bond to be redeemed, provided
that such premium shall not exceed two percent (2% ) of such
principal amount. If less than all of the Bonds of any maturity
are called for redemption, the bonds to be redeemed shall be
selected by the Issuer in such manner as it may determine. If
less than all of the Bonds of different maturities are called for
redemption, the bonds to be redeemed shall be called in the
inverse order of their maturities. If less than all of the
principal amount of a single Bond is to be redeemed, the Issuer
shall exchange a bond of the denomination representing the
portion of the Bond not redeemed to the registered owner in .
exchange for the Bond a portion of which is to be redeemed.
Whenever the Issuer shall elect to redeem Bonds, notice of such
redemption of Bonds, stating the redemption date, redemption
price and identifying the Bonds or portions thereof to be re-
deemed by reference to their numbers and further stating that on
such redemption date there shall become due and payable upon each
bond or portions thereof so to be redeemed, the principal
thereof, redemption premium and interest accrued to the
redemption date and that from and after such date interest
thereon shall cease to accrue, shall be given not less than 30
days nor more than 45 days prior to the redemption date in
writing to the registered owners, by pre-paid first-class mail,
at their addresses as such addresses appear on the records of the
Transfer Agent, as bond registrar, but any failure in respect of
such mailing will not affect the validity of the redemption.
. (9) The Multiple Bonds and the provisions for the
registration thereof, tor the approval of the Multiple Bonds by
the Secretary of the Local Government commission, and for
authentication of the Multiple Bonds by the Transfer Agent shall
be in substantially the following form:
(Form of Multiple Bonds)
No. R- $
Water Bond, Series B
. June 1, 1995
The East Central Water and Sewer District of Harnett
County (hereinafter referred to as the "District ), a county
water and sewer district of the state of North Carolina,
acknowledges itself indebted and for value received hereby
promises to pay to the registered owner named above on the date
specified above, upon the surrender hereof, the principal sum
shown above and to pay to the registered owner hereof interE!st
thereon from the date of this bond until it shall mature at the
rate per annum as specified above, payable semi-annually on June
1 and December 1 of each year. Principal of this bond is payable
. by check by First-citizens Bank & Trust Company, in Raleigh,
North Carolina, as paying agent, or by the duly appointed
alternate or successor paying agent (the "Paying Agent") , in such
coin or currency of the united states of America as at the time
of payment shall be legal tender for payment of public and
private debts. Interest on this bond is payable by check by the
paying Agent mailed to the registered owner hereof at his address
as it appears on the bond registry books of First-citizens Bank &
Trust Company, in Raleigh, North Carolina, as transfer agent (the
~ '__~______'_'____C' ______..~______~________~_________~-'~_____~________..____~_..________________
~'-._j -
"Transfer Agent") , at the close of business on the fifteenth day
of the calendar month (whether or not a business day) next
preceding each interest payment date. This bond is transferable
by the registered owner hereof or his duly authorized attorney at
the principal office of the Transfer Agent, upon surrender of
this bond, accompanied b~ a duly executed instrument of transfer
in form and with guaranty of signature satisfactory to the
Transfer Agent, and upon payment of any taxes or other .
governmental charges incident to such transfer. Upon any such
transfer a new registered bond without coupons of the same
maturity and in the same aggregate principal amount will be
issued to the transferee. The person in whose name this bond is
registered shall be deemed the owner hereof for all purposes, and
the County and the Transfer Agent shall not be affected by any
notice to the contrary.
This bond is issued in accordance with the Registered
Public Obligations Act, Chapter 159E of the General statutes of
North Carolina, and pursuant to The Local Government Finance Act,
Chapter 159 of said General statutes, and a bond order adopted by
the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, sitting as
the governing body of the District, on February 19, 1990 to pay
capital costs of providing water facilities for the District. .
The bonds maturing on and after June 1, 2006 shall be
subject to redemption prior to their stated maturities at the
option of the District on or after June 1, 2005, in whole at any
time or in part on any interest payment date, at a redemption
price equal to the principal amount of each bond to be redeemed
together with accrued interest thereon to the redemption date
plus a redemption premium of one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%)
of the principal amount of each bond to be redeemed for each
period of twelve months or part thereof between the redemption
date and the maturity date of each bond to be redeemed, provideCl
that such premium shall not exceed two percent of such principal
amount. If less than all of the bonds of any maturity are called
for redemption, the bonds to be redeemed shall be selected by the
District in such manner as it may determine. rf less than all of .
the bonds of different maturities are called for redemption, the
bonds to be redeemed shall be called in the inverse order of
their maturities. If less than all of the principal amount of a
single bond is to be redeemed, the District shall exchange a bond
of the denomination representing the portion of the bond not
redeemed to the registered owner in exchange for the bond, a
portion of which is to be redeemed. Whenever the District shall
elect to redeem bonds, notice of such redemption of bonds,
stating the redemption date, redemption price and identifying the
bonds or portions thereof to be redeemed by reference to their
numbers and further stating that on such redemption date there
shall become due and payable upon each bond or portion thereof so
to be redeemed, the principal thereof, redemption premium and
. interest accrued to the redemption date and that from and after
such date interest thereon shall cease to accrue, shall be given
not less than 30 days nor more than 45 days prior to the
redemption date in writing to the registered owners, by pre-paid
first-class mail, at their addresses as such addresses appear on
the records of the Transfer Agent, but any failure in respect of
such mailing will not affect the validity of the redemption.
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions,
acts and things required by the Constitution or statutes of the
state of North Carolina to exist, be performed or happen
precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, have been
performed and have happened, and that the amount of this bond,
together with all other indebtedness of the District, is within
every debt and other limitation prescribed by said Constitution
. or statutes. The faith and credit of the District are hereby
pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest
on this bond in accordance with its terms.
This bond shall not be valid or become obligatory for
any purpose until the certifications hereon shall have been
signed by authorized representatives of the Local Government
Commission of North Carolina and the Transfer Agent.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the District has caused this bond
to bear the facsimile signatures of the Chairman of the governing
body of the District and the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
of the County of Harnett and of the District and a facsimile of
the corporate seal of the District to be imprinted hereon, and
this bond to be dated June 1, 1995.
. (facsimile sianature)
Chairman, governing body of
East Central Water and Sewer
District of Harnett County
(facsimile sianature)
Clerk, East Central Water and
Sewer District of Harnett County
----.----,---.---.-- ~ ~~ - -- <'---'
Transfer Agent's certificate of Authentication
This bond is one of the bonds of the issue designated
herein and issued under the within-mentioned bond order.
By: .
Authorized Signatory
Date of Authentication
The issue hereof has been approved under the
provisions of The Local Government Bond Act.
(facsimile sianature~
Secretary of the Local Government commission
For value received the undersigned registered owner .
thereof hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto
the within bond and all rights thereunder and hereby irrevocably
constitutes and appoints
attorney to register the transfer of said bond on the books kept
for registration thereof, with full power of sUbstitution in the
Signature Guaranteed: Dated:
NOTICE: The assignor's signature to this assignment must
correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the
within bond in every particular, without alteration or .
enlargement or any change whatever.
(10) The Single Bond, the provisions for entry of pay-
ments of principal and interest with respect thereto, for assign-
ment thereof and for approval thereof by the Secretary of the
Local Government Commission to be endorsed thereon shall be in
substantially the following form:
(form of single Bond)
Water Bond, Series B
R-1 $172,000
. East Central Water and Sewer District of Harnett County
(hereinafter called the "District"), a county water and sewer
district of the state of North Carolina, acknowledges itself
indebted and for value received, hereby promises to pay to the
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, or its registered assigns (herein
called "Payee"), the principal sum of $172,000 on the first day
of June in years and installments, as follows:
Principal principal principal
Year Amount Year Amount Year Amount
1998 $ 2,000 2011 $ 3,000 2024 $ 6,000
1999 2,000 2012 3,000 2025 6,000
2000 2,000 2013 3,000 2026 6,500
2001 2,000 2014 4,000 2027 7,000
2002 2,000 2015 4,000 2028 7,000
2003 2,000 2016 4,000 2029 7,500
2004 2,000 2017 4,000 2030 8,000
2005 2,000 2018 4,500 2031 8,000
2006 2,000 2019 4,500 2032 8,000
2007 2,500 2020 5,000 2033 8,000
. 2008 2,500 2021 5,000 2034 8,000
2009 3,000 2022 5,500 2035 8,000
2010 3,000 2023 5,500
in such coin or currency of the united States of America as at
the time of payment shall be legal tender for the payment of
debts due the United states of America, and to pay interest on
the balance of said principal sum from time to time remaining
unpaid, in like coin or currency, at the rate of five and twenty-
five hundredths per centum (5.25%) per annum on June 1, 1996, and
annually thereafter on June 1 of each year, until the principal
amount hereof has been paid.
Payments of the installments of principal and interest
then due and payable on this bond shall be made without
presentation or surrender hereof. Upon final payment of
. principal and interest, this bond shall be surrendered to the
District for cancellation.
This bond is issued in accordance with the Registered
Public Obligations Act, Chapter 159E of the General Statutes of
North Carolina, and pursuant to The Local Government Finance Act,
Chapter 159 of said General Statutes, and a bond order adopted by
the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, sitting as
the governing body of the District, on February 19, 1990 to pay
capital costs of providing water facilities for the Distric~.
_~ ~__., ___ ____~.~_~,<____~____._._____..~__~ n'__' _~___._._.__._._ ~..._...___ ~_..-.-..------,.--,~~-
This bond is exchangeable at the sole expense of the
District at any time, upon ninety days' notice, at the request of
the registered owner hereof and upon surrender of this bond to
the District, for fully registered bonds, in the denomination of
$500 each or any integral multiple thereof, in an aggregate
principal amount equal to the unpaid principal amount of this
bond and in the form of such fully registered multiple bonds as
is provided for in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the .
This bond may be assigned and upon such assignment the
assignor shall promptly notify the District by registered mail,
and the assignee shall surrender the same to the District for
transfer on the registration records, or in exchange for fully
registered bonds in the denomination of $500 each or any integral
multiple thereof, in an aggregate principal amount equal to the
unpaid principal amount of such single registered bond and
bearing maturities corresponding to the principal installments on
such single registered bond then unpaid, and every such assignee
shall take this bond subject to such condition.
So long as this bond is held or insured by the united
States of America, the principal installments hereof may be
prepaid in whole or in part at any time in inverse order of .
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions,
acts and things required by the Constitution or statutes of the
state of North Carolina to exist, be performed or happen
precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, have been
performed and have happened, and that this bond is within every
limitation prescribed by said Constitution or statutes. The
faith and credit of the District are hereby pledged to the
punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond in
accordance with its terms.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the District has caused this bond
to be signed by the Chairman of the governing body of the
District and the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the
County of Harnett and of the District and sealed with the .
corporate seal of the District and this bond to be dated
Chairman, governing body of
East central Water and Sewer District
of Harnett County
Clerk, East Central Water and Sewer
District of Harnett County
j~ '..- ..~)
The issuance of the within bond has been approved under
the provisions of The Local Government Bond Act.
Secretary of the Local Government Commission
By: Designated Assistant
Name of
principal Interest Paying Agent,
principal Balance Payment Date Authorized
Due Date pavment Due JS.25%l Paid Off. & Title
June 1, 1996
June 1, 1997
June 1, 1998 S 2.000
June 1, 1999 2.000
June 1, 2000 2.000
June 1, 2001 2.qOO
June 1, 2002 2.000
June 1, 2003 2.qOO
June 1, 2004 2.000
June 1, 2005 2.000
June 1, 2006 2.000
June 1, 2007 2.500
June 1, 2008 2.500
June 1, 2009 3.000
June 1, 2010 3.000
June 1, 2011 3.000
June 1, 2012 3.000
June 1, 2013 3.000
. June 1, 2014 4.000
June 1, 2015 4.000
June 1, 2016 4.000
June 1, 2017 4.000
June 1, 2018 4.500
June 1, 2019 4.500
June 1, 2020 5.000
June 1, 2021 5.000
June 1, 2022 5.500
June 1, 2023 5.500
June 1, 2024 6.000
June 1, 2025 6.000
June 1, 2026 6.500
June 1, 2027 7.000
June 1, 2028 7.000
June 1, 2029 7.500
June 1, 2030 8.000
June 1, 2031 8.000
June 1, 2032 8.000
June 1, 2033 8.000
June 1, 2034 8.000
June 1, 2035 8.000
. principal installments on which payments have been made prior to
Name of
principal Due Paying
principal Off. ,
Date Amount payment Balance Date Paid Title
~--- ,------ ~ ---------~----'~--------- - .------~------- -~--------..~---~---- ---.--------
...I... ",d
For value received the undersigned registered owner
thereof hereby sells, assigns, and transfers unto
the within bond and all rights thereunder and hereby irrevocably
constitutes and appoints .
attorney to register the transfer of said bond on the books kept
for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the
signature Guaranteed: Dated:
NOTICE: The assignor's signature to this assignment must
correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the
within bond in every particular, without alteration or
enlargement or any change whatever.
(11) Actions taken or to be taken by officials of the
Issuer to select paying and transfer agents, and a bond .
registrar, or alternate or successor agents and registrars
pursuant to Section 159E-8 of the Registered Public obligations
Act, Chapter 159E of the General statutes of North Carolina, are
hereby authorized and approved.
(12) The Bonds shall be sold to the United states of
America at private sale without advertisement in the form of a
single registered bond bearing interest at the rate of 5.25%
per annum, provided that the Local Government Commission shall
determine that such price is in the best interest of the Issuer.
(13) The Chairman of the governing body of the Issuer
and the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the county of
Harnett and of the Issuer are hereby authorized and directed to
cause the Bonds to be prepared and, when they shall have been
duly sold by the Local Government commission, to execute the .
Bonds and to turn the Bonds over to the state Treasurer of North
Carolina or to the Transfer Agent for delivery to the purchaser
or purchasers to whom the Bonds may be sold by said Commission.
(14) The Issuer covenants to comply with the
provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
"Code"), to the extent required to preserve the exclusion from
gross income of interest on the Bonds for Federal income tax pur-
~J_ ,--1 ,
(15) The Issuer hereby represents that (i) the
proposed $172,000 Water Bonds, Series B, are not private activity
bonds as defined in the Code and (ii) the Issuer, together with
any subordinate entities of the Issuer and any entities which
issue obligations on behalf of the Issuer, reasonably expects
that it will not issue cumulatively more than $10,000,000 of tax-
. exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds which are
not qualified 501(c) (3) bonds) during the current calendar year.
In addition, the Issuer hereby designates the Bonds as lIqualified
tax-exempt obligations" for the purposes of section 265(b) (3) of
the Code.
(16) The power to make any election on behalf of the
Issuer with respecl to {:h e a,r1:s i. trag:e n~bate provisions of the
Code applicable to tlut .6on.di:l 1$ heYe~y delegated to the Chairman
of the governing body of the Issuer and the Clerk of the Board of
Commissioners of the County of Harnett and of the Issuer.
The motion having been duly seconded, and the
resolution having been considered, it was adopted by the
following vote:
. NAYS: 0
* * * * *
__,_,~_'~'__'_~____7_ _ .
. .
*Must be Harnett County Employee at time of retirement to be eligible.
+-l 65 -
<1: REGULAR: 5 50 20
60 25 60 5
00 ANY AGE 30
m 55
,.-1 LAW: 5 50 15
DRAFT 7-7-95
"'-~ ~.... "<._ J, ..,--,.f
Attachment 6.
FROM: Christopher L. Carr, County Tax Attorney
FOR THE MONTH OF September, 1995
1. Tax Suits Dismissed:
Anderson Creek TownshiQ
Bond, John 94 CvD 0488 1,126.02 883.13 515.00
Campbell, David 94 CvD 1525 731. 04 373.14 110.87
West, Jane 95 CvD 0361 639.10 256.74 200.00
Averasboro Townshin
Fowler, Delma No CvD 564.87 100.00 100.00
Lewis, Perry No CvD 1,220.66 75.00 75.00
~arbecue Townshio
Baber, Frank 93 CvD 1039 721.58 445.79 375.00
Mitchell, William No CvD 240.61 75.00 75.00
Thomas, Arthur 95 CvD 0180 673.10 291.50 225.00
~lar.k River T0.w~
Cotten, John No CvD 1,626.96 150.00 150.00
Faison, Virginia No CvD 352.67 75.00 75.00
Shreve, James No CvD 657.54 75.00 75.00
Duke TownshiQ.
Porter, Robert 95 CvD 0192 1,116.87 280.87 225.00
. Grove Townshio
Snipes, Keith 93 CvD 1414 3,324.02 256.62 200.00
Johnsonville Townshiu
Lester, Doretha No CvD 224.13 75.00 75.00
Smi th, Beverly No CvD 583.83 230.00 175.00
5..tewart's Creek Tnwn~
Mims, Latanga 92 cvD 1514 781.58 465.04 400.00
Walker, Fonnie No CvD L..Q/7 . 32- ]5.00 75.00
Subtotal S16.611.90 S4.182.83 S3.125.87
NOTE: * Total collected includes taxes, interest and Court costs.
** Court costs includes attorney fees allowed by Court (where
suit has been commenced) .
2. Advanced Costs:
Dat~ ExplanAtion rhara~
09-22-95 Lee County Sheriff - service fee
(Smi th) 5.00
3. New suits started during the month of September, 1995.
yohnsonvi11e Two
Smith, Minnie Lee
4. Other Services
Attorney's fees - Tax Suits $3,125.87
Other Services $00.00
Advanced Costs S5.00
BALANCE S3.130.87
cL~ 7-~
Christopher L. Carr
Post Office Box 39
Lillington, NC 27546
Telephone: (910) 893-5191