031907m HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting March 19, 2007 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, March 19, 2007, in the County Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Teddy J. Byrd, Chairman Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman Dan B. Andrews Tim McNeill Gary House Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Chairman Byrd called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and Vice Chairman Hill led the pledge of allegiance and prayer. Commissioner McNeill moved to approve the agenda as published. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Upon motion by Commissioner McNeill and seconded by Vice Chairman Hill, the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda: 1. Minutes: Special Meeting (work session), February 16, 2007 Regular Meeting, February 19, 2007 2. Budget amendments: 296 Public Utilities (Fund 531-HCDPU) Code 531-9025-431.44-21 Distribution-Bldg & Equip Rent 278. increase 531-9015-431.44-21 Water Treatment-Bldg & Equip Rent 278. increase 301 Interfund Transfer (Fund 110-General) Code 110-8701-490.90-44 Interfund Transfer – Cape Fear River Trail Project 14,392. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 14,392. increase 306 Dunn Erwin Trail Capital Project (Fund 376-“CP0602”) Code 376-8306-465.33-45 Contracted Services 21,308. increase 376-8306-465.45-30 Engineering 3,000. increase 376-8306-465.45-80 Contingency 1,330. increase 376-0000-331.88-11 Recreational Trail Program 25,638. increase 307 Restitution (Fund 110-General) Code 110-7930-441.32-82 Return of Unspent Grant Funds 4,015. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 4,015. increase 308 Harnett/Fuquay Wastewater Project (Fund 551-“PU012B”) Code 551-9100-431.45-41 T.A. Loving 3,100,733. increase 551-9100-431.45-42 Temple Grading 104,450. increase 551-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 451,172. decrease 551-9100-431.60-57 Miscellaneous Expense 697,393. decrease 551-0000-370.10-00 Loan Proceeds 2,056,618. increase 310 Health (Fund 110-General) Code 110-7600-441.60-33 Materials & Supplies 2,104. increase 110-0000-334.76-02 Grant-Food & Lodging 2,104. increase 311 South Central Wastewater Project (Fund 553-PU014B) Code 553-0000-370.10-00 Loan Proceeds 3,500,000. increase 553-0000-370.10-02 Wachovia Loan Proceeds 3,500,000. decrease 312 Teens As Parents (Fund 110-General) Code 110-7313-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 4,200. decrease 110-7313-465.58-14 Travel 1,171.decrease 110-7313-465.33-45 Contracted Services 972. decrease 110-7313-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 757. decrease 110-7313-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 303. decrease 110-7313-465.23-00 Retirement 198. decrease 110-7313-465.21-00 Group Insurance Expense 1,814. increase 110-7313-465.23-01 Supplemental Retirement 50. increase 110-0000-334.73-13 State Grant-Teens As Parents 9,086. increase 110-0000-353.73-13 Teens As Parents-Duke Endowment 14,823. decrease 316 Emergency Management (Fund 110-General) Code 110-0000-331.53-01 Emergency Management (EMPG) 3,063. decrease 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 3,063. increase 317 Parks & Recreation (Fund 110-General) Code 110-0000-331.82-03 Senior Center Grant 5,123. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 5,123. decrease 318 Interfund Transfers (Fund 110-General) Code 110-0000-389.30-61 Interfund Transfer-Shawtown 8,611. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 8,611. decrease 319 Golden Eagles (Fund 110-General) Code 110-7302-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages, p.t. 9,638. decrease 110-7302-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 737. decrease 110-7302-465.30-04 Professional Services 25. decrease 110-7302-465.32-54 Insurance 140. decrease 110-7302-465.33-45 Contracted Services 200. decrease 110-7302-465.58-01 Training & Meetings 900. decrease 110-7302-465.58-14 Travel 843. increase 110-7302-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 231. increase 110-7302-465.60-47 Food & Provisions 614. increase 110-7302-465.60-57 Miscellaneous Expense 299. increase 110-7302-465.41-11 Telecommunications & Postage 50. increase 110-0000-344.09-00 Golden Eagles 9,603. decrease 322 Emergency Management (Fund 110-General) Code 110-5300-420.60-33 Materials & Supplies 3,063. increase 110-0000-331.53-01 Emergency Management (EMPG) 3,063. increase 324 Animal Control (Fund 110-General) Code 110-5500-420.11-00 Salaries & Wages 6,000. increase 110-5500-420.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 127. increase 110-5500-420.41-11 Telecommunications & Postage 2,000. increase 110-5500-420.41-13 Utilities 10,000. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 18,127. increase 325 Health (Fund 110-General) Code 110-7600-441.60-45 Drugs 6,985. increase 110-7600-441.60-46 Medical Supplies 6,985. increase 110-0000-331.76-12 Family Planning 13,970. increase 326 Agricultural Center Capital Project (Fund 370-“CP0501”) Code 370-8301-465.45-80 Contingency 25,099. decrease 370-8301-465.45-01 Construction 25,099. increase 327 Governing Body (Fund 110-General) Code 110-4100-410.30-13 BRAC Relocation 2,500. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 2,500. increase 329 Fort Bragg NTA Housing Project (Fund 561-“PU0601”) Code 561-9100-431.45-45 Billings & Garrett 10,987. increase 561-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 10,987. decrease 330 Harnett/Fuquay Wastewater Project (Fund 551-“PU012B) Code 551-9100-431.45-39 Park Construction Contract A2 173,970. increase 551-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 173,970. decrease 331 Harnett/Fuquay Wastewater Project (Fund 551-“PU012B”) Code 551-9100-431.45-38 Park Construction Contract A1 413,354. increase 551-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 413,354. decrease 334 Sheriff (Fund 110-General) Code 110-0000-356.30-00 Insurance Reimbursement 325. increase 110-5100-420.43-21 Maintenance & Repair Auto 325. increase 335 Interfund Transfer (Fund 110-General) Code 110-8701-490.90-44 Interfund Transfer-Cape Fear River Trail Project 50,000. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 50,000. increase 336 Cape Fear River Trail Capital Project (Fund 384-“CP0705”) Code 384-0000-389.10-00 Interfund Transfer-Gen. Fund 50,000. increase 384-8300-465.90-10 Interfund Transfer-Gen. Fund 50,000. increase 337 Harnett Regional Jetport (Fund 110-General) Code 110-6500-406.74-74 Capital Outlay 21,100. increase 110-6500-406.43-16 Maintenance & Repair Equipment 4,000. decrease 110-6500-406.60-33 Materials & Supplies 2,600. decrease 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 14,500. increase 3. Tax refunds (Attachment 1) 4. Request from the Sheriff’s Department to submit an application for a Criminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP) grant for FY 2007-2008 in the amount of $98,033. 5. Supplemental Agreements with North Carolina Department of Transportation in order to receive $500,000 reimbursement for the road relocation project at the Harnett Regional Jetport which involved state roads 1769 and 2076. 6. Contract with Pine State Counseling and Consulting, LLC to provide substance abuse treatment and counseling for Harnett County and the Criminal Justice Partnership Program. 7. Authorization for Emergency Medical Services to purchase a new 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe, which will replace the existing 1999 Chevrolet Tahoe. The 1999 vehicle has 167,454 miles and it is not cost effective to repair. The total cost of the new vehicle is $37,800.00. 8. Authorized the Local Emergency Planning Committee to apply for Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) grant funds in the amount of $5,000.00. The funds will be used for contracted services for an airport project. A professional will assist the county emergency management staff to identify all potential hazards at the Harnett Regional Jetport and complete a viable all hazards airport emergency plan. This plan will provide airport staff and emergency responders with a quality response plan. 9. Authorized the following changes regarding General Services personnel: 1. New position – Landfill Maintenance Worker, grade 57 in the Solid Waste Management Department. The primary responsibility of this position will be to pick up litter along the approach roads to the county’s waste disposal locations and the disposal sites. 2. New position – Data Entry Specialist, grade 57 in the Transportation Department. The primary responsibility of this position is to enter transportation data that will generate billing for service to agencies in a timely manner. 75% of this salary should be reimbursed by NC DOT Public Transportation Division. 3. Reclassification of Lead Transit Driver, grade 55 to Transit Services Assistant, grade 59 in the Transportation Department. The primary responsibility of this position is to assist the Transportation Manager in planning, organizing and coordinating the daily operations of the Transportation Program. 75% of this salary should be reimbursed by NC DOT Public Transportation Division. Currently none of the Lead Transit Driver’s salary is reimbursable. 10. Agricultural leases on county owned property as noted below. Farming the property will prevent erosion and help maintain the property. 1. Max Matthews and Harry Matthews – Godwin farm across from airport, $40.00 per acre, 14 acres, 2. Marvin Tart, Jr. – Crossroads property across from airport, $40.00 per acre, 17 acres 3. R.D. Lee Farms, Inc. – property next to airport on Old Stage Road, $35.00 per acre, 5 acres 4. Ronnie Hall – governmental complex property near Cape Fear River, $35.00 per acre, 34 acres 11. Authorized the Health Department to submit an application for a grant from the Office of Minority Health for a 25K HIV/AIDS Peer Education grant in the amount of $25,000. The funds will be used to develop a social skills intervention program aimed at reducing HIV risk behavior. This program will target minority females to reduce HIV risk behavior. The monies will be used to contract for a part time position. The grant is for five years and requires no county match. 12. Authorized increase in fees charged for Emergency Medical Services based upon the 2007 NC Medicare Fee Schedule adopted by the state January 1, 2007. The fee increase for Harnett County Emergency Medical Services is effective immediately (March 19, 2007). 13. Change orders for Park Construction Contracts A1 & A2 of the Harnett/Fuquay Wastewater project: change order amount for contract A1 is $413,353.76 and change order amount for contract A2 is $173,969.15. Approximately 80% of this combined increase is due to excess rock excavation along the path of the sewer line. 14. Change order for Billings & Garrett, Inc. Contract of the Fort Bragg Housing Northern Training Area (NTA) Project - change order amount is $10,986.50. and reflects additional construction costs associated with the wastewater force-main construction on this project. The additional costs will be paid from the project’s contingency funds. 15. Agreement with Vince Zucchino Associates for landscape architectural and contract administration services for design of Erwin River Park. The total fee for the project is not to exceed $46,142. Informal comments were made by the following citizens: - Gary Ross, Melody Lane, expressed concerns regarding issues associated with Forest Ridge Subdivision. - Rev. Joseph Smith, Riverside community, asked for assistance regarding standing water in the Riverside community. - Jimmy Mathews, 4375 Hwy. 401N, Lillington expressed his concerns with deferred taxes. - LeRoy Wright, Kenarch Lane off Walker Road, Linden, requested the County’s assistance concerning actions of his neighbors regarding garbage and animal control issues. Commissioner Andrews moved to appoint L. Charlene Coggins-Franks to the Criminal Justice partnership Board to replace Peter Strickland. The term expires 11/30/09. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Ms. Coggins-Franks was nominated by Commissioner McNeill. Patt Crissman, The Wooten Company, summarized the accomplishments of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) CN 04 Lockhart/Shawtown Revitalization Project. The project included the rehabilitation of six homes, the relocation of two households, the acquisition and clearance of 9 dilapidated structures, the acquisition of right-of-way for and pavement of Lockhart Lane, and the installation of 450 linear feet of sewer and 500 linear feet of water. Ms. Crissman noted that a public hearing is required when closing out a CDBG program. The project had a budget of $700,000 in CDBG Funds and $70,000 in local match. Total project expenditures were $741,739.09. $28,260.91 is being de-obligated due to issues surrounding title to the final house scheduled for rehabilitation. Chairman Byrd called to order a public hearing to allow public comment on the project accomplishments. No comments were offered and Chairman Byrd closed the public hearing. Vice Chairman Hill moved to authorize execution of the Closeout Documents for the CDBG CN 04 Lockhart/Shawtown Revitalization Project. Commissioner House seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Chairman Byrd called to order a meeting of the Board of Commissioners sitting as the governing body of South Central Water and Sewer District. Mike Harris, Area Loan Specialist, United State Department of Agriculture (USDA), presented a Letter of Conditions for USDA Rural Development, Rural Utility Service, Loan and Grant for a Sewer Collection System Project for the South Central Water and Sewer District of Harnett County. Commissioner McNeill moved to adopt a resolution to accept the conditions set forth in the Letter of Conditions dated march 19, 2007, as presented, and authorize execution of all necessary forms. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Chairman Byrd closed the South Central Water and Sewer District meeting. (Attachment 2) Joseph Jeffries, Planning Director, presented a proposed text amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance: Article III, Sections 3.3.1 Expiration of Approved Plats. The proposed amendment would extend the amount of time allowed to record the initial phase of Major Subdivision plats from one year to two years. The Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the amendment. Chairman Byrd called to order a public hearing and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Gary Ross, 1148 Melody Lane, Forest Ridge Subdivision, asked general questions about the amendment. There being no further comments, Chairman Byrd closed the public hearing. Commissioner House moved to adopt a resolution approving the text amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance as presented. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed 4 to 1 with Commissioner McNeill casting the dissenting vote. (Attachment 3) Lee Anne Nance, Economic Development Director, thanked the Board for their vision and support of economic development projects. Ms. Nance introduced Skip Green, Skip Green and Associates, who noted that the County is interested in seeking funds from the North Carolina Department of Commerce’s Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). The CDBG – Economic Development Program is administered by the Commerce Finance Center. This program permits a wide range of economic and community development activities. Mr. Green stated that in preparation for submission of a grant application to the NC Department of Commerce, a public hearing is required to obtain citizen input into the identification of community needs and desired activities. Chairman Byrd called to order a public hearing and opened the meeting for comments from the public. No comments were offered and Chairman Byrd closed the public hearing. Neil Emory, County Manager, noted that a part of the ongoing process to obtain funds to build schools, jail and law enforcement center, solid waste transfer station and other projects, a public hearing is required concerning the approval of the execution and delivery of the Contract and the Deed of Trust and the County’s acquisition of the Projects. Chairman Byrd called to order a public hearing and opened the meeting for comments from the public. No comments were offered and Chairman Byrd closed the public hearing. Mr. Emory presented for the Board’s consideration a Resolution of the County of Harnett, North Carolina Approving an Installment Financing Contract to Provide for the Acquisition, Construction, Furnishing and Equipping of Certain Projects Set Forth Therein and the Refinancing of Certain Previously-Financed Projects. Commissioner McNeill moved to adopt the resolution as presented. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 4) Mr. Emory presented for the Board’s consideration a Resolution of the County of Harnett, North Carolina Approving the Negotiation of an Amendment to an Installment Purchase Contract and Providing for Certain Other Related Matters Thereto. Commissioner McNeill moved to adopt the resolution as presented. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 5) Commissioner McNeill stated that several citizens had inquired about the process to obtain approval for on or off premises sale of alcohol, particularly in Upper Little River, Anderson Creek, and Johnsonville Townships. Commissioner Andrews suggested that informal public hearings be held at the regular Board meetings in April to discuss whether to call for an election so voters can vote on the issue. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Emory noted that the Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Shawtown community is interested in purchasing a small piece of County owned property adjacent to its church to use for parking. The church made an offer of $3,000 for the property. Vice Chairman Hill moved to proceed with the process to accept the offer. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Reports were filed with the Board from the Planning Department, Veteran’s Affairs, Health Department, Sheriff’s Department, General Services, and Finance. (Attachment 6) Vice Chairman Hill moved for the Board to go into closed session for the following purposes: To consider and give instructions to the County Attorney and legal staff concerning the handling or settlement of a claim; and to consider a personnel matter. This motion is made pursuant to N.C. General Statute Section 143-318.11 (a) (3) & (6). Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Vice Chairman Hill moved to come out of closed session. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. There being no further business, Vice Chairman Hill moved to adjourn. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners regular meeting, March 19, 2007, adjourned at 8:40 p.m. ______________________________________ Teddy J. Byrd, Chairman ______________________________________ Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Attachment 1. Attachment 2. Attachment 3. Attachment 4. Attachment 5. Attachment 6.