101320wsa9:00 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 9:45 am 10:15 am 10:30 am 10:45 am 11:00 am 11:15am Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Tuesday, October 13, 2020 9:00 am Thi s me eting will not be open to members of the public to attend in person however, listening options are provided below. Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation Administration requests approval of the updated Social Media Policy, Christopher Appel and Ashley Deans County Hallow een Drive-thru Trick or Treat Event, Ashley Deans Development Services: Proposed Rezoning: Case# PLAN 2007-0002 Landowner/ Applicant: Triangle Home Pros, LLC / Mauldi n-Watkins Surveying; 1.82 +/-acres; Pin# 0636-80-6408.000; From RA-20M to Industrial; SR# 1403 (Cokesbury Road); Buckhorn Township. Proposed Rezoning: Case# PLAN 2008-0001 Landowner/ Applicant: Landowner/ Applicant: Galt Land Development / 4D Site Solutions, Inc.; 3.0 +/-acres (out of 72.0 acres); Out of Pin# 9566-88-5648.000; From Conservation to RA- 20R; SR# 1202 (Johnsonville School Road); Johnsonville Township .. Text Amendment: Case# PLAN 2009-0001 Hamett County Unified Development Ordinance; Article V: Use Regulations, Section 11.8 Planned Unit Developments. To amend Hamett County's U.D.0. to require a commercial/ non-reside ntial component to all Planned Unit Developments Economic Development Update, Angie Stewart and Coley Price Discuss relocating Board meetings to allow the public to attend County Manager's Report: October 19, 2020 Regular Meeting Agenda Review Review applications to serve on Boards and Committees Upcoming meetings and invitations Closed session Adjourn 101320wsa HCBOC Page 1 CONDUCT OF THE October 13th MEE TING OF T HE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Th e Harnett Count y Board of Commissio ners wi ll convene th eir October 13, 2020 work sess ion under certain condi tio ns : 1. Th e Ham ett County Board o f Commi ssioners and Count y governm ent staff necessary to conduc t th e m eeti ng o r to speak o n schedul ed agend a ite m s will be stati o ne d in the m eeting cha mbers to m ainta in th e re comm en ded social di s tan c in g of 6 feet. 2 . The O cto ber 13th work sessio n will not be open to members of the public to attend in person as we are observing the current provis ion s of an y Executi ve Ord ers relat ed to m ass gath erin gs an d publi c hea lth gu id ance r egarding soci al d ist an c ing. The public will hav e the opportunity to listen to the meeting live online or by calling into the meeting. 3. The m eetin g w il l be str eam ed li ve o n Hamett County Government 's Yo uTube Chann e l at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x 98EhAMeMg/featured 4 . If you wi sh to call in and li s ten to the meeting yo u m ay di a l (910)814-6959 . Pl ease rem embe r to mute yo ur pho ne whi le li stening so as not to di srupt oth er s li s tening. 5 . Yo u may a lso fo ll ow along o n Twitter @ H amettCo unty to get li ve upd ates during th e meeting . The Board appreciates the publi c 's pati e nce and understanding as they seek to en su re t h e co ntinui ty of co unty op erati o ns whi le d emons tra tin g compli ance with Sta te law and prudent public h ealth practi ces in th ese diffi c ult tim es . 101320wsa HCBOC Page 2 Purpose r-: ~ Harnett ~(~ COUNTY ~ NORTH CAROLINA County of Harnett Social Media Use Policy as of October , 2020 To address the fast-changing landscape of the Internet and the way residents communicate and obtain information online, Harnett County departments may consider using social media tools to reach a broader audience. The use of social media by the County and County departments for business purposes can facilitate information sharing and serve outreach and communication goals. The County encourages departments t o u se social med ia t o commu nicate their mission and messages with the public. The purpose of this policy is to establish stan dards for the use o f social media by departments of the County of Harnett and employees of the Count» This pol icy applies to all County departments and employees. Indivi dual departments shall not have separate policies with additional requirements or restrictions on social media use unless such a pol icy has received legal review and has been approved by the County Manager .• Definition The U.S. Government defines social media as the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and content creation. Through socia l media, county departments can create, organize, edit, combine, and sha re content. Social media encompasses many forms, including socia l -networking, biogs, wikis, photo-shari ng, video-sharing, and podcasts. Some exa mples of these soc ial media forms in clude, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, lnstagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Linked l n. Policy Creat ion of Media Employees may only establish official sites, biogs, pages, or accounts in their officia l capacity as County staff on social media with the authorization of their Department Director and the Public Information Officer. The Public Information Officer must also ~eel:-=_,--- ~ Deleted: August, 1 Commented [CA1]: Not sure why we previously allowed \ { individual department policies without any rest rictions or review . I left the opt ion for a department to have its own more restrictive po licy, but must approve legal and cou nty manager approval. Another option is to just prohibit oth er policies Deleted: This policy applie s to all County departments and employees, however individual departments may also have policies with additional requirements or restrictions on social media use. /i Deleted: 2.0 1 I County Socia l Media Use Po l icy v~-----------------~ 101320wsa HCBOC Page 3 review and approve any new official socia l media pages before they are made accessi b le to the general public. Use by Employees 1. Employees who wish to establish and/or maintain an official social media site, blog, page. or other account in their official capacity as County staff must complete the Social Media Authorization Form . A copy of the form must be submitted to the employee's department director and the County's Public Information Officer for approval prior to activating a social media site or publishing content. If an authorization request is approved. the Public Information Officer will create the name of the account. social media handle. and a password for the account. For any existing accounts. the Public Information Officer will provide a social media handle and password for the account. 2-c The Public Informat ion Officer. the departm ent director, an d authorized employees within t he department will have access t o the login and password information for the account. Any email used shou ld be an official ~unty emai l address. and passwords should be secure.~e!9yees should not use t heir official work password for any so ci al media. [he Public Information Officer or IT Director shall have the authority to change passwords) If a password is changed. th~ Publ ic Information Officer will notify the authorized users. 1~nytime that a password is changed. the individuals a eo•,e should 13e notified of that change immediately. 3. An employee shou l d not speak on behalf of t he County or their department unless authorized to do so. Authorized employees are expected to speak respectfully and professionally about the County and County-related matters and to ident ify themselves and their role with the County when speaking in any such capacity. 4. Employees are expected to follow copyright. fai r use, acceptable use, and financial disclosure laws when using online communications, as well as the appropriate Records Retention Schedules for any information posted on social media. The unlawful use of copyrighted materials, unfounded or derogat ory statements, misrepresentation, or the disclosure of confiden t ial i nformat ion 12 strictly prohib1tedi 5. Department directors, or designees, and the Public Information Officer are responsible for determining who is authorized to use social media on behalf of the department, and for designating appropriate access levels. Department directors. or designees, will be responsibl e to the County Manager and/or HR in the event of a problem. The Publ ic Informat ion Officer should be made aware o f Formatted: Font: Segoe ur Symbol Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left : 0.75", No bullets or numbering Deleted: C Formatted: Strikethrough Commented [CA2]: Dowe want the POI and IT Director to have authority or ju st POI. Or do we want to broaden it to the IT department in general? Just th inking of scenarios in which there is a breach Commented [AD3R2]: Okay with fust IT Director Formatted: Strikethrough Deleted: can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. J anyone who has authorization to use social media on behalf o f each dep artment. /f~o_e_le_tec1_,_2._0 _____________ _ 2 I County Social Media Use Pol i cy vu./ 101320wsa HCBOC Page 4 If an employee's authorization has been revoked, the department director should notify the Public Information Officer immediat ely. 6. As designated social media representatives, employees may not publish content to any official website or social media application that is unrelated to subjects associated with the County or that is not relevant to citizens. 7. Employees authorized to post on social media should be aware of their association with the County and that at all times they serve as a representative of the County. When posting, employees must be transparent and honest, speak within their area of expertise, use credible sources, and link back to primary County websites whenever possible. Employees shou ld never repeat rumors, post about internal personnel, or post confidential information. 8. Authorized employees should not ci te or reference County contractors or suppliers without their approval . Once approval is granted, be sure to include a link back to the source. Photographs of citizens and employees should not be used if the citizen or employee requests that it not be used. 9. Official County accounts should not comment on, "follow," "like," or "share" private citizen or commercial profiles from within their County socia l networking page. However, official County accounts are permitted to comment on, "follow," "like ," or "share" content on private citizen or commercial profiles that is directl y related to community service or outreach in the County. 10. Official County accounts should not comment on, "follow," "like," or "share" any politica l groups' or figures' profiles nor make any pol itical comments/postings on the County social media site. 11 . Employees must refrain from participating in arguments with social profile visitors. Responses should be respectful and informative ra t her than based in opinion. Comments/postings that warrant a response should be referred to the appropriate County employee or department, who may then address the commenter's issue off of social media. Each department is responsible for monitoring postings, and taking appropriate action when necessary, to protect general site visitors from inappropriate or technically harmful information. Comments/postings must be monit ored daily, and the following must be either linked to or displayed on the page: Harnett County social media sites are subject to the applicable public records laws. Consequently, any communication on Harnett County social media sites (whether by a County employee or the general public) is subject to monitoring and disclosure to third parties. Relevant Harnett County and North Carolina ~ Deleted: 2.0 ~----------------- 3 I Coun t y Socia l Media Use Policy v3. 101320wsa HCBOC Page 5 public records retention schedules apply to social networking content Records required to be maintained pursuant to a relevant records retention schedule shall be maintained for the required retention period in a format that preserves the integrity of the original record and is easily accessible using the approved County platforms and tools. The County reserves the right to remove any comments/postings that (i) contain un rotected s eech such as bs cenit defamation fraud matement ands eech integral to criminal conduct ~-(ii) are spam or contain computer viruses; (iii) advocate or depict illegal activity; (iv) target or disparage any ethnic, racial, religious, gender or other type of group; {J,).sQ!l.1J2rQ1T]J_fe the saf~ty_ Qr g_cu.flt.J!_ o.f th e p ublic/vi) promot e private business ventures, services, or products,· (vii) are related to campaigns for public office or promote a political organization; (viii) infringe on copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property; (ix/ are not rela ted to the Count v or Countv-related m a tt ers:'/}<) violent or threatening; or (xi) disclosure of confidential, sensitive or proprieta,y information. !Please note that the comments expressed on this site do not reflect the opinions and poslfions of the Count v of Harnett or its officers and emplovees. If vou have anv questions concerning the operation of this online moderated discussions s ite, please contact tt,_~ (ounty department ~ Authorized employees must refrain from blocking, hiding, or removi ng from County social media sites any constitutionally protected speech, unless it is in violation of one of the above listed exclusions . If an authorized employee rece ives a questionable comment and is not sure how to proceed, they should notify the Public Information Officer immediately. 12. Public comments/postings that are blocked, hidden, or removed from County socia l media sites shall be retained pursuant to the records retention schedule along with the reason the specific content is deemed not suitable for posting. a. Authorized County social media users are responsible for documenting blocked, hidden, or removed public comments/postings from County social media sites. b. Authorized users must take a screens hot of t he comment/posting and place it in an email addressed to t he Department Director, or designee, along with the reason the specific content violated o ne of the exclusio ns listed 111_Sect 1on 1o ab ove . ._ c. The department director, or designee, must then forward any such emails to the Public Information Officer for public records retention. Deleted: anything Commented [CASJ : Unprotected speech as defined by the court in Knight First Amendment Institute v. Trump Deleted: vulgar or=s=ex=u=aJ='ly=e="Xp=//~c,_t -==~-= ~ted: (v) contain personal attacks of any kind;) { Deleted: (ix) are off-topic; --{ Commented [CA8]: Should include this disclaimer w.as well Fonnatted: Font: Italic , ; '- Deleted: is deemed not suitable for posting. J De leted: 2.0 4 I County Socia l Media Use Policy v3. 101320wsa HCBOC Page 6 13. Authorized County social media users will follow these ,guidelines regarding brand management of County logos and color or style guidelines: a. Profile Picture. County profiles should upload the County or departmenta l seal or logo as their picture. It is important to use the County/departmental seal or logo to demonstrate authenticity. The image should look professional and be of good quality. b. Profile Design . County profiles should use colors consistent with the County's brand, and should not use extraneous or distracting design . All designs should be in keeping with web accessibility compliance needs and maintain professionalism and consistency with official ~unty branding. The name "Harnett County," "County of Harne t t." 2 r the official County or department logo must be displayed. c. Profile Contact Information. Contact information should display an official County email address, include something about being the "official account", provide a link to the County or department website, and include a physical/mailing address as well as phone number. Personal Use of Social Media Guidelines The County of Harnett respects the rights of employees to use social media and does not d iscourage employees from self-publishing, self-expression, and public conversation and ~eted: _.-f"S-__ De_le_t_ed_:_c _______ _ c 0e,etec1, does not d iscriminate against employees who use these mediums. However,the. County -1. Deleted: Harnett recognizes that these types of tools can sometimes blur the line between professional and personal lives. Therefore, employees are reminded that, as representatives of the County or their department, the rules and guidelines which are stated in th is policy must be taken into consideration when participating in these services at any time, but particularly when ident ifying themse lves as employees of the County or when con t ext might lead to that conclusion. Above all , employees should understand that information put out through social media should be considered public and reflects both upon you as an individual and upon the County in your role as an employee. 1. Emp loyees are expected t o follow the guidelin es and policies set forth to provide a clear line between you as the individual and you as the employee. Personal use re lated to a matter of public concern must be conducted in such a manner that a reader would not think the employee is speaking on behalf of the County. 2. Employees are personally responsible for their commenta ry on all social media and can be he ld personally liable for commentary that is considered defamatory, obscene, proprietary, or libelous by any party. ___ J ----=.J ) Deleted: 2.0 5 I County Socia l Media Use Policy vW~-----------------' 101320wsa HCBOC Page 7 3. Personal use of social media may not violate or infringe upon the right of any other person or entity or constitute a criminal offense or create a civil liability. 4. Employees are encouraged to exercise sound judgment and discretion in contribut ing to social media , where information posted may be seen by other users. Be reminded that the internet never forgets. This means everything you publish will be visible to the world for a long time regardless of any attempts to erase or edit comments/posts. 5. When in doubt, stop. Add a disclaimer to your social networking profile, personal blog, or other online presences that clearly states that the opinions or views expressed are yours alone and do not represent the views of Harnett County or your department. a. Example: "The views expressed on this page are my own and do not necessarily represent the position or opinion of Harnett County or the departments wi t hin." 6. In a publicly accessible forum, do not discuss any County or department-related informat ion that is not already considered pub lic information. The discussion of sensitive, proprietary, or classified information is strictly prohibited. If you have signed a confidentiality agreement, you are expected t o follow it. Please act responsibly with the i nformation with which you are entrusted., 7. Employees may not post the name, trademark, or logo of the Coun t y, company- privileged information, including copyrighted information or company-issued documents, or photographs of other employees, residents, vendors, or suppliers taken in their capacity as County employees. 8. The County permits very limited personal socia l networking during the workday. Social networking during the workday is viewed as simi la r in nature to rece i ving a personal phone call, and thus should be of a reasonably l imited duration. Social networking shall not interfere in any way with job responsibilities . Supervisors have the right and ability to further restrict social networking at work, as appropriate, and not hing in this pol icy limits or restricts the County's ri ghts and/or ability to monitor or modify use of County el ectronic communication equipment. Furthermore, employees have no expectation of privacy while using the County's technology resources for any purpose, including authorized social media. The County monitors all such use and may withdraw content deemed to be inappropriate, outside the scope of an employee's authority, or in violation of County policy as det ermined by the Department Director, Human Resources and/or the County Manager's office. ( Deleted: Fa ilure to co mply may result in d is cipli nary action. up to and including terminatio n. ----~ ) Deleted: 2.0 6 I County Social Media Use Policy vW~----------------~ 101320wsa HCBOC Page 8 Reporting Violations The County requests and strongly urges employees to report any violations or poss i ble or perceived violations of this policy t o the Public Information Officer along with Department Di rectors, Human Resources, or the County Manager's office. Disc i pline for Vio lations The County will investigate and respond to all reports of violations or perceived violations of this pol icy. Violation of the policies herein may resu lt i n disc ipl inary action, up to and includ i ng termination. ~C_o_u_n_t_~y_o_f_H_a_r_n_e_tt _______ ~~ Deleted:' Social Med ia Use Policy UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTANCE OF POLICY ,,/{ Deleted: 2.0 7 I Cou nty Social Media Use Po l icy v~--------------~ 101320wsa HCBOC Page 9 I, __________ , have received/had an opportunity to review a copy of the County of Harnett Social Media Use Policy. I have read the policy in its entirety and have been provided the opportunity to ask questions about it. Furthermore, I fully understand and agree to comply with this policy. I also accept that it is my responsibility to seek clarification from my supervisor or .f:jum~n Resour_ces staff if at any time I am unclear about the ~licy's requirements. I fully understand that failure to comply with this policy could result in disciplinary act ion, up to and including dismissal. Employee's Printed Name Employee's Signature Date Deleted : HR ~ Deleted : 2.0 8 I County Social Media Use Policy vl.Q../ ________________ _, 101320wsa HCBOC Page 10 HARNETT COUNTY HALLOWEEN DRIV!-800 OCTOBER 30 I 6PM-8PM Harnett County Government Complex 309 W. Cornelius Harnett Blvd, Lillington Looking for a safe way to trick or treat this Halloween? Join us at the Harnett County Government Complex on October 30 to receive Halloween treats and goodies. Kids can dress up in their Halloween costumes and families drive thru our different stations to trick or treat without getting out of the car. Goodie bags will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis and event participants are asked to wear face cloth coverings . Learn more about our Halloween Drive-Boo event by visiting www harnett .org or calling 910-814-6001 . r-: ~ Harnett ~(--.. COUNTY ~ NOR TH CAROLINA 101320wsa HCBOC Page 11 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DA TE: October 19, 2020 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning: Case# PLAN 2007-0002 REQUESTED BY: Development Services/ Mark Locklear REQUEST: Landowner / Applicant: Triangle Home Pros, LLC / Mauldin-Watkins Surveying; 1.82 +/- acres; Pin# 0636-80-6408.000; From RA-20M to Industrial; SR# 1403 (Cokesbury Road); Buckhorn Township. Development Services staff recomend s approval based on the nonresidential uses in this area as well as compliance with the County's Land Use Plan. Additional Information: On October 51 \ the Hamett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of application based on compatibility with the Land Use Plan and the existing nonresid ential uses . No one spoke in opposition. ----~--·~----~~-~ FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Users\gwheeler\AppData\Local\M icrosoft\ Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\ W5ENE9SY\THP _ CC agen da form.docx Page I of I 101320wsa HCBOC Page 12 ~ ~Harnett '(~COUNTY L NORTH [ARO l lNA . REZONING STAFF REPORT Case : PLAN 2007-0002 Jay Sikes, Mgr. of Planning Services isikes@harnett.org Phone: (910) 893-7525 Fax : (910) 814-8278 Planning Board: October 5, 2020 County Commissioners: October 19, 2020 Requesting a Rezoning from RA-20M to Industrial Applicant Information Owner of Record: Name: Triangle Home Pros Address: 6312 Lauraca Ln City/State/Zip: Fuquay Varin, NC 27526 Property Description PIN(s): 0636-80-6408 Address/SR No.: 6940 Cokesbury Rd Township: D (01) Anderson Creek D (02) Averasboro D (03) Barbecue [8'.I (05) Buckhorn D (06) Duke D (07) Grove Applicant: Name: Maudlin-Watkins Surveying Address: PO Box 444 City/State/Zip: Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 Acreage: _1~·..;;..;82;;;__ __ _ D (09) Johnsonville D (10) Lillington D (04) Black River D (08) Hectors Creek D (11) Neill's Creek D (12) Stewart's Creek D (13) Upper Little River Page 1 of 5 Duncan ~ .. ( J Vicinity Map . .., ' •. ~ . & I STAFF REPORT 101320wsa HCBOC Page 13 Site Description: two adjoining metal, non-residential buildings currently occupy Site. The structure shown as 6926 is no longer on site. The intent to use as the applicant's business office. Surrounding Land Uses: Several non-residential uses (Duncan Industrial park) as well as residential and agricultural uses . Services Available Water: [8J Public {Harnett County) D Private (Well) D Other : Unverified Page 2 of 5 Sewer: D Public (Harnett County) [8J Private (Septic Tank) D Other: unverified Transportation : Annual Daily Traffic Count: 1,000 along this section of Cokesbury Rd. Site Distances: Good STAFF REPORT 101320wsa HCBOC Page 14 Zonin District Com atibilit The following is a summary of potential uses. For all applicable uses for each Zoning district please refer to the UDO's Table of Uses. Land Use Classification Compat1 I 1ty The following is a summary of potential uses. For all applicable uses for each Zoning district please refer to the UDO's Table of Uses. ,~ g I re~ Rund Development Node {m(fJ -~·--- Page 3 of 5 Parks & Rec Natural Preserves Bona Fide Farms Single Family Manufactured Homes, (with design criteria) Manufactured Homes Multi-Family I nstitutiona I Commercial Services Retail Wholesale Industrial Manufacturing Parks & Rec Natural Preserves Bona Fide Farms Single Family Manufactured Homes, Design Regulated Manufactured Homes Multi-Family I nstitutiona I Commercial Service Retail Wholesale Industrial Manufacturing CURRENT REQUESTED RA -20M Industrial X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ZONING LAND USE Industrial RDN X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X STAFF REPORT 101320wsa HCBOC Page 15 site & adjacent non-residential property street view & site's driveway street view S & adjacent property Evaluation ~ Yes D No The IMPACT to the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable, and the benefits of the rezoning outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community. REASONING: The impact to the surrounding community is reasonable, as there are several nonresidential uses in this area. ~ Yes D No The requested zoning district is COMPATIBLE with the existing Land Use Classification. REASONING: The requested zoning is compatible with the existing Land Use classification of a Rural Center development node. Rural Center development nodes are "small scale commercial centers". These areas can be suburban in nature and contain smaller, nonresidential uses. ~ Yes D No The proposal does ENHANCE or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. REASONING: The requested rezoning to Industrial, whose intent is to promote the development of business and institutional uses, would enhance or maintain the public health, safety, and general welfare due to the neighboring, nonresident parcels . Page 4 of 5 STAFF REPORT 101320wsa HCBOC Page 16 D Yes cg] No The request is for a SMALL SCALE REZONING and should be evaluated for reasonableness . REASONING: Since this parcel is adjacent to the same zoning district, this application does not need to be considered for a Small Scale rezoning . Suggested Statement-of-Consistency (Staff concludes that...) As stated in the evaluation, the requested rezoning to Industrial would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on the nonresidential growth patterns of this area as well as compliance with the County's Land Use Plan. Therefore, it is recommended that this rezon i ng request be APPROVED . Additional Information On October 5th, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of application based on compatibility with the Land Use Plan and the nonresidential uses in this area . • No one spoke in opposition. Page 5 of 5 STAFF REPORT 101320wsa HCBOC Page 17 -~?:~~·"?i}:~ ~;i;_,tF-f~ . t11---.-. ...:...I. Harnett COUNTY Existing Zoning : 0 Conservation ~ RA-20M 0 RA-20R 0 RA-30 0 RA -40 D Commercial 0 Light Industri al 0 Industrial 0 Office & Inst'I Attachments APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Planning Department 108 E. Front Street P.O . Box 65, Lillington, NC 27546 Phone: (910) 893-7525 Fax : (910) 893-2793 Total Fee: Receipt: Permit: J/q11~~ ------ Hearing Date: ?-17-J.O ~ng:: G,-i-:;.o Requested Zoning : 0 Conservation 0 RA-20M 0 RA-20R 0 RA-30 0 RA-40 0 Commercial 0 Light Industrial 12?1 Jndustrial 0 Office & Inst'I Applicant: Name: MWch,•, .. -\1,,)g,\-bl'l.5 ':7<.L(\H:-fl~ Address: J'..0-1aQ. 4't4 City/~tate/~ip: ~~~4"!=:~L. ,?.~ E-mail : ~--~m~_~.U>w\ Phone: -;..1, Fax: gi,-6. ,-/1/e(q Township : 0 (01) And erson Cre ek 0 (02) Averasboro 0 (03) Barbecue 0 (04) Black Rive r 00 (OS) Buckhorn 0 (06) Duke 0 (07) Grove 0 (08) Hectors Creek 0 (09) Johnsonville 0 (10) Lillington 0 ( 11 ) Neill's Creek 0 (12) Stewart's Creek 0 (13) Upper Li ttle River • Written description of property from recorded deed • Recorded map of property at scale of not less than one {1) inch = 200 feet • Explanation of why the zo ning change is requested, addressing applica b le portions of Article XIV of the Zoning Ordinance Signatur es The undersigned applicant hereby certifies tha t, to the hest of his or her knowledge and belief, all informati n supplied ith this application is tru e a nd accurate: -~t?;Lc:7 ________ -----:.~~~~~~~~===--Date Authorized Agent Si gnature Date Page 1 ol 2 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE 101320wsa HCBOC Page 18 Requirements for Consideration The Planning Board shall consider and make recommendations to the County Board of Commissioners con cerning each proposed zoning district. The following poli cy guideli nes shall be followed by the Planning Boa r d concerning z oning districts and no proposed zoning district will receive favorable recommendation unless: 2 .1 The proposal will place all property similarly situated in the area in the same category, or in appropri ate complementary categories . 2.2 There is convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be i n the general public i nterest and not merely i n the interest of the individual or small group. 2.3 There is convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be appropriate in the area incl uded in the proposed change. (When a new district desi gnation is assigned, an y use permitted in the district is allowable, so long as it meets district requ i rements, an d not merely uses which appl i cants state they in tend to make of the property involved .) 2.4 There is convincing d emonstration that the character of the ne i ghborhood will not be materially and adversely affected by any use permitted in the proposed change. 2.5 The proposed change is in accordance with the comprehensive p la n and sound planning practices. Page 2 of 2 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE 101320wsa HCBOC Page 19 This site is located adjacent to the Duncan Industri al Pa rk East and the Harn ett County water tank site to the south. It also appears t o have been used as some kind of industrial use in the past. The site contains two metal buildings, shelters, concrete pads and is not being used for any res idential use. We would like to locate offices on the site. We are requesting, Industrial Zoning which is in harmony with the adj acent Duncan Industrial Park . We believe that the Industrial Zoning is the highest best use for this site. If approved, it would allow us to continue with our plans for our office. We feel that this rezoning, if approved, would be an asset to the su rrounding community. We are looking forward to becoming a corporate member of the community. 101320wsa HCBOC Page 20 B3784 -P 559 HARNETT COUNTY TAX IO# 050636 0041 08 02-20-2020 BY : SB STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT Excise Tax: SlK6.00 PID: 050636 0041 08 For Registration Kimberly S Hargrove Register of Deeds Harnett County, NC Electronically Recorded 2020 Feb 20 11 :26 AM NC Rev Stamp· S 186.00 Book: 3784 Page:559 • 561 Fee·$ 26.00 Instrument Number. 2020002646 BENEFICIARY & EXECUTOR'S DEED Prq,ared by: Mcn:ogliano & Associaics. PA. PO Box 1381. Fuquay-Varina . NC 27~26 Mail to: Grantee nus DEED made chis 20"' day of February, 2020. by and between GRANTOR Heirs of Aubrey Earl Brown Aubrey Earl Brown. Jr., Executor and Beneficiary. and wife. Kimberly Brown; Romaine Kay Brown, Beneficiary, unmarried; Laurens Tracina Lucus, Beneficiary, and husband, James Anthony Lucus; and Leesa Kelly Career, Trustee of the Testamentary Trust for Audrey Allison Rosella Caner Brown, U/W of Aubrey Earl Brown dated March 16, 2011, 6940 Colcesbury Road Holl S rin . NC 27540 GRANTEE Triangle Home Pros, LLC 63 12 Lauraca Ln Fuquay Varina, NC 27526-5887 11w: destgna.tion Grantor and Grantee as used herein shal l include said parties . dicir heirs. successors. and assigns. and shall include s ingu lar. plural , masculine , feminine or neuter as required by conte'<t W IT N E S S ETH: THAT the Grantor. for a valuable considera1ion paid by the Oramee, the receipt of which is licrcby acknowledged. has and by these ~escnts does grant. bargain. sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple. all that certain lot or parcel of land more partic ular!~· described as follows : Being all of Lot #3, containing 1.82 acres, as shown on that map recorded in Plat Cabinet "F," Slide 543A, Hamett County RegiSlry . subettted electnmically by "Kercogliano & Associates, PA" 1n coapl1&nce w1th NOrth Carolina statutes governing recordable docu11.11nts and the teras of the subattter agreeaent with the Harnett county Register of Deeds. 101320wsa HCBOC Page 21 S'f A TE OF NORTH C AROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE B3784 -P 560 I, Kathy A. Mercogliano, a Notary Public of Harnett County, North Carolina, c ertify that Aubrey Earl Brown, Jr., Kimberly Brown, Romaine Kay Brown, Laurens Tracina Lucus. James Anthony Lucus and Leesa Kelly Caner, Trustee of the Testamentary Trust fOf Audrey Allison Rosella Carter Brown. U /W of Aubrey Earl Brown dated March 16, 2011, each personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the fori:going instrnment. th WITNESS my hand and notarial stamp or seal this Jo day of FcMttiry, 2020. KATHY A. MERCOGLIANO NOTARY PU9UC HARNETT COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 101320wsa HCBOC Page 22 83784 · P 561 Subject to casements. rights of way, protective covenants and other matters of public record. Subject to 2020 Ad Valorem tall.CS. All or a portion of !he propeMy het'einabove described was acquired by Gnmtor by instrument recorded in Book 272 l, Page 245, Hamett County Registry . TO IIA VE AND TO HOLD the above-described lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to 1he Grantee in fee simple. /\ND the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is lawfully seized of the premises in fee simple. has the right and power to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free from any and all encumbrances and that Granto, wi II forever warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written . ~-~ (SEAi.) -k~=U--'yt;~.s.u4=""""'""""-_,fJ<....<."'"A"-""t}..at_~ _______ (SEAL) Kimberly Brown · Kelly Carter ru stee of the Tc,,1amentar)' Trust for Audrey Allison Rosella Carter Brown, U/W of Aubrey Earl Brown dated March 16. 2011 101320wsa HCBOC Page 23 ~ ·rl '""''' .,, -~-.. ~--~ -= r~= r~~~--::-u.=:::-J'O e.o.c.-.o,cu. '"",.._ ! :a:.o:. I \'ICDUTY 1W' 11fT11 I~ =~ --I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~;'i' ~ ~ ~~/~ s ~I ~ I q; I I I I I ;Jj) &,~ 1~ I I I I I I NOROiW'EST WATER NifD SE'W£R DCSTRICT OT HC 0.8.SM. PG.505 NOT£: SHOIN IS LOT 3 OF LEtlBfTml N#J BftQllilrll SI 0 AEF: PU F1 SllOE 543A D.8.3784, P0.559 OTHER f1EFEF1ENC£S AS SHOWN AREA • 1.821 ACRES 8940 COICES8.IRY flO.\D MSl5toC8'ffl'"11MSWIPIIILS NOMDI ,_.. M.c1UIIL'5&.IM'I' ClllK ~IIJCl(l,IIQ'IIJ~#CI nw nm « a ., DOaCtM>nS. DaPl'MmtolOTIIEIQtClltff!OQUDliC. H1MM'llt6"'"81:11tol50U\UJIIll'I' t.RIUXStlfC>CO'MtUflSG1:tO,IXIO. MS W Wl5 ...,.., RlR 1111.[ IXIIWtf US[ olll)IS Im lffl'JUD ~'8DD{D Cit CXlfl('OIIC(S a'IIOU1" 'MnDI MIMJIIWlW CII * SUM'a NII one ~ cm:w.s. I PREUMINARY PUT I PflCflDCIW. U1i1C1 SUM'Q: ;or FCft ~TOI '"'" I / I I I ---------CR(COR'f' W. HOBBY D.8.12l1, PC.711 ftEZONINO Pl.AT FOR: TRIANGLE HOME PROS LI.C 8UQ(N()RH lWSP.. twKTT CO., N.C. SCA1.C 1· • JO' IN04 oe. 2020 IWUlt -IMJQII SUIM"l'INClr. PA ~...=.,;.:::. ~ ~ (t11)""2-t.m c-t12t .. ,. . . ff;) ---30 I I ~ I 0 ,.,,, ....... 30 GRAPHIC SCALE -FEE'!' Q) 60 90 (l) JIMMIE G. BAl<ER. Jft D.B.1160, PG.7&4 PCI F, SUOC S4lA j ,! ii~ ti N ~ I S -a4·3Y6l-W °2t9.fH c ..... -,-,-y har-1na N 70"41'28" W • 1r10•5s• E RP ONE LLC o.e. H92. PC.2os M.B.1007, PC.27J O.tttanct 10UO' M.,_!!.:. ij~iE "~llf I .i~t' I ~2:;i! I "~"" •i~ -~ ,., RP ONE U.C D.8.1492. PC.205 M,8,2007, PC.273 NOTIS: (A.) THE PROPCRTY SH0wH HEREON IS SUBJECT TO N..l. EASEMENTS Of RECORD ;J'f(CTING SAME. (8.) NO mu: S£,t,RCH ""5 8EDt PCRfORWED 8l' THIS flRW OUAIMO TlfC CQUltS.£ OF lHrS SUfNCY. (C.) l1ilS SUIM'roR OO£S MOT C£RTlfY TO 11<( EXISTDfCE: Oft NCJNElOS'fD4CC OF Nf'r UND£R CM>UHO UTlUl1£S ™-'T MAY °" MAY HOT 8( PR£SOfT ON THIS SITE. TH£. SURVE'l"OA RW(D ~ m£ Cff'f OR CX>UN'TY roR APPR<Y<IN... rw AU APPlJCA8l£ ORDINNfCE NI> Ko\S MADE NO INTlJl'.PRETATIONS Of" TH£ OROIHA.NCES. 101320wsa HCBOC Page 24 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DA TE: October 19, 2020 TO : HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Proposed Rezoning: Case# PLAN 2008-0001 REQUESTED BY: Development Services/ Mark Locklear REQUEST: Landowner / Applicant: Landowner/ Applicant: Galt Land Development I 4D Site Solutions, Inc.; 3.0 +/-acres (out of 72.0 acres); Out of Pin# 9566-88-5648.000; From Conservation to RA-20R; SR# 1202 (Johnsonville School Road); Johnsonville Township .. Development Services staff recomends approval based on the preservation of the environmentally sensitive areas, the topography of this area, as well as compliance with the County's Land Use Plan. Additional Information: On October 51\ t he Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of application based on the topography of that land and the compatibility with the Land Use Plan and the existing nonresidential uses. One citizen spoke to gain more info, etc but did not oppose. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C :\Users\gwheeler\AppData \Lo cal\Microsoft\ Windows \IN etCache\Content. Outlook\ W 5ENE9S Y\Li berty Meadows_ CC age nda fo rm.do cx Page I o f I 101320wsa HCBOC Page 25 C ~Harnett ""°' (~ C O U N T Y J NOR1H (AROl l'J A REZONING STAFF REPORT Case: PLAN2008-0001 Jay Sikes, Manager of Planning Services jsikes@harnett.org Phone : (910) 893-7525 Fax : (910) 814-8278 Planning Board: October 5, 2020 County Commissioners: _O_ct_o_b_e_r_1_9_._,_2_0_2_0 __ _ Requesting rezoning from Conservation to RA-20R Applicant Information Owner of Record: Name: Galt Land Development Address: 206 Shoreline Dr City/State/Zip : Raeford, NC 28376 Property Description PIN(s): 9566-88-5648 Address/SR No .: Johnsonville School Rd (SR 1424) Township : D (01) Anderson Creek D (02) Averasboro D (03) Barbecue D (05) Buckhorn D (06) Duke D (07) Grove Applicant: Name: 4D Site Solutions, Inc Address: 409 Chicago Dr, Suite 112 City/State/Zip: Fayetteville, NC 28306 Acreage : Approx 181 (09) Johnsonville D (10) Lillington D (11) Neill's Creek 3 of 72 total D (04) Black River D (08) Hectors Creek D (12) Stewart's Creek D (13) Upper Little River Vicinity Map I \ 2 Page 1 of 6 STAFF REPORT 101320wsa HCBOC Page 26 Physical Characteristics - Services Available Water: [8J Public (Harnett County) D Private (Well) D Other : Unverified Page 2 of 6 Sewer: D Public (Harnett County) [8J Private (Septic Tank) D Other: unverified e Description: The site is currently cant and wooded. r the U .D.O., The purpose of the nservation District is to encourage the eservation and continued use of the land r conservation purposes in its natural ate, and to prohibit intrusive velopment of the land in areas with luvial soils, perennial streams, may ntain wetlands, or that may be subject flooding is Conservation District is to be easured as 200 linear feet from the rmal edge of the river, 400' total . rrounding Land Uses: Surrounding land es include undeveloped land and single- mily residences. Transportation: Annual Daily Traffic Count: 420 Site Distances: Poor STAFF REPORT 101320wsa HCBOC Page 27 atibilit Future Land Use Map Page 3 of 6 Parks & Rec Natural Preserves Bona Fide Farms Sinale Familv Manufactured Homes, Desian Reaulated Manufactured Homes Multi-Familv Institution a I Commercial Services Retail Wholesale Industrial Manufacturina Parks & Re c Natural Preserves Bona Fide Farm s Single Family Manufactured Homes, Design Regulate d Manufactured Homes Multi -Family Institutiona I Commercial Services Retail Wholesale Industrial Manufacturing Lo •N Dens·,:. Res;d em·a1 CURRENT CONS X X X ZONING RA -20R X X X X X X REQUESTED RA-20R X X X X X X LAND USE LDR/ ESA X X X X X X • Env i ronm ema lly Se"1s it ve A~ea £ STAFF REPORT 101320wsa HCBOC Page 28 Evaluation ~ Yes D No ~ Yes D No ~ Yes D No D Yes ~ No The IMPACT to the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable, and the benefits of the rezoning outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community . REASONING: The impact to the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable. The existing zoning district of Conservation is to protect the natural environment as well as citizens and their property from flood hazards. The majority of the area requested to be rezoned is not located within any flood hazard area or noted wetlands. The requested zoning district is COMPATIBLE with the existing Land Use Classification. REASONING: The requested zoning is compatible with the existing land use classifications of Agricultural & Rural Residential and Environmentally Sensitive Areas as the use of this area would be for single family residence and preservation of environmentally sensitive areas within open space . The proposal does ENHANCE or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. REASONING: The majority of the area that is being requested does not lie within a flood hazard area or delineated wetlands and will not interfere with the remaining conservation area . Therefore, the request to rezone a small portion of the conservation area will maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. The request is for a SMALL SCALE REZONING and should be evaluated for reasonableness REASONING: This request does not need to be evaluated for a small scale rezoning, because the area requested to be rezoned abuts RA -20R zoning. Suggested Statement-of-Consistency (Staff concludes that. .. ) As stated in the evaluation, the requested rezoning to RA-20R is compatible w ith Harnett County regulatory documents, would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community since the special flood hazard area will be preserved. Therefore, it is recommended that this rezoning request be APPROVED with the condition that all of the 100 year flood hazard area remain Conservation area. Additional Information On October 5th, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5 -0) to recommend approval of this application based on topography & preservation of any known environmentally sensitive areas. • 3 citizens attended and 1 spoke but not in opposition. They wanted to make sure their property would not be effected by this application's request. Page 4 of 6 STAFF REPORT 101320wsa HCBOC Page 29 Site Photographs Street view Street view Standards of Review and Worksheet STANDARDS OF REVIEW The Planning Board shall consider and make recommendations to the Co unty Board of Commissioners concerning each proposed zoning district. The following policy guidelines shall be followed by the Planning Board concerning zoning districts and no proposed zoning district will receive favorable recommendation unless: 0 Yes D Yes 0 Yes Page 5 of 6 0 No A. The proposal will place all property similarly situated in the area in the same ca tegory, or in appropriate complementary categories. 0 No B. There is convi ncing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be in the general public interest and not mere ly in the interest of the individual or small group. 0 No C. There is convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be appropriate in the area included in the proposed change . (When a new district designation is assigned, any use permitted in the district is allowa ble, so long as it meets district requirements, and not merely uses which applicants state they intend to make of the property involved.) STAFF REPORT 101320wsa HCBOC Page 30 D Yes D Yes D No D. There is convincing demonstration that the character of the neighborhood will not be materially and adversely affected by any use permitted in the proposed change. D No E. The proposed change is in accordance with the comprehensive plan and sound planning practices . 0 GRANTING THE REZONING REQUEST Motion to grant the rezoning upon finding that the rezoning is reasonable based on All of the above findings of fact A- E being found in the affirmative and that the rezoning advances the public interest. 0 DENYING THE REZONING REQUEST Motion to deny the rezoning upon finding that the proposed rezoning does not advance the public interest and is unreasonable due to the following: D The proposal will not place all property similarly situated in the area in the same category, or in appropriate complementary categories. D There is not convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be in the general public interest and not merely in the interest of the individua l or small group. D There is not convincing demonstration that all uses permitted under the proposed district classification would be appropriate in the area included in the proposed change. (When a new district designation is assigned, any use permitted in the district is allowable, so long as it meets district requirements, and not merely uses which applicants state they intend to make of the property involved.) D There is not convincing demonstration that the character of the neighborhood will not be materially and adversely affected by any use permitted in the proposed change. D The proposed change is not in accordance with the comprehensive plan and sound planning practices. D The proposed change was not found to be reasonable for a small scale rezoning Page 6 of6 STAFF REPORT 101320wsa HCBOC Page 31 Htlrt1ett I llliNTV APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Planning Deparlment 108 E. Front Street P.O. Box 65 , Lillington. NC 27546 Phone: (910) 893-7525 Fax: (910) 893-2793 Total Fee: Receipt: Permit: Hearing Date: 4$ d-6"t)1(V ,> i CA V"'\ o(_'X)'rj -l U'.) I ~.~,JoW Applicant Information Owner of Record: Applicant: Name: _ (i.ilt_l .. mJ lk,..:h11mrn1 ________ _ Address: 206 Shoreline Dr. -···--. ---... -----·· Ci ty/State/Zi p : Raeford, NC 28376 _________ _ E-mail: shaur.@precisioncustomhomesnc.com ___ _ Phone: _ •JIIJ -9X8 -Kl'2 ____ _ _____________ . __ Name: -I I > '-llL' ,.,Jt ;tinn,. In, -·--·------·------------·--------·---Address: __ 409 c hi~,d)ri\~. \uit1: I 12 ______ _ City/State/Zip: !·.il'\l'llc, ilk.~{-~~,,!}<,__ _ _____ _ E-mail: _ ,h1t•,111 ,i\ -hbiti:\nlu1i,11h .._,1m ___________ _ Phone: LJ10--.2h-h777 Fax: Fax: 910--12n-ST77 . ---------__ =====-E . Property Description PIN(s): . 95.!;[1-i<J< ·--~~~-------. __ ______ Acreage: "'2 .o Acres Address/SR No.· ,'\IPfil:. J,1hn"•n1 ilk ~d11x,1 R,.;;d hct\\t'l.'n '\<_ 2-;111J l'<•11dL1 ·,1 ~ •• R,1.1L1 __ . . _ ... .. _ Directions f ro m Lillington : l f,~l· \<. ?7 11~,111ut n l I 1lli 11 ;;11111 rum r ·ght "'' h•br1,,,n ·. il k \L·h,·"I K,,,.,J. J>ri,1,·n: •.1 ,11 1,r Deed Book : no.~ Plat Book: Existing Zoning: ~ Conservation 0 RA-20M 2--- 0 RA-20R 0 RA-30 0 RA-40 D Commerci al 0 Light Industrial D Industrial 0 Office & Inst'I --·" 7 Attachments 0.6 mi ,,n lht' 11ght ,n,.,rth ,!Jc"' .l 11 hn"1m1ill· Sc h11PI ~,1ad1 Page: ~5-1 Page: Requested Zoning: 0 Conservation 0 R.A-20M IR] RA-20R 0 RA-30 0 RA-40 ll Commercial 0 Light Industrial 0 Industrial Ll Office & lnst 'I Townshi p: 0 (01) Anderson Creek [J (02) Averc'sboro i:J (03) Barbecue 0 (04) Black River D (05) Buckhorn 0 (06 ) Duke == --- 0 (07) Grove D (08) Hectors Creek [R] (09) Johnsonville 0 (10) Lillington 0 ( 11) Neill's Creek n (12) Stewart's Creek [-I (1~) Upper Little River 0 Wntlen description of property from recorded deed • Recorded map of property at scale of not less than one ( 1) inch = 200 feet e Explanation of why the zoning cha nge is requested. addressing appl icable po r tions of Article XIV of the ZcJning Ordinance Signatures The unders 1g11ed applicant hereby CE'rlif1E>s tl,at , to the t1est o f h ;s o r t-i2 r i<r o wlE>dg e a1 1d belief , al ! information supplied w i th this appl ication ;s true and accurate : , •, I ~ '\ Property O w ne r Signature Date Authoriz e d Agent Signature Date D ,,:lG 1 of 2 APDUCATION FOR Z O NING C:1-1AN G I: 101320wsa HCBOC Page 35 EXP LA N ATI ON FOR ZONING REQUEST A portion of the property is currently zoned Conservation . The conservation zoning is established as a 200' offset of the existing stream . Conservation zoning doesn't allow for single family residential lots unless the area is served by both public water and public sewer. The property is served by public sewer only. The Conservation zoning will result in the loss of 8 lots if left unchanged. We are proposing that the Conservation zoning be adjusted to the rear of the lots as shown on the attached sketch for the following reasons: 1. The site plan was adjusted to eliminate any wetlands on the single family lots per the current UDO. The property was purchased prior to the change in the UDO not allowing wetlands on the lots. The streets and lot layout were adjusted to comply with the current UDO . 2. The 100 year flood plain does not impact the lots with exception to a small section on rear of lots 56, 58, 62 and 63. 3. There is an existing elevation in excess of 20' from the front to the back of the lots. The Conservation line was established due to an offset of the stream and not in consideration of the elevations in relation to the stream elevation . The Conservation zoning line should be adjusted to the rear of the lots as shown. The adjustment will keep the Conservation zoning near the vicinity of the 100 year floodplain as throughout the remainder of the property. Keeping the zoning line in the current location restricts the owner from using the property for its intended purpose . ons I ~ • t , ' ' \1) , f '• • ' •' • ] j r : ) , I! ·! :., : ' ,( !., 910-426-6777 • 9 1 0 ·426-5777 On t ime. every time. . _. ·. ,. 40s1te5ol ut i o n ~, , ·· 101320wsa HCBOC Page 36 ~.:.-=::~---===· ---::r " ,, " 11 I I I I 11 I I ;,::------- i 17~ I •ADs1te solutions .. __ _ ------= ...... ---- LIBERTY MEADOWS EXISTING CONDlllONS ----- GALT LAND ~~ELOPUENT, 101320wsa HCBOC Page 37 ..... -;._ __ ... ___ _ -!:~~·~---··---· ·---·--· -·----_,, __ _ -------··--··---·---_.., __ _ ·!~ E3--·- ' \ \ (!)\_ -:::.:.m- ,. I I I I --i !'.!'--------~ ,, " // // 11 I/ I I I I ~:-------: :_52- 1 I :=,::t: , I I ·--·-~ ~ CRAPHIC SCALE LY .!.:~> ... ··~-- •~n ~tte aoTutions ---.----=-~ LIBERTY MEADOWS OVERALL SITE PLAN GALTLAND DEVELOPMEIIT, LlC I== l~I C-2.0 101320wsa HCBOC Page 38 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: October 19, 2020 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Text Amendment: Case# PLAN 2009-0001 REQUESTED BY: Development Services/ Mark Locklear REQUEST: Harnett County Unified Development Ordinance ; Article V: Use Regulations , Section 11.8 Planned Unit Developments. To amend Harnett County's U.D.O. to require a commercial/ non-residential component to all Planned Unit Developments Development Services staff recomends approval based compliance with the County 's Land Use Plan. Additional Information : On October 5th, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimou sly (5-0) to recommend approval of application based on compatibility with the Land Use Plan. N o one spoke in opposition. FINANCE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Use rs\gwhee ler\AppDat a\Local\Microsoft\ Windows\fN etCach e\Conte nt.Out lo o k\ W5ENE9 SY\P UD _T A _ CC agenda fo rm.docx Page I of I 101320wsa HCBOC Page 39 Harnett COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA www.harnett.org A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE HARNETT COUNTY UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County adopted the UDO on October 17 , 2011 for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the county residents; and WHEREAS, this ordinance was adopted under authority granted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, particularly G.S . 153A-340; and WHEREAS, the UDO contains provisions for amending said ordinance and those provisions have been followed; and WHEREAS, the Harnett County Planning Board has reviewed the amendment to the article of the UDO as listed below and recommends the adoption of the following amendment. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA that Hamett County Unified Development Ordinance Article V: Use Regulations , Section 11.8 Planned Unit Developments, of the UDO shall be amended to read as indicated in "Attachment". "Attachment" is filed with the Unified Development Ordinance in the Clerk to the Board 's Office. Duly adopted this 19th day of October 2020 and effective upon adoption. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mark B. Johnson., Chairman ATTEST: Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board stro ng root s • new grow th 101320wsa HCBOC Page 40 Article V. Use Regulations 11.8 Planned Unit Development 11.8.2 Development Cn"teria Unless otherwise s tated or outlined herein, all requirements of this Ordinance shall b e met. D. Permissible Uses 4. Nonresidential Development within a PUD Nonresidential development within a P U D s hall be arranged to: a. Se parate pedestrian and vehicular traffic such that pedestrians can sa fely walk between businesses within the planned unit development and from parking areas to business es; and b. Provide access from adjacent reside ntial development into nonresidential dev elopment areas, whether or not said residential development is existing or is included as part of the nonresidential P UD. 11.8.3 Design Guidelines A . Minimum Dime n sional & Amenity Requirements 3. Nonresidential Uses Nonresidential use(s) shall be incorporated within a residential Planned U nit Development when located within the Land Use Plan classifications of Medium Density Res idential, Compact Mixed Use, Employment Mixed Use, or Rural Center development nodes. Whether developed as a portion of a re sidential PUD o r development of a nonresidential PUD, nonresidential uses shall meet the following criteria. In order to facilitate innovative design of nonresidential area s, there shall be no minimum building se tback when located adjacent to other nonresidential uses. However, the Outline Dev elopment Plan sh all outline the all proposed se tbacks. F. Open Space All planned unit d evelopments shall include open sp ace to optimize us e and community interaction within the proposed development, as well as to maintain and preserve significant natural features. Each PUD shall include a minimum amount of open space , as required by this Section. Stormwater management m e asures and other r equired undeveloped land, such as BMPs, may b e included within thi s r equire d open space area . 101320wsa HCBOC Page 41 C :\ Harnett ]_(~ co u NT v TEXT AMENDMENT REQUEST FORM No Rm cAR0 11NA ( lnterna 1) Development Services 108 E. Front Street P.O. Box 65, Lillington, NC 27546 Phone : (910) 893-7525 Fax: (910) 893-2793 Planning Board : October 5, 2020 County Commissioners: October 19, 2020 Applicant Information: Case Number PLAN2001-0002 Applicant: Name: Harnett County Development Services Address : 108 E Front St City/State/Zip: Lillington NC, 27546 E-mail: Phone : 910-893-7525 Type of Change ~ New Addition ~Revision Unified Development Ordinance : Ordinance Current Text: See attached Article: Proposed Text: (Attach additional sheets if necessary) See attached Reason for Requested Change: V Section: 11.8 To amend Harnett County's U .D.O. to require a commercial/ non-residential component to all Planned Unit Developments. Suggested Statement-of-Consistency: (Staff concludes that...) The requested Text Amendment is compatible with and based on the Harnett County Land Use, and the benefits outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community. Therefore, it is recommended that this Text Amendment request be APPROVED. Additional Information On October 5th, the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of this application based on compliance with the County's Land Use Plan . • No one spoke in opposition. Page 1 of 2 101320wsa HCBOC Page 42 ATTACHMENT 1 Red text is proposed, Black text is existing Article V. Use Regulations 11.8 Planned Unit Development 11.8.2 Development Criteria Unless otherwise stated or outlined herein, all requirements of this Ordinance shall be met. D. Permissible Uses 4. Nonresidential Development within a PUD Nonresidential development within a PUD shall be arranged to: a. Separate pedestrian and vehicular traffic such that pedestrians can safely walk between businesses within the planned unit development and from parking areas to businesses; a nd b.Ptomote Pronde access from adjacent residential development into n onresidential development areas, whether or not said residential development is existing or is included as part of the nonresidential PUD. 11.8.3 Design Guidelines A. Minimum Dimensional & Amenity Requirements 3. Nonresidential Uses Nonresidential use(s) shall bt incorporated within a rc s1denual Planned L'nit De, elopment when located withm the Land l 'st Plan classifications of Medium Densit) Resi dential, Compact ~fixed l lst 1 'mployment Mixed l se, or Rural C:enter deYelopment nodes. \X 'wnether developed as a portton of a residential PUD or development of a nonresidential PUD, nonresidential u ses shall meet the following criteria . a. In order to facilitate innovative design of nonresidential areas, there shall be no minimum building setback w h en located adjacent to other nonresidential uses. However, the Outline Development Plan shall outline the all proposed setbacks. b.l.r mtfliffium of 10 percent (10%) of the tot:ftl afea prnposecl fof HOHtesidetH:tAf uses sha:H be set aside as opefl space. Whefl loeftted \Vi:thiH a watefshed, a mintmt1m of 30 pereeHt (30%) of the total areft. Stomtwater t'flaflagemeHt measmes aflcl other reqtltf'ed t1flse; elopes laHcl , such as BM:Ps, caH be t1Sed to attai:a tip to hid.f (1 /Z) of this requifemeflt. F. Open Space Page 2 of 2 All planned unit developments shall include open space to optlmlze use and community interaction within the pr<;>()osed development, as well as to maintain and preserve sigi:iificant natural features. Each PUD shall include a minimum amount of open space, as required by this Section. Stormwater manage_ment mea sures and other required uncle\ eloped land, s uch as B\fPs, ma) bt included within this required open space a rea 101320wsa HCBOC Page 43