110220aHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS County Administration Building 420 McKinney Parkway Lillington, North Carolina Regular Meeting November 2, 2020 9:00 am Thi s meetin g will not be open to members of the public to attend in person how ever, li ste nin g option s are pro vide on page 2 . 1. Call to order -Chairman Mark B. Johnson 2 . Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation -Commissioner Gordon Springle 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 4 . Consent Agenda A. Minutes B. Budget Amendments C. Harnett County Health Department requests approval to accept additional Immunization Action Plan Funds in the amount of $26,221 . These funds have been allocated from NC DHHS to enhance and achieve increased vaccination coverage. D. Harnett County Sheriff's Office requests approval to accept the donation of a black and tan male Bloodhound puppy valued at $1 ,000 from John Werbelow. E. A Reso lution to Change the Meeting Location of the November 16 , 2020 and December 7, 2020 Regular Meetings of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners 5. Appointments 6. The Human Resources Department and the Legal Department presents the amended Harnett County Personnel Ordinance to (I) add the Certifications and Degrees Policy, (2) amend the Educational Leave Policy, and (3) amend those portions of the Ordinance that address reclassifications of positions, Chris Appel and Heather Pollard 7. County Manager's Report -Pau la Stewart, County Manager COVID-19 Update DSS Monthly Report -September 2020 Parks and Recreation FY 2020-2021 First Quarter Report 8. New Business Page 1 of2 110220a HCBOC Page 1 9. Closed Session 10. Adjourn * At I 0:30 am the Commissioners will attend the Cape Fear Shiner County Park Virtual Grand opening /ribbon cutting* Possibl e Add-on: A Resolution by the Hamett County Board of Commissioners to Ensure the Equal Protection of All Persons Possibl e Add-on: Hamett County Schools are requesting approval to apply for the Needs-Based Public School Capital Fund grant application and asking for $10 million to apply for the Northwest Hamett Elementary School Project. As a Tier II county, the county must match the amount awarded, in which the balance of the school ($30+million) would satisfy the local match. The application requires approval from both the Hamett County Board of Commissioners and the Harnett County Board of Education. CONDUCT OF THE NOVEMBER 2nd MEETING OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ba lan c ing the need to continue to conduc t th e business of th e Count y and the need to comply w ith the Govern o r 's Executi ve Order a nd prude nt recommend at io ns from the C DC a nd th e NC DHH S, the Ha m ett County Board o f Commi ss ioners will convene t hei r Nove mber 2 , 2020 regular meetings under cert ai n conditi on s: I. T he H amett Cou nt y Board o f Com missi oners and sta ff will be stationed in th e me eting cham ber s t o mainta in t he recommended social dis tancing of 6 fe e t. 2. Only County governm ent sta ff nec e ssary to c o nduct t he meeting or to spea k on sc he dul e d age nda item s w i ll be in attenda nce. 3 . The Novem ber 2nd meeting will not be open to members of the public to attend in person a s we a re o bserv ing th e curre nt p rov isions of an y Executi ve O rders re lated to ma ss gatheri ngs and public health guid a nce regardin g socia l distanc ing. T he pu b lic w ill have th e o pport unity to listen to th e meeting live online or by calling in to the meetings. 4. The meeti ng w ill be stre amed live on H amett Coun ty Government's Yo uT ube C hanne l a t : htt ps://www. you t u be . com/channel/UCU7mTF 6 HTD65x 98EhA M e M g/featu re d 5 . If you w ish to call in and li sten to the meeting you may dial (91 0 )814-6959 . Please remembe r to m u t o yo ur phone w hi le listening so as no t to di s rupt others listening . 6. There is no pu bl ic comment perio d scheduled fo r Novembe r 2, 2020 . General S ta tu te dictates th at the Board only provide public comment o nce a mo nth. There w ill be a public conune nt p eri od availa ble on No vember 16 , 202 0 . 7 . The meeting wi ll be recorded a nd po ste d o n the website follow in g the meeting a s us ua l. You may a lso foll ow a long on Twitter @ H a m ettCounty to get li ve upd ate s dur ing th e meeting. Th e B oard appreciate s th e public's p atie nc e a nd und e rstandi ng a s t hey seek to ens ure th e c o ntinui ty of count y operati ons while demon strating complia nce w ith Sta te law and prudent public health p ract ice s in th ese diffic ult ti mes. Page 2 of2 110220a HCBOC Page 2 AGENDA ITEM Lf A HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting October 19, 2020 The Hamett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, October 19, 2020, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 420 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Due to COVID-19 this meeting was open to a limited number of the public to attend in person, wearing required face coverings and maintaining the recommended social distancing of six feet, as the Board and staff continued to demonstrate compliance with State law and prudent public health practices. Citizens and staff were also provided options for listening to the meeting live. Members present: Staff present: Mark B. Johnson, Chairman Joe Miller, Vice Chairman W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Gordon Springle, Commissioner Paula Stewart, County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk Lindsey B. Lucas, Deputy Clerk Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Commissioner Barbara McKoy led the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation. Chairman Johnson called for any additions or deletions to the published agenda. Commissioner Matthews moved to approve the agenda as published. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Commissioner Springle moved to approve items on the consent agenda. Vice Chairman Miller seconded the motion that passed unanimously. 1. Minutes: October 13, 2020 Work Session October 5, 2020 Regular Meeting September 26, 2017 Work Session September 12, 2017 Work Session August 29, 2017 Work Session August 15, 2017 Work Session August 1, 2017 Work Session July 11, 2017 Work Session June 27 , 20107 Work Session October 19, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Hamett County Board of Commissioners Page I of 8 110220a HCBOC Page 3 Minutes: June 13 , 2017 Work Session May 30, 2017 Work Session April 11 , 2017 Work Session 2. Budget Amendments: 23 Emergency Services Code 1104411 555000 1104411 555000 1104411 586000 11 0441 1 3 3 021 0 Capital Outlay Equipment Capital Outlay Equipment Non Capital Asset -Public Safety Federal 148 Emergency Response Planning Code 2148403 523030 Public 2148403 532070 Internet 2148403 535030 R&M 2148403 534010 Printing 2148403 555000 Capital Outlay -Equipment 2148403 390990 Fund Balance Appropriated 152 Department on Aging Code 1105160 519090 1105160 521010 1105160 528010 1105160 523040 1105160 583000 1105160 582000 1105160 330210 153 Department on Aging Code 110510519030 1105160 526010 1105160 583000 1105160 330210 276 Cultural & Rec Code 1106199 54 7090 1106199330310 299 Cooperative Extension Code 1104995 583000 1103900 390990 Other Janitorial Supplies Athletic & Program Medical Supplies Non-Cap Asset -Large Non-Cap Asset -Small Federal Medical Office Supplies Non-Cap Asset -Large Federal Allocation State Funds Innovative Grant -Pea Sheller Fund Balance Appropriated 70,000 increase 55 ,000 increase 7 ,500 increase 132,500 increase 16,565 increase 145 increase 3,000 increase 5 ,000 increase 10,000 increase 34,710 increase 133 ,309 increase 1,500 increase 1,758 increase 1,000 increase 1,500 increase 4 ,500 increase 143,567 increase 18,260 increase 1,195 increase 2,545 increase 22,000 increase 34,589 increase 34,589 increase 2 ,741 increase 2,741 increase October 19, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Hamett County Board of Commissioners Page 2 of 8 110220a HCBOC Page 4 1115 CAPRES-COM Fund Code 5144591 544050 5143900 390990 Software Maintenance Fund Balance Appropriated 369,247 increase 369,247 increase 3. Tax rebates, refunds and releases (Attachment 1) 4. Harnett County Public Information Officer requested approval of the updated Social Media Policy. This county-wide policy addresses the use of social media by the County and County departments for business purposes to facilitate information sharing and serve outreach and communication goals. 5. Harnett County Board of Elections requested approval to accept CARES ACT supplemental funds in the amount of $36,000 to provide $100 hazard pay to poll/election workers for Election Day as well as to prevent, prepare for and respond to the coronavirus pandemic during the 2020 Federal Election cycle. 6. Harnett Soil and Water Conservation District requested approval to enter into a Mutual Aid Agreement involving various Soil and Water Conservation Districts within North Carolina, the North Carolina Association of Conservation Districts and the Division of Soil and Water Conservation for the purposes of training and technical assistance. No additional funding is required. 7. Hamett County Sheriff Wayne Coats requested approval to reclassify position #1265 Detective Corporal (Pay Grade 109 $44,953) to a Detective Sergeant (Pay Grade 110 $47,201). No additional funds are requested for this reclassification. 8. Hamett County General Services /Hamett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) requested approval to accept the Mid-Carolina Area Agency on Aging FY2020/2021 CARES Act grant in the amount of $4,986.50. The additional grant funding will be used for vehicle supplies, sanitizing products as well as operating services during and due to the COVID- 19 public health emergency. There is no local match required. 9. General Services/Hamett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) requested approval to accept supplemental funding from the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) FY2021 C ARES Act grant in the amount of $250,771. The additional grant funds will be used for operating services during and due to COVID-19. There is no local match required. Chairman Johnson opened the meeting for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. Citizens were allowed to speak in person, call in and provide their public comments verbally during this period or submit their public comments in writing prior to the meeting to be read aloud during the meeting as time allowed. There were no public comments. October 19 , 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Hamett County Board of Commissioners Page 3 of 8 110220a HCBOC Page 5 Commissioner Springle moved to approve the following appointments. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Hamett County Commission for Women and Youth Sharonda "Shar" Martinez was appointed to serve on thi s commission for a term of three years ending October 31 , 2023. Home Community Care Block Grant Committee Diane Mangum was appointed to serve on this committee. Library Board of Trustees Stacy Walsh was appointed to serve on thi s Board as the representative for the Erwin Public Library for a term of three years ending October 31 , 2023. Paula Stewart recognized October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and shared information provided by the Hamett County Health Department about breast cancer, breast cancer screening and community outreach efforts . Hamett County Planning Services Manager Jay Sikes petitioned the Board for a public hearing regarding proposed Rezoning Case# PLAN 2007-0002, Landowner / Applicant: Triangle Home Pros, LLC / Mauldin-Watkins Surveying; 1.82 +/-acres; Pin # 0636-80-6408 .000; From RA- 20M to Industrial; SR # 1403 (Cokesbury Road); Buckhorn Township. He noted that the Hamett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5 -0 ) to recommend approval of appl ication based on compatibility with the Land Use Plan and the nonresidential uses in this area. Mr. Sikes said no one spoke in opposition during the meeting. Mr. Sikes reported that two adjourning metal, non-residential buildings currently occupy the site and the applicant intends to use the site as their business office. Services available include Hamett County public water and private septic tank. The transportation annu al daily traffic count is 1,000 along this section of Cokesbury Road with good site distances. Mr. Sikes responded to questions from commissioners. Mr. Sikes stated staffs evaluation as: The IMP ACT to the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable, and the benefits of the rezoning outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community. REASONING: The impact to the surrounding community is reasonable, as there are several nonresidential uses in this area . The requested zoning district is COMPATIBLE with the existing Land Use Classification. REASONING: The requested zoning is compatible with the existing land use classification of a Rural Center development node. Rural Center development nodes are "small scale commercial centers". These areas can be surburban in nature and contain smaller, nonresidential uses. October 19 , 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 4 of 8 110220a HCBOC Page 6 The proposal does ENHANCE or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. REASONING: The requested zoning to Industrial, whose intent is to promote the development of business and institutional uses, would enhance or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare due to the neighboring, nonresidential parcels. The request is for a SMALL SCALE REZONING and should be evaluated for reasonableness. REASONING: Since this parcel is adjacent to the same zoning district, this application does not have to be considered for a Small Scale Rezoning. Suggested Statement-of-Consistency: Staff concludes that the requested rezoning to Industrial would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on the nonresidential growth patterns of this area as well as compliance with the County's Land Use Plan. It is recommended that this rezoning request be approved. Chairman Johnson called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Citizens were allowed to speak in person, submit their comments regarding the proposed rezoning in writing prior to the meeting or to calJ in and provide their comments verbally during the meeting. Wayne Mauldin with Mauldin-Watkins Surveying, the applicant, spoke in favor of the requested rezoning. Seeing no one else move and hearing no one speak, and having received no written comments, Chairman Johnson closed the public hearing. Commissioner Springle moved to approve the requested rezoning to Industrial as it would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on the existing nonresidential uses area as well as compliance with the County 's Land Use Plan. Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Mr. Sikes petitioned the Board for a public hearing regarding proposed Rezoning Case # PLAN 2008-0001 , Landowner / Applicant: Landowner/ Applicant: Galt Land Development / 4D Site Solutions, Inc.; 3.0 +/-acres (out of 72.0 acres); Out of Pin# 9566-88-5648.000; From Conservation to RA-20R; SR # 1202 (Johnsonville School Road); Johnsonville Township. He noted that the Hamett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of application based on the topography of that land and the compatibility with the Land Use Plan and the existing nonresidential uses. Mr. Sikes said three citizens attended the meeting with one speaking during the meeting to gain more information but did not oppose the rezoning request. Mr. Sikes said the County doesn 't see a lot of these types ofrequest. The site is currently vacant and wooded. Per the U.D.O., the purpose of the Conservation District is to encourage the preservation and continued use of the land for conservation purposes in its natural state, and to prohibit intrusive development of the land in areas with alluvial soils, perennial streams, may contain wetlands, or that may be subject to flooding. This Conservation District is to be measured as 200 linear feet from the normal edge of the river, 400" total. Surrounding land uses include undeveloped land and single-family residences. Services available include Harnett County public water and private sewer septic tank. The transportation annual daily traffic count is 420 with poor site distances. October 19, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Hamett County Board of Commissioners Page 5 of 8 110220a HCBOC Page 7 Mr. Sikes stated staffs evaluation as: The IMPACT to the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable, and the benefits of the rezoning outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community. REASONING: The impact to the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable. The existing zoning district to Conservation is to protect the natural environment as well as citizens and their property from flood hazards. The majority of this area requested to be rezoned ins not located within any flood hazard area or noted wetlands. The requested zoning district is COMPATIBLE with the existing Land Use Classification. REASONING: The requested rezoning is compatible with the existing land use classifications of Agricultural & Rural Residential and Environmentally Sensitive Areas as the use of this area would be for single family residence and preservation of environmentally sensitive areas within open space .. The proposal does ENHANCE or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. REASONING: The majority of the area that is being requested does not lie within a flood hazard area or delineated wetlands and will not interfere with the remaining conservation area. Therefore, the request to zone a small portion of the conservation area will maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. The request is for a SMALL SCALE REZONING and should be evaluated for reasonableness. REASONING: The request does not need to be evaluated for a Small Scale Rezoning because the area requested to be rezoned abuts RA-20R zoning. Suggested Statement-of-Consistency: Staff concludes that the requested rezoning to RA-20R is compatible with the Harnett County regulatory documents, would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community since the special flood hazard area will be preserved. Therefore, it is recommended that this rezoning request be approved with the condition that all of the 100 year flood hazard area remain Conservation area. Chairman Johnson called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Citizens were allowed to speak in person, to submit their comments regarding the proposed rezoning in writing prior to the meeting or to call in and provide their comments verbally during the meeting. Scott Brown with 4D Site Solutions, the applicant, provide information regarding the request and spoke in favor of the requested rezoning. Mr. Brown responded to questions from commissioners. Seeing no one else move and hearing no one speak, and having received no written comments, Chairman Johnson closed the public hearing. Vice Chairman Miller moved to deny the requested rezoning from Conservation to RA-20R as it would have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community due to the amount of environmentally sensitive areas. Commissioner Springle seconded the motion that passed 4 -1 with Commissioner Matthews opposmg. October 19, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Hamett County Board of Commissioners Page 6 of 8 110220a HCBOC Page 8 Mr. Sikes petition the Board for a public hearing regarding proposed text amendment: Case # PLAN 2009-0001, Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance; Article V: Use Regulations, Section 11.8 Planned Unit Developments . To amend Harnett County's U.D.O. to require a commercial/ non-residential component to all Planned Unit Developments. He noted that the Harnett County Planning Board, during their October 5th meeting, voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of application based on compatibility with the Land Use Plan. Mr. Sikes said no one spoke in opposition. Mr. Sikes stated the Suggested Statement-of-Consistency: Staff concludes that the requested Text Amendment is compatible with and based on the Harnett County Land Use, and the benefits outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community. Therefore, it is recommended that this Text Amendment request be approved. He responded to questions from commissioners. Chairman Johnson called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Citizens were allowed to speak in person or were allowed to submit their comments regarding the proposed rezoning in writing prior to the meeting or to call in and provide their comments verbally during the meeting. Seeing no one move and hearing no one speak, and having received no written comments, Chairman Johnson closed the public hearing. Commissioner Springle moved to approve the Resolution Amending the Hamett County Unified Development Ordinance as presented. Vice Chairman Miller seconded the motion that passed unanimously. (Attachment 2) Mrs. Stewart presented the following reports : Harnett County Employee Turnover Report -September 2020 Veteran Services Activities Report -September 2020 Public Health Activities Summary -September 2020 Interdepartmental Budget Amendments Mrs. Stewart provided an update on COVID-19 in Harnett County. Mrs . Stewart noted per the County's Fiscal Policy she can and has approved a grant application, having received verbal approval from the Chairman and Vice Chairman, for Harnett County Emergency Services to apply for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant, in the amount of $397,500 with a required $47,700 county match, to replace the current VIPER Radios for Emergency Service. Mrs. Stewart assured the Board that Emergency Services would come back before the Board seeking approval to accept grant fund if awarded. Discussions about the VIPER system continued . Chairman Johnson called for any new business. Vice Chairman Miller shared concerns about a recent change in ownership of a zoo for exotic animals located in the County. In 2018 Commission Miller talked about the need to have safety precautions in place so that anything dealing with agriculture needs to go through our Cooperative Extension and Soil & Water October 19, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 7 of 8 110220a HCBOC Page 9 departments referencing the Board of Adjustment's approval of a zoo for exotic animals within 7 miles of 100 chicken houses. Vice Chairman Miller moved that the Board go into closed session to instruct the County staff concerning the position to be taken by the County in negotiating a contract for the acquisition of real property. This motion is made pursuant to N .C. General Statute Section 143-318.11 (a)(5). Commissioner Springle seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioner Springle moved that the Board come out of closed session. Vice Chairman Miller seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioner McKoy moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 pm. Vice Chairman Miller seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mark B. Johnson , Chairman Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk October 19 , 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 8 of8 110220a HCBOC Page 10 ATTACHMENT 1 Board Report Date 10/19/2020 Approved by the Hamett County Board of Commissioners WQ1F~: To: Harnett County Board of Commissioners ~n• Re: Consideration of Refund for Taxes, Interest and Penalities for all Muncipalities -~--~-'""'-.O:"'Y'-'":~:....----• ·-· .. r--,-~--___ ...._ "T.,o:r,,-~ Approved /ft, /3 0 C ID - / 'I -~ O --~ --"'""·--'""' --.......... ._. ........ ----.-· ·-... ----· .... .-.,.,r-9----..., ...... ::"!'--·-Adjustment Reason Bill Number Type Received Amount Refund Amount · · Name Removal of SW Fee 0000024374-2020-2020-0000-00 REI $110.50 $85.00 HODGE, LOU William R. Tyson Tax Administrator 110220a HCBOC Page 11 ATTACHMENT 2 r ~--~Harnett tv-0 ,.-~ .. l c o u N r v L. _4~_"-__ 'N :-:-0:-:R~T~H-C~A-:R~O".""':LI~N-A ______________________________ _ www.harne tt .org A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE HARN ETT COUNTY UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE WHEREAS , the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County adopted the UDO on October 17 , 2011 for the purpose of promoting the health , safety, and general welfare of the county residents ; and WHEREAS , this ordinance was adopted under authority granted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, particularly G.S. 153A-340 ; and WHEREAS, the UDO contains provisions for amending said ordinance and those provisions have been followed ; and WHEREAS , the Harnett County Planning Board has reviewed the amendment to the article of the UDO as listed below and recommends the adoption of the following amendment. NOW , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA that Hamett County Unified Development Ordinance Article V: Use Regulations , Section 11.8 Planned Unit Developments, of the UDO shall be amended to read as indicated in "Attachment". "Attachment" is filed with the Unified Development Ordinance in the Clerk to the Board 's Office. Duly adopted this 19th day of October 2020 and effective upon adoption. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS M!:~ strong roots • new growth 110220a HCBOC Page 12 Article V. Use Regulations 11.8 Planned Unit Development 11.8.2 Development Criteria Unless otherwise stated or outlined herein, all reguirements of this Ordinance shall be met. D. Permissible Uses 11.8.3 4. Nonresidential Development within a PUD Nonresidential development within a PUD shall be arranged to: a. Separate pedestrian and vehicular traffic such that pedestrians can safely walk between businesses within the planned unit development and from parking areas to businesses; and b. Provide access from adjacent residential development into nonresidential development areas, whether or not said residential development is existing o r is included as part of the nonresidential PUD. Design Guidelines A. Minimum Dimensional & Amenity Reguirements 3. Nonresidential Uses Nonresidential use(s) shall be incorporated within a residential Planned Unit Development when located within the Land Use Plan classifications of Medium Density Residential, Compact Mixed Use, Employment Mixed Use, or Rural Center development nodes. Whether developed as a portion of a residential PUD or development of a nonresidential PUD, nonresidential uses shall mee t the following criteria. In order to facilitate innovative design of nonresidential areas, there shall be no minimum building setback when located adjacent to other nonresidential uses. However, the Outline Development Plan shall outline the all proposed se tbacks. F. Open Space All planned unit developments shall include open space to optimize use and community interaction within the proposed development, as well as to maintain and preserve significant natural features. Each PUD shall include a minimum amount of open space, as required by this Section. Stormwater management measures and other reguired undeveloped land, such as BMPs, may be included within this required open space area. 110220a HCBOC Page 13 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDIN ANCE AMENDMENT AGENDA IT E M J1J3._ BE IT ORD AINED by the Governing Boord of the Cou nty of Hornet!. North Coro lino. thot the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal yeor ending June 30, 2021. Section 1. To ame nd the He alth Deportment Ge ne ra l Fund. t he appro priations o re to be cha nged as follows: EX PENDITURE AMOUN T ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION O F CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1105110 523040 MEDICAL SUPPLIES $9,122 1105110 504010 EXPENSE ALLOWANCE $25,000 1105110 526010 OFFICE SUPPLIES $21,734 1105110 534010 PRINTING $10,000 1105110 525010 VEHICLE SUPPLIES-FUEL $10,000 1105110 521030 UNIFORMS $2,000 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1103900 390990 FUND BA LANCE $77.856 EXPLA NATIO N: To budget carryforward funds fo r Environmental Health and Child Health progra ms from FY I 9-20. Finanj(J?f~ Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to I Officer for their direction. County ~r (dale) I'°" )-.3 ,J.o e Clerk lo the Board. and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Ad opted t his ___ day of ________ . 20 __ . Margaret Regina Wheeler. Clerk to the Board Mark Johnson. Chairman Board of C ommissioners 110220a HCBOC Page 14 COUNTY OF HARNm BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT IIE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Boord of the County of Hornell, North Carolino. that the following omendment be mode to the annual budget ordinance for 1he fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. Section 1. To amend the General Fund, the appropriatlom are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1105870 547030 RESTN lndemnilv Pnvments $2,500 REVENUE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JO& DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE 1105870 380890 RESTN Other Revenue $2,500 EXPLANATION: Increase revenue and expendffure funds to reflec:f the amount of resfflutlon juveniles wlll be able to eam cleaning Hamett County roadsides for Solid Waste. (JE#7638) APPROVALS : .4,:_P-~,?,, tfe:/ ,/¥1.J Dept Head (dote) County Manage r (dote} Sectio n 2. Copies of this budget a mendment shall be furnished l o the Clerk ta !he Boord , and l o !he Budget Officer and !he Finance O fficer for their direction. Adopted this ___ day ol _______ , 20 _. Margaret Regino Wheeler, Cle rk to !he Boord Mark Johnson, Chairman Board of Commissioners DECREASE 110220a HCBOC Page 15 COUNTY OF HARNETI BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County ot Hornell, North Carolina. that the following amendment be mode to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 . Sedion 1. To amend the General Fund, Transportation, the appropriations ore to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB·TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1104610 523040 MIDCA Medical Suoolies $2,494 1104610 525090 MIDCA Vehicle Suoolies $2.493 REVENUE I AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE I DECREASE 1104610 330210 MIDCA FEDERAL 14,987 EXPLANATION: Mid-Carolina Area Agency on Aging Cores Funding to be used for purchasing cleaning and sanitizing supplies for vehlcles as well as addlflonal transportation equipment. APPROVALS : ~~ ....1,11>v~h Dept Head (dote) Seclion 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be lum1 Officer for their direclion. Adopted this ___ day of _______ , 20 _. Margaret Regino Wheeler, Cl eric lo the Boord tt, u, As,dLdb ... X"" 1:-: County Manager (dote) ).."") 1 _ 1-0 -,> ·--"-Q e Board. and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Morie Johnson. Chairman Boord of Commissioners BA# 11'{8 110220a HCBOC Page 16 COUNTY O F HAR NETT BUDGET ORDINAN CE AME NDMENT BE IT O RD AINED by 1he Governing Board o11he C oun1y of Harnett, No rth C arolina, 1ha11he fo llowing amendmen1 be made lo 1h e annual b udget ordinance for 1he fiscal year ending June 30. 2 021. Section 1. Ta amend the Health De portme nt G e neral Fund, the appropriatio ns ore t o b e changed as follows: EXPENDITURE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB -TASK JOB I 1051 JO 502010 I 1051 JO 503030 I 1051 JO 505010 1105110 505050 11051 JO 506010 I 105110 506020 I 1051 JO 506040 I 105110 507010 1105110 507030 11051 JO 507050 I 105 110 507070 1105110 519090 1105110 523040 11051 JO 582000 REVENUE ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB 1105110 330210 EX PLAN ATIO N: To budge t additi on al Immunization Ac tion P lan fund s. APPROVALS : Adopted this ___ day of ________ , 20 _. Morgarel Regino Wheeler. Clerk lo the Boord AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE SALARIES & WAGES $4,479 40 I K-GENERAL $90 FICA WH $343 STATE RET IREMENT $4 57 MEDICAL INSURANCE $668 DENTAL INSURANCE $48 LIFE INSURANCE $9 UNEMPLOYMENT $48 WORKER 'S COMPENSATION $48 EMPLOYEE CLINIC $18 OTHER POST EMPLOYMENTS $13 OTHER $) 1,000 MEDICAL SUPPLIES $5,000 NON-CAP ASSET SMALL $4 ,000 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE FEDERAL $26,221 Mark Johnson. Chairman Board of Commissioners 110220a HCBOC Page 17 COUNTY OF HARNETT BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by lhe Gove rning Boord of the County o f Harnett. North Carolina, thot th e following omendmenl be mode to the annual budget ordinance for lhe fi sc al year ending June 30 , 2021. Section 1. To amend the Veteran's Service Deportment, the appropriations ore to be changed as follows : EXPENDITURE AMOUNT ORG OBJECT PROJECT TASK SUB-TASK JOB DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 1104180 569000 GRANT MATCHING FUNDS $5,000 1105810 569000 GRANT MATCHING FU N DS $5,000 REVENUE I I AMOUNT ORG I OBJECT PROJECT I I TASK SUB-TASK I JOB I DESCRIPTION OF CODE I INCREASE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXPLANATION: To move funds from the Clerk of Court budget to the Veteran's Services Deportment. The Veteran's Treatment Court program Is now processed through the Veteran's Services Deportment and this move will facilitate th e handling of the program functions. DECREASE APPROVAU ~{2 0 • - ~d(date( ~~ ~:t}at:o:.da~-lhl.o Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Cle~~oard. and to the Budget Officer and the Finance Officer tor their direction. Adopted this ___ day of _______ . 20 _. Margaret Regino Wheeler. Clerk to the Boord Mori:: Johnson. Chairman Boord of Commissione rs 110220a HCBOC Page 18 AGENDA ITEM y C Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DA TE: November 2, 2020 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMI IONERS SUBJECT: Additional Immunization Ac · n Plan Funds REQUEST: The Hamett County Health Department requests approval to accept additional Immunization Action Plan funds in the amount of $26,221 . These funds have been allocated from NC DHHS to enhance and achieve increased vaccination overage . FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: S:\admi n\Filesha re\ 1-Ex ce l\BOH PAT FEE IN C-NEW FEES-BOC Requests\BO C Forms\agend a form2020 .docx Page I of I 110220a HCBOC Page 19 AGENDA ITEM __y_o_ Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: November 2, 2020 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Accept donation of Black and Tan Male Bloodhound Puppy REQUESTED BY: Sheriff Wayne Coats REQUEST: The Sheriffs Office request to accept the donation for a Back and Tan male bloodhound puppy valued at$ 1000.00 by John Werbelow. Mr. Werbelow request that if the puppy is not able to be trained/certifitied as a tracking K-9, the K-9 will be returned to Mr. Werbelow. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: U :\My Documents\20 Agenda request\Donation ofK-9 from Werbelow.docx I of I Page 110220a HCBOC Page 20 Office of the Sheriff of Harnett County Sheriff Wayne C oats PO Box 399 175 Bain Stree t, Lillin g ton, NC 275 4 6 Pho n e: 9 10-893-9 1 11 • Fax: 9 10-893-64 50 ON THIS DA TE, 10-15-2020, ON BEHALF OF HARNETT COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE, I MICHAEL MCCOY ACCEPT ONE DONA TED BLACK AND TAN MALE BLOODHOUND PUPPY VALUED AT $1000(STREET VALUE). IF FOR ANY UNFORESEEN REASON THE PUPPY DOES NOT WORK OUT IT WILL RETURNED TO ME, JOHN WERBELOW, UNLESS OTHER ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE WITH ME DONATED TO: HARNETT COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE 175 BAIN STREET LILLINGTON , NC 27546 DONATED BY: JOHN WERBELOW 4650 NC 27 W EST LILLINGTON, NC 27546 110220a HCBOC Page 21 AGENDA ITEM y f Harnett COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA A RESOLUTION TO CHANGE THE MEETING LOCATION OF THE NOVEMBER 16, 2020 AND DECEMBER 7, 2020 REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS THAT WHEREAS, the Hamett County Board of Commissioners adopted on September 19 , 1994 certain Rules of Procedure by which the Board would conduct its meetings; and WHEREAS, Rule 6 of the Rules of Procedure concerning "Regular and Special Meetings" states that the Board may change the place or time of a particular meeting by resolution: that the Board has determined that on Monday, November 16 , 2020 at 6:00 pm and Monday, December 7, 2020 at 9:00 am it will hold its regular meetings in the Commons Area Meeting Room , 307 W. Cornelius Hamett Blvd, Lillington, NC . This is a change in meeting location from 420 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, NC. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Hamett County that the location of its regular meetings on November 16, 2020 and Monday, December 7, 2020 at 9:00 am is hereby changed to Commons Area Meeting Room, 307 W. Cornelius Hamett Blvd, Lillington, NC; that this Resolution shall be filed with the Clerk to the Board, posted at the regular meeting place and forwarded to all parties on the County's Sunshine List. Adopted by the Hamett County Board of Commissioners in regular session, this 2nd day of November 2020. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: __________________ _ Mark B . Johnson, Chairman Attest: Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk strong roots • new growth www.harnett.org 110220a HCBOC Page 22 AGENDA ITEM 5 November 2, 2020 APPOINTMENTS NEEDED ADULT CARE HOME ADVISORY COMMITTEE There are two vacancies on this committee. BOARD OF HEALTH There is one vacancy for a physician on this board. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT There is a vacancy for a District 5 regular member on this Board. There is a vacancy for a District 5 alternate member on this Board. HARNETT JETPORT COMMITTEE Gordon Springle is interested in being appointed as an at-large member of the Harnett Jetport Committee starting January 1, 2021. NONPROFIT COMMITTEE There is a District 5 vacancy on this committee. NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE There are two (3) vacancies on this committee. RESEARCH TRIANGLE REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Harnett County Economic Development Council requests the appointment of Daniel Camp to serve on the Research Triangle Regional Partnership Board of Directors. SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION There is a vacancy on this board for a Private Sector representative. 110220a HCBOC Page 23 Board Meeting Agenda Item AGENDA ITEM VJ MEETING DATE: November 2, 2020 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Job Related Certification/Degree Policy; Education Leave Policy; Redefining Reclassifications and County Manager's Authority to Reclassify Positions REQUESTED BY: Heather Pollard, Human Resources and Chris Appel, Legal Services REQUEST: The Human Resources Department and the Legal Department request approval from the Board of Commissioners to amend the Harnett County Personnel Ordinance to ( 1) add the Certifications and Degrees Policy, (2) amend the Educational Leave Policy, and (3) amend those portions of the Ordinance that address reclassifications of positions. 1. The Certifications and Degrees Policy sets salary increases and approval process standards for those employees who complete certifications or post-secondary degrees that are required for the position, preferred for the position, substantially enhance their ability to perform the job, or are related to the employee's current or future job duties and responsibilities . 2. The Educational Leave Policy is being amended to provide further detail and clarity as to eligibilty for leave, the amount of leave that can be taken, and the approval process for taking such leave in order to obtain a post-secondary degree that is required for the position, preferred for the position, will substantially enhance the employee 's ability to perform the job, or it is related to the employee's current or future job duties and re spons ibilities. 3. Articles I, II, and III are being amended to clarify the definition of job reclassifications and to clarify the County Manager's authority to reclassify a position without the Board of Commissioners approval. C:\Use rs\hpo llard\AppData\Local\Mi cro soft\Windows\lN etCache\Conte nt.Outlook\TXI VTBDK\BOC Agenda Req form 11 -2-2020 (002).docx Page I o f2 110220a HCBOC Page 24 ARTICLE Ill. THE PAV PLAN Section 10. Certifications and Degrees Harnett County encourages and promotes professional development by obtaining professional certifications or post-secondary degrees that substantially enhance the employee's ability to perform the job or are related to the employee's current or future job duties and responsibilities. Full time, non-probationary employees may be eligible for a salary increase for obtaining certain certifications or post- secondary degrees during the course of their employment with the County in accordance with this policy. If an employee does not meet all the established requirements for the position and is placed in work against status until they obtain a required certification or degree, the employee will not be eligible for a salary increase under this policy. Certifications: An employee may be eligible for a salary increase not to exceed 5% for obtaining certifications that are required for the position, preferred for the position, substantially enhance the employee's ability to perform the job, or are related to the employee's current or future job duties and responsibilities. A. If a position requires specific job-related certifications as a pre-requisite for employment in order to perform the essential duties of the position, the employee must obtain such certifications prior to their date of hire and will not be eligible for a salary increase. If the position requires specific job related certifications, but such certifications may be obtained within an established period of time after their date of hire, the employee may be eligible for a salary increase. B. If a particular certification is preferred for the position, but is not required, the employee's supervisor or department head may make a written recommendation to the County Manager for approval for a salary increase. C. If a particular certification either substantially enhances the employee's ability to perform the job or is related to the employee's current or future job duties and responsibilities, the employee may submit a written request to their supervisor or department head to obtain the certification. The supervisor or department head shall review the request and make a written recommendation to the County Manager for approval of a salary increase, 110220a HCBOC Page 25 The salary increase percentage shall be determined in accordance with the list of certificati ons and degrees that shall be approved by the County Manager. The list of approved certifications and degrees and salary increase percentages may be updated by the County Manager from time to time based on the department head recommendations and the needs of the County. If an employee obtains a certification not included on the approved list but that enhances the employee's ability to perform the job or is related to the employee's current or future job duties and responsibilities, the County Manager, upon written recommendation by the employee's department head, may approve a salary increase not to exceed 5%. If the employee's department head and County Manager recommend a salary increase in excess of 5% for a certification, the Board of Commissioners must approve the i ncrease. An employee must obtain the certification within the period required by the certification course or the deadline set by employee's supervisor or department head. If an employee fails to obtain the certification within the required timeframe, the employee must obtain department head and County Manager approval for an extension . Employees must provide a certificate or other official documentation to their supervisor or department head upon successful completion of the certification course in order to receive a salary increase. If the employee's certification requires periodic renewals or continuing education to remain active, the employee shall be solely responsible for maintaining an active certification. Should the certification expire, the employee shall have their salary reduced by the percentage received for the certification. If the certification is required for the position and the employee fails to obtain or maintain an active certification, the employee may be subject to demotion or disciplinary action, up to and including, termination. Post-Secondary Degrees: An employee may be eligible for a salary increase not to exceed 3% for an associate's degree, 5% for a bachelor's degree, and 7% for a master's or doctorate degree if such a degree is required for the position, preferred for the position, substantially enhances the employee's ability to perform the job, or is related to the employee's current or future job duties and responsibilities . A. If a position requires a specific degree as a pre-requisite for employment in order to perform the essential duties of the position, the employee must 110220a HCBOC Page 26 obtain such a degree prior to their date of hire and will not be eligible for a salary increase. If the position requires specific degree, but such a degree may be obtained within an established period of time after their date of hire, the employee may be eligible for a salary increase . B. If a particular degree is preferred for the position, but is not required, the employee's supervisor or department head may make a written recommendation to the County Manager for approval. C. If a particular degree either substantially enhances the employee's ability to perform the job or is related to the employee's current or future job duties and responsibilities, the employee may submit a written request to their supervisor or department head to obtain the degree. The supervisor or department head shall review the request and make a written recommendation to the County Manager for approval. The employee's department head shall submit a written recommendation of the salary increase percentage to the County Manager for approval. If the employee's department head and County Manager recommend a salary increase in excess of the salary increase cap for that type of degree, the Board of Commissioners must approve the increase. An employee must obtain the degree within the period required by the curriculum or the deadline set by the employee's supervisor or department head . If an employee fails to obtain the degree within the required timeframe, the employee must obtain department head and County Manger approval for an extension. Employees must provide a copy of the degree or other official documentation to their supervisor or department head upon successful completion of the degree in order to receive a salary increase. If the degree is required for the position and the employee fails to obtain the degree, the employee may be subject to demotion or disciplinary action, up to and including, termination . 110220a HCBOC Page 27 Current Policy in Personnel Ordinance : Section 12. Educational Leave Any full-time County employee may request and have granted a leave of absence in order to take one (1) educational course during or after regular County working hours as described in Article V, Section 2 . Such an employee must complete and submit the Education Leave Request Form to the appropriate Supervisor or Department Head. This form is provided by the Human Resources Department at www .Harnett.orgor found in Appendix C of this Ordinance. Such educational leave will only be granted if the educational course to be taken benefits the County by better equipping the employee to perform his or her assigned job duties and responsibilities. 110220a HCBOC Page 28 ARTICLE VI. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Section 12. Educational Leave Harnett County supports the pursuit of additional knowledge, skills, and abil ities by County employees in order to improve the efficiency of County operations and the quality of service provided to the County's residents and employees . As such, employees may apply for paid educational leave while pursuing a degree as a college, university, community college , or technical school. Full-time , non-probationary employees may be eligible for educational leave to take up to one five-hour course , which shall not include travel time to attend the course. Probationary employees are not entitled to educational leave unless as a condition of their employment, the employee is required to take a course during their probationary period . Paid educational leave may be granted in accordance with the following : A. The employee is pursuing a degree that is required for the position , preferred for the position , will substantially enhance the employee's ability to perform the job, or it is related to the employee's current or future job duties and responsibilities . B. The course is a requirement of the degree . C. The course is not offered at any other time outside the employee's work hours. D. The accommodation for educational leave will not significantly disrupt the flow of work of the employee or the flow of operations of the department, unless the degree is required for the position . If an employee is granted paid educational leave, the employee will conti nue to earn leave credits and any other benefits to which an employee is entitled . An employee who wishes to take educational leave must complete the Education Leave Reques t Form , which can be found in Appendix C of this Ordinance or on the County website under the Human Resources Department tab in the Employee Forms section , and submit it to their 110220a HCBOC Page 29 immediate supervisor or department head prior to registering for the course . The department head shall review the request and make a recommendation to the County Manager for approval. If an employee is not approved for paid educational leave or if an employee exhausts paid educational leave, the employee may use other forms of accrued leave or apply for Leave Without Pay in accordance with Article VI of this Ordinance . 110220a HCBOC Page 30 APPENDIX C : ARTICLE VI FORMS Educational Leave Request Form In accordance with Article VI , Section 12 of the Personnel Ordinance, Full-time , non-probationary employees may be eligible for educational leave to take up to one five-hour course , which shall not include travel time to attend the course . Probationary employees are not entitled to educational leave unless as a condition of their employment, the employee is required to take a course during their probationary period . An employee must complete and submit this form to their immediate Supervisor or Department Head prior to registering for the course. Please print legibly , provide all the information requested below, and sign. Employee name : Last/First/Middle Street Address: City/State/Zip Phone : L __ ) ___ - __ _ Alternate Phone: ( ___ ) ___ -__ _ Department: Title: -------------------- Course Title: Credit Hours: --------------- Dates of Course: I I thru I I Degree Being Pursued : __________ _ 1 110220a HCBOC Page 31 Institution Name & Address : Name Street/City/State/Zip Brief statement describing why the course and degree is required for the position, preferred for the position or how it will substantially enhance your ability to perform your job, or how it is related to your current or future job duties and responsibilities . (attach additional documentation/statement if needed) By signing below I certify that this course is not being offered at any time outside my work hours and I acknowledge that all the information contained on this form is a true and correct representation and I am not, nor will I ever, provide the County with false information. Employee Signature Date *Please attach supporting document, including a printout of the course description and course schedule. 2 110220a HCBOC Page 32 For Department Head Use : Please provide a brief recommendation as to whether the above employee should be granted educational leave. Department Head Signature Date Approved D Denied D County Manager Signature Date 3 110220a HCBOC Page 33 ARTIC LE I. ORGA NIZATION OF TH E PER SO NN EL SYSTE M Sect ion 3. Defin itions (Listed Alph abetically) The following definitions shall be applied to the entirety of this policy wherever such words are used . The definitions found below shall be binding on all Harnett County employees without exception. Adverse Action: Any disciplinary action taken by Harnett County which directly results in an employee's suspension (not including investigatory suspension), involuntary demotion , dismissal, involuntary resignation , or termination. Adverse Weather: Any weather condition that adversely impacts an employee's commute to and from work or adversely impacts the County's ability to continue normal operations. Anniversary Date: An employee's original date of employment with the County. Appointing Authority: Any individual or board who has the responsibility to assign or place a person into a position. Covered Active Duty: For members of the Regular Armed Forces this term means, duty during deployment of the member with the Armed Forces . For members of the Armed Forces Reserve this terms means, duty during deployment of the member with the Armed Forces to a foreign country under a call or order to active duty in support of a contingency operation . Class: Positions or groups of positions having similar duties and responsibilities requiring similar qualifications, which can be properly designated by one title indicative of the nature of work performed, and which carry the same salary range. Cost of Living Increase: An annual adjustment to all pay ranges that may be made by the BOC . Such an adjustment would become effective on July 1 of each year. Da ughter: A biological , adopted , or foster child, a stepchild , a legal ward , or a child of a person standing in loco parentis, who is either under age 18, or age 18 or older and incapable of self-care bec ause of a mental or physical disability. The onset of a disability may occur at any age for purposes of this policy . Death: The permanent ending of vital processes of any County employee . Disability: Any physical or mental condition that limits movement, senses, or activities to such a degree that the employee is unable to complete his essential job duties and is considered temporarily or permanently disabled. 110220a HCBOC Page 34 Disciplinary Action: Any corrective measure taken by the County to improve or address an employee's job pertormance , personal conduct, or other behavior that is unsatisfactory or contrary to the mission and policies of Harnett County. Dismissal: The act of Harnett County permanently removing an employee from service because the employee's current job pertormance, personal conduct, or other behavior is unsatisfactory or contrary to the mission and policies of Harnett County. This word shall be considered as a synonym for an involuntarily resignation or a termination. Employee: A. Full-Time Employee : 1. Permanent: A person appointed to a particular position, designated as full-time by the BOC , to perform duties and responsibilities required on a continuous and probably annually recurring basis. Such an employee's average work week will total 40 hours. Such an employee will have completed a probationary period to the satisfaction of the Supervisor or Department head and is entitled to all appeal rights and benefits afforded to them under this policy proportionate with the number of hours worked . 2 . Limited Service: Any employee whose service is intended to be of limited duration but who work a normal workweek, not to exceed 12 months or in the case of a grant, the grant period. This definition excludes individuals supplied under contract by an outside agency . Such an employee is ineligible for any County benefits except holiday leave and retains no appeal rights under this policy, but may have those employee benefits mandated by federal or state law. B . Part-Time Employee : 1. Permanent: Any employee who is appointed to a particular position for which the average work schedule is less than 29 hours per week or not more than 129 hours per month. Such an employee is ineligible for any County benefits (including no health benefits nor holiday pay) and retains no appeal rights under this policy, but may have those employee benefits mandated by federal or state law. 2 . Limited Service: Any employee who is appointed to a particular position and whose service is intended to be of limited duration and who work less than the normal workweek. Paid interns who are employed for a limited duration fall under this category. Such an employee is ineligible for any County benefits (including no health benefits nor holiday pay) and retains no appeal rights under this policy, but may have those employee benefits mandated by federal or state law. C. Probationary Employee: A person appointed to a particular position , designated as full-time by the BOC, to perform duties and responsibilities requ ired on a continuous and probably annually recurring basis who has not completed the probationary period . Such employees do not have appeal rights. A mended November 21 , 2016 110220a HCBOC Page 35 Essential Personnel: Employees who are required to work during adverse weather because they have been designated by a Department Head or County Manager. Essential Operations: Services that have been determined to be essential by the County Manager and therefore, shall be continued during adverse weather. Grievance: A specific, formal notice of a full-time permanent County employee's dissatisfaction based upon an event or condition which affects the circumstances under which an employee works expressed through the appropriate grievance procedures. The particular dissatisfaction complained of should be reasonable to the average person and may not be frivolous , but may include: (1) any acts of discrimination against an employee because of age, sex, race, religion, color, national origin , visible or nonvisible handicaps, or pregnancy; (2) any adverse action executed under the Disciplinary Action Policy addressed in Article XI ; (3) have been separated from employment due to a reduction in force or disability addressed in Article VIII ; or (4) any unfair application, misinterpretation, or lack of established County policy. Hiring Rate: The initial salary or hourly rate paid an employee when hired into the county's service. This is normally the first step in the employee's salary range . Immediate Family: This term includes the following familial relationships: wife, husband, mother, father , brother, sister, daughter, son , grandmother, grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, aunts, and uncles. Included within this term are the step-, half-, in-law, and in loco parentis relationships . Those individuals living within the same household may also fall within the confines of this term . In Loco Parentis: Federal law defines in loco parentis as including those with day-to-day responsibilities to care for or financially support a child. Employees who have no biological or legal relationships with a child may, nonetheless, stand in loco parentis to the child and are entitled to some federal leave benefits, however, those employees seeking to claim such federal leave benefits may be asked to prove their status . Incomplete: A form , certification , or other important document to be delivered to the County will be considered incomplete if one or more of the applicable entries on the fonn , certification , or document have not been completed . Insufficient: A form , certification, or other important document to be delivered to the County will be considered insufficient if the information provided is vague , unclear, or non -responsive. Failure to sign a form , certification , or document will also result in it being considered insufficient. Investigatory Suspension : The act of Harnett County temporarily removing an employee from his or her service to the County with pay in order to provide the County with more time to thoroughly investigate a situation or to provide more time for a Department Head or the County Manager to reach a decision concerning an employee's status. 110220a HCBOC Page 36 Involuntary Demotion: The act of Harnett County reassigning an employee to a position or classification having a lower salary range than the employee's current position or classification because the employee's current job performance, personal conduct, or other behavior is unsatisfactory or contrary to the mission and policies of Harnett County. Involuntary Resignation: The act of Hamett County forcing an employee to involuntarily resign from his or her position due to the employee's current job performance, personal conduct , or other behavior that is unsatisfactory or contrary to the mission and policies of Harnett County. This word shall be considered as a synonym for a dismissal or termination . Irregular Work Schedule Employee: Any employee who, on a regular, rotating, or intermittent basis, works an evening or night who maintains a work schedule beyond the day shift or any employee who works a day shift whose work schedule is subject to change on a regular, rotating , or intermittent basis. Job Rate: The median salary or hourly rate an employee may receive when hired , promoted, or receiving a raise . Maximum Salary Rate: The maximum salary authorized for an employee within an assigned salary grade by the Harnett County Pay Plan . Maximum Hourly Rate: The maximum hourly rate authorized for an employee within an assigned hourly grade by the Harnett County Pay Plan . Mental/Physical Disability: A mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual. Major life activities include, but are not limited to , activities such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, eating, standing , reaching, breathing , communicating, and interacting with others, as well as major bodily functions, such as brain function , immune system, or normal cell growth. Conditions that are episodic or remission are considered disabilities if the condition would substantially limit a major life activity when active. Next of Kin : The nearest blood relative in the following order of priority: (1) a blood relative who has been designated in writing by the person in question as their next of kin , (2) blood relative who has been granted legal custody of the person in question , (3) brothers and sisters, (4) grandparents , (5) aunts and uncles, (6) first cousins. If a person has been designated in writing as the person's next of kin , they are to be considered that person 's only next of kin . However, if there are multiple family members with the same level of relationship to the person, all such family members are considered to be the person 's next of kin . Non-Essential Personnel: Employees who may be approved for administrative leave during adverse weather because their positions have been designated as such by their Department Head or the County Manager. 110220a HCBOC Page 37 Non-Essential Operations: Services that have been determined non-essential by the County Manager and therefore may be suspended during adverse weather. Outside Employment: Outside employment is considered any and all employment or self-employment for salaries, wages, tips, or commissions other than the position currently held by the employee with Harnett County. Parent: A biological, adoptive, step, or foster father or mother, or any other individual who stood in loco parentis to the employee when the employee was a child . This term does not include parents in-law. Pay Plan: A schedule of pay ranges arranged by minimum, job rate , and maximum salary rates for each class assigned to the salary range . Performance Review: An annual review in which an employee's overall job performance is evaluated. This is designed to enhance communications between employees and supervisors and to facilitate employee growth. Position: The employees appointed classification which describes the duties and responsibilities to be fulfilled by that employee. Probationary Period : A continuous period of 6 months (12 months for law enforcement) where an employee is evaluated on job performance. Any employee serving a probationary period may be dismissed at any time without a right to appeal. Promotion : The reassignment of an employee to an existing position or classification that has a higher salary range than the position or classification from which the reassignment is made. Reclassification : The reassignment of an existing position from one class to another based on changes in the nature of the position , level of .duties and respons1bilit1es ~ business needs, working conditions, shifts in organizational structure. or other operational factors . Reduction in Force: A separation from employment with the County due to lack of funds, lack of work, or redesign or elimination of position(s). with no likelihood or expectation that the employee will be recalled to County service . Regular Work Schedule Employee: Any employee who typically works a set schedule which consists of an average of 40 hours a week or 2080 hours per year. Reinstatement: The act of the County re-establishing a separated employee who voluntarily resigned or was separated due to a reduction in force to his or her position. < Deleted: the job duties and content -""' l Deleted : ___ _., 110220a HCBOC Page 38 Retirement: The act of an employee voluntarily resigning from his or her position with the County and drawing his or her retirement benefits from the County, LGERS , the supplemental retirement income plan , or Social Security. Salary Grading System: A grading system used by the County to organize all positions into manageable grades. All positions in any single grade are sufficiently comparable to warrant one range of pay rates . Salary Plan Revision : The uniform raising or lowering of the salary ranges of every grade within the salary range. Salary Range : The minimum , job rate , and maximum salary levels for a given salary grade for hiring purposes. Salary Range Revision : The raising and lowering of the salary range for one or more specific classes of positions within the Harnett County Pay Plan . School : Any public school, private church school , church or religious charter school , or nonpublic school that regularly provides a course of grade school instruction . School may also include any preschool or child care facility . Serious Health Condition : Any medical condition which requires inpatient care at a hospital , hospice, or residential medical care facility , or any medical condition which requires continuing care by a licensed health care provider. This policy shall cover any illness of a serious and long-term nature resulting in recurring or lengthy absences. Any chronic or long term health condition resulting in a period of incapacity longer than three (3) days is to be considered a serious health condition . Son : A biological, adopted , or foster child , a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis , who is either under age 18, or age 18 or older and incapable of self-care because a mental or physical disability. The onset of a disability may occur at any age for purposes of this policy. Special Salary Adjustment: An increase in salary within the range based on department head recommendation. Spouse: A husband or wife as defined and recognized under North Carolina law for the purposes of marriage in this state, including common law marriage. Suspension : The act of Harnett County temporarily removing an employee from his or her service to the County with or without pay because of the employee's current job performance. personal conduct , or other behavior that is unsatisfactory or contrary to the mission and policies of Harnett County. Termination : The act of Harnett County terminating an employee due to the employee's current job performance, personal conduct, or other behavior that is unsatisfactory or 110220a HCBOC Page 39 contrary to the mission and policies of Harnett County. This word shall be considered as a synonym for an involuntarily resignation or a dismissal. Transfer: The reassignment of an employee from one position or department to another position or department. Voluntary Demotion : The act of an employee voluntarily, without any undue force , pressure, or outside influence, stepping down to accept a County position with less complex job duties and responsibilities. Voluntary Resignation: The act of an employee voluntarily, without any undue force, pressure, or outside influence, permanently stepping down from his or her current position with the County. This word shall be considered as a synonym for the act of an employee quitting his or her position. ARTICLE II. SALARY GRADING SYSTEM Se ct ion 1. Adoption The Salary Grading System , as set forth in this policy, is hereby adopted for Harnett County and is provided for employee reference at www.harnett.org . Section 2. Alloca t ion of Posit ions The County Manager shall allocate each position covered by the Salary Grading System to its appropriate grade in the plan . Secti on 3. Admi nistration of th e Sal ary Gra d in g Syst em The County Manager is responsible for the administration , execution, and maintenance of the Salary Grading Plan so that it will accurately reflect the duties and responsibilities of employees in the grade to which their positions are allocated . Supervisors and/or Department Heads are responsible for bringing to the attention of the County Manager (1) the need for new positions and (2) material changes in the nature of a position , .duties and r esponsibilities, business needs, working conditions , "'- shifts in organizational structure, or other operational factors affecting the grading of any existing positions. New positions are only to be established with the approval of the BOC after which the County Manager shall either (1) allocate the new position to the appropriate grade within the existing Salary Grading System, or (2) recommend that the BOC amend the Salary Grading System to establish a new grade for the new position. Deleted : nature of {Deleted:, ----==-=~~-- 110220a HCBOC Page 40 When the County Manager finds that a material change has occurred in the nature of the position. level of the job duties and responsibilities . business needs . working condit ions . shifts in organizational structure . or other operational factors . Jhe County Manager shall (1) direct that the existing grade specification be revised , (2) Jeclassify the position to a higher or lower grade within the existing Salary Grad ing System that is appropriate fo r the position . p r (3) recommend that the BOC amend the Salary Grading System to establish a new grade for the position. Section 4. Ame ndm ent of t he Sala ry Grad ing System New grades may be added to and/or deleted from the Salary Grading System by the BOC based on the recommendation of the County Manager. ARTICLE Ill. THE PAY PLAN Sectio n 1. Adoptio n The schedule of salary ranges and grades assigned to those salary ranges , as set forth in this policy, is hereby adopted as the Harnett County Pay Pla n. Sect ion 2. Purpos e of the Pay Plan The Harnett County Pay Plan is intended to provide equitable compensation for all positio ns by reflecting apparent differences in duties and responsibilities , the rates of pay for comparable positions in the private and public sector, changes in the cost of living , the financial conditions of the County, and any other appropriate factors . Section 3. Maintenance of the Pay Plan The County Manager is re spon s ible for the administration, execution , and maintenance of the Pay Plan . The County Manager shall, from time to time, make comparative studies of all factors affecting the level of salary ranges and shall recommend to the BOC such changes in salary ranges as appear to be warranted. Section 4. Use of Salary Ranges The minimum rate established for the grade is the normal hiring rate , except in tho se cases where unusual circumstanc es warrant appointment at a higher rate. j Deleted: substantial -------- 1 Deleted: nature or level of duties and resp onsibiltties of an existing posttion, Deleted: reallocate ---------~ Deleted: the appropriate grade with in the existi ng Salary Grading System, 110220a HCBOC Page 41 Appointment above the minimum step may be made on the recommendation of the Supervisor or Department Head with the approval of the County Manager when deemed necessary. Such appointments will be based on factors, including, but not limited to , a shortage of qualified applicants and/or the applicants above average qualifications, education , and training . Section 5. Payment at a Liste d Rate All employees covered by this Pay Plan shall be paid at a listed rate within the salary ranges established for the grade in which their respective position falls. Employees whose present salary or hourly wage is above the established maximum rate following transition to the new Pay Plan are exempt. No employee may receive a salary increase above the maximum for their assigned salary grade. Section 6. The Performance Pay Plan Harnett County seeks to provide the best service possible to the county's residents. A highly skilled and competent workforce is an essential aspect of providing high quality, efficient customer-driven service in an organization. Equitable compensation is necessary to attract and retain such a workforce. The Performance Pay Plan described in this section is intended to provide Harnett County employees with a path for advancement through their assigned salary grade over the course of their career with the County based on their performance reviews . The Performance Pay Plan is intended to serve as a tool that will allow the County to hire and retain well-qualified employees and provide equitable compensation to employees throughout their careers provided they receive satisfactory performance reviews . Full-time and eligible part-time employees will be eligible to earn a percentage salary increase each year based on their annual performance review. An employee who receives an overall score on their annual performance review of "Meets Expectations" or above will receive the designated increase for that year while an employee who receives a score lower than "Meets Expectations" will not receive the increase for that year. Any earned increase related to the Performance Pay Plan will be effective at the start of the pay period immediately following the employee's anniversary date with the County. If an employee's anniversary date falls on the first day of a new pay period, they will receive an earned increase beginning with that pay period. If an employee who has been terminated from the County for any reason is rehired by the County, their most recent date of hire will be used to establish their anniversary date related to this Performance Pay Plan . Additionally, if an employee changes from full-time to part-time , or part-time to full-time status, the date of the change in employment status will be used to establish their anniversary date. 110220a HCBOC Page 42 The County Manager will set the amount or range of the annual increase each year as part of the budget process. The adopted increase amount or range will be effective from July 1 to June 30 of the following year, coinciding with the County's fiscal year. The percent of the annual increase may vary from year to year based on projected revenue and expenditures. The County Manager shall establish appropriate systems and guidelines for implementation , maintenance, and responsible administration of the above Performance Pay Plan . Any situation that arises related to the above Performance Pay Plan and is not covered by this ordinance will be left to the discretion of the County Manager. Performance Pay Plan Eligibility: Any full-time employee who is hired or promoted, or who reaches "job rate" on July 1, 2017, or thereafter will fall under the above Performance Pay Plan and will not be eligible for the 3/5 Pay Plan described in Section 6.1. Full-time employees who have not yet reached "job rate " as defined by Section 6.1 will remain eligible for the 3/5 plan described under Section 6.1 until they reach "job rate ," at which time they will enter into the above Pay Plan . Employees are not eligible for the above Performance Pay Plan while still in the 3/5 Pay Plan. Part-time employees are eligible for the Performance Pay Plan effective July 1 , 2020, based on their annual performance reviews . To be eligible for the Performance Pay Plan , part-time employees must maintain uninterrupted employment with the County for consecutive years . Election workers , interns, and any other part-time employee who must be rehired each year are not eligible for the Performan ce Pay Plan. Additional Eligibility Guidelines: • Employees in Work Against status will not be eligible for the above Performance Pay Plan until they complete work against status or meet all of the qualifications for the position . Sworn Law Enforcement Officers will not be eligible for the above Performance Pay Plan until they complete the Tier system. • To receive an earned increase , an employee must work at least 6 months during an annual evaluation period in order to be effectively evaluated by their supervisor. • An employee who is promoted during an evaluation period must have been in the new position for at least 6 months on their anniversary date to receive an earned performance increase based on their salary following the promotion. Promoted employees who have been in the new position for less than 6 months on thei r anniversary date are eligible for an earned increase based on their salary prior to the promotion. • An employee who is demoted during an evaluation period , whether voluntarily or involuntarily, who qualifies for a performance increase upon their next anniversary date based on their performance evaluation , will receive an increase based on their sal ary following the demotion. If the County Manager determines that an employee was at a point in the 3/5 Pay Plan as of July 1, 2017 , where the employee would have earned more by entering the Performance Pay Plan when it was incepted , the County Manager m ay, upon the 110220a HCBOC Page 43 availability of funding , adjust the employee's pay to the salary they would have earned if they had entered the Performance Pay Plan on July 1, 2017. The adjusted salary will be in effect upon approval by the County Manager, however the affected employee will not receive retroactive salary increases for earned increases they did not receive . 6 .1 The 3 /5 Pay Pl an Any employee who is hired or promoted, or who reaches "job rate" on July 1, 2017 , or thereafter is no longer eligible for the 3/5 Pay Plan. The purpose of the 3/5 plan is to give County employees a way in which to gain and look forward to pre-determined pay increases after they have been in service to the County for 3 and 5 years. Three Year Pay Increase: When an employee has been in the service of the County for a total of 3 years, taking into account demotions, promotions, transfers, reclassifications , or any other type of separation from service, the salary of the employee is to be increased to the half-way amount between his or her current salary grade and the job rate of the employee's current salary grade. Five Year Pay Increase: When an employee has been in the service of the County for a total of 5 years, taking into account demotions, promotions, transfers, or any other type of separation from service , the salary of the employee is to be increased to the job rate of the current grade of the employee's current salary grade. Sec tio n 7. W ork Against Sta tus A newly hired or promoted employee who does not meet all the established requirements of their new position , may be compensated for their services at a pay rate below the minimum pay rate established for that position in the Pay Plan. An employee will be considered to be in a work against status and continue at this pay rate until the Supervisor or Department Head certifies , and the County Manager approves, that the employee is qualified to assume the full duties and responsibilities of their new position. The Supervisor or Department Head shall review the progress of each employee in work against status every six (6) months or more frequently as necessary to detennine when the employee is qualified to assume the full responsibilities of the new position . Sec t ion 8. Pro m ot ions, De motions, Transfe rs, Re cl ass ifications. & Rev isio ns At the beginning of the fiscal year, any promotions, salary adjustments, reclassifications, or revisions will be applied before any cost of living adjustments. 110220a HCBOC Page 44 When an employee is promoted , demoted , transferred , or reclassified , the rate of pay for the new position shall be established in accordance with the following rules: Promotion: Any employee who receives a promotion will receive a minimum of a 5% increase but not to exceed 10% (between 6% and 10% the department head must provide written justification unless that percentage is the beginning of the new grade) or the beginning of the new grade, whichever is higher. Movement within the same salary grade is considered lateral and there will not be a salary change. Interim Promotion : Any employee who is promoted to an interim position in a higher pay grade will receive a pay increase of 5% or the beginning of the interim position pay grade, whichever is greater while performing the interim duties; however, if the position is a Department Head position or higher, he or she shall receive a 10% pay increase while performing the interim duties or the beginning position grade whichever is higher. An interim assignment shall not exceed six months. At the conclusion, if the employee returns to his or her former position they will return to his or her former salary before the interim assignment. Demotion: An employee who is voluntarily or involuntarily demoted shall have his or her salary or hourly wage left the same, reduced five percent (5%) or reduced to anywhere in the lower grade pay range , depending on the circumstances of the demotion and Department Head recommendation . Transfers: An employee who transfers from a pos ition in one grade to a position in another grade assigned to the same pay range shall continue to receive the same salary or hourly wage. Reclassifications/Revisions: A. Any employee who is currently at the minimum pay rate of their current position and the position is then reclassified to a grade having a higher salary or hour ly pay range, that employee shall receive a five percent (5%) pay increase or an increase to the minimum pay rate of the new pay range, whichever is higher. B. Any employee who is currently above the minimum pay rate of their current position and the position is then reclassified to a grade having a higher salary or hourly pay range , that employee's salary or hourly wage shall be appropriately adjusted to the same point in the new pay range. C. If a position is reclassified to a grade having a lower salary or hourly pay range than that positions current grade , any employee's salary or hourly wage that is above the maximum rate of the newly established pay range shall remain the same . Sect ion 9. Cost of Li ving Ad ju stments If the BOC approve a Cost of Living Adjustment , the increase will be effective July 1 of each year. The amount of this adjustment, if any, may vary from year to year. Deleted: In th e e vent a rec lassification resu lts in the downgrade of a position , the County Manager has the authority to re classify that position without the Board of Commissioner's approval.11 Revised 06/19/1711 110220a HCBOC Page 45 When a Cost of Living Adjustment is approved , regular employees will receive a $500 minimum increase to their annual pay. Section 10. Special Ra ises A special raise may be given to an employee upon written recommendation of the County Manager and approval by the BOC for very unusual circumstance in which an employee does ex ceptional work and/or additional money is needed to retain the employee . Section 11. Overti me/ Co mpensatory Time Definition: Overtime work or work that will result in the accumulation of compensatory time shall be considered (1) any hours worked greater than 40 hours in a normal work week, or (2) work performed by any County employee at the direction, instruction, or knowledge of a Supervisor, Department Head , or authorized managerial representative, which exceeds the normal work week or work period of the employee. Planning to avoid overtime: It is the policy of Harnett County that overtime or the accumulation of compensatory time be avoided at all times. Therefore, Supervisors or Department Heads should arrange their employee work schedules so as to avoid overtime by accomplishing the required work within the hours of a normal workweek. Authorization : All overtime must be duly authorized by a Supervisor or Department Head before payment for such services are rendered . Exempt Employees: Exempt e mployees, as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA"), are (1 ) provided a salary for the completion of their occupational duties and responsibilities that does not change from pay period to pay period based on va r iations in quality or quantity of work , (2) earn at or above the minimum wage established by FLSA, and (3) are designated employees in executive, administrative, or professional positions, within the meaning of those terms as set forth in the United States Department of Labor Regulation s. Such employees are exempt from earning any overtime pay in accordance with the FLSA, but, if required to work overtime, shall receive compensatory time off at a rate of one ( 1) hour for each hour of overtime worked . A . Such employees will be paid at their regular pay rate for all overtime hours or accrued compensatory time in excess of 80 hours. B. In the event that a salaried employee is terminated , they shall be paid for accrued compensatory time up to eighty (80) hours at the regular rate . C. In special circumstances, the BOC reserve s the right to compensate salaried employees for any overtime worked with monies earned . Non-exempt employees: Designated employees in other areas of employment for the County are entitled to overtime pay in acc ordance with the FLSA. Two types of non- 110220a HCBOC Page 46 exempt employees exist: (1) regular work schedule employees and (2) irregular work schedule employees. A. Regular work schedule employees, required to work overtime, shall receive compensatory time off. The compensatory time shall be computed at one and one-half (1 and Y2) hours for each hour of overtime worked . 1. Regular work schedule employees who accrue compensatory time in excess of 80 hours shall be paid overtime pay. B . Irregular work schedule employees, shall not accrue compensatory time off because the granting of such time would unduly disrupt the work schedules of such positions . 1. Such employees shall be paid overtime pay at one and one-half (1 and Y2) times their regular pay rate for each hour worked in excess of their designated work schedule. 2. The County Manager shall designate those class of employees entitled to overtime pay in lieu of compensatory time . Law Enforcement Officers: Sworn law enforcement officers shall only receive overtime pay at the rate of one and one-half (1 and Yi) times their regular rate of pay for any hours worked over the first 171 hours worked in a 28-day cycle. Use: In accordance with County policy and the Harnett County Finance Office Departmental Guidelines, compensatory time must always be exhausted prior to expending vacation time. Termination : Any employee who has accrued compensatory time off, upon complete termination , shall be paid for all unused compensatory time at the final regular rate received for that employee . Sec ti o n 12. Tim e Sheets Any time sheets required by County policy shall accurately reflect the hours worked by employees. However, work schedules can be adjusted in some circumstances to provide the flexibility needed to address situations that require employees to work more than their regular work week without significant additional costs. In order to adhere to Article Ill , Section 1?,,of the Harnett Coun~rsonnel Ordinance, "Planning to avoid overtime," employees should adjust their time sheets within the work week to avoid overtime or the accumulation of compensatory time whenever possible. Even though an employee may work more than their regular schedule in a given workday, their work schedule shall be adjusted so that they do not work more than their regular schedule in a given work week , thereby avoiding overtime or the accumulation of compensatory time. There may be situations in which an employee must physically work more than their regular work week and overtime or the accumulation of compensatory time is ( Deleted: 1 110220a HCBOC Page 47 unavoidable, however whenever possible , overtime or the accumulation of compensatory time should be avoided . Adjustments of time within the same work week should be the first recourse of supervisors, who are charged with managing and controlling overtime or the accumulation of compensatory time. Time sheets shall be approved and certified by the employee and Supervisor prior to submission to Payroll . Approving the timesheet is an indication the supervisor agrees with the time as recorded by the employee and is an authorization to pay the employee according to recorded time . Sec t io n 13. Other For ms ofTime Unauthorized Work: Hours worked by an employee without permission from the Supervisor, Department Head, or authorized managerial representative shall not be considered time worked. Employees who are guilty of unauthorized work are subject to disciplinary action as addressed in Article IX. Travel time: County employees shall be credited for all time spent travelling while in furtherance of their service to the County, not including travel to and from work. Sec ti on 14. Ca ll Back Pay Any eligible County employee, who has been called back to work outside of normal operating hours for the County, is guaranteed a minimum of two hours paid for their services. To receive such pay an employee must physically leave his or her home and physically return to work for the County. Section 15. Payro ll Ded u ctions Those payroll deductions mandated or authorized by Federal , State, or County law shall be deducted from an employee's pay without his or her permission . Other payroll deductions may be made at the request and authorization of the employee, but such deductions are subject to the approval of the Harnett County Finance Officer. Section 16. Lo ngev ity Pay All County employees hired on or after July 1st , 2015, or those employees who leave the employment of the County and return to work with the County on or after July 1st , 2015, shall not be eligible to receive longevity pay. 110220a HCBOC Page 48 Full-time County employees of record as of June 30th, 2015 shall continue to be eligible to receive longevity pay as defined below until such time as their employment with the County is terminated. Time of Service: Employees with five (5) years of consecutive Harnett County Service by November 15 of each calendar year are eligible for longevity pay . .__ Payment of Longevity: The amount of longevity an employee receives shall be based on the employee's salary as of November 15 of each calendar year and paid annually in a lump sum the first week in December of the same year. This amount shall increase depending on the employee's years of services as outlined in the chart below. A longevity payment, however, shall not be made part of the employee's base salary. Time of Service PercentaQe of Annual Salary 5 Years - 9 Years 1 .00% 10 Years -14 Years 1.50% 15 Years -19 Years 2.25% 20 Years -24 Years 3 .25% 25 Years and uo 4.50% Sect ion 17. Ov e rpa y ment. Underpayment. o r La ck of Compensation Harnett County Human Resources and Payroll Departments should make every effort to ensure that employees are paid correctly and that authorized payroll deductions are deducted properly. If an error occurs in the payment process it is the responsibility of the Human Resources and Payroll Departments to discuss the error with the effected employee and detennine the amount to be corrected by the County or the employee. All County employees are responsible for examining each of their paychecks or direct deposit stubs to ensure that proper payment and deductions have been made. If any employee believes an improper payment or deduction has been made, he or she should immediately contact his or her Supervisor or Department Head, along with the Harnett County Human Resources and Payroll Departments, and infonn them of the situation. The County, in all cases mentioned below, reserves the right to pursue collection of remaining overpayments through court proceedings if recovery efforts fail . If a mistake of some sort is made in the payment or compensation of County employees the following instructions should be followed depending on the situation: Overpayment: In any case of overpayment, regardless of fault, County employees are expected to promptly repay the County the full amount of the overpayment. A. For purposes of this policy, overpayments may include wage and salary payments, voluntary and involuntary payroll deductions, or other authorized payments or deductions . { Deleted: Amended January 201611 Deleted: Amended January 201611 110220a HCBOC Page 49 B. If an overpayment occurs , the Human Resources Department is to determine whether the error is nominal or significant. 1. Nominal Overpayment: Any erroneous overpayment that is one hundred dollars ($100.00) or less. Such an amount may be deducted from the employees next payroll check to remedy the error. 2. Significant Overpayment: Any erroneous overpayment that is greater than one hundred dollars ($100.00). Such an amount may only be repaid through a written repayment plan pursuant to a signed Repayment Agreement drafted by the County attorney. C . Any repayment deductions are not to be greater than 15% of the gross wages earned in that current pay period and shall not reduce the gross wages paid to a rate less than the minimum wage as defined by law. D. All repayment deductions are to be made after the County has made all permitted or required deductions from an employee's payroll check. E. If an employee under a Repayment Agreement enters into an unpaid status, a notice letter will be sent to collect the remaining payments or to setup a new repayment plan. If the employee fails to respond , a second notice letter will be sent to inform the employee that he or she has two (2) weeks to remit payment to avoid the collection of monies owed through court proceedings. F. Termination 1 . If an employee under a Repayment Agreement voluntarily leaves their position or is terminated before repayment is made in full , the remaining amount owed to the County by the employee may be deducted from any amounts owed to the employee by the County . 2. If a terminated employee is overpaid , the Human Resources Department shall notify the former employee in writing : (1) that an overpayment has occurred , (2) the total amount owed by the employee to the County, and (3) that payment is to be received within 30 days unless a Repayment Agreement is put in place. If payment is not received within 30 days or the Repayment Agreement is not followed , a notice letter will be sent to inform the employee that he or she has two (2) weeks to remit payment to avoid the collection of monies owed through court proceedings. UnderpaymenULack of Compensation : If an employee was underpaid or not paid at all, the Supervisor, Department Head , or County Manager may request that a special check be issued ; otherwise the employee shall receive payment on their next check . Work Week: For the Purposes of this Ordinance, Harnett County considers the work week to be from Sunday through the following Saturday. Section 18. Emer gency Ope rat io ns Co mpensa t ion In the event of a major emergency or natural or man-made disaster, Harnett County seeks to provide shelter and comfort to those adversely affected by creating and following a detailed Emergency Response Plan . 110220a HCBOC Page 50 In accordance with the County's Emergency Response Plan , and the instructions of the Emergency Operations Center Director, Harnett County employees may be required to carry out specific emergency response tasks to ensure the safety and continued prosperity of the County. These tasks may be carried out at the Emergency Operations Center or at the other sites necessary for emergency response. Such employees, who work under the direction of the Emergency Operation Center Director during such an emergency or natural or man-made disaster, will be compensated according to this policy. County Offices Remain Open: If the emergency or natural disaster requires the activation of the Emergency Operations Center and County offices are open as regularly scheduled , employees required to work under the direction of the Emergency Operations Center Director will be compensated as described below: A. Nonexempt employees, as defined above in Article Ill , Section 12 and in the FLSA, will be paid one and one-half (1 and Y,) times their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond the employee's regular 40-hour work week schedule, except as described below. a . For employees who have a regular work week other that 40 hours, they will be paid one and half (1 and Y,) times their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond their regular work week. B. Exempt employees, as defined above in Article Ill , Section 1~d in the FLSA, will be paid one (1) time their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond the employee's regular 40-hour work week schedule , except as described below. a. For employees who have a regular work week other than 40 hours, they will be paid one (1) time their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond their regular work week . County Offices Are Closed : If the emergency or natural disaster requires the activation of the Emergency Operations Center and County offices are closed , employees required to work under the direction of the Emergency Operations Center Director will be compensated as described below: A. Nonex empt employees, as defined above in Article Ill, Section 1~and in the FLSA, will be paid one and one-half (1 and Y,) times their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond the employee's regular 40-hour work week schedule, except as described below. This compensation will be in addition to any other compensation to which the employee is entitled a . For employees who have a regular work week other than 40 hours, they will be paid one and a half (1 and Y,) times their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond their regular work week. B. Exempt employees, as defined above in Article Ill, Section 1~and in the FLSA, will be paid one (1) time their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond the employee's regular 40-hour work week schedule , except as described below. a . For employees who have a regular work week other than 40 hours, they will be paid one (1) time their regular rate of pay for actual hours worked beyond their regular work week . Deleted: 1 1 l Deleted: 1 _...r Deleted: 1 110220a HCBOC Page 51 C . In the event a holiday occurs within this period, both nonexempt and exempt employees , as defined above in Article Ill, Section 12 and in the FLSA, will be paid one and one-half (1 and Y.) times their regular rate of pay for each hour worked that day in addition to the normal holiday pay . D. For full-time employees who work on rotating shifts , with the regular shift falling on the holiday , these employees will be compensated in accordance with Article VI. Section 2 on this ordinance , and will not receive pay at one and one-half times their regular rate for their regular shift. E. When the County Manager provides Administrative Leave as a result of County offices being closed, employees required to work under the direction of the Emergency Operations Center Director will receive Administrative Leave in addition to any compensation they earn during the event. For nonexempt employees , as defined above in Article Ill, Section 12 and in the FLSA, any Administrative Leave will not count towards the time needed to earn one and one-half (1 and Y._ times their regular rate of pay. For the purpose of payroll , event timesheets should cover only the period during which the County's Emergency Operations Center is activated. Employees required to work under the direction of the Emergency Operations Center Director will not be compensated for the time required to report to the Emergency Operations Center or their designated location if elsewhere. In the event employees are required to work long and continuous hours, the County Manager may grant time off with pay/administrative leave for rest and recuperation to ensure safe working conditions . In order to ensure the safety of the County's personnel, citizens , and continued operations of emergency response tasks, employees required to work under the direction of the Emergency Operations Center Director will be required to take a break of at least eight hours within a 24-hours period . 110220a HCBOC Page 52 Children's Services CPS Reports Received Reports Accepted Total children in Pie/Custody FC Money expended Adult Services APS Reports Received # of trips scheduled Total Cases Work First Energy Expenditures Total cases Food & Nutrition Services Apps Approved Total Cases (households) Benefits Issued Adult Medicaid Apps Approved Total Cases Family & Children's Medicaid Apps Approved Total Cases Fraud Total Collections CbildCare Children Served Total Expenditures Child Support Total Collections July 129 70 Augu5t II I 64 164 164 September 126 66 162 S 105,037.50 $ 101,591.42 $ 104,831.47 17 II 13 213 $46,540.98 145 225 8,679 $3,941,137.00 45 11,033 188 18,509 $2,129.25 673 $301,192.00 $978.600 22 1131 220 $78,456.58 144 332 8913 $3,084,525.00 81 10,945 237 18,634 $3,057.00 673 $323,992.25 $898,813 14 1088 225 $91,845.25 147 213 9035 $3,276,091.00 90 10,874 291 18,478 $1,833.00 641 $315,643.00 $797.147 Harnett County DSS Monthly Report Totals 2020-21 October November December J•uory 2019 February March April AGENDAITEM 1-~ May June Totals 366 200 S 311,460.39 53 3332 $216,842.81 770 $10,301,753.00 216 716 $7,019.25 $940,827.25 $2,674,560.00 110220a HCBOC Page 53 110220a HCBOC Page 54