013018wsmHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Work Session January 30, 2018 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in work session on Tuesday, January 30, 2018, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 420 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Staff present: Gordon Springle, Chairman Howard Penny, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Abe Elmore, Commissioner Joe Miller, Commissioner Paula Stewart, Interim County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk Chairman Springle called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Commissioner Miller led the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation. The following agenda was before commissioners: ➢ Teacher Bonuses/Supplements, Superintendent Aaron Fleming > YMCA Contract, Parks and Recreation Director Carl Davis > Discuss Boards and Committees on which Commissioners Serve ➢ County Manager's Report: - February 5, 2018 Regular Meeting Agenda Review - Recognition of special contributions - Invitations and upcoming meetings > Closed Session > Tour of Emergency Service's Command Post > Adjourn Harnett County Schools Superintendent Aaron Fleming provided information on teacher supplements, capital outlay and a summary of facility needs. His said his goal is to get the local teacher supplements to 10% which he believes would be comparable to surrounding counties. Commissioners stressed the bonus was intended for teachers that are in front of students as this was designed for retention, to encourage qualified teachers to stay in Harnett County. Discussions continued regarding teacher supplements, capital outlay and a facility needs. Superintendent Fleming presented Harnett County School's need for an additional $682,168 for Capital funding, requesting approval to transfer $595,805 from available funds and an additional January 30, 2018 Work Session Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 1 of 3 allocation of $86,363 to be used toward several projects previously discussed. The group discussed Harnett County School's general fund balance. Superintendent Fleming said, per state law, they are not able to transfer money from their general funds to cover current expense funds. Commissioners voiced concerns that school buildings are not being maintained. Commissioners said that they don't think that the School Board is being creative and asked how they can spend money or build new schools before all seats are filled and they know exactly what is needed. Superintendent Fleming responded that he believes there would be push back from the community regarding redistricting. Parks and Recreation Director Carl Davis presented for discussion a proposed contract between Harnett County and the YMCA of Sandhills regarding the YMCA facility to be located in western Harnett County. The YMCA will rent and renovate the Cagle Building located off Hwy 87 in western Harnett County that must be open for use by August 1, 2019. The funding agreement states the County shall pay the YMCA $9,500 per month for 10 years; which he said would be the only cost to the County however that funding would not start until 50% of the renovations are complete. Mr. Davis noted the County would have input in the YMCA programs and representation on the YMCA Board. He also said that the YMCA believes they will be able to build their own building at the end of 10 years. Commissioners Elmore and McKoy voiced concerns and discussions continued. Commissioners previously voted to proceed with this project pending a final contract for consideration. Commissioners will discuss the proposed agreement during their upcoming regular meeting. The group will discuss libraries in the county during their upcoming planning retreat. Commissioners toured Emergency Service's new Mobile Command Post currently parked outside of the Administration Building. Commissioners reviewed and discussed the boards and committees they serve on and will formally approve the list during their upcoming regular meeting. Mrs. Honeycutt, in response to earlier comments made by Superintendent Fleming, said she believes the Board of Education can approve the transfer of funds from their general fund balance. The Board requested clarification regarding the Board of Education's fund balance and who is authorized to move those fund. Discussions continued regarding funds requested by and given to Harnett County Schools. Mrs. Stewart reviewed the proposed February 5, 2018 meeting agenda, invitations and upcoming meetings. She sought direction from the Board regarding special recognition of Mr. Bob Doberstein. Staff was directed to draft a joint proclamation to include all of the groups Mr. Doberstein worked with in the county over the years. Commissioner McKoy stressed the need to give recognition to all of the volunteers in the County. January 30, 2018 Work Session Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 2 of 3 Mrs. Stewart briefly highlighted the 2018/2019 budget calendar kicking off at the upcoming Planning Retreat on February 27, 2020. Staff also provided an update on the Nonprofit Committee noting the application is now on-line along with requirements including a policy requiring past recipients to provide financials. Commissioner Miller moved that the Board go into closed session for the following purposes: 1) To instruct the County staff concerning the positon to be taken by the County in negotiating a contract for acquisition of real property, and 2) Consultation with County's legal staff in order to preserve the attorney/client privilege concerning the handling of certain claims and litigation including the following case: - Coats Solar, LLC vs. Harnett County Property Tax Commission (PTC) File No. 16 PTC 0745, and 3) To discuss certain personnel matters. This motion is made pursuant to N.C. General Statute Section 143-318.11(a)(3)&(5)&(6). Vice Chairman Penny seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Commissioner Miller moved that the Board come out of closed session. Vice Chairman Penny seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Commissioner Miller moved to amend the motion to go into closed session to include 4) discuss certain economic development matters. Vice Chairman Penny seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioners directed staff to add to the upcoming agenda a resolution to enact the Brunch Bill. Commissioners also asked to be given a heads -up about occurrences in our jail. Commissioner Miller asked why the County, who hired 20 additional staff three years ago to help DSS catch up on their backlog, retained the additional staff after the backlog was processed. Chairman Springle responded the additional staff is still needed due to the current workload including on-going reevaluations. Commissioner Miller asked to be provided the number of cases DSS has now, how many they had last year and three years ago. He said we need to know how much space is really needed given we are getting ready to spend money to add on to the DSS building. Mrs. Honeycutt told commissioners that the auditor would like to meet with them regarding the DSS findings within the audit. He said they found a lot of discrepancies which seem to be carelessness. Commissioners will meet with the auditor during an upcoming work session. Commissioner Elmore moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:49 pm. Vice Chairman Penny seconded the motion, which passed unanimousl . and Penny Jr. C ; g• Regina ler, Clerk an ,; * �: - � � - A pro\ie_17 -do January 30, 2018 Work Session Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 3 of 3